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Propelling Punjab to A Prosperous Knowledge Society......

AGENDA 37TIt ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEETING 1 1th February, 2Ol1 (Friday)

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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Jlllruogan-KApURTHALA Htct{wAy, NEAR PusHpA GUJRAL ScrENcE Crry KAPURTITALA -1 44601 (PUNJAB) Agenda 37t Academlc Councll (February tf , Zbl l; Punjab Technical University PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY


Item Item Contsnt Page Annexute No- No. Paqg No. 37.01 To confirm the minutes of 36"' Academic Council held on 'l I 25. 10.2010 Pase No: 11-15 37 .02 Action taken report on the 35"' meeting of the Academic II Council Paae No:16 37.03 Innovative funds in collaboration with llT-Ropar 1 37.O4 OeveloDment of 11-PlT and 01-PlM

37.05 Direct admissions in the January Session 1 37.06 Promotion of the detained students in the next semester 37.07 Amendment in regulations regarding Prevention, Punishment III and Procedure concerning cases of misconduct and use of Page No:17-18 Unfair Means in or in Relation to Examination. 37.08 lntroduction of credit svstem. 37.09 Action taken against malpractices at GNDEC- and 4 DAVIET-Jalandhar 37.10 Inclusion of a compulsory course of Human Values and 4 Professional Ethics 37.11 Workshop on 'Curriculum Analysis of Biotechnology 4 Enoineerinq" 37 .'12 Industrial Training initiatives in collaboEtion with Cll and 4 PHD chamber of commerce 37.13 Action Taken for Student grievances 37.14 Action Taken for Teacher grievanceg 5 37.15 Status of TEQIP 5 37.16 Fee and Fund Enhancement as per lhe enhanced Tuition Fee 37 _'t7 The New AICTE norms for the Engineering and Management Colleqes 37. 18 Grant of approval of the new college / new courste / increase o in intake after last date oi admission 37.19 Admission Schedule for the session 2011

37 .20 Schedule for the Non-AICTE colleges: New courses and o Variation in lntake 37.21 College Dues for session 201G1 IV PaaeNo:1gu 37 .22 Uploading of Mandatory Disciosure on college website 6 Paoe No: /t518 JI,ZJ Amendment in the migration rules.

37 .24 To inform about Ph.D. Admissions Award of Ph.D Ratification of Amendmenl in ru1e3, regulations and I ,VI ouidelines for Universitv Reqional Centers Paae No: 1951 Agendo 37n Acsdemic Council (February ll,20ll) Punjab Tecbnical University

37.27 g pAU of MoU wilh I VII Page No:52-53 37.28 :FI'1S_ol MHA (Executive) at pTU's cian Jyoti Schoot of | \JM 6. EntrepreneurshiD. Mohali 37 .29 Starting of PG courses taaJmvr-;irtt;;;i;-- 8 37.30 Inclusion of a compulsoly coursEot Aesearctr tr4ettroOofogy 9 VIII in the course work of PhD & M.Tech. Page No:51

37 .31 Placement Status of Batch-2Ot fass-ouG- I IX Page No:55-58 ot.Jz change in the name of tne degree ot-B.Si. MFrG-ESdl 9 x Medical Laboratory Sciences'. Page No:59 37.33 To constitute the Board of Studies ofthe iollowino: a XI . AeronauticalEngineering. Page No:60 . Nanotechnology and Robotics 37.34 To reconstitute the existing Board of Studies for att the 9 xIl courses Page No:61 Academic Audit of 25% of Atfitiated Institutes t0 J/.JO Any other item with the permission of the Chair. 10 Agenda 37fr Academic Councii (February ll, 20ll) Punjab Technical Universitv PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR


37.01 To confirm the minutes of 36t Academic Council hold 2S.10.2010

Minutes of 36th Academic councir herd on october. 25, 2oio were circurated to arl members (Annexure - l). No comments were received. The item is placed before the Academic Council for its confirmation.

37.02 Action taken report on the 36th meeting of the Acadsmic Council

The action taken report on the 36th meeting of the Academic council is encioseo (Annexure- ll).

The item is placed before the Academic Council for information.

37.03 Innovative funds in collaboration with llT-Ropar A prototype development fund of Rs 02 crore is to be established to enhance the research activities. A research committee has been constituted to look into this matter. The recommendations of the committee when finalised will be placed to the council for approvar.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.04 Development of 11-itlT and 01-PlM Punjab Technical University is going to establish constituent colleges o 11-Punjab lnstitute of Technology . 01-Punjab lnstitute of Management

The Punjab Government will transfer the land to the university for the establishment of these institution of in the Punjab.

The matter is placed before the Council for informatio,r.

37.05 Direct admissions in the January Session

Punjab Technical University is in the process to admit the students direcfly in the 2nd semester with compulsory summer term classes during the summer vacations of two months during which the subjects of lsrsemester will be taught to these newly admitted students..The examination will also be conducted accordingly. The students who get detained in the 1"t semester may also be allowed to clear detention in these compulsory summer term classes - A separate fee will be charged from the student on the basis of the number of subject opted.

The matter is placed before the C:uncil for approval. Agenda 37D Academic Council (February ll,20ll) PunJab Technical University

37.06 Promotion ot detained stud€nts In the next semester

Clause Clause Amendment No. 6.4 (e) Student detained, Oue to snortage ot Student detained, due to shortage attendance, in any subject, shall have of attendance, in any subject, to repeat the course and then only shall have to repeat the course appear in the concemed subject, and then only appear in the wherever it is offered as a regular concerned subject, wherever it is course. However, if a student is short offered as a regular course in due in attendance in all the courses.offered course of time. However, ths during a semester, he / she shall be student will be promoted to required to repeat the semester, along higher semester, irrespective of with the next batch of students the attendance requirement

These students have compulsory summer term classes during the summer vacations of two months during which those subjecls will be taught to the students in which the student is detained. The examination will also be conducted accordingly. A separate fee will be charged from the student on the basis ofthe number of subject opted.

As the matter is alr'eady approved by the Chairman Academic Council cum Vice Chancellor it is placed before the Academic Council for ratification.

37.07 Amendment in regulations regarding Prevention, Punishment and Procedure concerning cases of misconduct and use of Unfair llreans in or in Relation to Examination.

A committee was constituted to review the UMC rules. The committee has proposed the following amendments (Minutes of the committee are placed at Annexure - lll): l. For offences under clauses (a), (c), (h), Cancellation of paper or (i), 0), (k), (t), (p), (r), (v), and (z) (i) disqualification upto two semesters as the case may be. ll For offences under clauses (m) & (t) Disqualification for a period upto three semesters as the case mav be. lll For offences under clauses (n) & (o) Disqualification for a period not less than four. lV For ofiences under clauses (s) & (u) Disqualification for a period upto five semesters as the case may be. V For offences under clause (p) Disqualification for a period upto five semesters as the case mav be. Vl For offences under clauses (d);(e), (y), Disqualification for a period upto two (z) (ii) semesters as the case may be. Vll For offences under clause (g), (x) Disqualification for a period upto four semesters as the case mav be. Agendr 376 Academic Council (tr'ebruary ff, 20fl) . Punjab Technical University 15. A person not being a candidate found guilty of impersonating or mis-representing a candidate in the examination shall be declared not a fit and proper person to b6 admitted to any future examination of the University, if that person is a student on the roll of recognized coltege. Besides if it is considered necessary, his / her case may be reported to the Police.

17(a) A candidate found guilty of approaching or influencing direcfly or indirecty, regarding this unfair means case a member of the committee or any University Official, may be disqualified for two semesters in addition to the punishment awarded to him under the Regulations for the his offence for using unfair means.

In view of the the decision of honorable High Court of Punjab & Harynana in CWP No. 20481 of 2009, CWP No. 8507 of 2010 and others, the following word is proposed to be replaced w.e.f. from March, 2010 (DEP) and May, 2010 (Regular) Examinations

Clause Existing Proposed

Clause-1 t .1 Part-ll "Not less than" "upto"

The matter is placed before the Academic Council for its approval.

37.08 Introduction of credit system.

Punjab Technical University is going to incorporate credit system for all the courses and a committee of following is constituted to give the recommendations:

. Dr. Buta Singh, Dean Academics, PfU Ghalrman . Dr, R.K. Sharma, Prof Mathematics, TU, Patiala . Dr. J.S. Dhillon, Dean (Academics), SLTET Longowat . Dr. S.K. Sarin, Dean (Academics), NIT Jalandhar . Dr. Prem KumaL Director, Rayat and Bahra Group . Dr. A.P. Singh, Dean (Student Affairs),PTU o Dr. K.N.S. Kang, Director PCTE Bhaddowai . Ms. Gazal Sharma, Asst P/ofesso4 Biotechnology, PfU Convenol

The recommendations of the commiftee will be placed for to the academic council for approval,

The matter is placed before the Council for information. Aserda3TtAc'd"'t"f"tHtr$rtJi:,t;ti::1?

37.09 Action taken against malpracticos at GNDEC- Ludhiana and DAVIET- Jalandhar

It was reDorted that some of the evaluators at GNDEC-Ludhiana and DAVIET-Jalandhar were indulging in. malpractices during the.evaluation of the answer sheets. An enquiry committee of the followings was constituted:

o Dr. Siby John, Professor PEG , Chairman o Dr. Buta Singh Sidhu, Dean Academic PTU, Member . Dr. Balkar Singh, Director Secrccy, PTU, Convenor

The detailed enquiry was held and the actions are taken as recommended by the committee.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.10 Inclusion of a compulsory course of Universal Human Values and Professiona! Ethics

A computsory course of "Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics (UHVPE)' is included in the teaching schemes of all the undergraduate courses for the session 201 1- give 2012. rhe university has planned to organize short one-two days worksiops to the awareness to the Chairpersons, Direc'tors and faculty membars of its affiliated colleges. As well as eight worksfiops are being organized to train the teachers for the teaching of this subject. ihe guidelines for the selection of teachers to teach this subject arb already been notified on the university website .

The matter is placed before the Cotlncil for information and approval'

37.11 Workshop on "Curriculirm Analysis of Biotechnology Engineering" PunjabTechnica|Universityhasgory!{eda.w.orkshoponcurricu|umana|ysisof redesign the Oiot6chnotogy engineering with SUSCET Tangori. This workshop aims to The curriculum ot e.iecn Bi6technology according to its new eligibility conditions. Punjabi Univ. speakers who participated were frJrir llT, NABI, llsER, DU, PU, GNDU,

The matter is placed before the Council for information' 37.12 Industrial Training initiatives ln cotlabolation with Gll and PHD chamber of Commerce

Punjab Technical University has taken several initiatives for the training of the students i" iri"-i"o"it.v- rhese initiitives were taken in collaboration with organizations like cll and PHD chamber of commerce.

The matter is placed before the Council for information' Agenda 37rn Acrdemic Council (February 11, 2011) Punjab.Technical University 37.{ 3 Action Taken for Student grievances

The complete fee will be refunded by the college after deducting Rs 10001 if the student wishes to withdraw their admission from any institute in the first semester.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.14 Action Taken for Teacher grievances

It was reported that some of the affiliated institutes were giving salary to their faculty as per AICTE norms on papers only. The faculty members asked to submit the duly signed withdrawal to takeout some amount back from their salary accounts. University has received a complaint from the faculty members of SSIET Dinanagar (Gurdasspur) The committee of the followings is constituted to look in the matter and give the recommendations:

. Dr. Buta Singh Sidhu, Dean Academic, PTU, Chaitman . Er. Mohanbir Singh Sidhu, AddiUonal Director Tech. Edu., Member . Er. Ekonkar Singh, DR (Academic), PTU, Convener

The matter is under process and the first meeting of the committee was held in the institute with faculty members on 31.01.20'll and the committee has yet to submit the final recommendations.

The matter is Dlaced before the Council for information.

37.{5 Status of TEQIP

The proposals of the eligible institutions have been foMarded for the funding to the TEQIP, New Delhi.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.16 Fee and Fund Enhancement as pel the enhanced Tuition Fee As the committee constituted for the revision of tuition fee has submitted its recommendations and government has to notify the final revision in the tuition fee. The other fee and funds will also be revised accordingly as per the tuition fee.

The matter is placed befoie the Corlncil for information.

37.{ 7 The New AICTE norma for the Engineering and Management Golleges

The AICTE has revised the norms for the approval of new institutions and are available on the website of AICTE with the link wwwaicte-.oro. The institutions might have go to the detail to apply for such courses.

The matter is placed before the Council for information. Agenda 37o Acedemic Council (Febru!ry 11,2O11) punjab Technical University I 37.18 Grant of approval of the new college / now counae / increase in intake after last date admission

University is receiving approval of the new college / new course / increase in intake from the Punjab Government and AICTE after the last date of admission.

University has decided not to give approval of the new college / new course / increase in intake after the last date of admission. Such approval issued by the puniab Government shall be considered for admission in next year and colleges are informed not to make any admission in such cases. In abeyance of this may lead to dis-affiliation of course.

The matter is olaced before the Council for information.

37.19 Admission Schedule for the session 201{

From this academic session the conduct of CET has been scraped by the PTU.with the permission of Punjab Government. The online counselling will be done on the basis of the result of All India Engineering Entrance Examlnation (AIEEE-2o{ I ) except B.Tech Biotechnology for which the admissions will be done through manual counselling of PTU jointly with the counselling of B.Pharmacy.

The matter is Dlaced before the Council for information.

37.20 Schedule for the Non-AIGTE and AICTE colleges: New courses and Variation in lntake

The last date for submittinq the application for new Non-AICTE and ,AICTE courses and increase intake has been extended io 28rh February 2011 from 31{ January 2011. This extenqion has been done on the basis of extenslon of last date by AICTE.

The matter is placed before the Council for Information

37.21 College Dues for session 2OlO-11. The University has processed the affiliation fee of all the colleges for session 2O1O-11. ' Copy enclosed at Annexure -lV. All the colleges are requested to deposit the same by 31.tMarch, 2010 so that further process of continuation of affiliation can be started well in time.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.22 Uploading of Mandatory Disclosure on colloge website

As decided in the 36'" Academic Council, some of the colleges have not uploaded the mandatory disclosure on their website. List of defaulter colleges is enclosed at Annexure - V. Agenda 37o Academic Councit (February ll,z0ff) Punjab Technical University

All such colleges are requested to upload mandatory disclosure on their website by 2oh February, 201 1 . Aft6r that the University will initiate the process to irnpose the penalty to the defaulter colleges and list of all the colleges will be fonvarded to Punjab Government and AICTE for necessary action at their end.

The matter is placed before the Council for information and approval.

37.23 Amendment in migration rules. As per the present regulations a candidate can apply for migration from one college to another within 30 days of start of semester along with NOC from both the colleges and orescribed fee.

Keeping in view the need of the student and to monitor the academic semester the following amendment in fee is proposed:

Description Fee tor intra- Feo for inter- Unlverslty University mlqration miqlatlon Within 30 days of start of semester-without late fee Rs. 1000.00 Rs. 2000.00 After 30 days but before 60 days of start of semester Rs. 5000.00 Rs. 10000.00 After 60 days but before 90 days of start of semester Rs. 20000.00 Rs. 30000.00

The matter is placed before the Council for approval.

37,24 To inform about Ph.D. Admissions As per the new guidelines of UGC, an Entrance Test for admission to Ph.D. courses was conducted on 15th January, 201 1. Total 1480 applications were received and 1270 were issued roll number of test. Out of which 1 120 candidates appeared for the test and 608 qualified the test. The list of qualified candidate is available on PTU website: www.ptu.ac.in. 210 candidates were given exemption from Test The Interviews are scheduled from February, 201 1.

The matter is placed before the Council for information.

37.25 Award of Ph.D On the recommendations of the RDC the following candidates have completed the requirements for award of Ph.D. degree: Registrati Name College/ Institute Specializatio Title of Thesis No. on No, n 1 05.34.07 Niraj Bala EEDE|\Jtr|. Engineering lnvestigation on the hot conosion Dated Fatehgarh sahib (Mechanical behaviour of cold sprgy and HVOF 14.03.07 Ensg.) spray coating on T22 and SA 516 Sloers. 2 02.25.06 G.V.R.S NITTTR, Engneering Soms studies & develqment Dated Sastry Chandigarh (EcE.) pafticle swam optimization D 18.10.06 bacterial fomging technique aftificial neunl netwotu breast cancer detection 7 Agenda 376 Academic Councit @ebruary 11, 2011) Punjab'Iechnical University

3. '1 't .'t 9.03 Mr. Pawan Leclurer D6ptt of Management lmpact of Financial dercgulation on Dated Kumar Mgt., PCTE technical efrciency of rcgionat rural 15.09.03 Teneia Baddowal banks in lndia 12.23.O7 Ms. Neelam Ram Gopal Pharmacy Bio availability enhancement of dated Singla College of pootiy soluhle drugs thtough self- o2.o4.o7 Pharmacy, micro emulsifying drug delivery Guroaon system

The Academic Council may consider the above cases and recommend it to the BOG for its approval and subsequent award of degree.

37.26 Ratification of Amendment In rules, regulatlons and guldellnes for University Regional Centres

A committee was constituted to amend the norms regarding establishment of new PTU Regional Centres, rernuneration and expenditure norms for the Regional Centres and remuneration for the faculty and supporting staff and revision of the fee struciure of M.Tech. full time and part{ime.

The recommendations of the committee are placed at Annerure - Vl

The same were approved by the Chairman, Academic Council-cum-Vice-Chancellor.

The matter is placed before the Council for ratification.

37.27 Signing of MoU with PAU

.PTU has signed MoU with PAU for collaborative academic research programme. This will help the students and faculty of both the Universities for research and other academic purposes. The copy of the MoU is placed at Annexure - Vll.

The matter is placed before the council for information.

37.28 Starting of MBA (Executive) at PiU's Gian Jyoti School of TQM & Entrepreneurship, Mohali

The university has started MBA (Executive) from January, 2011 (odd semesteo with an intake of 120 at PTU's Gian Jyoti School of TQM & Entrepreneurship, Mohali-

The matter is placed before the Academic Council for information.

37.29 Starting of PG Gourses at University Campus

The Board of Governors in its 41't meeting has approved starting of PG School at PTU campus. In the first phase only three PG schools in Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering shall be started with one specialization in each.

The matter is placed before the Academic Council for information. Agenda 376 Academic Council (February ft,2011) Punjab Technical University

37.30 Inclusion of a compulsory course of Research methodology in the course work of PhD and teaching scheme of lll.Tech ' A course of Research Methodology with course code PGRM (course code and content decided in a combined meeting of all Chairperson, BOS ) is included in the course work of PhD. The same course is made compulsory for all M.Tech courses also from session 201 'l onwards. The course content is placed at Annexure-Vlll

The matter is placed before the Academic Council for information. 37.31 Placement status of Batch-2011 pass-outs

1479 students get placed at different places till 28n January 2011. Detail information is placed at Annexure-lX

The matter is placed before the Academic Council for information.

37.32 Change in the namo of the degree of "B,Sc. MLT" to,,B.Sc, luedical Laboratory Sciences".

As per the recommendations of the Board of Studies MLT a change in the name of the degree of B.Sc. MLT to B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Sciences is proposed. The minutes of the BOS meeting is placed at Annexure- X

The matter is placed before the council for ratification.

37.33 To constitute the Board of Studies of the following:

1. Aeronautical Engineering 2. Nanotechnology, Robotics and Mechatronics

To constitute a new Board of Studies for the above said specializations it is requested to the members of Academic Council to propose the name of some relevant experts. Submit your proposal in a format to Ms. Gazal Sharma on through sending an e-mail at [email protected] . The format is placed at Annexure - X!.

The matter is placed before the council for suggestions.

37.34 To reconstitute the existing Board of Studie

With a vide notification number PTU/ REG/BOS/Notification/4399 dated 29.09.2008 the current Board of Studies was constituted for a period of three years. To reconstitute the same it iF requested to the council to propose the name of the dedicated faculties for the same. Kindly send the proposed name/s in a format through e-mail at ptubos@qmaiLreE. The format is placed at Annexure - Xll.

The mafter is placed before the council for suggestions. Agenda 37- Acedemic Councit (February tt, 20ll) punjab Technical University 37.35. Academic Audit of 25% of Afiiliated Institutes

Punjab Technical University is doing an academic audit of 25 % of its affiliated colleges. This initiative has been done to enhance the quality Technical Education in the pTU affiliated institutions.

The matter is placed before the council for information.

A 37.36 Any other item with the permission of the chair.

t0 finnc*t,- -:I

illnut r ot 36'ac.d.mtc councll lostob.t 25.20to' PunJrb Technlcrl Unlvortlt


36.1 To confirm the mlnutes of 366 Academic council held 11.05'2010.

Minules of 35h Academic Counoil approved.

36.2 Action takon tepod on the 356 meeting ot the Academic council

The council noted lhe aotion taken on the minutes of ttre 35'" Academic Council meeting.

It was decided that the Etatistical analysis of result of semester should be made for all coursea. 36.3 To inform about tha et tus of admisslons and the counselling for the year (2010-11)

The council noted the status of admlssions to various courses at UG & PG level.

36.4 To inform about the New co|legF, Var|ation ln intake and New Reg|ona| Centers.

The council noied the list of newly established colleges' variation in inlake and new Regional Centres alongwith variation in the existing Regional Cenlres.

36.5 To inform about taevision of the Aftiliatlon Fee'

I'he council ooled the revised lee struclute

36.6 To inform about Rsvislon ol the Tuition Fee

The councrt noted the revised fee' committee has be€n The Chairman informed lhe Council th€t the fee revision fee i5 oy rne Governmim of eunlao and revision.ot 10o/o tuition final report ot the "on"titrt.oinlerim relief and the fee shall be revised based on the committee. to BCA/BBAi 36.7 To lnform about the admbslon thtlugh Later'l -Entry e.si.il 4.S". Fashion Technology and B'sc' Biotechnology Thecounci|de|ib€raledontheissueof|atera|entryadmissiontodiP|oma for admission holders and apploved lne Oecislotr ol Board of Studies except toGroup-Ci.e.stuOentofME,Civil'Chemical'ME(RAC)'LeatherProduclion i""i'nor.fuv, ueatner reJnoogy (Footwsa4''"otission llTt].c-IT-hnolosv'to 2"d year ot BcA / & Industrial engineerini'*eie"tloi itto*to B.Sc. (lT) through lateral entry. ll llinutca ot 35" AcrdGmlc Colnctt loctobcr, ZS, ZOtOt Punr.b Tachntc.t Unlv.rltty

36.8 To appiove tho amsndmont ln the otiglbltity condiUons of admission to B. Tech. Blotechnology and M. Tech. Blotechnotogy

The councit approv€d lhe arnendment in eligibility conditrons of admission to B. Tech. Biotechnotogy and M. Tech. Biotechnotogy

Cou6e : B.Tech. (Bio-technology) & Bio-Medical

All ihoge cand'dst.g who have Dassed thg lhose candidates passed the l0.r? ersminauon ryith Phyrlct rrtd 10+2 examination with Medical or Non- Mathonstlsr as compulsory $Jbieds atong medical stream. wrth one lhe foflowing !ub!6c16: . Chgmlltry , Blot chnology / Computo, Sslgncr J Elolggy. OR OR Thos€ candidstes p6s€d whg hsvs ltEit Those cardidates who have passed tl*i. 1On l0" or 10+2 cxEmination with lci€nca or 10+2 examlnation wilh science stream and stteam and hsve pas!€d diplcra in aiy havc passed drgloma rn any EngirE€ring Engin€ering Trado from Punlab St8te Boed Trade from Puniab Stala Eoard of Tochnlral of Tecinical Education, Chandigari or Eduoalion. Chandiga.h o{ Sant Longo,val Sanl Lon0owal Inslitut€ of E^gineerir€ and Institute of Engineering and Technology. Technology, Longowal (SLIET), or suctl Longowal (SLIET). or such examinstign frcii oxaminalion from any othe{ recognized any othcr tgcognized State Bo6rd of Todrnicd Slate Board ot Technical Educalion. Educttign OR 'oR The candidatGs vi/ho hav€ passed lwo years The candidates whc have pass€d two years cerlilic€le cou.se trom Sanl l-Dngq\ral carlifcate cours€ lrom Sant Longo\ral lmtiMe Institute of Enginea.ing sod Tedrnology, aod Technology, Longowal (SLlETt shall be cllg0to.

Course : M.Tech. (Bio-techrrology) Amended B.T who have passed B.Tech. Biotechnology OR M.Sc. Life Science OR B. Pharmacy

36.9 To Approve Amondment In Ph. D Reoulations

The council approved the following amendmenl in the Ph.O regulalions

Clauis Preylous ,msnded lll(b) (iv) The " candidat$ havirE M. Phil All lhe M.Phil oegree holder d€g.e€ may be glven Grempted lrcm candidates will have lo appear in test providcd thcir admbsion in M. the Enlrance Tesl for Enrolment Phil was through an entrance in Ph.O. examinalion. Such candidates shall provide an apFopriale proot for the lafter. lll (c) The maximum number of candidates The maximum number of those can be reglstered lor candidates, those can be enrollment lo Ph.D, Dcgree under a regislered tor enrolmenl to Ph.D. Supervisor/Co-supervi3or is as oegree under a supervisot / Co- follows. suDervisor has been reviewed. ta Llnui.r ot 35' Acrdomlc Corrocll (Octobar, 26,2010, Punrab tachnlcal Unlvatrlt

The maximum limit is keDt according to UGC guidelines and Professor 7 is aa under ' Associate Professor - 5 Assistant Protessor 3 Cadre Revissd Professor I Aasociale Pfotessor 6

second subie€l shall be subjects for course recqmmended by .lhe Supervisor be alloned lo the Ptovisionally concemed with research area. registered c.ndidates by the committee of Supervisor, Chairman BOS or Senior member of BOS and the Oean Research

(ROC) should be ot permanent typa, to look aier lhs research worl of the candidate. This committ6a will comPlete all lhe lormalitieS ot the research wotk ol the candidate, trom synopsis evatuation till final submission including y€arly evaluation ol

Thosl3 Evaluauon : When the Suoervrsor would submit a Pangl of RDC will allow the candidate for minrmum of cight examinets out of the thesls, lhe Supervisor would which at least hall will bc lrom wi$in submit a panel ot minimum eighl lndia and rest hall trom sbroad examioars, out of which, at lesst Indrcaltng the full parliculars sbout half will be from within India and their designation, arga ' of rest balf from abroad to obtain tho soecialrzation etc. tor the evaluafon prior consent for thesls includ€ of the thesis. The supervisor should evaluation. Psnel should preterably recommend only those the full particulars conlaining, examiners whoss rgaearch work is deaionahon. a.ea ol .6lerred by candidate in his,/her spe;alization. E-marl lO' research work undet €valualion Compete address. Conlacl The Vlce-Chancellor wtll appoht two Numbers etc. ot the memDers. examiners lrom the Panel and at The panst should acqompanY five leasl one of them would be from copi"s of long abstract ot thesis abroad and lhe list of maior references. The auDelisor should Preterably recommend only those €xaminers. whose research work iE r€terred by candidate in his / her research wofk under

Dean (Academics) informed that the Research Methodology has Deen Degree & M Tech studenls For' ."ruo"i -rnprirory course for Ph.O. the time "tbeing tire Ph.O. students have to complele the course work at the Regional Centres allotted bY PTU.

t3 l|lnut.r ot 384 Ac.d.mtc Counc {Octob.r, 26, :O.tOl Punl.b l.chnlc.l Urlv.rtf,y

36.10 To lntorm about ph.D. Adml33lons

The Academic Council members appreciated the Universily fo, smooth conduct of Ph.D. Entrdnce Test and eady dectaration of resu[. The Council

The council decided that the subjoc-t should be mentioned alongwith wifh laculty in each of pl|.O. Degre€.

3C,11 Award of Ph.O. The council recommendod the following candidates in.BOG for lhe award of PhD.:

Roglitrrtl Name. Collogo/ Inttitui. Spoqlallu.tion Tltls of Thlcia No. o,r No. t1.1E.03 Pavltrt Lectu'"r ln Mana9emenl 'CRM ia lJTa iosutdt@ Dated:- Pr.ka!h Malketing, PCTE, hd u dry (C.idn p.alio g uq 01 09.03 Slngh thadddral ol Pu ic, Ptlwile aN Fo,E,Eo losutancE CotnDBnbs" 2 09.06.04 Jamall Leclwe., Electrical ' M pnj O ble{liw G9.o aliorr Oatgd:- Slngh CtsPaltt|a.{ of Enginosnng Oispal Studlcs on Ebcl'rc 05.03.04 Ohlllon EE CZSCET. Pou€r Sldem' Bathinda 3. 02.10.03 Mantn Shgh Saniot L&lwar. Elec{ronics and 'Analysis and Simdalio.l d Oatgd - Oeptt Of ECE. Communicalion nmor Jitter in Oplk al 02 06.03 lET, Bhaddal Englnsering Cofi tuunicalion System and

11 36.05 V.ndana GJIMT Mohali. Managernen( 'Panmglels lor moa&.n g Dated.. Paul Chandigarn elflcie.rcies h /"lail o8 09 05 oN ralion s in Cheadigorh and ils saldtlle lowns oI Parchkuls utd i,ol?E.li' 09.11 06 AJ.y Kumlr BCET, Gu.daEpul El6chical "Finile Elo'lrent Br"'ad Engneerang Stesdy an

t4 lllnutat ol fsn acrdemlc Couocll (Octob...26' 2Ol0) Punlrb T.chnlcal Unlva'tlV

36.12 Mandatory Oisclosure The council noted the information regarding mandatory disclosure for AICTE and non-A|CTE colleges

36.13 Starting of 10+1 and 1(}"2 (Sclence) cla33e3 in the Engineering Collego3

Dean (Academics) informed the Counoil that as per Puniab Government leter letter No. 1U65r20l&tTE2r-.it474 D.ted 11.06.2010 colleges have been allowed to start 10+1 and 10+2 (Sci6nce) classes in the Engineering / PharmaL-y colleges.

Some of the cotteg€s have raised lhe issue that fee is very lass.

The Vicc-Chancellor hes informed lFat lhe spkit ol this scheme is to educate 'rurat youth, ther€for€, th€ hike in foo can not bo considered lt is an oplional scneme.

36.14 tmplementation of 5s psy commislion for faculty.

oean (Academics) informed the council that the 6th pay commission tor facully has been imPlomented by th€ Punjeb Governmenl in its colleges The same is required to be imPlern€nted by lhe Private colleges also'

someotthememb€rsshowedtheirconcernove'impl€mentationof6hpay commission and requ€s{ed 'to have a meeting of Managetnents of lhe Colleges on this issue. ThechairmaninformedthalameetingofForumofManagemenlsofthe the Colleges has been scheduled to be hel-d on 2nd December' 2010 where matteroffeeenhancemenlandimp|ementationof6"paycommission'or faculty shall be iaken uP r€gulatlons regatdlng Prevention' Punishmenl and 36.15 Amendment in in Procedure concerning cages of ;lsconduct and u3e of Unfalr Means or in Relatlon to Eramlnatlon. Item was deferred. Ludhiana for 36.16- Signing of MoU between PTU, Jalandhar and PAU coiiabJrating research end teaching In Enginearing & Technology' in process of Oean Academics intormed the Council that the University is fi;;g ffiU tittt pnu, Ludhiana for collaborative academic and research programme. with other The council appreciated the step and encouraged such MoU Universili6s also

Meetrng ended with tUE thanks to tire itra,r. Ag?ndo 37'h Acodernic Council (Fcbruory ll, zOU) pu4iob T.chhicql Univcrsity Annexure - II ACTION TAKEN REPORT 36tN ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEETING HLED ON 25.'10.2010 AT 10:30 am AT CONFERENCE HALL, PUNJAB TECHNTCAL UNIVERSITY JALANDHAR

Item No. Action 36.1 To confirm the minutes of 35- Academic Council No action required held 1 1 .05.2010 36.2 Action taken report on the 35'" meeting of the No action required Academic Council To inform about all the status about the admissions No aclion required and the counsellinq for the vear (2010-11) 36.4 To inform about the New Colleges, Variation in No action required intake and New Regional Centers.

36.5 To inform about Revision of the Affiliation Fee. No aclion required

36.6 To inform about Revision of the Tuition Fee No aclion reouired

36.7 To inform about the admission through Lateral Entry lmplemented to BCAJBBA/ B.Sc.lT/ B.Sc. Fashion Technology and B.Sc. Biotechnoloqv 36.8 To approve the amendment in the eligibility lmplemented conditions of admission to B. Tech. Biotechnology and M. Tech. Biotechnoloqy 36.9 To Approve Amendment in Ph. D Regulations lmplemented

36.10 To Inform about Ph.D. Admissions No aclion reouired

36.1 Award of Ph.D. Ph.D Degrees will be awarded in next Convocation Mandatory Disclosure The matter is being placed as item No. 37.6 36.13 Starting of 10+1 and 10+2 (Science) classes in the No aciion required Engineering Colleges 36.14 lmplementation of 6"' pay commission for faculty- The meeting of Forum of Managements of the Colleges is being scheduled shortly where the matter of fee enhancement and implementation of 6'n pay committee for faculty shall be taken uD. 36.15 Amendment in regulations regarding Prevention, No action required as item Punishment 'and Procedure conceming cases of was defened. misconduct and use of Unfair Means in or in Relation to Examination. 36.16 Signing of MoU between PTU, Jalandhar and PAU MoU signed ano Ludhiana for collaborating research and teaching in imolemented. The same is Engineering & Technology. placod as agenda item No. 37 .'t2. 36.7 Any other item with the permission of the Chair.

,6 , Annexure _ III

Minutes of the UMC Review Committee meeting held on Oct. 20, 2010 in the Old Campus at Ladowali Road Jalandhar.

A meet,rrg of UMC Review Committee to review the offences and punishment prescribed in the Reglrlattons relattng tb unfatr means cases.

The following were present .

1. Sh A K. Sharma, Distt. & Sessions Judge (Retd.) Member 2 Prof . S. S. Bari, Registrar, Panjab University, Chd. Member 3. Er. H. S. Bains, Registrar, PTU Member , 4. Dr. Jaspal Singh, Joint Registrar (Conduct), PTU Special Invitee 5 Or. Balkar Singh, Director (Exams), PTU Specral lnvitee

Sh. Ekonkar. convenor, and Brig. (Retd.)Jagdish Gagneia could not attend the meeting for some reasons.

i,t. Member-s rL'vieu./ecl the various offences and punishments corresponding to it as rnentioned ,.. rtn the University Regulations concerning unfair means cases. Commlttee experienc€d :i, ce(a,n hardships face by the candidates in the matter of &dl2 punishments qua their : roffences under the existing Regulations. So the Committee constdered it expedient to , suggesi(d following amendments in the Regulations related to unfair means cases after due

-clirtEiriiion -;iZ ;'-' (c), p i ;qu tt rtaatio n upto For offences under clauses (a), t oi ;pdi (J), (k), (l), (p), (v) (zXi) two semesters as the case may be. (h), (i), (0, and I I For offences under clauses (m) & (t) I Disqualif ication for a period upto three I semesters as the case may be.

i:or offences [rnder clauses (n) & (o) I Disqualification for a period ;lot less than four I isemeslers. I For oftences under clauses (s) & (u) i Disqualification for a period upto flve I semesters as the case may be I

, or oflence .; ur.l(ler clauss (p) Disqualification for a period upto f ive semesters as the case may be

i:or offences under clause (d), (e). Disqualification for a period upto two (y), (zXii) semesters as the case may be. I Disqualif ication for a period upto four be. \ 1ll i:or offences under clause (9). (x) semegters as the case rnay 1


,.{ L'7 s A person not being a candidate found guilty oJ impersonating-:l::::T:::15,: admiued to ;;;;;;;,i"" ,i",i u" dectared nor a fir and proper person to be universirv o ;:i;" ; lnil to ff ";ffi ";;;;-; iiir i. necessary,-T,."^".i':,-1^:j'"0""i his/her case may::"'H be ::HtJilreported ilJ.;il:,: J;;;;";"" "on"ii"'ed the Pol'ce

or influencing directly or indirectly' regarding 17 (a) A candidate found gullty of approaching or any University Official' may.be his Lrnfair means oase a member of the committee to the punishment awarded to him under the disqLral fied tor two semeslers in addition means' Reqi.lalrons for his offence for using unfair

Meeting ended with the vote of thanks , ,4 4,1----e'..v- O4- ' Bains Pror. s' s' Bari ',',.lr' . H. S. ,n!/.'A[t**r,"'- egistrar, PTU & Sessions Judge F(Registrar' PU' Chd' Distt *{- ,Rett (flJ-.,"qroby, 1, '$y1ffiv'i' Jas$6'f$insh or aalfa-r si]'(84' sh' Registrar Duecio, (Exams) Joint

t9 PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR(Engineering ) ltrtu*a.12 ' Session - 2di0-11(Dus Afflliation Fes st. Exam Name of The College Branch otd New Due Affillation Unil Unit Fee for Session No, Code 20to-tl 1 7 Adesh Institute of Engineering & Bio-Medical 1 0. 25000 Tech., Faridkot-Sadiq Road, Computer Science & Engg. 4 0 100000 Punjab. Faridkot - 151203, :lectrical Engineering 1 0 25000 Electronics & Comm. Engg. 4 0 100000 Information Technology 0 50000 0ivil Engineering 0 50000 Total Due Aftiliatlon Fee 350000 8 Aman Bhalla lnstituie of Engg & Computer Science & Engg. 2 0 50000 Tech. Jammu-Amristar' Highway, Electronics & Comm. Engg. 1 50000 Canal Side, Kotli PO Jhakolari, Mechanical Engineering a 150000 Pathankot - 145025, Punjab Information TechnologY 0 50000 Civil Engineering 0 50000 Total Du6 Afflliauon Fee 450000 ? 6 Cotlege of Engg. & Tech., Computer Sc. & Engg. 4 0 100000 G-T. Road near Manawala, Electrical & Electronics Engg. 0 50000 Amritsar - 14300'1, Punjab. Electronics & Comm. Engg. 4 0 100000 Information TechnologY 2 0 50000 Mechanical Engineering 0 100000 Civil Engineering 2 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fce 450000 Rrya Bnatta College of Engineering Electrical Engineering 2 0 50000 & Tech, Vill JodhPur Cheema, Mech. Engineering 2 0 50000 Barnala-Baja Khana Road, NH-71, Electronics & Comm. Engg. 2 0 50000 Barnala Computer Science & Engg 210 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 200000 science & 50000 5 10 Fsracollege of Engineeringh & Enss. 1_LL-9 Technology, Near Channo, Etectronics & Comm. Engg l 2 2 | 150000 Sangrur-Patiala HighwaY, Nh-64 nformation TechnologY 2 0 50000 Tehsil Bhawani Garh, Punjab -mputerlivil Engineering 0 2 1 100000 Mechanical Engineering 2 0 | 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 400000 Engineering 6 0 | 150000 6 11 laba Banda Singh Engineering Computer I 50000 lollege, Fatehgarh Sahib - '140 lectrical Enqineering 7 0 0 I 100000 407, Punjab. Electronics Engineerinq lnformation TechnoloqY 3 0 75000 Mechanical Engineed!q o 0 1 50000 lndustrial Enqg 2 0 50000 575000 Total Due Affiliation Fee , - & Enqq. 0 50000 7 14 Baba Farid College of Engineering Computer Science & Technology Village : Deon - Electronics & Comm. Engq. 2 0 50000 ) 0 50000 Muktsar Road Bathinda Punjab Civil EngineeriQg 2 0 50000 I nformation Technolory- Mechanical E!g$ 2 0 50000 Electrical Enqineerinq 0 2 100000 Total DueAttiliafu 3s0000 2 0 Exempted I 17 Baba Hira Singh Bhattal Inst. ol comDuter Science & Enqq. En99 & Technology Sunam Electrical EngineS4lg- 2 0 Exempted Jakhal Road Lehragaga, Distt. Elecironics & Comm. Engg.. 2 2 Exempted Sangrur- 148 03'1, Punjab Mechanical Engg. 2 2 Exempted

er""pr"o uy,\\Pu1neckeo by: (L\L-'' D R(Academics) {lz Dea Academics '1trt41-l! o

r9 Exam Name of The College

Code Baba Kuma Singh Ji College, Gurdwara, Guru Satlani Sahib, VPO Nagar Te\sil & Distt. Amritsar 143107, Punlab

Beant College of Engg. & Tech., Village Bariar, Amritsar Pathankot G.T. Road. GurdasDur 143 521. Puniab.

Bhai Gurdas lnstitute of Engg ech. Patiala Road, Sangrur 148001 , Punjab.

Bhai Maha Singh College of Kotkapura Road, Muktsar -1 , Punjab

Bharat Institute of Engineering ech, Vill Khera Khurad, Road, Sardolgarh, Mansa

Bhutta College of Engg. & T .P.O. Bhufta Distt. Ludhiana, '141206, Punjab

Total Due Affiliation Fee BIS college of Engineering echnology, Gagra Distt-

Total Due Atfiliation Fee C T Institute of Engg., Mgt. ech. Vill. Shahpur, PO eh. & Distt. Jalandhar - 144 026,

Total Due Affiliation Fee

Society, Village Gharuan, Mohali

Total Due Aftillation Fee

Preapred by: i\!"'* checked by: ' D.R(Academics)-!2-oean ncaoemics rll&'clarr\- S\{,! /r,,

1,D PUNJAB T Session - 2010-11lDue Attlllatlon Fce st. Exam Name of The College Branch ord New Due Affiliatlon Unil Unit Fee for Session No. Code 20,to-11 18 21 Chandigarh Engineering College Computer Sc. & Engg. 4 200000 Landran SAS Nagar, Mohali - Electronics & Comm. Engg 4 0 100000 140307 Punjab nformation Technology 4 0 100000 vlechanical Engineering 'r 50000 Total Due Aftlliation Feo 550000 19 24 Chitkara Institute of Engg. & Tech. Comouter Sc. & Enqo. 4 0 100000 1 Vill. Jansla, Teh. Ra.lpura, Distt. :lectrical Enqineerinq 0 s0000 Patiala -144401, Patiala Electronics & Comm. Enqq 4 U 100000 Mechanical Enoineerino 4 0 100000 total Due aftiliation Fee 350000 ?0 College of Engineering and Mgt. ComDuter Sc. & Enqq. 0 50000 sth Km Stone, Goindwal Road, Electronics & Comm. Enqq 4 0 100000 ,l Kapurthala-144601 Punjab )rmation Technoloqv 0 25000 Instrumentation & Conkol Engg. 1 0 25000 Mechanical Enqineerinq 0 50000 Total Dus Affiliation Fes 250000 /5000 21 25 Continental Institute of Engineering ComDuter Science & Enqq 0 and Technology Village Jalvehra, Electronics & Comm. Enqq. J 0 75000 P.O. Nabipur, G.T. Road, Distl Civil Enqineering 0 100000 Fatehgarh Sahib Mechanical Enqineering 0 50000 Information Technology 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fea 350000 22 27 CT Institute of Technology, Vill Computer Science & Engg. 0 50000 Shahpur P.O. Udopur, Teh. & Distt. Electronics & Comm. Engg. a 150000 Jalandhar - 144 026, Puniab Electrical & Electronics 2 0 50000 Information Technology 2 0 50000 Civil Engg. ) 2 150000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 450000 23 28 D A V Institute of Engineering and Civil Engg. 2 0 50000 Technology, Kabir Nagar, Computer Science & Engg. a 0 50000 Jalandhar Punjab Electrical Engg 0 . 50000 Electronics & Comm. Engg. 4 0 100000 Information TechnologY 2t o 50000 Mechanical Engg. 2l o 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 350000 24 29 Desh Bhagat Engineering College, Civil Engineering L2 l q 50000 Amloh Road, Mandi Gobindgarh - Computer Science & Engg. 4t0 100000 147 203, Punjab Electronics & Comm. Engg. L4 l 9 100000 Mechanical Engineering | 2 | 0 50000 Information Technology I 2 I 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 350000 25 Desh Bhagat Foundation GrouPr Civil Engineering l2,l__q 50000 of Institutions, FerozePur Road Mech. EngineerinS I 2 | 0 50000 Moga Eleckonrcs & Comm. Engg. | 2 | 0 50000 Computer Science & Engg | 2 | 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 200000 lo 32 lDoaba Faculty Of Engg & Tech, Electricaf Engineering | 2 | o 50000 lvill. ctrhokran. P.o Rahon, Tehsil Mech. Engineering | 2l 0 50000 l& District Nawansharhr Electronics & Comm. Engg. | 2 | 2 1 50000 ffi 50000 (i y' er""pr"o uy,N(V' inecreo uv: 0 0. D.R(Academicsl oean Acadents-@ffiro

LI 4a -.QJ,/t ,* Session - 2010-11lDue Afflliation Fee st. Exam Name of The College Braneh otd New Due Affillatlon / Unil Unit Fee for Sesslon No. Code 2010-.t 1 Civil Engineering 0 100000 Total Dus Affiliation F6o 400000 '100000 27 31 Doaba Institute of Engg & Computer Science & Engg. 4 0 Technology (DIET) Vill Ghataur PO Electronics & Comm Engg 0 75000 Allaour Teh Kharar Dist SAS lnformation Tech 4 0 100000 Mohali - 140103 Nagar Mechanical Engg J 0 75000 Total Due Affiliation Fes 350000 28 33 Doaba Women Institute Of Computer Science & Engg. 1 125000 Engineering & Technology. Vill Elecfonics & Comm. Engg. 1 125000 Ghataur. PO Allapur, Teh. Kharar Information Technology 0 75000 Total Due Attiliation Foo 325000 29 34 Ferozepur College of Engineering Computer Science & Engg. 2 150000 & Technology, Vill Ferozeshah, Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 50000 Dist Ferozepur Electrical Engineering 0 50000 Mechanical Engineering 0 50000 Information TechnologY 0 100000 Total Duo Affiliation Fee 400000 30 36 G G S College of Modem Computer Sc. & Engineering 4 0 100000 Technology, Kharar, SAS Nagar Electrical Engineering 1 0 25000 Mohali, Pun.iab. Electronics & Comm Engg. 0 100000 Information TechnologY J U 75000 Mechanical Engineering .> 50000 Total Due Aftiliation Fee 350000 44 Gianr Zail Singh,College of Civil Engine€rlng Exempted Engineering & Tech., Bhatinda, Comouter Science & Engg. 3 0 Exempted Puniab - 151 001 . Punjab Electrical Engineering a U Exempted Electronics & Communication 0 Exempted Mechanical Engineerang 1 Exempted Textile EngineerinS I 1 0 Exempted Engg. 50000 32 5E.-Tclobal College of Engineering & Computer Science & lTechnology KahnPur l(hui, Tehsil EbCtronics & Comm. Engg. 2t o 50000 lAnandpur Sahib , Distt RoPar Information TechnologY 0 50000 lPuniab Civil Engineering 2t o 50000 Mechanical Engineering 2l0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Foe 250000 ? I 125000 33 37 clobal Institute of Mgt. & Emerging )omouter Science & Enqq. 3 I 125000 Tech, Vill. Sohian Khurd, Amrtisar - Electronics & Cgmm. Enqg. Batala Road, Amirtsar -143001 Mechanical Enqineerinq 0 50000 P nith lnformation Technology 0 50000 Total Due Afliliation Feo 350000 1 50000 34 42 GuEar lnstitute of Engineering & Civil Enqineering Tech, G.T Road, Libra, Tehsil Mech. Engineering 0 50000 .) 150000 Khanna, Ludhiana Electronics Cl9ntIn--E!SS- Computer Sciencg & Enqg 2 0 50000 Totat Due Affiliation Feo 400000 4 0 100000 35 35 Gunr eoUinO Singh College o Computer Science & Enqq. Engg Talwandi Sabo Distt Electronics & Comm Engg 4 0 100000 0 50000 Bathinda, Punjab lnformation TechnologY Mechanical Enqq 0 1 00000

{r' Dean Academics Otfr'Jrfrrr,, e,""pr"o uv,),\\'9 cne"ieo uv: llV ' D R(Academics)

2A- PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERM i Session - 2010-11(Due Afflllatlbn Fee) st. Exam Namo ot Tho College Branch ord N€w Due Aftlliation z. Unil Unit Fee for Session No. Code 2|J,1o-11 Total Due Aftiliation Fee 350000 50 39 Guru Nanak Dev Engineering Civil Enoineerino 3 125000 College, Ludhiana - 141 006, Comouter Science & Enoo 0 75000 3 0 75000 Punjab lectrical Enoineerino Electronics & Elect Comm 3 0 /5000 lnfdrmation Technolodv 3 o ,bUUU Mechanical Enoineerino 75000 Production Enoineerino o 50000 Total Du6 Afflllation Fee 550UOO 40 Guru Nanak Institute ol Fleclrical Fn.rineerind o 50000 Enggineering & Management, Vill. MFdh Fnarineerind 2 o 50000 niwil F^dinaarin.r U 100000 Naushehra (Dalewal) PO- Hariana Electronics & Comm. Enoo. o 50000 Tehsil & District HoshiarDur comnl|ler Science & Enoo ? 0 SUUUU Total Due Affiliation Fea 30uuuu 38 43 Guru Ram Dass Institute of Engg & c.tmrl|rter Science & Enoo 2 0 50000 Tech. Village Lehera Bega Electronics & Comm. Enoo. 0 5{JOUU : 2 0 bOUOU Barnala Road. Tehsil Electrical Enoo. Bathinda- Mechanical Enoineerino 2 o 50000 Total Due Affiliatian Fee 200000 41 Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa Institute Computer Enqineerinq 0 100000 of Engg. & Tech., Chhapianwali, Electrical Engineering | ? 0 50000 Malout Distt. Muktsar, Punjab. Electronics & Elect. 0 100000 Eleclronica & Instrumentation 1 25000 Mechanical Enoineerino 3 0 75000 Total Due Aftiliation Fes 350000 50000 40 47 | | T T college of Engineering , s Pojewal Distt. Nawanshahar 0 50000 Punjab. Comm. 4 o 100000 , I 50000 T 1 0 50000 ; 0 50000 Total Drre Affiliation Fee 350000 Global College of Engineenng )ivil Enqq. 2 0 50000 41 46 ndo '100000 Abhrpur. Drstt. SAS Nagar Mohali - comouter Sc. & Enoq. 4 0 140109 Punjab Electronics & Comm. Enqq 4 0 100000 Mechanical Enqo 0 50000 lnformatron Technoloqv 2l0 50000 Total Du6 Affiliation Feg 350000 45 Institute of Engineering I ComDuter Science Enqineerinq 4t0 100000 Technology, Bhaddal, PO MianPur Electrical & Electroniqq Etlgg- 2t0 50000 Distt Ropar - 140 108 Puntab Electronics & Comm. 4 0 100000 Electronics & Insfument. Engg 2 0 50000 lnformation Technoloqv 3 .0 75000 Mechanical Enqineerinq 0 50000 Total Due Afllliation Fee 425000 43 48 Jasdev Singh Sandhu lnstitute ol comouter Science & Enoq. 3t0 75000 Engg. 3 0 75000 Engineering & Technology, Patiala Electronics & Comm. ) '140701, Punjab Mechanical Engi!ee!nq 0 50000

I nformatron Technology 2 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fe! 250000 100000 44 50 K.C. College of Engg. & comouter Science & Enqq. 410 Information Tech. VPO -Kariam, Electrical Engineering 'l 0 25000 g (]omm 0 100000 Teh. & Distt. Nawanshahar - 144 Fle.frnnics Fnoo Enqineerinq 3 0 75000 514, Punjab Mechanical lnformation TechnoloqV 2 0 50000

e,""p'"0 oy, $$%hecked by: /*\P, D.R(Academics) tr.' oean ecaoemics.--y'Ytligatl/,

2-) q^'t/ Exam Name of Tho Coll€ge


Khalsa College of Engineering Technology, C- Block, Avenue, Amritsar

Lala Lajpat Rai Institute Engineering & Tech., G.T. Road, Moga -142 00'1, Puniab.

Ludhiana College of Engg. & Tech Ludhiana-Chandigarh Ludhiana, Punjab

Malout Institute of Management lnformation Tech. Malout - 1 107 Punjab.

North West Institute of Engg. ech, Dhudike, Distt. Moga

Patiala Institute of Engg echnology for Women, Vil..

Punjab College of Engg. & T Lalru Mandi (Vill. Malakpur) SAS Nagar Mohali Punjab

Punjab lnstitute of Engineering

I Malakpur, Lalru Mandi, Distt.

Quest Infosys Foundation Group tnstitutions, Vill Jhanjeri, T Kharar, Disft. Mohali

Ram Devi Jindal Charitable Society Grioup Institutions, Village Basoli, P.

Ramgarhia lnstitute of Engg. Tech. R.E.C Comolex. Distt. Kapurthala -144402, Punjab

rh PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSIIY, JALANDHAR(Englneering ) ryl Sesslon - 20' 0-1 l(Due Afflli.tion Fee) vt/ st. Exam Name of Tho College Branch otd New Due Affiliatlon Unit Unit Fee for Session No. Code 2n1n-44 I vlechanical Engg. 2 0 50000 Total Due Afflliation Fee 350000 co 6'r Rayat & Bahra College ol Computer Science & Engg. 1 125000 Engineering & Bio-Technology for Electronics & Comm. Engg. 1 125000 Women VPO Sahauran Tehsil Applied Electronics & Instru 0 U Kharar, Distt SAS Mohali - 140 Information Technology 50000 300000 JI 60 Rayat & Bahra Institute of Engg. & Computer Science & Engg. 4 0 100000 Bio-Tech. VPO Sahauran, Tehsil Electronics & Comm. Engg.. 0 100000 Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar Mohali - Mechanical Engg. 0 50000 140 104, Punjab Information Technology 5 0 75000 Total Due Affiliation Foe 325000 58 63 Rayat -Bahra Institute of Computer Science & Engg. 0 50000 Engineering & Nano-technology, Electronics & Comm. Engg. 150000 VPO Bohan Tehsil & Distt. Civil Engineering 0 50000 Hoshiarpur -1461 04, Punjab Mechanical Engineering 0 50000 Information TechnologY 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 3s0000 59 oc Rayat Inst of Engg & lnformtion Computer Science & Engg 0 100000 Technology VPO Railmaira, Electrical Engg 2 0 50000 Chandigarh - Nawanshehar Road Electronics & Comm Engg 4 0 100000 Distt- Nawanshahar, Punjab Information TechnologY 2 0 50000 Mechanical Engg 2 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee . 350000 60 62 Rayat-Bahra College of Computer Scienoe & Engg. 4 0 100000 Engineering & Nano Technology Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 100000 for Women HoshiarPur, Punjab Information Technology 2t o 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 250000 ol 66 R|MT-lnstitute of Engg. & Tech Civil Engineering 1t0 25000 Sirhind Side, Mandi Gobindgarh Computer Science & Engg 410 100000 Distt. Fatehgarh Sahib - 147301 Electrical Engg. 0 25000 Punjab Electronics & Comm. Engg. .1 t0 100000 Mechanical Engg. 4t0 100000 Total Due Aftiliation Feo 3s0000 4 0 100000 oz 67 RIMT-Maharaja Agraset comouter Science & Enqq. Engineering College Mand Electronics & a9nI4U!9e!9I- 4 0 100000 2 0 50000 Gobindgarh-147 301 , Punjab lnformation TechnoloqY Mechanical Engineering 2 0 50000 Civil Engineerllg 0 2 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fes 400000 2 0 50000 OJ 77 S. Sukhjinder Singh Engineering illComputer Science & Engg. Technology College, VPO-HaYE rtlElectronics & Gomm. Engg. 2 0 50000 Nagar, Hardochanni Roa(l'l tri|ecnanicat Engineerinq 150000 Gurdaspur - 143521, Punjab Information Tech0q!9gy- 2 0 50000 ivil Enqineeranq 2 0 50000 Total Due Afliliation Feo 350000 0 100000 64 68 Sichdeva Engineering College fc)rlComputer Science & Enqq. Girls Chandigarh - MorindalElectronics & Comm. Enqq. 4 0 100000 Hi.rhwav VPO Mohali - 14041 3lElectrical & Electronics 1 0' 25000

/ { r-- oean ere"pruo oy. .\tY&checked bv: /*V.! D.R(Academicsl ncaaenics)@ffiro

2.f Sffi st. Exam Nam€ of Tho Colloge Branch otd New Due Atfillatlon Unit Unit Fee for Sesslon No. Code 2|J1'J-11 Puniab Information Technoloqv 0 75000 Total Duo Afiiliation Fee 300000 65 tc Sai Institute of Engineedng & ComDuter Science & Enqq. 1 125000 Technology, VPO Mannawala, rlectronics & Cgmm. Enqq 0 50000 Near Civil Hospital, Tehsil & Distt. Mechanical Enqineerinq 2 0 50000 Amritsar - 1431 15 Information Technoloqv 2 0 50000 Civil Enoineerinq 0 100000 Total Du€ Atfiliation Fee 375000 66 70 Sant Baba Bhag Singh Instt. o! Comouter Sc. & Enqq. c 50000 Engg. & Tech. VPO Padhiana, Electrical Enqq 2 0 50000 Distt. Jalandhar - 144030, Punjab Electronics & Comm. Enoq. 75000 Mechanical Enqq 3 0 75000 lnformation Technoloov 2 0 50000 Civil Engineerinq 1 0 25000 Total Duo Affiliaiion Fee 325000 67 71 Shaheed Bhagat Singh College ol Chemical Enqineerinq 1 0 Exempted Engg. & Tech. Ferozepur - 160 comouter Science & Enoo. I Exempted 0'14, Punjab Electrical Enqq. 0 Exempted Electronics & Comm Enqq 0 Exempted Mechanical Enoineerinq 4 0 Exempted 68 6Z Shaheed Udham Singh College ol Bio-Technoloav 0 50000 Engg. & Tech., Tangori Oistt SAS ComDuter Science & Enqq. 4 0 100000 Nagar Mohali, Punjab. Electrical Enqineerinq 0 50000 Electronics & Comm. Enqq. 0 75000 Informatjon Technoloqy 0 s0000 Mechanical Engineering 0 50000 Total Due Aftiliation Fee 375000 69 83 Shaheed Udham Singh Women Computer Science & Engq. 1 125000 Engineering College Tangori,P.O. Electronics & Comm. Enqq 3 125000 2 0 50000 Mote Majra Distt. SAS Mohali - lnformatioh Technoloov LnanA D,,^ial.\ Electrical & Electronics 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 3s0000 7o 80 Shivshankar lnstitute of Engg. & Comouter Science & Enoq. 0 100000 Tech., Patti, Distt. Taran Taaran Electronics & Comm. Enqq. 0 50000 143 416. Puniab Mechanical Engineering 2 150000 Information Technoloqy 0 50000 Civil Enqineerinq 0 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 450000 71 72 Shree Ganesh Group of lnstitution Civil Enoineerinq 0 50000 Patiala Nabha Road, Vill Rakhra, dech. Enoineerino 2 '| 50000 Patiala Electronics & Comm. Enqg. 0 50000 Comouter Science & Enqq. 150000 Electrical Enqineerinq 0 2 100000 Total Due Afflliation Fee 500000 72 69 Shri Balaji Group of Institutions, Civil Enqineering 0 50000 Patiala Sangrur National Highway, Mech. Enqineerinq 0 50000 Village Bhedpura, Distt. Patiala. Electronics & Comm. Engq. 0 50000 comouter Science & Enoo 2 0 50000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 200000 73 to Sri Sai College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Enqineerinq 1 0 25000 V.P.O. Badhani, Pathankot Distt. ComDuter Sc. & Enoineerino 3 0 75000 Guraspur - 145001, Punjab Electrical Enqineering 1 25000 Electronics & Comm. Enqq 4 0 100000 lnformation Technoloov 2 0 50000

4 er""pr"o oy, by: o.R(ncademicsl r-- Dean Academics WY}i/f, $$J1'checked iio


Exam Nam6 ot Tho Coll€ge rl Code

Total Duo Affillatlon Fee Sukhmani Institute of Engg echnology, Dera Bassi, Distt. SAS Nagar, Mohali- '140 507 Puniab

Surya School of Engineering Tech, Vill Bapror, Tehsil Rajpura, Patiala Near Shambhu Barrier

Swami Paramand College,Village Jaulan Kalan Tehsil Derbassi Drstt SAS Mohali

Swami Parmanand College Engg. & Tech., Vil. Kalan(Lalru), T Distt. SAS Nagar, Mohali -'l

Swami Sarwanand Institute Engg & Tech, Village T Dinanagar, Gurdaspur

Swami Vivekanand Inst. of Engg. ech., Vill. Ram Nagar, Banur. Distt. Patiala - 140 601,

Vivekanand institute Emerging. & Tech, Banur, Distt, Patiala

Universal Institutios Of Engg Tech. Vill Ballopur, P.O-Lalru, Derabassi, Distt Mohaii

Total Due Aftiliation Fee

Society, Group of Institutions, Kalan. Dstt. Barnala

Total Due Aftiliation Fee

CollegeVillage lsherhail, Tehsil Dist Fathegarh Sahib

all -1t (Due A on Ees sl. Exam Name of The College Branch ord New Duo Afflllation Unit Unit Fee for Session No. Code 20to-'t I Total Due Affiliation Fee 500000 84 299 Gurukul Vidyapeeth Group ol Civil Enoineerinq 0 2 100000 Institutes Chandigarh-Patiala lhemical Enqineerinq 0 '100000 National Highway, Banur, Distl Comouter Science & Enqq. 0 2 I Patiala Mechanical Enqineering 0 2 100000 Electrical & Comm. Engg 0 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 500000 85 294 Anand College of Engineering & Comouter Science & Enoo. 100000 Management, Opp Rail Coach Electronics & Comm. Enqg. 0 2 100000 Factory, Sultanpur, Distt Kapurthla Mechanical Enqineering 0 100000 Civil Enqineerinq 0 2 100000 Information Technoloqy 0 100000 Total Duo Aftiliation Foe 500000 86 St. Soldier Group of Institutions, Mechanical Enqineerinq 0 2 100000 '100000 Behind N.l.T (REC), Amritsar BY- Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 Pass, Distt Jalandhar Civil Enqineerino 0 100000 Electrical & Electronics Engg 0 0 0 f Computer Science & Engg 0 2 100000 Total Due Affiliation Foe 400000 87 297 Ghubaya College of Engg & Computer Science & Engg. 0 100000 Technology, Village; Sukhera Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 100000 Bodla. P.O Lamochar Kalan Tehsil Civil Engineering 0 2 100000 (W), Jalalabad Distt Ferozepur Mechanical Engineering 0 100000 Total Due Aftiliation Fee 400000 88 298 Gian Joyti Group of Institutions, Mechanical Engineering n 100000 Banur, Ambala Road, Shambhu Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 100000 Kalan, Patiala Punjab Civil Engineering 0 100000 Electrical & Electronics Engg 0 100000 Computer Science & Engg. 0 2 100000 Total Due Aftiliation Fe€ 500000 89 302 Radiant Institute of Engineering & Computer Science & Engg. 0 100000 Technology, Abohar, Distt Electronics & Comm. Engg. I o 2 100000 FerozeDur Mechanical Engineering I 0 2 100000 ^ Civil Engineering | 0 100000 Electrical Engineering 0 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 5000u0 90 296 CGC- Group of Colleges V.P.C Civil Engineering | 0 4 200000 Gharuan Tehsil Kharar, Dist Computer Science & Engg. | 0 100000 Mohali 140413 Mechanical Engineering I O 100000 Electronics & Comm. Engg. I o 100000 500000 Total Due Af{iliation Fee , , 91 301 M.K Education Societies's Grout Civil Engineering | 0 2 100000 of Instiutions Amritsar, Dist Computer Science & Engg. | 0 2 100000 Amritsar Pun.iab Mechanical Engineering I O 2 100000 Electerial & Comm Engg | 0 2 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 400000 92 300 Ludhiana Group of Colleqes,l Computer Science & Engg. I 100000 Chowk Chowkimann, _ VillagelEteckonics & Comm. Engg. q 'l00000 Mann, Ludhiana, FerozePurl Mechanical Engineering 0 2 100000

er""pr"a uy, \-. uv: fL$\u D.R(Academics)-15-o""n o""o",n,". ffi&l]-/t -\'l''cnecreo o

77 PUNJAB TEGHNICAL UNIVER€ITY, JALANDHAR(Enslneerlns ) ry Ses8ion - 2010-11lDue Aftllletion Fee st. Exam Name of The College Branch otd New Due Aftiliation // Unil Unit Fee for Session No. Code 2rl10-11 n19r rwdy! rrdr la- r.+zuzJ Luur Civil Engineering 0 100000 Electrical Engine€ring U 2 100000 Tot l Due Alfiliailon Fee 5UOOOU 93 324 Kings Groups of Institutions, Near Computer Science & Engg. 0 2 100000 Bus Stand, Barnala Electronics & Comm. Engg. o 100000 Electrical & Electronics Engg 0 100000 Civil Engineering 0 2 100000 Information Technology 0 2 100000 Total Dus Affiliation Fee 500000 94 SECT Group of Institutes, Computer Science & Engg. 0 't00000 Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 100000 Mechanical Engineering 0 2 100000 Civil Engineering , 0 2 100000 Information Technology 0 100000 Total Due Affiliation Fee 500000 a

2, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR(Engln€ Session - 20'10-11(Due Afflliation Fee st. Name of The College Branch otd New Due Aftiliation Fee for Session No. unit Unit 201tJ-11 Chandigarh Engineering Computer Sc. & Engg 0 100000 SAS Nagar, 1 College Landran Eleckonics & Comm. Enoo 0 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 Guru Nanak Dev Engineering Civil Engineering 0 2 100000 2 College, Ludhiana - 141 006, ComDuter Science & Enqq 0 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 RIMT-lnstitute of Engg. & Computer Science & Engg 0 100000 t, Tech. Sirhind Side, Mandi Electronics & Comm. Engg. 0 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 .) Sra Sai College of Engg. & Computer Sc. & Engineering 0 100000 4 Tech. V.P.O. Badhani, Mechanical Enqineerino 0 2 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 Guru Gobind Singh College ot Comouter Sc. & Enoo. (Evenino Shitl) 0 2 100000 5 Enqq Talwandi Sabo Distt. Electronics & Comm: Enqq (Eveninq Shift) 0 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 Rayat & Bahra Inslitute ol Computer Sc. & Enoineerinq(Evenino shifi) 0 a 100000 Lj Enqq. & Bio-Tech. VPO Mechanical Enqineerinq(Eveninq shift ) 0 100000 Total Due Amount 200000 Shaheed Udham singh Computer Sc. & Enqq. (Eveninq Shift) 0 2 100000 7 Colleqe of Enqo. & Tech., Electronics & Comm. Enqq (Evening Shitt) 2 100000 Total Due Amount 200000

D.R(Academics; 1''l DeanAcademrcs

3o U,i PUN.tABTECH@ Session - 2010-11(Due Afflliatlon Fee) Sr. Name of the lnstitution ord Oue Afflllation Fee t.rr Sc<

Shaheed Udham Singh College Of Pharmacy, Vi . Tangori. p.O. Mote Majra Distt 50000 24 MoJ|ali- 140306 Punjab Shivaljk Colleqe qf Pharmacy, Nangal (Distt.Ropar) 2 50000 26 Slldier Institute Of Pharmacv, Betllnd Nrt (Rec), Byepass ialandhaFl,l4Ol l 50000 pharmacy, 27 swamrvrvekanand Coilege of Rffi 2 50000 Swifi School Of Pharmacy (Ssp), Village - chagar Sarai, fehsil - Rajpwa Distt 2 50000 28 Patiala 29 VMS Colleqe of Pharmacv, Amritsar Road, Batata 25000 30 l\4alwa College ot Pharmacv. Bathinda 2 50000 31 Sra Sai College of Pharqlacy, Badhani-pathanko!145001 2 50000 Barkat Ullah College of Pharmacy, Upori lUppat Xtreril, fetrsit trlaeilofilistt 50000 Sanorur :halsa Colleqe o Pharmacy.G T,Road, Amntsar 2 s0000 Surya School of Pharmacy, Vi ,Bopar, Tehsit najpufi, FitiiE tteaiTtramliEriar 2 2 150000 34 H G G College Of Pharmacy, Opposite Retiance EtroaFumtf .coindwat Rajko 0 0 0 35 Distl Ludhiana - 141'109 Pt. J R. Govt. Polytechnic Hoshiarour 2 0 Exempted

/i e,""p."0 oy,*Q')'cn""*"o or, (rl),", D.RlAcadenics)R(Acadenics) L-L-- es36,o .- 'r--D e""n u"ot '" Jlffiai , llo

3( 0)

PUNJAB 3NDHAR(HMCT ) Session - 2010-l I ee) l"n Name of institution otd New Due Affiliation Fee for Session 2010-11 unit Unit C.T. Institute of Hotel Management & 50000 Catering Technology, Greater Kailsash. f Colony, Maqsudan, Jalandhar t; Chandigarh College of Hotel Management & s0000 Caterinq Technoloqv, Landran, Mohali Desh Bhagat Hotel Management & Catering 3 75000 I Technology, Amloh Road, Mandi Gobindgarh K.C. College of Hotel Management, VPO 50000 Kariam. Tehsil & Distt.Nawanshahr Punjab College of Technical Education 50000 L, (PCTE) lnstitute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Village Jhandey - I Ludhiana Rayat and Bahra Institute of Hotel Mgt., 50000 l-. T Kharar St. Soldier Institute of Hotel Management & 50000 t Catering Technology, Behind NIT (REC) Byepass , Jalandhar Cordia Institute Of Hotel Management, V.P.O. 50000 8 Sanghol, Tehsil Khamanodistt: Fatehgarh Sahib - 141128puniab Hira's lmperial College of Hospitality Village 50000 .) Kathgarh, Zirkpur - Kalka Highway, Distt. Mohali Surya Group of Institutions Village Tagori, PO 10 50000 Manauli, Mohali Surya Educational and Charitable Trusl 4 200000 Group of Institutions, (SGOI), Village Boparor Tehsil Rajpura, Patiala nr. Shambhu Barier.

S$;l'cn""r"o I o.n. Dean Acadmics: tr'lb

3> o

PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSIW. JALANDHARtArchitecture Session - 2010-1l(Duo Afflllatlon Fee) st. Name of The College Branch Old unil New Due Affiliation Fee for Session No. Unit 2010-11 1 GianiZail Singh College of Engineering & Technology. Bathinda Architeclure 1 0 Exempted

2. Indo-Global College ofArchitechrre, Abhipur, Oistt. SAS Nagar, Architecture 1 0 25000 lvlohala 3. Chitkara School ot Planning & Architecture. VillJansala, Teh. Architeclure 0 50000 Rajpura, Patiala 4 RIMT College of A{chiteclure Sirhind Side, Mandi cobindga.h Architeciure 1 1 75000

5 College of Architecture IET Bhaddal, IET Campus, Villags Architeclure 1 0 25000 BhaddalP.O Mianpur, Distt. Ropar

6 Surya School of Architecture,NH- 1 ,Bopar, Near Shambhu Toli P Architeclure 1 1 75000

Preapredoy'NKu? 4/ cn""r,"oW 01,,/ o.nlAcaoemicsy o"tnec"t. i""Sqb

al session . zot o.iT@u-ffi iiit6n-F-i-_ Du. Atnlht|oi No. Unll Unh Unlt sc$lon 2010- l Inslitute of Compuler & Ta 0 50000 Mannoon, Opp. Canada

0 50000 echnology, Vill. Mamoon. rn:.|. Plrm P.lh.nLnt - rr. 100000 0 100000 (Channo) NH - 22, Paliata

0 50000

6 4 500000 of Colleg€s, Village Gharuan,

Kes€arcn tictcr€ 0 100000 of Instilutions (Fecutly i ent)Aklian Kalan Oistt_ Bathinda

t00000 Puniab. I Apeejay Institute of litanagsment pO 0 4 0 ?00000 Ladhewali, Hoshiapur Road, Jat.ndhst 10 Aryans Buganass Sdlool toa Wom€r 0 0 o 50000 (ABS\.9 Mllage Nepra, Tehlit Rajpud District Paliata 11 Aryans Buginess Scnoot Vi age Nep6 a 0 0 0 't00000 Chandigarh - Rajplra Roed. Tehsi Rajpura, Oistt. Patiata '12 Aryans Inslilute of Mgt (AlM), Viltag€ Neprs 0 0 50000 Tehsil RaiDUra. Distnct Patata 13 Aryans school ol Margem€nt (AsM) 4 0 0 0 100000 Village Nepra, Tehsjt RaipLjra. Oi6n. peti.ta

14 Baba Banda Singh En9in6€ring Colege 0 0 100000 Fatehqarh. Sehib. Patiata. 140 002 15 Baba Farid Cottege of Engino€dno ! 0 0 0 50000 Tecinology Village Deon. Muklrar Road Bathinda 16 Ehai cudas Eusiness Sctrcot, Villaga 2 0 0 50000 Rakhra. Near Po\ €r Station, Nabh. Road Paliala 't7 thai Gurdas Institule Of Eng0 A -6 0 0 0 50000 Patiala Road, Sangrur, Puniab- 148001. 1a ahat Gufttas hstillJle of Manag€ment 6 1 0 2 0 150000 Technology, Main Patiala Road, Sangrur - 'tit8 001 19 thai Maha Singh Colege Ot EngO 2 0 0 't00000 Kolkapura Road, Multsar, Punjab 15202€

20 Ehutta College Of Engg. & T6ch. V.pO 2 0 0 0 50000 thutte Dist. Ludhjana. Puniat 141206 2l 8lS Baba lsher Sjngh Co{lege o 0 0 150000 Engineering E Tecnnotogy. Gaora. Or3tric Mssa. 22 c.T. Institute of Management & hform-t6i 4 2 0 150000 Technology, Maqsoodan,,Jat.ndhar

23 Instrtute c.T of Management EiFid 4 0 0 200000 Village Shahpur, PO Udhopor, padaDluft Road, Distt. Jalandhar 24 Career InstiMe of Uanagement I 0 0 0 -r000O tecinology tor Women ,V&pO Bakshiwala Bhadson Road, Patiata (Nevr)

25 cenler For irgt. shrdies. vt aqr 2 0 0 o 50000 Ramnagar. Po Jan6ta Near Eanur Teh;i Raj[xJra, Disll. Patiata - 1{0501 26 centre ror Manag-meni--iEiiii-- 3 0 0 0 75000 Research. SAS Nagar (t.tohatil. 27 Chanrkya Inslrture Ot Management, Vittagr 2 0 0 o 50000 GDaruan. Near Kharar Tehsrldtstt. Moheti 140413punjab 2A Chandigarh Business GEi6-J 0 0 0 50000 Adminislration. Landran, (Mohali)

29 1 I cnano,oam eusrnes! Sin66illEiiian 0 175000

t t ri'./ /. \ p..pa,eo oy / h{.__crec}"d by)i.: 0.R.{A amics.l: 1t oean acad^ic,, W+w41.

3\ ( 2-/ sl. Nrn. o, thr Coll.gr, h.dhrta ord ord O||| Atflll.tlor No, UnR Unlt t nlt Unlt Faa tor S.filon 20'!0- 30 unandgan golege ol Engln6€ring 0 0 150000 Departmenl ot Computer Ap9ticalidrs Landran. Mohali. Distt. Romrlito3oT 31 chandigafi Engin€€dng cofiggo Lsnd6r 2 0 o 100000 Mohali-140307 Puniab 32 Chitkara Instjtule Ot engg. & Tech. Vitl 2 0 100000 !!!91a, Teh. Rajpura, Patiala 140401 33 College Of Engineering And M.r€i. slh Kn 0 0 0 50000 Slone, Goindwal Road, Kapunhab.14,a6o1 Punbb 34 College of Manaoemenl & Technotogt 0 0 0 75000 Santi Naqar, Behind Urbao Eltate - 2 Near Sirhind bve Dass. Patiala 35 Continental Institute of Engineedng 8 0 0 0 50000 Technology, Vitl. Jatveh€, P.O. NabhiD{r G.T. Road, NH-.t Distt. Felehgafi Sahib.

36 Cordia lnstiluie ot Business Manegeft€nt € 0 o o 50000 Technology, VPO Sanghot. Tehsi Khamano oisll. Fatehoarh Sehib til hstitute of Engineering, Managamen 0 0 100000 and Technology, Vitl Shahpuf, Dis[ Jalandhar. 3E CT lnslilute of Advanc€ Menag€m- 0 o 0 200000 Studies 39 Cf hslitute ol Technorogy Vill Shahpu 2 0 0 0 50000 P.O. tjdopur. ialandhar. Puniab 40 Di)/. lnstituG-T--Enginafi; € 2 0 0 r00000 Technoloqy, Kabir Naoar. Jalandhar lntegrated Desh Bhagai Foundaton Groupc o 0 o 0 50000 Campu6 Institulions, Fero:epur Road, iroga (Fecuh gf M3nagement) 42 Doaba lnst Of Engg & Technotogy (Diet 2 o 0 0 50000 Vill Ghataur Po Attapur Teh Kharar Dis Ropar 43 hlegraled Doaba Khalsa Trust Group of Inslitutions 2 0 0 0 50000 p Village , O Rahon, Tehs E Camous District Nawahshaht Doaba Women Inslitute of Engg E fecir 2 0 0 0 50000 Vill. Ghalaur, P O Attahpu., Teh Khara.

45 Doraha Instilule of Manag€ment a 2 0 0 100000 Technology, VPO Doraha. Distt., Ltdhlena

46 Dr. I r. BUSTNESS SCHOOL (WOME[) 2 0 0 o 50000 VILLAGE JALALPUR, P.O. JANSI-A NEAR (MNUR). TEHSIL MJPURA q!!IT. PnThLA 47 Dr |T INSTITUTE OF MGT VtLtAGa 0 0 0 JALALPUR, P,O JANSI-A, NEAF (BANUR)TEHSIL RA.JPURA, DISTT ?ATTALAPUNJAE-140601 4E Dr. l.T INSTITUTE OF MGT. E TECIL 0 0 0 VILLAGE JAI.ALPUR, PO JAi{SLA NEAR (BANUR)TEHSIL MJPURA qlqTT. PATTALAPUNJAE-140601 49 Or. lT Busine$ School, Vilago Jalstf,$ 4 0 0 150000 PO Jansla. N6ar 8anur, T6h3it Rajpura Dist. Palaala 50 Ferozepur Inslitute ot l"tanagd;;i-m 2 2 0 0 150000 elerasahar. Distt, Fqrozepur (New) 51 Ggs cottege Ot Modtm- T€chnotoov--' 2 0 2 0 100000 Kharar, Sa! Nagar, Puntab 52 Gian Jyott Instlute of Managem;nt-I 2 0 250000 Technology. Phase -2. S A S. Nagar

53 Olobal lnslitute ol Management A Emrrqinc 0 o 0 50000 Technol€ies, Vitt Soh6n Khurd. Amd-tsal Batala Road, Amritsar 54 q|oDat lnstitute ot Mgt. vi . sohisn Khurd 0 0 150000 Amdtsar - Batata Roaddistt. Amrit6aDuniat t43001 55 GNA hstlut€ or Uanag-menl-I o 0 100000 Technology, Phaqwara 56 Gulra.llvata Gwu Nanak Institdo o 0 0 100000 Management E Technotogy, post Box No 272, Civil Lines, Ludhiana

D.R.(Ao,d,.i"",): <4,/ D."n ao,d^iu, {ftt;N li ll, 3i st. Neme ofthe Cottego /-n-tttute- otd otd Dqo Afflllrtlol t nlt Unlt Unlt Unlt Fa! tor S€$lon 2010- 57 Inlegrated Gulzar Educalional A Charilable Tn|s 0 150000 Group ol Inslitutes, GT Road, Labra, Tehsi Khanna, Ludhiana (Faculty o CamDus Manaoemen0 58 Guru Gobind Singh College of Engg E 2 0 0 o 50000 Tech. Talwandi Sabo. Ealhinda 59 Guru Gobind Singh Colleg€ O 0 0 50000 Management & Technology, Near Mdsa School, G.T. Road. Gidderbaha. Daslrio Mukatsar €0 Guru Nalak Oev Engane€dng Collega 0 2 0 100000 Ludhiana - 141 006. Puniab 61 Guru Nanak Inslitute of ManagenEnt I 4 0 150000 Tech i/krdel Town Ludhiana 62 Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa lnstilutB ot Engg 0 0 0 50000 & Tech.. Chhapian Wali, Malout, Puniab

63 Gurukul Business School, Villaga 2 0 0 o 50000 Ramnagar, Po Jansla Near Banurlehsi Raiouradistt. Patiala - 140601Duniab 64 Guruhut Insliut€ ot Managam€nt fo 0 0 0 50000 Women Village Ram Nagar, Near Eanur Tehsil RaiDUrd Disticl Paliala Gurukul Inslatute Ot lrgt., Vi[ag( 0 0 0 50000 Ramnagar, Po Jansla Neer 8anur, T6hsi Raioura- Distt. Paiiala - 140601 66 lloshrarpur Inslatut€ ot Managemenl I 0 2 0 150000 Technology, Village Bhaopur, DBtl

litt College Ot Engineeing, Pojelval Distt 2 o 0 0 50000 Nawanshahar Puniab 66 Indo Globat Coll€9o Of Engin66nn{ 0 0 0 50000 Abhipur Chandharh Puniets14010g 69 lrurccent ti€arts Groop. ot lNlihrtidtg 0 0 300000 Innocent Heart! Fi6lds. Road. Mtl

70 lnslitute Of Engin€.ring & Tednology, P( 0 o 0 50000 MianDur. Dist Ruoneoar Rooar Puniab 71 nstatute ol Management Studies, IET 2 0 0 0 50000 Bhaddal 72 Jamna Devi In3titute ot Management E 0 0 0 50000 Technology, Balhinda Road, Mukbar - 15i 026 73 Jasdev Singh Sandhu Inslihile o 0 0 0 50000 Engineering & Technology, Paljala 74 KC Colrege ol Engg. & htormalio. 0 0 50000 fechnology, VPO Kanam, Tehshil & Distt

75 Khalsa Instrule ol Managemenl E 2 0 0 75000 Technology tor Women, Civil Lines

Lala Lajpat Rai lnstitute Of Engin€ering 8 2 0 2 0 100000 Tech.. G.T Road ModE Puniab 7T Lala Lajpat Rai M€morial Inslitute o 2 0 0 0 50000 Managemenl & Technology. Dhudikc lMooa) - 142 053 7A Laxmi Bai Inslilute of Mgt E Tech. I K.M 0 0 0 50000 Mile Stgn!, Sjrhind Road, Paliala 79 Ludhiana Coll€e Of Engg. E Tecn 0 2 0 r 00000 Ludhiana-Chandigarh.c.T.Road, Ludhiana

80 Integrated Mahavtr Educatonat & charilable Trus 0 0 50000 Campus Group of Institr.iles, GT Road, Village Khera Khurad, Oelhi Road, Sardutgarh, Mansa (Facultv of Manaoemen0 81 Mabut lnst r.ite ot lllanag€ment 6 0 0 0 Exempled InlormaUon Technology, Melou (Established and promoicd by Punjat

a2 Malwa College, Opp. NFL To|hrhip '0 0 50000 Goniana Road. Bathinde 83 North Wesl Instilule ol Engin*dng 6 0 0 50000 Technology Dhudik€, Di6t ct iroga, Punjab

84 PalEla Inslrtule ot Engin€ering 8 2 0 0 0 50000 Technology for Women, Vill Nandpill Kesho. Teh & Disn Pariara

(rt' ,,"0r."00, \*\n-Jr""x"ouv, L-o.n.tr"" o^',u1 o."n "*o^t*'[ffi%i I t,

?6 L'l I ', sl. Name ot tia Collega / In*ltuta ord q|d 0u. Attlll.tlor Unll Unlt Unlt Unlt Faa fol

85 Punjab Business Schoot, Vi age Saftapra 0 0 0 50000 P.O. Chunni Katan, Via Landran. Disll EaErhgarh Sahib 86 Punjab College Or Engg. & Tedr. Iaii 0 0 2 0 50000 Mandi Mll Malakpur) Dist. Patiata punjab

87 PunJab cotle96 of Technlcal Educatbn 0 o 200000 F6rczepur Road. Baddowat. Ludhisna - 142 021 88 Pun ab Insutul€ ol Manag€ment 0 2 0 150000 Technology. Mandicobindgarh - 147 301

89 Inlegrated Quest lnfosys Foundauon GrouD o 2 2 0 o r 50000 Institulions, Village Jhanjeri. Tehsit Kharar Dastrict Mohali, Facutty of Mansgement CamDus 90 Integrated ftam Devi Jindal Educationat Chadtabk 2 0 0 0 50000 Campus Sociely Group ot Institutions. Vilag€ Ba6oli P O. Lalru, Tehsit D€labassi. Oisidc !!ohali, Facutly of Manaoement 91 Ramgarhia Inst. Ot En99. & Tech. R.E( 2 0 0 0 50000 lomolex, Phaowara, Punjab-14rt402 92 Rattan Protessionat E.iucation Co €oe 0 0 0 50000 VPO Sohana, Sec . 7E. Mohati (Sas t{alLr 1]lqAoBpunjab 93 R6yat & Bahara tnstnUe? Uerugeffii 2 0 0 150000 Bcihan,Hoshiarpur ({ew) 94 r

102 . S. Sukhiinder Singh Engineering a 2 0 0 0 50000 Technology Cottege, Vpo-Hayal Nagar Hardochqnni Road, curdaspur. 103 Sachdeva Engineering Cottege for caG 2 0 0 o 90000 Chandigarh-ilorinda Highway. VpO rrbhati Puniab 104 Sahrbzada Ajil Singh Institute of Informafior 0 0 200000 Technology E Research, ELTOP Area SAS Nagar, Mohati- 160 Og9

105 sai hsritute of t tanagemenl Giiilli 0 0 2 150000 l!eA! Civil Hospital, Dist. Amrit!6r 106 Sai lqbal Institute or CompuriSGi 0 0 o 5000o Eadhani, Pathankot 107 sanl Baba thag sr^gh tn3fi ot Engg t 0 0 0 50000 Iech. Vpo Padhiana, oisl Jatandhar Puniab- 144q30 106 Satyam Instilule of Managehent 2 0 0 0 50000 Iechnologv, Nakodar 109 Shaheed Bhagat Singh Cdbg-? Eng$l 0 2 0 2 Exempted rech ferozepur - 160 014. Puntab 110 Shaheed Udham S'ngh ao €G-; 0 0 0 50000 Compuler, Tanqon 11',I Shaheed Udham Sngh Correge OtCngll? 0 0 0 50000 !ecn. I anqon {Mohatit punjab 112 Shaheed tidham Singh eo ege o 0 0 0 50000 llalesement & tT. Taneori

77 1/<. |2 sl. otd lle|' otd Xar oua Atfllatior No. Unlt Unlt Unlt Fae tol !)es8ion 2010- 113 Shaheed Udham Singh 2 0 0 0 50000 Engineeing College Tangori, P.O. Mok Maira Oist. SAS Mohali 140306 114 Shivshankar Institute of Engg. & Teai. 0 0 Palti Distt. Taran Taaran - 143 418 Puniab 115 Shre6 Alam Vallabh Jain College, at 2 0 0 0 Inslitule ol Management & Tedhotog) Studies, Vlllage Hussaanpur, Opp. Amatta! Hotel, Ludhiana- Jalandhar cT Road Ludhiana 116 Sh'ee Ganesh Educalionat & socia 0 2 0 50000 Weltare Group ol InstaMion3, Vlttagr Rakhra, Patiala, Faculty of Compute AoDlication 117 lntegraled Shrce Kdshna Educational Charitabk 2 0 0 0 50000 Sodev Groups of Institutiotu, Vltt. Jodhpu Cheema, Bamela Saiakhana Road, NH-71 Banala 11E Inlegmted Shri Bala Ji Literacy & Chariteble Soci€t) 0 2 0 't00000 Group ot lnslitulions, Pallata Sengrul National Highway. Vitt. thedgura, Pathta CamDUs 1't9 shn Ragunalh Rai Memoriat school o 2 0 0 0 59000 Mgl. Village Ramnagar, P.O. Jansla, Neal (genur)Tehsil Raipuredistt. Patista, Puniab 140 601 120 udana hsllule ot Manegement an( 0 0 0 50000 Iechnology, Vill. (hlala Khurd, Amritlat Lopoke Road. Near R?m Ttrath. Dbtric

121 Sri Sai Coll€ge Of Engg. A T6ch. V.P.O 0 2 0 100000 Badhenll45001 Pathankor Punisb qollegc 122 Sar ol Engineerang & T€chnology, 0 0 50000 Vill. Manawala, Near Civil HGDit6t. Teh. I Distt. Amritsar- 123 Sri Sukhmani Inst Of Engg & Technologl 0 0 | 0,0fi)0 Dera Bassi-'t,to 507. Puniab 124 sl_ Sotclrer Manag€menl & Toahnica 0 0 nstitute, Basti Mithu, KaDurthata Road Jalandhar 125 Inlegftrted surya Educalional E Charjtabto Trus 2 2 0 200000 Campus Group ot Inslitutes (SGOI), Vitlsge, 8ap.or (Patiala), Sciml ot Compuler Appticalion t School ol Business Management

126 Inlegreled Surya Group of Institutiofis, Mllage 2 0 o 0 50000 Campus Tangorj, P.O. Manauti Teh6it & Oist. S.A_S Naoar Mohaii 127 swami Pamanand coleg6 ot Engg. E 2 0 0 0 50000 Tech., Vil. Jautan Katrn{Latru). Tehsi! Derabassi. Dist. Patiala. 124 Swami SaNanand Inslitute ot Managernen 0 2 0 100000 & Tech, Vall. Tah/vandi GT Road Oinanagar 129 s!€mr Salyanand college ol Mgt. & Tech. 2 0 0 50000 A-8lock, curu Amarda6s Avenu€, Ainali Roaddisll. AmritsarDunieb-.t43oot 130 Swamr Vivekanand Business Schoo 2 0 0 o 50000 yillage Ramnagar, PO Jansla. Near Banur Iehsil RajDura. Dastt. Patiata 131 swamiVivekanand Co eg6 Of i&t., V:Iag( 2 0 0 0 50000 Ramnagar. P.O. Jansta, Near (ganur)Tehsi RajpuGdisn. Patiata, Punjab - 110 60j

132 Swarni Vivekanand tnst. of Engg. & i;cn. 2 0 0 100000 Vil. Ram Nagar Near 8snur, Dist. patiata Puniab - 140 601 133 slrarni Vivelanand Insuule Of Emergin! 0 0 o 50000 Ramnagar. Tehsrl RatDUra. Oistrict patiata

134 Swami Vivekanand Institule of iofofihalior 0 0 0 50000 &chnology, Banur 135 Swami Vivetanand Instrtute Of Mgt 2 0 0 0 50000 (Women) Village Ramnaqar, P O Jansla Near - 8anur, Tehsit Raipu.a. Distt. patiata

136 The Eerkrey Cottege. Vittege Dharemloi 2 0 0 2 1500)0 Block Sanour, Disit Patiata r,N, e,epareo ov ^.RaSzi1""r"a NY ur{lFio.a r Acadmi6):-3y:-De^.-o^,*, lhtAi I t o

At ta I sl. l{rna ot th. Collogc I |rslttrla ord otd llaw oua Atffll.0oi Unft Unlt Unlt Unlt Bt llon 2010- 137 Inlegrated Uovelsal Educalional Society Group o 0 0 0 50000 hstitut,on, Village Ballopur. P.O. Latru CamDUs Iehsil O€raba$i. Dist Mohali 134 vMs |ngnole ot Managem€nl. Amdbal o 0 50000 Road. Balala 139 Gurukul Vidyap€eth Group of Insutute! o 2 0 0 100000 Chendigarh-Patiala N;itonal Highw.ay Banur. OBtt Patiala 140 St. Soldier Group ot lnstitulioos, BehirE 0 2 0 0 100000 N.l.T (REC), Amdtsar 8y-Pass. Dist Jalandhar 141 Gaan Joyti Group of Institutions, Sanur 0 0 0 200000 Ambala Roed, Shambhu Kalan. Paliala Puniab 142 ocq (jrcup ot Colleges, VPO Ghetuan 0 0 0 200000 Tehsil Kharar. Distt. Mohati- 14(X13 143 M. (. Education Socielies Group o 0 0 0 100000 nslitions Distt. Amritsar. Puniab 144 Chandigarh Business School, VP( 0 0 0 200000 Gharuan. Tehsii Kharar. Oistt. Mohali 145 OIPS Instilute of Managen€nt I 0 0 0 200000 Iechnology, Ramneek Avenue, Jatandha Citv 146 Guru Nanak College of Mana€6ment I 0 0 100000 Technotogy, Ooomwali, TetBil Sangs \randi. Balhinda 147 Kings croups ot lnstitutions, Near 8u! 0 o 200000 Sbnd. Eamala 144 Ludhiana Group ot Coll€ge.s Chost 0 0 0 0 o Chowtimann, Village Mann, Ludhbne Fer:epur Highway, Ludhiana 149 o 150 KCL Institute ot Manag€ment E 0 2 Technology, Lyallpltr Khalsa Cottege, c.T Road. Jalandhar 151 M L E. Instrtute ol Managemenl I 0 0 0 240000 T€chnology, Near Sherpur Chowk, Kolh€ Jiwa. G.T. Road. Jaoraon. Ludhiana p,"p","a Et ur, \{.UF,cnec*eo uv,(i\N-/o.n.ne ancst:1,/ oen eazania. .rlllf, blt"


;.. Name oftha M. T6ch. Cou6es

Maha Singh College of Engineering, Muktsar

& Technology, Jalandhar

Doaba Institute of Engineering & Technology.

Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana


kt l9 13. llTT College ot Engineering, M. Tech. Computer Science & Enqinoerino 25000 Poiewal M. Tech. Electronics & Commrrnication Enqineerino 1 . 25000 Total Due Aftiliation fee 50000 14. Indo Global College ot M. E. Civil Engineering 50000 Enqineerinq. AbhiDur. M. E. Computer Scienc€ & Engineerinq 1 50000 Total Due Aftiliaqon fee 100000 15. Lala Lajpat Rai lnstitute of M. Tech. Computer Science & Engineerinq 1 25000 Enqineerinq & Technoloov. M. E. Thermal Science Engineering 25000 Iotal Due Affiliation f 50000 16. Ludhiana College of M. Tech. Electronics & Communicalion Engineering 1 25000 Engineering & Technology, Ludhiana 17. Punjab College of M. E. Eleclronics & Communication EnEineerinq 50000 Enoineerino Technoloqy. & il. Tecb. Mechanical Engineerinq (CAD / CAM) 1 50000 Ietal Duo Affiliation fee 125000 18. Ramgarhia Institule Jf M. Tech. Production Engineering 1 25000 Engineering & Technology, Phaqwara 19. Rayat Institute of M. Tech. Compuler Science & Enoineerinq 25000 Engineering & informtion M. Tech. Electronics & Communication Enqineerino 1 25000 Technoloqv. Railmaira M. Tech. Mechanical Engineeing 1 25000 Total Due Affiliation fee 75000 20. Rayat & Bahra Institute of M. Tech. Computer Science & Enoineerino 1 50000 Enqineerinq & Bio M. lech. Mechanacal Engineerinq 50000 Total Due Affiliation feo 100000 RIMT Institule of M. Tech. Compuler Science & Engineering 1 25000 Engineering & Technology, Mandi Gobindaarh 22. Shaheed Bhagat Singh M. Tech. Compuler Science & Enqineerinq 1 Exempted Colleqe of Enqineerinq & M lech. Electronics & Communic4ttion Engineering €xempted Shaheed Udham Singh M. Tec!. Bio Tschnology 25000 Colleoe of Enoineerino & M. Tech. CAO / CAM 1 25000 Tdtal Due Afiiliation fee 50000 24. Sri Sai College of M. Tech. Computer ScieEC &EngineEring- 1 25000 Engineering & Technology, M. Tech. Eleclronics & Communication Engineerinq 1 50000 Badhani Tech. M. Mechanical Engineering 1 50000 Total Due Affiliation fee 125000 25. Sri Sukhmani Institute of M. E. Mechanical Engineering 1 2s000 Engineering & Technology, Derabassi 26. Swami Vivekanand Institute M. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 1 25000 of Engineering & Technoloqv. Banur / ftLV"7 0k- D.R.(Acadmicsl: o"" o""o^o|, "*creduy: Y n,

\t a PUNJAB TEGHNICAL UNIVE@ '.\- Session - 2010-11(Due Afflllation Fee) Sr. Name ot the College Namg of the M. Pharma. CounBes otd New Due No. Unit Unit Affiliation Fee tol Session 2010 11 'l Akal College of Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics 1 Technical Education, 25000 0 1 Mastuana Sahib M. Pharmacv Pharmacooonsy 50000 Total Due Affiliation fee 75000 2. Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Analvsis 0 I 50000 Singh Jujhar Singh Memorial M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 25000 College of Pharmacy, Bela M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutics 1 2s000 M. Pharmacy Pharmacoqnosv 1 25000 M, Pharmacy Pharmacoloqv 'l 25000 ' Total Du6 Affiliation foe 150000 3. Baba lsher Singh College of M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutical Analvsis 1 25000 Pharmacv. Kot ise khan. M. Pharmacv Pharmacoonosv 1 25000 Total Due Affiliatlon tee s0000 Chandigarh College of M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutical Chemistrv 1 50000 Pharmacv, Landran, Mohali M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics I 50000 100000 5 CT lnstitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, s0000 Vill Shahpur, Oistt. M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 Jalandhar 50000 Total Due Afnliation fee 100000 6 Doaba College of Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Ghataur, PO Allapur Tehsil, Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar, Mohali 50000 7 Global College of Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 Khanour Khui, Anandpur Sahib 25000 8 G.H.G. Khalsa College, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 Gurusar Sadhar 25000 Indo Soviet Friendship M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutical Analvsis 1 25000 College of Pharmacy, Moga M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistrv 1 25000 M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutics 1 25000 M. Pharmacy Pharmacoonosv 'l 25000 M. Pharmacy Pharmacoloqv 1 25000 M. Pharmacy Quality Assurance 1 25000 Total Due Affiliation fee 150000 10 Rayat Institute of Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 2s000 Railmajra !1. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics 1 25000 M. Pharmacy Pharmacolooy 1 2s000 Total Oue Aftitialion fee 75000 11 Rayat & Bahra Institute of M. Pharmacv Pharmaceutics 50000 Pharmacy, Shauran, Kharar M. Pharmacy Pharmacoqnosv Total Due Atfiliation fee 100000 S. D. College of Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical 50000 Barnala. M. Pharmacy Pharmacoqnosv 1 25000 Total Due Atf{iation fee 75000 tc Shaheed Bhagat Singh M. Pharmacy Pharmacognosy 1 25000 Polytechnic and Pharmacv M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics 1 25000 IolilQ!9lf f i!!qge!!&e 50000 /crrecx"o Preapred oy:l.t+;\' 4r.--. oean acaoemics JllWr,o ",FD.R(Academics)

kr.- \? Shivalik College of M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacy, Nanqal 1 25000 15 Sri Sai College of Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics 1 50000 Badhani M. Pharmacy Pharmacognosy 1 50000 Total Due Affilia0on fee 100000 '16 Swami Vivekanand College M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics of Pharmacy, Ramnagar, Banur 50000

Prepared uy, N{*$/cn""t"o oy'. il\ 4/ b.a.6caamics): Dean Acaomtcs: Jlf L)aff|ii4t"

(s ^.' PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. JALANDHAR(M.Pharmacv Eveninq Shift ) Se6sion - 2010-ll(Due Afflllation Feo) Sr. Name of the Name of the M. Pharma. Cou6ea otd New Due Affiliation Fe€ No. College Unit Unit for Session 2010-11 Indo Soviet M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical 0 I 50000 Friendship Chemistry(Evening Shift) College of M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics(Evening 0 1 s0000 Pharmacy, Moga shifr)

prepared oy N"!'x-l cn"cteo uv,$--lo.R.(Acadmicsj: 4./ Dean Acadmics: .ll*i4,q,,

t\ Annexure - V LIST OF COLLEGE WHICH HAVE NOT UPLOADED MANDATORY DtscoLsuRE UPTO,t9.01.2otl A Engineering Golleges

. Mll Ghataur, PO Allapur, fen-fnarar OAtf

, Village Basoti, p.O t_atm. f

Rayat -Bahra lnstitute of EnginEffi & . VPO Bohan Tehsil & Disn. Hoshiarorrr -

\)- Integrated Colleges

Mahavir Educationat and Ctraritable-T lt Grouo of

Groups of tnstiturions, Vi . B;aoii,-FdT;fi:TG


Management Colleges

tt6 t? , P.O.Jansla, Near (Banur) Tehsil Raipura,

& Technology Vill.Khiala Khurd,Amdtsar-Lopoke Road, Near

D Architecture Colleges

E School of Excellence

(t ' hnn e*tttn ' w

Minutes of the meeting of the Committee constituted to discuss rules, negulations and guidelines for University Regional Centres held on 13/09/2010 at 2:30 P.M. in the office of Dean (Academics)

The following members attended the meeting:

1. Dr. Nachhattar Singh (Advisor to VC PTU, Jalandhar)- Member 2. Sh. H.S. Bains (Registrar, PTU, Jalandhar) - Member 3. Sh. S.K. Mishra (Director Finance, PTU, Jalandhar) - Member 4. Prof. M.S. Grewal (Ex-Registrar, PTU, Jalandhar) - Member 5. Dr. Buta Singh (Dean (Academics), PTU, Jalandhar)- Convenor

The following decisions were tiiken:

l. Norms regarding establishment of New PTU Regional Centre were formulated as follows:

a) For establishment of new PTU regional centre or intake variation an application must be sent to PTU, Jalandhar according to the date announced by PTU for respective academic session. b) New Regional Centre will be established only in the courses where there is dire need. ln case of specialized disciplines Institutions may apply for PG course to AICTE. c) PG programme will be introduced only in the branch where atleast one under graduate batch ofthe concemed discipline has already passed out. d) The unit size for a particular course will be 25. e) Minimum number of students to a particular course should not be less than ten. f) Minimum faculty requirements for introduction of a PG course at Regional Centre will be strictly as per AICTE rules. e) Visiting or Guest faculty will not be considered for establishment of Regional Centre. h) Candidate having minimum two years experience as a teacher in University Department or a College affrliated to the University in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology or an Engineer working in the Department /Industry/Laboratory within jurisdiction of the University shall be eligible for part time PG programme at PTU Regional Centre. For any vacant seat fresh candidates can also be considered as per ment. All other requirements will be at par with AICTE rules and regulation for starting pG programme.

qq 2. Remuneration and expenditure nonns were revised as follows:

a) Remuneration for t}te faculty and supporting staff

Expenditure lleads Infrastructure Utilization & Development (including office

Purchase of Library Books & other required equipment for ional Centre students*

Officer Incharse of PG Counes M. Tech,/M. Pharma Level T

1000/Hr + TA,TDA Remuneration of Internal Guide for Thesis (if more than isor the amount to be divided Remuneration to supporting Staff including Accounting &

2000 + TA,/DA Two Tutorials will be considered to one lecture for Remuneration for practical class *This amount can be spent only after taking permissio" vom ine u*eri$. Eoots ana equipment purchase out of this fund for Regional centre students will be IJnivers ity's asset.

b) The balance amount (income-expenditure) will be University's asset, for which a separate account will be maintained in the respective Regional centre. The audit report ofthis account will be submitted to university before 30th April every year. The university will have authority to transfer these fiurds to transfer these funds to the university anytime. c) The Regional centres are authorized to make expenditure/paymedts as per above details only. d) Ifany Regional centre has a special requirement (insnument/software) for the benefit of the students the application, through the coordinator of the concerned Regional centre, should be sent to University for consideration. The appiication wiil be reviewed and if the proposal is found to be appropriate a separate grant will be sanctioned by the university. However coordinator cannot use the funds of Resional Centre for any other purpose or purchase.

Revision.and approval of M. Tech full time and part time fee structure (fhis fee structure will be appticabte from session 201 l-12 for the new admitted students)

a) Part-Time Fee structure hi\ r Admission Fee Rs5000/- \{J , .' t-.'.- , t. / wI tI tt"lanllaLlcl I h,/\ t -'.--- ?oltLllo . Fde Per Subject Rs 6000/- . Project & Seminar will be considered as one subject . Thesis Fee 10,000/-

b) Full- Time Fee Structure

l't Semester I Admission Fee 5000/- 2 Tuition Fee 30,000/- 3 Examination Fee As per University Norms 4 Development Charges 4000/- 5 University Related Fee 1000/-

2no Semester I Tuition Fee 30,000/- 2 Examination Fee As per University Norms 3 Development Charges 4000/- A University Related Fee 500/-

3'd Semester Tuition Fee* 18,000/- 2 Examination Fee As per University Norms .) Development Charges 4000/- A University Related Fee 500/-

4u Semester Thesis Fee 10,000/- 2 Examination Fee As per University Norms 3 Development Charges 4000/- 4 University Related Fee s00/-

*Note: Project & Seminar will be considered one subiect

(Dr. Nac

Jtvh4qnr,,, ll''"'* (Dr. Buta Singh. Convenor) f* MF

iY' st^J^Y 5;dt't^^,t@f;7,111 5( f)nn e"ztt^'z-- Y Y1

Itirl!n{,vr,r)/|t?ar/tt, i,d,,bi: r.,:]lr.,.n,, 1.,r.1! .i,\!,r,: r,.,, . ,.


l lr( 11,rlirt1 \.,rr Nrltorrl t,ntlsrsit] ..1,,\1 . hcrcilltll],rr rBl|jrR{t t,, j,\ i, a nrcol|rr In\tit tr,,rl r\r.rFr'\rr(\r [r ItX'] ,,D (;nr||t th( Frrcrn |ll [-and ( ollcgr:r,,l.thu I tSA I h( I ircr:,tr\ ha. x n|h\k,I t{l'.r!l nuli(\! ri\(,!llo .\c r\\(ll(rcccr irtirr rsrdrcfi.re$s{rstl, oducqion a.Xl r:-\la$sxlD pr\lgrarrnro\ irr agrrrrrhurr: aurl allicrl t,(hr\ rr. :l:'i:l .|l_hr\1,.i,,'f..1 F.,r ll: s.'."':g.'ats ro-pmvl&ro_ provl& qqtrliry rtiry cdt|o4irn,cd{rc hn. un.trrtnk!,n.jtrtik(.haric. basic, apptirdrrpplird ardalld edoedoptirc irc it)prot)n'rlt 5otrttJrr to ihs cnroryhg pnoblctnr dcvelop eJl.cctivr mech'nismi lir lcchnol{rg\ lr]nslcrr rr t1i lirgier fqrfor u4poning gru$th .,t a8rlbfi\dd lrdttsures rnd ciatc srll eiDp[wmrtt Ac &t tlic c*|ostcrl yortth. lhr univc.rsir; cs tirsl grrr-v is cr,runlilrc{l lt! }ofg{ lier wi$ flcd Univelatrics in lhc cl, ntT cnd ahrorhl In\,t\dd in {l(vek\}i0$ {iirnlit\ rDutBr\,ye. { tlttlhlnrid(|ni. hol_iith 'l r(llnicxl I Ini!crsil) q {l llJ) ser dFtrbllr'|cx| ry sn ,cl (rf Strl.l l.!ti(t rurc olr l6",Jan.l9N)7. r.,, lr,rnr.rru I e.lrrrieal. \t:rnagcment F &. flitmroer{icd fduclriol in drc sritc at rhc degrer Lrd anrt xhJ\( l he l . n rt r r \it\ h.r\ the nundolc kt set tp Ccntras of Lrar:llcrLrr i,t lrrrcrgirrg .fcl_lrnologicn : rurrLl t.r prorn.tilg I nrrrrirrg Rexareh a" & llowloinrelr iE urese orcas. one ot rhrjiiarrr tirclsesol rtrc t rrir rr \rr\ r{ rhr\ r i||r( .l.l|c ;\ rt thc arca ol' t rtlcssi(xrd & slill $rierrtcd tccln,rl.rgics to tlrt, masscr_ I i'r\(r\rr\ rrir, r ur!(t(.rtnt..o rlrc rs!* (rl'l&itrir'g si{dcnts lo h,*l i' th{ dcvel(rptnarr of lilillcal t thi' lcdtr i thc lxtuturJ, io rnd irr tlrc srate F :l: 'tl:"' 'l l6ncrat panrruhr wirh ihis p,at irr nrind. |' |'l,'n|.llirrg n nunrtror of courr:* in tliffcfcol r|l rcgrrlrr ar *eil 6 (',rr!,rrr'{r'll) I-:"'*'', 'lrc4m\ ar dirrnntt In,,qrjfi r'|cr N.,s thc I hlvcfiiit!.. rrrdc, ils sdrni|li{rlri.nr. h8s €ro nd ,i0O aolle8cr. u, ,,llcrir\ (.,uhr., phlmracr, 'I lflgiDr$itt$. M$nrgrment lt,Sr. l!lt.-l. llncl Manalrnrcni & r ,rlLrrnij r.Lrlfl,,/r,F\ ."nl z lf Di$jiplincs tuld sr. nd l(l({} |.cunlir,! ( colrr,s urdi, Di$toncrj r,rf\.rr,'r r1!'t'.r'rxn(. tr has Elen rw!^ ioitillivgs i le,chlricll udrrcj||ii kr fr(\ial{ lar!\r r|trds irl J l\rrrr'k'11'!:l i,',J !r\\.r,l,ln'n n{} i{r \tudrn! {rtd thault\ l() i,rtcrlcl rlith thf rechrx,log) lcn.l{ni i|| { .r'rrr\ .r,,,\c, th( l) ,. iI|. |, . || -,, jtl, {{: 1,, l, I t t. z I r hi. N|:ll( tRAtt)liM r )F UND[ffTANDtN(j {MoU) L cdrrRd ihr,r ,,r rhtu J.t--r2.-.?0tq. IIJ I}L:TWfiEN F ID lhc l'|lnlt|h j\Brculr|'.nl U6iva$t) {r}AU) .€p{rsent(d h} its vicc.(:horrcllor, hlving it.i d 1)11;.c ar L \rdhiu||a. Pu+jalr in Indio hcrcinaflc etarr!..1 lri ar 1t6 p,1111.y Of Tt{f frti{S1. 3z I"\It J ANI)

lbc |!rrtll) lochnicnl Uniy€rli0] (Fttg- .ctr!*nted h] itr v icr_(.ha,rcllor. olli!(, harrrg irr ar Krpurthald (pwjob, nr India hcreiuicr. etlin*l ro us lhe pAR.l.V {nr i"H,: S t:( t'\t, I'AR I

\\ | t Nl:sst.: tttol ' \ lll-:RlrA\. p!.t tl,. l,rtrt) .,t thc firsr is rn l:ducrri({rnl hrsriruli(,n ,,J i\iarrorul ir.lror&race c.glgcd rr)'!l\.nctnicnr rca,irrng- "r rsrearch !ftr e\rcnsion:rcrrririi:r in ru,i*. i;"ri,r,ir rgnculrrrc ar(l rllrr.l ., icrrtc. \\ lll.Rl \\. lD..l r \ ,,1 lhL Sccond psn i\ !n ldtNjttioNtl Lrrtituti,rr !,rE:rfcrl ,c. kir.,I)t.,\'-'r.tr.,r'rt(\l!,trir,Iaclivitir,irin\Drmu:lieUsDftcrlurisalr.iluiariorr ir i,dri tcDt \rt

\\ ll El{}:As hotb. rh( prnr ol th{, Fir$ Prrt rral tte !art} of th. S{icorrt p&rt hsve c{r!i( to ro on(|r|atitortrog t,, pn||notc lt..bir} Ra$drcb rnd Edo(xtior

i\()\\.'t- r.R}]!()R1:. t.t ts u[R$By MUTt]ALl,v AGREUD ANt) ttE-rrvI:]:N ll.tr: t"\R'l is AS r(rLr,( rw$r 'J' l. s-t..\ f t f N t (JF pt]Rl\)$g tNcLUDtNc 0.B.rE(:Ttvf,s hare coltilxlr{tir,c It' aca&iclh tnd rcldrch pmgranlnc rrr the rrr!,it of Lfigirr€ring '{ Nl'r\'1,€\ iual

'- Vw>) il L lr.r!,' I t)l:

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'lIR:IIS (:(rNDtTLlN$ i. (-l.hcse arc gcneml g id.lin{s 4od llu},rleq, lo bc rtl(rditied () !,r\f ttl ^ND!n\{ bi6is). {il lhx\lul is valid foro pe4!d of Fi}e yeff! at thc tirJ irst{nur. bur c:r,l [,{, cxlerdcd r\,ilh th! corl\.nr (!l h{h rhc ptxth6. I r I ) hri Mot, shrll ht deenlGd-to h!v. bo.', rutontelrcllb reslnrdu,J alltt thc e|\pif) o[ rhc Mn[j l.;rirxl. urrlcls rcnc\r,ed for ao1 firnhcr pcriod as pcr mutLralll agreco lpon tefirri nt r lilt.x {a!a. riril lil'rcrol I hc pnrti.s \crtto shsll f|t*n cntillcd to larminstc thc Mr,L;.at.an] iintl3 with volid rcrnrll\_ r.(.plnblc itl wririrg to lxrfi partics,nd in such casc. thc jv.rtj \;ll lcr,ninitlr r;r{rh:: si\ :rtrrr thc dare of writrc ll{Iificataon or (nr thc date of crFrr_-\ of llK tlol.j. \tirltrr\{:f rs cirrlicr. l|1 cosc ot s0ch prcnroturc lomtiralii of lhc Moti. nll right! nnd ,rl,li{ li,ru iil hoth prnicr ihdl t{f{tnraticelly ceosr, crccpl for t|orc cularld h) ||ntr$t rL'|tlr'rr!ts i,l!l|l(li[g ongoing OAlltbdrativE&:liviV th& cun no lorler f,.,.nnccllcd. (rr lo i crsr oi-nn).lispute thd ln y cmp up dl|.irg. cxcculioo of [,lotJ. rhe nraner rvould \!'lllad bc thnlndl irbittatict by referring to Arbin ion Cosrnitrcr ot.a Incmb.r nomitlat€d rrth q t!\1) pir|1i.j rnd onc oqrnbe, rvill tejoindy nonrinnlcd b) lwo p{nies. {r ) ln. li! ot hnh ftc tJnivcl3itics *ilt he consirlcr|rl nl pa. for lhc puq}ose ol.r!'sellk..ll !urd{ cf r\il llrc rr.rhhlc rrcilirics or'bolb '.s*nnh rhc urilcrsilicri \i|l b( opcn lbr rhc rcslrn^-h \crrdrr^ r(gisrcrsd nith ci$s ofthc urivcfsitics- ft, ,,riri/f, lhcrie t'ocir,ricj d* rclcarch rchi'lar5 !\ ill t)( ceosigrgl af pon vith tlre nx.r.ch scl;ol;rrs 1)r'eilht, of the t.jniltjrrity. t \,, llolh thc llnivcrsiliot o. i) cat gJ$fo..te or| ,rsc{^.h Fujerts a d joi[t pn,arsals nray he x{ iot,nl| c,l 1,1thc fuodrnB rggrhs. t\ rlr ) R(-r'rr(lr holurr c.n hdiu (rni}crsilJ '{ {r tlEirh|lLf trrquirornonu lmrr cirher,,f rh( t- ti\) All rrn(l hr.netit$ 'jrurtir\ for collahorarilc *ork hrcludi 8 th!. irtcllocr d prorrcn' (ll,) w l.:.r(*rtr(i (lan.! (ntrrlrc] t tlar of pruj€ct would br cqull] \h.ircd htt\,ietr brnlt psnirs i.e. uJ t\rrtr txrrr'lrs \hu[.be thejoiat owrers ofrltir lp- I \ I l la r'riltll\rdli!c ptogmmma bdll(fn l*o shall b!' c1x)rtlinrtttl ('('t,rniir|lrriorr ( frartics by 1 z , rnlrrltlce c(!rr5i{tihg ol onc rn{mbar lrui eafh orgrrnizrlion. I J l\r) l( ilcrii,i(rl rijllnrdiog paL||ri'|S ot iire tcchnolog) der eh)ned rhij lt tu l.lie bt dle r{ ( (ixnmiur€.ln JbiDll] i.,,r1l;n!lidr carr the tetlnologgr dcvet{prd is t(, be pstcntr.d. thi uur ,f paLrnr rrri bcnctlts z acc red bo durcd ,s pc. the co s.nt o[ borh rhc psntes. Rightr t).fl;unin! l{, third pdty, ifrny'furl rill bc dccirbdjoi lybyrhcnnrr o patrirs. Ri!h$-ro. (1\[nrs'(iirli,4rli\xt jhell jointl} .Jhall iT t{rt with bdh thc F.ties n[d be rlctir,l*l b.r thr: F ir'nrlrrlrllrL]lr ronutirlec. In c{s{ of in!..{vg0tclrt 0f privrte rcctrrr, dc,:isi$r r,.ill hc aa!}tl ID rhl1lrgtr.t$r|{ c(,nwhdtier and kccping in vilw lha conxnt of txrrh thc panrs. z. lN \yl]'!'fSS $lltjR!:()F, : tbc rrtlorizrd r!!,r..!.ntrrir'!! ot borb fnrtie3 h.r. h.rtutrro r|mrql ahdr sigortrrr,i oD al|e drica in{licrtGd balorv: Ror (h( &r rtg Punjtrb ..\Iricoltofil t loir erIity, l.udhi4rr P$i.b Ta'cf !ic.l Uoivcrrity, K.purihrL


Dsrer .l l-l:-?01ll

lVrrf :\ti-\

Signul il rbc prclorce lf Sigrd in tht pr*cnrc of

h^nr., ,r fdii"|lrt l*Lc,.a V.%',k.tz-t" Dr. l'.P.S. l-rrliuna Dr. But. Singh sidhu l)cl|n {('(}.\}:Tt, 1,..\l ,l.dh. llern {Aerdlmirs}, PTl,,.trt. Annexure-Vlll €ourse Content of Research Methodology Course Code PGRM

Overview of Research Research and its types, identifying and defining research problem and introduction to different research designs. Essential constituents of Literature Review. Basic principles of experimental design, completely randomized, randomized block, Latin Square, Factorial, response surfaces (g)

Methods ot Data Collection Primary data and secondary Data, methods of primary data collection, classification of secondary data, designing questionnaires and schedules. {4) sampling Methods Probability sampling: simple ranilom sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampting, cluster sampring and murtistage sampring. Non-probabirity sampring: convenience samprinB, judgement sampling, quota sampling. Sampling distributions. (8)

Processing and analysis of Data statistical measures and their significance: central tendencies, variation, skewness, Kurtosis, time series analysis, correration and regression, Testing of Hypotheses; parametric (t, z and F) chi square, ANovA, and non-para metric tests. (g)

Multivariate Analysis Multiple Regression, Factor Analysis, Discriminant Arialysis, Cluster Analysis, multidimensional scaling (6)

Reliability and Validity Test-retest reliability, alternative-form reliability, internal-comparison reliability, and scorer relaability. Content validity, criterion-related validity, and .onstruct validity. (3)

Essential of Report writing (3)

Note: Apprication and use of various software for case studies should be essential

Reference Books Levin, R.l. and Rubin, D.s., statistics for Management, 7th Edition, pearson Education: New Derhi. Malhotra, N.K., Marketing Research An Applied orientation,4th Edition pearson Education: New Delhi. Zikmund, W.G., Business Research Methods, Tth Edition, Thomson South_Western. Krishnaswami, K N., Sivakumar, A. t. and Mathirajan, M., Management Research Methodorogy, pearson Education: New Delhi. Kothari c R', Research Methodology Methods and techniques by, New Age International publishers,2.d eo tlto n

uf Annexure.X

Placement Record for the Batch-eol I pass-outs

Comoanv wise olacement .

Sr. No Name of Company No. of students Package placed 1. A-1 Tech!ologies 77 !.44 2. Accenture 46 3.00 3. Avon Hewritt 46 2.80 4. AWEC, Delhi 06 3.00 5. Below 03 7.20 6. pW. Blue Heaven Security Ltd. 10 2.OO 7. CSC Corp India Pvt. Ltd. 25 3.25 8. CSS Jocky 03 t.75 9. Dell 09 2.50 10. Dish TV 09 2.00 1L. DMIL 118 3.40 t2. Dynamic Engg. Pvt. Ltd. 06 2.00 13. Elite Transformer & Switchgears 06 2.00 t4. Endora Soft Solutions 03 t.20 15. ERA Group t4 3.50 16. Era Group 05 2.20 17. Fullertron 05 7.20 18. Gammon lndia 15 4.00 19. GinniTea 05 1.50 20. Godrej & Boycee 15 s.s0 2t. Guru Nanak Auto Enterprises 18 L.80 22. HCL (Tech. support) 131 2.20 23. HCL Infosystem Ltd. 07 2.40 24. HCL Tech 32 3.25

25. Honda 06 3.50 26. Honeywell 04 3.40 27. tDEA Foundation- 04 7.20 28. lmpinge Solutions 01 1.20 29. India Mart 13 1.44/1.92 30. Indorama Ltd. 03 3.50 31. Infosys 339 3.50

55 ArurexureD( Placement Record for the Batch-2ol l pass-outs

32. InterSoft 03 '33. 1.20 tsMT Ltd. 01 3.00 34. L&T t6 4.24 35. Mahindra & Mahindra 05 4.32 36. Meritech Solutions 01 L.20 37. Newman Electric Control Pvt. 06 2.00 Ltd. 38. Prime Focus 15 2.00 39. Prologic Tech. 04, L.20 40. Punj Lloyd 06 4.25 4t. QA Infotech 08 2.40 42. Quaysys Technologies o5 2.80 43. Reliance Communication 77 1.50 44. Sebiz 04 L.44 45. Secure Line 08 7.44 46. Sigma Freudenberg NOK Pvt. 03 1.80 Ltd. 47. Simplex Infrastructure 07 3.00 48. Smart Buzz 23 t.44 49. Star Health Insurance 11 1.80 50. Sukrit Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd. 05 2.00 51. Talwar & Talwar consultants 03 2.90 52. TCS 189 3.16 53. Tech Mahindra 03 2.20 54. Tech. India 04 t.20 55. Techennova 03 1.20 55. Thermax 04 4.00 57. Uniwork 02 L.20 58. VENEZIA 18 2.40 59. Vibe Tech. Solution PW. Ltd. 06 2.00 60. Wipro 89 3.2s 61. Micro Labs Ltd. 11 62. ITC Welcome Group 05 t.20 53: Century Group 02 1.40 64. Hayat Communications 01 1.80 65. ldea 01 1.80

sb . AnnexurelX

Placement Record for the Batch-2ol I Pass-outs

66. Allied Digital Services 01 t.40 67. Escorts Ltd., Faridabad 04 3.00 .Total t479

Colleee wise placement

Sr. No Name of College No. of students placed

L ACET, Amritsar 73

2 BCET, Gurdaspur 53

3 CGC, Landran 13

4 DAVIET, Jalandhar t87

5 GNDEC, Ludhiana 202

5 GZS, Bathinda 31

7 Indo Global 36

8 LCET, Ludhiana 15

9 Lovely, Phagwara 19

10 MIMT Malout 29

11 SBS, Ferozpur 48

t2 SUS,Tangori 110

13 RIET, Phagwara 18

t4 RIMT, Mandi Gobindgarh - 136.

15 Rayat Bahra 327

16 SVGOI, Banur 104

S+ ArurexureD(

Placement Record for the Batch-gol I Pass-outs

t7 Arya Info 01

18 CMTR 06

19 PTU DEP 02

20 BBSBEC 52

27 BGIET, Sangur 05

22 lSF, Moga 01

23 CT Group of Inst., Jalandhar 11 Total 1[79

Companv wise olacement

Sr. No Name of Company No. of students Package placed t. Accenture 46 3.00 2. Gammon lndia 15 4.00 3. Godrej & Boycee 15 5.50 4. HCL Tech 32 3.25 5. Honda 06 3.50 6. Honeywell 04 3.40 7. lnfosys 339 3.50 8. L&T 16 4.24 9. Mahindra 05 4.32 10. Punj Lloyd 06 4.25 11. Simplex Infrastructure 07 3.00 12. TCS 189 3.15 13. Thermax M 4.00 Wipro 89 3.25 15. Avon Hewritt 46 2.80 16. CSC Corp India Pvt. Ltd. 15 3.25 t7. Others 634 2.to Total 1479

r8 fiz'-t^t- T PunJab Technical Univerglty, Jalandhar ' Minutes of the meeting (BOS-MLT) Meeting of the Board was held al 11 AM onwards on 24h Dec 2olo at PTU Jalndhar, following officials attended the meeting. Dr. Malkit Singh Chairman Dr. M.S Dhanju Member Dr. Shiv Kumar Member Mr. A.P Chauhan Member Mr. A.K. Malhotra Member Mr. Kamaljeet Bhatti Special Invitee Dr. Rajiv Chawla Special Invitee Dr- Alice Stanly could not attend the meeting due to preoccuPancy Mr. Y.S. Walia could not attend the meeting due to preoccupancy Decisions: 1. As per the feedback from the concerned institutes and the proposal to include Foundation course in Human Values and Professional Ethics, the study scheme (approved on 4rh December 2010) was reviewed and il was amended as per requirement.Thecopyoftheamendedstudy"schemesigned"bya||themembers.s submitted 2'Thecoursecontentofcommunicationskills'Fundamenta|sofcomputers'and Foundation course in Human Values and Professional Ethics will be provided by the resoective Board of Studles. 3. lt was proposed by all the r,lembers that the title of this course should be "B.sc Medical Laboraiory scienQes" in the place of B.sc MLT',. lf PTU accepts this then the codesofa||subjectshou|dbeBMLSinthep|aceofBMLTinproposedschemefor . next sesspn. finalized 4. The course contents of semester I and ll were discussed thoroughly and exceptthesubjectBMLT.I0g,BMLT.Ilg,BMLT.Ilo,BMLT-120werefina|ized.The coursecontentofthe|eftoversubjectswi||besendtoBiochemistryexpertsandwi|| be finalized in the nelit meeting. the next ll was proposed that Dr. Promila from BIS Gagra Kalan may be invited in meeting. agenda will be The teitatlve date for the next BOS meeting is 7th January 201 1' The iscuss the course content of 3d and 4th semester' ended with votet of thanks, by Chairman. : /. $yt4 /t",-zZ.-vr/44< ll--- noh / ur. A.x. Malhotra Dr.M.S.Dhanju Member Member $'f^'t^-' 1'4t--.4777F12'*< Mr. A.P. Chauhan Mr. A.K. Malhotra Member

Mr. KriFnaljeet Bhatti rt"""^-"""-V


Name and address of the College :

Sr. Discipline Name Date of Experience Highest SDecialization No. of the joining Degree faculty Obtained Teaching Research lndustrial

(o n-nn€z'"t-- \!!


Name and address of the Colleoe

Sr. Discipline Name Date of Experience Highest SDecialization No. of the joining Degree faculty Obtained Teaching Research Industrial
