WHEREAS, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte issued Presidential Proclamation No. 922 on March 8, 2020, declaring a State of Public Health Emergency throughout the , and prompting a whole-of-government approach in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic:

WHEREAS, in view of the above Presidential Proclamation, all government agencies and local government units (LGUs) shall be enjoined to render full assistance and cooperation and mobilize the necessary resources to undertake critical, urgent, and appropriate response and measures in a timely manner to curtail and eliminate the threat of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, the President, upon recommendation by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease, raised the Code Alert Level for COVID-19 to Code Red Sublevel Two on March 16, 2020;

WHEREAS, on the same date, the President issued Presidential Proclamation No. 929 on March 16, 2020, declaring the State of Calamity throughout the Philippines due to COVID-19 pursuant to R.A. No. 10121, or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 as per recommendation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), in order to afford the national government, as well as LGUs, ample latitude to utilize appropriate funds, including the Quick Response Fund, in their disaster preparedness and response efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to continue to provide basic services to the affected population;

WHEREAS, on March 25, 2020, the Regional Task Force for COVID-19 “One Caraga Shield” was created in order to address the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) threat in the region;

WHEREAS, the Regional Task Force for COVID-19 “One Caraga Shield”, duly passed its Resolution No. 7 and No. 8, S. 2020, approving for implementation by all the LGUs in the region the Harmonized Guidelines for the Regional Community Quarantine and the Guidelines on the Total Lockdown of Regional Borders of Caraga Region formulated by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), which is consistent with the national guidelines/issuances;

WHEREAS, the Regional Task Force for COVID-19 “One Caraga Shield” has established a Total Lockdown along the Regional Borders of Caraga Region While under General Community Quarantine and has subsequently adopted its guidelines on April 1, 2020 during its 2nd Conference based in Butuan City;

WHEREAS, on April 6, 2020, the Department of Health (DOH) – Caraga Regional Office, Chairperson of the Regional Inter-Agency Task Force (RIATF), has confirmed one positive COVID-19 case in the region, particularly in the City of Butuan;

WHEREAS, on same date, the RTF for COVID-19 “One Caraga Shield” convened to declare an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) over the entire region, pursuant to Section IV. Declaration of Enhanced Community Quarantine of RTF for COVID-19 One Caraga Shield Resolution No. 07, Series of 2020;

WHEREAS, to contain and halt the further spread of COVID-19 in the region, an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) shall be established in the region and a Harmonized Guidelines, herein attached as Annex “A” and “B” prepared by the DILG with inputs from the RTF members, shall be adopted;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT HEREBY RESOLVED, upon the motion of Governor Francisco T. Matugas of the Province of Surigao del Norte that was duly seconded by ARD Gay A. Tidalgo of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Caraga to establish the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Caraga Region and approving the Harmonized Guidelines thereof;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this Resolution be widely disseminated to all concerned agencies, LGUs, business and private sectors and constituents in the region for guidance and implementation.

DONE during the 3nd Conference of the RTF for COVID-19 One Caraga Shield held online on April 6, 2020 based in Butuan City.

Approved by:

HON. DALE B. CORVERA Chairperson, RTF for COVID-19 One Caraga Shield Governor, Agusan del Norte

HON. SANTIAGO B. CANE, JR. HON. ARLENE J. BAG-AO Governor, Agusan del Sur Governor, Dinagat Islands

HON. FRANCISCO T. MATUGAS HON. ALEXANDER T. PIMENTEL Governor, Surigao del Norte Governor, Surigao del Sur


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LILIBETH A. FAMACION, CESO III DR. JOSE R. LLACUNA, JR. Vice Chairperson for Harmonization of Vice Chairperson for Health LGU Guidelines and Policies Regional Director, DOH Regional Director, DILG XIII

PBGEN JOSELITO T ESQUIVEL, JR MGEN FRANCO NEMESIO M Vice Chairperson for Public Order and GACAL Safety Vice Chairperson for Public Order and Regional Director, PNP RO 13 Safety Commander, 4TH ID, PA

ATTY. BONIFACIO G. UY LIZA R. MAZO Vice Chairperson for Economy Chairperson, Caraga RRDRRMC and Regional Director NEDA 13 Regional Director, OCD 13

BRIELGO O. PAGARAN MITA CHUCHI G. LIM Regional Director, DTI 13 Regional Director, DSWD 13

EVAMAY C. DELA ROSA MARY JEAN A. CAMARIN Regional Director, DICT 10 and 13 OIC-Regional Director, DOT 13

FRANCIS CESAR B. BRINGAS ABEL JAMES I. MONTEAGUDO Regional Director, DepEd 13 Regional Director, DA 13

CHONA M. MANTILLA ABNER M. CAGA Regional Director, DOLE 13 Regional Director, PIA 13

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Annex “A”

Table of Contents





a. Workers in the public and private sector who are on the frontline services

b. Employees of establishments involved in the production, processing and distribution of basic necessities

c. Employees in the operation of basic utilities

d. Employees in the operation of critical services


a. Food Pass

b. Work Pass

c. Travel Pass

d. Household Pass


Regional Border Control Checkpoints

A. Task Group Land B. Task Group Water C. Task Group Air


A. Exemptions To The Restriction On Entry And Exit Of Individuals

● All Department of Health (DOH) officials and staff; ● All Health Personnel and Service Personnel augmenting LGU Health Facilities;

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● All personnel of the Philippine Red Cross and their vehicles bearing the Red Cross Logo (with Red Cross identification); and ● Core staff from the World Health Organization (WHO) Country and Regional Office.

Additional exemption

● Members of Congress and their Chiefs of Staff; ● Secretaries, Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries; ● Directors and government personnel of different government agencies under the Executive Branch; ● Ombudsman and their Deputy Ombudsman; ● Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals and the , as well as their respective skeleton work force; ● Judges of Regional, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, and Prosecutors; ● Local Chief Executives (LCEs) at all levels; ● Members of the Local Legislative Body; ● Persons traveling for medical and humanitarian reasons; ● Personnel of business establishments providing basic goods, services and utilities and thus are allowed to continue their operations; ● Local and foreign tourist transiting to or leaving the region by boarding sweeper or chartered flights from the airport; and ● Media.

B. Unhampered Transit of OFWs issued with DOH or LGU Certificate

C. Exemption to the Restricted Entry and Exit of Vehicles for the Unhampered Passage of Cargoes Carrying Essential Goods and Commodities


a. Provincial, City, Municipal Checkpoints

i. Food Lane ii. Express Lane iii. Priority Lane

b. Removal of Checkpoints


1. All medical professionals, hospital administrative staff and employees, private caregivers and aides from private facilities, as well as their transportation service providers;

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2. All personnel for emergencies, waste collection, border control at checkpoints, and other mission - critical services; 3. All skeleton work force in the government sector, personnel and officials, including those in an on-call basis; 4. All employees, personnel and staff of the private sectors covered in allowed establishment and services for operation during ECQ as listed under Item X and XI; 5. All employees and personnel of delivery services and cargo for food, water, medicine and other basic necessities, including logistics staff / warehousemen of allowed establishments; 6. All personnel from the Security Services, such as: PNP, AFP, BFP, PCG, BJMP, NBI, OTS, BOC, Bl, PPA, and other Law Enforcement Agency Personnel; 7. Emergency Responders from DILG 911 and Emergency Operations Center (EOC); 8. Personnel of the DRRM, DSWD, Brgy. Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) and LGU Officials; 9. Directors of different government agencies under the Executive Branch; 10.Judges of Regional, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, and Prosecutors; 11.Local Chief Executives (LCEs) at all levels; 12.Members of the Local Legislative Body; 13.Media personnel; 14.Company Security Officers and Security Guards; 15.Force Multipliers, such as: Barangay Officials and Barangay / Barangay Peace Keeping Action Teams (BPATs); 16.Persons attending Funeral Services, such as: Employees of Funeral Parlors, Immediate family of the deceased, Officiating Priests, Imam, Pastors and other religious Ministers



A. Food Items B. Farm Inputs


A. Holding Protocol for Individuals B. Holding Protocol for Vehicles C. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Protocols at Checkpoints


A. For Households

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B. For Establishments i. Environmental Sanitation ii. Room and Linen Decontamination
















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A. On the Utilization of 20% Local Development Fund B. On LGU Guidelines for the Preparation and Approval of the AIP in view of the COVID-19 Situation






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Annex “B”


The provisions not consistent and contrary to the Harmonized Guidelines for the Regional Community Quarantine and Total Lockdown of the Regional Borders of Caraga Region pursuant to Resolutions No. 7 and 8 of RTF for COVID-19 “One Caraga Shield” previously issued are hereby automatically amended and repealed while the others remain to be in full force and effect, unless otherwise expressly provided.


An Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) is where strict home quarantine shall be implemented in all households; transportation shall be suspended; provision for food and essential health services shall be regulated; and heightened presence of uniformed personnel to enforce quarantine procedures will be implemented.


All Local Government Units (LGUs) in the region shall implement strict home quarantine. This shall be enforced by all LGUs in all households within their respective jurisdictions.

A mandatory and strict home quarantine shall be observed in all households. Everyone is required to stay at home, except those who are going to work subject to the applicable provisions of this guidelines. Movement shall be limited to accessing basic necessities.

The following persons who are at high-risk in contracting the disease shall NOT go out: ● Senior Citizens (60 years old and above); ● Pregnant women and Lactating Mothers; ● Children and youth; and ● Persons with pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or those who are immunocompromised or with co-morbidities).

Movement shall be regulated through the issuance of quarantine pass to only one person per household for granting authority to go out of their respective houses. Such movement shall be limited to purchasing basic necessities, provision for food and accessing essential health services.

The purpose of the mandatory and strict home quarantine is to contain the spread of the virus and preventing it from transferring from one place to another through a mobile host or carrier.

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The policy of mandatory wearing of mask by all residents, such as face masks, earloop masks, indigenous, reusable or do-it yourself masks, face shields, handkerchiefs, or such other protective equipment that can effectively lessen the transmission of COVID-19 shall be strictly observed.

Thus, concerned LGUs are hereby enjoined to issue the necessary executive order or ordinance to that effect, and impose such penalties as may be appropriate.


All workers in the government and in the private shall adopt the work from home scheme as part of the implementation of the strict home quarantine policy, except:

A. Workers in the public and private sector who are on the frontline services, such as: ● Personnel involved on health work, emergency, waste collection, border control at checkpoints, and other mission - critical services; and ● PNP, AFP, PCG, and other Uniformed Personnel.

B. Employees of establishments involved in the production, processing and distribution of basic necessities: ● Food (supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, wet markets, sari-sari stores); ● Pharmacies / Drug Stores; ● Banks and ATMs; and ● Remittance Centers.

C. Employees in the operation of basic utilities: ● Water; ● Electricity; and ● Telecommunications.

D. Employees in the operation of critical services:

● Hospitals; ● Medical and Dental Clinics / Laboratories; ● Garbage collection; ● Funeral services; ● Internet providers; ● Gasoline Stations; ● Water Refilling Stations; ● Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Stations; ● Delivery Services, whether in-house or outsourced; ● Hardware; ● Laundry Shops; ● Courier Services; and ● Auto-repair Services.

The exempted frontline services shall only have a skeleton work force to operate and perform their essential functions.

However, if there is a justifiable need, the employer and / or the Head of the Agency may call upon its employees to augment its work force for the delivery of Page 10 of 45

essential basic services. The LGU may call upon the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to request for any possible manpower augmentation.

This work from home arrangements, shall not, however impede and prejudice the delivery of public service.

In any given case, employers should not terminate their employees by reason only of not reporting for work, when ordered, due to the COVID-19 crisis situation.

Heads of agencies and workers in the government sector shall be guided by the Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 8, Series of 2020 re: Revised Interim Guidelines on the Use of Leave Credits for Absences Due to Self-Quarantine and/or Treatment Relative to COVID-19.

Likewise, employers and workers in the private sector shall be guided by the provisions of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Department Order No. 209, Series of 2020 re: Guidelines on the Adjustment Measures Program for Affected Workers Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Labor Advisory No. 12, Series of 2020.


The use of quarantine pass at all checkpoints shall be implemented to restrict the non-essential movement of people within the region.

Proper disinfection and inspection protocols for individuals and vehicles shall be strictly observed as a precautionary measures following the DOH and PNP standard guidelines.

The quarantine pass shall be classified into the following:

1) Food Pass

In order to ensure the unrestricted movement of cargoes, delivery trucks and vans carrying essential commodities (food and non-food) within the region and those coming from outside the region, the following shall be unhampered and unimpeded transit in all checkpoints. The list of covered enterprises, food items and other commodities are provided under Items XI of this guidelines.

The movement of cargoes shall not be delayed and shall be accommodated at the “Food Lane” in checkpoints provided that proper implementation of disinfection, social distancing and inspection protocols shall be observed.

The Food Pass shall be presented together with the following:

● Valid Identification (I.D.) Card of the driver and passenger/helper ● Vehicle Registration ● Sales Invoice or Delivery Receipts (for delivery trucks / vehicles) OR Cargo manifest or delivery receipt indicating the destination, nature and quantity of the loaded goods / cargoes (for seaport checkpoints at port operations) ● Declaration Form (provided at checkpoints for the possible contract tracing)

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In all of the foregoing, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is instructed to allow the unimpeded movement of all types of cargoes, subject to its authority to conduct inspection procedures in checkpoints as provided in Section 4. of IATF Resolution No. 13.

2) Work Pass

The Work Pass shall be issued by the head of the agencies in the public and private sector. It shall bear the signature of the Head of Agency for workers in the government sector and the Employer for workers in the private sector.

It shall be required to the following individuals when passing through the checkpoints:

a. All employees of establishments working in the production, processing and distribution of basic necessities; and in the operation of allowed establishments, basic utilities, and other critical services mentioned in Items X and XI; and

b. All employees in the government as duty officers or skeleton work force or personnel and government official on an on-call basis or when ordered to report for work in urgent and necessary circumstances.

The Work Pass shall be presented together with the following:

a. Agency-issued Identification (ID) Cards; and b. Certification showing Proof of Employment or Schedule of Duty.

The Work Pass and the documents presented above shall be enough when traveling or passing through several checkpoints within the region. Thus, the imposition of other kinds of Pass is no longer necessary.

3) Travel Pass

Individuals traveling to other city / municipality / province shall secure a Travel Pass due to urgent, emergency and very important reasons, shall present the following at the checkpoints:

a. Valid Identification (ID) cards with proof of residence; and b. Vehicle Registration.

At all checkpoints, the individual(s) traveling shall sign the Declaration Form for possible contact tracing and preventive measure and shall be subjected to thermal gun scanning to check for presence of fever. If individuals show COVID-19 symptoms, the health and PNP personnel shall undertake the required procedures on this matter.

Issuance of the Travel Pass:

● The Travel Pass shall be issued by the Local Chief Executive (LCE) concerned where the individual(s) is a resident.

● The LCE shall assess and validate the urgency and importance of the reason(s) prior to the signing and issuance of the Travel Pass.

● After the issuance of the Travel Pass, the LCE through its Punong Barangay or duly authorized personnel shall inform the Checkpoint Team manning the checkpoint(s) for their advance information.

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● Proper inspection and disinfection protocols shall be observed at the checkpoints for the individuals and vehicles with the Travel Pass at the checkpoints.

● The Checkpoint Team shall keep a proper recording of the details of the persons passing through the checkpoints.

● No fee or any forms of charges shall be imposed for the Travel Pass.

4) Household Pass

The Household Pass shall be given to only one person per household. Such movement shall be limited to purchasing basic necessities, provision for food and accessing essential health services.

Household shall refer to a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food.

Issuance of the Household Pass:

● The barangays shall conduct a profiling of their constituents and their household.

For humanitarian reasons, individuals who were stranded, students who were not able to go home to their respective home towns, employees or frontline service workers who were prevented to go back into their respective residences, shall be accommodated by the barangay where they temporarily reside. Likewise, individuals, whether they are registered voters or not shall be included in the profiling.

● To minimize the non-essential movement, only the identified individual as named in the Household Pass can move go outside the house, except for urgent and emergency reasons.

● The City / Municipality shall provide proper guidance to all its component barangays in the uniform production and distribution of the Household Pass.

● The Household Pass shall bear the signature of Punong Barangay.

● The Punong Barangays through its barangay employees, excluding officials and employees who are senior citizens and persons-with disabilities, shall facilitate the house-to-house issuance of the Household Pass

● No mass gathering or event shall be called upon for the issuance of the Household Pass and strict social distancing measures and mandatory wearing of masks shall be observed

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● No fee or any forms of charges shall be imposed for the Household Pass.

In any case, one member of a household may have the Work Pass and another one may have the Household Pass as the situation warrants, when one member with the Work Pass is on duty as part of frontline service personnel and / or duty officer / or member of a skeleton work force, and the other one with the Household Pass is in-charge for the general management of the household.


A lockdown of the Regional Borders of Region XIII (Caraga) shall be implemented with the primary purpose of shielding and protecting the people of Caraga from the threat of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Hence, this proactive action is necessarily urgent to protect the people from acquiring the said disease and further spreading the virus in the region and preventing any individuals from entering who might be carriers of COVID-19.

In effect, the regional border checkpoints, which serve as the first line of defense, shall be strengthened and restriction measures therein shall be intensified.

The Regional Border Control Checkpoints are the following:

A. Task Group Land This Border Control Checkpoint will be headed by the Philippine National Police (PNP) with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

● Brgy. Tagcatong, Municipality of Carmen, Agusan del Norte ● Maitum, Brgy. Langkilaan, Municipality of Trento, Agusan del Sur ● Brgy. Sisimon, Municipality of Veruela, Agusan del Sur ● Brgy. San Roque, Municipality of Lingig, Surigao del Sur

B. Task Group Water This Border Control Checkpoint will be headed by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Regional Maritime Unit (RMU)

● Nasipit Seaport Terminal, Agusan del Norte ● Eva M. Macapagal Passenger Terminal, Surigao City ● Lipata Ferry Terminal, Surigao City ● Dapa Port, Municipality of Dapa, Surigao del Norte ● Port of San Jose, Dinagat Islands

C. Task Group Air This Border Control Checkpoint will be headed by the Aviation Security Group (AVSEGRP)

● Bancasi Airport, Butuan City Page 14 of 45

● Surigao City Airport, Brgy. Luna, Surigao del Norte ● Tandag City Ariport, Brgy. Awasian, Surigao del Sur ● Bislig City Airport, Brgy. , Surigao del Sur ● Sayak Airport, Brgy. Sayak del Carmen, Surigao del Norte

All Regional Border Checkpoints shall be manned by a composite team of the PNP, AFP, PCG, Bureau of Fire Personnel (BFP) and Health Personnel from the DOH and Local Government Units (LGUs).


As a General Rule, no individuals, whether a resident or non-resident of the region is allowed entry to the regional territory via land, air, and sea; and no vehicles, vessels, sea crafts, and aircrafts whether private or public, can pass through or enter the regional territory upon effectivity of this Guidelines.

Thus, the policy of “no one gets in and no one gets out” shall be strictly implemented. Any individual, who is a non-resident of the region, who gets out, will not be granted entry at the regional borders.

C. Exemptions To The Restriction On Entry And Exit Of Individuals

The following are exempted from the restriction on entry and exit of individuals going in and going out of the regional borders and in transiting or passing through the to the provincial / city / municipal checkpoints:

1. All Department of Health (DOH) officials and staff; 2. All Health Personnel and Service Personnel augmenting LGU Health Facilities; 3. All personnel of the Philippine Red Cross and their vehicles bearing the Red Cross Logo (with Red Cross identification); and 4. Core staff from the World Health Organization (WHO) Country and Regional Office.

Additional exemption shall also be granted to:

1. Members of Congress and their Chiefs of Staff; 2. Secretaries, Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries; 3. Directors and government personnel of different government agencies under the Executive Branch; 4. Ombudsman and their Deputy Ombudsman; 5. Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, as well as their respective skeleton work force; 6. Judges of Regional, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, and Prosecutors; 7. Local Chief Executives (LCEs) at all levels; 8. Members of the Local Legislative Body; 9. Persons traveling for medical and humanitarian reasons;

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10. Personnel of business establishments providing basic goods, services and utilities and thus are allowed to continue their operations; 11. Local and foreign tourist transiting to or leaving the region by boarding sweeper or chartered flights from the airport; and 12. Media.

In all of the foregoing, they shall present the following upon entry and exit at the Regional Border Control Checkpoints:

1. Valid Identification (ID) cards with proof of residence; 2. Medical Certificate1 from the Local Health Officer (LHO) or any accredited / licensed physician certifying that the individual(s) in transit are not either Persons Under Monitoring (PUM) or Persons Under Investigation (PUI), or in any case, showing no signs of COVID-19 symptoms; 3. Vehicle Registration; and 4. Certification showing Proof of Employment

In relation thereto, essential movement of all individuals shall be confined within the region, and as much as practicable, within the city or municipality they are going to perform their work-related functions and deliver their services.

B. Unhampered Transit of OFWs issued with DOH or LGU Certificate

LGUs are strongly enjoined to allow the unhampered transit of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who have been issued DOH or LGU Certificate of Completion of 14-day facility-based quarantine, or those who may be required by the DOH or LGUs to undergo a mandatory 14-day home quarantine.

C. Exemption to the Restricted Entry and Exit of Vehicles for the Unhampered Passage of Cargoes Carrying Essential Goods and Commodities

The Regional Task Force hereby adopts the national policy of the National Government, pursuant to Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) Resolutions, DILG Memoranda, DTI Circulars, and Presidential Pronouncement, that the movement of cargoes and workers of the permitted economic activities shall be unhampered and shall not be delayed, which shall be implemented in all Local Government Units (LGUs) nationwide.2 This shall be implemented in the observance of disinfection protocols, presentation of required documents, and inspection procedures shall be observed at the regional border control checkpoint and in transiting or passing through the to the provincial / city / municipal checkpoints.

The purpose of this exemption is to avert any threat of shortage of basic food, essential hygiene products and medical products. The IATF reaffirms its earlier

1 The medical certificate should be issued within 14 days from the date of entry at the regional checkpoint. 2 Legal bases include Item 4, of IATF Resolution No., 13, dated March 17, 2020; Item C of IATF Resolution No., 14, dated March 20, 2020; Item 5 of DTI Memorandum Circular 20-11, March 31, 2020; and DILG Memorandum dated April 1, 2020 re: Strict Implementation of the President’s Directive on Unhampered Movement of Cargoes for Food and Essential Goods, and of Certain Personnel Page 16 of 45

resolutions to ensure the unimpeded movement of all types of cargo (food and non-food), and allow the passage of personnel of business establishments permitted to operate, subject to the presentation of the documentary requirements at checkpoints, disinfection and inspection protocols.

Items X and XI in this guidelines provides a generic guide on essential goods and commodities. The operation of other economic activities in the supply chain of food and essential products, medicine and medical products, such as production of raw and processed materials, packaging, and other inputs, including the distribution thereof, shall be allowed.3

The policy on the unhampered flow of cargoes and delivery trucks is a nationwide policy that must be strictly followed pursuant to the directive of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

The following must be presented at the checkpoints:

1. Valid Identification (ID) cards with proof of residence of the driver and passenger / helper; 2. Vehicle Registration; 3. Certification showing Proof of Employment or Schedule of Duty; 4. Sales Invoice / Delivery Receipts / Bill of Lading / Cargo Manifest; and 5. Declaration Form (provided at Checkpoints).

The movement of delivery vehicles shall not be delayed at the regional checkpoints. Unhampered passage shall be granted to all cargoes, delivery trucks and vans carrying essential commodities (food and non-food) coming from outside and going inside regional borders, provided they shall observe the holding protocols for individuals and vehicles in this guidelines.

In light of the foregoing, DTI Caraga and its Provincial Offices does not issue any IATF IDs, Permit or Pass, as the issuance of such only contributes delay, adds unnecessary red tape, and thus defeats the national policy of unhampered goods during this critical time.

For the delivery vehicles, these shall only be manned by one (1) driver and one (1) passenger/helper. The said delivery vehicles shall not be allowed to carry any other passengers.

In view of the above, all front liners and essential personnel (including truck drivers and assistants) crossing inter-LGU borders shall be allowed to pass provided that they will be subjected to disinfection protocols and proper documentation requirements, especially if their place of employment is an area with positive cases of COVID-19.

3 Item 1 of DTI Memorandum Circular 20-11, March 31, 2020. Page 17 of 45

LGUs are hereby advised to allow unrestricted movement of workers who are considered vital in the unrestricted movement of cargo as per DILG MC No. 2020- 062 re: Unrestricted Movement for Frontline Workers and the Unrestricted Movement of Cargoes. Thus, granting that the Frontline Workers / Cargo Employees do not show any symptom and had no exposure to COVID-19 patients in their recent travel history, these workers shall not be put into quarantine since it will impede the delivery of government services, essential transactions in the private sector, and the movement of cargoes.

In all of the foregoing, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is instructed to allow the unimpeded movement of all types of cargoes, subject to its authority to conduct inspection procedures in checkpoints as provided in Section 4 of IATF Resolution No. 13.


A stricter border control shall be observed at all provincial, city and municipal checkpoints, most particularly at the regional border control checkpoints.

The checkpoints, headed by the PNP, shall be manned by a composite team of the AFP, PCG, BFP and Health Personnel from the DOH and LGUs.

A. Provincial, City, Municipal Checkpoints

The Provincial, City and Municipal Checkpoints shall strictly reinforce their lines of defenses and only allow passage to exempted individuals and those with quarantine passes, subject to inspection and disinfection protocols, and review of documentary requirements.

All established checkpoints at the regional border and those at the provincial, city, and municipal checkpoints (even on interior roads) shall be headed and operated by the PNP.

A proper recording and documentation of all those who enter shall be kept at these Checkpoints. A personnel assigned at checkpoints shall be held in-charge for proper recording.

The composite team assigned at the checkpoints headed by the PNP with the AFP, PCG, Bureau of Fire Personnel (BFP) and Health Personnel from the DOH and Local Government Units (LGUs) must be fully aware of all related guidelines and protocols, as well as, updates relative to the same, issued by the National Government, which includes issuances by DILG, DTI, DA and DOH.

The checkpoints must have the following:

● Food Lane for delivery vehicles and cargoes carrying and/or transporting essential goods and commodities, particularly those listed under Item XI on Food Items and Farm Inputs.

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● Express Lane for all Health Personnel in the public and private sector passing through provincial, city, and municipal checkpoints while in transit to their place of work, to include the following: o Personnel (government and private sectors) in the frontline service; o Personnel that are identified as skeleton workforce; and o Officers and personnel of the government sector with workers on an on-call basis.

At the Express Lanes, the exempted personnel shall only present the Work Pass issued by the Head of Agency or Employer together with the following:

a. Agency-issued Identification (ID) Cards; and b. Certification showing Proof of Employment or Schedule of Duty.

The foregoing individuals passing through the checkpoints shall not be asked to alight or descend from their vehicles and line-up to log at the logbook since this will violate social distancing measures and may cause unnecessary crowding.

The checkpoint personnel shall assign an individual at checkpoints to log the names and other details for their proper recording and documentation. In time, a database shall be created since it will be more or less the same individuals who will pass through the Express Lane.

Relative thereto, the abovementioned exempted personnel passing through or in transit at checkpoints shall not undergo the 14-day quarantine period in the absence of symptoms and did not come into close contact with COVID-19 positive person(s).

● Priority Lane for senior citizens, pregnant women, lactating mothers, persons needing medical attention, and other persons with urgent and emergency cases.

B. Removal of Barangay Checkpoints

All barangay checkpoints in all national highways and provincial roads are to be removed so as not to impede the essential movements of individuals and goods, except alternate routes that serve as entry or exit from/to another region.

For interior roads, the barangays are not prevented from establishing barangay checkpoints as long as it is supervised by the PNP and the composite team is available to follow and observe the proper disinfection and inspection protocol in an orderly manner, preventing any unnecessary crowding and constantly observing social distancing measures.

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All LGUs, in close coordination with the PNP and AFP, are directed to allow and authorize the unrestricted movement of the following personnel from their residences to their places of work, by providing “Express Lanes” at checkpoints within the region and offer priority in transportation arrangements to all the frontline workers working within the region:

These people shall include the following:

1. All medical professionals, hospital administrative staff and employees, private caregivers and aides from private facilities, as well as their transportation service providers; 2. All personnel for emergencies, waste collection, border control at checkpoints, and other mission - critical services; 3. All skeleton work force in the government sector, personnel and officials, including those in an on-call basis; 4. All employees, personnel and staff of the private sectors covered in allowed establishment and services for operation during ECQ as listed under Item X and XI; 5. All employees and personnel of delivery services and cargo for food, water, medicine and other basic necessities, including logistics staff / warehousemen of allowed establishments; 6. All personnel from the Security Services, such as: PNP, AFP, BFP, PCG, BJMP, NBI, OTS, BOC, Bl, PPA, and other Law Enforcement Agency Personnel; 7. Emergency Responders from DILG 911 and Emergency Operations Center (EOC); 8. Personnel of the DRRM, DSWD, Brgy. Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) and LGU Officials; 9. Directors of different government agencies under the Executive Branch; 10. Judges of Regional, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, and Prosecutors; 11. Local Chief Executives (LCEs) at all levels; 12. Members of the Local Legislative Body; 13. Media personnel; 14. Company Security Officers and Security Guards; 15. Force Multipliers, such as: Barangay Officials and Barangay Tanods / Barangay Peace Keeping Action Teams (BPATs); 16. Persons attending Funeral Services, such as: Employees of Funeral Parlors, Immediate family of the deceased, Officiating Priests, Imam, Pastors and other religious Ministers

They shall be required to present the following upon entry and exit at the “Express Lanes” at every checkpoints:

1. Work Pass issued by the Head of Agency for the government sector or by the Employer / Supervisor for the private sector; Page 20 of 45

2. Government-issued / agency-issued identification cards; and 3. Certificate of Employment or Certification or similar document showing Schedule of Duty


The operation of other economic activities in the supply chain of food and essential products, medicine and medical products, such as production of raw and processed materials, packaging, and other inputs, including the distribution thereof, shall be allowed.

The operations of establishments and services during ECQ shall be allowed with the observance of proper disinfection protocols, observance of strict social distancing measures, and mandatory use or wearing of masks.

Likewise, the personnel, employees, staff and work force for these establishments and services shall be allowed unrestricted movement from residence to place of work and vice versa subject to the presentation of Work Pass, Company-Issued ID and Certificate of Employment / Certification of Schedule of Duty.

The following are the list of covered establishments, enterprises, and services allowed to operate during the ECQ as per IATF-EID and DTI Memorandum Circular Nos. 20- 06 and 20-08:

i. Manufacturing and Processing Plants of Basic Food and Essential Products, Medicines and Medical Supplies, to cover employees, staff, work force in the warehouse for the following:

a) All Food products and services

b) Essential and Hygiene Products, such as, but not limited to the following: ● Soap and detergents ● Diapers ● Feminine hygiene products ● Tissue / wet wipes / toilet papers ● Disinfectants ● Toothpastes / Mouthwash ● Deodorant ● Cleaning and Disinfecting Agents

c) Medicines and Vitamins

d) Medical Products, such as: ● Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ● Masks ● Gloves ● Others of similar significance in a medical facility

It shall include the Distribution and Logistics to support Manufacturing Activities, including Cargo Handling, Warehousing, Trucking, and Port Operations.

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ii. Retail Establishments ● Operations of the following shall be allowed: a) Groceries b) Supermarkets c) Hypermarkets d) Convenience Stores e) Pharmacies and Drug Stores f) Sari – Sari Stores g) Public Market Stalls / Stores Vendors ● This shall allow the movement of delivery and providing unrestricted movement of its sales personnel, employees, staff and workers

iii. Logistics Service Providers ● Operations of the following shall be allowed: a) Cargo Handling b) Warehousing c) Trucking d) Freight Forwarding e) Shipping Lane ● This shall allow the movement of delivery and providing unrestricted movement of its workers

iv. Hospitals, Medical and Dental Clinics

v. Water Refilling Stations ● This shall allow the movement of delivery and providing unrestricted movement of the delivery staff / crew

vi. Food Preparation Services (take out services only, allowing delivery service crew) ● Food Chains ● Restaurants ● Carinderia

vii. Delivery Services, whether in-house or outsources ● This shall allow the movement of deliveries and providing unrestricted movement of the delivery staff / crew transporting only Food, Water, Medicine or Other Basic Necessities viii. Peddlers of food items

ix. Banks ● The unrestricted movement of the following personnel shall include: o Bank Employees o Technical Service Support Crew o ATM Service Provider Crew o Armored Vehicle Crew x. Capital Markets, per Section 5 of IATF Resolution No. 13 dated March 17, 2020

● Operation shall be allowed for: o Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

● The unrestricted movement of the following personnel shall include: ● Officials and Employees

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xi. Money Transfer Services ● The unrestricted movement of the following personnel shall include: o Money Transfer Service Employees o Security Guards

xii. Power and Energy Services ● The movement of energy products shall be unhampered, to wit: o Liquefied petroleum gas o Gasoline o Diesel o Crude oil and Base oil o Malampaya Natural Gas o Biofuels, Biomass / Feedstock o Coal o Electricity

● The unrestricted movement of its personnel shall be ensured: o Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Employees o Petroleum Tanker Drivers o Gasoline Attendants o Third-party contractors o Exploration, Coal Operation and Trading Employees and Delivery Drivers

xiii. Water Services ● The unrestricted movement of its personnel shall be ensured: o Key Officials and Employees

xiv. IT and Telecommunications Supplies and Facilities ● The unrestricted movement of its personnel shall be ensured: o Key Officials and Employees o Employees of Cable and Internet Service Providers and third party contractors

xv. Sanitation and Waste Disposal Services ● The unrestricted movement of its workers shall be ensured: o Individual and Residential Garbage Collectors o Hospital and Toxic Garbage/Waste Collectors and Drivers

xvi. Funeral Parlors and Funeral Services

xvii. Philippine Postal Corporation xviii. Export and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Companies

Relative to the foregoing, supermarkets, public and private wet markets, grocery stores, agri-fishery supply stores, pharmacies, drug stores, and other retail establishments engaged in the business of selling basic necessities are strongly encouraged to extend their store operations, up to a maximum of twelve (12) hours. Thus, LGUs are directed to allow such establishments to operate pursuant thereto.

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In the operation of wet markets, LGUs are encouraged to adopt reasonable schemes to ensure compliance with strict social distancing measures, such as, but not limited to, providing for specific daily schedules per sector / barangay / , as the case may be.

Movement of people engaged in selling/retailing of basic necessities and prime commodities within the region shall be allowed, subject to the wearing of masks, disinfection protocols at checkpoints, and physical distancing measures as part of precautionary measures.


Pursuant to the national guidelines, the transit of all food items and farm inputs shall be ensured. This shall include the unrestricted movement of all agribusiness and agricultural workers, which include the following: ● Farm Owners ● Farmers ● Farm workers ● Fishers / Fisher folks ● Employees of Agricultural Supply Stores/Outlets ● Veterinarians and Employees of Veterinary Clinics

A. Food Items

As per Food Resiliency Protocol of DA outlined in DA Memorandum Circular No. 07, the list of food items must be allowed unhampered and unimpeded transit in all quarantine checkpoints, including the personnel (may be farmers, farm hands, fisher folks and veterinarians, those mentioned above), and the cargoes carrying the items below, provided that proper documentation is presented:

i. All vehicles carrying crop commodities;

ii. Fishery and other aquatic products with carriers (trucks) must be allowed passage;

iii. Live poultry and Livestock, including meat and meat products (must follow the details under DA Memorandum Circular No. 5, Series of 2020)

a. Shipping Permit issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) for the transport of live animals, animal products and by-products with accompanying Veterinary Health Certificate issued by Licensed Veterinarians

b. Shipping permit issued by BAI for transport of meat (fresh or frozen) with accompanying Meat Inspection Certificate (MIC) for fresh locally sources meat and Certificate of Meat Inspection (COMI) for imported meat as issued by the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS).

iv. Food Commodities a. Rice b. Brown Sugar and refined sugar Page 24 of 45

c. All fruits including coconut d. All vegetables and spices e. Fish and all aquatic produce (fresh, frozen, chilled and dried) f. Live Hogs and Poultry g. All live carabao, cattle, goat and sheep h. All eggs (fresh, salted, and balut) i. Milk and all Dairy Products j. All Meat (fresh, frozen, chilled) k. All meat products (semi-processed like tocino, longganisa, tapa, etc., and fully processed like hotdog, and ham) l. All canned food products m. Cooking oil (all forms such as vegetable and coconut oil)

B. Farm Inputs

Farm Inputs are all items / commodities that are necessary to support the production of rice, crops / vegetables; fisheries and other aquatic products; and livestock and poultry, and milk, including necessary farm implements to support production and processing operations, to wit:

i. Livestock and Poultry

a. Production ● Day-old chicks (DOC) ● Breeder pigs (boars and replacement gilts) ● Semen and semen straw

b. Feed and Feed Ingredients ● Corn ● Soya ● Flour ● Rice Bran ● Wheat ● Copra Metal ● All pre-mixes (to include enzymes, probiotics) ● Cooking oil (including used cooking oils)

c. Veterinary medicines and Biologics ● Vaccines for poultry and all livestocks ● Vitamins and mineral supplements ● Test kits and reagents for animals and poultry diseases

d. Operations of Farm and Meat Processing Plants to ensure hygiene and food safety ● Disinfectants ● Farm Machineries ● Machineries for cold storages and meat processing plants ii. Fishery and Aquatic Production a. Fry or Fingerlings b. Feeds c. Fertilizers iii. Rice, Crops, and Vegetable Production a. Seedlings b. Fertilizers c. Pesticides

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d. Herbicides e. Irrigation Equipment f. Farm Machineries g. Mill supplies and machineries


In order to provide for the unhampered passage of exempted cargo vehicles including personnel necessary to operate and facilitate the transportation of the cargo, the LGU must not impose unnecessary guidelines or protocols that would otherwise defeat the purpose of the exemptions which are to allow for the speedy transport of essential goods and items, and the movement of necessary personnel.

A. Holding Protocol for Individuals

For the Regional Checkpoints, exempted individuals shall present the required documents. They shall be subject to temperature check for signs of fever, respiratory symptoms, and diarrhea and shall sign the Declaration Form.

Their whereabouts / place of destination, as well as other details must be properly recorded for documentation.

If exempted individuals being checked have symptom/s at the Regional Border Checkpoint, they will not be allowed entry into the regional territory.

If exempted individuals being checked have symptoms at the provincial, city, and municipal checkpoints, they must be turned over to the assisting medical personnel (DOH, LGU-BHW and BFP) and subsequently be accompanied to the nearest Holding Area, Isolation or Quarantine Facility or COVID-19 hospital.

Relative to the foregoing, exempted personnel passing through or in transit at checkpoints shall not undergo the 14-day quarantine period in the absence of symptoms and did not come into close contact with COVID-19 positive person(s).

B. Holding Protocol for Vehicles

Vehicles may enter the checkpoints provided these shall undergo the proper disinfection, inspection procedures and presentation of required documents.

During the inspection of vehicles carrying cargo of essential goods and basic commodities, only the PNP personnel are allowed to inspect cargo trucks.

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C. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Protocols at Checkpoints

Infection prevention and control (IPC) measures shall be observed in all designated checkpoints. This can also be applied to provincial, city, and municipal checkpoints. The following are highly recommended by the DOH:

1. All personnel manning the checkpoints shall practice frequent hand washing. There shall be an available hand washing facility (improvised hand washing facility) at the checkpoint areas.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers may also be used. Promotion of frequent hand washing shall be sustained among all checkpoint personnel and travelers.

2. Observance of proper cough and sneeze etiquette.

Cover the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing using mask, tissue, flexed elbow, sleeves of clothes or inside neckline of shirts, followed by hand hygiene.

3. Maintaining social distancing. A minimum of one (1)-meter distance shall be observed in every activity at the checkpoint.

4. Proper waste disposal. Proper waste segregation should be observed in all checkpoints. There shall be waste bin available for the disposal of general and infectious wastes (used tissue paper, face mask, gloves).

The recommended personal protective equipment, which should be appropriately and properly worn by checkpoint personnel, are the following:

1. Face / Surgical mask 2. Gloves, 3. Face shield.

In addition, an Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection protocol shall also be properly observed at checkpoints:

1. There shall be regular cleaning and disinfection for all frequently touched surfaces or objects at the checkpoint areas (e.g. tables, chairs, barricades, thermal guns, cellphones) on a daily basis using a regular disinfectant (chlorine, sodium hypochlorite) containing a diluted bleach component (1-part bleach to 99 parts water).

2. Disinfection tents for individuals and vehicles may be installed at the regional border checkpoints and in all provincial, city, and municipal checkpoints, in coordination with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

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3. Installation of Portalets or portable toilets for the personnel manning at the checkpoints.


A. For Households

1. All households are encouraged to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, bedframes, gadgets and other furniture daily with regular disinfectant (chlorine, sodium hypochlorite) containing a diluted bleach solution (1-part bleach to 99 parts water).

2. Clean and disinfect bathroom and toilet at least once daily with regular household disinfectant containing a diluted bleach solution (1-part bleach to 99 parts water).

3. Use disposable gloves and protective clothing (e.g. plastic aprons) when cleaning or handling surfaces, clothing or linens soiled with body fluids. Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves.

B. For Establishments

A. Environmental Sanitation

1. All general facilities and all furnishing shall be cleaned with a 1 in 100 diluted household bleach (5.25%) solution and wiped at least once daily;

2. The frequency of cleaning shall be increased if the facilities and furnishings become dirty;

3. Door handles, handrails, light switches, taps, kitchen surfaces and toilets shall be cleaned more frequently than usual;

4. Adequate disinfectant such as 70% alcohol and paper towels should be made readily accessible to clients, guests and staff;

5. Receptacles with a lid should be readily available and accessible in all areas of the establishment;

6. Establishments shall ensure the adequacy and availability of cleaning materials, tools and disinfectants and personal protective equipment;

7. Establishments shall train staff on personal hygiene, infection control and surface disinfection.

B. Room and Linen Decontamination

All Hotels and lodging establishments shall:

a) Ensure prompt action to clean rooms after each use of guest/s; b) If possible, open external windows, or adjust the mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system (MVAC) to improve indoor ventilation; c) Use 1 in 100 diluted household bleach (5.25%) solution as a disinfectant in cleaning and disinfecting rooms and surfaces, include disinfection of furnitures, appliances, flooring and panes when cleaning;

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d) Handle used linen and other washable items as little as possible with minimal agitation to prevent possible contamination of the handler or environment; e) Soak linen and other washable items in a 1 to 10 diluted household bleach solution for 15 minutes; f) If the room was used by suspected COVID-19 case, place all washable items such bed sheets, blankets, pillowcases and towels in a separate disposal bag and wash separately, laundered using hot water (70-80°C) cycle between use; g) Wipe non-washable items including mattresses and pillows with 1 in 100 diluted household bleach (5.25%) solution; h) Use disposable gloves and masks when handling soiled linen and dispose to appropriately designated bin; i) Dispose all disposable items such as sachets and toilet rolls and used items in sealed bags immediately.


All LGUs shall provide basic services to the people, including, but not limited to providing food rations to the community during the period of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ).

LGUs shall purchase food packs for identified indigent families by utilizing their Quick Response Funds (QRFs). In this case, LCEs shall perform the following:

● Punong Barangays are directed to closely coordinate with their Mayors to immediately provide assistance to the families;

● Mayors are directed to coordinate with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for any augmentation to fully provide for the needs of the LGU; and

● Governors are directed to assist the LGUs within their areas of jurisdiction in fulfilling the above mentioned tasks.

Relative thereto, LGUs shall also include the daily wage earners who have been affected by the quarantine in the list of families to be provided with assistance. This shall include, but shall not be limited to fisher folks, construction workers, small farmers, vendors, and other members of the informal economy.

In addition, the provision of social amelioration assistance and distribution of food and non-food relief operations shall not be made dependent on any additional qualifications such as being a registered voter or requiring for the acquisition of cedula prior to receiving the food and non-food packs. As such, unregistered voters must also be accommodated.

At all times, the LGU is bound to provide the needs of its residents, without any discrimination, even to stranded individuals.

Considering that COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, including our Muslim brothers and sisters, all LCEs are hereby enjoined to prepare food relief operations that are Halal compliant in Muslim communities. In view of this, LGUs shall coordinate with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) in the region to ensure that this matter is properly addressed.

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To this end, there shall be a prioritization on the extension of assistance and support in the following order:

● Indigents and those living below the poverty line ● Displaced workers and daily income earners ● Senior Citizens and Persons-With-Disabilities (PWDs) with no other means of income ● Those under Mandatory Quarantine without any financial means

The LCEs, through the Punong Barangays (PBs), shall have such support and assistance delivered to the households of their constituents. The gathering of recipients in the barangay hall or any public facility to distribute said assistance is strictly prohibited.

All LGUs are likewise enjoined to adopt efficient and safe measures to distribute the social amelioration assistance to the respective beneficiaries.


A. The LCEs, in close coordination with the PNP and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), shall implement effective information, education, and communication activities and other measures to reduce public unrest.

B. The Local Chief Executives (LCEs) are directed to exercise their power of supervision over lower LGUs to ensure smooth and proper implementation of all actions and programs.

C. They shall ensure that all their issuances and actions are in line with the National Guidelines and Policies including Advisories, Orders, and Resolutions issued by the Department of Health (DOH), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-EID).

D. All LGU Officials shall not take advantage of their positions to either circumvent or procure for themselves of for any other person any undue advantage in the implementation of the ECQ.

E. All LGU Officials shall ensure that no violations of human rights are committed by any border patrol staff nor any employee or officer granted authority by it to perform tasks relative to the implementation and maintenance of the ECQ.

F. All Local Chief Executives (LCEs), such as Provincial Governors, City and Municipal Mayors, as well as, Punong Barangays shall ensure to perform their specific responsibilities on a) Containment and Control and b) Prevention of COVID-19 as outlined in Sections 4.2 to 4.3 in DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-018 re: Guides to Action Against Coronavirus and further intensified by DILG MC No. 2020-023 re: Amended Guide to Action Against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease. They shall assume and perform roles as:

1. Anti-Coronavirus Information Manager 2. Local Crisis Manager 3. Environmental Health Manager

G. All Punong Barangays are specifically directed to:

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1. Organize monitoring teams to monitor the implementation of the social amelioration program in their respective barangays;

2. Facilitate the issuance of the barangay clearance as one of the documentary requirements, free of charge, for the applicable beneficiaries of this program; and

3. Adopt a full disclosure policy in the releasing of the list of target beneficiaries including publicly and conspicuously posting the names of the beneficiaries listed.

H. Pursuant to the policy of allowing the unhampered movement of all cargoes, all LGUs and Local Health Units (LHUs) are hereby not to issue orders that run counter to said directive, such as, but not limited to, requiring asymptomatic drivers and crews of cargo or service delivery vehicles to undergo mandatory 14-day home quarantine.

I. Adopt suggested fast-track measures prescribed by the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) as contained in its Advisory No. 01 dated March 25, 2020 issued in cognizant to the need to ensure unhampered delivery of government services despite constraints imposed by community quarantine measures, such as:

a. Emergency Extensions. If the situation so requires and without prejudice to existing laws, exercise discretion in the emergency extension of validity of LGU licenses, permits, clearances, certifications, or authorization that are expiring within the period of State of National Emergency, particularly for licenses whose application for renewal or extension may not be filed, processed or are pending approval due to Community Quarantine impositions.

b. Allow the use of Electronic Submission and Approvals through the use of emails and online platforms.

c. Suspension of Notarization Requirements for submission of documents to be submitted, unless required by law.

d. Reduction of Requirements and Signatories. Processing of incomplete application, subject to completion after a designated period or when conditions normalize and the use of electronic signatures or pre- signed license, clearance, permit certification or authorization with adequate security and control mechanism.

e. Employ online payments. For payments of prescribed processing fees, the Government Agency, whenever applicable, may employ an online payment scheme or outsourced payment collection centers for the transacting public.

J. Relax the imposition of fines and extend, as may be deemed feasible, statutory deadlines and timelines for payment of, among others, Real Property Tax, Business Tax, as well as payment of taxes, fees, and other charges set by law or local ordinances due and demandable by the 1st quarter of the year.

K. Provide incentives and/or privileges to taxpayers and business establishments particularly those extending assistance during the COVID- 19 crisis, in line with ordinances that have been or may be issued pursuant

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to Section 192, Chapter V, Book II of RA 7160; and other applicable laws and policies.

L. Mobilize the Local Price Coordinating Councils (LPCCs) to the extent possible; and/or monitor price increases of basic and prime commodities through the conduct of inspections in public/private markets, deputation of barangay officials and non-government organizations (NGOs) to monitor excessive and unreasonable price increases in order to forestall or deter such opportunistic actions.

M. Extend relief and/or grant assistance (monetary or in-kind) to ease the burden of constituencies that may be adversely affected by the community quarantine consistent with the guidelines stipulated under DILG MC No. 2020-065 dated March 30, 2020 re: Guidelines for LGUs in the Provision of Social Amelioration Measures by the National Government to the Most Affected Residents of the Areas under ECQ.

N. All LGUs shall postpone all demolition and eviction activities and ensure that all homeless citizens within their respective jurisdictions are properly accommodated pursuant to DILG MC No. 2020-068 dated April 2, 2020 re: Postponement of all Administrative Activities During the Enhanced Community Quarantine and State of National Emergency.


All LGUs are to ensure the suspension of the operation of all forms of mass public transportation.

For this purpose, and under DILG and Department of Transportation (DOTr) Regulations, tricycles, pedicabs, taxis, jeepneys, buses, padyaks, and other similar forms are hereby included in the category of mass public transportation.

The DOTr and the PNP, in coordination with the LGU concerned shall take charge in the implementation of this policy.


The LGUs are to provide for transportation arrangements to skeleton workforces of allowed establishments, especially health and emergency frontline service workers, border control personnel, and other critical services, including those providing basic necessities.

The agencies and employers of the skeleton work force in the government and in the private sector, shall provide a point-to-point transportation.

Transportation shall also be provided by LGUs for those seeking to avail of basic services, such as those needing to go to hospital or clinics, and those who have limited access to establishments providing basic necessities. In this situation, LGUs are reminded to exercise strict social distancing measures including appropriate health protocols.

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All employers, government or private should provide vehicle support to all their employees residing in neighboring LGUs. The drivers as well as the employees should have the personal protection equipment like face shields, gloves, and face masks and shall observe disinfection procedures and appropriate checking of temperature, respiratory illness and diarrhea.


All LGUs are encouraged to identify a government facility to be converted as temporary isolation and quarantine facilities in order to cater the possible increasing number of Persons-Under-Investigation (PUIs) and mild cases of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the region. This will prevent a medical breakdown and overcrowding in accredited COVID-19 hospitals given the surge capacity that might be experienced.

Relative thereto, DOH Department Order No. 2020-0123 issued the Interim Guidelines on the Management of Surge Capacity through the Conversion of Public Spaces to Operate as Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities for the Management of PUIs and mild cases of COVID-19 patients.

Viable public spaces that can be converted are the following: 1. Auditoriums; 2. Gymnasiums; 3. DepEd Schools, subject to DepEd Office Memorandum OSEC 2020-002 and 2020-004; 4. Vacant hotels; 5. Courts / Court Rooms; 6. Open Fields, provided with tents; and 7. Other similar public spaces available.

The operation of these temporary treatment and monitoring facilities shall be under the supervision of the City / Municipal Health officer who shall assign a Facility Manager when necessary, and shall serve as an extension of the Rural Health Centers / Units.

In this situation, the conversion of public spaces into temporary treatment and monitoring facilities shall follow the principles and protocols related to Infection Prevention and Control.

Pursuant to the IATF Resolution No. 16 and reiterated under DILG MC No. 2020- 064 dated March 29, 2020 re Provincial / City / Municipal Special Care Facilities and Isolation Units amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, all Local Chief Executives (LCEs) are directed to:

1. Identify government facilities that may be temporarily converted into isolation and quarantine facilities that can be utilized for the isolation of PUIs, and for positive COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms that can be managed; and

2. Identify, designate and establish their respective COVID-19 Special Care Facilities for the treatment of severe cases.

In order to intensify this undertaking and augment human resources in the operation, DepEd has issued Office Memorandum OSEC 2020-004 so as to allow the participation of DepEd personnel to participate in LGU activities, under their supervision, subject to applicable laws and rules.

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Hospital Health Workers, during an ECQ, may experience mobility constraints to the detriment of COVID-19 – afflicted patients and other patients seeking health care services. More so, they have been consequently been the subject of discrimination and social stigma since they are highly exposed to the virus in the performance of their duty, thus, restraining them to get along with other workers in the skeleton work force on transportation vehicles provided by LGU.

To address this concern, the DILG issued the Memorandum Circular directing the LGUs to secure temporary shelter / accommodation for the Health Workers in provincial and city health hospitals, whether hired by the LGU or by the National Government, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is pursuant to Section 4(g) of Republic Act No. 11459, known as the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”, Section 3 of Presidential Proclamation No. 929, and Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7305, known as the “Magna Carta of Public Health Workers”.

The temporary shelter / accommodation for the hospital health workers should be proximate to the designated hospitals they are assigned to, and should be reasonably accessible to them.

As such, LGUs shall identify the venue /establishments for the temporary shelter /accommodation and coordinate with the owners and/or authorized representatives to ensure that the place will be ready for occupancy when the need arises.


Pursuant to the general intent of the ECQ, the region-wide curfew is to be construed as being in effect for twenty-four (24) hours.


Pursuant to the agreement during the 14th Inter-Agency Task Force meeting, the following National Response Cluster Leads and Key Government Agencies are hereby activated to ensure coordination and facilitation of response and humanitarian assistance (Clusters and Lead Agencies):

1. Health: Department of Health (DOH); 2. Governance: Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) 3. Law and Order: Philippine National Police (PNP) 4. Management of the Dead: Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) 5. Economy: National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) 6. Logistics: Office of Civil Defense (OCD) 7. Food and Non-Food Items: Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 8. Crisis Communication: Philippine Information Agency (PIA)

Anent thereto, the alert status of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operation Center (NDRRMOC) is raised from blue to red. Thus, the monitoring of possible effects of the outbreak and ensure the timely dissemination of warning / advisories to the public is heightened.

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In addition, the Regional DRRM Emergency Operations Center is also activated to coordinate and facilitate the needs of the response cluster.


The general public is prohibited to attend, participate in, and organize events that involve a number of participants and draw a huge number of attendees where social distancing is not in effect such as, but not limited, to:

● Religious activities in churches, chapels and pilgrimage ● Holding of activities during fiestas, Araw Celebrations and Parades ● Gaming parlors, computer shops, as well as centers and the like. ● Activities in public playground or park, basketball and volleyball courts, beaches, swimming pools ● Day and Night market or “tianges” ● Concerts ● Sports events ● Cockfight or “sabong” ● Street gambling (all types e.g. tong-its, damang) ● Parties ● Other any kinds of events or gatherings

Likewise a general ban on the above mentioned activities shall be enforced by the LGUs.


The following establishments that are hereby ordered for its mandatory closure:

● Casinos and gambling places (e-games / slot machines) ● Primary and secondary tourism-related establishments ● Hotels (should not accept any new bookings) ● Computer shops/ internet cafe ● Videoke bars ● Fitness gym ● Disco Bars ● Department Stores ● Cinema and movie house ● Beauty Salons ● Massage Parlors ● Barber Shops ● Spa, and similar establishments


The DILG, as the lead agency of the Management of the Dead and the Missing (MDM) Cluster of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) has issued Memorandum Circular Mo. 2020-063 for the Interim Guidelines on the Management of Human Remains for Patient Under Investigation (PUI) and Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Cases. This is to provide a standard process on properly managing human remains of PUIS and confirmed COVID-19 cases, specifically on:

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1. General Guidelines to be observed in addition to above IATF guidelines; and

2. Specific provisions on the following:

a) General precautionary measures for all, but not limited to health care workers, responders, retrieval teams, funeral and mortuary staff, relatives who are likely to come into contact with the PUI or confirmed COVID-19 human remains;

b) Packaging, removal and transportation of Human Remains (PUIs and/or COVID-19 Positive);

c) Precautionary measures for all Human Remains retrieved;

d) Requirements for Burial / Cremation;

e) Procedure for Burial and Cremation;

f) Shipment of Human Remains / Cremains outside area od jurisdiction;

g) Recommended precaution for relatives when handling human remains;

h) Non-refusal to accommodate non-COVID-19 deaths;

i) Cost of burial or cremation;

j) Prohibitions; and

k) Procedure in case of a mass casualty incident.

In addition, the IATF Resolution No. 15, Series of 2020 dated March 24, 2020, has recommended the following guidelines for the proper handling and disposal of the remains of COVID-19 confirmed cases and PUIs:

1. In handling the remains of COVID-19 cases, general infection precautions must be strictly observed to avoid further spread of the disease;

2. LGUs must designate funeral service facilities to handle the remains of COVID-19 cases and to provide possible financial assistance to cover the logistics, fuel, salary, and other expenses that will be incurred in the process;

3. LGUs and the DILG shall monitor and penalize funeral homes that refuse to provide logistics and transport of COVID-19 remains, including but not limited to, refusal to pick-up the remains subjected to the policies and guidelines of the aforementioned LGUs or DILG;

4. The DSWD shall allocate amounts for a funeral support fund allocated to indigent confirmed COVID-19 cases and PUIs regardless whether they are undergoing home quarantine, or admitted in a public or private facility. DSWD shall allot PhP25,000.00 per deceased for this purpose;

5. The LGU may release issuances or ordinances to out a price cap or impose a price freeze on funeral services located within their jurisdiction;

6. To reiterate, funeral services staff and personnel are granted exemptions from the imposed enhanced community quarantine. The said individuals

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may freely move and travel to ensure that the remains of deceased individuals will be given proper funeral services; and

7. Funeral companies are directed to provide transportation and/or housing accommodations for funeral service staff.


All LGUs shall inform the community of the Hotline of the Department of Health (DOH) for COVID-19, which are:

● Landline - (085) 817 6546 ● Globe - 0945 359 2632 ● Smart - 0948 224 1857

LGUs shall also provide hotline numbers (cellphone or telephone numbers) for emergency Hotlines to those needing assistance:

● Persons needing medical assistance (other than COVID-19) ● Persons needing transportation assistance, especially for those commuting from one place to another and crossing / traversing different LGU borders ● Persons needing assistance at checkpoints ● Persons needing assistance for food and other basic commodities ● Persons needing assistance on unlawful activities (may include like PUI on the run or has escaped the facility)

The PNP Hotline through the Regional Joint Task Force (RJTF) Caraga Shield numbers and contact details are the following:

 Smart – 09988668799  Globe – 09177270264  Landline – (085) 8179856  Email Address – [email protected]  Viber - 09177229682


All LGUs must first coordinate with DOH prior to acquiring, purchasing or utilizing testing kits within their respective territorial jurisdictions.


All LGUs are discouraged to implement window hours for the observance of buying medicines, home supplies and going to groceries / supermarkets / markets since this will encourage the unnecessary crowding at the checkpoints and establishments, thus, preventing the community to implement strict social distancing measures.

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To ensure the availability of supply of basic necessities especially during such time of ECQ, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) shall implement the “Anti- Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying” policy pursuant to DTI Memorandum Circular No. 20-07.

The objective of the MC is to implement measures to prevent the unreasonable increase in the prices of all basic necessities as enumerated in the Price Act regardless of the implementing agency assigned, and strictly ensure the availability of all such products during the duration. For such purpose, products intended for the protection of health including, but not limited, to surgical and industrial masks, medical devices, alcohol, hand sanitizers and other disinfectants are covered.

To prevent consumer behavior of hoarding and panic buying causing more fear and prevent other consumers from purchasing what they need, as well as, cause the artificial shortage and cause prices to soar, the following provisions of the policy shall be observed:

1. There shall be reasonable limit in the sale and purchase of covered good. As such, retailers are hereby enjoined to sell and consumers to buy products referred in the MC (see DTI MC 20-07) in such quantity sufficient as to meet their needs only for a maximum of seven (7) days;

2. Reasonable limit shall also be applicable to certain food and non-food items enumerated under Section 5 of DTI MC 20-07;

3. Retailers are directed to post notices in conspicuous places within their outlets advising consumers of the quantity of basic necessities that they are allowed to purchase;

4. Observance of “price freeze” or no price increase on basic necessities may take place for the entire duration of the public health emergency; and


Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 11469, known as the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, the following economic relief and / or remedies are provided to the affected individuals for the period of the community quarantine:

1. A minimum of thirty (30) day grace period is provided and extended to residential and commercial rents falling due upon micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) within the period of the ECQ, without incurring interests, penalties, fees, and other charges, through DTI.

2. In order to provide temporary wage employment for the displaced / disadvantaged workers, DOLE has issued Department Order No. 210, Series of 2020 re: Guidelines for the Implementation of the Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Displaced / Disadvantaged Workers Program (TUPAD) #Barangay Ko, Bahay ko (TUPAD #BKBK) Disinfecting / Sanitation Project. This is to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 Threat to the underemployed, self-employed and displaced marginalized workers who have lost their livelihoods or whose earnings were affected due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine against COVID-19.

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3. Relative thereto, the IATF, through its Resolution No. 13, has authorized the DOLE to accredit a skeleton staff for the purpose of facilitating the conduct of the “Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa ating Disadvantaged / Displaced Workers (TUPAD) Program”.

4. The Department of Agriculture (DA) has also requested for a supplemental fund for the expeditious implementation of the “Ahon Lahat, Pagkain Sapat Kontra sa COVID-19” or ALPAS COVID-19. This will be used to immediately mobilize support to farmers and other players in the food value chain.

5. The Emergency Subsidy Program (ESP), as recommended by the IATF TWG on Social Amelioration headed by the DSWD shall provide outright cash benefit worth PhP5,000.00 per household, subject to its existing guidelines.

6. Statutory deadlines and timelines for the filing and submission of documents, payment of taxes, fees and other charges required by law, and the grant of any benefit, shall be moved in order to ease the burden on individuals under Community Quarantine


The IATF organizes the Response Cluster and Incident Management Team (IMT) at the National, Regional, and Local Levels, as provided in Paragraph G of IATF Resolution No. 14, amending Paragraph D of IATF Resolution No. 13.

Pursuant thereto, the Department of Health (DOH) shall be the overall lead for the Response Clusters while the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) will be the overall lead for IMT.


The Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) has simplified the government procurement process by issuing a guide for all Procuring Entities (PEs) in the conduct of their Procurement Projects under a state of calamity due to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

The following rules were approved through GPPB Resolution No. 03-2020 wherein PEs are allowed to apply the rules on Negotiated Procurement (Emergency Case) during a state of calamity given the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. The Procurement projects covered under Negotiated Procurement (Emergency Cases) are goods, civil work projects as well as lease of real property or venues such as those used as quarantine centers, evacuation sites, medical relief and aid distribution locations, among others.

2. The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) need not be the one to recommend the revision of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP). End-user units or any other appropriate procuring units can also directly recommend revisions to the Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE) subject to the availability of funds. Moreover, a separate written confirmation requirement from the HoPE is not needed prior to the approval of the contract.

3. The HoPE may also authorize the End-user unit or any other appropriate procuring units to directly negotiate with a legally, technically, and

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financially capable supplier, contractor, or consultant. Hence, the BAC need not be the one to negotiate or procure.

4. The HoPE is allowed to delegate the awarding of contracts to any official of the Procurement Entity, except to those where there exists conflict of interest.

The approval of the revised Annual Procurement Plan (APP) is based on the following requirements:

1. The HoPE must relate the projects to be procured to the emergency situation it is intending to address, (e.g. provision of food packs, lease of venue or real property for use as quarantine facilities, purchase of COVID-19 testing kits, among others); and 2. The HoPE shall validate from the appropriate office that there are funds in the budget to cover the Procurement Project.

Moreover, under GPPB Resolution No. 05-2020, submission of a recently expired Mayor’s or Business Permit and an Official Receipt as proof of application and payment for the renewal of the permit as well as an unnotarized Omnibus Sworn Statement (OSS) will suffice subject to submission of the Mayor’s Permit and notarized OSS after award of contract.

For more information, PEs may refer to said GPPB Resolutions and the GPPB Non- Policy Matter Opinion (NPM) No. 003-2020 issued by the GPPB-Technical Support Office


The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) issued Local Budget Circular No. 124 dated March 26, 2020 re: Policy Guidelines on the Provision of Funds by LGUs for PPAs to Address the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

In providing funds for COVID-19 related PPAs, the LGUs shall effect changes in their respective Annual Budgets (ABs) through:

1. Supplemental Budgets (SBs) in accordance with Section 321 of the Local Government Code and Article 447 of its IRR, as amended by AO No. 47, as discussed under the Budget Operations Manual for LGUs, 2016 Edition, under certain circumstances: a. When supported by funds actually available as certified by the Local Treasurer; b. If covered by new revenue source(s); and c. In times of public calamity.

2. Use of Savings and Augmentation in accordance to Section 336 of the LGC and Article 454 (b) of its IRR, consistent with the following conditions set therein.

3. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) in accordance to Section 21 of RA No. 10121 and its IRR, Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 2012-002 dated September 12, 2012 and Joint Memorandum Circular of NDRRMC-DBM-DILG No. 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013.

A. On the Utilization of 20% Local Development Fund

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To enable the LGUs to undertake critical, urgent and appropriate disaster response aid and measures to curtail and eliminate the threat of COVID-19, in cooperation with all government agencies concerned, a Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) NO. 1, dated March 27, 2020 is issued by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) re: “Additional Guidelines on the Utilization of the Twenty-Percent (20%) of the Internal Revenue Allotment for Development Projects in View of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation”.

Thus, in addition to the allowable development projects under Item 3.0 f DILG-DBM JMC No, 2017-1, the 20% DF shall likewise be allowed to be used for the following COVID-19 related expenses, to wit:

1. Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 2. Procurement of equipment, reagents, and kits for COVID-19 testing; 3. Procurement of medicines and vitamins; 4. Procurement of hospital equipment and supplies; 5. Procurement of disinfectants, sprayers, disinfection tents and other disinfecting supplies and misting equipment; 6. Food, transportation (including fuel), and accommodation expenses of medical personnel and other LGU personnel directly involved in the implementation of COVID-19 related programs, projects, and activities; 7. Food assistance and other relief good for affected households; 8. Expenses for the construction / repair / lease / rental of additional space / building to accommodate COVID-19 patients and persons under monitoring / investigations; 9. Expenses for the operation of stand-alone / mobile testing laboratory; 10.Expenses for the purchase / rental of tents for temporary shelters of the homeless; 11.Expenses for training of personnel in the conduct of COVID-19 testing and other related trainings; and 12.Other necessary COVID-19 related PPAs and expenses.

B. On LGU Guidelines for the Preparation and Approval of the AIP in view of the COVID-19 Situation

The DILG and DBM issued Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2 dated March 30, 2020 in order to allow the greater flexibility for LGUs in the combat against COVID-19 in view of the limited mobility of the people with the declaration of the Public Health Emergency throughout the country which renders LGUs to unable to convene their respective LDCs thus unable to comply with Local Budget Circular No. 124 dated March 26, 2020 and DILG-DBM JMC No. 1 dated March 27, 2020.

Pursuant thereto, the COVID-19-related PPAs and expenses that are not included in the approved AIP or supplemental investment programs may still be funded by the LGU concerned, provided that upon normalization of the situation, the LDC shall prepare the necessary AIP or supplemental investment program/s to be approved by the local Sanggunian.


The public is hereby advised to remain calm and firm in this time of crisis. All persons are enjoined to observe obedience and participate to the policies and

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guidelines on Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). No one shall intimidate, disobey, and or resist persons in authority.


For the period of the ECQ over the entire region of Caraga, all LGUs shall ensure that no violations of human rights are committed by any border patrol staff nor any employee or officer granted authority by it to perform tasks relative to the implementation and maintenance of the ECQ.

Any LGU official who shall take advantage of its position to either circumvent or procure for themselves, or for any other persons, or take undue advantage in the implementation of the provisions of this guidelines shall be reported to the proper authorities.

As such, LGUs that failed to comply and align their actions and programs with the provisions of this guidelines or overextend the application of the provision herein provided to the detriment of the public goof shall be dealt with accordingly.


The Regional Office of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall ensure that respective component local government units such, as component cities, municipalities, and barangays of the five (5) provinces of Caraga Region and the Highly-Urbanized City Butuan to adopt this resolution through Executive Order, Resolution or Memorandum; and shall see to it that these are implemented in consonance to the provisions outlined in this Resolution.

Any LGU Officials disobeying national government policies or directives in imposing quarantines, including all other acts punishable under Section 6 of Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan To Heal As One Act” shall be properly dealt with.


The RTF - One Caraga Shield shall monitor and assess the situation in the Region and shall further issue guidelines as the situation warrants.


The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) of Region XIII (Caraga) shall be effective immediately and will be lifted upon recommendation of the IATF TWG in consonance with the national guidelines.

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● Republic Act No. 11469, known as the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”

● Executive Order 168, Series of 2014

● Presidential Proclamation No. 922

● Presidential Proclamation No. 929

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 10

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 11

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 12

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 13

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 14

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 15, Series of 2020 dated March 24, 2020

● IATF-EID Resolution No. 18

● DILG Memorandum Circular re: Temporary Shelter / Accommodation for Provincial and City Hospital Health Workers in Line with the COVID-19 Pandemic

● DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-062 dated March 21, 2020 re: Suppletory LGU Guidelines on the Implementation of Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon, and State of Public Health Emergency in Other Parts of the Country Due to COVID-19 Threat

● DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-023 re: Amended Guide to Action Against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease

● DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-018 dated January 31, 2020 re: Guides to Action Against “Coronavirus”

● DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-061 dated March 21, 2020 re: Ensuring that Food Relief Operations to be Distributed to muslin Communities are Halal Compliant during the Period of Enhanced Community Quarantine

● DILG Memorandum Re: Strict Enforcement of the Guidelines on the State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippine and the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon

● DILG Advisory re: Unrestricted Movement of Food Supply During the State of Public Health Emergency

● DOH Circular 2020-0034: Guidelines at all Seaports for Prevention and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

● DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0067 dated February 3, 2020 or the Guidelines on the Disposal and Shipment of the Remains of Confirmed Cases on 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (2019-nCOV ARD)

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● DTI Memorandum Circular No. 20-06 dated March 19, 2020 re: Ensuring Unhampered Movement of Cargo and Transit of Personnel of Business Establishments Allowed to Operate during the Enhanced Community Quarantine

● DTI Memorandum Circular No. 20-07 re: Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying

● DTI Memorandum Circular No. 20-11, March 31, 2020

● CSC Memorandum Circular No. 12, Series of 2020 dated March 16, 2020 re: Alternative Work Arrangement in Light of Code Red Sublevel 2

● CSC MC No. 8, Series of 2020 re: Revised Interim Guidelines on the Use of Leave Credits for Absences due to Self-Quarantine and/or Treatment Relative to COVID-19

● Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Department Order No. 209, Series of 2020 re: Guidelines on the Adjustment Measures Program for Affected Workers Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019

● Labor Advisory No. 12, Series of 2020.

● Department of Agriculture (DA) Memorandum Circular No. 07 re: Supplemental Circular based on the Memorandum Issued by the Executive Secretary on Enhanced Community Quarantine of Luzon, Ensuring Unhampered Movement of All Food and Production Items through Food Lanes

● NDRRMC Memorandum No. 27, Series of 2020 re: Raising of Alert Status to RED at the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center (NDRRMOC) and Activation of the Response Cluster for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

● DOLE Department Order No. 210, Series of 2020 re: Guidelines for the Implementation of the Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Displaced / Disadvantaged Workers Program (TUPAD) #Barangay Ko, Bahay ko (TUPAD #BKBK) Disinfecting / Sanitation Project

● Local Budget Circular No. 124, Series of March 26, 2020 re: Policy Guidelines on the Provision of Funds by Local Government Units for Programs, Projects, and Activities to Address the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation

● Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) NO. 1, dated March 27, 2020 is issued by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) re: Additional Guidelines on the Utilization of the Twenty-Percent (20%) of the Internal Revenue Allotment for Development Projects in View of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19) Situation

● GPPB Resolution No. 003-2020 dated March 9, 2020 re: Approving the adoption of efficient, effective and expedient procurement procedures during a State of Public Health Emergency

● GPPB NPM No.003-2020 dated March 23, 2020 re: Negotiated Procurement under Emergency Cases

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● COA-GPPB Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 dated March 26, 2020 re: Emergency Procurement by the government during a State of Public Health Emergency arising from the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

● Department of Health (DOH) Department Memorandum No. 2020-090 re: Interim Guidelines on the Management of Persons Under Monitoring (PUMs) suspected with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Home Quarantine

● DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020 – 0123 re: Interim Guidelines on the Management of Surge Capacity through the Conversion of Public Spaces to Operate as Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities for the Management of Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) and Mild Cases of Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19)

● DILG Advisory dated April 3, 2020 re: Implementation of Social Amelioration Programs and other PPAs Against COVID-19

● DIG Advisory dated April 2, 2020 re: Provision of Temporary Economic Relief to Individuals and Businesses in LGUs Under Community Quarantine

● DILG MC No. 2020-068 dated April 2, 2020 re: Postponement of all Administrative Activities During the Enhanced Community Quarantine and State of National Emergency

● DILG Advisory dated April 7, 2020 re: Unrestricted Movement of Frontline Workers in the Transportation or Cargo Business During the Enhanced Community Quarantine and the Reiteration of the Policy Stated in IATF-EID Resolution No. 18 on the Wearing of Face Masks in Public

● PNP Memorandum dated April 2, 2020 re: Updated List of Authorized Persons Outside Residence during the Implementation of Enhanced Community Quarantine

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