A resource-realistic perspective suggests some indispensable features for a computer program that approximates all human mentality. The mind’s program would differ fundamentally more from familiar types of software. These features seem to exclude reasonably establishing that a program correctly and completely models the mind.


A central tenet of much recent work in cognitive sci- appears to be a type of practically unknowable thing- ence is a commitment to realism about the agent’s re- in-itself. sources. Perhaps there is something mean-spirited Generally, cognitive science seems to presuppose the about challenging presuppositions that human beings manageability and feasibility of such a total mind’s pro- have unbounded potentialities, but a theory, however gram. For example, one of the current standard text- normative or regulative, that proceeds on an assump- books of artificial intelligence (AI) begins, “The ultimate tion that people have God’s brain seems at least inter- goal of AI research (which we are very far from achiev- estingly incomplete. What is sought are models that are ing) is to build a person, or, more humbly, an animal” both computationally and psychologically realistic, as [12, p. 71; that is, to construct a program for the entire well as neurally and genetically realistic. creature. A standard ground plan is then enumerated, Starting with such a resource-realistic framework, including input modules for vision and language, then this article explores some properties we can now ex- deduction, planning, explanation, and learning units, pect to be inextricable from any computer superpro- and, finally, output modules for robotics and speech. gram that purports to represent all of human mentality. An important example from the philosophical side of A complete computational approximation of the mind cognitive science has been Fodor’s thesis that psycho- would be a (1) huge, (2) “branchy” and holistically logical processes are typically computational, and so structured, and (3) quick-and-dirty (i.e., computation- that much human behavior can only be explained by a ally tractable, but formally incorrect/incomplete) computational model of cognition (see, e.g., [21], espe- (4) kludge (i.e., a radically inelegant set of procedures). cially chap. 1). The mind’s program thus turns out to be fundamentally A strong tendency to posit “impossibility engines”- dissimilar to more familiar software, and software, in profoundly unfeasible mental mechanisms-Yhas not general, to be dissimilar to more familiar types of ma- been confined to the most abstract reaches of philoso- chines. In particular, these properties seem inherently phy. It seems to be a pervasive, unnoticed, but problem- to exclude our reasonably establishing that we have atic element of methodology throughout mind/brain the right program. In this way, the full mind’s program science, even when that field is explicitly tak.en to ex- tend all the way down to neurophysiology and neuro- Earlier drafts of this article were read as a public lecture at Wichita State anatomy. The most extreme philosophical ca:seI know University, Wichita, Kansas, October 1986; at the University of Minnesota of is the deductive ability presupposed by conventional Center for Philosophy of Science. Minneapolis, February 1987; and at the AAAI/UMIACS Workshop on Theoretical Issues in Conceptual Information rationality idealizations.’ Standard rationality models Processing, Washington, DC.. June 1987. require the agent to be some sort of perfect logician; in

0 1988 ACM OOOl-0782/88/0400-0402 $1.50 ’ I have discussed this example in 113, chaps. 1 and 41

402 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 3;! Number 4 Articles particular, to be able to determine in finite time whe- BIG TEXTS ther or not any given formal sentence is a first-order Suppose we take seriously the working hypothesis of logical consequence of a given set of premises. Half a computational psychology, that a major part of the hu- century ago, however, Church’s theorem showed that man mind is a cognitive system of rules and representa- the predicate calculus was undecidable-that is, no tions, captured by some programlike object (one para- algorithm for this task is possible. What surprised me digmatic model would be Fodor’s language of thought most about this simple observation was at a metalevel: hypothesis). One way of looking at this framework as- I could find no previous discussion of the point. Now, sumption is simply to note that this program, as a syn- what would explain not even raising the question, tactic object, is text that has a size. That is, we can ask, “Does the ideal agent’s perfect logical ability have to “how big is the mind’s program?“4 It may seem unnatu- exceed even that covered by the classical unsolvability ral to ask such a question if one does not distinguish theorems?” One explanation would be the ultimate in- between a concrete algorithm and the corresponding attention to scale: not distinguishing between an agent abstract function (asking the size of a mathematical under the usual constraints of the absolute unsolvabil- function seems as much a category mistake as asking ity results-finite space and (for each input) run time- how much the number 15 weighs). Moreover, individ- and some more highly idealized reasoner that could not uating such cognitive elements as beliefs and concepts even in principle employ any algorithm. is a notoriously messy business. A less extreme philosophical example of inattention This “mind as warehouse” approach is rather primi- to scale of resources can be seen in some of the compu- tive, but some evidence that the mind’s storage capaci- tational costs implicit in perfect “charity” of interpreta- ties are not unlimited can be found in the renowned tion along conventional Quine-Davidson lines,* where overflow phenomena of information explosion. For in- the fundamental methodological principle is that (ex- cept for “corrigible confusions”) an agent must be re- Test of truth-functional consistency of the belief set garded as maintaining perfect deductive consistency. by the truth-table method, and Figure 1 reviews the literally cosmic resources con- by an ideal computer I: sumed by the agent merely maintaining full truth- functional consistency, a “trivially” decidable problem. I checks each line of the truth table in one ‘supercycle”: the time a light ray takes to traverse the diameter of a Quite moderate cases of the task would computation- proton. ally hog-tie a rather physically ideal truth-table ma- Spaed of light = 299,726 km/s, and the proton is lo-j3 cm in chine to an extent so vast that we have no familiar diameter; names for the numbers involved. so. supercycle = 2.9 x 1 O-23 s. Our basic methodological instinct, at whatever ex- Maximum number of cycles available during the history of the planatory level, seems to be to work out a model of the universe: mind for “typical” cases-most importantly, very small 2 x 10” years X 365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 instances-and then implicitly to suppose a grand in- seconds x 2.9 x 1023 cycles < 2 x 10” cycles total. duction to the full-scale case of a complete human mind. Cocktail-party anthropology would deride What is the largest belief set I could test? Number of lines in truth table = 2”, Hottentots for allegedly counting “1, 2, many”; the where n = number of logically independent propositions. methodology of mind/brain science seems unthink- ingly to approach “1, 2, 3, infinity.” The unrealism re- 2’% atoms require more than 3 x 10” lines. garding resources that I am suggesting is still pervasive So, at 1 truth-table line chacked/supercycle, is an inattention to scale, in particular, to consequences I cannot evaluate even the truth table for 136 independent of scaling up models of the mind/brain, (As a more propositions during the interval from the big bang to the moderate example, this scale-up difficulty lurks in the present. familiar microworlds approach to the problem of knowledge representation in AI-that is, the divide- FIGURE1. Costs of Truth-Functional Consistency Tests and-conquer strategy of beginning with small, tightly constrained domains of total human common sense for ‘Similar questions have sometimes been raised in AI, with answers that agree formalization.3) Perhaps overlooking limits to growth of fairly well with the estimates here. Minsky asserted that one million “ele- ments of knowledge” would suffice for a machine with “very great intelli- models is part of our Cartesian heritage, stemming from gence” 142, p. 261. Some medical Al workers have estimated a million facts [of the picture of mind as a substance that has spatial di- only 10 Lisp words each) to be needed for internal medicine, and a million more for all the medical specialties [46]. In his production-system model of mensions no more than do mathematical structures. cognition in 131. Anderson asserts that an adult human being’s “production memory” should contain between tens of thousands and tens of millions of ’ For explanation of the idea of charity of interpretation of an agent, see [la] production rules or procedures (there is also a large long-term declarative and [47]. knowledae memorvl. Aaain. in an AI context. Lenat claims that. in their higher l&l analo&al reasoning, people employ “perhaps a million distinct memories of objects, actions, emotions, situations, and so on” [36]. Lenat’s ’ Dreyfus has attacked the microworlds methodology [ZO] along lines different current project is the construction of a large computer knowledge base of the from the present discussion. Among other things, he argues that total human real-world facts and heuristics contained, as commonsense knowledge, in a commonsense knowledge cannot typically he separated into such autonomous typical 30,000~article, one-volume desk encyclopedia (for comparison, Lenat zones and that commonsense understanding is indefinitely articulable. It is. so claims the Encyclopedia Britannica contains nine times as many articles). He to speak, “everywhere dense.” like the real-number plane: Between any two estimates this project will require about 300 programmer-years and one de. areas. or points, there is always another area. cade [37].

April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Communications of the ACM 403 Articles

stance, the preface to the famous 1910 edition of the similar size for the internal language of thought (see Encyclopedia Britannica states the following: Table II). We next include a corresponding mind’s en- Whereas two or three centuries ago a single mind was able cyclopedia of the individual’s basic factual information, to acquire and retain in some one particular field of knowl- commonsense knowledge, etc. This will be as.signedas edge . . . nearly all that was worth knowing, and perhaps a many entries as the two dictionaries combined, which good deal of what was best worth knowing in several other is comparable to the size of actual encyclopedias. No fields also, nobody now-a-days could, whatever his industry, mind could be complete without an additional personal cover more than a small part of any of those fields. [8] history, an episodic memory of its own idiosyncratic microevents: Suppose one actually does “learn some- Sixty years later the S. M. Ulam re- thing new every minute.” On average, the mind will ported estimates that 200,000 theorems were published gain one long-term memory in each l-minute short- in recognized mathematical journals per year. He wor- term memory cycle. (Haber reported that subjects’ ried about the fact that “the number of theorems is memory for over 2,500 pictures presented 1 every 10 larger than one can possibly survey . . .” and that seconds to be “essentially perfect” 1 hour afterward. “there is probably not one mathematician now living Standing then showed that some subjects maintained who can even understand all of what is written today” 60 percent recognition accuracy days after viewing [56, pp. 287-2911. (Indeed, one wonders whether cogni- 10,000 pictures [28, 531). In a 70-year life span. (which tive science itself has any better prospects of manage- equals 36,000,OOOminutes), with one-third spent in ability.) In contrast to the Baconian ideal that “all learn- dreamless sleep and nine-tenths of this stream of con- ing is my province,” or Peircean vistas of limitless sciousness forgotten, over two million episodilc memo- acquisition of knowledge, our contemporary worldview ries could still accumulate. Finally, falling back on the seems to acknowledge the idea of an upper bound on old yin/yang of a fact/value distinction, I will add a the size of a human cognitive system. goal structure that is of the same order of size as the mind’s encyclopedia. (Procedural know-how, heuristic TABLE I. Big Texts rules, etc., will just be subsumed within these declara- Micrrxomputer operating ~5,000 lines of code tive knowledge structures. Generally, the algorithm/ system data structure distinction will not be observed here; Webster’sCollegiate 50,000 entries the debuggability predicaments of each are, for our Dicfionaty purposes, similar.) Oxford English Dictionary 500.000 entries SDI software 10,000,000 lines of code Cray supercomputer 10,000,000 pages of disk storage TABLE II. Estimating the Size of a Human Library of Congress 80,000,OOOvolumes Cognitive/Perceptual System HumaoDNA 3,000,000,000 base units B 1 billion bias (50,000 pp.) Mind’s dictionary (words + concepts) 100,000 Human cognitive/ =l O,OOO,OOOitems (?) Mind’s encyclopedia 100,000 perceptual system Episodic memory 2,000,000” Goal structure _ 100,000 Total cognitive elements 2,300,000 Let us first consider the relative size of some uncon- Visual font 200,000 troversial textual objects-books, libraries, software, Auditory, etc. 200,000 and so on-despite the apples-and-oranges problem of Motor schemata 200,000 commensurability of the diverse types of items in- Total perceptual/motor categories 600,060 volved (see Table I). With these quantities in mind, we Total: About 3,000,OOOcognitive/perceptual/motor elements can begin to grope toward some sort of crude numero- logical estimates of the approximate maximum size of ’ A person’s stream of consciousness: the mind’s putative program (perhaps within a couple Suppose “you learn something new every minute” (=STM): 70-year lie span = 36,000,OOO min.; of orders of magnitude). For the sake of argument, we % sleep (dreamless), and 8/o forgotten; assume some of the conventional cognitivist picture of Yields 2,000,000+ long-term episodic memories. the overall ground plan of a cognitive system as a con- venient approximation. The mind’s dictionary for a normal adult’s spoken vocabulary might range as large as an undergraduate’s If we consider the perceptual abilities of a human abridged Webster’s Collegiate. (Although a lO,OOO-word being, the well-read person can learn 50,000 ideograms active vocabulary is typical for a high-school graduate, for written Mandarin Chinese (although 5,000 suffice as a good reader can understand at least four times as “basic Chinese” for reading a newspaper). Similarly, many.‘) We will also allow a “mentalese dictionary” of chess experts seem to work with a perceptual pattern -- set of about 30,000 board situations [50]. A Mandarin- ’ The average eight-year-old child can recognize cwer 14,000 root words; this works out. beginning at 18 months, to vocabulary growth at about 5 new reading chess player (perhaps even multilingual) who words per day (see [lo] and [41]). manages to find his or her way around town, :recogniz-

404 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Articles

ized in the cortical sheet, the “volume of a concept” Some convergent infonation on a cognitive/perceptual (C/P) system estimate: would then average 0.05 cu. mm of gray matter.) Al- Is there room in our heads for a 10 million-element system? though much information is represented in other fea- tures of brain structure, the synapse is predominantly Total brain volume: ~1.4 I. viewed as the site of memory. The human cerebral Cortex volume: 0.5 I. cortex is now thought to contain 10 billion neurons, 10’” neurons x ~5,000 synapses/call = 5 X 10’3 synapses. with perhaps about 5,000 synapses each; there are then about 5 X lOI3 synapses total.7 With this estimate of Suppose only 9%of the synapses are dedicated to synaptic density, we can attempt a calculation of the representing C/P elements. minimum information representation capacity of corti- Then, 1 C/P element: 0.06 cu. mm volume; 1,000 neurons; cal tissue-after all, it is not going to be unlimited. 1 ,ooo,ooo synapses. Since there are other processing chores, not every Minimum information-rapresantation capacity of cortical single cortical synapse can be dedicated to representing tissue: cognitive/perceptual elements. If we suppose only a Suppose each synapse P 1 on/off bit. fifth of them are so occupied (indeed, under suitable 1 C/P element ii 1 Mbit = 60 pp. of text. conditions, individuals can lose one entire cerebral hemisphere without detectable deficit), there are then Therefore, no Cartesian nonspatial substance is needed yet. Versus, for example, if the C/P element/synapse ratio were about one million synapses per cognitive/perceptual worse than 1 : 24 element. If each available synapse here is supposed to (since 24 bits are required just to index 10 million encode 1 binary bit of information, then a cognitive/ elements). perceptual element (including perhaps some of its in- terrelations to other elements) can be synaptically rep- resented by 1 Mbit-a million bits-which would be FIGURE2. The Volume of a Concept about 60 typed, single-spaced pages of arbitrary alpha- numeric text. All that this establishes is a convergent ing the faces of acquaintances,6 does not seem an un- confirmation that the aforementioned cognitive system realistic possibility. This individual’s “visual pattern size estimate is not entirely unrealistic. No Cartesian font” might reach 200,000 items. Yielding to visual nonspatial substance is needed yet. chauvinism, I will assign a similar number for all other In contrast, if the ratio of available synapses to cogni- sense modalities combined. Finally, viewing motor tive/perceptual elements had turned out to be worse skills on the same hierarchical model as visual pattern than 24 : 1, it would fall short of convergent confirma- recognition, let us suppose there are as many motor tion of the system size estimate since 24 bits are re- schemata as visual patterns. (There will also be special- quired just for a minimal unique index of each of purpose modules for syntax and early vision, among 10 million items. Or, again, a cognitive system the size others.) of the 80 million-volume Library of Congress (with an The grand total for the inventory of a cognitive/per- average book of about 300 typed pages), or even of the ceptual/motor system is then around three million 25 million-volume Lenin Library, would not be synap- items. Even setting aside the conceptual morass of dis- tically representable in a human cortex.’ tinguishing where one item stops and another begins, we must still note that, on a standard cognitivist pic- ‘Accessible accounts that include the estimates above can be found in arti- cles published in [6]. For some review and evaluation of quantitative “euro- ture, these items will vary enormously in size. A propo- anatomy, see 1151. sition might be only about the size of the six-chunk “A natural “informational origami” objection is that cognitive structure may capacity of human short-term memory, whereas a pic- well be represented in brain structure more subtly and efficiently than the ture could be worth more than a thousand words. For crude additive manner sketched here. For example, it might he encoded with the moment, we pass over the question of the average snme of the compactness that brain structure information must be stored on the genome (see the “Prospects for Cognitivism” section). Sometimes. snme of size of these items themselves. the DNA “Turing tape” eve” can palindromically serve multiple functions. Some rough neuroanatomical constraints can be Mental structure, however, unlike lower order brain structure. seems un- likely to be amenable to much generative compactification. One reason de- used as a check on this size estimate for a cognitive rives from the familiar philosophical observation of the poor fit between the system: For example, is there room in our heads for a physical-here, the neuroanatomical-and the domain of everyday human situations and needs. The natural kinds of the physical/biological domain 10 million-element system, or would crowding it in mesh only roughly relative to humanly relevant concepts and knowledge require a brain the size of a bathtub? (See Figure 2.) structures. (E.g., it is easy to envisage a compact genetic code for, say, a l-to-l mapping from retina to visual cortex, but distinctively more difficult to do so The cerebral cortex, generally regarded as the seat of for a concept set including “telephone, ” “bachelor,” etc.) Hence. exploitable higher cognitive functions in Homo sapiens and other regularities of psychological structure seem unlikely to correspond well with regularities of brain structure. animals that have them, has a volume of around 0.5 In addition, debate continues about whether human cognitive structure is liter for human beings. (Keeping in mind that a cogni- regular in the first place, rather than a” intrinsically arbitrary hodgepodge [see the “Mind As Kludge” section). Consider the huge variation in human tive/perceptual element might not be narrowly local- belief systems that can he found today. In contrast, brain structure (e.g.. cortical columns) seems a very large-scale but repetitive array. It is like the ‘The right cerebral hemisphere seems to contain a face-recognition module difference between geography and geometry, with geology somewhere in be- with the caoacitv to learn 600 faces as easilv as 90. and to reidentifv them tween. Consequently, the representation scheme for a cognitive system must years later as ac&ately as a few months l&r. Carey and Diamond claim that he inefficient or inelegant to the extent that it must he flexible enough to “the limits on this ennrmnus hut everyday capacity, if any, have not yet been accommodate the deeply ad hoc character of much human knowledge and found” [ll. p. 611. interests.

April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Communicntions of the ACM 405 Articles

UNVERIFIABLE SOFTWARE gram candidate. Nevertheless, the basic verification 1.fwe took seriously the back-of-the-envelope estimate predicament for each of these huge programs is essen- t.hat a human cognitive system could have a size in the tially similar. I-to-‘10 million-item range, what would be some of the methodological consequences for cognitive science? SOFTWARE VERIFICATION One question this size estimate raises concerns the What is program verification? In short, checking for manageability or comprehensibility of the mind’s pro- local syntax errors in code is routine and computation- gram. Anatomists are fond of saying the human brain ally cheap; the trouble lies elsewhere. In software engi- is the most complex physical structure known in the neering, the conventional trichotomy of levels of design universe. Moving from the hardware to software level, is (1) abstract specification of the software task or logi- one would expect the mind’s program to be correspon- cal function, (2) devising the basic procedural idea or dir&y complex. A comparison of the mind’s program algorithm for the task, and (3) writing the actual de- size estimate with the sizes of the big texts in Table I tailed program code that implements the algorithm. seems to confirm-with some exceptions-this qual- Evaluation of the resulting software includes establish- itativ’e difference in magnitude, unless the size esti- ing correctness (for the appropriate range of inputs, the mate for the average individual cognitive/perceptual program yields only the right outputs), completeness element is absurdly small, such as under one typed (for the appropriate inputs, the program always yields page. an output), and computational tractability (for appropri- In particular, if we compare the size of the mind’s ate inputs, the computational costs of the program are program with size estimates for the battle-management always acceptable). software for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI] (in the Real-world debugging tends to be perceived as only early “total-shield” concept, not more recent scaled- minor “noise” in the software development process; down proposals), the accepted estimates for the planned however, a number of studies indicate that the majority original SD1software ranged up to about 10 million of the actual cost of a software project is devoted to lines of code (expected to be in the higher level com- such testing. Also, a range of studies suggest that, even puter language Ada). Roughly speaking, the size of when it is done properly, the resulting software will the SD1battle-management software is then at least still contain around one bug for every 100 statements.” 100 times smaller than the estimated size of the mind’s Indeed, bug corrections themselves tend to be signifi- program. Is the proposed SD10 software envisaged to be cantly more error prone than the original code. Fur- comprehensible-in particular, “verifiable” or debugga- thermore, apparently because of combinatorial explo- ble? This question has become a topic of current politi- sion of transition possibilities, asymptotic bug rates cal controversy. In 1985 computer scientist David Par- often seem to go up, not down, with increasing program nas resigned from the SD1Panel on Computing in Sup- size (see, e.g., [7, pp. 88-89)]. port of Battle Management. His letter of resignation and Bugs seem to be endemic. The startling character of an accompanying set of short tutorials arguing that the such statistics suggests that we tend to unrealistically SD1software system would not be trustworthy were presuppose that programs are essentially errsor free. subsequently published over the ARPANET. Later, an- Such a picture may itself be an instance of the recently other paper with a similar conclusion, that reliable soft- much-studied pathological inability of human beings ware for such a defense may be impossible, appeared as to estimate and reason in terms of accurate event base the lead “Science and Public Policy” article in Scientific rates;” perhaps some vivid stereotype of “computer- Americmg The basic idea that (moderately) large pro- like perfection” drives us to overlook observlsd bug fre- gramming projects suffer problems different in kind quencies. [A possible harbinger of a paradigm shift here from small ones had been vividly argued much earlier is the ACM journal Software Engineering Notes, which by Frederick Brooks, project manager for development regularly publishes lists of bug episodes.) of the IBM System/360 and its operating system, in [7]. To an outsider, the classic verification methodol- The tenor of Brooks’ essay is conveyed by the cover ogy, exemplified by Dijkstra [19], seems to be self- illustration, a paleontologist’s drawing of the La Brea consciously modeled on a Cartesian epistemology of de- Tar Pits. ductive science: “Perfect” formal proofs of a program’s The Pascalian game theory of verification for the correctness and completeness are required; they resem- mind’s program and for a ballistic missile defense soft- ble metamathematical proofs of consistency and com- ware system differ vastly: The downside risk for a fail- pleteness of deductive systems. Although controversy ure of a mind’s program candidate is just a research surrounds this stringent program verification methodol- embarrassment, whereas failure of SD1software could ogy, I think there are some reasonable questions about bring ;a catastrophe unprecedented in human history. It whether history’s majority verdict will be that the full- is also difficult to envisage a full-scale test of the SD1 scale methodology becomes more of an interesting art softwalre system without global thermonuclear war,

whereas this seems less of a problem for a mind’s pro- lo These studies are reviewed in 14, pp. 1-3, 33-351. See also [7, p. 20). -- ‘Parnas’s material has since appeared in more extensive form as 1451. See also ” A review of psychological studies of the role of human base-rate [381. path&&s in real-world risk assessment is found in [51].

466 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 3:1 Number 4 Articles for art’s sake end rather than a real-world feasible tech- our end: In “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” nique. Parnas remarks that the programs for which Turing already seemed to glimpse this predicament: he has seen such proofs have all been “well under “We also wish to allow the possibility that an engineer 500 lines” [45, p. 4391. In the preface to a recent book in or team of engineers may construct a machine which the Dijkstra tradition, Gries acknowledges that the works, but whose manner of operation cannot be satis- methodology has been applied only to programs consist- factorily described by its constructors because they ing of “one or two pages” of text. (Gries asserts that have applied a method which is largely experimental “finding an error should be the exception rather than [l, p. 71.” the rule.” Ironically, however, a typographical error oc- A more applicable approach than perfect verification curs by the second page of his preface [27, pp. vii-viii].) is probabilistic analysis of program performance. The The underlying strategic problem for such perfection- basic idea is to make a representative sampling of a ism is a new wrinkle on the traditional epistemological range of input instances from the total problem space problem of regress. Program verification, like theorem and then to evaluate program behavior for those cases. proving, tends to be computationally complex.‘* To es- The evaluation can be by formal methods, as in Smale’s tablish adequate confidence in a program by this meth- proof that computationally “hard” problem instances odology, one moves out of the frying pan of questions for the simplex linear programming algorithm are in a about the program’s correctness and into the fire of an sense “rare” [52]; or the evaluation may be “empirical,” even more real-world unmanageable correctness proof. by actually observing computer running times.*“ Thus, A conventional proof of formal system consistency the goal shifts from “perfect” verification to establishing must always be relative-it must rely on some back- a sufficiently high probability of simply adequate pro- ground level of intuitions about correctness. The clas- gram performance, as in engineering tests of conven- sical concern is the adequacy of our metatheoretic no- tional machinery. The crucial methodological puzzle in tions of consistency that must be appealed to in such probabilistic program testing is, how is one to define a consistency proof. For example, in 1936 Gerhardt the problem-space regions that are of interest (how Gentzen gave a consistency proof for elementary arith- much, how often) for a given purpose? Correspon- metic using extremely powerful nonelementary meth- dingly, how is one to identify a sufficiently systematic ods (as required by Godel’s Incompleteness theorem), sampling procedure on those problem-space regions? that is, methods not formalizable in arithmetic itself Problem instances are typically interesting or important involving transfinite induction. According to Kleene, only relative to a whole context of human goals, needs, the logician Alfred Tarski, “asked whether he felt more and so on. Thus, probabilistic program verification be- secure about classical from Gentzen’s con- comes intimately and inextricably linked to exactly sistency proof, replied, ‘Yes, by an epsilon”’ [34, p. 2571. those volatile phenomena that are the most distinc- This type of no-win predicament is now mirrored at a tively resistant to “clean, scientific” definition. practical level for program verification: When the proof itself must be so unmanageable, a Cartesian method of A PASCALIAN PREDICAMENT analyzing it down to a vast series of humanly obvious It is important to be aware that some of the simplest individual steps simply introduces its own unreliability. software with the best track record of actual perfor- The very high observed error rates described earlier mance is quite buggy. The most startling stories I know heighten this practical regress problem. There seems concern floating-point arithmetic algorithms for micro- to be a point of diminishing returns: As programs and processors, for example, a square-root function that in their verifications get bigger, the proofs’ power as con- some cases produces outputs differing from target val- vincing machines thereby asymptotes. (I believe corre- ues by an order of magnitude. William Kahan, of the sponding worries underlie much of the methodological Computer Science Department at the University of Cal- puzzlement that greeted Appel and Haken’s proof of the ifornia, Berkeley, has argued that no calculator in the Four-Color theorem by computer-assisted exhaustive foreseeable future will be free of serious round-offer- checking of huge numbers of possible cases.13) rors.15 Similarly, the operating system for the IBM PC It is worth emphasizing that, although total correct- microcomputer still harbors a number of nontrivial ness proofs may be an overreaction, there is a sound bugs; indeed, each new version seems to engender in motive behind them. Dijkstra is concerned that, with- turn its own new crop of them. (Thus, much of the out such proofs, programmers live “in a limbo of folk- business of user publications such as PC Weekconsists lore, . . . never quite sure what the system will do to of bug patrolling and reporting.) Therefore, even micro- their programs” [19, p. 2021. Indeed, in the beginning is ” For an empirical study of actual run times of a simplex package, see 1401 For an analysis of basic methodological issues involved in such empirical I2 For a brief discussion, see [46]. A survey of practical and theoretical unfea- evaluations, see [24]. sibility of formal proofs of pmgmm correctness is found in 139).

“See [30]. (I recall that Kahan’s office used to be littered with pocket calcula- ‘3See. for example, 1551. For an overview of another huge proof (15,000 pages tors that he could net to exhibit the most exotic behavior.1 See also the long. primarily by hand. in group theory) see (261. In arguing for his methods discussion of an&is and control of ernxs in [29] (reportedly, it was largely ofprobabilistic prwf, Rabin has noted in effect (apparently not in print) the ghostwritttm by Kahan). The approach them is toward learning to live with diminishing-returns problem for the convincingness of large mathematical unavoidable errors as design limitations rather than as unanticipated bugs- proofs: see [35]. that is. to predict and manage important classes of them.

April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Communicntions of the ACM 407 Articles

processor software engineering seems to diverge from buggability of a poem (“A poem is never completed, the unclouded optimism of any prospect of monotonic only abandoned”], it seems that “a program is never refinement toward the ideal (e.g., along the classical finished, only released.” Large software will be con- pragmatist lines of C. S. Peirce’s model of scientific demned to the Sisyphean regime of the iron law of inquiry). The decision-theoretically correct conclusion Murphy. When we extrapolate beyond actual software here is: not some Luddite advice to trash our calcula- to the complete purported program of the human mind, tors; the rather unsystematic intuition, on the basis of the cost-benefit analysis becomes still more problem- which we are willing to design bridges, is that we can atic. Of course, actual human reasoning procedures di- be reasonably certain that the buggy cases are quaran- verge far from formal perfection. As reviewed in the tined amidentifiable when they do get loose. The line upcoming discussion of quick-and-dirty heuristics, their between bug and undocumented design feature can unreliability seems a profoundly Faustian bargain, in- blur; we learn to live sometimes with bugs along the dispensable to avoid computational paralysis. But the lines-“A weed is just a plant for which we have not peculiar possibility emerges that, even if a fully intelli- yet found a use.” We do not demand perfection. We gent program could be constructed, it might be right- thereby bet our lives on hunches about the probability fully condemned to remain a toy or laboratory curi- distribution of the bad cases; but the alternative is a osity. Could we rationally rely on it as much

408 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Artic :lt3 at least one independent memory location for storing and so on”-act as a type of fault-tolerant software each symbol of the program. Yet commercial software design feature, namely, as valuable quarantines on bug continues to have defect rates that would be exotic for propagation. (So that, e.g., contrary to Quine and others, conventional machinery, current computer hardware a contradiction in the system does not in fact actually surpasses any other artifact of our era in both its intri- threaten to generate every proposition.) cacy and reliability. Hardware failures are relatively rare events. Why is this? The remarkable record of hardware reliability owes something to a concern with MIND AS KLUDGE such things as fault-tolerant design and error-correcting Another source of undebuggability is intrinsically codes that dates back to von Neumann. messy program structure. Over the past two decades, a But the difference between hardware and software set of methodological constraints on the very form of a that is mainly responsible for this qualitatively different cognitive science have been urged, particularly by the order of failure proneness concerns structure. Tacitly Cambridge Cartesians-Chomsky, Fodor, et al. (see, we tend to extend our picture of the behavior of con- e.g., [16, chap. l] and [22]). The correct form of a cogni- ventional artifacts to software, but the latter is in fact tive theory must be as a small set of elegant, powerful, an entirely different regime. A massive memory (e.g., a general principles, on a model such as classical me- disk system) differs from a massive program it contains chanics, because such hyper-Euclideanism is supposed in that the memory has a simple additive structure, to be part of the essence of good scientific explanation, rather than a branching complexity. Very roughly, a just as being a male sibling is the nature of brother- satisfactory memory medium (e.g., basically iron filings hood. It has been claimed that, if the mind turns out embedded in Mylar sheet) just has to be tested for pu- not to have this clean, compact structure, but instead rity and uniformity to ensure there are no imperfec- turns out to be designed as a patchwork hodgepodge of tions in the physical material. Unlike software, the many ad hoc kludges (i.e., inelegant rules), then there diskettes that contain it are routinely guaranteed free can be no cognitive science. Whatever cognitive scien- of defects in materials and workmanship. To test a tists are doing, it will be merely something low level memory to establish that it is good, one only has to and descriptive, like geography or writing large, messy sample and check the relatively independent elements. Russian novels. The failure modes of memory media do not include It is at least a question of current empirical investiga- cases where insidious, fine-structured, extensive propa- tion, and of some controversy, whether the mind is in gation is likely. fact hyper-Euclidean in this way. After all, what is ele- The texture of failure for a program differs because of gant to the eye of the cognitive theoretician may not be its branchy structure: There are not just many distinct obediently implemented by Mother Nature because it states, but a combinatorially exploding number of ways may not be efficient for actual processing: Thus, the in which one state can be connected to another. The alternative emerging picture of mind instead as an branching is not just wide, but deeply hierarchical in in-practice anomalous kludge of limited-applicability organization, nested iteratively through many layers as special-purpose procedures. But how much comfort in truth tables. Debuggability by exhaustive checking of can we take from a kludge model of the mind? this vast number of potentially possible transitions is If all of the mind had a neat, regular (and modular) then not remotely feasible. (Recall the example of the hyper-Euclidean structure, its software would be rela- costs of truth-functional consistency testing sketched tively easy to debug on the pattern of conventional earlier.) Here again we confront a problem of scale. consistency and completeness proofs for formal systems In addition, the essential structure of a cognitive sys- in logic as mentioned earlier. But kludge-structured tem ensures that computational approximations of it software for the mind’s vastness will be seriously will function as failure amplifiers. In philosophy, Quine harder to verify just because it’s messy. In a backhand way, for an unanticipated reason, the Cambridge Carte- [47, sec. 61 and Davidson [18] have long emphasized the distinctively holistic character of cognitive systems. But sian commitment to hyper-Euclideanism is at least that interconnectedness means that defects, as well as somewhat vindicated. Whether or not a science of the revisions, will tend to propagate via the flow of infor- kludge ceases in essence to be science,it is in danger of mation throughout the web of belief. In this way, such being impossible, because a huge kludge threatens to be a nexus acts as a bug detector, rather like a spiderweb. a practically unknowable entity. Divide-and-conquer software design methodologies that prescribe a hierarchy of self-contained, clean- THE QUICK AND THE DIRTY interfacing modules and submodules are, of course, It is important to distinguish between a kludge and a good strategy; but the intrinsically holistic nature of quick-and-dirty procedure-one that is computation- program models of cognition entails limits to such mod- ally cheap, but formally incorrect and incomplete. A ularity. Quine, Davidson, and the philosophical tradi- program can be inelegant, but still correct and com- tion they epitomize deny or recoil from departures of plete. Conversely, a program can be compact, but incor- actual cognitive webs from ideal rationality; it is there- fore ironic that such nonidealities-nonclosure of the belief set under deduction, compartmentalization of it, “1 have discussed these in [13, chaps. 3-41

April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Communications of the ACM 409 Articles

rect and/or incomplete. A variety of converging evi- complete specification of the set of relevant typical dence has emerged that suggests for a wide range of problem instances will often be delicately enmeshed reasoning procedures a profound antagonism between in the whole context-sensitive nexus of human goals, formal correctness/completeness and computational needs, and purposes. Such probabilistic analyses are not tracta.bility (see, e.g., [13, chap. 41). At least the flavor of merely hard to accomplish as a practical matter; the these complexity-theoretic results is conveyed by the very concept of successhere does not seem susceptible example of the computational cost of tautology testing of clear specification. Therefore, the threat is of the by truth tables, mentioned at the onset of this article. reliability of the heuristic becoming merely (ahaphaz- The conclusion 1 have drawn, which I think has inde- ard “so far, so good” black-box gamble. pendently become a leitmotiv of a variety of current research, is that human beings must evade this compu- tational paralysis by using quick-and-dirty procedures. The optimism of this picture of quick-and-dirty heu- A familiar intuition regarding the ristics as the ultimate speed-reliability trade-off, how- complexity of the human brain is that a ever, is darkened when we turn to evaluation of the low-level description of its structure would performance of such heuristics. Perfection may be im- be entirely unmanageable for us. possible, but it is simple. It is no accident that correct and complete procedures were objects of study long before quick-and-dirty heuristics. For example, the concepts of perfect correctness and completeness for It is in this way that a higher order dilemma arises a deductive system are rather easy to define, and it is between computational tractability and software veri- often relatively easy to establish that a system satisfies fication: Quick-and-dirty procedures do indeed seem them. A quick-and-dirty deductive system is, of course, indispensable for evading intractability, but (atthe cost guaranteed not to be correct and complete; the most of loss of clearly definable concepts of verific:ation or that can be sought is that it possessacceptable incor- debugging. (In philosophy, the prospect of mind as inev- rectness and/or incompleteness. But notions of such itably quick-and-dirty kludge poses methodological acceptable “dirtiness” will tend strongly to have the puzzles in this way for recent reliabilist theories of jus- character that we already saw earlier for probabilistic tification such as Goldman’s [25], which seeks to evalu- software verification. ate basic cognitive processes epistemologicalliy in terms That is, to evaluate whether a program is acceptably of their reliability, power, and speed.) In still another dirty, one has to be able to specify, again, the subset of way, the mind’s software seems to recede as a practi- input problem instances that are of interest-for exam- cally unmanageable Ding an sick ple, are likely to arise often in relevant conditions. Blind trial and error cannot suffice. Then one must PROSPECTS FOR COGNITIVISM estimate whether the program’s behavior will be cor- A familiar intuition regarding the complexity of the rect, complete, and computationally tractable suffi- human brain is that a low-level description of its struc- ciently often in those cases. Such probabilistic analyses ture would be entirely unmanageable for us. For exam- of heuristics are just beginning to emerge, principally in ple, “Even if we had a diagram that included every one the areas of computer science that deal with optimiza- of the billions of neurons and billions of interconnec- tion procedures that are computationally costly and tions in the human brain, it would stare at us as mutely much more clearly defined than most AI tasks.“’ as the grains of sand in a desert” [5]. As Anderson One leading worker in the area, Richard Karp, views asserts, “A neural explanation is too complex and de- the venture of probabilistic analysis of combinatorial tailed to adequately describe sophisticated human be- optimization algorithms as “only partially successful” havior. We need a level of analysis that is more ab- because of continued use of “the most simplistic of stract” [2, p. 111. The natural inference has then been probabilistic models” [31, p. 1081. He adds later, “There to the promise of a computational psychology. The most is a really fundamental methodological problem: How powerful level of description of the brain sha’uld be at do you choose the probability distributions? How can the program level of abstraction, rather than, say, a you possibly know what the population of problem in- microlevel neuroanatomical wiring diagram. stances is going to be?” [23, p. 1131. Indeed, Karp and The argument here, however, has been that such a Luby felt obliged to conclude a recent paper proposing program seems likely still to be unmanageabl.e-une- and formally analyzing some Monte Carlo techniques valuatable, in particular-because of its vastness and by citing results of actually running the algorithm on its branchy, irregular, and necessarily quick-and-dirty six examples [32, p. 631. In-practice performance eval- structure. This picture of mind as huge kludge in turn uation still seems to compel a quasi-experimental ap- seems to account etiologically for some of the current proach. A basic difficulty, once again, seems to be that practice, as opposed to ideology, of AI. The conven- tional optimist view of AI methodology is that it im- -- poses valuable discipline 02 cognitive modeling. First, “For an overview of such probabilistic analyses, see Karp’s ACM Lecture [31] @p. 106-108 are especially relevant here) and also the it serves a Socratic function, forcing us to be honest by interview with Karp in the same issue (231. focusing attention on specific implementation details

410 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 of the model. We thereby find and confront the “and- CONCLUSION then-a-miracle-happens” gaps. Second, AI program- My basic point has been simply that there are reasons ming-with performance evaluation-constitutes to expect the mind’s program to be inhumanly unman- a kind of quasi-empirical test of the model. The de- ageable stemming from a resource-realistic approach to pressive critique, however, familiar since Dreyfus’s cognitive science. To this extent its usefulness to cogni- What Compufers Can’f Do [ZO], is that AI’s approach to tive science itself will be limited. The distinctive recal- problem-stellung has in fact involved selection of citrance of a science of the mind, compared with the “toy,” simplified problem instances and quite limited physical and biological sciences, has long been noted. problem domains, with attendant difficulties of “brittle- We can now see that, correspondingly, the mind’s pro- ness” or nonextendability of the resulting custom- gram would differ fundamentally from conventional tailored initial program designs. First steps abound, but machines. The mind’s program would be an impossi- few second steps. bility engine, in that it would be practically unfeasible We can now see that such practice is not some mys- for us fully to comprehend and evaluate it. This is not terious infantilization or moral defect. It can be made quite Edmund Husserl’s verdict that articulating the sense of as an instance of the inattention to scale that I structure of mind is “an infinite task”; but then bare in- proposed earlier is a pervasive feature of methodology principle possibility seems of limited interest. Nor is the throughout cognitive science. Difficulties arise because point an impossibility proof of a complete mind’s pro- a human cognitive system will be so huge that the gram cannot be constructed; rather it is that we cannot distance between pilot and full implementation will deal with or fully understand it. Our stance toward it tend to be quite vast. Similarly, the inattention to sys- might end up a little like that of coral animals toward tematic performance evaluation of AI programs seems the vast reef they have builtZ3 (Recall Ulam’s worries more than historical accident. Rather, it can be viewed quoted earlier about a similar current state of mathe- as a symptom of simple but deep features of the struc- matical knowledge.) ture of a cognitive system. Mind as huge kludge poses This argument does not impugn the plausibility of specific obstacles to debuggability: identifying the prob- manageability of all very large programs, only ones lem space and the subregions that are of real interest, with the distinctively unwieldy structure of models of devising sampling strategies for them, and verifying the human mind. The present discussion also leaves that performance reaches reasonable levels. Recent open the possibility that there might be some program neurally inspired connectionisP conceptions of distrib- that could yield the full range of human-level intelli- uted and massively parallel architectures can only ex- gent behavior, yet have a radically different, in partic- acerbate these structural unevaluatability difficulties. ular, simpler, structure than that of the human mind. As a concluding irony, it is interesting to turn our (This possibility is explored in [la].) attention once more to scale to compare the size esti- Even with this in-practice anomalousness, some of mate for the mind’s program with the information con- the overall ground plan of the mind’s program should tent of a human DNA strand (see Table I). The brain’s be humanly accessible. Also, the smaller a submodule bottom-level neuroanatomical characterization cannot (when cleanly isolable), the more manageable it should be too huge, for it must be able to pass through the be. I therefore feel that it would be an overreaction genomic bottleneck of DNA representability: The brain’s here to leap to a grand eliminativist conclusion that blueprint must be able to fit into less than three billion computational or cognitive levels of explanations are base units, the single-copy size of the total human ge- fundamentally misbegotten. (E.g., to conclude that such nome. With allowances for informational inefficiencies categories cannot be the natural kinds for a successful of protein specification, repeated sequences, noncoding science of the mind.) Why should we expect a preesta- introns, and so forth, somewhere between 10,000 and blished harmony, where human nature must turn out 30,000 typed alphanumeric pages of brain-specific ge- to be conveniently comprehensible to us? netic “text” seem available for representing the mind’s I tend to personally lean toward a mutual coexist- hardware.” Whatever the vagaries of comparing lines ence: With a picture of the mind’s program as huge, of SD1code, cognitive items, and DNA text, it then branchy, quick-and-dirty kludge, the conventional con- seems that a human brain’s genetic blueprint is orders trast in manageability cited earlier between explana- of magnitude smaller than the proposed SD1software, tions at the level of abstract program and of neural much less the mind’s program. The initial intuition hardware fades. Full-scale software description of the about complexity of brain structure vastly exceeding mind faces a predicament of diminishing returns. A 10 that of the mind’s program then turns topsy-turvy. The million-element cognitive system with each element paradoxical conclusion is that a quite low-level descrip- 100 statements long, and a 10 billion-neuron cerebral tion-the DNA representation-of the neural hardware cortex begin to some degree to converge in complexity. turns out to be demonstrably more economical than the Hence, the idea of the mind’s program as an impossibil- envisaged mind’s software of cognitivism.

” For an introduction. see [49] and the articles in [17] ‘An emerging symptom of this phenomenon that I lampooned in a recent cognitive science fiction niece- 1141., is AI enaineerina steadilv outoacine. L the- **See the papers in [43]; for an accessible review of the molecular biology, see ori: that is, increasing practical AI successes with diminishing understanding (541. of how and where the software works.

April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4 Communicationsof the ACM 411 Articles

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Commun. provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commer- AU.4 29, 2 (Feb. 1986), 98-111. cial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication 32. Karp, R.M.. and Luby, M. Monte-Carlo algorithms for the planar and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of multiterminal network reliability problem. J. Complexity I (1965), the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to 45-64. republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission.

412 Communications of the ACM April 1988 Volume 31 Number 4