Caption Here Caption Here Trail Run New Year’s Resolution Run Phew …. New race, new courses, record numbers, 38 degree temperatures and a total fire ban. Collectively, for the Wamboin Trail Runners, our nerves were on edge in the lead up to the race.

Wrap-up report When we decided to start the Kowen Trail Run series, we wanted to create an event that was equally welcoming to both elite runners and to people who had never entered a trail race before. But at the same time, The Kowen Trail Run is a we wanted courses that are as challenging as any you’ll find in . not-for-profit event hosted by the Wamboin No one would call the half marathon a walk in the park with over 700 metres of elevation in the form of hill after hill after hill, and then you Trail Runners in turn the corner and come face to face with Mt Amungula! Meanwhile, association with the we created the 12 km course from scratch with 8 km of continuous single Australian Mountain track – complete with switch-backs, fallen trees, steep hills and Running Association. disorienting curving trails that require 100% attention. Similarly, with the kids’ runs, we developed events that tested their coordination and focus. Proceeds from the event The older kids ran a fair dinkum trail run while the 5s and under were go to the Wamboin Rural presented with their first ever adventure race. Fire Brigade. Yes, it was a gamble, but a gamble that paid off! You only need to scroll through our Facebook page to see that the courses were a hit. People loved the scenery and enjoyed testing themselves against the challenge posed by the courses. Just as we’d hoped. Thank you all for participating in the New Year’s Resolution Run and we hope we’ll see in June!

Above Photo: Bob Miller

Photo Right: Donna Cain-Riva


Race Records Race records , every winner is also a race Trail half marathon record holder! Matthew Crane (m) 1:40:04 Matthew Crane and Sarah-Jayne Miller (f) 1:51:36 Wamboin local, John Winsbury, took out 12 km trail run the half marathon and John Winsbury (m) 0:53:21 Ella Cuthbert (f) 1:11:50 12 km respectively in

super quick times, given 1.5 km kids trail run the challenging nature of Jackson Murray (m) 0:06:33 both courses. But special Maddy Bulogh (f) 0:08:04 mention should be made Figure 1Photo: Carolyn Young of the sterling work of our two women record On the podium holders. Sarah-Jayne Miller now wears the Trail half marathon double crown having won Male Female 1. Matthew Crane 1:40:04 1. Sarah-Jayne Miller 1:51:36 both the June and 2. Alex Van Der 1:43:58 2. Lou Clifton 1:56:37 January half marathons. A Meer Simo truly awe-inspiring result. 3. Aaron Smith 1:45:02 3. Amelia Griffith 1:58:54 But let’s not forget Ella Cuthbert, who took 12 km trail run out the 12 km event at Male Female age 15. Ella has a great 1. John Winsbury 0:53:21 1. Ella Cuthbert 1:11:50 2. Dave Brown 0:54:51 2. Alexandra Orme 1:12:18 future in front of her and 3. Kurt Warn 0:56:33 3. Olivia Stutchbury 1:12:51 we are so proud that she can look back and say 1.5 km kids trail run that one of her first big Male Female wins was at the Kowen 1. Jackson Murray 0:06:33 1. Maddy Bulogh 0:08:04 Trail Run! Congratulations 2. Noah Codrington 0:07:37 2. Eliza Lawton 0:08:04 also to Jackson Murray 3. Kobe Field 0:07:38 3. Tully Crosthwaite 0:09:30 and Maddy Bulogh who ran their first ever trail Results run and won!

Full results can be found at the Kowen Trail Run website, kowen-trail-, click the January event tab and go to ‘results’. There you’ll find a Photo: Carolyn Young link to the FlyerUltra results page.


Community Hall: Thanks to our • Caitlin and Andrew Curtis - merchandise, registration, finishing table, videoing, drink station for the 1.5 km kids trail race volunteers • Clare Szydlik – event management • Morgan Hubbard - photographer at the hall, finisher photos • Jack Muston - Bingley/crown road marshal, recovery area water Kowen Trail Run • Carolyn Young - presentation photographer volunteers are a special breed. We put them out Water station 1 in the forest miles from • Sheryl Steele anywhere in the summer • Jen Nethersole heat and winter cold. Some literally spend days Water station 2 • Laura Power laying the course markers • Tammy Miller while others have the • Denise Hales responsibility of ensuring • Bob Miller (photographer) that no tail end runner is left behind. Water station 3 • Lisa Brunswick

Water station 4 Hard work and tonnes of responsibility and still • Caitlin Hubbard they come back for more. • Sharon Komidar (photographer)

Truly, the success of the Water station 5/mobile car/sweepers Kowen Trail Run rests on • Michael Muston their shoulders. We owe • Dave Steele them a lot! So, let’s give a big thank you to the Single track marshalls following people that • Sam Post (our forest fairy) sacrificed their weekend • Michael Thompson

for us all. Kids novelty races and registration • Heather Lawton

Photo Top: Jenny Sullivan Carpark management • Wamboin Rural Fire Brigade Photo Bottom: Bob Miller

Post-race munchies • Joan Mason and her team.


On the generosity of runners

After the dust had settled on the June 2017 Kowen Trail Run and the sums were done on income and expenditure, we were able to provide a donation of $5,000 to the Wamboin Rural Fire Brigade.

With these funds, the Fire Brigade was able to purchase thermal imaging equipment which is capable of detecting fires blazing below ground level. These fires, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, are often responsible for the re-ignition of fires thought to have been extinguished.

This year, following the New Year’s Resolution Run, we are pleased to announce that we have been able to provide the Wamboin Rural Fire Brigade with a donation of $6,200!

The funds were comprised a total race income of $12,759 in the form of entries ($11,907) plus generous voluntary donations committed by runners Some as part of the entry ($852). Separate from these calculations, there were also donations made direct to the Fire Brigade on the day (including one feedback from generous anonymous donor who put a $100 bill in the donation bucket!).

our vollies Our total expenditure was $6,546.38 (associated with online registration, timing, insurance, food, prizes, course marking materials, printing, facilities A number of locals and associated costs) – leaving $6,200 for the Fire Brigade. The remaining $12.62 will go towards expenses associated with the June event. volunteered at the race

and more than one We’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in the commented on just how race – we couldn’t have made the donation without you! friendly and polite you guys are. To quote Lisa who manned the Poppet Hill water station “Nearly every runner that passed the station waved or said thank you. I never realised trail runners were such a friendly bunch”.

Photo Above: Reprinted with permission – Weekly

Photo right: photo supplied.


Race stats More It is an exciting time for race organisers as we watch Kowen Trail Run numbers grow. Entries have increased from 264 in June to an astonishing information 315 in January. Given that the January event is held in the summer holiday period and in hot conditions, there is every indication that numbers will If you are after more further increase at the next event in June. information about the Kowen Trail Run, check Of the 315 entrants, the lion’s share of runners, 205 (65%), came from the ACT. Local runners were also a significant component with 46 (15%) from out our website at Wamboin/ and a further 22 (7%) from the wider local region (Queanbeyan, Bungendore etc). We also attracted 36 runners (11%) from There, you’ll find a further afield in NSW including: 15 from Sydney, 10 from Goulburn, five background information from Wagga Wagga (including Lockhart) and single runners from the Blue of our races and courses, Mountains, Cooma, Newcastle, Nowra, Tumut and Wollongong. We also including maps, videos attracted six interstate runners including four from Victoria, and one each from Queensland and South Australia. These stats are a great indication and elevation charts. The that the race is beginning to make its mark on the national circuit. links tab contains a list of useful websites on trail No one can call the Kowen Trail Run event an old boys club. There were running and related 130 male entrants (41%) and a whopping 184 females (59%). In the half matters and, of course, marathon, the split was 50:50 with 70 males and 71 females. Similarly, in once race entries open the kids trail race, there was an even split of 8 boys and 8 girls. However, it was the 12 km trail race that made all the difference with the 52 males you’ll also be able to (33%) being outnumbered two to one by the 105 women (67%). enter from the site. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit us up via the ‘contact’ tab. If you’re not already on our Facebook page, sign up for regular updates on events, loads of race pics and general Kowen trail running goss. Just click the link below.

Photo: Morgan Hubbard


Changes at the June Kowen Trail Trail running Run event in Wamboin The next Kowen Trail Run will be held on Sunday, 17 June. There were a all year long number of reasons for moving the event to a Sunday.

You’ve experienced some Firstly, it will make the event more attractive to interstate runners who will of the trails that no longer need to take the Friday off work in order to travel to the race. It will also increase the available parking space as we will not be sharing the Wamboin has to offer but space with market-goers. there is so much more. Kowen Forest has a Importantly, it will also provide us with access to the Community Hall. Not wealth of forestry and only will the hall give protection from extremes of weather and temperature, it will also provide a space to hold race briefings, as well as mountain bike trails to providing a place, under cover, for the provision of food and drink. We also explore. There are plan to create a space at the back of the hall for women and men’s change entrances with car rooms. And with the extra space available, Martin Fryer, of FlyerUltra parking facilities at timing will no longer need to sit out in the car park but can be positioned Sparrow Hill, Molonglo more comfortably under the verandah of the hall and race results can be Gorge and at the projected as they happen on a big screen in the hall.

Glenburn precinct We are also pleased to announce that, in recognition of the significant heritage trails. In donations we (and that includes everyone that has entered a Kowen Trail addition, there are Run event) have made to the Wamboin Rural Fire Brigade, the volunteer entrances on the Kings fire fighters have decided to build a new toilet block especially for us! So, Highway, Sutton Road, you can also look forward to much reduced pre-race toilet queues. and of course the Bingley Clearly with all these new facilities in place, the June race is shaping up to Way entrance used in our best yet! Kowen Trail Run events. Wamboin also has a network of ‘greenways’, public access trails that are ideal for trail running. For more information check out the ‘Greenways’ tab at the Kowen Trail Run web page.

Photo Right: Jenny Sullivan


Partners The Kowen Trail Run is hosted by the Wamboin Trail Runners in association with the following partner organisations: • Australian Mountain Running Association • FlyerUltra • Wamboin Rural Fire

Brigade A big thank you to our sponsor, local vineyard and restaurant Contentious • Contentious Character. 810 Norton Rd, Wamboin NSW 2620. Character • Wamboin Special mention should also go to the Bungendore Weekly for their Community ongoing support and encouragement.

Association And our sincere thanks to each and every one of you who attended the New Year’s Resolution Run. See you in June!

Photo above: Sharon Komidar Photo right: Bob Miller