Question 4 - Early Life.

This topic is essentially about the issue of . Some women have . They are operations/procedures to end pregnancy, and the intention is that the foetus does not live to be born. The topic wants you to look more deeply into this subject. It wants you to consider when life begins; what the law says; why some women request abortions; whose rights are the most important in the decision to abort; the arguments used by Pro-Choice and Pro-Life campaigners; and, of course, what the religion(s) think. In the beginning ... When exactly does life begin?

Is it at conception? Is it when there is a backbone? Task: write out these five points and Is it when the foetus has a heart of its own, which beats? explain whether you agree / disagree and Is it when the foetus is likely to survive if born early? why. Is it when it has been born?

This is a key question because many people see abortion as murder or killing, and there has to be a life before there can be a murder. It does affect whether or not we see an abortion as wrong. By law, the life begins when the baby is born.

The Abortion Act will not allow abortions beyond 24 weeks (less than 5 per cent of babies born in weeks 22 and 23 survive, even with the help of extended intensive care, and many of those go on to have many health problems at least in early life), so is that when life begins? Many people think that when the foetus looks like a baby, it should be treated as such - whether it is fully formed or not. What we can say is that at every stage the foetus is a potential life. Difficult question, then ...

About children Task: Why do you think people decide to have children? When a couple marry, almost inevitably at some point they think about having children. Religious people are no different to anyone else, and most will have children within their marriage.

You probably came up with several main reasons such as, to show of their love for each other; to continue the family name; to fulfil a religious duty. For most religions, having children is part of their religious duty. For Christians, a duty is to 'go forth and multiply' (Genesis), in other words to have children. Most religions see children as a gift from God, a blessing on the marriage. It is as if God has shown his approval of their union by giving them the gift of a child. So, if this is the case - and even non-religious people can agree with many of those reasons for having a child - why do some women still feel they have to have an abortion? In effect, they are rejecting God's gift (if that is how they see it) or destroying a symbol of their love and relationship. There must be some very good reasons for their decisions. It is true that most women who have abortions feel very badly about the decision they made, and suffer mentally because of it for a long time. Some never get over it. However, they all feel this was their only option, albeit a bad option. Abortion is seen as a necessary evil.

Before we look at some situations and you decide what people should do, let's see what the law says.

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The law and abortion The law defines abortion as 'the deliberate expulsion of a foetus from the womb, with the intention of destroying it'. It is different from a miscarriage, which has the same result (that the pregnancy ends without a baby living), because miscarriage is accidental, a turn of nature.

The law in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland) begins by stating that abortion is illegal. It then goes on to say that there are some exceptions. Abortion can only be carried out if: two registered doctors agree that at least one of the following is true: 1 There is a danger to the woman's mental and/or physical health. 2 The foetus will be born with physical and/or mental disabilities. 3 The mental and/or physical health of existing children will be put at risk

The abortion has to be carried out at a registered place, by a registered doctor before the 24 weeks of pregnancy.

A registered doctor is a doctor who has passed medical exams and is recognised by the Medical Council. So a doctor who has been struck off the official list can neither give advice, nor carry out an abortion. A registered place is a hospital or clinic which has registration with the government, and can perform such medical procedures as abortion because of that registration. So any other place is not legal. Breaking the law carries great penalties for all those involved.

Some scenarios - what do you think? Before you look through these scenarios, there are some rules. You can't just agree or disagree with any case, you have to explain why you agree or disagree. Also, you have to say what the consequences of each woman not having an abortion are because they are all asking for the abortion, even if they don't feel good about having to do that. Finally, you have to say whether you think they had another reasonable option - and why. I know you hate having to explain your thinking! Sorry the exam wants you to do that so you can get better marks. So let's get some practice in ...

My doctors I am a carrier of a genetic disease. My baby is at I am forty-six. The foetus diagnosed me great risk of being born with that disease – the has been diagnosed with with cancer. doctors have done tests and are sure of it. If it is Down's Syndrome. They also found born, my baby will suffer greatly. that I am I was raped. This pregnant. The terrible act has left doctors told me me pregnant. that I need the treatment if I want to live – it will be too late for me if I wait until my baby is born. I am fourteen and I am single and have no wish to have children pregnant. I am too young ever. I am pregnant because the contraception I to cope with this. was so careful to use failed. This pregnancy I neither planned nor wanted.

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The Pro-Life argument Task: Pick out the Pro-Life argument Pro-Life is the term we use for those arguments that disagree with abortion - usually in any circumstances. Pro-Life pressure groups include ProLife, and from each person. SPUc. Since they support the foetus' right to life, their arguments are all in favour of protecting the foetus to ensure it is born.

I believe that all life is sacred, and must be God has created life and, The foetus can’t protected. So, abortion is completely wrong. as stewards of this world, defend itself so humans have to protect life. someone else has The foetus has a to. right to life, and not to be discarded as if it is just waste.

Abortion is the murder of When a foetus will be another human born with disabilities, being. Murder we cannot say what is wrong. the quality of life would be, so we should not decide to forbid it that life.

Some Pro-Life reasoning

What if Beethoven's mother had decided to have an abortion? Beethoven was deaf - and the law allows abortion for foetuses with a disability. We would not have any of his This organisation was set up to 'secure the right to life amazing and beautiful music. of all human beings'. It covers all aspects of the 'right to life' argument, including embryo research, What if Einstein's mother had decided to have euthanasia and abortion. The Alliance believes it can an abortion? do this by educating people that life should always be What if Sir Alex Ferguson's mother had? respected. They argue that the right to life is the most important and basic of all human rights. Any potential life could have grown up to make the same or greater contribution to the The Pro Life Alliance started in 1996 as a registered world as any of those. political party and contested two general elections. It has since deregistered but continues to work primarily We should not deny that life its chance. in the political arena, lobbying parliament and at grass

Now you have thought about the Pro-Life roots level. A strong area of their work against arguments abortion focuses on the media and public education. They believe that people need to know more about the Pro-life reality of abortion, and the other options which are Interests of the baby available. Their website is Anti-abortion Sanctity of life

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The Pro-Choice argument Pro-Choice is the term we use for the arguments that defend a woman's right to choose what happens. It is usually associated with supporting the use of Task: Pick out the Pro-Choice abortion, but it is actually about the woman and her right to decide what argument from each person. happens to her body. Since they support the woman's right to choose, the arguments are about the woman, rather than the foetus.

If we banned abortions, Where a woman is A woman women would still have should have pregnant as a result of them but not in a safe way. the right to rape or incest, it We need to protect women. decide what would be wrong to not happens to her allow her an abortion. body. Some foetuses

are so damaged that it would be cruel to allow them to be born.

Up to a certain point, the foetus cannot survive outside the If having a child womb, so shouldn’t be is going to put a thought of as a life in woman’s life at it’s own right. risk, then she should have the right to an abortion. Some Pro-Choice reasoning

Imagine you woke up one day to find yourself tied Abortion Rights the national pro-choice onto a bed in a hospital room. You realise there are campaign tubes attaching you to an unconscious person in the next bed. You demand to know what is going on. Abortion Rights is the national Pro-Choice campaign The doctor explains that you are the only person working to protect and extend women's right to choose who can help that person to live, but they have to abortion. Abortion Rights believes that the woman be linked to you for nine months, sharing your herself is best able to decide whether or not to blood and taking nourishment from you. Would continue with a pregnancy and that women need to you be happy? Is that fair? have the option of accessing a safe and legal abortion if that is what they decide to do. Abortion Rights This can be likened to being forced to continue campaigns against restriction in the law on abortion with an unwanted pregnancy. Surely, if you and for progressive improvement, and for the disagree with the hospital example, you have to provision of easily accessible, woman-friendly and accept women should be able to have abortions if NHS funded abortion services. Nationally and through they want them? the work of members and thousands of supporters, it campaigns through petitions, publications, public Now you have thought about the Pro-Choice meetings and political lobbying. Much of its work is arguments aimed at making sure the law works, for example,

stopping doctors from blocking abortion requests. Pro-choice Interests of the mother Abortion Rights was formed in 2003 from the merger Pro-abortion of the National Abortion Campaign and the Abortion Quality of life Law Reform Association.

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What the religions say

Christianity and abortion

Many Christians believe abortion to be morally wrong. Some accept it as a last resort, calling it a necessary evil. The Bible tells us:  Life is sacred.  All humans were made in the image of God.  God gives and takes life.  It is wrong to kill.  God has planned for the life of every single one of us.

These beliefs make Christians say that abortion is usually wrong. It means killing something sacred, which God has created.

Only God has that right and, by allowing abortions, we take that right out of the hands of God.

The Roman Catholic Church is completely against abortion. The Didache says 'Do not kill your children by abortion'.

In Vatican II, it says 'Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception.'

However, where a woman needs urgent medical treatment, which will also mean the death of the foetus, the Church accepts the treatment. This isn't considered to be abortion.

Protestant churches accept abortion as a necessary evil in some cases. For example, many would accept it for a woman who becomes pregnant after rape. However, they stress that great thought has to have been given, and the abortion has to be the absolute last resort.

Hinduism and abortion

Most believe that abortion is wrong. However, in India it does happen as Hindus wish to have a male child for religious and cultural reasons, and poverty makes it difficult to manage big families. This situation is slowly changing.

Hindu scriptures tell us:  Life is sacred and special, so must be respected.  Those who carry out abortions are amongst the worst of sinners.  All Hindus should practise (non-violence).  A woman who aborts her child loses her caste.  Abortion is as bad as killing a priest, or your own parents.

Obviously, therefore teaches that abortion is wrong. Hinduism says that the foetus is a living, conscious person, who needs to be protected. Protection is a result of ahimsa and respect. Since we all go through many lifetimes, each time creating for the next, when we abort a foetus we prevent that soul from working through a lifetime. This means we block that soul's progress towards union with the Ultimate Reality. It also means we make bad karma for ourselves. Some Hindu scriptures say that those who abort their children will themselves be aborted many times.

Hinduism allows abortion to save the life of the mother, as she does not need the support a motherless child would.

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The quality of life argument

Quality of Life means what someone's life Task: - Have a look at these situations. In each is like. We try to judge whether that life is case, the woman could seek an abortion, and the worth living because of its quality. For law would support her. example, if a person is quadriplegic and in 1 Which ones would you agree with? constant, extreme pain - is their life worth living? This argument is used to support 1 Cheryl has been told that scans reveal her baby has not formed abortion. It claims the quality of life a properly, and will be extremely badly disabled both mentally child would have if born is unacceptably and physically if it survives the pregnancy and is born. low, so it would be cruel to allow that child to be born in that condition. 2 Sasha has been told her baby will be born with a severe disability because she had an illness in the early pregnancy that Disability is known to affect the foetus.

3 Preeti has been told that her child has Down's Syndrome. In 2002, only 1900 abortions out of

180,000 performed were for reasons of 4 Cara has been told that her child's organs have not developed disability of the foetus - the quality of life properly, and her child will I need many operations once born. It argument. This is not a common reason will never have a 'normal' life. for an abortion. However, the fact that it is used means that we have to think about it 5 Izzie has been told that her child has a hare lip and a cleft - there could be a question with this as its focus, and you need to be ready. palate.

Task:- Let's imagine each woman carries on with the 2 pregnancy and gives birth. Think about these points. 1 Cheryl's baby could never look after itself. He had to stay in intensive care for over a year after being born, and had many operations. He has to be looked after 24/7, which has made it very difficult for Cheryl and her husband with their other child, Billy, who is four.

2 Sasha's baby was born blind and deaf. She also has quite serious brain damage. She needs a lot of care, and always will. Sasha's marriage broke up because of the stress, and so Sasha looks after her daughter alone.

3 Preeti's son is a very happy little boy, in spite of his disabilities. He went to an ordinary primary school, when he was ready for it.

4 Cara's daughter lived only six months after she was born, in spite of intensive care and several operations. Cara only got to hold her when she was dying.

5 Izzie's little boy had operations to correct his hair lip and cleft palate. The other children at school haven't all been so nice to him though because of his scar.

Did this extra information change anything? Does it make a difference what gender the child is? Does it make a difference if they are likely to suffer greatly or die anyway? Do you think any of the women would choose to have an abortion if they thought their child could have a good quality of life? Whose quality of life is this about - mother or child or both?

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Who are they? What do they believe about abortion? Give them each an opinion and a reason for believing it.

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Alternatives to abortion The whole of this topic has been about 'abortion or not'. For the exam, you might get asked about an alternative - is there another option? Check out this table - it tries to help guide you through the alternatives, and suggests some pros and cons (there will be many more). Remember, though, women who have abortions tend to see no other acceptable alternative to the decision they have made, and most often they have thought about those options. In exams, the question that is asking you to agree/disagree with an abortion statement is often really badly answered.

KEEP IT CHOOSE TO RISK OWN HAVE IT 'FOSTERED' HAVE IT ADOPTED HEALTH/LIFE In this option, you decide to have the In this option, you continue the In this option, you have the In this option, you have baby and keep it, bringing it up pregnancy, to the detriment of baby, but then someone else the baby, and then give yourself. your health, even your death. looks after it - this might be it up for adoption. The baby mayor may not be for just a while. An example Someone else becomes born. An example would be a might be a schoolgirl, whose its legal parent. You woman delaying cancer parents look after the baby lose all contact, unless treatment until after the birth, by until she is old enough or able the baby later wants to which time the treatment cannot to. The baby is not legally find its biological work. anyone else's. parents.

PROS Child is born, and has a life PROS Child might be born and PROS Child is born, and PROS Child is born, with its natural mother. live. eventually may have a life and looked after in a with mother. loving other family.

CONS CONS The child will have CONS Self-esteem of child CONS Child may Reasons for wanting abortion may either no mother or a seriously who has been given up. want to find biological have serious impact, such as can't love incapacitated mother. Existing Confusing situation for all. parent later. Mother child properly, blame the child, might family more seriously affected. may find it much harder be unable to look after it properly. In this option, you continue the to give her baby up than pregnancy, to the detriment of your she thought. health, even your death. The baby mayor may not be born. An example would be a woman delaying cancer treatment until after the birth, by which time the treatment cannot work.

Candidates often just go on about abortion, and don't focus on the statement. For each of these statements try to come up with reasons to agree and disagree, including religious ones. Remember the focus is the statement - it is NEVER to argue whether abortion is right or wrong. The underlining should help you.

“The rights of the foetus are the most important.”

“Any woman who wants an abortion should be allowed one.”

“The quality of a person’s life is more important than just being alive.”

“Abortion is murder.”

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Essential knowledge  You must be able to understand and use the terms ‘abortion’, ‘sanctity of life’, ‘quality of life’.  You must know about the 1967 Abortion Act.  You must know about the Christian views of abortion.  You must know about some pressure groups and what they say about abortion.

Development of the fetus

embryo The group of 64 cells present after conception begin the process of development by dividing many times.

1 month Heart pumping since 18TH Day. The beginnings of eyes, spinal chord and nerves, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys. 0.5 cm

2 months - fetus Arms and legs become distinct and tiny fingers and toes appear. All internal organs of an adult, at various stages of development, are 2.5 – 3.5 cm present. The first bone cells begin to form.

3 months Development continues. The mother may feel the foetus kicking as it flexes its muscles. The heartbeat can be detected. The foetus now 6-8 cm looks like a human baby. Half its birth length

4 months The head has distinct human features and may have hair. The skin is pink and the bones are closing to form joints. 12 – 18 cm

5 months Developing rapidly and very active. Eyebrows and Eyelashes begin

25 – 30 cm

6 months Eyes may now open. All systems are formed and are just growing in size. 28 – 34 cm

7 – 9 months Grows in size and fat is deposited to help survival at birth.

36 – 56 cm

The 1967 Abortion Act

The 1967 act states that an abortion can be carried out if two doctors agree that:  There is a risk of injury to the mother’s physical or mental health  There is a risk that another child would put at risk the mental or physical health of existing children  The mother’s life is at risk  There is a substantial risk that the baby might be born seriously handicapped

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When does life begin?  Conception – Life begins as soon as sperm and ovum combine.  Thomas Aquinas – When soul implanted 40 days boy, 90 days girl.  When viable – Able to live outside womb  Birth – Only when born  Scientifically each person is unique.

One view is that life begins at conception.

Many Religions and anti abortion groups such, as “Life” believes that life begins as soon as soon as the male sperm and the ovum combine.

Another view is that life begins at some definite point during pregnancy.

Thomas Aquinas, a medieval Roman Catholic philosopher argued that a foetus became a human being when the soul was implanted. He claimed that this happened to boys 40 days after conception and to girls 90 days after conception.

A Third view is that life does not begin until birth:

“I do not believe that a fertilised ovum is human life in a common sense meaning of the term. I believe human life begins at birth. Or, more technically when a foetus is significantly developed to be capable of living if removed from the mother’s womb.”

Dee Wells quoted in Causing Death and Saving Lives, Julian Glover.

Alternatives to abortion Keep the baby and start a family

Having a baby can mean

 a big responsibility  hard work  financial difficulties  single parenthood  housing difficulties  loss of freedom  loss of education

Have the baby adopted

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Many women say that they could never go through pregnancy and labour and then 'give up' their baby for adoption. This is often an instinctive feeling, because it means experiencing a loss. A mother never forgets her baby.

But the process of adoption is not like it used to be .....

 Children are not whisked away secretly anymore.  Mothers are much more involved.  Mothers can say what sort of family they want.  Mothers can know as little or as much about the adoptive family as they wish.  The adoptive parents can keep a 'lifebook' which tells the child all about the mother/father so that s/he grows up with a sense of where s/he comes from.  Mother can keep in touch via the adoption agency or Social Services.  Mother will have time to change her mind if necessary because formal consent to adoption cannot take place until at least 6 weeks after the baby is born.

What about the father? Men do not have any legal right to request or to deny a woman an abortion. This means that most information about abortion options is directed solely at women. Some men feel positive at first about a pregnancy and the possibility of fatherhood because of what it means to be a man, but then other feelings take over. For some the pressure of circumstances takes over

 maybe he’s at university and there's still a long way to go on his course  the relationship isn't strong enough  maybe the responsibility of a child seems overwhelming right now  It’s just not what he wanted for his life......  It's important to look through information about the options open to him and his partner

Some men feel left out of the decision making process because pregnancy is to do with a woman's body and it appears to be the woman's choice. But most women are deeply affected by the way their partners respond to the pregnancy.

Some men may feel relieved that they don't have to make the final decision. Many men say to their partners 'I'll support you whatever you decide.....' This seems to be a loving thing to do but it places the burden on her shoulders at a time when she may be struggling to come to terms with what has happened.

Most women sense what their partners really want and go along with it because they are afraid they will lose the relationship. She needs reassurance that he'll be there for her. She needs to know what he thinks and feels.

A man can support his partner by

 reassuring her that he is there for her  not leaving her to make the decision  talking meaningfully together to find out the best way forward for both  drawing closer to her rather than pulling away  considering information and options available with her seriously  sharing the responsibility for the situation with his partner.

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Christian view of Abortion. (N.B. there are many opinions here)

Christians believe that the world is created by God. Therefore all beings in the world come from God in one form or another. Human beings have a responsibility to care for all life, for everything in the world.

The Roman Catholic Church, together with the Orthodox Churches, forbids abortion totally; other Christian churches may find abortion an acceptable option in some cases.

Bible teaching There is no direct teaching about abortion in the Bible, although there are many references to the sanctity of life, which would act as a framework within a Christian could make their decision about abortion.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb

(Psalm 139:13)

Do not commit murder

(Exodus 20:13)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.

(Jeremiah 1:5)

Roman Catholic views of Abortion.

The Roman Catholic view of abortion is that Abortion is a sin in all cases.

The Pope has declared that Catholics should not have abortions. He believes that life of a person begins at conception. This is an absolute moral judgement because there is no case in which the Pope would consider it acceptable for a woman to have an abortion. He has declared that it is wrong in all situations. Some Catholics, however, do not agree with this teaching and are prepared to accept that abortion is right in some cases.

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Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From this moment of his existence, a human being must be recognised as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life … abortion and infanticide are horrible crimes … the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child’s rights.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church.

“We have been created by Almighty God in his own image and likeness. No pregnancy is unplanned, because no baby can be conceived unless Almighty God intends that conception and has willed that particular unique and completely individual new person into existence. What has actually happened in our society is that clever arguments have conceived those with no anchor of belief in God to cling to, that merciless slaughter of un-born babies is morally justifiable, and even essential for the happiness of the individual and the good of society.

(Catholic Truth Society.)

“If you do make a mistake, don’t destroy the life … because also to that child God says: I have called you by your name; I have carved you in the palm of my hand; you are mine.”

(Mother Teresa)

From the time the ovum is fertilised, a new life is begun which is neither that of the father nor of the mother. It is the life of a new human being with its own growth. It would never become human if it were not human already.

(Declaration on Procured Abortion (1974), the Roman Catholic Church)

Other Christian churches views on abortion.

Christians are divided on the issue of abortion because some believe that because God created life, no one ever has the right to destroy it (sanctity of life), whilst others believe that there are times when a woman’s circumstances should be treated sympathetically and that abortion may be ‘necessary evil’. Most importantly, a Christian will try to be guided by the principle of love – is the action genuinely loving?

Circumstances which may often justify an abortion are direct threats to the life or health of the mother, or the probable birth of a severely abnormal child. The woman’s environment should be considered, including children for whom she is already responsible and offensive social conditions of bad housing and family poverty.

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(Methodist statement, 1980)

Although the foetus is to be specially respected and protected, nonetheless, the life of the foetus is not absolutely sacrosanct if it endangers the life of the mother.

(Church of England Board of Social Responsibility Report 1984)

The unborn child is created in the image of God and is one for whom the son of God died. This child is Gods child. This child is part of God’s world. So the life of this child is not ours to take. Therefore it is sin to take this child’s life for no reasons whether of , gender selection, convenience, or avoidance of embarrassment.

(From the Durham declaration to the United Methodist Church of the USA published in The Church and Abortion.)

Abortion is always and evil to be avoided if at all possible… However, in an imperfect world there will be circumstances where termination of pregnancy will be the lesser of two evils. Some embryos are grievously handicapped. If born alive, their only prospect is of immense suffering and usually early death. Where the pregnancy is the result of rape, and abortion may be necessary for the recovery of the victim. Termination of pregnancy may be indicated in view of the social circumstances of the existing family, or the mental or physical health of the mother, or a combination of these. …If abortion were made illegal again, the result would be one law for the rich and another for the poor, with increased risks of ill-health and death as a result of ‘back-street’ abortions.

(The view of the Methodist Church in What the Churches say on moral issues.)

We affirm that every human life, created in the divine image, is unique… and that this holds for each of us, born or yet to be born. We therefore believe the abortion is an evil… and that abortion on demand would be a very great evil… Christians need to face frankly the fact that is an imperfect world the ‘right’ choice is sometimes the lesser of the two evils.

(Statement by the general synod of the Church of England 1988 in What the Churches Say on Moral Issues.)

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Non religious views of abortion

“Women must have control over their own lives. For this we must have control over our own bodies… Abortion must become freely available to all women who want it. We must be able to have children when we want them, and children have the right to be wanted.”

(Women’s abortion and contraception campaign manifesto)

“Once human life begins at conception, i.e. fertilisation, and since all human life should be equally protected by the law from conception to natural death, whether or not the human being concerned is wanted or handicapped, it follows that the destruction if unborn life is always wrong.

(Save the unborn Child, LIFE)

“Humanists regard abortion as better than bringing unwanted babies into the world. It is a mistake to say that Humanists are in favour of abortion; no one can be in favour of abortion, which except in unforeseen circumstances, is the result of failed contraception. We think there will probably always be a certain number of unplanned pregnancies and that the mothers concerned should have the complete choice of either early abortion, or keeping the baby.”

(Humanist Dipper)


Abortion the removal from the womb of a growing fetus

Natural abortion (miscarriage) the fetus is expelled from the uterus spontaneously, without any assistance

Procured abortion the termination happening with outside help

Abortion on demand allow an abortion without any questions being asked

Quality of life a measure that does not depend on material possession, but rather the lack of suffering and ability to interact and communicate with other people and with God

Sanctity of life All religions believe that life is special. Life is special because it comes from God. God is believed to have created life and given us the means to reproduce. If we harm the life that God has created, then we are offending God. Only God may take life.

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12 Arguments for abortion  The decision to have an abortion is never easy, but no one is better suited than the woman concerned to make that decision  Taking control of your own fertility is everyone’s right, but there is no such thing as 100% safe and certain contraception, so women still need abortion  Because opinion differs as to when life begins, a minority has no rights to impose its views on the rest of us.  A fetus is only a potential human life, but there can be no argument about the humanity of the woman  Doctors have no special moral or ethical training which makes them fitter than pregnant women to make these sorts of decisions  There will always be women who don’t want children at all and we should respect that choice  No society has ever been known where abortion has not existed in some form, whatever the male secular and religious leaders have said  The argument is not whether abortion exists, but whether it should be legal safe and dignified, or illegal, unsafe and furtive  Every child has the right to be a wanted child. Abortion saves thousands of children from being unwanted and saves society from many problems  It is more of a trauma to give a child up for adoption than having an abortion  Even if abortion were made a crime, thousands of women would still risk their lives and their health in back street abortion clinics  If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, then offering an abortion is a humane and practical way of helping her

12 Arguments against abortion  People with the most awful handicaps can lead happy, creative and fulfilled lives  By allowing abortion, society is taking the easy way out. It should concentrate on improving the quality of life in society  Even in the womb, the unborn child has a right not to be killed.  If society did more in the way of contraception and education, and helped single mothers by providing counselling and places where they could seek advice, abortion would not be necessary  Abortion is not just a matter of ‘religion’ – it is about murder, injustice and the denial of human rights. The UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child states that children need protection before, as well as after birth  Unborn babies are unique, different, they have potential personalities.  Every aborted fetus was a potential human being, perhaps even a Beethoven or a Curie  Abortions can go wrong. They can leave terrible ‘scars’ on a woman  If abortion is acceptable, where do we draw the line? Abortion is a form of infanticide  Abortion is discrimination against the weak  Killing is killing, whether done in back-streets or openly  Modern science proves that the unborn child is a separate human being from conception. It is never just a part of his or her mother’s body.

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Exam practice A02 Tips from the examiner Candidates - that's you - are often really, really bad at answering A02 evaluative questions on this topic. They go on and on about abortion being right or wrong - whatever the statement! So here are some tips to help: 1 Read the statement carefully and underline the key words - this will steer your brain in the right direction. Make sure you are answering the question set. 2 Write the statement out on your answer page your brain processes it a bit better, and you are more likely to answer it. 3 Each time you pause when you are writing, recheck the statement, so that you are still answering it. 4 Double check you have agreed and disagreed, whatever your personal opinion is. 5 Double check you have some religion in your answer.

Advice desk – mark these answers

Okay - have a read of these answers below and imagine you are trying to teach other students how to improve in their exams - what's gone wrong? Give them some good advice.

The question was: Only women should decide about abortion. Do you agree? Give reasons and explain your answer, showing you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answers. (6 marks)

Zack - No way! What about the bloke? He's the dad, so he needs a say. In fact, if my girlfriend decided to have an abortion, and didn't let me have a say, I can't write down what I'd do to her. Terrible that, whoever wrote that should be ashamed of themselves.

Jake - I don’t agree with abortion, so that’s wrong. Abortion is murder, which is wrong. None of the religions agree with it either.

Freya - The woman is the one who has to be pregnant for nine months. She has to put up with the morning sickness and everything. She also gets to look after the baby most of the time when it is born. She knows how she feels and what she can cope with - no one else truly knows. So for all these reasons it should be her decision, and hers alone.

Taylor – of course women should only have abortions. Men can’t have children so they can’t have abortions. Stupid question really.

These answers could be genuine - the authors of this book have seen their equivalents every year!

Zack has only written from one side - his first comment is valid because it offers a second person whose opinion should count. However, he then has a bit of a rant about his girlfriend and the question - neither is relevant. Don't forget, if you decide to criticise the writer of the question, it might be your hard luck to have that person as your examiner! They never, ever write what they really think - they are just trying to get you to argue. He'd have got just 1 mark, by the way.

Jake hasn't even answered the question - he just said about abortion being wrong. He's got no marks!

Freya has written a good answer, but it sticks to one side, and has no religious content. She has restricted herself to 3 marks.

Taylor simply misread the question, or read what she wanted to read. Either way - no marks!

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Question 4 Religion and Early Life

Give two alternatives to having an abortion. Target: Knowledge of alternatives to abortion Keep the baby / adoption / fostering/ taken into care. Accept – takes a risk with her life (if abortion had been recommended) / use of contraception (allow two examples) / decision not to have sex until ready to have children/ don’t get pregnant/ cared for by other family members/ abandon the baby. One mark for each correct example.

Explain different views about when a human life begins. Refer to religious beliefs and teachings in your answer. Target: Understanding of religious view about when life begins Hindus / and some Christians (especially Roman Catholics) believe that life begins at conception (when the sperm joins the ovum / egg) / the new being’s DNA is fixed, with all the information needed to make a unique individual. Methodists are not so sure and talk about a later stage such as when the foetus starts to move or when the heart beats or the baby is viable. Galatians 1: 15 ‘God …chose me even before I was born.’ Psalm 139:13-16 indicates that God put a person together in its mother’s womb. Max. L3 if no reference to religious teachings or beliefs.

‘Every new born baby is a miracle of life.’ Target: Evaluation of the idea that every baby is a miracle Amazing that a tiny sperm can join with an egg and provide all the information for a unique human being / every new baby is unique (different) / enables the human race to continue / life is wonderful, amazing, special / spark of life is a miracle / idea of God’s creation / disabled or unwanted still a miracle/ wonders of science, e.g. IVF. It is only nature / babies may be a blessing but they are not a miracle / happens in the animal kingdom / just a way of reproduction / some maybe if it has been a difficulty pregnancy or if the mother had problems getting pregnant but you can’t say it about all new born babies / some are unwanted or disabled/ miracles don’t happen. N.B. Two sided evaluation is not required but acceptable.

Explain why some religious believers support the UK law on abortion. Target: Understanding of why many religious believers support the UK law on abortion Although religions are generally opposed to abortion many believe in relative morality – it depends on the circumstances / do not support abortion on demand so in favour of two doctors having to agree / most believe that the mother’s life is the more important so support for abortion if the mother’s life is in danger / concerned about suffering so do not oppose abortion if there is a risk to the woman’s physical or mental health or baby being severely physically or mentally disabled / concern for well being of existing children / religions teach / the Golden Rule – love your neighbour as yourself / Paul’s teaching on obeying the laws of the state. Don’t need specific details about the law for L3. Accept interpretation that the law makes abortion difficult.

‘Fathers should have rights when abortion is being considered.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks) Target: Evaluation of whether or not fathers should have rights when abortion is considered Agree Father has helped to make the baby / mother shouldn’t just decide on her own / father may want to have a family, e.g. to continue the family name / not right to deprive the father of having a son or daughter / alternatively the father may not wish to have a family / should be a joint decision / all members of family important in holy writings/ biblical teaching that men should have authority over women/ responsibilities after birth so why not before? Other views It’s the woman’s body so she should be able to choose / she has to carry the foetus for nine months / put up with all the discomfort of pregnancy, e.g. morning sickness, being overweight / it’s her baby that is feeding off her / risk to the mother’s health / could affect her career / might not be able to cope particularly if child is likely to he handicapped / may be unwanted so she should decide not the father / law gives the mother the rights / mother may not wish to have an abortion / issues relating to God being the creator / His gift / His rights / unborn babies rights / religious teachings re the sanctity of life/ unknown father/ rape, etc.

Give two reasons why a woman might choose to have an abortion. Target: Knowledge and understanding of why a woman may wish to have an abortion Unwanted pregnancy / poverty of parents / disability / poor environment / illness / deserted by father / too young / will interrupt career / large family already / rape / physical effects of pregnancy, etc.

Explain why most religious believers see children as a blessing. Target: Understanding of why children are seen as a blessing

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Gift from God / created by God / created in God’s image / continue the human race / continue family name / look after parents in their old age / makes the family complete / brings fulfilment to life / sanctity of life / in all things / some unable to have children, etc.

‘Religious believers should always protect the rights of the unborn child.’ Target: Evaluation of whether or not religious believers should do more to protect the rights of the unborn child Candidates may include some of the following points: Should protest more against the abortions laws / persuade people that there are alternatives, e.g. adoption or fostering / not have an abortion themselves / preach that all life is sacred / campaign for unborn child and change in the law, e.g. write to M.P.s, media / do not kill (Ten Commandments) / Ahimsa / 1st Precept / God’s gift / made in God’s image, etc. Many already join Pro-Life groups such as Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child / there are circumstances where abortion might be the lesser of two evils / majority of people do not want a change in the law / the law already protects the majority of unborn children / agapé / compassion, etc.

Explain religious attitudes to when human life begins. Refer to beliefs and teachings in your answer. Target: Understanding of different beliefs about when human life begins Life begins before birth – ideas about samsara, rebirth and reincarnation, e.g. Buddhists / many religious believers say that life begins at conception (when the egg is fertilised by the sperm), e.g. Roman Catholics / all DNA information then present to make a unique human being / biblical references to God’s creation in the womb / other ideas include when the backbone forms / the first heart beat (when it stops a person is regarded as dead) / at viability (when the baby would survive outside the womb) / half way down the birth channel (Judaism) / at birth / beliefs and teachings affect attitudes to abortion / sanctity of life / ensoulment (40 or 120 days – Islam).

‘The Law should make it harder to have an abortion.’ Target: Evaluation of the arguments for and against allowing a woman to have an abortion if she wants one Max L3 for candidates who just give arguments for and against abortion. Candidates may include some of the following points: Agree Killing innocent unborn child that deserves to live / shouldn’t be just the mother’s decision / decision not to be taken lightly / sanctity of life / emotional scars may result. You can lead a full life even with a disability, e.g. Stephen Hawking / who can judge / advice could be incorrect / if not wanted could be given up for adoption / abortion is killing, therefore Karma is harmed / First Precept / Roman Catholic view of Abortion, e.g. life is known to God from the moment of conception and abortion is murdering God’s creation / ahimsa / Surah 17.31 / ‘Do not kill’ – Ten Commandments / Rehat Maryada killing a child is condemned / shouldn’t be used as contraception. Other views Woman's body / has to endure the problems associated with pregnancy / may not wish to have her life changed and responsibility of child / circumstances might be difficult, e.g. neglected child, e.g. father deserted / conceived through rape / damage career / cannot afford a child / poor environment / stressed / physical or mental or social reasons / may be right intention / lesser of two evils, etc.

Give two situations in which an abortion is legal in Britain. Target: Understanding of the law concerning abortion Candidates may include some of the following points: 1. Risk to the life of the mother (e.g. she might die as a result of continued pregnancy). 2. Risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the mother. 3. Risk to the physical or mental health of existing children. 4. If there is substantial risk of the child being born seriously physically or mentally handicapped. 5. In an emergency, to save the life of the mother. 6. In an emergency, to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the mother. 24 weeks limit for the first three conditions / no limit for points 4 to 6 above / two doctors have to agree. Accept situations which may be allowed under the above conditions, e.g. rape / mother too young / poverty. 1 mark for a superficial comment or a single point. 2 marks for a developed answer or more than one point.

What is adoption? Target: Knowledge of meaning of adoption Candidates may include any of the following points:

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Accepting someone else’s baby as your own, as a member of the family.

‘Children are a gift.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. Target: Evaluation of the idea that children are a gift. Candidates may include some of the following points: Christianity Genesis 1 27 “God created man in his image.” / Exodus 20 13 “Do not kill” / Jeremiah 1 5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you came to birth I consecrated you.” / Psalm 139 13-15: “It was you who created my inmost self and put me together in my mother's womb …” / Matthew 18 1 “See that you never despise these little ones.” / Luke 1 44: “For the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy.” / Luke 18 15-18: “Let the little children come to me, for it is such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” / 1 Corinthians 3 16-17: “You were God’s temple and the spirit of God was living among you. If anybody should destroy the temple of God, God will destroy him, because the temple of God is sacred.” / Galatians 1 15: “God who had specially chosen me while I was still in my mother's womb.” / Roman Catholic view of abortion, e.g. life is known to God from the moment of conception and abortion is murder / sex is for having children / other Christian groups are against abortion for social reasons or as a means of birth control, but in some circumstances they agree with abortion, e.g. if the mother of the child would suffer if the pregnancy continued. Hinduism 5.10.7 shows that life begins at conception / creation is made by God and is part of God, therefore abortion is destroying another life which is part of God’s creation / Svetasvatara Upanishad: “His being is the source of all being, the seed of all things that in this life have their life ... He is God, hidden in all things, the inmost soul who is in all. He watches the works of creation, lives in all things, watches all things.” / Shanti Parva 47-56: “In him all things exist, from him all things originate. He has become all. He exists on every side. He is truly the all.” / Ahimsa (non-harming), also reflected in Laws of Manu, Chapter 6 / decision influenced by Hindus’ attitudes to their , and rebirth / soul is present in all life to take a life will have an effect on Dharma and karma of the people involved / respect for life because in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, it is possible to be born as a lower life form. Islam Surah 17.31: “You shall not kill your children for fear of want. We will provide for them and you. To kill is a grievous sin.” / Hadith: “No severer of womb relationship ties will ever enter paradise.” / Muslims believe that all things are in harmony with God, therefore the best way to live is to support this harmony / all life is sacred because it is a gift from God (Allah). Therefore life must be protected / in the next life young children will have the right to know why they were killed / up to 4 months: the mother’s rights are greater than the rights of the foetus. After 4 months: the child has equal rights, because after 120 days, ensoulment (receiving of a soul) takes place / when in the mother’s womb, the foetus has rights of inheritance.

‘A woman should have an abortion if she knows that her baby will have a poor quality of life.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. Target: Evaluation of whether an abortion should take place to prevent a poor quality of life Candidates may include some of the following points: Agree Woman’s body / has to endure the problems associated with pregnancy / may not wish to have her life changed and responsibility of child / neglected child, e.g. father deserted / conceived through rape / damage career / cannot afford a child / poor environment / stressed / physical / mental / social / suffering of child / dependency / bullying, etc. Other views Killing innocent unborn child that deserves to live / shouldn’t be just the mother’s decision / decision not to be taken lightly / sanctity of life / emotional scars may result / people can lead a full life even with a disability, e.g. Stephen Hawking / who can judge / advice could be incorrect / child is unique and unrepeatable from the moment of conception, etc.

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