arXiv:2101.10456v1 [math.MG] 25 Jan 2021 ncie na lis n icmcie bu concentri a about circumscribed and ellipse an in inscribed [ catalogued been have uhapi oamta3proi aiy t xsaeconstra are axes its family, 3-periodic a below. admit explained to pair a such frsac [ research of bu ninrcneti ice(rw) vrtefml,t family, the Over (brown). circle concentric circumradius constant inner an about iue1. Figure Date 3 Poncelet by manifested invariant an describing by start We nainso ocltNproisi aiu lis pair ellipse various in N-periodics Poncelet of Invariants aur,2021. January, : Abstract. sivrat vnwe h lis ari o axis-aligned not blade-to-e is of sum pair Amazingly the ellipse involving the invariant area. closely-related when variable even trio has invariant, the 3-perio “blade” not), is Poncelet each or of (axis-aligned where family pair propeller, the ellipse concentric Over a excenter. in an on centered oclt3proi bu)isrbdi notrelpe( ellipse outer an in inscribed (blue) 3-periodic Poncelet A 9 , OIIU ARI,DNE AD N A REZNIK DAN AND JAUD, DANIEL LAURAIN, DOMINIQUE 6 , 5 .Frtecnoa araoe(litcblir) 0 inva 80+ billiard), (elliptic alone pair confocal the For ]. NAIN OA LD AREA BLADE TOTAL INVARIANT ie rage roo icmlisscnb end eac defined, be can circumellipses of trio a , a Given R ( = 10 OCLTPROPELLERS: PONCELET a ,adsvrlpof aeese [ ensued have proofs several and ], + b ) / 2 1. [ 5 h 1]. Thm , Introduction 1 Video , app ecrurice(ahdbu)has blue) (dashed circumrcircle he crl raratios. area xcircle eebe rotating a resembles aebe eetfocus recent a been have s ice e Figure see circle; c eas rv a prove also We . 1 hi oa area total their , lc)adcircumscribed and black) , ndi ipeway, simple a in ined is() dics 3 prois(triangles) -periodics , 4 ]. h 1 riants For . 2 DOMINIQUELAURAIN,DANIELJAUD,ANDDANREZNIK

Figure 2. A Poncelet 3-periodic (blue) is shown interscribed between an outer ellipse (black) and an inner concentric circle (brown). By definition, the incenter X1 is stationary at the common center. The excentral triangle (green) is the anti-cevian with respect to X1. A circumellipse ′ (orange) centered on an excenter P1 is shown. Video

By definition, the incenter X1 of this family is stationary at the common center and the inradius r is fixed. Remarkably, the circumradius R is also invariant, and this implies the sum of cosines of its internal angles is as well [5]. Referring to Figure 2, consider a circumellipse [11, Circumellipse] of a 3-periodic in the incircle pair centered on one of the excenters, i.e., a vertex of the excentral triangle [11, Excentral Triangle].

Main Result. Referring to Figure 3, over 3-periodics in the concentric ellipse pair with an incircle, the total area of the three excenter-centered circumellipses (blades of a “Poncelet propeller”) is invariant. We then extend this property to a 3-periodic family interscribed in any pair of concentric ellipses, including non-axis-aligned; see Figure 4. The only proviso is that the circumellipses be centered on the vertices of the anticevian triangle with respect to the common center [11, Anticevian Triangle].

Structure of Article. In Section 2 we derive the areas for the 3 circumellipses centered on the vertices of the anticevian triangle with respect to some point X. In Section 3 we apply those formulas for 3-periodics in a pair with incircle. In Section 4 we generalize the result to an unaligned concentric ellipse pair. In Section 5 we prove a related invariant contributed by L. Gheorghe [8] involving area ratios of circumellipses and excircles. We encourage the reader to watch some of the videos mentioned herein listed in Section 6. PONCELET PROPELLERS: INVARIANT TOTAL BLADE AREA 3

Figure 3. The three excenter-centered circumellipses (propeller blades) are shown (orange, pink, ′ light blue) centered on the 3 excenters Pi , i = 1, 2, 3. Our main result is that over the 3-periodic Poncelet “incircle” family, the sum of their areas is invariant. Video

2. Areas of Anticevian Circumellipses

Let T = Pi, i = 1, 2, 3 be a reference triangle. Let CX denote the circumellipse [11, Circumellipse] centered on point X interior to T and let ∆X denote its area. Let the trilinear coordinates of X be [u,v,w] [11, Trilinear Coordinates]. Let TX T ′ denote the anticevian triangle of wrt X, and Pi its vertices [11, Anticevian C′ ′ Triangle]. Let i denote the three circumellipses centered on Pi . Let ∆i denote their areas, respectively. 4 DOMINIQUELAURAIN,DANIELJAUD,ANDDANREZNIK

Lemma 1. The areas of the aforementioned circumellipses are given by: zs1s2s3uvw (1) ∆X = s1u + s2v + s3w zs1s2s3uvw ∆1 = −s1u + s2v + s3w zs1s2s3uvw ∆2 = s1u − s2v + s3w zs1s2s3uvw ∆3 = s1u + s2v − s3w

(s1 + s2 + s3)(−s1 + s2 + s3)(s1 − s2 + s3)(s1 + s2 − s3) z = π s(s1u + s2v + s3w)(−s1u + s2v + s3w)(s1u − s2v + s3w)(s1u + s2v − s3w)

′ Proof. Let the trilinears of X be [u : v : w]. The trilinears of Pi are known to be [−u : v : w], [u : −v : w] and [u : v : −w], see [11, Anticevian Triangle]. The expressions are obtained from the formula of the area of a circumellipse centered on X = [u : v : w] [11, Circumellipse]. zs1s2s3uvw ∆X = s1u + s2v + s3w 

The above also implies: Corollary 1. For any triangle the following relation holds: 1 1 1 1 = + + ∆o ∆1 ∆2 ∆3

Note: this is reminiscent of the well-known property 1/r = 1/ri where r is the inradius and ri are the exradii of a triangle [11, Excircles]. P From direct calculations:

Lemma 2. Let ΣX denote the sum ∆1 + ∆2 + ∆3. This is given by: 2 2 2 2 2 2 − − − (s1u + s2v + s3w 2s1s2uv 2s1s3uw 2s2s3vw)s1s2s3uvwz (2) ΣX = (s1u + s2v − s3w)(s1u − s2v + s3w)(s1u − s2v − s3w) 3. Poncelet Family with Incircle Let F denote the 1d Poncelet family of 3-periodics inscribed in an outer ellipse E with semi-axes a,b and circumscribed about a concentric circle E′ with radius r. Assume a>b>r> 0. Let O denote the common center. Recall Cayley’s condition for the existence of a 3-periodic family interscribed between two concentric, axis-aligned ellipses [7]:

a b c + c =1 a b where ac and bc are the major and minor semi-axes of the inscribed ellipse corre- F a b sponding to the caustic of the Poncelet family. For , ac = bc = r, then r + r =1, i.e.:


By definition, the incenter X1 of F triangles is stationary at O. Also by definition, the inradius r is fixed. Also known is the fact that the circumradius R of F triangles is invariant and given by [5]:

ab a + b R = = . 2r 2 r Let ρ = R denote the ratio r/R. From the above it is invariant and given by: r 2r2 ρ = = . R ab Taking X = O, note that the area ∆o = πab of E is by definition, invariant. Also note the anticevian To in this case is the excentral triangle [11, Excentral Triangle].

Lemma 3. Over F, Σo is invariant and given by:

4 Σ = 1+ ∆ o  ρ o

Proof. By using well-known formulas for r and R [11, Inradius,Circumradius], one can express ρ in terms of the sidelengths:

(s + s − s )(s − s + s )(−s + s + s ) ρ = 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2s1s2s3 Using the trilinears for the incenter O = X1 = [u,v,w] = [1 : 1 : 1] in (2), direct calculations yield the claim. 

4. Generalizing the Result It turns out Lemma 3 can be generalized to a larger class of Poncelet 3-periodic families. Let (E, E′) be a generic pair of concentric ellipses (axis-aligned or not), admitting ′ a Poncelet 3-periodic family. Let O be their common center. Let Ci be the circum- ellipses centered on the vertices of the anticevian with respect to O. Referring to Figure 4: ′ Theorem 1. Over the 3-periodic family interscribed in (E, E ), Σo is invariant. Proof. (E, E′) can be regarded as an affine image of the original family F (with incircle). Let matrix A represent the required affine transform. Since conics are equivariant under affine transformations1 of the 5 constraints that define them (in our case, passing through the vertices of the 3-periodic and being centered on an anticevian vertex) [2], the area of each circumellipse will scale by det(A), so by Lemma 3 the result follows. 

In Figure 5, a few other concentric, axis-aligned pairs are shown which illustrate the above corollary. ′ Observation 1. If (E, E ) are homothetic and concentric, then each of the ∆i are constant.

1In fact, they are equivariant under projective transformations [2]. 6 DOMINIQUELAURAIN,DANIELJAUD,ANDDANREZNIK

Figure 4. Consider Poncelet 3-periodics (blue) interscribed in a concentric, pair of ellipses which in general is not axis-aligned. The total area of the three circumellipses (orange, light blue, pink) centered on the vertices of the O-anticevian triangle (green) is invariant. Video

This arises from the fact that this pair is affinely-related to a pair of concentric circles. The associated Poncelet 3-periodic is then given by an where ∆1 = ∆2 = ∆3.

5. Circumellipses Meet Excircles Referring to Figure 6, L. Gheorghe detexted experimentally that the sum of area ratios of excircles to excentral circumellipses is invariant for two Poncelet families (see below) [8]. Below we prove this and derive explicit values for the invariants. As before, let ∆i denote the area of a circumellipse centered on the ith excenter. Let Ωi denote the area of the ith excircle. Theorem 2. Over the 3-periodic family F (with incircle):

∆ ∆ ∆ 2 1 + 2 + 3 = Ω1 Ω2 Ω3 ρ

Proof. The exradii are given by [11, Excircles]:

S S S r1 = , r2 = , r3 = s − s1 s − s2 s − s3 s1+s2+s3 where s = 2 and S are semi- and area of triangle P1P2P3, respec- tively. From them obtain the excircle areas Ωi: PONCELET PROPELLERS: INVARIANT TOTAL BLADE AREA 7

Figure 5. A picture of four 3-periodic families. The circumellipses are centered on vertices of the anticevian with respect to the center. Since each case is affinely related to F, the total circumellipse area is invariant. For the homothetic pair (bottom left), the area of each circumellipse is invariant. Video

Figure 6. Left: The pair with incircle centered on X1. Shown also are a 3-periodic (blue), the excentral triangle (solid green), the excircles (dashed green), and the three excentral circumellipses (magenta, light blue, and orange). Right: the same arrangement for the confocal pair, centered on X9. 8 DOMINIQUELAURAIN,DANIELJAUD,ANDDANREZNIK

s(s − s2)(s − s3) Ω1 = π s − s1 s(s − s3)(s − s1) Ω2 = π s − s2 s(s − s1)(s − s2) Ω3 = π s − s3 For i =1, 2, 3, the following can be derived:

∆i = µ(s − si) Ωi s1s2s3 with µ = 2s(s−s1 )(s−s2)(s−s3) . Therefore:

3 ∆ 2 i = µs = Ω ρ Xi=1 i Recall ρ is constant for family F so the result for the pair incircle follows. 

Using an analogous proof method: Theorem 3. Over the 3-periodic family interscribed in the confocal the following quantity is also invariant:

∆ ∆ ∆ 2 1 + 2 + 3 = Ω1 Ω2 Ω3 ρ

Observation 2. Although the pair with incircle and the confocal pair are affinely- related, neither Theorem 2 nor 3 for any other ellipse pair in the affine continuum.

6. List of Videos Animations illustrating some of the above phenomena are listed on Table 1.

id Title<.> 01 3-Periodic incircle family has invariant R eIxb1so6ORo 02 Family of incircle 3-periodics and one excentral circumellipse JUCmAMsfdkI 03 Three excentral circumellipses with invariant total area ub4wAv8Hgb0 04 3-periodics in 5 concentric, axis-aligned ellipse pairs 8hkeksAsx0E 05 Incircle family tHUDfx9o0Wg 06 Four Poncelet families crXxPJ93ZDk 07 Non-concentric ellipse pair FJXMpUcslaA

Table 1. Videos of some focus-inversive phenomena. The last column is clickable and provides the YouTube code.

We would like to thank Liliana Gheorghe, Ronaldo Garcia, and Arseniy Akopyan for valuable discussions and contributions. PONCELET PROPELLERS: INVARIANT TOTAL BLADE AREA 9

Appendix A. Table of Symbols

symbol meaning

E, Ec outer and inner ellipses a,b outer ellipse semi-axes’ lengths

ac,bc inner ellipse semi-axes’ lengths O common center of ellipses

P1, P2, P3 3-periodic vertices

s1,s2,s3 3-periodic sidelengths ′ ′ ′ P1, P2, P3 vertices of the anticevian wrt O CX , ∆X X-centered circumellipse and its area C′ ′ i, ∆i Pi -centered circumellipse and its area TX anticevian wrt X

ΣX area sum of 3 circumellipses centered on the vertices of TX r, R 3-periodic inradius and circumradius ρ ratio r/R [u : v : w] trilinear coordinates

Ωi area of the excircle corresponding to Pi

Table 2. Symbols of euclidean used


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