Addtional Correspondence Item 2 The Regiment Association

The Colonel R.S. Mclaughlin Armoury 53 Simcoe Street North, , Ontario L1 G 4R9 [905] 721-4000 FAX [905] 434-1328

/fl January 2015

Mayor John Henry and Members of Oshawa Council 50 Centre Street South Oshawa ON L 1H 3Z7

Request for Financial Assistance

In 2016 The Ontario Regiment (Royal Canadian Armoured Corps) will celebrate 150 years of service to Canada. The Regiment's Headquarters has been located in Oshawa for over 100 years when the current Armoury was opened in 1914.

The Ontario Regiment Association was formed after World War II to represent and assist the veterans of The Regiment. It also provides support to the serving soldiers and the four affiliated Army Cadet Corps, with the 1913 Army Cadet Corps being located in Oshawa.

The Ontario Regiment Museum is located on the south field of the Oshawa Airport and maintains artifacts and the history of The Regiment. In addition it has one of the largest collections of operational historic armoured vehicles in and is recognized for this throughout the world. It attracts literally thousands to Oshawa each year.

The Ontario Regiment, the 1913 Cadet Corps, The Ontario Regiment Association and the Ontario Regiment Museum have all had excellent working relationships with the City of Oshawa and have been involved in numerous projects, events, parades, etc that support Oshawa and its residents.

We are now organizing the appropriate recognition of the anniversary. Even for such a significant milestone, however, the Department of National Defence will only allow the Commanding Officer to use some of his limited annual budget for a celebration, In this case Regimental funds would cover such things as paying the soldiers and normal operating expenses.

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Dedicated to the soldiers ofThe Regiment NPast and Present" Addtional Correspondence Item 2

The Ontario Regiment Association has therefore taken the lead for the main celebration which will take place on Saturday September 1?1h, 2016. We plan to have the soldiers, cadets, veterans and museum vehicles exercise our Freedom of The City of Oshawa by marching through downtown to the General Motors Centre. The Regiment will then "Troop the Guidon", which is a very impressive ceremony and the parade will march back through downtown to the Armoury. Of course this event will be open to the public free of charge.

On Saturday evening we intend to hold a dinner for all members of The Regiment, past and present, as well as those interested members of the public and supporters of our Troops. The admission charge for this will be to cover the expenses related to the dinner. The General Motors Centre has been booked and will cost $15,000 for the entire event.

As stated, The Regiment will not receive funds from the Department of National Defence to assist with GMC costs and the Ontario Regiment Association has limited funding. Our sole source of income is annual membership dues which are low to keep veteran membership up and generally the annual income covers the annual expenses.

Although our request for financial support would normally be submitted next year, we respectfully request the Mayor and members of Council to consider a one-time grant of $15,000 for The Ontario Regiment's 1501h Anniversary during your current budget process. As our Oshawa veterans' organizations continue to meet their commitments to leadership in our community, leadership to our cadets and other young residents, while honouring the service and courage of our members, we would greatly appreciate our Council's support at this time so we are able to complete our planning, knowing we have such an appropriate location to honour The Regiment's history.

I thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter and should you require additional information please feel free to contact me.

Sincere!~, l (,2?fJc­ tc--'&, 7 r --==Ea- rl""7'" .,..,.Wo on President