

By Said Zafar. B.A., D. PHARM, and Mohammad Edwardes, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Consultant Dermatologist

Introduction studies, whereas in other studies, cures are based on Quite a number of agents have been complete clinical clearing and conversion of released into the market within the recent decade for mycological examination to negative. t.he topical treatment of superficial skin fungal 3. Environment. Some clinical trials are done in infections. including tinea pedis (athlete's foot). tinea patients in hospital where their treatment was well cruris. tinea corporis caused by va.rious monitored: whereas some trials are done in out~patient dermatophytes such as Trichophyton rubrum. basis where compliance migbt be a problem. One Trichophyton mcntagrophytes, Epidermophyton study was done on prisoners who were in constant floccosum and Microsporum canis; tinea versicolor adverse environment of heat and humidity during (pityriasis versicolor) caused by . their treatment.(9) Tables IA & B present a. summary of the old Bnd new 4. Sites of infection. Different skin sites respond preparations, from which some similarities and differently. Ti nea pedis has a lower response rate than differences among them can be anticipated. bot h and corporis. was the first synthetic antifungal agent Clinical Studi~~ available. Cure rates with to)naftate reported from Well

Page 6-The Journal alIMA-June 1979 more oflen in palients treated with miconazole than the treatment of tinea versicolor.(2) It only requires the vehicle alone. There is also evidence indicating that one to Iwo applications in the initial treatment, but miconazole is active againsl melassezia furfur and recurrence of infection is common after six Candida albicans. (25. 28. 29) months.(40) Clotrimazole is the most widely studied agent Whitfield's ointment bas been used in the treatment among the new ones. Cure rates reported from various of various superficial fungal infections of the skin.(2) trials range from 59% to 70% (8, 9, 31-36), such a low Because of its thick consistency. patient acceptability figure is due 10 the fact that in most of their studies, appears to be low in spite of its efTectiveness. It,is negative mycological lests were required to be inappropriate in acute inflammatory condition.(43) classified as cure. P. Hall-Smilh (37) and O. Male (38) Undecylenic acid-zinc undecylenate combination reported no significant difference between may be helpful in mild cases, especially when hygenic clotrimazole or tolnaftate 1% cream in tinea measures arc done concurrently.( 18) infections. Several clinical studies have shown Ihat Wben the causative organism is identified to be of clotrimazole is more effective than the vehicle alone the Candida species. nystatin still remains to be the and is as effective as nystatin in the treat menl of drug ofchoice because oflong-term experience with it. cutaneous candidiasis. (3!' 33-36) For tinea versicolor. The other fouT agents, namely tolnaftate. c1otrimazole is at least as effective as Whitfield's haloprogin, roiconazole and c1otrimazole, aU appear ointment. (31, 32) to be effective in the treatment of superficial fungal infections caused by various dermatopby1es. All are Discussion relatively non-toxic and non-irritating 10 the skin. All Absorbine Junior(R] imparts a sensation ofcooling require once or twice daily applications for IWO to four as it evaporates. This migbt help to relieve itching or weeks (may be up to eight weeks in linea pedis). Up 10 irritation that is associated with tinea pedis. The date. no well-controUed study comparing all these antifungal activity of thymol might have an effect in newer agents in patients with similar infections, treating mild fungal inJection of the feet.(2) environment and criteria for evaluating response has Sodium hyposulfite 20% solution is applied once or betn published or carried out. (8,42.42) Therefore. it twice daily in the treatment of tinea versicolor. is not possible 10 conclude definitely which agent is However. it requires continuous treatment for weeks more effective than tbe others although some or even months in order to prevent relapse of clinicians do prefer miconazole or c1otrimazole orer infections.(2, 39) haloprogin and tolnafrate.( 18) One main advantage and sulfur ointment may be helpful in which is offered by haloprogin. miconazole and promoting peeling of the scales in the squamous type clotrimazole but not tolnaftale is that a 11 three of them of fungal infections. However. complete irradication possess a wide spectrum. i.e. they are equally effective of the causative organism(s) might nOI be achieved by in Candida as well as dermatophyte infections. this preparation alone since both agents have little or Therefore. in mixed mycotic infections or when the no antifungal activity. causative organism is unknown, these three agents are Selenium sulfide 2.5% suspension has been used in particularly preferred 10 nystatin or tolnaftate alone.

The Journal of IMA-June 1979-Psge 7 TABLEIA COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TOPICAL ANTIFUNGAL PREPARATIONS (Table Compiled from References 1 - 7)


Absorbine JUnior IR) Each gm of liqui

Sodium hyposu!fJ Ie S<'ldium hyposulfite 20% NOT ESTABUSHED Used in the Aqueous solution $ 3.00/120011 (sodium Ihiosulfa Ie) treatment of ringwonns and Non-prescripLion I inca vcrsivolor. item""

S~licyHc acid & Salicylic Acid 3% Both are keratolytic Has been used Ointmenl S 3.25/60gm sulfur oinLment Sulfur 3% agentS, i.e, they in various tinea promote peeling infections. Non-prescription of skin. ilems.'"

Selenium sulfide Selenium sulfide 2.5% Cytostatic agent Has been used Suspension $ 2.33/120ml Selsun IR I i.e. it reduces the in the treatment ratt: of epidermal of tinea ver£i- Non -pre scripllO n cell turnover. color. item.

Whit fielci's Benzoic acid 5%"''' Benzoic acid is an ti­ Used for the Ointment $ 1.27/60gm Ointm~nl Salicylic acid 3.5% hacterial and anti­ trcatme·nt of fU1\gJl1: Salicylic acid various types Non-prescripIion h3s lillIe or no anti­ of skin fu ngal item.- fUl\g~1 aCliviry but it inf6ction~. possesses keratolytic property.

*"'* Apr U",Approximate cost only. May vary dopending on quantity bought or manufactured. "'Strength quoted from product from Drug Trading Company~ B.P. formula contains Benzoic acid 6%. Salicylic acid 3%


Undecylenic Combllution of i1n organic fallY exact mode of action (if Weakly fungistatic Powder S 1.27/45grn acid-zinc acid 1% and ils salls 20% the acid is not known. to va.rious strains of undecylen~te II is bl.\lie~·ed that zinc dermatophytes Ointment S 1.05/ (Dcsenex [R I) undecylenate liberate (Trichophy ton. 28.25gm undecylenic acid when Microsporum, Solution $ O.75/6OmI it comex in cont~c( with Epidermophyton) moisture (eg. perspira­ that cause linea Non-prescrip­ tion). In addirion, zinc infections. lion items. undecylenale h:'ls aslrin­ gent properties due to the presence of zi nc ion.

Tolnaft..1te Sy nlhet ic naphIhoi rlertY"A live Exact mode. of action Fungislalic or 1% Powder S 1.89/30gm (Tinaclin IR I) S unknown, believed to runlticitlal to most distort the hyphae antl sl.rai ns of derm~ 10- 1% Cream S 1.83/15gm )Q>-o N-C-0-OOII slunt myceli~l growlh phytcs; little or no in suscep I ible fu ngi. clinical effect on L% Solurion $ 1.6S/15ml MaIaSl'ezia furfur: CII) no "rfecl on Can- lIida specic~.

Ny,t~nn Antifungal anlibiotlc: produced J:,Xcrt s it~ ac tivi ty hy Fungist81ic or run.gi· 100.000 u/gm (Mycoslalm [R)) by streptnmyces noursei. The billding to sterols in the cidalllgilimt C:mdida Ointment $ 3.11 /30gm drug. IS an amphoteric polyene fungal ~"membrane Albicans & olher macrolide. which then ceases to be CandIda species: no 100.000 ujgm a funclional selective effect on dermato· Cream $ 2.S0/)Ogm barrier, resulling in loss phytc$ or Mawssezia Non-preseri p- of ceUular conslitucnts. furfur. tion Hems (topical prod· UClS only)

HaloprOllin Synthelic halogenated phenyl NOT KNOWN Fllngisllltic or fungi- 1 o/~ Cream $ 3.43/30gm {Halot.ex {RJ) ether derivat.ive cidal to various strains of dermato- 1% Solution $ 3.GS/30ml o~ O-CI-12- C • CI phytes; also active against Malas.,ezia Prescription· Cl CI fUrfur &- Candid.. onlY items Albicans.

Miconazole Synthet il: imadOl-olc E.xert' its antifungal & Exhibil broad 2% Cream S 4.06/30gm (Micalin {R J) deriVd live antibacterial activily by spectrum fu ngistatic N alterin1!- cell membrane a.~l ivily against genus Prescrip (ion- pt'rmeabilily: exact Candida & inhibits only items sile of actio n i~ not several olher genera 0 known. of fungi including I yeaSl, dermatophy tcs CH2 - (Ii - 0 - CH 2 -

Clollimazole Synthet ie im:ul.:l7.ole Exerts !Is antifungal lnh.ibiu Or kills many 1% Solulion $ 3.15/'20ml (Canes/en [R I) derivative (hal is slI"ueturally activity by altering ceU genen. yeasts & !cimiJar to mlconazole. membnllle permea- dermBlophytes; also 1% Cn.-,;m $ 3.15/2Dgrn bility. a"parcnIly by acllve agalnst Malas- bind.i.ng with phospho- sezia furfur, Candida Prescription· Q~ lipids in lhe fungal cdl Albic:ms and a few only items membrane. slrnim of Staphylo- @-C-@ coceus 3ureus & Streptococcus pyo- I gens. Higher con~n- tration may inhibit (» /lrOwlh of Trichomanas v:lgmalis. The Journal of IMA-June 1979-Page 9