Before Mush

TOY STORY 4 • BARTON STREET • JOHN & JEN • PITY FACE - SEVEN SONGS • EARTH TALK • FREE WILL ASTROLOGY 2 JUNE 27 — July 3, 2019 VIEW VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 3 THEATRE 07 JOHN & JEN INSIDE THIS ISSUE JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 08 COVER RIOT NRRD FORUM FOOD 05 PERSPECTIVE Barton Street 15 Dining Guide 22 EARTH TALK MOVIES MUSIC 16 REVIEW Toy Atory 4 08 Hamilton Music Notes 17 Movie Reviews 10 Live Music Listing ETC. THEATRE 18 General Classifieds 06 PREVIEW Pity Face/Seven Songs 19 Free Will Astrology 07 REVIEW John & Jen 19 Adult Classifieds

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PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40015533 VIEW is published every Thursday by Dynasty Communication Inc. Entire contents © Dynasty Communication Inc. Queries and letters may be sent to the editor at RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: the above email address. Letters may be edited for the purposes of space and DYNASTY COMMUNICATIONS INC clarity and must include a name, address and daytime telephone number. Opinions expressed within are held by the writer and are not necessarily shared 370 MAIN STREET WEST by the publishers, editors or management of VIEW. HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8P 1K2 HAMILTON’S WEEKLY ALTERNATIVE SINCE JANUARY 5, 1995, VIEW IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER USING VEGETABLE OIL-BASED INKS

4 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW [PERSPECTIVE] by TERRY OTT “No one dreams of being Your comments as a health a doctor or a lawyer or professional on substance abuse, prostitution and poverty. anything, “Poverty cannot be erased. It had a long They dream of dealing on head start on solutions. The best you can do is the dirty boulevard.” trickle an insignificant additional money to them. Putting elevated flower gardens in the Lou Reed, Dirty Boulevard middle of Barton Street, fancy cast iron light standards, sticky outy sidewalk humps to slow THE THERE FOR you Teenage Head, which knew a traffic doesn’t make lack of formal education go thing or two about Barton Street once asked lis- away, it doesn’t teach people dental hygiene, it teners to “picture my face.” doesn’t teach effective grocery shopping. Well how about picture the face of Barton “Ultimately if you graph economic society Street northward, between Ottawa Street and like a pyramid, the base only narrows or widens James Street, circa the glorious summer, 1971? with their income and economy. The pyramid is A vibrant if somewhat earthy and scruffy always there if you doubled their income, the street of dreams of veteran Hamilton northenders, base would narrow, the slope of the sides would Italian, Polish, Yugoslavian and Ukrainian immi- be steeper, but the volume has to stay the same. grants all in a pretty harmonious melting pot of BARTON STREET: “Generally, additional money would not go hyphenated yet proud and patriotic hardworking, towards night school classes, dental repairs, food pragmatic, steely eyed homies. security. It would go to self pleasuring, junk Much of the populace of that era worked at THE PAST AND THE PRESENT food, alcohol, drugs, and acquisition of material , , Westinghouse, and International goods. A social worker once took me to the big Harvester etc., and made good money of which grocery store beside the jail on “cheque day”, I they spent a good deal on their street that was a was shocked, sickened. Shopping carts heaped cornucopia of shops, services, eateries and what With cases of pop, bags of chips, candied cereal. ever what have you not legits. There was nothing that I would consider to be For the immigrants toiling in the factories — “food”. It was all instant gratification, self plea- let’s hear it for the close by Princess Street — it suring. was an ample entry port and for the second and “Prostitution is a woman’s solution to third generation Canadians, it was an affordable increased income. However, none of them are array of Victorian era row houses from which driving Cadillac Escalades. Substance abuse sprang some of the most toughened and resource- consumes their efforts, often shared by a male ful Hamiltonians, ever. partner with similar addictions. I have talked to I traversed this boulevard hundreds of times in many, doing shifts in the Hamilton General the ’60s and early ’70s, visiting the vanished Emergency Room. Lundy’s Marine where I got my first outboard “Every taxi driver knows where every drug Mercury — 9.8 horse I seem to recall — fishing dealer and crack house is, so do the police. The motor and just before Wentworth Avenue on the police are overwhelmed, policing is a limited north side, Gulliver’s Cycle and Sports where I resource. They have to target perceived big bought a fearsome Kawasaki H2 750 2 stroke rice guys. Like grow ops in the past, they had a very burner bike from Munk that at the time was the long list but limited surveillance resources. The world’s fastest street bike. Both going concern very laws that give us freedom protect unwar- shops have been KIA for a long time. ranted entry into drug houses. Those laws pre- vent arbitrary search. The laws of evidence that Those were the days, my friend this town are, to be kind, dodgy jackasses who “real doctors” I was told. protect us also protect them.” would sell you and yo mama for much less than “I was matched as a student to do a clinical Martin’s Steak House, where the Ti–Cat play- they’re worth so I’m not going to waste your pre- with Dr. A. Greenspoon. I learned more about Your ideas of what it is, ers and coaches used to hang out and a great pep- cious time with yet more of the same bullshit from kindness, acceptance, compassion and clinical per steak could be had for less than two bucks, the them. medicine from him than all the other family doc- what it could be, Avon beer house in the shadow of Ivor Wynne They may even have a stake in keeping the tors I worked with. or what it never will be. wherein on Tuesday’s you could get five draughts street down in a dystopian Lou–like give me your “So I began my career on Barton for 12 years for a dollar, and the Aquarium where pols and hungry, your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on ‘em. before I took a hospital position. There was never “It simply is the unfixable bottom segment mobsters and regular barfly’s hung together in These poor huddled masses? Let’s club ‘em to a dull moment, I had a knife held to my throat for of society. Barton Street is all about bad deci- many times soused harmony. death, get it over with, and dump ‘em on the Percocets, I had a youth gang chase a boy, a sions. “The bottom” will always be there. It has And during these times, there was not a hook- boulevard. More on that, later. patient of mine, into my waiting room and I phys- to be, overall, we as a society have to praise a er at virtually every corner, a dealer feeding them So those un–corrupted and operating in the ically fought four kids to protect him. meritocracy, reward for effort. We cannot raise just behind the corner, nor was there highly real world are way more credible to hear from. “I wasn’t happy punching out four punks but I up the bottom and yet value the top. There has intoxicated denizens wandering and stumbling Let's call him Doc Gonzo, a real saw bones felt wonderful that he thought my office was a safe to be an award for effort. Interlocking bricks and around, scuffles here, fights there, malevolent practitioner who for obvious reasons would rather refuge for him. His mother and father came to impressed concrete sidewalks are an effort to mayhem, murders. Now, there is this and much remain anon, worked this dirty boulevard back in thank me, I knew them well, they brought me a hide it. The resources to intervene at the source more, including urban blight approaching some of its not quite yet totally destroyed late 20th centu- tasty casserole, they cried telling me that they had of the problem don’t exist in the needed volume the worst US ghettos.Cops don’t even like going ry existence and now frequents the area so as to nothing else to give. Maybe it was the greatest gift and the solution is trans generational. There are there, the land of the $450 dollar falling apart remind himself to never look down on anyone. I ever had. societies that do not have these problems. But apartment, bed bugs, lice, cockroaches, guns, He’s got some ideas on what some call the ass- “I held newborns, saw so many die. Disease do we want to be them? knives, 24/7 party people no extra charge and so hole of the Hammer, in a first person non–hypo- grossly parallels income. There is an equation, “Barton Street is a metaphor of free choice, who the hell could blame them? critical oath of do no harm mind set of what to do poverty, smoking, diet, exercise, drugs, education, the ultimate outcome of the freedom to craft your Barton Street North today is an urban disaster to reclaim the concrete jungle. tough life + struggle x time = ill health. It was a own life plan. It is a product of fair and just laws, of great filthy proportions despite tepid attempts great experience, there was no “cherry picking”. I choices entrenched in our Charter and by various city governments to put a band aid on What’s up, Doc? took what came through the door. Constitution. It is obviously the dark side of these. an open, sucking chest wound. Fancy sidewalks “Eventually the Barton Street Jail would call Not all people given equality to engage life and squeezed traffic lanes to “calm” motorists try- “When I was in medical school, numerous cli- me looking for a doctor to help out a released achieve an equity of outcome. Decision making, ing to get the hell out don’t mean shit to the nicians referred to Barton St. As “the trenches”, inmate. I didn’t and don’t judge people. I meet a parenting skills, no one talks about it.” street. It’s just all about basic survival down there. the battlefield where real doctors worked. There lot of amazing people, horribly wounded with Sounds like a good prescription, to me, Doc. V Yeah, it’s dangerous out here tonight, but a fella’s were legends on Barton, Dr. Siegel, Dr. Day, Dr. ineffective parenting, childhood sexual abuse, bad gotta eat. Farris and Dr. Greenspoon. They were talked choices in friends, no job survival skills, domestic Terry Ott is a Hamilton journalist He can be reached What to do? Well, many of the politicians in about with great revere, like they were sacred, violence, no sense of money management.” at [email protected]

VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 5 [THEATRE] by GREGORY CRUIKSHANK double–feature with Pity Face, the ing in their both serving in the Hamilton one–woman show by Lisa 7, a professional storytelling collective, Pijuan–Nomura about her experience and from there, Awkward Stories for living with cancer. Adults, the hit Hamilton Fringe Festival “Too often, we look at those with created with their cohort Andrew cancer with a ‘pity face’,” she explains. Gabourey. “Instead of engaging the actual person, “Hamilton 7 is very much a collabo- we treat them as their illness, offer plati- rative method,” says Lukasik–Foss, “that tudes and pity, and then back away. allows you to lean on a collective brain “Pity Face is the very opposite of its while shaping and building your own name: instead of guilt–ridden, sad and work. Co–delivering two one-act tentative, it stares at cancer with a one–handers is just another way that we steady, sober and humourous gaze. can support each other’s process, and Through anecdotes drawn from personal improve each other’s work.” experience, I offer a dramatic and comic “I think we complement each other exploration for those experiencing can- as performers,” Pijuan–Nomura adds. cer, their friends, family and allies, a “We are both interested in pushing the guide to see and interact as real people.” boundaries of storytelling to make it a Though both shows are officially more theatrical experience. We also like debuting (not counting a workshop pro- to laugh, even in the most awkward, sad duction of Pity Face a few months ago), moments. this is not the first time these two artists “Tor is like a brother from another have worked together. mother,” she concludes. “We are always “Tor was one of the first artists that I sharing ideas and pushing our limits, and met in Hamilton upon moving here,” I believe the pairing of these shows is says Pijuan–Nomura, whose own another extension of our continuing lengthy career as a multidisciplinary per- work together.” V former only reached Hamilton eight TOR LUKASIK–FOSS has, in his own Cody. Then, in the early 2000s, I merged for, why people are compelled to write years past. “I didn’t want to move to PITY FACE AND words, had a “very odd, sporadic, dis- my performance impulses with my incli- them, how listeners can build really Hamilton and just place my ideas upon a SEVEN SONGS parate career” performing in Hamilton. nations as a visual artist and started intense relationships with them, why the city that I knew nothing about. I wanted Presented by: Lisa Pijuan-Nomura “My first performances were in doing mostly experimental things.” act of singing is so terrifying, and so on. to look around and see what I could get and Tor Lukasik-Foss improve theatre,” he tells me, “stretch- This week sees the debut of Tor’s My idea is to present it in a way that it involved with, or who I could collabo- Playing at: The Staircase Theatre ing back to when Theatre Sports held newest experimental performance piece, doesn’t read quite like a concert, not rate with.” 27 Dundurn St N, Hamilton weekly events at the Red Mill Theatre Seven Songs, which is playing at the quite a storytelling event, and not quite The two eventually connected at the Showtimes: June 26-29 @ 7pm Tickets: $20 general admission, $15 for on James North in the mid–1980s, and I Staircase. a piece of theatre.” Mulberry Café on James North, becom- students/seniors/arts workers was an eager teen. The next iteration “I’ve been interested in the culture Whatever the show presents quite ing fast friends and frequently meeting to Box Office: Tickets available on was as a songwriter and a musician, that has been built around songs,” he as, Lukasik–Foss will not be presenting it discuss both what she wanted to do, and mostly through the pseudonym Tiny Bill says of the piece. “What they are used alone. Seven Songs will be presented as a what they could do together, culminat-


THE HAMILTON CHOIR Project, has for the past three seasons, design, which added a great deal to the staging. presented several choral focused concerts, on the local arts I would describe this musical, as a piece of “chamber scene. The company is the brainchild of Michael Rode and music”, that gives us, a stage version of the television show, his partner Amber Mills, and with this project, they have now The Wonder Years, but in this case without actor Fred Savage’s branched outward into theatrical production. Unsurprisingly, annoying voice–overs, in that it covers the experience of one they have set their sites on the world of stage musicals, which family, through the late 1950s, through the maelstrom of the allow them to bring their musicality, to a very different kind of late 1960s, and into the 1980s. What is remarkable about the audience. play is that we see much of this turbulent history, through the Their first offering is a 1995 two hander musical called eyes of two children. John & Jen, written by Andrew Lippa, who went on to write While I must applaud the talent, commitment and sheer the music for the Broadway musical, Big Fish and Tom perseverance, of this company of professional theatre creators, Greenwald, who went on to never write for the stage again. in mounting this production, of John & Jen, so successfully and Unsurprisingly, for a musical produced by a choir, this version well. I can’t help but note, that the play itself, has flaws, that of the play, is exceptionally well sung! make its staging problematic. The songs themselves, are not The two performers, Amber Mills, as “Jen”, and Dante evocative of the era that the play is set in, but rather come off Pietrangeli, as “John”, handle the complex vocals, which as generic Broadway styled show tunes. include contrapuntal melodies, recitation like patter, and There are no musical references to Rock and Roll, or to deliberately dissonant harmonies, with great skill. As the nar- the Woodstock era psychedelic counter culture protest songs rator of the play, and transforming herself, from a six year old of the Vietnam War. There are no homages to ’70s Disco child, all the way to the mother of a teenage son, Mills gives tunes, or ’80s New Wave pop tunes, so absent then are, any of us an impressive demonstration, of her skills as a storyteller, the key allusions that ground us into the sense of time and and recountour. Pietrangeli, as well, gave a very strong per- period. Other than a single pop culture reference to the formance, playing two different characters, and got most of Beatles song, “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, the play might the humour and laughs, to be found in the script. Both actors, have spanned the years, 1990 to 2019, as far as the songs handled the choreography by Jen Cooper, with skill, energy, themselves are concerned. style, and panache. John & Jen is an early work, by a songwriter that later went Andrew Lippa’s score reminded me a great deal, of some of on to Broadway success, so it demonstrates burgeoning talent, Sondheim’s work, and for just two vocalists, to sing constant- that led to greater things. The play seems to continue to be ly, for almost two hours, demonstrates lots of talent, vocal performed, long after it should have been put to rest, as it is training and a great deal of rehearsal by the company. easily licensed through Music Theatre International, and with As I have noted, many times before in reviews on the local its smaller cast and inexpensive staging requirements, means theatre scene, musicals are a much harder bit of theatre to cre- it has been revived by students and community theatres, over ate, as it can be hard to find the performers you need to exe- and over again. A recent 2015 off Broadway revival, starring cute them to the required standard, that they demand in order Kate Baldwin, died a quick death. to work. Happily, with this production, I can report that the Still as this first production, by the Hamilton Choir standard, was exceeded, with ease. Project, demonstrates, that with luck, we can look forward to A three piece ensemble of cello, percussion, and piano, more rarely produced musicals, on the local arts scene. If they under the direction of Kate Boose, provide able and valuable are as well rendered as this one was, then we have much to support, to the two vocalists, and give the production much of look forward to. I for one, will be keen to see what musical its energy and momentum. The fact that the band, was they may offer us next, and hope that, perhaps something onstage, almost part of the stage action was a bonus. Canadian, might be the next project. V Shaw Festival veteran, Krista Colosimo, directs the play, with a sure and steady hand, mining beautiful imagery and JOHN & JEN pathos, out of a dramatically underdeveloped stage play. She By Andrew Lippa and Tom Greenwald. has cast the production superbly, and on a bare stage, trans- Presented by the Hamilton Choir Project forms us through time and space, and much of the success of At the Player's Guild of Hamilton this production comes from her thoughtful insight into the 80 Queen St South. June 27, 28, 29. 2019 at 8 pm characters, and the situations that they find themselves in. I Tickets: must also note the clever, but sadly uncredited, lighting or ]

VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 7 [HAMILTON MUSIC NOTES] by RIC TAYLOR STEVE track. People that have followed me for a while won’t be surprised that I’m doing a lot of different styles of music. This record covers a lot of ground from the straight up STRONGMAN'S funky stuff to singer/songwriter stuff but to me I hope it just sounds like Steve "TIRED OF Strongman.” TALKING" Steve Strongman sounds world class with this solid collection of songs and while JUNO AWARD WINNER and the recordings shine, for years Strongman has built his reputation with his live shows. 2019 International Blues On the stage, Strongman shines best and he’s happy to spotlight his newest offering Challenge Best Guitarist this weekend in a more novel locale. (solo/duo) Steve “I was happy to see what’s happening at the Westdale Theatre with the renova- Strongman returns to tions and all,” says Strongman. “I thought it’d be a good fit for me and the Hamilton his hometown to offer Music Collective got on board to make sure artists like myself can do these kind of his newest album. shows. The venue seems great and supporting these kind of community hubs is Recorded in important. Nashville, Tennessee “For this release party, there will be a definite heavy focus on this record but I’ll be and Hamilton, Tired of doing a little something from everything I’ve done up to this point,” adds Strongman. Talking could be “I always say, there’s nothing like hearing music live. I’m hoping everyone comes out Strongman’s finest outing for an incredible live experience. Hopefully we get a lot of people that just love music and contrary to the album whether it’s blues or rock or whatever, I just want to try and connect with people on title, he's quite eager to chat an emotional level every time I take to the stage.” about the new release. “Dave King producer, Steve Strongman plays this Friday June 28 at the Westdale Theatre with drummer and one of my Hailee Rose opening. It's an 8pm start and tickets are $35. Click on steve- best friends, was a huge part of this record,” notes Strongman. “It RIOT NRRD’S STEVE was a very organic “LAUGHCRY, SMARTSTUPID!!” STRONGMAN process with Dave While studying Biochemistry at the University of Manitoba, Conrad Sichler was having a new record- getting a different musical education as he hung out with and played music with some ing studio in of the members of The Weakerthans and Propogandhi. His studies would have him Hamilton but Dave move to Montreal and then Kingston, finally landing himself in Burlington to join a suggested I visit some medicine clinic as Dr. Conrad Sichler. But all the while, Sichler’s had another career friends in Nashville. I was as a singer and songwriter. His third release, and first in five years, is dubbed looking at recording studios LaughCry, SmartStupid!! and Dave was recording with “We were in a band together called Toothpick Hercules, we were pals, went to the Creamer down there. The plan same high school and played music together,” recalls Sichler on his association with was to start down south and then see John K. Samson and a nascent Winnipeg music scene of lore. “I was terrified about what we could do with our guys. All of taking on music, thinking there was no possible way I could make it work, so I went the pieces fell into place and we were only into medicine. Since then, there were times where I’d take off a few months but the going to do a couple of songs but ended up music always kept coming back for me with a funny or stupid or serious ditty that with almost half an album.” would come to my mind. It’s still uplifting for me to make music.” The Nashville sessions included the talents As part of a Montreal performance scene called Yawp!, Sichler was inspired to take of Pat Sansone (Wilco, Mavis Staples) on key- on the moniker of Riot Nrrd twenty years ago with Free of the Suburban Dream boards, Audley Freed (Sheryl Crow, the Black released in 1999 followed some fifteen years later with an album called Settle. Crowes) on guitar and James Haggerty (Steve “Nerds rule the world now but back then us nerds kind of felt weak and wimpy,” Cropper, Blues Brothers) on bass, and drummer and says Sichler. “I write songs that are just plain dumb, sort of smart, but mostly songs producer Dave King (Creamer, Autumn Defense). that are both smart and dumb at the same time. I was a kind of a punk as a teen and The Hamilton recording sessions feature the talent- I loved Dinosaur Jr, Husker Du, the Replacements and all that, although my music ed longtime touring bassist Colin Lapsley, and King doesn’t really sound like any of those. I’m inspired with that spirit of messing with on drums with Jesse O’Brien (Colin James) on things and trying something different. When I first starting writing songs as a teenag- piano. er, I deliberately wrote stupid songs but moved away from that as a serious teenager Blues music purists like to insulate them- with ‘things to say’ and some serious songs came of that. It’s all come full circle as I selves in a protected scene but Strongman has now do both. I saw Weird Al Yankovic and I was like, ‘Oh my God’. I don’t do par- been able to transcend that with gusto time and ody songs but there’s some Weird Al and maybe some They Might Be Giants because time again. His new album is driving rock and roll I’m wordy and I’m a smart ass but with some kind of punk spirit in a nerdy way.” and powerful soul at any given turn as well as the grit- Sichler went into record his latest collection of songs at Grant Avenue Studio with ty blues vibe only Strongman can do but for Dave Gould (drums), Frank Koren (guitar), Steve Skingley (bass), and Amy King Strongman, it’s all the blues if only different shades. I (keyboards) who are set to reprise their roles on stage with a performance that com- could offer comparisons to the Rolling Stones (Tired of bines the serious and the silly. Talking), Tom Petty (Livin the Dream), the Band (Still “I wanted this record to sound more like I heard it in my head,” says Sichler. “And Crazy ‘Bout You) and well, the Al Green cover speaks for I had to present to these players that play a ton in so many different genres of music itself with that kind of soul — the sweetest of pop confection and to make it Riot Nrrd. I trusted my instincts and put more of my stamp on it. I with conviction on “Let’s Stay Together”. love playing live so I want to make more time for that in the future. The matinee for “People bring up the Stones, the Faces or the Black Crows when the release party is good because people can bring their kids and not worry about day they hear that song,” Strongman notes on the titular track. “I wrote care. We start with some sketch comedy, some great songs from Brennagh and then it with Dave and Jesse O’Brien and it was always a rock and roll song me and the Tasty Faces. I also want to play Riot Nrrd bingo so people can feel awe- but to me the Rolling Stones sound like a blues band. I told Audley some about their life. Cover is $20 or best offer with no reasonable offer refused. I that I thought the Black Crowes were a great blues band so the influ- would love to have butts in seats but the band does have to get paid. ences are there but we didn’t want to reinvent the wheel. We “If I’m going to release an album called LaughCry, SmartStupid!!, why not have approached this record trying to get something raw and real and what someone offer some more serious music and then some people goofing around and the band sounds like live. then me maybe mixing the two,” adds Sichler. “I’m trying to live up to the album “This is my seventh release and none of them have been a name. Smartstupid makes me so happy but it also comes out of my childhood wound- pigeon holed sounding record,” adds Strongman. “As an artist, it’s impor- edness so if it comes up with some songs, why not? If I bring up some serious issues, I tant to reflect on what you want to do and say — and the music that I try to make people laugh regardless — who wants to be preached at or lectured to? love is very diverse so if I’m honest, what I put out into the world is going To me, music should be a fun time.” to reflect that. In the end, it all sounds like blues to me. I’ve been playing “Let’s Stay Together” in my live set for years — it’s got such a great groove Riot Nrrd and the Tasty Faces play this Saturday June 29 at the Corktown and melody to it — and people have asked me why I haven’t recorded it. We with the Plaidiators and Brennagh Burns. Show goes from 4:00-7:00pm and thought we’d try it out and I didn’t want to listen to the original again, the cover is $20. Click on song had evolved over the years for me and we didn’t worry about the original CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 8 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW [HAMILTON MUSIC NOTES] doing. We’ve had a great connection with the bands they’ve had on the label and Alexisonfire on Dine Alone. They’re why we play the music we do and they seemed so genuine and pas- sionate about it. We’re happy with the way things have turned out now.” The new 11–track album was pro- duced, engineered, and mixed by Sam Guaiana at Room 21 Sound in Toronto enlisting the latest incarnation of the band to record their most important col- lection of songs yet. The band was at the juncture of going to college or the school of hard knocks in the music industry and they remain confident they made the right choice. “Our parents are still one hundred percent behind us,” says Cooke. “Even with Cole and Corbin’s parents all of the THE NORTHERN PIKES families have been so supportive of what we do. The heart of this band are the PLAY IT’S YOUR FESTIVAL people around us — the one’s who have RIOT NRRD supported this band — our friends, fam- ily and fans. We wouldn’t be the people we are today if it weren’t for them.” While normally we’d be talking about the band having the new album in hand, legal wranglings persist but the IT’S YOUR FESTIVAL Festival. on the four stages. We’ve got Jessie the band is confident, the new album will be “I watched a lot of other guys do Cowgirl, and Cindy Cook from the coming out as soon as possible. In the CELEBRATES 50 YEARS what I do now and thought that was Polka Dot Door, Learning With Lexi CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 interim, their first Hamilton perform- While this weekend marks Canada’s the seat I should be in,” says Balogh. “It and more on the children’s stage. RARITY'S "THE ance in about three years happens and 152nd birthday, it’s actually the 50th was first called It’s Your Bag but I’ve “And because it’s our fifty year cele- LONGEST LONESOME" Rarity have put together a new 7–inch birthday for It’s Your Festival itself — done It’s Your Festival for about 40 bration, we’re giving away fifty prizes vinyl release of the first two tracks from and as always, the man that’s pro- years. It stuck the best for me because it on Saturday and Sunday,” adds Balogh. We last spoke with Rarity when they the new album for their Hamilton show- grammed the festivities also celebrates had the best board for me over the “On Monday, we’ve got the parade of were choosing their post–secondary case. a milestone birthday. years with people like Lloyd Turner and flags and the opening ceremonies, a lives. The post hardcore outfit were “Hamilton is a special market and you Officially, John Balogh was 16 years Corinna Stroop. They’re dedicated to piece of Canada’s biggest birthday cake, chomping at the bit getting signed to have to play it when the time is right,” old when he dropped out of Hill Park the diversity of not only the entertain- the baby contest and the Canadian US label Rise Records and releasing says Clarke. “Hamilton always has to be Secondary to pursue life as a comedian ment but also the vendors and food Citizenship ceremony. I know we’re their 2016 critically–acclaimed debut a crazy amazing show. Sometimes, you but he ran in a circle of very musical stuff that’s presented. I play a small going to have good weather because studio album I Couldn’t Be Weaker. don’t want to play Toronto to make that friends and who would have thought spoke of that wheel to get the enter- I’ve been watching the Farmer’s They’ve spent the better part of two happen. It’s important for us to stay con- that funny kid would help make tainment. The different between me Almanac since last year. Lots of tented years touring but without a record some nected to our home fan base.” Hamilton music history over the next being great and lousy is the good Lord areas and places to sit, cold brew and fans thought maybe the band had just “We’re appreciative of everyone that’s few decades. and His weather. You hope for the tons of free entertainment. Even if you faded away. But after some three years, stuck with us just so that we can find “I started off as a comedian but obvi- best.It’s been a cooperative effort for planned doing something else, it’s Loeden Learn (vocals), Adam Clarke ourselves again,” says Woods. “We wrote ously the music business was much the last 40 years that I’ve worked with worth putting it off just to come to It’s (guitar), Corbin Giroux (guitar, backing these songs in a different place but it’s more humourous. When me and others this group.” Your Festival. From 10am to midnight, vocals), Cole Gardener (bass), and Evan cathartic to play them now and happy like Simply Saucer, Teenage Head or On Saturday, Hamilton’s Riddim the place is going to packed with great James Woods (drums) were set to start a that things are on their way of working the Lanois Brothers at Grant Avenue Riders are on the main stage at 7:30 entertainment, food vendors, artisans new phase of their career with a signing themselves out.” started in the music business,” says before Jully Black at 9:30 with an after from the area.” to New Damage Records and to release “Trust us, the album is going to come Balogh. “People would say, ‘maybe you show with Riddim Riders happening in After so many decades, Balogh and their new album The Longest Lonesome out really soon although we can’t really should start thinking about a real job’ the beer garden at 11pm. On Sunday, It’s Your Festival offer up a multicultur- months ago. A single was released, talk about the details now,” says Clarke. but after 45 years of rubbing a genie June 30 Jack de Keyzer plays at 6:00, al festival tradition and if Balogh has “Shawinigan” and the band started the “We’re excited about it finally coming lamp, you realize you made the right followed by the Lowest of the Low at his way, he could be doing it for many Longest Lonesome Tour through April out and we’re working on something decision. Back then there were a lot of 8:00 and the Pursuit of Happiness at more decades to come. and May but the album release date was special for Hamilton when it does come raised eyebrows but now it’s part of 10:00 with Troy Harmer doing an after “Back when it started, there were pushed back to the end of June and out. For now, we celebrate the label Hamilton’s musical history. show at 11:30 in the beer garden. On four festivals in the same geographic now... signing, the 7–inch and everything great “I was enhanced by the visionary Monday, July 1, Canada’s 152nd area and now there are fifty festivals in “After our last record, we lost a couple about all the people in Hamilton that observation of the band Crowbar — Birthday celebration will have the the same area,” says Balogh. “It’s Your of members in the band and around the have supported us.” that’s probably what stimulated the Devin Cuddy Band 6:00, Chilliwack at Festival is kind of special though. I same time, our deal with our old record “This is going to be a celebration of a nuculei,” adds Balogh. “They were the 8:00 and the Northern Pikes at 10:00 spent forty years celebrating my birth- label fell apart,” says Woods. “The three lot of hard work and patience coming first big time band to see how they with Robin Benedict doing the after- day in Gage Park and this year I cele- of us left in the band were kind of together,” says Woods. “I’m hoping to operated. They were fun loving guys show in the beer garden at 11:30. brate my sixty-fifth. I hope to be pushed into a really dark place and it see a lot of familiar faces this weekend and they still are today although we’re “We doubled up on the headliners Hamilton’s Irving Azoff — I’d like to took us a couple of years to be able to because that’s why we do what we do. all sad about the recent passing of Kelly over three days this year,” says Balogh. be doing this when I’m 92 with people write a new record that could bring us That’s why after waiting three years, we Jay but I stay in touch with the other “I love bands with a catalogue like holding me up. If anything come and back to life. There was a time all we can still make music, play shows and Crowbar guys.” Chilliwack that has hit after hit after celebrate my birthday on June 30. could do is tour while we tried to have it meet people, anyone who is a part of Balogh was there when Jackson hit. Even The Northern Pikes — you Otherwise, I’m looking forward to all figured out. BMG bought the label that is a friend to me.” Square opened in 1972 and wanted to can play five or ten songs and you know spending the weekend like I’ve done and a lot of bands left out — it’s hard to book bands on the rooftop and that got every song. I think people are in for a for so many years — with twenty thou- find your voice when the big fish are Rarity plays this Friday June 28 at his foot in the door. He’d start becom- great treat each night. This year we’re sand people rocking out to some of controlling everything. We're happy Club Absinthe with Young Culture, ing a club concert buyer for a variety of doing something special. When the Canada’s best sounds.” V now things went the way they did Heavy Hearts and Perfect Limbs. 700 seat venues across Ontario which headlining act ends by 11pm, abiding because we’re in a better place now. Tickets for the all ages / licenced morphed into him taking on the role of by all curfew laws, we have some great It’s Your Festival celebrates 50 “It took so long for us to get all of this show are $12 in advance and $15 at concert promoter. Eventually he’d Hamilton bands playing the last hour years in Gage Park Hamilton from together independently paying for it the door. Click on work with a variety of organizations of the show in the beer garden. We’ve Saturday June 29 through Monday ourselves,” says Clarke. “New Damage including some non–profits and that never done that before and we’ve got July 1. Artists/Schedule subject to reached out and loved what we were began his relationship with It’s Your lots of great locals through the festival change. Click on

VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 9



10 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW

LAZY FLAMINGO OPEN JAM BIG ED’S KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/GEORGE BUTLER [8PM], POUR HOUSE KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS more. Last Friday of every month, 8pm. $20. Next Me To The Moon. Sinatra impersonator Chris LUKAYA CAFE|SONGWRITER NIGHT W/DAVE POMFRET SATURDAYS W/SCARYOKE MONSTERS [10PM] PRIME TIME KARAOKE THURSDAYS [8PM]] date: June 28. For info and tickets visit thepearl- Jason joins Boris and the NAO for an unforget- [7PM] BLACK SWAN KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/MARK O PUB FICTION TRIVIA MONDAYS HOSTED BY “RUBY PUB //The Pearl Company, 16 Steven St. table evening. July 25, 7:30pm. //Liuna Station. • THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD DADDY LONG LEGS, JESSE [9:30PM], TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [7:30PM] TRIVIA” [8PM] LAUGH AT THE JUDGE • Stand up comedy, Connoisseur Classics 2. July 28, 3pm. //LR Wilson JAMES MEDICINE SHOW, DANNY DON’T SURF [8PM] BO’S KARAOKE EVERY OTHER TUESDAY [8:30PM] R.H.L.I. KARAOKE THURSDAYS W/ANNE. [7:30PM] upstairs at the Winking Judge. Sundays, 8:30pm. Concert Hall, McMaster University. • For more BOBBIE’S KARAOKE SATURDAYS [7PM] RUMAK KARAOKE SATURDAYS [9:30PM] //25 Augusta St. info and tickets visit BOSTON PIZZA-BARTON TRIVIA MONDAYS W/HUB OF ST. LOUIS BAR AND GRILL KARAOKE SATURDAYS LEVITY COMEDY CLUB & LOUNGE • June 28-29: BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • Brott Music Festival: Fascinating Rhythm. June WEDNESDAY 3RD THE HAMMER. [7:30PM]. “THE OFFICE” TRIVIA NIGHT W/DONNY OSBORNE [10PM]m] Steph Tolev. • Every Wednesday at 9pm is Amateur Night. Friday nights shows are 9pm, 27, 7:30pm.* • For tickets and more info visit LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH /HUB OF THE SLYE FOX TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [7:30PM], KARAOKE ROCK | FOLK | COUNTRY Saturday night shows are 8pm. • For tickets visit *For tickets for Brott Music COACH & LANTERN|SINGALONG WITH JUDY HAMMER. NEXT DATE JULY 31. THURSDAYS W/NICHOLAS BALKOU [8:30PM] //120 King St. W. Festival events visit //BPAC 440 CORKTOWN OPEN MIC JAM W/DAVE GOULD BOSTON PIZZA-MAIN ST. W. TRIVIA SECOND SPUR’S ROADHOUSE KARAOKE W/ANNE LAST STAIRCASE THEATRE • Every Monday is Improv Locust St. 905.681.2551 WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH W/HUB OF THE HAMMER FRIDAY OF THE MONTH. JUNE 28 [8PM] LAZY FLAMINGO THE SANJAYS [9PM] Fundamentals at 7pm. Learn the basics of Improv GORE PARK SUMMER PROMENADE • Enjoy live [7:30PM] STONEROADS KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/ANNE [9PM] MASQUE THE TY PRICE EXPRESS [9PM] in a fun and supportive environment. $8. • Every entertainment, games and grab a snack or meal REBEL’S ROCK OPEN JAM [7PM] BRASSIE PUB KARAOKE SUNDAYS HOSTED BY "RUBY STONEWALLS PUBSTUMPERS TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS Tuesday is Master Class Improv at 7pm. The pub- in the park, Tuesday through Friday, 11am-4pm KARAOKE"[8:30PM], TRIVIA TUESDAYS HOSTED BY [6:30PM] lic is welcome to watch, but participation is by until Aug. 30. Live entertainment from noon-2pm. JAZZ | BLUES | CLASSICAL "RUBY PUB TRIVIA [8PM] TAPS KARAOKE FRIDAYS [9PM], KARAOKE SUNDAYS invitation only. $10. • Wildcard Wednesdays at Entertainment line-up - June 27: Chopped Liver. CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE JAZZ JAM [9:30PM] CADILLAC JAX KARAOKE THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS [6PM] 7pm. Join us for a jam night, a specialty work- June 28: Sloppy Jalopy. July 2: Alie Smith & Nicole W/SCARYOKE MONSTERS [9PM], KARAOKE FRIDAY AND TRACIE’S PLACE KARAOKE EVERY NIGHT [7PM-2AM], shop night or a show and a jam night. Prices vary Christian. July 3: Trickbag. July 4: Delta Overdrive SATURDAYS W/BIGGIE ENTERTAINMENT [9PM] & FRIDAYS [5PM-2AM], KIDS WELCOME UNTIL 9PM from $10-$20. Savings for registering online. Band. July 5: The Beelays. July 9: Solstice. July 10: DJ | ELECTRONIC | HIP HOP CALEDONIA LEGION KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/DJ TWISTED TAPS KARAOKE THURSDAYS [10PM] Dundurn St. N. Trio Del Fuego. July 11: Latin Jazz Quartet. July ABSINTHE|MOTOWN WEDNESDAY [10PM] SHELLEY UPTOWN SOCIAL HOUSE TRIVIA MONDAYS THAT CANADIAN GUY: GLEN FOSTER COMEDY • 12: Latintrain. July 16: Big John and The Night CARRIGAN ARMS KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/RANDY AND [7:30PM]| Foster, a veteran of Yuk Yuks, Just for Laughs and Trippers. July 17: TG and The Swampbusters. July THURSDAY 4TH VICKI [9:30PM], TRIVIA MONDAYS W/KEN OAKLEY WEST END KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS [10PM] Winnipeg Comedy Festival plus his own CD’s will 18: Tuba4. July 19: Joe’s Garage Band. July 23: [7:30PM]][99pm] WINDJAMMER KARAOKE TUESDAYS [8PM] be joined by veteran comedian David Green and Big Rude Jake. July 24: Sonny, Cher & Buddy ROCK | FOLK | COUNTRY CASBAH-MAIN HALL KARAOKE CABARET W/THE EYE WOBBLEY SCOTSMEN KARAOKE FRIDAYS Hamilton’s own Hilarious Larry Smith. June 29, Holly: Bruce Tournay, Loralee & Jeff Giles. July ABSINTHE|PACIFIC ESTATE, LUKE BOEHLER AND OF FAITH. 2ND & 4TH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH [9PM]| W/CHEFBOYRDJ, KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/SEÑOR WES 8pm. For tickets visit //Zoetic Theatre, 25: Jack Sith. July 26: Little Peter and the #BILLYANDTHECRYSTALS [8PM] Elegants. July 30: The Human Race. July 31: CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE|PUBSTUMPERS TRIVIA TUESDAYS JULY 526 Concession St. ARMY & NAVY CITY KIDS [3PM] Brenda Brown Duo. Aug. 1: Alfie Smith and Nicole 2. [7PM] YUK YUKS BURLINGTON • June 28-29: Kevin ARTWORD ARTBAR WATER BEAR [8PM] Christian. Aug. 2: Back Rent Blues. • For more CLANCY’S KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS [9PM] UPCOMING McGrath, Ben Bankas, Shannon Laverty. July 5-6: CARRIGAN ARMS|JAM NIGHT W/THE PERSONICS details go to COACH & LANTERN TRIVIA TUESDAYS [7PM] Jay Brown, Terry Clement, Anthony Mlekuz. July [8PM] HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY • Craft Circle. DICKENS KARAOKE THURSDAYS [9:30PM] CONCERTS 12-13: Michael Harrison, Juliana Rodrigues, CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE|STEVE COLLETT (9:30PM) Thursdays, 1pm. //Dundas. • Social Scrabble. END ZONE KARAOKE THURSDAYS W/ANNE [8PM], LITTLE YOU LITTLE ME W/REXFORD DRIVE. JULY 5. Adrian Cronk. July 19-20: Tyler Morrison, Hunter COACH & LANTERN|OPEN MIC (9PM) Wednesdays, 1pm. //Stoney Creek. • Meditation KARAOKE SUNDAYS W/DOWN TO EARTH ENTERTAINMENT MILLS HARDWARE Collins, Bobby Knauff. July 26-27: Jean Paul, CULANTRO’S|FERNANDO MEJIA (7:30PM) Circle.** Wednesdays, 7pm. //Saltfleet. • [9PM] NICK MACLEAN QUARTET JULY 5. ARTWORD Scott Faulconbridge, Bryan Hatt. • For info tickets LAZY FLAMINGO VINNIE & VAUGHN Colouring Circle. Thursdays, 6pm. //Turner Park, FIONN MCCOOL’S-UNIVERSITY PLAZA|KARAOKE ARTBAR visit //380 Brant St., Burl. MAX’S CHRIS AYRIES Fridays, 10:30am. //Red Hill. • Noon hour con- W/ANNE WEDNESDAYS [8PM], TRIVIA THURSDAYS STRUMBELLAS W/DAN MANGAN, DONOVAN WOODS, REBEL’S ROCK IRISH SESSION W/ANN GORMAN certs at Central Library. June 28: Doug Feaver. • [7:30PM] DIZZY. JULY. 6. ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS MCKINNEY & GUESTS [7PM] Author Visit: Ivan Kocmarek. July 3, 6:30pm. 5 WEST|TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS W/JIMMY THE SUE FOLEY BAND JULY. 11. THE CASBAH EVENTS•• THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD BEXATRON, THE VALHOUNDS //Central. • Family Movies-Toy Story 3 (2010). July QUIZMASTER [7:30PM] THE LORNE LOFSKY/ADREAN FARRUGIA BROTT MUSIC FESTIVAL • Fascinating Rhythm. [8PM] 2, 12pm. //Saltfleet. • Family Movies-Captain GALLEY PUMP KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/BRIAN [9PM] QUARTET JULY 12. ARTWORD ARTBAR Featuring brilliant toe-tapping dance numbers Underpants (2017). July 2, 2:30pm. //Saltfleet. • GLADSTONE KARAOKE FRIDAYS /BIG STAR KARAOKE DEF LEPPARD JULY 20. FIRSTONTARIO CENTRE and glorious show tunes such as S’wonderful, Family Movies-Norm of the North: Keys to the [9PM] JULIE DOIRON JULY. 25. THE CASBAH Summertime, Someone to Watch Over Me, JAZZ | BLUES | CLASSICAL Kingdom (2018). July 2, 2:30pm. //Red Hill. • GEORGE HAMILTON|OPEN JAM W/TIM NINEHOUSE GRAIN & GRIT|TRIVIA THURSDAYS [7PM] Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris and many Bringing Back the Classics-Gilda (1946). July 2, AND MR. JAY & CHRIS WIERSMA [9PM] HER MAJESTY’S ARMY AND NAVY VETERANS more! June 27, 7:30pm. //BPAC. • PopOpera. Greatest hits - arias, duets and ensembles from 2pm. //Stoney Creek. • Magic Show-Owen LOU DAWG’S CHRIS CHAMBERS [8:30PM] SOCIETY KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/GEORGE [4PM] COMEDY | the world of grand and comic opera by composers Anderson. For 4-7years. July 2, 3:30pm. • Movie MASQUE JUDI RIDEOUT, MARK FOLEY [9PM] HONEST LAWYER-KING ST. KARAOKE THURSDAYS 905 BAR COMEDY HOUR • Every last Friday of the such as: Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Tuesdays-Aquaman (2018). July 2, 6pm. //Central. [7PM] month, 9-10pm. Next date: June 28. Free admis- Mascagni, Gounod, Bernstein, Thomas and bril- • Sit to be Fit. For older adults. July 2, 2:30pm. HONEST LAWYER-STONECHURCH CLASSIC sion. //93 John St. S. DJ | ELECTRONIC | HIP HOP liantly performed by the cast of our opera produc- //Terryberry, July 3, 12pm. //Saltfleet. • Meet an SIMPSONS TRIVIA FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH CLUB 54 • There’s live stand-up comedy every AUGUSTA HOUSE|OLD SCHOOL, HIP HOP W/DJS tion of Puccini's La Bohème. July 4, 7:30pm. Alpaca. July 3, 10:30am. //Terryberry Parking Lot. W/GERRY HALL [7:30PM] Friday and Saturday at Club 54 preceding the JOOCE AND RAC ONE [10PM] //FirstOntario Concert Hall. • A Note for Every Dance Party. Your host is Canada’s # 1 insult • Family Movies-Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018). LIONSHEAD KARAOKE JUNE 29 [9:30PM] Grape. A delightful summer afternoon featuring comic – Ben Guyatt. • June 28-29: Ben Guyatt. July 3, 2:30pm. //Sherwood. • Family Movies- LOU DAWG’S TRIVIA TUESDAYS W/HUB OF THE HAMMER wine, food and music. July 7, 1pm. //Sue-Ann July 5-6: Larry Smith. July 12-13: Gerry Hall. July Hotel Transylvania 3 (2018). July 2, 3pm. //Central. KARAOKE [8PM], LIVE BAND KARAOKE FRIDAYS [10PM] Staff Estate Winery. • Connoisseur Classics 1. 19-20: Ronnie Edwards. July 26-27: Steve Cox. • **Registration required. For info visit NOBODY’S PERFECT KARAOKE W/MIKE, WEDNESDAYS July 11, 7:30pm. //LR Wilson Concert Hall, //3345 Harvester Rd., Burl. MISSISSIPPI QUEEN SOUTHERN SUPPER [7PM], SUNDAYS [5PM] McMaster University. • La Bohème. One of the & TRIVIA THE HI-LARRY-US SHOW • Join Larry Smith and SERIES • Features a set, southern menu paired MOSAIC TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [7:30PM] opera world’s most iconic works is performed by BARTON TOUCHDOWN PUB KARAOKE FRIDAYS his guests for stand-up, live cartooning, games with the musical talents of blues, and ‘American ODDS TRIVIA SUNDAYS [3PM] a superb cast of Canada’s newest operatic stars. W/HELENA QUINN [9:30PM] and prizes, music, sketches, improv, puppets and Roots’ musicians. • June 27: Mississippi Bends. • PLUCKER’S TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [8PM] July 18, 7:30pm. //FirstOntario Concert Hall. • Fly VIEW LIVE MUSIC INDEX EMAIL [email protected] DEADLINE: Monday at 4pm ABSINTHE 38 KING WILLIAM 905.529.0349 CORKTOWN TAVERN 175 YOUNG 905.572.9242 LEANDER BOAT CLUB 50 LEANDER DR. 905.527.7377 SNOOTY FOX 1011 KING W. 905.546.0000 ACOUSTIC BLEND CAFE 86 HOMEWOOD AVE. 905.522.1323 CULANTRO 537 MAIN ST. E. 905.777.0060 L’ETRANGER 109 JAMES ST. N. 905.906.2401 SOUS BAS 145 MAIN ST. E. 000.000.0000 AIR FORCE CLUB 128 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 000.000.0000 THE DICKENS 423 ELIZABETH, BURL. 905.333.4991 THE LIONSHEAD PUB 137 JOHN S. 905.522.7090 SOUTHCOTE 53 534 GARNER RD., ANC. 289.239.8888 ALE HOUSE 802 UPPER GAGE AVE. 289.755.0518 THE DIPLOMAT 43 KING WILLIAM ST. 905.523.4343 LITTLE GRASSHOPPER 37 BARTON ST. E. 905.393.7641 SPICE FACTORY 121 HUGHSON ST. N. 905.662.1112 ARMY NAVY CLUB 95-96 MACNAB ST. N. 905.527.1000 THE DOORS PUB 56 HESS S. 905.540.8888 LOU DAWG’S SOUTHERN BBQ 116 GEORGE ST. 289.389.3227 SPURS ROADHOUSE 188 BARTON ST. E., STONEY CREEK 905.522.1227 ARTWORD ARTBAR 15 COLBOURNE 905.912.9083 DUNAS VERDES 253 JAMES N. 905.522.4818 LUKAYA CAFE 592 UPPER WELLINGTON ST. 905.383.2533 THE STAIRCASE 27 DUNDURN N. 905.529.3000 AUGUSTA HOUSE 17 AUGUSTA 905.525.0367 EDENS 1548 MAIN W. 289.389.6493 THE MASQUE 13 HESS S. 289.700.5595 STONEROAD’S 533 CONCESSION ST. 905.545.8816 AVLYN’S LOUNGE 627 KING ST. E. 905.522.5111 EMERSON 109 109 EMERSON 289.425.2005 MATTSON & CO. 225 LOCKE ST. S. 905.525.0225 STONEWALLS 339 YORK BLVD. 905.577.0808 BARBARA CAFFE 387 BARTON ST., STONEY CREEK 905.664.7316 THE END ZONE BAR & GRILL 1305 MAIN ST. E. 289.246.9663 MAX RESTO LOUNGE 102-2180 ITABASHI WAY, BURL. 905.336.1500 THE STUDIO 1 SUMMERS LANE 905.546.3100 BAROQUE 69 JOHN S. 905.393.6233 ESSENCE 422 BARTON ST. E. 289.396.5116 MELANHEADZ VAPE LOUNGE 303 YORK BLVD. 289.527.1420 SUPREME BAR & GRILL 5111 NEW ST., BURL 905.333.5282 BARRA FION 1505 GUELPH LINE, BURL. 905.319.3466 FAIRWEATHER BREWING CO. 5 OFIELD RD. 289.426.2983 MILL ST. & FIVE 324 DUNDAS ST.E., WATERDOWN 905.690.1058 TAILGATE CHARLIE’S 69 JOHN S. 905.526.6666 BARTON TOUCHDOWN 912 BARTON ST. E.. 905.544.6031 FIDDLE & FOX 999 UPPER WENTWORTH ST. 905.385.8555 MILLS HARDWARE 95 KING E. 905.777.1223 TAPS BAR & GRILL 128 PARKDALE AVE. N. 905.393.8805 THE BINBROOK GRILL 3020 BINBROOK RD. 905.692.0909 FIONN MACCOOLS 2331 APPLEBY LINE, BURL. 905.332.9990 MODRN NIGHTCLUB 15 HESS ST. S. 289.389.3561 THIRSTY CACTUS 2 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 905.627.8488 THE BLACK BULL 2475 MOUNTAINSIDE DR, BURL. 905.332.4282 FIONN MACCOOLS 119 OSLER DR. 905.627.4729 MOSAIC 431 BARTON ST. E. 000.000.0000 33 BOWEN 33 BOWEN ST. 289.396.8865 BLACK SWAN 4040 PALLADIUM WAY, UNIT #1, BURL. 289.313.9999 FIONN MACCOOLS 1786 STONE CHURCH RD. E. 289.919.2422 MULBERRY COFFEE HOUSE 193 JAMES ST. N. 905.963.1365 THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD 345 JAMES N. 289.396.3911 BO’S SPORTS BAR 419 DUNDAS ST., WATERDOWN 905.690.3133 FIRSTONTARIO CENTRE 101 YORK 905.546.4040 MUSTANG’S 301 FRUITLAND RD., STONEY CREEK 905.643.7679 TIN CUP 1831 WALKER’S LINE, BURL. 905.315.7727 BOBBIE’S BAR & GRILL 2965 HOMESTEAD DR. MT HOPE 289.759.2002 FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL 1 SUMMERS LANE 905.546.3100 THE PEARL COMPANY 16 STEVEN 905.524.0606 TOAST WINE BAR 10 JOHN ST. N. 289.389.5480 THE BRASSIE 73 WILSON W. 905.304.8935 FIRTH’S CELTIC PUB 543 UPPER JAMES 905.318.4277 PEPPERWOOD BISTRO 1455 LAKESHORE RD., BURL 905.333.6999 TRACIE’S PLACE 592 UPPER JAMES 905.538.0795 THE BROWN BARREL 1515 UPPER OTTAWA 905.575.4606 5 WEST BREWPUB & KITCHEN 3600 DUNDAS ST., BURL. 905.315.8782 THE PHEASANT PLUCKER 20 AUGUSTA 905.529.9000 TURTLE JACK’S 1180 UPPER JAMES 905.389.6696 BUDDY’S ROADHOUSE 1360 KING E. 905.545.1456 THE FOOL AND FLAGON 2255 BARTON E. 905.573.7430 PLUCKER’S 335 PLAINS RD. E., BURL. 289.337.9454 THE VICAR’S VICE 2251 RYMAL E., STONEY CREEK 905.560.1586 BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE 440 LOCUST 905.681.6000 THE GALLEY PUMP 365 WENTWORTH ST. N. 905.522.5225 THE POUR HOUSE 1115 FENNELL E. 905.389.6602 THE UNDERGROUND 41 CATHARINE ST. N. 905.527.7488 CAPRI RESTAURANT 25 JOHN N. 905.525.7811 THE GASWORKS 141 PARK N. 905.719.6396 THE POWERHOUSE 21 JONES 905.930.7381 UPTOWN SOCIAL HOUSE 1900 WALKERS LINE, BURL. 905.331.4700 CARNEGIE GALLERY 10 KING ST. W. DUNDAS 905.627.4265 GATOR TED’S 1505 GUELPH LINE 905.336.3133 PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR 218 KENILWORTH N. 905.544.6488 WATERDOWN LEGION 79 HAMILTON ST. N., WDWN 905.689.6112 CARRIGAN ARMS 2025 UPPER MIDDLE RD., BURL 905.332.6131 THE GEORGE HAMILTON 152 KING W. 905.381.9820 PUB FICTION 1242 GARNER RD. W., ANC. 905.304.9990 THE WEE DRAM 1831 MAIN ST. W. 905.920.8180 CASABLANCA WINERY INN 4 WINDWARD DR., GRIMSBY 905.309.7171 GET TOGETHER BAR & GRILL 253 KENILWORTH N. 905.544.1950 PURPLE PEAR 946 BARTON E. 905.527.7179 WEST END PUB 151 EMERSON 905.524.3655 THE CASBAH 306 KING W. 905.741.7625 GLADSTONE TAVERN 1385 MAIN E. 905.393.9842 THE QUEEN’S HEAD 400 BRANT, BURL 905.632.1300 THE WESTDALE 1040 KING ST. W. 905.577.0074 THE CAPITOL BAR 973 KING E. 289.389.1001 GOWN & GAVEL 24 HESS ST. S. 905.523.8881 RADIUS 151 JAMES ST. S. 905.393.1658 WINDJAMMER BY THE LAKE 5353 LAKESHORE RD. BURL 905.632.2333 CAT ’N’ FIDDLE 174 JOHN S. 905.525.3855 GRAIN & GRIT BREWERY 11 EWEN RD. 905.769-1320 REBEL’S ROCK IRISH PUB 537 KING E. 905.777.1771 THE WING 3210 HOMESTEAD DR., MOUNT HOPE 289.280.0157 CAVALLO NERO 370 WILSON ST. E., ANC. 905.648.8888 HAMILTON AIR FORCE ASSOC. 128 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 905.628.6697 THE REC ROOM 2732 BARTON E. 289.389.1395 WINCHESTER ARMS 120 KING ST. W., DUNDAS 905.627.8016 CIRCA GALLERY 112GEORGE 905.921.1237 HAVN 26 BARTON ST. E. 000.000.0000 ROCK ON LOCKE 320 CHARLTON AVE. W. 905.522.0602 WOBBLEY SCOTSMAN 309 CROCKETT 905.389.8224 CLANCY’S PUB 4490 FAIRVIEW, BURL. 905.333.6805 HAMILTON LEGION BR. 163 435 LIMERIDGE 905.387.4515 R.C.L. BRANCH 622 12 KING ST E, STONEY CREEK 905.662.4171 YE OLDE SQUIRE 550 FENNEL AVE. E. 905.388.7770 CLIFFORD BREWING CO. 398 NASH RD. 905.560.5444 HONEST LAWYER 110 KING ST. E. 905.522.5297 R.H.L.I. CLUB 1353 BARTON E. 905.545.4611 YE OLDE SQUIRE 875 MAIN ST. W. 905.528.7822 CLUB 54 3345 HARVESTER ROAD, BURL. 905.634.5454 HONEST LAWYER 1070 STONECHURH RD. E. 905.385.9797 ST. LOUIS BAR AND GRILL 450 APPLEBY LINE, BURL 905.333.8118 YE OLDE SQUIRE 1508 UPPER JAMES ST. 905.575.7821 CLUB 77 77 KING WILLIAM ST. 905.527.7488 INNSVILLE 1143 HWY. 8,STONEY CREEK 905.643.1244 SASSO 1595 UPPER JAMES ST. 905.526.4848 YE OLDE SQUIRE 3537 FAIRVIEW, BURL 905.333.6627 COACH & LANTERN 384 WILSON E., ANC. 905.304.7822 INTO THE ABYSS 119A LOCKE ST. S. 905.518.7609 SEEDWORKS 126 CATHARINE ST. N. 905.523.7425 THE ZOETIC 526 CONCESSION 905.902.5683 COLLECTIVE ARTS BREWERY 207 BURLINGTON ST. E. 289.426.2374 JAYS SPORTS BAR 558 UPPER GAGE 905.574.4664 SHAOLIN UNDERGROUND 229 JAMES ST. N.. 289.389.9525 ZYLA’S 299 JAMES ST. N. 905.818.7141 COOLERS SPORTS BAR 558 UPPER GAGE 905.574.4664 JERSEYS BAR & GRILL 1450 HEADON RD. 905.319.0525 SHAWN & ED BREWERY 65 HATT ST., DUNDAS 289.238.9979 COME BY CHANCE 78 MELVIN AVE. 905.547.3994 KING’S LANDING 1900 KING ST. E. 905.544.7766 SHOELESS JOE’S 1183 UPPER JAMES 905.383.5637 COPPER KETTLE 312 DUNDAS ST. E., WATERDOWN 905.690.3696 LAZY FLAMINGO 19 HESS S. 905.527.0567 SLYE FOX PUB 4057 NEW, BURL 905.639.3900

VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 11

July 4: Eugene Smith. • July 11: Rick Taylor. July HAMILTON INTERNATIONAL GUITAR FESTIVAL 12: Chuck Jackson & Tyler Yarema. July 17: Chris & COMPETITION • A 3-day celebration of the gui- Chambers. • July 18: Little Magic Sam Taylor. • tar and the opportunity to become totally July 24: Matt Weidinger. • Aug. 1: Steve Payne & immersed in the classical guitar. Festival registra- Paul Hobday. • $45 for meal and show. For more tion includes attendance at all five concerts, two info, including menu details, visit mississip- individual lessons, access to all other workshops or call 905.526.0909. //635 and lessons, and access to the vendor fair. King St. E. Lessons, masterclasses, and workshops will be MUSIC ON THE WATERFRONT • Free concert. offered by Gohar Vardanyan, Laura Young, Juan Join us every Thursday evening through Aug. 29. Carlos Laguna, Miodrag Zerdoner, Austin Wahl, 7–9pm. Weather permitting. Don’t forget to bring Jeffrey McFadden, Steve Cowan, Kevin a lawn chair! Line up: June 27: Henry Strong Manderville, Brett Gunther, David Steinhardt, Dixieland Jazz Trio. July 4: Troy Harmer. July 11: Emma Rush, and more. Concerts: July 5, 8pm: Solstice. July 18: Jude Johnson. July 25: Brenda Gohar Vardanyan/Juan Carlos Laguna. July 6, Brown Jazz Band. Aug. 1: Brad Cheeseman Jazz 2pm: Austin Wahl. July 6, 8pm: Miodrag Trio. • For more info go to Zerdoner/Laura Young. July 8, 2pm: Festival| Showcase concert. July 9, 7pm: Competition ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS • Ontario Regional Finals. • Festival prices $135-$145. Concert tick- Lily Show. July 6, 1:30-5pm, July 7, 10am-3pm. ets $10-$25, except Sunday concert which are by //RBG Centre. • Bonsai Society Spring Exhibit. donation. For info and tickets visit guitarhamil- Experience the beauty of trees up close with 60+ //Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts, bonsai in all shapes and sizes. Members of the 126 James St. S. Bonsai Society at the RBG will be on hand to HAMILTON CRAFT BREW CRUISE • Hop on board answer questions and share their love of trees in a Harbour Cruise accompanied by some of your miniature with this display from their private col- favourite local craft brewers for a unique and lections. June 29-30, 10am-5pm. //RBG Centre. • exciting festival experience. Each sailing will run RBG After Dark: On the Rocks. Blooms, Brews & for a three hour tour around the harbourfront and BBQ. Grab a cold one while our house DJ provides you will have access to some of the best local craft a rock n roll soundtrack to an unforgettable brewers and their tasty brews. Legal age 19+, evening at the legendary Rock Garden. 19+ event. please bring valid ID. July 6, 2pm and 7pm. Event tickets required. July 18, 7:30pm. • Garden Boarding starts 30 min prior to sailing time. $45. Music Nights. Tuesdays and Wednesdays in July For more info visit For tick- and August, 6:30-9pm. //Hendrie Park. • Edible ets visit //47 Discovery Dr. Weekends. • Visit our Discovery Cart in Veggie THE MOST WUTHERING HEIGHTS DAY EVER • Village to learn more about tasty plants that are SEARSON Join us dressed in your Cathy’s best and come easy to grow and use in a wide variety of dishes. PART OF prepared for fun and frivolity as we reenact the Local chefs present cooking demonstrations on dance in the music video for Kate Bush’s song Sunday afternoons, while recipes are available at MUSIC AT FIELDCOTE Wuthering Heights. This is a family friendly event the Discovery Cart all weekend. July 6-7: Discover 64 Sulphur Springs Rd and everyone is welcome (dogs on leash only, Strawberries. July 13-14: Discover Herbs and please!).This is a free, non-profit, volunteer-run Pesto. July 20-21: Discover Garlic. July 27-28: Sunday June 30 event. We will ask participants for donations on Discover Melons. • The Spirits of Paradise. This the day-of to cover the costs of permits, a/v equip- 1.5 hour moving theatre experience will help you ment, insurance, etc. Any proceeds will be going understand how this landscape has changed over to charities supporting victims of domestic vio- the last two centuries through the eyes of people lence. July 11, 11am. //Gage Park, Picnic Area 1. who have influenced its history. July 5-7, 12-14, ANCASTER RIB & CRAFT BEER FEST • 8pm. Event Ticket Required. //Hendrie Valley. • Featuring food, fun and entertainment for the The Strumbellas with Dan Mangan, Donovan whole family. Music Line-up: Friday-Dirty Woods & Dizzy. July 6, 3pm. This is a third party Pioneers, Rob Laidlaw, Pink Leather Jackets. event. Event tickets required. //Arboretum. • Saturday-Girl Pow-R & Talent Show, Charlotte & Enchanted Garden Weekend. Aug. 3-5. • For The Dirty Cowboys, Way 2 Hip, We Aint Petty, details, costs, tickets and to register for events, AC/DC Show Canada. Sunday-Buddy Love, Zach visit //RBG Centre, 680 Plains Rd. W., McCabe, Rob Laidlaw. Free entry and parking. Burl. July 12, 4-11pm, July 13, 12-11pm, July 14, 12- OH CANADA RIBFEST • Come out for the ribs 7pm. For info visit and stay for the live music, vendors in the Rotary //Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Road S. Marketplace and family activities daily and fire- BECAUSE BEER FESTIVAL • This year’s festival works at dusk on June 30 (rain date July 1). June features dozens of craft breweries and cideries, 28, 3-11pm, June 29-30, 11am-11pm, July 1, tions at Day. Wear your favourite decade band shirt and Free. • July 23, 7pm: “Weird Al” Yankovic: The and live music. • Music Stage: July 12: Shakey 11am-8pm. For more info including entertain- IT’S YOUR FESTIVAL • Will feature fabulous foods receive $3 off admission at gate. Aug. 2, 11am- Strings Attached Tour. • July 27, 5pm: The Graves, Neon Dreams, Diamond DJ Collective. ment schedule visit from around the world, Magical Midway rides, 100 8pm. • Sports Day. Aug. 9, 11am-8pm. • For more Flaming Lips w/The Claypool Lennon Delirium. • July 13: Born Ruffians, Born In The Eighties, Family of Things. • July 12, 4pm-12am, July 13, //Memorial Park, Waterdown arts and crafts vendors, Rise 2 Fame Youth Talent info visit //Van Wagners July 28, 4pm: Buffalo Baroque Collective. • July 2pm-12am. This is a licensed 19+ event. Tickets GHOST WALKS • Hamilton’s Dark History Tour. Search, spelling bee, beer garden and stellar Beach Rd. 30, 6:30pm: Chris Isaak. • Aug. 4, 4pm: Moshe available at Choose from single History too dark for schools. Only stories of crime, music and entertainment on four stages until MUSIC AT FIELDCOTE 2019 SUMMER SERIES • Shulman Trio. Free. • Aug. 6, 6:30pm: Thievery day, weekend and designated driver tickets. murder and public executions in this unique city. 11pm, daily. Canada Day Celebrations include: The Music at Fieldcote Series runs every Sunday. Corporation. • July 28, 4pm: Buffalo Baroque // Starting from an alleyway. We take you you to Parade of Cultures, Canada’s biggest birthday Bring a lawn chair. In case of rain, the concert will Collective. • Mainstage Shows: July 8, 9am: RAISE THE ROOF CONCERT SERIES • Dr. Disc places of dark energy. Our ridiculous reputation cake, Canada Day baby contest and Canadian be held at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 31 Artpark Theatre Academy. • July 28, 7pm: and Hamilton Music Collective will be hosting for executions, Hamilton’s mafia past rivals the Sulphur Springs Rd. (Just down and across the Nickelodeon’s Jojo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour. • Citizenship Ceremony, 50 local school children free, outdoor live musical performances to coin- Godfather and stand in the location our city’s most street). • June 30, 6:30-9pm: Ottawa Valley July 31, 8pm: Sarah McLachlan w/The Buffalo demonstrating One Wish Kindness and much cide with the downtown Art Crawl, weather per- violent assassination. Stories of the infamous. Kitchen Party w/The Searson, Fitzgerald and Philharmonic Orchestra. • For info and tickets more. Headliners- June 29: Riddim Riders, Jully mitting. July 12. Line-up TBA. Weather permit- Like murderess Evelyn Dick and Canada’s own Al Ballagh Families. • July 7, 6:30-9pm: Russell visit • 450 South 4th St, Lewiston, NY, Black. June 30: Jack De Keyzer, The Pursuit of ting. For more info visit //20 Wilson St. Capone, Rocco Perri. July 12, 7:30pm. • Ghost DeCarle, Scantily Plaid. • July 14, 7-9pm: Patricia USA Happiness, Lowest of the Low. July 1: Devin Cuddy (at James) Walks of The Hermitage Ruins. A tour starting in O’Callaghan, David Braid. • July 21, 6:15-9pm: MUSIC IN THE CITY 2019: JACKSON STREET Band, Chilliwack, The Northern Pikes. • June 29- Mariacha Del Fuego & Ari and the Alibis. • July ROOFTOP GARDEN SERIES • Monday to Friday FAMILY SUMMER FESTIVAL • Fun@theFarm a lit gatehouse before abandoning that light for July 1, noon-11pm. //Gage Park, 1000 Main St. E. darkness. To the ruins of a haunted mansion in 28, 6:15-9pm: Karen Thornton & Bill Mays. • Aug. (except as noted for holidays), noon-2pm. • July 2- activities promise to provide endless opportunities OTTAWA ST. BIA EVENTS • Celebrate Canada 4, 6:15-9pm: Victoria Zeng, Robi Botos & Alana 5 (No show July 1) : Jamie Shea. • July 8-12: PIP. for engaged learning, dynamic outdoor time, the woods, and a place steeped in generations old Day with us on Ottawa Street & take part in activ- ghost history. The perfect atmosphere for stories Bridgewater. • //64 Sulphur • July 15-19: Troy Harmer. • July 22-26: Rick meaningful connection to the nature. July 13. ities for the whole family. June 29, 10am-2pm. • Springs Rd., Ancaster Henderson. • July 29-Aug. 2: Big Rude Jake. • //Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Rd., Anc. of a doomed coachman, shadows following the Customer Appreciation Day. Enjoy entertainment, tour, security guards vs cults and Ancaster’s infa- CITY OF BURLINGTON CANADA DAY CELEBRA- //Lloyd D. Jackson Square Rooftop Garden, 2 King FARM CRAWL • Farm Crawl is a self-directed activities, and light refreshments. Face painting, TIONS • July 1, 2-10pm. Featuring fireworks at St. W. event where the participants drive themselves mous legend. July 27, at multiple times. • Ghost community partner booths, bouncy castle, carni- Bus Tour of Hamilton. Travel in comfort on a lux- 10pm. Free. //Spencer Smith Park, Burlington 2019 CANADIAN ENTERTAINMENT SHOWCASE from farm to farm. You choose what farms to visit val & more. July 20, 10am-4pm. //Ottawa St. N. Waterfront, 1400 Lakeshore Rd. • Will include comedy, juggling, magic, light and in what order. You also choose how much ury coach. Stories of voodoo, insanity and a visit WILD WATERWORKS • Summer Kick Off Beach to what was the darkest town in Canadian history. CITY OF HAMILTON CANADA DAY CELEBRA- show, featuring Dick Joiner, Craig Douglas, Ryan time to spend at each farm. July 13, 10am-4pm. Festival. $3.00 off when you wear your Hawaiian TIONS • Enjoy food trucks, family-friendly fun, and Joyce, FFP Laser Systems. In support of Interval Rain or shine. For tickets and info visit farmcrawl- With stops outside Auchmar Mansion, Century shirt. June 29, 11am-8pm. • Canada Day. Manor, Battlefield House, and the lot spectacular free live music performances. Line- House of Hamilton. July 4, 7pm. For tickets and Celebrate with Canada themed games and con- up-2pm: Julianna Jones. 3:30pm: George Arnone SPANJAZZ! A WORLD BEAT JAZZ PROJECT • where all this started. July 13, 6:30 & 8:30pm. • tests. Service persons receive free entry and info visit or call 1-888.777.9793, Downtown Hamilton Tour. Tour the streets of the Big Band. 4:45pm: LTheMonk. 6:15pm: Darcy 905.662.5503. //McIntyre Performing Arts Centre, Featuring Gary Santucci, Jordan Abraham, Jeff those wearing red and white will receive $3 off Hepner Jazz Orchestra. 7:45pm: Rita Chiarelli. Plumbley, Aidan Sibley, James Gannett and Rob core featuring main landmarks the Royal admission at the gate not applicable with sun- Fennel Campus, West 5th & Connaught, Right House, Hamilton Place, St. 9:15pm: Zaki Ibrahim. Fireworks at 10pm. Fennell Ave. Santos. July 13, 8pm. $20/$15 students, down rates. July 1, 11am-8pm. • 60’s Music Day. //Bayfront and Pier 4 Parks. seniors,un(der)waged. //The Pearl Company, 16 Paul’s Church and the Gothic Pigott Building. The Wear a tye die shirt and receive $3 off admission TD SUNFEST 2019 • Features music, dance, cui- ARTPARK • Artpark Ampitheater Concerts: • July Steven St. colourful women ghosts and a secret haunted at gate. July 5, 11am-8pm. • 70’s Music Day. Wear sine, crafts and virtual art from around the world. 2, 6:30pm: Burton Cummings w/Andre-Philippe HAMILTON CONCERT BAND • Summer Concert. gem. The love of a caretaker defies death, proof your favourite decade band shirt and receive $3 July 4-7, noon-11pm. Free admission. For a com- Gagnon. • July 3, 6pm: Third Eye Blind & Jimmy July 15, 7pm. //Waterfront Stage-Pier 8, 47 theatres are just more haunted and our connec- off admission at gate. July 12, 11am-8pm. • 80’s plete line-up of performers visit Eat World: Summer Gods Tour 2019. • July 7, Discovery Dr. tion to Jack the Ripper. June 29, July 6, 19, Aug. 2, Music Day. Wear your favourite decade band shirt //Victoria Park, 509 4pm. Buffalo Jazz Composers Workshop. Free. • HAMILTON FRINGE FESTIVAL • An action- 16, @ 8:30pm. • Dark Trolley Tour at the Harbour and receive $3 off admission at gate. July 19, Clarence St., London July 9, 6pm: Sugar Ray & Better Than Ezra. • July packed performance event that takes place over Front. Take a calm ride along the picturesque 11am-8pm. • 90’s Music Day. Wear your favourite BARTON VILLAGE FESTIVAL • We're partnering 13, 5:50pm: Headstones, The Trews, Lowest of 12 days each July in downtown Hamilton. With waterfront, at night… with only haunting stories decade band shirt and receive $3 off admission at with Kiwanis Hamilton to host a free family Play The Low & Steven Page. • July 14, 4pm: Buffalo more than 58 companies offering up musicals, for company. Relax as our as stories are told over gate. July 26, 11am-8pm. • Carnival Day. Enjoy all Day festival with games, activities, vendors, and Gamelan Club: Wayang Kulit Shadow Pupper dance, comedies, magic shows, dramas, and the mic of Hamilton’s open-air Harbourfront that Wild Waterworks has to offer plus some car- community service providers (2-5pm), followed by Performance. • July 16, 7pm: Earth, Wind & Fire. family entertainment in 400+ performances- Trolley. Free and easy parking in Bayfront Park. nival games. July 28, 11am-8pm. • 2000’s Music a screening of The Lego Movie 2 at dusk. July 5. June 28, 7:30pm & 9pm. • Details and reserva- • July 21, 4pm: Buffalo Percussion Collective. //Woodlands Park, 501 Barton St. E. there truly is something for everyone. Free family 12 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW

activities at the Kids Club in Gore Park. This year Indie Publishing. Until Nov. 10. • This is Moving: June-August: Fortunée Shugar. • Gallery Dundas riage? Paula and Sam have finally decided to pack Come and hear about the roles women occupy enjoy theatre for the whole family with three fea- Illustration on Screen. Until Sept. 8. • The June-August: Barbara Galway. • Gallery Stoney it in as a couple. As they divvy up their household today in the industry and culture and the integral tured shows at Theatre Aquarius. • Visit the Collection Continues: A Quarter Century of Creek June-August: Linda Joyce Ott. • Gallery goods they wonder what would have happened if ways women have developed to the rich tavern Hamilton Fringe Club for 12 days of free fun and Collecting. Until Jan. 5, 2020. • THIS IS SERIOUS: Turner Park June-August Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice. they’d never met. Would their dreams and young heritage of the region. July 18, 7pm. • dundasmu- entertainment for the public. Opens 4pm Mon- Canadian Indie Comics. Until Jan. 5, 2020. • Level KIRKLAND LYNCH STUDIO GALLERY • Original ambitions have come true? Aug. 1, 4, 7-9, 11, 14- //139 Park St. W., Dundas Wed, noon Thurs-Sun. Closes 12am Sun-Thurs, Two • Navigating Progress: Hind vs. Hind. Until stained glass designs by Siobhan Lynch, oil paint- 15, 17 @ 2pm, Aug. 1-3, 7, 9-10, 14, 16-17 @ 8pm. DUNDURN NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE • 2am Fri-Sat. Beer available for purchase. //Fringe Sept. 29. • Milli: A Celebration of Style. Until Feb. ings and drawings by Peter Kirkland. • Gallery //Recital Hall. • For tickets visit Experience a guided tour of this 40-room Patio in Gore Park. • July 17-28. For tickets and 9, 2020. • In Residence: Reitzenstein. Until Mar. Hours: Tues-Sat 11am-5pm. • Italianate-style villa built in the 1830’s on schedule visit 29, 2020. • The Collection. Permanent, //654 HAMILTON CHOIR PROJECT • John & Jen. A truly Burlington Heights; the former site of a fortified 2019 TD NIAGARA JAZZ FESTIVAL• A cutting Installation. • Kim Adams: Bruegel-Bosch Bus. Spring Gardens Rd., Burl. original musical that honours brothers and sis- military encampment established by the British in edge celebration of all types of jazz, performed in Permanent display. • The Jean and Ross Fischer MCMASTER MUSEUM OF ART • The Museum of ters, as well as parents and children. June 27-29, 1813. • MacNab’s Kitchen. Led by costumed staff, intimate indoor and outdoor venues in the heart of Gallery. Milli: A Celebration of Style. Until Feb. 9. Art will be closed for Physical Plant Updates 8pm. $25. For tickets visit visitors will explore over 40 rooms and discover Niagara’s stunning wine country. The TD Niagara • Admission to this gallery is free courtesy of through August 23. • Admission to all exhibitions //The Player’s Guild, the history of the MacNab family and the servants Jazz Festival presents the finest Canadian and and events is free. For more info call 80 Queen St. S. who lived and worked below stairs to support internationally-acclaimed jazz musicians by way Orlick Industries. • Tours: Enjoy a free guided tour by one of our specially trained Docents. For 905.525.9140x23241 or visit MURDER MYSTERY THEATRE • Join us for a 4 their affluent lifestyle. Assisted by Dundurn’s of spectacular concerts, wine, craft beer, and //McMaster Museum of course meal while enjoying our Murder Mystery Cook Demonstrators, guests will work together to culinary packages, and free performances individuals and groups smaller than 10. Tours last approximately 40 minutes. Every Wednesday, Art, 1280 Main W.• Theatre. July 20. Doors open at 6:30pm, event make a traditional recipe in our historic kitchen. throughout Niagara-on-the-Lake and selected NOOK CAFE • Stones That Speak. Ted Basciano. For all ages. $35. Pre-registration required. July Saturday, Sunday & Statutory Holiday at 1:00 pm. starts at 7pm. • Call for reservations at locations throughout Niagara. July 19-21, 26-28. An exhibition of 10 mosaic wall sculptures. Until 27, Aug. 24, Sept. 28, 10am-12pm. • Canada Day • Free Friday Night On the first Friday of every 905.643.1244 //The Innsville Restaurant, 1143 For info and tickets visit July 3. //The Nook Café, 6 Bold St. Military Tattoo. Featuring the Regimental Band of month, admission to the Gallery Level One exhibi- Hwy. 8, Stoney Creek SIDEWALK SOUNDS ON CONCESSION STREET • PAUL ELIA GALLERY • Standing Men. A sculptur- THE PLAYERS’ GUILD OF HAMILTON • Hamilton the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Band and the A family friendly event featuring free live music tions is free from 4-8pm, with free guided tours al peace study exhibit by Janus. Until Aug. 3. • Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Pipes and with an AGH docent at 6pm. • Kids & Families: Choir Project: John & Jenn. Musical with music performances in 5 locations, local vendors and 905.96.8850. //1167 Cannon St. E. by Andrew Lippa and lyrics by Tom Greenwald. Drums. July 1, 5-7pm. • Historic Garden Tours. Family Fun Days: June 30. Family Time Tour: great food. The 3rd Friday of every month, 6-9pm, SEATON STUDIO & GALLERY • Exhibits: June 27-29, 8pm. $25. For tickets visit hamilton- Enjoy informative stories and historic gardening May through September. Rain or shine. • July 19 1pm-1:25pm. Ever wondered what your child Landscapes by Anna Kutishcheva. Until July 27. • • For tickets call 905.529.0284. knowledge conveyed by costumed garden staff. Line-up: Riddim Riders Acoustic, Midnite thinks about art? In these mini-tours of the sec- Gallery features Teresa’s newest stained glass For more info visit //The Players' All ages. Tuesdays through Sundays, 2-3pm, Hombres Mariachi Band, Boogie Infection, Jude ond floor exhibitions, our expert docents will show creations as well as some of the best regional Guild of Hamilton, 80 Queen S.| beginning July 2. • Weeding Wednesdays in Johnson Jazz Band, Martin Wall. • Sept. 20 Line- kids and parents how to look carefully and think artists on a two month rotating basis. • Open Dundurn’s Kitchen Garden. A free, drop-in pro- up: TBC. • For more info visit creatively. Please gather in the lobby. Hands-On Weds-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun-Tues by appointment. gram in Dundurn’s Kitchen Garden. Participants Art Making Fun: 1:30-3:30pm. Join our artist For info visit, 905.510.5030. //652 DANCE will work alongside Dundurn’s Gardeners in a STRANGEWAVES 5 “MOTHER NATURE” MUSIC instructors to create a pop-up installation Spring Gardens Rd., Burl. variety of seasonal tasks, which range from har- & ART FESTIVAL • This year's festival edition is DUSK DANCES • Presented by HCA Dance inspired by the exhibitions on view. Free for AGH TRUE NORTH GALLERY/THE MUSIC GALLERY • Theatre. Hosted by Vincent LeBlanc-Beaudoin vesting and washing produce, arranging flowers, titled Mother Nature. The maternal, nurturing Members/ Non-members $5 per family of 2 On display and available for sale are over 100 one- weeding, pest control or pruning. All skill levels aspects of Mother Nature are vital to with free Lindy Hop classes with Hamilton adults and up to 4 children. • For details and tick- of-a-kind original, and rare limited edition art by Hoppers. July 25-28. 6-6:45pm: Free Lindy Hop are welcome. For ages 10 and up. Children Strangewaves, a festival that celebrates femme- ets visit //123 King W. both world famous, and not so famous musicians, between 10-13 years of age require adult accom- identifying and non-binary artists, as well as dance workshop begins. 7pm: Opening band 905.527.6610 whose creativity is equally evident in their art as it paniment. Free. July 3, 10-11:30am. • Dundurn at believes strongly in the need to acknowledge the begins. 7:30pm: Dance performance begins. • ARTCRAWL • Second Friday night of every month is in their music. Access to the gallery is by invita- PWYC. $10 suggested minimum donation. For Dusk. Join costumed gardeners for a special origins of the land we inhabit, specifically in a way @ 7pm, all galleries in the area display their new tion or appointment only. //Griffin House-Arts evening garden tour featuring the sights and that directly recognizes the traditional Indigenous more info, visit or art. For more info visit• Culture & Innovation Business Centre, 23 Griffin scents of flowering plants best enjoyed at night. territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit //Bayfront Park (Bay St N at B CONTEMPORARY • Hosts monthly exhibitions St., Waterdown• After the tour guests will enjoy the view of the Bay Territory, on which we hold the festival. July 20- Harbourfront Drive) featuring established and emerging Guest Artists. WORKERS ARTS & HERITAGE CENTRE • Events: in the rarely opened Cockpit building while sam- 22. $100. For more info and to purchase tickets FIN DE FIESTA FLAMENCO: SEMPITERNO • The Openings are held the second Friday of each Massive Disruption Reading Groups. Read as pling produce from the garden and seasonal visit //Paris Fairgrounds, 139 story of the magnetic pull of the flamenco art month during Hamilton’s Art Crawl: 7pm-11pm. • much or as little as you want, and feel free to recipes from the Historic Kitchen. Everyone will Silver, Brant //226 James N. bring your questions. All readings are available on form, a pull that has drawn Fin de Fiesta’s mem- be invited to take a piece of the garden home with CONBRAVO! GEEK FESTIVAL • A 3-Day celebra- 289.389.3949 • our website, and also will be made available in the bers away from the countries where they were them after hand-crafting a floral bouquet or herb tion of YouTube, Gaming, and Geek Culture. BOLD ARTISTE • Featuring the original artworks modular library structure as part of the exhibition born, to Spain, the cradle of flamenco. Featuring bundle. July 19, 26, 7-9pm. All ages. $30 per per- Whether you enjoy video, graphic novels, web- of Nancy Winlove-Smith. //Bold Archiving Unrest during regular public hours. All Alejandro Mendia, Dennis Duffin, Lara Wong, Lia son. Pre-registration is required. • Adults comics, gaming, or cosplay, ConBravo! is where Artiste, 6 Bold St.••• are welcome. Free. July 13, 2-4pm: Syrus Marcus Grainger, Hanser Gomez and Deborah “La $11.50/Seniors, youth $9.50/Children $6/Infants you can celebrate your passion, with hundreds of CARNEGIE GALLERY • Main Gallery Exhibits: Ware. • Exhibits: Archiving Unrest. Michael Caramelita”. July 26, 8pm. $20. //The Pearl Free/Family $30. For more info visit panels and workshops, wall to wall games, and a Mita Giacomini: Other Words For Birds. Surface DiRisio. Until Aug. 16. • Permanent Galleries. Company, 16 Steven St. Open Tues-Sun, noon to 4pm. //610 York Blvd. Saturday night concert series. The marketplace weavings. July 5-28. Opening Reception: July 5, 7- Nine to Five: A History of Office Work. • Custom THE PASSION OF FLAMENCO! ADALANTE • 905.546.2872 will feature a curated collection of more than 200 9:30pm. • Chosen Paths: Dana Cowie. Oil paint- House History & The Hall of Hamilton Labour. • Featuring Makenda Benitez with Dennis Duffin ERLAND LEE MUSEUM • For info visit exhibitors of anime, gaming, and general geeky ings. July 5-28. • TBA Artspace Exhibits: Works Punching the Clock: Working in Canadian and Tamar Ilana. July 6, 8pm. $20. //The Pearl //552 Ridge Rd., Stoney Creek. goodness. Here, you’ll find new and used games, Factories from the 1840s to the 1980s. • Gateway Company, 16 Steven St. FIELDCOTE MEMORIAL PARK & MUSEUM • licensed merchandise, cosplay accessories, by local artists. Painting the Town: Dundas in Plein Air. Paintings • For tickets and info visit to the Workers City & Made in Hamilton Exhibits: Stories From The Edge. A new exhibit beautiful artwork, handmade goodies, and indie Industrial. • For more info, tickets, or to register game demos – and much more. July 26-28. For //The Carnegie Gallery, 10 showcasing stories and artifcats of Ancaster’s King W., Dundas, 905.627.4265 for events visit //WAHC, 51 LITERARY history. Until Dec. 24. • Events: • Music at info and tickets visit Stuart St. HAMILTON YOUTH POETRY SLAMS • Every fourth //Hamilton Convention Centre by Carmen’s, 1 CENTRE3 FOR PRINT AND MEDIA ARTS • Fieldcote. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket and find Exhibits: • 2018-2019 Art Education & YOU ME GALLERY • Wayne Allan Meditations. Sunday of the month, 6-9pm. $5. All ages. For a spot to be entertained. June 30, 6:30-9pm: Summers Lane Extended to July 7. • Whirlygigs 2019 is coming. Community Arts Exhibition. Until June 29. • details visit Ottawa Valley Kitchen Party w/The Searson, HAGERSVILLE ROCKS MUSIC FESTIVAL 2019• All submissions exhibited, whether they work or /Spice Factory, 121 Hughson St. Fitzgerald and Ballagh Families. July 7, 6:30- Friday line-up: The Jim Cuddy Band, Terra Sayang (Malay) Adj.dearly Loved, Darling, to Dote. not. Delivery dates: Aug. 1-4 (rsvp if possible). 9pm: Russell DeCarle, Scantily Plaid. July 14, 7- Lightfoot, The Redhill Valleys, Logan Staats. Jojo Chooi-Harley. Until July 2. • Centre3 Gallery, Exhibition dates: Aug. 9, Sept. 13-15. • Gallery Saturday line-up: Meghan Patrick, The Reklaws, 173 James St. N.• hours: Wed-Sun 12-5pm., MUSEUMS 9pm: Patricia O’Callaghan, David Braid. July 21, DUNDAS VALLEY SCHOOL OF ART • 6:15-9pm: Mariacha Fuego & Ari and the Alibis. Buck Twenty, Genevieve Fisher, Brad Battle, 905.523.7754. //330 James St. S.• BATTLEFIELD HOUSE MUSEUM & PARK • Open //DVSA, 21 Ogilvie, Dundas•• July 28, 6:15-9pm: Karen Thornton & Bill Mays. Mackenzie Leigh Meyer. • July 26, gates open Tuesday to Sunday, 12 noon to 4 pm. • battlefield- EARLS COURT GALLERY • Exhibits: An Online 6pm and July 27, gates open 3:30pm. Single day //Battlefield House Museum & Park, 77 Aug. 4, 6:15-9pm: Victoria Zeng, Robi Botos & and weekend passes available. Tickets available Exhibition: Corry WM. Brigden (1912-1979) THEATRE| King W., Stoney Creek, 905.662.8458| Alana Bridgewater. • For info visit online at For more info visit Sketches & Drawings. Until July 31. • For more BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • CANADIAN WARPLANE HERITAGE MUSEUM • Open Tues-Sat, 1-5pm. //64 Sulphur Springs Rd., //Kett Memorial Ball Park, info visit //Earls Court Gallery Cats. Burlington Student Theatre. July 11, Virtual Reality Experience - BBC 1943 Berlin Blitz. Anc. Hagersville 215 Ottawa N.• 2:30pm. • Jesus Christ Superstar. Burlington Until Aug. 31. • Cipher Decipher. An interactive GRIFFIN HOUSE • The Griffin House is recog- ELECTRIC ECLECTICS • Takes place on a farm nized as an important Canadian Black History FACTORY MEDIA CENTRE • Sonic Art Series II: Student Theatre. July 25, 2:30pm. • For more info exhibition exploring the past and present of com- overlooking the scenic Big Head Valley, just out- site. Visit this preserved early 19th century home, Annie Dunning and Ryth Kesselring. Sound visit //BPAC 440 Locust St. munications cryptology - what it is, how it works side of Meaford, Ontario. Features an eclectic pro- set on a hilltop overlooking the beautiful Dundas Sculptures. Until July 5. • Events: Blackmagic 905.681.2551 and how it affects our lives. Until Sept. 29. • Air gram of avant-garde and crossover musicians, as Ursa Mini Pro Workshop. July 3, 7-9pm. Free. All CURTAIN CALL PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY • Valley. Explore the history of Enerals Griffin and well as art installations, DJs, and films. Aug. 2-4. Force Day-Past, Present & Future. See 50+ air- are welcome. • For more info or to register visit Next To Normal. A rock style musical that shares other early Black settlers, and enjoy a walk along For info and a complete listing of entertainment craft close up on the ground from Canada's air nearby trails. • Emancipation Day. Celebrate or call 905.577.9191. //228 a powerful story about a rural family defying visit force - from World War I to current. July 6. • Emancipation Day and discover how Enerals James St. N. struggles and dealing with themes of mental ill- Vintage Wheels & Wings. Bring your vintage vehi- 2019 • Multiple stages of THE GALLERY ON THE BAY • Summer In The Griffin and his family, among the first African- ness. July 12-13, 19 @ 7:30pm, July 13-14 @ 2pm. cle to be part of our show. Note-vehicle pre-reg- music, a massive midway, beer gardens, fantastic City. Paintings, drawings, prints, and sculptures American settlers in Ancaster, lived in the late selection of food, artisans and crafters selling Show is recommended for ages 13+. Purchase istration is required. July 28. • Open 9am-5pm 1830s on a farm in Upper Canada. Light refresh- by Gallery Artists. Until July 14. • Please note tickets online at or call 905.541.6803. beautiful stuff, activities for the kids, and admis- gallery is undergoing renovations and annual daily. For tickets and more more info visit war- ments will be served. All ages. Free. Aug. 4, 1- sion is free! Aug. 2-4. Rain or shine. For details go //Hamilton Theatre Inc., 140 MacNab St. N. //Canadian Warplane Heritage 4pm. //733 Mineral Springs Rd., Ancaster inventory from July 15-Sept. 5 and will be open by FIRSTONTARIO PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • to //Gage Park appointment only during this time. • galleryon- Museum, 9280 Airport Road, Mount Hope HAMILTON CHILDREN’S MUSEUM • Events: The Writer by Norm Foster. The Writer tells the DUNDAS MUSEUM & ARCHIVES • Exhibits: StoryWalk with the HPL. A StoryWalk® features a 905.627.4265 //231 Bay N. story of a renowned writer and his son, who has Exhibits: Tavern Town: Dundas On Tap. Tavern Town will children's picture book, mounted page by page, HAMILTON ARTISTS INC. • Devil’s followed in his father’s footsteps, perhaps less ARTS•• Colony. Cole Swanson. Until Aug. 10. • Cadence. discuss the role which beer, brewing, and hospi- throughout a park or along a trail to encourage ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON • Exhibits: Worn successfully. June 27-28 at 2pm, June 28-29 at tal played in the early development of our com- Joshua MacDonald and Maria Simmons. Until 8pm. • Hilda’s Yard by Norm Foster. //Cairns both reading and physical literacy for kids and Worlds. Until July 7. • In Common Uncommon. munity. Until Sept. 14. • Travels in Landscape by Aug. 10. • Domestic Brew: Craft Beer Garden. Recital Hall. Hilda and Sam Fluck are finally on families. Meet staff from the Hamilton Public Until July 28. • Jeneen Frei Njootli: my auntie Ongoing. • For more info visit //155 Jenny Angold. Until Aug. 10. • Cradled in the Library at the Hamilton Children's Museum for bought all her skidoos with bread money. Until their own after their grown children Gary and James St. N.• Janey leave the nest. They’re looking forward to Valley: The Stories of Dundas. Ongoing. • Events: active fun and a reading of Walk on the Wild Side Aug. 18. • 150 Acts: Art, Activism, Impact. Until HAMILTON CONSERVATORY FOR THE ARTS • Dundas Historical Book Club. We meet the first by Nicholas Oldland. For all ages. July 5, 10- Aug. 18. • Permanent Collection Corridor: rekindling their romance in their “Golden Years” VASE-HCA Visual Arts Student Exhibition. Until Thursday of every month at the Dundas Museum 11am. • Open Tues-Sat., 9:30am-3:30pm. For info Quebec: A Different Drummer. Ongoing. • Events: but their love nest suddenly becomes a bit crowd- Sept. • For more info visit 905-528- ed with the unexpected return of the children and and Archives from 6:30-8:00. Books are selected visit //1072 Main St. Family Sunday Open Studio. Every Sunday, 1- 4020. 126 James Street S. //126 James St. S. by the members themselves, and range from 4pm. Free. All welcome. • For more info visit art- some very exotic visitors. July 10-11, 14, 17-19, 21, E. HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY • Central Library 23-26, 31 @ 2pm, July 11-13, 17, 19-20, 24, 26 @ biographies, historical literature to historical fic- HAMILTON MILITARY MUSEUM • Originally Sir //AGB, 1333 Lakeshore 1st Floor June: Tiny Worlds, Emma Silverthorne. 8pm. //Recital Hall. • Beside Myself (Musical) by tion and classics. New members welcome, simply Allan MacNab’s gatehouse, the museum features Rd. July: Frances Cockburn. • Central Library • Exhibits: Gallery Norm Foster & Steve Thomas. What would you do contact the museum for more info. July 4: Small many Canadian military history exhibits.• For info Gallery4 Annex June-July: Donna Waxman and if you could hit the re-set button on a stale mar- Island by Andrea Levy. • Women and Beer Talk. Level One • My Back Pages: The Art of Zines. and Hamilton Council on Aging. • Gallery Barton visit //610 York Blvd.

VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 13

THE SMOKE WAGON BLUES BAND Will be performing at OH CANADA RIBFEST Monday, July 1 5pm

HAMILTON MUSEUM OF STEAM & TECHNOLOGY ments will be served. June 28, 11am. //Hamilton top 3 families for the fastest times. Aug. 3, 9am- night, 4:30-8pm, through Sept. 17. Lots of seating level. • The museum offers guided tours, various per- City Hall, 71 Main St. W. 3pm. For more info email valens@conservation- and free parking. //584 Garner Rd. W., Ancaster OUTDOOR YOGA FUNDRAISER FOR FRIENDS OF manent and changing exhibits and features spe- ALIENATED GRANDPARENTS ANONYMOUS //Valens Lake Conservation Area, JOHN BURNS MEMORIAL DERBY • Catch the Big THE AVIARY • 45 minute gentle flow class, fol- cial events for the whole family, including Live SUPPORT GROUP • We meet on the 2nd and 4th 1691 Regional 97 Rd., Cambridge. • For info visit One and win great prizes for children and adults. lowed by a tour of the Aviary. Come support and Steamer Days when you can catch a ride on Tuesday of every month year round. We often have Prizes for the largest northern pike, largemouth meet our birds. PWYC. Suggested donation $5. miniature trains and witness the social and guest speakers. Free. //422 North Shore Rd. E., HAMILTON NATURALISTS’ CLUB EVENTS • bass and, for children, panfish. Bait and boat June 30, 12:15pm. Info at mechanical life of Canada's early industrial revo- Burl. Back to Nature Walks at the RBG. Back to Nature rentals are available. July 6, 6am-1pm. For info //85 Oak Knoll Drive. lution during a guided tour of the museum. From ANCASTER FARMERS MARKET • Wednesdays walks are run by RBG. They are free gentle and email [email protected]. //Valens SERVE OUR CITY COMMUNITY DINNER • Every May through October. Next Live Steamer Days: from 3-7pm through October 16. //37 Halson St. informative walks lead by RBG volunteers. Lake Conservation Area, 1691 Regional Rd., Wednesday night at 6pm. Free. //Crossfire (behind St. John’s Anglican Church) Flamborough. July 7, 28, Aug. 11, 25, Sept. 8, 11am-4pm. • Locations vary depending on what Sunday in the Assembly, 458 King St. W. (between Pearl & ARTS AND CRAFTERNOONS • A crafty happy THE LADY HAMILTON CLUB CITY OF HAMILTON month. From June to August, 10am. Contact Locke) Behind the Scenes Curator-led Tour. Discover this hour sponsored by Collective Arts. Great tunes. WALKING TOURS • The Lady Hamilton Club will [email protected] for info. Go to or STORIES IN THE STONES • Join us for a lively, National Historic Site from an entirely different Supplies on hand. Thursdays, 4-7pm. Free. //This be conducting free walking tours on the second more information. • A Trail Called Home: Tree informative tour of selective grave sites in historic perspective. Roll up your sleeves, put on your hard Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N. Friday of each month beginning at 2:00 pm. All walk series. This series is by Paul O'Hara, a local . No reservations necessary. hat, and join us behind the scenes. Saturdays July BINBROOK CRUISE NIGHTS • Classic cars, food, walks will commence from the Visitor Centre on field botanist, landscape designer and native Rain or shine. Hosted by Robin McKee. Saturdays 6, 13, 20, 27 & August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 10am- door prizes and music. Every Thursday through the first floor of the Lister Block, located at 28 plant gardening expert. July 13, 10-11:30am. We at 11am. • June 29: War of 1812 Tour. • July 6: Civil 12pm. All ages. $30. Pre-registration required. • August 29, 5-8pm. Free admission. //South Brook James Street N. To register visit ladyhamilton- will meet at the trailhead on Paddy Greene Road War Tour-Part 2. • July 13: Art Crawl Tour-Part 2. Exhibits: • Doing it Justice: The Steam Museum in Golf Course, 4349 Hwy 56 S., Binbrook (about halfway between Jerseyville Road West • July 20: Hamilton 1st Tour. • July 27: Women’s 3D. A free exhibit of Jennifer Kaye’s photography. MAKERS’ MARKET • Features juried vendors BURLINGTON MANSION TOASTMASTERS • Gain and Powerline Road East). Free. All Welcome but Tour-Part 2 • Aug. 3: War of 1812 Tour. • For more Until Sept. 8. • Open Tues-Sun, noon-4pm. • For including both new and returning local artists and confidence, leadership skills and learn the art of registration required [email protected]. • Tour info visit //Gatehouse [across more info visit //900 artisans selling their own hand crafted work such public speaking. Everyone is welcome and the the Vinemount Meadows Sanctuary. Bruce from ], 777 York Blvd. Woodward Ave. 905.546.4797|| as original artworks, prints, stationary, upcycled first three visits are free. Every Wednesday, 7:30- Mackenzie will lead a tour of this interesting prop- TWISTED STITCHES FIBREARTS GATHERING • H.M.C.S. HAIDA NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE • 9:30pm. For more info visit mansiontoastmas- erty that is protected through a unique long-term goods, home décor, toys, pet accessories, bath & Canada Day Celebration. Join the festivities at body gifts, jewelry, and more. July 12, Aug. 9, 7- Weekly drop-in community stitching circle every //Cumis Room, Paletta Mansion, 4250 lease agreement with Waterford Sand & Gravel. Thursday 5-10pm. Coffee, tea, snacks. Details and noon as costumed gun crew mobilizes to fire the The open landscape provides good habitat for 10pm. //Christ Church Cathedral, 252 James St. Lakeshore Rd. E., Burl.| calendar available on FB @twistedstitcheshamont impressive 4” gun in celebration. Enjoy cupcakes many species, including Meadowlark, Bobolink, N. DINNER WITH A VIEW-FOOD TRUCKS ON THE //Mud & Suds Craftwerks, 88 Ottawa St. N. and refreshments and participate in fun-packed BROW • A gathering of local food trucks every Short-eared Owl, and Monarchs. Parking is on the MENTAL HEALTH RIGHTS COALITION • Need to activities for the entire family. July 1, 10am. • For shoulder of 10th Road East, Stoney Creek, across talk about mental health or addiction issues? Talk WEEKLY DROP-IN FOR PWUD • Keeping-Six, Wednesday night from 5-8pm. Free parking. Hamilton Harm Reduction Action League wel- info visit //Pier 9, 658 Catharine //Sam Lawrence Park, 255 Concession St. from Vinemount Quarry and at the Dofasco Trail. to someone who has been there and has formal St. N. July 17, 6:30pm. • For more info visit hamiltonna- training in Peer Support. 11am-4pm, Mon-Thurs, comes you Tuesdays from 3-5 for food, music, art, FOOD BANK DONATIONS • An easy way to donate discussion, and planning on how to respond to the IRELAND HOUSE • For info and tickets visit muse- non-perishable items to our local food banks. A noon-4pm Friday. • 905.545.2525, mental- //Suite 103-100 Main St E. ongoing Opioid and homelessness crisis. A non- //Ireland House Museum, 24/7 drop off box is located at 440 , HAMILTON NO. 1 TOASTMASTERS • Build confi- 2168 Guelph Line MIDDAY MARAUDERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB • judgmental, peer-run space. [email protected] in front of Midas (corner of Locke and York) Half a dence, communication & leadership skills. WESTFIELD HERITAGE VILLAGE • Canada Day at Open to the public, new members welcome. or //The AIDS Network, 140 King block east of the Mustard Seed co-op. Donations Mondays 7-8:30pm. For info call 905.512.3516, Westfield. July 1, 12:30-4pm. • Ice Cream Wednesdays, 12:05-1pm. For info visit toastmas- St. E, Suite 101. are delivered to the food banks at Good Shepherd, contact [email protected], or visit on face- Carnival. Enjoy Edwardian carnival foods, games, book: @hamiltonno1 //Downtown YMCA, 79 James //Philpott Memorial Church, 84 York Blvd. Mission Services St. Matthew’s and Salvation amusements and music. Hand cranked real ice St. S. Paddy Cline room. MOOD MENDERS SUPPORT SERVICES • Offering Army, Suggested food items: Baby food, tinned cream making demonstrations and samples HAMILTON SPORTS CARD AND MEMORABILIA coping skills and educational forums for individu- WORKSHOPS Meat, Peanut butter, cereal, pasta, tomato sauce, throughout the day. Aug. 4-5, 10am-4pm. • For SHOW • Our vendors have a lot of great sports col- als living with Depression or Bipolar Disorder, and DUNDURN NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE WORK- pet food. For more info call 905.527.0432 or email more info and tickets visit lectibles, such as sports cards, cards, their family members or support persons. SHOPS • Historic Cooking Workshop: Strawberry [email protected] //Westfield Heritage Village, 1049 Kirkwall Rd., framed pictures, jerseys, autographed items and Featuring guest speakers, facilitated group dis- Soiree. Under the guidance of our Cook HAMILTON CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Demonstrators, participants will prepare historic Rockton much more. $1 adults/kids free. July 14, 9am- cussions, and literature on support venues. Find EVENTS • Creatures of the Night in the Dundas recipes using strawberries from our Kitchen HISTORIC HOUSE & GARDEN • 1pm. //St. Gregory’s Church Hall, 125 Centennial hope and knowledge among peers on your journey Wednesdays at Whitehern. Bring your lunch and Valley. Come explore the amazing nightlife of bats Parkway N. to wellness. Free to attend. Second Tuesday of Garden. $55/person. Pre-registration is required. enjoy the stunning historic garden setting while and moths and learn how the experts study them! HAMILTON TRILLIUM AWARDS • Do you know of each month 7-9pm @ St. Joseph’s Hospital, Suitable for ages 14 and older. June 28, 5-7pm. • listening to live music. July and August, noon - You’ll get to see bat and moth capture equipment an award-winning garden? Front gardens and Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, 2nd Floor, Plant Bake Hunt Eat. Includes a fun tour of the 2pm. $1 for tea or lemonade. July 3: Ruth in action, listen remotely to bat detectors for bat properties are judged from mid-June to mid-July Miller Theatre; third Tuesday of every month 2- incredible 2-acre historic kitchen garden, planting Sutherland. July 10: Rambling Roosters. July 17: sounds, see bats on camera, and ask the experts each year based on design, use of plant material, 4pm @ St. Peter’s HARRRP, 705 Main St. E., and historic seeds to take home and grow, a scav- Michelle & Arnie. July 24: Doug Feaver. July 31: anything about these creatures of the night. July condition and maintenance, and hard landscaping the fourth Tuesday of each month 2-4pm @ First enger hunt, and preparing a historic recipe in the Mike & Jill Daley. //41 Jackson St. W., 5, 8:30pm. $15/person-includes parking. Meet at environmental practices. To nominate a beautiful Pilgrim United Church, 200 Main E. kitchen. Conclude your visit with an outdoor tast- 905.546.2018 DVCA Trail centre, 650 Governors Rd., Dundas. • garden today visit NAR-ANON MEETING • Family support group. ing of your delicious treats. All ages. $55 for 1 Round The Reservoir Family Race. Compete with HAMILTON ZINEPOSIUM 2019 • Zines, stickers, “Never alone-hope in Hamilton”. We carry the adult and 1 child. $20 for each additional child. your family in this around the reservoir challenge artists’ books, comix, artists’ multiples and more. message of hope throughout the world to those Pre-registration required. July 21, 10am- COMMUNITY filled with puzzles and clues that must be com- This is an accessible location and event. Free affected with addiction of someone near to them. 12:30pm. • For more info and to register visit AFRO CANADIAN CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION pleted to win. You decide which route to take and admission. July 7, 12-5pm. //Art Gallery of All welcome. Mondays at 7pm, except holidays. //610 York Blvd. 905.546.2872 40TH ANNIVERSARY • The ACCA celebrates with what mode of transportation (run, hike, bike or Hamilton Pavilion, 123 King St. W. //HARRRP Community Centre-St. Peter’s, 705 a media launch and cake cutting ceremony. Free boat) to get the best finishing time!! Prizes for the HOLY FOOD TRUCKS • Eight local food trucks are Main St. E. & St. Clair. St Clair entrance, lower and accessible event. All welcome. Light refresh- parked at Bethesda United Church every Tuesday 14 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW For advertising information call 905–527–3343 Ext. 102 PORTUGUESE

our home cut French fries from our local potato Room" featuring live music, the first Saturday of ASIAN CARIBBEAN farms. Daily specials including Haddock and every month. Call for details. Chips just $8 (Sun and Mon), Cod and Chips $8 25 John Street North,Hamilton. ALVES MEATS (Wed) and Bacon and Eggs for just $3.95 (8am- 905.529.0044 We are a family owned and operated business spe- 2pm Daily). Open 7 days a week. cializing in authentic Portuguese cuisine. Voted 50 Dundurn St. South (in the Fortinos plaza), 2017 GOLD winner BEST TAKEOUT and BEST 905.525.4777. CHICKEN (silver) and BEST LUNCH UNDER $10 (silver). Hot foods offered Tuesday–Sunday, full AUGUST 8 chickens on weekends and always our famous August 8th’s dishes are a culinary delight Featuring Portuguese Chorizo. Nestled in the core of down- the best of Cantonese–style dim sum and tradition- INDIAN town Hamilton we offer a variety of Portuguese al Japanese cuisine. The fusion of flavours from 2 imported products.. Open 7 days a week! very distinctive cusines will entice your senses and LA CANTINA 157 MacNab St N tantalize your palate. 2017 Gold Winner Best Dim A Hamilton award winning favourite for over 30 (at Mulberry), Sum and Silver Winner Best Sushi. Now with FIVE VIBEZ CARIBBEAN years, we are family owned and much more than a 905.528.0165 area locations: Downtown Hamilton, Upper James, Get an authentic taste of the Caribbean. Try our BOMBAY TOUCH popular celebratory destination. Introducing “Wine Paramount Drive, Burlington and Oakville. All you “Yardie” meals, served with rice and a side, includ- East Hamilton’s Best Indian Restaurant. Come Down” Thursdays featuring 1/2 price bottles from can eat, takeout, and delivery. However you get it, ing Jerk Chicken, Oxtail and Goat, our delicious visit us at our new location across from Eastgate our extensive LCBO wine list. Head chef and owner, STEAKHOUSE our food is freshly made to order just for you. Rotis, made fresh in house, fantastic Doubles Square. Bombay Touch utilizes only the best Maurizio, uses only the freshest, locally sourced I Wilson St, Hamilton. 905.524.3838 (chickpea or goat), or try Southern favourites quality ingredients to create a harmony of subtle ingredients making us truly Earth to Table. Vegan 1066 Upper James St., Hamilton. 905.383.9293 including Chicken and Waffles. And if you like it flavours so you can experience the true taste of and vegetarian options. Join us for Retro Pizza 835 Paramount Drive, Stoney Creek. 905.561.7667 spicy, pick up a bottle of our own “Vibez Freakin Hot Indian Cuisine. Our Chef has won several culi- Tuesdays with 80's prices! View our entire menu; 834 Brant St., Burlington. 905.633.8288 Pepper Sauce”. And try our great freshly made nary awards and will cook you the most deli- baked goods including red–velvet cake. Lunch spe- cious Indian food. Open 7 days a week. 60 Walnut St. @ Jackson, cial just $6.99 including pop. Open noon–9 daily. Lunchtime Thali trays from the buffet. Great Hamilton. 971 King St. East, Hamilton. Indian Sweets counter for any occassion. 905.521.8989 905.581.2062 800 Queenston Road, Hamilton 905.930.9858 THE INNSVILLE A tradition of great food since 1929. Year after year CASUAL voted best Prime Rib by Hamilton Spectator read- ers. Lake Erie Perch, oysters on the half shell, prime rib, steak, fresh fish and more. Bi–monthly Murder Mystery Dinners. Las Vegas style shows. SAPPORO Live music every weekend. Catering is available. Hamilton's Best AYCE Japanese Restaurant now CAFE LIMONCELLO 1143 Hwy # 8, has even better options for take–out and delivery. Cáfe Limoncello is a great destination for authentic Stoney Creek, Fantastic NEW TAKEOUT ITEMS are now available GATE OF INDIA Italian cuisine, delicious desserts and great wines. 905.643.1244 including Spicy Egglpant Tofu, Black Bean Mussels Indian Food at it’s very best! Lunch Specials Located in the Decor District of Ottawa Street and Sweet and Sour Shrimp. 10% OFF any takeout starting at just $6.95. (chicken, lamb, beef or North, we invite you to share a taste of Italian cul- order over $20 and Free delivery for orders over PINKS BURGERS vegetarian). Made to order from the freshest ture with our fabulous breakfast, lunch and dinner TAKE-OUT $30 (downtown area only). Get it for work, home or VVIEW Readers Choice for Best Gourmet Burger ingredients. Multiple winner of Best Indian Food entrees, spectacular decor and friendly atmos- both! Gold Award! We strive for absolute guest satis- (View, Spectator, Burlington Post). Pickup and phere. and if you’re planning a special event, Cáfe 96 Main East (at Catharine), Hamilton, faction and use only the best ingredients in our Student discounts (10%). Serving Greater Limocello’s BELLA ROOM offers the perfect 905.527.1668 food. Homemade goodness, always fresh, never Hamilton for over 28 years. Open for Lunch atmosphere. frozen. Choose from burgers, poutine, cheese 11:30–2pm Mon–Sat, and Dinner 5–10pm 226 Ottawa St. North, fries, gyros, shakes and more. Fresh. Fast. Tasty. Mon.–Sun. Hamilton. We are across from Mac and we serve draught 201 James St. N., Hamilton. 905.549.3556 beer. Like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. 905.528.5548 #comegetsome, #eatmorepinks 1335 Main St. W. Hamilton. 905.317.4657

CATERING VALENTINO’S PLACE RESTAURANT & PASTRY YUKIGUNI IZAKAYA SHOP Come discover Hamilton’s newest Japanese We’ve been tasting Great... since 1978! 40 years of HAMMERHEAD’S restaurant: Yukiguni Izakaya, meaning “snow serving the BEST Italian food in Hamilton. Try one “Best fish & chips in Ontario” says Ivy Knight of Vice country Japanese bar”. Enjoy our all-you-can- NELLIE JAMES SHEHNAI of our famous panzerottis, great pasta dishes, or Media. Gluten free, sustainable, take away fish and eat menu for lunch or dinner, but you can also Gold award Best Catering two years in row! Chef We have been serving Greater Hamilton authentic our award–winning gelato and desserts. Daily chips. Daily specials, prepared foods with a choice try our A La Carte menu including sashimi Ken Lefebour offers a chef driven gourmet food Indian food for 27 years! Come experience great lunch and dinner specials! Take–out and Catering of chowders, soups, fresh fish and more! imported from Japan, bubble tea and the largest experience to go. Catering from 10 person sit Indian dishes such as butter chicken, lamb dansak available or have a taste of Valentino’s at home, Customers return for our signature Spicy selection of Sake in Hamilton! Open 7 days a down dinners, extensive hors d'douevres parties or Kashmir rice. For lunch, you won't be disap- with Spadafora’s homemade tomato sauce and Szechuan Calamari. Open Tues. - Thurs.: noon - week. to larger backyard weddings, everything is local- pointed with our $11.95 all you can eat buffet! Hot, Italian dressing. Two great locations! 7pm. Fri. & Sat.: noon - 8pm. Follow us Instagram. 1686 Main Street West, Hamilton. 905.527.5272. ly sourced from 10 different local farmers. delicious and with rotating dishes, the buffet is 824 King St West, Hamilton. 80 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton. Choose from our extensive catering menus. available for lunch 7 days a week! Visit Shehnai 905.385.3284 905.923.9293 Weekly specials. once and we are sure you will come back again and 835 Paramount Drive, Stoney Creek 144 King St. West, Dundas. again. Free Parking and Takeout and Delivery avail- 905.523.4240 VIETNAMESE BREAKFAST 905.627.3252 able. (Gourmet Food to Go) 447 Main Street West, (just East of Dundurn) Hamilton. 905.577.0002 PERUVIAN FISH & CHIPS

PHO DUI BO ITALIAN Hamilton's Best Vietnamese restaurant for 14 years straight! Four great locations to serve you. CULANTRO Great Pho, fantastic rice dishes, spring rolls,cold Hamilton’s Only Peruvian restaurant Come taste rolls, fresh fruit shakes plus our award winning THE BEDROCK BISTRO the flavours of Peru. We focus on preparing Pad Thai. Vegetarian friendly, NO MSG options Voted Best Brunch, Best Breakfast and Best Kid Peruvian food in–house from treasured family available on most items. Free parking at all four Friendly Restaurant by VIEW readers.Combining recipes: specialities include lomo saltado , shrimp locations. Open 10am daily. the best farm fresh locally sourced ingredients, ceviche, rotisserie chicken, Quinoa and Chicha 830 Upper James (at Mohawk), 905.388.6565 we serve great food at reasonable prices. French Morada (Purple Corn Juice). Our dishes feature aji 15 Cannon Street East, 905.525.0100 Toast, Pancakes and Eggs Beni served all day CAPRI RISTORANTE ITALIANO sauces on the side — made from scratch — from 800 Queenston Road, 905.662.7500 everyday. Enjoy Burgers, Steaks, Soups, Salads, A family tradition of old school charm since 1963, imported Peruvian chillies and herbs. Dine in or 53 Wilson Street West, Ancaster, 289.239.9892 Deep Fried Ice Cream, Home Made Perogies HALIBUT HOUSE serving sumptuous Italian cuisine, from home- take–out. Open Tuesday–Saturday for lunch and much more! Now offering delivery through You'll love the way our food tastes. We strive to made pastas to our mouth watering signature piz- (11:30am–2:30pm) and dinner (5pm–close). Skip The Dishes. serve you quality food, with amazing service, and zas. Celebrating our 51 st Anninversary, named 537 Main Street East, Hamilton, 260 Queenston Rd. (at Parkdale) 905.547.8588 affordability. Try our signature premium cut best pasta by VIEW readers, 3 years in a row. 905.777.0060. Alaskan Halibut, lightly battered and served with Experience our newly renovated "Blue Grotto VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 15 [FILM] by ALBERT DESANTIS mind doll Gabby Gabby (Christina Hendricks) awesome to hear them bounce off each other. and Woody, Bo and friends must rescue him before Ducky and Bunny also have some crazy fantasy Bonnie’s dad drives away. asides where they dream about their skills at com- Instead of the classic characters this Toy Story bat, culminating in an especially wild in a mid- is mostly focused on Woody, new characters, and credits stinger. A fantastic new edition is the Bo Beep, who disappeared from Toy Story 3. Buzz Canadian stuntman toy Duke Caboom (Keanu is on a rescue mission very similar to when Buzz Reeves) who is suffering from emotional trauma of was on a rescue mission in Toy Story 2. Buzz has a being discarded because he couldn’t do the spec- subplot about how Woody told him that he listens tacular stunts on TV ad but he keeps trying to to the voice in his head, his conscience, which make a dangerous jump. His introduction is laced Buzz interprets quite literally that the voice activa- with Canadian references, he was a Boxing Day tion buttons on his person (Buzz’s voice box seem- present!, and Reeves’ frantic voice performance is ingly has way more options this time than pervi- fantastic. ous installments). It’s a funny, slightly silly reason- The movie keeps things at a zippy pace as there are ing as Buzz has always been quite literal and it a lot of cool chase scenes as the story ping pongs leads to some good gags like when Buzz doesn’t between Woody’s quest and Buzz trying to keep want to leave Woody behind but his voice box things together before Bonnie’s family leaves. It’s keeps proclaiming to retreat. so breezy throughout it makes the final decision by The other way this movie is like Toy Story 2 is the toys so surprisingly emotionally resonant. the classic doll Gabby Gabby being the master- While it may not match the closing minutes of mind like the Prospector was and later Gabby Toy Story 3, it’s pretty darn great and better ending TOY STORY 4 Gabby is sad at being discarded like Jessie was. than most animated features which generally just Although this isn’t a lazy copy and paste sequel shrug and have a dance party closing sequence. WHILE TOY STORY 3 managed to efficiently wrap Woody to the back of the closet, something that the strains of the format are starting to show a bit. Toy Story 4 feels a bit more like franchise up the story of Andy’s toys when they were given minor control freak Woody isn’t used to after That’s probably why this movie mostly discards extension than a needed story but that is only away to Bonnie in a heartfelt finale, the series has being the top toy in town. When Bonnie goes to the classic cast and focuses on new ones. Even Bo because the bar was set so high before. But this is continued afterwards with various shorts and TV school, she makes a toy out of a spork by basically Beep has changed so much she’s almost complete- still a fantastically enjoyable flick and it is great to specials. Now Toy Story 4 arrives, efficiently wrap- just gluing googly eyes and twist tie arms onto it ly different character, having turned into a deter- see this world again. It is a consistently funny ping up the toy’s story in a heartfelt finale, yet and names him “Forky”. Forky (Tony Hale) is a mined action heroine survivalist. Unlike most romp with a few strange, darkly hilarious turns and again. The basic framework of this fourth film feels wretch of a creature that believes its destiny is to toys she found herself more content without a the finale has something to say about moving on. a wee bit like Toy Story 2. Also for all the emotion- be used and thrown away and it tries repeatedly to human and doesn’t need to be someone’s property. As far as resonant, moving endings go, it’s nice al stuff, this is one of the more breezy, madcap toss itself in the garbage much to Woody’s conster- Forky is a truly hilariously twisted creation, that Toy Story got another one. V entries in the series, until the final minutes hit. It’s nation. When Forky disappears a road trip Woody basically from the moment he is introduced he can good to see this crew one last time. Until the next goes to find him, landing at a travelling carnival. only say “Trash” and repeatedly throws himself in TOY STORY 4 time. Probably. There Woody is shocked to find his old girlfriend the garbage, although he becomes more articulate ####$ Woody (Tom Hanks) is adjusting to life as one Bo Beep (Annie Potts) who was given away years as it goes on. There’s a fluffy duck and bunny Director: Josh Cooley of Bonnie’s (Madeleine McGraw) toys. While toys ago, and, even though she was thrown away, she combo who are sewn together voice by Keegan- Starring: Tom Hanks, like Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) and Jessie (Joan has thrived and made friends with discarded misfit Michael Key and Jordan Peele, and this is the first Tim Allen and Cusack) are getting attention, she keeps relegating toys. Eventually Forky is captured by the master- time they’ve reunited in a comedy in years so it’s Annie Potts

16 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW

MOVIES&SHOWTIMES PLEASE NOTE: LISTINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 28 — JULY 4, 2019 Please call ahead or check online to avoid disappointment. WED-THURS 7:00 7:05, 10:05 CINE STARZ UPPER CANADA PLACE 460 Brant, Burlington MEETING GORBACHEV () FRI, SUN 4:45; SAT 2:30 SILVERCITY BURLINGTON ANNA () FRI-MON 1:40, 7:20 PHOTOGRAPH () FRI-SUN, TUE 6:45; WED 4:40, 1250 Brant, Burlington AVENGERS: ENDGAME () FRI,SUN 12:00, 4:00, 905.319.8677 DARK PHOENIX (PG) FRI-THURS 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 9:00 8:00; SAT 10:30, 2:25, 6:20, 10:15; MON 12:30, 4:30, 7:20, 9:30 RED JOAN () SUN 2:25; TUE 4:25 ALLADIN () FRI,SUN-WED 12:40, 3:55; SAT 11:10, 8:30 A DOG’S JOURNEY (G) FRI-THURS 11:00, 1:00, TOMMY () TUE 9:05 12:40, 3:55; THURS 1:00, 3:55 DARK PHOENIX () FRI,SUN-MON 1:50, 4:35, 7:30, 3:00, 5:25, 7:30 TOLKIEN () THURS 4:50 ALLADIN 3D () FRI,MON-THURS 7:20, 10:25; SAT 10:15; SAT 10:55, 1:50, 4:35, 7:30, 10:20 DUMBO (G) FRI-THURS 11:00, 1:10, 3;15, 5:15 7:15, 10:25; SUN 7:05, 10:25 GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS () FRI-MON GODZILLA KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG) FRI- SILVERCITY ANCASTER ANNA () FRI-MON 4:15, 10:15 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50; TUE 12:50, 3:50, 6:55, 10:00 771 Golf Links Rd., Ancaster. ANNABELLE COMES HOME () FRI-THURS 2:20, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON-THE HIDDEN THURS 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:20 905.304.5888 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON-THE HIDDEN 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 WORLD (PG) SAT 10:00 WORLD (PG) FRI-THURS 11:00 ALLADIN () FRI,MON-THURS 12:50, 3:50; SAT AVENGERS: ENDGAME () FRI-MON 12:45, 4:45, MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL () FRI,SUN-TUE HUSTLE (PG) FRI-THURS 1:15, 5:40, 7:30, 9:30 10:30, 1:20, 4:15; SUN 1:25, 4:25 9:00 4:15; SAT 1:20, 4:15; WED-THURS 3:55 MA (14A) FRI-THURS 7:20, 9:15 ALLADIN 3D () FRI,MON 7:00, 9:50; SAT 7:10, 9:55; CHILD’S PLAY () FRI-TUE 12:55, 3:20, 5:45, 8:10, MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL 3D () FRI,SUN- POKÈMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU (PG) FRI-THURS SUN 7:20, 10:00; TUE-THURS 7:00, 10:25 10:30 TUE 1:20, 7:00, 9:45; SAT 10:35, 7:00, 9:45; WED- 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:25, 9:20 ANNABELLE COMES HOME () FRI-MON 1:10, 4:00, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON-THE HIDDEN THURS 1:10, 6:50, 9:35 SHAZAM! (PG) SAT-THURS 11:00, 3:20, 9:30 6:35, 9:40; TUE-THURS 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:20 WORLD (PG) SAT 11:00 MIDSOMMAR () WED-THURS 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, WONDER PARK (G) THURS-SUN 11:15 ANNABELLE COMES HOME: THE IMAX 2D EXPE- JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 -- PARABELLUM () FRI- 10:15 RIENCE () FRI-MON 10:10 THURS 12:30, 3:50, 6:55, 10:10 ROCKETMAN () FRI,SUN 1:30, 4:25, 7:15, 10:05; CHILD’S PLAY () FRI,SUN-MON 12:40, 3:05, 5:20, LATE NIGHT () FRI,MON 1:15, 7:25; SAT 1:15, 7:15; SAT 10:40, 1:30, 4:25, 7:15, 10:05; MON 1:30, 4:20, LANDMARK CINEMAS 6 JACKSON SQUARE 2 King St. W., Hamilton 7:40, 10:15; SAT 12:30, 2:55, 5:10, 7:30, 10:15; SUN 1:15, 7:20 7:15, 10:05; TUE 1:30, 4:20, 7:20, 10:10; WED 4:30, 905.526.8131 TUE,THURS 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 7:50, 10:15; WED MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL () FRI-MON 7:20, 10:10; THURS 1:25, 4:20, 7:20, 10:10 ALLADIN () FRI-MON 10:45, 12:45, 3:45, 7:00, 10:10 12:40, 4:00, 6:50, 9:40 1:25, 4:10 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 () FRI,SUN- ANNABELLE COMES HOME () FRI-MON 1:00, 4:30, MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL () FRI,SUN-MON MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL 3D () FRI-MON TUE,THURS 12:40, 3:00, 5:20; SAT 10:45, 12:55, 7:45, 10:00, 10:30; TUE,THURS 2:00, 4:45, 7:40, 1:15, 4:15, 7:20, 10:00; SAT 1:40, 4:15, 7:20, 10:00 7:00, 10:00 3:10, 5:25; WED 12:10, 2:20, 5:20 10:25; WED 2:45, 4:45, 7:40, 10:25 ROCKETMAN () FRI,SUN-MON 12:50, 3:45, 6:45, MIDSOMMAR () WED-THURS 1:40, 5:00, 8:20 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 3D () FRI-THURS MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL () FRI-MON 9:50; SAT 10:30, 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 10:00; TUE,THURS ROCKETMAN () FRI-MON 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, 10:05; 7:40, 9:55 1:15, 4:00, 7:15 1:15, 4:15, 7:10, 9:50; WED 12:50, 4:15, 7:10, 9:50 TUE-THURS 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, 10:00 SHAFT () FRI-SUN 4:30, 10:10; MON 4:25, 10:10 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME () TUE-THURS THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 () FRI,SUN-TUE, THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 () FRI,SUN-THURS SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME () TUE-THURS 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 3:15, 3:45, 6:30, 7:30, 9:45, THURS 1:10, 3:40; SAT 10:50, 1:10, 3:40; WED 1:00, 2:10, 4:30; SAT 11:15, 2:10, 4:30 12:05, 3:10, 4:10, 6:15, 9:20 10:30 3:40 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 3D () FRI-THURS SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D () TUE-THURS SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D () TUE-THURS THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 3D () FRI-THURS 6:50, 9:15 12:35, 1:05, 3:40, 6:45, 7:15, 9:50, 10:20 10:00, 1:00, 4:15, 7:00, 10:15 6:30, 9:05 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME () TUE-THURS TOY STORY 4 () FRI-SUN 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, TOY STORY 4 () FRI-MON 10:30, 1:30, 2:00, 4:15, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX 2D 12:50, 3:55, 7:00, 10:05 9:40; SAT 10:30; MON 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40; TUE- 4:45, 6:45, 7:30, 9:20; TUE-THURS 10:15, 1:45, 4:30, EXPERIENCE () TUE-THURS 1:20, 4:25 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D () TUE-THURS THURS 2:05, 4:35, 7:10, 9:40 7:15, 10:00 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX 3D 12:20, 1:20, 3:25, 4:25, 6:30, 7:30, 9:35, 10:35 TOY STORY 4 3D () FRI,SUN-MON 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, TOY STORY 4 3D () FRI-MON 11:00, 10:20 EXPERIENCE () TUE-THURS 7:30, 10:35 TOY STORY 4 () FRI,SUN-THURS 1:30, 4:05, 6:40, 9:10; SAT 11:00, 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:10; TUE-THURS YESTERDAY () FRI-MON 10:15, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, TOY STORY 4 () FRI,MON 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30; 9:20; SAT 11:00, 1:30, 4:05, 6:40, 9:20 1:35, 4:05, 6:40, 9:10 9:40; TUE-THURS 10:45, 12:45, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30 SAT 11:00, 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30; SUN 1:00, 4:00, TOY STORY 4 3D () FRI,SUN-WED 2:05, 4:35, 7:15, 7:15, 10:00; TUE,THURS 12:40, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30; 9:55; SAT 11:30, 2:05, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55; THURS 2:05, THE WESTDALE WED 1:00, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30 4:40, 7:15, 9:55 1014 King St. W., Hamilton. PLAYHOUSE CINEMA 905.577.007 177 Sherman Ave. N., Hamilton. TOY STORY 4 3D () FRI-SAT,MON 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, YESTERDAY () FRI-MON 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20; 905.545.8888 10:00; SUN 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30; TUE-THURS TUE-THURS 1:45, 4:35, 7:30, 10:20 PAVAROTTI (PG13) () SAT, MON 1:00; TUE 3:45 THE BLUES BROTHERS () SAT 9:05 1:20, 4:10, 7:20, 9:50 ROCKETMAN (R) SAT 3:30, 6:30; SUN 1:00, 6:30; BOOKSMART () SAT 4:30; SUN 9:05 TOY STORY 4: THE IMAX 2D EXPERIENCE () FRI, SILVERCITY MOUNTAIN MON 3:45; TUE 6:45; WED-THURS 3:45, 6:45 THE BREAKFAST CLUB () FRI 9:05 MON 1:30, 4:30, 7:40; SAT 10:40, 1:30, 4:30, 7:40; 795 Paramount Dr., Hamilton BOOKS MART (R) SAT, THURS 9:00; SUN 3:45; 905.560.02 DAZED & CONFUSED () THURS 9:00 SUN 1:40, 4:40, 7:40 TUE-WED 9:15 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN YESTERDAY () FRI,SUN-MON 1:50, 4:40, 7:25, ALLADIN () FRI,SUN-MON 1:05, 4:05; SAT 10:30, THE TRAGICALLY HIP, A NATIONAL CELEBRA- WORLD () TUE 2:10; WED-THURS 2:25 10:10; SAT 10:45, 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:10; TUE- 1:10, 4:05; TUE-THURS 1:00, 4:00 TION (PG13) MON 6:30 INVISIBLE ESSENCE: THE LITTLE PRINCE () THURS 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 10:10 ALLADIN 3D () FRI-MON 7:05, 10:00; TUE-THURS MINI REVIEWS beheld. Besson seems to think it's a daring chise about a Cabbage Patch Kid knock-off GOLDZILLA: monsters are spectacular, which is the only structural choice, but all it does is teach us to possessed by the spirit of a serial killer. Tyler KING OF THE MONSTERS ###$$ thing that ultimately matters. Some subtitles. ANNA #$$$$ take nothing at face value. We haven't been Burton Smith's script smartly abandons the (Directed by Michael Dougherty, runs 132) (N.W.) (Directed by Luc Besson, runs 119) Anna is an given reason to care about the whys of anything, soul-swapping thing - the malevolent Chucky Godzilla: King Of The Monsters is packed full unofficial, apathetic remake of La Femme so why would we be invested in the hows? (voiced by Mark Hamill) is now a cloud-con- of gorgeously rendered, staggeringly large CG LATE NIGHT ####$ Nikita, writer/director Besson's 1990 breakout There's one great scene where Anna is forced to nected AI with all of its behavioural restrictions creatures doing battle around the globe as (Directed by Nisha Ganatra, runs 102) Late about a directionless young Parisian given a John Wick her way through a restaurant filled removed - and makes young Andy (Gabriel fragile people run for cover - or, in this case, Night is a funny and shrewd look at Hollywood chance to reinvent herself as a stylish assassin. with goons, armed only with an empty pistol. By Bateman) a lonely tween rather than a kinder- race right into the epicentre of every smack- after #OscarsSoWhite and #MeToo. The work- Now, she's a Moscow junkie (Sasha Luss) the end of the sequence, she's slashing throats gartener, thus a plausible patsy for Chucky's down for plot reasons. Far more conventional place comedy, smartly written by star Mindy whose sharp wits and calm under pressure with broken dinner plates and killing her mark antics. Director Klevberg doesn't try to make in execution than Gareth Edwards's 2014 Kaling, pulls the curtain back on a late-night bring her to the attention of a KGB spook (Luke with a fork. It's the one moment in Anna where the doll scary, settling into a loose, knowing reboot, King Of The Monsters doesn't stray too talk show's growing pains in an industry dying Evans). Before you know it, she's operating in everything comes together and we see the tone that acknowledges how ridiculous this far from its template: once again, the focus is to stay relevant. Emma Thompson predictably Paris as an elite model who moonlights as a movie that might have been - steely, relentless, whole series is (and how creepy this iteration of on three members of the same family (Kyle nails a powerhouse performance as long-run- murder-lady. There is no subtext, no tension; at clever, fun. When it eventually arrives on Chucky looks, even when trying to be adorable) Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown) ning talk show host Katherine Newbury. She's no point will you worry that Anna might be Netflix, hit me up on Twitter and I'll give you the while still going for full-on bloody murder every who are always in the right place to witness a white feminist with the critical prowess to caught or killed, because Besson's whole deal time code. Some subtitles. (N.W.) now and then. As a riff on that Simpsons the monster action. It's the sort of Godzilla dress down the patriarchy, moments is last-second escapes, feints and fake-outs. episode with the killer Krusty doll, it's pretty movie Toho regularly turned out around the Thompson relishes with her elegant eye-rolls. The one variation he plays on La Femme Nikita CHILD’S PLAY ###$$ satisfying. Casting Aubrey Plaza as Andy's mom turn of this century, like Giant Monsters All- But she's also arrogant and dismissive toward is chronological: the movie will show us a (Directed by Lars Klevberg, runs 90) Child's and Brian Tyree Henry as a suspicious detective Out Attack or Godzilla: Final Wars: the science everyone - not just white men but also women, shocking event and then flash back to several Play is sort of fun, and certainly a lot better gives a comic edge that brightens those other- is ridiculous, the stakes are global and the millennials and her new diversity hire, Kaling's months earlier, when the groundwork was laid than it could have been, being a reboot of the wise rote characters. Keep your expectations tone is apocalyptic, but it's also undeniably Molly Patel. Both Kaling and the movie keep for whatever reversal or betrayal we've just fondly remembered, supremely ridiculous fran- low and you'll be pleasantly surprised. (N.W.) fun in its silly, oversized mayhem. And the CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 17 CONTINUED FROM PAGE17 owner Bonnie's toy box, and finds things bubbly, as if Late Night were himself a new charge in Forky (Tony a rom-com. But the unexpected rela- Hale), an arts-and-crafts project that tionship that makes us feel warm knows he's not supposed to be a toy CLASSIFIED ADS [email protected] and fuzzy here is that between a and wants nothing more than to, um, FLORISTS [ EARTH TALK ] brown woman and a workplace that's kill himself. And when a road trip benzoyl peroxide in reducing Classified ads Dear EarthTalk: I suffer behind the times. There's chemistry with Bonnie and her family leads to FLOWERS ... from occasional acne but both the number of acne and fun, but Late Night never for- Forky throwing himself out of a mov- can cost am loathe to treat it with lesions and their severity. gets that there's still a lot of work to ing RV and Woody going out in pur- The Perfect Gift harsh chemicals. Do you Likewise, Witch Hazel has sim- for hard to buy for people! be done. (R.S.) suit - not unlike the escapade Woody as little as know of all-natural acne ilarly positive effects for most had with Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) Get them a Bouquet-A-Month $ 00 + HST for 3 - 6 months, and we’ll do treatments that actually who try it, although there has- MA ##$$$ in the first film - the pair find them- 11 work? n’t been any scientific research (Directed by Tate Taylor, runs 99) Ma selves on a new adventure, meeting FREE DELIVERY! Email or call to back that up yet. teams Octavia Spencer with director strange new friends (a chatty doll We also do custom floral Acne — when sebum from oil According to National Taylor, who previously cast her as a to discuss voiced by Christina Hendricks, a pair arrangements. glands under the skin clogs Geographic, dabbing a pasty mammy-type in her Oscar-winning of stuffed animals voiced by Chedoke Flowers your options! pores causing small bacterial mixture of powdered nutmeg performance in The Help. The Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan 945 Garth, Hamilton 905.527.3343 x104 infections that lead to swelling and honey onto a problem deduction from mammy to Ma can't Peele and a Quebecois Evel Knievel 905.387.5773 [email protected] and discomfort — isn’t just a pimple and leaving it there for be lost on Taylor, who no doubt knockoff voiced, of course, by Keanu temporary annoyance during 20 minutes can help unclog heard the criticisms lodged against Reeves) and reuniting with Woody's our teenage years; it plagues pores. Another trick is to soak his white saviour movie. Ma, a Fatal beloved Bo Peep (Annie Potts). HYPNOSIS HYPNOSIS many of us throughout our a chamomile tea bag in cold Attraction-style horror thriller where First-time feature director Cooley adult lives as well. Some 85 water, squeeze it out, then hold Spencer plays a socially isolated handles the mixture of character percent of Americans are it onto a pimple for 30 seconds. woman who's violently obsessed with gags and devastating emotional prone to at least occasional Icing a new pimple can also young white kids, feels like Taylor's epiphanies more gracefully than Lee break–outs or worse. But com- help reduce swelling and dis- serving up a corrective to The Help Unkrich did in Toy Story 3, and real- mon over–the–counter treat- comfort and shorten its lifes- while also taking the most superfi- ly engages with the uncanny aspects ments — most contain either pan. And smearing a little milk cial notes from Get Out - the rare of the series' premise: Forky's death benzoyl peroxide or salicylic of magnesia on your face at horror movie with a Black conscious- wish opens up a whole crate of ques- acid — can irritate the skin, bedtime can help prevent ness that revealed (to nobody's sur- tions about the inner lives of these eyes and lungs and are also break–outs to begin with. prise) that there are no white sav- characters, and Woody's new situa- linked to more serious health Healthline’s Kayla iours. But Ma is too timid to unpack tion offers a chance to explore his problems. The U.S. Food & McDonnell suggests dabbing the racial tension fixed in its title own inner life, and exactly what his Drug Administration (FDA) zits with apple cider vinegar or and premise. Instead it settles for pathological dedication to his own- warns that the use of these witch hazel or applying a stupid and grisly fun and the only ers has accomplished over the years. over–the–counter topicals “can honey/cinnamon mask. Her reason it gets away with that is Kids might wonder why their parents cause rare but serious and other tips for pimple remedia- Spencer's gargantuan performance. are tearing up at the resolution to potentially life–threatening tion include regular exfolia- (R.S.) that one. (N.W.) allergic reactions or severe irri- tion, taking a zinc and/or fish MEDIA MEDIA tation.” oil supplement, eating a low MEN IN BLACK: INTERNA- YESTERDAY ##### Most of the top–selling glycemic load diet, cutting TIONAL ##$$$ (Directed by Danny Boyle, runs 116) brands incorporate benzoyl per- back on dairy, reducing stress (Directed by F. Gary Gray, runs 115) Yesterday takes a jokey premise - oxide or salicylic acid in their and exercising regularly. Men in Black: International drowns what if you were the only person who acne treatments, but the only If your acne is more severe, Chris Hemsworth and Tessa remembered the Beatles? - and way to know for sure what’s it might be worth consulting a Thompson in intergalactic noise. turns it into a moving, even profound inside any given product is to dermatologist who can recom- The two actors, with their comic consideration of what art can truly consult its label. Even better, mend prescription–strength charisma and cosmically good looks, mean to people. EastEnders' do some research online before treatments that can work with worked magic together in Thor: Himesh Patel makes his big-screen you buy. The Environmental your body chemistry to limit Ragnarok. Nothing MIB debut as Jack, a struggling Suffolk Working Group’s free online the production of sebum in the International does can convince me singer-songwriter who wakes up after Skin Deep database lists ingre- first place. But drying, irritation they shouldn't headline more an inexplicable global blackout to dients — and more important, and/or other side effects can movies, even if it almost completely discover no one else remembers the health and environmental ensue from these doctor–pre- wastes their talents. F. Gary Gray's John, Paul, George and Ringo - and threats — of over 120,000 per- scribed treatments as well, so MIB, written by Art Marcum and sets himself on the path to megas- sonal care products, including be sure to let your doctor know Matt Holloway, prioritizes clumsy tardom by singing their songs. more than 2,000 different acne so he or she can adjust the plot beats and cheap spectacle over Richard Curtis's screenplay occa- treatments now or recently dosage or treatment plan. V character and, as a result, gives sionally feels like a deleted scene available on store shelves. Thompson and Hemsworth scraps to from his 2013 time-travel comedy As far as alternative treat- EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy work with. A plot about visiting body About Time repurposed as boomer ments go, tea tree oil, distilled Scheer & Doug Moss for the snatchers seeking out an intergalac- bait, but Boyle finds the compelling This space can be yours from the leaves of Australia’s 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. To tic WMD simply lands as the usual thought experiment rolling around for only $36.00 + hst! Melaleuca plant, seems to be a donate, visit tentpole ho-hum, distracting from inside it: what might it be like to favorite. Studies have shown it Send questions to: Hemsworth, Thompson and Kumail hear these songs for the first time? to be equally as effective as [email protected]. Nanjiani's attempts at finding a fun The musically savvy filmmaker lets groove. The latter is a scene-stealer, us re-experience the music through doing voice work as Pawny, a thumb- Patel's stripped-down performances, sized samurai-style critter. (R.S.) while also having a little fun with the other ways in which the world has TOY STORY 4 ####$ changed. This being a Richard (Directed by Josh Cooley, runs 100) Curtis script, there's also a love story Toy Story 4 finds Pixar's flagship between Jack and the childhood franchise pondering its purpose after friend (Lily James) he leaves behind almost a quarter-century: are these when his career takes off, but that movies for children or for the adults plot proves secondary to another who've grown up alongside them? idea Curtis and Boyle are working It's a genuine existential crisis, liter- towards - a moment of beautiful, alized in the film as Woody (voiced, impossible grace that answers the as always, by Tom Hanks) grapples question we didn't even know with his diminished status in new Yesterday had been asking. (N.W.)

BY R. SIMONPILLAI, G. SUMI, N.WILNER 18 JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 VIEW [ FREE WILL ASTROLOGY] by ROB BRESZNY ADULT CHAT LINES ADULT CHAT LINES ADULT CHAT LINES dARIES (March 21–April 19): Here are your fortune mas about intimacy. DECEMBER: Come up with savvy cookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: plans to eliminate bad stress and welcome good stress. #1 SEXIEST CHAT. It’s FREE to try! 18+ Discipline your inner flame. Use your radiance construc- Ham: 905.297.6666 Nia: 905.682.3222 tively. Your theme is controlled fire. AUGUST: Release LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Here are your fortune Nightline, Your After Party Starts Now. yourself from dwelling on what’s amiss or off—kilter. acookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. Find the inspiration to focus on what’s right and good. JULY: Say this every morning: “The less I have to prove SEPTEMBER: Pay your dues with joy and gratitude. and the fewer people I have to impress, the smarter I’ll Explore your fantasies with local singles! Work hard in service to your beautiful dreams. OCTO- be.” AUGUST: Escape an unnecessary limitation. Break Try it FREE! 18+ 905.667.8118 BER: You can undo your attractions to “gratifications” an obsolete rule. Override a faded tradition. SEPTEM- Night Exchange, Where Erotic Adults that aren’t really very gratifying. NOVEMBER: Your BER: What kind of “badness” might give your goodness Come To allies can become even better allies. Ask them for more. more power? OCTOBER: You’re stronger and freer than DECEMBER: Be alert for unrecognized value and hid- you thought you were. Call on your untapped power. CALL • CLICK • CONNECT den resources. NOVEMBER: Narrowing your focus and paring down with local women and men in your area. your options will serve you beautifully. DECEMBER: Call QUEST for your absolutely FREE trial! 18+ TAURUS (April 20–May 20): Here are your for- Replace what’s fake with the Real Thing. Ham: 905.667.5555 Nia: 905.228.5000 htune cookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. July: If you choose to play one of life’s trickier SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Here are your for- games, you must get trickier yourself. August: Shedding btune cookie—style horoscopes for the months irrelevant theories and unlearning old approaches will ahead. JULY: Stretch yourself. Freelance, moonlight, To book your classified ad pave the way for creative breakthroughs. September: diversify, and expand. AUGUST: Having power over Begin working on a new product or project that will last other people is less important than having power over email: [email protected] a long time. October: Maybe you don’t need that emo- yourself. Manage your passions like a wizard! SEPTEM- tional crutch as much as you thought. November: BER: Ask the big question. And be ready to act expedi- Explore the intense, perplexing, interesting feelings until tiously when you get the big answer. OCTOBER: I think you’re cleansed and healed. December: Join forces with you can arrange for the surge to arrive in manageable a new ally and/or deepen an existing alliance. installments. Seriously. NOVEMBER: Dare to break barren customs and habits that are obstructing small mir- GEMINI (May 21–June 20): Here are your fortune acles and cathartic breakthroughs. DECEMBER: Don’t icookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. wait around hoping to be given what you need. Instead, JULY: It’s time to take fuller advantage of a resource go after it. Create it yourself, if necessary. you’ve been neglecting or underestimating. AUGUST: For a limited time only, two plus two equals five. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Here are your Capitalize on that fact by temporarily becoming a two— cfortune cookie—style horoscopes for the months plus—two—equals—five type of person. SEPTEMBER: ahead. JULY: Can you infuse dark places with your It’s time and you’re ready to discover new keys to foster- intense light without dimming your intense light? Yes! ing interesting intimacy and robust collaboration. AUGUST: It’s time for an archetypal Sagittarian jaunt, OCTOBER: The boundaries are shifting on the map of quest, or pilgrimage. SEPTEMBER: The world around the heart. That will ultimately be a good thing. you needs your practical idealism. Be a role model who NOVEMBER: If you do what you fear, you’ll gain catalyzes good changes. OCTOBER: Seek out new allies unprecedented power over the fear. DECEMBER: and connections that can help you with your future What’s the one thing you can’t live without? Refine and goals. NOVEMBER: Be open to new and unexpected deepen your relationship to it. ideas so as to get the emotional healing you long for. DECEMBER: Shed old, worn—out self—images. CANCER (June 21–July 22): Here are your fortune Reinvent yourself. Get to know your depths better. jcookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Acquire a new personal symbol that thrills your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Here are your mind and mobilizes your soul. AUGUST: Reconfigure gfortune cookie—style horoscopes for the months the way you deal with money. Get smarter about your ahead. JULY: You have an enhanced capacity to feel at finances. SEPTEMBER: It’s time to expedite your learn- peace with your body, to not wish it were different from ing. But streetwise education is more useful than formal what it naturally is. AUGUST: You can finally solve a education. Study the Book of Life. OCTOBER: Ask for riddle you’ve been trying to solve for a long time. SEP- more help than you normally do. Aggressively build your TEMBER: Make your imagination work and play twice support. NOVEMBER: Creativity is your superpower. as hard. Crack open seemingly closed possibilities. Reinvent any part of your life that needs a bolt of imag- OCTOBER: Move up at least one rung on the ladder of inative ingenuity. DECEMBER: Love and care for what success. NOVEMBER: Make yourself more receptive to you imagine to be your flaws and liabilities. blessings and help that you have overlooked or ignored. DECEMBER: You’ll learn most from what you leave LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): Here are your fortune behind—so leave behind as much as possible. kcookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Transform something that’s semi—ugly into AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Here are your for- ADULT MASSAGE COMPANIONS ADULT CLASSIFIEDS something that’s useful and winsome. AUGUST: Go to etune cookie—style horoscopes for the months the top of the world and seek a big vision of who you ahead. JULY: I’ll cry one tear for you, then I’ll cheer. KING SHERMAN SAUNA WHERE MEN COME TO must become. SEPTEMBER: Your instinct for worthy AUGUST: Plant seeds in places that hadn’t previously Hamilton’s #1 Licensed Spa Come say hello to and constructive adventures is impeccable. Trust it. been on your radar. SEPTEMBER: You may seem to take Lily, Alexia & Raven! MEET REAL MEN OCTOBER: Be alert for a new teacher with a capacity a wrong turn, but it’ll take you where you need to go. Mon to Sat 10am-1am Karel’s Steam Baths to teach you precisely what you need to learn. NOVEM- OCTOBER: Open your mind and heart as wide as you 893 King St. E., Hamilton See us on facebook! 905.549.9666 BER: Your mind might not guide you perfectly, but your can. Be receptive to the unexpected. NOVEMBER: I 905-545-5030 Hiring-License Fee Assistance body and soul will. DECEMBER: Fresh hungers and bet you’ll gain a new power, higher rank, or greater priv- budding fascinations should alert you to the fact that ilege. DECEMBER: Send out feelers to new arrivals who deep in the genius part of your soul, your master plan is may be potential helpers. JENNIFER changing. Classified Ad Booking 40 Years Old PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): Here are your for- Deadline VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Here are your fortune tune cookie—style horoscopes for the months 289.880.9158 f is Monday at 5pm. lcookie—style horoscopes for the months ahead. ahead. JULY: Your creative powers are at a peak. Use Outcalls Only • Cash Only JULY: I’d love to see you phase out wishy—washy wish- them with flair. AUGUST: Wean yourself from pretend Gentlemen Preferred • Safe es that keep you distracted from your burning, churning feelings and artificial motivations and inauthentic com- To book a classified ad desires. AUGUST: A story that began years ago begins munications. SEPTEMBER: If you want to have greater [email protected] again. Be proactive about changing the themes you’d impact and more influence, you can. Make it happen! AISLYN rather not repeat. SEPTEMBER: Get seriously and dar- OCTOBER: Love is weird but good. Trust the odd jour- 905.527.3343 x104 East Hamilton ingly creative about living in a more expansive world. ney it takes you on. NOVEMBER: If you cultivate an 905.921.0915 OCTOBER: Acquire a new tool or skill that will enable appreciation for paradox, your paradoxical goals will suc- you to carry out your mission more effectively. NOVEM- ceed. DECEMBER: Set firm deadlines. Have fun disci- BER: Unanticipated plot twists can help heal old dilem- plining yourself. V ☯☯☯☯☯ FREE WILL ASTROLOGY Week of June 27 © Copyright 2019 Rob Brezsny VIEW JUNE 27 — JULY 3, 2019 19 20 JUNE 27 — July 3, 2019 VIEW