Europeans Seeking to Ensure Vaccine Stocks

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Europeans Seeking to Ensure Vaccine Stocks 12 | Tuesday, March 9, 2021 HONG KONG EDITION | CHINA DAILY WORLD S. Korea urged to do Call for justice Let go of more to boost fertility ‘ill will’, Britain By YANG HAN in Hong Kong which means a smaller proportion of [email protected] the younger generations in society. He said the government needs to give South Korea must act to sharpen more support in terms of increasing tells bloc its demographic and economic poli- the capability of the younger genera- cies in the face of a stubbornly low tions and improving gender equality. By JONATHAN POWELL fertility rate if the country is to stave “If there are no changes in in London off a crippling long-term trend of (improving) the productivity, the [email protected] population shrinkage, analysts say. economic size will decrease in the “South Korea’s fertility rate has future because the population size is David Frost, Britain’s top been low since 1983,” said Choi Seul- already decreasing,” said Choi. Europe adviser and chief Brexit ki, associate professor at the KDI negotiator, has called on the School of Public Policy and Manage- Further slowdown European Union to “shake off ment in South Korea. Rajiv Biswas, Asia Pacific chief any remaining ill will” toward He said that while the full impact of economist at global consultancy IHS Britain for leaving the bloc. a projected decline in the population Markit, said he expects a further In an opinion piece for The Sun- will be seen only in 20 to 30 years, the slowdown in South Korea’s econom- day Telegraph, Frost said that Brus- effect of the low fertility rates of ic growth to between 1 and 2 percent sels must focus on making Brexit a recent decades is being felt now. a year over the next 10 years. success and defended recent uni- “The current situation shows that South Korea’s real GDP decreased lateral alterations to trade arrange- there will be more difficulties dec- 1 percent last year, data from the ments concerning Northern ades later because of the low fertility Bank of Korea, the central bank, Protesters demanding justice for George Floyd gather in Minneapolis on Sunday, the day before jury Ireland, which continues to be a rate. It implies that we need to make showed on Thursday. selection is scheduled to begin for the trial resulting from his death. Former police officer Derek bone of contention. some changes right now,” said Choi, The central bank forecast growth Chauvin is accused of murdering Floyd in May last year. LEAH MILLIS / REUTERS News agencies reported the noting that many existing policies rates of 3 percent in 2021 and 2.5 European Commission intends for boosting the fertility rate, such as percent in 2022. to take legal action after the UK baby subsidies, are not effective and “Substantial economic policy last week announced it was need to be reviewed. reforms focused on boosting produc- extending “grace periods” on In 2020, Seoul’s population fell tivity growth and fostering greater post-Brexit customs checks below 10 million, to 9.91 million, in a technological innovation will be designed to ease trade between 1 percent drop from the previous important to help mitigate the eco- Europeans seeking to Northern Ireland, which remains year, according to data released by nomic impact of demographic aging,” in the EU single market for the city government on Wednesday. said Biswas. goods, and the rest of Britain. It was the first time that the South Stuart Gietel-Basten, professor of The EU claims this is a breach of Korean capital’s population social science and public policy at the terms of the Brexit deal agreed dropped below 10 million since it the Hong Kong University of Sci- last year. Frost said last week the crossed that threshold in 1988. ence and Technology, said South ensure vaccine stocks grace periods would allow time The sobering statistic for Seoul Korea has spent an enormous for “constructive discussions” was revealed after Statistics Korea, amount of money trying to encour- Amid delays in EU rollout, talks with US approach so that we do not undo with Brussels. the country’s statistics agency, said age women to have more children, the progress we have made so far,” in February that South Korea’s total and “it is now worse because it focus on delivery of shots, source says Johnson said as he urged people to fertility rate touched a new annual ignored the bigger context of why get vaccinated. low of 0.84 in 2020. It was the third people are not having children”. By JULIAN SHEA in London to keep up supplies of ingredients In the Middle East, Syrian Pres- I have always year in a row that the figure lan- He contrasts the 2020 fertility rate [email protected] from the US required for its own ident Bashar al-Assad and his guished below 1. It also marked a of Seoul, at 0.64, with that of nation- vaccine-making facilities. wife have tested positive for the believed that the record worldwide, trailing far below leading Sejong, known as the coun- The European Union was “We trust that we can work coronavirus, the president’s office gains of controlling the 1.73 rate recorded in the United try’s administrative capital, at 1.28, believed to be seeking to ensure the together with the US to ensure said on Monday, with both having States and 1.42 in Japan, according according to Statistics Korea. delivery of contracted supplies of a that vaccines produced or bottled mild symptoms of the illness. our own affairs to agencies. Noting that many people in Sejong COVID-19 vaccine from the United in the US for the fulfillment of vac- In a statement, Assad’s office outweigh the short- One impact that troubles Choi is a are civil servants, he said their lifes- States as the bloc attempts to make cine producers’ contractual obliga- said that Assad, 55, and his wife term adjustments.” change in the population structure, tyles tend to suit families. up for shortfalls in supply and reju- tions with the EU will be fully Asma will return to work after venate its faltering vaccine program. honored,” a commission repre- spending two to three weeks in iso- David Frost, UK chief Brexit The EU’s Internal Market Com- sentative said. lation in their home. negotiator missioner Thierry Breton — Brus- The administration of US Presi- Both were in “good health and Viral shield sels’ pointman on vaccine dent Joe Biden is widely regarded as in stable condition,” it added. The Northern Ireland protocol production — was due to confer being far more sympathetic to Israel reopened most of its econ- in the Brexit Withdrawal Agree- with White House COVID-19 coor- Europe than Biden’s predecessor omy on Sunday as it removed many ment was designed by the EU and dinator Jeffrey Zients on Monday, a Donald Trump. Last week, he spoke of the remaining coronavirus lock- UK to avoid a hardening of the source familiar with the talks told to European Commission President down restrictions, thanks to its suc- border on the island of Ireland. Agence France-Presse. Ursula von der Leyen on working cessful vaccination campaign. “I hope they will shake off any The agenda was believed to together to manage the pandemic. The easing of restrictions comes remaining ill will towards us for include discussion over the export As a result, Breton will be work- after months of government-im- leaving, and instead build a from the US of the vaccine from ing with Zients on matters relating posed shutdowns. friendly relationship, between AstraZeneca. to the supply chain. Bars and restaurants, event sovereign equals,” Frost wrote. The European Commission halls, sporting events, hotels and “That is what I will be working insisted on vaccination requisition ‘Sense of normality’ all primary and secondary schools towards, acting constructively and administration for the Elsewhere in the world, British that had been closed for months when we can, standing up for our 27-member bloc being centralized, children are gearing up to return to were permitted to reopen on Sun- interests when we must — as a but has been heavily criticized for school on Monday after a two- day. Some restrictions remained sovereign country in full control the lack of progress made. month closure, part of what Prime on crowd sizes, and certain places of our own destiny.” The EU has pointed the finger of Minister Boris Johnson said was a were open to the vaccinated only. The EU threatened a hard bor- blame for the delays at the Anglo- plan to get the country to “start mov- The government of Israeli Prime der on the island of Ireland in Nepalese file out of a vaccination center set up by the World Health Swedish pharmaceutical company, ing closer to a sense of normality”. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu January as it sought to control Organization in Kathmandu, Nepal, on Sunday. They were given the saying production problems have As part of the plan, millions of high approved the easing of limitations COVID-19 vaccine exports. But it Covishield COVID-19 vaccine. Nepalese Prime Minister Khadga delayed the supply of 300 million school and college students coming on Saturday night, including the was forced to backpedal follow- Prasad Oli received the first jab to get vaccinations underway for doses, ordered in June last year. The back to UK classrooms will be tested reopening of the main internation- ing heavy criticism from both Ire- older people. NIRANJAN SHRESTHA / AP company is on course to deliver just for the first few weeks.
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