‘In the calm beauty of a traditional Lomilomi gets under way.’


Imagine yourself being gently rocked into a state of deep bliss, your body being massaged from head to toe, with a harmonious blending of movement, breath and open heart. Using long continuous strokes, the massage becomes a beautiful dance on your body. And with the hands touching you imbued with love, you are able to do more than simply relax, but also free your mind and actuate healing, as your soul is caressed by the waves of the ocean. Such is the experience of receiving a Lomilomi massage.

LomiLomi differs from other forms of massage in many ways; it is an experience that overwhelms the mind with sensations and at the same time communicates an acceptance and a nurturing of inner self. Lomilomi is a deeply nurturing, incredibly relaxing, transformative massage that is truly unique and not like any other form of bodywork. To truly understand what makes lomilomi different we have to travel back in time to a land called ‘Lemuria’ (the land of light) the original home to the ancestors of the Hawaiian people.

Here Lomilomi was a way of life, and a complete healing system, nurturing and supporting life of both human and spirit bodies. We are spirit beings, beings of light, here to have the human experience. And it’s this connection to the ancestors, to our inner spirit and to the divine energy of creation that is still present in all true lomilomi work. For to lomi is to weave, weave light, weave love, weave spirit through the energy waves of the body creating a web of healing light. It was known as Ke Ala Hoku or pathway to the stars referring to the cosmic energy connection.

This old traditional lomi bodywork would combine whole body rhythmic movement with chanting, drumming, and deep breathing, along with the application of coconut and other nature infused healing oils. In preparation for the session, the participant would undergo aimed to reach down into the center of our being and bring up our life force energy, letting it flow through our entire bodies which in turn would flow into our lives. It would start with pule/prayer requesting the presence of healing mana/energy. This was followed by a deep cleansing process which includes fasting, herbal preparations, sweats in the steam vents of the volcano and bathing in the mineral enriched ponds. The receiver would empty from the heart all anger, jealously, envy, forgiveness, and any other emotions that cause stress, before the sun sets. In ancient times the massage session could last for hours or even days.

Traditionally, everyone in the o’hana knew lomilomi and massaged each other every day. –James Jackson Jarves 1843

Modern Lomilomi massage:

Over the centuries lomi massage has divided into two distinct groups, the ‘peoples Lomi’ for relaxation and rejuvenation was shared by members of the extended family or O’hana, today this branch (which was first shared with non-Hawaiians by Auntie Margaret) is referred to as Big Island Style: The second branch was practiced by priest or as a sacred rite of passage, this transformational lomi (which was first shared with non-Hawaiians by Kahu Abraham Kawai’i) is referred to as Temple Lomi: Both use Pule-Prayer, and loving touch. Today there are many varieties of lomilomi but all modern versions originate from these two branches.

Lomilomi today:

Today Lomilomi massage can be divided into two categories; Hawaiian and Oceanic each unique to their geographical location. As mentioned there are many versions of Hawaiian lomilomi practiced. Oceanic Lomilomi (Honu) is a ‘melting pot’ of Hawaiian styles and in addition includes techniques from many Pacific Islands that pre-date the settlement of Hawaii. All styles are deeply rooted in aloha and contain prayer, presence, breath and touch to offer a space of unconditional love and healing.

Lomilomi bodywork (Hoku) Is a modern adaptation and presentation of the 'old art' of lomilomi a complete and sacred bodycare system that blends together a synthesis of techniques old with new, ancient with modern, with quantum physics, a truly magical loving touch therapy. This healing system is derived from the ancient Polynesian methods of re-aligning and balance to the body, mind and soul. Lomilomi practitioners are trained to see life as a flow of energy. They follow the notion that the flow can be congested or even blocked by muscle tension, joint immobilisation and mental stress.

Using a beautifully choreographed dance the practitioner gracefully and systematically weaves their way through the soft tissue of the body creating harmony, balance and alignment of the musclo-skeletal system. In an ebb and flow of cosmic waves, blocked energy is released and fresh, new light energy introduced. The practitioner constantly alternates between soft tissue release techniques and energy enhancement techniques; the result is a ‘magical dance of the tissues’. The dual combination of; the practitioners focus on love/aloha energy and specialised bodywork techniques helps to release tension and restore energy flow in new directions and patterns. The outcome is greater levels of clarity, joy and health.

During a genuine lomilomi session, the therapist is aligned with divine energy, and keeps his or her heart and mind clear for spirit to move through them as a conduit for healing energy. –Tamara Mondragon

Space- receiving a lomi session is like being loved and nurtured in a way that for some people hasn’t been present since childhood, if at all. The sacred space created for the session is like a womb securely embracing a new being, and readying it for birth. In this place of gestation, old physical and emotional patterns are released, opening up a space for new, healthier patterns to take root and grow. In this safe environment participants can have a unique experience to discover, acknowledge and embrace all aspects of who they are.

‘Early Hawaiians knew what modern medicine has now proved ‘Mary Kawena Pukui. 1972

Philosophy-In Oceanic philosophy everything is energy, universal energy from one vibrating, living entity, a source presenting itself in various forms, a universes within universes.

An example of this idea in the context of massage and the human body is found in any major anatomical, physiological, energetic system. Let us consider the circulatory system. This is an overall system with many individual parts, each performing its own function, in relation to the others. These arts cannot be separated to function independently and altogether they function as one larger more complex organism. On the largest scale there is the phenomenon of the collective circulatory systems and hearts of mankind, all contained in the one universal heart of creation. No matter how far this system is projected downward into the microcosm (the cellular level) or upward into the macrocosm (the cosmic level), there is relationship, connection, and ultimately sameness. Client and practitioner become one being and together enter into a synergetic and dynamic exchange of energy and information with the multidimensional forces and levels of existence. -Rosalie Samet

Dance- lomilomi has been called a ‘dance’ the movement starts from the feet up to the hips and through the arms the giver is completely relaxed, using their forearms for most of the session. This movement, or dance, is more Tai Chi in nature and very graceful, the beautiful long strokes re-weave areas of the body that were once disconnected, these continual and rhythmical massage strokes create an immense outpouring of energy, and help to lull the receiver into a deep state of bliss, thus creating a loving, sensual massage. At the finish of each section of the body, a feather light touch is used in gentle loving strokes.

Hawaiians look at things in terms of energy flow, following the idea that a thought or belief can block energy flow as much as muscle tension can. Lomilomi helps release the blockages, whilst at the same time giving the energy new direction. Thus lomilomi is not just a physical experience; it also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well.

Lomilomi usually commences with stillness between the practitioner and client, with the givers hands resting on the back of the receiver. In the stillness the practitioner will quietly say a blessing or prayer asking for whatever healing is needed to take place during the massage. The massage is given in fluid, rhythmic motion using forearms as well as hands, using upper and under body strokes to free energy, the giver works all areas different parts of the body are massaged at the same time, not working an area in isolation creates a deep sense of balance and harmony.

Lomilomi can be done by one person or by two or more people working together. Having two people massaging tends to send the recipient into an even deeper level of relaxation as you can’t focus on four hands doing different things- it really is a blissful and fairly mind-blowing experience.–Tracy Courtney.

“I felt as if I was floating on a wave of light and energy. Even though I was in a room full of people and I was wearing very little I was made to feel totally safe and secure. They were so in tune with each other that although it was tandem it felt like one person, flowing and no difference in pressure between the two. The wave moved up and down my body in rhythm soothing every inch of my being. I’ve never experienced anything remotely like this and would highly recommend it. If everyone had this opportunity we’d live in a very peaceful, giving, sharing world.” –Sally Gurnham

The Secret:

The secret of lomilomi massage technique lies with the practitioner.

Whilst the technique is an important part of the massage and associated healing, it’s the little bit extra that the practitioner brings that turns the massage from ordinary to extra-ordinary. It is a culmination of life process, experience, understanding, and the ability to let the energy of unconditional love flow freely that makes a lomilomi massage master, someone who freely gives the gift of aloha. Only by looking inwards, restoring balance and harmony, practice self-healing, strive to understand the spiritual element of the esoteric knowledge of huna can a practitioner achieve a semblance of mastery.

Echoes of Joy:

“The waves faded out to tribal drums overlaid with Hawaiian chants as forearms kneaded and rolled across the landscape of my body. She lifted and cradled me, rocking me in the arms of the mother, sweeping me into her grace. I became wide open and receptive. In the spirit of Aloha, unconditional love, I felt like a new-born babe, soft and silky”

~from Sweet Your Prayers by Gabrielle Roth

“Loving, healing, renewing lomilomi is not just a wonderful massage technique; it’s a journey for the soul, a clearing for the mind, an opening of the heart, a dance with life. A very human experience of aloha.”

~Anita J. Webb

“I was able to achieve a state of rapture that felt like I was dancing in the heavens. Lomilomi creates the vehicle to be transported and nurtured in a way that puts you into a total trust of the moment and allows you to free yourself.”

~Peter Roth

“Kevin is an expert in his field. I felt totally safe in his hands”. ~Lindsey Gill

“The feeling of peace and love that this gives leaves you feeling the love for days afterwards.” ~Karen Wade “What a beautiful gift. Not only are you transported to ‘lomilomi land’ but you feel like the goddess that you are. This is a spiritually cleansing experience.” ~Rev. Debbie Steinke


The cells of my body vibrated higher and freer as the kahunas danced through the layers of my being with incredible mana and grace. Connecting with all that I am. Reaching out in fluid ripples to my gene pool. A call to higher consciousness.

Raindrops from heaven blessed me as they poured from the soft dark skin of the kahunas. Imbued with great mana, each drop fragrant as pikake merged with the ocean of movement that freed me in my body. I swam in the spaces where past and future cease to exist. Surrending to the power of moment, Manawa.

May this peace, expansion and knowingness run through the blood and bones of all my relations. May we be pono in truth and may we reclaim our inherent aloha. Love beyond description, and mana, divine power my prayer continued to call out. The lights of heaven reflected me like an intricate map in the starry night.

Remembering, remembering. Deeper, further. The vails between the worlds dissolved as I found the bridge within my own being. The heart of the mother entering mine with a love and compassion so great as to open my floodgates with ocean sobs, the longing now for filled. Breaking down any residue my true heart, one in hers.

A golden pink sunburst of light was freed from within in an instant. Connected to the heart of infinity, I was absorbed into her radiant beyond words. The never ending harmonic sound of my vibration caressed and guided me. In trusted abandon, I was no more. At last, one with all creation. There are no more words. –‘Iolani Negrin

As the Lomilomi comes to an end the receiver slowly opens her eyes and sees the world in a sacred light: