

Sepsis-associated encephalopathy Teneille E. Gofton and G. Bryan Young

Abstract | -associated encephalopathy (SAE) is a diffuse dysfunction that occurs secondary to in the body without overt CNS infection. SAE is frequently encountered in critically ill in intensive care units, and in up to 70% of patients with severe systemic infection. The severity of SAE can range from mild delirium to deep coma. and myoclonus are infrequent and are almost always spared, but most severe cases have an associated critical illness neuromyopathy. Development of SAE probably involves a number of mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive and vary from to patient. Substantial neurological and psychological morbidities often occur in survivors. Mortality is almost always due to multiorgan failure rather than neurological complications, and is almost 70% in patients with severe SAE. Further research into the pathophysiology, management and prevention of SAE is needed. This Review discusses the epidemiology and clinical presentation of SAE. Recent evidence for SAE pathophysiology is outlined and a diagnostic approach to patients with this syndrome is presented. Lastly, prognosis and management of SAE is discussed.

Gofton, T. E. & Young, G. B. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 8, 557–566 (2012); published online 18 September 2012; doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2012.183 Introduction Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is commonly is specific for SAE, and SAE diagnosis depends on the seen in systemically ill patients. The syndrome is defined clinical context and the presence of evidence for an by diffuse cerebral dysfunction that accompanies sepsis in­fection somewhere in the body. in the absence of direct CNS infection, structural abnor- The implications of sepsis and SIRS on cerebral func- mality or other types of encephalopathy (for example, tion are profound, and the body of knowledge regard- hepatic or renal encephalopathy), as detected by clinical ing SAE is growing. Further research, however, is clearly or standard laboratory tests. Patients presenting with SAE necessary to improve recovery from SAE and reduce show evidence of severe systemic infection with features long-term consequences on cerebral function. This of sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome article provides an overview of current knowledge on (SIRS).1 SAE manifests as a spectrum of disturbed cere­ the epidemiology and clinical presentation of SAE. We bral function ranging from mild delirium to coma. As review recent evidence for the pathophysiology of SAE mortality is increased with severity of SAE,2 early iden- and present a diagnostic approach to patients with this tification and management of patients with SAE are disease. Lastly, prognosis of SAE and a management important to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. strategy for the disorder are discussed. Delirium is often the first manifestation of sepsis, provid- ing a useful diagnostic clue. SAE should trigger a search Epidemiology for infection and prompt initiation of appropriate therapy. Sepsis is a SIRS that accompanies an identified or sus- Cerebral dysfunction seen in SAE reflects the sys- pected infection—a definition established by Bone temic metabolic, inflammatory and haemodynamic dis- and colleagues.4 A group of experts attending the turbances that are associated with SIRS, rather than a International Sepsis Definitions Conference in 2001 direct CNS abnormality. SAE is effectively a diagnosis of defined SIRS as a syndrome presenting with two or more exclusion, which can be made after meningitis, encepha- of the following symptoms: increased or decreased body litis, septic emboli from endocarditis and noninfective temperature (>38 °C or <36 °C), hyperventilation (res- Departments of Clinical systemic inflammation (as seen in pancreatitis, burns piratory rate >20 breaths per min or an arterial partial Neurological Sciences or trauma) have been ruled out. Despite lack of direct pressure of <32 mmHg) and abnormal and Medicine, London Health Sciences 5 CNS infection, laboratory evidence of CNS dysfunction white blood cell count (>12,000 or <4,000 cells/μl). Centre, University is common in SAE and may manifest as abnormalities in Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis together with organ Hospital, University of 4 Western Ontario, 339 EEG measurements, somatosensory evoked potentials, dysfunction and hypo­perfusion or hypotension, and Windermere Road, levels of biomarkers of CNS injury (such as -­ septic is defined as sepsis together with arterial London, ON N6A 5A5, 4 Canada (T. E. Gofton, specific enolase [NSE] and protein S100b), and in results hypotension despite appropriate fluid . G. B. Young). of neuro­radiological tests.3 None of these manifestations Patients with sepsis and encephalo­pathy were previously diagnosed as having septic encephalo­pathy. However, Correspondence to: G. B. Young Competing interests this term has fallen out of favour, because it suggests an bryan.young@ The authors declare no competing interests. active infection within the CNS. lhsc.on.ca

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Key points SAE had significantly higher heart rate, blood lactate ■ Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is an early feature of infection in the and serum sodium levels, as well as lower platelet count, ■ 2 body and might appear before other systemic features of sepsis are obvious serum albumin levels and serum pH. The source and ■■ SAE has a spectrum of degrees of severity, ranging from delirium to deep coma the aetiology of infection are also important factors: ■■ can be an early feature and paratonic rigidity might be the biliary tract or intestinal are associated with only neurological finding, besides delirium, in early SAE; advanced disease is greater risk of SAE, and the most commonly implicated associated with critical illness polyneuropathy in 70% of cases organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus ■■ No specific markers for SAE exist, so diagnosis relies on exclusion of primary feacium, Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa CNS infection and other causes of encephalopathy and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.2 This study has ■■ Although early stages of SAE might have a uniform pathogenesis, multiple mechanisms, which can operate alone or in combination, could be involved limitations including a small sample size and being a in advanced disease retrospective analysis, but the exclusion criteria were ■■ Morbidity and mortality increase with disease severity; early investigation rigo­rous, which ensured that patients with encephalo­ and prompt treatment of underlying infection when delirium presents are, pathy of alter­native aetiologies were excluded from the therefore, important analysis. Over­all, it seems that patients with advanced- stage SAE have a higher burden of systemic illness than those with early-stage disease, and that the source of Few studies have specifically addressed the incidence infection and causative organism can be important in and prevalence of SAE.1,2 The studies are varied and most the development of SAE. do not have a uniform study cohort. Indeed, even the operational definition of SAE is problematic, as patients Clinical presentation and diagnosis might develop encephalopathy in the early phases of SAE is one of many causes of delirium. Patients with infection without meeting the criteria for sepsis, or a SAE can be expected to present with a level of con- confused state can develop in patients with a remote sciousness that is out of keeping with the degree of any infection, such as an abdominal, walled-off abscess that is sedative treatment they are receiving, and they might not ‘septic’. One of the challenges in studying SAE is that show disturbances of –wake cycles or evidence of without a specific diagnostic test, it remains a syndrome hallucinations, restlessness or agitation, among other diagnosed by exclusion. symptoms commonly seen in delirium. Apart from the SAE is thought to be the most common cause of abnormal mental status and gegenhalten (paratonic encephalopathy in the medical–surgical intensive care rigidity), the findings in the neurological examination unit (ICU),6 and over half of patients with sepsis have are unremarkable. However, 70% of advanced cases encephalopathy.7 Incidence of encephalopathy is higher of SAE have an associated critical illness neuromyo- in patients who have bacteraemia and evidence of renal, pathy.7 With advanced-stage SAE, cranial nerve func- hepatic or multiorgan failure. As sepsis is a leading cause tion is invariably spared,13 which is a useful factor in of ICU admissions and 20–50% of patients with sepsis the differential diagnosis of Guillain–Barré syndrome. have delirium, SAE is highly prevalent in the ICU.8 70% Hyperventilation in SAE is often due to respiratory of patients with bacteraemia have neurological symp- alkalosis in the early, delirious phase and to metabolic toms ranging from lethargy to coma, and >80% have acidosis in advanced-stage sepsis.14 As patients with SAE abnormalities on EEG.9,10 Approximately half (46%) of have sepsis by definition, pulse rate is also commonly, patients with bacteraemia have SAE.1,9 Patients with but not invariably, elevated.5 acutely altered mental status associated with encephalo­ SAE is often suspected in patients presenting with pathy have higher mortality rates (49%) than patients acutely altered mental status accompanied by sepsis or with pre-existing mental status changes (41%) or normal (Figure 1). When evaluating a patient with mental status (26%).11 A recent international study (the sepsis and delirium, the primary goal should be to inves- Delirium Epidemiology in Critical Care study) involv- tigate and eliminate the possibility of a primary CNS ing 497 patients in ICU showed that the prevalence of pathology that might cause delirium. Some common delirium was 32.3% and that sepsis was the leading cause primary neurological disturbances that can lead to of medical illnesses that required ICU admission.12 delirium include cerebral abscess, encephalitis, menin- In another study from China, Zhang et al.2 retrospec- gitis, , nonconvulsive or, more tively reviewed patients admitted to ICU over a 3‑year rarely, primary CNS vasculitis.15,16 Frequent confound- period. The exclusion criteria included pre-existing or ing factors, such as sedative medications, can make chronic liver or kidney failure, severe electrolyte imbal- evaluation of mental status challenging. ances, blood disturbances, CNS infections or Patients suspected of having SAE should undergo a pre-existing CNS disease, previous with thorough investigation through clinical history, medi- resuscitation or previous treatment with sedative drugs. cation review, physical examination, laboratory tests, Out of 323 patients, 41 had SAE and the rest had sepsis neuro­imaging and EEG to assess anatomical abnormali- without encephalopathy. This analysis demonstrated that ties, bearing in mind that criteria for sepsis might not patients with higher APACHE II (Acute Physiology and yet be met (Box 1), but aiming to determine whether Chronic Health Evaluation II) scores and lower scores on the patient has an infection. The clinical history should the (GCS) are more likely to have include a search for evidence of prior CNS pathology, SAE.2 Compared with patients without SAE, those with hepatic or renal dysfunction and prior episodes of

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delirium associated with severe illness or recent infec- Febrile, delirious or tions. A detailed review of medications may provide comatose patient information on recent or discontinued medications, such as , other psychoactive agents or Other conditions (such as recent antibiotics, which might cause encephalopathy NMS, MH, thyroid storm, Underlying No drug fever, hypothalamic or or delirium. A history of overdose of or withdrawal infection? stroke, heat from psychoactive medications might suggest an alter- prostration, cancer, trauma, pancreatitis and seizures) native aetiology for reduced level of or Yes delirium, and a recent history of infection requiring Yes antibiotics can help to pinpoint a source of sepsis, and CNS infection, Appropriate therapy thereby lead to diagnosis of SAE. A thorough physical endocarditis? examination should be done to investigate a source of No infection (for example, infection of a decubitus ulcer or other types of cellulitis or rash), to assess the evidence SAE diagnosis for organ dysfunction (for example, scleral icterus and Treat infection jaundice suggest hepatic dysfunction) and to identify any Provide supportive care focal neurological abnormalities, including hemi­paresis Figure 1 | Diagnostic approach to patients showing or cranial nerve abnormalities, which might suggest a symptoms of SAE. A systematic approach helps to avoid focal neurological process, such as an abscess or a stroke. missing other potential contributors to delirium. Importantly, the clinician should attend promptly to any Abbreviations: MH, malignant ; NMS, changes in the mental status of the patient, especially to neuroleptic malignant syndrome; SAE, sepsis-associated problems associated with or concentration. encephalopathy. Multiple screening tools for detection of delirium are available, but none is specific for SAE. For practical Box 1 | Laboratory and pathological features of SAE purposes, we advocate using the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) for patients outside the ICU. The CAM Neuroimaging has recently been validated for use in diagnosis of Normal Multiple ischaemic delirium in this setting and shows excellent sensitivity Nonspecific subcortical lesions (94–100%) and positive predictive value (91–94%).17,18 Cerebrospinal fluid analysis However, the version of the CAM that was developed for Elevated protein levels ICU patients (CAM-ICU) had only about 41–47% sensi- Normal glucose levels and cell culture analysis 19,20 tivity when used by regular ICU nurses, although the EEG recordings specificity was excellent (98%). Patients with hypo­active Normal delirium are most likely to be missed with the CAM. Theta waves Unstructured delirium assessments or the Intensive Delta waves Care Delirium Screening Checklist seem to have greater Triphasic waves sensitivity for detecting delirium in the ICU than does Burst–suppression pattern the CAM, but outcomes of patients missed with the Pathological findings CAM-ICU seem to be similar to those of general ICU Minimal to no abnormalities patients.21 Thus, the most appropriate delirium screen- Subtle neuronal drop-out ing tool for ICU remains controversial. The use of coma Cerebral ischaemia Haemorrhages scales in SAE has not been explored, but the FOUR (Full Multifocal necrotizing leukoencephalopathy Outline of UnResponsiveness) scale—a clinical grading Microabscesses scale used for assessing level of consciousness—is more Abbreviation: SAE, sepsis-associated encephalopathy. suitable for intubated ICU patients than is the GCS.22 Nonetheless, the GCS can be useful in predicting the course of SAE.7 urine culture, and cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] analysis and No specific biomarker exists for SAE and it remains culture) are required. Evidence of bacteraemia or other largely a clinical diagnosis. However, a myriad of haematological infection should also be sought. abnor­mali­ties are seen in patients with SAE, includ- The absence of bacteraemia does not exclude SAE, and ing ab­normalities in laboratory tests that do no directly identification of a pathological organism is not always assess neurological function and, by definition, patients possible. Common reasons for difficulty in identifying have sepsis. A comprehensive metabolic panel of analy- a disease-causing organism include prior antibiotic use, ses including a complete blood count, measurement of which might hinder detection of specific organisms, or expanded electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, presence of an occult abscess. By definition, evidence of magnesium, phosphate and calcium) and serum enzyme CNS infection in the CSF rules out a diagnosis of SAE. levels (alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, alkaline However, elevations of CSF protein levels are expected phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase), renal function and are thought to occur as a result of increased perme- tests (serum creatinine), and investigations for infec- ability of the blood–brain barrier (BBB)10 and movement tion (blood cultures, respiratory or sputum culture, of proteins from blood into the CSF.

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a b Fp1–F3 Fp1–A1 F3–C3 F7–A1 C3–P3 T3–A1 P3–O1 T5–A1 Fp2–F4 O1–A1 F3–A1 F4–C4 C3–A1 C4–P4 P3–A1 P4–O2 Fz–A1 Fp1–F7 Cz–A2 F7–T3 Pz–A1 T3–T5 Fp2–A2 T5–O1 F8–A2 Fp2–F8 T4–A2 F8–T4 T6–A2 T4–T6 O2–A2 T6–O2 F4–A2 300 μV C4–A2 300 μV X3–X4 P4–A2 1 s c d 1 s Fp1–F7 Fp1–F7 F7–T3 F7–T3 T3–T5 T3–T5 T5–O1 T5–O1 Fp2–F8 Fp1–F3 F8–T4 F3–C3 T4–T6 C3–P3 T6–O2 P3–O1 Fp1–F3 Fp2–F4 F3–C3 F4–C4 C3–P3 P3–O1 C4–P4 Fp2–F4 P4–O2 F4–C4 Fp2–F8 C4–P4 F8–T4 P4–O2 T4–T6 140 V X1–X2 140 μV T6–O2 μ 1 s 1 s

Figure 2 | EEG recordings of patients with encephalopathy. a | EEG recordings with bipolar longitudinal montage from a patient (56-year-old female) with encephalopathy, demonstrating triphasic waves. b | EEG recordings with a referential montage (ipsilateral ear reference) from the same patient as in (a), demonstrating triphasic waves. c | EEG recordings (with bipolar longitudinal montage) from a comatose patient (76-year-old male) with encephalopathy. A mixture of delta and theta frequency waveforms predominate. d | EEG recording (with bipolar longitudinal montage) from a comatose patient (50-year- old male) with encephalopathy. Generalized suppression is seen throughout all cerebral regions.

Neuroimaging in patients with SAE gives variable but with laboratory evidence of bacteraemia, EEG reveals results. Some patients have normal brain MRI scans brain abnormalities in 50% of cases.10 These changes on despite having SAE. In other patients, acute abnor- EEG are resolved when sepsis is treated. malities are seen on MRI, including multiple ischaemic Mortality is increased in patients with severe abnor- strokes or white matter lesions in the centrum semiovale malities on EEG.10 In particular, patients who have tri­ (primarily at the level of Virchow–Robin spaces).23 The phasic wave or burst–suppression patterns on EEG have severity of these CNS lesions is associated with the sever- higher mortality rates than those with abnormal theta ity of sepsis and correlates inversely with GCS scores.23 or delta wave patterns.10,25 Notably, these abnormal EEG A neuro­imaging study in critically ill patients with findings are not only seen in patients with SAE, but are delirium (not specifically SAE) demonstrated an associa- also frequently recorded in patients with other types of tion between long duration of delirium and small brain encephalo­pathy26 and, therefore, do not shed light on the volume at 3 months after hospital discharge.24 Small aetiology of SAE. Nevertheless, they provide objective brain volume was also associated with increased cogni- evidence of cerebral disturbance and its severi­ty in SAE. tive impairment at 12 months after discharge from hos- The clinical manifestations of SAE can be detected pital.24 Further studies are required to determine whether before presentation of strong evidence of sepsis or SIRS. small brain volume occurs before or as a consequence of In our experience, changes in cognitive or mental status delirium during critical illness. that are associated with SAE can present in susceptible In patients with sepsis, the EEG data show progres- patients up to 36–48 h before other systemic symptoms sive slowing of brain activity with increasing severity of of sepsis or SIRS become apparent. Such patients, who SAE.10 Mild encephalopathy is associated with slowing have an otherwise normal neurological examination and of brain activity in the theta range and severe encephalo­ neuroimaging data and no other aetiology factors associ- pathy is usually associated with excessive delta waves and, ated with coma, might show unexplained reductions in less commonly, with a burst–­suppression pattern of activ- level of consciousness. However, functional neurological ity (Figure 2; Table 1).10 A triphasic wave pattern is seen investigations, such as EEG recordings, can demonstrate on EEG in approximately 20% of patients with sepsis.10 changes suggestive of sepsis, including diffuse slowing of Even in patients showing no clear encephalo­pathy (with brain activity and abundant triphasic waves. Thus, we relatively preserved cognition) on physical examination, propose that SAE is an early feature of systemic infection

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4 that presents before the Bone et al. criteria for sepsis Table 1 | Changes in EEG recordings in patients with SAE* are satisfied. Degree of EEG findings (% of patients) Overall, SAE remains a diagnosis of exclusion. In encephalopathy patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of SAE, Normal Theta Delta Triphasic Burst–suppression waves waves waves pattern a rigorous investigation for other treatable aetiologies of encephalopathy, such as systemic organ dysfunction, None 50 38 12 0 0 stroke, intracranial haemorrhage, meningoencephalitis Mild 0 47 54 0 0 or other metabolic disturbance, should be undertaken to Severe 0 10 40 20 30 avoid overlooking the cause of encephalopathy. *Generated from data provided by Young et al.86 Abbreviation: SAE, sepsis-associated encephalopathy.

Pathophysiology The pathophysiology of SAE has not been established, Microscopic but several likely mechanisms have been proposed. These brain mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and might be injury involved to varying degrees in different patients, often In ammatory Blood–brain cytokines barrier acting in concert or at various stages of the systemic compromise illness. This section provides a brief overview of the pro- cesses that are thought to have a considerable role in the pathogenesis of SAE (Figure 3). Sepsis-associated encephalopathy Microscopic brain injury Specific neuropathological changes have been described Altered Altered in patients who died from septic shock. In a prospective cerebral cerebral metabolism microcirculation postmortem study of patients with sepsis, cerebral lesions Altered were reported which in one patient, were compatible neurotransmission with multifocal necrotizing leukoencephalo­pathy.27 Fur­ ther prospective data show that cerebral changes associ- Figure 3 | Aetiology of SAE. The aetiology of SAE is ated with sepsis include evidence of cere­bral ischaemia, multifactorial. Factors that contribute to SAE pathogenesis 28 ha­emorrhages and micro-abscesses (Figure 4). are shown in circles. The role of each factor varies from patient to patient and depends on the clinical situation. BBB function and cerebral microcirculation Abbreviation: SAE, sepsis-associated encephalopathy. Adequate function of the cerebral microcirculation is important for maintenance of normal cerebral function. models of sepsis have demonstrated astrocytic dysfunc- Increasing evidence provides support for altered cerebral tion with detachment of astrocytes from the micro­ microcirculation during sepsis. This alteration probably vasculature.36,37 Taken together, altered blood flow at the has an important role in SAE pathogenesis. In a sheep microvascular level and BBB dysfunction affect cerebral model of peritonitis, Taccone et al.29 showed that septic function and probably contribute to the development shock is associated with reductions in the total perfused and progression of SAE. cerebral vessel density and in the proportion of per­ fused small vessels in the brain. Similarly, in patients Neurotransmission and cerebral metabolism with sepsis, disturbances occur in cerebral autoregula- Inflammatory and metabolic changes have been pro- tion and in response of cerebral blood vessels to carbon posed to be associated with sepsis and to lead to altera- dioxide concentration.30 Several studies of the effects of tions in cerebral neurotransmission.38,39 Van Gool et al.38 sepsis on carbon-dioxide-induced cerebral vasoreactivity proposed that cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor have produced conflicting results.31–33 One group found that are produced systemically during sepsis activate that cerebral vasoreactivity was impaired in patients with cerebral microglia which, in turn, release inflamma- sepsis,31 whereas others showed that sepsis did not have tory mediators within the CNS.38 These inflammatory any significant effect on cerebral vascular function.32,33 mediators cause aberrant neuronal function and, thereby, Rat models of sepsis show increased permeability of delirium and SAE. the BBB in sepsis, as detected by increased horseradish Cholinergic neurotransmission has a role in this peroxidase staining of CNS samples taken from septic inflam­matory process and can usually reduce the dura­ rats, compared with controls.34 All the above-mentioned tion of delirium.38 If cholinergic function is impaired— changes have been documented in patients with SAE, for example, by neurodegenerative disease, pre-existing but not all patients with SAE have these abnormalities: cholinergic dysfunction or anticholinergic medications­ only some, if any, of these changes might be found in a —a more severe and long-lasting delirium could result.38 given patient. Conversely, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Together with altered cerebral microcirculation, dys- showed that delirium lasts longer and mor­tality is function of the BBB alters the extracellular milieu of the increased in patients treated with the cholinesterase brain. Patients with sepsis have higher levels of protein in inhibitor rivastigmine, compared with the control group, the CSF than do control patients without sepsis.35 Animal who did not have delirium.40 Given these findings, the

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a b for effects of SAE on long-term cognitive function also exists, as discussed below. In sepsis, cerebral metabolism is altered. Experimental evidence shows that oxidative stress occurs in the early stages of sepsis, which results in decreased ATP syn­ thesis.46 One study showed an increase in the ratio of superoxide dismutase to catalase activity in rats during early stages of sepsis47 and another study showed evi- dence of mitochondrial dysfunction during sepsis in 48 c d mice. Some evidence from animal and tissue culture models shows sepsis-associated effects on the endothe- lium, which are probably caused by increased superoxide dismutase activity and reduced expression of endothelial synthase.49 Coagulation is activated in micro- vascular beds, leading to tissue ischaemia, and increased nitric oxide production has been proposed to damage mitochondria.49 Abundant studies in various animal models of sepsis support mitochondrial injury caused by oxidative stress.50,51 Although these studies have not Figure 4 | Histological changes in the of patients with sepsis. a | Coronal focused on the brain, cerebral mitochondria are also section of the brain from a patient who died of sepsis. This section demonstrates likely to be negatively affected by sepsis, especially in the evidence of cerebral ischaemia and small areas of haemorrhage. b | Areas of context of increased BBB permeability. microabscess are seen on histological preparation of the brain from the patient in (a), with magnification of ×40. c | The histopathological section in (b) visualized with In a rat model of sepsis, alterations were also shown a higher magnification (×200). d | Regions of cerebral ischaemia seen on the same in cerebral protein expression. Proteins related to cell histological preparation as in (a) and (b), with magnification of ×200. Photos courtesy structure, energy production, signalling and cell of D. Ramsay, London Health Sciences Centre and University of Western Ontario. (chaperonins, 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein, and glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP]) can be downregulated hypothesis that disturbance of neurotransmitter function 24 h after onset of sepsis.52 Results of a recent study in is an aetiological factor for delirium should be more criti- a rat model of sepsis investigating the role of hydrogen cally assessed in the future. The failure of rivastigmine to sulphide, a novel gaseous transmitter in the CNS, suggest improve patient outcomes does not rule out the possibil- that increased hydrogen sulphide synthesis occurs ity that disturbances in cholinergic function contribute in CNS in the setting of sepsis and is associated with to development of delirium. increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, in­cluding In studies of sepsis, IL‑1β levels are increased in vitro tumour necrosis factor and IL‑1β.53 and are associated with hippocampal dysfunction in rats.41 Examination of CSF proteins in patients with Serum biomarkers sepsis and delirium suggests that plasma concentrations Several serum biomarkers are elevated in patients with of essential amino acid precursors (such as tryptophan septic shock. These biomarkers include procalcitonin, and tyrosine) for synthesis of neurotransmitters, includ- IL‑6, NSE and S100b.54,55 The majority of studies investi- ing serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, are abnor- gating serum biomarkers for sepsis have been performed mal (considerably higher or lower than normal levels) in patients with a diagnosis of sepsis, but not specifically during sepsis.42 However, the same study showed that SAE. One study investigated the levels of NSE, S100b and phenylalanine levels were normal in these patients.42 GFAP in paediatric cases of sepsis with encephalopathy.54 The role of altered levels of serum amino acids in These markers are specific to the CNS and their presence sepsis and implications for possible neurotransmitter in serum reflects CNS injury.56 Children with sepsis had imbalance in the brain is complicated, controversial higher levels of serum NSE, S100b and GFAP than did and still unclear. One study demonstrated an increase controls, and the serum levels of both NSE and S100b in levels of aromatic amino acids compared with levels were highest in children who did not survive sepsis.54 of branched-chain amino acids in the plasma of patients Similar findings have been demonstrated in adults, with with SAE.43 Subsequently, a similar small observational 42% of 170 patients with sepsis showing an increase in study showed that only phenylalanine levels were S100b serum levels, and 53% of patients showing an increased in the plasma and CSF of patients with SAE.44 increase in serum NSE levels during the first 72 h after In addition to abnormal neurotransmission during hospital admission.57 Presence of S100b in serum of the the acute period of sepsis, long-term effects on neuro- patients reflects glial cell injury and abnormal BBB func- transmission have been shown. In a rat model of sepsis, tion, whereas presence of NSE, an intraneuronal enzyme, animals that recovered showed loss of in the reflects neuronal injury. All these markers have also been hippo­campus and the prefrontal cortex and decreased studied in comatose patients who have survived cardiac cholinergic innervation of the postrolandic cortical arrest, and in patients with .56,58,59 areas.45 These changes result in behavioural effects that Biomarkers are potentially useful for identification of persist despite resolution of sepsis. Clinical evidence septic illness in general, but they have been considered

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Table 2 | Interventions for SAE Intervention Study population Rationale Outcome Branched-chain amino acid Patients To restore the amino acid balance in Improved serum amino acid infusions43 with SAE* the blood and the neurotransmitter imbalance and led to recovery balance in the brain from encephalopathy‡ Glutamate-release inhibitor Rat model To reduce excitotoxicity in the brain Reduced brain oedema, blood– (riluzole)78 of sepsis brain barrier permeability and histological damage§ Antioxidant (ascorbate)79 Various animal To reduce microvascular damage Improved capillary blood flow, models of sepsis caused by free radicals reduced vascular permeability and improved arteriolar responsiveness to drugs§ Plasmapheresis or plasma Patients To reduce levels of inflammatory Improved survival in patients filtration absorption80 with sepsis cytokines in the blood treated with plasmapheresis Antagonists of cytokine receptors81 To block cytokine receptors No improvement in survival with cytokine receptor blockers§ Activated protein C82 Patients To reduce clotting in microcirculation Worse outcome and more with sepsis in patients§ β2 adrenergic receptor agonists Pig model of SAE To reduce cerebral oedema Reduced perivascular oedema (dopexamine)83 in the brain§

*Patients were simultaneously treated with antibiotics. ‡Observational study, thus not placebo-controlled. §Placebo-controlled study. Abbreviation: SAE, sepsis- associated encephalopathy. to have insufficient specificity and sensitivity to be clini- suspicion for fungal infection as a potential cause of SAE, cally useful in differentiating SAE from other encephalo­ is required. Once a causative organism has been identi- pathies.60 Serum NSE and S100b protein levels, however, fied, narrowing the spectrum of anti­biotics is appropri- are sometimes elevated in patients with SAE.3 The clini- ate, keeping in mind the sensitivities of the organisms to cal importance of elevated serum levels of NSE and the antibiotics and the local anti­biotic resistance patterns. S100b in patients with SAE, and the associations of these Symptomatic management of delirium (for example, markers with the severity of SAE, have been questioned, with antipsychotic therapy) is also necessary.64 given that not all studies have shown consistent results.61 Sedative medication is a common confounder in assess- A study showed that increased serum levels of IL‑8 ment of neurological status of patients in ICU. Withdrawal were associated with delirium in patients with inflam- of sedative treatment and judicious use of mation, whereas IL‑10 and amyloid‑β (Aβ)1–42 and Aβ1–40 and opiate antagonists (such as flumazenil or naloxone, levels were elevated in patients with noninflammatory respectively) can be helpful, but often cannot completely delirium.62 Patients with inflammatory delirium, who resolve delirium. Triphasic waves on EEG are not com- later showed cognitive impairment, had acutely elevated monly found in drug-induced encephalo­pathy (although Aβ levels.57 Systemic elevations in serum procalcitonin they might be seen with , lithium, levodopa and and IL‑6 levels are also seen in patients with severe pentobarbital intoxication),65 but are features of septic sepsis.55 Neither procalcitnonin nor IL‑6, however, is a and metabolic (especially hepatic or uraemic) encephalo­ specific biomarker for CNS injury. Taken together, the pathy.26 Somatosensory evoked potentials are usually above-mentioned studies support the hypothesis that more resistant than EEG patterns to sedative agents or SAE is, in fact, a result of direct CNS injury. other psychoactive medications. Management of delirium in patients with SAE requires judicious use of sedative Treatment and management drugs. In general, , a highly potent benzo­ The mainstay of management of SAE hinges on early diazepine, should be avoided. In a placebo-controlled detection of delirium—which is often the first manifes- trial comparing the effect of dexmedetomidine to that of tation of sepsis—determination of the underlying cause, lorazepam on clinical outcome in sepsis, patients treated accurate and prompt treatment of the infection, and pro- with dexmedetomidine had more encephalo­pathy-free vision of supportive care. Because SAE is not a conse- days, shorter time on the ventilator and lower mortality quence of direct CNS infection, treatment focus remains than those treated with lorazapam.66 an appropriate management of the systemic infection, Supportive care of patients with SAE should prob- sepsis and the sequelae of SIRS.63 Early detection of SAE, ably include EEG to detect nonconvulsive even before sepsis is diagnosed, is important in prompt- seizures, although the incidence of these seizures in our ing early investigation for and treatment of infection, prospective monitoring study was low (less than 10%), thereby avoiding substantial morbidity and mortality with no patients qualifying as having status epilepti- associated with advanced-stage SAE. cus.67 Thus, prophylactic use of antiepileptic drugs is In the absence of an identified source or causative not justified. organism, broad-spectrum antiobiotics are necessary. A Although no definitive therapy exists for SAE, a prescription of antibiotics covering both gram-negative num­ber of interventions have been tried or suggested in and gram-positive bacteria, as well as a high degree of humans and animal models of SAE (Table 2). More-direct

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therapies aimed at containing the CNS abnormalities, patients with SAE. Whether the additional presence or such as microcirculatory changes, altered BBB perme- severity of SAE affects cognition and quality of life is not ability and abnormal neurotransmission, will hopefully known. In a literature review pertaining to long-term be developed in the future. These therapies would con- cognitive sequelae of SAE, the authors concluded that ceivably help to prevent permanent impairment of cogni- further research is necessary to determine the patho- tion and cerebral function following recovery from sepsis physiology of cognitive impairment following SAE.77 and SAE. Increased knowledge will facilitate the development of targeted interventions that can be administered while Prognosis the patient is in the ICU and might limit the long-term As discussed above, SAE is known to cause both consequences of SAE on daily life. acute and chronic changes in cognition. The most easily detected changes occur acutely and manifest as Conclusions encephalo­pathy and delirium. Mounting evidence in In conclusion, we propose that SAE can be an early both animal models and in human studies, however, sug- feature of infection in the body before the ‘Bone et al.’ gests that substantial long-term cognitive sequelae are criteria for sepsis are satisfied. Furthermore, as SAE does associated with SAE. Animal models have shown long- not require evidence of brain pathology, its earliest mani- term changes in behaviour, learning and memory follow- festations are similar to SIRS-related encephalopathy and ing SAE.45,68 One study demonstrated altered behaviour are likely to be largely due to inflammatory mediators and long-term memory deficits in rats in an open-field (cytokines). In cases of severe SAE, prompt initiation of and radial maze test.45 This study also showed reduced effective therapy at an early stage should avoid serious cholinergic innervation of the postrolandic cortex, the morbidity and mortality. Late phases of SAE are probably hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex.45 The hippo­ heterogeneous in terms of involved mechanisms, and the campal neuronal loss was postulated to be the basis of the resultant laboratory abnormalities, brain dysfunction long-term memory deficits. In vitro findings of enhanced and even structural lesions can be diverse, including γ‑aminobutyric acid-related activity and altered hippo­ ischaemic lesions, encephalopathy due to failure of other campal neuronal membrane excitability following organs, haemato­logical disorders (such as disseminated exposure to lipopolysaccharide-induced chronic inflam- intravascular coagulation) with brain purpura, and the mation in a rat model of SAE provides further evidence associated critical illness neuromyopathy. for hippocampal synaptic dysfunction in sepsis.41 These SAE is a clinical syndrome that is prevalent in patients studies suggest that both neuronal loss and alterations in in ICU and carries high mortality in severe cases owing cholinergic signalling have a role in the long-term effects to its association with multiorgan failure. Moreover, of SAE. survivors of severe SAE have high morbidity. The brain We previously discussed the impact of SAE on mortal- is not merely a passive bystander in a reversible septic ity in the ICU.11 In survivors, it is now well-established illness, but is one of the organs profoundly affected in an that sepsis can lead to long-term cognitive impair- early and progressive manner. Recognition of delirium ment69–74 and lower health-related quality of life.70 In par- in ICU patients as an early feature of SAE is important, ticular, patients rated the quality of life as being lower in and aggressive investigation and treatment of infec­tion the domains of physical function, general health, vitality and associated systemic effects, such as hypotension, is and social function.70 In a follow-up study of critically ill the most effective strategy to reduce mortality and mor- patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome 6 years bidity associated with the disease. More research and after discharge from the ICU, 40% of patients had residual clinical trials are needed to develop stratgies to address disability and 23% of patients had cognitive impairment SAE without inhibiting the immune response and aggra- (particularly in attention skills).75 All patients with cog- vating systemic infection. Some promising avenues that nitive impairment also had residual disability, whereas might be considered are use of free radical scavengers, only a small proportion of cognitively intact patients had restoration of the amino acid balance in the blood, and residual disability. The patients with cognitive impair- monitoring of and treating microcirculatory abnormali- ment also had the lowest quality of life scores, especially ties in the brain and other organs. Clearly, there is much in the domains of physical and social function.75 work to be done. One study showed that, in addition to cognitive seque- lae, at 1 year after discharge, 29% of survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome had substantial levels of Review criteria depression and anxiety.72 In this study, the most signifi- We searched the MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Chrome and cant correlates of poor quality of life were length of stay Cochrane Library databases using the following search 72 in ICU and emotional morbidity. In another study, it terms: “sepsis-associated encephalopathy”, “septic was found that survivors of severe sepsis had considerable encephalopathy”, “sepsis AND encephalopathy”, “sepsis social and emotional morbidity compared with an age- AND delirium”, and “sepsis AND coma”. The search was matched and sex-matched group who had been admitted restricted to the past 20 years, but was not restricted to special care units with myocardial infarction.76 to types of articles or language of publication. We also The above-mentioned data were obtained in survi- searched the reference lists of selected full-text reviews and original articles to identify further references. vors of severe illness in the ICU, but not specifically in

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