Department of Business Administration, and Social Sciences Division of Humans and Technology

ISSN 1402-1544 ‘Soft’ Questions in ISBN 978-91-7790-625-4 (print) ISBN 978-91-7790-626-1 (pdf) a ‘Hard’ Industry? Luleå University of Technology 2020 Joel Lööw ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?

Sociotechnical Problems of the Mining Industry

Joel Lööw

Human Work Science ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?

Sociotechnical Problems of the Mining Industry

Joel Lööw

Luleå University of Technology Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences Division of Humans and Technology Printed by Luleå University of Technology, Graphic Production 2020

ISSN ISSN 1402-1544 ISBN 978-91-7790-625-4 (print) ISBN 978-91-7790-626-1 (pdf) Luleå 2020 Para Mateo y Su


By now, I feel it overstated to highlight the fact that writing a thesis, or conducting any at all, is possible without the help of other people. Many people deserve thanks for, in one way or another, having made this thesis possible—too many, in fact, for all of you to be included here. Instead, I extend this general “thank you”: thank you for pointing me in the right direction (“you should look into pragmatism”); thank you for suggesting, “isn’t this, actually that?”; thank you for involving me, trusting me, challenging me, and encouraging me; thank you for all your support! There are some people that I would like to thank specifically. To my supervisors: Thank you, Jan Johasson, for your insights and guidance, and for pushing me out of my comfort zone and seeing me through. Thank you, Håkan Schunnesson, for a much needed mining-industry perspective and for making me feel welcome in your research group. To the (current and former) PhD students at (what is now) Human Work Science, Psychology and Product : Thank you Eugenia, Lisa and Lisa, Angelica, Maria and Maria, Erik, Felix, Sanna, Therese, and Martin! A special thanks to Magnus Nygren for all the discussions and support—during my doctoral studies as well as during my Master’s thesis work. Thank you colleagues and friends at (the former division and current research subject) Human Work Science. For all of those that have read, commented and discussed my texts: Thank you (and apologies for the scattered-minded form that my writings sometimes take)! I would also like to thank all the participants of the research projects that I have taken part in during my doctoral studies. Thank you, family and friends! Finalmente: Mateo y Su, hablo mucho en esta tesis sobre las demandas sociales que debemos poner en relación al trabajo. Ustedes me han enseñado que no hay ninguna forma de trabajo que importa más que ustedes, o que pueda aproximarse a las cosas que más importan en la vida. Su, gracias por tu ayuda, tu apoyo y tu comprensión— sin ello, no podría haber escrito esta tesis. Mateo, gracias por ser vos—sin vos, no podría haber terminado esta obra.

Joel Lööw Luleå, August 2020



The workplaces of mining industry fail to attract the skills and competences that the industry needs for maintaining its production and, in particular, tackling its future challenges. Some of the challenges that face the mining industry are technical and call for technical solutions: deeper and poorer ore deposits, greater environmental requirements, and lower ore prices, for example. Other challenges are social: the mining industry must secure its social licence to operate and, in particular, its current workforce is ageing at the same time as younger generations seem uninterested in employment in the industry. Yet, these technical and social—“hard” and “soft”— challenges relate in such a way that attempting to solve one question will depend on and be influenced by how other challenges are solved. This thesis argues that most of these challenges have a connection to the workplaces of the mining indus- try, such that the industry’s ability to provide attractive workplaces will significantly influence how it can overcome its other challenges—meaning, most challenges have social components and require social (soft) interventions as well as technical (hard) interventions. However, the mining industry approaches most of its challenges from a technical perspective and seeks to solve its problems with the help of technology; the workplaces of the mining industry do not have to be unattractive, but to make them attractive requires that the mining industry changes its approach to this question, so that the industry comes to treat the question as one of a sociotechnical process in which “hard” and “soft” issues are given equal attention. The purpose of this thesis is to outline such a process. The thesis seeks to develop an understanding of the in- terplay of social and technical matters in the mining industry and, through this, how workplaces and technology can be developed so that social and technical systems can come to harmonise. This thesis uses a theoretical framework based in the tradition of sociotechnical design but combines this with insights from social studies of technology, the “travel of ideas” literature and institutional pragmatism. This conceptualisation sees very lit- tle division between “hard” and “soft” questions and understands technology to be more than its physical artefacts; technology is the whole of the sociotechnical network that surrounds technology’s development, use and implementation. Technology, in this way, is best understood to be information, meaning that technology’s depiction (technology’s metaphors) has a important influence on final effects of technology. In extension, much can be understood about technology and its purposes (e.g., to im-

iii Summary prove the work environment) by treating technology as ideas and focusing how these ideas travel between different contexts. Such an analysis identifies the perspectives of individuals or actors, and how these perspectives differ, as important components in creating attractive workplaces in the mining industry. The empirical basis for this thesis comes from several projects conducted within and with the mining industry between 2014 and 2020. These projects have included investigations into how the mining industry has worked with safety, as well as the evaluation of work environment effects of new technology, and the providing rec- ommendations for the development of new technology. These projects have entailed the use several different methods: interviews (including workshops) with technology developers, operators, work environment managers, and so on; document studies; and participant observations. The results of this thesis exemplify how technology and the design of workplaces in the mining industry can be conceptualised in the manner suggested by the theoretical framework, highlighting, for example, the constant presence of an interplay between technology and social matters, and how instrumental-rationalistic and institutional logic are present in both cases. The results also show that the way different actors un- derstand technology has an important effect on workplace effects and whether these workplaces emerge as attractive or not. Thus, for technology to be able to address the lacking attractiveness of the mining industry’s workplaces—and in extension, for the mining industry to address its future challenges—requires technology to be de- veloped and implemented using open, transparent, and participatory processes. This thesis contributes an understanding that harmonisation between technical and social systems (as understood in sociotechnical theory) depends on how different actors within these systems view technology, and that systems fail to harmonise when these views do not match. The thesis suggests, in this, that these views go beyond techni- cal function and properties to include norms and values. Tackling the challenges of the mining industry requires rethinking and further developing participatory design and decision-making processes. There will be no one-fit-all solutions nor will sin- gle interventions be enough to address the mining industry’s challenges. Instead, the processes surrounding the development and implementation of technology need to further consider individual needs and desires, technical and otherwise; creating attrac- tive workplaces in the mining industry is a humanistic and democratic undertaking.

iv Sammanfattning

Gruvindustrins arbetsplatser lyckas inte attrahera den kompetens och de förmågor som krävs för att industrin ska kunna upprätthålla vare sig sin produktion eller, i syn- nerhet, ta sig an sina framtida utmaningar. Vissa av dessa utmaningar är tekniska och kräver tekniska lösningar: djupare och fattigare mineralfyndigheter, hårdare miljökrav och lägre malmpriser är några exempel. Andra utmaningar är av en social karaktär: gruvföretag måste säkra sitt sociala tillstånd för att bedriva sin verksamhet (social licence to operate), och särskilt finna en lösning på det faktum att dess nuvarande arbetsstyrka blir allt äldre samtidigt som yngre generationer inte ser sin framtid inom gruvindustrin. Samtidigt är dessa tekniska och sociala – ”hårda” och ”mjuka” – frågor sammankopp- lade på ett sådant sätt att hur man väljer att ta sig an en fråga kommer att påverka hur de andra utmaningarna kan lösas. Denna avhandling menar att de flesta utmaningarna har en koppling till gruvindustrins arbetsplatser av ett sådant slag att industrins för- måga att skapa attraktiva arbetsplatser i stor grad kommer att påverka hur de andra utmaningarna kan hanteras – med andra ord att de flesta utmaningarna har viktiga sociala komponenter som kräver sociala (mjuka) så väl som tekniska (hårda) lösningar. Gruvindustrin ser främst på sina utmaningar från ett tekniskt perspektiv och söker således tekniska lösningar. Det finns ingen anledning att gruvindustrins arbetsplatser måste vara oattraktiva, men för att skapa attraktiva arbetsplatser krävs att gruvindu- strin anlägger ett nytt angreppssätt och på ett sådant sätt att denna fråga förstås vara en fråga om att upprätta en socioteknisk process i vilken ”hårda” och ”mjuka” frågor ges lika mycket utrymme. Syftet med denna avhandling är att skissera en sådan process – avhandlingen söker att utveckla en förståelse för samspelet mellan sociala och tekniska faktorer i gruvindustrin och genom detta hur industrins arbetsplatser och teknik kan utvecklas på ett sådant sätt att harmoni uppstår mellan tekniska och sociala system. Avhandlingens teoretiska ramverk bygger på den sociotekniska traditionen men kombinerar denna med insikter från sociala studier av teknik (social studies of techno- logy), litteraturen kring hur organisationsidéer ”reser” samt institutionell pragmatism. Denna konceptualisering gör väldigt liten skillnad mellan ”hårda” och ”mjuka” frågor och ser teknik som något mer än dess fysiska artefakter – teknikbegreppet måste inne- fatta de sociala nätverk som ansvarar för skapandet, införandet och användningen av teknik. Med detta synsätt kan teknik närmast liknas med information, vilket betyder att beskrivningar av teknik (teknikens metaforer) blir viktiga för att förstå teknikens slutgiltiga effekt. Till följd av detta kan vi förstå mycket om teknik och dess syften

v Sammanfattning

(t.ex. för att skapa bättre arbetsmiljöer) genom att behandla teknik som vore det idéer och genom att fokusera på hur dessa idéer reser mellan olika kontexter. I en sådan analys blir individers eller aktörers perspektiv, och hur dessa perspektiv skiljer sig åt, viktiga komponenter i skapandet av attraktiva arbetsplatser i gruvindustrin. Avhandlingens empiriska material kommer från flertalet projekt som genomförts i och tillsammans med gruvindustrin mellan 2014 och 2020. Dessa projekt har inne- fattat studier av hur gruvindustrin har arbetat med säkerhet samt utvärdering av ny tekniks inverkan på arbetsmiljön och framtagningen av rekommendationer för tek- nikutveckling. Dessa projekt har innefattat en rad olika metoder: intervjuer (inklusive workshops) med teknikutvecklare, operatörer, arbetsmiljöchefer osv.; dokumentstu- dier; och deltagande observationer. Avhandlingens resultat exemplifierar hur teknik och utvecklingen av arbetsplatser i gruvindustrin kan konceptualiseras på det sätt som det teoretiska ramverket före- slår och visar t.ex. den konstanta närvaron av ett tekniskt och socialt samspel med instrumentellt-rationella och institutionella logiker. Resultaten visar även att det sätt på vilket olika aktörer förstår teknik har betydande effekter på arbetsplatser och på- verkar huruvida dessa arbetsplatser i slutändan framstår som attraktiva eller ej. Om teknik då ska kunna göra gruvindustrin arbetsplatser mer attraktiva – om gruvindu- strin, i förlängningen, ska kunna ta sig an sina framtida utmaningar – krävs att teknik utvecklas och införs i organisationer och på arbetsplatser genom öppna, transparen- ta och deltagande/inkluderande processer. Denna avhandling bidrar med förståelsen att möjligheten till harmoni mellan tekniska och sociala system (så som de förstås i socioteknisk teori) beror på hur olika aktörer inom dessa system uppfattar tekniken och att system misslyckas med att harmonisera när dessa uppfattningar inte stämmer överens. I och med detta föreslår avhandlingen att dessa uppfattningar inte bara inne- fattar teknisk funktion och tekniska egenskaper utan även normer och värderingar. Att ta sig an gruvindustrins utmaningar kräver nya tankesätt och en vidare utveck- ling av deltagande/inkluderande design och beslutsprocesser. Det finns i detta inga universallösningar och enstaka interventioner kommer inte lyckas lösa gruvindustrins utmaningar. Istället måste de processer som omger utvecklingen och införandet av teknik i större utsträckning inkludera individers behov och önskningar, i teknisk och annan bemärkelse – att skapa attraktiva arbetsplatser i gruvindustrin är en humanistisk och demokratisk uppgift.

vi Appended Papers

Paper I: Lööw, Joel. 2018. “An Investigation into Lean Production Practice in Min- ing.” International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 10 (1): 123–42. 1108/IJLSS-07-2017-0085.

Paper II: Lööw, Joel, and Magnus Nygren. 2019. “Initiatives for Increased Safety in the Swedish Mining Industry: Studying 30 Years of Improved Accident Rates.” Safety Science 117: 437–46.

Paper III: Lööw, Joel, Lena Abrahamsson, and Jan Johansson. 2019. “Mining 4.0— the Impact of New Technology from a Work Place Perspective.” Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 36 (4): 701–7. 00104-9.

Paper IV: Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Attractive Work and Ergonomics: Designing Attractive Work Systems.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21 (4): 442–62. https: //

Paper V: Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Understanding New Mining Technology: Towards Improved Health, Safety and Social Acceptance.” Manuscript submitted to Mineral .


Other Publications

Publication A: Shooks, Malin, Bo Johansson, Eira Andersson, and Joel Lööw. 2014. “Safety and Health in European Mining.” Luleå: Luleå University of Technol- ogy.

Publication B: Lööw, Joel. 2015. “Lean Production in Mining: An Overview.” Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet.

Publication C: Lööw, Joel, and Jan Johansson. 2015. “An Overview of Lean Produc- tion and Its Application in Mining.” In Proceeding Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 121–36. Aachen, Germany.

Publication D: Lööw, Joel, and Jan Johansson. 2015. “Work Organisation for Attrac- tive Mining: Lean Mining and the Working Environment.” In Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, 197–204. Sydney: AusIMM.

Publication E: Abrahamsson, Lena, Joel Lööw, Magnus Nygren, and Eugenia Segerst- edt. 2015. “How to Get at Social Licence to Mine.” In Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference. Sydney: AusIMM.

Publication F: Abrahamsson, Lena, Joel Lööw, Magnus Nygren, and Eugenia Segerst- edt. 2016. “Challenges in Obtaining a Social Licence to Mine.” AusIMM Bulletin December 2016.

Publication G: Lööw, Joel, Bo Johansson, and Eira Andersson. 2016. “Designing the Safe and Attractive Mine.” Luleå: Luleå University of Technology.

Publication H: Lööw, Joel, Magnus Nygren, and Jan Johansson. 2017. “Säkerhet i svensk gruvindustri: 30 år av sänkta olycksfallsfrekvenser och den fortsatta vägen framåt.” Luleå: Luleå University of Technology.

Publication I: Johansson, Jan, Bo Johansson, Joel Lööw, Magnus Nygren, and Lena Abrahamsson. 2018. “Attracting Young People to the Mining Industry: Six Recommendations.” International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 9 (2): 94–108.

ix Other publications

Publication J: Lööw, Joel, Bo Johansson, Eira Andersson, and Jan Johansson. 2018. Designing Ergonomic, Safe, and Attractive Mining Workplaces. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

x Contents

Acknowledgements i

Summary iii

Sammanfattning v

Appended Papers vii

Other Publications ix

1 Introduction 1 Purpose and Research Questions ...... 7 Study Object and Demarcations ...... 8 On the Design and Structure of the Thesis ...... 10

2 The Projects 13 The EU Projects ...... 18 The Safety Projects ...... 21 Position and Sensor Technology Projects ...... 23 On Some of the Common Themes of the Projects ...... 24

3 The Mining Industry 27 Exemplifying Two Mining Methods ...... 30 Developments in a Mining Company Over Time ...... 33 Health in the Mining Industry ...... 42 Safety in the Mining Industry ...... 46 On Addressing Workplace Issues in the Mining Industry ...... 53

4 Theoretical Framework 57 Sociotechnical Thought: Humanistic and Democratic Workplaces ..... 58 Sociotechnology and Attractive Workplaces ...... 62 An Extended Notion of Technology ...... 65 Technology as the Travel and Implementation of Ideas ...... 70 The Location and Interaction of Actors ...... 74

xi Contents

5 Methods, Material, and Process 77 On Using Qualitative Data ...... 78 Verbal Data: Interviews and Workshops ...... 80 Observational Data: Industry Interaction and Field Studies ...... 89 Textual Data: Document Studies ...... 90 On Selecting Sources and Gaining Access ...... 92 Analysis: Conceptualising the Thesis as a Case Study ...... 94 Ethical Considerations ...... 97

6 Summary of Appended Papers 99 Paper I: A Management Concept’s Journey to the Mining Industry ..... 99 Paper II: Technology for Increasing Mining Industry Safety ...... 103 Paper III: Outcomes of New Technology in Mining ...... 106 Paper IV: On Designing Technology to Increase Workplace Attractiveness . 108 Paper V: On the Handling of New Technology in Mining ...... 111

7 Discussion and Conclusions 115 A Sociotechnical Analysis of the Papers ...... 115 Paper I ...... 116 Paper II ...... 117 Paper III ...... 120 Paper IV ...... 122 Paper V ...... 123 On Creating Attractive Workplaces as a Sociotechnical Process .... 124 Conclusions—and on Limitations, Generalisability, and Contribution ... 129

References 135

xii Chapter 1 Introduction

The workplaces of mining industry fail to attract the skills and competences that the industry needs for maintaining its production and, in particular, tackling its future challenges. The current workforce of the mining industry is ageing, and younger generations seem uninterested in employment in the industry (Lee 2011; Oldroy 2015). However, there is no reason that the workplaces of the industry must be unattractive—it is fully within the industry’s capacity to create attractive places of work. To enable such attractiveness, the mining industry must change its approach to the subject, itself. The industry must come to treat the endeavour of creating attractive workplaces as a sociotechnical process, viewing “hard” and “soft” issues equally. The purpose of this thesis is to outline such a process and, in extension, an understanding of the creation of attractive workplaces in the mining industry. A sociotechnical approach means the consideration of both technical and social aspects in all undertakings. Such a perspective treats “soft” and “hard” questions as equally important, understanding that the questions interdepend in such a way that attempting to solve one question will depend on and be influenced by how other challenges are solved. The need for such a perspective is materialised by the reality that presents itself to the industry. The mining industry faces a changing world that imposes new, dual demands on how the industry must conduct its operations. Deeper and poorer ore deposits, greater environmental requirements, and lower ore prices, are but a few significant, technical and “hard,” challenges that the industry faces (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Johansson 2009). But the social landscape surrounding the mining industry has also changed; most notably, the mining industry must now manage its social impacts. Social impact management is often termed as the industry’s need to secure its social licence to operate (Abrahamsson et al. 2016; Segerstedt and Abrahamsson 2019; Poelzer et al. 2020). However, the industry must also attract a future workforce, and one with a different set of competences and new expectations regarding work (Johansson et al. 2018). These are social challenges. Outside of these developments, the health and safety record of the industry still occupies the minds of and the industry, alike. The ultimate, dire consequences of shortcomings in these situations are social. This thesis suggests that addressing current and future challenges of the mining industry must clearly include the development of its workplaces. In fact, I will ar-

1 Chapter 1 Introduction gue that addressing the creation of attractive workplaces, both in particular and as a whole, will also address many of the other challenges the mining industry faces; truly attractive workplaces involve several issues, both inside and outside the “com- pany gates” (cf. Abrahamsson et al. 2016). Here, as we will see, a siloed approach to problem solving, addressing only one or a few issues at a time, is insufficient; contex- tualising problems in relation to workplace attractiveness provides a more conducive, productive framing. Reviewing, briefly, the issue of health and safety in the mining industry gives perhaps the most illustrative example of how these and other issues interrelate, along with the relevance of adapting a broader workplace perspective. Safety remains one of the top items on the agendas of mining companies (e.g., SIP STRIM 2019; Ventyx 2013). In prioritising safety, the mining industry has, indeed, managed to lower its number of accidents. In fact, the mining industry has lowered its accident rate more than most other industries, over the years. Accidents in mining companies in the European Union decreased by a third between 1999 and 2007, while for all sectors this decrease was only around ten per cent (European Commission 2010). The trend looks similar in other countries.1 However, these efforts have not been enough. Someone working in the mining industry is several times more likely to suffer a fatal accident, compared to the average worker (e.g., Lilley, Samaranayaka, and Weiss 2013).2 Elgstrand and Vingård (2013, 6) reported that, “Where reliable national statistics exist, mining is generally the sector

1The European Commission (2010) use the measure “workers reporting one or more accidental injuries at work or in the course of work in the past 12 months” to identify this trend. Figures for non-fatal accidents are more difficult to determine than fatal accidents; due to reporting differences, international comparisons for non-fatal accidents are rare. Other sources also show an improved accident rate. The number of accidents per 1,000 employ- ees in Sweden in 1998 in mining was 30.4 for metal-ore mines (16.9 for other types of mining), and 9.1 for all sectors (Swedish Work Environment Authority 2000). In 2017 this figure was 12 for mining and 7 for all sectors (Swedish Work Environment Authority 2018). Thus, the accident 12 12 rate decreased 1− 30.4 ≈ 60% (or 1− (30.4+16.9) ≈ 50% if considering all mines) in mining, while ( 2 ) 7 it decreased 1 − 9.1 ≈ 23% in all sectors. However, this not always is the case. In Brazil, for example, between 1999 and 2009 accidents decreased more in the average sector than in mining (Faria and Dwyer 2013). 2Figures such as these are difficult to determine. Lilley, Samaranayaka, and Weiss (2013) compared (non-standardised) fatal occupational injury incidence rates (per 100,000 person years) between New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. The resulting mean fatal injury rate of the mining industry of these countries was 17.6, and the mean 17.6 for all industries was 2.5. (Thus 2.5 ≈ 7. Note, however, that these figures are from 2005–2008. These figures are also non-standardised; the rate is likely higher than these figures show.) By comparison, for non-fatal accidents in Sweden, around 13 accidents occurred per 1000 employees in mining. For all industries, this figure is around 7 (Swedish Work Environment Authority 2017). Thus, the accident rate of the Swedish mining industry is almost double that of the average industry.

2 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ having the highest, or among 2–3 highest, rates of occupational fatal accidents and notified occupational diseases.” What is troublesome is that in many countries the rate of improvement in regards to accidents has slowed down, such that the mining industry’s accident rate remains somewhat stable yet elevated. The most basic requirement for an attractive workplace is that it is safe and healthy (Johansson, Johansson, and Abrahamsson 2010). The common tactic for ensuring safety and health in the mining industry has been to use technical solutions, such as improved machines, rock bolts, and so on (Lööw and Nygren 2019; Blank, Diderich- sen, and Andersson 1996; Hartman and Mutmansky 2002). In later years, at least in Sweden, efforts have started to focus on organisational measures, such as safety cul- ture, to meet these needs. The present situation in the industry shows, however, that current efforts in health and safety are not enough. A lack of concurrent attention to both technical and social issues, in part, explains this shortcoming. The Swedish mining industry, itself, acknowledges that addressing this lack in breadth of focus is necessary for safety to continue to improve (Lööw and Nygren 2019). This is not to say that technology does not have a central role in the future im- provement of safety in the industry. For example, more complex ore bodies found at greater depth, and that might even be located on the ocean floor (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Johansson 2009), likely means that automation and remote-control are the only feasible solutions to ensure even a basic level of health and safety. Yet, technical solutions such as automation can worsen safety if that technology is devel- oped departing from faulty assumptions about its intended operators (e.g., Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011); this can happen if social factors are not consid- ered in the design of technology. New technology also requires new qualifications. Thus, one the one hand, the industry must improve safety to become more attractive. But on the other hand, the industry must become more attractive to become safe. Safety, in this sense, is not only a prerequisite for attractive workplaces; attractive workplaces are a prerequisite for safety.3 The interdependence between attractive workplaces and other issues within the industry affects not only safety; providing attractive workplaces is also a question of being able to produce. Lee (2011, 323) argued:

A shortage of qualified miners in all types of positions is a critical issue in many countries and regions of the world. During the last decades, as

3Some research has found that work practices that many people consider attractive (group work, for example; Åteg and Hedlund 2011) also contribute positively to safety (Zacharatos, Barling, and Iverson 2005); some of this research was conducted within the mining industry (Goodman and Garber 1988). Additionally, to note, an increased diversity in mining may mean that some of the knowledge regarding safety in the industry will have to be revised. Thus, improving safety also means better understanding the industry’s new or potential workforce.

3 Chapter 1 Introduction

mining declined, the work force was not replaced. … many companies are unable to meet demands because of the severe labor shortage. People currently employed in mining are retiring, and there is a lack of younger people to fill the vacancies.

PwC (2012) note cases where mining labour productivity has decreased by 50 per cent since 2001,4 and that productivity continues to decrease. This means that even maintaining production requires more people. Other challenges faced by the min- ing industry—lower grade orebodies, increased international competition, mining at greater depths (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Johansson 2009)—all put additional de- mands on efficient production. In general, striving for increased productivity tends to push an organisation towards less safe operations (Rasmussen 1997). Or, high-hazard operations require more protection “per unit of production” (Reason 1997), which would make these operations less productive. In either case, more labour will be required to maintain production and safety. Technology can increase productivity by improving the capacities of machines (Hartman and Mutmansky 2002), for example. However, to date there have been few, if any, revolutionary technological developments in terms of productivity (Bar- tos 2007; see also Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. 2002) in mining. Thus, increases in productivity are likely to be incremental, and it is not clear if these will be enough to offset the impediments on production introduced by the other developments men- tioned. Historically, in the mining industry, changes in labour practices and the or- ganisation of work have been important for increased productivity, as well (Bamforth and Trist 1951; Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. 2002). But the mining industry, at least when compared to other industries, lacks experience with the industrial en- gineering techniques implied by such practices (Cavender 2000).5 Not only does this mean, then, that mining organisations lack an avenue for increasing productiv- ity, but many of these “softer” techniques of improvement (e.g., broader work roles; Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. 2002) are attractive work practices (Åteg and Hed- lund 2011).

4PwC (2012) refer to Australian figures and they note the complexity in explaining the decline. They use, as their definition of labour productivity, value generated per hour worked. Thus, reasons for the decline in productivity include both increased capital investments and improved trade, but also skill shortages. 5It sounds contradictory that the mining industry has used organisational techniques to improve pro- ductivity but at the same time remains inexperienced in this approach. For now, simply note that these organisational measures, to an extent, may not have been deliberate on the part of the indus- try. In the high-productivity workplaces that the Tavistock Institute (founders of sociotechnical theory) examined, it was the workers themselves who had organised the work in such a way (e.g., Bamforth and Trist 1951). Similarly, Schmitz Jr. (2005) argued that the increases in productivity was due to changed work practices.

4 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Matters outside the workplaces of the mining industry also influence mining com- panies’ ability to attract new labour—even external issues depend on and influence workplace attractiveness. If safety is not what is most commonly associated with mining, then probably its environmental impact is.6 Some environmental impact of mining is inevitable, to the extent that mining activities extract minerals from the ground. Still, the long-term sustainability of the environment demands minimisa- tion of this impact. The mining industry’s progress on this matter will influence how people come to view the industry, overall—a view that will also influence people’s willingness to work for the industry. At the same time, the materials that make up modern, sustainable technology must be mined: lithium for batteries, for example, or steel, copper, and rare earth elements for wind turbines. Metals also have higher recyclability than other materials such as plastics (Sandström, n.d.). So, even while all negative environmental impact cannot be avoided, that impact can positively contribute to offsetting negative impacts in other places, which could, in turn, positively influence the view on the mining industry. Which technology is to be implemented at a workplace-level in the mining indus- try will depend also on how well its environmental impact is managed elsewhere. For example, some mining companies currently experiment with using battery-powered machines—that is, reducing the amount of CO2 emitted while leaving the extrac- tion process intact. Not only can this technology decrease CO2 emissions; it can also improve the work environment by reducing noise and diesel exhaust. Both develop- ments could positively influence the attractiveness of the mining industry, from an external perspective. However, this development is far from simple. Previous studies (e.g., Dunstan 2016) have found that electrically powered machines have not been unequivocally positively received by mineworkers. From an external perspective, ad- ditionally, some people see battery-powered machines as introducing additional risks (Lööw et al. 2018; Jäderblom 2017). This is to say, then, that technology must be attractive to ensure its usage, and that usage, in turn, may be critical for ensuring that the workplaces themselves appear attractive to others. Finally, it is important to remember that increased energy intensity in mining has coincided with an improved work environment. Mechanisation and automation have contributed to making mining work safer, but such progress has, thus far, also required more energy consumption;7 for example, even a diesel-powered truck is better than

6Natural resource extraction and processing emit, in total, 50 per cent of all greenhouse gases. This figure includes oil extraction and coal mining, as well as processing such as in the making of steel. In the iron and steel making sectors, less than ten per cent of CO2 emissions comes from mining (Oberle et al. 2019). In turn, the metals sector is itself responsible for 10 per cent of total emissions. 7In general, more machines and technology imply increased energy use. Between 2005 and 2017, in Sweden, energy use in mining and manufacturing (mining is not reported separately in these figures) rose from around 4,125 GWh to 6,400 GWh (Energimyndigheten 2006, 2018) (note that the classification system changed in 2008, so a full comparison is not possible). Of course, not all

5 Chapter 1 Introduction manually hauling ore. And energy use can be decreased by lowering ventilation or increasing manual labour, of course, but those changes are hardly desirable solutions. These matters, of sustainability and influence on the image of the mining industry, connect and extend to social (and economic) sustainability (cf. Abrahamsson et al. 2015; Segerstedt and Abrahamsson 2019), which, in turn, includes safety and health at work. A mine must not expend the social capital of its surrounding society (Hor- berry, Burgess-Limerick, and Fuller 2013), as some phrase it. The consideration of social capital must include the creation of attractive workplaces. The inability of re- cruiting local labour may mean that mining companies start to employ unsustainable practices, such as fly-in/fly-out labour (Lööw et al. 2018).8 Employment opportu- nities also have a clear influence on social and economic sustainability (cf. Segerstedt and Abrahamsson 2019). The ability of mining companies to recruit labour—the abil- ity to provide attractive places of work—affects productivity. In this way, attractive workplaces additionally affect social sustainability. Yet, mining companies’ work with social sustainability tends to put focus only on what goes on “outside the gates” (Abrahamsson et al. 2016, 2015). The following is, perhaps, a succinct summary of the social problems of the mining industry, in general: The mining industry must recruit labour from outside its gates. The main strategy is, thus, to enact changes from the gates outwards—information campaigns in schools, use of more environmentally friendly technology,9 and so on. However, effects from what happens in the mining workplaces also ripple through and beyond the gates. Similarly, decisions regarding the work environment are influenced by what goes on outside the gates, for example which issues are considered most important at the moment, and so on. The common theme here—indeed, the theme common within this thesis—is that approaching the challenges of the mining industry with technology first, as solution among the various ways to approach the challenges, risks exacerbating the problems. The handling of social issues is different from the handling of technical issues; there is no a priori test for social effects in the same way one may predict the stability of a mine face. It is only through interaction with those whom the social effects affect, that social impact be understood. For example, while the mining industry deploys new technology so as to be less dependent on (local) labour (specifically, remote-control technology; PwC 2012; Albanese and McGagh 2011; Lever 2011), this technology

energy use generates greenhouse gases. In fact, the metal industry in Sweden has decreased their greenhouse gas emissions (almost by half between 1990 and 2017; Naturvårdsverket 2018). 8Fly-in/fly-out solutions need not be unsustainable, per se, however current practices as such tend to be so. At the same time, some mines can only be sustained (e.g., economically) with the use of such a workforce (e.g., Abrahamsson et al. 2016). 9For the latter, I am referring to battery-technology and the like. Even if there are arguments surrounding the improved work environment and these machines, decreased CO2 emissions and energy-saving are the main motivations for their use (see Paper IV).

6 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ will likely require a workforce that is more qualified than the workforce has been traditionally (see Abrahamsson and Johansson 2006). Yet, paradoxically, new tech- nology risks removing aspects of work that the current workforce considers attractive, while solidifying other aspects that keep a new workforce out. Therefore, the state- ment that the creation of attractive workplaces requires a sociotechnical approach and full consideration of “the social” extends well beyond the current workplaces and its workers; this thesis argues for the adapting of workplaces to a wider, more diverse labour force. With the example of remote-control technology, if the industry does not make a wide consideration of “the social,” this new technology, which would grant access to a new labour force, may only be attractive to a sample of all potential employees. Even if a wider section of this workforce were to be convinced to seek employment in the industry, a lack of their inclusion in design may result in unsafe operation—then, attractiveness will decrease again. Similarly, new, high-tech tech- nology can lessen the environmental impact of mining, but if the mining industry cannot secure the labour needed to operate this new technology, it may have to use older technology for which it can ensure the appropriate skills. Or, the industry will have to rely on a fly-in/fly-out workforce. The former solution will leave the work- places of the industry unchanged and, thus, still unattractive. The latter solution can also preclude those characteristics of work that people find attractive and may, in a broader perspective, lead to a less attractive industry-affected society, overall. The point here is to solidify the fact that, while mining and other industries draw a dividing line between hard and soft questions, technical issues implicate social factors and vice versa. Not only does the demarcation between technical and social factors ignore the important connection between the two areas, it also puts technical matters above social matters in practice—the practice common to most industries, namely of putting soft questions into the “sidecar” (Frick 1994; see also, for example, Hasle, Seim, and Refslund 2019). This thesis will show that there is a constant interaction between social and technical, soft and hard, issues; it is this sociotechnical interplay that is of interest in this thesis, along with the process from which attractive workplaces can emerge.

Purpose and Research Questions

The purpose of this thesis is understanding the sociotechnical process that forms the workplaces of the mining industry. In this vein, the thesis seeks to outline a procedure in support of the creation of attractive workplaces within the industry.10 By extension,

10In pragmatic terms, this is a task of forming a of attractive workplaces, a theory of the creation of such places of work. Where pragmatists have argued for the need of theories before (e.g., Dewey 1997, 28–29), their motivations have been that present endeavours cannot rely on “established traditions and institutional habits.” The motivations for a “philosophy” of attractive

7 Chapter 1 Introduction this must be an understanding of ; no part of the workplace is separate from technology, just as no part is separate from the social (which follows directly from a sociotechnical perspective). At the same time, we may change the technical, whereas we should not change the social; therefore, the process must focus on technology and, in a wide sense, its use. The use of technology within the mining industry involves moving technology, physically and otherwise, from its place of development to its place of use, and then ensuring that use; all-in-all, it is a journey that shapes the technology (Eveland 1986). This transformation is a process without a clear end or beginning, and necessitates a change in focus from technological content to that very process itself: “the key problem should be less choosing and implementing the ‘right’ technology than it is developing and putting into place a procedural set for making technology choices intelligently” (Eveland 1986, 317). That is, “A … system that can facilitate change processes rather than sell specific is one that will have long-term success” (Eveland 1986, 318). Thus, research must “help organizations understand that they have the power to make good choices, and help them understand the implications of those choices” (Eveland 1986, 318). On this basis, this thesis seeks to answer the following research questions:

How can the creation of attractive workplaces be understood from a sociotechnical perspective?

How does a change process that can facilitate attractive workplaces func- tion?

How does technology function to facilitate attractive workplaces?

Study Object and Demarcations

The mining industry is the object of study of this thesis, and the reasons for this are many. Some reasons are practical: the research projects that have informed this thesis have been based in the mining industry. But the mining industry is also an inter- esting subject matter itself: other industries do not have to manage a social license to operate in the same way the mining industry has to; the way technology “works” in the industry is markedly different from other industries, so solutions from other

workplaces look much the same: the old ways do not work sufficiently well, and contexts have changed such that previous wisdom cannot necessarily be relied upon. A pragmatic theory, then, “affords positive direction to selection and organization of appropriate … methods and materials” (Dewey 1997, 30), much like what we may expect from a process that can support the creation of attractive places of work.

8 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ industries are not readily applicable to the mining industry; nature (i.e., the “moun- tain”) imposes important restrictions on mining operations in a manner that it does not do in other industries. A focus on the mining industry is important in that the industry’s workforce remains highly susceptible to accidents and ill-health compared to other industries (as discussed above). The problems of lacking attractiveness are greater in mining, and the same problems can result in more extensive effects than in other industries. Lastly, because technological solutions for health and safety do not readily transfer from other sectors to mining, and because lower competition among equipment manufacturers means such factors give less competitive edge (Reeves et al. 2009), one could see the needs of the mining industry as greater than those of other sectors. These themes beg the question, then, of how to define what the mining industry is. Discussions of this nature often center around where the mine, itself, ends. Is the study of the mining industry the study of the hole in the ground? Or does it include the concentrator plant? And so on. Due to the fact that technology occupies a central position in this thesis, the definition of the mining industry cannot be limited only to where most of that technology is used; the definition of the mining industry must include where technology is created, designed, and so on. This means that, in this thesis, I determine the mining industry to consist of mining companies, yes, but also of the suppliers to those companies. Most notably, this means that I view original equipment manufacturers as being part of the industry, as well. That said, there is a clear distinction between mining companies and other compa- nies that are active in the mining industry. A mining company is a company with a mine. In this thesis, the focus will be shared between the mining industry, in general, and specific companies within the mining industry. It is important to realise, how- ever, that it is the mining companies that set the industry apart from other industries more than anything else. Many original equipment manufacturers, for example, do not exclusively deliver to the mining industry. Nor do they necessarily describe them- selves as being mining industry companies.11 Still, the focus on mining companies as customers makes for the recognition of particular and important design challenges. Furthermore, the focus of this thesis is on the European mining industry, which has provided much of the empirical material for the study. While later I will argue for the relatively strong attachment of mines to their geographic location, it is difficult to maintain a demarcation that refers to national or continental boundaries. Many mining companies are operated by transnational companies, and even national mining companies have overseas mines. Local and national contexts, laws and regulations, and

11Usually, original equipment manufacturers will have mining divisions that specialise in equipment for the mining industry, though sometimes the equipment that is sold is also for a more general purpose outside of the mining industry. There is at least one exception to this norm: Epiroc went from being a division of Atlas Copco to being its own company solely focused on mining equipment.

9 Chapter 1 Introduction so on, significantly influence mining operations. Still, many mines with international owners derive their practice from both global policies and rules of specific companies. That is, two mining operations in two different countries, but with the same owner, may have more in common than two mining operations in the same country but with different owners. Moreover, to my knowledge, all original equipment manufacturers have a global customer base. The demarcation of the European mining industry, I hold, then, is an empirical delineation rather than an analytical one; I apply this position in my description of a few select companies, then, to infer these accounts to the mining industry, in general. The subject matter of the thesis is the creation of attractive workplaces, and I ar- gue that the process of such a creation is sociotechnical. The focus on the mining industry in and of itself is of relevance, but it should not be seen as a reason for a strict delineation regarding workplace attractiveness. In the first instance, the focus should be seen as a particular cross-section, or segment, of a more general inquiry into to workplace intervention and work environment improvement. Indeed, even if workplace attractiveness encompasses many issues that traditionally could be viewed as being outside of workplace-related investigations, its foundation is still in the im- provement of work environments. In approaching the area of work environments with a perspective on workplace attractiveness, such an investigation can also address other pressing, larger-scale issues. In the second instance, the process of creating attractive workplaces is not necessarily specific only to the topic of workplace attrac- tiveness. In particular, by identifying this process as sociotechnical, such a process has bearing on matters that include both technical and social aspects. Meaning, this is also a study of technology: any intervention into workplaces, as this thesis will later expand upon, will be through means of technology. This is another demarcation, then: it is technology that must be adapted and made to work with the social—not the other way around.

On the Design and Structure of the Thesis

This thesis is a product of many, underpinning projects. That is, this thesis has not had one or two projects in which similar research questions were pursued; my PhD studies have been characterised by a number of projects with a common core of relating to the mining industry and its working environment (some projects did not relate to the mining industry, and so they are not included in the thesis). This means that there is no single question that I investigated in-depth over the span of a few years. Instead, this thesis covers a breadth of issues. The projects underpinning this thesis, furthermore, have been both applied and practical in character. The introductory components of this thesis provide a sense of how some of the issues of the mining industry (which are issues that the projects have

10 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

covered) relate. The issues addressed in the thesis are issues that I have encountered, have had to “solve,” and that I found interesting, during the years of my doctoral studies; these are, essentially, issues that I have had to work with over the course of several projects. In this thesis, I try to further add to the understanding of these issues, analysing them under a new theoretical perspective. The corresponding papers to this thesis, then, represent crystallisations, or snap- shots, of my (scientific) progress throughout my PhD studies. They should not be seen, firstly, as products of a carefully-planned and executed research process, moti- vated by, and following an initial, profound research question. Instead, the papers are representative of problems that I was faced with, or trying to understand, at particular times during my studies. This thesis weaves together these years of work in research projects within the mining industry that have had a focus on issues such as the work environment and, also and partly, social sustainability. Therefore, this thesis started with tasks at hand to solve. The underpinning tasks were performed in an academic context and were, thus, solved through such means. At the same time, to start with a practical approach has often meant that the scientific rendering has come afterwards: for example, a project task might have required me to interview people, and only after that has the scientific motivation and resulting importance become clear. Getting a sense of the corresponding underpinning projects of this thesis is impor- tant for understanding this thesis as a whole; therefore, the next chapter, Chapter 2, briefly reviews these projects. This next chapter also focuses on the opportunities for data collection activities that presented themselves during the projects. That chapter is then followed by a chapter on the mining industry, Chapter 3. I have argued, thus far, that the mining industry occupies unique positions with regards to, for example, health and safety, as well as the industry’s “natural” restrictions. That chapter will ex- plore some of the “uniqueness” of the mining industry more in-depth, so as to give a sense of the boundaries of an analysis of the industry and its working environments. The exploration I provide concerns, on the one hand, the organisation of mining and its activities. On the other hand, that chapter looks at the health and safety situation of the mining industry. I further argue that there is a close connection between the workplaces of the mining industry, other issues, and the relevance of a workplace per- spective. The issues that best highlight this connection are health and safety, allowing for an exploration of both the industry’s workplaces and its technological effects. On that basis, this thesis then continues with its “theory” chapter, Chapter 4; this chap- ter develops a theoretical framework with its base in sociotechnical theory, but it also takes many cues from institutional pragmatism and social studies of technology. The “methods” chapter, Chapter 5, then follows, and it is here where I detail how the purpose and research questions of this thesis have been pursued. In the “methods” chapter, I take special care in explaining how the different sources of empirical mate-

11 Chapter 1 Introduction rial can be brought forward under one, analytical “umbrella.” Chapter 6 summarises the underpinning papers; in “unifying” the papers, this summary also focuses on the contexts of the papers, themselves. The final chapter, Chapter 7, discusses the results of this thesis, and it provides several conclusions and recommendations as to how the mining industry can facilitate attractive mining workplaces.

12 Chapter 2 The Projects

I have worked within several different projects during my time as a doctoral student.12 The common denominator of these projects is their relation to the mining industry and focus on technology and work environment issues. This chapter reviews these projects to give context to the rest of the thesis. It serves as a prelude to the chapter on the mining industry because, to understand that chapter and the topics it raises, I believe it is helpful to see how the projects have related to those topics. This account presents the projects by themes and, to the extent possible, in chrono- logical order (though many of the projects have run in parallel and overlapped). The focus, furthermore, is specifically on the activities that I have been involved in, and less so on all of the activities of the projects. Especially the EU projects have been ex- tensive and with a clear technological focus—the minute details of these projects are not very informative to the thesis. Tbl. 2.1 summarises the projects and which larger theme each project relates to. Tbl. 2.2 gives a short description of the companies involved in the projects, using generic names; when referring to a specific company in this thesis, I use these generic names.

Table 2.1: The projects of the thesis.13

Theme Project Start End Description

The EU-projects I2Mine 2014 2016 A project for realising the concept of an invisible, zero-impact mine.

12I have not included all projects that I have worked with during this time, only those that relate to the mining industry. This is not to say that the other projects have been unrelated to the topics of this thesis; rather, their influence is less direct than the mining-industry-specific projects.

13 Chapter 2 The Projects

Theme Project Start End Description

SIMS 2017 2020 A project for developing, testing, and demonstrating new innovative technologies for creating sustainable, intelligent mining systems. Positioning and sensor BASIE 2015 2016 A study investigating technology projects how solutions from the health sector can be combined with industrial solutions for work environment monitoring. PosTech 2017 2020 A project aiming towards improving the work environment regarding safety of employees in heavy industries, by using and adapting low- and ultra-precision positioning systems. The safety projects Safety in Swedish 2016 2017 A study that aimed to mining analyse which technological, organisational and regulatory measures have been undertaken to improve safety in the Swedish mining industry. STRIM SAFE 2018 2021 A study investigating good examples of safety work in the Swedish mining industry and which lessons can be extracted from these examples.

14 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Theme Project Start End Description

SAFE MINE 2018 2020 A project aiming to develop a health and safety education programme for PhD students and mining professionals. Other projects (not EBaR 2016 2019 A project aiming to covered by the thesis) develop a a process for recycling alkaline batteries. SWEET 2019 2021 A project aiming to develop a process and machinery for carbon-dioxide free asphalt manufacturing.

Table 2.2: Companies involved in the projects.

Company Project(s) Description

Mining Company A • I2Mine A large Swedish iron ore producer. • SIMS • The safety projects

Mining Company B • SIMS A large Swedish producer of metal • The safety ores such as cooper, gold and silver. projects • PosTech

Mining Company C • SIMS A Finish gold ore producer.

13The listed time span of the projects refers to my participation in the projects. Some projects ran for longer than the interval listed here, such as I2Mine.

15 Chapter 2 The Projects

Company Project(s) Description

Mining Company D • I2Mine A Polish mining company mainly • SIMS producing copper ore.

Equipment Provider A • I2Mine A multi-national manufacturer of mining equipment.

Equipment Provider B • SIMS A Swedish manufacturer of mining equipment.

Equipment Provider C • SIMS A Swedish producer of telecom • PosTech equipment with the mining industry as a big customer.

Equipment Provider D • I2Mine A Swedish producer of robotics and • SIMS control system with the mining industry as a big customer.

Software Compay A • SIMS A Swedish software company with • PosTech customers mainly in the mining industry.

Participation in the projects as a project member—rather than strictly a as researcher—has represented important opportunities for data collection. In partic- ular, opportunity in this context refers to activities such as project meetings, field visits, and so on. Tbl. 2.3 summarises these activities,14 and this chapter, in general, aims to provide a context for them. Tbl. 2.4 shows the connection between the papers and projects.15

14There are two things to note here. First, the summary is only of the activities in the mining-related projects. Second, I have done my best to capture all of relevant activities of note. However, due to the shear amount of activities, it is likely that I have missed some. In particular, many smaller activities— such as brief meetings—are likely to have been missed. Reoccurring activities are not included in the table, either. These, for example, were monthly remote project meetings. While they yielded some data, they were mostly administrative, and their inclusion here would not add much to the understanding of the projects. The account should still give a clear indication of what type of activities were undertaken in the projects. 15This table lists the projects that most prominently feature in the papers. Other project have also had an influence, but that influence has been more indirect.

16 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Table 2.3: Some of the activities of the projects.

Project Occasion Activity

I2Mine June 2014 Project meetings June 2014 Mine visit to Mining Company A June 2014 Interviews with mine planners at Mining Company A July 2014 Interviews and mine visit at Mining Company B October 2014 Project meeting with visit to a copper mine of Mining Company D May 2015 Project meeting June 2015 Field visit to study roadheaders November 2015 Technology demonstration February 2016 Field visit to study mining machine simulators March 2016 Final project meeting Safety in Swedish Mining September 2016 Project meeting, and interview with SWEA. October 2016 Interviews with managers at Mining Company A October 2016 Interview with former workplace inspector November 2016 Interviews with managers at Mining Company B SIMS April 2017 Interviews with technology developers April 2017 Interview with technology developer May 2017 Kick-off meeting September 2017 Project meeting STRIM SAFE November 2017 Project meeting SIMS January 2018 Interviews with technology developers February 2018 Visit to Mining Company C March 2018 Project meeting in Poland August 2018 Workshop at Mining Company A STRIM SAFE August 2018 Attendance at conference on work environment of the Swedish mining industry

17 Chapter 2 The Projects

Project Occasion Activity

SIMS/PosTech October 2018 Interviews regarding positioning technology SIMS December 2018 Workshop at Mining Company A SAFE MINE December 2018 Project meeting with a field visit to a coal mine SIMS March 2019 Project meeting and mine visit at salt mine August 2019 Project meeting

Table 2.4: The projects and their intersection with the papers.

Projects Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V

I2Mine x x x x Safety in Swedish mining x SIMS x x x PosTech x x

The EU Projects

Two EU projects are included within the scope of this thesis, and these projects have provided a large portion of the empirical material for the thesis. The projects were I2Mine (Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future) and SIMS (Sustainable Intelligent Mining System). I2Mine was the project that I was involved in when I was first hired as a research engineer. The official description of the project reads:16

The I2Mine … project marks the start of a series of activities designed to realise the concept of an invisible, zero-impact mine. It will concentrate on the development of technologies suitable for deep mining activities. The I2Mine project will develop the innovative methods, technologies, machines and equipment necessary for the efficient exploitation of miner- als and disposal of waste, all of which will be carried out underground. This will dramatically reduce the volume of surface transportation of

16The description is from Emphasis in the orig- inal text.

18 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

both minerals and waste, minimising the above ground installations and reducing the environmental impact. … The challenges for the minerals extractive industry are so large and nu- merous that comprehensive international cooperation is needed, both by the industry and wider society, in order to succeed. … … The project will be carried out by a consortium of 26 companies and academic institutions from 10 European countries led by [Mining Company A] from Sweden over a period of 4 years.

My initial task was to help finish a handbook on how to plan and design “The Safe and Attractive Mine” (this task eventually resulted in Lööw, Johansson, and Andersson 2016; it served as a basis for Lööw et al. 2018). Lean production played a central part in this task; a stipulation of the project read that we should combine our results with “overarching Lean production philosophy in a deep mining context.”17 Thus, I began with reviewing lean production in mining (resulting in Lööw and Johansson 2015a). My role in the project also involved evaluating two technologies that the project developed: a roadheader (technically, the cutting head of a roadheader) and a simu- lator. This work involved field visits to see these technologies and interviewing the developers, as well as reviewing relevant literature and finalising with a report. SIMS was the “spiritual successor” to I2Mine. Many of the I2Mine partners were also involved in SIMS. The technology in SIMS was similar to that of I2Mine (though further developed). Research questions were built upon previous themes,18 especially for our part of the project - our work package in SIMS was based on our tasks in I2Mine, although the tasks were more refined in SIMS and applied to specific tech- nologies. In SIMS, the tasks also took a more explicit focus on workplace attractive- ness (the name of the work package was “Attractive Workplaces”). In this project, we were to evaluate technologies, offer our advice, and summarise our findings in a handbook.19 The official project summary reads:20

17Taken from the I2Mine Description of Work document. 18There were plans and activities for an official follow-up project to I2Mine, an I2Mine2. However, these never took off. 19The resulting handbook is available online at; one of its aims is to incorporate some of the ideas that are further developed in this thesis. For example, one notion is that the advice offered in the handbook is subject to change with developments in the industry. We also wanted stakeholders to have a direct way of influencing the handbook. So, if one clicks on the “Edit” or “View Source” links within the handbook, anyone can see and edit the original documents, as well as suggest that their changes be incorporated in the official version. It is also possible to see all previous changed made to the book. 20The text is from the project summary of Grant Agreement of the project. The text has been edited slightly to facilitate reading.

19 Chapter 2 The Projects

The SIMS project aspires to create a long-lasting impact on the way we test and demonstrate new technology and solutions for the mining indus- try. With a selected consortium ranging from mining companies, equip- ment and system suppliers, to top-class universities, the SIMS project will boost development and innovation through joint activities aiming at cre- ating a sustainable, intelligent mining system. SIMS aims to develop, test, and demonstrate new innovative technologies that are within the desig- nated consortium, consisting of well-developed mining operations, and selected due to their maturity regarding innovative technologies, world- leading equipment and system suppliers, highly specialized SMEs, and top-class universities. … Objectives

• Efficiency: To increase resource efficiency and competitiveness. • Safety: To reduce the risk of rock falls and exposure of workers to hazardous situations. • Environment: To minimize environmental impact of mining oper- ations. • Trust: To increase public trust, awareness and acceptance for min- ing.

We … aim to develop, test and demonstrate relevant technologies all aiming at realizing the vision of the intelligent mining system. … We will bring the most innovative new products in the area of mining and test these in a real life environment in the selected test mines.

The full vision of the project may be particularly illustrative:

The European mining industry and EU technology providers are world leaders in safe, lean and green operations and technologies, contributing to the wealth of society by securing raw material supply and EU global technological leadership. Social license to operate is built by trust and the creation of attractive workplaces for men and women.

The SIMS project involved: interviews with operators, technology developers, managers, and so on; several field visits and project meetings; document studies; sur- veys; and literature reviews.

20 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

The Safety Projects

The first of these projects was a pre-study, Roadmap for reducing accidents in the Swedish mining industry, which eventually resulted in the follow-up project, Strategies and In- dicators for Mine Safety (STRIM SAFE). Both projects were founded by SIP STRIM, Strategic Innovation Programme for the Swedish Mining and Metal Producing Industry. The purpose of the pre-study reads as follows:21 The Swedish mining industry has witnessed a substantial drop in lost time injury frequency rates (LTIFR) in the last 20 years. This is usually attributed to extensive changes in technology (e.g., automation) as well as safety management practices (including changing regulatory demands) and the overall organisation of work. However, the industry is still in need of assessment of the relative impact of each of these changes, as well as how the various factors have affected each other (including the cumu- lative effect) during the specified time frame. This is important in order to gain a deeper understanding of how future health and safety-related development work may be carried out in the industry. The purpose of the pre-study is thus to analyse which technological, organizational and regulatory changes that have been made that directly or indirectly may have affected the improvement of safety in the mining industry. Based on this initial analysis the foundation for a large-scale innovation project will be mapped out which will analyse the relative and cumulative impact of the identified changes in-depth over the stipulated period, with the aim of creating a road map for the mining industry’s continuing work in creating and sustaining attractive workplaces where health and safety is first on the agenda. This project was conducted in cooperation with Svemin (the industry organisation for mines, mineral and metal producers in Sweden; The project involved interviewing eight representatives, from two Swedish mining companies, who had a “managerial connection” to health and safety, as well as a former inspector for the Swedish Work Environment Authority. A workshop with representatives from Gramko (Svemin’s Health and Safety Committee) was also included. In addition to this, we reviewed statistics and, partly, how these statistics were produced. When this study turned into a full-scale project (which is still on-going), its de- scription changed to read:22 The mining industry is traditionally described as dark, dirty and danger- ous, which precludes the creation of attractive workplaces within the in-

21The text is from the project application. 22The text is from the project application. Spelling mistakes have been corrected in the cited text.

21 Chapter 2 The Projects

dustry. At the same time the industry has seen significant improvements in terms of safety. Today there is knowledge on what causes mine acci- dents, but there is a research gap with regards to what actually prevents them, what improves safety. The purpose of this project is to improve the safety of the mining industry based on lessons, experiences and prin- ciples of successful national and international examples, with the goal of developing strategies and proactive indicators to improve the safety practices of the industry. Through this the project would contribute to making the industry a safer and more attractive employer. The design of the project maps the safety situation of the mining industry in a first stage. This mapping is based on survey conducted in several Swedish and international mining companies. Through this mapping a number of interesting cases are identified, which are investigated in depth in a second stage. Here successful strategies and practices that contribute to and sustains a high level of safety are identified. In the third stage these descriptions are analyzed, and strategies and proactive/leading indicators for the promotion of safety are developed.

In this ongoing project we looked, and continue to look, at safety programme de- scriptions, safety policies, results from employee surveys, internal statistics, and so on, to identify potential good examples. We are now at the project stage of investigating these examples in detail. To do so, we will conduct interviews and workshops with people who are connected to the examples, and we will also conduct field visits to the workplaces that are likewise connected. These projects are related to a later project, called SafeMine.23 Its description reads:24

SafeMine aims to develop a holistic and resilient PhD-Programme with a focus on increased mine safety, using the most up to date research data and carrying out studies on industry-driven, real scenarios and projects. Additionally, qualified professionals will be trained to lead the future of health and safety work in the European mining and tunnelling industry based on a modern view of these industries as attractive and safe work- places. Four leading European mining universities—Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and Montanuniversität Leoben

23SafeMine is an EU project. However, I include it here, rather than under the previous heading, because it is thematically closer to the safety projects. 24This description is from the SafeMine website:

22 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

(Austria)—are working closely together with industrial partners in order to develop this PhD-Programme.

The SafeMine project, in other words, is mainly focused on education and develop- ing a health and safety PhD programme. Activities of this project included field visits, industry surveys, and also developing and conducting a PhD education programme on the topic of health and safety.

Position and Sensor Technology Projects

The projects on positions and sensor technology in the mining industry concern, primarily, PosTech (Positioning technology for heavy industry) and BASIE (Body- Area Sensors for Industrial Environments). BASIE was the first and smaller project. Its summary reads:

The study … investigated how solutions in the health sector can be combined with industrial solutions for work environment monitoring. The aim was to evaluate possibilities of creating a system solution with portable sensors that improve personal safety in the industry. … The … study was structured so that several issues could be examined at a basic level. The work was distributed over four main areas; needs, tech- nical solutions, information management and consortium building. The work included: literature review, discussions and meetings with suppli- ers and possible need industries, idea generating and problem identifying workshops within the research team, and … identifying and testing var- ious solutions for information management.

While the mining industry was not the only industry of concern in the study, data was gathered mainly from that context. PosTech was a similar project. It sought to use the positioning technology in heavy industries. The project summary reads:25

The project aims at radically improving the working environment and employee security within the process and steel industries by using and adapting the latest technology for low- and ultra-precision positioning and decision support systems. The system is commercially used for un- derground mines, and Swerea MEFOS preindustrial pilot testbed is the perfect facility to install and adapt the equipment to harsh industrial con- ditions with many disruptive sources such as strong electromagnetic fields.

25The text is from the project application. Some spelling mistakes have been corrected in the text.

23 Chapter 2 The Projects

The results will be relevant for the base and manufacturing industries of Sweden. The target is to increase security by adapting a testbed supporting decision-support and positioning system for heavy manufacturing industries. It can detect people, machinery and equipment in real-time with high precision and prevent collisions and access to sensitive and dangerous areas through geo-fencing. The challenge is to create a robust test system which can cope with heavy industrial conditions with strong magnetic fields, high tempera- tures, particles and dust. The system should detect staff and equipment in real-time, secure non-access areas and being able to track solo workers, and announce emergencies, graphically on a desktop or the like.

Again, even though other industries were of concern, the mining industry provided much of the data. The positioning technology in these projects is the same (or similar) to that of SIMS; PosTech was an attempt to adapt the technology to a new setting. For this reason, much data was gathered from the mining industry, as it has had the most experience with the technology in question. Data collection activities included surveys of and interviews with operators. We also interviewed managers at different positions in a large mining company. In particular, we were tasked with investigating issues relating to the work environment and privacy/integrity, which, again, is similar to what we did within one of our tasks in SIMS.

On Some of the Common Themes of the Projects

The projects have some common themes. I try to summarise the common themes below, and I also attempt a brief analysis of some of the topics therein that relate to this thesis. With the exception of the two safety projects, the projects have had a clear tech- nological focus.26 That is to say, the projects firstly aimed to develop new technol- ogy. While some of this technology aimed to improve safety (e.g., the technology in PosTech and in some of SIMS), the projects departed from technological “potential.” This means that the projects departed from technology and its capabilities as focus. For example, there is now technology that, with relative ease, can track employees. I suggest that it was only with this technology, as already developed, that companies started to explore its potential for improving safety. That is, the problem of lacking

26It is worth noting, however, that the technology-focused projects rhetorically are often viewed as safety projects. However, I do not view them as such here; as I expand on this later—essentially, safety in these cases appear more as a positive side-effect, rather than as being the prime motivation behind their development.

24 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ safety was not acknowledged first, and then, following that, different technologies investigated to find which could improve upon the situation. This is also clear where improvement to the work environment comes as positive side effect of the technol- ogy. There are, for example, other incentives than an improved work environment for developing battery-powered machines, mainly economic ones and, secondly, en- vironmental (see Paper IV). Meaning, in these cases the technology happens to also improve the work environment, and this, in hindsight, then becomes an argument in favour of the technology. This sentiment is also present in the projects’ summaries, but is particularly appar- ent in consideration of a few facts, as well. Safety, or wider social issues, are not investigated in the tasks dealing specifically with technology. There is an apparent logic of “푥 is a cause of unsafe situations. Our technology 푦 protects against or miti- gates 푥. Therefore, safety is improved.” Telling of this logic is that our tasks or work packages (i.e., where Human Work Science and I, myself, were involved) came into the projects in the late stages of writing the applications for these projects. When the applications where, for the most part, completed, we would be contacted to cover the “soft” issues. In some cases, this would happen a few weeks before the submission deadline. This is an example of the “side-car” position of work environment issues mentioned in the introduction (i.e., Frick 1994; Hasle, Seim, and Refslund 2019).27 Beyond safety, I argue that the technology development has not attempted to ad- dress social issues, in these projects. And where our tasks have aimed to do so, in the majority of cases this has been through the investigation of health and safety. A final note regarding the cooperation with industry. All projects (including the safety projects) have had a close cooperation with companies in the mining industry, if they have not been outright led by them. The methods chapter goes into detail about this fact. Here, I just want to highlight that the projects have departed from problems that are either relevant to the industry or from problem-descriptions, as they were formulated by the industry. When the next chapter, in particular, goes further into issues of health and safety, it will be on this basis.

27However, to be fair, this situation is starting to change. In the follow-up project to SIMS, we have been involved from the start (though we had our work package removed, at one point). Other technology-driven mining projects have also come to seek the inclusion of “our” issues, on their own initiative.


Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

There are many ways to describe the mining industry, and this fact makes it difficult to give a general description (or at least, demarcate such a description) that would do the industry justice. Acknowledging this is not to avoid describing a complex industry; rather, it is an actual assertion about the character of the industry itself. While all industries have their own intricacies and complexities, the mining industry has certain, unique properties that set it apart from most other industry sectors. Individually, other industries likely possess similar characteristics, but I argue that nowhere else is the “configuration” of characteristics as extensive as it is in mining. Appreciating these constraints (the characteristics are interesting to the extent that they constrain the mining industry) forms an understanding of technological developments within the industry, in part. Many of the constraints within the mining industry appear in the production phase. To produce anything requires an organised activity (be that formally or informally so), such as: how many persons to employ; if in-house or contracted labour is preferable; working hours; if production should be parallel or serial; if production should be pulled or pushed through a system; and so on. The organisation of production must, at least in sociotechnical thought, respond to two types of demands: the technical and the social. Both components influence and are influenced by the organisation of production. Technical demands may be, for example, in the form of retaining high customisability for the customer. In the manufacturing industry, such customisability may require engineering-to-order, as well as a “functional layouts” (Bellgran and Säfsten 2010). Such technical requirements, in turn, affect social requirements (such as ability for teamwork, competence, and so on). In addition, depending on how well the overall system fulfils these requirements, new technical demands may, in turn, be imposed (e.g., a key competence might be missing and must then be contracted out). Many producing industries can respond to demands by changing aspects of their operation, such as in changing the layout of it (as was noted above). This approach, however, assumes that facilities and the like can be changed with relative ease. In many producing industries this is the case; even if there is a limit on the space available to a particular organisation, there are few constraints on what happens within that space. For mining companies (and other activities that have to adapt to natural conditions), such measures as altering operational layout are much more limited. With regards

27 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry to industrial engineering techniques, Maier, Kuhlmann, and Thiele (2014) also note that the cyclical nature of mining production—as opposed to more linear progression of traditional manufacturing—makes such techniques of adaptation more difficult to apply in mining operations. In mining operations, the ore body dictates many technical demands. First, the ore body may determine the viability of an open-cast mine over an underground one. Then, it may also determine if mass mining methods are possible, or if methods such as cut-and-fill can be used. The type of ore or mineral also has a lot of influence on technical demands. Salts, for instance, can be mined using solvent mining. Softer ores, or ores found in softer rock, make it possible to forego drill-and-blast and to instead shear or cut the rock. As aspects such as mining methods have to be adapted to the ore- body characteristics and other local conditions (e.g., available technology), each mine has its own variation of some established method and is, in this sense, unique. An illustrative example is the mining handbook Techniques in Underground Mining (edited by Gertsch and Bullock 1998) (note that this is for underground mining); it lists 5 broader categories of techniques of mining, and then 13 more specific methods, but in total the handbook presents almost 40 examples of different applications of those mining methods. One chapter in Techniques in Underground Mining handles choosing an appropriate method:

Some readers may miss the inclusion of more detailed figures in the text. However, variations in ore deposits are so great and the state of mining technology so dynamic that being too specific could mislead the reader. Every orebody is unique. The successful application of a mining methods requires more than textbook knowledge; it also requires practical reasoning with a creative mind that is open to new impressions. (Hamrin 1998, 85)

Add to these factors the fact that a single mine might use several different mining methods, or that the same mine might mine different minerals, and it becomes clear that no two mines are alike.28 Which is to say, general technological solutions are rarer in mining than they are in other industries, because in mining many challenges must be overcome on a case-by-case basis. Matters on a macro-level scale are also different in mining than in other industries. Most producing industries are somewhere in the middle or end of the value creation chain. This means that other industries can mostly define their own limits of their operations. For example, a car producer may choose to focus only on assembly (e.g.,

28One might interject that this is similar to the construction industry. Indeed, the mining and con- struction industries are often compared to each other, with many activities of a mine involving construction activities. Yet,other factors, such as how long operations last, make the two industries vastly different.

28 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Toyota) or seek to integrate a large part of the value chain (e.g., being responsible for producing steel or tires, as Ford did) (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull 2019). Most industries can also respond to local demands quite radically, the clearest example being when companies move overseas to avoid certain laws or high labour costs. Mines, on the other hand, are at the start of the value chain.29 Mining companies can integrate down the value stream—for example, they can decide if they want to include a concentrator plant in their operations or just sell ore—but they cannot integrate upstream. The effect of this dynamic is that the mining industry cannot chose its primary supplier; the primary supplier is the ore body itself, as Steinberg and De Tomi (2010) posit.30 Finally, a mine cannot move overseas to escape local and national conditions. In fact, a mine cannot move at all. While capital can move—and it is not rare that a mine is shut down if it is unprofitable—ore deposits are finite and immobile.31 This means mining companies must solve challenges locally. The type of challenge that arises will often, then, be of the social kind, as the issue of workplace attractiveness exemplifies. An additional aspect to all this is that of the immense capital costs involved in min- ing. Developing a mine can require millions of Euros and up to a decade of time. This, too, makes it unlikely that a mine will move once it has been established (it may still go bankrupt, however). It also means that decisions regarding technology in mining carry with them much inertia; once a mining company has made and imple- mented a decision regarding technology, the system in place will be hard to change and will be around for a long time.32 For reasons such as these, the introduction to this thesis held that solutions and experiences from other industries may not apply to the mining industry. The restrictions described above influence technology, in such as there is specific mining technology: consider, for example, that a truck can be designed for the manufacturing industry as a whole. That truck probably could see only limited use in a mine (e.g., in a warehouse). Likewise, a mine truck can almost

29This thesis includes original equipment manufacturers in its definition of the mining industry. Of course, the equipment manufacturers are not mining companies and exist at other places within the value chain. In fact, most original equipment manufacturers exist as traditional manufacturing companies. It worth noting, also, that being at the start of the value chain is a characteristic shared by mining with other industries that extract or produce raw resources, such as oil extraction and forestry. In Paper I, I note that the oil industry exhibits similar behaviour to that of the mining industry, with regards to lean production. 30Mining companies can choose auxiliary suppliers in the form of, for example, contractors, but this is a different situation. 31At least in Sweden—but, I assume elsewhere, as well—mining companies and their organisations note the long and difficult process of acquiring a license to operate. If it were a simple decision to try their luck somewhere else, I suspect this discussion would be quieter. 32Paper V explores in detail this situation, with a focus on health, safety, and social challenges. See also Lööw et al. (2018).

29 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry only be used in mining. Therefore, the mining industry requires special attention. This current chapter, thus, explores some of the effects of the mining industry’s unique situation, so as to give a foundation—a background and context—to the rest of the thesis. These effects presented here have additional effects in many areas; they have been reviewed extensively regarding areas such as economy and productivity in other research (e.g., Garcia, Knights, and Tilton 2001; Tilton 2014). Effects on the workplace, however, remain less explored.33 The research that does exist in the area of workplace effects in the mining industry tends to focus on health and safety in a traditional sense. And, while this chapter departs from that research, the chapter also puts into focus how the effects on health and safety translate into other areas. This chapter, thus, aims to highlight the limits of current approaches to issues such as health and safety in the mining industry. The exploration of this chapter has three parts. First, it gives a brief account of two mining methods. While the introduction to this chapter notes that no two mining methods are alike, some insight into how ore is mined is required, so as to exemplify how the character of mining operations constrain many other activities. Second, this chapter details the development of a Swedish mining company over time. Here again, only to a limited extent can a single mining company represent the industry, in general; however, seeing the context of certain developments and their subsequent effects is illustrative. Third, this chapter explores, in detail, the health and safety of the industry and its complex relationships with other issues.

Exemplifying Two Mining Methods

Work, technology, and techniques involved in mining are asymmetrical with respect to different sections of a mine, mining companies, and countries (Goodman and Gar- ber 1988; Abrahamsson and Johansson 2006). Mining operations span from those of heavy manual work with rudimentary tools to those of highly-automated operations. Still, most tasks in mining fall under either development work or production. The specifics of each task under these categories will vary, depending on factors such as the mining method, the type of mine (open-cast or underground), and so on. The focus in this chapter will be on underground mines (no open-cast mines are investigated in this thesis). Preparatory, or development, work in mining aims to gain access to the ore, to make the deposit ready for excavation.34 In underground mining, this work means constructing drifts and tunnels (TNC 2016), specifically, which involves drilling,

33It may serve as an illustrative example to consider that there are established research subjects such as mineral economics, but no such subject regarding mining health and safety. 34Of course, preparatory work still excavates rock. The difference is that production tasks excavate ore.

30 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ charging, blasting, ventilating, scaling, loading, and rock reinforcement (e.g., by shotcreting and rockbolting, depending on the conditions of the rock) (Atlas Copco 2007). Excavation, or production, work then removes the ore from the mountain. Both categories of tasks happen as part of the drill-and-blast cycle, which consists of drilling, blasting, loading, and transporting (Hartman and Mutmansky 2002). Often, this stage also involves ventilating, scaling, and rock reinforcement. One such cycle results in a certain amount of ore being excavated or that a section of tunnel is com- pleted. For production, the cycle repeats until the ore body (or a specific section of it) is depleted. For development work, it repeats until the tunnel has reached its destination. The exact details of these cycles and which tasks they involve depend on the mining method and conditions of the mine, ore and mountain. (Note that the basics of the drill-and-blast cycle also apply to open-cast mining). Preparation and excavation are also possible through mechanical methods. Here, a machine—a roadheader, for example—shears or cuts the rock. As rock or ore is sheared, it must be transported away from the machine. Following this, the tunnels constructed by this process are usually inspected and reinforced. Scaling, in this case, is not necessary, as the process itself produces much smoother surfaces than those produced by a drill-and-blast procedure; there is no loose rock to remove from walls or ceilings. Mechanical excavation, at least in metal mining, is rare. For ore extraction, mostly salts and coal can be mined in this way.35 For metal mining, it is possible to use mechanical excavation in combination with drilling and blasting; in these cases, roadheaders are used in preparatory work (i.e., to construct drifts), while the drill- and-blast technique is used to excavate ore. It is worth noting that there are ongoing efforts to develop roadheaders (or, rather, the cutting heads that these machines use) that can cut harder rock and even metal ores.36 These developments represent something of a holy grail in some circles. Con-

35In underground coal mining, the longwall method is common practice. Its mechanised variant consists of a large cutting head that runs the length of the coal seam shearing the coal, the results of which are then transported away using conveyors. The setup usually has a mechanised roof support that roughly consists of plates that are pushed up against the roof to support it; as the supports and cutting head are moved forward, the roof collapses behind it. One of the conclusions of the studies of Bamforth and Trist (1951), concerning the longwall method, is that this process involves a more linear production and “manufacturing-like” organi- sation. There are also manual variants of the longwall method; in these cases, the coal is mined using manual tools, while support is still constructed along the face of the seam. This method gets its name, longwall, from the fact that wide seams are mined. In open-cast coalmining, huge excavators are used. Probably the most distinct machine in this is the bucket-wheel excavator. If one imagines what strip mining looks like, this machine is likely to have a central place in that image. Coal and salts are much softer materials than rock and metal ores. It is for this reason that mechanical excavation is possible for coal and salt mining but not metal mining. 36One work package in I2Mine developed such a cutting head. One of the field visits listed in Chapter 2 was to evaluate potential effects of the cutting head on the work environment.

31 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry tinuous mining—which is what mechanical excavation, in extension, allows for— means a much more predictable mining process. In turn, this kind of process would, in theory, allow for extensive automation. As it may be hard to visualise how these activities are carried out, especially since they differ depending on their area of application, the next part of this section ex- emplifies two common mining methods.37 The methods selected for this purpose— sublevel caving and cut-and-fill—are relatively common. Most mining companies involved in this study use these methods or variants of them. Sublevel caving is used for large, steep orebodies. Having gained access to the ore- body, levels of drifts are excavated from the body so that it has several sublevels, each with a number of parallel drifts. In each drift, vertical drill holes are drilled upwards and towards the level above. These holes are then charged with explosives. Starting at the highest level, and at the backmost point of the drift, the explosives are detonated so that the ore caves into the drift. The ore is then loaded and transported through one mean or another to an ore chute. How each sublevel is excavated—that is, which drifts and sections of the drifts are excavated—depends on factors such as produc- tion quotas and rock stability. At a certain point of extraction, the sublevel below starts being excavated. The developments of the drifts follow a typical drill-and-blast cycle. However, during the production itself the cycle lacks many steps, as certain steps where performed during the development stage (e.g., drilling and charging the vertical drill holes). Because of this setup, extracting the ore from the sublevels can proceed continuously in this method. In addition to sublevels, most sublevel caving operations also feature main levels. These function to transport the ore from the mine to above ground (thus, they are also called haulage levels). The ore that is dumped into ore chutes arrives at this level. Sublevel caving requires substantial investment in infrastructure: drifts and ramps to reach ore body, for example, as well as the main levels themselves. The development of a main level alone can cost several million Euros to complete. To summarise:

[Sublevel caving] is schematic, and repetitive, both in layout and working procedures. Development drifting, production drilling of long holes, charging, blasting and mucking out are all carried out separately, with work taking place at different levels simultaneously. There is always a place for the machines to work, which integrates mech- anization into efficient ore production. Consequently, the … method is well suited for a high degree of automation and remote operations, with corresponding high productivity. (Atlas Copco 2007, 37)

37The account is based mainly on Atlas Copco (2007) and Atlas Copco (2014), but it is also from my own knowledge that I have built up during interviews with mining engineers, by reading mining engineering handbooks, etc.

32 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Cut-and-fill mining is usually applied to steep, often irregular orebodies. This method is selective in that there is much control over which deposit gets mined or not (i.e., lower grade ores can be skipped); where sublevel caving is large-scale, cut- and-fill mining is a small-scale method of mining. Cut-and-fill operations excavate ore in horizontal segments, starting at the bottom of an orebody where a segment is mined in a drill-and-blast cycle. The space created is then backfilled with tailings, for example, or waste rock or paste. This fill then becomes the floor of the next segment to be mined. Ramps are usually developed to reach the orebody, and infrastructure, such as ventilation, must be installed in the stopes. In cut-and-fill operations, there may be ore chutes to which the ore is transported. Or, ore may be loaded onto trucks and transported to the surface that way. Cut-and-fill mining is comparatively simple and effective, but it requires more time and has higher costs for rock support, drilling, and blasting. On the other hand, much of the equipment used for development work in this method can also be used in production. Which mining method is applied is one part of how a mining company functions. Organisation and technology are other important factors that also influence, and are influenced by, the mining method selected. The next section will expand upon these factors, by describing how organisation and technology developed within a Swedish mining company that uses sublevel caving. This example provides a picture of how these separate elements connect and relate.

Developments in a Mining Company Over Time

The following account is of a Swedish mining company (Mining Company A).38 In a global perspective, contemporary Swedish mining may be unique: mechanisation, automation, worker rights, workplace culture, and so on, of the same kind might not be found outside of Sweden. The implications of this fact should not be overlooked; the Swedish case represents a unique, or even extreme, case. At the same time, histor- ically, Swedish mining has borne similarities to other mining operations in the world (contemporary in general and, arguably, even now). The point is that this account can show how a mining organisation can develop. The developments presented be- low are, in and of themselves, not necessarily unique to a Swedish context nor to a particular company. I argue that the individual developments presented here have taken place at other companies, but that the configuration of these developments, also presented here, is unique. As such, the account should serve to show, on the one hand, how a mining company responds to some challenges and, on the other hand, the manner in which a mining operation may progress towards an advanced (some would say “modern”) form of mining. Finally, from a practical perspective, accounts

38This is based on a text that I originally wrote for Lööw et al. (2018).

33 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry of such developments of a mining company, as presented below, are rare—to my knowledge, there is no other material available of such accounts than the one I draw upon for this description. The description of the company in review arises primarily from Johansson (1986). He describes, in detail, the work and technology of a Swedish underground iron ore mine between 1957 and 1984. He notes that, in 1957, work in the mine utilised many machines, but he also notes that, at the same time, the need for heavy manual labour was still significant. Additionally, at this time, the degree of mechanisation and technological sophistication was asymmetric throughout the mine; production activ- ities used modern, sometimes semi-automated machines, while development work still utilised older types of machinery involving manual operations. Semi-automation consisted of partial automation of drill rigs, for example, where the operator had to feed drill steels to the drill. Work was organised into teams, which were in turn re- sponsible for entire production cycles and planning. The company considered itself to have made use of technological developments to both improve working condi- tions and increase productivity. Due to the demands for labour during at this time, they also implemented progressive staffing policies. The director of the company was illustrated as saying:

In question of salaries, pensions and working hours, our company’s min- ers should be better off than any other comparable group of industrial workers in Sweden … The development that has led to the rapid im- provement of working conditions with regards to spaces, ventilation, il- lumination, and so on, and to a lighter and less dangerous work, is im- portant. And in the long run, those factors that relate to … that which can be summarised within terms of satisfaction and well-being at work may be even more important. (Johansson 1986, 125, my translation.)

In 1962, Johansson (1986) reports, salaries in the production activities were high, but salaries for developmental work were lower.39 The technological asymmetries were still present, but they were less pronounced. For example, in 1962, both devel- opmental work and production activities used the same kind of loading and hauling machinery; this reduced the need for manual labour. Charging had been mechanised in the production cycle. Moreover, where electrically driven trucks had previously been used, those trucks were now replaced by more efficient, diesel-driven trucks. The introduction of diesel, however, brought with it several work environment issues related to increased noise levels, vibrations, and exhaust fumes. Production groups

39I have not been able to determine why and by how much the salaries differed. Production activities at this time used productions groups—as detailed below—and with that a different system for salaries. This might be the reason for the differences in salaries, especially if the production groups were more productive.

34 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ were broad and included chargers, loaders, drivers, and repair personnel; these groups consisted of 17 to 28 workers, 4 of which were trained to do repairs. None of the group members were tied to specific tasks; instead, they rotated. Johansson (1986) further describes that, by 1969, the introduction of remote con- trol by the company had begun (although not from control rooms). Mechanisation had continuously increased, which entailed investment into expensive machines. To ensure the return on the investment, machines needed to reach full utilisation in certain areas; operators experienced this development as increasing psychological pressures. In other areas of the mine, the levels of automation and mechanisation remained the same. Technological development also introduced more modern equip- ment which, in turn, meant increased technical capacities (for example, bigger loads for LHDs—load-haul-dump machines). Isolated work was more common; in some cases, workers would only meet at shift changes. Planning had moved away from being in the hand of the workers and into a specialised planning department. The account of Johansson (1986) for 1974 illustrates that, while many operations re- mained unchanged, machines had continuously increased in size, capacity, and power. The workers had had input in requisitioning this equipment. Technological devel- opment meant new machines that improved the work environment, and improved ventilation was responsible for many of the work environment enhancements. No- tably, by this time all machines were diesel-powered. And, while production groups still existed at the time, they had been altered; for example, due to changes in the wage system that involved the removal of piece-rates, following a strike,40 the re- quirement for cooperation was less pronounced. The foremen also experienced a change in responsibility, as well as a loss of both freedom and resources. The CEO during that time claimed that the self-controlling production groups required direct input from foremen. The succeeding CEO held that the non-piece-rate wages were problematic for productivity, because such wages made performance increases more difficult to achieve. The responsibility of planning was moved entirely to the produc- tion department; these changes aimed to maximise machine utilisation and ensure certain characteristics of the ore. The continued account by Johansson (1986) details a company that, by 1978, is in deep crisis due to the steel crisis.41 This shift in circumstances meant that matters of personnel were focused on keeping the company alive; it also meant a stunted devel- opment in general. Yet, the CEO at that time spoke positively of autonomous groups and decentralised decision-making. Work tasks, however, had remained mostly un- changed.

40For in-depth descriptions and analyses, see Dahlström et al. (1971); Kronlund et al. (1973). 41The steel crisis was a steel market recession during the 1970s and early 1980s. It occurred in two stages—first during the mid 1970s, and then again in the early 1980s. This followed the 1973 oil crisis, and it was further exacerbated by the 1979 oil crisis.

35 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

In 1985, the trend had turned once again, and the company produced good results. The illustration of the mine at that time, by Johansson (1986), is of a work system that had remained much the same since 1978. There had, however, been several work environment improvements, in addition to capacity advances. Electrically-powered machines were re-introduced, and all employees were trained in quality assurance. From 1985 to 2005 there is a gap in available material on the company, but Abra- hamsson and Johansson (2006) continue the account of the company from then on. The principal changes that occurred up to this period were increased automation and remote control. This meant moving the control of certain operations into con- trol rooms, where teams of operators oversaw the processes but each operator had a specific task (i.e., an operator was a driller, a loader, and so on). Due to the fact that operations were performed from specific control rooms, there were also spatial divisions created between the operators. Technology utilised by the company up to 2006, in other words, saw a continuous development. However, the development was asymmetrical—even today, some tasks remain manual while others are highly-automated. In general, the earlier stages of the production process are harder to mechanise and automate. As ore becomes more refined, and the processes becomes further removed from the “mountain,” it becomes easier to automate (Johansson 1986; Abrahamsson and Johansson 2006). Tbl. 3.1 summarises the entire technological development.

Table 3.1: Technological level over the years at Mining Company A.42

Process type Work task 1957 1969 1985 2005

Material extraction Drilling 2/3 3/3 3/3 3/6 Charging 1/1 2/2 2/2 2/2 Blasting 1/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 Transport Loading 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Hauling/dumping 3 / 3 3 / 3 3 / 3 5 Chute loading 4 4 5 5 Dumping 3 4 6 6 Processing Crushing 4 6 6 6 Hoisting Skip loading 4 6 6 6 Skip hoisting 6 6 6 6

42This table is based on Abrahamsson and Johansson (2006). They use the following figures denote technological level: 1—manual work; 2—motor manual work; 3—machine work; 4—operating work; 5—remote control; 6—automated work. Note that in the 푥 / 푦 notation, 푥 refers to the development unit operations, and 푦 refers to production unit operations.

36 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

All of these technological and organisational developments have had clear effects on factors such as productivity, employment, education, and workforce structure. The effects on productivity and employment are particularly illustrative. The development of the reviewed company’s labour productivity43 between 1950 and 2015 is illustrated in fig. 3.1. This development has a few dips, but, on the whole, it has increased continuously. The years 1975–1983, during which the steel crisis took place (see, e.g., Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. 2002), represent the biggest exception to the upward production trend. Fig. 3.2 shows the changes in employees and production at reviewed company during the same period, using figures for 1950 as index. This presentation gives a different picture; here it is possible to identify four distinct phases (references to specific measures in the text below are from Johansson 1986).44 The first phase, regarding labour and production in the company, is between 1950 and around 1960. Here, the number of employees increased at about the same rate as production volume, and this resulted in a relatively constant productivity for the period. Most mining at the company at this time is conducted in open-cast mines; production increases are due to increased employees.45 At a later point, just before starting underground mining, the company argued that they had too many employees. The years 1960–1974 make up the second phase. Two features characterise this phase: the transition to underground mining and a large increase in production vol- ume. Productivity almost doubled during this period. A large process of rationalisa- tion is conducted at the time, but the company argued that this productivity increase, for the most part, involved optimising planning; underground mining introduces lim- its, or boundary conditions, that do not exist in open-cast mining. Thus, productivity increases are more readily reached through the application of mathematics. In this time period (1957–1969), ore prices dropped around 40 per cent. This was over- come with the help of production volume increases (i.e., economies of scales). Note that underground mining, more so than open-cast mining, requires a base set-up of

43Labour productivity is measured as production volume per employee. The numbers below are based on Johansson (1986) and yearly reports of the reviewed company, but the calculations here differ from the measures used in these sources. Johansson (1986) measured productivity as production volume per worker (i.e., not all employees). This measure is unavailable today, because the min- ing company does not report on its number of workers. The figures below are calculated using production volume per employee in the mother company, while the company, itself, uses employ- ees in the concern group. Johansson (1986) also used numbers concerning the mother company. The number of employees in the concern group have not been reported long enough to allow comparison with historic figures. 44These descriptions are my own attempts to explain the developments. 45As noted, the company has argued that its increase in production volume was due to increased mechanisation (Johansson 1986). The development presented and explained here does not con- tradict this. Usually, single tasks are mechanised (and not the entire value-creating chain). This means that the increased productivity due to mechanisation needs to be met with more employees at other sections.

37 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

Figure 3.1: Mining Company A’s labour productivity between 1950 and 2015.

Figure 3.2: Changes in employees and production in Mining Company A between 1950 and 2015.

38 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ employees that are more or less independent of the production volume; this meant that there was a relatively constant workforce during this period. The years 1976–1983, the third phase, were dominated by the steel crisis. A large part of the employees were let go, while production declined (with a two-year ex- ception).46 In other words, the crisis was not weathered by increased productivity. The tide turned again in 1984. Productivity at this time increased more or less constantly. A first potential explanation for this is that the company utilised a similar mining method to that of the second phase, but then as the technological development continued to increase, productivity gains were greater. Alternatively, the development during this period can be seen to reflect the increased use of contractors. While contractors have been used since at least the 1960s (Kronlund et al. 1973), a more systematic utilisation of this type of labour seems to have begun during the 1980s (Blank et al. 1995). More recent figures estimate that around 12 per cent of all hours worked in the Swedish mining industry are by contractors (SGU 2016); this figure is even put close to 40 per cent, in some cases (Nygren 2018). Because contractors are not reported as employees of the mining company, labour productivity will appear to increase. Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. (2002, 1233) provide a third explanation to similar developments in the industry, in general:47 New technology … contributed little to the gains [during the 1980s]. The technology in this mature industry changes very slowly. There have been gradual improvements in technology, of course, and these gradual improvements have led to much better iron-ore products and higher pro- ductivity. Examples of such improvements include the gradual increase in the size of equipment and the gradual integration of computers into the production process. But no dramatic change in technology occurred in the middle 1980’s that caused the productivity surges observed [during this period]. Blank et al. (1998) provide a similar account, but with an alternative explanation for the same company and its development, relating to work hours and production. They

46Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. (2002) argued that in 1974 the industry did not believe the crisis would last as long as it did; they showed that steel production recovered in the late 1970s. In the 1980s, the prices of steel fell again. Most likely it is this trend that the figures above illustrate. 47In a footnote to the paragraph that the quote is from, Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. (2002, 1233) note: There is a caveat. In contrast to the mines in the other top-producing countries, the Swedish mines were underground. Underground mining methods of all types … and, in particular, of Swedish iron ore have changed significantly. Somewhat frustratingly, they do not go further into what changes these might have been. But looking at the other accounts presented here, clearly it is not a question of significantly different technology.

39 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

listed the following major changes (listed in the remainder of this paragraph). Between 1953 and 1958, exploitation began underground, and with this progress followed the introduction of new processes and technologies, as well as a bonus/piece-rate system; additionally, the company recruited more personnel. Work intensification and ratio- nalisation (in the form of time studies), as well as mechanisation took place between 1959 and 1968, and there were redundancies. In the period of 1969 and 1974, piece- rates were removed (due to the strike), signs of internal crisis started to appear, and the competition on the iron-ore market intensified. The crisis culminated between 1975 and 1983, and this all resulted in more layoffs. The crisis waned during the period of 1984 and 1989, and there was new profitability; new mining systems, including au- tomation, were introduced, and subcontracting practices started. Between 1990 and 1993, technological development advanced and further subcontracting took place. These developments have also had clear effects on the structure and education of the workforce. Figures compiled by Johansson (1986) show that in the early 1950s about ten per cent of all employees of reviewed company were white-collar workers. Around ten years later, this figure was 15 per cent. In the early 1960s, this figure increased to 20 per cent. Then, in the late 1970s and into the 1980s, 22 per cent of the workforce consisted of white-collar workers. Statistics of this nature do not seem to exist after 1984, but educational levels of the Swedish mining industry are available (see tbl. 3.2) and can be used to construct a similar picture. These numbers capture a general increase in national educational levels, but even so, the lowest levels of education have decreased considerably within the mining industry. An increasing number of jobs now require at least some upper secondary education, and the ma- jority require a full three-year education. On the tertiary level, education levels of a bachelor’s degree or higher have increased almost fourfold. That is, the trend is one of increasing educational levels of the workforce within the mining industry.

Table 3.2: Change (in percentage) in educational levels in the Swedish mining industry, between 1995 and 2014.48

Education Level 1995 2014 Change49

Primary school 34.7 11.5 -23.2 Upper secondary school, up to 2 years 42.6 31.7 -10.9 Upper secondary school, 3 years 13.2 35.0 +21.8 Tertiary education, less than 3 years 5.8 8.9 +3.0 Tertiary education, 3 years or more including doctoral 3.6 12.7 +9.1 studies No data 0.2 0.3 -

40 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Lööw et al. (2018) also present figures on the structure of the workforce. Although the second most common job in the industry is that of operators driving machinery, it also appears as a rather uncommon profession in the mines. In the mines, technol- ogy and natural science specialists make up a considerable part of the workforce. In general, low-skilled labour is rare in the mines. Also, these figures do not include contractors. As noted, contractors have come to represent a significant amount of hours worked within the industry. They are rarely included in statistics, however, even if they have recently started to receive more attention (starting with SGU 2016, SGU now includes contractors in their mining industry statistics). Another development has been the contraction of the industry in terms of number of employees and places of work. In the 1950s, there were more than 100 places of work and 12,000–15,000 employees in the industry. In the 2010s, there were less than 20 places of work and 8,000 employees (SGU 2016). This means that while there are fewer mines, the mines have grown in size.50 And at the same time, the mines are more productive than ever, with regards to tonnes produced per man hour, even if the production volumes are lower than before the steel crisis. These develop- ments suggest that the mining industry has gone in the direction of more advanced operations that require high-skilled labour, coupled with an increase in the size of in- dividual companies. This increase in size, when coupled with the use of contractors (Nygren 2018), creates more complex organisations. Thus, concurrently, the mining industry requires less labour than before, but the labour that it does require is more difficult to recruit. The purpose of this account has been, primarily, to illustrate the close connec-

48Data for this table comes from Statistics Sweden. Note also that the classification systems of both the education level and industry changed between 1995 and 2014, but they still provide a clear indication of the changes that occurred. 49The change in percentage points; a minus signifies a decrease and a plus an increase. 50For these and other figures in this section I have tried to find comparable international data. This has been difficult with the exception of production data. However, since employment figures are not available, it is not worthwhile to compare the production data to the figures I present here. The US and Australia are exceptions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish historical statistics regarding number of active mines ( Mining/MMWC/Mine) and mine operators and independet contractor employees (https:// The CDC figures show a devel- opment that is different from that in Sweden. Between 1983 and 2018, the number of mines in the US decrease by about 23 per cent (from 16,880 to 13,046). Employment in the US min- ing industry during the same period decreased by 20 per cent (from 414,860 to 331,923). So while the industry has decreased in size, in terms of number of mines and employees, this does not seem to have lead to fewer and larger mines. (It might also be interesting to note that the use of contractors in the US mining industry seems to have increased starting in the late 1980s, early 1990s.) In Australia, employment in metal mining more than doubled between 1984 and 2011 (unfortunately, Wikipedia is the only source for these figures that I have been able to find;

41 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry tions between various developments within the mining industry and their effects on the workplace and workforce. It is difficult to singularly explain the developments, but, regardless, it is clear that there is a connection between them; I believe that this background is necessary for the next part of this chapter, in which I examine workplace effects, specifically. The material on which this account has been based often does not connect to larger developments within the mining industry. Yet, the connections exhibited are important in understanding how certain effects have come to be. Particularly in the later parts of this thesis, I will argue for the importance of wider industrial and societal trends in the addressing of workplaces of the mining industry.51 The reason for turning to issues of health and safety in the industry next in this chapter52 is that these areas are still, in my view, why workplace interventions within the industry are undertaken. By exploring how these issues are treated, I ex- hibit some aspects of the complexities of changing and developing workplaces in the mining industry.

Health in the Mining Industry

Health issues in the mining industry rank among the most recognisable of issues, and they also occupy a significant amount of company resources. The mining industry is overrepresented in work-related health problems. For example, the European Com- mission (2010) found that, in 2007, the mining industry was the economic sector with the most work-related health problems in the EU. That same study also showed that work-related health problems in mining had increased (health problems had in- creased in all sectors, but more so in mining than in most other sectors). The most common health problems in mining are respiratory diseases, noise-induced hearing loss, and musculoskeletal disorders (Elgstrand and Vingård 2013). Dust is largely responsible for respiratory diseases within the industry. Among the common diseases caused by dust are coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, silicosis, asbestosis, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis (Elgstrand and Vingård 2013; Donoghue 2004). The dusts responsible contain silica, coal, radon, and diesel particles, which gives rise to these diseases. Many of these particles also increase the risk of lung cancer. Dust is additionally problematic in mining due to its limiting of visibility, which can, in turn, increase the likelihood of accidents, decrease work performance, and so on. Noise is common in mining, because most of the activities involved—drilling, blast-

51If this is not apparent for any other reason, the problem of lacking attractiveness in the mining industry is one relating to changing demographics (e.g., educational levels and where the people with the required education live) and the mining industry’s need for a different demographic brought on by factors such as changing technology levels and manners of organising. 52The text for the next two sections are based on texts that I originally wrote for Lööw et al. (2018). I have, however, significantly revised these texts for these sections.

42 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

ing, handling materials, ventilation, crushing, conveying, ore processing—all produce noise. Exposure to noise has both short- and long-term effects: permanent and tem- porary hearing reduction and loss, feelings of discomfort, disturbed sleep, reduced performance, stress, increased blood pressure, increased muscle tension, the release of stress hormones, and the masking of conversations and warning signals (Bohgard et al. 2009). The masking effect reduces the possibility for information exchange and increases the risk of accidents. Many ergonomic risks also are associated with mining. At the same time, due to changes in mining work practices, physical ergonomics in the industry are now different from what they have traditionally been. McPhee (2004, 298) argues that “Physically heavy work is now likely to be intermittent and limited”; while work- ers still manually install infrastructure, do maintenance, etc., “many of these jobs are partially or fully mechanized and much more time is spent operating machinery and driving vehicles.” Some of the most prominent ergonomic risks in mining are vibra- tions and manual tasks (Donoghue 2004; McPhee 2004), the consequences of which make up a significant part of work-related health problems in mining (Swedish Work Environment Authority 2017; Elgstrand and Vingård 2013). The increased mechani- sation in mining has meant a reduced need for physical work. In turn, manual tasks and hand-arm vibrations (hand-arm vibrations come almost exclusively from pow- ered hand-tools) are now uncommon; today, manual tasks and hand-arm vibrations are mostly present in maintenance and activities related to infrastructure. Whole- body vibrations (WBV), on the other hand, are still a problem in mining. Almost all machinery used in mining (i.e., machines in which the operator operates the machine from the machine itself) is a source of WBV. Many neck and back injuries can be traced back to WBV. All of these problems are consequences of physical, chemical, and ergonomic haz- ards. Physical and chemical hazards stem mostly from the mining environment. Er- gonomic hazards depend more on the design of machines, for instance, or work tasks. Historically, important changes have occurred in frequency and relative occurrence of work-related diseases in mining. Tbl. 3.3 compares the differences between the most prominent factors of work-related diseases in Swedish mining between the 1980s and 2010s. The table shows that there has been a change in the dominant causes of oc- cupational diseases within the industry over the years, from chemical and physical (noise and vibration) factors in the 1980s, to ergonomic factors in the 2010s. This change is consistent with developments in the industry—exposure to noise and chem- ical factors decreased as mining became more mechanised and automated, due to the fact that work began to be performed from (isolated) cabins. Yet, during this same period, ergonomic issues increased; the fact that many mining machines still lack in several ergonomic respects (Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011) may be explain this development. On the other hand, tbl. 3.3 also presents the aggregated

43 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry frequency of the causes of health issues in mining during the two periods. These fig- ures show that most relative frequencies have decreased; ergonomic factors are only proportionally more prominent. Factors relating to organisational and social factors have marginally increased.53

Table 3.3: The aggregated number, frequency, and distribution of causes of work-related diseases in mining in Sweden.54

Ergonomic Chemical/biological Organisational/social factors55 factors56 Noise57 factors Other58 Sum

1980– 1984 Count 236 200 307 3 28 774 Frequency 3.8 3.3 5.0 - 0.5 12.6 Proportion 30% 26% 40% - 4% 2010– 2014 Count 82 14 54 4 13 167 Frequency 2.0 0.3 1.3 0.1 0.3 4.1 Proportion 49% 8% 32% 2% 8%

The control of these hazards is central to understanding the approach to workplace issues within the mining industry. First, these controls represent technology that in-

53The first period reports almost no work-related diseases resulting from organisational factors. This does not mean that they largely did not exist as an issue during this period. Rather, these issues have become more prominent—recognised as occurring—during the 2010s. In particular, the 2010s saw the arrival of AFS 2015:1 provisions (on organisational and social work environment), which resulted in these factors being viewed as important (Lööw and Nygren 2019). One could also argue that social and organisational factors get hidden or suppressed by other issues. For example, stress or bad leadership might not appear as relevant factors when faced with more pressing, immediate risks (rock falls, etc.). These factors have probably always existed as a (partial) cause, however they may have surfaced only as other issues have been addressed. 54Data for this table comes from Sweden’s National Board of Occupational Safety and Health and Statistics Sweden (the period 1980–1984), as well as the Swedish Work Environment Author- ity (the period 2010–2014). Sweden’s National Board of Occupational Safety and Health did not calculate frequency rates the same way that the Swedish Work Environment Authority does. Therefore, rates for the first period have been calculated using figures from Statistics Sweden. 55The official translation is “ergonomic factors” but is close to physical ergonomics. 56Earlier publications separated these categories (but no biological factors were reported for the first period). 57Earlier publication separated these categories into “noise” and “vibration” while later publications merged them. 58Earlier publications listed “other physical factors,” but they have been merged into this category.

44 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ dustry uses. Second, while technical demands largely dominate the reasoning regard- ing decisions on technology within the industry, health and safety are non-technical issues that do receive attention. Ventilation reduces the amount of dust (i.e., one of the chemical hazards) that personnel are exposed to. In application, ventilation can either dilute the dusty air by providing clean air, or it can use an airflow to “trap” the dust at the source and keep it away from personnel (Kissell 2003). There also exists water spraying for dust control, a technique that both prevents dust from getting into the air after it is generated and captures dust that is already airborne (Kissell 2003). Dust collectors, which function like vacuums cleaners, can also be used (in cabins, for example, or at the cutting heads of roadheader). The less dust that is generated in the first place, the better. Strategies to accomplish the lessening of dust in mining include: using deeper cuts in long-wall operations; us- ing water-injection drilling; and preventing personnel from entering the production area after blasting, so as to let the dust first settle or be removed by ventilation (Kissell 2003). Dust can also be generated by moving equipment; trucks moving loads on poor roads, and the roads themselves, produce dust (Kissell 2003). Some dust can be removed through substitution of technology; an example of this is in the use of electrically powered, instead of diesel-powered, mining machines, which, in turn, reduces exposure to diesel fumes. Low-emissions diesel fuels, and also engines with a high European emission standard (e.g., Euro VI), also reduce diesel fumes. Finally, automation and remote control are effective solutions for lessening operator exposure to dust. Moving just a short distance away from dust sources can lessen exposure (Kissell 2003). Control rooms are much less dusty than production areas. Mechanisation in which the machine is operated from an isolated cabin also decreases exposure. However, dust can still be present through dusty or dirty clothing, for example, which means that measures such as good housekeeping practices and closed doors during operations are also important (Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011) for lessening dust exposure. Compared to air pollutants, noise cannot be removed or controlled through mine infrastructure. Thus, mining companies have less control over the issue of noise, and they must rely on the designs of mining machines and the like for managing the problem. Thus, coupled with the issue of the many sources of noise is the difficulty to control the noise sources. Eliminating noise completely is the most preferable option, but this is seldom possible due to the fact that the source of the noise would have to be removed—which is the very fragmentation of rock, etc., required in mining. This has made engineering controls a common solution. Barriers and sound-absorbing materials are commonly-used engineering controls for noise pollution. Isolated cabins combine barriers and sound-absorbing materi- als. This means that efforts to procure well-designed machines can have significant

45 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry effects on reducing problems of noise in the workplace. Retrofitting machines to this effect after their procurement is possible, and this is commonly done, but such a process is often more expensive and less effective (Reeves et al. 2009) than machines pre-fitted with these measures. It may also be difficult to retrofit, as the machines are not designed for this, and retrofitting can also compromise the machine’s other functionalities (including safety) (Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011). Noise can also be isolated or reduced so as to lessen exposure to its effects. For example, sound from an engine can be reduced by installing (better) mufflers, and noisy machines can be spatially or physically isolated. Remote control can reduce exposure to noise or even completely isolate personnel from it (Reeves et al. 2009). Hearing protection is commonly used in mining, but it is often misused or not used at all. Hearing protection also makes communication more difficult and may mask auditory warnings (McBride 2004). Administrative control involves reducing the exposure of personnel to noise; this can be achieved either through decreasing the amount of time that operators spend in noisy environments, or by controlling the source of noise. For example, set routines can disallow machines to operate when personnel are in the vicinity. The control of physical ergonomics depends largely on the design of the equipment being used, and this matter is, thus, somewhat outside of the direct control of mining companies. However, manual labour depends directly on the specific task assigned, and this is a situation that mining companies can influence. Increased mechanisation and automation reduces manual labour. Yet, maintenance, which is largely manual, increases where automation and mechanisation increase. Different tools, such as lift- ing aids, can improve ergonomics, but their use is not guaranteed. Removing manual tasks decreases hand-arm vibrations, but because removing man- ual tasks often means increased mechanisation, WBVs increase simultaneously. Sev- eral factors influence WBV, and there are a variety of subsequent controls for this issue: the type of vehicle used, its speed, maintenance, and the condition of roads are all important factors. Several ways of reducing WBV relate to these elements, also: ensuring careful operation of machinery, setting speed limits, ensuring roads are of good quality, well-maintained and -designed vehicles, and introducing varied work tasks and work breaks (McPhee 2004).

Safety in the Mining Industry

Safety, perhaps even more so than health, remains a significant issue in mining. Even if, by some accounts, developments in safety have been more positive than those for health (European Commission 2010), this picture will vary depending on where one looks. Lilley, Samaranayaka, and Weiss (2013) found that, during 2005–2008, min- ing in Sweden had less than half the rate of fatal occupational injuries of mining in

46 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Spain and New Zealand. Yet, mining in Australia had less than half the rate of occu- pational fatal injuries of mining in Sweden. That comparison study also consistently identifies the mining industry as one of the most accident-prone sector, regardless of country. Within this, safety records also vary depending on the type of mining in- volved. Nelson (2011) showed that opencast mines are safer than underground mines, and that underground coal mining has higher accident rates than other underground operations. This is to say that it is difficult to unequivocally establish the safety perfor- mance of the mining industry as a whole, and that much remains to be done in this regard. In such a situation, as is the case with health issues, safety measures might not only produce different effects in different contexts, but the effects will be complex, improving some areas while worsening others. Tbl. 3.4 presents the causes of accidents in the Swedish mining industry during the 1980s. It shows “fall of person” as the most common cause of accidents, followed closely by object-handling accidents. Other common causes were strikes by falling objects, contact with machine parts, vehicles etc., and overexertion. The first two causes (but, to a lesser extent, also the other causes) relate to the physical and manual nature of mining work at the time.

Table 3.4: Causes of accidents in Swedish mining, 1980–1984.59

Cause Count Frequency Proportion

Electrical accidents 28 0.5 1% Fire, explosion, blasting 50 0.8 1% Contact with chemical element 70 1.1 1% Contact with heat or cold 127 2.1 3% Fall of person 833 13.5 17% Step on uneven surface, misstep, step on nail 265 4.3 5% Other contact with stationary object 430 7.0 9% Struck by flying object, spatter etc. 444 7.2 9% Struck by falling object 535 8.7 11% Other contact with machine part, vehicle, etc. in motion 599 9.7 12% Over exertion of body part 605 9.8 12% Object handling accidents 706 11.5 15% Other 129 2.1 3% Total 4,841 78.7 100%

During the 2010s, tbl. 3.5 (which also includes figures for the manufacturing in-

59Data for this table comes from Sweden’s National Board of Occupational Safety and Health and Statistics Sweden. The frequency was calculated using figures from Statistics Sweden.

47 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

dustry), the most common cause of accidents was, by far, loss of control (for example, loss of control of machinery).60 While factors relating to manual and physical labour still are significant regarding accidents in this period, machine- and equipment-related causes dominate the figures. Additionally, virtually all frequencies of occurrence de- creased at this time (except, perhaps, loss of control, which the first period evaluated, in comparison, does not readily list as a cause). As mining becomes more mechanised and automated, accidents involving machines are bound to be more common, espe- cially when assuming that mechanisation and automation decrease other accidents.

Table 3.5: Causes of accidents in Swedish mining and manufacturing, 2010–2014.61

Cause Count Frequency Proportion

Mining and quarrying Electrical, explosion, fire 23 0.6 4% Leak, outflow, overflow 19 0.5 12% Collapse, fall, breakage of material 68 4.6 12% Loss of control 206 5.0 37% Fall of person 106 2.6 19% Body movement without any physical stress 29 0.7 5% Body movement under or with physical stress 91 2.2 17% Shock, fright, violence, aggression, threat 1 - - Other 8 0.2 1% Total 551 13.4

Manufacturing Electrical, explosion, fire 238 0.1 1% Leak, outflow, overflow 723 0.3 2% Collapse, fall, breakage of material 2,317 0.9 8% Loss of control 14,579 5.4 50% Fall of person 4,825 1.8 17% Body movement without any physical stress 1,676 0.6 6% Body movement under or with physical stress 4,396 1.6 15% Shock, fright, violence, aggression, threat 152 0.1 1% Other 300 0.1 1% Total 29,206 10.9

60Note though that the classification system changed significantly between the 1980s and 2010s, mak- ing it difficult to fully compare the two periods. 61Data for this table comes from the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

48 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Tbl. 3.5 also presents figures for the Swedish manufacturing industry in compari- son to the mining industry. This comparison shows that the two industries are similar in their proportions regarding causes of accidents. Loss of control is a more common cause of accident in manufacturing than in mining, which may be because factors such as leak, outflow, overflow, collapse, fall, and breakage of material are more com- mon in mining (in other words, causes that likely are due to the mining environment). Based on these figures, accident causes in mining are similar to those in manufacturing. However, almost all accident causes are more frequent in mining; given a thousand employees, for every ten accidents in manufacturing there would be thirteen in min- ing. At the same time, notable is that the character of mining accidents have changed, in that they are now more similar to those of other industries.62 Making sense of this all requires looking closer at mining operations and their complex and potentially high-risk environments. The physical and technical environ- ment of the mining industry form one part of the situation. Hartman and Mutmansky (2002, 32) described the character of accidents in mines as being due to “falls of earth, strata gases that are emitted into the mine atmosphere, the explosive nature of mineral fuels when in the form of dust, and the many types of heavy equipment used in the mining process.” Similarly, Laurence (2011, 1559) observed that “One of the reasons that hazards in mining are so great is because of the significant energies involved, be they gravitational, mechanical, chemical, electrical, or other types.” Given that the mining industry has mainly increased its productivity through larger machines, big- ger loads, and so on (e.g., Hartman and Mutmansky 2002), mechanisation introduces more harmful energies (see the below), while also providing protection from them. Recall, as well, that Nelson (2011) identified differences between open-pit mines, underground mines, and coal mines, which also alludes to the specific environments of mining as significantly affecting safety, etc. The occurrences of accidents in min- ing are tied to the presence of energies (Haddon Jr 1963), and accident prevention, therefore, depends on the ability to control those energies (Haddon Jr. 1973); this control, and thus protection, often comes in the form of technology. Other factors also play a role in accidents. For example, Swedish figures from SveMin (2016) show that accidents that occur due to “energies” (i.e., gravitational, mechanical, chemical, and so on) are comparatively rare (compared to, for example,

62This illustration can be compared to figures from the US mining industry (see https://www.cdc. gov/niosh/mining/statistics/MiningFactSheets.html), which show that a majority of mining acci- dents in the US are due to the handling of materials and the slip or fall of persons. Those leading causes, in statistics of the US mining industry, are then followed by that of machinery, but with less than half the distribution in numbers. Statistics for the two countries are not fully compa- rable, but roughly the current situation of the US mining industry parallels that of the Swedish mining industry in the 1980s, given the relative prevalence of material handling and fall accidents, compared to loss of control accidents.

49 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

US figures).63 By comparison, walking, jumping, or tripping accounted for around 22 per cent of all accidents in SveMin’s findings, and service and repair accounted for almost 40 per cent. Moreover, deaths in the Swedish mining industry, lately, have been related to maintenance activities. For the Australian mining industry, Lenné et al. (2012) and Patterson and Shappell (2010) found that around nine out of ten acci- dents were triggered by human action (e.g., operator errors or violations). Patterson and Shappell (2010) found that, in the Australian mining industry, unsafe leadership was present in a third of the cases, whereas Lenné et al. (2012) found that organisa- tional influences were present in two thirds of the Australian cases. Laurence (2011) concluded that many accidents in mining are caused by lack of awareness or non- compliance with rules, poor communication, production taking priority over safety, inadequate training, and so on. In other words, the safety situation in mining is not explained solely with reference to the presence of harmful energies, and, therefore, technology must go beyond mere protection from such energy to be able to improve safety. Other studies have found non-linear relationships between technology and safety in the mining industry. Laflamme and Blank (1996, 486), in studying age-related accident risks in the Swedish mining industry, concluded that “the transformation of production processes in the mine had a more rapid beneficial impact on work productivity than on accident risks.” They also found that the changes in work (e.g., due to technology) favoured older workers, in the context of safety. However, this difference found in this study is not necessarily due to age, alone. Laflamme and Blank suggest younger workers are more exposed to workload and injury risk, compared to older workers, because the physical and technical environments of the younger workers are more hazardous, and the younger workers lack experience of dealing with the conditions. Blank et al. (1998) studied injury risks faced by underground miners in a Swedish iron-ore mine. The study focused on changes to productivity and time worked over a 41-year period (specifically, as measurements of risk expressed in injury per produced unit and hours worked). They found that safety was improved, to the extent that technology decreased risk exposure, but they also noted that “The extent to which this is a reflection solely of technological differences is … debatable, since several factors might confound any relationship found between technological development and injury” (Blank et al. 1998, 272). Blank, Diderichsen, and Andersson (1996) investigated technological development and occupational accidents in the same mining company over a time period spanning

63Between 2011 and 2015, just under ten per cent of all accidents were due to mucking, falling rock, or traffic. Such accidents are potentially extremely dangerous, however they caused no fatalities for this particular period. This is not to downplay the significance of these accidents, but, rather, to highlight that the focus of accidents-prevention efforts in the industry must be wide.

50 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ approximately eighty years (1911–1990). They found that three factors affected the likelihood of accidents: mechanisation, reduction in working hours, and unemploy- ment. Here, mechanisation was found to significantly correlate to an increased overall accident risk. Blank, Diderichsen, and Andersson (1996) argue that this accident in- crease may be because mechanisation usually coincides with work intensification and work condition deterioration, or because machines that were introduced had poor protection and were inadequately adapted. Increased unemployment, too, meant an increased annual accident rate; the authors suggest this accident increase may be be- cause a decrease in labour union bargaining power, or that unemployment led to increased overtime and work intensity. For mortality rates, the study showed that automation and mechanisation led to lower figures:

There is a relationship between technological development and occupa- tional accidents [but] this relationship is conditional on other factors … [W]hen … taken into account, it becomes clear that changes in technol- ogy are not sufficient in themselves fully to explain variations in accident frequencies. (Blank, Diderichsen, and Andersson 1996, 144.)

Regarding the US mining industry, Hartman and Mutmansky (2002) argued that the improved accident rate between 1910 and 2000 was due to: fewer fires and ex- plosions (1910–1930); fewer employed miners and better ventilation (early 1930s); mechanisation, social enlightenment, and production decline (1950–1960); and more surface mining and federal legislation (1960–1985). Studies that have investigated accidents in the mining industry have tended to focus on machine-related accidents. Among the important takeaways from those studies are the findings of Groves, Kecojevic, and Komljenovic (2007) that there is a pronounced difference between fatal and non-fatal accidents within the mining industry. For example, they found that, while material handling accounted for 54 per cent of non- fatal accidents, powered haulage and machinery, together, accounted for 51 per cent of fatal accidents. The type of machine involved in accidents also differed: the most common type of machinery involved in fatalities were haulage trucks and other heavy machinery. For non-fatal accidents, non-powered hand tools were involved in 24 per cent of the accidents; this amount is three times more than that of the second most common machinery (rock or roof bolting machines) included. Ruff, Coleman, and Martini (2011) added to these findings that 25 per cent of all injuries and fatalities occurred during maintenance or repair of machinery. It is important here to note statistics regarding contractors. Muzaffar et al. (2013, 1342) concluded that “the odds of a fatal versus nonfatal injury were nearly three times higher for contractors than that for operators during 1998–2007.” For Swedish mining, Blank et al. (1995, 34) similarly concluded:

51 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry

… a considerable part of dangerous jobs in the mining industry are per- formed by contractor workers. Contractors seem to get injured more often and sustain more severe injuries. They also perform other tasks and work under other conditions than mining company employees when in- curring injuries.

Already mining companies use contractors to cover areas where they do not have in-house competence. It is possible that such practices will be extended to address the lack of a sufficient workforce, in general.64 This type of workforce arrangement makes for more difficult organisation, both for the purposes of safety and otherwise.65 Technology, even when specifically addressing accidents, has a multifaceted rela- tionship with safety. The design of the technology, its integration into organisation, and how maintenance is performed and by who, are all factors that influence the effects of technology on safety (and other matters). There is a problem, however, in the general perception of how mining accidents occur. Many statistics show the loss of control of machinery as the primary cause of accidents in mining; this is true in the sense that the loss of control is what ultimately leads to the accident, but such an analysis also tends to put a focus on who lost control rather than the actual machinery. Thus, a common belief in the mining industry is that most accidents are due to hu- man error (Simpson, Horberry, and Joy 2009). Yet, while nine out of ten accidents are engendered by a human action (e.g., an unsafe act by an operator), the root cause of accidents is usually a combination of factors. The studies by Lenné et al. (2012) and Patterson and Shappell (2010), mentioned earlier, found that organisational fac- tors were present in up to two-thirds of mining accidents; factors related to unsafe leadership were present in one-third of cases. For some situations, environmental conditions affected more than half of all mining accidents; the technical environment was involved in one-third of the accidents, and the physical environment was involved in up to around 55 per cent of the total. Even where one could perhaps put the blame for an accident on the operator directly, such as with violation, in reality these situations are not that simple. Simpson, Horberry, and Joy (2009, 8) highlighted the complexity of the issue:

… the most important aspect to appreciate in relation to violation errors is that while intentional, they are not necessarily malicious or simply a result of laziness. For example, failure to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be a function of it being uncomfortable or the correct PPE not being readily available. Alternatively, failure to use the

64In fact, there already are cases of this happening. Kaunis Iron, with a mine in northern Sweden, uses solely contractors for all mining operations, and only white-collar employees are directly employed by the company. 65For a thorough and important discussion on this topic, see Nygren (2018).

52 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

correct tool or replacement part during maintenance may be a function of availability, and failure to complete all required checks … may be a function of supervisory or other pressures to ‘get the job started again’ etc.

The design of technology and its implementation have clear influence, in other words, on the potentiality of accidents. As noted, beyond human errors, around half of all underground mining accidents directly involve the physical or technical environment in some way (Lenné et al. 2012; Patterson and Shappell 2010), where the technical environment concerns, also, the design and construction of equipment. Worryingly, resulting accidents are not necessarily due to complex shortcomings. Many accidents happen because of confusing or contradicting control layouts. In mining, one machine may have one set of controls, and a similar machine may have a different set of controls; typically, if machines, in general, are similar, it is normally expected that their controls will be be similar, as well (Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011; Lenné et al. 2012; Patterson and Shappell 2010). There are plenty more examples like the ones described above, concerning acci- dent factors and conditions (see, for example, Simpson, Horberry, and Joy 2009; Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011). The point here is not to review all possible examples, but to illustrate the far-from-simple relationships that exists be- tween technology and social factors in such circumstances. Another important point is that, in most cases, the illustrated “phenomena” extend beyond safety and health and into other areas of a social character. This account should serve to illustrate the inability of singular technological efforts to solve complex social issues in mining, among which safety is one of those issues. Before concluding this chapter, I will explore this notion in more detail.

On Addressing Workplace Issues in the Mining Industry

The idea motivating the review within this chapter is to highlight the ways in which different developments have affected the workplaces, as well as the workforce, of the mining industry. Within this, this review focuses on select issues, arguing that the mechanisms that can be observed within those issues are also general to most workplace-level matters in mining industry at-large. The main takeaway here is that none of the issues at hand can be dealt with, or even considered, in isolation; the sit- uation that faces the workplaces of the mining industry are multifaceted, interrelated, and complex. Making the workplaces of the mining industry attractive will mean addressing this complex reality. If the account in the sections above gave the impression that technology is the prob- lem, this is not my intention. Rather, my intention in this chapter is to illustrate that

53 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry technology will have a central position in creating successful solutions to the identi- fied problems. As the next chapter expands upon, all interventions in a workplace involve technology. However, the context of mining workplaces requires rethinking what is meant by technology, as well as reevaluating technology’s role and design. Implementing technology into this complex context, to address it and its resulting effects, is already the mining industry’s approach to problem-solving, however the understanding or view of technology within the mining industry is much too narrow do so successfully. The view of technology within the mining industry is lacking in its consideration of social dimensions. Indeed, the industry may find itself unable to navigate this complex reality precisely because it does not include social aspects in its view of its own challenges. Without including non-technical aspects into the consideration of these problems, the problems then appear to be much simpler than they really are; in viewing each issue in isolation, they appear, automatically, as having both simple and clear-cut solutions. In such a view, solutions, then, take the form of technology: automation will improve safety, remote-control and virtual reality will ensure a future workforce, and battery-power will lessen the environmental impact. Technology such as remote control can improve safety, however not all safety issues come down to the presence of operators in dangerous areas, which is what such a view assumes. Indeed, remote technology, itself, imposes new risks. Ultimately, safe technology is unsafe if not used correctly—a result that often stems from the workforce not accepting or trusting the new technology, for example (Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011). The mining industry, in other words, is “techno-centric.” Again, this is not to discard all technology as unsuitable, but, rather, this is to suggest that technology alone, and in its current form, falls short of accomplishing what it intends to achieve, within these circumstances. Indeed, technology may even worsen the situation. The attention to technical solutions in the industry tends to focus only on a technical perspective, even when seeking to solve social challenges. Problems stemming from such a faulty position find no help from the other constraints within the mining industry, such as constraints that lead to slower and that require technology to adhere to other logics. No a priori right way of addressing these issues exists, even if considering a multi- tude of perspectives in resolving them. Or, rather, there are many ways of addressing these challenges. The issues all affect each other, resulting in trade-off situations wherein interests must be weighed both together and against each other; an interven- tion that is positive for one area might be negative for another. This unsuitability of one-off interventions means that several measures must be brought to bear against the problems. That said, this thesis identifies the centrality of a workplace perspec- tive; the purpose of the workplace focus in this thesis is to suggest that any solution must consider the workplace perspective, even in cases where interventions target the

54 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ surrounding society, for example. To the extent that the challenges of the mining industry have social effects, the challenges cannot be demarcated from the workplace. The workplace represents a nexus for many of the issues discussed in this chapter— here, human activity takes place. The wider issues of social sustainability (under which workplace attractiveness should be included; see Paper IV) constitute a good example of the centrality of a workplace perspective. Horberry et al. (2013), for instance, demonstrate how consid- ering issues related to the work environment in mining contributes to sustainability— it can: improve the health and safety of employees, contractors, and the surrounding community; develop effective emergency response procedures; and facilitate respon- sible product design and use. Outside of the mining industry, several studies have identified convergent areas between work environment and sustainability, as well as how the former can contribute to the latter (cf. Bolis, Brunoro, and Sznelwar 2014; Haslam and Waterson 2013; Radjiyev et al. 2015). Bolis, Brunoro, and Sznelwar (2014) connect social sustainability to work-related issues, such as worker participa- tion in defining sustainability policies, social inclusion of all types of workers, and pro- motion of health and safety. They also identify several studies that note the possible benefit of introducing work environment considerations into sustainability policies to improve the attraction and retention of a qualified workforce. If, on the other hand, sustainability policies have a too-narrow focus, the same policies can have negative impacts. An inability to solve issues relating first to health and safety and then, by extension, to attractiveness, leads to an increase of unsustainable practices. Examples of this conundrum include an over-reliance on a fly-in/fly-out workforce and the in- herent creating of associated problems that come with that (Abrahamsson et al. 2014), and the development of one-sided, low-qualifying jobs in effort to lessen the depen- dence on a qualified workforce. In essence, “Good planning of sustainability policies cannot exclude the consideration of social aspects” (Bolis, Brunoro, and Sznelwar 2014, 1227). Indeed, the mining industry does not, in fact, address all of its challenges via tech- nology. The industry also applies “macro-level” strategies, such as providing edu- cation and healthcare to support social sustainability or increasing mining industry presence in high schools so as to attract young people into the industry. Such strate- gies may be of importance, but they do not necessarily address the problems where they occur and in a way that is appropriate for the character of the problems, them- selves, as indicated above. For matters such as obtaining a social license to operate, mining companies are typically required to engage in processes that seek the input of the surrounding society regarding the mining operations. While the actual ability of these processes to ensure sustainable practice is debatable (Poelzer et al. 2020), for decision-making processes to be influenced by a wide array of perspectives is conducive to positive outcomes for the

55 Chapter 3 The Mining Industry matters covered in this thesis. In fact, when limited to a workplace level, participatory processes have been suggested as central to addressing work environment issues in the mining industry (Burgess-Limerick et al. 2012; Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2018, 2011; Horberry et al. 2016; McPhee 2004). McPhee (2004, 401) argues for the “cooperative interchange between expert and non-expert to find satisfactory solutions to a range of problems especially where there needs to be trade- offs and compromises.” Similarly, Laurence (2011), among others, has argued against more control and rules for improving the work environment of the mining industry. Laurence is in favour of the application of frameworks with few, but high-quality, rules—rules whose strength may reside in the process through which those very rules are established (ensuring that there is a positive safety culture, for instance, and open, well-working communication channels). This thesis will now expand upon these themes, on the foundation that the pursuit of a priori correct solutions, and definitive, unequivocal criteria and requirements, to the problems being addressed, is ultimately unfruitful. A shift to include social dimensions in problem-solving means that such criteria will always fall short of being exhaustive, because the very character of social demands means constantly shifting requirements. Instead, process-based focus is required; the consideration of humans and designing on their terms, and thus, by extension, giving people the ability to influence that which affects them, best addresses the challenges ahead. The next chapter grounds this assertion in theory.

56 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework

This thesis has, thus far, provided some arguments as to why we need a process for creating attractive workplaces in the mining industry. This thesis has also, based on the context in which mining workplaces exist, suggested some features of such a pro- cess. However, to fully develop such a process, an understanding of how technical and social factors interact and interrelate is needed. The theoretical framework de- veloped within this chapter serves to frame that understanding; here, there are two important focal points. First, the process through which attractive workplaces can be created—essentially, the management of the interplay between technology and social factors. Second, how technology can support this development. This chapter, thus, intentionally puts less focus on how social factors, individual people, can support this process—that is, which demands may be put on them; this thesis builds upon the assumption that technology should be adapted to people, not the other way around. Of course, organisational process can (and has to) support such a process, however this chapter includes these concepts under the framework of technology. Three theoretical approaches inform the perspectives developed within this chap- ter. Sociotechnology makes up the foundation of the analysis, providing an initial framework through which to understand the interaction between technical and so- cial systems. This interaction is one that the other two approaches—social studies of technology and institutional pragmatism—can enhance, within the overall frame- work. Specifically, these latter two perspectives help in explaining what happens in the process of implementing technology—that is, the entire journey of technology, as a whole, from a technology developer on to a mine and its workplaces. Mumford (2006) has noted the many positive possibilities of sociotechnical principles but also the lack of description as to how to bring them about; these positive scenarios de- scribe end products. In expanding on sociotechnical thought, this chapter provides the foundations from which a tentative path to sociotechnical implementations can be plotted—or, in the language of this thesis, how the mining industry can go about creating attractive workplaces. Sociotechnology is the notion that systems are best understood, and perform best, when acknowledging that they have both technical and social components. The two systems are symbiotic in such a way that it is only if both parts are “optimised” that the system performs well. Systems, furthermore, must be understood broadly. Tra-

57 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework ditionally, focus in sociotechnical studies is on the workplace or work system. The emergence of macro-ergonomics in the field (e.g., Holden, Rivera, and Carayon 2015) has led to a widened focus and inclusion of the influence of society on work systems and vice versa. Within this, some developments have even connected er- gonomics to ecological sustainability (e.g., García-Acosta et al. 2014). The field of sociotechnology, then, appears to be well-suited for the matter of attractive work- places, given its connection to aspects that exist outside of the workplace. Yet, the view of technology within sociotechnology, and its related field of ergonomics, re- mains too rigid. This chapter, thus, introduces into sociotechnology a notion of technology that extends beyond its physical representations or artefacts. On the one hand, this means that technology must come to include practices that surround the physical artefact; on the other hand, those practices, organisational and otherwise, are technology themselves.66 Such a conceptualisation holds technology as including “soft” (or social) technol- ogy. In this shift of perspective, technology is no longer clearly delineated by physical and rigid artefacts, and in turn, the associated theoretical fields, such as the travel-of- ideas, offer much insight into the implementation and effect of technology. The adding to sociotechnology, in this way, shifts—or introduces another—focus of such analytical approaches, from a perspective of optimisation of systems to one of pro- cess. At minimum, such a change is necessary to the extent that current perspectives view optimisation as possible by looking at the system from the outside and a priori advocating for certain measures therein.67

Sociotechnical Thought: Humanistic and Democratic Workplaces

Sociotechnical thought is closely associated with the Tavistock Institute. Researchers from this institute were sent to investigate the problems of the British coal industry. The industry had mechanised its operations during the inter-war period, replacing its manual systems with semi-automated longwall operations. Yet, the industry did not experience the productivity gains that it expected from the mechanisation, and workers left the industry despite better pay and working conditions. In short, what the Tavistock researchers found (see, e.g., Bamforth and Trist 1951) was that the

66There is a discussion, at least in Sweden, on the distinction between technique (teknik) and tech- nology (teknologi), wherein the former refers to the application of knowledge and so on. I do not maintain such a distinction here; instead, I view both as technology; the later sections of this chapter provide argument as to why. 67Carayon et al. (2015), whose study is covered below, imply the need for such change, but they neither highlight the importance of certain factors (such as “actors”) nor do they follow the impli- cations of their suggested “emergent properties” to all relevant implications.

58 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ new, semi-automated operations required work to be organised like that of a fac- tory. That is, work was divided into small, divided tasks over several shifts; the shift crews were spread out over wide geographical areas and did not meet each other; and, organising these operations required central staff management, whereas before work- ers had autonomy in planning and executing their tasks. Later, however, the same researchers found a mine where the newer, mechanised method did work very well— productivity was higher than in other comparable mines, for example. Here, workers themselves had organised their work, and their organising included a broad range of work roles within which the workers rotated between tasks and shifts. The Tavistock researchers concluded that this had resulted in social and technical system harmonising, whereas the work organisation in those other mines had prevented such harmonisa- tion (Bamforth and Trist 1951; Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull 2019). For the technical and social to harmonise, each must be given equal weight. Tech- nology and its associated work structures make up the technical system, whereas the social system includes grouping of individuals into teams, coordination, control, and boundary management (Mumford 2006). The technical system limits the possibilities to shape work organisations, and the social system has social and psychological dimen- sions that are independent of the technical conditions (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull 2019). Historically, sociotechnical design was evaluated to determine if it had led to efficient use of technology and improvement in the quality of working life of employees. In practice, this meant ensuring that technical and human factors were given equal weight in the design process; advocates of sociotechnology saw it as important that employees were involved in determining the required quality of working-life improvements (Mumford 2006). And, due to of the system-theoretical foundations, feedback has had an important role; to be able to adapt actions and create a holistic picture of the systems, workers need to be informed regarding production quality, quantity, and so on (Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull 2019). These early investigations into sociotechnology tend to emphasise that there was organisational choice available within the limits established by particular technologies. Such an assertion was contrary to contemporary belief, which saw work organisation as strictly determined by technology. Traditionally, tough, sociotechnical theory has seen technology as a given and affording only limited space for the social system to change, as Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull (2019) argue. Later developments in sociotechnology view sociotechnical systems as complex systems, wherein “the synergistic combination of humans, machines, environments, work activities and or- ganisational structures … comprise a given enterprise” (Carayon et al. 2015, 550). This most recent view affords more room for change within the system itself, even if this is still not always formally recognised. Sociotechnology is more than a scientific theory, however; two of the discipline’s most important values are the need to humanise work through the redesign of jobs, and

59 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework democracy at work (Mumford 2006). The application of such values is not possible if the social systems do not receive as much attention as the technical systems. And, while this notion has been interpreted differently over the years, there is agreement that the definitions of human needs must come from those associated with or affected by the technology, meaning “that democratic and participative communication and decision-making must be available to give these people a voice” (Mumford 2006, 321). Mumford argues, further, that supporters of sociotechnical approaches stress that the means are as important as the ends; if the desire is for humanised and well-functioning workplaces, then the change process must encompass humanistic strategies, as well. In practice, these values may take many forms. To explore such forms fully is beyond the scope of this thesis. Instead, to summarise the basis of sociotechnology, I rely on the succinct principles provided by Cherns (1976):

• Compatibility: The objective and process of design must match. • Minimal critical specification: Only what is absolutely necessary should be speci- fied. • The sociotechnical criterion: Deviations from expected norms and standards should be controlled as close to the source as possible, if they cannot be eliminated. • The multifunctionaility principle: There needs to be a redundancy of functions so that there can be adaptability and learning. • Boundary location: Boundaries must allow for knowledge and experience to be shared. • Information: Information must go to where it is needed for action first. • Support congruence: Systems must be designed so that they facilitate desired social behaviours. • Design and human values: High quality work means: that jobs must be reason- ably demanding; there must be opportunity to learn; there is the possibility of decision-making; there is social support; being able to relate work to social life; and that work leads to a desirable future. • Incompletion: Design is an iterative process that never stops.

While sociotechnical theory has expanded beyond these core principles, they are still inherent to many sociotechnical approaches, even if implicitly. One of latest de- velopments in sociotechnical theory comes from Carayon et al. (2015); their addition is in the highlighting of the non-static interactions within sociotechnical systems. An example of such interactions is that of workers adapting to the which, in turn, further adapts the system itself. Carayon et al. (2015) refer to this phenomenon as symbiotic interaction. Symbiotic interaction is the notion of open systems that treats systems as both open and embedded in environments that affect the way the systems behave, and it also holds that these environments, in turn, are embedded in external environments that affect them (Mumford 2006). However,

60 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ unlike traditional systems theory, sociotechnical theory (as described by Carayon et al. 2015) does not assume systems components to be deconstructable into discrete units and events, such that they can be individually analysed. Relationships in sym- biotic interaction are indirect; their form is not given a priori but, rather, arises from the actual interactions within the system and between other systems. “Emergent properties” (the system theoretical label for this phenomenon), Carayon et al. (2015, 550) argue, “arise only when components interact and are not exhibited within the behaviour of individual components.”68 Work systems, in this sense, then, are “created” in the interaction between social and technical systems or components. While a designer, in creating components, can actively influence the technical subsystems, the work system is never fully “designed” by a designer (nor should it be, if sociotechnical principles are to be followed). In other words, what is designed to happen is different from what actually happens (Carayon et al. 2015). On these grounds, Carayon et al. (2015) propose a concentric sociotechnical model. This model consists of the worker—the human—at the centre, then the work system, then socio-organisational context, and finally the external environment. Im- portantly, this model is not hierarchical—rather, it acknowledges that outer layers are permeable and influence properties of each level through proximate and distal layers. In this model, the work system is the local context in which work activities take place. The socio-organisational system, then, refers to the social and organisational culture and structures within the organisation (Carayon et al. 2015). The external environment represents the social, legal, and political environment (the external en- vironment, in light of the later sections, could also be referred to as the institutional environment), and this includes the demographic context, as well. Carayon et al. (2015) note that the broader demographic influences organisations, their culture, and so on. This demographic is, essentially, the concern of work attractiveness, in that it is the “target” of the attractiveness. The demographic viewpoints, wishes, desires, etc. must be taken into consideration in design, so as to make work systems suitable for that demographic. What is more, regarding issues of social acceptance and the like, this layer has a significant, if not final, influence—ultimately deciding what is socially acceptable or not. In the same manner in which the technical system can introduce boundaries around the social system, the surrounding economic system determines the sociotechnical system’s boundary conditions. Therefore, management (on all levels) has what Abra- hamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull (2019) call a “border patrol” function—for exam- ple, by limiting influence.69 Mumford (2006) notes in this situation the powerful

68Mumford (2006, 330) similarly argues that “The sociotechnical supporters believed that ‘quality of working life’ was an emergent value” (my emphasis). 69It is not possible to limit all influence. The symbiotic interaction in (sociotechnical) systems means

61 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework economic climates that affect businesses and the way the businesses operate. In partic- ular, when in combination with strong corporate cultures, such a situation tends to mean that notions such as “one best way” and clearly-prescribed ways of doing things take precedence over alternative approaches. In this way, the external environment influences and constrains the socio-organisational environment and, in turn, the work system. This also means that there is a degree to which sociotechnical systems are artificially constrained. The corresponding model developed by Carayon et al. (2015) focuses on safety, but it does not have to be specific to that topic. Rather, I argue that the same reasoning can be applied to any emergent property of sociotechnical systems; the attractiveness of a work system or workplace is such an emergent property. For example, the inclusion of individual components in a work system (work rotation, good pay, flexible hours, etc.), with each being separately attractive (Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004), does not directly result in an attractive work system. It is only when workers, themselves— as “components” within the system—interact with other system components, that the character of the “attractiveness property” emerges.

Sociotechnology and Attractive Workplaces

Thus far, this thesis has not brought up in any detail the actual characteristics of attractive workplaces. Research on this topic, while somewhat sparse, does exist (e.g., Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004; Hedlund 2007; Åteg and Hedlund 2011; Biswas et al. 2017; see also Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005). In Lööw et al. (2018), we dedicate a chapter to applying this research to the mining industry. The omission of the same in this thesis is due to the thesis’ focus on process; attention to particular characteristics would detract from the purposes of such an approach. This is not to contest that workplaces that are perceived as attractive do not exhibit the characteristics identified in this research. Rather, it is to say that, knowing of these characteristics and then, in turn, implementing them, is the task of importance. Importantly—and one of the main points here—this process is not specific to attractive workplaces, as such; it is a process that is common to navigating the field of sociotechnical interaction, in general. Choosing to focus this thesis on workplace attractiveness is a way of defining the study; in terms of investigating sociotechnical interplay, workplace attractiveness is an illustrative topic. Workplace attractiveness has the advantage of also being a topic that interests the mining industry. The concept could, in this sense, stand in for other social issues within the industry, or at least those issues with a connection to local, workplace perspectives. That said, by studying these processes, one can make claims about how the characteristics of attractive workplaces can be facilitated.

that components will always influence each other and across several levels. However, managers— and designers too, for that matter—can limit active influence and the like.

62 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

It is worth noting here that interest in sociotechnical theory during the 1960s and 1970s in Europe was due to expanding industry that, at the same time, had labour difficulties: “They had problems obtaining staff and were scared of losing those they had” (Mumford 2006, 324). In fact, Mumford claims that almost all interest in the concept during the 1970s was due to these issues. However, even if management also sought to improve quality of life at the time, solving labour shortages was the prime motivation for the consideration of such theory. Not only is sociotechnical thought conducive to creating attractive workplaces, the process is, necessarily, itself sociotechnical (cf. the principle of compatibility). This claim has implications for current perspectives on workplace attractiveness, particu- larly with regards to what such attractiveness “is.” First, the discussion on workplace attractiveness should not be reduced solely to the ability of an organisation to secure labour.70 An organisation or workplace that has all the labour it requires is not nec- essarily attractive; plenty of jobs are either unattractive or have significant potential for improvement yet do not have a shortage of staff. Likewise, an organisation that cannot secure enough labour is not necessarily unattractive. However, questions of attractiveness tend to become salient when organisations are unable to recruit labour; an organisation that has all the labour it needs might not be interested in whether it is actually attractive or not. Moreover, an organisation could have all its “workforce needs” fulfilled but then see demands for a larger workforce—an inability to recruit does not have to mean that the organisation is unattractive. There is also a distinction between attractive workplaces and attractive organisations or employers. For instance, an organisation can be attractive even if its work is not (Åteg and Hedlund 2011). In the end, though, both organisation and workplaces must be attractive; if the organisation attracts, its workplaces cannot, then, repel. Such division would suggest that attracting and retaining labour are separate problems, but some researchers have, instead, phrased it as a single problem of attractiveness (e.g., Hedlund 2007)—attractive work is work that people both like having (retention) and want to have (attraction). A discussion of work that attracts but does not retain is not productive; all organisations involve work, and so attractive organisations must also provide attractive workplaces.

70Much of the existent literautre talks of attractive work as opposed to attractive workplaces. I try mostly to avoid the term attractive work here because of I find it hard to demarcate work from other activities; with definitions such as work being “doing in the sphere of necessity” (Karlsson 2013, 2004), the concepts that I develop in this chapter become difficult to apply. Instead, I use the term attractive workplaces. Workplaces as conceptualised in sociotechnical theory, particularly in Carayon et al. (2015), implies the physical elements of the work system and presupposes some formal organisation of these places of work. Toconduct my analysis without some sort of structural division I do not think is possible without modification of the theoretical framework. In accounting for the literature in this section, however, I generally use the terms introduced by those writings themselves. And, in earlier publications, I too have used the term “attractive work.”

63 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework

Thus, questions of labour attraction and retention—and indeed, the question of attractive organisations, in general—are questions of workplace attractiveness. In line with the “dual goal of ergonomics” of improving system performance as well as well- being (International Ergonomics Association 2017), one could say that designing at- tractive work strives for system performance through well-being.71 Meaning, if a work system does not provide good enough workplaces, this will inhibit its performance through a lack of resources (cf. Carayon and Smith 2000). When it comes to the actual design of attractive work systems, a focus on (indi- vidual) factors or components is not sufficiently helpful. As noted, previous research has identified factors that contribute to making work attractive (e.g., Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004). These factors feature within attractive work systems, certainly, but their unique significance in each system, and for each individual, is so dependent on those very systems and individuals that knowing of them and trying to accommodate for them (a priori) is not enough. Thus, previous research has demonstrated that the creation of attractive work systems is possible when considering factors that feature in such systems. However, how the creation of attractive work systems is to be ac- complished is not as clear (cf. Mumford 2006), nor is how to find a balance in cases where all important factors cannot be fulfilled or are conflicting. In an attractive work system, in which people want to both work and keep working, individual and subjective views on attractiveness become central. A work system, as either attractive or unattractive, ultimately depends on the perspectives of individuals. In this vein, Hedlund (2007) proposed that work attractiveness has both an internal and external perspective. In the external perspective, an individual judges the work from the “outside,” for instance as someone seeking employment or deciding upon a job. This person is outside of the work system and in the socio-organisational or external environment. In the internal perspective, an individual judges the work from the “inside,” for example someone who is already employed at the workplace in question. This person is in the work system. In this sense, a work system can be simultaneously attractive and unattractive, such as attractive internally but not exter- nally. Crucially, individuals, being either inside or outside the work system, “classify” the system. Defining attractiveness, then, as only the ability to recruit labour is unsuitable. For Hedlund (2007), only when work is attractive from both the internal and external

71This is potentially a problematic statement, because it may be taken to read or suggest that we can be tricked into work that we otherwise would not accept were it not for some enticing factor. In Paper IV, I reference Blauner (1964) and his finding that workers may be objectively alienated even if they do not subjectively experience that alienation (due to societal norms, for example). However, as I argue in that paper, only naïvely could one claim those jobs to be attractive, as in the long-term (objectively, even) well-being suffers. Still, this statement is more to illustrate the relation to ergonomics, rather than to identify well- being as the end and sole goal of attractive workplaces.

64 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ perspectives can work be classified as attractive; meaning, this is a classification that must arise from perspectives both inside and outside of the work system. A significant portion of workplace attractiveness, then, comes down to perspectives. Sociotechnology, as a discipline, is already is clear on the crucial need for wishes and desires of those implicated by technology to, in turn, influence technology to the same effect. Notably, these wishes and desires must stem, in part, from how people view technology.

An Extended Notion of Technology

While sociotechnology includes in its definition of the technical system the likes of routines, work organisation, and so on, the sociotechnical concept of technology is still too narrow for framing a process that can facilitate attractive workplaces. As noted, changing workplaces—meaning, making them attractive—will always involve technology. Failing to identify what technology is, then, limits the applicability of sociotechnology. The review by Mumford (2006) of the of sociotechnology is illustrative in this regard. At several points she makes statements with the sentiment of “service jobs have very little reliance on technology, resting instead on a foundation of human skills of caring and support.” While it is true that such jobs may involve little physical technology, certainly routines under which such work is organised— such as which technique or strategy to use in meeting with customers, etc.—are technology (or at least involve its application), even by sociotechnical standards. A lack of attention to social factors in the workplace, even in social technology, can have negative outcomes. Thus, the notion of technology must include, or be understood as consisting of non-physical things, as well, wherein technology is “soft” as well as “hard.” Without this extension of the meaning of technology, we may come to overlook the role of organisational concepts (such as a safety programme, itself, rather than the workplaces just being safe) in affecting workplace attractiveness. A sociotechnical analysis of attractive workplaces must also be attentive to the pro- cess under which technology is created. Sociotechnological thought already identifies the importance of those affected by technology in being able to also influence tech- nology. At the same time, it would be wrong to assume that such influence is only relevant at the point of implementation. Technology is created through sociotech- nical networks, which means social factors have important bearing on the forming of technology, as well. Recognition of this factor is especially important in light of the fact that perceptions of technology influence the emergence of workplaces as either attractive or not. To expand sociotechnology in this way, I rely primarily on Eveland (1986) and Wa- jcman (2004). The argument that technology is information, put forward by Eveland (1986), helps to conceptualise technology as soft. He argues that, to be useful, tech-

65 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework nology must be conceptualised in the widest sense possible. Meaning, technology is not only (merely) hardware or physical objects; it is also knowledge about the physical and how it can be manipulated. As such, technology is information. Technology is, furthermore, important only to the extent that it can convey information about the physical and its manipulation.72 Eveland further argues that, at a minimum, the no- tion of technology must include both the tool and its uses (i.e., the purpose to which the tool is put). Technology is significantly behavioural, in that it cannot be under- stood outside of what it is used to accomplish and the purposes of its users. More succinctly, “Technology is information, and exists only to the degree that people can put it into practice and use it to achieve values” (Eveland 1986, 303). A navigational system for underground mines, for example, has no inherent value in and of itself; it is only when it is put to use by miners that it “becomes” technology. Moreover, only when the same navigational system can help miners to be safe (a value), does it exist; conversely, if the system is not seen as being able to provide such a function, it will not be used, and thus it will not exist. When applied to sociotechnical thought, the notion of “to harmonise with the social system” must take on the meaning that technology must also express the correct values (cf. the principle of compatibility)—or, at minimum, that its use cannot be not contrary to these values. For example, combining a concern with global heating along with the use of diesel-powered machines would be conflicting. With this notion of harmonisation factored into analysis, the division in sociotechnical theory between the social and the technical starts to dissolve,73 and there is no technology existing

72The following example may be helpful in understanding this alternative view on technology. Sup- pose that you have a liquid that, if you put it on a surface, that surface becomes shiny. In everyday language use, we would refer to this as a product (or something similar). Suppose, also, that you have a machine that, when used on a surface, also causes that surface to become shiny. While we could refer to this machine as a product, as well, we would, at the same time, call it technology. Wherein lies the difference between the two products? Why would we refer to one of them as technology, but not refer to the other one as technology, also? Certainly, the effects of both prod- ucts are the same, and both also have physical representation. I hold that there is no meaningful difference between the two products—both are technology. In stating that technology is information, what is meant, in the above example, is that both products require information about how surfaces can be made shiny. That information has been applied differently in each of the two products, but they are both still technology. Similarly, to take an example that is closer to the subject matter of this thesis (albeit somewhat absurd): Safety technology can be a routine that requires one to shout so as to ensure that one’s work colleagues know roughly where one is… or, it can be a positioning system that utilises wifi or 5G technology to send this information to a smartphone. Both of these examples are examples of technology, and both build upon information (or knowledge) that knowing where oneself and others are located is important for safety. 73Eveland (1986) does maintain a distinction between “social technology” and other technology. For example, he notes education and social programs as “non-hardware” technologies, and refers to these as social technologies. Based on his writings, there is, seemingly, a distinction line from the

66 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ outside its use. Meaning, in that it is utilised by humans, the use of technology is social.74 This also means that technology cannot be understood in any way other than as sociotechnical; technology is inherently sociotechnical. Moreover, not only is technology sociotechnical, it is also formed by sociotechnical processes. Eveland’s concern is mainly with technology as it enters organisations. The process leading up to its entry, and how technology’s use by organisations and people relates to this process, is the focus of Wajcman (2004).75 Where Eveland argues that technology is information and can therefore be transformed directly, Wajcman more firmly acknowledges the importance of the physical artefacts and also highlights the institutional processes underlying our “rational” reasoning around them. For the pur- pose of this thesis, Wajcman’s most important argument is that technology extends far beyond physical artefacts, positing that it is sociotechnical networks that form technol- ogy. Wajcman does not suggest that technology is primarily non-physical in the way that Eveland (1986) does; she considers, rather, that technology is much more than the physical artefacts.76 Like Eveland (1986) argues, though, technology in Wajcman’s

application of technology: technology that aims to change people is social, and that which seeks to manipulate the physical worlds is just technology (judging by Eveland’s use of the terms). 74Relating schools of thought such as that of Actor-Network Theory (ANT), note the agency of non-humans—this could be taken to mean that non-humans can use technology, too. However— although this may be because I am not completely familiar with that field—the extent to which non-humans can have values and are able to use information is questionable; at least for the purpose of this thesis, technology must be viewed as used by humans (which is, thus, social). To a certain extent, Mumford, too, maintains the division between technical and social systems to be that which exists between humans and non-humans, saying: “the rights and needs of the em- ployee must be given as high a priority as those of the non-human parts of the system” (Mumford 2006, 338). 75I rely extensively Wajcman (2004) for her summary of some of the most salient points of social studies of technology, and I also make use of some the arguments she builds. At the same time, Wajcman’s is a feminist perspective, while this thesis is not. I do not focus explicitly on questions of power, for example, or masculinity and femininity. I try, instead, to use the general insight from her study to guide my inquiry. For example, a recurring argument of Wajcman (2004, 27) reads along the lines of, “The result is that machinery is literally designed by men with men in mind—the masculinity of the technology becomes embedded in the technology itself.” My use of such statements is in abstracting this beyond the particularity of masculinity. Here, then, such a statement takes on the meaning of “technology is designed departing from the designers’ views/perceptions—their values, as expressed by technology, become embedded in the technology itself.” That is, I argue that the mechanisms or phenomena in question are not specific to masculinity but, rather, are useful to understand the (trans)formation of technology, more generally. Barad (2003), in building her onto-epistemology, makes use of insights from Bruno Latour, Judith Butler, and so on, but she does not specifically address gender and feminism, as such. 76For example, a mine truck is not just the physical truck—the same truck is also defined by its use, marketing, and so on. Meaning, technology is a sociotechnical product, in that it is the result of the interplay of the “hard” (mechanical components and the like) and “soft” (its use, marketing, and so on) parts. Goodman and Garber (1988), in their sociotechnical study of mines, note the difference between general configurations of technology (e.g., the physical mine truck) and the

67 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework view is immensely malleable and can be inscribed with symbols, values, and so on. In this light, the design of technology continues long after the physical artefact has left the laboratory, with non-technical (social) factors having as much influence as technical factors, on the whole. Wajcman (2004, 34) notes that previous social studies of technology have “rejected the notion that technology is simply the product of rational technical imperatives; that a particular technology will triumph because it is intrinsically the best.” She holds technical reasons to be vitally important, but she also holds that why these particular technical reasons were “chosen” is equally important. What appears as a (legitimate) technical reason depends on circumstances that inevitably involve social aspects. These choices doubly shape technology and its social implications. Meaning, “technology is a sociotechnical product, patterned by the conditions of its creation and use” (Wajcman 2004, 34). There is, in other words, no way of viewing technology in isolation. On the one hand, technical innovation builds upon previous technology as a part of a system, not as separate “devices” or components. Battery-technology for mining machines is not solely something enabled by batteries. Moreover, technology’s entry into the field is due to political decisions, as well; taxing diesel so that batteries appear as economi- cally more feasible, for example, or requiring that air quality be of a certain standard (see Paper IV), while at the same time battery technology having already been made popular by car manufacturers. On the other hand, because technology also has to en- ter into a system, it must navigate a complex space of requirements (Wajcman 2004). These requirements can be technical, economic, organisational, political, and cultural. The common view (especially from an instrumental/rationalistic perspective) is that technologies are refined over time such that their performances and abilities to solve problems are increased and, thus, their adoption will increase. Instead, Wajcman (2004, 36) argues “that it is not necessarily technical efficiency, but rather the con- tingencies of sociotechnical circumstances and the play of institutional interests that favour one technology over another” (my emphasis). Eveland (1986) relates similar points. Accepting that technology is information, the transfer of technology is the communication and use of that information. Thus, the metaphors used to describe technology become important. What we chose to liken particular technology to also affects its reception, use, etc. As well, there is also a permanence to the ensuing metaphors; Eveland argues that, once the likeness of a technology is established as connected to something, it is unlikely that the resulting “definition” will be revised.77 Thus, objects and practices become their own entities

unique configurations of the same technology at particular sections of a mine. The unique con- figurations of technology at a mine face, for example, depend upon factors such as environmental conditions and the necessary use of technology to adapt to those conditions. 77Eveland’s example is of computers being likened to typewriters, that is, something with which

68 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ that, in turn, serve as metaphors for new ideas and objects. This is another way in which technology builds upon previous and technologies. Additionally, the values attached to a particular metaphor are also influenced by the institutional environment. Moreover, technology will mean different things to different people; with a multitude of viewpoints, what is valued by one may be a disaster for another (especially if having let “the costs and benefits to be defined according to the perspec- tive of only a limited part of the participants”; Eveland 1986, 311). In this theoretical perspective, the institutional environment partly forms what con- stitutes technical reasons or motivations for developing and using technology. In part, for example, there are “the divergent requirements and assumptions of technology developers and users” (Wajcman 2004, 37). Wajcman uses the term “interpretative flexibility” to refer to the evolving view of what technology is as it is implemented and used. Similar to Eveland, she argues that “Different groups of people involved with a technology can have very different understandings of that technology, including different understandings of its technical characteristics” (Wajcman 2004, 37).78 This flexibility in interpretation means that criteria for judging technology as functional (or not) are not instrumental/rationalistic measures; the criteria are, rather, dependent on the extent to which the technology has been accepted by relevant social groups (Wajcman 2004). Such criteria for assessing technology in this way are political as much as they are technical: Sometimes such complex decision criteria are compatible, allowing “win-win” solutions to be formulated; sometimes situations are truly zero-sum and someone has to lose … [T]he problem of multiple criteria of assessment is [a] dynamic problem posed by the political nature of organizations … (Eveland 1986, 315.) Stabilisation of technology can still occur, though, because “some artefacts become increasingly the dominant form of the technology” (Wajcman 2004, 38). Or, certain criteria for judging technology become institutionalised in favour of others. On these grounds, problems relating to the design, development, transfer, and im- plementation of technology come down to being perceived differently by, or meaning

to write documents. This instead of, for example, computational machines (which the name still suggests). Computers, thus, at least in a traditional office setting, are used for writing and preparing documents, instead of being a more general tool; then, software being developed for computers continues in this vein. Organisations may be unwilling to go back on such definitions either because of the effort required (changing infrastructure, re-educating the workforce, and so on), or because organisations want to appear as consistent and not contradictory in their actions (see Røvik 2008 and the next section). 78Still, technology is not “infinitely plastic and tractable.” Wajcman argues that artefacts impose limits for how we can interpret technology. This is similar to how, in sociotechnical thought, the technical system erects boundaries around the social system.

69 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework different things to, different people. This variance in perception is partly structural and not random; designer and user are remote from each other, and values can vary considerably between groups (Wajcman 2004 notes, for example, that designers are generally men and thus make technology “male,” while consumers are women). Fur- thermore, the creation of symbolic meaning does not stop with the design phase— meaning is further encoded in marketing, retailing, and appropriation by users,79 all of which lead to the social shaping of technology. If technology is both information and malleable, traditional notions of technology may fall short of providing actual explanations. The problem with that fact, in the view of Eveland (1986, 303), is that “our technology has … outstripped the ability of many organizations … to make productive use of it.” This thesis implies that we can neither dictate the use of technology nor directly influence it. Thus, the processes surrounding technology use, and the characteristics of technology itself, remain targets for this thesis’ endeavour. The problem of making productive use of technology (a problem that is of interest to Eveland), is a problem of implementation. This predicament, in turn, is a matter of understanding “how does [the] tool help [someone] do something valuable” and, at the same time, that “if what [one seeks] to transfer does not facilitate the achievement of [these] goals, [one is] unlikely to succeed” (Eveland 1986, 305); these goals are as likely to be normative to the same extent that they are technical. Though not a position without demur, the following statement brings us to the next part of this chapter: “technology transfer is a function of what individuals think—because what they do depends on those thoughts, feelings, and interests” (Eveland 1986, 310, emphasis in original). The symbolic meanings of technology must, thus, have significant bearing on analysis—in this way, technology seems to behave much like ideas.

Technology as the Travel and Implementation of Ideas

The literature regarding the travel of ideas concerns the spread of ideas (mostly in the form of management concepts) within and between organisations. The application of the notion (of travel of ideas) to technology and sociotechnology is, to my knowledge, rarer. Part of this lack may be due to the notion’s assumed attention to malleable subject matter (which, traditionally, technology is not) in the travel-of-ideas literature. Yet, with the reconceptualisation of technology as something soft, something indeed malleable, the travel-of-ideas field lends much insight to the issues of concern in this thesis. The study of the travel of ideas is an extensive tradition; as such, this section will rely on Røvik (2008) to provide a summary of the field.

79Wajcman argues that it is gendering that does not stop in the design phase but that continues through- out. Again, I argue that these mechanisms are general beyond gendering.

70 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Røvik focuses of on two paradigms in the field: A modern and rational perspective and a social-constructivist perspective.80 The first perspective, while diverse, has three common denominators: a fundamental optimism for progress and development; the belief in organisations and organisation; and an optimism in science and knowledge. , the second perspective, Røvik (2008) argues as often standing opposite to the modernistic perspective. Social constructivism has three base charac- teristics: one, the socially constructed reality in which organisations see themselves as having to follow nature-given rules, wherein these rules, in reality, are socially constructed; two, a skepticism towards organisational science; and three, a skepticism towards instrumentalism, or the idea that organisations only are tools that fulfil certain goals (instead of being arenas for the development and interpretation of symbols). Røvik strives to understand management ideas and organisational “recipes.” In particular, he focuses on the supply of these ideas and recipes as well as their transfer and reception.81 In the case of supply, he is interested in the supply of “products” (the market for ideas) and their content, form, and volume (the product and pro- ducers). For the former—the products—the market for these is important because it reflects values (these values must correspond to those of the users, as the previous section argued). This also offers an explanation for discrepancies between what the technology is said to be able to do, or what it is, and what it can actually do. For the latter—the content and form—a sociotechnical analysis must consider who forms technology and how this affects its character. In the second case, the transfer and reception of organisational ideas, Røvik takes interest in both decontextualisation and contextualisation. Decontextualisation is the process in which an organisational idea is extracted from its original organisational setting.82 This process is relevant to understanding how technology can move from one context to another (e.g., battery-powered vehicles from the car industry or safety programmes from other industries or companies). Contextualisation is the process in which organisational ideas are introduced into a new organisational context. This process adapts the individual tools and practices of a concept (and, by extension, the concept itself) to fit into the new context. For the purpose of this thesis, this pro- cess can answer questions relating to what happens to technology when it makes its way into mining organisations. In terms of sociotechnology, both processes, decon-

80In an earlier publication (Røvik 2000), Røvik makes the distinction between a tool perspective (stemming from a rational–instrumental tradition) and a symbol perspective (stemming from neo- institutional, organisational ethnographic, and constructivist traditions). 81Røvik (2008) is very picky with the particular words for these mechanisms; the original words do not translate well into English, but, for example, he specifically talks of överförandet and mottagandet (although these terms are translated into Swedish from Norwegian). These words are, in turn, separate from förmedlande and implementerandet. I attempt to mostly adhere to his distinction. 82An example from Paper I: the practices of Toyota being formulated into lean production by Liker (2004) and Womack and Jones (2003).

71 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework textualisation and contextualisation, involve interactions between technologies (e.g., tools, practices) and the people affected by them. The use of these ideas links the ex- ternal/institutional environment with the socio-organisational level on down to the work system. Sociotechnical scholars are aware of such mechanisms. Mumford (2006, 339), for instance, notes that organisational change often is catalysed by “the thinking and writing of consultants and academics and by the behaviour of competitors” and even that these “can be just the latest fad of a powerful communicator.” She notes, too, how both economic climate and business cultures can lock organisations into certain ways of thinking, such as the need for minute control (see also Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Sandkull 2019). However, these considerations seem, in general, to be excluded from sociotechnical analysis, while they do stand to offer important input for bringing about sociotechnical change. Røvik (2008) does not find the current paradigms wholly suitable for his endeavour of explaining the travel of organisational ideas. The modernistic perspective explains the market for organisational ideas with reference to the dramatic growth of the num- ber of organisations and increased global competition (growth that requires new ideas for how to achieve rational production, for exampl)e. The modernistic perspective also sees producers of organisational ideas as managers, consultants, and researchers. Resulting products, in the modernistic perspective, are fit-for-purpose tools meant for the rational management and design of organisations. As for decontextualisation, because organisations are seen as universal and made up of similar systems, practices are viewed as being directly extracted and transferred from one organisation to an- other. The task then, in the decontextualisation, is to create an as-exact-as-possible representation of the ideas. Contextualisation, in turn, becomes a cost–benefit de- cision by rational managers and—assuming that the ideas are implemented correctly (and usually in a top-down process)—also a task of “instrumental installation.” Likewise, the social-constructivist perspective has explanations for both supply as well as transfer and reception. Røvik (2008) describes this tradition as one that ex- plains that the market for organisational ideas is an increased belief in organisations as system-like. With more organisations understanding themselves in this way, there is a bigger market for ideas for how such organisations should be designed. At the same time, organisations have to adopt these ideas to appear modern. In this perspec- tive, popular ideas are symbols of modernity and rationality, rather than tools based on experience and knowledge. Therefore, producers of ideas are not necessarily ac- tors with a lot of experience with the particular ideas, but, rather, they are skilful in packaging the ideas such that they appear as tools and symbols for organisational mod- ernisation. Decontextualisation does not interest the social-constructivist tradition, Røvik (2008) claims (since ideas are not tools in this view, there are no organisations to learn from). The contextualisation of ideas, in this perspective, is reduced to ideas

72 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

being façades that mostly equip organisations with a “legitimising rhetoric” (Røvik 2008, 43) while actual practice remains unchanged.83 Being unsatisfied with the explanations offered by the two paradigms (or, rather, finding advantages and drawbacks to both), Røvik proposes a “third way,” a middle road between the two paradigms: institutional pragmatism. Within this, Røvik (2008, 44) attempts to “develop and occupy a pragmatic position, which is inspired by both the modernistic and social-constructivist paradigm but that, at the same time, is a distinct position between the two” (my translation, emphasis in original). This new perspective by Røvik acknowledges the inherent ambiguity of the phenomenon of the “travel” of organisational ideas; where the two other traditions attempt to give singular explanations to the phenomenon, institutional pragmatism seeks to identify the foundations of the ambiguity. At the same time, while addressing shortcomings in the classic perspectives, Røvik (2008) argues that neither approach can be discounted empirically and that both mechanisms are present and also interwoven in a complex manner. In this way, in sum, in institutional pragmatism ideas can be tools with instrumen- tal effects as well as socially-constructed symbols with legitimising effects. This view provides a different understanding for the market of ideas. Røvik (2008) reasons that, because popular management ideas are symbols for rationality and modernity, stories about how well ideas function as tools are what determine their legitimis- ing power. Where Røvik critically distinguishes this reasoning from the that of neo-institutionalists is in arguing that such a process must happen through a “real- ity modus”; the stories, in Røvik’s view, are like those of a documentary rather than fiction. According to Røvik, a producer of organisational ideas must be understood, then, as someone who understands the actual effect of the ideas and how the ideas can be socially authorised. Røvik (2008) thus describes the processes of decontextualisation and contextu- alisation as depending on the same complex and double logic. For example, the “requesters” of organisational ideas (e.g., organisations or managers) understand them- selves as rational actors wanting to solve real problems facing them or their organisa- tions. At the same time, “requesters” are driven towards adopting the ideas because

83This tradition has long tried to explain the rise, fall, and spread of ideas with reference to fashion, Røvik being among those who have made such attempts (e.g., Røvik 1996). Fashion theory suggests that there are organisational fashions just as there are other fashions, and that organisational fashions largely function in the same ways as other fashions. In this view, an organisation adopts new organisational ideas so as to appear modern. If the organisation is successful, other organisations will follow and adapt the same ideas, so as to appear modern, also. However, as more organisations adopt these ideas, the ideas will become less fashionable. As such, some organisations try to find new ideas that will make them appear more modern again. If these organisations are successful, others will follow them. Lately, though, Røvik (particularly in Røvik 2011) and others have criticised the fashion theory’s ability to explain many of the behaviours that organisations exhibit in relation to organisational ideas.

73 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework they are presented as rational instruments (or symbols for rational instrumentality). Røvik (2008) maintains that this is not just a seeming ambiguity that can be shed so as to reveal the actor’s true motives through deeper investigations—the ambiguity, according to Røvik, is fundamental. Sociotechnology is already concerned with values (for example with democratising and humanising work). In fact, Mumford (2006) argues that the most important thing sociotechnical design can bring is its value system. It is important to realise, then, that the representation of these values go beyond actual properties of change processes or technology development; these processes must symbolically represent such values, as well. Røvik (2008) continues in this vein by developing two theories: a “virus” the- ory and a translation theory. The latter introduces translators as people who trans- late organisational ideas between contexts. Understanding the travel of ideas in this view becomes understanding what it takes to be a good “translator” and how to make good translations, as well (Paper I is concerned with this theory). The former (“virus”) theory views the entry of organisational ideas into organisations to be sim- ilar, metaphorically, to how viruses enter a host body (see Røvik 2000, 2008, 2011 for more in-depth descriptions of “virus” theory). While of some applicability to this thesis, rather than focusing on these views, I will instead rely on a synthesising of the three theoretical lines to understand the creation of attractive workplaces in the mining industry. In this way, I apply an understanding of different actors and their relative positions to the work system.

The Location and Interaction of Actors

Being a thesis on workplace attractiveness, this is also, by default, a thesis on technol- ogy; technology makes up a large portion of the mining industry’s workplaces, and interventions into workplaces will be based in technology. Thus, the effect and form of technology are central to analysis. The effect and form of technology arise from decisions—formal and informal, directly and indirectly—by different actors. Here, I will discuss the makers of such decisions as “designers”—they are one category of actors within sociotechnical systems. Other actors include individuals in the work system (e.g., workers) who are affected by decisions regarding technology. Actors outside the system, in the socio-organisational or external environment, can also shape technology.84 How actors make decisions, how they perceive decisions and the work system, and so on—and, by extension, how properties of the system, in general, will emerge—can all be understood as dependent on three constructs: the

84In Paper IV, I make a distinction between actors and individuals. There, I refer to “actors” as only those persons who have a direct and formal way of influencing technology. I note that actors, too, are individuals, however I forego defining all individuals as actors.

74 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ preferences85 of the actor, the actor’s views of the work system, and the work system’s actual properties (properties as in both emergent and of components). The preference of the actor refers to what an actor prefers, or does not prefer, in terms of work system characteristics. This does not necessarily mean specific pref- erence to a certain system—preference can be general. Nor does it matter if this individual is in the work system or in the external environment, an applicant or em- ployee, etc. Ehrhart and Ziegert (2005), in their review of theories of attractiveness, refer to preference as person characteristics, a notion that then, in turn, includes the- ories that predict attraction depending on the fit between person characteristics and environmental characteristics (see below). With reference to the previous section, it is also helpful to think in terms of legitimacy. As noted above, actors may choose to adopt an idea or technology to legitimise themselves and their actions. An individual has notions of what is legitimate or not (i.e., analogous to person characteristics, as in Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005), which, in turn, helps further understand which “legit- imising actions” are to be taken and how they are perceived. The location of the actor becomes important when taking into consideration the actor’s views. The actor’s view of the work system represents what an actor thinks of a particular work system (in their review, Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005 refer to this concept as the “perceived environment”). This is, in part, analogous to metaphors for technology as discussed by Eveland (1986), while it differs from the actual properties of the work system (called “actual environment” by Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005) which is independent from the actor. Here, an actor is external when they judge the work system indirectly, from either the socio-organisational or external environment. In this case, an image of the work system stands in for its actual properties, and this image is “constructed” by the company through its communications, by employees of the work system talking with others about the system, and so on. If the actor is internal, meaning within the work system, the actor then has direct access to the properties of the work system. Still, this does not guarantee that actors’ views fully overlap with properties, as metaphors still mediate the views (however, in Paper IV,I argue that view and properties are likely to be the same). Theories accounted for by Ehrhart and Ziegert (2005) concern how individuals process information about actual characteristics, and how the processing, in turn, results in perceived characteristics affecting attractiveness. The external environment is not passive; it can influence the work system and its properties. For example, laws can mandate that technology has a specific design. The external environment also affects the preferences of actors through norms and the like.

85The term “preferences” is perhaps not the most suitable word. Beyond attractiveness, “preferences” is intended to represent understandings of the actors, that is, what an actor understands to con- tribute to safety, sustainability, and so on—or, alternatively, what constitutes a solution to the problem and, indeed, what that problem is.

75 Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework

In the case of an actor undertaking legitimising actions (e.g., implementing a particu- lar management idea), the external—or rather, institutional—environment influences what actions are considered legitimate. At the same time, actors are, themselves, a part of the external environment and thus affect it, as well. This can be illustrated in how actors adapt the technical system and, through this, the work system as a whole. Actors form, and are formed by, the external environment; the work system forms, and is formed by, the external environment. Properties of the work system has ef- fects on the surrounding environment; if it involves unhealthy tasks, people will get sick, and this can cause the external environment to impose new laws or change its opinions about the work system. The external environment rarely directly affects the work system, however. Instead, actors—system designers, for example—are affected, who in turn influence the work system. These actors have their own preferences and views. An analysis of attractive workplaces in the mining industry must capture these different views and preferences; from there, we can come to understand a process of interaction between the technical and the social. The process of capturing these views is the subject of the next chapter.

76 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

The empirical material for this thesis comes from projects that have sought to ad- dress the work environment—often specifically to increase the attractiveness of min- ing workplaces—of the mining industry. This thesis provides an understanding of the interaction between technological and social factors in the creation of attractive workplaces; this is an investigation into the process, along with the characteristics of technology, that can facilitate this endeavour. The previous chapter suggested that such an understanding requires insight into the different views of those affected by technology as well as those forming that technology. Gaining such insight in this way is, by extension, an investigation into interdependencies between systems, com- ponents, levels, and so on. For this task, empirical material that stems from different and varying projects provides a solid foundation. These projects, as Chapter 2 detailed, have dealt with different aspects of the mining industry, work environment, as well as technology, and the projects have thus been able to provide accounts of interdependencies and contrasting views. Due to the fact that there are many projects involved, there are also many different methods within them. The purpose here is not to go into too much detail of individual methods and their application. Rather, this chapter aims to provide a general account of the methods and their applications, motivating their usage. Some comments on the notion of action research are necessary before continuing, given the strong ties between action research and sociotechnical design. Action re- search is the type of research that either intends to change work situations or leads to change inadvertently because the research itself has been undertaken (Mumford 2006). Action research has a long history and a large body of literature. I have not actively made use of action research literature in conducting my research, nor have I considered my approach to have been one of action research. However, the research projects underlying this thesis have certainly intended to change work situations. And, due to the ways in which some of the research projects were designed, aspects of the projects that I was involved in intended to influence how technology was developed. At the same time, Mumford (2006) argues action research to be more of a philoso- phy than a methodology—a philosophy of a process and humanistic set of principles associated with technology and change. These principles have a clear presence in

77 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process my process86 (see also Lindelöf 2006 and his comments regarding an action research approach within a similar thesis).

On Using Qualitative Data

Almost all of the data that supports this study is qualitative.87 Data sources include interviews, observations, workshops, and documents. The few cases of quantitative data come from statistics. This section will look at the general justification for using qualitative source material in the context of the papers and projects, by referring two themes of the thesis88—workplace attractiveness and safety.89 Many studies regarding safety rely on quantitative data and apply statistical analy- sis (e.g., Blank, Diderichsen, and Andersson 1996; Muzaffar et al. 2013), especially when investigating safety over time. The investigations into safety conducted within this thesis studied the measures undertaken by the Swedish mining industry to reduce the occurrence of workplace accidents. The same investigations also sought to es- tablish what is thought was, and is, needed of past and future interventions to reduce accidents. This sentiment aligns with seeking to investigate how managers, designers, and others think of and perceive issues of, for example, workplace attractiveness and its management. These investigations, in other words, did not investigate casual ef-

86Earlier versions of this thesis attempted to position my theoretical and empirical standpoint within pragmatism; these arguments are now gone, mostly, in the final version. I still consider my approach to be pragmatic, and I believe sociotechnical thought harmonises well with pragmatism. 87An earlier version of this thesis held that the methods of the thesis were largely qualitative. I contin- ued along that line by saying that, even where statistics had been utilised (i.e., quantitative data), they were “used” qualitatively. Åsberg, Hummerdal, and Dekker (2011) argue that only data can be can be quantitative or qualitative, not methods or analyses. Essentially, their position is that interviews can generate quantitative data if one is concerned with the frequency of certain words, etc. Attaching such terms to analyses is not productive, because the concern is what the analysis is of. Thus, I only use the terms for data. Some quotes make references to “qualitative research”; this should be taken to mean “research that relies on qualitative data.” 88Paper I did not focus on these topics (although the topics of that paper are relevant for both safety and workplace attractiveness). Even if the arguments in this section are not fully applicable to Paper I, I think that the paper’s aims and the state of that field make it clear that qualitative data is most appropriate (if for no other reason than the fact that there simply was not enough material to provide worthwhile quantitative data). 89In the projects that dealt specifically with workplace attractiveness, the general argument was that it is an extension of health and safety. It was held that health and safety entail not just making sure workplaces are safe and healthy, but that people should want to work in them, too. The division between attractiveness and safety introduced here is because some projects have focused, specifically, on safety. While the topics of the projects rely on the same justification for choice of approach and methods, the study of safety provides some clearer examples. It is worth noting, as well, that the safety projects also made explicit reference to workplace attractiveness, in that improving the safety of the workplaces of the mining industry is a step in making them attractive.

78 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

fects, so using quantitative data was neither viable nor possible. A statistical analysis of the kind undertaken in Blank, Diderichsen, and Andersson (1996), for example, re- quires an understanding of historical and contemporary technological developments and other measures so that categories can be formed. Such studies, that establish these categories, are not available for recent decades; the safety studies underpinning this thesis have interest in determining these safety measures.90 As such, the studies investigated how people in the mining industry with significant influence over these issues reasoned about the subject. This studying of subjective understanding necessi- tates methods such as interviews. As Flick says, “The main reason for using qualitative research should be that a research question requires the use of this sort of approach and not a different one” (Flick 2014, 12, emphasis in original). At the core of safety, as a measure when it is performing well, is the absence of workplace accidents (though see, e.g., Reason 1997; Beus, McCord, and Zohar 2016). However, a quantitative approach is not in the position to measure the ab- sence of something.91 Safety also tends to deal with the potential for accidents, which is a diffuse concept and defies direct measurement. Additionally, not only dedicated “safety measures” affect safety—other and sometimes indirect factors also play a sig- nificant role. To get a bearing on the issue, a first step would be, for example, to establish what mining companies, their representatives, and other experts consider to have influenced safety in the first place. Flick (2014) provides similar reasoning, detailing that, even if the frequency of a phenomenon and where it occurs (e.g., the frequency of mental health issues within certain social classes, or accidents of certain occupational groups) can be established with quantitative data, the direction (e.g., how accident rates are related to certain factors and the direction of any relation) needs qualitative data. In other words:

The goal of [this kind of] research then is less to test what is already known (e.g., theories already formulated in advance): rather it is to dis- cover and explore the new and to develop empirically grounded theories. Here the validity of the study does not exclusively follow abstract aca- demic criteria of science as in quantitative research: rather it is assessed with reference to the object under study. (Flick 2014, 16.)

90The initial ambition of the first of the safety projects was to conduct studies in the vein of Blank et al. (the working name of that project was “Blank 2.0”); the shift towards interviews and the like was partly due to finding that there was not sufficient material available to conduct the study in such a manner. 91This is simplification of larger discussion. And, to a certain extent, the studies did in fact take the decrease in accident rate from one period to another to represent increased safety. However, such measures are strictly comparative at best, and they are misguiding at worst. Big disasters—for example, the BP Texas City refinery explosion (see Hopkins 2009)—were neither predicted nor were they indicated by high accident rates.

79 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

For the subject matter of attractiveness, the reasoning looks much the same as it does as for safety. That is, concepts such as workplace attractiveness can be similarly diffuse. Attractiveness, for instance, cannot be measured as such;92 attractiveness, like safety, is an emergent system property (Carayon et al. 2015). Work systems as ul- timately attractive depend on perceptions stemming from the interplay between the design of technology (and those who design it), those who use it, and even the sur- rounding society. Insight into this interplay, and especially in the early stages that the study of attractiveness, overall, still finds itself in, must come largely from qualitative data. Meaning, understanding how decisions are made, and how the effects of those decisions have come to be perceived, is not deducible from quantitative data. From a practical standpoint, for attractiveness (in the context of the mining indus- try), quantitative data does not exist. While research on workplace, job, or work attractiveness exists, the subject itself is not mature; the measure of attractiveness, I would argue, is still not possible beyond some rudimentary cases.93 In the view of Flick (2014), such a situation is one that motivates the use of qualitative data (and explorative studies tend to be qualitative, even in subjects of engineering). A central point of the collection and subsequent analysis of data in this thesis is that these research activities have not striven for empirical generalisation. I have, instead, opted for analytical generalisation (see below; see also Jensen and Sandström 2016; Yin 2014). Thus, this thesis relies on the position of the source (e.g., the informant, in the case of interviews) to lend analytical strength to the data. Therefore, in reviewing the individual data collection methods, positioning the sources becomes important; after reviewing the methods, I discuss how the material is lent analytical strength.

Verbal Data: Interviews and Workshops

Verbal data makes up the majority of the empirical material of this thesis, and the data originates from interviews and a workshop. The interviews exist in two categories: expert interviews and “traditional” interviews. Tbl. 5.1 gives an overview of these interviews, the majority of which were in the form of expert interviews (see Flick 2014.) The questions of the investigations of thesis were such that experts were best positioned to answer them. Who qualifies as an expert may be up for debate, but

92At least this is what I claim in Paper IV. Others would argue that attractiveness can be measured, and they do measure it (by using surveys or looking at which companies attract the most new labour)—it is this conception of attractiveness, however, that Paper IV positions itself against. 93With the lack of quantitative data as such, there is a problem in claiming that the mining industry is, in fact, unattractive. Yet, mining companies themselves subscribe to the view that their industry is struggling in the recruiting of labour. While such a view may be an “institutional” assertion (roughly, the way the current problems of the mining industry are being described without the root cause being this per se), a qualitative approach is still useful here, as it allows for perceptions and the like to be taken into account.

80 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ this thesis relies on Deeke (in Flick 2014, 227) on this matter, who argues that ex- perts are those who are “particularly competent as authorities on certain matter of facts.” Expert interviews are not simply ordinary interviews conducted with experts; where a traditional interview is interested in the interviewee as a “study object,” ex- pert interviews are interested in the informants’ capacities as experts, rather than as individuals.

Table 5.1: The projects of the thesis.

Expert Approximate Project, Informant interview? length Recorded? publication Organisation Occasion

Mine planning Yes 1 h No I2Mine, Mining Summer manager Lööw et al. Company 2014 (2018) A Production Yes 1 h No I2Mine, Mining Summer planner Lööw et al. Company 2014 (2018) A Mine Yes 1 h No I2Mine, Mining Summer development Lööw et al. Company 2014 planner (2018) A Technician No Continuously No I2Mine, Mining Summer during a Lööw et al. Company 2014 guided tour (2018) A of the mine Technician No Continuously No I2Mine, Mining Summer during a Lööw et al. Company 2014 guided tour (2018) B of the mine Mine manager Yes 1 h No I2Mine, Mining Summer Lööw et al. Company 2014 (2018) B Technology Yes Continuously No I2Mine, Technology Autumn manager during a Lööw et al. developer 2015 demonstra- (2018) A tion of roadheader Technology Yes 2 h plus No I2Mine, Technology Autumn manager demonstra- Lööw et al. developer 2015 tion of (2018) A simulator

81 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

Expert Approximate Project, Informant interview? length Recorded? publication Organisation Occasion

Analyst Yes 1 h No Safety in Swedish Autumn Swedish Work Envi- 2016 Mining ronment Authority Senior human Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter resources Swedish Company 2016/2017 manager Mining, B Lööw and Nygren (2019) Senior health Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter and safety Swedish Company 2016/2017 manager Mining, B Lööw and Nygren (2019) Operations Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter specialist Swedish Company 2016/2017 Mining, B Lööw and Nygren (2019) Operations Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter specialist Swedish Company 2016/2017 Mining, B Lööw and Nygren (2019) Operations Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter specialist Swedish Company 2016/2017 Mining, A Lööw and Nygren (2019)

82 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Expert Approximate Project, Informant interview? length Recorded? publication Organisation Occasion

Health and Yes 1.5 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter safety Swedish Company 2016/2017 specialist Mining, A Lööw and Nygren (2019) Health and Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter safety Swedish Company 2016/2017 specialist Mining, A Lööw and Nygren (2019) Section Yes 1 h Yes Safety in Mining Winter manager, Swedish Company 2016/2017 technology Mining, A Lööw and Nygren (2019) Former health Yes 1.5 h Yes Safety in Swedish Winter and safety Swedish Work Envi- 2016/2017 inspector Mining, ronment Lööw and Authority Nygren (2019) Market-and- Yes 2 h No SIMS, Technology Spring product Lööw Developer 2017 manager and (2020a), A technology Lööw developer (2020b) Technology Yes 1.5 h No SIMS, Technology Spring developer Lööw Developer 2017 (2020a), B Lööw (2020b)

83 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

Expert Approximate Project, Informant interview? length Recorded? publication Organisation Occasion

CEO and Yes 1 h No SIMS/PosTech,Software Autumn developer Lööw, Company 2018 Abrahams- A son, and Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b) IT technician Yes 1 h Yes SIMS/PosTech, Mining Winter Lööw, Company 2018/2019 Abrahams- B son, and Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b) One No 1 h Yes SIMS/PosTech, Mining Winter underground Lööw, Company 2018/2019 and Abrahams- B coordinating son, and operator Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b)

84 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Expert Approximate Project, Informant interview? length Recorded? publication Organisation Occasion

Planning Yes 1 h Yes SIMS/PosTech, Mining Winter manager Lööw, Company 2018/2019 Abrahams- B son, and Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b) Technology Yes 1 h Yes SIMS/PosTech, Mining Winter manager Lööw, Company 2018/2019 Abrahams- B son, and Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b) Health and Yes 0.5 h Yes SIMS/PosTech, Mining Winter safety manager Lööw, Company 2018/2019 Abrahams- B son, and Johansson (2019), Lööw (2020a), Lööw (2020b) A health and Yes 2 h No STRIM A mining Winter safety SAFE company 2018/2019 coordinator and work environment technician

Richardson and St. Pierre (2005, 960) noted the general role of the (qualitative)

85 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process researcher:

Qualitative researchers commonly speak of the importance of the indi- vidual researcher’s skills and aptitudes. The researcher—rather than the survey, the questionnaire, or the census tape—is the “instrument.”

The expert interviews here add to this notion in that such an interview “demands a high level of expertise from the interviewer” so as to understand answers, ask the right questions, and so on (Flick 2014, 232). For the purpose of this thesis, the required “skills and aptitudes” of the interviewer have been a general understanding of the mining industry, basic knowledge of mining engineering, deep insight into health and safety along with subjects of work environment (such as workplace attractiveness), and an ability to find the connection to the latter in all the former. Importantly, there is only a limited extent to which these things can be learned from behind a desk. Thus, my participation in the projects, for example, has not only generated data, but it has also afforded me with the understanding needed to gather further data and to then interpret it. Meaning, my participation in the projects served to build familiarity and experience with the subject matter and the industry (in the terminology of Richardson and St. Pierre 2005, this can be seen as calibrating the instrument). So, for example, while many of the interviews did use an interview guide or pro- tocol, these (the guide and protocol) were not a substitute for personal knowledge of the area; rather, familiarity helped to pose suitable questions, position answers, and follow up with more questions. Flick (2014, 323) argues that a general condition for successfully conducting an expert interview is “for interviewers to make clear in the interview that they are also familiar with its topic.” Showing such familiarity, as the interviewer, cannot be a recital of facts—it is best if the interview progresses as a conversation, rather than as a formal interview with an interview guide, etc. At the same time, there is a balance to maintain within such an interview pro- cess; situations arise where being seen as “too” knowledgeable can be contrary to the purposes of the interview. There are cases that require sufficient knowledge of the subject matter at the time of the interview, but where making that knowledge clearly known, as the interviewer, might keep important things from being said by the interviewee. The informants, in such a case, would likely not divulge what they think the interviewer already knows, especially in areas where the expert may not be as informed as the interviewer.94 94In the safety projects, the informants knew we were “safety researchers.” So, while they were more knowledgeable of safety within the mining industry and also their companies, in the context of general safety we had, so to speak, the “upper hand.” Explanations for how safety could be affected theoretically, for example, may therefore have been expressed with some reservation by the informants, so as to not say something wrong.

86 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

All these aspects of expert interviews also decrease verifiability. Optimally, to en- sure verifiability, one might argue that the interviews should be more structured (e.g., by a more coherent and precise use of an interview guide) than they have been in this thesis. However, as the studies at hand were exploratory by design, the studies benefited from prioritising openness in the interview process. There were also prac- tical aspects to take into consideration; limited resources (e.g., limited time for each interview) made exhaustive interviews difficult. Additionally, it was not possible to know in advance which questions would provide critical answers or insight, such that the “right” questions could not be prepared beforehand. The interview guide, in this sense, served more as an agenda, so as to make sure all relevant topics were covered.95 In this way, the expert interviews progressed acknowledging that no one inter- view could be exhaustive enough on its own. Instead, each encounter was treated as a new opportunity to shine new light on the phenomena under investigation. This approach was a strategy to construct a representative picture through having suffi- cient perspectives.96 One could say that each interview provided scaffolding for the next; in each interview there was the potential to probe deeper, a fact that was only possible through knowledge gained from previous interviews. As a study’s subject matter became clearer during the “interview tours” (typically several interviews were conducted over the course of a few days), this new knowledge could then be em- ployed in the later interviews. Alternatively, such an interview process can also be seen as an ongoing modification of the interview protocol as the interviews pro- gressed. Where interview studies seek empirical generalisation, this is problematic. Continuously modifying the interview procedure can be seen as contaminating the interviews. Richardson (2000, 517) has argued, at the same time, that interviews that provide qualitative data should move away from the notion that this matter requires researchers “to silence [their] own voices [and] to view [themselves] as contaminants.” In exploratory studies, these “contaminations” often represent coming closer to and better understanding the actual phenomena under study; meaning, by voicing such understanding it can then be further refined. With expert studies, in particular, the open interview process may be further justified in this way: the exhibiting of oneself as knowledgeable in the area, as held important by Flick (2014), is only possible to a certain extent before the actual interaction with experts. Moreover, both improving upon the knowledge at hand, as well as “making it know,” must happen during the

95In certain situations, in particular when the interview was conducted during a guided tour, it was not possible to use an interview guide. However, in these instances I would draft an interview guide for the occasions, and I would then use the guide for summarising the interviews with notes taken during the tours. 96Flick (2014) points out that another limitation of expert interviews is that they are complementary because the target group is too narrow, and there is evidence of this in the account here. How- ever, this is most problematic when aiming for empirical generalisability, whereas this thesis seeks analytical generalisability.

87 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process interviews, as being able to contact the experts outside of these occasions may, in fact, be rare. Still, procedures such as these, overall, benefit from re-interviewing informants, once the additional “scaffolding” has been constructed. Such opportunities seldom presented themselves in these studies, either due to lack of additional access or time constraints. Instead, other methods were utilised to verify conclusions that resulted from the interviews. The investigations into the safety of the Swedish mining indus- try used a workshop format for verifying interview material, where the findings of the interviews were compared to statements from the workshop participants. The workshop, as noted in Chapter 2, was conducted with Gramko (Svemin’s Health and Safety Committee), and it consisted of health and safety representatives from most of Sweden’s mining companies, equipment manufacturers, and contractors. Approx- imately 20 people attended the workshop, and here I asked the group to explain the development of safety within the Swedish mining industry, with references to graphs covering the accident frequency rates between 1981 and 2013. My colleague took notes and posed additional questions. In other projects, conclusions were verified by the very nature of forming them from sources originating from different com- panies and positions. In the EU projects, we continuously presented our results to the project consortium, which provided the opportunity to “check” conclusions and complement them with additional information. Some interviews were not expert interviews, per se. In the non-expert interviews, operators and technicians, or other people working in the mines, were interviewed. Still, the objectives of these interviews were similar in some respects to the expert interviews. Some of these interviews, for example, sought insight into how a posi- tioning system functioned, how operators used the system, and so on. In these cases, the operators were the experts on how operators use the technology. And, as with the expert interviews, interest in these interviews was not in the operators, them- selves, as subjects. At the same time, for these interviews it was not appropriate to establish our (the interviewer’s) own knowledge and familiarity with the areas of dis- cussion. Additionally, these interviews also sought the operators’ experience with the technology (how they view being “positioned,” for example, or what the advantages and drawbacks are with current technology), so that such statements could then be compared with the experts’ statements. Yet, as with the expert interviews, interest was not in the operators as subjects. Rather, operators interviewed were treated as being able to voice the general sentiments of operators, in general, on the subject matter.97

97These interviews were never drawn upon, specifically, for analytical points. Rather, material from expert interviews or observational data constituted the starting point. Statements from the operator interviews were, then, used to nuance other data.

88 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Observational Data: Industry Interaction and Field Studies

This section accounts for activities that could be summarised as industry interactions. As the title of the section alludes to, these are observations and field studies; these ac- tivities are, and have always occurred as, a part of industry interactions. However, this does not quite capture the whole of the matter.98 This section expands upon, in more detail, the notion of these undertakings, and tbl. 2.3 in Chapter 2 has summarised them. I include, in this section, those activities that yielded data but that were not in a formal data collection setting (meaning such as an interview). The methods described in the section above sought to collect data for clear purposes of research. Industry interaction, on the other hand, relates to interactions that happened during the course of the projects—conversing with project participants, attending projects meetings, and so on. Regarding interviews, I count those encounters that were specifically planned, where there was a clear division between researcher and informant. Some industry interactions could be viewed as interviews, as well, but they happened more spontaneously and thus looked more like informal conversation (see, e.g., Paper II); in these cases, we (the “informant” and I) were actually participants of the same project, working towards the goals of that project. Project meetings are good examples of such industry interactions where data was collected, and company-organised field visits are another example. Generally, I took notes during each activity. The notes focused on matters of interest as well as general reflections. Things were of interest, for example, if they re- garded a matter under study, such as a presenter during a project meeting mentioning the work environment improvements that should follow from removing diesel from mines (I would then note the presented reasoning). Things were also of notable in- terest if they related to a certain phenomenon that I was trying to understand. I may, for instance, have attempted to understand why certain design decisions were made, suggesting that the views of the issues facing the users of technology varied between developer and user. If I saw or heard something that either confirmed or rejected an idea, I would, in turn, make a note of it. Such a process is akin to a critical realist approach to interviewing. Critical realists will argue for a theory-driven interview, wherein the interviewer and informant will help refine their theories through their interaction (Smith and Elger 2012). That is to say, I would usually have some work- ing understanding of a particular phenomenon, and I would continuously refine this understanding based on new observations. This process is also similar to the ways in which a grounded theory approach99 may progress (e.g., Glaser and Strauss 2006), or

98Terms such as “ethnography” or other concepts from that field of study may apply to these activities, but it is a field that I am not too familiar with. So, to avoid misusing the field of ethnography’s terms and concepts, I have chosen to go with the terms stated. 99As with action research, I refrain from referring to my approach as grounded theory, as I have not

89 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

Yin’s “rival theory” approach (Yin 2014). For longer activities, such as field visits that spanned days, I would summarise experiences in a personal report or pro memoria. The body of material formed by the above steps was then drawn upon for writing reports or articles. It is a diffuse process to describe, but the following quote from an article that used this process, and material, is illustrative:

We primarily base this discussion [of] the future mining industry on expe- riences, ideas and thoughts gathered and compiled by means of literature studies, mine site studies and interviews. These activities were mainly conducted with representatives from European mining companies and trade unions in connection to two large European Union projects … The data was analysed through continuous discussions within the project team, where different ideas were tested against previous research and our empirical observations. (Johansson et al. 2018, 95–96.)

Another way of phrasing this is with reference to the pragmatic tradition. Robert Park advocated a method of “scientific reporting” (Jensen and Sandström 2016), which later became known as participant observation, that means to “go into the field, observe carefully, and then write up [the] observations” (Ritzer 2013). Such a process description parallels the industry interactions of this thesis. It is worth noting that adherents to this method produce texts with journalistic characteristics (Persson in Jensen and Sandström 2016), which has not been the case in my process. However, other characteristics of this method, such as being close to actors and their specific context, do apply. In general, the success of these activities has depended upon the same criteria as that of the expert interviews (we could, alternatively, call these industry interactions expert interactions)—criteria such as knowledge of the field, continuously refining the knowledge, and so on.

Textual Data: Document Studies

Textual data, or document study, has also frequently featured in this thesis. The use of this type of data has had two main purposes—to provide empirical material and to help in my familiarisation with the mining industry. Tbl. 5.2 summarises how some documents featured in the projects and papers. These documents have been organisational and institutional documents (Bowen 2009)—that is, they are of- ficial documents produced by organisations that have a certain institutional standing.

specifically relied on this tradition in conducting my research. Still, in conducting my analysis, I do draw upon the case study tradition (see below), which takes much inspiration from grounded theory approaches, in turn.

90 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Importantly, these documents have been made without a researcher’s intervention (Bowen 2009). While one may most readily think of this type of document as in- cluding policy reports, and so on, such documents can also include manuals, surveys, and previous studies. The latter (manuals, surveys, and previous studies) have been especially important for this thesis. Bowen (2009) notes that document studies are best combined with other methods, for triangulation, so as to corroborate findings across data sets and reduce the impact of potential biases that can exist within a single study. He lists some of the use cases for such studies, as follows:

• To provide data on the context, where the texts contextualise data collected during interviews and other methods. • To suggest questions that need to be asked in other inquiries. • To provide supplementary research data. • To verify finding and corroborate evidence from other sources.

Table 5.2: Some of the documents studied throughout this thesis work.

Project/Paper Document study of…

I2Mine (Paper I) • Scientific literature on lean production in mining • Annual reports and internal newspaper of Mining Company A on lean production • Mine planning documents for Mining Company A’s new main level

Safety in Swedish mining • Mining industry health and safety statistics (Paper II) • Health and safety policies, programmes etc.

SIMS (Papers III, IV, V) • Technical specifications, risk analyses, operating procedures • Mining engineering handbooks • Internal project reports (incl. master’s theses)

Additionally, document studies can also serve as a primary data source. Only in one case here, for Paper I, did any inquiry rely solely on documents. In Paper I, I used previous studies to establish the practice of lean production in the mining

91 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process industry. Here, Bowen (2009, 33) notes that “In cases where previous studies are used as a data source, it is important to examine more than the research findings.” In Paper I, such an examination was performed in two ways. One, beyond the research findings of the examined studies, I took an interest in aspects such as how arguments and conclusions differed depending on whether the study was theoretical or practical. Two, I used documents in the form of a company internal magazine, so as to contrast and corroborate findings from the body of scientific literature. In other cases, empirical material stemming from documents provided context, corroboration, and supplementary data. For example, in Papers II and IV, policy documents and project reports100 helped establish reasoning surrounding interven- tions or design decisions. Results from surveys, and different types of statistics, also factored in here. As noted earlier, these materials did not provide the basis for a statistical analysis but, rather, for additional context and corroboration.101 Arguably, however, the most important use of documents in this thesis has been to provide an increased familiarisation with the mining industry. As noted, meth- ods such as expert interviews depend on having a deep understanding of the field being studied. Thus, reading mining engineering handbooks such as Darling (2011a) and Darling (2011b) gave me important insights into how the mining industry views, understands, and deals with social issues, for example. Such materials also yielded important knowledge regarding how mining companies are organised, the roles of technology and mining methods, and how these factors might constrain certain or- ganisations of work.

On Selecting Sources and Gaining Access

The term “sources” here represents the interviews, workshops, observations, and doc- uments; that is, the sources that have yielded data for this thesis. The role of these sources—what they stand to bring to the thesis in terms of shining light on phe- nomena, for example—largely depends on the company associated with the source.

100In the case of SIMS and publications related to that project, two master’s theses associated with that project held a particular importance (Jäderblom 2017; Lundberg 2017). I refer to these theses as internal project reports, because they held this role within the project—the students were to conduct studies relating directly to tasks of the project. Particularly for Paper IV, I relied on material reported within these theses. The empirical material of these theses are interviews and a workshop concerning battery-powered loaders and semi-autonomous chargers. Specifically, these included interviews with charging operators, LHD operators, managers, and a workshop with students. I supervised the students during their thesis work. 101For the safety-related projects, in particular, extra care was taken to investigate how statistics were produced (for example, I interviewed an analyst at the Swedish Work Environment Authority) and what purposes they serve. See Lööw, Nygren, and Johansson (2017) for a thorough discussion on this.

92 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Access to these companies (to interview subjects, obtain documents, and so on) was possible through my participation in the different projects. The selection of sources was, in this sense, convenient (see, e.g., Flick 2014); however, this does not mean that these sources have not fulfilled other criteria, as well. In fact, because I rely on analytical, instead of empirical, generalisations, such sources could not be solely convenient. The companies involved in this thesis have been big and significant ac- tors in their respective fields. This means, for example, that they have either been the largest mining companies nationally (in terms of employees and production), the most prominent manufacturer of mining equipment, or even the only supplier of certain equipment—or a combination of these qualities. For example, the investiga- tions into the safety of the Swedish mining industry involved Sweden’s two largest mining companies in terms of employees and production. Numerically speaking, this makes these companies representative of the Swedish mining industry on the whole. Additionally, the dominant position of these companies within the Swedish mining industry, at large, means that their positions on matters tend to become the positions of the industry, in general.102 Companies in the other projects included the largest mining company in Poland and suppliers of mining equipment. The latter either had significant market shares or supplied and developed unique technology; while not necessarily numerically representative, both the development and use of these technologies shape the industry.103 These sources, then, are either typical wherein the sources represent a large part of the industry (as with some of the mining compa- nies), for example, or they are critical wherein they represent organisations that will significantly influence the future development of technology in the mining industry (cf. Patton in Flick 2014). Not all companies in the projects had these unique positions, but, nonetheless, they still play an important role in providing contrasting sources or by adding breadth to the selection of sources, which lends to a subsequent strength of analysis. The majority of the informants—the individuals of these companies—were engi- neers and managers (e.g., product managers or health and safety managers). Outside of the formal interviews (that is, the material stemming from observations), informants were not chosen, but, rather, their inclusion was a given due to their participation in the projects. This fact does not change the classification of the material gathered, as it still follows the classification of the companies. That the material comes from managers is suitable for the thesis, as these individuals have clear influence on design

102The companies hold important positions in Svemin and have much influence over setting the agenda for the Swedish mining industry. If these companies hold a certain understanding on a matter, this is likely to dictate how the industry, in general, approaches it. 103It is important to note here that the constellation of companies in the projects typically did not originate from a position of obtaining suitable study objects. Many of the projects primarily focused on developing innovative technology, wherein my role was usually to investigate the effects of this technology on the work environment.

93 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process decisions of the technology. Likewise, I sought to interview managers in almost all of the formal interviews. A few interviews were with operators employed by some of the mining companies mentioned previously. The reasoning above does not apply to the same extent for them, as they were selected on the basis on having experience with a particular tech- nology. That technology had only seen implementation in a few mines, and, thus, the operators were important sources. Still, to generalise the insight gained from those activities would have required more interviews. As it stands, they fill the role of serving as comparison to other sources. Some sources consisted of documents from the companies. The reasoning sur- rounding these sources follows the same reasoning that was applied to the informants who were managers. The documents described matters, or prescribed measures, that can be seen as applicable to or representative of a large portion of the industry.

Analysis: Conceptualising the Thesis as a Case Study

The analytical procedure has differed for each paper contributing to this thesis. My intention in this section is not to account for each individual procedure; that informa- tion is covered in the summaries of the papers in the next chapter. What I account for here is the approach that I have used to bring the insights of each of the papers together, with the others, in answering the specific questions of this thesis. In doing this, I rely on the case study tradition; it is a discussion that focuses on how the papers are conceptualised as cases that are able to shine light on the questions of the thesis. The process here involves reinterpreting the papers, so as to reposition them in a way that they can contribute to the aims and purposes of this thesis. Reworking material in this way, to fit it to new aims, is common in case studies. Sutton and Rafaeli (1988, 483–84), for example, note that “Our initial conceptual perspective had a far different focus than our revised perspective,” and they continue by saying, “we occasionally hear of studies in which the findings contradict initial hypotheses but that are written as if the unexpected results were predicted at the outset of the investigation.” Thus, reinterpretation revises perspectives, but it must do so without trying to rectify contradiction.104 In part, this means looking beyond the “particularities” of the papers, so as to extract from them phenomena of interest while being mindful of their surrounding context. Weick (1993) demonstrates that such an undertaking is possible, for example, in re-analysing the events of the Mann Gulch fire (as depicted in Young Men and Fire by Norman Maclean). There, he employs a strategy of removing the original publication “prose … from the events … and simply [reviews] them to provide a context for the

104This is especially important in light of the argument by Røvik (2008) that contradictions are inherent to the subject and studying the contradictions may yield much insight.

94 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

analysis” (Weick 1993, 628). For this thesis, such a process would mean that the “encapsulation” of the phenomena in the papers—the purpose for investigating them and so on—is removed, so as to be left with only the observations and context. To a large extent, such an endeavour requires establishing the papers as cases. This means determining the capacity of the papers to represent or relate theoretical con- cepts of this thesis, a task then of expressing the papers as “cases of…” (cf. Jensen and Sandström 2016). For example, Paper I would be “a case of implementing manage- ment technology,” and Paper II would be “a case of technology to improve workplace safety.” Typically, in the terminology of Yin (2014), this would mean identifying the cases as critical, unusual, common, revelatory, or longitudinal (or extreme/deviant, maximum-variation, or paradigmatic, in the terminology of Flyvbjerg 2006). This chapter did this previously, in regards to the empirical sources of the thesis, however these classifications do not work consistently for the papers, themselves.105 Instead, I rely here on terminology introduced by Siggelkow (2007), in which cases are either motivational, inspirational, or illustrative. The papers here are illustrative; they show, for example, how the industry has worked with a certain concept in one case, and with another concept in another case (or through a certain process). Meaning, the cases, or the papers, are illustrative of certain theoretical concepts. And so, the anal- ysis does not aim to generate concepts from the cases but, rather, to use the cases to illustrate the functioning suggested in the theoretical framework of the thesis. Along these lines, De Laet and Mol (2000, 255), in their study, make a case for “mobi- liz[ing] empirical materials so as to make a set of theoretical points,” suggesting that the “illustrative capacity” of an empirical material, in part, is a function of choosing the appropriate pieces. Still, this should not be reduced to an exercise of imagination, as “some writers seem to strain themselves to construct arcane conceptual arguments to justify their research, in the process losing sight of the truly interesting empirical observations they have made” (Siggelkow 2007, 23). At this junction in the process of reinterpreting the papers, then, there are several points of interest, or islands of illustrative phenomena. These points need to be con- nected, or bridged, so that they can form a narrative. The connection is a description of the cases and their content. Many proponents of case studies argue for extensive detail and the account of a multitude of perspectives (e.g., Flyvbjerg 2006), while others argue for the importance of good stories (e.g., Dyer and Wilkins 1991). The article format, and also this resulting compilation thesis, acts limitingly in this respect, even if one can argue that the inclusion of several perspectives can be potentially safeguarded by the fact that there are many papers. Notably:

105In comparison to other industries, the mining industry, as a whole, may constitute an extreme case, in some regards. There are also sentiments such as those holding that mining technology is used in extreme environments. This is usually to say that technology from other industries does not suit the mining industry, and that, conversely, if technology is trialed in the mining industry then it is sure to work in other sectors.

95 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process

The central issue is whether the researcher is able to understand and describe the context106 of the … dynamics of the scene in question to such a degree as to make the context intelligible to the reader and to generate theory in relationship to that context. (Dyer and Wilkins 1991, 616.)

This is a position that is close to that of Siggelkow (2007, 23), who argues that, “One needs to convince the reader that the conceptual argument is plausible and use the case as additional (but not sole) justification for one’s argument.” That is, the proposed framework (in the situation of this thesis) comes first, where then the case lends credibility to theoretical claims. While Dyer and Wilkins (1991, 614) hold that “the more contexts a researcher investigates, the less contextual insight he or she can communicate,” Siggelkow (2007) claims that a grander theory can help compensate for lacking description.107 Yin (2014, 147, my emphasis) relays a similar point:

In most case studies, explanation building occurs in narrative form. Because such narratives cannot be precise, the better case studies are the ones in which the explanations reflect some theoretically significant propositions, whose magnitudes might start to offset the lack of precision.

The “grandness” of a theory must depend on the context, the cases, to which it is applicable. The theoretical framework of this thesis is grand in the sense that it seeks to understand the process of an industry. In a similar vein, Siggelkow (2007) holds that theory needs to be able to stand on its own. That is, theory must appear plausible even without reference to specific cases. Thus, analysis should be good if it manages to connect the empirical phenomena to the theoretical framework. Within this, triangulation is important—in that it can give different perspectives on the same phenomena or showcase the same phenomena in a different context. A theory’s potential strength is in its capacity to explain phenomena even under variation. Data triangulation, in general, is advocated for in case study research (Eisenhardt 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner 2007; Yin 2014). Where a theoretical framework employs several theoretical perspectives, theoretical triangulation should also be possible (see Flick 2014). In an experiment-based analogy (see Eisenhardt 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner 2007; Yin 2014), this setup would allow for the control of certain “variables.” Alter- natively, it is a way of facilitating generalisability—of producing “grander theories” (Siggelkow 2007). Here, then, analytical conclusions are first established in one area,

106The main purpose of Chapter 3 is to provide this context. 107My reading of Siggelkow (2007) is that the grander the theory is, the bigger the “empirical black box” can be, as, presumably, the theory aims to explain the black box. To me, this is possible if the description of the inputs and outputs of the black box is sufficient.

96 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ and then they are “checked” against other cases. For example, the theoretical frame- work as applied to management ideas should yield the same explanation as when applied to health and safety interventions; or, such an approach would divulge what is similar and different to these cases, thus nuancing the theory. Conclusions, or the- ory, that span these areas would be strong and also conducive to being relevant to several different cases. This notion comes close to Yin’s proposed strategy of having a case with embedded case studies, or units of analysis (Yin 2014). Essentially, in Yin’s strategy, each paper, for example, would be a unit of analysis rather than a case.108 In case study language, the analytical procedure is one of pattern-matching (Eisenhardt 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner 2007; Yin 2014). What this all means, in the context of this thesis, is that I reexamine the papers in light of the framework developed for this thesis. That is, (in the discussion) I bring out what each paper illustrates (cf. Siggelkow 2007) in terms of theoretical concepts of the thesis. It is on this basis that I attempt to answer the research questions and outline a sociotechnical process for facilitating attractive workplaces within the mining industry.

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the thesis some matters have merited ethical consideration. These mat- ters, for the most part, relate to the gathering of verbal data and observations. For the verbal data, one potential ethical consideration surfaces in the selection of sources. Finding informants for the interviews meant going through the company representatives associated with the respective projects. Often, we approached these representatives with a description of what we were looking for in an informant. The respondents that were presented to us, thus, in many cases, were asked by a repre- sentative of their employer if they could participate in an interview. Although we had no indication that it may have been the case, it is possible that the informants felt a certain pressure to participate in the interviews. For this reason, each inter- view started off by informing the informant of their rights. The rights cited included telling them the following: that their participation in the interview was completely voluntary; that they may end their participation in the interview at any time without giving a reason; that no one other than the researchers of the project would be able to access the recorded material, notes, and so on; and that they (the informants) would be anonymous. Essentially, the Swedish Research Council (2017) guidelines were

108This difference may be conceptual more than anything else, and it might be a result of the ordering of what should be considered a case and what should be considered a unit of analysis. Yin (2014, 54) gives as an example of units, using a union and shops—in the study of a union, it is possible to view the shops as both (either) cases or units of analysis. The point being that the same reasoning can be applied to units of analysis as can be applied to cases.

97 Chapter 5 Methods, Material, and Process adhered to. None of the participants retracted their consent. Informants were also informed about the purposes of the studies and were offered the opportunity to read and comment on the resulting material (e.g., reports). There is a risk, also, in relying solely on company contacts for securing informants, in that access may only have been granted to informants that had been “cleared” by the companies and who were possibly already known to have opinions that the companies found agreeable. Again, we found no indications this was the case; however, as a safeguard against such risk, statements were always corroborated with several accounts. Other ethical considerations concern the participant observations. Because of the nature of this type of data collection activity, consent cannot be sought in the same manner as it was for the interviews. However, the situation was, at the same time, different. Here, because we (researcher and participants) were part of the same project, all participants can be assumed to have been clear on the purposes of the study, already. Meaning, they also knew the role of the our (my colleagues and I) participation within the projects. Furthermore, these activities were never recorded, and neither participants nor companies appear with full or exact titles or names in the published material. Additionally, the subject matters of the studies do not take interest in specific persons—instead, it focuses on the participants’ roles as, for example, managers. For the EU-projects, it is also worth noting that the agreement that underpinned these projects stipulated that any intention to publish material based on project results would have to be communicated beforehand. These intentions were, thus, communicated through emails that were sent out to all project partners and that included drafts of the intended publication. There were no objections to these publications.

98 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers

This chapter summarises the appended papers of this thesis. But more than simply providing a summary, this chapter aims to give a sense of how each paper contributes to the themes of the thesis. This chapter also further expands on the context of the papers—meaning, it details for what purposes and projects they were written for. The intention with this chapter is to facilitate a comprehensive analysis that spans the analyses of the individual papers (motivated by the reasoning of the previous chapter). The summary of each paper has two parts: first, a general summary of the paper departing from the categories of “background,” “purpose,” “materials and method,” and “results and contribution”; then, a more detailed description of the paper and with an additional focus on the context in (or for) which the paper was written. This chapter also intends to highlight my roles in the papers and to explain how the papers came to be. This is also to give a foundation from which the analysis of the next chapter can build upon. Note that the second description primarily focuses on matters of concern in the thesis; some aspects of the studies, while important, are only covered in the papers themselves.

Paper I: A Management Concept’s Journey to the Mining Industry

Lööw, Joel. 2018. “An Investigation into Lean Production Practice in Mining.” International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 10 (1): 123–42. https: //

Background There is an apparent lack of successful implementations of lean produc- tion within the mining industry. At the same time, the industry has expressed clear interest in using the concept, and there are also many initiatives that push for its implementation.

Purpose The purpose of the paper was to investigate the practice of lean production in the mining industry. Through this, the paper aims to give more insight into the concept, the mining industry, and what these insights mean for implementing

99 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers

the concept. On this basis, the paper gives suggestions for what is required for the implementation of management concepts within the mining industry.

Materials and method The paper is based on a content analysis of publications that cover lean production practice within the mining industry. Two corpora formed the material: scientific publications on the practice of lean production in the mining industry, and the reporting of lean production in the internal newspaper of Mining Company A. The paper used a top-down model of lean production (Pettersen 2009), translation theory (Røvik 2008), and content analysis (Hsieh and Shannon 2005) to analyse the materials.

Results and contribution The investigation found lean production to be practiced within the mining industry only to a limited extent, and that the practice, therein, differs from that of other industries. In discussing this discrepancy, the paper provides further understanding of lean production and the mining industry; in particular, the paper addresses how it is that only a few industries have managed to not implement the concept, and why this might be so. The paper concludes with an exploration of the implication for implementing management concepts in the industry in general.

The purpose of Paper I was to investigate how the mining industry has implemented and practices lean production, and to determine the forms of this practice. This first paper grew out of a report (Lööw 2015), which was then turned into a conference pa- per (Lööw and Johansson 2015a), that then served as the basis for another conference paper (Lööw and Johansson 2015b). The need for the initial investigation grew out of the I2Mine project, which stipu- lated that the tools developed should be combined with “an overarching Lean produc- tion philosophy in a deep mining context.109 Plenty of literature on”lean production philosophy” exists. However, very rarely has the mining industry been covered in research on lean production. Any concrete philosophy for lean production in mining, let alone deep mining, did not (and still, to my knowledge, does not) exist. Thus, a first step for this part of the I2Mine project was to try to establish, on the one hand, the current status of lean production practice within the mining industry and, on the other hand, to study what this means for a philosophy of lean production in a mining context. The paper’s reasoning encompasses both scientific and societal motivations. For example, it notes that the mining industry is not present in any literature review of lean production. Yet,by the looks of it, the mining industry has experienced the same “technical” triggers that have been suggested to lead other industries to implement the concept. At the same time, research programmes and researchers advocate for the

109The text is from the Description of Work (DoW) document of I2Mine.

100 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ concept’s use, and mining companies, themselves, express an interest in the concept. Thus, investigating the practice of the concept within mining was relevant, because such an investigation can help to understand both the concept (e.g., why has it not been implemented in the mining industry?) and the industry (e.g., why has the industry not implemented the concept?). The undertaking to investigate and estblish lean production practice within the mining industry began as a literature review that sought to identify scientific papers covering lean production within the mining industry. Early on, it became clear that such papers on the subject are scarce, and that many of the papers that did exist were either published as conference papers or in relatively unknown journals. The review continued, but it began to include more or less any paper on the subject, instead of applying typically rigorous acceptance criteria.110 The first report summarised 14 studies (which covered 17 publications) in detail, one by one. In the first correspond- ing conference paper that resulted from this investigation, the review was based on a model of lean production proposed by Lyons et al. (2013). By this time, the identified papers had helped develop a notion of what lean production practice in the mining industry centres on, even if this notion did not really go into what practice should be. This notion served as the basis for the second corresponding conference paper, in which the established practice was used to discuss potential work environment effects and the influence these effects could have on mining industry attractiveness. By the time the process to turn the study into a journal paper had begun, a few more papers on the subject had been published. In addition, I had also become more familiar with qualitative analysis. These two factors motivated a reexamination of the previous material. The study then focused on 20 papers (as with the first iteration of the investigation, there were more publications available than this, but they were often based on the same empirical material), all of which were published in journals or conference proceedings. The study relied on Jørgensen and Emmitt (2008) in arguing for the inclusion of conference proceedings; in their review of lean construction, they similarly note the lack of papers published through traditional scientific channels. Røvik’s theories underpinned this paper, including the extraction and implemen- tation of organisational ideas as being akin to how translators translate texts (i.e., trans- lation theory; Røvik 2008), as well as how ideas enter and “behave” in organisations (primarily virus theory; Røvik 2000, 2011). The point of this was to establish two things: first, that the specific language used in discussing lean production in min- ing matters, and second, that researchers—and thus one of their main channels of communication, publications—are important translators and will shape the practice

110This more or less indiscriminatory inclusion of papers is probably one of the reasons why it took so long to finally publish the paper as a literature review in a journal. Many journals have quite rigid notions of what a review paper should be—a very systemic endeavour, for example, with strict inclusion criteria; although, by now, many exceptions to such rigidity do exist (e.g., Jørgensen and Emmitt 2008).

101 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers of lean production in mining. On this basis, the paper used, as its conception of lean production, a model based on the concept’s prescription in management literature (Pettersen 2009). I conducted a summative (top-down) content analysis based on Hsieh and Shannon (2005), look- ing at the extent to which the papers that were reviewed fulfilled the characteristics identified by Pettersen (2009). The idea was that this process would identify the re- searcher/academic view on lean production in mining—a view that should come to inform the actual practice. Indeed, as the empirical publications of this paper evi- dence, researchers often carry out implementations of the concept as part of their research. Thus, the analysis also sought to isolate and identify how actual practice of the concept looks. Relying only on the “academic perspective” presents a limited view (cf. Bowen 2009). Therefore, an analysis of Mining Company A’s internal magazine comple- mented the first analysis—in this magazine, the company has reported on its own lean production practice for many years. It was mainly through the comparison of these two views that I hoped to gain insight into how practice differs and coalesces. For this material, I also used content analysis (based on Hsieh and Shannon 2005), but from the bottom up (a direct content analysis). The results show that a very narrow version of lean production is practiced in the mining industry. The analysis also showed that there are some important differences between the practices that are theorised to be suitable for the mining industry and the practices that are actually practised. What is more, the results indicate that, in the mining industry, it takes very little for any practice to be counted as a “lean practice” or for a (partial) implementation of a practice to be counted as a lean production im- plementation. Lean mining—lean production in mining—has a different form than lean production in general (to the extent that lean production has a coherent form). The most common lean mining practices revolve around: TPM/preventive main- tenance; human relations management (cross training, employee involvement, team organisation); continuous improvements; waste elimination; standardisation (house- keeping, standardised work, visual control, and management); and supplier involve- ment. These practices were ranked among the most uncommon, in a comprehensive review by Bhamu and Sangwan (2014), and all of these practices were or are prac- ticed to some extent even outside of lean production. Many of these practices also take the form of tools. Here, Hines, Holweg, and Rich (2004, 1006) argue that “The … strategic thinking [of lean production] applies everywhere, the shop-floor tools do not.” In mining, it seems to be the other way around—the strategic-thinking dimension is lacking, and focus has been on the so-called shop-floor tools. The paper concludes by suggesting that, at least to the extent that such a philosophy is suitable for the industry to begin with, a focus on lean philosophy (as opposed to the “lean tools”) could be more beneficial to the mining industry. Indeed, commenters

102 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ such as Hines, Holweg, and Rich (2004) have argued that lean production, nowadays, is a philosophy, rather than its specific tools.111 To this end, they recommended using whichever approaches contribute to the philosophy, as long as the philosophy itself remains intact. The mining industry (rather than researchers), then, must make the connection between practices and philosophy. A contribution of the paper is in the suggestion that this phenomenon is not unique to lean production. Many tools and strategies—although, in the terminology of this thesis, “ideas” or “soft technology” might be better words to use—are perhaps best approached by thinking of them as .

Paper II: Technology for Increasing Mining Industry Safety

Lööw, Joel, and Magnus Nygren. 2019. “Initiatives for Increased Safety in the Swedish Mining Industry: Studying 30 Years of Improved Acci- dent Rates.” Safety Science 117: 437–46. 2019.04.043.

Background Despite experiencing decades of improving accident frequency rates, the accident frequency trend, itself, is still elevated in the mining industry. During the last decade, the frequency rate has stopped improving and has remained more or less constant. While previous studies have investigated the characteris- tics of mining accidents, and with some older studies looking into connections of accidents to other developments in the industry, there is still a lack of studies investigating which initiatives have been undertaken to directly improve safety within the industry.

Purpose This study sought to investigate the Swedish mining industry’s accident rate trend over a period of 30 years. In particular, the study sought to understand what measures have been taken, and what measures are argued to be needed in the future, to prevent accidents in the Swedish mining industry. On this basis, the paper then aimed to provide recommendations for how the safety of the Swedish mining industry could be further improved.

Materials and method The paper mainly relied on interviews conducted with man- agers that had a responsibility for health and safety. The informants came from within the two largest mining companies in Sweden (Mining Companies A and

111We should be careful, here, however. In turning a management concept into a management fashion, it must be universal (Røvik 1996). Phrasing lean production (or indeed lean thinking, as later manifestations have come to refer to the concept; see Womack and Jones 2003) as a philosophy helps it to be universally applicable. That is to say, the argument by Hines, Holweg, and Rich (2004) might be an attempt to keep lean production in the limelight.

103 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers

B). Eight managers were interviewed, in total, with four managers being from each company. Materials also came from a former work environment inspector and a workshop that was conducted with health and safety managers and such from most of Sweden’s mining companies (including contractors). Documents (e.g., statistics and safety programme descriptions) were also included in the study. Materials were analysed applying thematic analysis along the lines of Braun and Clarke (2014).

Results and contribution The study found that different periods have been dominated by different measures for improving safety; the 1980s focused on technology, while the 2000s saw increased focus on organisational measures. Three pieces of regulation were also held as important. The informants saw future efforts as continuing to move operators away from the mining environment by means of technology. Paired with this, the informants also saw the need to increase participation in safety-related activities and focus on issues such as leadership with regards to safety (often in the form safety culture programmes). The paper contributes the first review of the safety initiatives undertaken by Swedish mining industry, and it offers advice for the industry’s continued efforts.

The second paper is based on the results from the SIP STRIM pre-study (the first of the safety projects) into improving the accident frequency rate in mining (the re- sults were first reported in Lööw, Nygren, and Johansson 2017). This paper also uses some material from the follow-up safety project. I co-authored the paper with Magnus Nygren. Responsibility was shared throughout the study, with both us inter- viewing, analysing, and writing the paper. Its purpose was to investigate safety-related developments in the Swedish mining industry undertaken over a 30-year time period (from the 1980s to the 2010s). In particular, the paper sought to establish what may have contributed to lowering the accident frequency rates and improving safety in the industry. The material comes from nine interviews that were conducted during the second half of 2016. Eight informants came from Sweden’s two largest mining companies (Mining Companies A and B; four informants from each company). The informants had formal responsibility for health and safety management and, to some extent, tech- nology and business development; they were senior managers, operations specialists, and health and safety specialists. The two companies employ a majority of all min- ers in Sweden; the paper held that, then, these companies (and by extension, the informants) have a significant influence on safety for all of Swedish mining. A ninth informant was a former inspector for the Swedish Work Environment Authority and had long-time experience from inspecting mines. Some additional data came from a workshop conducted with Gramko and from informal conversions and documents. We did a thematic analysis of the interview material along the lines of Braun and

104 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

Clarke (2014).

The results evidenced five themes and also three periods where some themes were particularly prominent. The themes were: technological development and an im- proved physical work environment; changing formal health and safety management; adopting broader safety management strategies; safety for contractors and other sup- pliers; and future developments for increased safety. Beginning in the 1980s, safety improvements resulted from technological development. Such development included better rock-bolting, ventilation, machine designs (aspects such as improved interfaces and also the ability to protect the operator from rock falls), and allowing for oper- ation from safer locations. In the 2000s (though starting already with the “internal control” regulation in the 1990s), focus shifted toward organisational aspects, and the 2001 regulation for systematic work environment management, in particular, was im- portant in establishing more systematic approaches to safety. From this change came new routines, safety programmes, and so on. There was a change at the time in how safety was viewed, as well, which in turn led to the adoption of broader safety man- agement strategies. The change, in wider perspective, also included integrating views on production and safety (motivated in part by one of the companies’ efforts with lean production). And, for the most part (at least recently), the change has meant the creation of safety (culture) programmes. This period has also resulted in more dedicated efforts to rectify the health and safety situation of contractors, such as in developing routines and systematic practices.

The paper introduced the notion that these safety initiatives have followed trends in related discourses, such that some decades saw “soft” approaches to safety as suit- able and other decades viewed “hard” initiatives as more appropriate. In terms of sociotechnology, focus has shifted between the technical and social systems (current effort could perhaps be phrased as a focus on the interplay between the systems). Em- pirically, as well, certain periods saw more attention in the direction of either physical or organisational measures. The paper concludes by arguing that both sides—both “soft” and “hard” measures—are required to further improve safety, and that they are often required in combination with each other. In particular, the discussion suggests that one type of measure cannot be implemented without the consideration of the other type of measure. In general, the paper established that a wider perspective on safety is needed, and that, in part, this has already started with efforts aiming at safety culture as well as organisational and social work environments. However, with more focus on “bottom-up” approaches, and without considering a multitude of perspec- tives, it was noted that middle managers are usually left with increased responsibilities and not necessarily with the increased resources needed for such change. Part of this problem, finally, might be the result of a lack of insight into the different perspectives; proactive indicators are required to provide this insight.

105 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers

Paper III: Outcomes of New Technology in Mining

Lööw, Joel, Lena Abrahamsson, and Jan Johansson. 2019. “Mining 4.0— the Impact of New Technology from a Work Place Perspective.” Min- ing, Metallurgy & Exploration 36 (4): 701–7. s42461-019-00104-9.

Background The increased connectivity of technical devices and power of micropro- cessors has enabled concepts such as Industry 4.0 (closely related to, for exam- ple, the Internet of Things). Much of industry, in general, has taken an interest in Industry 4.0 and digitalisation, and so, too, has the mining industry. Thus far, however, analyses of the effects of such technology on mining workplaces and operators have been lacking.

Purpose This paper set out to analyse the effect of Mining 4.0 (Industry 4.0 adapted to the mining industry) from a worker’s perspective and by way of illustrating what the technology can mean for the individual miner. The paper sought to answer questions such as what will happen to the miners’ work, and what skills will be needed in a mine, as organised under Mining 4.0, as well as what risks there are (risks, for example, regarding privacy, stress, and work–life boundaries).

Materials and method The paper built upon our experiences in other projects, such as I2Mine, SIMS, and PosTech, as well as from material produced for Lööw et al. (2018). These materials were analysed through the lenses of Industry 4.0 and human work/working-life science literature. The analysis “constructed” two possible (though exaggerated) scenario—one utopic and one dystopic— for how the concept can develop within the industry. On this basis, the paper suggests some activities that can help steer the industry in the direction of the utopic scenario.

Results and contribution The analysis highlights the potential advantages as well disad- vantages of a realisation of Industry 4.0 within the mining industry. Through its discussion on surveillance, privacy, stress, automation paradoxes, and so on, the paper shows the potential for both utopic and dystopic developments result- ing from the realisation of Industry 4.0 in the mining industry. The paper finds that, to navigate in the direction of the utopic outcome, the mining industry must do the following: widen the manner in which it measures success; manage reductions in labour with transparency and in close cooperation with unions; provide competence development for all; create a flat organisation based on so- ciotechnology; handle integrity and privacy issues in cooperation with unions; and embed all change in the context of social responsibility.

106 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

This paper is very much related to the SIMS project and recent trends in the industry, namely digitalisation (particularly in the form of Industry 4.0). It was a joint effort together with Jan Johansson and Lena Abrahamsson. Material produced for Lööw et al. (2018) was combined with our experiences in I2Mine, SIMS, and PosTech, and it was all analysed through perspectives stemming from human work/work-life sciences. The main focus was to develop an understanding of what the entry of Industry 4.0 into the mining industry could look like and its potential effects therein. What is somewhat unique to the paper is its concluding section; being at something of a loss as to how to end the paper, we opted for a “visionary” approach. There have been some mining-related articles that have experimented with fictional or narrative accounts to summarise, in a pedagogic manner, otherwise abstract work (e.g., Johansson 1986; Johansson and Johansson 2014; Bassan et al. 2008), and the end of the article is an attempt to do something similar.112 The paper was further motivated by the focus in the SIMS project on outreach, wherein an entire work package was dedicated to presenting the results of the project in an accessible manner and with which a narrative presentation of results would fit well. The paper is an attempt to increase understanding among mining engineers and related professionals regarding the effect of new (digital) technology on mine workers. Indeed, to highlight this perspective was the purpose of the article, as indicated by its sub-title: “the Impact of New Technology from a Work Place Perspective.” For similar reasons, we sought publication and were accepted into the journal Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (“the flagship journal of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration … consisting of professionals in the mining and minerals industry”113). It was hoped that the paper, through the its exploration, would help mining companies navigate towards “a future that works for all miners.” The paper briefly reviews Industry 4.0 and some of what has been said to be re- quired to successfully apply the concept. The paper then conceptualises Industry 4.0 within the mining industry as Mining 4.0; it “translates” into the mining industry a typology presented by Romero et al. (2016) on eight different operator types en- abled by Industry 4.0. The main part of the paper then discusses “Miner 4.0” (the miner working in a mine organised under Mining 4.0) and how working life might be affected by the digital mine. The analysis relied on classic studies, such as Kern and Schumann (1974), to note the possibility of an inadvertent creation of A and B teams (some workers up-skilled, some down-skilled). It notes, too, how new tech- nology creates new identities, and how these can then, in turn, challenge established orders and structures (using gender as an example). For many of the issues, there

112At least in a very literal sense, this account is science fiction. Lately, science fiction writers have been employed to predict the future—of technology or of products, for example—on behalf of companies. 113The text is from the journal’s homepage:

107 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers are dual possibilities, as there are usually both negative and positive outcomes with every change. For example, digital technology might sunder some of the restrictive ways of organising work—or, it might expand the sphere of work to all aspects of life, rendering workers constantly available. Monitoring (some aspects of) mining work, likewise, can improve safety and introduce grave privacy issues. The account presented by the paper up to the point above was theoretical and, per- haps, not grasped easily for the uninitiated. Tosum up the points, the paper, therefore, provides a “narrative account.”114 The dystopia sees an “old school” miner with a deteriorated job; in this scenario, while some safety aspects have improved, job mates have been lost and replaced with cold technology. In the utopic account, technology has been employed to enrich work and to help include those who traditionally do not have access to employment in mining; in this scenario, technology has been adapted to the social system. The paper argues that change is more likely to be evolutionary rather than revo- lutionary; the accounts do not present near-future scenarios. In being a change that occurs over time, however, it offers much opportunity for influence—in this render- ing, change does not happen overnight, and thus development can be influenced over time and with several attempts (of course, the more that can be done right from the start, the better). Along those lines, the paper suggests that, for mining companies to move towards a utopic implementation of digital technology, they must do the following: include social factors into their measures of success (i.e., go beyond the economic bottom-line model); handle all technology-related decisions with trans- parency, openness, and in cooperation with unions (including regarding issues of privacy); retrain rather than fire; develop the whole—rather than just parts—of the workforce; create a flat organisation to help in these issues; and embed all change in a context of social responsibility.

Paper IV: On Designing Technology to Increase Workplace Attractiveness

Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Attractive Work and Ergonomics: Designing Attrac- tive Work Systems.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21 (4): 442–62.

Background Ergonomics, being the study of work, concerns itself with the design

114These narratives were also recorded for SIMS and for use in conferences and such; at the time of the completion of this thesis, they are available online via the links below. • The utopia: • The dystopia:

108 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

of workplaces, specifically. However, thus far the field rarely focuses on the design of attractive workplaces. Additionally, studies that cover attractive work seldom go into the issue of actually realising these workplaces. At the same time, industrial organisations face increasing problems in recruiting labour.

Purpose The purpose of the article was to position the notion of designing attractive workplaces within the field of ergonomics. The article aimed to outline a conceptualisation of work system design that recognises attractiveness as an important and emergent feature of sociotechnical systems, using the mining industry as an example.

Materials and method The paper draws upon material collected in SIMS and experi- ences from I2Mine. In particular, it used the results from interviews that were conducted with both managers within technology developing companies, as well as operators and managers within mining companies. The study used battery-powered loaders and semi-autonomous chargers as cases. Sociotech- nical theory, along with literature on attractive work, provided the analytical framework. The paper, then, analyses “mismatches” in understanding and perception, regarding the intended environments of the technology and the advantages of technology in those settings.

Results and contribution The article suggests that many logics dictate the development and implementation of technology. For creating attractive workplaces, cur- rently applied processes risk improving only isolated aspects of (attractive) work while neglecting other, and sometimes more pressing, issues. The article sug- gests that processes that aim to create attractive workplaces must be, fundamen- tally, participatory. At the same time, the article challenges current approaches to user- or human-centric design, in that the scope of these approaches must be widened so as to include even “non-users” (since the heart of the issue of attractiveness should be to attract this very group). Finally, the development of technology must address these factors.

The first ideas for this paper came already in 2014. I mostly worked in I2Mine at that time, and I also took a PhD course on the Classics of Human Work Science (Arbetsvetenskapens klassiker). In an essay for that course, I discussed good, free, and attractive jobs. That essay argued that current models of attractive work (mainly Hed- lund 2007) needed to include the notion of objective and subjective attractiveness.115 These models have been central in the projects that covered attractive work; how- ever, as the projects progressed, problems with the models cropped up. For example,

115I covered Alienation and Freedom by Blauner (1964) in that course; he makes the distinction between attractive and subjective alienation. My argument was essentially that the same reasoning can be extended to attractive jobs, as well.

109 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers the models’ ways of conceptualising the aim of increasing attractiveness, namely as expanding the area in which work is considered attractive, stand the risk of being interpreted as being an issue of changing the perceptions of what is attractive. While perhaps not the first interpretation arrived at, it became clear that the model, or no- tion itself, needed clarifying, especially given its centrality in much of our research. The paper sought to address this situation.116 The paper is largely theoretical. It mainly sought to position the notion of attractive work within the field of ergonomics (being the study of work). It argued that we need to understand this type of question with reference to sociotechnical theory and attractiveness as an emergent feature of the work system. For purposes beyond the paper, I wanted the paper to help to provide understanding as to why technology in mining “turns out” the way it does, as well as what is required to facilitate the design of attractive workplaces. Thus, the paper builds a theoretical argument by accounting for theories on at- tractiveness of work, highlighting in this some problems with current thought. For example, we can say much about what may be attractive and the process by which someone comes to form this opinion; we know less of how to go from where we are today to workplaces that are attractive. In expanding the notion of attractive work, the paper makes use of Carayon et al. (2015) and their concentric model for so- ciotechnical systems. It then adds to this the position of actors, such as designers and workers. An important dimension to the notion of attractiveness is lent by suggesting that the external/internal division of the model by Hedlund (2007) exists at several levels. Crucially, those who design the technology that will potentially make a work- place attractive are at a different level than those who judge something as attractive or not, and it is unlikely that these two groups view attractiveness in the same ways.117 To exemplify the theoretical claims, the paper made use of cases from the mining industry. Data to build these cases (the development of semi-automated chargers and battery-powered loaders) came from field studies and interviews that I conducted, or helped plan, together with Jan Johansson and two Master’s degree students, Niklas Jäderblom (Jäderblom 2017) and Jonatan Lundberg (Lundberg 2017). In short, the cases show that there is a mismatch between the different groups involved and its

116Chapter 5 of the handbook produced for SIMS gives a brief summary of the most salient points: 117In the paper, I argue that decisions on attractiveness come down to the interplay between an indi- vidual’s concept of what is attractive, the perceived characteristics of an object (e.g., a workplace), and the actual properties of that object. Only later did I find out that this comes close to C S Peirce’s theory of signs. For example, for smoke to be a sign of fire requires that the form (i.e., the smoke) links to the interpretation that there is a fire (the object). For attractiveness, then, the decision-maker can positively influence attractiveness if they link the form (e.g., shortcomings in the work environment) to the interpretation that a certain “attractiveness factor” is lacking (the object).

110 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ actors. That is, what one group considers attractive (e.g., a group with decision- making power) may not be as “high up on the agenda” for the other group (e.g., workers, who may prefer another issue be addressed rather than the one primarily addressed by the new technology). This discrepancy leads the paper to conclude that what is needed is a more open and transparent process of design, such that social systems can come to synergise with technical systems; it is a conclusion that comes close to arguments for human-centric design (for mining, see e.g., Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011, 2018). However, because the issue is attractiveness, such approaches must go beyond what is traditionally meant by human-centric design; it is not enough that users are included. Even non-users, the surrounding society, and so on must be involved in the design of technology that contributes to attractive workplaces, because current work systems in mining fail to attract these people. A key to such inclusion is in understanding that the different positions of actors in turn influence their perceptions which, if differing on critical points, can deteriorate system performance.

Paper V: On the Handling of New Technology in Mining

Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Understanding New Mining Technology: Towards Improved Health, Safety and Social Acceptance.” Manuscript submitted to Mineral Economics.

Background Much of the new technology in the mining industry is being developed with the stated goal of improving safety and health. Lately, new technology- based narratives make even wider claims of also addressing social issues. How- ever, such ambitions are likely to remain unrealised, owing to the character- istics of the mining industry and the ways in which technology is currently approached.

Purpose The purpose of the article was to analyse the effect of new technology on issues such as health, safety, and social acceptance. The article aimed to show that the management of new technology is as important as the technology itself.

Materials and method The paper drew on experiences from I2Mine, SIMS, and PosTech to identify problem areas with technology in regards to health, safety, and social acceptance. This was then used to discuss the effects of technology, using literature on these areas (both inside and outside of mining).

Results and contribution The analysis of the paper found that, while technology in mining can have and has had positive effects, the characteristics of the industry imposes significant limitations. These limitations can then limit positive effects

111 Chapter 6 Summary of Appended Papers

or lead to negative effects arising in other areas. Basically, the management of technology in mining is a management of trade-offs. For technology to have any hope of addressing current and future issues of health, safety, and social acceptance within the mining industry, it must balance these trade-offs through an increased, mutual understanding with stakeholders affected by mining and its technology.

This paper is similar to Paper III in that it also concerns the effects of technology on social aspects. However, whereas Paper III looks to new technology and the particular effects it may have in the industry, Paper V looks at current technology and explores why it falls short, for example, on improving health and safety—that is, why technology generates negatives effects in these areas to begin with. Like Paper III, this paper has its foundation in texts originally produced for Lööw et al. (2018), and it was born out of needs that arose in SIMS (such as addressing the notion that singular technological interventions would produce unequivocal positive effects). In this project, it appeared that, in general, there was a lack in knowledge regarding just how technology contributes to, in this case, health, safety, and social acceptance (especially the latter had a central role in SIMS). Current views within the mining industry on technology, when taken to its edge, paint technology as being able to improve on these aspects by sole merit of being technology.118 The paper starts off by stating that much technology within the mining industry has been motivated by its ability to improve health, safety, and, as of late, social ac- ceptance, but without this always being the case. The paper then delves into health, safety, and social acceptance in the mining industry, focusing on the role technology plays and has played. The main point is that now health and safety, and their relation- ship to technology, are so complex, that seldom can one area be improved without introducing negative side effects elsewhere. In other words, there will always be trade- offs, and the management of these trade-offs must become as central to health and safety as technology is, itself. The paper then tries to extend the notion of health and safety to include issues such as social acceptance, and it does so by connecting many issues that relate to social acceptance (in particular, attractive workplaces) to health and safety. The paper notes, for example, how a mine can import problems from the surrounding society, but also how the mine exports problems, as well (functioning that we first noted in Abrahamsson et al. 2016, 2015). Following this, the paper engages in a deeper examination of technology in the mining industry. This examination is an account of how technology is developed,

118A more accurate explanation (presented in-full in Paper IV) is that it seems that often the technol- ogy is “invented” first (someone thinks to apply it to a particular use, most often), and then the motivation for why its application would be a good idea is found. Even if these motivations are not wrong, such a process is not the best way of addressing the issues that the technology is said to address.

112 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ used, motivated, and implemented within the mining industry. For example, in min- ing, capital costs are huge, lifespans of mines (and of some technology) are long, and many other aspects are uncontrollable due to having to, in a sense, adapt to nature (or, at a minimum, adapt to the ore body and rock characteristics). At the same time, the paper tries to understand how decisions are made due to these circumstances. The paper’s discussion attempts to reconcile the situation in the mining industry in regards to health, safety, and social acceptance, on the one hand, and the way technology works, on the other hand, within mining. This discussion brings in Kern and Schumann (1974), Bright (1958), Goodman and Garber (1988), and Bainbridge (1983) to discuss how these issues have developed previously, so as to help suggest a way forward. The conclusions from this analysis follow the general themes which should, by now, be quite apparent in this chapter as the following: to handle the complex ecosystem of trade-offs, and to escape the limitations of decision-making processes on technology of a conservative industry, will mean looking at technology development and the prevention of accidents and ill-health from a wider perspective. Such a perspective must do away with the notion that any of these decisions are simple and straightforward and should invite, instead, a perspective that acknowledges complexity.


Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions

For the mining industry to overcome its present and future challenges—be the chal- lenges related to securing ore in more inaccessible locations, recruiting a new work- force, or securing social licenses to operate—it must, as a step within the process, be able to provide attractive places of work. That is to say, workplace-related interven- tions have a fundamental part in the mining industry’s future activities. The purpose of this thesis has been, thus, to understand the sociotechnical process by which at- tractive workplaces can be created within the mining industry. By conceptualising the process as sociotechnical, an analysis in this vein will allow for an examination of the technological interventions undertaken by the mining industry to address its (social) challenges. Only to a limited extent, and often implicitly (with some ex- ceptions), have the papers underpinning this thesis done this, alone. As Chapter 5 argued, I must revisit the papers and in light of the theoretical framework, in order to fulfil the ambitions of this thesis. The first task of this chapter is to undertake this reexamination. I then build upon the reexamination, outlining what is required of a sociotechnical process for it to satisfy both technical and social demands in the facili- tation of attractive workplaces. In the process of sketching a way forward, I connect my findings to the research questions of this thesis. Finally, in concluding this the- sis, I discuss my findings, limitations, and some implications therein for theory and practice.

A Sociotechnical Analysis of the Papers

The papers of this thesis have arisen from several diverse projects. As noted a few times throughout the chapters of the thesis, this fact regarding the papers has precluded the pursuit of a coherent research question outside of the thesis. However, bringing together all of the materials under a new, or expanded, theoretical framework in turn brings new aspects of the material to light. This section revisits the papers, so as to more explicitly reveal their connections to the questions of this thesis.119

119This revisiting is more substantial for Papers I and II. These papers came about earlier in my doctoral studies; at that time, I had not yet developed the ideas surrounding this thesis as extensively. The later papers are more aligned with the purposes of this thesis and, thus, require less reexamination.

115 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions

Paper I Sociotechnical thought aptly applies to management concepts. A concept must, for example, avoid resistance from the (work) system into which it is introduced. That is, when a management concept fails to harmonise with social systems (the practi- cal/practice parts of management ideas are part of the technical system), it engenders what is often seen as resistance; lacking harmonisation is seen as resistance towards the concept. This is not a novel finding, but we should wonder why lean production is so sparsely implemented within the mining industry, when almost everywhere else it is not. When looking at lean production as a technology, one finds that the product be- ing “sold” does not involve physical artefacts, as such. At least, the transfer of these artefacts is not what is being sought in lean production.120 At the same time, lean pro- duction implicates physical technology. For example, lean production wants to achieve continuous production, but few mining machines can produce continuously in such a manner (the increased use of continuous miners has, therefore, been recommended to facilitate lean production; Haugen 2013). Similarly, teamwork is difficult when using machines that are designed for only one person (cf. Yingling, Detty, and Sottile 2000), or if the cost of mining machines dictates that they be manned constantly. The results of Paper I show technical motivation as the most prominent motiva- tion for bringing lean production to the mining industry, in that lean production is supposed to increase productivity and so on. Yet, it is difficult to find evidence of such effects in the mining industry—in part because implementations of lean produc- tion are rarely evaluated, but also because full implementations of the concept in the mining industry are uncommon. So, in Røvik’s institutional pragmatic understand- ing (Røvik 2008), while institutional reasons may have motivated an implementation of lean production in the first place, failure to produce actual effects could explain the lack of dissemination of the concept within the mining industry. And, this lack of dissemination might be because of the technical focus of implementation attempts within the mining industry. Those practices that have seen the most implementation are those that are often dubbed “social” or “soft.” These practices tend to deal with autonomy (e.g., group work) or increased worker influence (e.g., kaizen). To the extent that the practices of lean production must be modified to work in the local context, the practices could act as arenas where such modifications are possible. Actors, as conceptualised in the theoretical framework of this thesis, also enter into this discussion. Mines, as noted, differ from many other industries. There are also comparatively few mines, with many of them being remote or far from larger population centres. Researchers and consultants attempt many implementations of

120The concept is often sold in the form of books which, it can be argued, are physical artefacts, and tools such kaizen boards, additionally, are often part of implementation of lean production; however, these are secondary to the actual ideas.

116 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ lean production within the mining industry, but their distance from the mines(physical and otherwise) might mean that theirs is a perception of mining workplaces that is something markedly different from the reality. Then, if these implementation efforts proceed in a top-down manner, and if the procedures are made rigid, there are few opportunities for allowing the technology to be (re)configured to the local context (cf. Goodman and Garber 1988). The reason, likewise, for why some practices have been able to be implemented might be because they are soft and thus allow actors (in this case, operators) to readily modify (configure) them. It is worthwhile to also notice the connection, or overlap, between lean production and sociotechnical design, especially in connection to attractive workplaces. Both fea- ture characteristics such as group organisation, multiskilling and continuous improve- ments. However, “The principal differences between socio-technical design and lean production [are] the methods for controlling and coordinating work”; where sociotechnical design seeks decentralisation of control and coordination, lean produc- tion focuses on standardisation of work processes (Mumford 2006, 331). Though not an effect stemming solely from this distinction, lean production can engender a multitude of negative social effects (see Fagerlind Ståhl and Ekberg 2016 for a re- view; see Westgaard and Winkel 2011 for a review of health effects of rationalisation strategies, in general) that, to my knowledge, sociotechnical principles do not. Yet, it seems likely that rationalisation strategies such as the kind implied in lean produc- tion will be necessary for mining companies to address issues relating to productivity (Cavender 2000). At least historically, successful productivity interventions within the mining industry have depended on such measures as much as they have on technol- ogy (Bamforth and Trist 1951; Galdón-Sánchez and Schmitz Jr. 2002). Bringing out the positive effects of lean production requires the application of principles associated with sociotechnical design (Westgaard and Winkel 2011).

Paper II Paper II noted the prominence of certain approaches to safety during particular pe- riods. The variance in prominence may have less to do with the actual character of the problems and more to do with contemporary discourse (i.e., what is considered an appropriate solution to a problem at that point in time). The change in focus from a technical perspective to a normative perspective (such as prioritising safety culture over technology development) we, in Paper II, argued could correspond to pendulum swings between discourses as illustrated by Røvik (2000). Paper II also corresponds to the institutional-pragmatic arguments by Røvik (2008) in that, even when motivations for implementing ideas are institutional, effects do follow from the implementation of those ideas. In fact, that the informants of this paper were able to claim that individual measures had affected safety is probably because those measures corresponded to positive effects on safety; the effect is not imagined. At the same

117 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions time, not all measures undertaken during the period investigated in Paper II were said to have affected safety. Legislation such as “internal control” was said to have had an effect on safety, but other legislation did not necessarily have such an effect. This could be because internal control focused on increased company responsibility and organisational measures; such focus would have been in line with a “normative” paradigm during the 1990s (cf. Røvik 2000). Other legislation, such as specifications limiting exposure, is more technical in character and thus may not have worked well with the zeitgeist of the 1990s. Alternatively, legislation like internal control and SAM (Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, Systematic Work Environment Work) are similar to safety concepts that the companies currently support, such as OHSAS 18001. We did not investigate how the legislation was received at the time, but initially it may not have been as positively received, as was later argued in our interviews. Yet, because organisations need to appear consistent to appear rational, this legislation could have come to be viewed as positive, as the companies started to adapt health and safety management concepts that built upon the same ideas implicated in the legislation. I find little reason, then, as for why management ideas should not also encompass safety programmes, standards, and concepts (including technological systems, for ex- ample, such as positioning systems). Frick and Wren (2000) have argued that many occupational health and safety management systems are products and that they are sold as such. Being sold in that way affects the form of the technology, as both Wajcman (2004) and Eveland (1986) argue. Thus, in the later developments in Swedish safety of the period that we investigated, what can be observed in terms of measures may be less a change in paradigms and more a need to describe safety as being due to fac- tors that can be addressed with an occupational health and safety management system. Therefore, technology such as the OHSAS 18001 safety standard is formed to address such problems. However, viewing these management systems in this way means that they are malleable. Compared to lean production, they also appear to have been much more widely adapted. Does this mean the safety programmes have changed to fit different organisations, or does the fact that the programmes are standards prevent this? Can ideas remain unchanged, while they still have effects? The concept of metaphors is important here, as well. Many metaphors surfaced in our interviews. The use of pyramids, even if they are to be “flipped” (to focus on safety from a bottom-up perspective, as was argued in our interviews), still presupposes certain hierarchical structures, for example. There are also metaphors of ladders and steps, which suggests, as Paper II notes, that certain steps must come before others. This stepwise progression shapes technology, too. If technology is understood as doing the “heavy lifting”—indeed, if technology is defined as that which is capable of doing the heavy lifting (protecting against rock fall and the like)—so that it can provide the foundation for “softer” approaches, then aspects such as interface design may be seen as falling outside of the scope of technology. While some research shows

118 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ that changes have followed this progression (e.g., Kariuki and Löwe 2012), to my knowledge research has yet to establish that it has to happen through these steps. Which, then, begs the question of if the approach to safety is (partly) suboptimal, in this regard. Moreover, technology is not singular in a way that it can represent specific steps. Paper II highlights that fact with improved rock bolts, for example, where it is not just their improvement, but also their increased application, that can improve safety (and, with that, the success of the technology becomes dependent on its integration with social systems). Again, if the description of technology is such that it comes to be viewed singularly then it may not succeed, owing to failure in recognising the necessity of the whole sociotechnical network. That is, improved rock bolting can improve safety only to the extent that the sociotechnical infrastructure (routines, culture, and so on) can support its implementation. There is perhaps, in a sense, then, a stepwise progression to the improvement of safety within the mining industry. However, the progression cannot be assumed to be one that goes from hard technology to softer, social interventions, if for no other rea- son than if we accept the notion that there is no technology existing outside its (tech- nology’s) social use. Paper IV suggested that, for workplace attractiveness, there are objective and subjective aspects of workplace improvements, such that the presence of negative, objective factors, in the long-term, will deteriorate workplace conditions (including both safety and job satisfaction). That stipulation implies a required order of interventions—an order that first sees the rectification of “exposure-related” issues (noise, harmful gases and particles, stress, etc.), and then sees the addressing of subjec- tive aspects that more readily relate to workplace attractiveness and such. Hancock, Pepe, and Murphy (2005) have also argued that such a relationship between differ- ent types of measures must exist. Safety and attractiveness are closely related to each other, but the discussion above would suggest that only at a certain level of safety does its relationship to attractiveness become meaningful. The Swedish mining industry’s shift in safety work towards more participatory measures would, then, be a response to progression, and the stagnated rate of improvement for the accident rate trend an indication of insufficient attention paid to the social system. That is, the level of safety within the Swedish mining industry has reached a point that it cannot proceed beyond without understanding social system demands.121 The theoretical framework here suggests that understanding social demands is impossible without clear insight into those social systems; a factor that must, then, imply participation. For similar rea- sons, we can see Laurence (2011) claiming the unsuitability of more rules and control,

121Paper IV also found operators to be less interested in the battery-powered machines’ ability to improve air quality and noise levels and more interested in the new technology’s potential for improving ergonomics. Air quality and noise levels were comparatively good in these cases, and so the improvements in these areas (while probably “objectively” would result in an improved working environment) are subject to “diminishing returns.” This is the same, but inverse, phenomena as previously suggested.

119 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions as these approaches do not connect with miners. Laurence advocates for an inclusive framework, instead, for developing fewer—but more fit-for-purpose—rules, for both further improving safety and as an effect of the same situation.

Paper III Industry 4.0, and subsequently Mining 4.0, are management ideas. The overall cor- responding concept is novel, and the full effect of its ideas are yet to be seen. The scenarios described in Paper III offer insight into possible developments of the con- cept. The dystopia scenario is essentially one that is lacking in attention to the social system; technical requirements of Mining 4.0 have come to dictate development and, in this scenario, the social system has been adapted to the technical system. In the utopia scenario, technical and social systems harmonise. In either case, the scenarios show how work-system design decisions have effects beyond the work system, it- self; effects propagate outwards from the mining company and into the larger society. Clear examples of this effect are redundancies that can follow in the wake of new tech- nology. At the same time, an upskilled workforce can increase the competence level of , in general. New, advanced technology requires higher qualifications somewhere in the value-chain, and decisions can be made such that these qualifica- tions are secured at a local level. How these issues of qualification, for example, are handled—or are expected to be handled—will influence how decisions are made with regards to Mining 4.0, which will, in turn, determine the effects of Mining 4.0. If new technology is expected to deteriorate local society (e.g., due to redundancies or deskilling) then the technology might be opposed, and avenues that “circumnavigate” the local society might be sought by mining companies (e.g., increased reliance on a fly-in/fly-out workforce). Institutional pragmatism can unpack some aspects further here, specifically regard- ing how the concept is being “sold” (i.e., described and marketed) and how such description or marketing does not take into full account actual, potential effects of the technology. Industry 4.0 differs from other management concepts in that many governments support it122 and that it has a much clearer technical focus than, for example, lean production (Johansson et al. 2017; as raised in Paper II, this new focus may be indicative of a change in societal discourse, cf. Røvik 2000). The Swedish vision, Smart Industry, promises a smörgåsbord of positive effects for workers (Johans- son et al. 2017). Yet, the vision has clear rational-instrumental logic that can act in ways that are contrary to these anticipated and hoped-for effects. Thus, there are both opportunities and dangers here. Typically, with management concepts that are

122The German government formulated the Industry 4.0 strategy, and the Swedish government drew up their own vision with Smart Industry. In Japan, there is Society 5.0, and China has the Made in China concept.

120 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ packaged, marketed, and sold to managers and other decision-makers, workers, and others on the “receiving end” may have few preconceptions regarding what the con- cept will actually entail. But with Industry 4.0 and digitalisation being so present in the public debate, including digitalisation’s potential benefits, workers might already have clear metaphors for the technology. Implementation could, therefore, see more resistance—if the technology does not live up to these promises, it would be harder to harmonise with the social system. There is also a danger in digitalisation having re- ceived such a good name that there is no resistance and no critical debate surrounds it. The technology implied in Industry/Mining 4.0 is abstract. And the technology that could help a miner keep in contact with colleagues and provide advance warnings of dangers is, from a technical aspect, not very different from an intrusive positioning and monitoring system. Which metaphors come to represent this technology may be crucial for developing an appropriate response.123 In terms of actors forming understandings, this paper brings to attention the need for not only understanding of work systems and their social and technical demands, but also the importance of the understandings of new technologies that form at a local level. The metaphors that form surrounding new technology, the analysis here suggests, depend on a larger societal debate. Such a debate must be informed by what happens in the workplaces that implement the technology, but only to the extent that the technology currently exists. Industry 4.0 has yet to see large-scale implementation in any industry, so few sources can be drawn upon to form an understanding of actual effects. From an institutional-pragmatic view, this would lead to a lack in dissemina- tion, as the stories surrounding the management idea must be based in reality. Few management ideas, however, have the same governmental backing as does Industry 4.0. This could present a situation in which, beyond the technical aspects, actors on different levels have a similar perception of the technology. Technology, otherwise, typically enters organisations at a socio-organisational level, wherein middle managers and others at the same level form the initial perceptions based on marketing or consul- tants’ descriptions of the technology. The theoretical framework of this thesis would, then, suggest that technology implementation, in a sense, would be a fairer process if the views on technology is common to the different actors. As such, Mining 4.0 could constitute an example where metaphors are formed more collectively.124

123Our interviews in the PosTech project suggested, actually, that the functionality of technology is different from the functionality that the users of that technology think it has. The description of the positioning of technology, or the technology’s capabilities, differed depending on which level in the organisation the informant occupied. At lower levels, for instance, the perception was that the capabilities of the technology were more limited. 124The idea here is that metaphors typically form at a more individual or local level. Thus, many different metaphors of the same technology exist in different groupings. These metaphors, which is my argument in this thesis, will conflict. If, instead, there is a public and broad debate surrounding the new technology, it is more likely that the metaphors formed in different groupings will be more

121 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions

Paper IV

Paper IV addresses, among other things, the marketing of the battery-powered ma- chines. There are, in essence, two arguments for using battery-powered mining ma- chines:125 cost-savings in the form of decreased ventilation demands and reduced diesel consumption, and an improved work environment. From current usage of these machines, it can be gathered that technical motives have been central to their application. These motives include technical limitations for the operation of diesel- powered machines, for example: mining at such heights that air oxygen content is too low for optimal combustion, or mining at such depths that the ventilation system cannot handle the heat generation from both combustion engines and the bedrock. Work environment related arguments factor in later, after original motivations have been decided upon, so as to legitimise further the use of these machines. It is crucial that mining companies show they are working actively with health and safety, and so any technology that fits into such a picture will have a competitive advantage (I am not aware of any implementation of battery-powered machines in mining that have primarily sought to improve the work environment). One could argue that, as long as safety and health are improved, it does not matter whether this effect was sought specifically or happened through side effects. However, the improvements to the work environment may not be that substantial. In being marketed as “safety products,” for example, it is likely then that that will be how the technology will be used (cf. Wajcman 2004). Yet, legitimising factors (i.e., improved work environment) must be based on actual effects (Røvik 2008). Switching mining operations to electricity as a source of power is important for limiting the industry’s generation of CO2 and, in turn, for limiting global heating and attracting a new work- force. Being unaware of these inconsistencies—this fundamental ambiguity (Røvik 2008)—may lead implementations towards failure. Designers or managers may form metaphors of the technology as, indeed, being a work-environment-improving prod- uct (in the worst case, selecting these products over other more fit-for-purpose tech- nology for improving the work environment).126 Operators, meanwhile, may fail to

alike. 125Note that the discussion concerns battery-powered machines, specifically, and not machines powered by electricity, in general. The latter is used quite extensively at companies such as Mining Com- panies A and B, and the two technologies are not completely interchangeable. Mining machines powered by electricity through retractable cables (such as at Mining Company A) and overhead lines (such as in the trials at Mining Company B) require a different infrastructure than do battery- powered machines. To my knowledge, only larger operations use, or have been able justify using, this first type of technology, thus far. Infrastructure requirements for battery-powered machines are potentially smaller and so could see implementation in more mines. 126There is no technical reason that prevents battery-powered machine designs from addressing more workplace problems; limitations mostly appear as being due to economic reasons. Machines will become more expensive if their development is prolonged and more “features” are added, and

122 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ see how the technology addresses more fundamental problems. An inability to har- monise with social systems, then, has not only to do with the technology matching how operators prefer to organise their work (as was the case in the classic sociotechni- cal studies; e.g., Bamforth and Trist 1951); harmonisation may come down to accom- modating metaphors. As Wajcman (2004) argues, the perception of technology might include its technical characteristics, such that the components of the technical system that are to harmonise with the social system might be social (or socially-constructed) themselves.127

Paper V Paper V applies a broader perspective on technology and its management within the mining industry. The paper argues that the issue of managing technology in the mining industry is an issue of managing trade-offs; there are a multitude of outcomes of technology use, and, at the same time, there is uncertainty as to what the effects of that use will be. A central concept in the paper is that of familiarity and configuration (Goodman and Garber 1988). In short, “familiarity” in a mine refers to “knowledge about the unique characteristics of particular machinery, materials, physical environment, peo- ple, and programs that exist in a particular [location] at a particular time” (Goodman and Garber 1988, 82). There are general and unique configurations of technology; the former configurations are general to the mine, for example, or an industry, while the latter refer to configurations that are due to conditions that exists locally, such as at a mine face (e.g., the state of machinery or physical conditions). The nature of mining means that there are many different unique configurations, and handling a unique configuration requires familiarity. Since this familiarity (adapting to unique configurations) includes technology, unique configurations are bound to engender, in turn, unique metaphors. In other words, it would be impossible to design technology that can take into consideration all needs stemming from local conditions. Therefore,

mining companies may not be willing to pay for features that they do not see the merit of. On the one hand, investments into the work environment often pay off (see Shooks et al. 2014). On the other hand, technology developers may have a different view of prevailing work environment issues, and these developers may very well see the technology as entirely capable of addressing the issues. Changing these views may mean it is easier to motivate more “work environmentally-conscious designs.” 127Paper IV uses an example from a workshop conducted with students to illustrate this point. The students viewed battery technology as something positive, but they expressed concerns regarding fire safety. At the time of the workshop, there had been recent reports of electric cars and smart- phone batteries catching fire. It is likely that such reports led the students to then conclude that battery-powered machines would lead to an increased risk of fire. While fires in battery-powered mining machines require a different firefighting procedure, nothing really suggests that the risk of fires would increase (Jäderblom 2017).

123 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions technology cannot hope to harmonise with social systems without local adaptation. Technology implementations fail, the article argues, when “traveling” from the de- veloper or manufacturer to the mine, and such failure happens because there is a lack of insight into the “locality.” The article also suggests that advanced technology (e.g., remote control) seeks to lessen dependence on familiarity by abstracting operations (cf. Abrahamsson and Jo- hansson 2006). However, technology can only manage to do this to the extent that it decouples technology and its operating environments through interfaces. Famil- iarity must have another aspect, though, and that is the familiarity of operators with the interfaces (“interface,” in this case, should be taken to mean all the parts of the technology that interact with its operator). New technology may be able to decrease the complexity of the familiarity “equation,” but the social part of the equation still remains. The challenge of designing workplaces to attract a wide and diverse work- force does not disappear in the wake of new technology, even if that technology does increase attractiveness. Another point of the paper, in this regard, is that develop- ments such as these do not remove all work from the direct mining environment; the technology must be installed, maintained, and so on. There is an added risk of these activities being put to one side, then, under the impression that the most pressing of the issues has been addressed. In concluding, the paper relates notions similar to those of Paper IV. The situation of technology in the mining industry can be rectified by all stakeholders having more familiarity and insight, and one way of conceptualising this would be to develop, for example, common metaphors. Reciprocal understanding could produce technology that is better positioned to be adapted to social aspects. Implicit to this, technology must also be configurable. Finally, this process must include not only the physical artefacts but also (which are perhaps both more malleable and societally-important) its surrounding systems, such as that of service.128

On Creating Attractive Workplaces as a Sociotechnical Process The pursuit of the research questions of this thesis aimed to build towards an under- standing for the sociotechnical process through which the mining industry can hope to design workplaces that are attractive. The following is what this study finds to be the answers to these research questions.

128This includes questions of how maintenance should be conducted and by who. As discussed earlier, these factors can have much bearing on local societies, providing more employment opportunities and such. To the extent that they are available, such processes could also steer mining companies to use local resources, suppliers, etc.

124 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

How can the creation of attractive workplaces be understood from a sociotechnical perspective?

Creating attractive workplaces in the mining industry will mean changing the work- places of the mining industry, and changing the workplaces will mean implementing technology; work rotation, autonomous groups, and nice break rooms are all exam- ples of technology. “Implementation” should not be taken to mean “installing,” and “transfer” (and related words) “emphasizes the movement of physical objects from one place to another, with the implication that the object moved is the same at the be- ginning and at the end” (Eveland 1986, 307).129 The term “implementation” could work, if used with the above interjections and acknowledging that such a process must also be understood to be transformative. The results of this thesis suggest that understanding how technology is imple- mented and can come to affect work systems—that is, how it can facilitate attractive workplaces—means realising that both technical and institutional logic apply to this process. The results show that sociotechnical interaction does not only exist in the work system, but that this interaction is present in socio-organisational and external environment levels, as well. The interaction with technology is not the malleable and fluid matter of the social (the soft) reacting to rigid and solid technology (the hard); technology itself is also malleable and fluid (cf. De Laet and Mol 2000). The interaction between the social and the technical can be further explained, then, if technology is viewed as ideas. Part of understanding the interaction between the technical and the social must be the understanding of how technology—ideas—travel from one setting (or level) to another. Phrased in terms of the concentric model of Carayon et al. (2015), this means how technology travels from an external environment into the work system and what happens during this journey. Interaction with the ideas during this journey is sociotechnical. When a decision is made to procure equipment, for example, it is on the basis of both evaluating technical ability and how well the description of that technology fits with what the decision-maker (or organisation) understands to be legitimate technology. This can be seen in Paper II, where it was suggested that safety measures must not only be able to improve on safety, but that the measures must also fit with what the organisation considers to be valid interventions. Paper I, taking another example, shows that what constitutes an appropriate interpretation of lean production varies depending on researchers and organisations. That is to say, the technology must not only harmonise (fit) the problem in question; the technology must also fit what organisations views as appropriate for the problem in question.

129Eveland continues by arguing that “diffusion” is a worse term (than transfer), as it implies a pro- cess like the spreading of a disease. However, this analogy is precisely what Røvik (2008) finds apt. While this thesis does not rest on Røvik’s virus theory, explicitly (although see Paper I), understanding the process as organic is helpful.

125 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions

In other words, as technology can be understood as metaphors, how we view technology will influence its use and, thus, its effects. This view of technology is not limited to how we might feel about it or if we see it as being a good fit for our task; perceptions about technology may also be about its actual properties. This, again, is to say that social processes shape technology (while, at the same time, the technical forms the social). The work system interactions that render these work systems attractive must have an element of shared understanding. Meaning, beyond satisfying “objective” requirements of workplace characteristics, the interactions must be understood as doing so and by all those implicated process; what one party may consider as environmentally-friendly or safe—and even if by some objective measure, it is—must harmonise with the view of what another party considers environmentally- friendly and safe. It is also crucial to realise that technology is continuously formed and reformed. As in, such a process of implementation is endless, but it happens in stages—in devel- opment, in decisions of procurement, in reception within the workplace, and so on. Properties of work systems are emergent (Carayon et al. 2015); as interaction contin- ues, technology continues to change. Thus, making sure workplaces stay attractive requires constant vigilance.

How does a change process that can facilitate attractive workplaces function?

As suggested by Papers III, IV, and V, a process that can support the creation of attractive workplaces must, at the very least, be transparent and participatory (Paper I suggests a similar notion, but not specifically so for attractive workplaces). These papers also argue that such processes must be widened so as to actively include both stakeholders and non-users. The undertaking to create attractive workplaces is essen- tially one of making non-users of technology into truly potential users—or, rather, making non-employees into potential employees. The rejection of a company as a potential place of work can be on grounds that the organisation is unsuitable or that the workplace fails to fulfil expectations. Shortcomings in workplaces will have to be addressed by means of technology, because workplaces largely consist of, involve, or, indeed, are technology. As such, when designing new technology, the only way to address the shortcomings that make the technology unattractive to “non-employees” is to involve non-employees in the process of the designing. An organisation as unattractive, in and of itself, is not decoupled from this process. While workplaces do not directly influence all aspects of an organisation—and while an organisation, likewise, does not influence all aspects of workplaces and work— many aspects do relate and interact with each other. An organisation that strives to be or appear as environmentally responsible cannot do so without also enacting such

126 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ changes within the workplace. As the discussion above suggests, this living-up-to- expectations factor is also a question of how different parties judge the corresponding effort—a process that aims to create attractive workplaces must achieve commonly- held criteria for success. The problem, therein, as theories such as organisational fashions (e.g., Røvik 1996) would suggest to be the case, is not necessarily that com- panies say one thing and do another, but that even if companies do what they say, this may not be what stakeholders want or understand them to do. The process of SIMS, to name just one example of this predicament, was to first develop the technology and then to disseminate a picture of the technology that was thought to be able to increase social acceptance. In development, technological choices can be made based on the success or failures of other technologies; however, these will be descriptions of success (or failures) as much as they are objective achieve- ments (Røvik 2008). Moreover, technology itself can be institutionalised (Wajcman 2004) such that no other options appear as available. The alignment of technology to social requirements must happen, then, earlier on in the development process, and it must not be based only on would-be achievements of previous technology. While this thesis suggests that the “marketing” of technology, in effect, changes it, technol- ogy implementations risk failing if descriptions of technology differ from its actual effects (cf. Røvik 2008). Conceptualising a process for attractive workplaces in this way is also helpful in un- derstanding institutional demands. While the ideal to some may appear as a process that can completely forego the “irrational” demands of the external environment, this can, in fact, never be the case, because this “irrationality”—or, rather, non- instrumental logic—exists within all actors. Likewise, the need for legitimisation, justified or not, will always have a heavy bearing on how technology is developed and implemented. An open and transparent process to technology development and implementation, then, helps in understanding what will be considered a legitimate solution by all. The process and its stages, levels, and individuals are and must be both coupled and interdependent, and all must be embedded in organisational and societal context. Put succinctly:

Often when we fail to understand such interdependencies, we subopti- mize a system, making one part work a lot better and other work a lot worse. The degree to which this is satisfactory depends on whether you are talking to one in charge of the first part of the system, or the one in charge of the other—or to one who has to balance the interests of the whole system. (Eveland 1986, 310.)

Optimisation, here, should not be taken to only represent technical performance. In accordance with the concepts presented in this thesis, optimisation must also be

127 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions taken to mean balance between interests or values; when one part of the system works much better than another, this is best understood as one party’s interests taking prece- dence over those of another party. A process that aims to create attractive workplaces must guard against such imbalance.

How does technology function to facilitate attractive workplaces?

Even a well-functioning process for the creation of attractive workplaces will fall short of accommodating all requirements of the social system. And, even if such a process could fulfil all requirements, the requirements will still not be static. These facts impose the requirement on technology to be configurable (cf. Goodman and Garber 1988); technology must, in one way or another, be able to adapt to chang- ing circumstances. This notion should also be viewed as a technical requirement, as technical circumstances of the mining industry are also bound to change. The pro- cess of creating attractive workplaces is one that is ongoing, and there is a limit to which shortcomings in “rigid” technology can be compensated for with organisa- tional measures and the like. Current forms of mining technology have existed for a long time, as has the realisation that mining workplaces must be made more attrac- tive; yet, problems of lack of attractive workplaces continue to persist in the mining industry. A recurring theme of this thesis is the malleability of technology, however chang- ing the physical form of technology is only possible through physical modification. It is not an uncommon practice within the mining industry to make physical changes to equipment after it has been procured, but this practice brings its own share of prob- lems (see Horberry, Burgess-Limerick, and Steiner 2011). Perceptions of technology and its characteristics can be actively changed, but this must be avoided to the extent that it seeks to foster acceptance for poor working conditions and the like. For the configurability of the physical side of technology, there is perhaps only so much that can be done for much of the equipment that already exists. For new mining equip- ment, a base requirement must be the accommodation of a more diverse workforce, even if that demographic is not yet present within the industry—this means basic things such as adjustable seats, displays adapted to visually-impaired persons, and so on. At the same time, the technology of the mining industry is increasingly becom- ing digital. This technology is truly close to being endlessly modifiable and exten- sible. Keeping digital technology open for modification post-procurement must be actively pursued; while a current workforce may permit extensive positioning with the help of positioning systems, for example, such an arrangement may also change with generational changes, or even as society’s view on privacy changes. Additionally,

128 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’ development today—within the mining industry and elsewhere—is moving towards technology as a service, or at least rarely are machines sold alone; typically, service programmes, and so on, are included with machine sales. Meaning, if the physical artefacts cannot change, then their supporting services can do so. Ultimately, then, requirements here may not primarily apply to physical technology or technical function but, rather, to the sociotechnical networks surrounding and forming technology. Such networks include the management, service, and general decision-making regarding technology and who makes such decisions. If they remain open and transparent (democratic and humanistic), such networks should stand a good chance of supporting processes for creating attractive workplaces in the mining industry.

Conclusions—and on Limitations, Generalisability, and Contribution

A limitation of this thesis, given its focus on a workplace-based perspective, is that relatively few voices herein come from within the workplaces, themselves. There are practical reasons for this fact, and there are also reasons having to do with the aim of this thesis. As for the practical reasons, the character of the projects, along with the methodological choices (i.e., the use of expert interviews and participant observa- tion), have meant a focus on managers. While, technically, I did have access to other sources through the projects, those sources were not readily available and required more resources for coordinating access to them, whereas the managers involved in projects were directly available. Focusing this thesis on process has meant that first the analysis has had to address the potential facilitators of such a process. The results of the papers show that change will happen through managers, in the sense that these individuals have the (formal) capacities to initiate and implement a process required for facilitating attractive workplaces. Long-term, if sociotechnical principles are to be followed to their intended consequences, then there will be a process that depends equally on workers, other “non-managers,” and managers. However, such a process cannot happen before the foundations for it are put in place. This does not, however, fully justify the partial exclusion of a worker’s (or non-manager’s) perspective in this thesis. Paper III has tried to make up for this shortcoming, and, in general, I have applied different strategies of triangulation. Material that stems from non-managers has been employed, so as to nuance the other material (data triangulation), and differ- ent theoretical perspectives have been applied to the material (theory triangulation). In the future, however, it is important that the worker’s perspective is further investi- gated, especially given that the final effects of decisions on technology—e.g., whether attractiveness emerges—occur within the workplace (including the actual forming of

129 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions technology, as I have suggested).130 As for the analysis applied within this thesis, one could ask if it has given an equal weighting to technology as it has to other factors—and it may not have, in that it has not gone into detail analysing technology, itself. However, the purpose here is not to perform a sociotechnical analysis of mining technology but, rather, to outline a sociotechnical process in which both factors (social and technical) can be given equal weight. It can even be argued that the researcher’s role, then, is not to conduct such an analysis of technology, in the first place, as “While the researcher may identify one particular choice as a focal point of ‘adoption,’ he only fools himself if he believes that choice has the same meaning to the user as it does to him [sic.]” (Eveland 1986, 313). It is on this basis, as noted in the introduction, that Eveland advocates a focus on process instead of content—a process that can help an organisation make the “right” decisions regarding technology, and that also identifies the role of the researcher as helping organisations to understand the implications of these choices and that the decisions can be made well. The “analytical humility” that Eveland (1986, 315) rec- ommends, in this regard, I have taken to mean, beyond focus on process, an inclusion and sensitivity to different and varying perspectives (both empirical and theoretical). Within this, it is also important to remember that technical factors already receive the majority of attention in the mining industry—meaning, for the most part, we can consider these “needs” to be advocated for already. The process suggested in this thesis, then, is to introduce social influence. The projects informing this thesis have been both applied and practical in character. The thesis’ implications, then, I hope, are mostly practical. A main implication is the need for the mining industry to rethink strategies and approaches for increasing the attractiveness of its workplaces; making the mining industry more attractive will mean making its workplaces more attractive. This shift requires altering the workplaces of the mining industry through means of technology. At the same time, making work- places attractive consists of more than singular interventions; it is a continuous process of ensuring influence over workplaces and technology, rather than the addressing of a sole factor. This, then, further implies that, in general, technology could be more successful if allowing for such influence—strict, prescriptive programmes, for instance, might be less successful than ones that provide an encompassing framework or philosophy. Not only does such a view have implications for the mining compa- nies that implement this technology; technology developers, too, have a responsibility for making sure that designs are affected by relevant influences, that technology can change accordingly, and that influence is possible.

130We conducted a survey on the reception of battery-powered mining machines in a Finish mine, in the end of the SIMS project. The survey’s results came too late to be included in this thesis, but they tentatively confirm much of what has been argued regarding differentiating viewpoints on the work environment. Generally, while users of the new technology did not necessarily view the technology negatively, non-users (managers, engineers, etc.) held more positive views.

130 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

The results of this thesis problematise technology that intends to have social impact, in general, and with regards to workplace attractiveness, in particular. This thesis sug- gests that technology will influence surrounding society, but also that the surrounding society will influence technology. Thus, technology, especially in seeking to address workplace attractiveness, should make a greater effort to include all who are affected by technology—even those for whom the effects of technology is indirect. It is im- portant, within this, to move away from the notion that only rational–instrumental logics apply. In dealing with workplace attractiveness, no longer do we talk only of pure functionality (although, to a certain extent, technical characteristics are also socially-constructed; Wajcman 2004)—in finding technological solutions that can fa- cilitate a plurality of requirements (technical and social), values and norms need also to have explicit influence. Technology as soft and malleable means that norms and values will always form technology. Within such a framework, metaphors also become important—they, in many circumstances, will stand in for direct experience and access to technology, while also influencing technology’s use beyond this “stand-in” role. The way tech- nology is described, then, will be important both in developing and implementing technology. This should not be taken to mean that marketing, for example, should make claims about technology that it does not fulfil.131 Rather, care should be taken to ensure that productive, amicable, and common metaphors surface. This thesis implicates research in a similar manner; reconceptualising technology in the way that this thesis has done extends the notion of what sociotechnology can encompass. Sociotechnical design already concerns itself with values, and it recognises that the process by which these values are achieved is as important as the final product. Yet, “accessing” values of different parties is difficult; if sociotechnology would come to recognise the imprints of values and norms in the forming of metaphors, then new ways of analysing and understanding harmonisation—between social and technical systems, and actors—would open up. Adding to this, a more explicit role of non- technical (e.g., institutional) reasoning, therein, should allow researchers to bridge external, socio-organisational, and work-system levels. As for the generalisability of the results of this thesis to other industries, I have noted a few times that the mining industry could be seen as constituting an extreme case (cf. Yin 2014). One argument here would be, then, that, due to the restric- tions under which the mining industry must operate under, lessons from the industry

131A non-mining, but relevant, example follows here. It is becoming increasingly common that food products are being marketed as vegan on the sole basis that they do not contain animal prod- ucts. Inspecting the ingredients list of some of these products, one can find that they contain (non-certified) palm oil. Surely, veganism is motivated by ethical concerns for animals and the conservation of the environment, such that the fact that these products contain an ingredient that negatively affects both is questionable. In other instances, salt will be branded as vegan—yet, one wonders if there is non-vegan salt.

131 Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions have the promise of answering similar questions faced by other industries. Meaning, if challenges can be overcome in the mining context, they certainly can be over- come elsewhere. This is true to the extent that these restrictions do not necessitate industry-specific solutions or that the challenges are unique to the mining industry. For example, many industries and sectors face problems with recruiting labour (e.g., Manpower Group 2018). However, this challenge of recruitment appears to be less severe for most industries than it is for mining, as most other industries have access to a larger pool of labour by virtue of being located in larger population centres, for example. One could argue, too, that the mining industry has a more difficult reputation to manage than other industries have. And, owing to the comparatively small size of the mining sector, capital available for the development of technology in the mining industry is not as great. Additionally, the relatively small size of the sector also means there is less competition, meaning features that would otherwise give a supplier a competitive edge (e.g., addressing certain work environment issues) are rarer (cf. Reeves et al. 2009). Yet, while the process suggested in this thesis may be of particular use to the mining industry, it is still applicable to other industries, as well. Nonetheless, I mainly see the results of the thesis as being applicable to the mining industry. And, within this, it is worth noting that this thesis has been empirically grounded within the European mining industry. However, the thesis has also had ambitions to make claims about the mining industry, at large, as well, and the breadth of activities in mining makes such an endeavour possible. It would be a mistake to see the European mining industry as significantly different from other Western mining operations;132 a mistake, not necessarily because mining operations in other regions have more in common than what separates them, but, rather, because of the wide variety of types of European mining. Meaning, almost by chance one would find similarities with mining operations in other regions. At the same time, differences, not only between national contexts but also between mines within the same company, should not be understated. The type of mining method utilised, for example, has significant bearing on how work can be organised; it was a particular type of mining method that allowed for sociotechnical organisation within the British coal mines (Bamforth and Trist 1951),133 wherein the theory itself originated. The analysis in this thesis has taken these notions to be boundary conditions, of sorts, to suggest mechanisms that span across these differences.

132My use of the term “Western” is blunt and perhaps even unsuitable; differences and commonalities between mining companies and industries are not necessarily drawn along these lines. The word “modern,” which I have used in other publications, is not better. However, all of the material that supports this thesis concerns companies with bases in the Global West and Global North. 133This is to say that the technology was such that workers could meet, for example. In mines, today, lone-work is much more common, and so having workers, themselves, establishing an organisation of work that works for them may practically be more difficult.

132 ‘Soft’ Questions in a ‘Hard’ Industry?’

On this basis, I argue that the process for creating attractive workplaces within the mining industry is general to the mining industry, as a whole. The mechanisms that this thesis suggests, that will affect workplace attractiveness, should be found within most formal mining operations.134 However, there will certainly be conditions that facilitate the process discussed in this thesis. I have, for example, suggested that cer- tain base levels of health and safety must be secured before attractiveness emerges as a (specific) worthwhile issue. Moreover, infrastructure for these issues (knowledge, experience, etc.; Frick et al. 2000) will also play an important part. National-level issues, such as relating to legislation, are also bound have a significant influence. Iden- tifying such facilitating factors should appear as an undertaking for future studies. Much of what I have discussed surrounding a sociotechnical process for creating attractive workplaces should be applicable to other industries, as well. Paper IV, while using the mining industry as an example, argued that workplace attractiveness, as an emergent property and the implications of that, applies to all workplaces. That is, similar demands for a process for creating attractive workplaces must exist in other industries. Yet, I suspect that, because other industries generally do not have the same societal and environmental impacts as the mining industry does, the importance of the external environment in the model by Carayon et al. (2015) may be less significant in other industries (there may be less motivation for engaging in the, shall we say, grander participatory efforts). However, there is also the fact that, in the visions of technological transformation within the mining industry, many people hope that such development will lead to workplaces that are more akin to those of other industrial workplaces. Thus, a test of what I claim in this thesis will be its continuous applicability to the mining industry. Finally, in the words of Mumford, “The world of socio-technical design is demo- cratic, humanistic and provides both freedom and knowledge to those who are part of it” (Mumford 2006, 339). I believe that the endeavour of creating workplaces as sociotechnical design should be a universal struggle. We can, and should, use the crossroads at which the mining industry finds itself, to change its workplaces for the better.

134I have not discussed the significant difference between formal and informal (e.g., artisanal, small- scale, and, at times, illegal) mining operations. The focus of this thesis has implicitly been on the former (formal); this is because the concentric model (Carayon et al. 2015) that I apply in this thesis assumes formal workplaces with structures that make distinguishable a socio-organisational layer, and so on.



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Paper I

Lööw, Joel. 2018. “An Investigation into Lean Production Practice in Mining.” International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 10 (1): 123–42. https: //

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Lean An investigation into lean production in production practice in mining mining Joel Lööw Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden 123

Received 21 July 2017 Revised 10 March 2018 Abstract 20 June 2018 Accepted 20 July 2018 Purpose – Using a theory of translation of ideas, the purpose of this paper is to investigate how the mining industry has implemented and practices lean production as well as the form of this practice. Design/methodology/approach – The study reviewed the scientific literature on lean production in the mining industry, as well as in the reported practice of the concept in a mining company. The results were then analyzed using content analysis. Findings – Lean production has not seen a full implementation in the mining industry. Rather, select practices are focused, though the literature covers several more. The findings suggest that the form and extension of lean production in mining differ from other industries owing to characteristics of the industry itself. Research limitations/implications – The scientific literature on the subject is limited. Additional material was used to attempt to offset this. However, there are still blind spots relating to practice that is not reported in the type of material investigated. Originality/value – This paper contributes to understanding the evolution of lean production in a unique industry. It suggests why lean implementation may be unsuccessful in this type of industry while also identifying the focal point of its lean production practice. Keywords Implementation, Literature review, Mining industry, Lean production, Lean mining Paper type Literature review

1. Introduction Lean production is present in virtually every industry. Several reviews have identified its practice in, for example, the automotive industry, the textile industry, construction, call centers, healthcare, local government, academic institutions, financial services, airlines, military organizations, software development and airport security (Bhamu and Singh Sangwan, 2014; Samuel et al., 2015; Sreedharan and Raju, 2016). Bhamu and Singh Sangwan (2014) suggested that fierce competition, stagnating demands and falling prices increase the interest in lean production. This has been the case for both the construction industry (Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008) and the US and European car industry (Bhamu and Singh Sangwan, 2014). The mining industry has experienced similar developments. For example, the 2000s first saw record-high prices but then stagnating demands and falling prices (Geological Survey of Sweden, 2015). This put pressure on several mining companies to rationalize their operations. Moreover, new ore bodies are found at greater depths and lower grades (Abrahamsson et al.,2009). This places further demands on the mining industry to decrease costs and increase productivity. Given this, a reasonable assumption is that the mining industry would have adopted lean fi International Journal of Lean Six production like other industries faced with the same or similar situation. At a rst glance, Sigma however, the mining industry does not seem to have done so. For example, there currently is Vol. 10 No. 1, 2019 pp. 123-142 no “lean mining” program the way there is a “lean construction” program for the construction © Emerald Publishing Limited 2040-4166 industry (Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008), “lean healthcare” program for the healthcare industry DOI 10.1108/IJLSS-07-2017-0085 IJLSS (Brandao de Souza, 2009)oreven“lean agriculture” program for the agricultural industry 10,1 (Berglund and Melin, 2017; see also and The concept has also received plenty of researcher attention in the process industry (Abdulmalek et al.,2006; Lyons et al.,2013) – an industry considered similar to mining (indeed, once the ore is mined, it is then processed in processing plants) – and has been published as a coherent concept (King, 2009). This is not to say that the mining industry is unfamiliar with or 124 unaware of lean production, nor that it does not make use of some of the practices associated with the concept. In fact, Claassen (2016) found that 35 per cent of operating mines in South Africa claimed to be practicing some lean production/just-in-time principles. In addition, mining industry research programs have expressed their interest in lean production (e.g. SIP STRIM, 2016), which see it as way of responding to increased international competition. Moreover, researchers (e.g. Khaba and Bhar, 2017) have recommended its use. Yet, the mining industry is absent from recent, major reviews of the lean production literature (Bhamu and Singh Sangwan, 2014; Samuel et al., 2015; Sreedharan and Raju, 2016). Cavender (2000) and Fiscor (2014) offered that the mining industry has limited experience with management concepts and industrial engineering techniques in general. Thus, the industry may not be exposed to lean production in the same way as other industries or may avoid it because of inexperience. Conversely, Schmitz (2005) argued that the US and Canadian mines that survived the steel crisis of the 1970s and 1980s did so by implementing extensive changes to their work practices. The changed work practices were reminiscent of some of those implied by lean production (e.g. broadening of work roles). This suggests that the mining industry is familiar with some practices of the concept, and that the limited extent of practice depends on some other factor. Samuel et al. (2015, p. 1400) concluded that future research into lean production should “continue to evaluate and report the evolution of Lean”. As these researchers put it, the concept continues to influence management thinking and, indeed, society itself: Considerable amounts of public money have been spent, and continue to be spent, on promoting Lean. Taxpayers and policymakers are likely to be interested in whether that expenditure is justifiable. (Samuel et al., 2015 p. 1400). Given the role of mining in some economies (ICMM, 2016), coupled with the attention lean production is starting to receive in the industry and that lean production is yet to be confirmed to function in and benefit a mining context, there is a need to investigating lean production in this industry. In addition, because lean production appears to “behave” differently in mining compared to other industries, an investigation into the practice of the concept in the mining industry stands to provide additional insight into the concept itself and of the industries that manage to adopt it. To this end, the aim of this paper is to investigate how the mining industry practices lean production as well as the form of this practice.

2. The translation and contextualization of organizational concepts The practice of organizational concepts usually take on their own form when introduced into new industries. For lean production, this can be exemplified by the concept “becoming” lean construction or lean healthcare. The change in form is apparent in that certain practices are used only in certain industries, or that they are changed to fit that particular industry. For example, Bhamu and Singh Sangwan (2014) found a wide spectrum of lean production tools but also that practice was concentrated around a few of these; in lean construction, practice is centered on the last planner system (Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008). Røvik (2008) presented a theory on the translation and contextualization of organizational Lean ideas to explain these phenomena. The theory proposes a process of decontextualization production in in which an organizational idea is extracted from its original organizational setting. This mining corresponds to the practices of Toyota being formulated into lean production, for example, by Liker (2004) or Womack et al., (2008).Thisisfollowedbycontextualization. Here, organizational ideas are introduced into a new organizational context, such as the mining or construction industry. It is in this process of contextualization that the individual tools and practices of the concept – and by extension, the concept itself – are 125 adapted to fit the new context. That is, the realization of the concept in a new setting depends on the context of both the new and original organization as well as on the concept itself. This process can take different forms. Røvik (2008) suggested that organizational ideas are contextualized (i.e. implemented) through different modes. The reproducing mode aims to copy the original organizational idea directly. It means extracting the practice from its original context, giving it an ideational representation and introducing it into a new organizational context. The aim is to reproduce the practice and its effects. If an organizational idea has high translatability (the degree of explicitness and codification of an idea) and low re-malleability (e.g. the inclusion of specific tools), this is more likely to succeed. The reproducing mode also tends to be successful if the target organization is similar to the original organization in terms of type of internal function (e.g. work tasks) or organization. However, it is not uncommon for organizational ideas to be only partly implemented. Røvik (2008) referred to this as the modifying mode of contextualization. This mode adds or subtracts parts of an organizational concept to fit it to the new organizational context. From this, it follows that an analysis of this “modification” can provide insight into the adapting organizations as well as the concept. In addition to the process of decontextualization and contextualization, there are the actors who actually perform these actions. Here, Røvik (2008) talked of translators and identified academic institutions as among the most significant bearers, conveyors and translators of organizational ideas. This makes this group important in formulating and influencing the practice of concepts (such as lean production). Additionally, Røvik (2000) suggested that organizational ideas enter an organization through language: the language of the organization starts incorporating words relating to the concept that can then turn into actual practice. Therefore, not only are academics and their institutions important in forming concepts, but the language they use and how they describe practices also have significant influence. In fact, this theory suggests that any communication relating to a concept could have bearing on its practice. Because lean production is frequently described as poorly defined (Samuel et al.,2015), the importance of language and description may be particularly important. This paper uses the conceptualization of lean production by Pettersen (2009). This model is based on the characteristics of lean production as expressed by the most prominent lean literature (Table I). Other research has also aimed to specify the characteristics of lean production in similar manners (Bhamu and Singh Sangwan, 2014; Lyons et al.,2013; Mirdad and Eseonu, 2015) but has departed from the scientific literature – in a sense, a bottom-up approach. In comparison, Pettersen’s model (2009) can be considered top-down in that it focuses on the management literature that, one can argue, “generated” the practice that was studied in the other studies. It is used in this study because it represents lean production as decontextualized, where as a bottom-up model would represent contextualized models. In this case, the latter would be a problem, as it is primarily the contextualization that is of interest; the analysis then cannot depart from an already contextualized model. IJLSS 10,1 Collective characteristic Characteristic Bundled techniques Statistical quality control (SQC) TPM/preventive maintenance Defects control 100% inspection Autonomation (jidoka) Failure prevention (poka yoke) 126 Line stop (andon) Human relations management Cross training Employee involvement Team organization Improvement strategies Continuous improvement (kaizen) Improvement circles Root cause analysis (5 why) Just-in-time practices Process synchronization Production leveling (heijunka) Pull system (kanban) Takted production Resource reduction Inventory reduction Lead time reduction Setup time reduction Small lot production Waste elimination Scientific management Cellular manufacturing Layout adjustments Multi manning Policy deployment (hoshin kanri) Time/work studies Work force reduction Standardization Housekeeping (5S) Standardized work Visual control and management Table I. ’ Supply chain management Supplier involvement Petersen s Value stream mapping/flowcharting characteristics of lean production Source: Based on Pettersen, 2009

3. Research design This study took its starting point from an earlier study (Lööw, 2015) that briefly overviewed the literature on lean production in mining. That study found that there is a significant lack of scientific literature on lean production in mining published in peer-reviewed and highly ranked journals. Yet, the results also indicated that the available literature is being used and cited regardless whether published as conference papers, in relatively unknown journals, or in journals of lower quality. The reasoning in the preceding section identifies this as an important phenomenon because these publications are suggested to influence actual practice. That is, it is not important where they are published as long as they are read. Because of this, a traditional approach to reviewing the literature is not suitable here. Instead, the study draws on studies such as Jørgensen and Emmitt (2008), Samuel et al., (2015) and Pettersen (2009) in its design; it set out to review the scientific literature in the vein of these studies. The aim was to identify and include any papers covering lean production and the mining industry because of their potential role in forming actual practice. As noted, the description of lean production (especially by academics) is important for how it will come to actually be practiced (Røvik, 2000; 2008). In line with this, “scientific literature” was delineated to include conference papers. This is similar to how Jørgensen and Lean Emmitt (2008) argued that the inclusion of conference papers in their review of lean production in construction was motivated because those publications have an important part to play in mining forming the debate. During the spring of 2016, Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest and Google Scholar were searched (in that order) using keywords relating to lean production (“lean production”, “lean manufacturing”, “lean mining”, “lean thinking”, “lean principles”, “tps”, and “toyota production system”) in combination with keywords relating to the mining industry (“mining 127 industry”, “minerals industry”, “mining”). Because of the focus of the study, inclusion criteria were limited to: (1) the paper discusses or investigates lean production and (2) does so in the context of the mining industry. In addition, because of convenience and to increase the span of the review, some papers were also included from non-indexed conference proceedings. A “snowball” approach was also used to ensure no additional publications were missed, but this yielded no new results. In total, 20 papers were selected (Table II). Several more were identified but were by the same author (or authors) and concerned similar or iterated material; they were thus excluded (see the last column of Table II). The papers were analyzed using a summative content analysis, that is, a top-down approach based on Hsieh and Shannon (2005). Each paper was searched for the characteristics in the Pettersen (2009) model. The parts of the papers that expressed these characteristics were coded accordingly. A distinction was made between those characteristics that the papers evidenced as practiced and those characteristics that the papers only mentioned or discussed. In recognizing the limitations of this approach (e.g. blind spots regarding practice not reported in the scientific literature), the empirical material was complemented by analyzing

Type of Similar but Reference Source publication excluded publication

Ade and Deshpande (2012) Google Scholar Journal article Castillo et al. (2015) Web of Science Journal article Castillo et al. (2014) Cavender (2000) ProQuest Journal article Chlebus et al. (2015) Web of Science Journal article Dunstan et al. (2006) Scopus Conference paper Flynn and Vlok (2015) Web of Science Conference paper Hattingh and Keys (2010) Google Scholar Conference paper Haugen (2013) Google Scholar Journal article Bäckblom et al. (2010) Helman (2012) Google Scholar Journal article Klippel et al. (2008a) Web of Science Journal article Klippel et al. (2008b) Liu (2013) Web of Science Journal article Löchte and Langhanki (2015) Non-indexed conference Conference paper proceeding Maier et al. (2014) Non-indexed conference Conference paper proceeding Table II. Mottola et al. (2011) Non-indexed conference Conference paper Identified papers proceeding (including those Rosienkiewicz (2012) Google Scholar Journal article excluded), their Sanda (2012) Google Scholar Journal article Sanda et al. (2011) Shukla and Trivedi (2012) Google Scholar Journal article source of Steinberg and De Tomi (2010) Scopus Journal article identification and Wijaya et al. (2009) Google Scholar Conference paper their type Yingling et al. (2000) Web of Science Journal article of publication IJLSS lean production practice as reported by a Swedish mining company. Specifically, this 10,1 material was made up of the internal news magazine (available at nyhetsrum/publikationer/lkab-bladet/) and annual reports (available at investors/financial-reports/annual-and-sustainability-reports/) of the mining company. Every magazine from 2008 to May 2016 and all annual reports between 2005 and 2015 were used. 128 The reason for choosing this particular mining company is that it has a long experience of working with management ideas and other rationalization strategies. Furthermore, because Swedish mining is relatively advanced, there are reasons to expect that it has better conditions to implement lean production. The printed communication was focused because, as noted, it is suggested that this type of communication will affect practice. Particularly, because some of the communication is specifically aimed at the employees who constitute important actors in the practice of lean production, it can be expected that the communication is in a form that facilitates practice. The assumption, then, is that if lean production practice is possible in mining, it should be well represented by this company. Furthermore, this practice should be reflected by the communication. The analysis started by identifying the parts of these texts that covered lean production. A directed content analysis (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005) was then used: the selected parts that mentioned or implicitly described any of the characteristics of the Pettersen (2009) model were coded accordingly. The analysis of this material is intended to lend strength to the analysis of the scientific literature. It is argued that where both analyses point toward similar results, the conclusions should be more solid. Moreover, where there are discrepancies between the analyses, this provides an important opportunity for further analysis.

4. Findings The results of the study are summarized in Tables III and IV. Table III gives an overview of the findings of the review of the literature. It suggests that the mining industry practices 17 of the 32 characteristics of lean production in some capacity. The papers mentioned an additional 10 characteristics, while five were not covered at all. No paper mentioned all characteristics, but some were covered more frequently than others. For example, two- thirds of the papers mentioned continuous improvements (kaizen), waste elimination and standardized work, whereas only two papers mentioned improvement circles. Table IV summarizes and compares the evidenced practice at the investigated company to the evidenced practice in the papers. It is found that there are fewer practices at the investigated company (this may not be surprising, as no single paper was entirely inclusive). The practice of 10 out of the 32 characteristics are evidenced in both the literature and at the investigated company; seven are only evidenced in the literature and two are evidenced only at the company. The presentation of the detailed results is structured as follows. The first subsection gives a general description of lean production practice at the investigated company. Then, the ensuing subsections present the results with regards to the characteristics in the model of Pettersen (2009). The focus is on practices identified in the scientific literature, but the results are also compared to those of the investigated company. Where available, the results from the investigated company are complemented with examples from other literature.

4.1 Reported lean production practice at the mining company The first report on lean production at the investigated company was in 2009 in its internal magazine. It regarded an implementation of 5S in a mechanical engineering workshop Ade and Castillo Chlebus Dunstan Flynn and Hattingh Klippel Deshpande et al. Cavender et al. et al. Vlok and Keys Haugen Helman et al. Collective characteristic Characteristic (2012) (2015) (2000) (2015) (2006) (2015) (2010) (2013) (2012) (2008a)

Bundled techniques Statistical quality control (SQC) pm p TPM/preventive maintenance mpmmmm Defects control 100% inspection Autonomation (jidoka) mm mm Failure prevention (poka yoke) mm Line stop (andon) mmm Human relations management Cross training mpm Employee involvement pmmpmmp Team organization ppmmpp Improvement strategies Continuous improvement (kaizen) pp pp m p mm Improvement circles m m Root cause analysis (5 why) mmmp Just-in-time practices Process synchronization Production leveling (heijunka) mmm Pull system (kanban) mpm mm Takted production mm Resource reduction Inventory reduction m m m Lead time reduction m Setup time reduction pm Small lot production Waste elimination pp mpmmmmp Scientific management Cellular manufacturing p m Layout adjustments Multi manning Policy deployment (hoshin kanri) Time/work studies p Work force reduction Standardization Housekeeping (5S) pppmpm Standardized work mpmppmmm m Visual control and management pppmm Supply chain management Supplier involvement p Value stream mapping/flowcharting ppmp

Notes: “p” denotes that the paper evidenced the practice of the idea (characteristic). “m” denotes that the paper mentioned or discussed the idea. A bolded characteristic signifies that it is practiced, whereas a bolded collective characteristic signifies that all of its characteristics are practiced. Italic characteristics signify that there is no evidence of its practice and that it is not discussed in the papers Source: The characteristics are based on Pettersen (2009) (continued) h ersnainof representation The raiainlideas organizational rdcinin production enpouto in production lean caatrsis of (characteristics) al III. Table h papers the mining Lean 129 130 10,1 IJLSS al III. Table

Löchte and Steinberg Langhanki Maier Mottola Shukla and and de Wijaya Yingling Collective characteristic (2015) Liu (2013) et al. (2014) et al. (2011) Rosienkiewicz (2012) Sanda (2012) Trivedi (2012) Tomi (2010) et al. (2009) et al. (2000)

Bundled techniques pp pp Defects control m mm m m m Human relations management mp p mm pmpmp Improvement strategies p m m m m m

m m Just-in-time practices m mm mm m mmmmm m mm m Resource reduction m m m m mmm m mp

p pmpm m p m mm Scientific management pm

pm m Standardization mm m pmmmmm pm mm Supply chain management mm m ppm mmm Lean Scientific Investigated Collective characteristic Characteristic literature company production in mining Bundled techniques Statistical quality control (SQC) x TPM/preventive maintenance xx Defects control 100% inspection Autonomation (jidoka) Failure prevention (poka yoke) 131 Line stop (andon) Human relations management Cross training xx Employee involvement xx Team organization xx Improvement strategies Continuous improvement (kaizen) xx Improvement circles x Root cause analysis (5 why) x Just-in-time practices Process synchronization Production leveling (heijunka) Pull system (kanban)x Takted production Resource reduction Inventory reduction Lead time reduction Setup time reduction x Small lot production Waste elimination xx Scientific management Cellular manufacturing x Layout adjustments Multi manning Policy deployment (hoshin kanri) Time/work studies x Work force reduction x Standardization Housekeeping (5S) xx Standardized work xx Visual control and management xx Table IV. Supply chain management Supplier involvement xx Summary of lean Value stream mapping/flowcharting x production practice (characteristics) at Notes: Bolded characteristics signify evidenced practice both at the company and in the literature. A bolded collective characteristic signify that all included characteristics are practiced. Italics signify that the investigated there is no evidenced practice of that characteristic company and in Source: The characteristics are based on Pettersen (2009) the papers

(Veckobladet, 2009). The material did not report on lean production again until 2014 (Ejemalm, 2014). Reports from this point forward were usually in regards to the company’s new rationalization/improvement program, Operational Excellence (OpEx), which was described as a lean-based program. The company’s annual reports first mentioned lean production and OpEx in 2014 (LKAB, 2015) and again in the following year (LKAB, 2016). The March 2014 issue of Veckobladet included an official description and definition of OpEx. It read that OpEx has the goal of increasing the utilization rate of plants and machines by decreased disturbances and increased inner efficiency that reduces the need of external services. It also mentioned that OpEx replaced a previous rationalization program, LKAB 370, but that content-wise, the programs are the same. LKAB 370 was frequently covered in the material from around 2012 until it was replaced by OpEx. However, neither the magazines nor the annual reports described LKAB 370 as a lean-based rationalization program. By contrast, in a later issue, it was stated that work with OpEx was started in 2012 IJLSS (Aaro, 2014). Around late 2014, the company announced a follow-up program, OpEx II. 10,1 Although the difference between the two programs is not entirely clear, OpEx II was described as a way of producing without disturbances and focusing on improvements through common systematics (Haapasaari, 2015).

4.2 Bundled techniques 132 Helman (2012) and Yingling et al. (2000) argued that an implementation of total productive maintenance (TPM) in mining is possible, and Chlebus et al. (2015) showed its practicability. In addition, Wijaya et al. (2009) and Yingling et al. (2000) mentioned that the mining industry practices preventive maintenance (PM) but independent of any practice of lean production. There were four accounts of implementations of Six Sigma (i.e. statistical quality control, SQC) in mining companies (Dunstan et al.,2006; Hattingh and Keys, 2010; Mottola et al., 2011; Steinberg and De Tomi, 2010). Mottola et al. (2011) noted that the statistical noise inherent in the mining process (e.g. geotechnical instability or ore characteristics) can confound statistical analyses required in any sort of statistical control; but they still argued for Six Sigma’s suitability in the mining industry. Although the investigated company did not report on any practice of SQC as a part of lean production, it does make use of such practices in other contexts (Kettunen, 2015).

4.3 Defects control The investigated literature provided no evidence that the mining industry practices any of the characteristics related to defects control. Autonomation (jidoka) and line stop (andon) were only mentioned as parts of lean production. Mottola et al. (2011) are an exception. For example, they argued that the inability to stop upstream production processes contradicts the line stop practice. Two papers described the potential of implementing failure prevention (poka yoke) in the mining industry. Examples included constructing fuel hoses so that machines cannot be fueled with the wrong kind of fuel; spare parts that are designed so that they can only be fitted in one position in one machine (Haugen, 2013) and a system for ensuring the correct mixture of ore from stockpiles (Yingling et al.,2000). In sum, the literature only gave theoretical examples. Moreover, no practice of defects control was reported at the investigated company.

4.4 Human relations management Castillo et al. (2015) showed that the implementation of lean production (or lean construction) had a positive impact on both teamwork and teams. Klippel et al. (2008a) showed positive effects from using teams in mining operations. Dunstan et al. (2006) and Löchte and Langhanki (2015) gave examples of the practice in lean mining operations. Yingling et al. (2000) argued that some mines already have these capabilities, and Haugen (2013) that team organization exist in mining even outside of lean production. Helman (2012) advocated cross training for improving the qualification of underground miners. Yingling et al. (2000) argued that the benefits of teamwork are only possible if teams are cross trained. They also held that some mining companies already have these capabilities. Haugen (2013) described that multifunctional teams exist and are used in mining even outside of lean production. There were three examples of the characteristic employee involvement in the literature. First, Klippel et al. (2008a) involved employees in their implementation of lean production. Second, Löchte and Langhanki (2015) argued that the success of their lean implementation were dependent on the creative involvement of the employees. Third, Castillo et al. (2015) reported on increased employee participation following their lean production Lean implementation. production in The investigated company reported on several practices that relate to human relations mining management characteristics. But as with the scientific literature, these often originate from outside of lean production (Eriksson, 1991; Johansson, 1986).

4.5 Improvement strategies 133 Castillo et al. (2015) described implementing continuous improvements to identify and reduce waste through empowerment and participation; they recorded positive reactions toward this. Chlebus et al. (2015) also reported on a successful implementation of the practice. Dunstan et al. (2006) appear to have aimed to achieve continuous improvements through their lean production implementation attempts. Hattingh and Keys (2010) reported on intentions and the benefits of continuous improvement cultures in mining. Helman (2012) and Yingling et al. (2000) discussed the possibility of implementing continuous improvements. Yingling et al. (2000) and Steinberg and De Tomi (2010) both argued for the extended practice of the characteristic. A different perspective is provided by Haugen (2013). She reported on difficulties in implementing the practice because of traditions in mining and “around-the-clock operation with many different crews [...] large distances between work faces and rotation of operators on different operations” (Haugen, 2013, p. B40). At the investigated company, continuous improvements were reported, but regarded different tools from those in the literature. Thepapersonlybrieflymentionedimprovement circles. Löchte and Langhanki (2015) reported on root cause analysis (5 why). Haugen (2013) described the implementation of the practice in an actual mining workplace. However, she also noted that the efforts struggled with involving operators because of similar reasons as for continuous improvements (i.e. traditions, around-the-clock operations and so on).

4.6 Just-in-time practices Where just-in-time practices were covered, the papers were mainly concerned with pull systems (kanban). Chlebus et al. (2015) displayed the possibility of adopting the practice to a mining repair shop’s inventory. Haugen (2013) described the practice as having significant potential for the mining industry. Helman (2012) noted the difficulty of realizing an adaptation outside of supply warehouses. Yingling et al. (2000) also described the potential of the practice in supplies and materials but also noted the potential difficulties in applying it to mining operations. On the other hand, they considered pull systems at a supply chain level viable. Helman (2012) and Yingling et al. (2000) discussed production leveling (heijunka) in the context of the mining industry, but like pull systems, not for main operations. Rather workshops and warehouses (Helman, 2012) as well as transports (Yingling et al., 2000)were mentioned as examples. Regarding takted production, Haugen (2013) argued that it might be possible if determined by the mill or a bottleneck resource. Because of most practices here being prescribed to auxiliary activities, it is not surprising that the investigated company material did not report on them.

4.7 Resource reduction Because almost all papers included waste in their description of lean production, they subsequently also included resource reduction (usually in the form of waste elimination). It appears to be the basis for the application of the concept as described by Ade and Deshpande (2012), Liu (2013) and Shukla and Trivedi (2012). In addition, one of the overall objectives in IJLSS the study by Castillo et al. (2015) was to reduce waste. Klippel et al.(2008a)also primarily 10,1 focused on reducing waste in mining operations. The papers mentioned inventory reduction, but only two of them (Steinberg and De Tomi, 2010; Yingling et al., 2000) discussed its application in mining operations. The papers often mentioned setup time reduction (mainly single-minute exchange of die) as an available tool, but actual discussion of its application in mining was rare. Exceptions are Dunstan et al. 134 (2006) and Yingling et al. (2000). Dunstan et al. (2006) described the practical implementation of the practice to maintenance activities. Yingling et al. (2000) claimed that the practice has been present in longwall mining operations for a long time. There was no mention of resource reduction practices in material of the investigated company.

4.8 Scientific management For scientific management, the papers only mentioned cellular manufacturing and time/work studies. Ade and Deshpande (2012) and Shukla and Trivedi (2012) described a sort of cellular-based production. Haugen (2013) and Yingling et al. (2000) mentioned the practice but did not consider it for mining. Regarding time/work studies, Yingling et al. (2000) argued that operators should themselves perform such studies (and have the knowledge to do so). They implicitly also mentioned work force reduction, but argued against it, saying that permanent work security might be required for lean production in mining. Historically, the investigated company have made use of time/work studies (Johansson, 1986). They may therefore not associate this practice with lean production. The company material mentioned work force reduction in connection to OpEx, which the literature (Yingling et al.,2000) argued against.

4.9 Standardization Standardized work has seen practical application in mining (Castillo et al.,2015; Chlebus et al.,2015; Dunstan et al.,2006; Löchte and Langhanki, 2015). But according to Haugen (2013), standards are avoided in the mining industry because of the variable conditions that hinder the development of a “one best way”. Instead, she argued, operator training is more efficient. She also held that too much focus on standards and completion times might jeopardize safety and quality. Still, she was in favor of standardized operations to a certain extent. Similarly, Steinberg and De Tomi (2010, p. 291) argued that: “The significant diversity on the operational conditions of mining enterprises makes it very difficult for most mines to aim for a common standard even within the same company”. Wijaya et al. (2009), for the most part, shared this opinion but argued that processes such as rock bolting can be standardized. Yingling et al. (2000) acknowledged that standardizing mining operations is difficult though directly possible, as well as necessary; they gave as an example standardized work in preventive maintenance. Visual control and management has also seen practical implementations in mining (Castillo et al., 2015; Dunstan et al.,2006; Löchte and Langhanki, 2015). As with standardized work, Haugen (2013, p. B31) brought up the point of potential difficulties in realizing visual control: “Due to the decentralised, solitary nature of underground mining visual information boards at central locations may be difficult to implement” (though she also noted the possibility of presenting visual information on smart phones). Wijaya et al. (2009) noted that extensive use of contractors could make it harder for visual control and management practices (as well as 5S) to gain acceptance. Though often described together with visual control and management, there are more practical implementations of housekeeping (5S) (Castillo et al.,2015; Chlebus et al.,2015; Dunstan et al.,2006; Haugen, 2013). Helman (2012) argued that implementation in mining Lean should be easy. Wijaya et al. (2009) argued that contractor involvement might make an production in fi implementation more dif cult. On the other hand, Haugen (2013) claimed that some mining contractors already practice 5S. In spite of the many theoretical discussions against standardized work, the evidenced practice in the literature and the company show that it is viable and practiced. The same is true for 5S and visual control and management where some papers expressed concerns about the applicability despite evidenced practice. 135

4.10 Supply chain management Several researchers (Castillo et al., 2015; Dunstan et al.,2006; Klippel et al., 2008a; Mottola et al.,2011) have carried out value stream mapping (VSM) in a mining context. It is generally described as a readily adoptable tool (Steinberg and De Tomi, 2010; Yingling et al.,2000). Rosienkiewicz (2012), however, highlighted some practical problems with the tool and the mining context. Maier et al. (2014) transposed several of the value stream concepts to a mining environment. Regarding supplier involvement, the mining industry has no suppliers of raw material, but its cooperation with equipment makers was mentioned (Haugen, 2013). Furthermore, Steinberg and De Tomi (2010) argued for considering the geological deposit as a supplier and processes before the processing plant as auxiliary suppliers. Yingling et al. (2000) discussed general supplier involvement through partnerships in which the mining company is the supplier. The material of the investigated company also indicated the importance of the supplier perspective.

5. Discussion It is clear from the review above that lean production in the mining industry – what could perhaps be dubbed lean mining practice – represents a fragmented version of the original concept, theoretically and practically. This can be expected to a certain extent, as all practices of lean production cannot be assumed to fit the mining industry. Furthermore, other industries have not presented exact copies of the concept either. In general, though, much of what Jørgensen and Emmitt (2008, p. 391) found for lean construction was also found in this study: First, there is an overriding positive bias to the papers, which mainly describe or prescribe significant improvements in performance. There is very little evidence of critical debate. Second, many papers have a tendency to be self-referential, based on [...] a limited range of titles on construction management [...] and popular management literature. Third, the critical research findings from the lean manufacturing/production field are missing. Nevertheless, lean mining stands out compared to other adaptations or contextualizations. First, it is not possible to talk of lean mining in the same manner one would talk of lean construction or lean healthcare. Second, the spread of lean production to the mining industry is limited in contrast and comparison to other industries. Essentially, lean production in mining differs from other implementations not only in extension (as was established in the Introduction) but also in form. The following attempts to explain these phenomena.

5.1 Difference in extension and form The difference in the extension of lean production in mining refers to its limited spread. One could argue this as because of a lower interest in the concept expressed by the mining industry. The introduction offered that the industry has gone through events that normally IJLSS generate an interest in lean production (fierce competition, stagnating demands, falling 10,1 prices, increased production costs, etc.). Moreover, as the results of this study as well as the introduction show, there is indeed an interest expressed by the mining industry. It can be surmised, then, that the limited extension is not necessarily or solely because of a lack of interest. The introduction also suggested that the mining industry is inexperienced with 136 management concepts in general (Cavender, 2000; Fiscor, 2014). This implies that: (1) the mining industry is not able to implement the concept because of this inexperience (even if it wanted to) and that (2) it may not be exposed to lean production in the same way as an industry that is used to working with management concepts would be. Although it might be that the mining industry is less experienced compared to other industries, it is not without experience: the US mining industry implemented extensive changes to their work practices during the 1970s and 1980s (Schmitz, 2005). Furthermore, the company investigated in this study has used several “non-technical” rationalization strategies (Eriksson, 1991; Johansson, 1986). Thus, the first implication is unlikely to explain the phenomena. The second implication is potentially true, but this has not stopped the industry from being exposed to the concept; thus, it seems it does not explain the phenomena either. A third possible explanation relates to the relatively small scale of the industry. Although usually important for the national economies of the countries in which mining exists, the sector employs comparatively few people and the number of companies is limited. Assuming that increased “exposure” to lean production represents an increased likelihood for the exposed organization to try to adapt the concept, as Røvik’s(2000)“virus theory” implies, the limited extension can be explained through this effect (this effect would be especially pronounced if exposure is lower because of inexperience). Speaking against this explanation is the oil and gas industry. Although no thorough review has been conducted to this end (indeed, most review studies focus on where lean production has been implemented as opposed to where it has not), there is evidence to suggest that the oil and gas industry is similar to the mining industry in terms of contextualizing lean production. For example, the oil and gas industry has implemented lean production only to a limited extent (Sakhardande, 2011; Weber, 2012; Wilson and Farley, 2010), and the focus seems to be on tools like 5S, TPM (Sakhardande, 2011)andVSM(Lopresti, 2017). Yusuf et al. (2014) also reported that the UK government supported initiatives to promote lean production practices in the industry, but this seemingly has not made the industry adopt the concept. What is more, in 2009, the US oil and gas industry employed more than nine million people (Sakhardande, 2011). Figures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis put US mining jobs at around 650,000 for the same period. Thus, industry size does not seem to explain the phenomena either. This leads to the implication that there is an incompatibility between the concept of lean production and the mining industry; the limited extension may be explained by the form of the original concept and the characteristics of the industry. Here, Røvik (2008) argued that the ability for organizational ideas to be implemented directly into new contexts relates to its translatability and re-malleability or the internal functions and organizational type. Although the organizations of the originating sector of lean production (the car industry) and those of the mining industry are of the same type (i.e. private ones), in terms of internal functions, the organizations are significantly different; several of the investigated papers drew attention these differences. This means that the ability for direct implementation must be reliant on the high translatability and the low re-malleability of the concept. Lean production is often described as loosely defined, but research by Bhamu and Singh Sangwan (2014), Lyons et al. (2013), Mirdad and Eseonu (2015) and Pettersen (2009) has managed to identify practices, tools, principles etc., that are common even between different studies, industries and the researchers in question. This suggests that lean production has Lean high translatability. Re-malleability relates to the inclusion of specific tools in the production in organizational concept. That is, re-malleability is low if tools to a large extent represent the concept and if these are relatively unchangeable. On the one hand, lean production comes mining with a plethora of tools, including 5S, VSM and TPM. This means that re-malleability is low to the extent that these tools represent the concept as a whole (which, often, they do). On the other hand, other practices are more principle-based, such as striving for flow and eliminating waste. Indeed, Hines et al. (2004) argued that, today, lean production focuses 137 mainly on the strategic, principle-based level. In addition, researchers (Brandao de Souza, 2009; Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008) have noted that aspects of lean production are different in different industries. This suggests that it has high re-malleability and that direct implementation would be harder. The implication of this reasoning is that the concept itself makes it unlikely to find an exact copy of the concept outside of the automobile (or perhaps manufacturing) industry. To this end, Røvik (2008) talked of organizations modifying organizational ideas by subtracting or adding parts to better fit its own organizational context; this has happened to both lean construction (Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008) and lean healthcare (Brandao de Souza, 2009). The reoccurring theme of this paper is that this type of contextualization has not happened for mining. The argument here is that this is because an incompatibility between the practices of the concept and the characteristics of the industry. This argument is lent strength by the fact that the so-called upstream operations of the oil and gas industry, on the one hand, are similar to mining operations (both include exploration, development and excavation) and, on the other hand, have failed to adopt lean production in any larger extents (Sakhardande, 2011). According to Røvik (2008), because the type of contextualization of concern here (i.e. which practices are “chosen” and not) depends on the organization in question, insight into this phenomena can be gleaned from looking at the particular practices.

5.2 Practices of lean production in the mining industry The focus of lean production in the mining industry is on a few practices, where none of the papers presents any concrete or theoretical example of a full implementation (although Yingling et al. (2000) come close). Furthermore, actual (but partial) implementations often lack thorough evaluation. In addition, the literature still disagrees on some of the “basics” of lean production. This is evident in the differences between the discussion of the practicability of ideas and their actual practice. For example, some of the literature frequently argues that standardization is unsuitable for the mining industry, but this practice has seen several implementations. At the same time, in the literature, there seems to be an unwillingness to “disqualify” practices from their application in mining. This results, at times, in a “shoehorning” of practices to the mining environment. An example of this can be seen in the cases where practices are prescribed exclusively to inventories and warehouses. Here, one might question the usefulness of the practices in the concerned context. Still, this is not necessarily unusual: Brandao de Souza (2009) reported on several lean initiatives in the healthcare sector that started with the purpose of reducing inventory. He also noted that these areas were chosen because of their overlap with manufacturing environments. But is this the same as concluding the suitability of the practices? Similarly, in the mining industry, implementations of isolated practices stemming from the concept are still referred to as lean implementations. For example, in cases where only TPM or VSM was applied, this was still referred to as lean implementations. The results also point toward a “rebranding” of practices as lean practices: practices that were previously practiced outside of lean production are referred to as lean IJLSS practices when the concept is implemented. If lean production can be a few practices that 10,1 were practiced before any lean implementation, this again raises the question of concluding actual suitability. Looking specifically at what the practicable and practiced practices are – here, for the sake of argument, taken to be the practices evidenced both in the literature and at the company (Table IV) – this is found to revolve around: TPM/preventive maintenance; human 138 relations management (cross training/employee involvement/team organization); continuous improvements; waste elimination; standardization (housekeeping/standardized work/visual control and management); and supplier involvement. Several aspects of this is interesting. First, these practices were ranked among the most uncommon in the review by Bhamu and Singh Sangwan (2014). Second, all of these practices were or are practiced to some extent even outside of lean production. Third, many of these practices take the form of tools. In the preceding, it was shown that this was not enough to contextualize the concept as expected. More interestingly, Hines et al. (2004, p. 1006) argued that “The [...] strategic thinking applies everywhere, the shop-floor tools do not”. From the results of this study, it seems to be the other way around: the strategic-thinking dimension is lacking and focus has been on the so-called shop-floor tools. Hines et al. (2004) also argued that where the strategic aspect is missed, sub or “island” optimizations occur. In mining, this is visible, for example, in the focus on workshops. In this view, a focus on lean philosophy (as opposed to the “lean tools”)couldbemore beneficial to the mining industry – at least to the extent that such a philosophy is suitable for the industry. Theory of translation (Røvik, 2008) would suggest that the resultant contextualization would involve significant modification, but this does not need to be problematic. In fact, Hines et al. (2004) argued in favor of using whichever approaches contribute to the philosophy as long as the philosophy itself remains intact. This leaves for future undertakings to make this connection.

6. Conclusions Lean production is not its specific tools or practices but rather a philosophy (in the words of Hines et al. (2004), one of providing customer value). Even so, the application of this philosophy generates – or the attainment of the philosophy requires – certain characteristics or even tools (Pettersen, 2009). In either perspective, the mining industry cannot be said to practice lean production in the traditional sense. This study offers some explanations and argues that many of the tools are incompatible with the mining industry context. Furthermore, it finds that the focus is on adapting tools or certain practices to the industry; the connection to any overarching lean philosophy is often missing. Thus, the efforts lose focus on what these tools or practices are to accomplish or contribute to. According to Hines et al. (2004),afocuson philosophy might be more fruitful. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that organizational concepts that have succeeded in the mining industry (focusing on safety) have been framed as philosophies (Lööw et al.,2017). Indeed, the results of this study are important because it is likely that the phenomena observed here are not specific to lean production, (though possibly unique to the mining and similar industries). Therefore, the findings could be useful for mining companies seeking to implement other management concepts. The focus on philosophy or principles cannot entirely exclude practices or characteristics because the goals of even a lean production philosophy need to be achieved through some approach. This paper identifies the characteristics of TPM/preventive maintenance, human relations management, continuous improvements, waste elimination, standardization and supplier involvement as already practiced in the mining industry. Because these are compatible with lean production, they could represent suitable tools for adapting the concept. However, the specific connection between these tools and an overarching Lean philosophy, in this context, still needs to be made. production in Since the collection of the empirical material for this study, new articles have been mining published on the subject (Baladron and Alarcon, 2017; Ghodrati et al.,2017; Lanke et al.,2016; Mikhalchenko et al.,2016; Yuan et al.,2016). Although several of them make important contributions, many also still focus on few, certain techniques and in general reflect the issues highlighted in this study. Hence, there is still a need, as Jørgensen and Emmitt (2008) phrased it, to go back to the basics: the discussion on lean mining must find what it is lean production 139 is to accomplish in mining and which tools can help in this. The theoretical contribution of this paper is its furthering of the understanding of the evolution of lean production in line with the recommendation of Samuel et al. (2015).Italso provides an increased understanding of the industries that “resist” lean production. In this, another area for future research is to look into lean production practice of the oil and gas industry, which appears to share many similarities with mining.

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Lööw, Joel, and Magnus Nygren. 2019. “Initiatives for Increased Safety in the Swedish Mining Industry: Studying 30 Years of Improved Accident Rates.” Safety Science 117: 437–46.

Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446

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Initiatives for increased safety in the Swedish mining industry: Studying 30 years of improved accident rates ⁎ Joel Lööw , Magnus Nygren

Human Work Science, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


Keywords: This article investigates safety-related developments in the Swedish mining industry over a 30-year period, from Mining industry the 1980s to the 2010s. It studies what may have contributed to lowering the accident frequency rates and Safety improvement of safety more broadly in the industry. On this basis, interviews were conducted with informants Accidents from mining companies. This material was supplemented with a workshop with mining health and safety re- Safety management presentatives and documents relating to the subject. The results are divided into four main themes, showing that from the 1980s and onwards, lowered rates and general safety improvements followed in the wake of technology development. This was complemented by a more direct focus on organisational aspects of safety beginning in the early 2000s. Still the effectiveness of the individual measures is not clear; while they theoretically have an effect, causality is hard to show. In other words, the improvements may not necessarily depend on the specifics of these initiatives. Given this, the article discusses the different initiatives in-depth, and gives suggestions for future research and industry action. This includes recommendations for approaching safety holistically and the de- velopment of new proactive indicators.

1. Introduction 1444 died in Turkey in 2010 (Demiral and Ertürk, 2013). In Poland, where mining is generally modern and mechanised, 311 fatal accidents Mining, in Sweden and in other countries, is no longer the high-risk occurred between 2000 and 2009 (Krzemień and Krzemień, 2013). industry it used to be. Before, high accident frequency rates as well as Even where there have been significant improvements, Elgstrand and severe and fatal accidents characterised its operations. Now, the Vingård (2013, p. 6) reported that, “Where reliable national statistics Swedish mining industry has a safety record that in some respects is exist, mining is generally the sector having the highest, or among 2–3 similar to the manufacturing or construction industries (Swedish Work highest, rates of occupational fatal accidents and notified occupational Environment Authority, 2017). Though the accident rate is still ele- diseases.” Furthermore, the Swedish mining industry had less than half vated compared to national averages and highly safe industries, the the fatal occupational injury rate of Spain and New Zealand, while the improvements should not be understated. The lost time injury fre- Australian mining industry had less than half the rate of Sweden (Lilley quency rate (per million working hours; LTIFR) among the Swedish et al., 2013). Different types of mines also have different safety records; mining industry’s own employees has gone from 51.3 in 1981 to 7.1 in opencast mines are safer than underground mines, and underground 2015 (SveMin, 2016). The number of fatal accidents per one million coal mining has notably higher accident rate than other underground working hours was 1.1 in the 1950s (Brand, 1990). Between 2000 and operations (Nelson, 2011). So even though the mining industry has 2009, on average one fatal accident occurred every other year (SveMin, managed to improve its safety, additional and sometimes significant 2010), which is roughly equal to a rate of 0.06. The mining industries of work remains. What is more, the rate of improvement of the LTIFR in the United States (Katen, 1992) and Canada (Haldane, 2013) have seen Swedish mining has halted in the last decade (see SveMin, 2016). similar improvements. In the European Union, the mining industry To understand how safety in mining can be further improved re- displayed a positive trend between 1999 and 2007 (European quires understanding of how safety has improved in the past and the Commission, 2010). In fact, mining was one of the sectors with the nature of mining-related accidents. Mining operations (including ore largest decrease in accidents during this period. processing and related activities) are complex and high-risk. In part, Nevertheless, the safety situation in some countries is still dire. For this is due to the physical and technical environment. Hartman and example, 1384 miners died in China in 2012 (Feickert, 2013), while Mutmansky (2002) argued that gases emitted in mines, the potentially

⁎ Corresponding author at: Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Lööw). Received 21 January 2019; Received in revised form 2 April 2019; Accepted 28 April 2019 0925-7535/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 explosive nature of certain fuels and the heavy equipment used result in and societal developments. The current body of research has more complex and high-risk environments. Laurence (2011) similarly argued seldom investigated the particular initiatives that have been undertaken that mining-related hazards are particularly complex due to the dif- by mining companies to improve safety. Thus, this paper sets out to ferent types of energies involved (electrical, chemical, mechanical etc.). investigate the safety development within the Swedish mining industry Differences between different types of mining could also relate to the over 30 years. It seeks to answer the following question: what initiatives complexity of the environments (cf. Nelson, 2011). With this reasoning, have mining companies taken that, directly or indirectly, could have changes in safety relate to changes in the complexity of, and energies in improved the accident frequency rates? The paper also aims to shed (cf. Haddon, 1963), the environment. light on why these initiatives may have improved safety more broadly. The increased productivity in the mining industry has led to reduced Through this inquiry, the hope is to contribute to knowledge regarding employment in mining-related work (see SGU, 2015, for the develop- the possible ways to improve safety in mining and related operations. ment in Sweden). Parallelly, the mining industry has increased its productivity mainly through bigger machines and bigger loads etc. 2. Study design (Hartman and Mutmansky, 2002). Blank et al. (1998) studied working hours and production volume, respectively, as denominators of risk. The empirical material was collected as part of an exploratory study They found that the denominators produced similar results as the with the purpose of investigating what companies in the Swedish mining process became more machine- rather than human-based. When mining industry have done, directly or indirectly, to improve their mining was labour intensive, the two denominators produced different safety situation between the 1980s and the 2010s. The study mainly representations of risk. Blank et al. (1998) argued that the injury rate focused on two large mining companies, but additional material was improved to the extent that technology decreased risk exposure and, collected with input and insights from representatives from other possibly, reduced the magnitude of risk. But often the very nature of the mining companies, contractors and a former inspector of the Swedish accidents complicates any explanation. For example, Laflamme and Work Environment Authority (SWEA). Blank (1996) studied accident risk in a Swedish mine. They highlighted that “the transformation of production processes in the mine had a 2.1. Study context: A brief statistical portrait more rapid beneficial impact on work productivity than on accident risks,” and that “the reduction in accident rates that steadily took place The broader context of the Swedish mining industry is presented did not favor all age categories of workers to the same extent” below in the form of a brief statistical portrait. This is to give the reader (Laflamme and Blank, 1996, p. 486). So, for example, while less people a notion of how the industry is structured and some of the develop- working in a mine might mean less complexity, parallel developments ments that have taken place. have increased complexity. The first set of figures come from Geological Survey of Sweden In other words, no single factor explains the accident rate devel- (2018). The Swedish mining industry produces almost 90 per cent of all opment in mining. And historically, a combination of initiatives and iron ore, 11 per cent of copper and 22 per cent of gold and silver of the measures seems to have contributed to safety. Blank et al. (1996) EU28 countries. Half of all ore produced in Sweden is iron ore; non- analysed the relationship between occupational accidents and tech- ferrous ore such as copper, silver and gold makes up the other half of. In nology in the Swedish mining industry during 80 years. They found a 1983, 10 million tonnes of iron ore was mined. In 2017 this figure had complex relationship between technological development and occupa- increased three-fold. Iron ore is mined almost exclusively by one tional accidents. Mechanisation significantly increased the overall risk company (one of two companies investigated in this study). For non- for accidents (e.g. due to work intensification), but mechanisation and ferrous ore, total production was almost 900,000 tonnes in 1974. At the automation had a positive effect on annual mortality rate. Work in- time, pyrite mining represented almost half of all production, but ex- surance legislation had the strongest negative relationship with annual cavation of this particular ore ceased completely in 1992. By 2017 the accident rate. Similarly, Hartman and Mutmansky (2002) argued that mining of non-ferrous ore reached more than 1 million tonnes. the historic improvement of the accident rate in the US mining industry Additional figures from Geological Survey of Sweden (2018) show was due to factors such as fewer employed miners, better ventilation, that there were almost 100 mines in the 1950s (68 iron ore mines, 27 mechanisation, social enlightenment, production decline and federal non-ferrous ore mines). In 1980 the number of mines had decreased to legislation. 35 (15 iron ore mines, 20 non-ferrous ore mines). This trend has con- Later research on safety in the mining industry has been more at- tinued; in 2017 there were only 15 active mines (4 iron ore mines, 11 tentive to human and organisational factors. Some have found that nine non-ferrous ore mines). Employment (including white-collar workers) out of ten accidents in mining are triggered by human action such as decreased from 12,000 in 1950, to 11,500 in 1980, and then to 6700 in operator errors and violations, with unsafe leadership and organisa- 2017. In 1950, 9300 of mining employees were active in iron ore tional factors featuring in up to two thirds of accidents (Lenné et al., mining; in 1980, 7600; and in 2017, 3200. That is, iron ore operations 2012; Patterson and Shappell, 2010). Zhang et al. (2014) investigated employ half of all employees in the Swedish mining industry. The fatal accidents in surface mining related to haul trucks and found causes company responsible for this employment was investigated in this related to inadequate or improper pre-operational checks, poor main- study. Non-ferrous ore operations are responsible for the other half. A tenance, use of alcohol and failure to follow rules. Ruff et al. (2011) company that employs 1700 of these people was also investigated. Both investigated worker activity at the time of accidents and found that 25 companies have opencast and underground operations. per cent of all injuries and fatalities occurred during maintenance and Lööw et al. (2018) compiled data from the National Board of Oc- repair of machinery. cupational Health and Safety, the Swedish Work Environment Au- Other studies have looked specifically at contractors. For the US thority and Statistics Sweden to compare accidents in the Swedish mining industry, Muzaffar et al. (2013) concluded that it was three mining industry in the 1980s and 2010s (but note that the two periods times more likely that a contractor worker would sustain a fatal versus a cannot be fully compared due to changes in data structures). These nonfatal injury compared to mining companies’ own personnel. For the figures show that during the 1980s the most common cause for acci- Swedish mining industry, Blank et al. (1995) concluded that contractors dents was “ fall of person”, followed closely by object-handling acci- seemed to get injured more often, sustain more severe injuries and dents. Other common causes were strikes by falling objects, contact perform work under different conditions than those employed by the with machine parts, vehicles etc., and overexertion. For the 2010s the mining companies – as well as conduct more dangerous work. figures show that the most common cause of accidents by far was loss of Current research, then, has tended to focus on what causes acci- control of machinery; while manual and physical labour factors were dents, or has tried to connect safety trends in the industry to technical still significant during this period, machine and equipment related

438 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 causes dominated. Additionally, virtually all frequencies of occurrence Table 1 have markedly decreased. However, according to SveMin (2010) con- Summary of interviews. tractors have regularly had a higher accident frequency rate during the Organisation/Role Interview length last decade (though these numbers contain some uncertainties re- garding hours worked). Company 1 Figures compiled by Johansson (1986) show that 10 per cent of all Senior human resources manager One hour Senior health and safety manager One hour employees of a representative Swedish mining company were white- Operations specialist One hour collar workers in the early 1950s. By the late 1970s and into the 1980s, Operations specialist 50 min 22 percent of the workforce were white-collar workers. These kinds of Company 2 figures are available until 1984. Beyond this period, Lööw et al. (2018) Operations specialist One hour compiled figures on the educational levels in the Swedish mining in- Health and safety specialist 90 min Health and safety specialist One hour dustry. They show that the proportion of the lowest levels of education Section manager, technology One hour have decreased. More jobs now require at least some upper secondary Swedish Work Environment Authority education. In fact, the majority of jobs requires a full three year upper Former health and safety inspector 90 min secondary education. On the tertiary level, education to bachelor level or higher has increased almost fourfold. Additional figures (Lööw et al., 2018) show that technology and natural science specialists make up a present; one led the conversation and the other took additional notes considerable part of the workforce. In general, low-skilled labour is and formulated follow-up questions. Before the interviews the in- rare. formants were presented with a written notice explaining the overall None of these figures readily include contractors. Contractor labour purpose of the interview and were asked whether or not they would now makes up a considerable amount of the hours worked within the consent to participating. All of the informants accepted the terms of the industry. Contractors are often hired to conduct auxiliary tasks such as interviews. repair and maintenance work. In recent years, Swedish mining com- Due to the exploratory nature of the study, the interviews were “ ff ” panies have made significant investments in expanding and moder- open; the informants were allowed to go o track to some extent but nising their industrial facilities. This has meant large construction always within the general bounds of the topics of the interview guide projects, in which contractors often have been hired to do the main (see Appendix A). In every interview, the authors presented the in- work (Nygren, 2018). But contractors generally do not feature in formant with a graph of the lost time accident frequency rate of the mining industry statistics even if, recently, they have received more Swedish mining industry and asked him or her to try to explain this attention. For example, the Geological Survey of Sweden (2016) started development. Each interview lasted around one hour (see Table 1). to include contractors in their publications. Their estimations show that The interviews were complemented with a workshop that the au- around 12 per cent of all employees in the mining industry are con- thors conducted with the members of the formal health and safety tractors. Other sources put the hours worked by contractors at around committee of the Swedish mining industry organisation, during one of 40 per cent in some cases (IF Metall, 2015; Nygren, 2016). their regular meetings. Approximately 20 people were present at the workshop, representing most Swedish mining companies, as well as 2.2. Data collection several contractors and equipment providers. During the workshop, one of the authors presented the previously mentioned graph and asked the In total, eight semi-structured interviews with informants from two group to explain what may have contributed to the development. Two – mining companies (four interviewees from each company) were con- versions of the graph was used: one presenting the span of 1981 2013 – ducted by the authors of this paper. All interviews were recorded after and one of 1995 2013. The reasoning behind this was that the later ’ consent had been given. As mentioned above, these companies are re- period might be more fresh in the participants minds, who could then sponsible for the majority of all mining activity in Sweden, both in provide more detailed explanations. The workshop was used to validate fi terms of employees and production. The informants were senior man- some of the ndings, i.e. to test whether explanations given in the in- agers, operations specialists and health and safety specialists – i.e. terviews for the improved safety of the individual companies also held people with a formal responsibility for health and safety management true for the industry as a whole. While one of the authors conducted the and, to some extent, technology and business development. They were workshop, the other one took notes of the responses (the workshop selected on the basis of their expertise knowledge regarding safety-re- session was not recorded). lated issues within their respective companies (cf. “expert interviews” In addition to these formal data collection activities, informal con- – in Flick, 2014). They were therefore purposively sampled and seen as versations were used to enrich the material a triangulation of data was fi being able to provide “insider accounts” on these matters (see Smith sought in order to corroborate the ndings (Bowen, 2009). For ex- and Elger, 2012). Importantly, they had to have knowledge regarding ample, several conversations regarding safety-related issues were had safety-related development over time to be eligible for the study. No with members of the committee (outside of the workshop setting) and additional requests for interviews were made to other individuals as with individuals in managerial positions working for either of the two these eight satisfied the criteria of being experts in the field. Taken mining companies. Where available, documents were consulted to in- together, they were deemed able to provide a comprehensive picture on vestigate statements by the informants. safety-related issues from an inside perspective. Little to no disagreement were found in informant responses. This 2.3. Data analysis was also the case when comparing to the views expressed during the workshop (see below), which were largely consistent with the in- The interviews were transcribed verbatim by the two authors and a formants’ views. An additional interview was conducted with a former thematic analysis in vein of Braun and Clarke (2014) was performed. At inspector of SWEA (the government agency responsible for health and this stage of the process, all of the informants were anonymized. The safety in Swedish working life). The inspector had mainly conducted focus of the analysis was on the explicit meanings of the data. It was inspections in the mining industry and could provide a broader per- inductive, as the codes and themes were developed from the data itself spective on the safety development in the industry over the 30-year (as opposed to deductive, theory-driven approaches). The themes con- period. This did not result in any conflicting views either. sequently focused on the explicit responses rather than the authors’ All of the interviews were conducted at the respective personal of- interpretations of what was said. In other words, a realist perspective fices of the participants and digitally recorded. Both authors were was taken during the interviews and the subsequent analysis; the

439 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 interviews were viewed as means to access the subjective experiences of with protective and reinforced cabins. The location of the operator in informants and “richly textured accounts” (Smith and Elger, 2012, p. relation to certain mining operations has also changed over time. In 14) of actual events in their complex social reality. contemporary mining, remote controlled machinery can be used where The interview transcripts were imported into NVivo 11, split be- there is “risky mountain” (e.g. where the mine has not been shotcreted tween the two authors and read through multiple times during which or the ventilation has not removed all blasting gases), instead of ma- initial and preliminary ideas for codes were noted. The overall analysis chinery piloted by an onboard operator. In cases where remote control was guided by the research question, “what may have contributed to is not applied, the operator works from an isolated cabin which gen- lowering the lost time injury frequency rate and seemingly improve- erally protects against falling rock, poor air etc. ment of overall safety”. Following this, the authors met and discussed Technological development was also linked to improvements in the the codes consisting of sentences encapsulating the essence of various operators’ work environment – better interfaces and displays had been parts of the interview data. After this, specific themes were developed introduced (making operating machinery less complex) as well as better and refined in light of the original and full interview transcripts and alarm management. This too was seen as having positively impacted notes from the workshop. These discussions were also important to safety, both in underground mining operations and ore processing fa- avoid biases in the creation of the themes – i.e. to make it reasonably cilities above ground. certain that the themes actually represented the participants’ expressed perspectives and views, rather than the authors’ individual subjective 3.2. Changing formal health and safety management interpretations. Finally, the themes were analysed in relation to the additional data in the form of informal conversations and documents. A frequently addressed theme was the importance of systematic Examples of the connection between individual interview excerpts, health and safety management, and how the systematic aspects of these codes and subthemes are provided in Appendix B. practices in particular have contributed to the reduced accident rates. The informants connected this development to three specific changes 3. Results made to the legal framework over the years. First, the introduction of regulations for “internal control” in the early 1990s, which stipulated The thematic analysis resulted in four themes that describe what what employers were required to do to ensure the health and safety of may have contributed to the reduced accident frequency rate and their workers. Second, the expansion of these regulations into sys- fi fi overall improvement of safety. A nal, fth theme describes what the tematic work environment management in 2001. Third, the regulations informants believed should be prioritised in the future to increase safety focusing on organisational and social work environment introduced in further. These themes and associated subthemes are outlined in Table 2. 2015. One particularly important aspect is the increased focus on, and 3.1. Technological development and an improved physical work indeed requirement of, systematised safety practices (e.g. risk assess- environment ments), including having a proper system for documentation in place. The regulations regarding social and organisational matters were seen According to the informants the overall technological development as a positive development because it forced employers to specifically has positively impacted safety – together with other factors it con- focus on issues such as work-related stress and workload. The former tributed to the significant reduction in accident rates in the early 1990s. SWEA inspector mentioned that the heavy workload that middle For example, over the 30-year period the amount of physically heavy managers in the industry in general experience, being in charge of work was said to have decreased due to improved work equipment. specific operations and their overall functioning, is especially important A clear theme regarding technological development is that it was to consider. Some informants suspected stress-related issues would in- seen as having helped to protect against the rock or “mountain” crease for this group due to their work situation. through, for example, shotcreting (spraying tunnels and drifts with Another important aspect is the certification towards OHSAS 18001. concrete). The development has involved improvements of the tech- One of the companies began this process as early as 2006. Informants nology itself, such as better rock bolts, but also the application of this from both companies mentioned this development as having con- technology. In the early 1980s it was rare that underground locations tributed to more efficient health and safety management overall. One were reinforced as a standard preventative measure; locations were informant said that the certification led to the introduction of a man- reinforced only if they were deemed unsafe. In contemporary opera- agement system that ensured that risk analyses are conducted to the tions all underground locations are reinforced, regardless of actual rock required and necessary extent. It was also said to have led to proper conditions. documentation describing how staff should work with these issues and Another focus area for the companies has been improved ventila- where risks exist. Another informant had a similar perspective: during tion, as well as safer and more efficient machinery such as loaders fitted the certification process, most of the risks were analysed, in particular

Table 2 Summary of themes.

Themes Subthemes

Technological development and an improved physical work environment Technology contributes to safety improvements Focus on improving the physical work environment Changing formal health and safety management New regulations drives improvements Certification towards OHSAS 18001 Adopting broader safety management strategies Changing attitudes towards safety Safety First as an overarching safety philosophy Increased focus on safety culture Safety for contractors and other suppliers Taking contractors’ safety into account Clarifying contractor safety practices Future developments for increased safety On the right path Focus on quality Ensuring skills and competencies Psychosocial work environment

440 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 risks connected to recurring work. If something was classified as being for safety and communicate the right things to the employees emerged an unacceptable risk, a special routine was written for that specific task. as a more concrete strategic focus area within this particular company. In other words, it was a matter of creating a systematic approach to risk In 2010 educational initiatives began to include the psychosocial work analyses and associated written procedures. This process also helped environment to continue the development towards healthier and safer create the sought-after involvement of managers and workers in con- work environments. Both companies were said to regularly conduct tributing to the overall safety of the workplaces; supervisors, safety personnel surveys, where specific psychosocial issues such as stress and representatives and employees directly participated in the assessments workload are addressed. and analyses. This in turn was supported by major investments in safety training – courses which focused on the importance of participation in 3.4. Safety for contractors and other suppliers safety-related activities, among other things. It was also said that the regulations for systematic work environment management in particular The informants mentioned that there had been a change in how the helped pave way for this development. companies perceive and handle contractors entering their operations to conduct work. One informant said that a few years ago it became evi- 3.3. Adopting broader safety management strategies dent that the company did not focus enough on contractor workers and their safety. The informant emphasised that this had changed sig- The informants noted a change in how safety is viewed, in recent nificantly and that they had begun collecting statistics regarding these decades, among employees. Although there is still a macho culture groups in the same manner as their own employees. (But they had to within the industry, they emphasised that it is not as important to be make estimates regarding the number of working hours in some cases in “tough” and to normalise risks, which was often the case during the order to calculate the accident frequency rates.) In some departments 1980s and 1990s. and sections they had begun systematising the planning together with Connected to this is the increased focus on lean production. In one contractors. They developed specific tools that evaluate the contractor of the companies lean production has served as its main production companies and their employees, whether they have the right safety philosophy since its implementation in 2004. In the beginning, issues education etc. Both companies had also begun to train their own em- related to workplace safety were not included. But after a couple of ployees in what their own coordination responsibilities vis-à-vis the years the company had integrated its overall safety management into, work conducted by contractors actually entails. and made the management practices a part of, the production philo- In one of the companies, a specific committee consisting of man- sophy. One informant believed one of the main features of this in- agers from different departments had become responsible for over- tegration to be the concept of “5S”, a method stemming from lean seeing changes to policies, procedures and work practices in relation to production. On the one hand, this concept revolves around creating a contractors. This included the development of procedures for how more organised work environment (“standardise” being one of the five health and safety is supposed to be handled in outsourced operations, Ss) that contributes to increased safety. The informant held, on the and the development of a handbook with the most important rules and other hand, that stress can also be reduced this way – e.g. by always procedures. This is now a mandatory document that all contractors that knowing where equipment can be found – and thus simultaneously perform work within the company must consult. improve the psychosocial work environment. Fundamentally, the notion of Safety First was said to be widespread. 3.5. Future developments for increased safety One of the informants emphasised that is has gone from a question mainly driven by the union, to now being a concrete management issue. For future developments, the informants mentioned the importance Above all, in both companies, the concept is taken literally, being the of continuing to move the operator away from the “front” (where actual first point of agenda at any meeting. Moreover, if no meeting partici- mining activities take place). They also mentioned encouraging even pant have anything to address under this point, the participants ques- more participation in safety-related activities in general. The in- tion this; there should always be some safety-related issue to address. formants furthermore wanted a leadership-style that enables employees Safety First was also seen as representing an important issue in in- to get involved and take an interest in the safety of their own work vestments; it has become increasingly more common that health and situation. This was seen as a primary requirement to reduce the acci- safety risks are analysed before making an investment. The inspector dent rate even further; they wanted to “turn the hierarchy” so that the described this as if it was like the industry as a whole decided to pay responsibility and ownership of safety practices lies with the employees closer attention to these issues roughly around the same time in 2005. themselves – something that was specifically linked to the lean pro- Besides Safety First both companies introduced the concept of safety duction concept in one of the companies. culture with a number of associated practices. In one of the companies, a There was thus consensus among the informants that the companies safety culture project was conducted in the mid-2010s at a ore pro- are on the right path regarding the focus on safety culture, behaviour and cessing facility, with a main focus on increasing participation in safety- attitudes among managers and employees. However, there was a related activities. This involved individuals participating in safety number of other focus areas mentioned as well. One informant placed committees and safety rounds, reporting deviations from normal op- great emphasis on the continued development of proactive leading in- erations and constantly being a good role-model to their colleagues by dicators, for instance to ensure that all workplaces conduct safety prioritising safety-related matters. This project also led to the practice rounds and that there are reliable and effective ways to measure this. of “management time” being introduced, which required that all su- Focus should also be placed, it was argued, on actually remedying the pervisors allocate time each morning to be available to their staff. problems that have been identified. This can be linked to a tradition In the other company, a similar programme began in 2009. The within the industry in general which was said to focus primarily on reason for introducing the programme was that a number of managers reactive indicators and related metrics, such as lost time injury fre- had begun to express frustration over difficulties of getting staff to re- quency rates. When the necessary systems and working methods are in port risks and incidents. There was a problem with a lack of motivation place (e.g. systematic health and safety management, risk assessments), among these managers regarding safety practices. Thus a greater focus the actual quality of these should be prioritised. A telling example was was placed on motivating and inspiring these individuals when it came when one informant commented on the fact that for long the company to safety management. Over time, various training initiatives aimed at focused on getting operators to report risks; now that the practice was both managers and employees were developed based on reflective in place, the issue was to find a way of working through these reports discussions about attitudes and behaviour regarding safety. It was in and addressing the actual issues. connection to this programme that the managers’ ability to “set the bar” One informant, who worked with strategic technology issues on a

441 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 daily basis, said that although safety issues are important in themselves, In any case, both in mining and in general the discussion on safety a specific future focus area should be to ensure the skills and competencies initiatives seems to have taken place on a spectrum; to use the termi- with regards to certain key roles – especially when it comes to tech- nology of Reason (1997), on one ranging from “hard” (with a technical nology. According to the informant, their company risks losing im- focus) to “soft” (with focus on organisational and human aspects). Such portant knowledge and competencies when certain individuals retire. shifts between a “rational-instrumental” and “social-institutional” dis- This could ultimately affect safety if there are no competent persons course have been observed in organisations in general (Røvik, 2000); available to handle the technology properly in the different operations. their presence in this study can to an extent be expected. But, im- As technological development is expected to continue, new types of portantly, a focus on either technical or organisational measures does knowledge will also be needed in the future to meet the new require- not automatically reflect the nature of the problem to be solved. Rather, ments. the focus areas may refl ect what is generally considered by the com- Finally, the importance of continuing to prioritise problems related to panies as appropriate solutions to any safety-related problem at the the psychosocial work environment was mentioned by all of the in- time – whatever that problem may be. In other words, a measure may formants. Getting a clearer picture of how many people that experience be implemented without a thorough consideration of the actual causal stress at work was considered as important as analysing causes of ac- mechanisms. Still the initiatives do have certain effects that depend on cidents. A person who is stressed may make choices that they would not the situation in which they were deployed. That is, the same measure have made otherwise, which could ultimately have negative con- may produce different effects depending on in which context it is im- sequences for safety. Middle managers – the individuals that have been plemented. Analysing in more detail the different measures, contexts identified as “norm builders” within the organisations through the and potential effects stands to give insight into how safety has been, and safety culture development programmes – were highlighted specifically can be, improved in the Swedish mining industry. as being in risk of experiencing negative stress. 4.1. Safety improved due to technology development 4. Discussion For the most part, technology must protect vulnerable objects (e.g. In roughly summarising the safety initiatives in the Swedish mining humans) from harmful energies (cf. Haddon, 1963) to prevent acci- industry during the last 30 years, two broad phases can be identified dents. Introducing barriers, reducing energies, and separating energy (see Fig. 1). The interview accounts indicate that from the 1980s and and object accomplishes this. Technology can act as a stronger barrier, onwards, safety improvements followed in the wake of technology de- introduce a “low-energy” alternative or move operators from dangerous velopment (e.g. improved rock bolting, safer machines). In the 2000s, environments. The technological development in the mining industry due in part to new regulations, focus shifted towards organisational has accomplished this. For example, better vehicle cabs and improved aspects of safety (e.g. new routines, safety programmes). On possible rock-bolting represents improved barriers; using remote control to future developments, the accounts indicate a focus on behaviour, move the miner away from the mining environment in turn represents quality, knowledge and competences, and psychosocial work environ- separation. Swedish accident figures indicate the effects of this devel- ment. opment (e.g. SveMin, 2016). Between 2011 and 2015 less than 10 Whether the introduction of new regulations should be considered percent of all accidents were due to mucking, falling rock or traffic – its own phase of safety improvement is unclear, as the focus of this accidents with clear connection to lacking protection from energy. By study is on initiatives undertaken by the companies. On the one hand, comparison, walking, jumping or tripping accounted for around 22 per instead of a phase, one could talk of selective regulatory measures that cent of all accidents. Service and repair accounted for almost 40 per primarily came to inform how the companies conduct health and safety cent. One interpretation of this is that technology has managed to management. On the other, the informants saw the new regulation that successfully protect operators from a complex, high-energy environ- was introduced in 2001 as particularly important. Its introduction also ment. coincided with the emergence of organisational issues as prioritised But the ability for technology to offer this type of protection di- areas for the companies. minishes, it could be argued, as accidents become more trivial. Consider

Fig. 1. A rough summary of safety initiatives in the Swedish mining industry in relation to the LTIFR.

442 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 slip, trip and fall accidents: while energy is certainly a part of these this study it seems one initiative does not have to precede the other. Nor accidents (i.e. kinetic energy), technology is not as readily able to offer does it seem that the effects are possible only through the use of these protection. People trip because of irregularities in the floor, for ex- specific initiatives. The LTIFR of the Swedish mining industry to a large emple. Here technology can only protect the operator to the extent that extent represents the rate of individual Swedish mining companies. The it either separates the operator from irregularities in the floor or results participants during the workshop indicated that certain types of in- in more regular floor surfaces. This kind of accident remains a sig- itiatives have improved safety, but the improvement does not ne- nificant problem in the industry, and the informants recognised that cessarily depend on the specifics of these initiatives. Note, however, that preventing them is less of a question of technology than it is of safe the informants held that regulations for systematic work environment behaviour. management specifically paved the way for the subsequent voluntary Moreover, technology is only efficient to the extent that it is actually initiatives. It may therefore also be that all of the initiatives share used. In the interviews this was addressed in relation to the improved common and fundamental denominators that may lead to improved design of technology, such as through improved machine interfaces. safety – but characteristics that still remain to be clarified. However, the use of technology is not only dictated by its design or The unclear relationship between measure and outcome has another availability, but also by organisational aspects. For example, rock- dimension as well. In both companies, more attention has been placed bolting and shotcreting technology have been available for a long time. on middle managers in their capacities as “norm builders”. The com- The technology has improved over the years, but the more important panies view middle managers as creators and facilitators of safety cul- factors seems to be its extended use; where before only certain parts of ture through their leadership. Yet this is in addition to other responsi- mines were reinforced using rock-bolts, now they are always installed bilities. The informants recognised the increased pressures, resulting in and in the entire mine. stress, on this group due to this. Thus, a unilateral focus on establishing At the same time, technology does not unequivocally improve the central role of this group in facilitating safety also carries risks. Too safety. Consider maintenance: its different activities now account for 40 much stress, increased responsibilities with insufficient increase in re- per cent of all serious accidents (SveMin, 2016; see also Ruff et al., sources, could in the worst case scenario contribute to unsafe behaviour 2011). Maintenance requirements increase as technology becomes among the managers themselves. With a view on this group as norm more sophisticated, and might become more complex. Further auto- builders (or role models) that “set the bar” for safety, they also risk mation and autonomous vehicles will probably continue to improve sending the wrong message to the workers under their leadership safety. But there is a risk that safety will only improve in primary ac- through this behaviour. tivities (blasting, loading and so on) as the design of new mining Finally, the results show that mining companies have increased the technology tends to overlook auxiliary tasks such as maintenance scope of their safety practices to include contractors. This indicates a (Horberry et al., 2011; Simpson et al., 2009). What is more, contractors shift in the organisation and management of mining-related operations. commonly undertake maintenance activities (Nygren, 2018) – a group Rather than viewing the operations as vertically integrated with a that already experiences lower safety. workforce tied primarily to a single employer, the informants re- cognised that the proper way of describing some operations is what can 4.2. Organisational aspects: The role of the organisation and leadership be called “multi-employer worksites”. This has led to an increased focus on clarifying the extent to which accidents actually occur among con- On the “soft” side of the spectrum are the organisational measures. tractors. Attention is also given to how management and coordination Their effect on safety and safe behaviour has been investigated pre- practices in multi-employer arrangements can be improved. The im- viously. Beus et al. (2016), for example, found empirical support that portance of clarifying management and coordination practices as means safe behaviour in general is affected by organisational and personal of increasing safety across organisational boundaries has also received factors. (Personal factors include personal resources, safety knowledge, some support in studies focusing on the manufacturing industry (see skills and motivation. Organisational factors include policies, practices, e.g. Nenonen and Vasara, 2013). However, although the informants safety culture, job characteristics and so on.) Since the 2000s the viewed this development as something positive for overall safety, it companies of this study have to a large extent focused on such mea- should be noted that this does not directly relate to the lowered acci- sures, alongside continued technological improvements. On the orga- dent frequency rate in the industry as a whole per se; the overall LTIFR nisational side, these initiatives include a focus on safety culture, presented in Fig. 1 only represent the reported accidents among the changed policies, routines etc. On the personal side, these include mining companies’ own personnel over time. educational efforts and an increased focus on behaviours. While causal effects were not investigated in the present study, the 4.3. Conclusions organisational safety initiatives have theoretically had an effect on safety. Previous research has found organisational factors to be pre- Mining companies operate in an environment of complex organi- valent in mine accidents; some studies conclude that up to 50 per cent sational, physical and technical relationships. Attention to any one of of all accidents involve such factors (Lenné et al., 2012; Patterson and these factors in relation to safety needs to recognise the other factors as Shappell, 2010). Similarly, Laurence (2011) found that many accidents well; the approach to safety in mining needs to incorporate both “hard” in mining are caused by lack of awareness of or compliance with rules, and “soft” perspectives on safety. Swedish mining companies have used poor communication, production taking priority over safety, in- both technical (hard) and organisational (soft) strategies to improve adequate training and so on. The informants’ accounts contain similar their safety records. The informants also saw continued focus on tech- sentiments. Therefore, to the extent that organisational measures have nical as well as organisational and behavioural measures as key to addressed these issues, they could be assumed to have improved safety. further improvements to safety. Expanding on this, however, the relationship between individual While individual measures can have effects, they risk losing their measures and safety is unclear. Both companies utilised safety culture full potential if a wider perspective is not also employed. Leadership programmes and voluntary work environment management certifica- and psychosocial aspects are illustrative here. Focus on middle man- tion (i.e. OHSAS 18001). But while one company went through certi- agerial norm builders and individual motivation for safety is important fication first and then started safety culture initiatives, the other com- but must include the right resources, routines and technologies. The pany did this the other way around. Yet any major difference between idea here of turning the hierarchy is a suitable future endeavour if it it the companies in terms of accident frequency rate is not discernable. In comes with increased resources (including education). That is, not only other words, while safety culture programmes and certification both should the hierarchy be turned, but the conditions for doing so must can improve safety (Beus et al., 2016; Madsen et al., 2018), based on also be created. Additionally, one informant noted the importance in

443 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446 securing future competence. In this case, effects from new technology certain level. Or if there is a level beyond which technical or organi- can be lost if mining companies do not have the competences to fully sational measures cannot further improve safety. exploit it. Finding clarity in these question stands to help mining companies in This study also focused on the implementation of different in- their safety work by giving priority to different measures. Ultimately, itiatives over time, actualising issues related to the order in which they this also requires knowledge of the situation into which initiatives are were implemented. The present study shows that, in general, technical implemented. Indicators are central in this. As indicated in this study, measures were followed by organisational measures, with regulatory traditional measures become too blunt. The development of proactive measures implemented periodically. It might be tempting to describe indicators in the industry (see ICMM, 2012) is positive in this regard. this as a stepwise development, where physical measures create the But it is likewise important to develop new types of indicators that are foundation for organisational measures. It has been suggested that de- able to merge perspectives (technology and organisation) in such a way velopment has happened this way in the process industry (Kariuki and that long-held assumptions about safety are challenged. This should Löwe, 2012), and a roughly similar development can be identified in provide the ground for future safety developments, both practically and the present study. Still it is difficult to conclude determinism from this. theoretically. For the most part, the Swedish mining industry has gone through Lastly, significant effort has been made in the industry to clarify concurrent changes. Judging from the material of this study, individual management practices as means for increasing safety on worksites in- companies have seldom deviated far from general developments in the volving both mining company and contractor personnel. In a Swedish mining industry as a whole. At the same time, safety initiatives can context there is a division of legal responsibilities for safety manage- change the safety situation which then requires new kinds of initiatives. ment between a client company and a contractor. However, in practice, For example, one of the companies had long focused on implementing these distinctions can be difficult to uphold, in part due to the often systems and a practice for reporting accidents and suchlike. Having dominant positions of clients. This can lead to, for example, client succeeded in this, one informant reported that the challenge changed to managers assuming responsibility of safety-related matters that the actually dealing with these reports. In this sense, certain initiatives contractor managers themselves are legally responsible for (Nygren, preceed others (working with reported incidents is hard if there are no 2018). This, in turn, may lead to uncertainties regarding which party is incident reports). responsible for what and ultimately the overall implementation and Related to this, different accidents require different measures. For functioning of safety management practices. Consequently, although it example, Groves et al. (2007) found a pronounced difference between is necessary to clarify responsibilities and divide certain management fatal and non-fatal accidents, including equipment involved, in equip- tasks, the actual conditions for responsibility-taking in practice need to ment-related mining accidents. The fatal injury rate in Swedish mining be considered as well. Here, a focus on issues pertaining to power and industry has improved more than the lost-time injury frequency rate. possible asymmetry in relations may be key. Less serious accidents are now more common in the industry. The ap- proach to preventing fatal accidents is probably different from the ap- proach to preventing non-fatal accidents, which is different than pre- Acknowledgment venting light injuries. For example, the informants recognised that preventing slip, trip and fall accidents requires a focus on behaviour This research was conducted within the frame of SIP STRIM rather than technological solutions. Still, questions remain as to whe- (Strategic innovation programme for the Swedish mining and metal ther an organisational focus, for example, can only follow certain producing industry), funded by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish technological developments that has reduced the accident rate to a Energy Agency.

Appendix A. Interview guide (translated from Swedish)

A.1. Background

The purpose of the study is to explore the safety-related development in the Swedish mining industry over the last 30 years. Given this, we are interested in clarifying what Swedish mining companies have done under this period that may have affected the accident frequency rate and safety more broadly. Consequently, by your participation in this study, we hope to shed light on this development and the different initiatives that have been undertaken.

A.2. General questions

● What is your formal job title and what does your work consist of? What are your areas of responsibility? ● How do you work with safety-related matters?/How does your work affect safety? ● Is there any kind of additional information regarding safety (management/practices) that you would like to have in relation to the work you perform? Is there any safety-related issues of which you presently lack information on? ● How would you describe the safety situation in the Swedish mining industry in general? How does your company relate to this situation? ● Is the safety situation the same across the company? Are there differences between different sections, units etc.? How come? What do these differences consist of? ● How would you describe the development over the last 20–30 years in the company regarding: - Safety/accidents (including e.g. programmes and initiatives to increase safety)? - Technology? - Organisation? ● How would you explain this development?

A.3. Technology

● What have been the most significant technological developments in the Swedish mining industry in general and in your company in particular?

444 J. Lööw and M. Nygren Safety Science 117 (2019) 437–446

● Are safety-related matters taken into consideration when new technology is introduced?

A.4. Safety-related statistics

● How do you work with, and use, statistics regarding safety? ● What is safety-related statistics used for in general within the company? ● Is there any safety-related problem/any particular workplace/work task/factor (e.g. type of machine or type of employment) that “sticks out” in the statistics? ● Is there any kind of information, that you consider important, that is not readily available in the present statistics used within the company?

Appendix B. Examples of interview excerpts, codes and subthemes (translated from Swedish)

Excerpt Code Subtheme

“The biggest technological development has occurred in the last ten years, for example new rock reinforcement methods, new Protection from the Technology contributes to shotcreting methods. There are a lot of remote controlled machines today which removes people from the most dang- rock safety improvements erous areas.” “If it is the case that we reach certification [according to OHSAS 18 001] then we have the structural pieces in place to reach Certification is im- Certification towards OHSAS our goal.” portant 18001 “The attitude towards health and safety was completely different before. It was more of a macho culture, it was kind of cool to Diminishing macho Changing attitudes towards break the rules not wear fall protection equipment. This has changed now.” culture safety “But at the same time, they [contractor workers] have their employers and their norms and their culture et cetera. They Division of respon- Clarifying contractor safety [contractor companies] have the employer’s responsibility that differs as well, what should we do and not do?” sibilities practices “We are too small for our assignment. We are nine people out of which two are on part-time sick leave. We need to get more Technological com- Ensuring skills and competen- technology-minded at [the company]. The soft issues are important but we have too little competence regarding tech- petence cies nology.”

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446 Paper III

Lööw, Joel, Lena Abrahamsson, and Jan Johansson. 2019. “Mining 4.0— the Impact of New Technology from a Work Place Perspective.” Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 36 (4): 701–7. 00104-9.

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707

Mining 4.0—the Impact of New Technology from a Work Place Perspective

Joel Lööw1 & Lena Abrahamsson1 & Jan Johansson 1

Received: 6 May 2019 /Accepted: 28 June 2019 /Published online: 15 July 2019 # The Author(s) 2019

Abstract Industry 4.0 offers new possibilities to combine increased productivity with stimulating workplaces in a good work environment. Used correctly, digitalization can create attractive jobs in safe control room environments, which provide space for the em- ployee’s full expertise and creativity. This is true also for the mining industry. But, to succeed, it is important to analyze the development from a worker’s perspective. What will happen to their work? What skills will be needed in the mine of tomorrow? We must also consider the risks, such as privacy issues, increased stress, and work-life boundaries. These questions must be understood if we are to create workplaces that can attract a young and diverse workforce to tomorrow’s mining industry. In this article, we try to illustrate what the new technology can mean for the individual miners. We formulate the notion of Mining 4.0 (Industry 4.0 in the mining industry), where we try to create an image of how the future might look from a miner’s perspective and how mining companies may navigate their way to a future that works for all miners. To illustrate the range of possible outcomes, we formulate two scenarios: one utopian and one dystopic. At the end of our article, we bring forward six recommendations that can be considered a beginning of a road map for the human side of Mining 4.0.

Keywords Industry 4.0 . Mining 4.0 . Attractive jobs . Safety . Utopia . Dystopia

1 Introduction of the German industrial concept, Industrie 4.0. Used correct- ly, digitalization can indeed create attractive jobs in safe con- Future mining will be shaped in a context where it is necessary trol room environments, which provide space for the em- to produce at costs that are determined by international com- ployee’s full expertise and creativity: the control room re- petition [1]. The mining industry has overcome many chal- ceives online processed information from the “rock”, from lenges with the help of technology [2], but technology alone personnel, and from machinery, and control room equipment will not be enough in the future. So, while having a technical makes it possible to control and fine tune the complete oper- production process that is at the forefront is one the most ation, from resource characterization to the final product. important conditions for the future, having a competent work- Sensors and the extensive use of cameras and image tech- force that can handle the technology is another but equally niques even permit “live performances” in the control room important condition—here, generational issues are a big chal- [2]. lenge to overcome. Digitalization is a recurring buzzword that But, in many countries, there is a lack of skilled is often claimed to be able to combine these two requirements. personnel—both miners and mining engineers. The present But how do we build such a production system? workforce is aging and companies have difficulties recruiting The emerging digitalization in the mining industry offers young talented people that in general are not very interested in new possibilities for increased productivity and at the same working in the mining industry [3–5]. To be able to handle time could create stimulating workplaces in a good work en- these problems wisely, it is important to analyze the develop- vironment. Inspiration often comes from the positive images ment from a worker’s perspective. What will happen to their work? What skills will be needed in the mine of tomorrow? We must also consider the risks, such as privacy issues, in- * Jan Johansson creased stress and work-life boundaries. Work, no matter how [email protected] attractive, may not be so attractive if it follows one home. If 1 Human Work Science, Luleå University of Technology, safety is achieved through constant supervision, this might be 97187 Luleå, Sweden too high a price to pay. These questions must be considered if 702 Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707 we are to create attractive workplaces that can attract young 1.2 Mining 4.0—an Upcoming Concept people to tomorrow’sminingindustry—a workforce that le- verage its future high-tech environment. Industry 4.0 will also come to affect the mining industry. In Thus, in this article, we try to illustrate what the new tech- fact, some mines have taken important steps towards the dig- nology can mean for the individual miners. We will try to italized mine of the future. Gradually, the mining industry gets create an image of how the future might look from a miner’s closer to the visions of Industry 4.0 and fully automated mines perspective and how mining companies may navigate their as well as more technologically sophisticated ore-processing way to a future that works for all miners. facilities. Analogous to the application of Industry 4.0 in a mining context, we conceptualize Mining 4.0 as a mining operation where the miner is an expert who ensures that pro- 1.1 Industry 4.0—the Engineering Industry Is duction runs smoothly. A Mining 4.0 operator is not confined Showing the Way to a control room. Instead, real-time process data and the sta- tus of machines follow the miner as they move around the Industrie 4.0 is a strategy that was shaped by the German mine. The miner solves problems directly at the source by government in 2013. Industry 4.0 (to use its English name) remotely interacting with other operators, experts, suppliers, is described as the fourth industrial revolution. After the steam and customers in multi-competent teams. Production control engine, electricity, and electronics, the revolution consists of could even be done in a “digital twin” far away from the an implementation of “Internet of Things, Humans, and factory. In short, Mining 4.0 envisions an augmented miner Services” where the entire production process is included in with senses and memory extended through technology. This internet-based networks that transform ordinary factories to technology takes advantage of and supports human skills and smart factories. The German concept as a whole is formulated increases situational awareness through sensors embedded in in the report “Recommendations for implementing the strate- the clothes of operator, for example, while keeping an unin- gic initiative Industrie 4.0 – Final report of the Industrie 4.0 terrupted operational vigilance. This could be essential in dif- Working Group” [6]. Similar concepts have appeared all over ficult mine environments, to manage the effects of heat and the world. The Chinese government promotes a similar idea long shifts. under the name Made in China 2025 [7] and the Japanese Romero et al. [14] formed a typology of the future Industry government has launched Society 5.0 [8]. 4.0 operator: Operator 4.0. It built on eight stereotypes that Meanwhile, the German vision paints a bright picture can be seen as the core of the new technology; we have mod- of the future industry in which virtual and physical ified them to relate to the future miner: worlds will be linked into a powerful “whole” through the integration of software—from product development & The super-strength miner uses biomechanical support for and production, machines will not just do “physical increased limb movement and increased strength and work” but also perform calculations [9, 10]. This is endurance. described as cyber-physical systems, or even socio- & The augmented miner uses augmented reality (AR) for cyber-physical systems: smart ventilation, smart logis- integrating information from the digital to the physical tics, smart maintenance, smart machines, and other world. Examples include maintainers receiving direct as- smart systems continuously exchange information with sistance from equipment manufacturers. Through special themselves and with human workers. The German strat- glasses that send and receive live video, both parties egy highlights the potential for skill expansion and an would be able to see the problem—which can then be enriching working life with more challenging work solved through instructions from the equipment tasks. manufacturer. Kagerman et al. [6] noted that it is necessary for companies & The virtual miner uses virtual reality (VR) for simulation to have a sociotechnical approach where the participation of and training of risky real-life situations. In fact, VR train- employees in job design is central. Without participation, the ing is already relatively common in mining [15] and is desired effects may not be achieved at all. Several commen- probably one of the industries where it sees the most ap- tators have argued that Industry 4.0 requires a flat organization plication. This includes training for high-risk scenarios, with more organizational innovations, learning, enhanced such as fire events and simulating new equipment (how human–machine interaction, and a more human-focused view will the new machine look, if it will fit in drifts etc.). In on the new technology [cf. 11–13]. The German strategy also principle, it is possible to place the entire control room and underlines that these developments will reduce the need for production control in a VR environment and thus make it employees; functions such as remote controls and preventive independent of location. maintenance will reduce labor costs but increase the employ- & The healthy miner uses wearable sensors for monitoring ment security of the remaining factory staff [6, 13]. health-related metrics as well as GPS location. These Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707 703

developments have also already taken place in the indus- dependent qualifications to process independent qualifications try, to a certain extent. For example, there are advanced [cf. 18–22]. What was earlier the tacit knowledge [23]ofthe positioning systems in use and there have been projects on worker formalizes into theoretical knowledge, digitalized, and the application of sensors for monitoring miner’shealth used in computers and smartphones. But in this transition, [cf. 16]. there is also a negative potential. Early, Bainbridge [24]iden- & The smarter miner uses intelligent personal assistants for tified problems in automating new processes. When a manual interfacing with machines, computers, databases, and oth- task is automated, usually, the former manual operators be- er information systems. Currently, there are examples come the operators of the new system. These operators might where RFID tag systems are used together with a perform well within the system because, having previously smartphone app to rapidly and easily report worked with it, they have a fundamental understanding of malfunctioning equipment. the technology they control. The next generation of operators & The collaborative miner uses collaborative robots for might not have this understanding. This also raises the ques- performing repetitive and strenuous tasks. In mining, there tion of how a miner’s practical skills can be passed along to are semi-autonomous machines, such as loaders where the the smart mining system programmer. Many machine opera- operator first “teaches” themachineapath—which it then tors can tell if there is a maintenance problem or feel a more follows automatically—while the operator controls it re- efficient operation method to increase productivity that a pro- motely during the actual loading. Here, the repetitive and grammer does not know. Still, we know that some of these strenuous task of driving to and from the muck pile is “seat of the pants” methods are counter-productive. Examples taken over by the machine. include directly emulating the control design of LHDs when & The social miner uses enterprise social networking ser- designing their remote control. The initial thought was that vices for interaction between operators and between oper- this would improve productivity, but it was later realized that ators and the Internet of Things. The introduction of un- more specialized controls were required [17]. derground Wi-Fi and 5G has made this possible. While While workers may experience upskilling that asks of em- most mines do not have special enterprise social networks, ployees more theoretical, comprehensive, and communication the access to Internet in mines also means an access to tasks, there may also be deskilling characterized by fragmen- social media. Already, there are mines where the imple- tation of craft knowledge and work tasks [17]. This also im- mentation of mine-spanning Wi-Fi has meant under- plies possible polarization: parts of the workforce are ground operators use group chats to exchange upskilled, while parts are left the same or deskilled. Maybe, information. we come back to the old debate about “high-tech winners and & The analytical miner uses big data analytics to discover losers” [25], or even the worker A and B team [18, 26]? useful information and predict relevant events. Regardless, the transformation implied in Mining 4.0 has effects on workplace cultures and identities [cf. 27, 28]. This classification points to a number of technical possibil- Qualifications, identity, and gender will be created and recre- ities; all will affect human labor—some good and some bad. ated when faced with new technology and a changing context. But this development is not about creating new kinds of jobs. Several of the work tasks previously performed by teams may Rather, it is a development that means that most current jobs come to be performed by solitary workers equipped with dif- will be influenced by these characteristics and developments. ferent types of equipment for digital assistance. This loss of Miners will not disappear, but they will be different in the workmates may feel bitter, but at the same time, new types of future. We have chosen to call them Miner 4.0. multifunctional teams are created, whose main work takes place in centralized control rooms [1, 17]; teamwork does 1.3 Miner 4.0—Working Life in a Digital Mine not disappear completely, but takes new forms. Mining work has traditionally been seen as physically demanding, requiring Mining 4.0 will not only change the technological landscape a certain type of worker: a brave and strong man. The new of mining workplaces and organizations. It also means a context will require knowledge and skill that is more abstract knowledge transformation. Here, skills and knowledge go and theoretical. A common optimistic scenario is that this from bodily and tacit to abstract and theoretical [see 17]. In opens up for women and other previously underrepresented an optimal scenario, Mining 4.0 develops mining companies categories to enter and master different types of industrial into learning organizations that require workplace learning work, e.g., in mining and process industries. Even if this sce- and continuous education. Kern and Schumann [18] put this nario is realized, it does not ensure an unproblematic imple- in terms of a transformation from craftsman-like qualifications mentation process. Existing structures and culture are hard to into technical qualifications. New demands for team work, change—and trying to change them will provoke resistance. responsibility, and comprehensive understanding of produc- Losing one’s identity and symbolic aspects of work, such as tion flow can be understood as a movement from process- the view of the miner as a strong and brave man, can be 704 Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707 painful. These views can lag behind the new technology, new digitalized industry requires that there are social systems in place qualification demands and (formal) organizational changes. to reeducate displaced workers. But the mining industry will not This conflict, between the view of mining as physical de- stand alone; as the digitalization wave passes through every in- manding and the technology that turns the work almost into dustry, this need will arise in many other places. Cooperation a desk job, can create “restoring forces” [29]. Moreover, the between industries, and between industry and government, is workers’ collective [cf. 30, 31] is built and sustained by iden- likely to be required. However, as the mining industry is strug- tification and on norms of likeness between the workers. New gling to recruit people in the first place, a decreased dependence technology that threatens to disrupt this can be controversial. on labor might be a desirable development. Here, competence In the optimistic visions of Mining 4.0, smart systems, development is crucial. For the unions, it is an insurance that automation, and remote control will take over dangerous as workers can change work tasks rather than being made redun- well as routine work so that operators can focus on learning, dant. For mining companies, it means the current workforce can creating, and valuing work tasks in a safe environment [9]. be employed in new tasks. Thus, a new workforce does not Even if the mining industry will not reach this positive vision, necessarily need to be recruited. there will be new types of mining work and new types of work Another critical perspective is that parts of production control environments. Thus, there will also be new types of work will take place remotely, perhaps from low-wage countries. environmental problems. For example, with remote control, Workers and contractors can be located all over the world, but operators can get the freedom to decide where she or he should can be active in the same physical or virtual workplaces. In work. But freedom might also mean higher demands of avail- combination with new forms of employment, such as crowd ability, perhaps 24 h a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. sourcing [40], this creates what can be described as liquidized This may erase boundaries between work and private life. employment [41].Thiscanleadtoanentirelynewtypeoflabor Furthermore, the increased ability to control and monitor the relations [42]. In this new global industrial context, it becomes individual might create risk for anxiety and job strain [32]. difficult for trade unions to find a basis for negotiations. This can Mining 4.0 also represents an opportunity to empower peo- erode the relationships between companies and trade unions and ple; there are opportunities for wider communication that pro- eventually create an unstable labor market with more strikes and vides information that builds knowledge and understanding conflicts. The German union IG Metall is trying to address the and gives the miners “super powers” [33]. One example is problem by opening itself to self-employed members; in 2015, sensors integrated into work clothes that can be connected to they promoted the launch of the platform “Fair Crowd Work” a preventive safety system for miners in dangerous environ- [43], intended to gather crowd workers from all over the world ments [34]. When introducing such systems, one must be and allow them to exchange their views and rate working con- aware that these systems can be perceived as a threat to per- ditions on on-line labor platforms. sonal integrity and must be handled carefully. The technology This shows that the effect a (revolutionary) technology change could be used to control workers rather than the production in the mining industry or in individual mining companies will not process [35]. In a safety critical situation, knowledge of posi- be limited to the industry or company—it will have significant tioning and well-being may be welcomed, but the information bearing on society as well. A mine can have a significant eco- should not be misused. nomic impact on its surrounding society. If a mine is mostly In view of this pessimistic perspective, robots and technology remote controlled, few benefits may end up in the local commu- could take over not only the dangerous jobs but also all the jobs. nity. If the notion of an A and B team is taken to its edge, with the This is denied by the system’s advocates. They argue that in A team being located in cozy offices far from the mine, the local contrast to previous automation initiatives, the focus within community might be stuck with bearing the costs of injuries and Industry 4.0 is not primarily to replace the human; instead, the ill-health of the B team. Even if this is not the case, small mining human is integrated into Industry 4.0 [36]. But a reduced need for communities may be hard pressed to provide the advanced skills traditional labor can certainly be expected, where low-skilled and competencies required by the future mine. This usually professions are hit hardest [37]. At the same time, new jobs will means using fly-in/fly-out solutions and contractors. Extensive be created, primarily in computer technology, IT, and mathemat- use of contractors introduces a risk of an “us and them” culture ics [38]. With increased complexity, traditional operator work is emerging [44], which can make work environment management also expected to shift to more mental work [36]. In the Swedish more difficult. Additionally, some mining companies that have conception of Industry 4.0, problems of unemployment are relied extensively on contractors have found that they have lost discussed. The argument is that employment in the industry will control over competence; they no longer possess core competen- decrease, but on the other hand, prosperity increases. This leads cies and, in some cases, are entirely dependent on contractors to to increased consumption, which means increased growth in the provide it for them [2]. This can impair technological develop- service sector—this can compensate for the loss of industrial jobs ment and introduce risks to mine production. Moreover, even [39]. This points towards the fact that some issues cannot be future mining activities must secure its social license to operate. solved by the mining industry alone. To manage the shift to In this discussion, companies are expected to construct a strong Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707 705 technical and social infrastructure that ensures the survival of a feeling that Big Brother sees you. As soon as you get a society after the mining has ceased [45]. Extensive FIFO prac- new idea about how something can be done in a better tices decrease opportunities to meet this expectation. way, it should be added directly to the production com- These issues are important to address and keep in mind puter so that it can be standardized. And it is not worth during the technological development towards Mining 4.0. trying to keep the idea for yourself - the system at once Otherwise, there is a risk that the new technology will not notices if you deviate from the expected. receive social acceptance. And if technology is not accepted, But everything is not bad. The work is not as dangerous or indeed if the mine is not accepted, it does not matter how as before, because we do not work at the front nowa- good the technology is; it simply will not be used, or the mine days, and there are no diesel vehicles anymore. will be allowed to be established. Underground everything is automated, but of course we must install the electricity and access points, and 1.4 Utopia or Dystopia? then you notice that the company has reduced the ven- tilation. The blasting gases still remain far into the shift How will these trends and driving forces affect tomorrow’s and you can feel your heading getting heavier as the day mining work? There is, of course, no clear answer to that drags on. What I miss most is my workmates; we have question. There is no inherent technological determinism in our mobile phones and tablets so that we can keep in the development; it will depend on a number of choices that touch with each other, but it is not the same as when we make. But that also means that we can shape the mining working with the boys. industry of the future. To illustrate the range of possible out- comes, we formulate two scenarios below, one utopian and The utopian vision becomes much more pleasant to accept: one dystopic. Let us start with the dystopia: Most of the underground work is automated and no one You have to be grateful that you even have a job, now works near the front anymore. The production control that everything is automated. Most of the jobs have dis- takes place from a bright and pleasant control room appeared, and the entire municipality is depopulated, above ground, or collaborative visualization rooms as without acceptable social service. There is a small colo- they are called nowadays. The routine monitoring work ny with cheap labor that the company flies in, mostly has been automated; with AI you get a better stability in cleaning staff, but we rarely meet them. They are not production - at least until something completely unex- part of the trade union and usually stick to themselves. I pected happens, then our skills are needed. Our profes- am ashamed that company does not take greater respon- sional role has been extended to include the entire value sibility for the community. After all, we are the ones flow, from mountain to customer. Of course, we do not who have built the company's wealth. control the flow, but it is a transparent system where we There are some qualified jobs located in the control cen- can see how our work contributes to the bigger picture. ter above ground, but most of these jobs have moved to If we see an opportunity for improvement, we can town and are carried out remotely via the net. Some switch over to our digital twin to experiment and test work is even done from India – they say it’scheaper theoutcome;thenwehaveaccesstoalargeamountof that way. It's not just an A and B team anymore; we logged production data that we can dig into (“data min- now also have a C team. ing”, they call it). We have a flat organization and I have What remains for us is mostly maintenance work, but it learned a lot at work through this; programming, pro- is no longer qualified work. Most of it is wearing duction planning, I have even been involved in the de- augmented-reality glasses and carrying out tasks accord- velopment of the new mining machines! It is always fun ing to the instructions that we get from central mainte- if you can trim the production; and then not only finan- nance or a machine supplier, far away. Sometimes we cial measures apply, but also so-called green measures, have to put on an exo-skeleton if there is heavy lifting. such as saving water or reducing greenhouse gas emis- There used to be a few women in our group, but they sions. We are quite proud that our company takes a great didn’t stick around for long. They said the exo-skeletons social responsibility, not only for the environment but would make it easier for them, but they could hardly for a prosperous society that can offer a rich social and reach the controls. But then again, we insisted that they cultural environment. be bulky, so that they would look like real mining robot. When something goes wrong in the production, it is Now there’s also these collaborative robots that are sup- indicated in our mobile phones and usually we can solve posed to help us with heavy tasks. But they and every it with a few keystrokes. But sometimes we have to go other system require so many cameras and sensors, so into a VR model and maybe direct a robot to a crusher to the company sees everything we do. You easily get the break apart a boulder. If the error has not occurred 706 Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2019) 36:701–707

before, we sometimes have to go down into the mine to great transparency and in close cooperation with the trade understand what has happened. Then we can bring the unions. While letting go of redundancies might be benefi- entire production control in our mobile tablets so we cial in the short term, this also means letting go of lots of quickly can restart the production flow. When we are knowledge and experience. Retraining the workforce may forced to go down into the mine, we always wear a be a more favorable option. safety vest with sensors so that one can follow where & New competencies will be needed. All employees must be we are and warn if any dangerous environmental factors included in this competence development; leave nobody appears, or if something seems strange to our health. behind. As noted, there is probably a lot of potential in the It is a pleasant atmosphere at our workplaces. For many old workforce. of us who are a little older, it was difficult to learn the & Create a flat organization based on a sociotechnology that new systems, but the company wisely realized the value empowers employees and encourages their creativity. To of our experiences, especially when the new system ensure that the new technology works on everyone’s should be started up. Nowadays, the level of education terms, the surrounding community may also have to be is high among all employees. We have gained many new involved. This might be especially important in securing a valuable impressions because many employees come license to operate. from other cultures, and the even gender balance has & Handle privacy and integrity issues in close cooperation had a positive impact on our well-being. It used to be with the trade unions. This data collection can play impor- that there were only men here, but now we’re almost tant roles in safety and organizational learning, but there 50–50. Last month my daughter even started working are also many pitfalls. Most concerns are legitimate and for the company. She is a computer science major but can be used to form more effective technology. works as much with my colleagues as she does with a & Embed all changes in a context of great social responsi- computer. For a long time, I thought I would be the last bility. The mine is not limited to the mine. Changes in the miner in the family. It feels good to know that there will mine may very well affect larger parts of society, especial- be a new generation, and that young people have ly due to the increased interconnectedness that digitaliza- stopped moving away. It seems the company’sinvest- tion offers. Conscious management of these issues may be ments in the community, and insistence on training and even more important in the future. using locals, really payed off. It is important that the mining industry is active in creating Mining 4.0, but we also know that it will take time and there will be much traditional work environment work needed before this 2 Conclusions becomes reality. We must be vigilant and attentive to all aspect of modern mining—future as well as past. While we have exaggerated some of our descriptions above to drive the point home, we do believe both scenarios are probable. Acknowledgments Open access funding provided by Lulea University of Mining 4.0 can definitely represent a positive development, but Technology. This article is based on experiences from the EU project SIMS - Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems (Grant agreement num- there are many questions that must be cleared. The development ber: 730302). is necessary to keep a competitive mining industry, but it requires reflection and consideration so that more problems are not creat- Compliance with Ethical Standards ed than are solved. In this, there will be some critical junctions. Based on our experiences and the discussion we conducted Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of above, we want to bring forward a number of recommendations interest. that can be considered a beginning of a road map for the human Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative side of Mining 4.0: Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use, & First, there is the economic bottom line. A mine must turn distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro- priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the a profit if it is to survive. It must thus be able to produce at Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. costs that are determined by international competition. 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Paper IV

Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Attractive Work and Ergonomics: Designing Attractive Work Systems.” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21 (4): 442–62.

Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 2020, VOL. 21, NO. 4, 442–462

Attractive work and ergonomics: designing attractive work systems

Joel Lööw Human Work Science, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden

ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Industrial organisations increasingly face problems with recruiting its Received 26 March 2019 workforce. Recent years have seen the most acute labour shortages. To Accepted 14 November overcome this challenge, organisations must provide work that is attrac- 2019 tive to a new and wider workforce. This article thus argues that the task KEYWORDS of designing attractive work systems should be a task of ergonomics. Attractive work; To this end, the article positions the notion of attractive work within ergonomics; sociotechnical systems theory. It then shows how current perspectives sociotechnical systems on attractive work, while important, do not address the complex issues theory; work system of actually designing attractive work systems. In doing so, the article design; mining industry; expands on sociotechnical systems theory and theories on attractive human-centric design work to suggest a conceptualisation that allows for the understanding of the notion of attractive work with reference to different actors and their position in relation to the work system and socio-organisational context. The conceptualisation is then applied to a case from the mining industry to investigate its applicability. The analysis finds that designing attractive work systems necessitates a user-centric approach with a widened scope. Concern must include all users, even those who in fact will not directly use the designs. In short, a sensitivity to the larger soci- ety, the external environment, is needed.

Relevance to human factors/ergonomics theory

This article argues for the inclusion of the notion of attractive work in ergonomics science. It shows how issues relating to the attraction and retention of a workforce are issues of ergonomics. This requires reformulation of concepts such as user-centric design.

Introduction The significance of attractive work

Industrial organisations increasingly face problems securing – i.e. attracting and retaining – labour. One survey (Manpower Group 2018) found that 45% of employers cannot find the skills they need. For large organisations this figure is 67%. Effects of labour shortages in general include an economy that operates less efficiently and resources that are not put to

CONTACT Joel Lööw [email protected] Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 443 their most productive use (Barnow, Trutko, and Piatak 2013). Concretely, labour shortages may, for example, lead to societies that are unable to fulfil future demands for pensions and elderly care (Salmenhaara 2009), industries such as mining that are unable to meet pro- duction targets (Lee 2011), workers having to work more hours than they desire which may result in lower output (Barnow, Trutko, and Piatak 2013). Lately, these issues has received more attention. But current efforts are not enough – 2018 reached a 12-year high, global ‘talent shortage’ (Manpower Group 2018). Strategies employed by companies today feature educational efforts, branding etc. – organisational strategies (see Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005). This focus is too narrow; this article hopes to show that securing labour also requires focusing on work itself, where work must be designed to be attractive with a new generation in mind. The discussion on attractive work should not be reduced to the ability of an organisation to secure labour per se. A workplace that has all the labour it requires is not necessarily attractive. Likewise, an organisation that cannot secure enough labour is not necessarily unattractive. Indeed, plenty of jobs are probably unattractive – at least partly so, or have significant potential for improvement – yet does not have a shortage of staff. Consider for example the many workplaces with poor working condition that people actually work in. But questions of attractiveness tend to become salient when organisations are unable to recruit labour. An organisation that has all the labour it needs might not be very interested in whether it is actually attractive or not. Moreover, an organisation could have all its ‘workforce needs’ fulfilled but then see demands for a larger workforce. A potential inability to then recruit does not have to mean that the organisation is unattractive. There is also a distinction between attractive work and attractive organisations. For instance, an organisation can be attractive even if its work is not (Åteg and Hedlund 2011). This article hopes to show that, in the end, both organisation and work must be attractive; if the organisation attracts, work cannot then repel. The division suggests that attracting and retaining labour are separate problems. Some have instead phrased it as a single problem of attractiveness (e.g. Hedlund 2007): attractive work is both work that people like having (reten- tion) and want to have (attraction). A discussion of work that attracts but does not retain is not productive. All organisations involve work. So attractive organisations must also provide attractive work. (Consider as an example the organisations that continuously replaces its labour instead of making sure it stays. It may not have a labour shortage, but is it attractive?) Thus questions of labour attraction and retention – indeed, of attractive organisations in general – are questions of attractive work. It makes sense then that ergonomics, being the study of work, should concern itself with developing attractive work. In fact, in line with the dual goal of ergonomics of improving system performance as well as well-being (International Ergonomics Association 2017), one could say that designing attractive work strives for system performance through well-being. If a work system does not provide good enough work, this will inhibit its performance through a lack of resources (cf. Carayon and Smith 2000). As work is a human activity, a work system cannot reach its goals without human involvement. In short, attractiveness ensures work-system performance. Research on attractive work includes applicant attraction, retention, commitment and engagement. It extends over fields such as organisational and vocational behaviour, human resource management and organisational psychology (Åteg and Hedlund 2011). But ergo- nomics research investigating the issue is rarer. And often the question is treated implicitly when it does receive attention (but see e.g. Turisova and Sinay 2016). 444 J. LÖÖW

Accordingly, this article makes the case for the recognition of work (system) attractive- ness as a subject of ergonomics. In this it makes the case for designing these systems to be attractive, as opposed to working though organisational measures after the fact. The purpose is to outline a thinking of work system design that recognises attractiveness as an important (emergent) property of the system. The article positions the question within sociotechnical systems theory (cf. Carayon et al. 2015); see next subsection. As such, focus is on the design challenges and constraints that the notion of attractiveness introduces. Thus, unlike much previous research, what features actually make work systems attractive are not central. Instead, what must go into facilitating attractive work systems takes centre stage. To clarify, a focus on (individual) factors or components is not sufficiently helpful in the actual design of attractive work systems. Previous research has identified factors that con- tribute to making work attractive (e.g. Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004). These feature in attractive work systems. But their unique significance in each system and for each individual is so dependent on each system and individual that knowing of them and trying to accom- modate them is not enough. Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén (2004), for example, recognised the individual dependability of each factors, but the present study seeks to analyse what this means for the design of attractive workplaces. Or, in other words, previous research has demonstrated that the creation of attractive work systems is possible – indeed, what factors can feature in these systems. How this is accomplished is not as clear, nor is how to find a balance in cases where all important factors cannot be fulfilled or are conflictive. Åteg and Hedlund (2011, 22) argued that other theories on attraction and retention does provide this perspective but primarily in the sense of mechanisms or logics of how or why attraction is created: ‘they explain by which processes the individual becomes attracted’. This is not the same as explaining how work systems that are attractive can be designed – a clear task for the discipline of ergonomics, and the concern of this article.

Attractive work and sociotechnical theory

Sociotechnical systems theory is used to frame this article and to position the notion of attractive work within ergonomics. More precisely it uses the model of sociotechnical sys- tems developed by Carayon et al. (2015). A full account of sociotechnical theory lies beyond the scope of this article (the curious reader is directed to e.g. Mumford 2006 or Carayon et al. 2015); instead this section summarises the most salient features. As the name suggests, sociotechnical theory distinguishes between two subsystems: the technical and the social. The technical subsystem includes technology, machines, tools, equipment and work organisation; while the social systems include individuals and teams, their needs and requirements (Mumford 2006). Sociotechnical theory seeks (to understand) the joint optimisation between the two systems (cf. the dual goals of ergonomics). This is understood to involve the interaction among components, systems and external environ- ment (Carayon et al. 2015). None of this is static. For instance, workers adapt to the sociotechnical system which in turn adapts the system itself. Carayon et al. (2015) referred to this as symbiotic interaction. That is, unlike traditional systems theory, sociotechnical theory does not assume that system components are deconstructable to discrete units and events, such that they are individually analysable; relationships are indirect, and their form is not given a priori but from the actual interactions within the system and between other systems. ‘Emergent properties’, Carayon Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 445 et al. (2015, 550) argued, is the system theoretical label for this phenomena, which ‘arise only when components interact and are not exhibited within the behaviour of individual com- ponents’. While the focus of these authors was safety, the present study suggests that attrac- tiveness is also an emergent feature of sociotechnical systems. The inclusion of individual components in a work system (work rotation, good pay, flexible hours etc.), while separately attractive (Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004), does not directly result in an attractive work system. Only when workers, themselves components in the system, interact with other system components does the nature of the ‘attractiveness property’ emerge. In other words, what is designed to happen needs distinguishing from what actually happens (Carayon et al. 2015). Work systems in this sense are ‘created’ in the interaction between social and technical sys- tems. In creating system components, a designer can actively influence the technical subsystems (i.e. the work system is never fully ‘designed’ by a designer). In safety and the management of risk, concern has been with the design of systems to ensure safety. This focus has resulted in hierarchical models such as Rasmussen (1997) and Leveson (2011). For the purposes of the present article these models are too complex; the further analyses below show that strictly placing workplace attractiveness in one of the levels outlined by these models is hard. Furthermore, the analysis here is less inclined towards the structures regulating and controlling work attractiveness, which interests the safety models. As Carayon et al. (2015, 558) argued, ‘We need to complement this approach with a deeper understanding of work at “the sharp end” and its relationship to the rest of the organisation and the external environment’. To this end they proposed a concentric model consisting of the worker at the centre, then the work system, socio-organisational context, and external environment. Importantly, this model is not hierarchical but rather acknowledges that outer layers influence attractiveness through proximate and distal layers (Carayon et al. 2015). The work system is the local context in which work activities are performed, while the socio-organisational system refers to the social and organisational culture and structure within the organisation (Carayon et al. 2015). The external layer represents the social, legal and political environment. In particular, the fact that this layer includes demographic con- text is important. Carayon et al. (2015) noted that this broader occupational demographic influences organisations, their culture and so on. This demographic is essentially the con- cern of work attractiveness – it is the ‘target’ of attractiveness. Where for safety, understand- ing is important due to demographic influence on performance and safety, work attractiveness has the additional task of attracting part of this demographic; their viewpoints, wishes, desires, etc. must be taken into consideration in design to make the work system suitable for them. So while a safety-view on this model is concerned with e.g. legislature, regulatory and union influence on safety, work attractiveness faces a bigger challenge. The present article makes use of this model to relate important concepts. Figure 1 presents the model, where it has been modified to include potential positions of actors/individuals; these different positions stand to have important bearing on attractive work system design.

Attractive work systems Some current thought on attractive work

The terminology used in the discussion on work that is attractive differs between researchers and includes ‘attractive work’ (e.g. Biswas et al. 2017; Åteg and Hedlund 2011) and ‘attractive workplaces’ (e.g. Lööw et al. 2018). (This section makes no claim to be exhaustive on thought 446 J. LÖÖW

Figure 1. a modified model of sociotechnical systems. Possible locations of actors/individuals denoted with A–C. (Based on Carayon et al. 2015). on attractive work and suchlike – see e.g. Åteg and Hedlund 2011 or Ehrhart and Ziegert (2005) for this. Rather focus is on some important features of current thought to give a sense of how it needs to be developed further.) For clarity’s sake, here attractive work takes place at workplaces that are attractive – thus attractive workplaces are workplaces in which people want to work. In positioning the article in the fields of ergonomics as well as avoiding questions of what classifies as work and what classifies as workplaces, it uses the term ‘work system’ (e.g. Carayon and Smith 2000) which includes both the workplace and the tasks undertaken in that system. What is meant by an attractive work system, then, is a system in which people want to work and keep working. This makes individual and subjective views on attractiveness central – a work system as either attractive or unattractive ultimately depends on the perspective of individuals. Hedlund (2007) proposed that work attractiveness has an internal and external perspective. In the external perspective an individual judges the work from the ‘outside’, for instance someone seeking employment or deciding upon a job. In the sociotechnical systems model this corresponds to an individual in the external environment (position C in Figure 1). In the internal perspective an individual judges the work from the ‘inside’, for example someone already employed at the workplace in question. This refers to someone in the work system in the sociotechnical systems model (position A in Figure 1). In this sense a work system can be both attractive and unattractive simultaneously, when attractive internally but not externally for instance. Crucially, individuals, being either inside the work system or in its external environment, ‘classify’ the system. In this view, defining attractiveness as the ability to recruit labour is unsuitable (an organisation that is unable to recruit is not necessarily unattractive). For Hedlund (2007) only when work is attractive in both an internal and external perspective can work classify as attractive. The other combinations of the two dimensions result in three additional classifications: unattractive, idealised, hidden and attractive (see Table 1). With this Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 447

Table 1. internal and external attractiveness as conceptualised by Hedlund (2007). External Internal Unattractive Attractive Unattractive Unattractive Hidden Attractive Idealised Attractive reasoning, attractiveness as an emergent property arises not only from interaction within the work system but also from its interaction with the external environment. This model classifies jobs and industries. Unattractive jobs no one wants. An individual would take an unattractive job out of necessity. This could be due to a lack of available jobs, a dire personal economic situation and so on. Work, or industries, can also be unattractive because of norms (activities that damage the environment are unattractive, for instance). Hidden jobs are essentially ‘good’ jobs but that people do not know about or do not consider attractive, i.e. only those already in the work system consider them attractive. This can be a problem of people not knowing about the job – the job might be in a small sector or remote location and thus does not get coverage in the media. Hidden jobs can also exist in sectors that are generally characterised as having unattractive jobs, even if the particular case is different. Idealised jobs are those that are seen as good but in reality are not, i.e. the external envi- ronment views them as positive but they are negative if viewed from within the work system. This can be because norms make people view them as suitable, or the image of the job is different from reality. Attractive jobs are the ideal. They are jobs that people want to have and like having. Classification within this model gives a notion of the direction required of change, i.e. workplace interventions and their intended effects (e.g. should it affect internal or external attractiveness – or both). Being able to position a job or workplace in these terms, thereby forming an understanding for what course of action the situation requires, is useful. But in this situation shortcomings in current understanding of attractive workplaces and their design also become more obvious.

Problems with current thought on attractive work

To exemplify some of the problems of current thought on attractive work, consider the conceptualisation of attractiveness presented above. (To clarify, these are mainly problems from an ergonomics design point of view. Moreover, these accounts – here and above – are focused on thought that can be used in the design of attractive work.) It can help in classi- fication and in decisions on future action. For instance, having classified a job as idealised the course of action should be reasonably clear: increase internal attractiveness (change the work system). But in what way? Moreover, what is internal attractiveness and how does it differ from external attractive (is there any difference at all)? That is, while there is a dis- tinction between external environment and work system, are demands from these positions different? With hidden jobs, is the problem one of better communicating the attractive aspects of the job to improve external attractiveness? Or is it that those who consider the job as attractive are already employed – which is not enough for system performance – and the job therefore qualifies as hidden? In the latter case, communicating positive aspects is not the solution – the work system needs redesign. 448 J. LÖÖW

Research such as Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén (2004) and Hedlund, Andersson, and Rosén (2010) breaks attractiveness into diverse factors. Given the sheer amount of factors that potentially affect attractiveness, it appears as a daunting task to try to summarise the status of these into a single classification of either unattractive or attractive. A job has both positive and negative features that on the one hand appeal to individuals differently, and on the other hand do not ‘cancel each other out’ or can be thought of in terms of cost–benefit (e.g. ‘I don’t like my working environment but the pay is good, so I consider the work attractive’). At least the point here is that, because the notion is of attractiveness as an emergent property, the result of the interaction between these component cannot be predicted before the fact. Question of boundaries also arise. At what point does work go from being attractive to unattractive, from idealised to attractive and so on? At an individual level this might be trivial: a person simply ‘makes’ this judgement. But different people have the same job. If half the employees of a job considers the job attractive and the other half considers it unat- tractive, what is the final classification? Here the diversity of the social system introduces the need for considerable adaptability or variability on the technical system. To add to the complexity, taking a wider array of social demands into consideration may in fact be the solution to problem of attractiveness. The problem grows in complexity still when going from binary to scalar classification, as well as when recognising that a job consists of different and sometimes conflicting factors. Given, for instance, three factors of varying contribution to attractiveness, is it possible for two less important factors to compensate for shortcomings in the more important factor? How do their combination affect the final attractiveness classification? The consideration of the external perspective and environment in general increases complexity. Which scope does the external perspective/environment include? Local, national, international? Any population or a certain population? Most work is probably externally unattractive when considering a very wide perspective (e.g. a national population) – most people do not want the same job or want to work for the same company. Finally, current thought does not clearly indicate the location of different ‘actors’. For instance, current models tends assume that a person is looking for a job or is employed in a job. This is important for classifying jobs but overlooks two important aspects. First, how often do companies, for instance, have access to this kind of information? Second, because employees that an organisation tries to retain or attract are not the ones who are able to change the character of work, the notion of attractive work should therefore be expanded to include those that actually create or otherwise develop work.

On expanding the concept of attractive work

This article suggests a conceptualisation of attractiveness with reference to three constructs: the preference of the individual, the individual’s view of the work system, and the work system’s actual properties (properties as in both emergent and of components). The preference of the individual refers to what an individual considers attractive work. Which is not necessarily specific to a certain job but can be general. It does not matter if this individual is in the work system or the external environment, an applicant or employee, and so on. Ehrhart and Ziegert (2005) referred to this as person characteristics and accounted for theories that predict attraction depending on the fit between person and environment characteristics. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 449

The location of the individual becomes important when considering their view. The individual’s view of the work system represents what an individual thinks of a particular work system. (In their review Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005, referred to this as the ‘perceived environment’.) It differs from the actual properties of the work system (called ‘actual environment’ by Ehrhart and Ziegert 2005), which is independent from the individual. Here an individual is external when they judge the attractiveness of a work system indi- rectly, from the external environment (position C in Figure 1) for instance. In which case the image of the work system stands in for its actual properties. This image is ‘con- structed’ by the company through its communication, employees of the work system talking with others about the system, and so on. If the individual is internal, i.e. in the work system (position A in Figure 1), it has direct access to the properties of the work system – the view and the properties are the same in this case. The theories accounted for by Ehrhart and Ziegert (2005) concern how individuals process information about actual characteristics, how these result in perceived characteristics affecting attractive- ness. The addition of the present article is the suggestion that there is a point where these characteristics coalesce. The external environment is not passive but can influence the work system and its prop- erties. For instance, laws can mandate that certain aspects have a specific design. The exter- nal environment also affects the preferences of the individual, e.g. through norms. In turn individuals are part of the external environment and thus affects it. This can be compared to how individuals adapt the technical system and thus the work system as a whole; indi- viduals form and are formed by the external environment, and the work system forms and is formed by the external environment. For instance, properties of the work system has effects on the surrounding environment. If it involves unhealthy tasks, people will get sick. This can cause the external environment to impose new laws. The work system is rarely directly affected in this way. Instead, ‘actors’ are affected, who in turn influence the work system. The actors are in turn individuals and have their own preferences and views.

Actors and their role

The interest of this article is how to design work systems that are attractive. The aim of organisations striving for this should be to understand, and then change in accordance to, how properties of the work system relate to and align with individuals’ preferences as well their views of that work system. Thus, organisations can primarily change attractiveness by changing the actual properties of work or how they communicate those properties. The required change depends on where the ‘mismatch’ occurs, e.g. if actual properties do not match the view of those properties or if they do not match individual preferences. This puts into focus the socio-organisational context; organisations enact change from this context (position B in Figure 1). Either they enact it outwards, towards the external environment. This can include changing the image of the organisations and its workplaces (e.g. branding) as well as educating and informing (changing perceptions). Or they enact change inwards, towards the work system, in which case its properties is the target. Change in this case can also originate from the external environment, such as when procuring new technology. This way actors in the external environment become important even when considering inwards change. 450 J. LÖÖW

In all this, actors have their own views and preferences as they too are individuals. But these views and preferences are different from those of e.g. applicants and workers. The role of actors is to account for preferences in relation to properties and views. This depends on the current situation of the organisation as well as the preferences and views of the ‘intended’ workforce. The problem is that an actor has limited access to individual prefer- ences and views the same way an external individual has limited access to the properties of the work system. Designing attractive work systems requires recognition of this fact. It also possible for actors to aim to change preferences of the individual (both internal and external), e.g. information campaigns and education can change individual preferences. Other strategies include lobbying. For individual companies these may appear as unsuitable strategies – or even insidious if certain factors are changed against the individual’s best interest. Still, the next section looks at cases where changing preferences could be justified.

Objective and subjective attractiveness

The conceptualisation so far implies that individual preferences represent something pos- itive. The assumption has been that important factors are also positive, e.g. for the employee’s health or motivation. This is not always the case. This section discusses factors that can be understood as subjectively and objectively good or bad. Referencing alienation as concep- tualised Blauner (1964, 15) introduces the notion:

… a general syndrome made up of a number of different objective conditions and subjective feeling-states which emerge from certain relationships between workers and the sociotechni- cal settings of employment.

Blauner’s findings on textile and automobile workers illustrate the difference between objec- tive and subjective alienation. Both were objectively alienated, but only the automobile workers experienced subjective alienation. To Blauner this was because norms and values of the societies where the textile mills (i.e. the workplaces of the textile workers) were located prevented sub- jective alienation; the external environment interacted with the work system and individual so that the work system in some sense emerged to have positive attractiveness, even though its individual components may have been negative in an ‘objective’ perspective. Mayo (1945) demonstrated a similar effect. Every change to working conditions, ‘objectively’ good or bad, increased productivity and motivation. That is, the individual’s preference of a factor as attrac- tive or unattractive does not necessarily say anything about that practice being ‘good’ or ‘bad’. This distinction is required to avoid adapting practices that individuals want but, for instance, can be negative to employees’ health (cf. Turisova and Sinay 2016). It builds in part on normative ambitions, that attractive work should be healthy, safe etc. (see Johansson, Johansson, and Abrahamsson 2010; Johansson and Abrahamsson 2009). For instance, extended work hours is a practice that has negative health effects (Dembe et al. 2005; Harrington 2001) but that workers at times prefer due to the additional days off that follow from the practice. The distinction is also required so that organisations can provide work- places that are attractive in a long-term perspective. As an example, Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén (2004) found that people consider autonomy an attractive job characteristic. At the same time, jobs with high demands and where the employee has limited control (i.e. where autonomy is low) result in poor health (Karasek and Theorell 1990). Similarly, good air quality is attractive (Åteg, Hedlund, and Pontén 2004). Failure to provide good air quality Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 451 leads to work-related health problems. These negative effects can affect the view on the work as attractive, as society considers ill-health negative. Another aspect of this issue, in trying to enact change, is resistance. For instance, when organisations implement equality measures they often encounter resistance (e.g. Abrahamsson 2002; Acker 2006). Those resisting these changes then view them as negative – but this alone cannot be the basis for classifying the changes as unattractive. In other words, attractive work cannot only be work that people want to have; it must also be work that is good (or at least not bad) for employees. To this end it can be argued that there are some workplace features that organisations should provide, even if they are not requested. But this is far from simple. Positing that attractive work should be safe does not mean that safe work is attractive – work can arguably be made safe by strict routines, limiting decision latitude and so on (features that do not constitute attractive practices). Furthermore, the relative importance of each factor could relate to an ‘objective–sub- jective’ distinction. For instance, if there are factors that result in a ‘creep’ towards lower attractiveness, then as long as these factors are present, the workplace will continuously ‘decay’ towards lower levels of attractiveness (such as if a workplace results in sick-leave due to stress). These factors must have priority if the long-term goal is attractive work systems (as opposed to only seeking temporary fixes). Consider the connection to moti- vators and hygiene factors of Herzberg (e.g. 1968; work attractiveness closely relates to work motivation; Biswas et al. 2017; Åteg and Hedlund 2011). Factors that dissatisfy are different from those that satisfy. This article suggests that attractiveness functions in the same way, and that the non-fulfillment of certain factors will hinder the fulfilment of others. Coming back then to strategies for organisations. The notion that factors can be good and bad – and objectively and subjectively so – complicates the situation further. With (objectively) positive factors the situation may potentially be trivial. Elsewhere, a strategy is not obvious. The problem is perhaps not most pressing with job seekers but rather with other ‘externals’, such as designers and developers. That is, if an engineer tasked with design- ing an attractive work system has a view on what is attractive that is actually negative, this can have significant consequences. And a further question becomes, how to judge the negative–positive property? In seeking an answer to these questions, and in attempting to exemplify the workings discussed above, the article will turn to some empirical examples. To reiterate, then, the model distinguishes between three concepts:

1. The location of actors (those who actively influence designs) and individuals (which includes actors). They can be located in the external environment, socio-organisa- tional context, or the work system. 2. The views and preferences of individuals (including those of actors). How these are formulated will depend on the location of the individual. 3. The work system’s actual properties.

Case study: exploring attractive work in the mining industry

This section explores the applicability of the conceptualisation of attractive work systems by furthering an understanding of their facilitation. To do this, the section uses two case studies of new technology in the mining industry. 452 J. LÖÖW

On the empirical material and its context

The empirical material comes from investigations undertaken within the frames of a European Union-funded research and development project for new mining technology. Part of the purpose of the project is to develop technology that contributes to making mining more socially sustainable and attractive. It seeks to use technology to tackle issues of social sustainability and attractiveness. The problem of lacking attractiveness is already significant in the mining industry (Oldroy 2015; Hebblewhite 2008; Lee 2011). Changes to mining work demands a workforce that is more qualified and with skills and competences such as abstract knowledge and symbol interpretation (Abrahamsson and Johansson 2006; Abrahamsson, Johansson, and Johansson 2009). This exacerbates already existing problems of lacking attractiveness, as people with these skills may be less inclined to work for the industry. The mining industry is technocentric and looks toward technology to solve these prob- lems. Hartman and Mutmansky (2002) saw advances in technology as an opportunity to improve the health and safety, and thus the public image, of the industry. Albanese and McGagh (2011) argued that automation would solve the industry-wide problem of main- taining a qualified workforce at remote locations; younger people do not want to leave the cities, in which case remote-control technology is suitable, or technology itself might attract them. PwC (2012) suggested mining companies should take advantage of new technologies to create more attractive working conditions. And Lever (2011) argued that the lack of operators is a major driver for automation in general. But increased technological sophistication in turn further increases the demands on the workforce. At the same time, mining companies are adaptors rather than innovators of technology (Bartos 2007). Thus they must rely on equipment providers for new technology (Hood 2004). Because mining companies still make active decisions on which technology to get, an analysis of the industry also allows for an analysis of the different positions of the different actors suggested by the present conceptualisation. Here Horberry (2014) suggested that mining equipment, more than that of other industries, evolves in increments through- out the design process. Or rather that the context that the technology is design for evolves during this process, so that it is not clear which context the equipment needs to be adapted for (cf. Goodman and Garber 1988). Being an extreme case in this sense, it allows for clearer illumination of the theoretical concepts (Yin 2014). And insights, thus, may be applicable beyond this specific context. The empirical material comes from field studies and observations at mining companies, technology developers and equipment providers. It includes interviews with managers (e.g. work environment managers) and engineers in these organisations, and also operators at mining companies. The details of these activities have been reported elsewhere (see Joel et al. 2017). The intention here is not to reach general conclusions by making claims of empirical generalisation. Rather, the intent is to make analytical and theoretical points – analytical generalisations (cf. Yin 2014) regarding attractive work systems and their design. Thus, the presentation of the empirical material sacrifices descriptive depth to instead focus on illus- trating phenomena. The presented material is not a representative sample, but aims to provide conceptual insight – insights that allow for inference to, in this case, the design of attractive work systems in general (Siggelkow 2007). That is, the section presents the Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 453 material so that theoretical points can be made. Context and details is therefore presented only to the extent that it is required to provide conceptual insight. Siggelkow (2007) refers to this use of case studies as illustrative (for conceptual contributions). He argues that pure conceptual arguments have two shortcomings. First, constructs (the ‘individual’s view’ and so on, in this case) are hard to understand without empirical representation. So, ‘By seeing a concrete example of every construct employed in a conceptual argument, the reader has a much easier time imagining how the conceptual argument might actually be applied to one or more empirical settings’ (Siggelkow 2007, 22). Second, in purely conceptual argu- ments underlying mechanisms tend to be speculative; the argument is lent strength if a case can illustrate the operation of concepts. This also means that the appropriateness of the data cannot be judged beforehand, only after the analysis, for instance by way of seeing the extent to which the phenomena was explained (cf. Åsberg, Hummerdal, and Dekker 2011). In the following two subsections, then, two technologies (battery-powered loaders and semi-autonomous chargers of explosives) from the project mentioned above is investigated in more detail. In particular, their development receives attention (decisions and reasoning that have formed their design); the issue of designing attractive work systems is one of process rather than striving for a particular design. First an introduction to the technologies are given, then a more in-depth analysis follows.

Battery-powered loaders

The mining industry increasingly wants to replace diesel-powered mining machines with electric-powered mining machine in general and battery-powered vehicles in particular (Jensen 2016; Moore 2017; Morton 2017; Paraszczak et al. 2014; Rolfe 2017; Schatz, Nieto, and Lvov 2017; Schatz et al. 2015). Within the industry, arguments for battery-powered mining machines describe them as making underground mining more sustainable (Paraszczak et al. 2014), safer (Jensen 2016; Rolfe 2017; Schatz et al. 2015), healthier (Morton 2017) and more attractive (e.g. by making mining ‘greener’; Jensen 2016). In other words, battery-powered mining vehicles are seen both directly and indirectly as technology that can increase work system attractiveness. There are three main motivators for using battery-powered mining vehicles. First, com- pared to diesel-powered variants, battery-powered vehicles have lower emissions of harmful particles, heat and sound. Second, reducing heat and the presence of harmful gases needs less ventilation, as battery-powered vehicles have zero emissions. A significant cost for mines comes from ventilation. They can thus save money by reducing ventilation. Third, reduced sound, heat and exposure to harmful particles means a better working environment for the operator. Some also argue that battery-powered machines in their capacity of being battery-powered vehicles are attractive because such vehicles are becoming more popular in society in general. These motives are present in the current use of the investigated battery-powered mining vehicles. The mining vehicle developer in this study argued that battery-powered vehicle usage is either due to mines being so deep that heat, generated by diesel-powered vehicles and the bedrock, is too much for the ventilation system to handle. Mines then have to use battery-powered vehicles to be able to provide a decent work environment for their oper- ators. Usage is also due to mines being located at such heights that diesel engines cannot operate optimally (oxygen content in the air is too low). In other words, technical challenges 454 J. LÖÖW drive current usage. But the technology developer in this study also pointed to economic incentives: increasing diesel costs will make battery-power a more economic alternative. Arguments for an improved work environment had the character of positive side-effects; use of battery-powered vehicles were in this study never primarily motivated by improve- ments to the work environment. Battery-powered loaders sold by the technology developer so far have been windowless. The reasoning seems to be that isolated cabins (cabins with windows that are ‘sealed’ against the external environment) exist to protect the operator from noise and harmful particles; as diesel-engines generate most of the noise and harmful particles, when battery-power replaces diesel-engines, the cabin serves no purpose in protecting the operator from this exposure. The technology developer also reported that, with no windows, operators can more easily communicate with each other. Other technology developers have acted similarly. Some deliver battery-powered loaders with no cabin at all; they argue for the improved visibility that this brings the operators (Artisan Vehicle Systems 2017a, 2017b, 2017c). This reasoning can be problematic. To mention just one aspect, while a battery-powered loader produces a sound level of 80 dB measured from outside its cabin (for comparison, a die- sel-powered loader produces a sound level of 125 dB measured from outside its cabin, and 80 dB measured from inside its cabin) this level is still too high (Reeves et al. 2009; McBride 2004). For the operators’ perspective, some of those in this study operated diesel-powered loaders with isolated cabins. They did not consider air quality, noise or heat as pressing problems (even if air quality outside the cabins was noted as not being very good). Instead, physical ergonomics was the primary concern. When operating a loader, the operator is hurled around in the cabin due to bad surface conditions, poor suspension and limited sigh. Vibrations and poor sight leads to head turns that cause bodily strain. Some loaders had rotational chairs to decrease the need for head turns, and operators could only operate a loader for a limited time. Both measures were intended for decreasing bodily strain. Even so, the operators reported that ergonomic problems persisted. The operators of the study did not necessarily see battery-powered machines as a more attractive alternative. For new mining machines they wanted improved cabin ergonomics; if a battery-powered loader would lead to improved cabin ergonomics, they would appear more attractive. Jäderblom (2017) conducted a small focus group with students regarding their views on switching from diesel to battery-power. Their views were positive – switching to battery-power would make this type of job more attractive. Reasons for this included the direct positive health effects for operators. But there were also concerns regarding the risk of fires and explosions. The participants drew parallels to documented accidents with electric cars and phone-battery failures that resulted in fires. They considered lithium batteries to be dangerous – everyone held that all lithium batteries would increase the risk of fire. According to the technology developer, on the other hand, the batteries do not increase the risk of fires or explosions.

Semi-autonomous chargers

The second technology is semi-autonomous chargers for explosives. Researchers and commentators (e.g. Albanese and McGagh 2011; Hartman and Mutmansky 2002; Lever 2011; PwC 2012) have argued for further automation to increase the attractiveness of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 455 the mining industry. Mining companies recognise reduced accidents as a way to increase workplace attractiveness (see Ranängen and Lindman 2017). Mining companies in turn pursue increased automation with the motivation that it increases safety. (There is a general discourse in the mining industry of improving safety by moving operators away from the dangerous operating areas. This is always accomplished, at least in part, with automation.) In this sense, mining companies use automation to increase workplace attractiveness, with some commenters (e.g. Albanese and McGagh 2011) suggesting that automation technologies themselves might be attractive to a younger generation of workers. Thus for attractiveness, three arguments motivate automating work: it decreases stren- uous tasks, improves safety by decreasing dangerous tasks or moving the operator to a safer environment, and the automated technology is itself an attractive factor. The first and second motivations were explicitly expressed for the semi-autonomous charger in this study. The automated solution in question uses an industrial robot together with a vision system to scan the mine face and automatically insert a hose which charges drill holes with explo- sives. A vehicle transports and positions the system. The operator will handle an initiation procedure and then monitor the process. Initially, the operator would have to do this from close-by the machine (e.g. in a cabin mounted on the machine). In a longer-term perspective, the intention is for the operator to conduct these operations from a control room. According to the developer of the automated solution, 40% of all accidents involving rock fall occur when charging. To the extent that an automated solution moves the operator away from areas that are prone to rock fall, the risk will decrease. This potentially increases attractiveness. The work of the charging operators in this study was largely manual. It involved charging a mine face by filling drill holes with explosives. They reported that this, due to heavy and repetitive tasks, causes fatigue as well as pain in the back, shoulders and neck. To prevent this the mines had limited the number of faces that an operator can charge during a shift. Still the problems persisted. Lessening the physical burden could thus increase attractiveness. But while strenuous, the work of a charging operator involves physical activity – they walk and move plenty during a shift. This ability (i.e. the manual tasks) disappear when automating. The operators of the study held that the ability to move around during a shift was a positive aspect of their work – the removal of these positive aspects of the manual labour would be negative. Moreover, the charger operators worked in teams of two in some cases. An automated solution would only require one operator, which the operators viewed as negative. At the same time, charging operators are not as exposed to noise and poor air as much as others, in different mine operations (current charging machines tend to run on electricity when charging drill holes). But to the extent that the mining environment in general is noisy and of a lower air quality etc., charging operators are exposed, especially as they do not work from cabins.

Illustrating the extended conceptualisation

The analysis will start by clarifying the ‘status’ of the different constructs of the model: the location of individuals and actors, their views and preferences, and the properties of the work system. The individual’s preference is variable and depends on the specific individual. 456 J. LÖÖW

Still, certain ‘configurations’ of preferences should be more common than others among operators in the mining industry. At least certain factors should feature more prominently. That is, if the work systems of the mining industry exhibits certain properties, then these must match certain preferences of the individuals who work there. For the individual’s view, among those located in the work system – the operators – there must be correspondence between preferences and properties of the work system (views and properties are more or less the same in the internal perspective), even if not all factors correspond. The situation is different for individuals in the external environment. Here the conceptual- isation distinguishes between ‘individuals’ and ‘actors’; they have, for example, different stakes in the issue. Individuals have a stake in the work system constituting a future place of work. Actors’ interest in the work system is as part of their job (or perhaps a general interest). To the extent that ‘operator’ (‘loader’, ‘charger’ etc.) is a job that is unattractive because recruiting for these positions is difficult, there is a mismatch between individual preferences and views of the job. This is the external view. Note that preferences might actually corre- spond to actual properties, but that the view is different. Next, then, the analysis takes an interest in these differences in constructs and variation between individuals (including actors). Looking at the battery-powered loaders, two ‘attractiveness factors’ – or underlying mechanics of changed attractiveness – are salient. As an example of the first factor, consider the change to technology that is more environmentally friendly. Here the preferences of individuals is, (mining) work should not pollute. By changing from diesel to battery-pow- ered vehicles – i.e. changing actual properties – the hope is that the view of the industry will change as well (see Jensen 2016). The implicit ‘ordering’ of factors in this reasoning can be problematic. Considering the immense impact a mine can have on the environment, the use of more environmental friendly transports might be a moot point. That is, there might be other changes that have to be enacted before the use of battery-powered vehicles becomes a tipping point for considering mining work attractive or not. Second, battery-powered loaders improve the work environment due to decreased emis- sion of harmful particles, sound and heat. The aim here is to change the actual properties of the work system: internally to consider internal individuals and externally to change the view of the job. But the issue is the extent to which these changes correspond to actual preferences of individuals. Two problems arise here. One, technology (or its implementa- tion) does not produce unequivocally positive changes. And two, the question, ‘who is to find the work system more attractive?’ On the first problem, removing the cabin can have positive effects such as easier com- munication, better sight, even making the vehicle cheaper to produce. But there are also negative effects. The question is if the positives outweigh the negatives, if the prioritisation is correct. But with the loader operators, other issues may weigh heavier, such as cabin ergonomics. And technological development is asymmetrical in mining (e.g. Abrahamsson and Johansson 2006). A diesel-powered vehicles might operate next to battery-powered variants. While battery-powered vehicles do not contribute to harmful exposure, other machines might. This then is an issue of preferences and views of the developers (i.e. actors); one explanation is that the technology developer considers the purpose of an isolated cabin to be to protect the operator from noise and harmful particles. Thus the cabin is no longer needed if one of the main sources of these hazards is removed. Alternatively, the technology developer might recognise that the decreased exposure in itself is not enough to motivate Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 457 removing the isolated cabin. But with decreased exposure, the advantages (easier commu- nication, better sight) might be seen as outweighing the negatives. Some developers of battery-powered machines note the improved sight due to having no cabin (e.g. Artisan Vehicle Systems 2017b). And impaired sight is a problem in mining (Simpson, Horberry, and Joy 2009). (There are some accounts of operators considering windows problematic because they quickly get dirty. Having no windows solves this problem. But if the environ- ment is so dusty that windows impair sight, is it healthy to be exposed to that environment?) This issue also surfaces with semi-autonomous chargers – i.e. preferences and views of different groups that differ without there being awareness of this. The technology developer might see strenuous labour and assume then that all aspects of this work is negative. But while some factors – those that relate to strenuous aspect of work, for instance – certainly are negative, this does not mean that the work system as a whole is unattractive. Alternatively, the technology developer might recognise this but make the judgement that the improve- ments that the new technology implies make it worth removing other positive aspects of the work. Again, this is a question of making a different rankings of factors. Differing views also feature in the external environment. The workshop with students (Jäderblom 2017) suggests that the views of the work system might be as important as the actual properties of the work system. In this case, the views of individuals in the external environment are different from actual properties of the work system. This is expected to a certain extent. But it also illustrates that actual properties of the work system do not matter if they are not ‘communicated’. As long as the perception is that batteries increase the risk of fire, and this has an effect on the way individuals act, it does not matter if batteries increase such risks or not. Likely, this is the case in other situations as well – and is especially prob- lematic when external views are of negative properties as positive. A lot of this relates to communication and information/understanding of preferences, views and properties. Designers, for instance, need to be aware of individuals preferences and views; even if properties and preferences match, views might not. This can have important bearing on the design procedure. As a final example of this, diesel-powered mining machines have competed by improving working conditions through cleaner engines, cleaner fuel and air-con- ditioned cabins – all preferred by the operator (Morton 2017). Battery-powered loaders compete in output, capacity, energy savings and so on. This risks taking focus away from issues contrib- uting to attractive workplaces (e.g. operator ergonomics). It can lead to battery-powered loaders sold windowless and without proper cabins. This outcome seems particularly probable if bat- tery-powered machines are seen as cleaner and safer solely on the basis of being battery-pow- ered. Here, several different views and preferences coalesce; the role of the designer is to ensure that from the resulting amalgamation attractive properties can arise.


This article has argued that the field of ergonomics should include the topic of workplace attractiveness. The implication of the analysis so far is that designing attractive work systems necessitates a user-centric approach with a widened scope. User-centric design recognises that design must include all users, including those implicated in maintenance and decom- missioning. Designing attractive work must go one step further, to concerns those who are not users, specifically because they may have fallen outside the scope of a user-centric 458 J. LÖÖW approach. So, resultant designs must speak to and be suitable for those who currently would not consider themselves potential users. It also means sensitivity to the larger society, the external environment, in general; the image of an industry or workplace can create norms that dissuade people who in fact may find that work attractive. Seeking guidance in creating attractive work must expand beyond current employees. Focusing only on current employees almost by definition overlooks exactly those who an organisation might want to attract. Had the current employees of the mining industry been asked, ‘What do you consider attractive about your work?’, and the answers to these ques- tions taken to be the basis for how to make mining work more attractive, one would likely end up with work that reinforces unattractive aspects. Moreover, attractiveness is generally thought of as preferences of applicants and employ- ees. But preferences of the designers of the work systems (including technology developers) are also crucial. Their thoughts (preferences) influence design decisions. For instance, how trade-offs should be made, which risks to be preferred over others, how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ the environment is and what should therefore be done about it. Like other individuals in the conceptualisation, designers (actors) do not make decisions about the work system based on its actual properties but rather on their view of them. Views of technology developers and operators differ. Or rather, while knowledge about the factors might be similar, pref- erences for them – their relative importance – differ. For instance, where a technology developer might prioritise improving air quality, an operator (though probably not against this) would prefer an improved cabin ergonomics. There is similarly uncertainty about not only which factors are attractive but also which jobs are. Views are not enough to judge ‘objective’ properties, because the views could be misinformed. This means that a work system that is unable to attract a workforce does not necessarily need to change. The work system might align with preferences, and communi- cation surrounding it might have to change. Consider the workshop, for instance, in which students noted a negative factor that arguably did not exist. Issues of resistance and ‘wishes’ for unsustainable practices (e.g. piece-rate pay) relate to this as well. The notion of attractive work goes beyond designing merely in accordance to preferences and views. The mining industry in particular is a good example of this. For instance, Abrahamsson and Johansson (2006) reported on the design of the remote con- trollers for semi-automated loaders. Due to wishes of the (male) workforce, they featured large joysticks that mimicked those of the actual loaders. Abrahamsson and Johansson (2006) connected this to operators wanting to give the technology clear ‘masculine’ con- notations, as a way of resisting feminisation by technology. Later, however, much smaller joysticks replaced the initial designs; the operators had found that this eased operation. This reasoning extends to related areas such as technology acceptance. On this issue, specifically for mining, Lynas and Horberry (2011, 75) have noted that

Positive adaptation occurs when a new technology brings about a positive change in operator behaviour … whilst being acceptable and well liked by the operators. Negative adaptation may make the operators engage in more risky behaviours. Technologies that are not accepted by operators are less likely to be used properly and are more likely to be sabotaged or misused; thus any inherent potential for increasing safety or efficiency may not be fully achieved.

Attractiveness adds to this issue that, if one considers that technology can outlast gen- erations of workers, then technology must be widely accepted. And this connects to larger Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 459 issues still. Bainbridge (1983) highlighted the risks of making assumptions about design that preclude the consideration of the operator. If the fact that highly automated systems still need operators (to, in Bainbridge’s words, handle the tasks which the designer cannot think of how to automate) receives no attention, operators risks being left with mundane tasks and in the role of passive observer. Still the operator is expected to intervene when the system is not performing as expected. The notion of attractive work recognises that negative effects can result even if the operator is properly considered – the system might not be designed for the next generation of worker. In another aspect, an analysis by Sanda et al. (2014) suggested that miners’ successful performance of mining activities may depend on openness. Here, increased attractiveness could also help system performance beyond providing resources, i.e. by fostering (an exposure that requires) an openness. The issue of designing attractive work systems must receive proper attention in the future. And the field of ergonomics must take an increased interest in it. But the issues also requires more research. Hopefully, this article will have given an indication where future efforts should be focused.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interests was reported by the author(s).

Funding This study was funded by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

Notes on contributor Joel Lööw is a PhD student in Human Work Science at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. He has an MSc in Industrial Design Engineering with a specialisation in production design. His research interests center on issues of the work environment and technology in the mining industry, with a special focus on how these issues can be managed with respect to social concerns. He has experience working in the EU project, Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future (I2Mine), and is currently involved in a mine-accident prevention research project and in the Attractive Workplaces work packages of the EU-project, Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems (SIMS). Löw is involved in courses on workplace analysis, industrial production environ- ment, production development, and organisational change management for M.Sc. engineering stu- dents. He teaches the subject of health and safety to mining engineering students. Löw has published on the subjects of mining, work environment, technology, and work organisation.

ORCID Joel Lööw

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Paper V

Lööw, Joel. 2020. “Understanding New Mining Technology: Towards Im- proved Health, Safety and Social Acceptance.” Manuscript submitted to Mineral Economics.

Understanding New Mining Technology: Towards Improved Health, Safety and Social Acceptance

Joel Lööw

Abstract The use of new technology in the mining industry has a long history and often seeks to increase productivity. Increasingly it also seeks to improve the work environment. Lately the rate of technological development has increased and includes new kinds of technology, such as digitalisation. Concurrently, the hope is that technology will now help solve problems relating to the future of work, issues of social acceptance and so on. New technology could have positive effect here but can also be negative. For this, the manage- ment of technology is as important as technology itself. In mining the assumption is often that technology will always bring about positive effect automatically. Meanwhile, research has shown that much mining technology takes little account of the operator and the work environment, and thus is not posed to solve issues of a social nature. On this ground, this paper examines new mining technology through the lens of future demands on health, safety and other social aspects. It finds that the industry must navigate a complex reality where there are no universal solutions that address all problems. A reality where there always will be trade-offs and where interests must be balanced. Here the effect of technology is uncertain and complicated further by the industry’s a lack of understanding for the non-technical. Thus technology development must seek wide participation, of users, non-users, citizens and other stakeholders. The successful application of new technology should be reached through increased mutual understand- ing, a processes through which trade-offs simultaneously get handled.

1 Introduction

The mining industry has a long history of using technology. The use often seeks to increase productivity, but goals increasingly also include improving the work environment. While there has been a constant adaption of new technology in the mining in- dustry, now the rate of technological development has increased and includes a different kind of technology (most notably that implied by digitalisation) [1, 2]. These new technologies come with new aims for their use and the problems for which they could be employed to solve. Where ambitions before had more limited scope, of improving safety and productivity for example, the hope now is that technology will help solve problems relat- ing to the future of work, issues of social acceptance and so on. Arguments include that new technical solutions will improve the public image of the industry [3], help maintain a qualified work- force at remote locations [4], create more attractive working con- ditions [5], and assist in achieving a social licence to operate in general [6]. Most new technology can bring about positive as well as nega- tive change [2, 7]. While the technology itself plays a role in these outcomes, the management of technology has strong bearing as well. In mining, however, there is a problem of assuming, one, that technology will always bring about positive effect, and two, that it will happen automatically. The following quote is repre- sentative of the notion:

While at first glance, automation appears to devalue labor by replacing people with machines, in fact, au- tomation leads to advancement in intellectual capacity and higher-skilled mine operators. Automation leads to an improved quality of life and better workspace for people, as risks and exposure to unsafe environments are minimized. [8]

Such unequivocally positive outcomes are rare tough. In fact, research in ergonomics and human factors has concluded that much mining technology takes little account of the operator and the work environment [9–13]. Simpson et al. [13] went as far as to say:

2 There is a … clear responsibility on the designers, man- ufacturers and suppliers of mining equipment to en- sure that the current lamentably low level of consid- eration of both the operators and maintainers of their products is significantly improved as quickly as possi- ble. None of the [current problems] are subtle problems … [and] no detailed understanding of human psychology, physiology or anatomy is needed to address what are essentially ergonomics limitations of the crudest type. The fact that such fundamental limitations can and do create serious health and safety risks shows clearly that manufactures and suppliers are currently falling lamentable short of their duty of care responsibilities.

If new mining technology is to solve the still pressing issues of securing safe and healthy operations, then the mining industry must address these problems. What is key here is that the con- text in which mining companies operate is changing. Questions of social acceptance occupy a much more central position than before. Mining companies now have to balance sustainability requirements, demands for increased transparency, improved health and safety, and sensitivity for the local society for exam- ple [14–17]. These questions tend to gather under the label of securing a social licence to operate. The Mining Journal’s “World Risk Report” [18] ranked the social license as not only the most significant risk for mining companies but also the risk mostdif- ficult to manage. These social challenges relate to the area of health and safety. For example, the health and safety record of the industry affect its image, which affects the likelihood of a community welcom- ing the establishment of a mine. But much of the mining tech- nology that seeks to address social challenges lack in precisely the areas that affect these aspects. This risks not only nullifying any potential improvement in social aspects, but may also undo technical benefits. On the one hand, a sophisticated technical so- lution counts for nothing if it cannot be used; advanced automa- tion can lessen dependence on low-qualified labour, but also in- crease it for highly qualified labour. On the other hand, the tech- nical solutions may be less effective than initially believed; ini- tiatives that focus on the social may be just as effective, such as

3 changing work practices instead of developing new technology [19]. Because of this, there is a need to examine new mining tech- nology through the lens of future health and safety demands. Thus this paper, first, looks at how health and safety has evolved in the industry and the implication of its connection to wider questions of social acceptability and the like. The paper then in- vestigates technology in the mining industry – its management and characteristics. The analysis that follows tries to reconcile and understand the connection between these two aspects. By doing so, it tries to find a way forward for the mining industry.

Safety, health and social acceptance

Old and new health and safety challenges The traditional association is between the mining industry and lacking safety. But there have been important improvements. The Swedish [20], US [21] and Canadian [22] mining industries, for instance, have seen significant improvements to their acci- dent frequency rates. The Swedish mining industry, to give one example, has gone from a lost-time injury frequency rate of 51.3 in 1981 to 7.1 in 2015 [23]. This has meant that the panorama of causes of mining accidents, as well as its accident frequency rate, has come to resemble that of the manufacturing or construction industry [24]. In part, technology managed this improvement: by introducing better rock bolts, for example, or using remote control to move the operator further away from the front [20]. An improved working environment has also meant a changed working environment. While this new environment has elimi- nated some risks, it has also introduced new risks. (Also, mea- sures such as technology do not remove all risk.) For instance, be- tween 1999 and 2007 the mining industry in the European Union displayed a positive trend with regards to its accident frequency rate [25]. In fact, though all sectors displayed a positive trend, mining experienced one of the largest decrease in accidents. But that study [25] also found that in 2007 the mining industry was the economic sector with most work-related health problems in the European Union. It also showed that the number of work- related health problems in mining had increased – rising more

4 in mining than in other sectors. And mining is a diverse activity; while some mines have started to do well, others have not. In Poland, for instance, where mining is generally mechanised, 311 fatal accidents occurred between 2000 and 2009 [26]. Indeed, mining is often the industry most susceptible to fatal accidents [27], with Elgstrand and Vingård [28] reporting that, “Where reli- able national statistics exist, mining is generally the sector having the highest, or among 2–3 highest, rates of occupational fatal ac- cidents and notified occupational diseases”. So the challenge in mining in this regard, on the one hand, is that of the work environment changing into a new environment with its own set of issues. Mining companies may have neither the tools nor the experience for dealing with these new issues. On the other hand, “old”, often serious problems remain. (This is particularly a problem where a mining company is active in sev- eral countries, which puts complex demands on the organisation of health and safety work.) This paper focuses less on the “older” problems. Because these problems are the ones that technology appears to address (see e.g. [20]), the interest here is instead what happens in addressing these typical problems. That is, how new problems may follow from solving old ones. Sometimes, those risks that remain after improving on the traditional risks are called “residual risk” [29]. Such risks need other solutions than technology, such as organisational measures [30]. It is not that technology cannot further reduce the residual risk, but rather that, at this level, it likely introduces risks elsewhere. For example, as mines become safer, slip, trips and falls come to make up the most common accidents [20, 24]. This can be due to slippery surfaces that result from water spraying. Water spraying techniques play an important role in dust suppression [31]. Improving on slips and trips accidents could thus worsen air quality. Even where there are suitable technical solutions, their design often do not consider the operator [10]. This leads to thetech- nology that is not used as intended, losing out on any gains in safety. Or, a singular improvement in one aspect of safety in- troduces other risks elsewhere (e.g. a new machine may be less noisy but, due to having a fully isolated cabin, make it harder for the operator to see). Though wrongful usage may be a question of operators violating rules, Simpson et al. [13] noted:

5 … the most important aspect to appreciate in relation to violation errors is that while intentional, they are not necessarily malicious or simply a result of laziness. For example, failure to wear [PPE] may be a function of it being uncomfortable or the correct PPE not being readily available. Alternatively, failure to use the cor- rect tool or replacement part during maintenance may be a function of availability and failure to complete all required checks … may be a function of supervisory … pressures to “get the job started again” etc.

An example is the extensive problem of dust in mining. Dust (like other causes of work-related health-problems) is best con- trolled by addressing the source of the problem. But most min- ing activities always generate some dust. The possibility of elimi- nating the source of the risk is thus often slim because this would mean not mining. Instead, controlling or reducing risk requires other strategies. Technical solutions include the use of ventila- tion, water spraying and physical isolation (e.g. using isolated cabins) [31]. Different organisational measures can reduce ex- posure by rotating personnel or through production planning, for example. But to be effective often requires a combination of strategies, which can give rise to problems. This is because the effectiveness of organisational measures depends on factors such as stress. In turn, stress can be caused by poor air quality [32] and bad production planning. A stressed operator may ig- nore routines put in place to prevent dust generation. The dust then again increases stress. Scheduling production to reduce ex- posure to, or the generation of, dust may result in stressful sched- ules (e.g. reducing available time to complete a task) which can decrease the effectiveness of other measures. Moving work to control rooms or isolated cabins is an effec- tive way of reducing dust exposure. But the asymmetrical au- tomation and mechanisation levels of mining [33] is problematic. Those who generate dust may not be the same as those who are exposed to it. Limiting speed reduces dust generation. When operating a vehicle from an isolated cabin there may be less in- centive for the operator to keep dust generation low, as this op- erator is not directly affected by the dust. Still the dust affects operators who are outside the cabin. Much of this is true for noise as well. For instance, the noise

6 level of mining machines is not set to decrease to a level where they do not warrant some sort of hearing protection or noise con- trol – even if mining companies would come to fully utilise elec- tric machines [34]. So operators in the vicinity would still need isolation or protection from the noise to avoid negative health impacts, decreased performance and so on. The situation in mining is complicated further still in that it does not function like this in all areas. For ergonomics there is healthy exposure, for instance. Many ergonomic risks come strenuous physical activities. But these activities can be positive if they are of a suitable level. In fact, as mechanisation has re- moved many physical tasks [35], physical activity might be even more important to combat problems associated with sedentary tasks (which result from mechanisation). For other ergonomic risks, such as the exposure to vibrations, technical solutions can more readily remove what ergonomic risks do remain, compared to dust or noise. But this can have negative effects on other areas. Whole-body vibrations pose ase- rious risk in mining [35]. Remote-control removes all vibration. For controlling dust and noise, though, isolated cabins function better – which in turn exposes operators to vibration. The mining industry faces the task of navigating two princi- pally different problem situations; whereas for noise, vibrations and safety, for example, the hierarchy of control [36] is suitable – the goal is to eliminate the hazard as efficiently as possible – for ergonomics and other areas where one wants healthy exposure, it is no longer a question of striving towards eliminating all expo- sure. While this section focused on select topics, the arguments extends to much of the subject of health and safety in general. The point is that there are no universal solutions that address all problems well. There will be trade-offs. The question of how to manage these trade-offs, especially in a context that changes much more frequent than the technology, and where a new gen- eration of workers may pose an new set of demands on the work environment and technology. The next section dwells deeper into this.

7 From health and safety to wider social questions Old and new “traditional” health and safety issues still present the mining industry with significant challenges in their own right. However, the future mining industry must tackle related chal- lenges beyond these. These related challenges often appear un- der labels such as “social acceptance” and “social sustainability”. Those areas involves different areas of study as well as institu- tions and stakeholder (see [17, 37] for an overview); their full in- corporation in this paper is not possible. Instead, the paper uses one problem that touches on several aspects implied in matters of social acceptance and sustainability, to exemplify health and safety requirements for new technology. This problem is that of the mining industry’s lacking attractiveness. The problem of lacking workplace attractiveness in the min- ing industry is a problem of the industry failing to recruit a new workforce. Lee [38] described the problem as:

A shortage of qualified miners in all types of positions is a critical issue in many countries and regions of the world. During the last decades, as mining declined, the work force was not replaced. … many companies are unable to meet demands because of the severe labor shortage. People currently employed in mining are re- tiring, and there is a lack of younger people to fill the vacancies.

It is a two-pronged problem in that, one, the current work- force is ageing and is not being replenished [39, 40]; and, two, the changing nature of mining work requires its workforce to posses new sets of skill and competences, such as abstract knowledge and symbol interpretation [33]. This change in skill requirement can make recruitment even harder. The key limitation in the mining industry is still the so called “three Ds” – the industry viewed as “dark, dirty and dangerous”. This conception still acts as a barrier for a new workforce [16]. Where mining companies have managed to improve, the old pic- ture persists. And even so, there is no reason why “trivial” acci- dents – those that remain after major improvements – should be accepted on the basis that the potential for serious accidents used to be greater (i.e. an improvement alone is not enough un- less it puts the industry beyond certain levels). A problem in this

8 is that the image of the mining industry as dangerous has fos- tered a culture which paints strong, brave, masculine men as the typical employee [41, 42]. Part of this culture is an acceptance of everyday risk. The behaviours that such a culture engenders is incompatible with industry ambition for safer operations, and indeed hinders the recruitment of a more diverse, young work- force [5, 43]. Researchers and commenters have also suggested other reasons for the industry’s lacking attractiveness. Randolph [44] suggested that it is because of remote locations and the less attractive lifestyle such locations offer; the industry image of entailing low-skilled, dirty work in an outdated, boom/bust industry; and a general lack of awareness regarding the oppor- tunities of the industry. Albanese and McGagh [4] similarly suggested that younger generations are reluctant to leave their life in cities where they see their own future (these authors saw automation as a way of addressing the shorter-term imperative of maintaining a qualified workforce at remote locations). Lee [38] saw, among other things, a lack of work–life balance in the industry. PwC [5] contended that the skill shortage in mining is due to entrenched and outdated attitudes (e.g. toward women) within the industry and community. They also held that the industry has yet to tap many rich pools of skills and that people are reluctant to move to other locations for work. Among mining engineering students, Zhang and Barclay [43] found that most perceived the industry as having good job opportunities and as an overall exciting sector to work in. They saw the industry as having relatively safe work environments and as technologically advanced. Fewer regarded it as environ- mentally and socially responsible. The students saw difficulties in balancing career demands with personal relationships and family commitment as unattractive aspects. Ruiz Martín et al. [45] found that the mining industry had positive or neutral relationships with factors relating to infrastructure, industry, employment, housing, government communication and even environmental factors. Towards social impact, however, they recorded a negative relationship. Note then that, on the one hand, in some cases mining compa- nies are doing well when it comes to attracting a new workforce, but still lack in social and work environment dimensions. On the other hand, note also that problems of attractiveness relate

9 to the wider area of social sustainability, if they are not outright such problems. To clarify the latter: the direct connection is that attractive work should not cause health problems due to strenu- ous physical activity, bad air quality, stress or noise and so on [46]. This would degrade the so-called human capital, the prevention of which is a key component of sustainability work in the mining industry [14] . Workplace attractiveness as a subject draws on hu- man factors and ergonomics [47, 48] – studies of work and work environment. Horberry et al. [14] demonstrated that consider- ation of human aspects in mining contributes to sustainability by improving the health and safety of employees, contractors and the surrounding community; by developing effective emer- gency response procedures; and by facilitating responsible prod- uct design and use. Outside of mining, studies have identified convergent areas between work environment and sustainability, as well as how the former can contribute to the latter [49–51]. Bolis et al. [49] connected social sustainability specifically to work-related issues such as worker participation in defining sustainability policies, social inclusion of all types of workers, and promotion of health and safety. They also reported on studies that noted the possi- ble benefit of introducing ergonomics in sustainability policies to improve the attraction and retention of a qualified workforce. Crucially, Bolis et al. identified negative impacts of sustainabil- ity policies that have a limited scope. They asserted that, “Good planning of sustainability policies cannot exclude the considera- tion of social aspects” [49]. Indeed, failure to solve the attractive- ness problem can lead to unsustainable practices, such as over- reliance on a fly-in/fly-out workforce and its associated prob- lems [52], and the development towards one-sided and low qual- ified jobs (to lessen the dependence ona qualified workforce). So far, these issues focus most on what happen inside “the company gates”. But health issues have clear connections to the attraction and retention of labour and the surrounding society. This means looking beyond company gates. Health issues (like safety) is often thought of as being an “inside the gates”-problem, but Abrahamsson et al. [17] discussed exporting effects: what hap- pens in the workplace also affects the surrounding community. The workplace can engender work-related health problems that spill over into the surrounding society. The mining industry’s association with such effects negatively affects its image. For in-

10 stance, the dusty work environments of a mine may cause res- piratory diseases; the surrounding society bears the cost of this (i.e. through healthcare costs and reduced quality of life etc.); this may decrease its reputation. This also connects to the prevention of occupational diseases. Poor work environmental conditions increase the turnover rate of personnel which can hide issues re- lated to occupational diseases [53]. Occupational diseases take time to manifest, so if labour is replaced before diseases are dis- covered they may not be associated with the workplace. Problems “outside the gates” also carries over to “inside the gates” [37]. Stress, for instance due to family problems, can make an operator more likely to forget or elect not to use safety equip- ment. A piece-rate wage system coupled with a dire economic situation can make operators less inclined to adopt safe practices for fear of losing vital earnings [54]. Thus providing safe and healthy workplaces has clear connec- tions to questions of social acceptance and the like. But beyond this, creating attractive workplaces means taking into considera- tion mining’s future workforce. While workplaces that manage to attract and retain a new workforce must be safe [24, 46], what promotes safety varies between individuals. (Also, due to physi- ological differences between individuals, what is healthy forone person can be unhealthy for the next.) For example, as different incentives motivate people differently, what may be a safety in- centive for one person may have little effect on someone else. A clearer example may be the use of new technology. New tech- nology is safer only if its operator knows how to use it. And fa- miliarity with technology between people differs according to several factors. This is to say that the measures that once made the mining industry safer may not do so in the future. A changing workforce will mean a change in demographics. Safety interventions affect different parts of the workforce orde- mographics differently. For instance, Laflamme and Blank [55] found that in the Swedish mining industry, “the reduction in ac- cident rates that steadily took place did not favor all age cate- gories of workers to the same extent”. Changes in work (e.g. due to technology), in this case, favoured older workers. Age alone probably does not explains this phenomenon. Instead, they ar- gued, younger workers could have been more exposed to heav- ier workloads and injury risk compared to older workers (e.g. the physical and technical environment of the younger workers was

11 more hazardous and they lacked experience for dealing with it) or younger workers were hired when jobs did not require ex- tensive training. With mining industry strategies of recruiting labour from a more diverse pool of talent [5], these are impor- tant considerations. Part of the mining industry’s problem to- day is that the technical systems only fit a narrow social group (i.e. certain men; e.g. [56–58]). Another problem is that, while attractive work must be safe, work that is attractive is not automatically safe; adopting practices and technologies that retain and attract a skilled workforce (beyond those with a direct connection to safety) will not guarantee safe workplaces. Likewise, the design of work and workplaces can make them safe but also un-attractive. For instance, extensive rules and regulations, with little room for autonomous decisions by employees, can result in higher safety but low attractiveness. For practices (as opposed to traditional technology) some research indicates that employment security, extensive training, self-managed teams, decentralised decision making, high-quality work and suchlike are positive elements of occupational safety [59] – aspects that also contribute to work attractiveness [48]. This means that, as with traditional health and safety, there are trade-offs, bond to be difficult to navigate. But in a long term perspective it is also probable that there are situations of a win–win nature. It comes down to the design and implementation of technology, rather than some specific characteristic that the might be inherent in the technology. That is, nothing about technology and its effects are deterministic, but can be shaped and formed. Before looking into what this shape and form should be, we will explore some usual effects of technology in mining.

Technology in mining and its effects

Technology in the mining often equates to mechanisation and automation. The industry has a long tradition of both. Historically, this has corresponded with improvements in health, safety and the general work environment. And still the promise of these improvements serve as strong motivators for further automation of mining operations. But the effects of mechanisation and automation on the work environment are

12 not always straightforward. They can be small [60], difficult to determine [61], and affect the workforce in different ways [55]. In other cases, positive work environmental effects come with increased lone working, division of labour, work intensification and psychological stress [62]. Increased productivity and efficiency are other strong mo- tivators for automation and mechanisation. Incremental gains in productivity in mining has followed increased capacity and so on [3] (cf. [63]). Mining companies still look to technology to improve productivity, and they manage to do so [64]. Also by increasing labour productivity, dependence on a workforce could lessen. But while these effects are possible, they are not the only outcomes. Some are even contrary to industry ambi- tions. For example, reliance on high-tech solutions, for either increased productivity or attractiveness, might increase qualita- tive demands on the workforce. For certain issues, technology may not even be the most appropriate solution to begin with. Some research indicates that productivity gains in mining stem more from changed work practices than new technology [19]. The level of technological development is lower in mining compared to other industries [9, 65]. Others have argued that automation and robotics have yet to significantly change mining processes [66]. One reason are aspects unique to mining which preclude or complicate the use of (new) technology and high lev- els of automation:

… the highly variable and unpredictable mining envi- ronment affects the successful execution of each orse- quences of unit operations. Thus, automated systems must be able to sense, reason, and adapt to this unpre- dictable environment in order to function effectively. … [Thus] many existing automation technologies from other industries are not readily transferred into min- ing. [66]

The size of the sector results in similar effects. The mining in- dustry is small compared to other industries. Competition is not as big and there may be less competitive advantages from tech- nology that addresses aspects beyond its technical functionality (e.g. safety). Reeves et al. [67] (on noise control) thus argued that

13 … because of the relatively small market for mining equipment, manufacturers have limited incentives to develop less noisy machinery or more innova- tive noise controls. Also, the specialized equipment designs imposed by the sometimes-hostile mining en- vironment has limited the transfer of … technologies from other industries.

Morton [68] noted that diesel-powered mining machines have competed with cleaner engines, cleaner fuel and air- conditioned cabins. With technological shifts these motivations can become less prevalent. In switching to battery-power, machines may compete in output, capacity, energy savings etc., instead of work environment improvements. McPhee [35] argued that this might be because it appears “to be a poor understanding about the contribution of ergonomics to mining, the range of factors that it includes and how these might be addressed”; while the same principles of design apply in mining as in other heavy industries, emphasis is changing to include a broader health and safety focus – a focus for which the mining industry might not be equipped to deal with. Even when this is not the case, other factors hinder techno- logical development, especially with regard to health and safety. Randolph [44] noted that some activities in mining can resemble those used 25–50 years ago. Mining operations involve high cap- ital costs, long lifespans and equipment that is expensive to up- grade. This leads to lower rates of technological change [44, 69]. The result is that mining operations “can potentially remain cap- tive to technology decisions made many years previously” [69]. A large underground mine can take five to ten years to de- velop [70]. Newly started mining operations could thus use old technology – or at least be affected by outdated decisions –by the time they come on stream. This also makes it difficult to change decisions, even if they turn out to be negative (and often, such decisions are negative, at least for operators [11, 71]). Some mines have life-spans as short as two years. On the one hand this could mean operations that include more up-to-date technology. On the other, short life-spans can make it hard to motivate more expensive technology. With technology motivated through im- proved safety and health, such effects have clear positive effect in a long-term perspective. Motivating investments can then be

14 hard, as they will not have time to pay off. Then, mining companies are adaptors rather than innovators [69] and rely on equipment providers for new technology [72]. This is troublesome as there are mismatches between mining companies and equipment providers in what they consider im- portant and in knowledge of relevant issues [13]. And even so, new technology can take up to ten years to develop [69]; the prob- lem that the technology was to solve may no longer be relevant, of a different nature or might have been solved through other means. (And, of course, the problem persisted during this time.) Systems in mining are also developed specifically for the in- dustry and thus needs accommodation through planning and de- sign [35]; simply buying and using a piece of equipment is dif- ficult. A mine is rigid in this sense. Once the mine comeson stream, it has to live with bad investments (perhaps for the dura- tion of the mine’s lifespan). Buying and developing new equip- ment, then, is not set to solve problems by itself if older technol- ogy and infrastructure limits it. The deployment of new tech- nology must be into an environment that has been adapted to it. This has led commenters [73, 74] on the future of the mining in- dustry to argue that moving forward will require a new approach to mine design – one that acknowledges the new requirements imposed on mining operations. Still, not all of mining is subject to these conditions. For instance, a mine’s vehicle fleet can have an average age of five years. There may thus be local innovations and technological advances. Technological development in mining in general is often asymmetrical, where full automation and manual labour can exist side-by-side [33]. But while even partial improvements can be positive, these developments risk having a negative effect on other areas. For example, removing truck operators from underground can be positive for safety and lead mining companies to scale back safety measures in these areas. But infrastructure still requires maintenance, meaning maintainers may experience a degraded working environment. Here too, then, the situation is one of managing trade-offs – but also one that requires a more long-term and wider perspec- tive. Next we will try to develop a deeper understanding for this reality.

15 Discussion

In this section, we will try to weave together the analysis of health, safety and social questions with the analysis of technology. To restate the problem: The situations is often such that for solv- ing a problem, there will be trade-offs. This has to do with the multitude of potential outcomes of, in this case, technology and its use, as well as an uncertainty as to what those outcomes will be. The problem is exacerbated by the mining industry’s lack of focus and deeper understanding of question of a social nature, which now constitutes an important area for application of tech- nology in the industry. Without understanding, and tools for dealing with, these problems of uncertainty and trade-off, tech- nology will fall short of its potential. And in starting a to build this understanding we can also get a sense of the tools required. A first step in building this understanding is a study byKern and Schumann [75]. They used “range” to refer to how work tasks integrate into a production system. Technological devel- opment creates aggregated systems where an operator acts as a sort of mediator between systems. As technological sophistica- tion increases, so does the range of the system. The operator gradually becomes superfluous. In mining range is limited, es- pecially in early stages of operations: Where there is automated drilling there is not automated charging, for instance. And often loading still requires an operator, while transports may be fully automated. What Kern and Schumann [75] thus found was the po- larisation of the workforce in the wake of automation and mechanisation. When technology levels increase (the mechani- sation of a manual process, or the automation of a mechanised process), parts of the workforce undertake more qualified work. Other parts get less qualified work, that is the role as “mediators”. The machines most relevant for automation (for the questions covered here) are inside the mine. Therefore “mediation work” happens inside the mine. With fewer workers in the mine, it might be harder to justify investments in the work environment, so some workers will experience a worse environment. Bright [76] related similar conclusions. The automation of secondary and tertiary tasks are often forgotten. And these often require manual labour. In effect, even highly automated industries con-

16 tain manual tasks. In mining, for operations such as automated drilling, the primary task proceeds without human intervention. But an operator must still transport the machine, position it and start the process. In another perspective McPhee [35] concluded that, because mining work is changing, hazard exposure changes too. Risks now include long working hours, fatigue, mental over- and un- derload, reduced task variation, increased sedentary work and work in fixed positions, and whole-body vibrations. There is lit- tle recognition of these risks in the mining industry. At the same time, these risks will have significant negative effects if “they are not balanced by well-informed decisions by managers” [35]. So hazards change with changing environments and technologies. But as we have seen, this does not mean hazards disappear. New ones emerge, and we must update our notion of what constitute work environmental risks as the change continues. And because of polarising effects, not all hazard change but rather migrate to other areas. Even though the focus here is on issues of health, safety and the like, the effects are not limited to this area. Lacking perfor- mance and productivity, for example, relate to the same fun- damental issues. On the one hand, this is because “islands” of optimisation seldom improve system performance as a whole. As complete system overhauls are rare in mining, we are likely to see these singular interventions. On the other hand, lacking attention to the human – the social – has effects beyond these areas; performance too is negatively affected by negative social effects. Neumann and Dul [77] found convergence between hu- man and systems effects in 95 per cent of all studies studying the phenomena that they identified; if system effects were poor, so were human effects and vice versa. One way of grasping thisre- lationship is through the notion of familiarity, as introduced by Goodman and Garber [78]. It refers to

… knowledge about the unique characteristics of partic- ular machinery, materials, physical environment, peo- ple, and programs that exist in a particular [location] at a particular time. [The] premise is that because of the hazardous and dynamic nature of mining, [familiarity] is critical to effective production and safety practices [78]

17 So familiarity can be used to better understand human fac- tor issues associated with automation and new technology. For this area, Horberry et al. [11] listed problems of poor operator acceptance of new technologies and automation after they are introduced; poor human factors design of equipment; lack of equipment standardisation; new devices being irrelevant to the task; inadequate operator and maintainer training and support; over-reliance on the technology by operators; and lack of phys- ical integration of technology. Viewed as issues of familiarity, new technologies might be rejected because they are unfamiliar; poor human factor design and lack of standardisation can con- tribute to unfamiliarity; irrelevant technology and lack of phys- ical integration of technology could also be argued to be due to lack of insight into familiarity on the part of the designer, and could itself also generate unfamiliarity; and inadequate training and support can increase unfamiliarity. The notion of familiarity suggests a need to separate between a general configuration of technology and physical environment throughout the mine, and the unique configurations that exist lo- cally (e.g. the state of machinery and physical conditions at the mine face) [78]. This, in turn, could help explain the failure of technology when “traveling” from supplier to mine, on the one hand, and could position the social aspects in this failure, on the other. Technology bought from a supplier for use in a mine rep- resent a general configuration. The piece of technology itself is (generally) the same regardless of the mine that uses it. But the technology is then uniquely configured in the local context. This configuration depends not only on technical aspects, but alsoon social dimensions. This is particularly so because mining ma- chines are still largely sold as individual machines rather than complete systems, and so must depend on the local context in- stead of a system that was designed for the particular machine. This is true also for non-physical system. The strive towards cyber (or cyber-physical systems) is often seen as a solution to both social and technical challenges in the mining industry, such as the use of control room work or remote operation centres [2, 79]. Control rooms as a technology could allow for more so- cial interaction, the extension of work tasks, more qualified work, and localisation to metropolitan areas. The hope is that then ac- tual mine operations can focus on technical challenges; technol- ogy does not primarily have to consider social aspects – as these

18 are far removed from the mine and interfaced through digital systems – and can instead concentrate on interaction between other technological systems (including the environment). But still social aspects do not disappear as much as they change char- acter. Bainbridge [80] challenged the classic approach to automa- tion design, which regards humans as unreliable and inefficient, and thus seeks to minimise their input in the control system. Yet, “the designer who tries to remove the operator still leaves the op- erator to do the tasks which the designer cannot think how to automate” [80] (cf. [75]). Highly automated systems still need hu- mans for supervision, adjustment, maintenance, expansion and improvement. With this role unrecognised, operators are then left with an arbitrary collection of tasks whose design have been given little attention. Bainbridge argued this can leave the op- erator with the mundane task of passive observation (which she argued were the most boring of jobs). The operator must inter- vene when the system fails or does not perform. This requires manual control skills and knowledge about the process. Skills and knowledge that deteriorate in the passive observer. Further- more, when automating a manual task, often the former manual operators become the new operators of the automated system. These operators might perform well within the system because, having worked with it, they have a fundamental understanding of the technology they control. A new generation of operators might not have this understanding. And a system designed for the older generation might not suit a newer generation. With all this in mind, we will now conclude by trying to out- line a strategy for the way forward.


The discussion in this paper has tried to illustrate the complex task facing the mining industry if it is to successfully navigates its future challenges. It is an complexity stemming from that there are no “one-size-fits-all” solutions and that an improvement in one area can introduce problems in another. The issue is to find a balance between interests, to ensure that progress in one area does not come at an unjustifiable expense in another. Social and technological systems must harmonise and joint optimisation must be reached. This cannot be done a priori; even the most

19 well planned implementation strategy or technology project will find unexpected clashes between, even within, the different sys- tems (social and technical). For similar situations, active participation of the workforce in the design of new technology has been recommended [11, 71, 81, 82]. McPhee [35] argued for the “cooperative interchange be- tween expert and non-expert to find satisfactory solutions toa range of problems especially where there needs to be trade-offs and compromises.” Simpson et al. [13] suggested that redressing the situation “requires much more attention to be given to the consideration of human factors and ergonomics during their de- sign processes.” But these user-centric approaches focus on cur- rent users. The challenges of the mining industry today go be- yond its current employees to include new and future users and stakeholders. Participation is still important but must encom- pass all those affected by mining, its technology and activities [83]. The design of technology must include a mindset which recognises that technology must become adaptable to social sys- tems. The social system should not be adapted to the techni- cal system, and compensating ill-suited technology by organisa- tional interventions only goes so far. This is the notion under- pinning the sociotechnical school of though, a tradition that saw its initial work in the mining industry [84]. In the end it is about dealing with lacking familiarity and un- certainty. Designers of mining equipment lack insight into the reality of operators and thoughts of mining communities’ inhab- itants. Without worker participation, for instance, work environ- ment problems might be defined as careless workers causing ac- cidents – and the object becoming the worker and the goal to control them [85]. If instead the aim becomes “to satisfy workers’ desires for safe and sound work, the workers become actors, who are able to influence the integrated management of [the work environment]” [85]. In other words, adaption to social system re- quirements is impossible without input from that system. And the social system, as it were, extends far beyond the workplace. In this larger perspective [86], on how to plan for a good work- ing environment and sustainable working life, held that these questions are questions of community planning; looking only “inwards” does not help achieve good working environments. So increased and widened participation is a double-sided relation- ship; on the other side of the issue, operators and citizens lack

20 insight into the design of technology and mining company deci- sions. Acceptance should be reached through increased mutual understanding. Through these processes, trade-offs simultane- ously get handled.


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