Efficient and privacy-preserving compressive learning Antoine Chatalic

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Antoine Chatalic. Efficient and privacy-preserving compressive learning. Machine Learning [cs.LG]. Université Rennes 1, 2020. English. ￿NNT : 2020REN1S030￿. ￿tel-03023287v2￿

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École Doctorale n° 601 Mathématiques et Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication Spécialité: , Image, Vision

Par Antoine CHATALIC Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Compressive Learning

Thèse présentée et soutenue à Rennes, le 19 novembre 2020 Unité de recherche: IRISA

Rapporteurs avant soutenance:

Francis Bach Directeur de recherche − Inria Paris Lorenzo Rosasco Professeur − Université de Gênes

Composition du Jury:

Présidente: Magalie Fromont Renoir Professeure − Université de Rennes 2 Examinateurs: Francis Bach Directeur de recherche − Inria Paris Lorenzo Rosasco Professeur − Université de Gênes Jamal Atif Professeur − Université Paris-Dauphine Mike Davies Professeur − Université d’Édimbourg Marc Tommasi Professeur − Université de Lille Directeur de thèse: Rémi Gribonval Directeur de recherche − Inria


her lecteur, c’est peut-être de la haine que tu veux que j’invoque dans le commencement de cet ouvrage!». Que nenni, préci- «C sons d’emblée qu’une thèse peut se dérouler dans d’excellentes conditions. C’est pourquoi quelques remerciements s’imposent avant d’entrer dans le vif du sujet. En premier lieu, j’adresse tout naturellement mais néanmoins sin- cèrement mes remerciements à Rémi Gribonval pour la qualité de son encadrement tout au long de la thèse et sa disponibilité. Ses com- mentaires avisés ainsi que ses relectures détaillées furent d’une aide précieuse, cela est certain; j’ai toutefois également été impressionné par sa patience et son optimisme indéfectible; j’ai par ailleurs appré- cié sa capacité à prendre rapidement du recul là où j’en manquais cruellement − ce qui a certainement permis d’éviter quelques écueils. Je souhaite remercier tous les membres du jury de m’avoir fait l’hon- neur d’accepter d’évaluer mon travail, et en particulier Francis Bach et Lorenzo Rosasco qui, en tant que rapporteurs, ont dû lire avec une attention particulière ce manuscrit. Que Patrick Pérez et Frédéric Bimbot soient également remerciés pour avoir, au sein du comité de suivi individuel doctoral, partagé leur avis sur l’avancement des travaux et apporté un regard critique complémentaire et bienvenu. La partie III de ce manuscrit est le résultat d’une collaboration avec Phil Schniter et Evan Byrne (Ohio State University); je les remercie tous les deux de m’avoir accueilli pour quelques mois à Columbus, et d’avoir pris le temps de répondre à toutes mes questions. Cette mobilité a par ailleurs été possible grâce au soutien financier de l’OSU et du GdR MIA. La partie IV est, elle aussi, le fruit d’une collaboration. J’adresse par conséquent également des remerciements à Vincent Schellekens, avec qui la discussion fut initiée à Peyresq, ainsi qu’à Florimond Houssiau et Laurent Jacques avec qui ces travaux ont été réalisés. Ce fut un plaisir d’avancer sur ce sujet en votre compagnie! À Rennes, j’ai une pensée pour tous les panaméens qui ont su en- tretenir la vie d’équipe, que ce soit d’un point de vue scientifique ou simplement en contribuant à la bonne humeur générale. À cet égard, nos voisins situés un peu plus loin dans le couloir ne sauraient être oubliés! C’est sans aucun doute à la cafétéria que la science se diffuse le plus, et il convient donc de souligner l’importance des sempiternelles discussions sur la nature du chocolat, les tenseurs de lapins, la beauté 4

des monades et la redynamisation de l’eau par ondes cosmiques. Un merci également à tous ceux qui ont donné du temps et de l’énergie pour organiser la journée science et musique, car il y avait dans cette initiative, il me semble, également beaucoup de bonne volonté et de bonne humeur. Bien entendu, je n’oublie aucunement toutes les personnes avec qui j’ai partagé de très bons moments hors du labo pendant toutes ces années, que ce soit en soirée à Rennes, à l’escalade, autour de jeux de société, lors de concerts et de festivals en tous genres, ou encore d’esca- pades improvisées aux confins de la Bretagne et au delà. Je n’égrènerai pas vos noms ici, mais ne vous fourvoyez pas à croire que je vous oublie car il n’en est rien, bien au contraire! Je remercie ma famille pour le soutien constant qu’elle m’a apporté, et pour avoir toujours mis toutes les chances de mon côté pour que je puisse parvenir jusque là; il semblerait que cela n’ait pas si mal fonctionné. Enfin, j’adresse un remerciement teinté de tendresse et d’admiration à Katharina, avec qui j’ai partagé de nombreux moments ces dernières années, et qui m’a soutenu patiemment lors du confinement tandis que je reformulais un nombre exagéré de fois les phrases des chapitres à venir. Résumé des travaux en français

e domaine de l’apprentissage automatique, qui s’intéresse aux tech- niques permettant d’apprendre un modèle mathématique à Note: This part contains a sum- mary in french of the manuscript. L partir d’une collection de données, a connu des avancées ful- The rest of the document is written gurantes ces dernières décennies. Parmi les multiples facteurs ayant in english, and the introduction can be found in Chapter 1. concouru au développement de ces méthodes, l’augmentation dras- tique des volumes de données produites, collectées et utilisées à des fins d’apprentissage figure en bonne position. L’invention du micropro- cesseur au début de la décennie 1970 et le processus de miniaturisation qui s’en est suivi ont en effet permis une augmentation exponentielle de la puissance de calcul disponible, mais également du nombre de 1 1 capteurs permettant d’enregistrer des données et des capacités de sto- Au sens large : instruments industriels ckage. Le développement d’internet et de la toile en particulier ont, à et scientifiques comme le LHC, ou en- core terminaux mobiles multifonctions l’évidence, également contribué à accroître les volumes de données dis- et appareils photos numériques, dont la ponibles, et donc la pertinence statistique des modèles mathématiques démocratisation a aidé à perfectionner les techniques de vision par ordinateur. qui en sont issus. 2 2 Toutefois, et en dépit des progrès matériels , l’apprentissage à par- Augmentation des capacités de calcul à tir de vastes volumes de données reste une opération coûteuse en coût énergétique ou monétaire constant. temps comme en énergie, et qui requiert des investissements impor- tants. Ce manuscrit s’intéresse à l’apprentissage compressif, une tech- 3 3 nique introduite il y a quelques années qui consiste à compresser L’obtention de garanties d’apprentis- l’ensemble des données avant apprentissage. Plus précisément, le jeu sage est récente, bien que des techniques plus anciennes telles que la méthode des de données utilisé, que nous représentons ici comme une matrice moments généralisés [1] continssent déjà 푑×푛 des idées semblables. 퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛] ∊ R dont les colonnes correspondent à 푛 obser- vations numériques en dimension 푑, est compressé en une unique empreinte de la forme 푛 1 퐬̃ = ∑ Φ(퐱푖), (1) 푛 푖=1 où la fonction Φ est adaptée à la tâche d’apprentissage considérée, mais typiquement non linéaire et aléatoire. Un intérêt particulier est porté aux fonctions de la forme Φ ∶ 퐱 ↦ 휌(훀푇퐱) ∊ R푚 ou C푚, où 훀 ∊ R푑×푚 4 4 est une matrice aléatoire , et la fonction 휌 est scalaire, déterministe La matrice 훀 est tirée aléatoirement, et appliquée point à point. Le vecteur 퐬̃ peut alors être vu comme mais une unique fois et avant compres- sion, de sorte à ce que tous les échan- une collection de moments généralisés et aléatoires des données. Un √ tillons 퐱푖 soient compressés de la même exemple important consiste à choisir 휌 = exp(휄·) (où 휄 = −1), auquel manière. cas l’empreinte correspond à des échantillons aléatoires de la fonction 5 5 caractéristique empirique des données . Et donc de la transformée de Fourier En apprentissage statistique, une tâche d’apprentissage est repré- (inverse) de la densité de probabilité, lorsque celle-ci existe. sentée par une fonction de risque R(ℎ, 휋), qui mesure l’inadéquation du modèle mathématique ℎ vis-à-vis de la distribution de probabi- 6

lité 휋 pour la tâche en question. Résoudre le problème d’apprentis- sage revient donc à trouver un minimiseur du risque, le plus sou- vent au sein d’une famille de modèles H, i.e. on cherche à trouver ∗ ℎ ∊ arg minℎ∊H R(ℎ, 휋). La distribution sous-jacente 휋 des données est en général inconnue, mais il est en revanche possible d’utiliser la distribution empirique 휋 = 1 ∑푛 훿 associée aux données mesu- 퐗 푛 푖=1 퐱푖 rées, c’est à dire d’essayer de résoudre le problème d’optimisation minℎ∊H R(ℎ, 휋퐗); on parle alors de minimisation du risque empirique. Toutefois, évaluer R(ℎ, 휋퐗), même pour un unique modèle ℎ ∊ H, nécessite de parcourir les données dans leur intégralité, ce qui est coûteux et limite fortement l’utilité de cette méthode en pratique. Avec l’approche compressive, l’apprentissage est effectué en substituant

à la fonction de risque R(·, 휋퐗) un succédané 푓(·, 퐬)̃ dans lequel les données n’interviennent qu’exclusivement via le vecteur 퐬.̃ Dès lors, il est seulement nécessaire de calculer l’empreinte 퐬,̃ suite à quoi les données peuvent être oubliées. D’autre part, la forme simpliste du sketch (1) en rend le calcul hautement parallélisable, et compatible 6 6 avec des données déjà distribuées ou même en flux . C’est-à-dire, on peut très bien calculer Cette approche a déjà été utilisée avec succès pour le problème de l’empreinte d’un flux de données en com- pressant les éléments au fur et à mesure partitionnement type 푘-moyennes [2], pour la modélisation de densité qu’ils arrivent. avec modèle de mélange gaussien [3, 4], ainsi que pour l’analyse en 7 7 composantes principales. Des garanties d’apprentissage statistique Ces garanties portent sur le contrôle du ont été établies pour ces trois problèmes [5, 6]. risque, en supposant que le problème d’optimisation peut être résolu. Ce der- Cette thèse propose d’étendre le cadre de l’apprentissage compressif nier étant généralement non convexe, di- dans plusieurs directions : l’étude du choix de la matrice aléatoire 훀, et verses heuristiques sont utilisées pour le résoudre de manière approchée, et peu notamment la proposition d’utiliser des matrices structurées afin d’ac- de garanties existent sur ces heuristiques. célérer la complexité du mécanisme dans son ensemble; la proposition d’un nouvel algorithme pour l’apprentissage à partir de l’empreinte pour le problème de partitionnement; et enfin l’introduction d’un mé- canisme de compression légèrement modifié pour lequel des garanties de confidentialité peuvent être obtenues. Nous proposons de résumer ces contributions principales en suivant l’organisation du manuscrit.

Partie I La première partie de ce manuscrit propose un aperçu de la littérature existante sur le sujet de l’apprentissage à grande échelle. Le chapitre 2 introduit le domaine de l’apprentissage compressif, en partant de la technique d’acquisition comprimée qui en fournit l’inspiration. L’empreinte d’un jeu de données étant constituée d’un ensemble de moments, elle peut s’exprimer comme l’appli-

cation de l’opérateur linéaire A ∶ 휋 ↦ E퐱∼휋Φ(퐱) à la distribution

empirique 휋퐗 du jeu de données. La tâche d’apprentissage peut alors être formulée comme un problème linéaire inverse sur un espace de distributions de probabilités, pour lequel des garanties théoriques peuvent être obtenus lorsque A satisfait une inégalité d’isométrie restreinte. Quelques outils théoriques liés aux espaces de Hilbert à noyaux reproduisants sont également introduits afin d’éclairer la construction de la fonction Φ. Dans le chapitre 3, nous proposons une vue d’ensemble des autres 7

types d’approches pour l’apprentissage automatique efficace à grande échelle, en grande dimension et/ou sur des données en flux. Plusieurs exemples d’empreintes classiques pour l’estimation de fréquences sur de grands volumes de données sont évoqués, en partant de méthodes proposées au siècle dernier dans la com- munauté des bases de données. Les méthodes de réduction de dimensionalité sont ensuite introduites, avec un intérêt particulier porté sur les méthodes linéaires stochastiques et agnostiques vis- à-vis des données, de type Johnson-Lindenstrauss. La notion de 8 8 coreset est définie, et l’utilisation du sous-échantillonnage pour la Un coreset est un sous-ensemble du jeu production de coresets est discutée. Enfin, plusieurs algorithmes de données pour lequel l’erreur d’ap- prentissage reste proche de l’erreur me- stochastiques pour l’algèbre linéaire et en particulier l’approxima- surée sur le jeu de données entier. tion de faible rang sont présentés.

Partie II Dans la seconde partie, nous étudions le rôle de la distri- bution de la matrice aléatoire 훀, qui était dans les travaux précédents toujours tirée avec des entrées indépendantes et identiquement distri- buées (i.i.d.) gaussiennes. Si les colonnes (흎푖)1≤푖≤푚 de 훀 sont décom- posées de la forme 흎푖 = 푅푖흋푖 pour tout 푖 ∊ {1, …, 푚}, où les (푅푖)1≤푖≤푚 sont des rayons et les (흋푖)1≤푖≤푚 des vecteurs sur la sphère unité, nous proposons deux contributions distinctes, l’une relative à la distribution radiale des (푅푖)1≤푖≤푚 dans le cas du problème de partitionnement, et l’autre relative à la distribution directionnelle des (흋푖)1≤푖≤푚 et qui peut s’appliquer à diverses tâches d’apprentissage. Le chapitre 4 s’intéresse au problème de partitionnement compres- sif uniquement, pour lequel 휌 = exp(휄·), et souligne expérimen- talement l’importance de bien choisir la distribution radiale de

푅1, …, 푅푚. Les contributions sont de nature empirique, et mettent en évidence le lien existant entre le choix de l’échelle de la distri- bution radiale et la séparation (c.-à-d. la distance minimale) entre les différents groupes à identifier. Le chapitre 5 à l’inverse, suppose qu’une bonne distribution ra- diale est connue, et s’intéresse au choix de la distribution des

vecteurs 흋1, …, 흋푚, c’est-à-dire à la distribution directionnelle. En particulier, il est suggéré que ces vecteurs peuvent être générés de manière corrélée par blocs afin de réduire la complexité algorith- mique du processus de compression − et donc d’apprentissage puisque le succédané 푓(·, 퐬)̃ requiert également d’évaluer l’opé- rateur A. Cette réduction du coût est obtenue en construisant 훀 comme une juxtaposition de blocs carrés faisant intervenir des matrices structurées de type Walsh-Hadamard, pour lesquelles des algorithmes de multiplication rapide existent. Une validation expérimentale de la méthode est proposée, et les problèmes res- tants en vue de l’obtention de garanties théoriques sont identifiés et discutés.

Partie III Constituée d’un unique chapitre, la troisième partie se concentre encore une fois sur le problème de partitionnement de type 8

푘-moyennes, où l’on cherche à apprendre la position spatiale de 푘 points correspondant aux centres des 푘 groupes − chaque donnée 퐱푖 appartenant alors implicitement au groupe lié à celui des 푘 points dont elle est le plus proche. Le Chapitre 6 introduit un algorithme permettant de retrouver ces 푘 points à partir de l’empreinte 퐬.̃ Cette dernière est calculée via la même fonction Φ que dans les contributions précédentes [2], mais l’algorithme diffère des précédentes approches car il repose sur des méthodes de propagation de convictions. Cette famille de méthodes et notamment les algorithmes par passage de mes- sages sont introduits, puis nous montrons comment le problème 9 9 de partitionnement compressif peut se réécrire sous la forme d’un Sous l’hypothèse de données générées problème d’inférence bayésienne, qui peut être abordé avec de tels suivant un modèle de mélange gaussien. algorithmes moyennant quelques approximations. Quelques para- mètres du modèle doivent être réglés, et nous montrons comment 10 10 cela peut être effectué simultanément au déroulement de l’al- Plus précisément, de manière entrela- gorithme de passage de . Nous évoquons les problèmes cée puisque nous alternons les itérations des deux méthodes. d’approximation numérique qui peuvent survenir, et proposons une validation expérimentale de la méthode, à la fois sur des données synthétiques et réelles. Ce chapitre est le fruit d’une col- laboration, et ma contribution réside principalement dans la mise en œuvre expérimentale de la méthode.

Partie IV La dernière partie du manuscrit étudie l’intérêt de l’ap- proche compressive pour l’apprentissage avec garanties de confiden- tialité, ce qui s’avère être un critère essentiel lorsque l’on souhaite apprendre un modèle à partir de données à caractère personnel. Le chapitre 7 introduit le formalisme de la confidentialité diffé- rentielle, ainsi que les méthodes classiques permettant d’adapter un algorithme préexistant au moyen d’une perturbation aléatoire additive pour qu’il satisfasse cette définition. Une vue d’ensemble des autres techniques permettant de satisfaire la propriété de confi- dentialité différentielle est également proposée pour les tâches de partitionnement et d’analyse en composantes principales. Dans le chapitre 8, nous introduisons un mécanisme de compres- sion bruité, et nous nous intéressons au niveau de bruit mini- mum à ajouter permettant d’obtenir un niveau de confidentialité (différentielle) donné. Cette étude est effectuée pour deux types d’empreintes en particulier, et donne des garanties pour les pro- blèmes de partitionnement et d’analyse en composantes princi- pales. Une variante de cet algorithme adjoignant au bruit additif 11 11 un mécanisme de sous-échantillonnage des contributions liées i.e. seulement quelques entrées de aux différents échantillons du jeu de données est également étu- Φ(퐱푖) sont calculées pour chaque 퐱푖, mais tous les échantillons (퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 diée, permettant ainsi de contrôler plus finement le compromis entrent en compte dans le calcul de l’em- entre confidentialité, efficacité et qualité de l’apprentissage. preinte. Enfin, nous montrons expérimentalement dans le chapitre 9 que la 12 C’est à dire le rapport entre l’énergie qualité d’apprentissage à partir d’une empreinte bruitée est forte- du bruit ajouté pour obtenir la garantie de confidentialité, et l’énergie de l’em- 12 ment corrélée au rapport signal sur bruit . Nous proposons donc preinte non bruitée. 9

d’utiliser cette quantité, pour laquelle une expression analytique est fournie, comme un critère permettant de guider le choix des différents paramètres du modèle. Les performances des méthodes introduites sont également mesurées expérimentalement pour les problèmes de partitionnement et d’analyse en composantes principales, et comparées à d’autres méthodes de l’état de l’art.

Certaines définitions et preuves sont omises des chapitres etpro- duites en annexes A.1, B et C. Quelques considérations sur l’implémen- tation des diverses méthodes sont également proposées en Annexe D.


1 Introduction 17

1.1 Problem overview 18

1.1.1 A statistical approach to machine learning 19 1.1.2 Challenges of modern data collections 21 1.2 The compressive learning approach 24

1.3 Contributions 26

1.3.1 Layout and summary of contributions 26 1.3.2 List of publications 28

I Existing tools for Large-Scale Learning 31

2 A Guided Tour of Compressive Learning 33

2.1 A learning framework rooted in compressive sensing 33

2.1.1 Compressive sampling strategies 34 2.1.2 Algorithms for the inverse problem 35 2.1.3 Measurement operators design 36 2.1.4 Generalization to low-rank recovery 38 2.1.5 Sketches as linear distribution embeddings 39 2.2 Recovery guarantees using ideal decoders 40

2.2.1 Instance-optimal decoders and control of the excess risk 40 2.2.2 Generalization to semi-parametric models 42 2.3 Sketching operator design using kernel methods 43

2.3.1 Measuring similarity with kernels 44 2.3.2 Finite-dimensional feature maps for kernel approximation 45 2.3.3 Extension to distributions and mean embeddings 47 2.3.4 Tools for the lower restricted isometry property 49 2.4 Algorithms to learn from the sketch 50

2.5 Learning tasks with known compressive approaches 52 12

3 Large-Scale Learning: Related Work 57

3.1 Approximate query processing over data streams 58 3.1.1 Approximate estimation 58 3.1.2 Linear sketches for frequency moments 59 3.2 Dimensionality reduction techniques 60 3.2.1 Data-agnostic approaches 60 3.2.2 Adaptive approaches 61 3.3 Reduction of the number of samples 63 3.3.1 Coresets 63 3.3.2 Subsampling 65 3.4 Randomized linear algebra 68 3.4.1 Randomized low-rank factorization 68 3.4.2 The case of positive semi-definite matrices 70 3.5 Conclusion 73

II Efficient Compressive Learning 75

4 Learning to Sketch with a Gaussian Kernel 77

4.1 Role of the kernel scale 77 4.1.1 Theoretical insights 78 4.1.2 An illustration with CL-OMPR 78 4.1.3 Existing heuristics 80 4.2 Experimenting with synthetic datasets 81 4.2.1 Impact of the sketch size 81 4.2.2 Scale-invariance 82 4.2.3 Impact of the separation between clusters 83 4.2.4 Impact of the dimension 84 4.2.5 Impact of 푘 84 4.2.6 Impact of the frequency distribution 86 4.3 Towards empirical estimation of the separation 88 4.4 Perspectives 90

5 High-Dimensional Sketching with Structured Linear Operators 91

5.1 Literature on structured transforms 92 5.1.1 Factorization approaches 92 5.1.2 Families of linear operators based on known structured blocks 92 5.2 Construction 94 5.2.1 Decoupling radial and directional distributions 95 5.2.2 Construction of a square block 95 13

5.2.3 Extension to arbitrary dimensions 97 5.2.4 Comparison of the costs 98 5.3 Experimental validation 99 5.3.1 Runtime speedup 99 5.3.2 Clustering performance 102 5.3.3 Hierarchical clustering on a co-purchasing graph 105 5.4 Towards theoretical guarantees 107 5.4.1 Adapting existing results 107 5.4.2 Induced kernels 109 5.4.3 Concentration 112 5.5 Perspectives 114

III Compressive Clustering with Message Passing 115

6 Compressive Clustering with Approximate Message Passing 117

6.1 An introduction to Approximate Message Passing 117 6.1.1 Probabilistic model and factor graph for linear regression 118 6.1.2 The sum-product algorithm 119 6.1.3 Approximate message passing 120 6.2 Compressive clustering as a high-dimensional inference problem 122 6.2.1 Model of the sketch 123 6.2.2 Bayesian formalism 124 6.3 Inference of the centers using GAMP 124 6.3.1 From GAMP to SHyGAMP 125 6.3.2 Solving the remaining inference tasks 126 6.3.3 Hyperparameters learning 129 6.3.4 Initialization and main algorithm 130 6.4 Experimental results 131 6.4.1 Synthetic data 131 6.4.2 Real datasets 133 6.5 Perspectives 135

IV Compressive Learning with Privacy Guarantees 137

7 Introduction to Differential Privacy and Related Work 139

7.1 Attack model 140 7.2 Definition and properties 140 7.2.1 Neighboring relation 141 7.2.2 Composition properties 142 14

7.2.3 Alternative privacy definitions 143 7.3 Standard perturbation mechanisms for differential privacy 143 7.3.1 The Laplace mechanism 143 7.3.2 Approximate Differential Privacy and the Gaussian Mechanism 145 7.4 Private methods for the considered learning tasks: related work 147

8 Differentially private sketching 149

8.1 Privacy with noisy sketches 149 8.1.1 Private Sketching with the Laplace Mechanism 150 8.1.2 Approximate Differential Privacy with the Gaussian Mechanism 155 8.1.3 Computation of the bounds for quadratic features 156 8.2 A faster mechanism with frequency subsampling 158 8.2.1 Random Fourier Features 162 8.2.2 Compressive principal component analysis 163 8.2.3 An Upper Bound for Approximate and Bounded Differential Privacy 165

9 Utility Guarantees under Differential Privacy 169

9.1 Assessing utility with the noise-to-signal ratio 169 9.1.1 The role of the noise-to-signal ratio 170 9.1.2 Analytical estimation of the noise level 171 9.2 Hyperparameters tuning using the SNR 173 9.2.1 Comparison of the two subsampling strategies 173 9.2.2 Regimes combining privacy and utility 174 9.2.3 A Heuristic for Privacy Budget Splitting (Laplacian Noise) 176 9.2.4 Choice of the Sketch Size 177 9.3 Experimental validation 178 9.3.1 Clustering 178 9.3.2 Principal component analysis 181 9.4 Discussion and perspectives 184

V Perspectives 187

10 Towards handling broader families of compression-type tasks 189

10.1 Working with projective losses 190 10.1.1 Projection onto closed convex sets 191 10.1.2 Handling unions of convex sets 193 10.2 Implications for the lower restricted isometry property 198 10.2.1 Regularity of the sketching operator 198 10.2.2 Implications for the LRIP 198 10.3 Summary 203 15

11 Conclusion 205

11.1 Summary of the contributions 205 11.2 Future work 207 11.2.1 Short-term perspectives 207 11.2.2 Research directions for future work 207

VI Appendix 211

A Generic tools 213

A.1 Reminder on measures 213 A.2 Semi-norms on the space of finite signed measures 214

B Derivations for CL-AMP 215

B.1 Posterior mean and covariance of 퐳 215 B.2 Approximation of the sum 217

C Privacy Proofs 219

C.1 Results on Nonresonant Frequencies 219 C.2 Results without subsampling 220 C.3 Proofs on Sketching with Subsampling 221 C.3.1 General results 221 C.3.2 Random Fourier Features 224 C.4 Derivation of the noise-signal ratio 225 C.5 Heuristic for Splitting the Privacy Budget 231

D Implementation details 233

D.1 The CompressiveLearning package 233 D.2 The FatDatasets package 233 D.3 The PrivateClustering package 234 D.4 The PrivatePCA package 234 D.5 The BatchIterators package 235 D.6 The ExperimentsManager package 235 D.7 The Igrida package 235 16


We summarize here the notations used throughout the paper.

Mathematical notations

Notation Meaning O(·), Θ(·), Ω(·) Landau asymptotic notations 푛, 푚 Set of integers between 푛 and 푚 (included) J K ≜ Variable definition Δ ∝ Definition of a probability density function up to normalization ≲, ≳ Inequalities up to a constant factor 푑−1 푑 푆 Unit sphere in R (for the 푙2-norm) 퐀푇 Transpose of 퐀 퐀∗ Hermitian (conjugate) transpose of 퐀 ℜ, ℑ Real and imaginary parts

퐈푑 Identity matrix of size 푑 × 푑

⊗푘, ⊗ Kronecker product, Outer product 푂(푑) Real orthogonal group i.i.d. identically and independently distributed w.h.p. with high probability w.l.o.g. without loss of generality psd positive semi-definite

‖·‖0 푙0 vector pseudo-norm (number of nonzero entries)

‖·‖1,‖·‖2 푙1 and 푙2 vector norms

⟨·, ·⟩퐹,‖·‖퐹 Frobenius (matrix) inner-product and norm ‖·‖ Spectral (matrix) norm

‖·‖푝→푞 푙푝 → 푙푞 operator (matrix) norm N (흁, 횺) Multivariate normal distribution with mean 흁 and covariance 횺 L (푏) Centered Laplace distribution LC(푏) Centered complex Laplace distribution (Definition 7.7) Bern (푝) Bernouilli distribution with parameter 푝 U(푆) Uniform distribution on 푆 (when properly defined)

Conventions regarding variable names

Notation Meaning 푑 Dimension of the data samples 푛 Dataset size (number of samples) 푘 Number of components in a mixture, number of clusters for k-means 푚 Sketch size

Σ푠 Set of 푠-sparse vectors Φ Feature map ΦRFF Random Fourier feature map (cf. Definition 2.5) ΦRQF Random quadratic feature map (cf. Definition 2.6) A Sketching operator (cf. (2.10)) Chapter 1 Introduction

he amount of digital data which is produced, transmitted, stored Contents and processed each day has never stopped growing in the last 1.1 Problem overview 18 centuries. The early days of computing are often dated circa 1837, 1.1.1 A statistical approach to machine T learning | 1.1.2 Challenges of modern with Charles Babbage’s analytical engine which is the first design of a data collections generic Turing-complete1 computer, and Ada Lovelace’s notes which 1.2 The compressive learning ap- contain what is considered as the first computer program [7]. But at proach 24 1.3 Contributions 26 the time, and even in the following century when first computers were 1.3.1 Layout and summary of contribu- successfully built − the analytical engine was never finalized −, both tions | 1.3.2 List of publications speed and memory were quite limited by today’s standards. For in- stance, the Z3 of Konrad Zuse, completed in 1941, had only 64 memory 1 words of 22 bits each; program memory was made of punched tape, i.e. which is expressive enough to simu- late a Turing machine. following Babbage’s ideas, and a multiplication took in average three seconds. These computers, albeit being programmable, were dedicated to specific engineering tasks or cryptography. Although the computer science discipline was created and devel- oped in the following decades, with already many significant theoreti- cal contributions, the biggest game changer was certainly the invention of metal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistors (MOSFET), which led to the development of microprocessors and memory chips, opening the way for mass production of personal computers, embedded devices, and smartphones. This multiplication of the number of devices able 2 2 to capture and process external data, together with the exponential According to Moore’s law [8], the tran- growing of computational power and the increasing availability of sistor density (for which the production cost per transistor is minimum) used to permanent storage (hard drives), led us quickly where we stand now: double every two years at the time. Den- massive amounts of digital data are produced every second − not only nard scaling law [9] moreover states that each step in this miniaturization process by individuals, but also for instance by sensor networks or scientific came with roughly a 40% increase of cir- devices −, transmitted via telecommunication infrastructures, stored cuits’ frequency, and a constant power in gigantic datacenters across the world, and processed, possibly using consumption per surface unit. It is worth noting, however, that production costs massively parallel supercomputers. have also been growing exponentially The domain of artificial intelligence (AI), which encompasses all (Moore’s second law). endeavors towards designing machines or programs able to mimic, to some extent, cognitive functions of human beings such as perception, reasoning or learning, flourished in the last decades partly because of this evolution. Despite significant early developments in the mid- fifties, the discipline did not grow as fast as initially envisioned by 3 e.g. Marvin Minsky, considered as one some researchers3. But with larger and larger data collections available of the fathers of AI, in 1970: “In from three to eight years we will have a ma- over the years and growing calculation capacities, it became easier to chine with the general intelligence of an build and train new powerful models, leading to many consecutive average human being.” (Life Magazine). 18

successes, first in the nineties − for instance in 1997, with the victory of the Deep Blue AI over Garry Kasparov at chess −, and in the last 4 4 decade with deep and convolutional neural networks − that improved These are classes of mathematical mod- drastically machine performance on multiple learning tasks, especially els, combining parametric linear opera- tions and simple non-linear (most often in computer vision and natural language processing. All these meth- deterministic) transformations. These ods, which “learn” the parameters of a mathematical model using large models are highly expressive, but also difficult to train due to the very large collections of empirical data, form the research area of “machine learn- number of parameters they induce. ing”, which can be seen as a sub-field of artificial intelligence. Needless to say, applications go way beyond the examples given above as, by definition, such techniques can be used in pretty much any domain where data is available. However, building efficient and lightweight machine learning al- gorithms remains a challenge. The size of datasets used to train the models has grown at the same rate, if not faster, than computational ca- pacities, and most traditional learning techniques simply cannot scale to the largest existing collections. Most of the numerous successes witnessed so far, and especially the ones based on deep architectures in the last few years, require tremendous resources: powerful com- 5 5 puters or supercomputers , specialized graphical or tensor processing Supercomputers are computers which units, large storage capacities and, naturally, substantial engineering can perform much more floating-point operations per seconds (FLOPS) than a and research capacities as well. Beyond deeper problems coming with “standard” computer, and are widely use these constraints, such as the growing difficulty for academic or smaller in computational science. actors to compete with a few major players, a maybe more fundamen- tal observation is that these learning approaches are very expensive, especially energetically. A simple way to address this problem is to somehow compress the learning collections. By doing so, we reduce the amount of stored data, make it easier − or at least faster − to process the remaining information, and make it possible to tackle with limited resources problems on large datasets that simply are untractable otherwise. This thesis focuses on one such approach, called compressive (or sketched) learning, which maps a whole training collection to a single vector summarizing some useful statistics of the data distribution. In this introduction, we propose to formalize the key concepts of machine learning, and explain further why traditional approaches are often not helpful in the large-scale setting (Section 1.1). A quick overview of compressive learning is provided in Section 1.2, and the main contributions of the thesis are summarized in Section 1.3.1.

1.1 Problem overview

In order to compare different learning techniques, we need to define more precisely the issue to be solved. Machine learning actually covers many different problems, that are also called learning tasks. Three examples of such tasks are represented (in dimension 2) in Figure 1.1, where the blue points represent the data samples, and the learned mod- els are depicted in purplish red. Without going too much in the details, principal component analysis (PCA) aims at finding the subspace which somehow best “fits” the data; k-means clustering consists in 19

Principal component analysis finding a set of 푘 points which cover the different clusters of the dataset; the goal of Gaussian modeling is to find, in the model of Gaussian mixtures, the distribution whose density (represented with isolines on Figure 1.1) best fits the observed data. For each of these examples, one wants to identify in a predefined family of acceptable models, the one that best explains or summarizes the observed data. Statistical learning is a convenient framework to tackle all these tasks and more under a common formalism. Its basic concepts are introduced in Sec- tion 1.1.1, and we discuss the different challenges to take into account k-means clustering in Section 1.1.2.

1.1.1 A statistical approach to machine learning

Throughout this thesis, we always work with numerical features, i.e. the datasets we consider are collections of vectors in X = R푑. Unless otherwise specified, we always denote 푑 the dimension of the data samples and 푛 the number of samples in the collection. Any dataset

퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛] can be represented by its associated empirical distribu- Gaussian modeling tion, that we denote 휋 = 1 ∑푛 훿 , where 훿 is the Dirac measure 퐗 푛 푖=1 퐱푖 퐱 located at 퐱. We refer the reader to Appendix A.1 for some standard definitions related to measure theory. The concepts of “learning task” and “model” used above can be formalized in the statistical learning framework. In this context, a model is referred to as an hypothesis, and we denote H the hypothesis space, i.e. the class of all considered models. It will typically be a parametrized family. A learning task is defined by a loss function 푙 ∶ H × X → R. Intuitively, the quantity 푙(ℎ, 퐱) characterizes how “bad” Figure 1.1: Examples of learning tasks: the hypothesis ℎ is with respect to the data sample 퐱 for this learning PCA (top), k-means clustering (middle), and density estimation with a Gaussian 6 task. Any loss function naturally extends to probability distributions mixture model (bottom). Data points via its associated risk function R ∶ H × P(X ) → R, defined for any are represented in blue, and the learned model (the hypothesis) in purplish red. probability distribution 휋 as 6 We assume for conciseness that the cho- R(ℎ, 휋) ≜ E 푙(ℎ, 퐱). (1.1) sen loss functions are always integrable, 퐱∼휋 i.e. that (1.1) is always defined where P(X ) denotes the set of probability distributions over X .

Some classical learning tasks Learning problems of very different natures can be written using the formalism of loss and risk functions. 7 7 The most iconic learning task is maybe classification , where one has To be more precise, supervised classifi- a collection of data samples in X and associated labels, and wants to cation, as explained below. learn to predict labels for new data samples. We discuss this problem just below, but we first introduce the loss functions corresponding to the three tasks represented in Figure 1.1. These tasks will play an important role in this thesis for the simple reason that it is known that they can be addressed using compressive methods. Let us first consider the example of principal component analysis, depicted on the top of Figure 1.1. The hypothesis one wants to recover is in this case a linear subspace of X (we assume centered data for simplicity). 20

Definition 1.1 (PCA): Let 푘 ∊ N. Principal component analysis consists in finding a linear 푘-dimensional subspace ℎ of X such

that the orthogonal projection Πℎ on ℎ minimizes the risk induced by the loss function

2 푙PCA(ℎ, 퐱) ≜ ‖퐱 − Πℎ퐱‖2. (1.2)

The loss induced by a sample that does not belong to ℎ is thus simply its squared distance to ℎ (e.g. in Figure 1.1, the squared distance to the purple line), and only the risk of probability distributions that are supported on a 푘-dimensional subspace vanishes for some subspace ℎ. The two other problems that will be discussed extensively are 푘-means clustering and Gaussian modeling.

Definition 1.2 (Clustering): 푘-means clustering consist in find-

ing a set ℎ of 푘 ∊ N points ℎ = {퐜1, …, 퐜푘} ⊆ X minimizing the risk induced by the loss function

2 푙 (ℎ, 퐱) ≜ min ‖퐱 − 퐜푖‖ . (1.3) KM 1≤푖≤푘 2

Definition 1.3 (Gaussian modeling): Gaussian mix- ture modeling aims at finding the parameters ℎ =

{(훼푖)1≤푖≤푘, (퐜푖)1≤푖≤푘, (횺푖)1≤푖≤푘} of the Gaussian mixture

model with density 푝ℎ(퐱) = ∑푖≤푖≤푘 훼푖N (퐱; 퐜푖, 횺푖) minimizing the risk induced by the loss

푙KM(ℎ, 퐱) ≜ − log 푝ℎ(퐱). (1.4)

8 8 The k-means clustering problem is NP-hard [10], and heuristics i.e. at least as difficult as any problem in such as Lloyd’s algorithm [11] are traditionally used when possible. the NP (non-deterministic polynomial- time) complexity class. Many different variants and extensions exist [12], as clustering is a core component of many learning frameworks. Similarly, Gaussian mixtures are ubiquitous models; the de-facto approach to learn the parameters is the EM algorithm [13].

Supervised learning The three tasks presented above belong to the group of unsupervised learning problems, by opposition to supervised problems where the data points in the training collection come with additional observations or labels. A standard example is supervised classification, where each sample comes with a category membership indication, and one can take these indications into account to better train the considered model. In that case, the loss function is of the form 푙 ∶ H × (X × Y) → R, where Y is the finite set of possible labels. The relevance of a classifier 푓 ∶ X → Y = {1, …, 푐} can for instance be measured with the 0-1 loss function

푙0−1(푓, (퐱, 푦)) ≜ 1푓(퐱)=푦 (1.5) where 1푏 takes the value 1 when the boolean expression 푏 holds, and 0 otherwise. The function 푓 plays here the role of the hypothesis, and 21

should be selected in a well-chosen class − i.e., expressive enough but not too large. Another standard supervised task is regression, where Y is contin- uous (typically Y = R), and one wants to learn a function 푓 which predicts the quantity 푦 from the observation 퐱. Many variants of the problem exist, but if we restrict 푓 to the class of linear functions, and measure the error with the squared loss, we get the well known linear 9 9 least squared problem . A regularization term on the vector 퐡 from Definition 1.4 is often added in prac- Definition 1.4: Linear least squares aims at finding a vector 퐡 ∊ tice in the optimization objective, but we 푑 focus for now solely on the terms related R minimizing the risk induced by the loss to the data.

푇 2 푙LLS(퐡, (퐱, 푦)) = (퐱 퐡 − 푦) . (1.6)

We will come back to these different tasks in the following chapters, and in particular to the three unsupervised tasks. For now, we simply assume having a task defined by an explicit loss function, and consider solving it using a given dataset.

Risk minimization In most situations, the samples of 퐗 are assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) according to some distribution 휋. Solving a learning task defined by a risk function R hence amounts to find Risk

R(·, 휋) ℎ∗ ∊ arg min R(ℎ, 휋). (1.7) ℎ∊H R(·, 휋퐗) However, the distribution 휋 is unknown in practical applications and one cannot access directly R(·, 휋). A more realistic goal is thus to learn ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) • • from 퐗 an hypothesis ℎ̂ for which the excess risk ∗ H ℎ ℎ̂ ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) ≜ R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) (1.8) Figure 1.2: Schematic representation of the true and empirical risk functions. is small, as shown in Figure 1.2. A natural approach to do so is to One ideally wants to find ℎ∗, but can directly solve only access R(·, 휋퐗). Empirical risk min- imization produces the hypothesis ℎ̂ , min R(ℎ, 휋퐗), (1.9) ̂ ℎ∊H whose excess risk is ΔR(ℎ, 휋). which is known as empirical risk minimization. This generic formula- tion of the problem can naturally call for very different optimization tools. For instance, the risk minimizer for PCA has a closed form (the subspace spanned by the first eigenvectors of the covariance matrix), whereas minimizing the risk for k-means clustering is NP-hard, and iterative heuristics such as the k-means algorithm are widely used [14]. As a consequence, we do not focus for now on how to solve (1.9) in prac- tice, but simply note that the quantity R(·, 휋퐗) can be exactly evaluated using the data samples.

1.1.2 Challenges of modern data collections

As we have just seen in the previous section, any learning task formal- ized using a risk function implicitly defines an optimization problem, and can be addressed via empirical risk minimization (ERM). But even assuming that the problem is “nice” from an optimization perspective 22

(e.g. convex), the viability of this approach is often limited in practice by the nature of the data. We discuss here a few common characteristics of the datasets collected nowadays. 1. Most often, the number 푛 of samples in the collection is very 10 10 large . This means that it takes time to go through the whole For instance, Google translate uses a collection, but also that the dataset is unlikely to fit in core memory. training collection comprising more than 1018 samples [15]. In terms of volume, When performing ERM, computing even a single gradient of the many companies report processing more risk function requires going through the whole collection, and be- than 100 petabytes of data per day, al- though most of this information is never comes expensive. Although this can naturally be mitigated using stored. The large hadron collider (LHC) 11 various techniques , one should still expect to load multiple times collects (and stores permanently), after 15 each sample in memory, and I/O operations can easily account for filtering, in average one petabyte (10 bytes) of data per day [16]. a substantial part of the overall learning time. Even assuming that 11 e.g. stochastic or block gradient meth- sufficient memory is available, this makes any algorithm scaling ods. more than linearly with respect to 푛 practically useless. 2. In many applications, the dimension 푑 of the data samples will also be large. This calls, similarly to the previous point, for algorithms with computational complexities that scale at most linearly with 푑. But it also changes drastically the geometric properties of the data and raises new questions; this is often referred to as the curse of 12 12 dimensionality . In particular, volume grows exponen- tially with the dimension, and the num- 3. The collection might not be stored in one place, but rather dis- ber of data points (sample complexity) tributed across multiple devices or data holders. Centralization required for accurately learning standard might not be technically possible, or simply not desirable for vari- models also grows exponentially. ous reasons, and algorithms need to adapt to this setting. In the extreme case, one can imagine applications where all the data samples are produced by different users, and must be processed locally. 4. Data might not be entirely known in advance, but take the form of a data stream. It should then be possible to process incoming data on the fly, and to update learned models gradually. Notany algorithm can be modified for this purpose, and it is often easier to come with new dedicated methods. This is often achieved via intermediate representation such as linear sketches (cf. Chapter 3) which are designed precisely to support sequential updates. 5. The data might be produced in a different location than where it is used. As a consequence, the network traffic grows together with the amount of collected data, which requires appropriate infrastructures and increases energy consumption. Compression algorithms can naturally be used to alleviate this problem, but why not designing efficient sensing methods, i.e. methods able to directly capture only the relevant parts or statistics of the data? 6. We mentioned the energy consumption induced by network in- frastructures, but this is a larger problem which also applies to 13 It is not easy to give accurate estima- storage and algorithms. Datacenters, servers and supercomputers tions here, especially given that the in- creasing costs are balanced by significant 13 are known to require huge amounts of energy , and the global efficiency gains, but multiple sources worldwide consumption has only been growing with the advent of claim that data centers account for 1% of electricity consumption worldwide. See cloud computing. Hence building large-scale efficient systems has for instance [17] for up-to-date perspec- become a crucial challenge [18]. Reducing the amount of stored tives. 23

data by directly compressing it at acquisition time, while keeping its important characteristics for downstream learning applications, can thus be considered as a way to minimize the problem. But designing learning algorithms with this concern in mind is also necessary; although energy consumption is most often directly cor- related with the computational complexity, the connection might at times be more tricky. 7. Sometimes, the data samples are considered to be of a sensitive nature. This does not mean that learning is not possible or desir- able, but suggests that alternative algorithms must be designed with this concern in mind. A good example would be the medi- cal domain, where combining data coming from many different patients could be valuable to learn accurate global models which could benefit to all; however, this should for obvious reasons be done without revealing individual medical records, and simple anonymization techniques are known to be insufficient for this matter [19]. This also suggests, from a user perspective, that the data might not be publicly available, but only accessible via a re- stricted interface, or in a different form, e.g. as rough statistics that do not reveal much about the individual samples. 8. Datasets might contain missing or corrupted data. We will not focus on this problem in this thesis, but this is something to take into account. This can be due to the failure of sensing devices, but also applies to labels in the context of supervised learning: for instance in computer vision, collecting large amounts of images became straightforward with the proliferation of compact cam- eras and smartphones, but labels are produced by human beings, 14 14 which is much more time-consuming and raises many technical It thus comes at no surprise that mech- as well as ethical questions. Developing semi-supervised methods anisms such as reCAPTCHA were intro- duced: by asking the user to assign cate- (i.e. using partially annotated collections) or unsupervised meth- gories to images in order to detect bots, ods able to produce themselves pseudo-labels has also become a this program also records the answers of valid users, which can be used later as crucial challenge. categorization labels. This program was 9. Finally, data might not come in a numerical form as we assumed displayed 100 million times per day at the beginning of the last decade [20], be- it in Section 1.1.1, but rather be categorical or structured. This is fore being replaced more recently by less for instance the case of data measured across networks, where intrusive mechanisms. the geometry defined by the network’s edges is often a valuable information which can be used jointly with the samples to improve learning performance. This calls for dedicated algorithms; this will not be discussed in this thesis, and we assume when necessary that structure can be leveraged into a preprocessing step to produce numerical data. But extending the methods presented in this thesis to integrate directly structural information would naturally 15 15 be interesting . In particular, one might benefit from any extension of the kernel methods pre- sented in Section 2.3 to other domains.

Trade-offs In light of these constraints, it becomes clear that standard learning methods, such as for instance the generic ERM approach, cannot simply be adapted to fulfill all these requirements. One must come with tailored learning algorithms and frameworks, and integrate 24

the considerations discussed above into the design process. These methods should naturally be theoretically grounded. In the case of statistical learning, it means that bounds on the excess 16 16 risk ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) associated to the hypothesis ℎ̂ learned by the algo- cf. (1.8). rithm should be provided. Note however that satisfying the above concerns will most often come at the cost of reduced performance, i.e. weaker and possibly probabilistic bounds. This connects with the notion of probably approximately correct (PAC) learning [21, Chapter 3]. An hypothesis class H is said to be agnostic PAC learnable if there exists an algorithm which, for any distribution 휋 on X , any 휀 > 0, 훿 ∊]0, 1[ and any dataset 퐗 made of at least 푛(휀, 훿) samples drawn i.i.d. from 휋, returns an hypothesis ℎ̂ whose excess risk satisfies ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) ≤ 휀. We use here the notation 푛(휀, 훿) to denote a function of 휀, 훿, which gives the smallest number of samples required for 휀-approximate learning with probability 1 − 훿; this is called the sample complexity. The results which appear later are not explicitly casted into this PAC framework, but their nature is sometimes very close: one always wants to control the excess risk with high probability using the smallest number of samples as possible. In our setting, the size of the intermediate compressed representation will often play a role as well, and guarantees will depend on it.

In this thesis, we focus on a method called compressive learning, which can cope at least with points 1-4 of the above list, and certainly help with other considerations (depending on the practical setting). The next section provides a rough overview of this method and why it is interesting in this regard. We provide in Chapter 3 a comprehensive overview of alternative approaches from the literature which can cope as well with the problems stated earlier.

1.2 The compressive learning approach

large 푛 푝 Convenient for distributed 푚 ) ) ) 1 2 푛 data and data streams. 푑 퐱1 퐱2 ⋯ 퐱푛 ⋯ 퐬̃ 휽 Φ(퐱 Φ(퐱 Φ Φ(퐱 Average 2. Learning

1. Sketching Dataset X Sketch 퐬̃ Parameters 휽 (size 푑 × 푛) (size 푚 = Θ(푝) ≪ 푛푑) (size 푝)

Figure 1.3: General Framework. The In the compressive learning framework, which is depicted in Fig- dataset is sketched into a single vector of ure 1.3, the dataset is compressed into a single vector, called the sketch17 generalized moments, from which the pa- rameters of interests are then estimated. of the data. The sketch 퐬̃ of a dataset 퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛] is a vector, and is simply defined as 17 The term “sketch” has multiple mean- 푛 1 ings, which are further addressed in 퐬̃ = ∑ Φ(퐱푖), (1.10) Chapter 3. 푛 푖=1 25

where Φ ∶ X → Z is a wisely chosen feature map, which is typically nonlinear. In the following, we will most often consider Z = R푚 or C푚 for some sketch size 푚. The empirical sketch 퐬̃ is thus just the collection of the general- 18 18 ized empirical moments induced by Φ. As will be explained later in By opposition to the “standard” 푖-th Chapter 2, we will consider in particular feature maps Φ of the form order moments. Φ(퐱) = 휌(훀푇퐱), where 훀 ∊ R푑×푚 is a randomly-drawn matrix and 휌 ∶ R → R a nonlinear function applied pointwise. We will see that in particular clustering and Gaussian modeling tasks can be performed using 휌 ∶ 푥 ↦ exp(휄푥) (in the whole document, 휄 denotes the imaginary number), and principal component analysis using the square function 휌 ∶ 푥 ↦ 푥2.

Advantages Although we postpone to Chapter 2 the details and intu- ition behind this design of the sketching mechanism, one can already 19 Samples can be sketched all indepen- see the computational benefits of working with such sketches. dently in parallel or by batches. In a Φ scenario where the data is already dis- Indeed, not only the feature map has a simple expression and can tributed (no data transfer cost), one be evaluated efficiently, but most importantly the average operation in should expect the speedup to be linear Equation (1.10) makes the computation embarrassingly parallelizable19 with the number of cores, hence beating Amdahl’s law. as shown in Figure 1.4. When the data is split across multiple data holders, each of them can sketch the local collection and only share the resulting sketch − as well as the number of samples used to compute it, so that correct weights can be computed in subsequent averaging operations. When the dataset is located at one single location, the sketching process can still be performed by batches on different cores in order to speed up the process. Streams can easily be sketched “on the fly” as well, simply by sketching the data samples one byoneand averaging the sketches progressively. In the following, we also refer to this method as “online sketching”.

Data stream Distributed dataset Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Data sample ... 푥푡 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ at time 푡

Sketch on Sketch by batches the fly

) Sketch of 푡 퐬1̃ 퐬2̃ 퐬3̃ the local 퐬4̃ Φ(푥 dataset

+ + + + + +

Sketch of Mean sketch 퐬푡̃ 1 퐬푡̃ 퐬̃ the whole - at time 푡 dataset

Figure 1.4: Left: A streaming scenario, But computational efficiency should not be the only reason to con- where the data samples are sketched one by one, and the mean sketch is contin- sider compressive approaches. Sketching drastically reduces the amount uously updated. Right: A distributed of information and thus is a natural candidate for privacy-aware learn- scenario, where each device computes a local sketch, and a centralized entity ing. We will show in Part IV that guarantees can indeed be obtained further averages these local sketches. 26

in this direction. Another interest of this compressive approach is its generic nature. The choice of the function 휌 depends on the nature of the task to solve, but different learning tasks can still be tackled under the same formalism, and the algorithms used to learn from the sketch can be adapted for various problems.

Open Challenges Naturally, this approach has some limits. Beyond the successful examples mentioned above, it remains a challenge to find which tasks can or cannot be approximately solved with sucha compressive approach. Adapting the mechanism to supervised learn- ing tasks is also not straightforward. More details will be provided in Chapter 2, and some considerations for extension to broader families of learning tasks are discussed in Chapter 10.

Related approaches Although moments have been used in statistics for similar use cases, the compressive learning framework is rather rooted in signal processing, and especially relies on compressive sens- ing techniques and kernel methods (see Chapter 2). Many other ap- proaches for learning with reduced resources exist. They often bear similarities with compressive learning in the common tools they rely on, such as the multiplication by random matrices, but these ideas can be used in many different ways, and analyzed with different theoretical tools. We discuss related ideas in Chapter 3, such as dimensionality reduction techniques and coresets. Seen as the succession of random linear operation and a pointwise non-linearity, compressive learning can also be analyzed as the first layer of a random neural network. The main difference lies in the aver- aging operation; although such operations are sometimes performed 20 20 in neural networks , they never apply to all the features at once. Note Usually referred to as “pooling” opera- that shallow random networks are known to capture useful information tions. for classification [22], and some random convolutional networks have more recently been observed to be invertible [23], so it should come at no surprise that the sketch defined at (1.10) can capture enough information to solve specific tasks when Φ is wisely chosen.

1.3 Contributions

We summarize our contributions, and propose below a list of the pub- lications which are directly related to the thesis.

1.3.1 Layout and summary of contributions

The rest of the thesis is structured in four distinct parts. The fist part mainly presents existing works, while the three other contain the contri- butions of the thesis. These contributions extend the compressive learn- ing framework in different directions. We propose here a summary of these contributions, which follows the layout of the manuscript.

Part I reviews existing approaches for large-scale learning. 27

Chapter 2 provides an introduction to compressive learning. It explains how the whole framework is grounded in the field of com- pressive sensing, and how the design of the sketching operator is related to kernel methods. This chapter also details the differ- ent learning tasks which have been addressed using compressive learning. Chapter 3 discusses other randomized techniques for large-scale learning, such as random dimensionality-reduction methods or coresets. This chapter does not aim at being exhaustive, as it encompasses a very large part of the literature, but rather tries to present the most common ways to leverage random projection and subsampling techniques.

Part II suggests two directions for improving the distribution from which the columns of the random matrix 훀 are drawn. In the following, 21 21 it will be useful to decouple the radial and directional distributions We will only consider distributions for of these columns. which this separability holds throughout the manuscript. Chapter 4 focuses on the particular setting of compressive cluster- ing, where 휌 = exp(휄·), and highlights the importance of choosing well the scale of the columns of 훀 − which can be interpreted as frequency vectors in this setting. The contributions of this chapter are empirical, and provide new insights on the connection between 22 22 the “optimal” scale of the frequencies and the separation (i.e. i.e. the scale providing empirically the the minimum distance) between the clusters to retrieve. lowest clustering error (assuming it is unique). Chapter 5 assumes on the opposite that an appropriate radial dis- tribution is known, and focuses on the directional distribution. In particular, it considers drawing the matrix 훀 by stacking struc- tured blocks with the aim of reducing the overall computational complexity of the framework. We show empirically that the chosen construction does not degrade the learning performance, while indeed allowing significant time and memory savings. We also discuss how existing learning guarantees can be adapted to this new setting for compressive clustering.

Part III consists of a single chapter, and solely focuses on the 푘-means clustering task, where one wants to recover 푘 cluster centers. Solv- ing the clustering problem with a compressive approach has already been proposed in the literature, using a sketch of random Fourier fea- tures and an algorithm inspired from generalized orthogonal matching pursuit to recover the cluster centers from the sketch. Chapter 6 introduces a new algorithm to address this second task, while still relying on a sketch of random Fourier features. The method is based on the SHyGAMP algorithm, which itself belongs to the family of approximate message passing methods. We pro- vide a broad introduction to loopy belief propagation, and detail how our compressive learning task can be casted into a standard Bayesian formalism under the assumption of a Gaussian mixture generation model. We detail how the dependence of the entries 28

of the sketch in the cluster centers allows us to use approximate message passing techniques, and explain why further approxi- mations are required. We discuss numerical issues arising when implementing the method, and provide an experimental valida- tion on both synthetic and real data. A method is also proposed to tune the model hyperparameters. This chapter is the result of a collaboration; my personal contribution mainly consisted in exper- imental aspects of the work, and especially in exploring various approximation strategies to estimate posterior quantities required in the algorithm.

Part IV explores the potential of compressive learning for applications where privacy preservation is required. Chapter 7 provides a broad introduction to privacy-preserving machine learning, and in particular to the differential privacy formalism, that we use to define and quantify the level of privacy of an algorithm. It also reviews standard approaches for large- scale privacy-aware learning. Chapter 8 shows how a slight perturbation of the sketching mech- anism is sufficient to obtain formal differential privacy guarantees. We provide results for the problems of clustering, Gaussian mod- eling and PCA with sharp privacy bounds. A subsampling mech- anism is also introduced to reduce the computational complexity of the sketching operation. Chapter 9 suggests that the utility (for subsequent learning) is closely related to a signal-to-noise ratio, and uses this criterion to optimize miscellaneous parameters of the framework. Experi- mental results are also provided for the different learning tasks considered, and show that our method is competitive with state- of-the-art approaches. This part is also the fruit of a collaboration, and my personal contri- bution consisted mainly in establishing the sharpness of the different bounds, and running experiments for the clustering and PCA applica- tions.

1.3.2 List of publications

Here is the list of the publications related to the thesis. Some of these works are still under review. Efficient compressive learning (Part II) – Antoine Chatalic, Rémi Gribonval, and Nicolas Keriven. “Large- Scale High-Dimensional Clustering with Fast Sketching.” In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2018 – Antoine Chatalic and Rémi Gribonval. “Learning to Sketch for Compressive Clustering.” In: International Traveling Work- shop on Interactions between Low-Complexity Data Models and Sensing Techniques (iTWIST). June 2020 29

Message-passing (Part III) – Evan Byrne, Antoine Chatalic, Rémi Gribonval, and Philip Schniter. “Sketched Clustering via Hybrid Approximate Mes- sage Passing.” In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67.17 (Sept. 2019) Privacy-preserving compressive learning (Part IV) – Antoine Chatalic, Vincent Schellekens, Florimond Houssiau, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Laurent Jacques, and Rémi Gri- bonval. “Compressive Learning with Privacy Guarantees.” Submitted to Information and Inference (under review). Sub- mitted to Information and Inference (under review). Mar. 3, 2020 – Vincent Schellekens, Antoine Chatalic, Florimond Houssiau, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Laurent Jacques, and Rémi Gri- bonval. “Compressive K-Means with Differential Privacy.” In: SPARS Workshop. July 1, 2019 – Vincent Schellekens, Antoine Chatalic, Florimond Houssiau, Yves-Alexandre De Montjoye, Laurent Jacques, and Rémi Gri- bonval. “Differentially Private Compressive K-Means.” In: 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Brighton, United Kingdom, May 2019 Other contributions – Antoine Chatalic, Nicolas Keriven, and Rémi Gribonval. “Pro- jections aléatoires pour l’apprentissage compressif.” In: Gretsi. Aug. 26, 2019 – Rémi Gribonval, Antoine Chatalic, Nicolas Keriven, Vincent Schellekens, Laurent Jacques, and Philip Schniter. “Sketching Datasets for Large-Scale Learning (Long Version).” Aug. 4, 2020 (under review)

Part I

Existing tools for Large-Scale Learning

This part reviews the different existing approaches for efficient large-scale learning. The compressive learning framework is presented in details in Chapter 2, and we provide in Chapter 3 an overview of other common tools used in the domain.

Chapter 2 A Guided Tour of Compressive Learning

his chapter provides an overview of the ideas, algorithms and Contents tools used in compressive learning. It shows how the connec- 2.1 A learning framework rooted in tions with the setting of compressive sensing, established in Sec- compressive sensing 33 T 2.1.1 Compressive sampling strategies tion 2.1, can be leveraged to get generic bounds on the learning error | 2.1.2 Algorithms for the inverse prob- (Section 2.2). This requires some assumptions on the sketching opera- lem | 2.1.3 Measurement operators de- sign | 2.1.4 Generalization to low-rank , which have been proved for several applications using tools from matrix recovery | 2.1.5 Sketches as lin- kernel methods, as suggested in Section 2.3. Reconstruction algorithms ear distribution embeddings are discussed in Section 2.4, and a general summary of the different 2.2 Recovery guarantees using ideal de- coders 40 tasks and guarantees is provided in Section 2.5. 2.2.1 Instance-optimal decoders and control of the excess risk | 2.2.2 Gener- alization to semi-parametric models 2.3 Sketching operator design using 2.1 A learning framework rooted in compres- kernel methods 43 2.3.1 Measuring similarity with kernels sive sensing | 2.3.2 Finite-dimensional feature maps for kernel approximation | 2.3.3 Exten- A fundamental result in signal processing is the Shannon1 sampling sion to distributions and mean embed- dings | 2.3.4 Tools for the lower re- theorem [32], which states that a bandlimited signal having no fre- stricted isometry property 2 quency higher than 푓푚 hertz can be sampled regularly without loss if 2.4 Algorithms to learn from the sketch 50 the sampling frequency 푓푠 satisfies 푓푠 > 2푓푚, i.e. is at least twice the highest frequency contained in the signal. This theorem however only 2.5 Learning tasks with known com- pressive approaches 52 provides a sufficient condition, and holds uniformly for all bandlimited signals. Many lossless compression schemes however exist, allowing to reduce further after acquisition the number of samples. Although such schemes usually rely on nonlinear transformations, they make 1 The theorem often takes the name clear that many signals are somehow much more “compressible” than of Shannon for his comprehensive pa- per [32] providing a concise proof, but what could be expected from the Shannon theorem. the result was according to his own Compressive sensing3 is a field of signal processing which emerged words “common knowledge in the com- munication art” and similar formulations in the early 2000s around the idea that sparse signals, i.e. signals that had been earlier and independently pro- can be described in a domain using only a few nonzero coefficients, posed by Nyquist, Whittaker and Kotel- can be sampled without loss using a much smaller number of measure- nikov. 2 i.e. using equally-spaced samples ments that what the Shannon theorem would require. The sampling 3 Also called compressed sensing, and scheme considered is not regular anymore, but still linear, and the sometimes compressive sampling number of samples required is mainly related to the sparsity of the signal. We only provide in this part a brief introduction to the domain, and refer the interested reader to the book A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive Sensing [33] for a comprehensive summary, or to the paper 34

“A Survey of Compressed Sensing” [34] for a more concise overview of classical results.

2.1.1 Compressive sampling strategies

We introduce the notation ‖퐱‖0 to denote the number of nonzero entries of a vector 퐱. We define the support of a vector 퐱 ∊ C푑 as

supp(퐱) = {푖 ∊ 1, 푑 | 푥푖 ≠ 0}, where 1, 푑 ≜ {1, …, 푑}, J K J K so that ‖퐱‖0 = | supp(퐱)|. Note that although ‖·‖0 is often referred to 4 4 as the 푙0-norm, it is actually neither a norm , nor a quasi-norm, nor a It does not satisfy the homogeneity semi-norm. We refer to it as a pseudo-norm, but without any specific property. mathematical meaning behind this denomination. We say that a vector 푑 퐱 ∊ C is 푠-sparse when ‖퐱‖0 ≤ 푠, i.e. when 퐱 has at most 푠 nonzero entries. We also say more qualitatively that 퐱 is sparse when ‖퐱‖0 ≪ 푑, and define Σ푠 as the set of of all 푠-sparse signals. For any 푝 > 0 and 퐱, we use the notation

푑 1/푝 푝 ‖퐱‖푝 = (∑ |푥푖| ) , (2.1) 푖=1 and recall that ‖·‖푝 is a proper norm (called the 푙푝 norm) whenever 푝 ≥ 1. In the standard compressive sensing setting, one has access to linear observations 퐲 ∊ C푚 of a signal of interest 퐱 ∊ C푑, obtained through a linear measurement operator 퐀 and possibly corrupted by noise 퐞:

퐲 = 퐀퐱 + 퐞. (2.2)

One would like to recover the original signal 퐱 from its observations, which is often referred to as an inverse problem. The number of ob- = + servations is typically smaller than the ambient dimension, i.e. 푚 < 푑, so that even in the noiseless scenario (퐞 = 0), the system (2.2) is 퐲 퐱 퐞 undetermined and has possibly an infinite number of solutions. 퐴 퐱 Compressive sensing revolves around the idea that, if is known Figure 2.1: Measurement process: when 5 to be sparse as represented in Figure 2.1, then it is possible to de- 퐱 is a sparse vector, 퐲 is close (up to sign a measurement operator 퐀 such that 퐱 can be recovered from its noise 퐞) to a linear combination of a few columns of 퐀. For this example, the measurements and, more generally, such that uniform recovery of all non-zero entries of 퐱 and corresponding signals with a given sparsity level is possible.6 columns of 퐀 are filled with dark blue. 5 퐀 푠 We consider here signals which are If a measurement operator allows identifiability of all -sparse sparse in he canonical basis for simplic- signals, in the sense that any 퐱 ∊ Σ푠 is the only solution to the problem ity, but sparsity in another basis could naturally be used. 퐀퐳 = 푦 over Σ푠, then one can theoretically recover in the noiseless case 6 퐞 = 0 퐱 ∊ Σ Recovery of one fixed vector has been ( ) any 푠 by solving studied and nonuniform guarantees ex- ist, but we do not cover this setting here. min ‖퐳‖0 subject to 퐀퐳 = 퐲. (2.3) 퐳∊C푑 However, besides being a nonconvex optimization problem, Equa- tion (2.3) is well-known to be NP-hard [33, p.55], and is therefore of limited practical utility. The key challenge of compressive sensing is thus to design not only sensing matrices showing adequate properties while keeping the num- ber 푚 of observations as small as possible, but also practical recovery 35

algorithms with provable guarantees when used with suitable mea- surement matrices. The seminal papers in compressive sensing come from Candès, Romberg and Tao [35], and Donoho [36], who combined two main ideas to answer these questions. Firstly, it is possible to gen- erate randomly measurement matrices that will be adequate with high probability; then, 푙1-norm minimization can be used in place of (2.3), yielding a convex optimization problem known as basis pursuit. Note that, in practical applications, observations are usually cor- rupted by noise (퐞 > 0 in (2.3)). Moreover, the signal of interest 퐱 might not be exactly sparse, but only compressible, i.e. close to the set of sparse signals. It is thus fundamental to derive guarantees that are robust to noise, and stable with respect to compressible signals. ̂퐱 • We first review the most common recovery algorithms, and then S detail in Section 2.1.3 under which conditions on the measurement 푝 = 2 matrices recovery guarantees can be obtained for these algorithms.

2.1.2 Algorithms for the inverse problem

Note that when 퐞 = 0 and 퐱 is sparse, 퐲 is a linear combination of a ̂퐱 • few columns of 퐀. Recovering 퐱 from 퐲 thus amounts to choosing the S few columns of 퐀 which best express the signal 퐱. As a consequence, 푝 = 1 we will sometimes refer in the following to 퐀 as the dictionary, and to its columns as the atoms of the dictionary.

We mentioned just earlier that using 푙1-norm minimization for re- covery had been one of the key ideas in the early days of compressive sensing. Many other algorithms have been since developed. They can ̂퐱 • be mainly classified into three different groups : convex approaches, S which include 푙1-minimization, greedy approaches, and thresholding- 푝 = 1 based techniques. 2

Convex relaxations Basis pursuit, which consists in replacing ‖·‖0 by the ‖·‖1 norm in (2.3), was one of the first approaches considered to solve the inverse problem. Using the 푙1 norm induces sparse solutions ̂퐱 • similarly to the original problem, as suggested by Figure 2.2, but has S the huge advantage of inducing a convex optimization problem. In • 푝 = 0 applications where corruption by additive noise should be taken into account, a straightforward generalization is basis pursuit denoising:

1 2 min ‖퐀퐳 − 퐲‖2 + 휆‖퐳‖1, (2.4) 퐳∊C푑 2 Figure 2.2: Standard 푙푝 (pseudo-)norms 푆 where 휆 > 0 is a regularization parameter controlling the desired in dimension 2. Here represents the linear constraint induced by the observa- tradeoff between sparsity and fidelity to the measurements. There tions. The blue curves show for each 푝 > are other closely related formulations of the problem though, such as 0 the first isoline of the 푙푝 (pseudo-)norm which intersects with 푆, giving the solu- quadratically-constrained 푙 -minimization, or the LASSO7 [37] in the 1 tion ̂퐱 of smallest 푙푝 norm which satis- statistical community. Many different algorithms exist to solve these fies the linear constraint. For 푝 = 0, the Σ 푙 problems; the interested reader can refer for instance to [33, ch.15] for blue set is 1. All 푝 pseudo-norms for 푝 ≤ 1 somehow induce sparsity, but only a first overview. 푙1 yields a convex optimization problem. 7 LASSO stands for “least absolute shrinkage and selection operator”. Greedy methods We regroup under this name the methods which start from the sparsest possible vector 퐳 = 0 and iteratively increase 36

the support of 퐳 using greedy selection rules to better fit observations. Algorithms such as matching pursuit [38] and its generalization or- thogonal matching pursuit [39], which had initially been designed for sparse approximation in various dictionaries, belong to this category and can be used for reconstruction from random measurements [40]. In this case, the support of the solution is increased by one index at each iteration. If 퐳(푘) denotes the current approximation at iteration 푘, and assuming that 퐀 has normalized columns, the next index to be ∗ (푘) ∗ added to the support is arg min1≤푖≤푑 |퐀 (퐲 − 퐀퐳 )| (here 퐀 denotes the Hermitian transpose), i.e. the one corresponding to the column of 퐀 which has the highest correlation with the residual 퐲 − 퐀퐳(푘). The support can only grow with this algorithm, which can some- times be a burden when an error is made during the first iterations. One way to avoid such problems is to simply add extra steps in which previously selected atoms can be replaced [41]. The CoSaMP algo- rithm [42] is slightly different as it greedily selects multiple atoms at each iteration, but also allows to replace previously selected atoms using an extra thresholding step.

Thresholding-based techniques Iterative hard thresholding [43] is the most common method in this category. Hard thresholding, is the operation which consists in keeping only the largest entries of a vector.

If 퐻푠 denotes such an operator keeping the 푠 largest entries, then the algorithm is simply the succession of steps of the form

(푘+1) (푘) ∗ (푘) 퐱 = 퐻푠(퐱 + 퐀 (퐲 − 퐀퐱 )). (2.5)

Note that the quantity 퐀∗(퐲 − 퐀퐱) can be interpreted as the gradient 퐱 ↦ 1 ‖퐲 − 퐀퐱‖2 of the cost function 2 , and thus the algorithm seen as a succession of gradient descent and thresholding steps. We now give an idea of standard properties used to provide theoreti- cal guarantees for these different families of reconstruction algorithms.

2.1.3 Measurement operators design

Multiple complementary properties have been introduced in order to characterize “good” sensing matrices. In practice, exact recovery of 푠-sparse vectors via (2.3) is possible using 푚 = 2푠 deterministic measurements [33, Theorem 2.14]. However, 푙0-minimization is not practical as discussed above, and such guarantees are not robust to noise at all. 8 8 Basis pursuit can be shown to successfully recover all sparse vectors i.e. recovery using the 푙1-norm mini- if and only if the measurement operator satisfies a specific condition, mization. known as the null-space property; a variant can be derived for robust reconstruction. Checking if a given matrix meets one of these properties is however not straightforward, de facto limiting their usability.

If (퐚푖)1≤푖≤푑 denote the columns of 퐀, and if we assume that 퐀 is normalized such that ‖퐚푖‖2 = 1 for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 , then the coherence J K of 퐀, defined as 휇(퐀) ≜ max푖≠푗∣⟨퐚푖, 퐚푗⟩∣, can also be used to state sufficient recovery conditions for various algorithms, while being easily 37

computable. However such conditions can only be satisfied using a number of measurements 푚 scaling quadratically with the sparsity, which is pessimistic as will be explained below. 9 9 The restricted isometry property (RIP) is a stronger but more con- It implies in particular the null-space venient tool to get around these issues. It has been introduced by property. Candès and Tao [44, 45].

Definition 2.1 (Restricted isometry property): A sensing ma- trix 퐀 satisfies the restricted isometry property on aset 푆 with constant 휀 if

2 2 2 퐲 ∀퐱 ∊ 푆, (1 − 휀)‖퐱‖2 ≤ ‖퐀퐱‖2 ≤ (1 + 휀)‖퐱‖2. (2.6) Σ푠 퐱 R푑 In practice, it will be interesting to establish this property for sets of the form 푆 = Σ푠 − Σ푠 = Σ2푠 as represented in Figure 2.3 − here and in the following, we denote 푆1 − 푆2 ≜ {푥 − 푦 | 푥 ∊ 푆1, 푦 ∊ 푆2} for any two sets 푆1, 푆2. One can then think of an operator which satisfies the RIP 퐀 on Σ푠 − Σ푠 as an operator which preserves the geometry of Σ푠. {퐀퐱|퐱 ∊ Σ } When the set 푆 indeed takes the form 푆 = Σ푠 for some 푠, we de- 푠 note 휀푠 the associated constant. We say qualitatively that 퐀 “satisfies 퐀퐲 퐀퐱 the restricted isometry property” when (2.6) holds on Σ푠 for a large R푚 enough 푠 with a small constant 휀푠. The RIP is a sufficient condition for successful uniform recovery of sparse vectors. Many guarantees have Figure 2.3: Restricted isometry prop- erty on Σ − Σ : the distances between been proposed in the literature, for the different algorithms discussed 푠 푠 the points in Σ푠 are approximately pre- in Section 2.1.2, based on conditions of the type 휀푘푠 < 푡, where 푘 is a served by 퐀. small integer and 푡 some threshold lower than 1. Results for convex approaches were for instance obtained first, both in the noiseless [45] and robust settings [46]. Many papers successively improved these bounds.

Role of randomness One of the reasons that contributed to the suc- cess of the RIP is that some random families of matrices can be shown to satisfy it with high probability, and using a number of measure- ments 푚 smaller than what would be necessary to enforce for instance coherence-based conditions. Indeed, one can show that if 퐀 is a ran- 10 10 dom 푚 × 푑 matrix with independent mean-zero sub-Gaussian entries A random variable 푋 is called subgaus- 1 sian if there exists 퐶, 훼 > 0 such that for with variance 1, then there is a constant 퐶 such that for any 휀 > 0, √ 퐀 2 푚 any 푡 > 0, P[|푋| > 푡] ≤ 퐶푒−훼푡 . satisfies the RIP on Σ푠 with a constant smaller than 휀 with probabil- ity 1 − 2 exp(−휀2푚/(2퐶)) provided that 푚 ≥ 2퐶휀−2푠 log(푒푑/푠) [33, Theorem 9.2]. Here 푒 simply denotes the constant 푒 = exp(1). This result is close to the paper of Baraniuk et al. [47], which itself relies on concentration inequalities which are similar to the ones used to prove the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma. The latter will only be introduced in the next chapter, but bears strong similarity with the restricted isom- etry property. Common examples of matrices satisfying the above condition are Gaussian matrices, which have i.i.d. N (0, 1) entries, and Bernoulli matrices which have i.i.d. Rademacher-distributed entries, ±1 1 i.e. taking values with probability 2 . Constructing deterministic matrices satisfying the RIP is actually a more challenging problem. Note that the recovery guarantees obtained with the RIP when 38

sensing using random matrices are obtained w.h.p. for a number of measurements 푚 ≳ 푠 log(푑/푠) (where ≳ means “up to a controlled multiplicative factor”), whereas coherence-based guarantees require 푚 ≳ 푠2. When the RIP holds, then robust (to noise) and stable (to approximately sparse signals) recovery guarantees exist for various reconstruction algorithms as mentioned just above. We now explain how the key ideas of compressive sensing can be generalized to other models.

2.1.4 Generalization to low-rank matrix recovery

The tools presented above have been generalized to many other classes of signals than sparse vectors. We will explain in Section 2.1.5 how compressive learning can itself be interpreted as one of these extensions, but we first present here the problem of low-rank matrix recovery. It has many practical applications such as matrix completion (e.g. for recommender systems) [48] or phase retrieval [49], but is also a key 11 11 building block for compressive PCA , which motivates this overview. The connection will be made clear later The signal we consider is now a matrix 퐗 ∊ C푑1×푑2 , which is ob- in Section 2.2.2. served via a linear operator M ∶ C푑1×푑2 → C푚, i.e. one has access only to the measurements

퐲 = M(퐗) ∊ C푚. (2.7)

The task consists here again in recovering 퐗 from its measurements. However, the problem will most often only be interesting when we consider a small value for 푚, i.e. when the problem is underdetermined. Similarly to the case of vectors recovery, additional assumptions are needed for unambiguous recovery. A natural (and meaningful in terms of applications) model to consider is the one of low-rank matrices, i.e. of matrices whose vector of singular values is sparse. We thus formulate the problem as

min rank(퐙) subject to A(퐙) = 퐲. (2.8) 퐙 This problem, known as affine rank minimization, is non-convex and 12 12 NP-hard . However approximate solutions can be found by minimiz- The problem (2.3) (for which a ref- ing the nuclear norm of 퐙 instead of its rank [50], which is a convex erence was provided regarding its NP- hardness), can be reduced to the sub- optimization problem. Note that the nuclear norm of 퐙 is simply the problem of affine rank minimization where 퐙 is assumed to be diagonal. 푙1 norm of its vector of singular values, which explains the connec- tion with the vectorial setting. Other classical approaches presented in Section 2.1.2 for vector recovery also have natural extensions, such as AdMIRA [51] for greedy methods (inspired from CoSaMP), and singular value projection [52] or thresholding [53]. Because of the strong connection between the vector and matrix set- tings, it comes as no surprise that for any rank 푟 and 푚 ≳ 푟 max(푑1, 푑2) (up to a constant), one can design random operators M ∶ C푑1×푑2 → C푚 13 13 which will satisfy a restricted isometry property on the set of rank 푟 i.e. a property similar to (2.6), but for matrices with high probability. This bound on 푚 is optimal. matrices, e.g. with respect to Frobenius and 푙2 norms. Compressive sensing has been extended to many other models, such as block-sparse [54] or cosparse [55] vectors, and signals living 39

in union of subspaces [56] or low-dimensional manifolds [57]. More recently, generative models have successfully been used in place of the hand-crafted ones [58], opening the door for nonlinear measurement operators that are themselves learned using deep networks [59]. We of course cannot provide an extensive overview of all these develop- ments here, but simply remark that these successive steps led to generic results which can potentially hold for any abstract model of low di- mensionality [60]; compressive learning is a straight continuation of these works.

2.1.5 Sketches as linear distribution embeddings

We now make clear the connection between the sketching process introduced in Section 1.2 and compressive sensing. Recall that we defined in (1.10) the empirical sketch associated to a dataset 퐗 with empirical distribution 휋퐗 as 푛 1 퐬̃ = ∑ Φ(퐱푖). (2.9) 푛 푖=1 Let P(X ) denote the set of probability distributions over X and, for a given feature map Φ, let DΦ ⊆ P(X ) denote the set of probability distributions over X with respect to which Φ is integrable. We define the operator A ∶ DΦ → Z as

A(휋) ≜ E퐱∼휋Φ(퐱), (2.10) which implicitly depends on the chosen feature map Φ. The definition 14 14 extends naturally to finite signed measures. With this definition, If 휇 = 휇+ − 휇− is the Jordan decompo- the empirical sketch of 퐗 can simply be written 퐬̃ = A(휋 ). If the sition (cf. Definition A.5) of 휇, and 휇+ = 퐗 훼 휋 , 휇 = 훼 휋 for some 훼 , 훼 ≥ (퐱 ) 휋 푛 + + − − − + − 푖 1≤푖≤푛 are drawn i.i.d. according to , then when is large the 0 and probability distributions 휋+, 휋− 15 (by normalizing), then A(휇) ≜ ⟨휇, Φ⟩ = quantity 퐞 ≜ A(휋퐗 − 휋) should be small . It is thus meaningful to 훼 A(휋 ) − 훼 A(휋 ). interpret it as noise, so that the sketch can be rewritten + + − − 15 It at least converges to 0 almost surely 푛 → ∞ 퐬̃ = A(휋) + 퐞, as by the law of large numbers, (2.11) but most often with good concentration properties. i.e. the empirical sketch is simply a noisy observation of the “signal” of interest 휋. It is important to notice that, although the map Φ used for sketching is a nonlinear function, the operator A is linear with respect to proba- 16 16 bility distributions . Hence compressive learning can itself be seen i.e. A(훼휋1 + (1 − 훼)휋2) = 훼A(휋1) + as a generalization of compressive sensing: the signal of interest is the (1 − 훼)A(휋2) for any 휋1, 휋2 ∊ P(X ) and 훼 ∊ [0, 1], and A is linear on the vector distribution 휋, from which we measure a small number of noisy linear space of finite signed measures. observations. Moreover, and as will be made clear in the following sections, the sketching operator will most often be randomized.

Learning from the sketch Compared to the compressive sensing set- ting were the measurement operator typically reduces drastically the dimension, we here map signals from the infinite-dimensional set of 17 17 probability distributions on X to a finite number of observations. Or, more generally, from the vector There is of course no hope to build A so that uniform recovery of all space of signed measures of X , see Ap- pendix A.1. distributions is possible, but one can still imagine being able to recover 40

an approximation of 휋 if it belongs to − or can be well approximated by − some low-dimensional model. This can be interpreted as a form of generalized sparsity: for instance in the case of Gaussian modeling, one will approximate 휋 with a Gaussian mixture, which can be explicitly parametrized with a small number of parameters. Besides, depending on the learning task to solve, one might not be interested in recovering exactly 휋, but rather only some related statistics (cf. Section 2.2.2). Most often (see next section), learning from the sketch takes the form of the optimization problem

min ‖A(휋) − 퐬‖̃ 2, (2.12) 휋∊픖 where 픖 denotes the chosen low-dimensional model of interest for the task to solve. This could for example be the set of Gaussian mixtures with a fixed number 푘 of components for Gaussian modeling. 18 18 We recall that statistical learning problems are often modeled See Section 1.1.1. via a risk function R(ℎ, 휋) that one wants to minimize over ℎ ∊ H.

Intuitively, the function 퐬 ↦ ‖퐬 − 퐬‖̃ 2 plays the role of a proxy for this risk function, and the model set 픖 plays the role of the hypothesis space. The approximation quality of this proxy will typically increase 19 19 with the sketch size . At least for some families of sketches. Note that this problem is quite similar to the well known generalized See the connection with kernel methods in Section 2.3. method of moments (GeMM) in the statistical literature [1]. The latter differs by the fact that the chosen statistics are rarely randomized − by opposition to the constructions of Φ discussed below −, and often chosen so that (2.12) can be solved in closed form, whereas compressive learning often leads to non-convex optimization problems for which more complex algorithms are needed (see Section 2.4).

2.2 Recovery guarantees using ideal decoders

The parallel between the compressive sensing and compressive learn- ing having been established in Section 2.1, we can now expose how ideas from linear inverse problems have been leveraged in order to formulate learning guarantees. We first present in Section 2.2.1 how solving (2.12) can produce a solution (hypothesis) with controlled excess risk, provided that the sketching operator satisfies a specific kind of restricted isometry property. In Section 2.2.2, we discuss the specific setting of semi-parametric models such as PCA, where one does not need to reconstruct a distribution, but only a statistic in a finite-dimensional intermediate space − e.g. the covariance matrix for principal component analysis.

2.2.1 Instance-optimal decoders and control of the ex- cess risk

We will use here the notations and concepts introduced in Section 1.1.1: one has access to a dataset 퐗 (with empirical distribution 휋퐗) made of samples drawn i.i.d. according to some distribution 휋, and one wishes 41

to recover an hypothesis ℎ̂ ∊ H for which the excess risk

ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) = R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) (2.13)

∗ with respect to some optimal hypothesis ℎ ∊ arg minℎ∊H R(ℎ, 휋) is controlled. Gribonval et al. suggested [5] a procedure to learn from the sketch with statistical guarantees in two steps. Firstly, a probability distribu- tion ̂휋≜ Δ(퐬)̃ is recovered from the sketch using a function Δ whose choice is discussed below, called the decoder. Then, the hypothesis is recovered from ̂휋 simply as

ℎ̂ ∊ arg min R(ℎ, ̂휋). (2.14) ℎ∊H In order to measure the proximity between probability distributions with respect to the considered learning task, we introduce the notations 20 20 L(H) ≜ {푙(ℎ, ·)|ℎ ∊ H} and We use this definition for readability, as it is sufficient for this chapter. More ′ ′ generally, for any class F of measurable ‖휋 − 휋 ‖L(H) ≜ sup |R(ℎ, 휋) − R(ℎ, 휋 )|. (2.15) ℎ∊H functions on X one can define the semi- norm Although we skip some technical details here, ‖·‖L(H) can be shown to ‖휇‖F ≜ sup |⟨휇, 푓⟩|, be a semi-norm on the space of finite signed measures for which 푙(ℎ, ·) 푓∊F is integrable for any ℎ (cf. Appendix A.2). Observe that if ̂휋≜ Δ(퐬)̃ where ⟨휋, 푓⟩ ≜ E퐱∼휋푓(퐱) for a distri- is chosen so that its risk uniformly approximates the risk of 휋 for all bution 휋, and can be extended to finite hypotheses, i.e. if ‖휋 − ̂휋‖ ≤ 1 휂 for some constant 휂, then the signed measures via the Jordan decom- L(H) 2 position. We refer the reader to Ap- 21 excess risk (2.13) is bounded by 휂. As a consequence, we now focus pendix A.2 for more details. Δ 휂 on building a decoder for which this bound can be controlled. 21 Indeed, we simply have in this case

R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) Learning as an inverse problem As stated in Section 2.1.5, the sketch = R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ,̂ ̂휋) + R(ℎ,̂ ̂휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) can be written ≤ R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ,̂ ̂휋) + R(ℎ∗, ̂휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) 퐬̃ = A(휋) + 퐞, (2.16) ≤ 2 sup |R(ℎ, ̂휋) − R(ℎ, 휋)|, ℎ∊H where 퐞 = A(휋퐗 − 휋) can be interpreted as noise. Thus the role of ̂ ∗ where R(ℎ, 휋퐗) ≤ R(ℎ , 휋퐗) holds by the abstract decoder Δ introduced earlier is to recover 휋 from the definition of ℎ̂ . noisy linear measurements 퐬,̃ the reconstruction error being measured according to ‖·‖L(H). As it has been observed in Section 2.1, recovering signals from un- derdetermined linear systems requires some regularity assumption. We introduce for this purpose a general model 픖 of probability dis- tributions of interest. Some concrete choices of 픖 are summarized in 푑(휋, 픖) Section 2.5 for the different learning tasks considered, but this model 픖 휋 ̂휋≜ Δ(퐬)̃ P(X ) should qualitatively contain the probability distributions that can be 휋푋 well approximated for the considered learning task, i.e. for which there exists an hypothesis ℎ ∊ H for which the risk is low. This model plays A A Σ a similar role to the set 푠 of sparse vectors in compressive sensing. Δ Z Note that we need the decoder Δ to be both robust to noise, and stable 퐬 퐞 with respect to probability distributions that are only close to 픖. This 퐬̃ can be written as

∀휋 ∊ P(X ), ∀퐞 ∊ Z, ‖휋 − Δ(A(휋) + 퐞)‖ ≲ 푑(휋, 픖) + ‖퐞‖ (2.17) Figure 2.4: Instance optimality property: L(H) 2 for any distribution 휋 and noise 퐞, the dis- 푑(·, 픖) ≲ tance symbolized by the thick magenta for some distance to the model, and where denotes inequality arrow can be controlled (in our setting, up to a constant factor (see Figure 2.4). for the ‖·‖L(H) semi-norm). 42

A decoder satisfying this property is called an instance optimal decoder, and it has been shown [60, Theorem 3 with ℎ ∊ Σ − Σ] that 22 22 the mere existence of an instance optimal decoder implies a lower By opposition to Equation (2.6) where restricted isometry property: there exists a constant 퐶 < ∞ such that we have both lower and upper inequali- ties. ′ ′ ′ ∀휏, 휏 ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ‖L(H) ≤ 퐶‖A(휏) − A(휏 )‖2. (2.18)

But an interesting fact is that in the other direction, if (2.18) holds then the decoder

Δ(푠) = arg min ‖A(휏) − 푠‖2 (2.19) 휏∊픖 is instance optimal [60, Theorems 7 and 4] for some 푑(·, 픖) whose definition is omitted here. Proving (2.18) is thus the key idea to derive theoretical guarantees, and Section 2.3 focuses on this point. These results have also been extended to nonlinear operators [61]. Also, we naturally assumed 퐗 to be made of i.i.d. samples drawn according to 휋, but the guarantees obtained with this strategy hold even when this is not the case, although controlling ‖퐞‖2 might be more difficult.

A note on the loss metric Although the lower RIP (LRIP) (2.18) with respect to ‖·‖L(H) is sufficient to derive statistical learning guarantees, it can be interesting as well to work with a variant of ‖·‖L(H), namely

′ ′ ′ ‖휋 − 휋 ‖ΔL(H) ≜ sup (R(ℎ1, 휋) − R(ℎ1, 휋 )) − (R(ℎ2, 휋) − R(ℎ2, 휋 )). ℎ1,ℎ2∊H (2.20)

The function ‖·‖ΔL(H) can be extended to finite signed measures and 23 23 checked to be a semi-norm as well, we refer again the reader to Ap- On the subspace of measures with pendix A.2 for more details. The reason behind this choice is that more respect to which every 푓 ∊ ΔL(H) = {푙(ℎ1, ·) − 푙(ℎ2, ·)|ℎ1, ℎ2 ∊ H} is generic guarantees have been derived [5, Theorem 2.5] by establishing integrable. a LRIP with respect to ‖·‖ΔL(H) rather than to ‖·‖L(H), i.e. by proving

′ ′ ′ ∀휏, 휏 ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ‖ΔL(H) ≤ 퐶‖A(휏) − A(휏 )‖2 (2.21) for some 퐶 > 0. We stress that ‖·‖ΔL(H) ≤ 2 ‖·‖L(H), hence if the LRIP ′ (2.18) holds (with respect to ‖·‖L(H)) with constant 퐶 , then (2.21) holds as well with 퐶 = 2퐶′.

2.2.2 Generalization to semi-parametric models

The approach described in the previous section makes sense as soon as 24 24 푝 a meaningful parametric model set 픖 can be associated to the task to i.e. 픖 = {휋휃 | 휃 ∊ Θ} where Θ ⊆ R is solve. Provided that this model is “small” enough to allow the existence finite-dimensional. of a sketching operator A satisfying a lower RIP (2.18), then one can directly use its explicit parametrization to solve the inverse problem in P(X ). However some problems do not induce such parametric models.

The case of PCA A typical example is principal component analy- 25 ∗ 25 sis , where the solution ℎ ∊ arg minℎ RPCA(ℎ, 휋) of the problem for a Cf. (1.1). given (centered) distribution 휋 ∊ P(X ) and any fixed dimension 푘 is well known to be entirely determined by the 푘 first eigenvectors of the 43

covariance matrix Cov(휋). As a consequence, two distributions 휋1, 휋2 that have the same covariance matrix induce the same solution, and ac- tually satisfy ‖휋 − 휋 ‖ = 0. Although it is technically possible to 1 2 LPCA(H) use as a model the set of distributions supported on 푘-dimensional sub- spaces, i.e. 픖푘 = {휋| rank(Cov(휋)) ≤ 푘} (which are distributions for which the risk vanishes for some ℎ ∊ H), solving the inverse problem over 픖 would be inefficient because of the lack of a simple parametric formulation, but also useless given that only the support of the recov- ered distribution would be of practical interest. Such a model is said to be semi-parametric, in the sense that the supports of the distribu- tions in the model can be parametrized, but the whole model is still infinite-dimensional. 26 26 Computing the covariance matrix can already be interpreted as a We actually compute the auto- compressive approach using the feature map Φ ∶ 퐱 ↦ 퐱퐱푇, assuming correlation matrix here rather than the covariance, but the approach will mostly the data is centered. However, in order to solve the PCA task one only be useful when considering centered needs as stated above to recover the 푘 first eigenvectors of this matrix, i.e. data, so we make this assumption in 푘 the following and always refer to the its best rank- approximation. As a consequence, further compression covariance matrix. is possible using using tools from low-rank matrix recovery presented in Section 2.1.4. If M ∶ R푑×푑 → R푚 is an operator which satisfies 27 27 an LRIP on the set of rank-2푘 matrices , then one can show that the Typically a randomly designed opera- 28 tor, as discussed later in Section 2.5. operator A ∶ 휋 ↦ M(Cov(휋)) satisfies an LRIP akin to (2.18) on 픖푘. 28 See [5, Appendix E] for the precise con- We refer in the following to this approach as compressive PCA [5]. stants Reconstruction is then performed by reconstructing a rank-k estimate of the covariance matrix, but without estimating any probability density.

Other semi-parametric models This setting was later extended by Sheehan et al. [62], who cast the task of independent component analy- sis [63] into the same framework, but using as an intermediate statistic the fourth-order cumulant tensor rather than the covariance matrix. Learning unions of subspaces was also considered with a similar ap- proach [62, Section 5.2], but for now still requires large sketch sizes.

2.3 Sketching operator design using kernel methods

We presented how compressive learning could be seen as a linear inverse problem, and explained that recovery guarantees exist as soon as a lower restricted isometry property (LRIP) (2.18) holds between the metric ‖·‖L(H) induced by the loss function, and the distance between sketches ‖A(·)‖2. Apart from the semi-parametric settings where an explicit reduction to a finite-dimensional space is induced by the loss function, we however have not discussed so far how to prove this property, nor have we explained how to choose the sketching operator A in practice. As detailed in Section 2.1.3, building linear operators between finite- dimensional spaces satisfying a RIP is well known to be possible using randomness. However, this becomes more tricky when working with infinite-dimensional spaces, such as the space P(X ) of interest for us. 44

Some works provided useful tools for generalization to generic Hilbert spaces [64, 65], but without giving explicit or practical constructions of the measurement operators. In this section, we give an overview of how kernel methods can be leveraged for this purpose. We will see that a kernel function 휅 (defined just below) implicitly defines under some conditions a metric ‖·‖휅 between probability distributions (Section 2.3.3), which most often can be well approximated via an explicit finite-dimensional mapping (Section 2.3.2). It will thus often be easier to choose a kernel 휅 for which the LRIP between ‖·‖L(H) and ‖·‖휅 is satisfied (Section 2.3.4), and then choose Φ so that ‖A(·)‖2 ≈ ‖·‖휅. We start by introducing some concepts relative to kernels in Section 2.3.1.

2.3.1 Measuring similarity with kernels

Most standard machine learning algorithms, such as support vector 29 29 machines or principal component analysis, use the data samples A support vector machine, or SVM, is (퐱 ) by computing inner products of the form ⟨퐱 , 퐱 ⟩. Kernel a model for supervised classification or 푖 1≤푖≤푛 푖 푗 related tasks. In the standard binary (i.e. functions have originally been used in the learning community to ex- two classes) setting, it mainly consists in tend such methods to non-linear settings. Let 휑 be a function (often finding an hyperplane which separates the two classes with the largest possible referred to as the feature map) taking values in a space endowed with margin, i.e. so that the samples of both an inner product, that we also denote ⟨·, ·⟩ for conciseness. One can classes are as far as possible from this define 휅(퐱, 퐲) ≜ ⟨휑(퐱), 휑(퐲)⟩ and replace all the inner products per- hyperplane. formed in an algorithm by this new similarity measure. This can be very interesting, especially when 휑 is chosen to be non-linear, to capture more subtle geometric properties of the dataset. In the other direction, one can wonder if a given similarity function 휅 ∶ X × X → K (where K = R or C), which typically could be known to have a meaningful interpretation for the learning task to solve, can be expressed as a linear inner-product via a feature map; a class of particular interest for this purpose is the class of positive definite kernels.

Definition 2.2: A function 휅 ∶ X × X → K (where K = R or C) is called a positive definite kernel if for any 푛 ∊ N and any

퐱1, …, 퐱푛 ∊ X , the 푛 × 푛 matrix 퐺 with entries 퐺푖,푗 = 휅(퐱푖, 퐱푗) is symmetric (when K = R) or Hermitian (when K = C) and positive definite.

According to the Moore-Aronszajn theorem [66], any positive defi- nite kernel defines a unique reproducible kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), i.e. a unique Hilbert space H of functions 푓 ∶ X → K endowed with a dot product ⟨·, ·⟩, containing the {휅(퐱, ·)}퐱∊X and satisfying [67, Defi- 30 30 nition 2.9] : Here is another characterization: a 푓 ∊ H 퐱 ∊ X 푓(퐱) = ⟨푓, 휅(퐱, ·)⟩ RKHS is a Hilbert space of functions 1. for any , and , ; 푓 ∶ X → K for which the evaluation 2. H = span{휅(퐱, ·)|퐱 ∊ X }. functional 퐱 ↦ 푓(퐱) is continuous for any 퐱 ∊ X . The existence of a unique The first property, which is known as the reproducing property, implies kernel satisfying the reproducing prop- in particular that for any 퐱, 퐲 ∊ X , 휅(퐱, 퐲) = ⟨휅(퐱, ·), 휅(퐲, ·)⟩. We thus erty can then be derived from the Riesz representation theorem. have a way to represent any positive definite kernel by an inner product via the map 퐱 ↦ 휅(퐱, ·). Although this property is interesting from a 45

theoretical perspective, working with the features 휅(퐱, ·), which will typically be high- or infinite-dimensional, will often not be of practical interest.

Kernel trick The idea of replacing in a linear algorithm the inner- product ⟨퐱푖, 퐱푗⟩ by the quantity 휅(퐱푖, 퐱푗) for some kernel 휅 (and for each 퐱푖, 퐱푗) is known in the literature as the kernel trick, and allows to efficiently generalize existing algorithms to new similarity measures.

Although evaluating 휅(퐱푖, 퐱푗) is tantamount to computing an inner product in a high-dimensional space, the associated features 휑(퐱푖) are most often never computed in practice − and 휑 is sometimes referred to as an “implicit embedding”. This concept was applied to many problems such as support vector machines [68], principal component analysis [69, 70] or unsupervised classification [71]. Numerous kernels have also been developed, to account for different geometric properties of the collections but also to deal with non-numerical or structured data. However, most of the methods mentioned above still require for a dataset 퐱1, …, 퐱푛 to build the 푛 × 푛 kernel matrix 퐾 with entries

퐾푖푗 ≜ 휅(퐱푗, 퐱푗). Although directly evaluating the kernel 휅 was initially perceived as beneficial compared to working with the high- or infinite- dimensional features 휅(퐱푖, ·), computing and storing the kernel matrix can become prohibitive when working with large collections. As a con- sequence, some authors considered instead using kernels that can be computed or well approximated using finite low-dimensional feature maps. If 휑 is such a map, then one can simply run any algorithm on the features 휑(퐱1), …, 휑(퐱푛) instead of the original data 퐱1, …, 퐱푛. It is also important to notice that, even though it is often meaningful to start from a well-known kernel and to look for a finite-dimensional approximation, as it will be done in the next section, any given finite- dimensional feature map does in return define a positive definite kernel. As a consequence, any choice of a sketching operator Φ can be associ- ated to a kernel function, and analyzed using the tools presented in the following sections.

2.3.2 Finite-dimensional feature maps for kernel approx- imation

In the following and unless otherwise specified, the term kernel will always refer to a positive definite kernel. Finite dimensional feature maps are of practical interest for compressive learning, as we will see that the feature map Φ used for sketching (whose dimension 푚 should ideally be as small as possible) is always derived from a kernel. Some kernels have known finite-dimensional maps. For instance, 푑 = 2 휅(퐱, 퐲) = ⟨퐱, 퐲⟩2 in dimension the function can be√ computed as 2 2 푇 휅(퐱, 퐲) = ⟨휑(퐱), 휑(퐲)⟩ via the mapping 휑 ∶ 퐱 ↦ [퐱1, 퐱2, 2퐱1퐱2] . In some contexts, it can also be interesting to first define a feature map 휑, and then to look at the induced kernel 휅(·, ·) = ⟨휑(·), 휑(·)⟩. As men- tioned above, most kernels that are of practical utility, e.g. because they 46

have nice regularity properties, do not come with finite-dimensional features. However, approximation using finite-dimensional features is still possible, i.e. it is interesting for a given kernel 휅 to find a map 휑 ∶ X → R푚 such that 휅(퐱, 퐲) ≈ ⟨휑(퐱), 휑(퐲)⟩ for all 퐱, 퐲. Mercer’s theorem [67, Theorem 2.10] provides a first step in this direction. Although we do not state the whole theorem here, one of its consequences is that a (positive definite) kernel 휅 can be approximated almost everywhere on X by an explicit finite-dimensional feature map, 푚 i.e. for any 휀 > 0, one can build a feature map 휑휀 ∶ X → R with 푚 ∊ N such that |휅(퐱, 퐲) − ⟨휑휀(퐱), 휑휀(퐲)⟩| ≤ 휀 for almost every 퐱, 퐲 ∊ X . An alternative approach was suggested by Rahimi and Recht [72] for the class of translation-invariant kernels, i.e. for kernels that can be written as 휅(퐱, 퐲) = 퐾(퐱 − 퐲) for some function 퐾 ∶ X → R. The space X is here assumed to be a vector space. The approximation is based on the following result. Theorem 2.3 (Bochner’s theorem [73])

A bounded complex-valued and translation-invariant kernel 휅(퐱, 퐲) = 퐾(퐱 − 퐲) defined on R푑 is positive definite if and only if 퐾 is the Fourier transform of a non-negative Borel measure31 Λ 31. i.e. any measure defined on the on R푑. Borel 휎-algebra.

Note in particular that, using the definition of the Fourier transform, the measure Λ is a probability distribution when 퐾(0) = 1; we always make this assumption in the following. If 휅 is moreover real-valued, then we directly have for any 퐱, 퐲

휅(퐱, 퐲) = 퐾(퐱 − 퐲) = ∫ cos(흎푇(퐱 − 퐲))푑Λ(흎) (2.22) R푑 = ∫ (cos(흎푇퐱) cos(흎푇퐲) + sin(흎푇퐱) sin(흎푇퐲))푑Λ(흎). R푑 Rahimi and Recht hence proposed to approximate any translation- invariant kernel 휅 with associated distribution Λ using the feature map

푇 푇 푇 푇 푇 2푚 휑 ∶ 퐱 ↦ [cos(흎1 퐱), sin(흎1 퐱), …, cos(흎푚퐱), sin(흎푚퐱)] ∊ R , (2.23) where the 흎1, …, 흎푚 are random vectors drawn i.i.d. according to Λ, and which can be interpreted as frequency vectors in light of (2.22). The features induced by 휑 are known in the literature as random Fourier E 푚−1⟨휑(퐱), 휑(퐲)⟩ = 휅(퐱, 퐲) features. We have 흎1,…,흎푚 via Bochner’s theorem, and more precise concentration results depending on the number of features 푚 can naturally be derived. The original paper [72] provides uniform approximation guarantees for compact subsets of R푑, and these results have been later refined [74]. We will consider in this thesis translation-invariant kernels, but approximation results also exist in broader settings, see e.g. [75].

푇 Extensions Another common variant of (2.23) is 퐱 ↦ [cos(흎1 퐱 + 푇 푖.푖.푑. 푚 푖.푖.푑. 푢1), …, cos(흎푚퐱 + 푢푚)] where 푢푖 ∼ U([0, 2휋[) and still 흎푖 ∼ Λ, 47

which also yields an unbiased estimator of the kernel, but often with 32 32 poorer guarantees in comparison [76]. At least for the Gaussian kernel (2.24), Random Fourier features have been used to speed-up many different the variance is uniformly higher com- pared to (2.23). Uniform error bounds learning tasks. Multiple works suggested using structured matrices [77, are provided, but also with larger con- 78] or optical processing units [79] to speed-up computation33. Al- stants. 33 More details on acceleration in Chap- ternative sampling schemes such as leverage scores [80] (for kernel ter 5 ridge regression) or quasi Monte-Carlo sampling [81] have been con- sidered to improve the concentration quality, or even data-dependent schemes [82]. Some works have considered the more generic task of kernel learning [83, 84], where the features themselves can be learned, or partially learned [85].

The case of the Gaussian Kernel It is worth noting that the class of translation-invariant kernels includes already many common kernels, and should not be seen as too much of a limitation. It includes for instance the Gaussian kernel which will be of practical interest for us. It is defined as ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2 휅 (퐱, 퐲) ≜ 퐾 (퐱 − 퐲) ≜ exp(− 2 ) (2.24) 휎 휎 2휎2 for some 휎 > 0. It turns out that this kernel induces a distribution of frequencies Λ which is itself a Gaussian distribution. Indeed, more generally for any positive definite matrix 횺, using Λ = N (0, 횺) we have for any 퐳: 1 E (휄흎푇퐳) = ∫ (휄흎푇퐳) (− 1 흎푇횺−1흎)푑흎 흎 exp exp exp 2 R푑 √2휋 det(횺) 1 = ∫ (− 1 (흎 − 횺푖퐳)푇횺−1(흎 − 횺푖퐳) − 1 퐳푇횺퐳)푑흎 exp 2 2 R푑 √2휋 det(횺) = (− 1 퐳푇횺퐳). exp 2 (2.25) 횺 = 1 퐼 휅 Using 휎2 , we conclude that the kernel 휎 can be obtained via Λ = N (0, 1 퐼) the frequency distribution 휎2 , i.e. the variance of the kernel 휅휎 in the spatial domain is the inverse of the variance of the frequency distribution. The Gaussian kernel also belongs to the smaller class of radial basis functions (RBFs) kernels, which contains kernels that can be written as 휅(퐱, 퐲) = 휙(‖퐱 − 퐲‖2) for some positive definite function 휙.

2.3.3 Extension to distributions and mean embeddings

In this section, we explain how a given kernel implicitly defines a metric between probability distributions, and how finite-dimensional features introduced in Section 2.3.2 can be directly leveraged to de- sign the sketching operator. We only give here a brief overview of useful concepts, and refer the reader to the review article of Muandet et al. [86] for more details on distributions embeddings. 34 We recall that a pseudo-metric on a space 퐸 is an application 푑 ∶ 퐸 × 퐸 → R being positive, symmetric and subaddi- Maximum mean discrepancy A common way to define a pseudo- tive. It differs from a metric in the fact metric34 between distributions on X is to consider that 푑(푝, 푞) = 0 can hold for 푝 ≠ 푞. 48

푑(푝, 푞) ≜ ‖푝 − 푞‖F ≜ sup∣E퐱∼푝[푓(퐱)] − E퐱∼푝[푓(퐲)]∣ (2.26) 푓∊F for some class F of real-valued measurable functions on X . Different pseudo-metric can be described in that way, such as the total variation 35 35 or Wasserstein distances. The semi-norm ‖·‖L(H) induced by the loss Cf. Section 2.2.1. also follows this definition, and we refer the reader to Appendix A.2 for more details. An interesting choice in our context is to take F to be the unit ball in some RKHS H according to ‖·‖H (naturally induced by the inner-product), as it has been suggested by Gretton et al. [87]. If 휅 is the reproducing kernel of a RKHS, we denote this pseudo-metric ‖·‖휅; it is known as the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). Kernels for which ‖·‖휅 is a true metric are called characteristic kernels and can be characterized precisely [88]. In particular, a translation-invariant kernel is characteristic if and only if its associated Fourier transform Λ (i.e. as defined in Theorem 2.3) satisfies supp(Λ) = R푑.

Mean kernel and mean embedding We provide some other char- acterizations that are of interest here. Any kernel 휅 can naturally be extended to distributions as

휅(휋 , 휋 ) ≜ E E 휅(퐱, 퐲), 1 2 퐱∼휋1 퐲∼휋2 (2.27) which is known as the mean kernel but denoted 휅 as well for simplicity. The definition naturally extends to finite signed measures via theJor- 36 36 dan decomposition . The maximum mean discrepancy then simply cf. Definition A.5 and remarks of Sec- derives from the mean kernel, i.e. for any finite signed measure 휇 we tion 2.1.5. have √ ‖휇‖휅 = 휅(휇, 휇). (2.28) Another close concept is the notion of mean embedding, which extends the feature map 휅(퐱, ·) by associating to every probability distribution a mean element in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

Definition 2.4 (Kernel mean embedding [89]): The kernel mean embedding of P(X ) into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space H with reproducing kernel 휅 is the mapping

KME ∶ 휋 ↦ ∫ 휅(퐱, ·)푑휋(퐱). (2.29) X

A sufficient condition for KME(휋) to exist (as defined in (2.29)) and to belong to H is E퐱∼휋[휅(퐱, 퐱)] < ∞. For any 푓 ∊ H and 휋 ∊ P(X ), the reproducing property implies that E퐱∼휋푓(퐱) = ⟨푓, KME(휋)⟩. This implies in particular that the mean kernel between two probability distributions 휋1, 휋2 can be written 휅(휋1, 휋2) = ⟨KME(휋1), KME(휋2)⟩. Mean embeddings and the MMD have been used for many applications, including (not exhaustively) density estimation [90], clustering [91], or posterior design for Bayesian estimation [92].

Connection with random features The connection with the random features introduced in the previous section now becomes clear. Let 휅 49

37 37 be a kernel which can be written 휅(퐱, 퐲) = E흎∼Λ⟨휑흎(퐱), 휑흎(퐲)⟩ for For translation-invariant kernels, some feature function 휑 ∶ X → C and distribution Λ. Let Φ be the this construction can be derived from 흎 Bochner’s theorem Theorem 2.3. feature map defined as

Φ(퐱) = [휑 (퐱), …, 휑 (퐱)]푇, 흎1 흎푚 (2.30) where 푚 ∊ N and the (흎푖)1≤푖≤푚 are drawn i.i.d. with respect to Λ. We recall that we defined earlier the sketching operator in (2.10) as

A(휋) ≜ E퐱∼휋Φ(퐱). Hence the normalized inner product between the sketches of any two distributions 휋1, 휋2 is, in expectation over the draw of Φ:

1 1 E ⟨A(휋1), A(휋2)⟩ = E 푖.푖.푑. ⟨E퐱∼휋 Φ(퐱), E퐲∼휋 Φ(퐲)⟩ 푚 푚 흎1,…,흎푚 ∼ Λ 1 2 = E E E ⟨휑 (퐱), 휑 (퐲)⟩ 퐱∼휋1 퐲∼휋2 흎∼Λ 흎 흎

= 휅(휋1, 휋2), i.e. the mean kernel between the distributions. The number 푚 of features used in Φ controls the concentration and, of course, needs to be chosen wisely. An important consequence is that the pseudo- metric ‖A(휋1 − 휋2)‖2 can be interpreted as an empirical estimate of the maximum mean discrepancy ‖휋1 − 휋2‖휅, which gives a whole new meaning to the geometry of the feature space Z to which the computed sketches belong. We recall that our original motivation was to establish a restricted isometry property of the form (2.18) with respect to ‖A(·)‖2. Due to the regularity properties of ‖·‖휅, it might be easier to find or design a kernel for which the LRIP (2.18) is satisfied with respect to ‖·‖휅 with high probability. When this is possible, one can in a second time look at the concentration properties, and choose 푚 so that the LRIP will be satisfied with respect to ‖A(·)‖2 with high probability. Different kinds of concentration results can be considered. Werefer the reader to [5, 6] for results that can be applied for the settings of clustering and Gaussian modeling using random Fourier features. The proof techniques usually rely on a pointwise concentration result, i.e. controlling for 푡 > 0 and every 휏, 휏 ′ in the model the probability ′ ′ 푃 (∣‖A(휏 − 휏 )‖/ ‖휏 − 휏 ‖휅 − 1∣ ≥ 푡). Such a result can then be extended to a uniform result over the whole model by taking into account its size, measured in terms of its covering number, i.e. the minimum number of elementary balls it takes to cover it entirely with respect to a well chosen norm.

2.3.4 Tools for the lower restricted isometry property

We recall that the strategy sketched in Section 2.2.1 to derive recovery guarantees relies on a lower RIP of the form (2.18), i.e. between the pseudo-metrics ‖·‖L(H) and ‖A(·)‖2. It was shown in the previous sec- tions that kernel functions naturally induce (pseudo-)norms, which in many cases can be well approximated with explicit and randomized finite-dimensional feature maps. Assuming that the concentration of such features can be well controlled independently of the kernel 50

(which implicitly assumes that the considered model of distributions is somehow “small” enough), it still remains to choose a kernel for which the lower RIP between ‖·‖L(H) and ‖·‖휅 (i.e. the MMD) holds. We do not provide more details on this matter, but refer again the interested reader to [6] for a general methodology which applies to models of mixtures of some base parametric distribution family (e.g. normal distributions, Diracs). These results use some common tools from compressive sensing, such as a generalized notion of coherence between atomic elements of the model.

2.4 Algorithms to learn from the sketch

The strategy exposed above to learn with theoretical guarantees was based on the ideal decoder (2.19). In practice however, the optimiza- tion problem (2.12) is not-convex and difficult to solve. We present here the main heuristics that have been proposed in the literature. Al- though presented here in a generic manner and probably usable in other contexts, these heuristics have mainly been used when sketching with random Fourier features (2.23).

Thresholding Bourrier et al. first proposed an algorithm presented as a generalization of iterative hard thresholding [3, 93], with applica- tion to density fitting using Gaussian mixtures. Considering a family of 38 푑 38 distributions (푝휃) parametrized by 휃 ∊ R , the algorithm consists in 푝휃 could for instance be the multivari- initializing and updating a support {휃 , …, 휃 } and associated weights ate normal distribution with mean 휃 and 1 푘 identity covariance (훼 ) 푝 = ∑푘 훼 푝 푖 1≤푖≤푘 representing a “sparse” mixture 푖=1 푘 휃푘 . The sup- ̃ ̃ port is updated by iteratively choosing some new atoms {휃1, …, 휃푙} having a high correlation with the residual A(푝) − 퐬,̃ which are added to it, and then reducing (thresholding) the support again down to the 푘 atoms that best fit the empirical sketch 퐬;̃ this last step is performed via the non-negative least square problem

2 min ‖퐬̃ − [A(푝 ), …, A(푝 ), A(푝 ̃ ), …, A(푝 ̃ )]훼‖ 푘+푙 휃1 휃푘 휃1 휃푙 훼∊R+ and keeping the atoms associated to the highest weights. Note that although the support is extended and reduced at each step, the mixture is still somehow always sparse by nature, limiting the connexion with thresholding algorithms used in compressive sensing. This method also bears similitudes with CoSaMP [42] by the way it selects multiple atoms at each iteration, although initialization differs.

Greedy approaches A generalization of orthogonal matching pursuit was proposed by Keriven et al., with applications to both Gaussian modeling [94, 4] and k-means clustering CKM [2]. We give a generic formulation of this algorithm in Algorithm 2.1 below; using the same notations as above, it starts from an empty support and iteratively adds a new atom to the support at line 3. This operation being a nonconvex optimization problem, a local optimum is chosen. At line 4, the weights are computed via a non-negative 51

least square problem − they will be used to update the residual. Then, a final optimization step is performed at line 5. This optimization is performed by starting from the current support and weights; it thus allows to correct slightly the previously chosen atoms, and has been shown to be useful in practice due to the lack of incoherence of the dictionary, but this step should not drastically change the current solution. This process is repeated 푘 times, yielding a mixture of 푘 atoms. A variant with replacement steps has also been proposed [94], following the idea orthogonal matching pursuit with replacement [41].

Input: Sketch 퐬,̃ sketching operator A, size of mixture 푘. Algorithm 2.1: CL-OMP. Here ℜ de- notes the function extracting the real part 1 ̂푟← 퐬,̃ Θ ← ∅ // Init of a complex number. 2 for 푖 ← 1 to 푘 do A(푝휃) 3 Θ ← Θ ∪ {arg max ℜ⟨ , ̂푟⟩} // Pick new atom 휃 ‖A(푝휃)‖ |Θ| 4 훼 ← ∥ 퐬̃ − ∑ 훼 A(푝 ) ∥ // Find weights arg min 푗 휃푗 훼≥0 푗=1 |Θ| 5 Θ, 훼← ∥ 퐬̃ −∑훼 A(푝 ) ∥ // Adjust atoms arg min 푗 휃푗 Θ,훼≥0 푗=1 |Θ| 6 ̂푟← 퐬̃ − ∑ 훼 A(푝 ) // Update residual 푗=1 푗 휃푗

7 return the support Θ, the weights 훼.

In the following, we refer to this approach as compressive learning orthogonal matching pursuit (CL-OMP). The variant with replacement is denoted CL-OMPR. Note that the algorithm is quite versatile in the sense that it can easily be adapted to new parametric families 푝휃, as soon as one can compute A(푝휃) and the gradients needed for the optimization steps. Some reconstruction guarantees can be obtained for some specific families of kernels [95, 96] when assuming that line 3 can be solved. 39 39 Note that this algorithm can be adapted to the PCA setting , where One would then build a 푑 × 푘 matrix, one does not reconstruct a distribution but directly a low-rank estimate where 푘 is the desired rank, by starting from one vector and iteratively adding of the covariance matrix. ADMiRA [51] is another greedy algorithm new columns. for low-rank reconstruction, but differs in the fact that it adds multiple new atoms at each iteration, similarly to CoSaMP (see Section 2.1.2).

Beurling LASSO Although greedy methods have the advantage of being generic, we should not occult the fact that application-specific algorithms exist as well. The problem of compressive clustering, where one aims at retrieving a mixture of Diracs (sometimes also referred to as “spikes”), is indeed very close to the Beurling LASSO problem, which could in our setting be written as

min ‖A(휇) − 퐬‖̃ 2 + 휆|휇|(X ), (2.31) 휇∊M(X ) 2 where M(X ) is the set of finite signed measures on X , 휆 is a regular- ization parameter and |휇|(X ) ≜ sup ∑∞ |휇(퐸 )| partitions (퐸푖)1≤푖≤∞ of X 푖=1 푖 denotes the total variation of 휇. The latter can be interpreted as a con- tinuous generalization of the 푙1 norm, and favors sparse measures, i.e. 52

mixtures of Diracs. Methods such as the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and variants can be leveraged [97, 98, 99, 100] to address this problem, and bear connections with CL-OMP.

2.5 Learning tasks with known compressive approaches

Previous sections introduced the key ideas behind compressive learn- ing. We now enumerate the different learning tasks for which com- pressive learning techniques have been successfully applied in the literature. The three tasks introduced in the introduction (density fitting with Gaussian mixture models, 푘-means clustering and PCA) are first discussed, and we then mention a few other applications for which empirical successes have been obtained. Tables summarizing these different compressive learning approaches are provided atthe end of the section.

Density fitting Using Gaussian mixture models to fit the empirical 40 40 density was one of the first applications of compressive learning. In Cf. Definition 1.3. this context, the sketch is computed using random Fourier features

(2.23) with Gaussian i.i.d. vectors 흎1, …, 흎푚. It is interesting to note that when using such features, the maxi- mum mean discrepancy between any two distribution 휋1, 휋2, defined at (2.28), and which can be approximated by the distance between the finite-dimensional sketches, can be rewritten according to[88, Corol- lary 4.(iii)]

‖휋1 − 휋2‖휅 = ‖휅 ⋆ 휋1 − 휅 ⋆ 휋2‖퐿2(R푑) ≈ ‖A(휋1) − A(휋2)‖2 (2.32) where ⋆ denotes the convolution operator, and 휅 the Gaussian kernel associated to the chosen distribution of frequencies; hence sketching can be interpreted as smoothing the input distribution. From a statisti- cal perspective, the sketch can also be seen as a collection of random samples − at frequencies 흎1, …, 흎푚 − of the empirical characteristic function. Reconstruction is performed by solving (2.12), using as a model the set of mixtures of 푘 Gaussian distributions. Empirical success were first obtained by Bourrier et al.[3, 101] using the thresholding algorithm described in Section 2.4. CL-OMPR was then proposed as an alternative algorithm [4]. Statistical learning guarantees have later been obtained [5, 6] for the 41 41 optimal solution of the inverse problem using the strategy described We mean here that these guarantees in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.3, for some refined distribution of the frequencies hold for the distribution recovered by the optimal decoder (2.19), but we still lack and with additional separation assumptions between the centers of the guarantees on the heuristics such as CL- Gaussians, provided 푚 ≳ 푘2푑 (up to logarithmic terms; note that the OMPR used in practice. bound also depends on the scale of the kernel defining the sketching operator). Density fitting using 훼-stable distributions has also been considered empirically for blind source separation [102]; such distributions enjoy 53

desirable modeling properties, but the associated likelihood has no closed form, and rewriting the task as a moment-fitting problem solves this problem.

42 42 Clustering There are very different ways to cluster a dataset , how- For 푘-means, we try to recover optimal ever the 푘-means formulation given in Definition 1.2 can be solved centroids centers, but we could also op- timize the boundaries between clusters, using again Fourier features. Reconstruction with the CL-OMPR al- or produce hierarchical clusterings, etc. gorithm has been proposed [2], and is performed via solving (2.12), but this time on the set of mixtures of 푘 Diracs. Guarantees have been obtained with the same formalism [6], albeit the distribution of the frequencies differs slightly compared to Gaussian modeling. These 43 43 guarantees hold provided that the clusters are sufficiently separated , We will see in Chapter 10 that such a and as soon as the sketch size satisfies (up to log factors) 푚 ≳ 푘2푑, separation is actually necessary to estab- lish a LRIP. which might still be pessimistic as only 푝 = 푘푑 parameters are learned. Note that the k-medians problem (where the hypothesis is still a set of

푘 points ℎ = {퐜1, …, 퐜푘}, but the error is measured with the euclidean distance, i.e. the loss becomes 푙(ℎ, 퐱) = min1≤푖≤푘 ‖퐱 − 퐜푖‖ without a square) can also be addressed with the same formalism. The usage of random Fourier features follows early works in com- pressive sensing [35], where it is known that recovery of sparse signals from few random samples in the Fourier domain is possible. In a contin- uous setting, recovering a mixture of Diracs from samples of its Fourier transform is known as super-resolution or “off the grid” compressive sensing [103], and bears strong similarities compressive clustering. Samples are however in that case most often deterministically chosen, which brings slightly different theoretical guarantees. Schellekens et al. suggested a quantized variant of the sketching mechanism [104], which uses Fourier features with quantized real and imaginary parts, i.e. in {−1, 1} + 휄{−1, 1}. Although quantization is “lost” in the average operation, this still reduces the sketching com- putational cost, and storage in the case where the individual sketches should be sent over a network. This quantization requires adding a random “dithering” 퐮 ∊ [0, 2휋[푚 before applying the non-linearity. As we will make extensive use of random Fourier features through- out the thesis, and because guarantees for quantized features will also be provided in Part IV, we give now a unique definition and notation for these features, which generalizes (2.23).

Definition 2.5 (Random Fourier features): For any matrix of 푑×푚 frequencies 훀 = [흎1, … , 흎푚] ∊ R and dithering vector 퐮 ∊ [0, 2휋[푚, the random Fourier feature map is defined by 휋 ΦRFF(퐱) ≜ 휌(훀푇퐱 + 퐮) + 휄휌(훀푇퐱 + 퐮 − ) ∊ C푚, (2.33) 2 where 휌 is applied pointwise and with the particular cases 퐮 = ퟎ and 휌 = cos for unquantized features44; 44. Then ΦRFF(퐱) ≜ exp(휄훀푇퐱). 퐮 ∊ [0, 2휋[푚 and 휌 = 2−1/2 sign ∘ cos for quantized features.

In the rest of the manuscript, and unless specified otherwise, the 54

frequency vectors 흎1, …, 흎푚 will be drawn i.i.d. according to a mul- tivariate normal Gaussian distribution, so that the inner product be- tween the induced features approximates a Gaussian kernel as shown in Section 2.3.2. We however dissociate on purpose the frequency distribution from the feature map, as we will consider in Chapter 5 other frequency distributions which may still approximate the same Gaussian kernel.

Semi-parametric models We discussed in Section 2.2.2 the case of 45 45 PCA , and how it fits in the compressive learning formalism using Cf. Definition 1.1. tools from low-rank matrix recovery. Combining the reduction from a distribution to its covariance and the subsequent compression using a random linear measurement operator on the set of matrices, we obtain 46 46 the following features . In practice, we have A(휋) ≜ M(Cov(휋)), where we only need M Definition 2.6 (Random quadratic features): For any matrix to satisfy a LRIP for low-rank matrices. There are multiple ways to do that, 푑×푚 훀 = [흎1, … , 흎푚] ∊ R , the associated random quadratic fea- and the suggested construction, which ture map is defined for any 퐱 ∊ X as can be interpreted as a collection of rank-1 measurements, i.e. M ∶ 퐂 ↦ [⟨흎 흎푇, 퐂⟩ , …, ⟨흎 흎푇 , 퐂⟩ ] RQF 푇 2 푇 2 푇 1 1 퐹 푚 푚 퐹 , is only Φ (퐱) ≜ [(흎1 퐱) , … , (흎푚퐱) ] , one possibility.

i.e. corresponds to using the nonlinearity 푓(⋅) = (⋅)2.

Unless otherwise specified, we consider that the (흎푖)1≤푖≤푚 are i.i.d. Gaussian. We will see that the structured operators from Chapter 5 can also be used for such features. The model considered when fitting a 푘-dimensional subspace is the set of distributions with a rank-푘 covariance matrix, and multiple algorithms exist in the literature for reconstruction. Reconstruction is possible as soon as 푚 is of the order of 푘(푛 − 푘), which is the dimension of the Grassmanian Gr(푘, R푑), i.e. of the manifold of 푘-dimensional linear subspaces in R푑. Independent component analysis (ICA) has been performed in a similar manner [63]. Approaches using the fourth-order cumulant tensor were known in the literature, yielding a finite-dimensional rep- resentation with Θ(푑4) parameters, which can be further reduced via a randomized operator down to Θ(푑2) components. Learning unions of subspaces (UoS) has also been considered under this formalism [105]. This approach relies on generalized PCA [106], and aims at recovering a low-rank approximation of the autocorrelation 47 47 matrix of the so-called “Veronese” embeddings . These are made of all the monomials of degree 푁 of the data, where 푁 denotes the number of subspaces to recover Supervised learning Knowing whether and how the sketching mech- anism can be modified to take into account labels in order to solve supervised learning tasks is still an open question. However, for tasks such as classification or class membership verification (i.e. verify ifa given sample belongs to a given class), it is at least possible when the number of classes is small to compute a sketch for each class. Then any new sample can be sketched and compared to the sketches of the different classes. This approach was initially proposed for thetask 55

48 48 of speaker verification [107, Section 5.4.6], i.e. checking if an au- To be exact, this work considered using dio sample comes from one specific user, and a similar idea was used both a sketch per class and an additional “global” sketch. for classification [108]. This approach actually emulates Parzen win- dows [109], but using random Features in order to approximate the chosen kernel. High-dimensional regression has also been considered using the GLLiM model [110], which allows to recast regression as a Gaus- sian modeling problem with additional structure constraints on the covariance matrices of the different components. Sketching is per- formed jointly on both components, i.e. regression from R푑1 to R푑2 is done by learning a GMM in dimension 푑1 + 푑2, and each sample 1 푑1 2 푑2 1 푇 2 푇 푇 (퐱푖 ∊ R , 퐱푖 ∊ R ) is sketched as one single vector [(퐱푖 ) , (퐱푖 ) ] . 49 49 Some elements have been written down , but never published as the See [111, Section 4.2] for an intern- method was numerically quite unstable. ship report, following discussions with N. Keriven, A. Deleforge and R. Gribonval. We summarize in Table 2.1 the distinctive features of the three tasks for which theoretical guarantees have been derived, and in Table 2.2 the other tasks which have been addressed experimentally with various compressive approaches.

Task Hypothesis Loss 푙(ℎ, 퐱) Features Algorithm Guarantees

푝 2 min1≤푖≤푘 ‖퐱 − 퐜푖‖2 For 푚 ≳ 푘 푑 × log factors [6], k-means/ Set of points 푝 = 2 for 푘-means RFF CL-OMPR [2], assuming ∀푖‖퐜푖‖2 ≤ 푅, 2 2 medians ℎ = {퐜1, …, 퐜푘} 푝 = 1 for 푘-medians (Def. 2.5) CL-AMP (Chap. 6) min ‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 ≳ 휎휅 log(푒푘), (Def. 1.2) weighted features. 2 GMM with means (퐜푖)1≤푖≤푘, For 푚 ≳ 푘 푑 × log factors [6] − log(푝ℎ(퐱)) RFF GMM fitting fixed covariances (횺푖)1≤푖≤푘 CL-OMPR [3, 107] assuming max ‖퐜푖‖횺 ≤ 푅 (Def. 1.3) (Def. 2.5) 2 2 s.t. ∀푖횺푖 = 횺, weights min ‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖횺 ≳ (2 + 휎휅) log(푒푘) ‖퐱 − Π 퐱‖2 RQF PCA Subspace ℎ ∊ Gr(푘, R푑) ℎ 2 Discussed in Sec. 9.3 For 푚 ≳ 푘푑 [5], via a matrix RIP. (Def. 1.1) (Def. 2.6)

Table 2.1: Summary of the learning tasks which have been addressed using compressive methods and for which theoretical guarantees −1 have been derived. For GMMs, we use the notation ‖퐱‖횺 = 퐱횺 퐱, and 푝ℎ denotes the density of the mixture. For PCA, Πℎ denotes the orthogonal projector onto ℎ.

Task Features Approach Sketching of the data 4-th order moment. Recovery of a diagonalizable (via an orthogonal matrix) ICA Random quartic features 4-th order tensor [63]. Inverse problem solved via iterative projected gradient [63]. Quadratic random measurements Recovery of a low-rank approximation of the UoS of a polynomial embedding autocorrelation matrix of the polynomial embeddings [105]. Fitting a Gaussian mixture model on the joint data [111, Section 4.2]. Regression RFF (Def. 2.5) Reconstruction via CL-OMPR. Density fitting for each class independently Classification RFF (Def. 2.5) (one sketch by class) [108]. Density fitting for each class (one sketch by class) Class membership RFF (Def. 2.5) + 1 “universal” sketch [107, Section 5.4.6].

Table 2.2: Summary of other tasks which have been empirically addressed using compressive methods. ICA stands for “independent component analysis” and UoS for “union of subspaces” learning. For ICA, the sketch is made of random linear observations of the 4-th order cumulant tensor of the data (hence quartic w.r.t. the original data).

Chapter 3 Large-Scale Learning: Related Work

e presented in Chapter 2 the compressive learning frame- Contents work, and stressed that it was very well suited for large 3.1 Approximate query processing scale learning and could by design be used in distributed and over data streams 58 W 3.1.1 Approximate estimation | 3.1.2 streaming scenarios. There exist however many other ways to solve Linear sketches for frequency moments learning tasks on large data collections. Going into the detail of each 3.2 Dimensionality reduction tech- of these techniques is out of the scope of this chapter, but we propose niques 60 3.2.1 Data-agnostic approaches | 3.2.2 to briefly present the different families of methods coexisting inthe Adaptive approaches literature. 3.3 Reduction of the number of sam- These methods can broadly be classified into three categories as ples 63 3.3.1 Coresets | 3.3.2 Subsampling depicted in Figure 3.1: computation of global statistics from the whole 3.4 Randomized linear algebra 68 collection − including but not limited to the sketches of Chapter 2 −, re- 3.4.1 Randomized low-rank factoriza- duction of the dimensionality, and reduction of the number of samples. tion | 3.4.2 The case of positive semi- definite matrices All of these methods are sometimes called sketching techniques in the 3.5 Conclusion 73 literature, as they all rely on a sketch, i.e. a much smaller representation of the dataset. Note however that the nature of the sketch will vary a lot between the different approaches.

▷ Dimensionality Reduction 퐲1 퐲2 퐲3 ⋯ 퐲푛 Data-dependent or independent. " large 푛 Cf. Section 3.2.

▷ Coresets

푑 퐱1 퐱2 퐱3 ⋯ 퐱푛 퐱1 퐱2 퐱3 ⋯ 퐱푛 Subsampling, geometric decom- positions. Cf. Section 3.3.

▷ Sketching 퐬̃ Cf. Chapter 2 for sketches of mo- ments, and Section 3.1 for other “linear” sketches.

Figure 3.1: Different approaches to learn efficiently from large data collections. We will introduce in Section 3.1 some simple sketches from the database literature to answer basic queries about data streams, and cover in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 different methods to reduce the dimen- sionality and the number of samples in a collection, focusing mainly on randomized methods. We also briefly explain in Section 3.4 how these tools can be generalized or combined to perform some linear algebra 58

tasks in a randomized manner. This chapter is not exhaustive as many different techniques have been introduced for large-scale learning. For instance, although some of the presented methods do extend naturally to the distributed setting, we reason in the centralized setting − where one data curator has access to the data matrix (or stream) 퐗, and we do not cover techniques such as federated learning [112], where data remains decentralized while learning. We do also not detail online and stochastic optimization techniques, and refer the reader for instance to the work of Slavakis et al. [113] on that matter. Most of the approaches presented below are somehow generic and can be applied to various learning tasks. Application-specific surveys exist in the literature, see for instance [114] for the clustering setting.

3.1 Approximate query processing over data streams

We already stressed that algorithms scaling more than linearly with the dimension 푑 or the number of samples 푛 quickly become unusable for large collections. Although this might seem obvious for complex learning methods, it turns out that even answering basic queries or computing simple statistics can be costly owing to the multiple charac- teristics of data collections listed in Section 1.1.2, and in particular in the streaming model when data cannot be stored. For many applications however, computing only an approximation of the desired quantity, or providing an answer which holds with high probability in the case of a binary query, is sufficient. A wide range of “sketching” algorithms, which rely on the computation of a 1 1 small synopsis of the dataset − often geared towards specific kinds Sublinear with respect to the dataset di- of queries/statistics −, have been introduced for this purpose. In the mensions. database literature, these methods are known as approximate query processing techniques.

3.1.1 Approximate estimation

Approximate query processing methods can take different forms, but always share some common ideas. Firstly, they rely on stochastic quan- 2 In the following, we call a hash func- tities, i.e. the sketch computation involves randomness or hash func- tion a function which maps its entries to a finite-dimensional space (typically a 2 tions . Then, they provide only approximate answers: in the case of the string of bits) while minimizing the risk estimation of a numerical quantity3, a sketching method will typically of collisions, i.e. the fact that two differ- ent inputs will produce the same hash. provide an approximation which is, with probability 1 − 훿, within a A hash function can furthermore be effi- factor [1 − 휀, 1 + 휀] of the quantity to be estimated, where 훿, 휀 > 0 are ciently evaluated. ideally both as small as possible. We will use these notations in the 3 For a binary query, one would sim- ply bound the probability of returning next paragraphs. Finally, the size of the sketch is often a parameter, a wrong answer. and theoretical guarantees typically provide a lower bound on it to obtain 휀-approximations with probability 1 − 훿 for 휀, 훿 given. 4 The word “sketch” takes here a broader The synopsis, i.e. the sketch4, is often designed such that it can be meaning compared to Chapter 2. It sim- ply refers to a small summary of the data, updated when new data samples arrive. Most often, the data samples but is not necessarily an empirical aver- are all processed in the same manner, i.e. in a way which is independent age of some feature function. 59

of previous samples. Most importantly, it is useful in practice to design sketches that can be merged after being computed, so that the sketch of a collection can be computed by defining a partition of the samples, sketching each group of samples independently, and then merging the sketches obtained that way. The celebrated Bloom filter [115], proposed in 1970, satisfies this property. This compact data structure allows, by combining multiple hash functions, to approximately keep a track of elements that have 5 5 already been seen in a stream. It will never produce false negatives , The bloom filter is always correct when and the probability of having false positives can be carefully controlled. it reports that an element has never been seen.

3.1.2 Linear sketches for frequency moments

For several applications, it makes sense to represent the data stream as a single vector 퐜 (never explicitly stored) initialized at zero, each update then consisting in increasing one entry of this vector. This is particularly useful to count occurrences of categorical quantities in a 6 6 domain of known cardinality , the vector being then just a collection of Otherwise, a first hashing operation counters, and each update adding +1 to the relevant counter. Linear can be used to get back to a finite- dimensional domain of controlled car- sketches [116, Section 5], which are computed from such a vector via a dinality. linear transformation, can be merged by a simple addition. Since their introduction, they have been used for a wide range of applications, and 7 7 production-quality libraries exist . e.g. https://datasketches. A seminal example is the Flajolet-Martin sketch [117] which can apache.org/. be used to count the number of distinct elements in the stream (i.e. compute ‖퐜‖0), and which has been later refined [118, 119]. It relies on a binary array 퐵 of 푏 bits, all initialized to zero, and on a hash function 푓 taking values in [0, 2푏 − 1]. For each sample element in the collection, the algorithm computes the position (between 1 and 푏) of the least significant bit of the hash of the element which takes thevalue 1, and sets to 1 the corresponding bit of 퐵. Hence if 푓 is uniform for the data at hand, 퐵 should contain almost only ones on the lowest bits, and almost only zeros on the highest bits, with a phase transition located around log(‖퐜‖0). 8 8 Another well-known example is the AMS sketch [120], which is Following the name of the authors, obtained by multiplying 퐜 by a random matrix with i.i.d. Rademacher9 N. Alon, Y. Matias and M. Szegedy. 9 i.e. taking values ±1 with probability entries. Initially introduced to approximate moments of the vector 퐜, 1 each. 푙 푘 2 i.e. quantities of the form 퐹푘 = ∑푖=1 푐푖 for some 푘 ∊ N (and where 푙 denotes the dimension of 퐜), this sketch has proved to be very useful to 10 10 solve approximately various related queries . The size of this matrix Such as estimating join sizes in can be chosen to yield a sketch of size Θ(휀−2 log(1/훿)). databases, i.e. inner products between vector of counts [121]. Count-min sketch [122] has later been introduced to estimate vari- ous quantities on 퐜, but especially provide accurate estimations for the largest entries, i.e. allow to detect the elements which appear a lot in a stream, known as the heavy hitters. The sketch size here also scales with 휀 in Θ(휀−2). Other constructions and variants have been proposed. For instance, sketches which make use of random matrices most of the time have equivalents relying on structured transforms to reduce the space com- 60

plexity. We refer to the work of Cormode [116, 123] for a more extensive overview.

3.2 Dimensionality reduction techniques

Dimensionality reduction, i.e. the fact of mapping all the samples

(퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 to a subspace of smaller dimension, has proved to be another valuable tool to efficiently run standard learning framework on large collections. The applicability of this method naturally depends on the task at hand, but in many contexts using a dimensionality-reducing operator which e.g. approximately preserves distances between data points might be sufficient to solve the learning task. It can be used alone when the dimension 푑 is large but the number of samples 푛 is reasonable, as an alternative to streaming algorithms or methods which explicitly try to reduce the number of samples which will be presented in Section 3.3. However, when both 푑 and 푛 are large, it could be meaningful to reduce the dimensionality as a preprocessing step, and then still reduce the number of samples or rely on a streaming ‖퐱 − 퐱 ‖ algorithm. 퐱푗 푖 푗 2 퐱푖 We stress that applications of dimensionality-reduction techniques R푑 are not limited to learning and also include for instance exploration, denoising or visualization [124].

3.2.1 Data-agnostic approaches 푓

≈ ‖퐱 − 퐱 ‖ A seminal result is the Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) lemma, which states 푓(퐱푗) 푖 푗 2 that it is possible to embed a set of 푛 points into a lower-dimensional 푓(퐱푖) space of dimension scaling in log(푛) − and independent of the initial R푚 dimension − while approximately preserving its geometry, as depicted in Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2: For 푚 large enough, random embeddings behave like approximate Lemma 3.1 (Johnson-Lindenstrauss [125, Lemma 1]) isometries: distances between points are approximately preserved. 푑 For any collection 퐗 = {퐱1, …, 퐱푛} ⊆ R of 푛 points (here seen 휀 ∊]0, 1 [ as a set rather than a matrix) and 2 , there exists a map 푓 ∶ 퐗 → R푚 such that 푓 satisfies a restricted isometry property11 −2 on 퐗 − 퐗 with constant 휀 provided 푚 ≳ 휀 log(푛). 11. Cf. Definition 2.1, which we im- plicitly extend to non-linear operators. Stated otherwise, for any 퐱푖, 퐱푗 ∊ 퐗, Although the lemma is often simply formulated as an existence 2 2 (1 − 휀)‖퐱푖 − 퐱푗‖2 ≤ ‖푓(퐱푖) − 푓(퐱푗)‖2 ≤ result, it turns out that 푓 can in practice be chosen as a linear random 2 (1 + 휀)‖퐱푖 − 퐱푗‖2. operator. Multiple proofs of the result exist, with explicit and different constructions of 푓. Dasgupta and Gupta addressed the case where 푓 is the application of Gaussian matrix [126], while the original proof of Johnson and Lindestrauss uses a (scaled) orthogonal projection onto 12 12 a random 푚-dimensional subspace [125]. In the later case, we also We mean here a subspace uniformly 푑 refer to [127, Section 5.3] for a concise proof relying on the concen- drawn in the Grassmanian Gr(푚, R ). tration of Lipschitz functions on the sphere and rotation invariance arguments. The results holds more generally for matrices with sub- Gaussian entries [128, 129] or structured constructions [130], which have the benefit of computational efficiency [130]. We will discuss 61

more extensively the design of random structured matrices in Chap- ter 5. The size 푚 ≳ 휀−2 log(푛) was shown to be optimal, first for the setting where 푓 is further required to be linear [131] and more recently for arbitrary transformations [132]. The idea of using data-agnostic dimensionality reduction to learn efficiently from the reduced embeddings has been successfully used for many tasks, such as SVM [133] or learning union of subspaces [134, 135]. We also note that any matrix distribution producing efficient Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings will also generate matrices sat- isfying the restricted isometry property for sparse vectors [47]. In the other direction, a matrix satisfying a restricted isometry property defines optimal (in dimension) Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings when randomly flipping the signs of its columns [136].

Hashing We focused so far on the JL result because it is fundamen- tal tool, but other approaches have been considered as well. Some works achieve for instance an approximate isometry with respect to a kernel-norm rather than in 푙2-norm. Random Fourier features (cf. Sec- tion 2.3.2) can naturally be used to approximate kernels, but the result- ing features can be further reduced to small binary codes while approx- 13 13 imately preserving the geometry between all pairs of points [137]. In terms of Hamming distance for the Note that the quantized sketches of Schellekens et al. mentioned in binary codes. 14 14 Chapter 2 are closely related to this approach [104], although the Apart from the averaging operation, features are then further averaged. the work of Raginsky et al. differs from [104] in the fact that quantizations Locality-sensitive hashing [138] and related hashing techniques are performed according to randomly have also been extensively studied as a way to provide compact em- chosen thresholds. beddings for large-scale similarity search. The hashing functions are however chosen in this case to favor collisions (i.e. produce close em- beddings) for data samples which are neighbors, but do not necessarily come with guarantees for points which are distant from each other. Product quantization techniques [139] are also a standard alternative to produce compact codes, and tend to scale better with the dimension compared to hashing-based techniques. All these methods relying on quantization differ from Johnson- Lindenstrauss type embeddings by the fact that they are not linear, but they most often can still be computed efficiently and are thus used extensively for applications going beyond nearest neighbors search.

3.2.2 Adaptive approaches

Another way to perform dimensionality reduction is to use the data itself in order to decide how to reduce it; such methods are said to be adaptive, or data-dependent. The most standard example is certainly principal component anal- ysis (PCA) [140]. We introduced PCA as a learning task on its own via its loss function in Definition 1.1, but naturally the optimal 푘- dimensional subspace (for any 푘 > 0) for this loss can be used to define 푘-dimensional features, which can in turn be used to solve vari- ous learning tasks with a reduced computational complexity. In this 62

regard, PCA will return the subspace maximizing the variance of the (projected) data. Hence when data is centered, and provided that all the components have similar scales, the associated features are a natural choice in many contexts. Multiple extensions of the method exist, such as probabilistic PCA [141] which accounts for more generic probabilistic models, robust PCA [142], or sparse PCA [143] where the subspace basis is further required to be sparse. Performing PCA in a feature space associated to a kernel is known as kernel PCA [144] and is also widely used. Other standard approaches include canonical correlations analysis (CCA) [145], to linearly reduce two sets of variables while maximiz- ing the correlation between the produced features, or linear discrimi- nant analysis when measurements come with labels and are used to maximize separation between classes. Independent component analy- sis [146] is also commonly used to maximize statistical independence between the produced features, and in some contexts can be meaning- ful for dimensionality reduction. We refer to the work of Cunningham 15 15 et al. for a more comprehensive survey of linear methods [147]. Here and in the following sections, we mean by linear dimensionality reduction that the new features are obtained from Feature selection The methods previously mentioned aim at produc- the original data via a linear transforma- ing 푚 ≪ 푑 new features, but another way to proceed would be to select tion. 푚 of the existing features. Uniform (non-adaptive) sampling can be used but will often be inefficient. Various adaptive sampling strategies have thus been developed to keep the most “informative” features. The idea of adaptive sampling can also be applied to sample the data points rather than the features − i.e. sampling columns rather than rows of the data matrix −, and we thus postpone to Section 3.3.2 the presentation of the method. Many other deterministic approaches exist to select the optimal features for the task at hand. We refer the interested reader to the survey of Chandrashekar and Sahin [148]. Note that albeit selecting the chosen features is a linear operation, choosing which features to keep can require more complex and non-linear operations.

Non-linear techniques We mainly focused on linear dimensionality reduction techniques so far, but non-linear adaptive methods have been developed as well. In particular, many techniques have been proposed to learn (nonlinear) hashing functions from the dataset. We refer to the recent survey of Wang et al. for this category of methods [149]. Autoencoders have also emerged as a natural way to perform non- linear adaptive dimensionality reduction [150]. They are deep neural networks which have input and output layers of similar dimensions, and intermediate layers of smaller dimensions, with typically one “bottleneck” layer which is much smaller than the input dimension. By training such a network to approximate the identity function, one can use after training the features corresponding to the bottleneck layer as compact features of reduced dimensionality. These models are much more expressive compared to linear methods, but incur a large training cost and require large training collections. 63

3.3 Reduction of the number of samples

We discussed so far sketching approaches, which compress the whole dataset into a small summary, and dimensionality-reduction tech- niques which only make it easier to work with high-dimensional data but leave the number of samples in the collection intact. In this section we focus on coresets, which are small (weighted) subsets of the data collection which approximate the risk of the whole dataset. Coresets are often simple to implement and to work with, but their design relies on various mathematical tools, and going through all the different approaches is out of the scope of this chapter. Moreover, many different definitions of a coreset coexist in the literature, which canbe confusing. We focus here on a simple introduction and definition in Section 3.3.1, and briefly discuss in Section 3.3.2 how subsampling the collection can produce proper coresets. We refer the interested reader to the recent works of Feldman [151], Phillips [152], and Bachem et al. [153] for more comprehensive overviews, and also to the work of Munteanu and Schwiegelshohn [154] for a pre- sentation of the different tools used for coreset design. Another didactic introduction can be found in [155].

3.3.1 Coresets

Many variants exist for the definition of a coreset. If we focus on 16 16 the context of statistical learning, where we recall that a learning Cf. Section 1.1.1. We recall that H de- task is defined by a risk function R ∶ H × P(X ) → R, a coreset of a notes the hypothesis space. collection 퐗 is broadly speaking a subset of the data which uniformly approximates the risk associated to 퐗 over H.

Definition 3.2 (Coreset): Let 퐗 be a dataset with associated em-

pirical distribution 휋퐗. A (strong) (푟, 휀)-coreset of 퐗 for the risk

function R is a subset 퐒 = {퐬1, …, 퐬푟} of 푟 points of 퐗 and weights

(훼1, …, 훼푟) in the probability simplex satisfying

∃퐶 > 0, ∀ℎ ∊ H, (1 − 휀)R(ℎ, 휋퐗) ≤ 퐶R(ℎ, 휋퐒) ≤ (1 + 휀)R(ℎ, 휋퐗), (3.1) 휋 ≜ ∑푟 훼 훿 where 퐒 푖=1 푖 퐬푖 .

Note that the weights 훼1, …, 훼푟 are constrained in the probability simplex only in order to define a probability distribution and hence to fit with our definition of the risk, but the presence of the normalization constant 퐶 actually means that arbitrary non-negative weights can be used − although one will typically have 퐶 = 1 for homogeneity reasons. We list here the most common variants of this definition that can be found in the literature.

1. The weights 훼1, …, 훼푟 are sometimes imposed to be 훼1 = … = 훼 = 1 푟 푟 . 2. The above definition is strong in the sense that approximation must be uniform over H. A construction which only satisfies the 64

inequalities in (3.1) on a subset of H (for instance around the risk minimizer) is called a weak coreset. 3. In some papers, 퐒 must simply be a set of 푟 points, but these should not necessarily belong to 퐗. In the following, we refer to such 17 17 constructions as generalized coresets. No particular naming convention exists for this setting in the literature. A desirable property for coresets is to be composable, which means that if 퐒1, 퐒2 are respectively coresets of two datasets 퐗1, 퐗2, then

퐒1 ∪ 퐒2 is also a coreset for 퐗1 ∪ 퐗2. This often means that it is possible to start from 퐒1 ∪ 퐒2 to produce a further reduced coreset

퐒3 ⊆ 퐒1 ∪ 퐒2. See for instance [156] for an application on various diversity-maximization tasks, i.e. tasks where a given metric between points in the coreset is maximized. Note that this is highly reminiscent of the need to produce sketches that can be merged after computation discussed in Section 3.1. This should come at no surprise as this property is the key to handle data streams and for distributed learning.

Cardinality of the coreset It should be noted that some authors also use the word coresets to denote collections of dimensionality-reduced features, even when the number of samples is the same as the initial 18 18 collection [151, Section 4.1]. We prefer to make a clear distinction In this case, Definition 3.2 must be between the two approaches when possible, hence 푟 is always assumed adapted as the risk is defined on P(X ). to grow sub-linearly in 푛 in this section. A natural goal is to find coresets which are as small as possible. The size 푟 will typically grow polynomially with 1/휀. Some constructions are probabilistic and hold only with probability 1 − 훿, in which case 푟 usually also scales polynomially with log(1/훿).

Construction Definition 3.2 is very generic, and multiple methods can be used to derive coresets in practice. Randomly subsampling the collection is the simplest and most common way to reduce the number of samples, but uniform sampling will not always yield a proper coreset in terms of approximation and more subtle sampling schemes are required; we discuss this approach in Section 3.3.2. Linear sketching approaches − i.e. multiplying 퐗 by a dense random matrix on the right − have been considered and compared to subsampling schemes, see e.g. for least-squares regression the work of Raskutti and Moheney [157]. They are computationally efficient, but however can at best yield generalized coresets by definition. Histograms and other covering methods of the input space have been used extensively − each point of the coreset representing for instance one histogram bin −, but we do not review such approaches here as 19 19 they scale poorly with the dimension and hence are of limited utility i.e. exponentially. for high-dimensional learning. Note however that most of the early papers on coresets relied on such constructions, see e.g. [158]. Deterministic constructions also exist. In some settings, for instance in computational geometry for the computation of the minimum en- closing ball or other closely related problems, coresets can be derived 65

from convex optimization techniques [154, Section 3.2]. Points are then added to the coreset one by one. Connections of such greedy approaches with the Frank-Wolfe algorithm are discussed in [159]. Kernel herding approaches [160] for kernel density estimation can also be interpreted in this context [161, 162]. For high-dimensional clustering, efficient streaming deterministic algorithms have been proposed [163, 164], but often combine ideas from deterministic coresets literature with dimensionality reduction methods − e.g., the intermediate representation which is produced is not in the input space, and hence does not satisfy Definition 3.2 although it can be used to approximate the risk. When data is sparse, preserving high-dimensional but sparse vectors in the input space might be more desirable than using dimensionality-reduction tech- niques which will produce dense features. Dedicated deterministic solutions have been proposed for this setting (assuming 푑 ≥ 푛), for instance for k-means [165] and PCA [166].

Limitations It should be mentioned that Definition 3.2 is a broad definition, and coresets of small sizes may simply not exist forsome problems. Impossibility results have for instance been provided for 20 20 the 2-slab problem [167], or in another context for Poisson depen- A slab refers in this context to the por- dency networks [168]. Even when existence can be proved, explicit tion of the space comprised between two parallel hyperplanes. The 2-slab prob- constructions are sometimes too expensive to be useful in practice. lems consists in covering the data points by a union of two slabs of minimum width. 3.3.2 Subsampling

Randomly subsampling a dataset is the most intuitive way to reduce the number of samples in it. In some contexts, subsampling can produce sets of points which are proper coresets according to Definition 3.2.

Uniform sampling Let 퐒 be a set of 푟 points drawn i.i.d. uniformly in the collection 퐗, with weights 훼1 = … = 훼푟 = 1/푟, and let 휋퐒 ≜ ∑푟 훼 훿 ℎ ∊ H 푖=1 푖 퐬푖 denote the associated distribution. Thus for any , R(ℎ, 휋퐒) is an unbiased estimator of R(ℎ, 휋퐗) and its variance can be roughly bounded as follows 1 1 푛 Var(R(ℎ, 휋 )) = Var (푙(ℎ, 퐱)) ≤ E(푙(ℎ, 퐱)2) ≤ R(ℎ, 퐗)2. 퐒 푟 퐱∼U(퐗) 푟 푟 where 푙 denotes the loss associated to the risk function R. To derive a sufficient condition on the cardinality of 퐒 in order to obtain a coreset, we can apply Chebyshev’s inequality as follows

P[|R(ℎ, 휋퐒) − R(ℎ, 휋퐗)| > 휀R(ℎ, 휋퐗)] 푟 푛 ≤ P[|R(ℎ, 휋 ) − R(ℎ, 휋 )| > 휀√ √Var(R(ℎ, 휋 ))] ≤ . 퐒 퐗 푛 퐒 푟휀2

With this approach, it is thus sufficient to choose 푟 ≳ 푛/(휀2훿) to obtain a valid coreset with probability 1 − 훿, which is of limited utility as we recall that our goal is to obtain a coreset size which is sub-linear in 푛 (and ideally independent of 푛). Although this analysis might look 66

simple, one can actually show for tasks such as k-means that having 푟 on the order of 푛 is indeed necessary to obtain a proper coreset via 21 21 uniform subsampling . This is typically the case when a single point At least without additional assump- is responsible for the largest part of the risk for some ℎ ∊ H. Taking tions on the data distribution, one can manually build counter-examples. See into account the contribution of each point to the risk thus helps to for instance [153]. reduce the required coreset size, yielding the so-called “importance sampling” strategy.

Importance sampling The idea of using non-uniform random sub- sampling in coreset design was introduced by Chen [169] for k-means and k-medians problems, yielding a coreset size polynomial in 푑. How- ever, the key idea to reduce the coreset size is the notion of sensitivity 22 22 introduced by Langberg and Schulman [170]. In this context , and We will see in Part IV that the word for statistical learning applications, the sensitivity of a point 퐱 ∊ 퐗 for “sensitivity” has a different (albeit re- lated) meaning in the context of privacy a dataset 퐗 with empirical distribution 휋퐗 can be defined as preservation.

1 푙(ℎ, 퐱) 푠(퐱) ≜ sup 푛 . (3.2) ℎ∊H R(ℎ, 휋퐗)

It captures the proportion of the risk which is due to 퐱 (in the worst case on ℎ ∊ H), and thus indicates how important it is to keep 퐱 if one wants to preserve the overall risk when subsampling. The idea of Langberg and Schulman is hence to favor the samples which have a high sensitivity when subsampling. Naturally, computing exactly the sensitivities of all the samples can already be expensive. We now introduce the notion of importance sampling, and we will see just below that only computing an upper bound of the sensitivities can already be helpful. Importance sampling is a generic method which is commonly used in order to reduce the variance of a Monte-Carlo estimator. For a given probability distribution 푝 over a domain D and function 푓 defined on the same domain, the classical Monte-Carlo method suggests that the 퐹 = ∫ 푓(푥)푝(푥) 푥 1 ∑푛 푓(푥 ) integral D d can be estimated by 푛 푖=1 푖 , where 푖.푖.푑. 푥1, …, 푥푛 ∼ 푝. Importance sampling relies on the observation that, if

푥1, …, 푥푛 are samples drawn i.i.d. according to a different probability 1 푛 푝(푥푖) distribution 푞, the quantity ∑푖=1 푤(푥푖)푓(푥푖) where 푤(푥푖) = is 푛 푞(푥푖) still an unbiased estimator of 퐹. This tweak can be leveraged when one has access to 푓(푥1), …, 푓(푥푛) without being able to control the distribu- tion of the samples 푥1, …, 푥푛. However, even when one is free to sample 푓 as desired, it can be useful to choose on purpose a distribution 푞 ≠ 푝 to modify the properties of the obtained estimator, and in particular to reduce its variance. In our context, one can show that for any fixed ℎ, sampling each 1 푙(ℎ,퐱) Δ 푛 point 퐱푖 with a probability 푞(퐱푖) ∝ (and properly reweighting R(ℎ,휋퐗) the samples) indeed minimizes the variance of R(ℎ, 휋퐒). However, as we want (3.1) to hold uniformly, a workaround is to use the worst case on ℎ ∊ H, which yields precisely the definition of sensitivity 푠 given 23 23 in (3.2). It can then be shown [171] that, for any upper bound 푠 See also [153, Section 2.5] for a didactic on the sensitivity (i.e. such that ∀퐱 ∊ 퐗 푠(퐱) ≥ 푠(퐱)), defining 푆 ≜ derivation. 67

∑퐱∊퐗 푠(퐱), the weighted subset obtained when performing importance sampling with probability 푞(퐱푖) ≜ 푠(퐱푖)/푆 yields for 훿 > 0 a proper (푟, 휀)-coreset with probability 1 − 훿 provided that

푆2 2 푟 ≳ (퐷 + log( )). (3.3) 휀2 훿 where 퐷 is the pseudo-dimension of the class of weighted losses {푣(ℎ)푙(ℎ, ·)/푞(·)|ℎ ∊ H} for some weighting function 푣, i.e. a measure of the complexity of this class of functions. We refer the reader for instance to [172, Chapter 4] for a precise definition of the pseudo-dimension, and its connection with the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension, that it generalizes. Note that, this result being established, finding a good upper-bound for the sensitivity is often the most difficult step. Often, obtaining a good sampling strategy already requires to have a reasonable estimation of the solution or of the data density. This chicken-and-egg problem can be addressed via an intermediate sub- 24 24 set construction , which is larger in size and weaker in guarantees A good example of that is (훼, 훽)- compared to a proper coreset, but which is sufficient for importance bicriteria approximation, where one pro- duces a subset which is 훽 times larger sampling. than desired, and gives a risk for the op- With this approach, a coreset of size 푟 ≳ 푑푘2/휀2 was for instance timal hypothesis which is in a factor 훼 of the true optimal risk. obtained for k-means [170]. The notion of sensitivity was later ex- tended by Feldman and Langberg [173] for various tasks such as k- medians or subspace clustering. Other applications of this method include dictionary learning [174], Gaussian modeling [175] and 푙푝 25 25 regression [176] . This work is also based on sampling Note that although some of these constructions can be adapted but does not rely on the sensitivity. to the streaming scenario, the generalization is not obvious. Coreset sizes often vary depending on the considered coreset definition and setting (e.g. coreset / generalized coreset / streaming), and providing a summary of the different existing contributions and coreset sizes is out of the scope of this chapter. We refer for instance to [151, Table 1] for a list of coresets for the k-means clustering problem.

Leverage scores We introduced above a sampling distribution which directly depends on the loss function, but other variants exist in the literature. For instance, Tremblay et al. showed that coresets can be obtained by subsampling the data points using determinantal point processes [177], which promote diversity in the set of selected points. We do not dwell on this idea here, but rather introduce statistical leverage scores, which are another standard tool which has been used extensively for adaptive sampling. Assuming 퐗퐗푇 is invertible, the leverage scores are defined as the diagonal entries of the matrix 퐇 ≜ 퐗푇(퐗퐗푇)−1퐗. This matrix has a nice interpretation for the linear least- squares regression problem (cf. Definition 1.4), where one aims at 푇 푑 푑×푛 푛 minimizing ‖퐗 퐡 − 퐲‖2 over 퐡 ∊ R for fixed 퐗 ∊ R and 퐲 ∊ R . Indeed, the solution of this problem is 퐡∗ = (퐗퐗푇)−1퐗퐲, and thus the predicted labels 퐲∗ ≜ 퐗푇퐡∗ satisfy 퐲∗ = 퐇퐲. Hence the entry (푖, 푗) ∗ of 퐇 characterizes the impact of 퐲푗 on the prediction 퐲푖 . The role of leverage scores to detect useful data points − and potentially outliers −, 68

in particular for least squares regression, is well known and has been identified a long time ago [178]. As 퐇 corresponds to the projection matrix on the row space of 퐗, it turns out that the leverage scores can be computed from any basis of the row space of 퐗. For instance, if 퐗 = 퐔횺퐕푇 is a SVD decomposition of 퐗, then 퐇 = 퐕퐕푇 and the leverage scores correspond to the squared

푙2-norms of the rows of 퐕. Computing the leverage scores can be a challenge on its own, as extracting a basis of the row space already costs an SVD or QR de- composition. We will see in Section 3.4 that randomized approximate methods exist for these decompositions; such ideas have been used to reduce the computational complexity of estimating the leverage scores [179] from Θ(푛푑2) to Θ(푛푑 log(푑)) − assuming here 푛 ≫ 푑. Note that, although we used the linear regression problem to provide some intuition, the leverage scores are independent of 퐲 whereas the sensitivity defined above depends explicitly on the loss function, which itself is a function of 퐲. It is also interesting to note that multiplication of 퐗푇 (on the left) 26 26 by an orthogonal matrix , tends to make the leverage scores of the For instance with a structured 퐇퐃 resulting matrix more uniform. This can be used as a preprocessing block, where 퐇 is a Hadamard matrix (see Chapter 5) and 퐷 a diagonal matrix step, and one can then subsample the columns of the resulting matrix with uniform i.i.d. ±1 entries. uniformly, without computing any leverage score [180]. We refer the interested reader to [181] for more insights on leverage scores in general, and in particular to [181, Section 4.4.1] for this idea.

3.4 Randomized linear algebra

We tried so far to make a clear distinction between dimensionality- reduction techniques (Section 3.2) and coreset methods (Section 3.3), which come with different interpretations. In practice however, the tools on which they rely are similar as both approaches compute a “sketch” which can be expressed for some matrix 퐒 as 퐒퐗 in the first case, and 퐗퐒 for coreset methods. Furthermore, in both cases 퐒 can be either dense (e.g. with normal entries), or correspond to a subsampling operator. In this section, we explain how these sketching techniques can be combined to perform standard linear algebra tasks. Indeed, many tasks in linear algebra are ubiquitous and are used as building blocks to solve other problems. We focus on the low-rank approximation problem which has many useful applications − such as the approximation of kernel matrices −, but which can also be interpreted as a learning task itself.

3.4.1 Randomized low-rank factorization

A fundamental problem in linear algebra is to compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix. This decomposition is widely used, and can for instance be leveraged to solve the PCA problem (Definition 1.1) − assuming centered data. In the last two decades, 69

randomization has proved to be useful in this context as well. We provide in this section some considerations on this particular problem, and refer the reader to the works of Martinsson [182] and Kannan and Vempala [183] for up-to-date overviews of other standard tools and 27 27 problems in randomized linear algebra. For instance, regression or matrix mul- tiplication are also standard tasks which can be randomized. Randomized SVD We denote again 퐗 the 푑 × 푛 data matrix, which can here contain complex entries (we thus use ·∗ to denote the conjugate transpose). Halko et al. proved in a seminal work [184] that a sketch of the form 퐘 = 퐗훀, where 훀 has for instance i.i.d. normal entries, can be sufficient to obtain a good approximation of the action of 퐗. Here the matrix 훀 is chosen of size 푛 × 푙, with 푙 being much smaller than 푛. That is, if we recover a matrix 퐐 whose columns form an orthonormal basis for the range of 퐘 − this can be done via a QR factorization of 퐘 −, and choose the number 푙 of columns of 훀 to be slightly larger than a target rank 푘, then with high probability

‖퐗 − 퐐퐐∗퐗‖ ≈ min ‖퐗 − 퐙‖. (3.4) 퐙 s.t. rank(퐙)=푘

This fact is related to the observations made on random approximate isometries in Section 3.2.1, but is used here in a slightly different matter. The error in (3.4) is written in spectral norm but could also be measured ∗ 2 in Frobenius norm, in which case the quantity ‖퐗 − 퐐퐐 퐗‖퐹 matches the PCA risk R(range(퐐), 퐗), where range(퐐) denotes the subspace spanned by the columns of 퐐. Although results formulated with 28 28 respect to the spectral norm tend to be more meaningful , both kind In this regard, see [182, Remark 2.1]. of bounds appear in the literature. An approximate singular value decomposition 퐔횺퐕∗ of 퐗 can then be recovered from 퐐, for instance by computing the SVD 퐔횺퐕̃ ∗ of 퐐∗퐗, and then defining 퐔 = 퐐퐔̃ . Given that this procedure is entirely deterministic − once 퐐 is computed −, the approximation error satisfies

‖퐗 − 퐔횺퐕∗‖ = ‖퐗 − 퐐퐔횺퐕̃ ∗‖ = ‖(퐈 − 퐐퐐∗)퐗‖, i.e. only depends on the estimation of the range of 퐗, and thus on how close the approximation in (3.4) holds. Halko et al. provide 29 29 precise bounds according to the optimal error , first in a deterministic If 휎1 ≥ 휎2 ≥ … denote the singular setting [184, Theorem 9.1] and then for a Gaussian matrix 훀. In the value of 퐗, then the optimal error for a rank-푘 approximation is 휎푘+1 in spec- latter case, it is shown that 2 tral norm and ∑푖>푘 휎푖 in squared Frobe- nius norm according to the Eckart-Young- ∗ 2 1/2 Mirsky theorem [185]. ‖(퐈푑 − 퐐퐐 )퐗‖ ≤ 퐶1(푙, 푘)휎푘+1 + 퐶2(푙, 푘)(∑ 휎푖 ) 푖>푘 with a failure probability decaying exponentially with the oversampling parameter 푙 − 푘, where 퐶1, 퐶2 are functions of only 푙 and 푘, and where 퐶2(푙, 푘) also decays quickly with 푙 − 푘. Hence using a sketch size of the kind 푙 ≈ 2푘 will already ensure an error which is within a small constant factor of the optimal error. This yields an algorithm of complexity Θ(푑푛푙 + 푙2(푑 + 푛)) instead of Θ(min(푑푛2, 푑2푛)) for a deterministic SVD. Structured operators can 70

naturally be used here as well to reduce the computational complexity of the linear operation − the exact complexity then depends of the chosen construction, but this will typically reduce the cost of the linear operation from 푛푙푑 down to 푛푙 log(푑).

Single-pass approaches This randomized approach to SVD compu- tation can be decomposed in two steps: first finding an appropriate basis 퐐, and then using 퐐∗ to reduce the dimension and solve a smaller problem. It could then fit in the category of dimensionality-reduction techniques, via a sketch of the column space. When 푛 is large, com- puting the sketch 퐘 = 퐗훀 is reasonable, but accessing a second time the data to compute the matrix 퐐∗퐗 might be too expensive, or sim- 30 30 ply not possible when 퐗 is provided in a streaming setting . This is We only mentioned so far the however necessary in the general case31 as the sketch 퐘 only contains case where the sample (퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 are streamed, but we can more generally con- information about the column range. sider here the stream 퐗 = 퐗1 + 퐗2 + … Note that if one only wants to solve the PCA problem as defined where the 퐗푖 are all 푑 × 푛 (possibly sparse) matrices. The model where each in Definition 1.1 − i.e., find the optimal subspace and not the weights 퐗푖 has furthermore only one non-zero associated to each sample − the sketch 퐘 already contains the useful entry is referred to as the turnstile model information to approximately solve the problem. Assuming a full in the literature. 31 The setting of symmetric or positive decomposition is required, one way to avoid accessing the data multiple semi-definite matrices is different as the times is to sketch both rows and columns spaces simultaneously, i.e. row and column ranges then coincide, see below. compute two sketches 퐘 = 퐗훀 and 퐙 = 횿퐗 where both 훀 and 횿 are random. This approach is already discussed in [184, Section 5.5], and an in-depth analysis has later been proposed by Tropp et al. [186]. Boutsidis et al. also considered combining the quantities 퐘, 퐙 with a third sketch of the form 횵퐗횪 where both 횵, 횪 are random [187], yielding algorithms with an optimal space complexity − in regard of the bounds provided by Clarkson and Woodruff [188].

Sampling It may sometimes be more desirable to use instead of 퐐 a combination of a few columns of 퐗, for instance to preserve some properties of the data such as sparsity. Coreset constructions based on subsampling presented in Section 3.3.2 can be leveraged in this 32 32 case [166]. Subsampling both columns and rows yields the family Typically using leverage scores. of interpolatory and 퐶푈푅 decompositions [189] (see also e.g. [190, Section 10 and 11]), which we do not detail here. We discuss below the case of Nyström approximation with subsampled rows and columns of a positive semi-definite matrix.

3.4.2 The case of positive semi-definite matrices

The ideas presented above can be adapted to preserve specific structural properties of the considered matrix, such as positive semi-definiteness. We considered so far factorizing the data matrix 퐗, but the method can be used in various settings, and is particularly useful to approximate large kernel matrices. Indeed as explained in Chapter 2, most learning approaches relying on kernel functions require computing the 푛 × 푛 kernel matrix 퐊 with entries 퐾푖푗 = 휅(퐱푖, 퐱푗), where 휅 denotes the kernel function used. 71

Random features can naturally be used to approximate 퐊 − i.e., one can approximate 퐊 by a sum of rank-one random estimators −, but low- rank approximation strategies can also be leveraged, as an alternative to random features. Positive semi-definiteness is also a natural constraint when working with covariance matrices, or Hessian matrices in optimization methods. Depending on the setting, different approximation schemes can be leveraged.

The Nyström method One way to approximate a positive semi-definite (psd) matrix 퐌 is to compute a Nyström approximation

퐌̃ = (퐌횿)(횿∗퐌횿)†(퐌횿)∗ (3.5) where ·† denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, and 횿 an 푛 × 푟 matrix. The quality of the approximation can be evaluated for different choices of 횿, but random matrices will typically be used. When 횿 has normal entries, we get a method which is similar to the procedure for randomized SVD presented in Section 3.4.1, with the difference that the row and column ranges of 퐌 are here identical and thus both captured by 퐘 = 퐌횿 at the same time. Approximation guarantees for this scheme are closely related to the ones discussed in Section 3.4.1 [191, 192]. This approach requires having access to the full matrix 퐌, but can be useful for instance when working with a covariance matrix which appears as a stream of rank-one updates. 33 33 It has also been used for kernel ridge regression [193], and more See below for a definition. generally when applied on a kernel matrix its effect can be interpreted in the related RKHS [194]. Variants have also been proposed for psd approximation [195] − i.e. the output matrix is psd low-rank, but the input matrix must not necessarily be exactly psd.

Nyström with partial evaluation When working with a kernel ma- trix 퐌 = 퐊, one usually wants to avoid computing and storing the full matrix. It is then judicious to choose the columns of 횿 in the canonical basis, so that (3.5) can be rewritten

̃ † ∗ 퐊 = 퐊퐼퐊퐼,퐼퐊퐼 (3.6) for some set of indexes 퐼 of size 푙, where 퐊퐼 is the 푛 × 푙 matrix obtained from 퐊 by subsampling the columns of indexes in 퐼, and 퐊퐼,퐼 is the

푙 × 푙 matrix obtained by further subsampling the rows of 퐊퐼. The goal of this factorization is that only 퐊퐼 and 퐊퐼,퐼 need be stored, and not the whole approximation 퐊̃ . Thus computing the decomposition requires 푛푙 kernel evaluations − or approximation with random features −, the Θ(푛2) space cost is avoided and the factorization can after computation 34 We refer here to the approximation be used for efficient linear algebra operations. of kernel matrices, but the Nyström method is much more general and takes 34 This approach was initially suggested by Williams and Seeger [197], it name from a seminal paper of E.J. Nys- and then used extensively in the kernel literature. Following previous tröm [196] (in german). discussions regarding subsampling strategies, the set of indexes 퐼 can 35 Greedy methods have also been con- here again be sampled uniformly or using leverage scores35. Uniform sidered, but often incur higher computa- tional costs. 72

sampling has initially been used [197], and sufficient sketch size 푙 to obtain a near-optimal risk levels have been provided, e.g. for kernel k- means [198, 199] or kernel ridge regression [200]. We recall that these problems can be seen as generalizations of theirs linear equivalents (cf. Definitions 1.2 and 1.4), where the input data is pre-processed via the feature map associated to a chosen kernel. This is why the kernel matrix appears in the solution − at least for kernel ridge regression, where we have a closed form.

Ridge leverage scores The standard approach for adaptive sampling in the context of kernel methods is to compute the ridge leverage scores,

푠(퐊, 휆) = 퐊(퐊 + 휆퐈)−1, (3.7) which are often expressed like here with a regularization parameter 휆 > 0. These scores can be seen as a natural generalization of the “standard” leverage scores introduced in Section 3.3.2, which had a natural interpretation with respect to the linear least squares problem, 푇 2 where one wants to minimize ‖퐗 퐚 − 퐛‖2 over 퐚. The ridge leverage 2 scores appear when adding a ridge normalization term 휆‖퐚‖2 to this objective, and when replacing the data 퐗 by the matrix of features 횽 =

[Φ(퐱1), …, Φ(퐱푛)], where Φ denotes the feature map corresponding to the kernel 휅 used to compute the kernel matrix 퐊. Indeed, in that 푇 2 2 case the objective to minimize becomes ‖횽 퐚 − 퐛‖2 + 휆‖퐚‖2, and the solution expresses 퐚∗ = (횽횽푇 + 휆퐈)−1횽퐛, which can be rewritten via a special case of the Woodbury identity [201, eq. (158)] as 퐚∗ = 횽(횽푇횽 + 휆퐈)−1퐛, hence 퐛∗ = 횽푇퐚∗ = 퐊(퐊 + 휆퐈)−1퐛. Once the ridge leverage scores have been computed, one can sample the column 푖 with probability 푠(퐊, 휆)푖푖/ tr(푠(퐊, 휆)). Learning guaran- tees can often be obtained using ridge leverage scores using a smaller number of samples compared to uniform sampling for tasks such as kernel ridge regression [202] or kernel PCA [203]. Just as with plain leverage scores, computing the ridge leverage scores can be a challenge on its own, but efficient methods have been proposed − similarly to what has been discussed in Section 3.3.2 −, typically relying on recursive approximations [203, 204].

Note that efficient and practical frameworks often combine together multiple tools. For instance, low-rank approximation of kernel matri- ces can efficiently be computed by combining the Nyström method (using subsampling) with the linear sketches from Section 3.4.1 [205] to reduce the computational complexity. In another context, Rudi et al. proposed for kernel ridge regression to combine the Nyström approach with pre-conditioning techniques, which allow to reduce the number of iterations of iterative optimization algorithms [206]. We focused here on the Nyström method, but naturally random features introduced in Chapter 2 are another standard way to approxi- mate the kernel matrix 퐊, and leverage scores can also be used for this purpose [207, 208]. 73

Although we focused on approximation of kernel matrices, which play a very important role in the learning literature, it should be noted that similar techniques can be used to approximate Hessian matrices in order to speed-up second-order optimization techniques, see e.g. [209].

3.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we presented some standard tools to alleviate the com- putational cost of learning from large collections. We mentioned a few deterministic techniques, but most of the considered methods belong to the category of “sketching” algorithms as they rely on computing a small sketch of the data matrix obtained by multiplication with a random matrix. We provide in Table 3.1 a categorization of these dif- ferent methods (which does not include sketches from Chapter 2 nor Section 3.1).

Sketching type \ operator Dense 퐒 Subsampling 퐒 (e.g. with i.i.d. normal entries, (i.e. with columns (or rows) in the canonical basis) or structured variants) Uniform sampling Importance sampling ← data-agnostic → ← adaptive → Random projections, Rows/features space Feature selection methods JL-type embeddings (Sketch of the form 퐒퐗) cf. Section 3.2.1 cf. Section 3.2.1 Columns/samples space Generalized coresets, Uniform subsampling, Sensitivity, Leverage scores (Sketch of the form 퐗퐒) cf. Section 3.4.1 cf. Section 3.3.2 cf. Section 3.3.2 cf. single-pass approaches 퐶푈푅 decompositions Both in Section 3.4.1 Section 3.4.1 Nyström as in (3.5), Nyström “with partial evaluation” Nyström with ridge leverage scores Both (Symmetric/PSD case) cf. Section 3.4.2 cf. Section 3.4.2 cf. Section 3.4.2

Table 3.1: Summary of the most com- mon randomized “sketching”/subsam- This table is not exhaustive, but shows the fact that random projec- pling techniques existing in the literature tions have been used in a variety of different settings in the literature. for efficient large-scale learning. We stress that the structured random matrices which will be introduced in Chapter 5 can be (and have been) used for most methods of the first column of the table, i.e. pretty much every time dense random matrices are used. We will discuss in Part IV how these different meth- ods compare in terms of privacy preservation, but we can already say that coresets and sketching methods have been used successfully for privacy-preserving learning; data subsampling techniques are also known to improve privacy in some contexts. The compressive approach presented in Chapter 2 is quite different from these approaches, but still computes a small summary of the dataset. Hence in the following chapters, the word “sketch” will refer to the empirical sketch defined in (1.10) unless otherwise specified.

Part II

Efficient Compressive Learning

This part focuses on the design of the random matrix 훀 which appears in the expression of the feature map. In Chapter 4, we study empirically the impact of the kernel scale (and hence the scaling of 훀) when performing compressive clustering with a Gaussian kernel. Chapter 5 shows how structured linear matrices can be leveraged to speed-up the complexity of the framework.

Chapter 4 Learning to Sketch with a Gaussian Kernel

Contents Note Some ideas discussed in this chapter have been presented 4.1 Role of the kernel scale 77 to the iTWIST workshop [25]. 4.1.1 Theoretical insights | 4.1.2 An il- lustration with CL-OMPR | 4.1.3 Exist- ing heuristics 1 4.2 Experimenting with synthetic s explained in Chapter 2, random Fourier features used for com- datasets 81 pressive clustering implicitly define, together with a frequency 4.2.1 Impact of the sketch size | 4.2.2 distribution Λ, a kernel in the data domain. For instance, Scale-invariance | 4.2.3 Impact of the A separation between clusters | 4.2.4 drawing the frequency vectors according to the multivariate normal Impact of the dimension | 4.2.5 Impact 1 2 of 푘 | 4.2.6 Impact of the frequency distribution Λ = N (ퟎ, 2 퐈) for some 휎휅 > 0 yields a Gaussian kernel 휎휅 distribution 2 2 휅(퐱, 퐲) ≜ exp(−‖퐱 − 퐲‖2/(2휎휅)) in the data domain as detailed in Sec- 4.3 Towards empirical estimation of 2 tion 2.3.2. However, we did not discuss so far how this variance 휎휅 the separation 88 should be chosen. This parameter being critical for many experiments 4.4 Perspectives 90 in the thesis, we propose in this chapter to investigate the problem in detail via numerical simulations. In the rest of the chapter, all the sketches are computed using Φ = ΦRFF, and we denote A the induced sketching operator on probability distri-

2 1 butions as defined in (2.10). We explain in Section 4.1 why choosing 휎휅 cf. Definition 2.5 carefully is important, and discuss existing heuristics to do so. Sim- ulations on synthetic data are performed in Section 4.2 to pin down 2 2 the optimal scale as a function of the characteristics of the dataset, Because of the experimental nature of and directions for estimation of this optimal scale from the data using this chapter, “optimal scale” refers in the following to the scale which seems em- sketches are discussed in Section 4.3. pirically to provide the best results.

4.1 Role of the kernel scale

The choice of the kernel scale has multiple impacts. If it is poorly chosen, then the resulting distance to the empirical sketch, which is used as the optimization criterion, will not be a good proxy for the risk (cf. Section 1.1.1). However even when the optimization problem is coherent with the risk function (e.g. has the same global minimizers), a poor choice of the scale might still induce many undesirable local 3 3 minima and therefore make optimization impossible in practice. We We will illustrate this point in Fig- discuss these considerations in sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, and expose in ure 4.1. Section 4.1.3 the heuristics that have been proposed so far to estimate a reasonable kernel scale. 78

4.1.1 Theoretical insights

2 From now on, we denote 휎휅 the kernel variance. Unless otherwise spec- ified, we compute the sketch using frequency vectors drawn according 1 to the distribution Λ휎2 ≜ N (ퟎ, 2 퐈), i.e. implicitly defining a Gaussian 휅 휎휅 2 2 kernel 휅(퐱, 퐲) ≜ exp(−‖퐱 − 퐲‖2/(2휎휅)) in the data domain. If 퐜1, …, 퐜푘 are the cluster centers to recover, we define

휀 ≜ min ‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 (4.1) 1≤푖≠푗≤푘 the separation between clusters. We will see that the optimum kernel 4 4 variance is closely connected to this separation. We also recall that Cf. Section 2.3.3. when working with random Fourier features and this distribution of frequencies, for any 휋1, 휋2 we have (using the notation 휅(퐮) ≜ 휅(ퟎ, 퐮))

‖휋1 − 휋2‖휅 = ‖휅 ⋆ 휋1 − 휅 ⋆ 휋2‖퐿2(R푑). This interpretation of the max- imum mean discrepancy in terms of a low-pass filtering operation with 휅 tends to suggest intuitively that the optimal kernel variance should be no larger than 휀2, as locality information regarding clusters separated by a distance 휀 might otherwise be lost. From a theoretical perspective, statistical learning guarantees have 5 5 been obtained [210] for compressive clustering with weighted random i.e. using a frequency distribution dif- fering slightly from Λ 2 , but still induc- Fourier features. A separation assumption 휀 > 0 has been shown to 휎휅 ing a Gaussian kernel. 6 be necessary for a lower restricted isometry property to hold. Vice- 6 We will explain this in Chapter 10. 2 2 versa, learning guarantees have been established when 휎휅 ≲ 휀 / log 푘, by establishing a lower restricted isometry property on the model of 7 2 7 bounded and 휀-separated mixtures of Diracs . Yet, when 휎휅 is too We say that a mixture of Diracs is “휀- small, reconstruction algorithms can get stuck in local minima and separated” if all the Diracs that compose it are separated by at least 휀 in 푙2-norm. theoretical error bounds become vacuous. We provide an empirical illustration of this fact just below. Input: Sketch 퐬,̃ sketching operator A 푘 It is worth noting that the weights used in [210] might simply be , size of mixture . 1 ̂푟← 퐬,̃ Θ ← ∅ // Init a proof artifact, and we consider in the following frequency vectors 2 for 푖 ← 1 to 푘 do Λ 2 which are truly drawn according to 휎휅 , and the corresponding features /* Find a new atom */ are not reweighted. 3 Θ ← A(푝 ) Θ ∪ {arg max ℜ⟨ 휃 , ̂푟⟩} 휃 ‖A(푝휃)‖ 4.1.2 An illustration with CL-OMPR /* Project to find 2 In order to better understand the role that the kernel variance 휎휅 plays weights */ in the compressive clustering approach, we propose to take a closer |Θ| 4 훼 ← ∥ 퐬̃ − ∑ 훼 A(푝 ) ∥ arg min 푗 휃푗 look at the CL-OMP algorithm used to address the inverse problem. Its 훼≥0 푗=1 main steps are recalled in Algorithm 4.1. Note that we use in practical /* Adjust centroids applications the CL-OMPR algorithm, which adds “replacement” steps locations */ |Θ| after the 푘 loop iterations of CL-OMP as described in Chapter 2, but 5 Θ, 훼← ∥ 퐬̃ −∑훼 A(푝 ) ∥ arg min 푗 휃푗 we describe here only CL-OMP for simplicity. Θ,훼≥0 푗=1 /* Update residual */ In Figure 4.1, we show the evolution over iterations of the cost func- |Θ| 6 ̂푟← 퐬̃ − ∑ 훼 A(푝 ) tion appearing at line 3 of Algorithm 4.1 for three different values of 푗=1 푗 휃푗 2 7 return the support Θ, the weights 훼. the kernel variance 휎휅 on a two-dimensional dataset made of four sepa- rated clusters. At iteration 푖 + 1, if atoms (휃푙)1≤푙≤푖 and weights (훼푙)1≤푙≤푖 Algorithm 4.1: CL-OMP (Compressive 푟 = 퐬̃ − ∑ 훼 Φ(휽 ) Learning − Orthogonal Matching Pur- have been previously selected, denoting 1≤푙≤푖 푙 푙 the suit) A(훿 ) residual, this cost function reads 휃 ↦ ℜ(⟨ 휃 , 푟 ⟩) where ℜ de- ‖A(훿휃)‖2 notes the real part. 79

2 −03 2 +01 2 +02 휎휅 = 6.3 × 10 휎휅 = 4.4 × 10 휎휅 = 6.3 × 10 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Dataset

Figure 4.1: Impact of the kernel scale on the CL-OMP algorithm for three different kernel variances (left: too small, middle: optimal, right: too large). Synthetic data, 푘 = 4, 푛 = 1000, 푑 = 2. The top rows represent the cost function (line 3 of Algorithm 4.1, darker = higher = better) used to pick the new atom for the four iterations of the algorithm (top to bottom), together with the selected atom (in blue) and atoms from previous iterations (in green). Black arrows correspond to the movement of atoms during the “global” optimization phases (Line 5 of Algorithm 4.1). The last row depicts the dataset in grey, with the recovered atoms superimposed in green. 80

As expected, the algorithm fails to recover the cluster centers when the chosen kernel variance is too large (rightmost column). Intuitively, and following the low-pass filtering interpretation, the whole dataset is smoothed to a single cluster and the individual groups cannot be 2 recovered. However when 휎휅 is too small, the cost function used to pick the new atom has many spurious local minima (leftmost column), and the solution provided by the algorithm is meaningless. Note that the alternative CL-AMP algorithm which will be presented in Chapter 6, despite being quite differently designed, suffers from numerical issues as well when the kernel scale is not properly chosen.

4.1.3 Existing heuristics

As shown above, it is crucial to choose the kernel scale wisely when performing compressive clustering in practice. Furthermore, one usu- ally wants to estimate this scale quickly and using a small subset of the dataset, as adopting a compressive approach looses its interest when heavy calculations are required beforehand. Some empirical works 2 suggested to tune 휎휅 using an estimate of the intra-cluster variance [4]. In certain scenarios we also reported that the second moment of the data, which we define as 푛 푛 2 1 2 1 휎푋 = ∑ ‖퐱푖 − 흁‖2 where 흁 = ∑ 퐱푖, (4.2) 푑푛 푖=1 푛 푖=1

8 8 can yield lower empirical error than the intra-cluster variance [26]. This observation was made using a non- However, these heuristics have been used because they empirically Gaussian frequency distribution (see Sec- tion 4.2.6), but remains valid in our con- work well for some specific datasets, but no in-depth analysis can justify text. these observations. As shown in Figure 4.2, they do not generalize well to other datasets. In particular, the intra-cluster variance, which can seem intuitive in terms of “low pass filtering” interpretation, is highly inaccurate.

Synthetic (푑=푘=10, 푛=104) FMA-MFCC (푑=20, 푛≈105) Figure 4.2: Clustering error versus kernel variance for synthetic and real 14 CKM, m=10kd 17.5 data. FMA-MFCC consists in the CKM, m=2kd 12 15.0 MFCC features of the free music archive Second moment dataset [211] (cf. Appendix D for repro- 10 휎2 12.5 Estimated intra [4] ducibility). Means over 100 trials. Esti- 8 Sq. separation 휖2 10.0 2 mated 휎intra is out of the figure range for RSE 2 6 7.5 FMA (below 10 ). Synthetic data gener- ated according to the generative model 4 5.0 described in (4.5) just below. 2 2.5

100 101 102 103 104 102 103 104 105 106 2 2 Kernel variance 휎휅 Kernel variance 휎휅

In this figure (and in the following), CKM stands for “compressive k-means”, and 푚 denotes the sketch size. The clustering quality of centroids 퐂 = [퐜1, …, 퐜푘] for the dataset 퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛] is measured using the following mean squared error 푛 1 2 MSE(퐗, 퐂) ≜ ∑ arg min ‖퐱푖 − 퐜푗‖2, (4.3) 푛 푖=1 푗∊⟦1,푘⟧ 81

9 9 which is just another notation for the clustering risk RKM(퐂, 퐗) = cf. Definition 1.2 E 푙 (퐂, 퐱) 휋 퐗 퐱∼휋퐗 KM where 퐗 is the empirical distribution of . We also introduce the relative squared error

MSE(퐗, 퐂) RSE(퐗, 퐂) ≜ , (4.4) 10 We use in practice k-means++ with 3 MSE(퐗, 퐂k-means) trials. Our goal is not to get the optimal clustering with high precision (the prob- 10 where 퐂k-means is obtained by running Lloyd’s k-means algorithm , lem is anyway NP-hard), but simply to so that relative errors which are close to one correspond to successful get a reasonable estimation which can serve as a reference. clusterings.

4.2 Experimenting with synthetic datasets

In order to better understand how the optimal kernel variance relates to the dataset, we propose to generate synthetic data according to a parametric gaussian mixture model and to study the impact of each parameter. Throughout this section, data is thus always generated according to a mixture 휋 of 푘 normal distributions defined as

푘 2 휋 ≜ ∑ 훼푖N (퐜푖, 휎intra퐈푑), (4.5) 푖=1 푖.푖.푑. 2 1/푑 where 퐜푖 ∼ N (ퟎ, 휎inter퐈푑), 휎intra = 푠푘 (4.6) 푘

and ∑ 훼푖 = 1. 푖=1

The weights 훼푖 are the weights of the different clusters, and un- less otherwise specified we choose 훼푖 = 1/푘 for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푘 . The 2 2 J K intra- and inter-cluster variances 휎intra and 휎inter control the separa- tion and spread of the components of the mixture. The quantity 푠 is used to parametrize the separation between clusters in a way which is coherent11 across dimensions [4, Section 5.1]. Depending on the Figure 4.3: Examples of randomly 푘 = 2 drawn datasets for parameters context, we might specify the separation parameter 푠 or directly 휎intra, 5, 푑 = 2 with separation parameter 푠 = but both quantities are directly related to each other. We also define 1.5 (top) and 푠 = 8 (bottom). 11 휌2 ≜ 휎2 /휎2 the variance ratio; a large value of 휌 thus corresponds More precisely, when 푠 equals one the inter intra volume of a sphere of radius 휎 fits 푘 to well-separated clusters. Two datasets in dimension 푑 = 2 for two inter spheres of radius 휎intra. 2 different values of 휌 (obtained using the same 휎inter and two different 2 values of 푠, i.e. two different values of 휎intra) are depicted in Figure 4.3. Note that synthetic data in Figure 4.2 was already generated according to this model. 2 We now look at the impact of the different parameters 푘, 푑, 푚, 휎intra 2 and 휎inter.

4.2.1 Impact of the sketch size

As could already be observed on the left part of Figure 4.2, increasing the sketch size slightly increases the range of variances for which near optimal clustering performance is obtained. We plot the error in log- scale in Figure 4.4 to better illustrate this fact. Because there are 푘푑 parameters to estimate here, and following previous works [2], we choose 푚 = 퐶푘푑 for different values of 퐶 > 1. 82

Synthetic data (푑= 2, 푘=5, 푛=104) Figure 4.4: Clustering error versus ker- nel variance for different sketch sizes. 100.6 푚/(푘푑) = 2 Medians over 100 trials. Synthetic data 푚/(푘푑) = 6 2 generated according to (4.5), 휎intra = 100.4 푚/(푘푑) = 100 1.0, 휌2 = 10.0. 푚/(푘푑) = 1000 RSE 100.2

100.0 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 2 Kernel variance 휎휅

The data dimensionality 푑 is reduced for this figure compared to Figure 4.2, which explains that the curves differ slightly for smaller values of 푚. However the same observations can be made. One can clearly see that the value of the optimal kernel scale only mildly de- 2 pends on 푚 and that the range of kernel variances 휎휅 for which near optimal performance is achieved gets larger as the sketch size grows. Overall there is a tradeoff between the sketch size 푚 and the precision at which the variance needs to be tuned. To achieve high compression ratios, i.e. small 푚/(푘푑) with good performance it seems important to have an accurate estimate of the optimal kernel variance. It is however difficult to be more explicit regarding the precision at which the kernel variance must be estimated, as the “width” of the range of variances for which near optimal performance is achieved itself depends on the various parameters in a way which is not straightforward to model. We thus focus in a first time on the location of the optimum only.

4.2.2 Scale-invariance

The problem presents intuitively some scale invariance. Indeed, if ∗ 퐂 = [퐜1, …, 퐜푛] denotes some optimal centroids (in terms of MSE) for ∗ a dataset 퐗, then for any constant 훽 > 0, 훽퐂 = [훽퐜1, …, 훽퐜푛] are also optimal centroids for the scaled dataset 훽퐗 − although the MSE will be scaled by 훽2. However, when working with the compressive approach, the kernel scale must be adapted to the scale of the dataset. In particular, if a 2 given kernel variance 휎휅 is optimal for some dataset 퐗, we expect the 2 2 variance 훽 휎휅 to be optimal for 훽퐗. Indeed, when the feature map Φ −푖흎푇퐱 is built using the (scalar) feature function 휙흎(퐱) = 푒 (with in practice 흎 ∊ {흎1, …, 흎푚}), we have for any 훽 > 0: 휙흎(퐱) = 휙 1 흎(훽퐱), 훽 i.e. the effect of scaling the dataset by a constant 훽 can be balanced by a factor 1/훽 on the frequencies, and scaling the frequency variance by 1/훽2 means scaling the kernel variance by 훽2 in the data domain. 2 2 2 The quantity 휌 = 휎inter/휎intra is interesting to this regard, as it is invariant to data scaling − i.e. by definition, it does not vary when 2 2 scaling at the same time 휎inter and 휎intra by the same factor. Figure 4.5 shows, for three different variance ratios 휌2, each being obtained with 2 2 two different combinations of (휎inter, 휎intra), how the RSE behaves as a 2 2 function of 휎휅/휎inter. In each setting, and as expected, the same results are obtained in- 83

휌 = 1 휌 = 100 휌 = 104

100 5 8000 75 6000 4 2 CKM, 휎intra = 1.0 휎2 = 100.0 RSE CKM, 50 3 intra 4000

25 2000 2

0 0 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 2 2 2 2 2 2 휎휅/휎inter 휎휅/휎inter 휎휅/휎inter

Figure 4.5: Clustering relative error vs. kernel variance for multiple variance ra- 2 2 tios 휌. Here 푘 = 푑 = 10. dependently of the combination of (휎inter, 휎intra) used to obtain the considered ratio 휌. More interestingly, the optimal variance seems 2 2 empirically to be always close to 휎휅 ≈ 휎inter for the three values of 휌 considered.

4.2.3 Impact of the separation between clusters

The effect of rescaling having been established, we propose to further investigate the role of the ratio 휌2. Figure 4.6 shows the relative clus- 2 2 tering error as a function of both 휌 and 휎휅 for two different pairs (푘, 푑), using the sketch size 푚 = 4푘푑. The yellow areas correspond to successful runs of the algorithm (RSE close to 1).

푑 = 10, 푘 = 5, 푚 = 4푘푑 푑 = 60, 푘 = 10, 푚 = 4푘푑 107 2 푑휎푋 5 ‖퐜 − 퐜 ‖2 ≈ 2푑휎2 10 mean푖≠푗 푖 푗 2 inter 2 2 휅 휅 휖2 = min ‖퐜 − 퐜 ‖2 1 1 휎 휎 푖≠푗 푖 푗 2 10 10 2 Inter-cluster variance 휎inter 5 2 10 Intra-cluster variance 휎intra 103


Kernel Variance 101 Kernel Variance

100 101 100 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 Variance ratio 휌2 Variance ratio 휌2

Figure 4.6: Impact of the cluster separa- We draw on top of the colormap several quantities. Since both the tion on the optimal kernel variance. The plotted quantity (color) is the RSE (me- dataset generation and the sketching procedure are randomized, all dians over 100 trials). The intra-cluster 휎2 = 1.0 the curves corresponding to random quantities are average curves. In variance is here fixed to intra . accordance with the heuristic mentioned in Section 4.1.3, we draw the 2 2 curve corresponding to 푑휎푋, where 휎푋 is defined in (4.2). It is impor- tant to note here that, if 퐜푖 ≠ 퐜푗 are cluster centers drawn according 2 2 2 to our model, then 퐸[‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2] = 2휎inter푑 as 퐜푖 − 퐜푗 ∼ N (0, 2휎inter퐈푑). We also show the inter- and intra- cluster variances, as well as the 2 2 (expected) squared separation 휀 = min1≤푖≠푗≤푘 ‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2. The inter-cluster variance matches only the yellow area for 푑 = 10, 84

which should be expected as the dimension plays a role here. All 2 2 2 2 quantities 휀 , 퐸[‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2] and 푑휎푋 however seem to scale with 휌 asymptotically similarly to the optimal kernel variance. The curves appear to be slightly shifted compared to the yellow area, but one should keep in mind that other parameters such as the dimension 푑 and the number of clusters 푘 also play a role as discussed below. This suggests at least for now that the optimal kernel variance scales linearly 2 2 with 휎inter/휎intra when other quantities are fixed.

Connection with the second moment From the two mentioned heuris- tics, the second moment (scaled by the dimension) seems so far to be the most promising one. Hence is is worth noting that we have 2 2 2 E[휎푋] ≈ 휎inter + 휎intra when 퐗 is drawn according to (4.5).

4.2.4 Impact of the dimension 12 2 More precisely, we also fix 휎intra = 1.0, We now consider 휌 to be fixed12, and see how the dimension impacts so that we avoid an implicit dependence in 푑 or 푘 which would appear if we were the optimal kernel variance in Figure 4.7. using the separation parameter 푠.

휌2 = 10.0, 푘 = 10, 푚/(푘푑) = 4 휌2 = 1000.0, 푘 = 10, 푚/(푘푑) = 4 105

104 106 1 1 2 2 휅 휅 10 10 휎 휎 103 104 102

101 102 100 2 2 Kernel Variance 푑휎푋 Kernel Variance 푑휎푋 −1 ‖퐜 − 퐜 ‖2 ≈ 2푑휎2 0 ‖퐜 − 퐜 ‖2 ≈ 2푑휎2 10 mean푖≠푗 푖 푗 2 inter mean푖≠푗 푖 푗 2 inter 2 2 10 2 2 휖 = min푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 휖 = min푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 10−2 100 100 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103 푑 푑

Figure 4.7: Impact of the dimension on This figure shows clearly that, although the three curves superim- the optimal kernel variance. Medians over multiple trials (100 for small dimen- posed on the plot grow asymptotically in a similar manner, only the sions, less for higher dimensions because squared separation 휀2 matches in low dimension the observations, of too long runtimes). 2 while both 푑휎푋 and the mean distance between cluster centers are irrelevant when 푑 < 10.

4.2.5 Impact of 푘

We now fix the dimension 푑, the sketch size and the separation between 13 13 2 clusters , and look at the impact of the number of clusters 푘. Results Here again by setting 휎intra to a fixed are given in Figure 4.8 for both 휌2 = 10 and 휌2 = 103. value in order to avoid an implicit depen- dence in 푘 or 푑. This figure suggests like the previous one that the separation is clearly the important quantity to estimate here. The observed cor- relation is perfect for 휌2 = 10 (left), while the second moment and the mean inter-cluster distance appear to be irrelevant here. When 휌2 = 103 (right), the correspondence is not perfect but the same 85

휌2 = 10.0, 푑 = 10, 푚/(푘푑) = 4 휌2 = 1000.0, 푑 = 10, 푚/(푘푑) = 4 104 105 2 2 푑휎푋 푑휎푋 2 2 2 2 mean푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 ≈ 2푑휎inter mean푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 ≈ 2푑휎inter 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 휅 휅 3 휖 = min푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 10 휖 = min푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 10 휎 휎 10 2 2 휖 /(16 log(푒푘)) 104 휖 /(16 log(푒푘))


103 101 Kernel Variance Kernel Variance

100 100 102 100 101 102 101 102 푘 푘

Figure 4.8: RSE as a function of both 푘 2 2 and 휎휅. Here 휎intra = 1.0, and errors are [1, 20] conclusion can be drawn. The red dot-dashed curve corresponds to clipped to the interval for coher- ence with other figures. 2 2 휎휅 = 휀 /(16 log(푒푘)), which is the sufficient upper bound used to de- rive guarantees on the model of mixtures of 휀-separated Diracs [6, Theorem 3.1]. It does not fit well our observations here, even when adjusting the multiplicative constant. This tend to suggest that the de- pendence in log(푘)−1 might be a proof artifact rather than a necessity.

Estimation of the separation We now give a rough approximation of the expected separation. Deriving a closed form seems to be out of reach, but we rely on asymptotic results when 푘 → ∞. Naturally, the experiments presented so far in the chapter are relevant only for data drawn according to a Gaussian mixture model with balanced clusters, and thus are in practice of limited utility. This approximation should therefore not in any way be considered as a “generic” heuristic. It can however help when data is generated according to (4.5) with known parameters, which we will do in the following chapters. Furthermore, it can serve as a first rough estimation when dealing with other datasets.

Let (퐜푖)1≤푖≤∞ be a sequence of points drawn i.i.d. according to

(4.6). We denote 푝퐜 the corresponding probability density function, 2 i.e. 푝퐜(퐱) = N (퐱; ퟎ, 휎intra퐈푑). We denote 휀푘 = min1≤푖≠푗≤푘 ‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 2 푑 the minimum distance between the 푘 first points. When 푘 → ∞, 푘 휀푘 follows an exponential low. More precisely, for any 푡 > 0 we have [212]

lim 푃 [푘2휀푑 > 푡] = 푒−푐푡, (4.7) 푘→∞ 푘 푐 = 1 푉 ‖푝 ‖2 where 2 푑 퐜 2 (4.8) 휋푑/2 with 푉 = the volume of the unit ball (4.9) 푑 Γ(1 + 푑/2)

2 2 √ −푑 and ‖푝퐜‖2 = ∫ 푝퐜(퐱) d퐱 = (2휎inter 휋) , (4.10) R푑 2−푑−1 i.e. 푐 = 휎−푑 . (4.11) Γ(1 + 푑/2) inter

Hence, when 푘 is large enough, we can use the following approxima- 86


1/푑 −2/푑 ∀푡 > 0 푃 [휀푘 > 푡 푘 ] ≈ exp(−푐푡), (4.12) (i) 푑 2 2 1/푑 푑 2 ∀푢 > 0 푃 [휀푘 ≤ 푢] ≈ 1 − exp(−푐푢 푘 ). (i) Using 푢 = (푡/푘 ) , i.e. 푡 = 푢 푘 .

As a consequence, we can in this asymptotic regime approximate the 휀 푝 R density of 푘 by the density 휀푘 defined on as

푝 (푢) ≜ 푐푘2푑푢푑−1 (−푐푢푑푘2). 휀푘 exp (4.13)

With this approximation,

∞ 2 푑 푑 2 E[휀푘] = 푐푘 푑 ∫ 푢 exp(−푐푢 푘 ) d푢 0

(i) 2 Γ(1 + 1/푑) = 푐푘 푑 (i) cf. [213, Section 3.326, eq. 2.10 p.337] 푑(푐푘2)1+1/푑 = 푐−1/푑푘−2/푑Γ(1 + 1/푑) 1+1/푑 1/푑 −2/푑 = 2 Γ(1 + 푑/2) Γ(1 + 1/푑)푘 휎inter. (4.14) 0.6 Experimental 푘 10 휀 Estimation (4.14) where the last equality follows from the definition of 푐 in (4.11). Again, 100.4 this derivation is only an approximation as it relies on the limit behavior 100.2 푘 → ∞ when . 0.0

Separation 10 Empirical simulations (cf. Figure 4.9) suggest that this heuristic is usable as a rough approximation (relative approximation error inferior 100.5101.0101.5102.0102.5103.0 to 0.1) as soon as 푘 ≥ 20. It is naturally only an expectation, and 10−0.4 −0.6 data-dependent estimation procedures should be more relevant when 10 10−0.8 working on fixed dataset instances. 10−1.0 10−1.2 10−1.4 4.2.6 Impact of the frequency distribution Relative error 10−1.6 100.5101.0101.5102.0102.5103.0 So far, we only considered drawing the frequency vectors according to a Number of clusters 푘 1 normal distribution. Note that drawing 흎 ∼ N (ퟎ, 2 퐈푑) is equivalent to 휎휅 Figure 4.9: (Top) Mean (dark blue) and −1 푑−1 푑−1 standard deviation (blue ribbon) of the the model 흎 = 푅휎휅 흋 with 흋 ∼ U(푆 ) and 푅 ∼ 휒푑, where U(푆 ) 푑−1 minimal separation 휀 over 300 trials, as denotes the uniform distribution on the unit sphere 푆 and 휒푑 the Chi well as the approximation provided by distribution with 푑 degrees of freedom. As the mass of the Chi prob- (4.14). (Bottom) Corresponding relative ability distribution drifts away from the origin when the dimension error. increases, using another probability distribution producing more low frequencies could be beneficial. Previous works suggested for instance to use the following “adapted radius” probability density function [4, Section 3.3.1], initially in the context of Gaussian modeling

1/2 Δ 1 푝 (푅) ∝ (푅2 + 푅4) exp(− 1 푅2). (4.15) AR 4 2 This can be interpreted as a form of importance sampling. Our goal here is not to look for an “optimal” frequency distribution, as this is a complex subject on its own. We rather propose to quickly compare empirically the results obtained with the Gaussian kernel and the kernel induced when using random Fourier features with the radius distribution (4.15) − which we call the adapted radius kernel in the sequel. We do so in order to emphasize that the conclusions drawn earlier stay meaningful in this context. 87

Note that when using the “adapted radius” distribution exactly as proposed in [4], i.e. with 흎 = 푅휎−1흋, we have E ‖푅휎−1흋‖2 = 휅 푅∼푝AR,흋 휅 E [푅2]/휎2 which differs from what would have been obtained 푅∼푝AR 휅 2 2 1 with the Gaussian kernel as E‖흎‖ = 푑/휎휅 when 흎 ∼ N (ퟎ, 2 퐈푑). 휎휅 Hence when using the “adapted radius” distribution, we normalize the frequency to obtain comparable variances, i.e. we use √ 푅 푑 흎 = 흋 (4.16) 휎 E [푅2] 휅 푅∼푝AR with still 흋 ∼ U(푆푑−1), and 푅 drawn with probability density function 2 2 푝 흎 (휎 ) 2 ‖흎‖ = AR. We denote this distribution of as AR 휅 , and E흎∼AR(휎휅) 2 2 푑/휎휅. We now reproduce in Figure 4.10 the same results as in Figure 4.7, but using both Gaussian (on the left) and “adapted radius” (right) kernels.

푑 = 10, 푘 = 5, 푚 = 4푘푑, kernel=Gaussian 푑 = 10, 푘 = 5, 푚 = 4푘푑, kernel=AdaptedRadius

105 105 2 2 휅 휅 1 1 휎 휎 10 10

103 103

2 푑휎푋 Kernel Variance 101 2 2 Kernel Variance 101 mean푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 ≈ 2푑휎inter 2 2 휖 = min푖≠푗‖퐜푖 − 퐜푗‖2 100 100 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 Variance ratio 휌2 Variance ratio 휌2

2 Figure 4.10: RSE as a function of 휎휅 and 휌 for two different frequency distribu- As can be seen on the figure, using this alternative distribution for tions. Medians over 100 trials. the radius does increase (for this model at least) the range of kernel variance in which near optimal performance is achieved, especially on the lower side of the spectrum. This comes however at the cost of slightly worse results for smaller values of 휌. We provide a two- dimensional cut for comparison in Figure 4.11.

2 2 푑 = 10, 푘 = 5, 푚 = 4푘푑, 휌 = 100 Figure 4.11: RSE as a function of 휎휅 for a 102.0 fixed 휌 and two different types of kernels. AdaptedRadius kernel Medians over 100 trials. 101.5 Gaussian kernel

101.0 RSE 100.5

100.0 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 2 Kernel variance 휎휅

To summarize, although looking for an “optimal” frequency distri- bution is not our goal here, we assume in the following chapters that the same considerations regarding the choice of the kernel variance 88

can be made for Gaussian and adapted radius kernels, provided that proper normalization is used.

4.3 Towards empirical estimation of the sepa- ration

In light of the simulations performed in the previous section, setting the kernel standard deviation to match the separation (i.e. 휎휅 ≈ 휀) appears to be a reasonable choice in order to achieve good clustering results. 14 14 It is thus of practical interest to be able to estimate the separation 휀 When no ground truth is known, we of any given dataset. Furthermore, one usually wants to estimate this define the separation as the minimum distance between points of an optimal scale quickly and using a small subset of the data collection, as adopting solution in terms of clustering risk. a compressive approach looses its interest when heavy calculations are required beforehand. A simple method would be to run the k-means algorithm on a randomly chosen subset of the data, but this would not scale in high dimension and might perform poorly in the presence of unbalanced clusters. To conclude this chapter, we thus briefly describe a proof of concept using sketches of random Fourier features. If the separation can indeed be estimated from a sketch, we could imagine computing a first smaller sketch − possibly on a small subset of the data −, and then use the estimated separation to draw new frequencies in order to compute the main sketch. To better understand which information regarding the separation can be inferred from such a sketch, we consider in a first time data drawn according to a pure and balanced mixture of Diracs 휋 = 1 ∑ 훿 . In the following, we denote 휑(흎) the characteristic 퐂 푘 1≤푖≤푘 퐜푖 휋 흎 흁 ≜ 1 (퐜 + 퐜 ), 퐝 ≜ 1 (퐜 − 퐜 ) function of 퐂 at , and define 푖푗 2 푖 푗 푖푗 2 푖 푗 for any 푖, 푗 (so that 휀 = 2 min푖≠푗 ‖퐝푖푗‖2). We start with the very simple setting of a mixture of 푘 = 2 clusters, and see how our conclusions generalize to 푘 > 2 below.

Case 퐤 = ퟐ. Estimating the separation in this settings is of limited utility, not only because clustering tasks most often involve larger num- bers of clusters, but also because the minimum distance between cluster centers becomes the mean and maximum distance between clusters as well. However, as an illustration it is still interesting to note that

1 ⊤ ⊤ ⊤ 휑(흎) ≜ (푒푖흎 퐜1 + 푒푖흎 퐜2 ) = 푒푖흎 흁12 (흎⊤퐝 ). 2 cos 12 Hence if we define

2 2 ⊤ 푓(흎) ≜ 1 − |휑(흎)| = sin (흎 퐝12),

2 and if we draw 흎 ∼ N (0, 휎휔퐈푑) with 휎휔 ≪ 1/‖퐝12‖, then we have with ⊤ 2 high probability 푓(흎) ≈ |흎 퐝12| . Bounds on the data itself can be 2 used to bound ‖퐝12‖ from above and choose an appropriate variance 휎휔. Multiple frequencies can be combined to improve the concentration, −1 1/2 i.e. one can use 2휎휔 (∑1≤푖≤푚 푓(휔푖)/푚) as an estimator of 휀. Interestingly, using a sketch computed from a Gaussian mixture with centers 퐂 instead of 퐂 is not problematic as we are sampling only 89

2 low frequencies here. Estimations of a near-optimal 휎휅 obtained with 휌2 =10, 푘=2, 푚/(푘푑)=4 this method are shown in Figure 4.12 as a function of the dimension. 106 2 휅 1 휎 4 Case 퐤 > ퟐ. When the mixture involves more than two clusters, 10 10 1 푇 estimation is less straightforward. Defining 푓푖푗 ≜ |흎 퐝푖푗| we have in 휋 2 a similar manner 10

1 2 2 푔 (푡) ≜ (푘 |휑(푡흎)| − 푘) = ∑ (2휋푓 푡). 0 흎 2 cos 푖푗 10 2

푖<푗 Kernel Variance True 휖 proposed heuristic 10−2 100 Proof 4.1: Using again the similar notations 흁 ≜ 1 (퐜 + 퐜 ) and 푖푗 2 푖 푗 100 101 102 퐝 ≜ 1 (퐜 − 퐜 ) 퐜 = 흁 + 퐝 퐜 = 흁 − 퐝 푖푗 2 푖 푗 , we have 푖 푖푗 푖푗 and 푗 푖푗 푖푗. Let 푑 푝 = 1 푘(푘 − 1) denote the number of pairs (without order) of 2 Figure 4.12: Estimated optimal kernel centers. Every 퐜푖 appears in 푘 − 1 pairs, thus we have variance for 푘 = 2. Data generated ac- cording to (4.5), medians over 100 trials. 푘 1 푇 1 1 푇 푇 휑(흎) = ∑ 푒푖흎 퐜푖 = ∑ 푒푖흎 퐜푖 + 푒푖흎 퐜푗 푘 푖=1 푘 2푘 1≤푖,푗≤푘 1 푇 = ∑ 푒푖흎 흁푖푗 (흎푇퐝 ) 2 cos 푖푗 푘 푖,푗

푇 푇 4 2 푖흎 흁푖푗 푇 −푖흎 흁푞푟 푇 푘 |휑(휔)| = (∑ 푒 cos(흎 퐝푖푗))(∑ 푒 cos(흎 퐝푞푟)) 푖,푗 푞,푟 푇 푇 푇 = ∑ exp(휄흎 (흁푖푗 − 흁푞푟)) cos(흎 퐝푖푗) cos(흎 퐝푞푟) 푖,푗,푞,푟

As |휑(휔)|2 is a real quantity, we have

푘4|휑(휔)|2 = ∑ 푄(푖, 푗, 푞, 푟) with 푖,푗,푞,푟 푄(푖, 푗, 푞, 푟) 푇 푇 푇 ≜ cos(흎 (흁푖푗 − 흁푞푟)) cos(흎 퐝푖푗) cos(흎 퐝푞푟) = 1 (흎푇(퐝 + 퐝 ))[ (흎푇(퐝 + 퐝 )) + (흎푇(퐝 − 퐝 ))] 2 cos 푖푞 푗푟 cos 푖푗 푞푟 cos 푖푗 푞푟 = 1 [ (흎푇(퐝 + 퐝 + 퐝 + 퐝 )) + (흎푇(퐝 + 퐝 − 퐝 − 퐝 )) 4 cos 푖푞 푗푟 푖푗 푞푟 cos 푖푞 푗푟 푖푗 푞푟 푇 푇 +cos(흎 (퐝푖푞+ 퐝푗푟+ 퐝푖푗− 퐝푞푟)) +cos(흎 (퐝푖푞+ 퐝푗푟− 퐝푖푗+ 퐝푞푟))] = 1 [ (2흎푇퐝 ) + (2흎푇퐝 ) + (2흎푇퐝 ) + (2흎푇퐝 )] 4 cos 푖푟 cos 푗푞 cos 푖푞 cos 푗푟

Hence we have by symmetry

4 2 2 푇 푘 |휑(휔)| = ∑ 푘 cos(2흎 퐝푖푗) 푖,푗

2 푇 = 푘 (푘 + 2 ∑ cos(2흎 퐝푖푗)) 푖<푗 100 휋 2 1 푇 FFT 퐶 and |휑(휔)| = (푘 + 2 ∑ cos(2흎 퐝푖푗)) 75 푇 푘2 True |휔 푑푖푗|/휋 푖<푗 50 25 This means that the (푓 ) might be recovered, provided 푘 is 푖푗 1≤푖≠푗≤푘 0 0 1 2 3 not too large, from the Fourier transform of 푔흎 for some 흎 as illustrated Figure 4.13: Dataset and mixture of clus- in Figure 4.13 (bottom). Recovering 휀 from the (푓푖푗)1≤푖≠푗≤푘 is straight- ter centers (top) and corresponding fast forward in dimension 푑 = 1. Yet, finding a way to estimate 휀 for 푑 > 1 Fourier transform of 푔흎 for one random by combining estimations obtained in multiple directions 흎 is still a direction 흎 (bottom). 푘 = 4 (6 pairs). 90

challenge. Sparse FFT [214] might be leveraged here to use as few samples of the characteristic function as possible. If all the clusters are normally distributed and have similar scales (Figure 4.13 top), we can model the data distribution 휋 as the convo- lution of a mixture of Diracs 휋퐂 (located at the cluster centers) and 2 a Gaussian multivariate distribution 휋intra = N (0, 휎intra퐈푑). Keriven et 2 al. have proposed [4] a way to estimate the intra-cluster variance 휎intra from a small sketch, using the fact that |휑(흎)| decreases approximately (− 1 ‖흎‖2휎2 ) 퐬̃ 휋 in exp 2 2 intra . Hence any empirical sketch measured w.r.t. can be deconvolved by dividing it pointwise by the (analytical) sketch of 휋intra in order to estimate the sketch of the mixture of Diracs 휋퐂. The impact of such a deconvolution on the noise level of the signal could re- strict severely the usability of this approach, but it remains nonetheless a straightforward way to extend the result to broader distributions.

4.4 Perspectives

This chapter clarifies on several aspects the role of the kernel variance when performing compressive clustering in practice. Section 4.2.6 suggests that when the variance ratio 휌2 is not too small, using the “adapted radius” distribution rather than a pure Gaussian kernel helps as it increases the range of scales for which near optimal performance can be obtained, and thus reduces the risks of suffering from a poor choice of the kernel scale. The other experiments conducted in Sec- tion 4.2 allowed us to highlight that choosing 휎휅 ≈ 휀 is a good heuristic, but learning 휀 directly from the dataset remains a challenge. Some ideas regarding the possibility to use sketches for this purpose have been discussed in Section 4.3, but this preliminary work is by no way close to providing a robust estimation procedure, which is left for fu- ture work. Furthermore, it would be interesting to look at the impact of unbalanced clusters and/or clusters with different covariance matrices in the generation model. Alternative importance sampling strategies should also be investigated in future work, as they can help signifi- cantly to alleviate the negative impact of a possibly poorly estimated kernel scale. Chapter 5 High-Dimensional Sketching with Structured Linear Operators

Contents Note The work presented in this chapter has been partially pub- 5.1 Literature on structured trans- lished to the ICASSP 2018 conference [24]. We provide here more forms 92 extensive experiments, and discuss how existing theoretical guar- 5.1.1 Factorization approaches | 5.1.2 Families of linear operators based on antees can be adapted to this new setting. known structured blocks 5.2 Construction 94 5.2.1 Decoupling radial and directional he sketching operators considered so far, such as the one in- distributions | 5.2.2 Construction of a square block | 5.2.3 Extension to arbi- duced by random Fourier features (cf. Definition 2.5), are built trary dimensions | 5.2.4 Comparison as the succession of a linear and a non-linear step. Hence in of the costs T 5.3 Experimental validation 99 order to compute the sketch of a dataset 퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛], one must first 푇 5.3.1 Runtime speedup | 5.3.2 Cluster- compute the matrix product 훀 퐗, then apply pointwise the nonlinear ing performance | 5.3.3 Hierarchical scalar function, which we denote 휌, and eventually average the result- clustering on a co-purchasing graph ing matrix across columns. The overall complexity of the sketching 5.4 Towards theoretical guarantees 107 1 5.4.1 Adapting existing results | 5.4.2 operation is thus driven by the linear step, which scales in Θ(푚푑푛). Induced kernels | 5.4.3 Concentration Furthermore, the sheer cost (in space) of storing the matrix 훀 is Θ(푚푑), 5.5 Perspectives 114 which can also be prohibitive. The sketch size 푚 depends on the ap- plication considered, but will typically be at least of the order of 푑, yielding time and space complexities growing quadratically with the 1 This hypothesis, which seems reason- data dimension. able in a first approach, is discussed fur- ther in Section 5.3.1 (paragraph “nonlin- Many well-known linear digital signal processing operations, such earity”). as the discrete Fourier, cosine and wavelet transforms, can be performed using fast algorithms which can be interpreted as successions of multi- 2 2 plications by sparse matrices with particular structures . This chapter This includes in particular many considers using a matrix 훀 for which such a sparse factorization ex- “divide-and-conquer” algorithms, such as the Cooley-Tukey method for the ist, rather than relying on a dense matrix with normally distributed Fourier transform. i.i.d. entries, thus reducing the time and space complexities in the high-dimensional regime.

Summary of the contributions We review in Section 5.1 the different kinds of structured linear operators proposed in the literature. We leverage these results to design in Section 5.2 a structured transform for efficient compressive learning. We provide extensive simulations to study the computational gains in Section 5.3. 92

We show in Section 5.4 that the feature map ΦRFF induces a proper Gaussian kernel when computed with some of the proposed struc- tured blocks, and discuss how existing statistical learning guaran- tees can be adapted in this case.

5.1 Literature on structured transforms

We discuss in Section 5.1.1 an approach consisting in factorizing a given dense operator into a product of sparse terms for subsequent efficient usage, while Section 5.1.2 details how to directly draw random structured matrices with a prescribed behavior.

5.1.1 Factorization approaches

Le Magoarou et al. introduced [215] under the name Faμst (Fast Ap- proximate Multi-layer Sparse Transforms) a general family of linear operators and an associated factorization algorithm. More precisely, a matrix 퐀 is said to be Faμst if it can be written as a product (hence 퐽 “multi-layer”) of few sparse matrices, i.e. 퐀 = ∏푗=1 퐒푗, where the (퐒푗)1≤푗≤퐽 are individually sparse, and ideally the total number 푠 of nonzero coefficients in all the factors (퐒푗)1≤푗≤퐽 is much lower than the dimension of the dense matrix 퐀. The storage cost and the computa- tional cost of the multiplication, which both scale in O(s), are therefore likewise reduced. A hierarchical factorization algorithm is introduced to get a Faμst approximation of a given operator 퐀 by looking for

퐽 2 퐽

(퐒푗)1≤푗≤퐽 ∊ arg min ∥ 퐀 − ∏ 퐒푗 ∥ + ∑ 푅(퐒푗), (푆푗)1≤푗≤퐽 푗=1 푗=1 where 푅 is a regularizer favoring sparse factors. Applications to dictio- nary learning and acceleration of linear inverse problems are provided. Similar decompositions have also been used to speed-up k-means al- gorithm [216], by factorizing the matrix of cluster centers. A slightly different factorization approach based on Givens rotation has been developed [217] and applied to principal components analysis. Owing to the nature (random with i.i.d. entries) of the linear opera- tors used so far for compressive learning, generating a dense matrix and then approximating it by a product of structured factors would not necessarily yield good approximations, and be mostly inefficient in terms of memory as the dense matrix would still have to be generated and temporarily stored. We thus take a closer look at approaches which directly produce structured matrices.

5.1.2 Families of linear operators based on known struc- tured blocks

In contrast to the previous works focusing on the approximation of one given dense matrix, multiple authors have introduced families of random linear operators with a prescribed structure, from which one 93

can directly sample from. This approach is well suited to our setting, where the operator 훀 is anyway randomly generated. In order to produce operators that can be efficiently evaluated, the number 푟 of random quantities − or degrees of freedom − in these models is kept small, typically linear with the dimension. That is, a structured 푑 × 푑 matrix will be built from at most 푟 = O(푑) random entries. Examples of known square matrices parametrized by a linear number of parameters include Toeplitz (i.e. with constant diagonals), circulant (special case of Toeplitz), Hankel (i.e. having constant skew- diagonals) and Vandermonde matrices. In most applications however, these constructions are not useful per se; a structured family is thus usually designed to combine a small number of random independent quantities together with other structured deterministic operators, yield- ing in the end matrices that are not only structured, but that also display desirable properties with respect to the application at hand. The fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform was introduced [130] as an efficient way to perform geometry-preserving dimensionality reduction (cf. Chapter 3). It takes the form 퐀 = 퐏퐇퐃, where 퐏 is a random sparse matrix drawn according to a specific distribution, 퐇 is a Walsh-Hadamard matrix, and 퐃 is a diagonal matrix with i.i.d. 3 3 Rademacher entries on the diagonal. Walsh-Hadamard matrices play i.e. uniform in {−1, +1}. a key role in many families presented here. They have mutually or- thogonal rows and columns, allow to perform matrix-vector products in quasilinear time, and can be obtained recursively by the following definition:

퐻푑 퐻푑 퐻1 = [1] and 퐻2푑 = [ ] = 퐻2 ⊗푘 퐻푑 (5.1) 퐻푑 −퐻푑 where ⊗푘 denotes the Kronecker product. Examples are provided in Figure 5.1. Although this construction yields only square matrices whose sizes Figure 5.1: Naturally ordered Walsh- are powers of 2, padding can be performed to cover all usecases. We Hadamard matrices for 푑 = 24 (left) 6 discuss this matter in Section 5.2.3, but consider for now only square and 푑 = 2 (right). Black and blue en- tries represent respectively the values −1 matrices for conciseness. and 1. Many fast transforms families have been introduced in order to speed-up the computation of random features of the form

퐱 ↦ 휌(퐀퐱) (5.2) for kernel approximation, where 휌 is again a nonlinearity applied point- wise. We recall that a Gaussian kernel can be approximated by an inner product between features of the form (5.2) with 퐀 having i.i.d. nor- mally distributed entries and 휌 = exp(휄·) − we refer the reader to Section 2.3.2. Le et al. introduced the Fastfood family [77] of matrices for Gaus- sian kernel approximation. A fastfood matrix can be factorized as

퐀ff = 퐒퐇퐃퐺횷퐇퐃푅, where 퐃푅, 퐆퐺 are diagonal with respectively Rademacher and Gaussian i.i.d. entries, 퐒 a diagonal random scaling matrix and 횷 ∊ {0, 1}푑×푑 is a random permutation. The induced kernel 94

1 휅 (퐱, 퐲) = exp(휄퐀 퐱)∗ exp(휄퐀 퐲) (5.3) ff 푚 ff ff is shown to be an unbiased estimator of the Gaussian kernel and point- wise concentration results are provided. Choromanski and Sindhwani generalized this work with their generic P-model [218], whose design makes a clear separation between ran- domness and structure, and for which approximation guarantees are provided for the Gaussian and some arc-cosine kernels. Different met- rics are introduced to quantify the structure of a given P-model and its ability to “recycle” the random quantities, i.e. metrics measuring the level of dependence between the rows of the produced matrix. Yu et al. observed empirically [219] that kernel estimators based on 4 4 orthogonal operators display lower approximation error, and further We consider here computing features of introduce the following construction, which is both structured and the kind (5.2) where 퐴 has orthogonal rows. orthogonal:

퐀 = 푐퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 (5.4) where 퐃1, 퐃2, 퐃3 are again diagonal with Rademacher i.i.d. entries and 푐 is a constant. One can recognize here the association of three inde- pendent 퐇퐃 blocks. This association of a Hadamard matrix with a di- agonal Rademacher matrix was already used by Ailon and Chazelle for fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss, and appears in the fastfood construction as well. Similar designs have been used by Bojarski et al., with guarantees oriented towards locality-sensitive hashing applications [220]. Further works provided theoretical evidence regarding the role of orthogonality and the importance of choosing an odd number of 퐇퐃 blocks in (5.4) [221]. Choromanski et al. later provided a more detailed analysis of regimes in which orthogonality yields better approximation performance for radial-basis function kernels [78], i.e. kernels of the form 휅(퐱, 퐲) = 휑(‖퐱 − 퐲‖) for some function 휑. Multiple works have also considered replacing the random quanti- ties in these models by tunable parameters, yielding low-complexity families of linear operators that are especially useful for deep learn- ing pipelines. Indeed, replacing the dense matrices typically used in fully-connected layers by such structured models allows to speed-up the runtimes while reducing the total number of parameters to learn in the model, and still providing good approximation capacities [222, 223, 224].

5.2 Construction

We recall that our goal is to design a structured operator which can be used to replace the matrix of frequencies 훀 of size 푑 × 푚 used in the feature map Φ(퐱) = 휌(훀푇퐱), in order to compute sketches of size 푚 as defined in (1.10). We address scaling concerns in Section 5.2.1, explain how to build one square structured block in Section 5.2.2 under specific hypotheses, and then detail how to extend this construction to arbitrary dimensions in Section 5.2.3. 95

5.2.1 Decoupling radial and directional distributions

As detailed in sections 2.3.2 and 4.2.6, a Gaussian kernel with spatial 2 variance 휎휅 can be approximated using random Fourier features, using 5 1 5 N (0, 퐈 ) In light of Chapter 2, and in particular dense frequency vectors drawn according to 휎2 푑 . One way to 휅 ′ given that the sketch is a collection of ran- generate such vectors is to use the generative model 흎 = (푅 /휎휅)흋, ′ ′ dom samples of the characteristic func- where 푅 is a radius drawn as 푅 ∼ 휒푑, and 흋 is a directional vector tion, we refer to the columns of 훀 in the drawn uniformly (and independently from 푅) on the unit sphere 푆푑−1. following as frequency vectors. 1 This means that the probability distribution N (0, 2 퐈푑) is also isotropic: 휎휅 its probability density function can be written 푝(흎) = 푝푅(‖흎‖2). In the following, we solely work with frequency distributions which 6 6 have this separability property , i.e. for which the radial component If both radial and directional probability can be drawn independently from the direction. However we will not distributions admit probability density functions 푝푅 and 푝흋, and if 푝흎 denotes restrict ourselves to isotropic distributions anymore. the density of 흎 = 푅흋, then we have the From the perspective of the design of the matrix 훀, the separability decomposition 푝흎(흎) = 푝푅(푅)푝흋(흋). assumption implies that we can write 훀 = 퐌퐒, where 퐌 is a matrix with 푙2-normalized columns, and 퐒 is a diagonal matrix of radiuses 7 7 with i.i.d. entries drawn according to the desired radial distribution 푝푅. The entries of 퐒 are mutually indepen- From a computational perspective, 퐒 is a diagonal matrix and thus dent, but also independent with respect to 퐌. does not impact the overall complexity of a matrix-vector product 훀푇퐗, which is dominated by the multiplications by 퐌푇. In the following sections, we thus propose to keep this matrix 퐒 untouched and to modify only 퐌. More precisely, we will replace the “dense” generation scheme, where the columns of 퐌 are drawn independently from each other, by a structured scheme where 퐌 is built from i.i.d. square blocks 퐌1, …, 퐌푏. We can thus rewrite

훀 = [퐁1, …, 퐁푏] = [퐌1퐒1, …, 퐌푏퐒푏]

8 8 where for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푏 , 퐒푖 corresponds to a square diagonal block Which implies that each 퐒푖 is a diagonal J K matrix as well. of the scaling matrix 퐒, and 퐌푖 is generated in a way such that it has

푙2-normalized columns.

5.2.2 Construction of a square block

We consider here building a square matrix 퐁, in the setting where 푑 = 2푞 for some integer 푞. Note that this setting is similar to choosing a sketch size 푚 = 푑, in which case one could simply use 훀푇 = 퐁. We use the construction

퐁 ≜ 퐌퐁퐒퐁 (5.5) where 퐒퐁 is a diagonal scaling matrix with i.i.d. entries drawn accord- ing to the desired radial distribution 푝푅 (see Section 5.2.1), and 퐌퐁 is a structured random block with 푙2-normalized columns.

We will mainly focus on the setting 퐌퐁 = 퐌푅3 , where 퐌푅3 is a “triple-Rademacher” which we now define. Here and in the follow- 푇 ing, we work directly with the transpose of the square block 퐌퐁 for convenience − we recall that that the features are computed from the 푇 푇 product 훀 퐗, and hence we are interested in the action of 퐌퐁 rather than 퐌퐁. 96

Definition 5.1: The triple-Rademacher (abbreviated “푅3”) struc- tured block is defined as 1 퐌푇 = 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 , (5.6) 푅3 푑3/2 3 2 1

where 퐃1, 퐃2, 퐃3 are diagonal matrices with i.i.d. Rademacher entries.

Here and in the following, 퐇 always denotes the Walsh-Hadamard matrix introduced in (5.1). Note that the normalization factor 푑−3/2 푇 9 9 is chosen such that 퐌푅3 is an orthonormal matrix . A representation As will be made clear in Lemma 5.4. 4 of the construction (5.5) when 퐌퐁 = 퐌푅3 for 푚 = 푑 = 2 is given in Figure 5.2.

푇 1 퐁 = 푑3/2

diagonal with 휒- diagonal with Hadamard distributed entries ±1 entries (deterministic)

Figure 5.2: Design of a structured square matrix of frequencies. Walsh-Hadamard The construction of 퐌푅3 is based on the designs of Yu et al. [219] and are made of ±1 entries, and white parts Bojarski et al. [220] presented in Section 5.1.2, which themselves rely on are zeros. The constant factors are im- the 퐇퐃 block initially introduced for dimensionality reduction. In the plicitly merged into the scaling matrix here. latter case, this block can be interpreted as a preprocessing step whose goal is to smooth the energy distribution of input data vectors [130].

Alternative constructions Although we will mostly use the construc- tion presented above, we define here two other types of square blocks 푇 which can be used as alternatives for 퐌푅3 in (5.5) (the scaling ma- trix 퐒퐁 staying the same).

Definition 5.2: The Gaussian - double Rademacher (abbreviated “퐺푅2”) block is defined as

푇 1 퐌퐺푅2 = 퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1, (5.7) 푑‖퐃퐺‖퐹

where 퐃퐺 is diagonal with i.i.d. standard Gaussian entries, and

퐃1, 퐃2 are diagonal with i.i.d. Rademacher entries.

Definition 5.3 (Fastfood): The fastfood block (introduced in Sec- tion 5.1.2 and abbreviated “ff”) is defined as 1 퐌푇 = 퐇퐃 횷퐇퐃 . ff √ 퐺 푅 (5.8) 푑‖퐃퐺‖퐹

where 퐃퐺 is diagonal with i.i.d. Gaussian entries, 퐃푅 diagonal with i.i.d. Rademacher entries, and 횷 is a random permutation.

퐌푇 퐌푇 푙 Both 푅3 and ff blocks have 2-normalized rows, as will be proved 97

푇 in Lemma 5.4. They are however not orthogonal. The 퐌푅3 construc- tion is preferred from a practical perspective as it can be stored more 퐌푇 퐌푇 efficiently (see Section 5.2.4), but we will see that only 퐺푅2 and ff induce in expectation a Gaussian kernel. We discuss these aspects in Section 5.4.

5.2.3 Extension to arbitrary dimensions

We assumed previously that 푑 was a power of 2, and explained how to build one square block in this case. However when performing compressive learning, empirical observations and theoretical results (cf. Section 2.5) suggest that the targeted sketch size 푚 should be chosen to be of the order of the number 푝 of parameters to learn. For instance with compressive k-means, recovering 푘 푑-dimensional centroids requires a sketch size 푚 ≳ 푘푑. Hence our construction needs to be extended to arbitrary 푑 × 푚 matrices with 푚 > 푑, including the contexts where the dimension 푑 is not a power of 2. 푞 We denote 푞 = ⌈log2(푑)⌉, 푑푝 = 2 , 푟 = ⌈푚/푑푝⌉ and 푚푝 = 푟푑푝 (where the letter “p” stands for “padding”). We use for sketching a

푑푝 × 푚푝 matrix 훀, whose transpose 훀 is built by horizontally stacking square blocks of size 2푞 × 2푞 that are drawn independently according to (5.5) as depicted in Figure 5.3. When 푑푝 > 푑, the distribution of the scaling matrix 퐒퐁 in (5.5) must be adapted for homogeneity: for instance in order to approximate a Gaussian kernel, the radiuses will 휒 휒 be drawn according to a 푑푝 probability distribution (instead of 푑 used otherwise).

Dense matrix 훀 = ⋯ 푑

Structured matrix 푞 푞 with 푑 = 2 , 푚/푑 ∊ N 훀 = 퐁1 퐁2 퐁3 ⋯ 퐁푏 푑푝 = 2 = 푑 (ideal scenario)

Structured matrix 푞 훀 = 퐁 퐁 퐁 ⋯ 퐁 푑푝 = 2 > 푑 with padding 1 2 3 푏

푚푝 > 푚 Figure 5.3: Construction of the whole 퐗 matrix of frequencies, with the dense When sketching, we use zero-padding on the data to get a matrix approach (top), with structured blocks 퐗푝푎푑 of matching dimensions, and keep only the 푚 first rows when when 푑 is a power of 2 (middle), and computing the product 훀푇퐗 . with structured blocks and padding (bot- 푝푎푑 tom). The hatched area represents the We now take closer look at the benefits of such a construction in “unused” part of the construction when comparison with a dense matrix. We recall that the matrix 훀 appears using padding. in the definition of the feature function Φ ∶ 퐱 ↦ 휌(훀푇퐱), which in turns 98

defines the sketching operator A. This operator is used to compute the sketch, but also to address the optimization problem used to learn from the sketch (2.12).

5.2.4 Comparison of the costs

We motivated our interest for fast transforms by the benefits it would bring in terms of both the computational complexity of the matrix product, and the storage cost. As mentioned in the introduction, both matrix-vector complexity and the storage cost scale in Θ(푚푑) for a dense operator. With the proposed construction, the matrix-vector product for a square block of size 푑푝 takes Θ(푑 log(푑)) thanks to the fast Walsh- Hadamard transform. Multiplication by the whole matrix 훀푇 thus boils down to Θ(⌈푚/푑푝⌉푑푝 log(푑푝)) = Θ(푚 log(푑)) operations. From a storage perspective, the Walsh-Hadamard matrix being a deterministic operation, only the random diagonal entries need to be stored for a total memory cost of Θ(⌈푚/푑푝⌉푑푝) = Θ(푚). Learning from the sketch can take different forms depending on the learning task considered, but always requires evaluating the sketching operator. The usage of fast transform is thus likely to decrease the learning cost as well. Although the overall complexity depends on the considered application, we give complexities for the compressive k-means task in Table 5.1 just below, both for CL-OMPR, an alternative divide-to-conquer variant [2] referred as “Hierarchical”, and the CL- AMP algorithm which will be introduced in Chapter 6.

CKM FCKM KM Table 5.1: Time and space (storage) com- plexities for k-means (KM), compressive Time 퐤퐝ퟐ(퐧 + 퐤ퟐ) 퐤퐝 ln(퐝)(퐧 + 퐤 ln(퐤)) 퐧퐝퐤퐈 k-means with a dense matrix (CKM) and 2 fast compressive k-means (FCKM), i.e. Sketching 푛푘푑 푛푘푑 ln(푑) − CKM with fast transforms, for 푚 ≈ 푘푑. Learning Here 푛푏 denotes the batch size used for 푘 퐼 푘3푑2 푘3푑 (푑) − sketching, the number of clusters, CL-OMP(R) ln the number of iterations (for 푘-means 2 2 2 CL-AMP 푘 푑 퐼 푘 푑 ln(푑)퐼 − and CL-AMP). All complexities should Hierarchical 푘2 ln(푘)푑2 푘2 ln(푘)푑 ln(푑) − be read as Θ(·). The space complexity for 훀푇퐗 refers to the cost of storing the in- 퐤퐝(퐝 + 퐧 ) 퐤퐝퐧 퐧퐝 푇 Space 퐛 퐛 termediate quantities 훀 퐗푖, where 퐗푖 Sketch 푘푑 푘푑 − is a batch of 푛푏 columns of 퐗. 훀 푘푑2 푘푑 − 푇 훀 퐗 (by batch) 푘푑푛푏 푘푑푛푏 −

Note that for the compressive Gaussian mixture modeling task, which is performed with the same features, the sketching time and space costs are exactly the same as the one given in Table 5.1. How- ever, the function to optimize during the learning phase involves the element-wise squared 훀, for which no simple form exists for the given construction. Depending on the available resources, it might be more efficient when possible to still use a fast transform and cache this matrix at the same time, which increases the storage cost but makes it possible to still benefit from the speedup on linear operations. 99

Similar speed-ups and memory gains could be achieved for other compressive learning tasks, such as compressive PCA, but are not reported here for conciseness.

5.3 Experimental validation

We now provide some empirical insights on the effectiveness of the proposed structured transform, focusing mainly on the compressive k- means learning task. We report runtime speedups in Section 5.3.1, and clustering performance for both synthetic and real data in sections 5.3.2 and 5.3.3. Unless otherwise specified, experiments involving structured matrices use 퐌푅3 blocks. We will see later in the thesis in Section 9.3.2 a usecase of fast transforms for PCA in dimension 푑 = 32768, where dense features can simply not be used. In this section, we however focus on smaller dimensions, where both methods can be run for comparison. The proposed transform was implemented in Julia (cf. Appendix D), using the fast Hadamard transform (FFHT) library [225] as a core com- ponent. Other implementations of the fast Walsh-Hadamard transform 10 10 exist, see e.g. McKernel [226] or the older Spiral project . The FFHT see https://www.spiral.net/ library seemed to be the most efficient as it relies on SSE4 and AVX software/wht.html 11 11 primitives , and comes under the MIT license. These are instruction sets to perform vectorized operations. 5.3.1 Runtime speedup

We measure the runtimes on the compressive k-means task, with and without fast transforms. Details regarding data generation are dis- cussed below as they do not impact the runtimes too much. Note that, although the sketching process can be very easily paral- lelized, adopting a consistent parallelization scheme which would be efficient in all possible scenarios is not straightforward at all andwould require more engineering. After a few trials, we thus decided to stay with a single-thread execution, and measure all the runtimes using a single core. For a fair comparison with the dense matrix product, we 12 12 thus set the BLAS number of threads to 1. We compiled the FFHT The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library with both AVX enabled and disabled, using SSE4 instructions are routines for linear algebra operations. in the latter case. The matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products which 13 13 are used when relying on a dense linear operator are the BLAS ones Openblas in our case. and most certainly rely on vectorization as well, although we do not mention it in the legends for conciseness.

Sketching times Results are presented in Figure 5.6 for different sketching batch sizes 푛푏 (i.e., data is sketched by blocks of 푛푏 sam- ples at once) and discussed just below. As we do not expect any computational gain for small dimensions, we consider values of 푑 in the range [32, 4096]. The difference between runtimes obtained with structured transforms compared to using dense matrices are significant for high-dimensional data, and especially when sketching the dataset sample by sample (i.e. 푛푏 = 1). In the follow- ing, we refer to this sketching scenario as the “streaming” case. Note 100

Batch size 푛푏 = 10000 Batch size 푛푏 = 100 Batch size 푛푏 = 1 2.0 2.0 10 10 3 dense i.i.d. 훀 10 1.5 1.5 10 structured 훀, AVX 10 1.0 2 101.0 structured 훀, SSE4 10 10 0.5 0.5 10 10 101 100.0 100.0 Sketching time −0.5 10 100 26 28 210 212 26 28 210 212 26 28 210 212 104 103.5 103.5 3.0 3.0 10 10 103 102.5 102.5 2.0 2.0 10 10 102 101.5 101.5 Total time 1.0 101.0 10 101 100.5 100.5 26 28 210 212 26 28 210 212 26 28 210 212 Dimension 푑 Dimension 푑 Dimension 푑 Figure 5.4: Sketching and total (sketch- ing + learning) runtimes for multiple however that doing so is useful not only for streaming data but also sketching batch sizes using dense or structured frequency matrices. Synthetic when memory is limited, as the sketching memory cost scales at least data, 푘 = 10, 푛 = 104. Median times 14 in Ω(푚푛푏) . For larger batch sizes, using fast transforms might not be over 100 iterations, obtained on an In- useful for small dimensions (the BLAS matrix-matrix product used to tel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2450 @ 2.10GHz. compute 훀푇퐁 for every batch 퐁 being too optimized to compete with it), but still allows us to deal with high-dimensional datasets. 14 This is the cost of just storing 훀푇퐁, We now give in Figure 5.5 the results in terms of speedups, that is where 퐁 is a batch of data. as ratios of runtimes without and with fast transforms, and for two different architectures.

Batch size 푛푏 = 10000 Batch size 푛푏 = 100 Batch size 푛푏 = 1 1.5 10 101.5 Xeon(R) E5-2450, AVX 101.2 1.0 Xeon(R) E5-2450, SSE4 10 0.9 101.0 Xeon(R) E5640, SSE4 10 i7-7600U, AVX 100.6 100.5 0.5 no speed-up 10 100.3

Global speedup 100.0 100.0 100.0 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 25 26 27 28 29 210 211

100.5 1.5 100.6 10 100.4 0.4 0.3 10 10 101.0 0.2 0.2 10 10 0.1 10 100.5 100.0 100.0 −0.1 −0.2 10 100.0

Sketching speedup 10 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 Dimension 푑 Dimension 푑 Dimension 푑 Figure 5.5: Sketching and global (sketch- ing + learning) speedups (ratios of me- In the streaming scenario and for the considered architecture, we dian runtimes over 100 trials) for multi- get speedups of one order of magnitude as soon as 푑 = 512. Note that ple batch sizes on different architectures. Synthetic data, 푘 = 10, 푛 = 104. the AVX instruction set brings only a very relative improvement over SSE4 on the considered architectures.

Learning time The learning phase benefits similarly from using fast transforms as shown in Figure 5.6. Results are obtained with the CL- 101

OMPR algorithm. Note that the learning time does not depend on the batch size. The fact that speedups are always greater than one, even in small dimensions, is explained by the iterative structure of the CL-OMPR al- gorithm. We recall that atoms are added one by one (cf. Algorithm 2.1), and if 퐂 denotes the matrix whose columns are the selected atoms at the 푖-th iteration (thus having 푖 columns), the algorithm only performs products of the kind 훀푇퐂, for which no specific gains should be ex- pected when using the matrix-matrix BLAS multiplication because of the small size of 퐂 − similarly to the online sketching scenario.

1.5 10 Figure 5.6: Learning speedups (ratios of Xeon(R) E5-2450, AVX median runtimes over 100 trials) using Xeon(R) E5-2450, SSE4 structured over dense linear operators. 101.0 Xeon(R) E5640, SSE4 Same experimental setup as in Figure 5.5. i7-7600U, AVX no speed-up 100.5 Learning speedup 100.0 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 Dimension 푑

Different behavior might be observed for large values of 푘, but study- ing this matter would not be very relevant as CL-OMPR scales in O(푘3). We refer the reader to Chapter 6 for the alternative CL-AMP algorithm scaling with the number of clusters 푘 in Θ(푘2).

Nonlinearity In order to fully understand the benefit of reducing the runtime of the linear operation, one must also take in consideration the runtime induced by the nonlinear step. The computational com- plexity of applying the nonlinear operations to the whole 푛 samples is linear in 푑, while we recall that applying the linear operation scales in Θ(푑 log(푑)) with fast transforms or Θ(푑2) without. We measured the runtimes of both − linear and non-linear − steps and report them in Figure 5.7. We recall that random Fourier features (RFF) rely on the nonlinear function cis(푥) ≜ exp(푖푥). For reference, we also consider using quantized Fourier features (qRFF in the legends) as proposed in [104]. We use the standard cis function from the Julia math library, and our own implementation of its quantized version using four floor operations. Note that both functions could here again certainly be opti- mized. As can be seen on the left sub-figure, for small dimensions the runtime induced by the linear operation with a dense matrix is not only smaller that the one obtained with a structured operator (as discussed above, this is expected in low dimension), but also much smaller that the time spent on the nonlinear computations. With fast transforms, the linear and non-linear operations roughly take the same time for all dimensions. We show on the right subfigure the proportion of time spent on computing the nonlinearity, which confirms this. We get for 102

linear operation (dense i.i.d. 훀) RFF (dense i.i.d. 훀) 2 10 linear operation (structured 훀) RFF (structured 훀) 0.8 nonlinear operation (RFF) qRFF (dense i.i.d. 훀) 훀 101 nonlinear operation (qRFF) qRFF (structured ) 0.6 100 0.4 10−1

0.2 10−2 nonlinearity time (in proportion)

Runtime of linear/nonlinear operations 0.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 210.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 210.0 Dimension 푑 Dimension 푑 Figure 5.7: Runtimes (left) and relative runtimes (right) of linear and non-linear higher dimensions proportions of the order 35% and 55% with/without operations used for sketching as a func- tion of the dimension 푑, using a sketch quantization. Optimizing − or changing, if possible − the nonlinear size 푚 = 10푑 and 푛 = 104. The relative function therefore seems to be essential for further improvements. runtimes (right) are ratios of nonlinear- ity and total runtime (e.g. 0.6 means that 60% of the total runtime was spent on 5.3.2 Clustering performance computing the nonlinearity).

We now take a closer look at the clustering quality obtained when using fast transforms. We consider both synthetic and real data, and error is measured with the mean squared error (MSE) introduced in Chapter 4, i.e. the clustering risk. From now on, we denote “CKM” the standard compressive k-means approach with dense matrices, and “FCKM” stands for fast compressive k-means, i.e. compressive k-means using fast transforms (퐌푅3 unless otherwise specified). In both case, the reconstruction is performed using the CL-OMPR algorithm. K-means 15 15 results are all obtained using the Julia “Clustering” package . The code available at https://github. k-means++ initialization strategy is always used, although we omit com/JuliaStats/Clustering.jl the “++” in the legends.

푘 = 6, 푑 = 8 푘 = 30, 푑 = 128

1.5 FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 2.0 10 FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 2.0 FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 6.0 FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 6.0 1.0 10 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 2.0 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 2.0 1.0 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 6.0 10 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 6.0 100.8 Chosen kernel scale Chosen kernel scale 0.6

RSE 10 100.5 100.4

100.2 100.0 100.0 101.0 101.5 102.0 102.5 102.0 102.5 103.0 103.5 104.0 2 2 휎휅 휎휅 Figure 5.8: Clustering MSE using dense (CKM) and structured (FCKM) matrix 훀. Synthetic data with 휌2 = 10, 푛 = Synthetic data We first provide experiments on synthetic data, gen- 104. Medians over 300 trials. erated according to (4.5). We consider two different settings − namely, (푘 = 6, 푑 = 8) and (푘 = 30, 푑 = 128). Errors are reported in Figure 5.8 103

as functions of the kernel scale. We observe that the mean squared errors obtained with structured transforms follow very closely the ones obtained with dense matrices across the range of considered kernel scales on these datasets. We now choose a single kernel scale in the range where optimal results are obtained (grey dashed lines in Figure 5.8) and give a violin 16 Such plots provide a kernel density es- plot16 of the MSE corresponding to this scale only in Figure 5.9. timation of the probability density func- tion of the data.

푘 = 6, 푑 = 8 10.0 ↑ Clipped


9.0 MSE



푚/푘푑 = 2.0 푚/푘푑 = 6.0 푘 = 30, 푑 = 128 ↑ ↑ 170 Clipped Clipped


150 MSE

140 CKM FCKM k-means, 1 replicate k-means, 5 replicates 130 k-means, 50 replicates

푚/푘푑 = 2.0 푚/푘푑 = 6.0

Figure 5.9: Violin plot with means (dot- ted black lines), medians (long solid For k-means, “x replicates” in the legend means that the algorithm black lines) and first/last deciles (short 17 is run x times and the best solution in terms of MSE is kept . For solid black lines) of clustering MSE us- the setting 푘 = 6, 푑 = 8, the MSE obtained with CKM and FCKM ing CKM, FCKM, and k-means++ with 1 and 5 replicates. Same experimental set- follow very similar distributions, and no significant difference can be ting as in Figure 5.8, using the optimal observed. On the bottom figure (푘 = 30, 푑 = 128), a few more outlier kernel variance. 300 trials per group. appear when using FCKM compared to CKM with 푚 = 2푘푑 as can be 17 Which is computationally expensive, seen by looking at the means (last deciles are outside of the plotted and only possible if one can access the data multiple times. range), but the difference is again shallow and the median values are the same for both methods. More importantly, both methods produce very well concentrated results for 푚 = 6푘푑, whereas k-means is less stable and suffers from local optima, even using 50 replicates.

MNIST features We now propose to cluster the MNIST dataset [227] of handwritten digits, which has 푘 = 10 classes (one for each digit). 104

The original dataset contains 푛 = 70000 pictures. Distorted variants of these images have been generated using infiMNIST228 [ ], so that two other datasets of sizes 푛 = 3.105 and 푛 = 1.106 have been used for evaluation as well; these results are omitted here as the conclusions were similar. As clustering in the image domain would be pointless, we used spec- tral features [229] computed as follows. Dense SIFT descriptors [230] are extracted for each image, and concatenated to form a single descrip- tor. The weighted k-nearest neighbours adjacency matrix is computed 18 18 using FLANN . The 푘 eigenvectors associated to the 푘 smallest positive see https://github.com/ eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix19 are used as features. Note that mariusmuja/flann 19 20 The Laplacian matrix of a graph is a computing this matrix is very expensive for large collections : we use standard tool for graph signal processing. this approach here as we focus on the clustering performance of fast We refer the interested reader to [231] for transforms, and because the collection is still of a moderate size, but a precise definition. 20 And more expensive that the compres- this framework would not be suitable for large-scale applications. We sive clustering step. get 푛 vectors of features in dimension 푑 = 푘 = 10, that can be clustered using a standard k-means algorithm. Note that with this small dimen- sion, one should not expect to get a speed-up on the execution time using structured matrices, and we perform this experiment solely for an analysis of clustering results. Results are presented in Figure 5.10.

0.20 FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 4.0 CKM FCKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 8.0 0.18 FCKM 1.0 10 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 4.0 0.16 100.8 CKM, 푚/(푘푑) = 8.0 Chosen kernel scale 0.14 0.6

RSE 10 MSE 0.12 100.4 0.10 100.2 0.08 100.0 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 m/kd=4.0 m/kd=8.0 2 휎휅 Figure 5.10: Clustering MSE using CKM We observe almost identical results using dense and structured and FCKM, as a function of the kernel variance (left) and as a violin plot for a operators. On the violin plot of the right figure, on can see that mean fixed scale (right). The chosen kernel and median MSEs are slightly lower using a dense transform, but variance for the violin plot is the one cor- responding to the dashed grey line on the the difference is minor. On the other hand, on the left figure fast left figure. Spectral features of dimen- transforms seem to yield acceptable results over a range of kernel sion 푑 = 10 computed on the MNIST 4 scales that is very slightly larger than when using dense matrices; here dataset, 푘 = 10, 푛 = 7 × 10 . again, the difference is quite small and both method achieve overall similar clustering quality.

FMA dataset We also report clustering performance and runtimes 21 21 on the FMA dataset of audio features in Figure 5.11. See https://github.com/mdeff/ The data is centered and normalized as it contains features of very fma. different natures. As in previous experiments, almost no difference can be seen in terms of clustering error between CKM and FCKM. Runtimes are measured using a single core for a fair comparison as explained in Section 5.3.1. The gain obtained when using structured features is almost of one order of magnitude for the learning phase, 105

103.4 CKM CKM FCKM FCKM k-means 10000 103.2 7500 103.0

MSE 5000 Time (s) 102.8 2500

102.6 0 102.00 102.25 102.50 102.75 103.00 Learning Sketching 2 휎휅 Figure 5.11: Clustering performance (left, medians over 10 trials) and run- and more moderate on the sketching phase where large batches are times (right, 10 trials) on the (centered and standardized) FMA dataset. 푑 = used (as observed on synthetic data in Section 5.3.1). 518, 푘 = 20, 푚 = 10푘푑.

Comparison of the different structures We report in Figure 5.12 the clustering results obtained with the different types of squared blocks mentioned in Section 5.2.2. It appears that the three considered con- 푇 structions yield highly similar results. The block 퐌푅3 seems to be 2 perform slightly worse for small values of 휎휅 in comparison to the two other in small dimension, but the difference is very subtle. 푇 On the violin plots (right side of the figure), the 퐌푅3 block seems on the contrary to yield slightly better results compared to the other structured blocks, and also in comparison with the dense design (if we look at means and medians at least, as the dense design seems to reduce the number of outliers in comparison with structured de- signs). However, the difference is here again too small to be significant, and overall the three structured designs can be considered to perform equally well on this dataset.

5.3.3 Hierarchical clustering on a co-purchasing graph

We propose to test our method on a graph spectral clustering task. This consists in leveraging the structure of the graph to produce numerical features for all the nodes, which can then be clustered. Here again, we use FCKM solely to assess the clustering performance and stability, but the features themselves are chosen of moderate size, so that no particular speedup should be expected with FCKM. Computing spectral features involves computing the eigendecompo- sition of the Laplacian matrix of the graph, which is usually expensive. Tremblay et al. proposed to bypass this step using as features Θ(log 푘) filtered random graph signals on the graph associated to the Laplacian matrix [231]. Standard k-means is then applied on a random subset (for efficiency) of these features, and interpolated to the whole col- lection. We propose to combine these fast random features with the FCKM framework, which allows to avoid the subsampling step. We work on the Amazon co-purchasing network [232], which is a graph comprising 푛 = 334863 nodes and 퐸 = 925872 edges. As there is no ground truth for this dataset, we used 푘 = 64, 128 and 106

푘 = 6, 푑 = 8

2.2 10 퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 102.0 Fastfood 8.4 dense i.i.d. 1.8 10 Chosen kernel scale 8.3 101.6

MSE 8.2 MSE 101.4 8.1 101.2 8.0 101.0 1 1 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2 2 10 10 10 10 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 Fastfood 2 3 퐺 dense i.i.d. 휎휅 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 푘 = 30, 푑 = 128 129.5 104.0 퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 퐺 2 1 129.0 3.5 Fastfood 10 dense i.i.d. Chosen kernel scale 128.5 3.0 10 MSE MSE 128.0 102.5


2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 2 2 2 휎휅 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 Fastfood 3 퐺 dense i.i.d. 퐇퐃 퐇퐃 Figure 5.12: Clustering error for the dif- ferent structured blocks, as a function of the kernel scale on the left (medians over 256. We compare the original spectral clustering (SC), compressive 100 trials), and for a (manually) fixed scale on the right (violin plots from 100 spectral clustering (CSC) [231], and 4 methods using sketching on trials, with first/last deciles and median the same random features: we combine the two types of matrices in plain line, mean in dotted line). Us- (dense/structured) with the two learning procedures − CL-OMPR, ing 푚 = 4푘푑, synthetic data following (4.5) with 휌2 = 10. Dashed lines on the given in Algorithm 2.1, and the hierarchical approach that we do not left indicate the kernel scales used for the detail here [4, Algorithm 2]. Results are provided in Figure 5.13, with violin plots. a summary of the different methods in the table below. We measure the clustering quality with the modularity metric [233], which lever- ages the structure of the graph to assess the quality of the produced cluster (the higher the better, the maximum possible value is 1 and the expectation of the modularity of a random clustering is 0). Standard k-means is launched with 2 replicates. Using compressive spectral clustering, the k-means step is performed only on a subset of the features and is therefore much faster; we used 20 replicates for a fair comparison. We used 푚 = 10푘푑 for the sketch size when using CKM. All initializations were performed uniformly. As regards the 22 22 3 elapsed times, CL-OMPR is not competitive for large values of 푘 but which is expected due to its Θ(푘 ) com- satisfying results are obtained with the hierarchical algorithm. Similar plexity modularities are obtained with and without structured matrices; the results are slightly lower when using the hierarchical algorithm, but in both cases they are highly concentrated, whereas standard CSC yields a high variance. This likely results from the subsampling step, which is the only difference between CSC and the other approaches. Wecan imagine that CSC sometimes subsamples too harshly the data and thus misses some of the clusters. 107

0.9 Figure 5.13: Boxplots of modularity (the (7) 0.8 (10) (15) (1) (24)(18) higher the better) and clustering time for 푘 = 64, 128, 256. Only the learning 0.7 times are displayed for sketching meth- ods; sketching times are much smaller, 0.6 even on a single core. All experiments Modularity were run on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPUs 2푑 E5640 and repeated 30 times (or less for (1) experiments that were too long; the num- 12ℎ ber of iterations is indicated below in (10)(7) (15) 3ℎ (24)(18) these cases, and FS2C does not appear for Time ¾ℎ 푘 = 256). Owing to the long runtimes of the different methods, our goal here is not to get statistically significant results, 푘 = 64 푘 = 128 푘 = 256 but rather and idea of how the different methods compare. The table is a sum- Method Features Subs. Sk. matrix Clustering mary of the different methods (in the or- der of the boxplots, from left to right). — SC spectral No n/a KM This experiment was produced with an — CSC random Yes n/a KM older code base relying on the sketchML — S2C random No Dense CL-OMPR — FS2C random No Structured CL-OMPR Matlab toolbox [234], and was not ran — HS2C random No Dense Hierarchical again because of the long runtimes. — HFS2C random No Structured Hierarchical

5.4 Towards theoretical guarantees

Experiments conducted in the previous sections suggest that using structured matrices does not degrade the learning performance, at 23 23 least for the clustering task on which we focused for conciseness . In We will see in Part IV that similar ob- this section, we shall try to investigate how existing statistical learning servations can be made for PCA. We ex- pect that the same holds for density fit- guarantees mentioned in Chapter 2, such as the ones for compressive ting, although we did not conduct the clustering, could be adapted when using structured matrices. experiments. Moreover, in this case the structure of the blocks cannot be fully We first review in Section 5.4.1 the structure of existing guarantees, leveraged during the learning phase. and prove in Section 5.4.2 that some of the blocks induce a Gaussian kernel, which allow to reuse a substantial part of existing results. We then discuss in Section 5.4.3 how concentration results can be adapted when using structured matrices.

5.4.1 Adapting existing results

24 24 We recall that existing guarantees for compressive learning methods Cf. Section 2.2 for the general method- have been obtained by establishing a lower restricted isometry property ology. (LRIP) of the kind

∀휏, 휏 ′ ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ′‖ ≤ 퐶 ‖A(휏) − A(휏 ′)‖ ΔL(H) 휅Φ 2 (5.9) for a well-chosen model set 픖. In the following, we denote 휅Φ the kernel associated to a specific feature map Φ and 휅 the associated mean kernel, i.e.

휅 (퐱, 퐲) = 1 ⟨Φ(퐱), Φ(퐲)⟩ 휅(퐱, 퐲) ≜ E 휅 (퐱, 퐲), Φ 푚 and Φ Φ (5.10) where the expectation on Φ denotes the expectation on the randomness of Φ which includes the draw of 훀, should it be using i.i.d. or structured features. The same notations are used for the implicit extensions of these kernels to distributions (cf. (2.27)). 108

We also denote

2 1 2 ‖휋1 − 휋2‖ ≜ ‖A(휋1) − A(휋2)‖ (5.11) 휅Φ 푚 2 푚 1 = ∑ |⟨휋 , 휙 ⟩ − ⟨휋 , 휙 ⟩|2, 1 흎푗 2 흎푗 (5.12) 푚 푗=1

휙 흎 where 흎푗 denotes the feature function associated to the frequency 푗, and using the inner-product notation (cf. Appendix A.2). As explained in Section 2.3.3, this quantity can be interpreted as the empirical ver- sion of the (squared) MMD, and extended to the set of finite signed measures.

Structure of the proof As briefly discussed in Section 2.3.4, one way to establish the relation (5.9) is to first prove that a LRIP holds w.r.t. the pseudo-norm ‖·‖휅 associated to the mean kernel, i.e.

′ ′ ′ ∀휏, 휏 ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ‖ΔL(H) ≤ 퐶휅 ‖휏 − 휏 ‖휅 (5.13) for some 퐶휅 < ∞, and then to prove that for any 0 < 훿 < 1,

′ 2 ‖휏 − 휏 ‖휅 ∀휏, 휏 ′ ∊ 픖, 1 − 훿 ≤ Φ ≤ 1 + 훿 (5.14) ′ 2 ‖휏 − 휏 ‖휅 holds with high probability on the draw of Φ provided 푚 is large enough. Indeed, when both Equation (5.13) and (5.14) hold (with respectively constants 퐶휅 and 훿), then (5.9) holds as well with constant 퐶 = 퐶 (1 − 훿)−1/2 휅Φ 휅 . These two parts of the proof call for different tools.

LRIP for the mean kernel In sight of (5.13), it is useful to introduce the normalized secant set S휅(픖) of 픖, defined as

휏 − 휏 ′ S (픖) ≜ { |휏, 휏 ′ ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ′‖ > 0}. 휅 ′ 휅 (5.15) ‖휏 − 휏 ‖휅

Using the implicit extension of the semi-norm ‖·‖ΔL(H) to finite signed 25 25 measures , the lowest constant 퐶휅 such that (5.13) holds can be writ- cf. Appendix A.2 for more details ten 퐶 = sup ‖휇‖ . 휅 휇∊S휅(픖) ΔL(H) 26 26 This quantity can be upper-bounded under some assumptions on Especially a “coherence” assumption. the kernel. Bounds have in particular been computed for the Gaussian 27 27 kernel w.r.t. the models of mixtures of separated and bounded Diracs, We will see in Chapter 10 that such a and mixtures of Gaussian distributions with fixed covariances and minimum separation hypothesis is nec- essary for the LRIP to hold. separated and bounded centers. We refer to [6, Theorem 5.10], and to appendix D.2 of the same paper. We do not go deeper into the elements of the proof, but stress that (5.13) only depends on the mean kernel, and thus existing results can be reused for any construction of the feature map which yields a Gaussian kernel in expectation. We will see in Section 5.4.2 that this holds in particular for random Fourier features obtained using structured 퐌ff or 퐌퐺푅2 blocks. 109

Concentration The concentration property (5.14), on the other side, depends explicitly on the nature of the features. Using again the defini- tion of the secant set, it is equivalent to showing (for 푚 large enough) that with high probability on the draw of Φ,

∀휇 ∊ S , ∣‖휇‖2 − 1∣ ≤ 훿. (5.16) 휅 휅Φ

This result can be established by first proving a pointwise concentra- tion result for any fixed 휇 ∊ S휅(픖), and then generalized to a uniform 28 28 result by controlling the covering number of the normalized secant The covering number of a set is the set for some well-chosen metric. Here again, the covering numbers minimum number of elementary balls needed to cover entirely this set. only depend on the chosen metric and on the mean kernel (via S휅(픖)). In particular, existing results have been obtained for the metric

2 2 푑(휋1, 휋2) = sup∣|⟨휋1, 휙흎⟩| − |⟨휋2, 휙흎⟩| ∣, 흎 where the supremum over 흎 is implicitly taken over the support of the chosen distribution, which is R푑 both for dense frequencies and when using 퐌퐺푅2 and 퐌ff blocks. Hence existing results can be leveraged for features maps which yield a Gaussian mean kernel; in this case, only a pointwise concentration result needs to be established. In the case of 퐌푅3 blocks, the support of the marginal frequency distribution is not R푑 and computing covering numbers precisely might be more challenging, however the distance obtained when taking the supremum over R푑 can still be used to obtain an upper-bound on the desired covering number.

A note on existing results on structured features As the structured blocks used in this chapter have been used in other contexts in the literature, some theoretical properties have been established. However, these results cannot directly be leveraged in our setting. In particular, most concentration results hold for the kernel itself, but are not par- ticularly useful in order to establish (5.16). In the case of 퐌푅3 blocks, specific results have been developed for cross-polytope LSH[220], but rely on specific assumptions which are not satisfied in our case.

5.4.2 Induced kernels

We first justify the normalization factors used in the definition ofthe square blocks, and then prove in Lemma 5.6 that the mean kernels associated to random Fourier features when using the 퐌퐺푅2 and 퐌ff blocks are Gaussian. Lemma 5.4

퐌푇 퐌푇 퐌푇 The blocks ff, 퐺푅2 and 푅3 always have normalized rows.

Proof: We deal with the three settings separately. 푇 For 퐌푅3 , as 퐃1, 퐃2, 퐃3 contain Rademacher entries on their 푇 diagonals, we have ∀푖 ∊ {1, 2, 3} 퐃푖퐃푖 = 퐈푑. Furthermore, the 110

푇 Walsh-Hadamard matrix satisfies 퐇퐇 = 푑퐈푑, hence

푇 3 (퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1)(퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1) = 푑 퐈푑

which justifies the normalization by 푑3/2. 퐌푇 29 퐃 , 횷, 퐃 In the case of ff, we observe for any draw of 푅 퐺 that 29. This result was already in [77], although the normalization factor 1/2 푇 2 푇 푑1/2‖퐃 ‖ given at the end of the (퐇퐃퐺횷퐇퐃푅)(퐇퐃퐺횷퐇퐃푅) = 푑퐇퐃퐺퐇 , 퐺 퐹 proof seems to be a misprint. 2 whose diagonal elements all take the value 푑‖퐃퐺‖퐹 as every 2 entry 퐻푖푗 of 퐇 satisfies 퐻푖푗 = 1. Hence we normalize each block 1/2 by 푑 ‖퐃퐺‖퐹. 푇 For 퐌퐺푅2 , we have for the same reasons

푇 2 2 푇 (퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1)(퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1) = 푑 퐇퐃퐺퐇 ,

for any draw of 퐃1, 퐃2, 퐃퐺, and thus the normalization factor

yielding unit rows is 푑‖퐃퐺‖퐹.

Lemma 5.5

퐌푇 퐌푇 The marginal distribution of any row of a block ff or 퐺푅2 is uniform on the unit sphere.

Proof: By Lemma 5.4, the rows of the blocks are on the unit sphere. To prove uniformity, we will show that all rows of 30 −1/2 the unnormalized blocks 퐔1 = 퐇퐃퐺(푑 횷퐇퐃푅) or 퐔2 ≜ 30. More precisely, we keep the con- −1 stant normalization factor, but omit the 퐇퐃퐺(푑 퐇퐃2퐇퐃1) have i.i.d. normal entries. Indeed, if a vec- −1 ‖퐃퐺‖퐹 term. tor 퐱 is a standard normal random vector, i.e. 퐱 ∼ N (ퟎ, 퐈푑), then 31 퐲 = 퐱/‖퐱‖2 is on the unit sphere and invariant by rotation , and 31. For any orthogonal matrix 퐎 ∊ thus uniformly distributed on the unit sphere. 푂(푑), where 푂(푑) denotes the orthogo- 퐎퐱/‖퐱‖ = 퐎퐱/‖퐎퐱‖ 푇 nal group, 2 2, and Let 퐡푖 denote the 푖-th column of 퐇. For any 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 , 퐯푖 ≜ 퐎퐱 and 퐱 are identically distributed by 푇 J K invariance to rotation of the multivariate 퐡푖 퐃퐺 is a vector of i.i.d. standard normal random variables (as normal distribution. 퐃퐺 itself has i.i.d. standard normal entries). 푇 Note that the 푖-th row 퐮푖 of both 퐔 = 퐔1 and 퐔 = 퐔2 can be 푇 푇 written 퐮푖 = 퐯푖 퐎 with 퐎 ∊ 푂(푑) independent from 퐯푖, where 푇 푂(푑) denotes the orthogonal group. Hence 퐮푖 ∼ N (ퟎ, 퐎퐎 = 퐈푑)

as a linear transformation of 퐯푖 ∼ N (ퟎ, 퐈푑). This proves that all the entries of 퐮푖 are normal and identically distributed (but this does not prove independence).

The fact that O is orthogonal and independent of 퐯푖 implies that the entries of 퐮푖 are independent using a result from Lukacs and King32 [235] (which can be applied here given that all the 32. Note that orthogonality of O en- moments of all the entries of 퐯 exist), which concludes the proof. sures that the entries of 퐮푖 are not corre- 푖 lated, but this does not imply indepen- dence contrarily to what is stated in [77, 푇 It is important to note that 퐌푅3 does not satisfy this property. In- Section 3.2], even using the fact that deed, as all entries of 퐇, 퐃 , 퐃 , 퐃 are in {−1, 0, +1}, the distribution 퐯푖 has normal entries (counter-example: 1 2 3 푋 ∼ N (0, 1) 푌 = 푅푋 푅 푇 and with fol- of the rows of an 퐌푅3 block is discrete. This phenomenon can be ob- lowing a Rademacher distribution). served on Figure 5.14 which shows the distribution of 흎푇퐮 for a fixed vector 퐮 when 흎 is either uniform on the unit sphere, or follows the 111

marginal column distribution induced by the block 퐌푅3 .

푑 = 8, 퐮 = [1, 0, 0, … ] 푑 = 32, 퐮 = [1, 0, 0, … ] 푑 = 256, 퐮 = [1, 0, 0, … ] 25

20 6 6

15 4 4 10 2 2 5

0 0 0 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 푑 = 8, 퐮 ∼ U(푆푑−1) 푑 = 32, 퐮 ∼ U(푆푑−1) 푑 = 256, 퐮 ∼ U(푆푑−1)

2.0 푑−1 3 흎 ∼ U(푆 ) 6 흎 ∼ first column of 퐌푅3 푑−3 5 1.5 푥 ↦ (1 − 푥2) 2 2 4 1.0 3

1 2 0.5 1 0.0 0 0 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 Figure 5.14: Distribution of 흎푇퐮 for both 퐮 = [1, 0, 0, …] and one draw of 퐮 ∼ 푑−1 푑−1 We can see that when 퐮 is the first vector of the canonical basis, U(푆 ), when 흎 ∼ U(푆 ) and 흎 fol- lows the marginal distribution of the first 흎푇퐮 then the distribution of obtained when using a structured block is column of a 퐌푅3 block. Histograms not only discrete (which is expected as 흎푇퐮 is the top left element of over 푛 = 106 draws of 흎 (퐮 is fixed). The green dashed curve corresponds to 퐌 3 푅 in this case), but also quite different from what is obtained inthe the true probability density when 흎 ∼ uniform setting. This is not necessarily detrimental for learning (as U(푆푑−1). observed on clustering experiments), but makes the analysis of this setting more difficult. A consequence of Lemma 5.5 is that the kernel induced by a feature map of random Fourier features when 훀 is made of 퐌퐺푅2 or 퐌ff blocks is Gaussian. This is a relatively straightforward consequence 33 34 33 of Bochner’s theorem when using full blocks ; we propose here a Cf. Theorem 2.3 formulation of the result which takes into account padding operations. 34 i.e. when 푑 is a power of 2 Lemma 5.6

The kernel induced by the random Fourier feature map35 퐱 ↦ 35. Cf. Definition 2.5. RFF 푇 푇 푑푝 36 ⌈log (푑)⌉ Φ ( ̃퐱), where ̃퐱= [퐱 ; ퟎ] ∊ R is the padded version of 퐱 and 36. We recall that 푑푝 ≜ 2 2 . when using a frequency matrix 훀 = 퐌퐒 ∊ R푑푝×푚푝 where 푚 ×푚 퐒 ∊ R 푝 푝 is a diagonal scaling matrix37 with i.i.d. diagonal 37. As described in Section 5.2.1 푖.푖.푑. 푆 = 푅 /휎 푅 ∼ 휒 entries 푖푖 푖 휅 where 푖 푑푝 ;

푑푝×푚푝 퐌 ∊ R is the concatenation of square i.i.d. 퐌ff or 퐌퐺푅2 blocks (cf. definitions 5.2 and 5.3), is an unbiased estimator of the Gaussian kernel, i.e.

2 1 푇 ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2 ∀퐱, 퐲 ∊ R푑, E [ ΦRFF( ̃퐱) ΦRFF( ̃퐲)]= (− ). 훀 푚 exp 2 (5.17) 2휎휅 112

Proof: Let 퐌 = [퐌1, …, 퐌푏] be the decomposition in blocks of 퐌, where 푏 denotes the number of blocks used in the construction.

Let 퐒1, …, 퐒푏 denote the 푑푝 × 푑푝 square blocks of the diagonal of 퐒. ⌈log2(푑)⌉ 38 Let 푑푝 = 2 be the dimension of the square blocks . Let 38. We recall that this is required as the Walsh-Hadamard matrix exists only 1 푇 for powers of 2. 휅 ∶ 퐱, 퐲 ↦ ΦRFF( ̃퐱) ΦRFF( ̃퐲) 푚

denote the kernel induced by the feature map, where ̃퐱, ̃퐲∊ R푑푝 39 푑 푇 푇 are the zero-padded versions of 퐱, 퐲 ∊ R . 39. i.e. ̃퐱= [퐱 , 0, …, 0] with 푑푝 − 푑 zeros. We now assume for conciseness 푚 = 푚푝, however note that

subsampling the last block 퐌푏 as described in Section 5.2.3 does

not change the result as all the rows of a random block 퐌푏 have the same marginal distribution40. By independence of the blocks, 40. By Lemma 5.5. and by Lemma 5.5, we have

푏 E [휅(퐲, 퐲)] = 1 E ∑ exp(휄(퐌 퐒 )푇(퐱 − 퐲)) 훀 푚 퐒1,…,퐒푏,퐌1,…,퐌푏 푖 푖 푖=1 1 = E (휄(퐌 퐒 )푇( ̃퐱− ̃퐲)) 퐒1,퐌1 exp 1 1 푑푝

(i) 푅 푇 = E흋∼̃ U(푆푑푝−1),푅∼휒 exp(휄( 흋)̃ ( ̃퐱− ̃퐲)) (i) By Lemma 5.5, which holds for each 푑푝 휎휅 of the rows of the block. 푇 = E 1 exp(휄흎̃ ( ̃퐱− ̃퐲)) 흎∼̃ N (ퟎ, 퐈 ) 2 푑푝 휎휅

1 Let 흎 denote the first 푑 coordinates of 흎̃. When 흎̃ ∼ N (ퟎ, 2 퐈푑 ), 휎휅 푝 1 we have 흎 ∼ N (ퟎ, 2 퐈푑), and hence 휎휅

푇 E훀[휅(퐱, 퐲)] = E 1 exp(휄흎 (퐱 − 퐲)) 흎∼N (ퟎ, 2 퐈푑) 휎휅 2 (ii) ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2 = (− ). (ii) By (2.25), which comes from exp 2 2휎휅 Bochner’s theorem (Theorem 2.3).

5.4.3 Concentration

The previous subsection established that random Fourier features com- puted using 퐌퐺푅2 or 퐌ff blocks both induce a mean Gaussian kernel. In light of Section 5.4.1, the only missing element in order to control the excess risk is the pointwise concentration of ‖·‖2 on the normalized 휅Φ secant set. That is, we need to show that for any 훿 > 0 and 휇 ∊ S휅(픖),

∣‖휇‖2 − 1∣ ≤ 훿. (5.18) 휅Φ holds with high probability on the draw of the feature map Φ. Indeed, if such a result holds for each 휇 ∊ S휅(픖), it can then be extended to the whole secant set via its covering number as discussed in Section 5.4.1. We thus discuss the strategies that could be used to establish (5.18) in this section. In the following, we assume for simplicity that 푚 = 푏푑, that 푑 is a power of 2, and that 훀 is drawn by concatenating 푏 square blocks 푖 (퐁푖)1≤푖≤푏 of 푑 frequencies (흎푗)1≤푗≤푑 each. Using the inner-product 113

41 42 41 notation and the characterization of the MMD , we have for any Cf. Appendix A.2. 42 휇 ∊ S휅(픖) Cf. Section 2.3.3.

푏 푑 2 2 1 ‖휇‖ = ∑ ∑∣⟨휇, 휙 푖 ⟩∣ (5.19) 휅Φ 흎푗 푚 푖=1 푗=1 푏 1 = ∑ 푊 (퐁푖, 휇) (5.20) 푏 푖=1 푚 1 푖 where 푊 (퐁푖, 휇) ≜ ∑ 푌 (흎푗, 휇) (5.21) 푑 푗=1 2 and 푌 (흎, 휇) ≜ |⟨휇, 휙흎⟩| . (5.22)

Note in particular that the 푊 (퐁푖, 휇) are independent, whereas the components which appear in (5.21) are not. This is in contrast with the setting where the frequency vectors 흎1, …, 흎푚 are drawn indepen- dently, in which case

푚 1 ‖휇‖2 = ∑ 푌 (흎 , 휇). (5.23) 휅Φ 푗 푚 푗=1 with independent (푌 (흎푗, 휇))1≤푗≤푚. Previous works obtained concen- tration results in this setting and for the Gaussian kernel by leveraging this independence, either via the Bernstein theorem (thus bounding

푌 (흎, 휇) for 휇 ∊ S휅(픖) and its variance) [5, Lemma 5.5], or by bound- ing higher moments of 푌 (흎, 휇) [6, Lemma 5.11]. This yields in both settings a concentration of the form

푚푡2 푃[∣‖휇‖2 − 1∣ > 푡] ≤ 2 exp(− ) (5.24) 휅Φ 퐶푌(1 + 푡/2) for some constant 퐶푌, which is naturally different in the two settings but always independent of the dimension 푑. For instance to apply the Bernstein theorem, 퐶푌 is a bound on both 퐷푌 ≜ sup흎 푌 (흎, 휇) − inf흎 푌 (흎, 휇) and on Var[푌 (흎, 휇)]. In our case, similar concentration results can be applied on the variables (푊 (퐁푖, 휇))1≤푖≤푏 provided that the relevant quantities can be bounded, however the concentration will then increase proportionally to 푏 only, and not proportionally to 푚 as in (5.24). This means that, for instance if we rely on the Bernstein theorem, in order to obtain a similar 43 43 concentration result compared to the independent setting , one needs Which can be expected given empirical observations. to bound 퐷푊 = sup퐁 푊 (퐁, 휇) − inf퐁 푊 (퐁, 휇) and Var[푊 (퐁, 휇)] by a 퐶 퐶 ≤ 1 퐶 constant 푊 which must satisfy 푊 푑 푌. Although obtaining a factor 1/푑 on 퐷푊 compared to 퐷푌 seems very unlikely, we expect that the structural properties of the random blocks can at least be leveraged to derive a tighter bound on the variance, which would at least provide finer concentration results in the low-deviation regime (i.e. when 푡 is small in (5.24)). Yet, deriving a precise upper-bound on the variance of 푊 (퐁, 휇) is not straightforward due to the expression of 푊 (퐁, 휇), and our tenta- 44 tives in this direction remain unsuccessful so far. Indeed 퐷푊 ≤ 퐷푌, and the bounds proposed on Var(푌 (흎, 휇)) in [5, Lemma It should be noted that the bounds derived in the independent set- 5.5] can also easily be checked to be valid ting can still be reused44 albeit being pessimistic in our case, which upper-bounds for Var(푊(퐁, 휇)). 114

is better than no result at all. However, the control of the excess risk will only hold with an additional factor 푑 on the sketch size, i.e. with high probability provided that 푚 ≳ 푘2푑2 (up to log factors) for clus- tering, while only 푚 ≳ 푘2푑 is proved to be sufficient with independent frequencies [5, Lemma 5.7] (and 푘푑 seems sufficient empirically).

5.5 Perspectives

In this chapter, we gave an overview of the diversity of structured ran- domized transforms existing in the literature, and proposed one way to adapt these ideas to our context. Through extensive experiments for the clustering task, we showed that using fast transforms indeed reduces greatly both sketching and learning times when the dimension is large enough, without degrading the clustering quality. This opens the way for new kinds of applications on high-dimensional data. This could also reveal to be very useful if the dimension is increased on purpose: we considered here the standard k-means task, but could 45 45 simply perform kernel k-means by converting each data point to i.e. k-means using a custom kernel to an intermediate feature space when sketching, in which case the in- measure similarity between data points in place of the euclidean inner-product. put dimension (for clustering) would be artificially increased. The biggest algorithmic constraint for larger experiments is maybe now the complexity with respect to 푘, as CL-OMPR scales in Θ(푘3). Naturally, deriving statistical learning guarantees for these struc- tured features is a challenge as discussed at the end of the chapter. We expect that strong concentration properties can be obtained for both

퐌퐺푅2 and 퐌ff blocks, which would lead to a control of the excess risk with a smaller sketch size. Obtaining guarantees for the block 퐌푅3 is certainly more complicated, and our tentatives in this direction have been unsuccessful so far; we leave this extension for future work. To conclude, we also note that the usage of optical processing units has been considered in the literature [236, 79], and could be used as an alternative to structured matrices for high-dimensional applica- tions. This technology seems promising as it could allow to perform multiplications by random matrices in constant time. Part III

Compressive Clustering with Message Passing

Chapter 6 Compressive Clustering with Approximate Message Passing

Contents Note The contributions presented in this chapter, which have 6.1 An introduction to Approximate been published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing [26], are Message Passing 117 a joint work with Evan Byrne and Philip Schniter, following a 6.1.1 Probabilistic model and factor 3-month mobility performed during the PhD at the Ohio state uni- graph for linear regression | 6.1.2 The sum-product algorithm | 6.1.3 Ap- versity. During this collaboration, we improved on multiple points proximate message passing their initial work published at the Asilomar conference [237], 6.2 Compressive clustering as a high- which already contained some of the core ideas that will be ex- dimensional inference problem 122 6.2.1 Model of the sketch | 6.2.2 posed in Sections 6.2 and 6.3. Bayesian formalism 6.3 Inference of the centers using GAMP 124 e introduced in Chapter 2 the compressive learning frame- 6.3.1 From GAMP to SHyGAMP | work, and exposed how it has been used for clustering [2]. 6.3.2 Solving the remaining inference tasks | 6.3.3 Hyperparameters learn- WThis has been done using the random Fourier feature map ing | 6.3.4 Initialization and main algo- given in (2.5), and using CL-OMPR for reconstruction (cf. Algo- rithm rithm 2.1). In this chapter, we introduce an alternative algorithm to 6.4 Experimental results 131 6.4.1 Synthetic data | 6.4.2 Real recover the cluster centers from the sketch, named CL-AMP (com- datasets pressive learning via approximate message passing), which is in most 6.5 Perspectives 135 settings faster − it especially scales with the number of clusters 푘 in O(푘2) rather than O(푘3) − and more accurate, especially for smaller sketch sizes. An introduction to the family of message passing algorithms is pro- vided in Section 6.1, and the problem of recovering the cluster centers from the sketch is translated into this formalism in Section 6.2. Sec- tion 6.3 details how the existing SHyGAMP algorithm can be adapted to our setting, and an experimental validation is proposed in Section 6.4.

6.1 An introduction to Approximate Message Passing

Message passing algorithms, also known as belief propagation algo- rithms, form a family of methods for inference in probabilistic models. We propose in this section to expose the key ideas of these techniques and related tools (Section 6.1.1), and explain how to get from the stan- dard sum-product algorithm (Section 6.1.2) to the SHyGAMP algo- rithm (Section 6.1.3) that will be used in Section 6.3. We only provide a brief introduction to message passing techniques, and refer the reader 118

for instance to the book Information, Physics, and Computation [238] of Montanari and Mézard for more details.

6.1.1 Probabilistic model and factor graph for linear re- gression

In order to understand how such techniques are relevant for our prob- lem, we will consider again the underdetermined linear inverse prob- lem introduced in Section 2.1, i.e. recovering a signal 퐱, that we will 푑 1 1 assume in R for simplicity , from noisy linear measurements The algorithms can be adapted to the complex case, however this is not rele- 퐲 = 퐀퐱 + 퐞. (6.1) vant in this chapter. where 퐀 is known and 퐞 is noise. We mentioned that this problem can be addressed when 퐱 is assumed to be sparse via basis pursuit 2 2 denoising, i.e. via the optimization problem For simplicity, we use here the same no- tation 퐱 for the true signal and the opti- 1 2 mization variable. min ‖퐀퐱 − 퐲‖2 + 휆푅(퐱) with 푅(퐱) = ‖퐱‖1, (6.2) 퐱∊C푑 2 where 휆 > 0 controls the tradeoff between data-fidelity and regular- ization. In the case of compressive sensing, the regularizer is simply

푅 = ‖ · ‖1 and promotes sparsity as 퐱 is assumed to be sparse, but other regularizers might be used for other applications.

Bayesian formulation To understand belief propagation, we need to reformulate this in a bayesian setting. Using the squared 푙2-norm in order to measure the difference between observations 퐲 and 퐀퐱 can be implicitly interpreted as modeling the noise as a Gaussian random vari- able. In this case, if we define 푧 ≜ 퐀퐱, the probability of observing 퐲 퐳 푝(퐲|퐳) ∝ (− 1 ‖퐲 − 퐳‖2) knowing is exp 2 2 , where the variance is arbitrary chosen to 1 − controlling this variance is equivalent to rescaling 휆. Note that we will in this chapter seldom give explicit normaliza- tion constants: unless otherwise specified, we assume normalization factors can either be computed by integration, or simply need not be known. Similarly, the regularizer 푅 can be interpreted as a prior density 푝(퐱) ∝ exp(−휆푅(퐱)) on the variable 퐱, so that Equation (6.2) becomes equivalent to maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of 퐱 under the posterior density 푝(퐱|푦) ∝ 푝(퐱)푝(퐲|퐱):

1 2 min ‖퐀퐱 − 퐲‖2 + 휆푅(퐱) = min −(log 푝(퐱) + log 푝(퐲|퐱)) 퐱∊C푑 2 퐱∊C푑 = max log 푝(퐱|퐲). 퐱∊C푑

Instead of computing the MAP estimate, i.e. looking for the principal 3 mode of the posterior density, we could rather compute E[퐱|퐲] (where Indeed, denoting E[·|푦] the conditional expectation, the estimator ̂퐱 of 퐱 with the expectation is taken with respect to 푝(퐱|퐲)), which is known as the minimum mean squared error 퐸[‖ ̂퐱− 3 2 minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator . MAP and MMSE 퐱‖2|푦] satisfies estimation are the two main inference tasks for which message passing 푑 [‖ ̂퐱− 퐱‖2|푦] = 0, 푑 ̂퐱 E 2 algorithms have been designed and can be used − although they might, hence ∫푝(퐱|푦)[ ̂퐱− 퐱] = 0 by doing so, provide additional information such as estimates of the 퐱 marginal distributions. and ̂퐱= E[퐱|푦]. 119

Factor graphs We used previously separable likelihood and priors, in the sense that they can both be factorized as products of scalar functions. 2 This derives from the fact that both ‖·‖2 and ‖·‖1 are (additively) separable functions. If we now generalize our model by using abstract likelihood and prior functions, while still requiring that they are both 푥1 푝(푥1) 푚 separable, i.e. that they can be written 푝(퐲|퐳) = ∏푗=1 푝(푦푗|푧푗) and 푑 푝(퐱) = ∏푖=1 푝(푥푖), we end up with the generic probabilistic model 푦 푝(푦 |푧 ) 1 1 1 푥 푚 푑 2 푝(푥2)

푝(퐱|퐲) ∝ ∏ 푝(푦푗|푧푗) ∏ 푝(푥푖). (6.3) 푗=1 푖=1 푦 푥 We represent this model in Figure 6.1 using a factor graph, i.e. a 2 푝(푦2|푧2) 3 푝(푥3) bipartite graph where all square nodes represent the factors of the model (6.3), circular nodes represent variables, and edges correspond ⋮ 푥 푝(푥 ) to statistical dependence relations. 4 4 푦 Message passing algorithms proceed by sending beliefs (the mes- 푚 푝(푦푚|푧푚) ⋮ sages) along the edges of the factor graph, i.e. between variables and factors. We will explain the ideas behind the sum-product algorithm 푥 (SPA), which is the standard algorithm for MMSE estimation, and 푑 푝(푥푑) describe how it has been generalized via multiple successive improve- ments. A very similar algorithm can be derived for MAP estimation Figure 6.1: Factor graph of the model (the max-sum algorithm, or MSA), but we omit it here, as our applica- defined at Equation (6.3). Square nodes correspond to the factors. Plain green tion will be recasted into an MMSE inference task. circles correspond to observed variables, and the dashed blue ones to the variables to infer. 6.1.2 The sum-product algorithm

The sum-product algorithm was introduced by Pearl [239]. After ini- tialization, the different nodes (variables and factors) communicate via messages that are all sent simultaneously, i.e. at time 푡 each node sends messages to its neighbors using the information received at time 푡 − 1. These messages, which are sent along the edges of the factor graph, take the form of probability densities and should be interpreted as beliefs about the marginal distributions of the variables (푥푖)1≤푖≤푑, and we will as a consequence denote them as functions of these variables. 4 4 Each factor 푝(푦푗|푧푗) communicates to each variable node 푥푖 a belief de- Hence, depending on the context, 푥푖 noted 푀 , which is computed using the information (beliefs) coming can refer both to the node corresponding 푗→푖 to the variable 푥 , or to a free variable 5 푖 from all the other nodes (푥푙)푙∊ 1,푑 \푖 and the value 푦푗 (deterministic when it appears in a probability density. J K 5 scalar), and reversely each node 푥푖 sends to each factor 푝(푦푗|푧푗) the In the following, we use the backslash to denote exclusion of one element, e.g. (log-)marginal distribution 푀푗←푖 that it estimates using its own prior 1, 푑 \푖 is used as a shorter notation for and the messages coming from all other factors (푝(푦푙|푧푙))푙∊ 1,푚 \푗. These J1, 푑K\{푖} = {1, …, 푖 − 1, 푖 + 1, …, 푑}. messages are defined (up to normalization) as J K J K

푇 exp(푀푗→푖(푥푖)) ∝ ∫ 푝(푦푗|푧푗 = 퐚푗 퐱) ∏ 푀푗←푙(푥푙) (6.4) (푥푙)푙∊ 1,푑 \푖 푙≠푖 J K

exp(푀푗←푖(푥푖)) ∝ 푝(푥푖) exp(∑ 푀푙→푖(푥푖)), (6.5) 푙≠푗

푇 where 퐚푗 is the 푗-th row of 퐀 and where the messages on the right- hand side are the ones received at the previous iteration (we avoid parametrization with a time variable for simplicity). It should be noticed that no messages will be sent from the variables (푦푗)1≤푗≤푚 120

(which are observed, and only have one neighbor), and messages sent from the prior factors will be constant over time as, here again, each prior factor has only one neighbor in the graph. Although the sums 6 6 in eqs. (6.4) and (6.5) always exclude one term , it is possible at any So that information is not “sent back” to where it comes from. time to estimate the marginal probability of 푥푖 using a variant of (6.5) where all the messages are used:

푝(푥푖|퐲) ∝ 푝(푥푖) exp(∑ 푀푗→푖(푥푖)). (6.6) 푗=1

The algorithm, although presented here in the specific case of the model (6.3), can naturally be used in any factor graph. It has initially been introduced for inference in factor graphs that contain no loops (i.e. trees), and in this case it estimates exact posterior marginals after two iterations − assuming one starts propagating the messages from the leaves of the tree. When the factor graph does contain loops as in our example, the algorithm can still be used, but convergence is not granted, and convergence to poor estimates of the marginals is possible [240]. This setting is referred to as loopy belief propagation.

6.1.3 Approximate message passing

The sum-product algorithm, when applied to the linear model de- scribed above, requires sending 2푑푚 messages at each iteration, and thus becomes quickly too expensive in high dimension. Under some specific assumption on the matrix 퐀, and in the large-scale limit when 푑, 푚 → ∞ at constant ratio, it is possible to use the central limit theorem and Taylor developments to approximate the expressions of the mes- sage of the sum-product algorithm [241, 242]. We omit these deriva- tions here for conciseness, but notice that they allow to approximate the messages by Gaussian densities, so that only mean and variances need to be computed. Moreover, by exploiting similarities between messages, the total number of messages exchanged at each iteration can be reduced to 푚 + 푑 instead of 2푚푑. This idea was first proposed 푚 in the particular case of a separable likelihood 푝(퐲|퐳) = ∏푗=1 푝(푦푗|푧푗) where each 푝(푦푗|푧푗) is Gaussian [241], and we refer to the resulting algorithm as approximate message passing (AMP). This setting was generalized by Rangan [242] to the case where only separability of the likelihood and prior are assumed, which is much more generic and 7 7 covers many different models. The resulting algorithms are refered There are at least two versions of the as GAMP (Generalized AMP). We consider this setting from now on. algorithm for MAP and MMSE estima- tion, and other small variants have been An intuitive way to understand the GAMP algorithm is that it com- proposed, thus GAMP should rather be 푝 considered as a family of algorithms. putes at each iteration and for every 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 a pseudo-prior N (푗 ̂푝 , 푞푗 ) J K of 푧푗, which can be combined with the likelihood 푝(푦푗|푧푗) to compute posterior estimates of the mean and covariance of 푧푗. Similarly, it pro- vides at each iteration and for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 a pseudo-measurement 푟푖 J K 푟 푟 which follows the model 푟푖 = 푥푖 + 푣푖 where 푣푖 ∼ N (0, 푞푖 ) for some 푞푖 , and which can be combined with the prior on 푥푖 to produce posterior estimates of the mean and covariance of 푥푖. Detailed steps are provided in Algorithm 6.1, where the expectations and variances at lines 8, 9, 15 121

and 16 are computed with respect to the following densities (defined up to normalization)

푟 푟 푝(푥푖 |푖 ̂푟 ; 푞 ) ∝ 푝(푥푖)N (푥푖;푖 ̂푟 , 푞푖 ) (6.7) 푝 푝 푝(푧푗 | 푦푗,푗 ̂푝 ; 푞 ) ∝ 푝(푦푗|푧푗)N (푧푗;푗 ̂푝 , 푞푗 ). (6.8)

Note that in all the chapter, quantities with hats denote estimators while variables starting with the letter “q” denote variances (and later covariance matrices/vectors).

Input: Prior 푝(퐱) and likelihood 푝(퐲|퐳), which are used to define Algorithm 6.1: MMSE-GAMP,scalar ver- 푟 푝 sion. the densities 푝(푥푖 |푖 ̂푟 ; 푞 ) and 푝(푧푗 | 푦푗,푗 ̂푝 ; 푞 ) in eqs. (6.7) and (6.8). 1 ̂퐱← ∫ 퐱푝(퐱)푑퐱 // Use prior for initialization 푥 2 2 푞푖 ← ∫ |푥푖 −푖 ̂푥 | 푝(푥푖)푑푥푖 for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 J K 3 퐬̂ ← 0 4 repeat // Output nodes 푝 1 2 1 푑 푥 5 푞 ← ‖퐀‖ ( ∑ 푞 ) 푚 퐹 푑 푖=1 푖 푝 6 ̂퐩← 퐀 ̂퐱− 퐬̂ 푞 // size 푚 7 for 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 do 푧 J K 푝 8 푞푗 ← Var(푧푗|푦푗,푗 ̂푝 ; 푞 ) // Using (6.8) 푝 9 푗̂푧 ← E[푧푗|푦푗,푗 ̂푝 ; 푞 ] // Using (6.8) 푠 1 푚 푧 푝 푝 10 푞 ← (1 − ( ∑ 푞 )/푞 )/푞 푚 푗=1 푗 푝 11 퐬̂ ← ( ̂퐳− ̂퐩)/푞 // size 푚 // Input nodes 푟 1 2 푠 −1 12 푞 ← ( ‖퐀‖ 푞 ) 푑 퐹 푟 푇 13 ̂푟← ̂푥+ 푞 퐀 ̂푠 // size 푑 14 for 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 do 푥 J K 푟 15 푞푖 ← Var(푥푖|푖 ̂푟 ; 푞 ) // Using (6.7) 푟 16 푖̂푥 ← E[푥푖|푖 ̂푟 ; 푞 ] // Using (6.7)

17 until convergence 18 return ̂퐱

Note that multiple variants of this algorithm exist − different ap- proximations can be combined, providing a tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency. The version given here is the “scalar” version ofthe algorithm [242, Algorithm 2, MMSE setting], which uses scalar vari- ances 푞푝, 푞푠, 푞푟, whereas the standard version of the algorithm would 푝 푠 푟 use separate variances (푞푗 )1≤푗≤푚, (푞푗 )1≤푗≤푚, (푞푖 )1≤푖≤푑. This modifica- tion can be justified when the entries of 퐀 all have roughly the same magnitude, or alternatively by the law of large numbers when 퐀 has i.i.d. components and the dimensions 푑 and 푚 are large. With this 8 Which is why it is sometimes referred simplification, the dependence on 퐀 appears only8 at lines 6 and 13 as to as a “first-order” algorithm. 9 multiplications by 퐀 and 퐀푇, whereas two more matrix multiplications These two multiplications do not actu- 9 ally directly involve 퐀, but rather its ele- would otherwise appear . mentwise squared version (and its trans- AMP and GAMP methods have been used for various applications, pose). Apart from the cost of the multi- including the LASSO problem (cf. Chapter 2) where they usually per- plication, this can also make the use of fast transforms problematic if this opera- form better than other classical methods such as FISTA [243] provided tion cannot be performed efficiently. 122

that 퐀 is well conditioned − and in particular when 퐀 has i.i.d. normal entries. When this is not the case, damping is often used [244, 245]: at each iteration, each variable is updated to a weighted combination of the new value computed according to Algorithm 6.1, and the value ob- tained at previous iteration. We use this terminology in the following, but note that many “inertial” methods in the optimization literature rely on similar ideas.

Analysis Both AMP and GAMP approximate well the sum-product algorithm when 퐀 is large and has i.i.d. sub-Gaussian entries, and can be analyzed using the state-evolution framework [246, 247] which proves that they converge to MMSE estimates in certain regimes. The fixed points of GAMP can also be shown to correspond in some settings to critical points of a constrained optimization problem on the posterior density (for MAP estimation) or a closely related free energy function (MMSE estimation) [248].

Complexity The cost of the linear operations performed by GAMP when using a dense matrix 퐀 is Θ(푚푑) per iteration − we recall that the matrix 퐀 has size 푚 × 푑 −, and is dominated by the two matrix products involving 퐀 and its transpose. The complexity of lines 8, 9, 15 and 16 depends on the chosen prior and likelihood, however it is typically smaller than the cost of linear steps. As mentioned earlier, using the scalar version of the algorithm reduces the number of matrix multiplications, and does reduce a bit the total amount of memory to allocate, but it does not change the overall complexity. Structured matrices (e.g. based on the fast Fourier transform) can be used to reduce the computational cost and have empirically shown to perform 10 10 well . We are not aware of papers in the liter- ature using constructions similar to the ones used in Chapter 5 for message pass- Further extensions We presented in this section the basic ideas of ap- ing, but our experiments suggest that proximate message passing methods. Multiple further extensions exist. such matrices perform almost as well as Gaussian i.i.d. ones, at least for this com- In particular, for compressive clustering we will use the SHyGAMP pressive clustering application. (Simplified Hybrid GAMP) algorithm. We discuss below howthis algorithm differs from Algorithm 6.1, and how it can be used in our setting. We will also see that prior and likelihood functions sometimes depend on hyperparameters, that can be tuned simultaneously using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm as initially proposed by Vila and Schniter [249].

6.2 Compressive clustering as a high-dimensional inference problem

We introduced in the previous section the family of message passing algorithms, and focused on the case where measurements 퐲 are con- sidered to depend − via an abstract separable likelihood function − on the linear measurements 퐳 = 퐀퐱, which is known as a generalized linear model. In this section, we detail how the task of learning the 123

cluster centers from the sketch can be modeled in a similar way: we will see that the sketch can be seen as a collection of generalized linear measurements of the centroids via the matrix of frequency vectors. We first express the expected sketch under a Gaussian mixture data model in Section 6.2.1, and use this model to formulate the learning problem as a Bayesian inference task in Section 6.2.2.

6.2.1 Model of the sketch

The CL-AMP algorithm relies on the modeling assumption that the data is drawn i.i.d. according to the Gaussian mixture model

푘 푘

휋 ≜ ∑ 훼푖N (퐜푖, 횺푖) with ∑ 훼푖 = 1, (6.9) 푖=1 푖=1 where 퐜푖 are the centroids to recover and 횺푖 are unknown covariances − which will not be estimated directly, as discussed below. We denote 푑×푘 퐂 = [퐜1, …, 퐜푘] ∊ R the true matrix of centroids. We recall that for clustering, the sketch is computed using random Fourier features according to Definition 2.5 (i.e. Φ = ΦRFF), so that the sketch of the centroids 퐂 with weights (훼푖)1≤푖≤푘 (that we define as the 휋 ≜ ∑푘 훼 훿 sketch of 퐂 푖=1 푖 퐜푖 ) is

푘 푇 퐬퐂 = ∑ 훼푖 exp(휄훀 퐜푖) (6.10) 푖=1 where the exponential is applied pointwise, and 훀 = [흎 , …, 흎 ] de- 1 √ 푚 notes the frequency vectors. The sketch is not scaled by 1/ 푚. We define for convenience and for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푚 the quantities J K 푇 푔푖 ≜ ‖흎푖‖2, 퐚푖 = 흎푖/푔푖, and 퐳푖 ≜ 퐂 퐚푖. (6.11)

푇 11 11 For a fixed 흎 and 퐱 ∼ N (흁, 횺), the quantity 흎 퐱 follows the As an affine transformation of a multi- distribution N (흎푇흁, 흎푇횺흎). As a consequence, for any 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 and variate normal random variable. 푇 푘 푇 푇 J K 퐱 ∼ 휋 we have 흎 퐱 ∼ Σ 훼푖N (흎 퐜푖, 흎 횺푖흎푗). Thus, using the fact 푗 푖=1 푗 푗 12 We denote 퐬 the “true“ sketch, i.e. com- 1 2 E 2 (휄푥) = (휄휇 − 휎 ) that 푥∼N (휇,휎 ) exp exp 2 , the components of the sketch puted in expectation over the considered of the Gaussian mixture12 휋 can be computed for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푚 as data distribution, and 퐬̃ the expected J K sketch measured on 푛 data samples. 푇 푠푗 ≜ E퐱∼휋[exp(휄흎푗 퐱)] 푘 13 = ∑ 훼 exp(휄흎푇퐜 − 1 흎푇횺 흎 ) This result can be seen as a Hanson- 푖 푗 푖 2 푗 푖 푗 Wright type inequality (a concentration 푖=1 푘 inequality for a quadratic form in a sub- Gaussian random variable), however the = ∑ 훼 exp(휄푔 퐚푇퐜 − 1 푔2 퐚푇횺 퐚 ) 푖 푗 ⎵푗 푖 2 푗 ⎵⎵⎵푗 푖 푗 general formulation [127, Theorem 6.2.1] 푖=1 푋 ≜푧푗푖 ≜휏푗푖 requires the considered random vector to have independent coordinates, which holds for 푋 = 흎 but not for 푋 = 퐚 The vectors (퐚푗)1≤푗≤푚 being drawn (uniformly) on the unit sphere in our case. The result in [250] relies when drawing the (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 according to a multivariate normal dis- on the weaker assumption that ⟨휑, 푋⟩ tribution as previously assumed, for any 푖 ∊ 1, 푘 the quantities is uniformly subgaussian for 휑 ∊ 푆푑−1, J K 퐚 (휏 ) are with high probability well concentrated around their which holds because is bounded. This 푗푖 1≤푗≤푚 formulation of the result uses (by oppo- expectation [250, Theorem 2.1], that we denote 휏푖 and which depends sition to the “standard” Hanson-Wright result) an additional hypothesis which on tr(횺푖). Concentration would actually also hold using e.g. structured 13 is the positive-definiteness of 횺푖, which orthogonal frequencies . holds in our setting. 124

As a consequence, when the number 푛 of samples is large, we have

푘 퐬̃ ≈ ∑ 훼 (휄푔 푧 − 1 푔2휏 ), 푗 푖 exp 푗 푗푖 2 푗 푖 (6.12) 푖=1 which is quite convenient as the dependence to the covariance matrices 푘 (횺푖)1≤푖≤푘 now only appears via the quantity 흉 ≜ [휏1, …, 휏푘] ∊ R , which is considered as an hyperparameter, together with the vector of weights 휶 = [훼1, …, 훼푘] (in the probability simplex).

6.2.2 Bayesian formalism

Now that we have an approximation of the sketch of the Gaussian mix- ture model (6.9), we recast the learning task into a bayesian inference problem. We denote 푝(퐂) the chosen prior density on 퐂 (see below), and 푝(퐬|퐂) the likelihood function of 퐂 for an ideal sketch 퐬 ∊ C푚, so that the posterior density 푝(퐂|퐬) of 퐶 satisfies

푝(퐂|퐬) ∝ 푝(퐬|퐂)푝(퐂). (6.13)

We want to return a minimum mean square error estimate (MMSE) denoted 퐂,̂ i.e. 퐂̂ ≜ E[퐂|퐬]. (6.14) where the expectation is taken with respect to the posterior density (6.13).

Likelihood Using the previous derivations and especially (6.12), the likelihood is only separable “by blocks” and takes the form

푝(퐬|퐂) = ∏ 푝푠|퐳(푠푗|퐳푗), where (6.15) 푖=1 푘 푝 (푠 |퐳 ; 휶, 흉) = 훿(푠 − ∑ 훼 (휄푔 푧 − 1 푔2휏 )). 푠|퐳 푗 푗 푗 푖 exp 푗 푗푖 2 푗 푖 (6.16) 푖=1

This can be interpreted as a generalized linear model [251].

Prior Due to the nature of the GAMP algorithm used below, and 14 14 the way pseudo-measurements are produced at each iteration , we Indeed, the scalar (푖 ̂푟 )1≤푖≤푑 in Algo- impose here a prior which is factorized on the rows of 퐂, that we denote rithm 6.1, which become 푘-dimensional ( ̂퐫 ) 푖 vectors 푖 1≤푖≤푑 below, should be inter- (퐜 )1≤푖≤푑 by opposition to the centers themselves, which are columns preted as pseudo-measurements of the rows of 퐂, hence a prior factorized e.g. of 퐂 and denoted (퐜푖)1≤푖≤푑 above. We write it on the columns would not be suitable. 푑 푖 푝(퐂) ≜ ∏ 푝퐜(퐜 ). (6.17) 푖=1

We will now detail how belief propagation can be used for approxi- mate inference of (6.14).

6.3 Inference of the centers using GAMP

Although we made clear how our problem could be casted into an in- ference task, Algorithm 6.1 cannot be used directly to solve it and some 125

details must be provided. We discuss in Section 6.3.1 these adaptations, and detail in Section 6.3.2 the different approximations performed to estimate posterior means and variances appearing in the algorithm. Tuning of the hyperparameters 휶, 흉 is discussed in Section 6.3.3, and the whole algorithm (including initialization and tuning) is given Section 6.3.4.

6.3.1 From GAMP to SHyGAMP

Firstly, in order to be coherent with previous notations, we will use as a 푇 푇 linear mixing matrix 퐀 = [퐚1, …, 퐚푚] , whose each row 퐚푗 corresponds to an 푙2-normalized column of 훀. Then, the observations we have access to are the entries of the empirical sketch 퐬̃ ∊ C푚, thus 퐬̃ takes the role of the observation vector 퐲 used earlier. Similarly, the signal to recover is now the 푑 × 푘 matrix 퐂, which takes the role of the 푑-dimensional 15 15 vector 퐱 above . We used the notation 퐱 for the signal in As a consequence, the biggest difference with the setting presented Section 6.1 to be coherent with previous discussions on the linear model and the in Section 6.1 is that the (퐳푗)1≤푗≤푚 are 푘-dimensional vectors, by opposi- literature, and to make clear that 퐱 was a vector while we are now dealing with tion to scalar quantities (푧푗)1≤푗≤푚 above. Thus our likelihood, although a matrix. it can be factorized by blocks, is not separable as assumed by GAMP, i.e. 푚 푚 푘 푝(퐬|퐂) = ∏푗=1 푝푠|퐳(푠푗|퐳푗) but cannot be written ∏푗=1 ∏푙=1 푝(푠푗|(퐳푗)푙). The Hybrid GAMP algorithm [252] was developed to handle such structured models and can be applied here; its formulation would be highly similar to Algorithm 6.1, but with 푘-dimensional variables and observations (퐳푗)1≤푗≤푚. However, this implies that the variances which were scalars before are now replaced by covariance matrices. From a computational perspective, HyGAMP would require inverting 푚 + 푑 different 푘-dimensional covariance matrices at each iteration. We will hence rather use the simplified HyGAMP (SHyGAMP) algo- rithm [253], which diagonalizes all the covariance matrices, and thus further reduces the complexity of the method. Algorithm 6.2 details this approach for our setting. We denote, by ̂ 푇 analogy with Algorithm 6.1, 퐑 = [1 ̂퐫 , …,푑 ̂퐫 ] (pseudo-measurements), ̂ 푇 ̂ 푇 퐏 = [ ̂퐩1, …, ̂퐩푚] (pseudo-priors) and 퐙 = [1 ̂퐳 , …,푚 ̂퐳 ] . We also de- note diag the operator which extracts the diagonal of a matrix (as a vector), and Diag the operator which does the opposite, i.e. creates a squared diagonal matrix with the given diagonal.

Note that our normalization implies ‖퐀‖퐹 = 푑 compared to Al- gorithm 6.1. When running the algorithm, the quantities 퐂̂ and 퐙̂ will ideally converge towards approximations of the MMSE estimates

E[퐂|퐬]̃ and E[퐙|퐬]̃ . Expectations and covariances of the 푗̂퐳 and 퐜푖̂ at lines 9, 10, 16 and 17 are computed with respect to the densities (up to normalization)

퐩 퐩 푝퐳|푠,퐩(퐳푗 | 푠푗, ̂퐩푗; 퐪 , 휶, 흉) ∝ 푝푠|퐳(푠푗|퐳푗; 휶, 흉)N (퐳푗; ̂퐩푗, 퐐 ), (6.18) 푖 퐫 푖 푖 퐫 푝퐜|퐫(퐜 |푖 ̂퐫 ; 퐪 ) ∝ 푝퐜(퐜 )N (퐜 ;푖 ̂푟 , Diag(퐪 )). (6.19)

퐩 퐩 where 퐐 ≜ Diag(퐪 ). We will discuss in Section 6.3.3 how to tune 16 and thus write 푝(푠푗|퐳푗) rather than the hyperparameters 휶 and 흉 by alternating with EM iterations. For 푝(푠푗|퐳푗; 휶, 흉) in the next section now, we assume they are fixed16 and focus on the algorithm itself. 126

̂ 퐩 Algorithm 6.2: MMSE-SHyGAMP for 1 function SHyGAMP(퐬,̃ 퐂ퟎ, 퐪0 , 휶, 흉) compressive clustering. Here lines 9 퐜 퐩 퐩 2 퐪푖 ← 퐪0 for each 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 // For the init. of 퐪 and 10 are computed using the posterior J K density (6.18), and lines 16 and 17 us- 3 퐒̂ ← 0 ing (6.19). Quantities 퐪퐩, 퐪퐬, 퐪퐫 are vec- ̂ ̂ 4 퐂 ← 퐂ퟎ // See Section 6.3.4 for initialization tors because of the structure of the fac- tor graph, but do not depend on indexes 5 repeat 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 , 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 because we use the // Output nodes “scalar”J K versionJ of theK algorithm. 퐩 1 푑 퐜 6 퐪 ← ∑ 퐪 // size 푘 푑 푖=1 푖 퐩 7 퐏̂ ← 퐀퐂̂ − 퐒̂ Diag(퐪 ) // size 푚 × 푘 8 for 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 do 퐳 J K 퐩 9 퐪푗 ← diag(Cov(퐳푗|푗 ̃푠 , ̂퐩푗; Diag(퐪 ), 휶, 흉)) // size 푘 퐩 10 푗̂퐳 ← E[퐳푗|푗 ̃푠 , ̂퐩푗; Diag(퐪 ), 휶, 흉] // size 푘 퐬 퐩 1 푚 퐳 퐩 퐩 11 퐪 ← ퟏ ⊘ 퐪 − ( ∑ 퐪 ) ⊘ (퐪 ⊗ 퐪 ) // size 푘 푚 푖=1 푖 퐩 −1 12 퐒̂ ← (퐙̂ − 퐏)̂ Diag(퐪 ) // size 푚 × 푘 // Input nodes 퐫 푑 퐬 13 퐪 ← ퟏ ⊘ 퐪 // size 푘 푚 푇 퐫 14 퐑̂ ← 퐂̂ + 퐀 퐒̂ Diag(퐪 ) // size 푑 × 푘 15 for 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 do 퐜 J K 퐫 16 퐪푖 ← diag(Cov(퐜푖|푖 ̂퐫 ; Diag(퐪 ))) // size 푘 퐫 17 퐜푖̂ ← E[퐜푖|푖 ̂퐫 ; Diag(퐪 )] // size 푘

18 until convergence ̂ ̂ 퐳 19 return (퐂, 퐙, (퐪푗 )1≤푗≤푚)

Complexity The overall algorithm has a computational complexity of Θ(푚푑푘퐼) when using a dense matrix of frequencies, where 푇 de- notes the number of iterations. SHyGAMP reduces the initial inference problem of dimension 푘푑 to (푚 + 푑) 푘-dimensional inference problems (lines 9, 10, 16 and 17). In comparison, CL-OMPR has complexity Θ(푚푑푘2). Although it might not be straightforward to compare both methods without knowing the number of iterations of CL-AMP (which will typically be larger than 푘), CL-OMPR is in practice much slower due to the numerous optimization problems which are solved at each step. See for instance lines 3 and 5 of Algorithm 2.1, which are both non- convex optimization problems and are typically solved using L-BFGS-B (limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm with box constraints). Solving the intermediate inference problems in our application of SHyGAMP is however still not straightforward either, and we now focus on this issue.

6.3.2 Solving the remaining inference tasks

There are four remaining inference tasks which require attention in the SHyGAMP method described in Algorithm 6.2. Operations performed at lines 16 and 17 naturally depend on the prior used. Simple closed forms exist for instance when using a Gaussian prior. It turns out that the algorithm is still well defined when using a non-informative 푖 prior (i.e. 푝퐜(퐜 ) ∝ 1 for every 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 ), and lines 16 and 17 simply J K 127

퐜 퐫 become in this case 퐪푖 ← 퐪 and 퐜푖̂ ←푖 ̂퐫 for every 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 . We use J K this approach in our experiments below as this already works well in practice. The difficulties come rather from the estimation of the posterior mean and covariance of 퐳, computed at lines 9 and 10 using the den- sity (6.18). In the following, we denote 퐐퐩 ≜ Diag(퐪퐩). We need to compute

1 퐩 푗푙̂푧 ≜ ∫ 푧푗푙푝(푗 ̃푠 |퐳푗)N (퐳푗; ̂퐩푗, 퐐 ) d퐳푗 (6.20) 퐶푗 R푘

퐳 1 2 퐩 푞푗푙 ≜ ∫ |푧푗푙 −푗푙 ̂푧 | 푝(푗 ̃푠 |퐳푗)N (퐳푗; ̂퐩푗, 퐐 ) d퐳푗 (6.21) 퐶푗 R푘

퐳 for each 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 and 푙 ∊ 1, 푘 , where 푗푙̂푧 , 푧푗푙 and 푞푗푙 are the 푙-th J K J K 퐳 elements of respectively 푗̂퐳 , 퐳푗 and 퐪푗 , and 퐶푗 is the normalization constant of the posterior density, i.e.

퐩 퐶푗 = ∫ 푝(푗 ̃푠 |퐳푗)N (퐳푗; ̂퐩푗, 퐐 ) d퐳푗. (6.22) R푘

The nature of 푝푠|퐳 (cf. (6.16)) makes it impossible to derive closed- 퐳 form expressions for 푗푖̂푧 and 푞푗푖. Following the idea of approximate message passing, we will make some additional approximations. For a given 푡 ∊ 1, 푘 , we rewrite (6.12) as J K ̃푠 ≈ 훼 (휄푔 푧 − 1 푔2휏 ) + ∑ 훼 (휄푔 푧 − 1 푔2휏 ). 푗 푡 exp 푗 푗푡 2 푗 푡 푙 exp 푗 푗푙 2 푗 푙 (6.23) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘

In order to simplify the following derivations, we omit until the end of this section (and in the appendices) the index 푗 in all variables. We rewrite (6.23) as

푗̃푠 ≈ 훽푡 exp(휄휃푡) + ∑ 훽푙 exp(휄푔(푧푙 + 푛푙)), (6.24) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 1 2 where 훽푙 ≜ 훼푙 exp(− 푔 휏푙) ∀푙 ∊ 1, 푘 , (6.25) 2 J K 휃푡 ≜ 푔(푧푡 + 푛푡), (6.26) 푛 and 푛푙 ∼ N (0, 푞 ). (6.27)

We introduced in this expression the i.i.d. random variables 푛푙 to sim- plify the derivations, but will eventually consider 푞푛 → 0 so that (6.24) 퐳 matches (6.23). We now rewrite 푡̂푧 and 푞푡 (the two quantities to esti- ̂ mate) with respect to the posterior mean 휃푡 and variance Var(휃푡|푠) of

휃푡. Derivations can be found in Appendix B.1, and yield the following expressions

̂푝 휃̂ ̂푧 = 푡 + 푡 푡 푞퐩 푞푛 1 + 푡 푔(1 + 퐩 ) 푞푛 푞푡 푛 퐳 푞 1 푞 = 푛 + 푛 Var(휃푡|푠). 푡 푞 2 푞 2 퐩 + 1 푔 (1 + 퐩 ) 푞푡 푞푡

Both the marginal posterior mean and variance of 휃푡 are still difficult to compute due to the form of 푝(휃푡|푠) (provided in appendix, see (B.5)). We thus approximate the second term (the sum) in (6.24) as Gaussian 128

to estimate these quantities. Derivations can be found in Appendix B.2.

The density 푝(푠|휃푡) becomes with these approximations a generalized von Mises density [254] and we obtain the following:

|휃 − 푔 ̂푝 |2 푝(휃 |푠) ∝ exp(휅 cos(휃 − 휁 ) + 휅 cos(2(휃 − 휁 )) − 푡 푡 ). 푡 푡 푡 푡 푡 푡 푡 2 퐩 2푔 푞푡 (6.28) where the expressions of 휅푡, 휅푡, 휁푡, 휁푡 are provided in Appendix B.2. 퐳 ̂ Hence 푡̂푧 , 푞푡 can be estimated from 휃푡, Var(휃푡|푠), which can them- selves be estimated numerically using this density. By doing the same 17 17 approximations for every 푡 ∊ 1, 푘 and 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , we obtain esti- We recall that the indexes on 푗 have J K J K mates of all the desired quantities. been omitted for readability only, but all the involved quantities here do depend on 푗 implicitly. Numerical estimation under the approximated posterior We now need to estimate E[휃푡|푠] and Var(휃푡|푠) under (6.28). It seems difficult to obtain a closed form, hence we need again here to use further ap- proximations, or simply to compute these integrals numerically. Laplace’s method [255, Section 4.4], which is designed to approxi- mate integrals of the form ∫ exp(푓(푥)) d푥 where 푓 is a twice differen- tiable function which takes large values and has a unique maximum, might be relevant due to the form of the posterior. In that case we would compute the maximum a posterior estimate of 휃푡, i.e. use ̂ ̂ 휃푡 ≈ 휃푡,MAP = arg max 푝(휃푡|푠), and estimate via a second-order Taylor 푑2 ̂ expansion Var(휃푡|푠) ≈ − 2 log 푝(휃푡|푠)∣휃 =휃̂ . Evaluating 휃푡,MAP is 푑휃푡 푡 푡,MAP 18 18 still not straightforward , but this can be estimated by numerical inte- Especially because the distribution might be multimodal. gration. We used a uniform grid of 푛푝푡푠푛푝푒푟 + 1 points centered at 푔푡 ̂푝 2 퐩 with width 2휋푛푝푒푟, where 푛푝푒푟 = ⌈푛푠푡푑/휋√푔 푞푡 ⌉. The parameter 푛푠푡푑 correspond to the number of standard deviations of the prior covered by the grid. Practical experiments suggest that a good tradeoff between computational performance and estimation quality could be obtained with 푛푠푡푑 = 4, 푛푝푡푠 = 7. Yet, although extensive simulations have been performed using the

Laplace method, it turns out that estimation of E[휃푡|푠] and Var(휃푡|푠) directly via numerical integration is often more robust. We used in that case again regularly-spaced grids centered on 푔푡 ̂푝 , with a grid 2 퐩 width and resolution depending on the order of magnitude of 푔 푞푡 . We omit the technical details for brevity, and refer the interested reader directly to the implementation for more details (cf. Appendix D). Note however that implementing all that in an efficient and stable manner is not straightforward. Experiments suggest that the Von-Mises density does sometimes takes values of the order of 103 in the log-domain. Moreover, the distribution can be both unimodal or bimodal depending on the values of the parameters. Hence, and in spite of our multiple attemps to get a robust estimation procedure, it might happen that the algorithm “misses” the principal mode, or that only the principal mode is found but that all other values measured on the integration grid are so low that the variance is estimated to zero. Hence, after estimation of 129

퐳 the (퐪푗 )1≤푗≤푚 we add a “clipping” step on these quantities to ensure 퐬 19 19 that 퐪 will be positive after averaging and avoid numerical issues . Such tweaks are commonly used in We also use damping on 퐒,̂ 퐪퐬, 퐂̂ and 퐪퐩 to mitigate numerical issues GAMP implementations. and prevent instability.

6.3.3 Hyperparameters learning

We recall that the likelihood (6.16) depends on parameters 휶 and 흉, which we for now assumed to be known. We propose to use the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm alternately with SHyGAMP to estimate these parameters, i.e. we will alternate between a few SHyGAMP iterations and a few EM iterations. This approach has al- ready been suggested and used previously for other tasks [249, 253].

For initialization, we chose 훼푙 = 1/푘 and 휏푙 = 0 for each 푙 ∊ 1, 푘 . J K

퐳 Derivation of EM steps From [249, eq. (23)], and denoting 퐐푗 ≜ 퐳 Diag(퐪푗 ) for each 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , the EM update can be written J K 푚 퐳 (휶,̂ ̂흉) = arg max ∑ ∫ N (퐳푗;푗 ̂퐳 , 퐐푗 ) log 푝푠|퐳(푗 ̃푠 |퐳푗; 휶, 흉) d퐳푗, 휶≥0,휶푇ퟏ=1,흉>0 푗=1 R푘 (6.29)

퐳 where 푗̂퐳 and 퐪푗 are obtained by running SHyGAMP to convergence under (휶, 흉). We approximate the Dirac in (6.16) by a circular Gaussian distribution with small variance 휀, i.e.

푘 2 1 log 푝푠|퐳(푗 ̃푠 |퐳푗; 휶, 흉) = − ∣푗 ̃푠 − ∑ 훼푙푞푗푙푣푗푙∣ + 푐. 휀 푙=1 where 푐 is a constant, and where we used the notations

푞 ≜ (− 1 푔2휏 ), 푗푙 exp 2 푗 푙

푣푗푙 ≜ exp(휄푔푗푧푗푙).

Using this approximation, and because optimization is independent of 휀 and 푐, we have from (6.29)

푚 푘 2 퐳 (휶,̂ ̂흉) = arg min ∑ ∫ N (퐳푗;푗 ̂퐳 , 퐐푗 )∣푗 ̃푠 − ∑ 훼푙푞푗푙푣푗푙∣ d퐳푗 휶≥0,휶푇ퟏ=1,흉>0 푗=1 R푘 푙=1 (6.30)

We propose to solve this optimization problem alternately on 휶 and 흉 by 휌 ≜ (휄푔 ̂푧 − 1 푔2푞퐳 ) gradient projection [256]. Using the notation 푗푙 exp 푗 푗푙 2 푗 푗푙 , we have for each index 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 J K 푘 2 퐳 푓푗(휶, 흉) ≜ ∫ N (퐳푗;푗 ̂퐳 , 퐐푗 )∣푗 ̃푠 − ∑ 훼푙푞푗푙푣푗푙∣ d퐳푗 R푘 푙=1 푘 (i) 2 ∗ 퐳 = |푗 ̃푠 | − 2 ∑ 훼푙푞푗푙ℜ(푗 ̃푠 휌푗푙) (i) Using ∫R N (푧푗푙;푗푙 ̂푧 , 푞푗푙)푣푗푙 d푧푗푙 = 푙=1 휌푗푙. 푘 푘 ∗ 2 2 + ∑ 훼푙푞푗푙휌푗푙 ∑ 훼푡푞푗푡휌푗푡 + ∑ 훼푙 푞푗푙 푙=1 1≤푡≠푙≤푘 푙=1 130

As a consequence, the gradients with respect to (훼푙)1≤푙≤푘 and (휏푙)1≤푙≤푘 can be written 푚 푚 휕 ∑ 푓푗(휶, 흉) = −2 ∑ 푞푗푙훾푗푙 (6.31) 휕훼푙 푗=1 푗=1 푚 푚 휕 2 ∑ 푓푗(휶, 흉) = 훼푙 ∑ 푔푗 푞푗푙훾푗푙 (6.32) 휕휏푙 푗=1 푗=1 where

∗ ∗ 훾푗푙 ≜ ℜ(푗 ̃푠 휌푗푙) − 훼푙푞푗푙 − ∑ 훼푡푞푗푡ℜ(휌푗푙휌푗푡) (6.33) 1≤푡≠푙≤푘 Experimentally, computing the sums in eqs. (6.31) and (6.32) using only on a small subset of the indexes 푗 improves performance without degrading too much accuracy. We provide the main algorithm combining SHyGAMP with these EM steps in the next section (cf. Algorithm 6.4), after describing the initialization procedure. Note that the Bethe free energy could also be used as an approximation of the required log-densities (see for instance [257, Appendix C]). However, our work in this direction resulted in expressions which are not easier to work with.

6.3.4 Initialization and main algorithm

2 Let 휎휅 denote the variance of the kernel, which can be assumed to be 20 20 known or estimated from the dataset . Experiments suggest that a We explained in our paper [26] using 휎2 = ‖푋‖2 /(푛푑) good initialization procedure for SHyGAMP (cf. Algorithm 6.2) is to 휅 퐹 , which indeed works well in many settings, but this might still ̂ 2 퐩 2 draw 퐂ퟎ with i.i.d. entries from N (0, 휎휅) and 퐪0 = 휎휅ퟏ. sometimes be inaccurate. We refer the However, we observed that trying 푅 > 1 different initializations reader to Chapter 4 for this matter. sometimes helps to avoid spurious solutions. For each of them, i.e. for each 푟 ∊ 1, 푅 , we can run a few iterations of SHyGAMP to recover an J K (푟)̂ (푟) (푟) estimated matrix of centroid 퐂 = [퐜1̂ , …, 퐜푘̂ ] and then compute the estimated sketch 퐬(푟)̂ defined as 푘 (푟) 푇 (푟) 2 푟̂푠 = ∑ exp(휄푔푗퐚푗 퐜푙̂ − 푔푗 휏푙), (6.34) 푙=1 whose expression follows from eqs. (6.11) and (6.12). Note that we use the notation 퐬̂ to denote an estimator of the sketch, but this quantity should not be confused with the variable 퐒̂ in Algorithm 6.2. The distance to the empirical sketch can then be used as a selection metric to keep only one of the sets of centroids, and proceed with the rest of the algorithm. We summarize this procedure in Algorithm 6.3. We provide the main CL-AMP procedure (with initialization and EM steps) in Algorithm 6.4. Different criteria could be used to detect the convergence of this algorithm and of the SHyGAMP procedure, but the simplest one is maybe to measure the distance between the recovered and empirical sketches as proposed above for initialization. SHyGAMP provides indeed all the quantities required for this esti- mation, and computation is not too expensive. For internal calls to SHyGAMP, it will be convenient in practice to combine this criterion with a manually chosen maximum number of iterations. 131

2 Algorithm 6.3: Initialization of MMSE- 1 function Init(퐬,̃ 휎휅, 휶0, 흉0) SHyGAMP 퐩 2 2 퐪0 ← 휎휅ퟏ // size 푘 3 for 푟 ∊ 1, 푅 do (푟)̂ J K 2 4 퐂ퟎ ← 푑 × 푘 matrix with i.i.d. entries drawn from N (0, 휎휅) (푟)̂ ̂(푟) 퐳 (푟) (푟)̂ 퐩 5 (퐂 , 퐙 , ((퐪푗 ) )1≤푗≤푚) ← SHyGAMP(퐂ퟎ , 퐪0 , 휶0, 흉0) (푟) 6 Compute 퐬̂ according to (6.34) ∗ (푟) 7 푟 ← arg min1≤푟≤푅 ‖퐬̂ − 퐬‖̃ 2 (푟̂ ∗) ̂(푟∗) 퐳 (푟∗) 8 return (퐂 , 퐙 , ((퐪푗 ) )1≤푗≤푚)

2 Algorithm 6.4: Main CL-AMP algorithm 1 function CL-AMP (퐬,̃ 푘, 휎휅) 1 2 휶 ← ퟏ // 푘-dimensional 푘 3 흉 ← ퟎ // 푘-dimensional ̂ ̂ 퐳 2 4 (퐂, 퐙, (퐪푗 )1≤푗≤푚) ← Init(퐬,̃ 휎휅, 휶, 흉) 5 repeat ̂ 퐳 6 Update (휶, 흉) using eqs. (6.30) to (6.32), 퐙 and (퐪푗 )1≤푗≤푚 ̂ ̂ 퐳 ̂ 퐩 7 (퐂, 퐙, (퐪푗 )1≤푗≤푚) ← SHyGAMP(퐬,̃ 퐂, 퐪0 , 휶, 흉) 8 until convergence 9 return estimated centroids 퐂̂

6.4 Experimental results

We perform extensive empirical simulations, first on synthetic data in Section 6.4.1, and on the MNIST dataset in Section 6.4.2. Despite all the modeling possibilities for the prior covered by (6.17), 푖 we will use in the experiments the non-informative prior 푝퐜(퐜 ) ∝ 1 for every 푖 ∊ 1, 푑 , which already gives good results. Although we justi- J K fied the derivation above using a true prior distribution, the obtained algorithm can easily be adapted to the case of a non-informative prior.

6.4.1 Synthetic data

In this subsection, we generate data according to the Gaussian mix- ture model described at Equation (4.5), where the intra-variance is computed using a separation factor fixed to 푠 = 2.5.

Frequency distribution In the experiments below, we use the “adapted 2 radius” distribution AR(휎휅) suggested in [4] and briefly discussed in Section 4.2.6. It indeed gives slightly better results in comparison with a Gaussian frequency distribution, and helps with numerical issues. 21 2 21 The kernel variance 휎휅 for the figures below is chosen following the Compared to [4], we normalized the 2 distribution so that E 2 (‖휑‖ ) = heuristic provided in (4.14). 휑∼AR(휎휅) 2 2 1/휎휅.

Sketch size We fix the kernel scale, the dimension 푑 and number of clusters 푘, and look at the impact of the sketch size on clustering performance. We recall that recovery is expected to succeed for 푚 = Ω(푘푑), hence we use 푚/(푘푑) as parametrization of the horizontal axis. 132

Results for (푘 = 10, 푑 = 10) and (푘 = 20, 푑 = 60) are presented in Figure 6.2.

d=10, k=10 d=60, k=20

70 CLAMP 500 CLAMP 60 CLOMPR CLOMPR k-means 400 k-means 50 40 300 MSE MSE 30 200 20 100 10 100 101 100 101 푚/(푘푑) 푚/(푘푑) Figure 6.2: Clustering error versus We observe that CL-AMP is uniformly better than CL-OMPR. As sketch size. Frequencies drawn accord- ing to the “adapted radius” distribution, previously observed [2], CL-OMPR succeeds provided that roughly 푛 = 104 points drawn according to the 푚 ≥ 5푘푑 or 푚 ≥ 10푘푑 depending on the dimension, while CL-AMP Gaussian mixture model (4.5) with sep- aration 푠 = 2.5. Medians and standard works very well down to 푚 = 2푘푑, and even a bit below. Note that deviation (ribbon) over 100 trials. this behavior is coherent with the observations on AMP and OMP in the traditional compressive sensing setting, see for instance [249, Fig. 8-10]. We also note that both methods perform better than k-means for a large enough sketch size. The performance of k-means could certainly be improved by increasing the number of repetitions and 22 22 maximum number of iterations , but still suggests that the algorithm Here and everywhere below unless suffers from spurious local minima and that using a large numberof otherwise specified, we use k-means++ with 3 trials. random initializations is needed to obtain good performances, whereas compressive clustering is much more stable in comparison.

d=10 d=60

m= 2kd, CLAMP 101.6 2.6 m= 2kd, CLOMPR 10 101.5 m= 5kd, CLAMP m= 5kd, CLOMPR 102.4 101.4 m=10kd, CLAMP m=10kd, CLOMPR 1.3 2.2 MSE 10 k-means MSE 10 101.2 102.0 101.1 1.8 101.0 10 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 푘 푘

Figure 6.3: Clustering error versus num- ber of clusters 푘. Frequencies drawn ac- cording to the “adapted radius” distribu- Number of clusters We now consider three different sketch sizes tion, 푛 = 104 points drawn according to (namely 푚 = 2푘푑, 5푘푑, 10푘푑), and look at the error as a function of the the Gaussian mixture model (4.5) with separation 푠 = 2.5. Medians over 100 number of clusters 푘 for 푑 = 10 and 푑 = 60. trials for smaller values of 푘, and over Both compressive methods have increasing errors when 푘 grows, a few trials for larger values of 푘 (recall CL-OMPR scales in O(푘3), which makes which probably comes from the lack of separation between clusters. it impractical for extensive simulations). Figure 6.3 shows that CL-AMP yields in almost all settings lower errors 133

than CL-OMPR. This holds especially for 푑 = 60, where CL-OMPR performs poorly, and/or when 푚 = 2푘푑, confirming previous obser- vations regarding the sketch size. It should be noted that the error of k-means does not increase too much with 푘 in comparison with both CL-OMPR and CL-AMP. This suggest that the estimation of the kernel variance could also be problematic for values of 푘 close to 100. The range of kernel variances in which compressive clustering is ex- pected to perform well indeed becomes much thinner in this regime as observed in Section 4.2.5.

6.4.2 Real datasets

We now provide some empirical results on the MNIST dataset of hand- written digits [227], using the same spectral features as described in Section 5.3.2, and on the FMA dataset [211].

MNIST As discussed in Chapter 4, learning the optimal kernel vari- ance from the dataset is necessary for practical applications. Yet, our goal here is mostly to compare CL-OMPR and CL-AMP algorithms, and both methods suffer from this problem. As a consequence, and in order to avoid drawing wrong conclusions because of a possibly inaccurate estimation of the optimal kernel variance, we will show the errors as functions of the kernel variance. Results are provided in Figure 6.4 for 푚 = 2푘푑 and 푚 = 10푘푑 in terms of both clustering error and adjusted rand index (ARI). The latter measures the similar- ity of the recovered clustering with the ground truth classes, and is computed so that a random clustering would have and ARI of zero in expectation. We consider the standard dataset comprising 푛 = 7 × 104 images, as well as a larger collection of 푛 = 106 samples including distorted variants of these images generated using infiMNIST [228]. Interestingly, for the original dataset (푛 = 7 × 104) CL-OMPR seems here to perform well on a larger range of kernel variances than CL- AMP, contrarily to what has been observed on synthetic data. CL-AMP however has slightly lower error at the optimal kernel variance, and almost always a smaller variance. In terms of adjusted rand index, CL- AMP is much better than CL-OMPR for both sketch sizes, with a clear gap between the two methods. Similar conclusions can be drawn for the extended dataset in terms of MSE, however both methods perform well in this case in terms of ARI, with a slightly reduced variance in favor of CL-AMP.

FMA dataset We also report in Figure 6.5 some results obtained on 23 23 the “FMA” dataset of audio features [211]. cf. https://github.com/mdeff/ Dimension is 푑 = 518 for this dataset, and the number of clusters as fma been arbitrarily chosen to 푘 = 20. Data is centered and standardized, as features of very different natures are present in the collection. No ground truth classification can be used here, so we simply report the mean squared error as a function of the kernel scale for both CL-AMP and CL-OMPR. Both methods reach similar error levels, however none 134

MNIST (푛 = 7×10+04), 푚 = 2푘푑 MNIST (푛 = 7×10+04), 푚 = 2푘푑 1.00 CLAMP 1.0 CLOMPR 0.75 0.9 k-means 0.8 0.50 0.7 ARI MSE 0.6 0.25 CLAMP 0.5 CLOMPR 0.00 0.4 k-means

10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 2 2 휎휅 휎휅 MNIST (푛 = 7×10+04), 푚 = 10푘푑 MNIST (푛 = 7×10+04), 푚 = 10푘푑 0.8 CLAMP 0.95 CLOMPR 0.6 k-means 0.90 0.85 0.4 0.80 ARI MSE 0.75 CLAMP 0.2 0.70 CLOMPR 0.65 k-means

10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 2 2 휎휅 휎휅 MNIST (푛 = 1×10+06), 푚 = 2푘푑 MNIST (푛 = 1×10+06), 푚 = 2푘푑 1.1 CLAMP 0.75 CLOMPR 1.0 k-means 0.9 0.50 0.8 ARI MSE 0.25 0.7 CLAMP 0.00 0.6 CLOMPR k-means -0.25 0.5 10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 2 2 휎휅 휎휅 MNIST (푛 = 1×10+06), 푚 = 10푘푑 MNIST (푛 = 1×10+06), 푚 = 10푘푑 0.8 CLAMP 1.00 CLOMPR 0.6 k-means 0.95 0.90 0.4 ARI MSE 0.85 0.2 0.80 CLAMP CLOMPR 0.75 0.0 k-means

10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 10−1.5 10−1.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 2 2 휎휅 휎휅

2 Figure 6.4: Clustering error and adjusted rand index (ARI) versus kernel scale 휎휅. Frequencies drawn according to the “adapted radius” distribution. Medians and standard deviation (ribbon) over 100 trials. k-means is run with three trials and kmeans++ initialization. 135

Figure 6.5: Clustering error (medians 103.50 CKM, CLAMP 2 CKM, CLOMPR over 10 trials) versus kernel scale 휎휅 on k-means the (centered and standardized) FMA dataset. Using 푚 = 10푘푑, dense Gaus- 103.25 sian frequencies.

3.00 MSE 10


102.00 102.25 102.50 102.75 103.00 2 휎휅 of the two matches 푘-means results. CL-OMPR seems however to performs well over a larger range of kernel variances in comparison with CL-AMP. This tends to confirm that CL-AMP is more sensitive to the tuning of the different parameters.

6.5 Perspectives

We introduced in this chapter a new method to recover cluster centers from a sketch of averaged random Fourier features. Our algorithm is based on the generic simplified hybrid generalized approximate mes- sage passing algorithm (SHyGAMP), and derived under a Gaussian mixture data generation model. It also relies on several approximations of the mean and covariance posteriors which are specific to our model. The proposed method compares favourably to the continuous ver- sion of orthogonal matching pursuit (CL-OMPR), both on synthetic data and spectral features computed on the MNIST dataset, and has a lower computational complexity. We thus advise using CL-AMP rather than CL-OMPR in general, especially in settings where the number of clusters 푘 to recover is large. It should be noted, however, that CL-OMPR is more generic − it can for instance be used for Gaussian modeling using the same sketch, which would be much more difficult with the proposed method −, and still sometimes yields lower errors than CL-AMP on datasets whose distributions differ largely from a Gaussian mixture model. Further- more, despite the promising performance which have been reported, we stress that tuning CL-AMP is not straightforward due to all the numerical estimations discussed in section 6.3.2, and thus this method might need more adjustments in different settings. We do not report precise runtimes as it is difficult to fairly com- pare both methods, and one would need more engineering on the implementations of both algorithm to get meaningful results. With the settings that we have chosen, CL-AMP seems in general to be more efficient than CL-OMPR, but it should be noted that the maximum number of iterations in CL-AMP is arbitrarily chosen and has a signifi- cant impact on the complexity. In particular, when 푚 ≈ 푘푑 CL-OMPR scales with 푘 in Θ(푘3) while CL-AMP only in Θ(푘2), but the former has a fixed number of iterations while it is not easy to characterize how 136

the maximum number of iterations in CL-AMP should grow with 푘 − and measuring numerically the convergence alone is not sufficient as a stopping criteria. Also, we quickly tried with success using the fast transforms from Chapter 5 with CL-AMP. We do not compare the two methods on this criterion as they both benefit from the speedup in the same manner. Part IV

Compressive Learning with Privacy Guarantees

We provide an introduction to differential privacy in Chapter 7, introduce the private sketching mechanisms in Chapter 8, and assess their performance in terms of learning quality in Chapter 9.

Chapter 7 Introduction to Differential Privacy and Related Work

n addition to its efficient use of computational resources, sketching Contents is a promising tool for privacy-preserving machine learning. In nu- 7.1 Attack model 140 merous applications, such as when working with medical records, 7.2 Definition and properties 140 I 7.2.1 Neighboring relation | 7.2.2 Com- online surveys, or measurements coming from personal devices, data position properties | 7.2.3 Alternative samples contain sensitive personal information and data providers privacy definitions ask that individuals’ contributions to the dataset remain private, i.e. 7.3 Standard perturbation mechanisms for differential privacy 143 not publicly discoverable. Learning from such data collections while 7.3.1 The Laplace mechanism | 7.3.2 protecting the privacy of individual contributors has become a crucial Approximate Differential Privacy and challenge. Indeed, even releasing intermediate quantities computed the Gaussian Mechanism 7.4 Private methods for the considered from a collection of people’s records − e.g. a machine learning model learning tasks: related work 147 or aggregate statistics − rather than the raw data can already compro- mise the privacy of these users, even when aggregation is performed over millions of data providers [258]. We will explain in Chapter 8 how the sketching mechanism (1.10) can be adapted to ensure privacy, however we need for that to define formally what is meant by “privacy preservation”. Differential privacy (DP) was proposed as a strong definition of privacy by Dwork et al. [259], and has since been studied and used extensively in research and industry [260, 261]. The goal of this chapter is thus to introduce this notion, and to explain the standard techniques which can be used to make an existing algorithm differentially private. We give in Section 7.2 a brief introduction to DP, and also detail the assumptions made on the attacker (the attack model), which have a direct impact on the kind of guarantees that can be achieved. We then introduce in Section 7.3 the Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms, which are two standard methods to obtain differential privacy by adding carefully calibrated noise on the quantity to release. The differentially private sketching mechanism which will be introduced later in Chap- ter 8 relies on these ideas. A few methods achieving differential privacy via other tools are presented in Section 7.4, with a focus on the k-means, Gaussian modeling and PCA problems, as we will only tackle these three tasks with our compressive approach. 140

7.1 Attack model

Before providing the definition of differential privacy, it is important to specify an attack model. We consider a trusted curator model, where a trusted entity has access to the data, and publishes a noisy summary − in our case, a sketch of the data. The adversary is non-interactive, in that they have full access to the sketch of the dataset, or to sketches of disjoint subsets of the dataset if the latter is distributed across multiple devices (Figure 7.1), but cannot query the curator(s) for more data. On the figure, 퐳(퐗) denotes the “private” sketch of the data, whose definition is postponed to later.

퐧 Private Attacker sketching ⋯ Average 퐗 Compressive 1 Device 1 퐳(퐗1) Learning ⋮ 퐧 Private Average sketching 퐳(퐗) 퐂∗ ⋯ Learned Model

퐗 퐿 Device 퐿 퐳(퐗퐿)

Figure 7.1: Attack model. The dataset 퐿 Φ 훀 is distributed between devices, each The feature map and the matrix of frequencies used for sketch- computing and releasing publicly a sub- ing are assumed to be publicly known, in contrast to some approaches sampled sketch 퐳(퐗푖). where random projection matrices are used as encryption keys [262]. This is essential for analysts, who need to know the feature map in order to learn from the sketch. The model also covers the case where analysts may be adversaries. We assume that each user contributes exactly one record to the total dataset, albeit our results can be ex- tended to allow for multiple records per user. We do not make any assumptions on the background knowledge available to the adversary, nor on the operations that they are able to make. Hence, our privacy guarantees are robust to extreme cases where the adversary knows the entire database apart from one user, and has infinite computing power.

7.2 Definition and properties

푛 We denote D푛 ≜ X the set of (ordered) collections of 푛 learning examples in the data domain X , and D ≜ ∪푛∊ND푛. Hence datasets 1 1 are seen depending on the context either as matrices (as done in the This is just for convenience, and there previous chapters) or tuples of data samples − which we denote e.g. is naturally a bijection between the two spaces. 퐗 = (퐱1, …, 퐱푛) −, and |퐗| denotes the size of the tuple, i.e. the number of samples in the dataset. We consider for now X = R푑, but we will restrict ourselves to the unit ball for the PCA application below. Note that we work with ordered datasets for technical reasons, but this order 141

does not matter from a learning perspective. 2 2 Randomness is an old tool for introducing uncertainty when us- Sometimes referred to as “privacy by ing sensitive information, e.g. implemented as randomized response plausible deniability”. surveys [263]. Differential privacy [259] provides a formal definition of the privacy guarantees offered by a randomized data release mech- anism. Intuitively, a mechanism 푅 provides differential privacy if its output does not depend significantly on the presence of any one user in the database, hence hiding this presence from an adversary.

Definition 7.1 (Differential privacy [259]): The randomized mechanism 푅 ∶ D → Z achieves 휀-differential privacy (noted 휀- DP) iff for any measurable set3 푆 of Z and 퐗, 퐘 ∈ D s.t. 퐗 ∼ 퐘 3. The codomain Z is implicitly en- for some neighboring relation ∼ (see below): dowed with a 휎-algebra. Note that the choice of the 휎-algebra does have an im- pact on the privacy definition. In the fol- P[푅(퐗) ∈ 푆] ≤ exp(휀) P[푅(퐘) ∈ 푆]. (7.1) lowing, our sketching mechanisms take values in Z = R푚 or Z = C푚, and we al- The parameter 휀 > 0 is called the privacy budget. ways use the Borel 휎-algebra to get strong privacy guarantees. The smaller 휀, the closer the output distributions for two neighboring datasets are, and the stronger the privacy guarantee. Equivalently, differential privacy can be defined through the notionof privacy loss of a randomized mechanism. This is particularly useful when proving that a mechanism is differentially private.

Definition 7.2 (Privacy loss [264] ): Let 푅 be a randomized al-

gorithm taking values in Z. If 푅 admits a density 푝푅(퐗) over Z for each input 퐗, the privacy loss function is defined by

푝푅(퐗)(퐳) 퐿푅(퐳, 퐗, 퐘) ≜ log( ). 푝푅(퐘)(퐳)

The random mechanism 푅 achieves 휀-differential privacy iff

sup 퐿푅(퐳, 퐗, 퐘) ≤ 휀. 퐳∈Z 퐗,퐘∈D∶ 퐗∼퐘

Intuitively, small values of the privacy loss 퐿푅 of 푅 for some pair 퐗, 퐘 characterize regions of the co-domain where output random variables 푅(퐗) and 푅(퐘) have “close” distributions.

7.2.1 Neighboring relation

The neighboring relation ∼ in Definition 7.1 defines the practical guar- antees that differential privacy offers. A common definition, called unbounded differential privacy (UDP), states that two datasets are neighbors if they differ by the addition or deletion of exactly one sam- ple. From definition 7.1, this implies that the output of an algorithm that satisfies unbounded DP does not significantly depend on the pres- ence of any one user in the dataset. An alternative is bounded DP (BDP), which defines two datasets as neighbors if and only ifthey differ by exactly one record by replacement. 142

We recall that ⟦1, 푛⟧ = {1, …, 푛}, and we also denote S푛 the permuta- tion group of {1, … , 푛} and 휎(퐗) a permuted collection: 휎((퐱1, …, 퐱푛)) ≜ (퐱휎(1), …, 퐱휎(푛)) for any 휎 ∊ S푛.

Definition 7.3: An algorithm provides 휀-unbounded DP (UDP) iff it provides 휀-DP for the “removal” neighborhood relation ∼U , defined as

{⎧∣|퐗| − |퐘|∣ = 1 퐗 ∼U 퐘 ⇔ ⎨ U ⎩{∃ 휎 ∊ S|퐗| s.t. 휎(퐗) ≈ 퐘,

where, assuming w.l.o.g. |퐗| = |퐘| + 1 ≜ 푛 ≥ 2, we define U ((퐱1, …, 퐱푛) ≈ (퐲1, …, 퐲푛−1)) ⇔ ((∀푖 ∊ ⟦1, 푛 − 1⟧, 퐱푖 = 퐲푖) and

퐱푛 is arbitrary).

Definition 7.4: An algorithm provides 휀-bounded DP (BDP) iff it provides 휀-DP for the “replacement” neighborhood relation ∼B :

B B 퐗 ∼ 퐘 ⇔ |퐗| = |퐘| and ∃ 휎1, 휎2 ∊ S|퐗| s.t. 휎1(퐗) ≈ 휎2(퐘),

B where ((퐱1, …, 퐱푛) ≈ (퐲1, …, 퐲푛)) ⇔ (∀푖 ∊ ⟦1, 푛 − 1⟧, 퐱푖 = 퐲푖 and 퐱푛, 퐲푛 are arbitrary).

We assumed |퐗| = |퐘| + 1 in the definition for succinctness only, but the relation ∼U is symmetric. The key practical difference between the two definitions is that BDP assumes that the size of the dataset is 4 4 B not a sensitive value and can be published freely . Indeed, 퐗 ∼ 퐘 implies |퐗| = |퐘|. We Unbounded differential privacy is a stronger definition, asan 휀-UDP will come back on this matter a bit later. 5 5 algorithm is necessarily 2휀-BDP, while the reverse is not necessarily Using the composition lemmas pre- B true. This 2휀 bound might however not be tight. In the following, sented below. Indeed not that if 퐗 ∼ 퐘, then 퐗 can be obtained from 퐘 by re- we will mainly consider the unbounded DP settings, which is some- moving an element and adding a new times more tricky. Most results will however also be provided for one. bounded DP.

7.2.2 Composition properties

An important property of differential privacy is composition: using several differentially private algorithms on the same dataset results in similar guarantees, but with a total privacy budget equal to the sum of the budgets of the individual algorithms. Hence, one can design a complex DP algorithm by splitting its privacy budget 휀 between different simpler routines. Lemma 7.5 (Sequential composition [265, Theorem 3])

Let (푅푖)1≤푖≤푟 be a collection of DP mechanisms on the same domain

with respective privacy budgets (휀푖)1≤푖≤푟. Then

푅 ∶ 퐗 ↦ (푅1(퐗), … , 푅푟(퐗))

푟 provides (∑푖=1 휀푖)-DP. 143

This holds for both bounded and unbounded DP. Parallel composi- tion can also be performed; the following lemma however holds only in the unbounded case. Lemma 7.6 (Parallel composition [265, Theorem 4])

Let (푅푖)1≤푖≤푟 be a collection of independent 휀-UDP algorithms on

the same domain D, and D푖 be disjoint subsets of D. Then

푅 ∶ 퐗 ↦ (푅1(퐗 ∩ D1), … , 푅푟(퐗 ∩ D푟))

provides 휀-UDP, where (퐱1, …, 퐱푛) ∩ D푗 denotes the subtuple with original ordering of the samples (퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 that are in D푗.

These lemmas hold only when the 푅푖 are differentially private ac- cording to the same neighboring relation between datasets. Note also that privacy is robust to post-processing: if a mechanism 푅 is 휀-DP, then 푓(푅(·)) is also 휀-DP for any function 푓. Thus Lemma 7.6 implies in particular that in a distributed setting, each data holder can compute and release an 휀-DP synopsis of its local data (e.g. a noisy sketch), and merging these quantities will lead to a global synopsis which is also 휀-DP with respect to the whole dataset.

7.2.3 Alternative privacy definitions

Many alternative definitions of privacy have been proposed inthe literature [266]. Traditional statistical disclosure control metrics, such as 푘-anonymity [267], define anonymity as a property of the data, e.g. requiring that each user is indistinguishable from 푘 − 1 others. However, anonymizing large-scale high-dimensional data (such as, e.g., mobility datasets) was shown to be hard, due to the high uniqueness of users in such datasets [268]. Researchers have proposed to make privacy a property of the algorithm, enforcing for instance that the mutual information leakage is bounded [269]. Differential privacy is the most popular of such definitions, as it considers a worst-case adversary, and is hence ‘‘future-proof’’: no future release of auxiliary information can break the privacy guarantees. Connections between differential privacy and other information-theoretic definitions have also been investigated [270].

7.3 Standard perturbation mechanisms for dif- ferential privacy

7.3.1 The Laplace mechanism

In this section, we describe the Laplace mechanism [259], a very com- mon and simple mechanism to release privately a function 푓 computed over sensitive values. This mechanism adds Laplace noise to the func- 6 We recall that the density of the cen- tered Laplace probability distribution of tion’s output, whose scale ensures differential privacy. In the following, |푥| parameter 푏 is 푥 ↦ 1 exp(− ). L(푏) denotes the centered Laplace distribution6 of parameter 푏. 2푏 푏 144

Definition 7.7 (Complex Laplace distribution): A random vari- able 푧 follows a centered complex Laplace distribution of param- eter 푏 (denoted 푧 ∼ LC(푏)) iff its real and imaginary parts follow independently a real Laplace distribution of parameter 푏. In that

case, 푧 admits a density 푝푧(푧) ∝ exp(−(|ℜ푧| + |ℑ푧|)/푏) and has 2 2 2 variance 휎푧 = E[|푧| ] = 4푏 .

Definition 7.8 (Laplace mechanism): For any function 푓 ∶ D → R푚 (resp. C푚), we define the Laplace mechanism with param- eter 푏 ∊ R as the random mechanism 퐗 ↦ 푓(퐗) + 흃 where iid C (휉푖)1≤푖≤푚 ∼ L(푏) (resp. L (푏)).

The Laplace mechanism provides differential privacy if the scale 푏 of the noise is chosen carefully. This scale depends on the notion of sensitivity, which measures the maximum variation of a function between two neighboring datasets.

Definition 7.9 (푙1-sensitivity): The 푙1-sensitivity of a function 푓 ∶ D → R푚 for a neighborhood relation ∼ is defined as

Δ1(푓) ≜ sup ‖푓(퐗) − 푓(퐘)‖1. (7.2) 퐗,퐘∈D∶ 퐗∼퐘

This definition extends to complex-valued functions using the canonical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚.

U B Throughout the paper, we will use superscripts Δ1 and Δ1 to denote sensitivities computed respectively w.r.t. the UDP and BDP neighbor- ing relations. Dwork et. al [271] proved that the Laplace mechanism provides 휀-differential privacy for the noise level 푏 = Δ1(푓)/휀. We pro- pose below a straightforward extension of this result for the complex setting. Although only an upper bound on the sensitivity is required in order to prove that a mechanism is differentially private, we will also provide sharp bounds when possible, hence the notion of “optimal privacy level”. Theorem 7.10

Let 푓 ∶ D → R푚 or C푚. The Laplace mechanism applied on 푓 is ∗ differentially private with optimal privacy budget 휀 = Δ1(푓)/푏. Alternatively for 휀 > 0, the lowest noise level yielding 휀-differential ∗ privacy is given by 푏 = Δ1(푓)/휀. This holds for both bounded and unbounded DP, provided that the sensitivities are computed according to the relevant neighborhood relation.

Proof: Let 퐗, 퐘 ∊ D be such that 퐗 ∼ 퐘. Let 푝퐗 and 푝퐘 denote the probability densities of the Laplace mechanism applied on 푓 for datasets 퐗 and 퐘. In the real case, the privacy loss function 145

takes the form

푝퐗(퐳) 1 퐿푓(퐳, 퐗, 퐘) = log( ) = (‖푓(퐘) − 퐳‖1 − ‖푓(퐗) − 퐳‖1) 푝퐘(퐳) 푏 Hence: 푚 −1 sup 퐿푓(퐳, 퐗, 퐘)= 푏 sup ∑ sup |푓(퐘)푗 − 퐳푗| − |푓(퐗)푗 − 퐳푗| 푚 퐳∊R 퐗,퐘∊D 푗=1 푠푗∊R 퐗,퐘∊D s.t. 퐗∼퐘 s.t. 퐗∼퐘 (*) ‖푓(퐗) − 푓(퐘)‖1 Δ1(푓) = sup = . (*) The inequality ≤ follows from the tri- 푏 푏 퐗,퐘∊D angle inequality, and 퐳푗 = 푓(퐘)푗 shows s.t. 퐗∼퐘 the equality. In the complex case, the proof is similar but using the density of a complex Laplace variable (Definition 7.7), and the definition of

푙1-sensitivity in the complex case.

Note that the function 푓 ∶ 퐗 ↦ |퐗| has UDP/BDP sensitivities U B Δ1(푓) = 1 and Δ1(푓) = 0, as all neighboring datasets have the same size for BDP. Releasing 푛 publicly is therefore 휀-BDP for any value of 휀, but this is not the case with UDP. This confirms the intuition that UDP treats the dataset size as sensitive, while BDP does not.

7.3.2 Approximate Differential Privacy and the Gaus- sian Mechanism

Differential privacy is a very strong guarantee, and for many real-world tasks it can lead to severe degradations of the algorithms performance (utility) for small privacy budgets. For this reason, many relaxations of DP have been introduced, the most prominent of which is approximate differential privacy, also commonly called (휀, 훿)-DP [271].

Definition 7.11 (Approximate differential privacy [271]): The randomized mechanism 푅 ∶ X → Z achieves (휀, 훿)-approximate differential privacy (noted (휀, 훿)-DP) for 휀 > 0, 훿 ≥ 0 iff for any measurable set 푆 of Z, and any 퐗, 퐘 ∈ D s.t. 퐗 ∼ 퐘 for some neighboring relation:

P[푅(퐗) ∈ 푆] ≤ exp(휀) ⋅ P[푅(퐘) ∈ 푆] + 훿. (7.3)

The most common mechanism to achieve (휀, 훿)-DP is the Gaussian mechanism, adding Gaussian noise to the output of a function. As for the Laplace mechanism, we here consider potentially complex-valued outputs, and denote 푧 ∼ N C(0, 휎2) a random variable whose real and imaginary component are independently identically distributed as 2 2 2 ℜ푧, ℑ푧 ∼ N (0, 휎 ) (note that the variance of 푧 then reads 휎푧 = 2휎 ).

Definition 7.12 (Gaussian Mechanism): For any function 푓 ∶ D → R푚 (resp. C푚), we define the Gaussian mechanism with parameter 휎 as the random mechanism 퐗 ↦ 푓(퐗) + 흃 where 146

iid 2 C 2 (휉푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∼ N (0, 휎 ) (resp. N (0, 휎 )).

The advantage of this DP relaxation is that the noise standard devia- tion needed for (휀, 훿)-DP scales not with the 푙1 but with the 푙2 sensitivity of 푓, defined just below, which can be significantly smaller formany functions, including our sketching operator.

Definition 7.13 (푙2-sensitivity): The 푙2-sensitivity of a function 푓 ∶ D → R푚 for a neighborhood relation ∼ is defined as

Δ2(푓) ≜ sup퐗,퐘∈D∶ 퐗∼퐘 ‖푓(퐗) − 푓(퐘)‖2. This definition extends to complex-valued functions using the canonical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚.

The “classical” noise calibration for the (real) Gaussian mechanism comes from [264, Appendix A], which shows that, assuming 휀 < 0.5 1, a standard deviation 휎 > (2 ln(1.25/훿)) Δ2(푓)/휀 is sufficient to guarantee (휀, 훿)-DP. This bound is commonly used but suboptimal, especially in the high privacy regime (i.e. small 휀), and restricted to 휀 < 1. The calibration of the required noise parameter 휎 has recently been carefully tightened by Balle et al. [272], which is the mechanism 7 7 we will use in this work . An implementation can be found at https://github. Theorem 7.14 (Analytical Gaussian mechanism [272, Th. 9]) com/BorjaBalle/ analytic-gaussian-mechanism. For each 휀, 훿 > 0, the lowest noise level 휎∗ such that the (real) Gaus- Δ (푓) sian mechanism provides (휀, 훿)-DP is given by 휎∗ = 훼(휀, 훿) √2 , 2휀 where 훼(휀, 훿) is described in [272] and can be computed with a numerical algorithmic procedure.

The result holds for complex-valued feature maps as well using the canonical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚, as applying the complex Gaussian mechanism on a complex-valued Φ(·) is equivalent to applying the real Gaussian mechanism to [ℜΦ(·); ℑΦ(·)], given that

‖[ℜΦ(·); ℑΦ(·)]‖2 = ‖Φ(·)‖2. Note that simple composition theorems also exist for approximate differential privacy similarly to Lemma 7.5. We provide here only a result on sequential composition for succinctness, but results on parallel composition can be found in the literature as well. Lemma 7.15 (Sequential composition [264, Theorem 3.16])

Let (푅푖)1≤푖≤푟 be a collection of (휀푖, 훿푖)-DP mechanisms on the same domain. Then

푅 ∶ 퐗 ↦ (푅1(퐗), … , 푅푟(퐗))

푟 푟 provides (∑푖=1 휀푖, ∑푖=1 훿푖)-DP.

We now explain how the privacy definitions introduced in this section can be satisfied with the sketching framework. 147

7.4 Private methods for the considered learn- ing tasks: related work

We propose in this section to briefly review the most common meth- 8 8 ods that have been introduced in the literature to achieve differential We refer here to methods which ei- privacy. We focus on the three learning tasks which will be addressed ther make multiple applications of the Laplace and/or Gaussian mechanisms, using private sketches in the next chapter, which are Gaussian mixture or rely on different tools. modeling (GMM), PCA and k-means clustering. The two latter have already received a lot of attention in the differential privacy literature, while the former has been less studied. This overview is not exhaustive, and we refer the reader to [273] for an up-to-date survey of existing methods for private machine learning. Addition of noise is the most common way to achieve differential privacy, whether it is on the intermediate steps of an iterative algo- rithm or directly on the output. Private variants of standard iterative methods include DPLloyd for k-means [274], and variants with im- proved convergence guarantees [275]. The popular k-means++ seed- ing method has also been generalized to a private framework [276]. For Gaussian modeling, DP-GMM [277] and DP-EM [278] have been proposed. Note that for iterative algorithms, the privacy budget needs to be split between iterations, de facto limiting the total number of iterates, which becomes a hyper-parameter. The approach presented in the next chapter, which makes use of the Laplace and Gaussian mech- anisms to release noisy sketches, does not suffer from this drawback since the sketch is released at once. Moreover, the same sketch can be 9 9 used to run the learning algorithm multiple times with e.g. different To some extent, as will be discussed in initializations. Chapter 9. Releasing a private synopsis of the data (similarly to our sketch) rather than directly a noisy solution has already been studied as well. EUGkM [279, 280] suggests for instance to use noisy histograms for clustering (but this method is by nature limited to small dimensions), 10 10 and private coresets have been investigated by Feldman et al. [281, See Section 3.3.1 for an introduction to 282]. For PCA, noise can be added directly on the covariance ma- corsets. trix [283]. The exponential mechanism is another standard noise-additive ap- proach for privacy. A random perturbation is drawn according to a distribution calibrated using a user-defined quality measure, and added to the output. It has been used with success for PCA, perturbing either the covariance [284, 285, 286] or directly the eigenvectors of the covariance [287, 288], and with genetic algorithms for k-means [289]. Such algorithms depend strongly on the quality measure of the output, which must be chosen carefully. Our sketch-based approach is in con- trast more generic: the same sketch allows to solve different tasks such as clustering and GMM fitting, and it can easily be extended tonew sketches in the future. Alternatively, our mechanism can be seen as a straightforward instantiation of the exponential mechanism, where the output (the sketch) is carefully designed so that is makes sense to simply use the 푙1 or 푙2 norms as quality measures. Our sketching mechanism makes use of random projections, which 148

have proven to be very useful to solve efficiently large-scale problems, and induce as well a controlled loss of information which can be lever- aged to derive privacy guarantees. Balcan et al. investigated the large- scale high-dimensional clustering setting with an approach based on Johnson-Lindenstrauss dimensionality reduction [290]. Many other embeddings based on random projections have been proposed, see e.g. [291]. Linear compression of the number of samples (rather than reducing the dimension) has been considered [292] but is less scalable. Random algorithms have also been used for PCA and, more generally, for low-rank factorization [293, 294, 295]. Note however that the fea- tures resulting from the random projection undergo in our setting a nonlinear transformation and are averaged; they thus differ a lot from what is done in these works, although they share this common idea. 11 11 Sketches based on LSH kernels have also recently been adapted to cf. Chapter 3. the private setting [296], and applied to various learning tasks such as classification or linear regression. Private empirical risk minimization [297, 298] has emerged as a generic way to design private learning algorithms, but it relies on 12 12 specific assumptions on the loss function which defines the learning e.g. convexity, which does not hold for task, and still relies on multiple passes over the whole dataset. PCA, GMM modeling and k-means. Closer to our work, Balog et al. recently proposed to release kernel mean embeddings [299], either as sets of synthetic data points in the input space or using feature maps, similarly to our method. However, to the best of our knowledge, the impact of privacy on the quality of learning in such methods has not been studied in the literature. Harder et al. also considered using kernel mean embeddings, however in the perspective of generating data [300]. Chapter 8 Differentially private sketching

Contents Note A first version of this work with privacy upper-bounds and 8.1 Privacy with noisy sketches 149 experimental results was originally published [29] and extended 8.1.1 Private Sketching with the Laplace to the quantized setting [28]. Sharp bounds and results on the Mechanism | 8.1.2 Approximate Dif- subsampling mechanism have been submitted to Information and ferential Privacy with the Gaussian Mechanism | 8.1.3 Computation of the Inference and are still under review [27]. bounds for quadratic features 8.2 A faster mechanism with frequency subsampling 158 e introduced in Chapter 7 the definition of differential pri- 8.2.1 Random Fourier Features | 8.2.2 vacy, as well as the standard mechanisms which can be used Compressive principal component anal- to satisfy this property. In this chapter, we explain how to ysis | 8.2.3 An Upper Bound for Ap- W proximate and Bounded Differential leverage such mechanisms to produce differentially private sketches. Privacy We will see that proving differential privacy, i.e. upper-bounding the privacy loss, can easily be done as the considered feature maps are 1 1 bounded on the chosen domains (Section 8.1). However, proving that Cf. Definitions 2.5 and 2.6. these bounds are sharp is slightly more technical and calls for different mathematical tools. Then, we introduce in Section 8.2 an alternative private sketching mechanism which, besides using noise addition to ensure privacy, also subsamples the features of the individual samples. This yields a mechanism which, in the extreme case and when using 2 2 quantized Fourier features , only measures one bit of data from each We refer here to the quantization of the data sample in the dataset. nonlinear function, as explained in Defi- nition 2.5.

Summary of contributions The contributions of this chapter are as follows: We build on compressive learning and define a noisy sketching mechanism. We derive sharp differential privacy guarantees for this mecha- nism for three unsupervised learning tasks: k-means clustering, Gaussian mixture modeling and principal components analysis. We extend our framework to subsampled sketches, giving the same privacy guarantees for a lower computational cost. All the privacy results are summarized at the end of the chapter in tables 8.1 and 8.2.

8.1 Privacy with noisy sketches

Sketching, as proposed in (1.10), is not sufficient per se to ensure the differential privacy of user contributions, despite the fact that the sketch 150

itself (which is just at most 푚 ≪ 푛푑 real or complex numbers) can- 푑 not contain much information about each of the 푛 samples 퐱푖 ∈ R . 푚 In particular, although the vectors (흎푗)푗=1 are randomly drawn, the sketching mechanism induced by a given set of such vectors is deter- ministic. We construct a noisy sketch, based on the Laplacian (resp. Gaussian) mechanism, that guarantees 휀-differential privacy (resp. (휀, 훿)-differential privacy). The clean sketch 퐬̃ from (1.10) can be written 퐬̃ = 횺(퐗)/|퐗|, where 푛 횺(퐗) ≜ ∑푖=1 Φ(퐱푖) denotes the sum of features and |퐗| the number of records. Our mechanism adds noise to the numerator and denominator separately, i.e. releases (횺(퐗) + 흃, |퐗| + 휁) where both 흃 and 휁 are random. Both quantities are thus made private provided that the noise levels are properly chosen, as discussed in the following subsections. This also means that we can further average sketches after computation in a distributed setting. The sketch 퐬̃ can then be estimated from these two quantities, e.g. using 퐳(퐗) ≜ (횺(퐗) + 흃)/(|퐗| + 휁), which is private by composition properties of differential privacy. Note that DP is also robust to post- processing, so one could for instance replace |퐗| + 휁 by max(|퐗| + 휁, 1) to avoid dividing by a null or negative quantity. The noise 흃 added to 횺 can be either Laplacian or Gaussian, and we provide guarantees for both cases respectively in Section 8.1.1 and Section 8.1.2, each time for both random Fourier features and PCA. In the following, we use the notations 횺RFF and 횺RQF when 횺 is computed using respectively Φ = ΦRFF and Φ = ΦRQF.

8.1.1 Private Sketching with the Laplace Mechanism

We introduce formally the noisy sum of features.

Definition 8.1: The noisy sum of features 횺L of a dataset 퐗 = (퐱1, …, 퐱푛) ∊ D푛 with noise parameters 푏 is the random variable

횺L(퐗) = 횺(퐗) + 흃,

푛 where 횺(퐗) ≜ ∑푖=1 Φ(퐱푖) and

⎧ C iid {L (푏) if Φ is complex-valued ∀푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , 휉푗 ∼ ⎨ . (8.1) J K ⎩{L(푏) if Φ is real-valued

The scale of the noise will depend on the feature map used. Remember that we need in practice an estimate of the sketch, and not only of the sum of features. In the BDP setting, we can simply divide the private sum of features by 푛, which is considered to be public; however we cannot proceed like that in the UDP case. We introduce a generic lemma for this purpose. 151

Lemma 8.2

For any privacy parameter 휀 > 0 and any choice of 휀1, 휀2 > 0 U such that 휀1 + 휀2 = 휀, if 횺 has a finite sensitivity Δ1(횺), then any mechanism to estimate 퐬̃ using 횺L(퐗) instantiated with a noise U −1 level 푏 = Δ1(횺)/휀1 and |퐗| + 휁, where 휁 ∼ L(휀2 ), is 휀-UDP.

U Proof: The Laplace mechanism applied on 횺 with 푏 = Δ1(횺)/휀1 is 휀1-UDP according to Theorem 7.10. Releasing |퐗| has sensitivity −1 1, and thus releasing |퐗| + 휁 with 휁 ∼ L(휀2 ) is 휀2-UDP. The result comes from the sequential composition Lemma 7.5.

To prove differential privacy of the sketching mechanism, we thus U only need to compute the sensitivity Δ1(횺) of the sum-of-features function. We will see in Section 8.1.2 that a similar result can be stated for the Gaussian mechanism using the 푙2 sensitivity. We introduce in the following lemma a common expression to deal with the different 3 3 settings . i.e. Laplacian and Gaussian mecha- nisms, real- and complex-valued feature Lemma 8.3 maps

Let 횺 ∶ (퐱1, …, 퐱푛) ↦ ∑1≤푖≤|퐗| Φ(퐱푖) where Φ is any feature map 푚 푚 taking values in R or C . For 푝 = 1, 2, the 푙푝 sensitivity of Φ for datasets on a domain X and for the unbounded neighboring relation ∼U is

U U Δ푝(횺) = sup 푄푝(퐱) 퐱∊X

U where 푄푝(퐱) = ‖Φ(퐱)‖푝 for real-valued features maps, and extends to complex-valued feature maps using the canonical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚.

U Note that in particular, 푄1(퐱) = ‖R(Φ(퐱))‖1 + ‖I(Φ(퐱))‖1 for a complex-valued feature map Φ.

푛 Proof: Remember that D = ⋃푛∊N X . For a real-valued feature map Φ, we have by Definitions 7.9 and 7.13

U Δ푝(횺) = sup ‖횺(퐗) − 횺(퐘)‖푝 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 푛 푛−1

= sup ∥∑ Φ(퐱푖) − ∑ Φ(퐲푖)∥ (8.2) 퐗=(퐱1,…,퐱푛)∊D, 푖=1 푖=1 푝 퐘=(퐲1,…,퐲푛−1)∊D, such that 퐗∼퐘U By Definition 7.3 of the unbounded neighboring relation, 퐗 ∼U 퐘

implies that all the samples (퐲푖)1≤푖≤푛−1 appear in 퐗 as well, which means all but one of the terms cancel between the two sums in the right hand side of (8.2). Hence

U Δ푝(횺) = sup ‖Φ(퐱)‖푝 (8.3) 퐱∊X The result extends to the complex case using the canonical iso- 푚 2푚 morphism between C and R , with ‖[R(Φ(퐱)); I(Φ(퐱))]‖2 = 152

‖Φ(퐱)‖2 and ‖[R(Φ(퐱)); I(Φ(퐱))]‖1 = ‖R(Φ(퐱))‖1 + ‖I(Φ(퐱))‖1.

RFF RQF In the following, we use the notations 푄푝 , 푄푝 when the feature maps ΦRFF,ΦRQF are used. Note however that Lemma 8.3 is generic, and could be applied to any new feature map in the future. We will U RFF U RQF compute both Δ1(횺 ) and Δ1(횺 ) using Lemma 8.3 below. We will compute the sensitivities using the expression of the feature maps given in Definitions 2.5 and 2.6, but any constant factor 푐Φ could be used in these expressions provided that the inverse problem is solved √ 4 4 using the same scaling ; this would yield similar privacy guarantees, One could for instance use 푐Φ = 1/ 푚 but the sensitivity and thus the noise level 푏 would be multiplied by to get normalized features. the same factor.

We discuss how to optimality split the privacy budget between 휀1 and 휀2 in Section 9.2.3.

RFF Random Fourier Features We compute the 푙1-sensitivity of 횺 in Lemma 8.6. We first introduce a lemma on diophantine approximation, that will be needed to prove the sharpness of our bound.

Definition 8.4: The scalars (휔푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∊ R are called nonreso- nant frequencies [301] if they are linearly independent over the 푑 rationals. The vectors (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∊ R are called nonresonant frequency vectors if there exists a vector 퐯 ∊ R푑 such that the 푇 scalars (흎푗 퐯)1≤푗≤푚 are nonresonant frequencies.

Lemma 8.5

푑 Let (휑푗)1≤푗≤푚 be real numbers, (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∊ R nonresonant frequencies, and 푓 a 2휋-periodic function such that there exists 푧 at which 푓 is continuous and reaches its maximum. Then 푇 sup퐱∊R푑 inf푗∊ 1;푚 푓(흎푗 퐱 − 휑푗) = sup푥∊R 푓(푥). J K The proof of this result can be found in Appendix C.1. We can now compute the desired sensitivity. Lemma 8.6 횺RFF 푚 The function √ built using frequencies has sensitivity ΔU(횺RFF) ≤ 푚 2 1 for both quantized and unquantized√ cases. If U RFF the frequencies are non resonant then Δ1(횺 ) = 푚 2.

푇 푇 휋 Proof: 5 ΦRFF(퐱) = (휌(훀 퐱 + 퐮) + 휄휌(훀 퐱 + 퐮 − )) 5. Cf. Definition 2.5. We write 2 in order to deal with both unquantized (휌 = cos, 퐮 = 0) and quan- tized (휌 = 2−1/2 sign ∘ cos, 퐮 ∊ [0, 2휋[푚) mechanisms with the

same formalism. Using the definition of 푄푝 from Lemma 8.3 in 153

the Laplace real case, we have

RFF RFF RFF 푄1 (퐱) ≜ ‖ℜ(Φ (퐱))‖1 + ‖ℑ(Φ (퐱))‖1 푚 푇 푇 휋 = ∑ |휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗)| + |휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗 − )| 푗=1 2

Denoting 푓(·) ≜ 휌(·) + 휌(· − 휋/2) we show that |휌(·)| + |휌(· −

휋/2)| = sup휑∈{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2} 푓(⋅ − 휑). Indeed, both 휌 = cos and 휌 = 2−1/2 sign ∘ cos satisfy the property ∀푡 ∶ 휌(푡) = −휌(푡 − 휋), hence for each 푡 ∈ R:

+휌(푡) + 휌(푡 − 휋/2) = 푓(푡) +휌(푡) − 휌(푡 − 휋/2) = 휌(푡) + 휌(푡 + 휋/2) = 푓(푡 + 휋/2) −휌(푡) − 휌(푡 − 휋/2) = −푓(푡) = 푓(푡 + 휋) −휌(푡) + 휌(푡 − 휋/2) = −푓(푡 + 휋/2) = 푓(푡 + 3휋/2).

푚 푇 푚 As a result, denoting 푓퐩(퐱) ≜ ∑푗=1 푓(흎푗 퐱 − 휑푗) for each 퐩 ∊ R , we obtain 푚 RFF 푇 푄1 (퐱) = ∑ sup 푓(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗 − 휑푗) 푗=1 휑푗∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}

= sup 푓퐩−퐮(퐱). (8.4) 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚

휌 = In the√ complex exponential case, we have cos and 푓 ∶ 푥 ↦ 2 cos(푥 − 휋/4). In the quantized case as 휌 = 2−1/2 ∘ 푓 √ sign √cos, is a piecewise constant function taking√ values 0, 2, 0, − 2 푓(푥) = 2 . Thus in both cases√ we have sup푥∊R . We 푓 (퐱) ≤ 푚 2 퐩, 퐮 obtain sup퐱∈R푑 퐩−퐮 √ for any hence, by Lemma 8.3, U RFF we get that Δ1(횺 ) ≤ 푚 2 as claimed. When the frequencies (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 are nonresonant, 푓 being 2휋 periodic and admitting (in both quantized/unquantized cases) a point 푧 ∊ R at which it reaches its maximum and is continuous, we apply Lemma 8.5 and get according to Lemma 8.3: √ U RFF RFF Δ1(횺 ) = sup 푄1 (퐱) = sup sup 푓퐩−퐮(퐱) = 푚 2, 퐱∊R푑 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚 퐱∊R푑 (8.5)

where the supremum is independent of the choice of 퐩.

This result holds only for X = R푑. If the domain is restricted to e.g. X = B2 = {퐱 ∶ ‖퐱‖2 ≤ 1} the upper bound may not be reached, even with nonresonant frequencies, so an improved privacy may be possible. For this result to be applicable, we still need to prove that the fre- quencies are nonresonant in practice. 154

Lemma 8.7

Frequency vectors drawn i.i.d. according to a distribution which is absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure are almost surely nonresonant.

Proof: The set of resonant frequencies has a zero Lebesgue mea- sure. The reader can refer to [301, Corollary 9.3 p. 166] for a proof relying on strong incommensurability.

Random quadratic features To deal with random quadratic features, 6 6 we restrict ourselves to datasets whose elements are bounded by 1 in This assumption is required to ob- RQF 푙 -norm. The domain is thus X = B ≜ {푥 ∊ R푑 ∶ ‖푥‖ ≤ 1}, and we tain privacy guarantees as Φ is un- 2 2 2 R푑 푛 bounded on , but is a common as- still use the notations D푛 ≜ X and D ≜ ∪푛∊ND푛. sumption in the literature for differen- We recall that the random quadratic features are introduced in Def- tially private PCA. inition 2.6. We will consider in the following two different sampling 7 7 schemes for the matrix 훀. Note that both dense and structured (흎 ) 흎 ∼ N (0, 푑−1퐼 ) matrices can also be used for random Gaussian: the 푖 1≤푖≤푚 are drawn as 푖 푑 . Note that Fourier features (provided that the ra- 2 E −1 ‖흎‖ = 1 dial distribution is wisely chosen). Struc- with this variance, we have 흎∼N (0,푑 퐼푑) 2 for coherence with the next sampling scheme. tured designs however do not yield sharp bounds in this case, contrarily to the RQF Union of orthonormal bases: when 푚/푑 is an integer, we consider setting, which is why we make this dis- tinction here. 훀 = [퐁1, …, 퐁푚/푑] where the (퐁푖)1≤푖≤푚/푑 are 푑 × 푑 blocs whose columns form orthonormal bases of R푑. This setup is useful for

two reasons. It makes it possible to use structured blocs 퐁푖 for which the matrix-vector product can be computed efficiently using fast transforms (cf. Chapter 5), but it also yields sharp privacy guarantees (cf. discussion just below after Lemma 8.8). We first provide a result which holds for a deterministic 훀. Lemma 8.8 The function 횺RQF built using a matrix of frequencies 훀 = U RQF 2 [흎1, …, 흎푚], has sensitivity Δ1(횺 ) = ‖훀‖2 where ‖·‖2 denotes the spectral norm.

Proof: Let 휆max denote the largest eigenvalue function. We have according to Lemma 8.3

U RQF RQF RQF Δ1(횺 ) = sup 푄1 (퐱) = sup ‖Φ (퐱)‖1 퐱∊B2 퐱∊B2 푚 푚 푇 2 푇 푇 = sup ∑(휔푗 퐱) = sup 퐱 (∑ 흎푗흎푗 )퐱 퐱∊B2 푗=1 퐱∶‖퐱‖≤1 푗=1 푇 2 = 휆max(훀훀 ) = ‖훀‖2.

2 The quantity ‖훀‖2 can be computed numerically for a given 훀. When 푚 is a multiple of 푑 and 훀 is a concatenation of 푚/푑 orthonormal bases 푇 as detailed above, we have 훀훀 = 푚/푑퐈푑 and thus 2 ‖훀‖2 = 푚/푑. (8.6) 2 When 훀 has i.i.d. N (0, 1/푑) entries, ‖훀‖2 is of the same order with 155

high probability.

8.1.2 Approximate Differential Privacy with the Gaus- sian Mechanism

In practice, in order to increase the utility of private mechanisms relying on additive perturbations, 휀-DP is often relaxed to approximate (휀, 훿)- DP. In this section we provide an (휀, 훿)-DP sketching mechanism based on the Gaussian mechanism.

Definition 8.9: The Gaussian noisy sum of features 횺G(퐗) of 푛 a dataset 퐗 = (퐱푖)푖=1 with noise parameters 휎 is the random variable

횺G(퐗) = 횺(퐗) + 흃 푛 where 횺(퐗) ≜ ∑푖=1 Φ(퐱푖) and

{⎧N C(0, 휎2) if Φ is complex-valued ∀푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , 휉 ∼iid . 푗 ⎨ 2 J K ⎩{N (0, 휎 ) if Φ is real-valued

The only difference with Definition 8.1 is that the noise added on the sum of features 횺(퐗) is Gaussian. We now introduce an equivalent of the composition lemma 8.2 for the Gaussian case. Lemma 8.10

For any privacy parameter 휀 > 0 and choice of 휀1, 휀2 > 0 such U that 휀1 + 휀2 = 휀, if 횺G has finite 푙2 sensitivity Δ2(횺), then any 8 mechanism to estimate 퐬̃ using 횺G(퐗) with noise level 휎 = 8. Here 훼 refers to Theorem 7.14. U −1 훼(휀1, 훿) ⋅ Δ2(횺)/√2휀1, and |퐗| + 휁 where 휁 ∼ L(휀2 ), is 휀-UDP.

Proof: The Gaussian mechanism applied on 횺 with 휎 = U 훼(휀1, 훿)Δ2(횺)/√2휀1 is (휀1, 훿)-UDP according to Theorem 7.14. −1 As in lemma 8.2, releasing |퐗| + 휁 with 휁 ∼ L(휀2 ) is (휀2, 0)-UDP. The result comes from Lemma 7.15 on sequential composition of approximate differential privacy.

Note that we add Laplacian noise on the dataset size; if Gaussian noise was added we would have to split not only 휀 but also 훿 between the sum of features and the dataset size. As there is no difference U U between Δ1(| · |) and Δ2(| · |), allocating a part of 훿 to the denominator would not bring any substantial gain compared to putting all the budget on the numerator. U RFF U RQF We now compute the sensitivities Δ2(횺 ) and Δ2(횺 ), defined respectively in Section 8.1.2 and Section 8.1.2. Here again, in case the feature maps are multiplied by a constant factor, the 푙2 sensitivity and the noise level 휎 need to be multiplied by the same factor.

Random Fourier features For random Fourier features, computing the 푙2 sensitivity is much more straightforward than the 푙1 sensitivity, 156

as each component of the feature map has a constant modulus. We get the following result. Lemma 8.11 √ RFF U RFF The function 횺 has sensitivity Δ2(횺 ) = 푚 for both quan- tized and unquantized cases.

Proof: Using the fact that |Φ(퐱)푗| = 1 for any 푗 and 퐱, we have by Lemma 8.3

√ 푚 √ U RFF RFF √ 2 Δ2(횺 ) = sup 푄2 (퐱) = sup ∑∣Φ푗(퐱)∣ = 푚. 퐱∊R푑 퐱∈R푑 ⎷푗=1

As expected, the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise is smaller than the standard deviation of the Laplacian noise that one would need to add in order to reach the same privacy level with the Laplace √ mechanism. Indeed, the 푙2 sensitivity only scales with 푚, where the

푙1 sensitivity was scaling linearly with 푚. For bounded differential privacy, we have the following result. Lemma 8.12 The function 횺RFF computed with nonresonant features has sensi- √ B RFF tivity Δ2(횺 ) = 2 푚 for both quantized and unquantized cases.

The proof of this result can be found in Appendix C.2.

Random quadratic features Here again, we consider datasets whose elements are bounded by 1 in 푙2-norm, i.e. X = B2. Lemma 8.13

The function 횺RQF built using a matrix of frequencies 훀 = U RQF [흎1, …, 흎푚], has 푙2 sensitivity Δ2(횺 ) = 푆4(훀), where

푚 1/2 푇 4 푆4(훀) ≜ ( sup ∑(휔푗 퐱) ) . (8.7) 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 푗=1

Proof: We have by Lemma 8.3

U RQF RQF RQF Δ2(횺 ) = sup 푄2 (퐱) = sup ‖Φ (퐱)‖2 퐱∊B2 퐱∊B2 푚 1/2 푇 4 = ( sup ∑(휔푗 퐱) ) = 푆4(훀). 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 푗=1

We now discuss how the quantity 푆4(훀) can be estimated numeri- cally, as this is not straightforward.

8.1.3 Computation of the bounds for quadratic features

According to the bounds from lemmas 8.8 and 8.13, running our algo- rithm for differentially private compressive PCA requires to compute 157

푇 4 somehow the quantity 휆max(훀훀 ) (Laplacian case) or 푆 (훀) (Gaus- sian case), where 휆max denotes the largest eigenvalue function. When 9 9 훀 is a union of orthonormal bases, one can directly use the closed Note that the zero-padding operation form given in (8.6) for the Laplacian setting. performed when 푑 is not a power of 2 (cf. 푇 Chapter 5) does not alter the bound. In the general case, computing 휆max(훀훀 ) can be done numeri- 10 10 cally without building the 푑 × 푑 matrix, which is likely to be too Using e.g. the power method on the expensive in terms of memory requirements if one relies on a sketching matrix 훀. method in the first place.

Computing 푆4(훀), however, is much more tricky. We recall that

푚 1/2 푇 4 푆4(훀) ≜ ( sup ∑(휔푗 퐱) ) , (8.8) 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 푗=1 which amount to maximizing a convex function on the unit ball. Note 11 11 that this supremum is reached , and can be reached on the unit sphere The function is continuous, takes finite 푆푑−1 by homogeneity. Computing (8.8) can be seen either as the esti- values on the unit ball, and the unit ball is closed. mation of an operator norm, or as a tensor approximation problem.

Rewriting 푆4 as an operator norm is straightforward, as indeed we have 푚 2 푇 4 푇 4 푇 4 푆4(훀) = sup ∑(휔푗 퐱) = sup ‖훀 퐱‖4 = ‖훀 ‖2→4, 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 푗=1 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 using the notation ‖퐀‖푝→푞 ≜ sup퐱∊R푑 ‖퐀퐱‖푞/‖퐱‖푝 for the 푙푝 → 푙푞 oper- ator norm. Concentration results can be used to get a probabilistic upper-bound on 푆4 (see for instance [302, Proposition 3.2] for a bound, which how- ever only applies to square matrices). However, using a probabilistic bound would weaken our privacy guarantees, as the overall mechanism 12 12 would only satisfy probabilistic differential privacy . “Probabilistic” differential privacy Approximation of ‖·‖ norms when 푝 < 푞, also known as hyper- refers to the case where 휀-DP holds with 푝→푞 probability 1 − 훿 for some 휀, 훿. It is contractive norms, is known to be NP-hard in the general case [304], known to be weaker than approximate and in particular when 푝 = 2, 푞 = 4 [305]. Steinberg derived [306] (휀, 훿)-DP [303]. upper-bounds for the ‖·‖푝→푞 operator norm when 1 ≤ 푞 ≤ 2 ≤ 푝 ≤ ∞, and then proposed to interpolate these results for any value of 푝, 푞 (including our case of interest 푝 = 2, 푞 = 4). However, in our setting 13 In our finite-dimensional context, the this bound translates to the relation theorem states that for any 푟, 푝, 푞, 휃 sat- isfying 1/푟 = 휃/푝 + (1 − 휃)/푞, we have 푇 4 푇 2 푇 2 푇 2 2 휃 1−휃 ‖훀 ‖2→4 ≤ ‖훀 ‖2→2‖훀 ‖2→∞ = ‖훀 ‖2→2 sup ‖흎푗‖2, (8.9) ‖퐴‖푟 ≤ ‖퐴‖푝‖퐴‖푞 . This is a generaliza- 1≤푗≤푚 tion of the Hölder theorem. which is (more directly) a consequence of the Riesz-Thorin theorem13. Barak et al. also proposed [305] a relaxation of the problem which 14 However, their optimization problem provides an upper bound on the ‖·‖ operator norm14, and enjoys is formulated in a slightly too abstruse 2→4 manner, which makes it difficult to im- good properties for random matrices in some specific settings. plement the method in practice. The computation of (8.8) can also be considered as a low-rank tensor approximation problem. We denote ⊗ the outer product, and 퐱⊗4 ≜ 퐱 ⊗ 퐱 ⊗ 퐱 ⊗ 퐱 퐱 ∊ R푑 for any (which is a tensor of order 4). Defining 15 푚 ⊗4 Here for tensors of order 4, i.e. C = ∑푗=1 흎푗 , we can rewrite ⟨S, T ⟩퐹 ≜ ∑ S푖푗푘푙T푖푗푘푙 푆 (훀)2 = ⟨퐱⊗4, C⟩ 1≤푖≤푑1 4 sup 퐹 (8.10) 1≤푗≤푑2 푑−1 퐱∊푆 1≤푘≤푑3 1≤푙≤푑 15 4 where ⟨·, ·⟩퐹 denotes the Frobenius inner-product . Naturally, for any for any S, T ∊ R푑1×푑2×푑3×푑4. 158

푑−1 ⊗4 퐱 ∊ 푆 we have ‖퐱 ‖퐹 = 1 and thus

⊗4 2 2 ⊗4 ‖퐱 − C‖퐹 = 1 + ‖C‖퐹 − 2⟨퐱 , C⟩퐹, (8.11) hence finding an upper-bound on (8.10) is equivalent to finding a lower-bound on ⊗4 inf ‖퐱 − C‖퐹. (8.12) 퐱∶‖퐱‖2≤1 Our problem can therefore be seen as a constrained rank-one symmetric tensor approximation problem. Also, for any 퐱 ∊ 푆푑−1, we have

⊗4 2 (i) ⊗4 ⊗4 2 inf ‖휆퐱 − C‖ = ‖⟨퐱 , C⟩ 퐱 − C‖ (i) By a simple derivation. 휆∊R 퐹 퐹 퐹 2 ⊗4 2 ⊗4 2 ⊗4 2 = ‖C‖퐹 − 2⟨퐱 , C⟩퐹 + ⟨퐱 , C⟩퐹‖퐱 ‖퐹 (ii) 2 2 ⊗4 ‖퐱⊗4‖ = ‖퐱‖4 = 1 = ‖C‖퐹 − ⟨퐱 , C⟩퐹. (ii) Using 퐹 2 .

As a consequence

2 2 ⊗4 2 푆4(훀) = ‖C‖퐹 − inf ‖휆퐱 − C‖퐹. 휆∊R,퐱∊푆푑−1

Moreover, because C itself is a symmetric tensor, we have

⊗4 2 (iii) 2 inf inf ‖휆퐳 − C‖퐹 = inf ‖휆퐰 ⊗ 퐱 ⊗ 퐲 ⊗ 퐳 − C‖퐹. (iii) See [307, Theorem 2.1] or [308]. 퐳∊푆푑−1 휆∊R 휆∊R,퐰,퐱,퐲,퐳∊푆푑−1 (8.13)

Hence any lower bound 퐵 on the (unconstrained) rank-1 approxima- 2 1/2 tion problem (8.13) translates to the upper bound (‖C‖퐹 − 퐵) for 푆4(훀) itself. Various algorithms exist to address (8.12) and (8.13) (most often producing local optimas), such as the high order value decomposition (HOSVD) and truncated variants [309, 310], higher-order power meth- ods (HOPM) [311], alternating least squares (ALS) techniques [312], and quasi-Newton methods [313]. Some of these methods have vari- ants for the symmetric setting, i.e. when the tensor to approximate is itself symmetric [314, 315, 316], which is the case here. 16 16 The HOSVD comes with approximation guarantees [310], and can i.e. we can derive a rank-1 approxima- ̃ thus be used to derive an upper bound on 푆 (훀). It however requires tion C of C satisfying for the order-4 set- 4 ̃ ting: ‖C − C‖퐹 ≤ 2 inf퐲∊R푑 ‖퐲 ⊗ 퐲 ⊗ 퐲 ⊗ to compute the SVD of unfolded representations of the tensor, which 퐲 − C‖ We refer the reader to [317, Theo- can be expensive (in space) depending on the considered application. rem 10.2] (in the general case, the factor The methods for which no guarantees are known can still help to 2 is replaced by the square root of the tensors’ order). derive lower-bounds on the sensitivity, and can be useful when used for instance in combination with the upper bounds provided by (8.9).

8.2 A faster mechanism with frequency sub- sampling

We now introduce a sketching mechanism that subsamples the features, and then build on top of it a noisy sketch that guarantees 휀-differential privacy. We will derive sharp guarantees in terms of pure differential privacy only, and give a generic upper bound that applies to approxi- mate differential privacy. 159

large 푛

푑 ⋯ ⋯ + 푚 subsampled Φ mean divide by (|퐗| + 휁)

(here 푟 = 1) sub. 퐗 횺퐻(퐗) 흃 퐳 (퐗)

Figure 8.1: Overview of the sketching mechanism with subsampling. This subsampling mechanism, which consists in computing only some of the 푚 entries of Φ(퐱푖) for each data sample 퐱푖 as shown in Fig- ure 8.1, is introduced in order to reduce the computational complexity of the sketching operation. This complexity is dominated by the com- 푇 푇 putation of all the (흎푗 퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛,1≤푗≤푚, i.e. by the matrix product 훀 퐗, which costs Θ(푚푑푛) when using a dense matrix 훀. As shown below in Lemma 8.17, subsampling does not bring any advantage in enforcing differential privacy, i.e. the noise level required to get privacy is atleast the same as without subsampling.We will prove however that in some settings, the guarantees obtained with and without subsampling are 17 17 exactly the same. Moreover, it will be shown in the next chapter that See Section 9.2.2 subsampling can be performed for large collections without damaging the utility of the sketch, which motivates our approach. Subsampling does also reduce the amount of information that is released about each sample, although this has no impact on differential privacy guarantees. Indeed, in the extreme case we will measure only 18 18 one floating point number per data sample. When using quantized Or one complex number. sketch, this is further reduced to one bit (or two) of information per sample. For instance, if we only have the quantized random Fourier measurement of a sample 퐱 associated to the frequency 흎푗, we can can only infer that 퐱 belongs to a union of “slices” of the ambient space delimited by affine hyperplanes orthogonal to 흎푗. However in practice 19 19 these features are further averaged over the samples , the subsampling Such individual sketches are computed is performed randomly − so that we don’t know which entry of the by the data holder but not released pub- licly sketch a given sample contributed to −, and in the differential privacy scenario noise can still be added to the obtained sketch. Hence, although we solely focus on differential privacy in this the- sis, we expect that this variant of the framework would be beneficial when working with alternative privacy definitions that rely on average information-theoretic quantities, such as mutual information [318].

Subsampling schemes We define Q ≜ {0, 1}푚 the set of binary 푛 masks 퐪 and Q the set of all possible tuples (퐪1, … , 퐪푛) of 푛 such masks. Pointwise multiplication is denoted ⊙. In the following, we consider an integer 푟 ≥ 1 and denote P푟 the set of probability dis- 푝 Q ∀푗 ∊ ⟦1, 푚⟧ E 퐪 = 푟/푚 tributions 퐪 on satisfying 퐪∼푝퐪 푗 . Particular examples of probability distributions belonging to P푟 include Uniform: the uniform distribution over the set 푚

Q푟 ≜ {퐪 ∊ Q| ∑ ℎ푖 = 푟}; 푖=1 160

Bernoulli: the distribution (Bern (푟/푚))푚, corresponding to the masks whose 푚 entries are drawn i.i.d. according to a Bernoulli distribution with parameter 푟/푚; Block-uniform: when 푚/푑 is an integer and 푟 a multiple of 푑, the struct. struct. distribution U(Q푟 ) where Q푟 is the subset of Q푟 containing struct. only the vectors which are structured by blocs of size 푑, i.e. Q푟 ≜

{퐪 = [ℎ1, …, ℎ푚] ∊ Q푟|∀푖 ∊ ⟦1, 푚/푑⟧, ℎ(푖−1)푑+1 = ℎ(푖−1)푑+2 = … = ℎ푖푑}. This scheme will be useful when 훀 is a structured transform, as explain in the next paragraph.

A note on the sketching complexity When computing 푟 features per input sample rather than computing the whole matrix product 훀푇푋, 20 20 the sketching complexity goes down from Θ(푚푑푛) to Θ(푟푑푛). In the This is of course only a theoretical com- high-dimensional setting, we have seen in Chapter 5 that structured plexity. One might expect this subsam- pling strategy to be slightly slower than matrices 훀 made of ⌈푚/푑⌉ square 푑 × 푑 blocks could be used to speed- subsampling the samples for a same the- up computations21. In that case, the matrix-vector multiplication for oretical complexity due to the various caching mechanisms at play and I/O op- each square block is performed at once using the corresponding fast erations performed. transform with complexity Θ(푑 log(푑)). We can thus rely on block- 21 We recall that such constructions re- uniform subsampling mechanism introduced above using 푟 = 푑, so quire a dimension which is a power of 2, 퐱 푑 otherwise padding must be used. We that for each data sample 푖 we compute the measurements associated omit these details here. to a randomly chosen block. The sketching cost is then Θ(푑 log(푑)푛), while computing the same number 푟 = 푑 of measurements with a dense matrix 훀 would have scaled in Θ(푑2푛).

Sketching with subsampling We first define how features are sub- sampled using a fixed tuple of masks, and then define the sketching mechanism using random masks.

Definition 8.14: The sum of subsampled features of a dataset

퐗 = (퐱1, …, 퐱푛), using a fixed set of binary masks 퐐 = 푛 22 (퐪1, …, 퐪푛) ∊ Q drawn according to some distribution in P푟 is 22. The mechanism is deterministic and can naturally be defined for any set defined as 푛 푚 of masks, but we will always make this 횺퐐(퐗) ≜ ∑ Φ(퐱푖) ⊙ 퐪푖. assumption. 푟 푖=1

The constant 푚/푟 in Definition 8.14 is used to ensure that we always E 1 횺 (퐗) = 퐬̃ 퐐 푝푛 have 퐐 |퐗| 퐐 when is drawn according to 퐪 for some 푝퐪 ∊ P푟. We now introduce the whole mechanism, where the masks themselves are drawn randomly.

Definition 8.15: The Laplacian subsampled sum of features

횺L(퐗) of a dataset 퐗 ∊ D푛 using a mask distribution 푝퐪 ∊ P푟 and a noise parameter 푏 is the random vector

횺L(퐗) = 횺퐐(퐗) + 흃, (8.14) where ⎧ C iid {L (푏) if Φ is complex-valued ∀푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , 휉푗 ∼ ⎨ J K ⎩{L(푏) if Φ is real-valued iid 퐐 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛) with 퐪푖 ∼ 푝퐪. 161

For a deterministic set of masks 퐐, we denote 횺L,퐐(퐗) = 횺퐐(퐗) + 흃 the sum that is randomized only on 흃. Compared to the determinis- tic sum of features 횺, the subsampled sum of features 횺L thus picks randomly some values from each feature vector Φ(퐱푖) according to a random mask 퐪푖 and then adds Laplacian noise 흃 on the sum of these 23 23 contributions. Note that in this mechanism, both 흃 and 퐐 are random By opposition to 횺L,퐐. quantities. U In order to formulate our results, we define a quantity 푄1 which is similar to the quantity from Lemma 8.3 but takes into account a mask U 퐪 ∈ Q. Although we only consider 푄1 for the moment, we also intro- B U B duce the quantities 푄1, 푄2, 푄2 which will be used in Section 8.2.3 for generalizing some results to the BDP and/or approximate DP settings. For a real-valued feature map and 푝 ∊ {1, 2}, we define

푚 푄U(퐱, 퐪) ≜ ‖Φ(퐱) ⊙ 퐪‖ (8.15) 푝 푟 푝 푚 푄B (퐱, 퐲, 퐪) ≜ ‖(Φ(퐱) − Φ(퐲)) ⊙ 퐪‖ . (8.16) 푝 푟 푝

The definition extends to complex-valued feature maps using the canon- ical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚, but using the same mask 퐪 for both real and imaginary parts. Similarly to Section 8.1 where the privacy was directly driven by U U the quantity Δ1(횺), itself equal to sup퐱∊X 푄1(퐱), the following lemma gives a generalization taking the masks into account. Lemma 8.16

The subsampled sum 횺L(퐗) from Definition 8.15 with noise level 푏 is UDP with optimal privacy parameter 휀∗, defined as

∗ 1 U exp(휀 ) = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)). 퐱∊X 푏

See Proof C.6 in appendix. Note that although we assumed for simplicity in Definition 8.15 the mask 퐐 to be defined as 퐐 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛) with i.i.d. (퐪푖)1≤푖≤푛, we actually only need the distribution of 퐐 to be exchangeable, i.e. to be invariant by permutation of the samples. Lemma 8.16 allows us to show that subsampling cannot improve differential privacy guarantees. Lemma 8.17

If the subsampled sum 횺L(퐗) is 휀-UDP,then the noisy sum 횺L(퐗) computed with the same feature map and the same noise parameter (but without subsampling) is 휀-UDP as well.

Before proving Lemma 8.17, let us just mention that for specific feature maps discussed later, the subsampled sum 횺L(퐗) is in fact just as differentially private as the sum 횺L(퐗) computed without subsam- pling, while offering flexible tradeoffs between computational com- plexity and utility. 162

U U Proof: Recall the definitions of 푄1(퐱) and 푄1(퐱, 퐪) given respec- tively in Lemma 8.3 and Equation (8.15). Using Jensen’s inequal- ity and the fact that the masks are drawn according to some

푝퐪 ∊ P푟, we have for any 퐱 the lower bound

1 1 1 E exp( 푄U(퐱, 퐪)) ≥ exp( E 푄U(퐱, 퐪)) = exp( 푄U(퐱)) 퐪 푏 1 푏 퐪 1 푏 1

According to Lemma 8.16, taking the supremum on 퐱, we get

푝횺 (퐗)(퐳) L 1 U sup sup = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)) 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝 (퐳) 퐱∊X 푏 횺L(퐘)

1 U ≥ sup exp( 푄1(퐱)) 퐱∊X 푏

1 U 1 U = exp( sup 푄1(퐱)) = exp( Δ1(횺)) 푏 퐱∊X 푏

where the last equality comes from Lemma 8.3. If 횺L(퐗) is 휀-DP, we thus have

푝횺 (퐗)(퐳) 1 U L exp( Δ1(횺)) ≤ sup sup ≤ exp(휀) 푏 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝 (퐳) 횺L(퐘)

U which means 푏 ≥ Δ1(횺)/휀, hence by Theorem 7.10, 횺L(퐗) is 휀-DP.

RFF RQF In the following, we denote 횺퐐 and 횺퐐 the sums of subsampled features when using respectively Φ = ΦRFF or Φ = ΦRQF as a feature map. We now provide specific results for these two feature maps.

8.2.1 Random Fourier Features

The following lemma generalizes the notion of sensitivity to the subsam- pled case. We include the BDP case which will be used in Section 8.2.3. Lemma 8.18 Consider ΦRFF built using nonresonant frequencies, and 푟 ∊ ⟦1, 푚⟧.

For each 퐪 ∊ Q푟 we have √ U U ′ sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪) = sup inf 푄1(퐱, 퐪 ) = 2푚. 퐱∊R푑 퐱∊R푑 퐪′∊Q 푟 √ B B ′ sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = sup inf 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪 ) = 2 2푚. 푑 푑 ′ 퐱,퐲∊R 퐱,퐲∊R 퐪 ∊Q푟 √ √ U B Moreover 푄1(퐱, 퐪) ≤ 2푚 and 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) ≤ 2 2푚 always hold, even for resonant frequencies.

The proof is quite similar to the proof of Lemma 8.6, and can be found in Appendix C.3. We can now state the main result for random Fourier features. 163

Lemma 8.19

Consider 푟 ∊ ⟦1, 푚⟧ and a probability distribution 푝퐪 ∊ P푟 such 퐪 ∈ Q 휀 > 0 횺RFF(퐗) that 푟 almost surely. Then√ for any , L from Definition 8.15 with noise level 푏 = 2푚/휀 and mask distribution RFF 푝퐪 is 휀-UDP. The bound is sharp if Φ is built using nonresonant frequencies.

Proof: By Lemma 8.16 and Lemma 8.18 we have

푝횺RFF(퐗)(퐳) L 1 U sup sup = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)) 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝 RFF (퐳) 퐱∊X 푏 횺L (퐘)

1 U = E퐪 exp( sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪)) 푏 퐱∊X 1 √ = exp( 푚 2) = exp(휀). 푏

The second and third equalities are consequences of Lemma 8.18,

and hold because 퐪 belongs to Q푟 almost surely.

8.2.2 Compressive principal component analysis

We recall that for PCA X = B2. We give a generic upper bound in Lemma 8.21, and below in Lemma 8.23 a sharp bound when 훀 is a union of orthonormal bases. We first provide a simple lemma used in both results. For any mask 퐪 ∊ Q푟 with 푟 non-zero entries at indexes 푑×푚 푖1, …, 푖푟, and any matrix of frequencies 훀 = [흎1, …, 흎푚] ∊ R , we 훀 = [흎 , …, 흎 ] 훀 denote 퐪 푖1 푖푟 the matrix obtained from by keeping only the columns corresponding to nonzero indexes of 퐪. Lemma 8.20

U B RQF Consider the functions 푄1, 푄1 associated to the feature map Φ . For each 퐪 ∈ Q

U B 푚 2 sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪) = sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = ‖훀퐪‖2. 퐱∊X 퐱,퐲∊X 푟

Proof: 푚 sup 푄B (퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = sup ∑ |(흎푇푥)2 − (흎푇푦)2| 1 푟 푗 푗 퐱,퐲∊X 퐱,퐲∊X 푗∊supp(퐪) 푚 = sup ∑ (흎푇푥)2 = sup 푄U(퐱, 퐪) 푟 푗 1 퐱∊X 푗∊supp(퐪) 퐱∊X 푚 = sup 퐱푇( ∑ 흎 흎푇)퐱 푟 푗 푗 퐱∊X 푗∊supp(퐪) 푚 푚 = 휆 ( ∑ 흎 흎푇) = ‖훀 ‖2. 푟 max 푗 푗 푟 퐪 2 푗∊supp(퐪)

For any 푝퐪 ∊ P푟, we denote supp(푝퐪) the support of 푝퐪, that is the set of possible outcomes of 퐪 ∼ 푝퐪. 164

Lemma 8.21

RQF Let 푝퐪 ∊ P푟. For any 휀 > 0, releasing 횺L (퐗) from Definition 8.15 with noise parameter 푏 = 푚 sup ‖훀 ‖2 and mask distri- 푟휀 퐪∊supp(푝퐪) 퐪 2 bution 푝퐪 is 휀-UDP.

Proof: By Lemma 8.16, with X = B2

푝횺RQF(퐗)(퐬) L 1 U sup sup = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)) 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐬∊Z 푝 RQF (퐬) 퐱∊X 푏 횺L (퐘) 1 ≤ sup sup exp( 푄U(퐱, 퐪)) 푏 1 퐱∊X 퐪∊supp(푝퐪) 1 푚 = exp( sup ‖훀 ‖2), 푏 푟 퐪 2 퐪∊supp(푝퐪)

by Lemma 8.20, which concludes the proof.

E ( 1 푚 ‖훀 ‖2) Note that the finer bound 퐪 exp 푏 푟 퐪 2 holds, but does not yield explicit guarantees. Lemma 8.22 Consider 푚 a multiple of 푑 and 훀 a concatenation of 푚/푑 orthonor- mal bases as described in Section 8.1.1. Let 푟 be a multiple of 푑, and struct. 퐪 ∊ Q푟 . Then for any 퐱 such that ‖퐱‖2 = 1, we have

U U B 푚 푄1(퐱, 퐪) = sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪) = sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = . 퐱∊X 퐱,퐲∊X 푑

Proof: Let us rewrite 훀 = [퐁1, …, 퐁푚/푑] where the (퐁푖)1≤푖≤푚/푑 are 푑 × 푑 blocs corresponding to orthonormal bases. We have 푇 푚/푑 푇 struct. 훀훀 = ∑푖=1 퐁푖퐁푖 = 푚/푑 퐈푑. As 퐪 ∊ Q푟 , we have for the 푇 same reason 훀퐪훀퐪 = (푟/푑) 퐈푑. As a result, for any 퐱 ∈ X we have 푄U(퐱, 퐪) = 푚 (푟/푑)‖퐱‖2 = (푚/푑)‖퐱‖2 1 푟 2 2 and the result follows from X = B2. Furthermore

B RFF RFF sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = sup ‖Φ (퐱) − Φ (퐲)‖1 (8.17) 퐱,퐲∊X 퐱,퐲∊X (i) RFF U RFF = sup ‖Φ (퐱)‖1 = 푄1(퐱, 퐪). (8.18) (i) Given that Φ takes only positive 퐱∊X values and vanishes in 0.

Lemma 8.23

Consider 푚 a multiple of 푑 and 훀 a concatenation of 푚/푑 orthonor- mal bases as described in Section 8.1.1. Let 푟 be a multiple of 푑, and struct. 푝퐪 = U(Q푟 ) be the block-uniform distribution. For any 휀 > 0, RQF releasing 횺L (퐗) with mask distribution 푝퐪 and noise parameter 푏 = 푚/(푑휀) is 휀-UDP, and the bound is sharp. 165

Proof: By Lemma 8.16 and Lemma 8.22, it follows that

푝횺RQF(퐗)(퐳) L 1 U sup sup = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)) 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝 RQF (퐳) 퐱∊X 푏 횺L (퐘) 1 = ( 푚 ‖퐱‖2) sup exp 푑 2 퐱∊X 푏 푚 = exp( ) = exp(휀), 푑푏 where the second equality comes from Lemma 8.22 as any 퐱 for 2 struct. which ‖퐱‖ = 2 reaches the supremum for all 퐪 ∊ Q푟 simulta- neously.

Note that the noise level required to get differential privacy when 훀 is a union of orthonormal bases is independent of 푟 and is the same as when 푟 = 푚, i.e. without subsampling.

8.2.3 An Upper Bound for Approximate and Bounded Differential Privacy

Similarly to Definition 8.15, we define the Gaussian subsampled sum of features.

Definition 8.24: The Gaussian subsampled sum of features

횺G(퐗) of a dataset 퐗 ∊ D푛 using a mask distribution 푝퐪 ∊ P푟 and a noise parameter 휎 is the random variable

횺G(퐗) = 횺퐐(퐗) + 흃, (8.19)

where {⎧N C(0, 휎2) if Φ is complex-valued ∀푗 ∊ 1, 푚 , 휉 ∼iid 푗 ⎨ 2 J K ⎩{N (0, 휎 ) if Φ is real-valued iid 퐐 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛) with 퐪푖 ∼ 푝퐪.

Although we do not have an equivalent of Lemma 8.16 for approx- imate DP, we provide in Lemma 8.25 a generic upper bound, which holds for both pure and approximate DP, bounded and unbounded DP. In order to do so, we introduce the following definitions for 푝 ∊ {1, 2} and 퐪 ∈ Q

U U 푄푝(퐪) ≜ sup 푄푝(퐱, 퐪) 퐱∊X B U 푄푝(퐪) ≜ sup 푄푝(퐱, 퐲, 퐪). 퐱,퐲∊X

Lemma 8.25

Let 푝퐪 ∊ P푟 be a mask distribution.

For any 휀 > 0, the mechanism 횺L from Defini-

tion 8.15 with mask distribution 푝퐪 and noise level 푏 ≥ 푄 (퐪)/휀 휀 max퐪∊supp(푝퐪) 1 is -DP.

For any 휀, 훿 > 0, the mechanism 횺G from Defini- 166

tion 8.24 with mask distribution 푝퐪 and noise level 휎 ≥ 훼(휀, 훿) 푄 (퐪)/(2휀)1/2 훼(휀, 훿) max퐪∊supp(푝퐪) 2 (where refers to Theorem 7.14) is (휀, 훿)-DP.

These hold for both BDP and UDP, with 푄푝(퐪) defined accordingly B U as 푄푝(퐪) or 푄푝(퐪).

Proof: Let 휀 > 0, 푅 ∊ {횺L, 횺G} be one of the two random mecha-

nisms, and 푅퐐 for any 퐐 be the associated mechanism that uses the fixed masks 퐐 but is randomized on 흃. Let ∼ ∊ {∼,U ∼}B denote the considered neighborhood relation, and 훿 be such that 훿 = 0 for pure DP, 훿 > 0 for approximate DP. We need to show that

∀퐗 ∼ 퐘 ∊ D, 퐳 ∊ Z ∶ 푝푅(퐗)(퐳) ≤ exp(휀)푝푅(퐘)(퐳) + 훿

푛 Fix 푛 > 0 and an arbitrary set of masks 퐐 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛) ∊ Q , and ′ ′ consider the mechanism 횺퐐 on D ≜ D푛 (BDP case) or D ≜ D푛 ∪ 24 D푛−1 (UDP case ) given in Definition 8.14. For a neighboring 24. Note that the expression of 횺퐐(퐗) does not involve the last mask 퐪푛 when relation ≈, let Δ푝,≈ denote the 푙푝 sensitivity computed according U B |퐗| = 푛 − 1 in this case. to ≈. For any ordered neighboring relation ≈ ∊ {≈, ≈}, according to Theorem 7.10 for pure DP and Theorem 7.14 for ADP applied ′ on D and w.r.t. ≈, if the noise level of 흃 in 푅퐐 is chosen as ∗ ∗ 1/2 푏 ≥ 푏퐐 ≜ Δ1,≈(횺퐐)/휀 or 휎 ≥ 휎퐐 ≜ 훼(휀, 훿)Δ2,≈(횺퐐)/(2휀) , then we have for any 퐗, 퐘 ∈ D′ such that 퐗 ≈ 퐘

∀퐳 ∊ Z ∶ 푝 (퐳) ≤ (휀)푝 (퐳) + 훿, 푅퐐(퐗) exp 푅퐐(퐘) (8.20)

Note that the sensitivities depend on the neighboring relation used (UDP/BDP), but are always computed for an ordered re-

lation, thus for 푝 ∊ {1, 2}, we have Δ푝,≈(횺퐐) = 푄푝(퐪푛) if 퐐 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛). The result follows by taking the expectation of these inequalities, which hold simultaneously for all 퐐 pro- vided that

∗ 푏 ≥ max 푏퐐 = max 푄1(퐪)/휀 (8.21) 퐐∊supp(푝퐐) 퐪∈supp(푝퐪)

(resp. that

∗ 1/2 휎 ≥ max 휎퐐 = 훼(휀, 훿) max 푄2(퐪)/(2휀) (8.22) 퐐∊supp(푝퐐) 퐪∈supp(푝퐪)


The masks are drawn i.i.d. according to 푝퐪, and for any pair

(퐗, 퐐) we have 횺퐐(휎(퐗)) = 횺휎−1(퐐)(퐗), thus for any dataset 퐗

and permutation 휎 ∊ S|퐗| we have

푝 (퐳) = E [푝 (퐳)] 푅(퐗) 퐐 푅퐐(퐗) = E [푝 (퐳)] = E [푝 (퐳)] 퐐 푅휎−1(퐐)(퐗) 퐐 푅퐐(휎(퐗))

If 퐗 and 퐘 are two datasets such that 퐗 ∼ 퐘 (we assume for

now |퐗| ≥ |퐘|), then there are two permutations 휎1 ∊ S|퐗|, 휎2 ∊ 167

S|퐘| such that 휎1(퐗) ≈ 휎2(퐘) for the related ordered relation (it follows from the definition for BDP, and one can take one permutation to be the identity for UDP). Thus using the appropriate noise level according to Equa- tion (8.20) we have

∀퐗 ∼ 퐘, 퐳 ∊ Z ∶ E [푝 (퐳)] 퐐 푅퐐(휎1(퐗)) ≤ (휀)E [푝 (퐳)] + 훿 exp 퐐 푅퐐(휎2(퐘)) ∀퐗 ∼ 퐘, 퐳 ∊ Z ∶ 푝 (퐳) ≤ (휀)푝 (퐳) + 훿 i.e. 푅(휎1(퐗)) exp 푅(휎2(퐘))

i.e. ∀퐗 ∼ 퐘, 퐳 ∊ Z ∶ 푝푅(퐗)(퐳) ≤ exp(휀)푝푅(퐘)(퐳) + 훿,

which is the desired result. U Note that ≈ is not a symmetric relation, but in the UDP case with U |퐘| = |퐗| + 1, we can still find 휎1, 휎2 such that 휎1(퐘) ≈ 휎2(퐗). We hence obtain the desired result by deriving an equivalent of U U U Equation (8.20) for the relation ≈푠, defined as 퐗 ≈푠 퐘 ⇔ 퐘 ≈ 퐗. ′ 퐐 Δ U (횺 ) = Δ U (횺 ) D As for any , we have 푝,≈ 퐐 푝,≈푠 퐐 on , we get the same result.

Whether or nor the bounds from Lemma 8.25 are sharp for certain scenarios is a question left open for future work. From Lemma 8.25, one can get guarantees for (휀, 훿)-DP with the two simple following results. Lemma 8.26 푚 퐪 ∊ Q 푄U(퐱, 퐪) = √ Let 푟. Then for RFF we have sup퐱 2 푟 .

Proof: 푚√ 푚 푄U(퐱, 퐪) = 푚 ‖ΦRFF(퐱)‖ = 푟 = . sup 2 sup 푟 2 √ 퐱 퐱∊X 푟 푟

Lemma 8.27

B Let 퐪 ∊ Q푟. Then for RQF we have sup퐱,퐲∊X 푄2(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = 푄U(퐱, 퐪) = 푚 푆 (훀 ) sup퐱∊X 2 푟 4 퐪 .


U 푚 RQF sup 푄2(퐱, 퐪) = sup ‖Φ (퐱)‖2 퐱 퐱∊X 푟 푚 푚 = sup ( ∑ (흎푇퐱)4)1/2 = 푆 (훀 ) 푟 푖 푟 4 퐪 퐱∊X 푖∊supp(퐪)

As ΦRQF takes positive values and vanishes in ퟎ, which belongs to X , the same bound holds for BDP.

Note that in these two cases, subsampling increases the bounds and might have a negative impact on the utility (for subsequent learning) of the mechanism. 168

Summary We summarize the results obtained in this paper in the following tables, where 훼 = 훼(휀, 훿) refers to Theorem 7.14.

Pure 휀-DP Approximate (휀, 훿)-DP

2 횺L(퐗) = 횺(퐗) + 흃 with 휉푗 ∼ L(푏) 횺G(퐗) = 횺(퐗) + 흃 with 휉푗 ∼ N (0, 휎 ) 푏 ≥ 푏∗ 휎 ≥ 휎∗

UDP BDP UDP BDP 훼 Generic Theorem 7.10: 푏∗ = Δ (횺)/휀 Theorem 7.14: 휎∗ = √ Δ (횺) 1 2휀 2

U B U B Δ1(횺) = sup퐱 ‖Φ(퐱)‖1 Δ1(횺) = sup퐱,퐲 ‖Φ(퐱) − Φ(퐲)‖1 Δ2(횺) = sup퐱 ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 Δ2(횺) = sup퐱,퐲 ‖Φ(퐱) − Φ(퐲)‖2 Lemma 8.6: Lemma 8.18:(1) Lemma 8.11: Lemma 8.11:(2) √ √ √ √ RFF U RFF B RFF U RFF B RFF Δ1(횺 ) ≤ 2푚 Δ1(횺 ) ≤ 2 2푚 Δ2(횺 ) = 푚 Δ2(횺 ) ≤ 2 푚 √ √ √ √ U RFF B RFF U RFF B RFF + 훀 nonresonant Δ1(횺 ) = 2푚 Δ1(횺 ) = 2 2푚 Δ2(횺 ) = 푚 Lemma 8.12: Δ2(횺 ) = 2 푚

U RQF B RQF 2 U RQF B RQF RQF Lemma 8.8: Δ1(횺 ) = Δ1(횺 ) = ‖훀‖2 Lemma 8.13: Δ2(횺 ) = Δ2(횺 ) = 푆4(훀) + 훀 union of Lemma 8.8: ΔU(횺RQF) = ΔB (횺RQF) = 푚/푑 No particular closed form. orthogonal bases. 1 1

Table 8.1: Summary of privacy results without subsampling (Section 8.1) and for the sum of features only. For each type of privacy guarantee (column) and for each sketch feature function (row), we provide a potentially loose (≤) or sharp (=) bound on the relevant sensitivity Δ, which can be plugged into the associated privacy-preserving sum of features mechanism (top row). (1) With ℎ = ퟏ, i.e. RFF B B (2) Δ1(횺 ) = sup퐱 푄1(퐱, ퟏ) where 푄1 is computed with 푟 = 푚. Using a simple triangle inequality.

Pure 휀-DP Approximate (휀, 훿)-DP

푛 2 푛 횺L(퐗) = 횺퐐(퐗) + 흃 with 휉푗 ∼ L(푏), 퐐 ∼ 푝퐪 횺G(퐗) = 횺퐐(퐗) + 흃 with 휉푗 ∼ N (0, 휎 ), 퐐 ∼ 푝퐪 푏 ≥ 푏∗ 휎 ≥ 휎∗ UDP BDP UDP BDP

Lemma 8.16: Lemma 8.25: Lemma 8.25: Lemma 8.25: Generic ∗ 훼 훼 푒휀 = E ( 1 푄U(퐱, 퐪)) 푏∗ ≤ ΔB (횺 )/휀 휎∗ ≤ √ sup 푄U(퐪) 휎∗ ≤ √ sup 푄B (퐪) sup퐱 퐪 exp 푏∗ 1 sup퐐 1 퐐 2휀 퐪 2 2휀 퐪 2 Lemma 8.19: Lemmas 8.18 and 8.25: Lemmas 8.25 and 8.26: Lemmas 8.25 and 8.26:(1) RFF √ √ ∗ 훼 푚 ∗ 훼 2푚 푏∗ ≤ 2푚/휀 푏∗ ≤ 2 2푚/휀 휎 ≤ √ √ 휎 ≤ √ √ 2휀 푟 2휀 푟 √ ∗ + 훀 nonresonant 푏 = 2푚/휀 (same lemma) not covered not covered not covered Lemma 8.21: Lemmas 8.20 and 8.25: ∗ 훼 푚 RQF ∗ 푚 2 ∗ 푚 2 Lemmas 8.25 and 8.27: 휎 ≤ √ sup 푆 (훀 ) 푏 ≤ ‖훀 ‖ 푏 ≤ ‖훀 ‖ 2휀 푟 퐪 4 퐪 푟휀 sup 퐪 2 푟휀 sup 퐪 2 퐪 퐪 + 훀 union of Lemma 8.23: Lemmas 8.22 and 8.25: orthogonal bases ∗ ∗ No particular closed form struct. 푏 = 푚/(푑휀) 푏 ≤ 푚/(푑휀) and 퐪 ∼ U(Q푟 ).

Table 8.2: Summary of privacy results with subsampling (Section 8.2). For each type of privacy guarantee (column) and for each sketch feature function (row), we provide a potentially loose (≤) or sharp (=) bound on the optimal required additive noise levels (푏∗ or 휎∗). (1) Using a simple triangle inequality. Chapter 9 Utility Guarantees under Differential Privacy

Contents Note All the work related to the NSR is contained in our sub- 9.1 Assessing utility with the noise-to- mission to Information and Inference [27]. Experimental results signal ratio 169 from Section 9.3 are new and are likely to be submitted in the next 9.1.1 The role of the noise-to-signal ratio | 9.1.2 Analytical estimation of the noise months together with other empirical works on broader applica- level tions of the private sketches. 9.2 Hyperparameters tuning using the SNR 173 9.2.1 Comparison of the two subsam- aving established the differential privacy properties of noisy pling strategies | 9.2.2 Regimes com- bining privacy and utility | 9.2.3 A sketching mechanisms, we conclude this part of the thesis Heuristic for Privacy Budget Splitting with an investigation of the impact of this added noise on the (Laplacian Noise) | 9.2.4 Choice of the H Sketch Size utility of the sketches for learning. We will see that this utility − i.e. 9.3 Experimental validation 178 the quality of the models learned from noisy sketches, as measured 9.3.1 Clustering | 9.3.2 Principal com- by the metrics introduced in definitions 1.1 to 1.3 − is directly related ponent analysis to the noise level. This suggests to use a noise-to-signal ratio (NSR) 9.4 Discussion and perspectives 184 as a practical proxy for the utility (Section 9.1.1). The NSR is then computed analytically (Section 9.1.2) and used to tune some of the parameters of our method: the subsampling strategy (Sections 9.2.1 and 9.2.2), the splitting of the privacy budget (Section 9.2.3), and the sketch size (Section 9.2.4). We then provide in Section 9.3 experiments for clustering and PCA, and compare our method to other standard approaches from the literature in terms of privacy-utility tradeoff.

Summary of contributions The contributions of this chapter are the following: We show that the utility of a noisy sketch, i.e. its quality for subse- quent learning, can be measured by a signal-to-noise ratio. We use this quantity for tuning some parameters of the method. We also measure empirically the utility of our methods (in terms of risk), and compare them to other approaches from the literature.

9.1 Assessing utility with the noise-to-signal ratio

We first define the noise-to-signal ratio and show how it is usefulin Section 9.1.1, and then derive its analytical expression in Section 9.1.2. 170

9.1.1 The role of the noise-to-signal ratio

1 1 We recall that a learning task is defined by a risk function R and an Cf. Section 1.1.1. hypothesis space H, and the optimal parameters one would like to learn are ℎ∗ ∈ arg min R(휋, ℎ), ℎ∊H where 휋 is the true (unknown) distribution of the data. The goal is to 2 2 estimate a set of parameters ℎ̂ such that the excess risk ΔR(ℎ,̂ 휋) = In our case, from the noisy sketch only. R(ℎ,̂ 휋) − R(ℎ∗, 휋) can be controlled. As discussed in Chapter 2, pre- vious works [210] showed that such a control can be achieved using proof techniques that leverage the analogy between sketching and compressive sensing. In practice, we observe a noisy version 퐳(퐗) of the empirical sketch, 3 3 which can for instance be computed as the ratio 퐳(퐗) = (횺(퐗) + Remember we could use any other esti- 흃)/(|퐗| + 휁) with 흃 being either Laplacian or Gaussian according to mator relying on the quantities 횺(퐗) + 흃 and |퐗| + 휁, e.g. to avoid numerical is- 4 Definitions 8.1 and 8.9. As shown in [210], for 푘-means clustering, sues. Gaussian mixture modeling and PCA, learning from the noisy sketch 4 And discussed in Chapter 2. 퐳(퐗) can be expressed as solving a linear inverse problem on a certain parametric set of probability distributions. Under some assumptions on the sketching function Φ and the learn- ing task, the excess risk can be bounded by a quantity that involves a measure of noise level ‖퐞‖2, with 퐞 ≜ 퐳(퐗) − 퐬. As a proxy for the util- ity of a noisy sketch, we thus propose the noise-to-signal ratio (NSR), defined as ‖퐳(퐗) − 퐳‖2 NSR ≜ 2 ‖퐳‖2 w.r.t. some reference sketch 퐳, that will typically be the clean empirical sketch of 퐗, i.e. 퐳 = 퐬,̃ or the sketch 퐳 = 퐬 of the assumed underlying distribution 휋.

3 1.5 10 10 k=10, d=10, m=1000 m=2kd 1 푚/(103푘푑) 10 101.0 100 RSE NSR 100.5 10−3

0 100.0 10 0 2 10−6 10−4 10−2 100 102 10 10 NSR 푚/(푘푑) Figure 9.1: (Left) Correlation between RSE and NSR (computed numerically, Empirically, the NSR appears to be a good proxy to estimate the with respect to 퐬).̃ Medians of 100 tri- utility of a sketching mechanism for the task of clustering where per- als and variance. (Right) RSE as a func- tion of 푚/푘푑 and NSR, using 푛 = 104, formance is measured with the MSE (cf. (4.3)), i.e. with the risk RKM 푘 = 푑 = 10, medians of 100 trials. from Definition 1.2. Figure 9.1 provides an overview of this correla- 5 We recall that the RSE is the ratio be- tion. On the left side, we plot the RSE5 for data generated according tween the MSE obtained with centroids to Gaussian mixtures with parameters 푘 = 푑 = 10 and 푚 = 10푘푑. determined from a sketch and the MSE obtained with centroids computed using The desired NSR is obtained by adding isotropic noise of controlled Lloyd’s algorithm, cf. (4.4). 171

magnitude on the clean sketch computed without subsampling. In Figure 9.1 (right side), we plot the RSE for 푛 = 104 using different sketch sizes and NSRs, again obtained with isotropic noise and with- out subsampling. The red dashed line corresponds to 푚 = 2푘푑, and as 6 6 expected [2] the reconstruction fails below this line . From this plot, We use CL-OMPR for reconstruction we derive that when 푚 ≥ 2푘푑, one can consider that the reconstruction here. 3 is successful provided that NSR ≤ 푚/(10 푘푑) ≜ NSRmax(푚) (yellow area). We thus propose to use NSR-minimization as a criterion to tune the parameters of our method.

9.1.2 Analytical estimation of the noise level

We now compute in this section the expected noise level and NSR induced by the mechanisms introduced in the previous sections and possibly combined with a data subsampling mechanism introduced just below. Let 퐗 be a fixed dataset. The noise level can be measured with respect to the “true” sketch 퐬 of the assumed underlying distribution 휋, or with respect to the clean empirical sketch 퐬.̃ In the first case, which is relevant to take into account the statistical significance due to the size 푛 of the dataset, we define 퐞 ≜ 퐳(퐗) − 퐬, and the noise level 2 as E‖퐞‖2, where the expectation is taken on both the randomness of the mechanism and on the draw of 퐗. We define the noise-to-signal ratio (NSR) as the noise level normalized by the signal energy, i.e. 2 2 NSR = E‖퐞‖2/‖퐬‖2. When 퐬̃ is chosen as the reference signal rather 2 2 than 퐬, we have NSR = E‖퐳(퐗) − 퐬‖̃ 2/‖퐬‖̃ 2, and the expectation is taken w.r.t. the randomness of the mechanism only.

Subsampling the dataset. Although we focused in Section 8.2 on a mechanism which subsamples the individual features Φ(퐱푖), another straightforward way to reduce the computational complexity is to subsample the dataset, i.e. to use only a number 푛′ < 푛 of samples 7 7 in order to compute the sketch. The sum of features combining both The tilde in the notation ̃횺 is not related subsampling strategies is given as in any way to the choice of the notation 퐬̃ for the empirical sketch. 푛 ̃ 1 푚 횺(퐗) ≜ ∑ 푔푖(Φ(퐱푖) ⊙ 퐪푖) + 흃, (9.1) 훽 푟 푖=1 where the (푔푖)1≤푖≤푛 are in {0, 1} and randomly drawn (i.i.d. Bernouilli with parameter 훽 or without replacement), and the additive noise 흃

(Laplacian or Gaussian) and the masks (퐪푖)1≤푖≤푛 are drawn as previ- 8 8 ously . Cf. Section 8.2. Privacy amplification through sampling has already been discussed in the literature [319]. In particular, it was shown by Balle et al. that if a random mechanism 횺 is 휀-UDP, then the mechanism 퐗 ↦ 횺(S(퐗)) where S denotes dataset Bernoulli subsampling with parameter 훽, is log(1 + 훽(exp(휀) − 1))-UDP [320, Table 1]. Mechanisms for which this bound is sharp can be exhibited (same reference, Section 5). The same holds for BDP when sampling 푛′ = 훽푛 samples without replacement. Put differently, for 휀 > 0 fixed, our sketching mechanism composed 172

with dataset subsampling will be 휀-DP provided that we tune the noise 2 ′ level 휎휉 with respect to the privacy parameter 휀 = log(1 + (exp(휀) − 2 1)/훽) > 휀. This will decrease the required variance 휎휉 of the noise added to achieve the targeted privacy, but will in turn increase the variance of the sketch, precisely because of the data subsampling. The impact of subsampling the dataset is discussed in Section 9.2.1. From now on, we consider an estimator 퐳(퐗) of 퐬̃ as a function of the sum of features 횺(퐗)̃ introduced in Equation (9.1), which by an adequate choice of the parameters encompasses all the mechanisms previously defined.

Noise-to-signal ratio when 푛 is public. When the dataset size 푛 is 9 9 assumed to be public , we can use the estimator 퐳(퐗) ≜ 횺(퐗)/푛̃ . The Recall that this is always the case in the following result is proved in Appendix C.4 (Proof C.10). BDP setting. Lemma 9.1

The noise-to-signal ratio of the mechanism 퐳(퐗) = 횺(퐗)/푛̃ with 2 additive noise of variance 휎휉 , features subsampling with parameter 훼 ≜ 푟/푚 and i.i.d. Bernoulli subsampling of the dataset samples with parameter 0 ≤ 훽 ≤ 1 is

2 2 1 1 E ‖Φ(퐱)‖ 푚 휎휉 w.r.t. 퐬: NSR = ( 퐱 − 1) + 퐳 푛 훼훽 ‖퐬‖2 푛2훽2 ‖퐬‖2 푛 1 1 1 1 퐬̃ = ( − 1)( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2) w.r.t. : NSR퐬̃ 푖 2 푛 훼훽 푛 푖=1 ‖퐬‖̃ 2 푚 휎휉 + . 푛2훽2 ‖퐬‖̃ 2

The expressions for sampling without replacement differ slightly and are given in the proof in Appendix C.4.

Noise-to-signal ratio when 푛 is sensitive. When the dataset size is considered sensitive, noise 휁 must be added on 푛 for privacy as discussed earlier. Our estimator of the sketch can then be written 퐳(퐗) = 횺(퐗)푓(|퐗|̃ + 휁), where 푓(|퐗| + 휁) is an estimator of 1/|퐗|. The noise-to-signal ratio is now defined as

E‖횺(퐗)푓(|퐗|̃ + 휁) − 퐳‖2 ≜ 2 , NSR 2 ‖퐳‖2 where 퐳 stands for the reference signal, which can again be either 퐬 or 퐬.̃ An analytic expression of this NSR is given in Appendix C.4 and involves the bias and variance of the estimator of 1/|퐗| defined by 푓. Considering an unbiased estimator, a Cramer-Rao lower bound leads to the following result which is proved in Appendix C.4. Lemma 9.2

푓 1/푛 When using an estimator√ of computed from the quantity 푛 + 휁, where 휁 ∼ L(0, 휎휁/ 2), a Cramer-Rao bound on the noise- 173

to-signal ratio of the sketching mechanism is

2 휎휁 NSR ≥ (1 + )(NSR + 1) − 1, 휁 2푛2

where NSR refers to the noise-to-signal ratio obtained without 푓 (i.e. when 휁 = 0) as computed in Lemma 9.1, and can be computed with respect to either10 퐬 or 퐬.̃ 10. We mean here that the quantity NSR휁 implicitly uses the same reference sketch as NSR. 9.2 Hyperparameters tuning using the SNR

9.2.1 Comparison of the two subsampling strategies

For a given dataset size 푛, the sketching cost scales in Θ(푛훼훽) when subsampling the sketches with 푟 = 훼푚 observations (with 훼 ≤ 1) and subsampling the dataset by using only 푛′ = 훽푛 samples. Hence for a given 푛, a constant product 훼훽 means a constant computational 11 11 complexity . We now use Lemma 9.1 to show that, for an equivalent Or more precisely, a constant theoreti- computational complexity and privacy, subsampling the sketches leads cal computational complexity. Caching mechanisms may play in favor of data to a better NSR, and hence likely a better utility, than subsampling the subsampling, although we do not try to dataset. measure this phenomenon. For Bernoulli sampling, the only term of the NSR (as expressed in Lemma 9.1) that varies with (훼, 훽) at constant complexity 훼훽 is the term coming from the additive noise:

2 푚 휎휉 NSR ≜ . (9.2) 휉 푛2훽2 ‖퐬‖2

Note that this holds as well when working with the Cramer-Rao bound from Lemma 9.2, as the term 휎휁 does not depend on 훼, 훽 at all. To investigate how this term varies we need to take into account that for a 2 fixed target privacy 휀, the variance 휎휉 also depends on 훽. Let us consider the 휀-DP setting with random Fourier features as 12 12 an illustration . According to [320], to achieve a privacy level 휀 after A similar reasoning holds for random random Bernoulli subsampling of the collection with probability 훽, it quadratic features. is sufficient to start with an initial mechanism ensuring privacy level 휀′ = log(1 + (exp(휀) − 1)/훽). Note that although we can always build mechanisms for which this generic result is sharp, it does not prove that it is sharp for our mechanism. In the absence of more detailed results in this direction, we still use this bound for comparing the two subsampling mechanisms. According to Table 8.1, the desired privacy 2 ′ 2 can be achieved using a noise variance 휎휉 ≈ (푚/휀 ) up to a small multiplicative constant. The resulting NSR term is then of the order of

푚3 1 푚3 1 NSR휉 ∝ = . (9.3) 푛2‖퐬‖2 훽2(휀′)2 푛2‖퐬‖2 훽2 log2(1 + (exp(휀) − 1)/훽)

In particular when 훽 = 1 we have

푚3 1 NSR ∝ . 휉 푛2‖퐬‖2 휀2 174

15 107.5 10 훽 = 1×10−04 휖 = 1×10−04 −01 훽 = 1×10−02 5.0 휖 = 1×10 1010 10 훽 = 1.0 휖 = 1×10+01 휉 +06 105 102.5 휖 = 1×10 NSR

∝ 100 100.0

10−5 NSR (simulated) 10−2.5

10−4 10−2 100 102 104 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 privacy parameter 휖 훼훽 (∝ computational complexity)

Figure 9.2: (Left) Variation of 1/(훽휀′)2. Dashed curves correspond to 1/(훽휀)2, 휀 ≫ 휀 ≪ 훽 휀′ ≈ 휀/훽 which are the asymptotes for When , we have and the difference between the two 1. (Right) Total NSR (analytic expres- subsampling schemes is negligible, but on the other side if 휀 ≫ 1 then sions) for 푚 = 103, 푛 = 104 when 휀′ ≈ 휀 and NSR is thus increased by a factor 1/훽2 when subsampling subsampling the features only (훼 ∊ 휉 [1/푚, 1], 훽 = 1, plain curves) and the on 푛, which might be damageable in terms of utility. This behavior samples only (훼 = 1, 훽 ∊ [1/푛, 1], is illustrated in Figure 9.2 (left) where we see that for each privacy dashed curves, Bernoulli sampling). parameter the minimum value of 1/(훽휀′)2 − the quantity which drives the order of magnitude of NSR휉 − is achieved at 훽 = 1. The effect on the total NSR for the two sampling scenarios is shown using the analytic expressions in Figure 9.2 (right), which confirms that subsam- pling the features rather than the samples yields substantial NSR gains for moderate 휀. For large 휀, the noise level is very low anyway, and no difference appears between the two scenarios. Additional experiments (not shown here) show that when sampling the dataset without re- placement rather than with i.i.d. Bernoulli sampling, and measuring the NSR with 퐬̃ as a reference signal, subsampling the features can become slightly disadvantaging for large values of 휀, but the difference is very small.

9.2.2 Regimes combining privacy and utility

In this section, we try to highlight the regimes in which the sketches produced by our mechanism are useful from a learning perspective (i.e. not too much degraded). We do so by comparing the different contributions to the NSR. In light of the results of Section 9.2.1, we focus on subsampling the features only (i.e. 훽 = 1). In this setting, and when working with random Fourier features, since ‖ΦRFF(퐱)‖2 = 푚 for every 퐱, the different contributions to the NSR (computed with 퐬 as reference) are of the 13 13 order of We refer the reader to Lemma 9.1 and Proof C.10 to see where the different con- 1 퐶 푚2 퐶 1 tributions come from. NSR ≈ (퐶 − 1), NSR ≈ 0 , NSR ≈ 0 ( − 1), 퐗 푛 0 휉 푛2휀2 퐐 푛 훼

2 2 where 퐶0 ≜ 푚/‖퐬‖ . Using the interpretation of ‖퐬‖ /푚 as an expected value [210] the quantity 퐶0 is essentially independent of 푚 and satisfies

퐶0 > 1. In practice, empirical simulations on very different datasets suggest that one can safely assume 퐶0 < 10. 175

Acceptable noise level without subsampling. The total noise is ac- ceptable when the sum of these contributions to the NSR is smaller than some threshold NSRmax, which depends on the sketch size 푚 as seen on Figure 9.1 (right). Necessary conditions read: 1 NSR퐗 ≤ NSRmax ⇔ 푛 ≳ (9.4) NSRmax 푚 NSR휉 ≤ NSRmax ⇔ 푛 ≳ (9.5) 휀√NSRmax Thus utility is preserved (and privacy achieved) when

1 푚 푛 ≳ max( , ). (9.6) NSR max 휀√NSRmax

Acceptable noise level with subsampling. The noise induced by fea- ture subsampling is acceptable when NSR퐐 ≲ NSRmax, i.e., for sub- sampling with 훼 = 1/푚, when 푛 ≳ 푚/NSRmax. Combining this with the two conditions from the previous paragraph, we conclude that

1 1 푛 ≳ 푚 max( , ) (9.7) NSR max 휀√NSRmax allows drastic feature subsampling while preserving utility.

Regime where feature subsampling adds insignificant noise. When 1 푚2 NSR ≪ max(NSR , NSR ) ⇔ ≪ 1 + max(1, ), (9.8) 퐐 퐗 휉 훼 푛휀2 feature subsampling adds insignificant noise compared to the other noises. When subsampling with parameter 훼 = 1/푚, this is equivalent 푛 ≪ 푚 to 휀2 . In light of (9.5), one can check that the regime where subsampling noise is insignificant while the total noise is acceptable corresponds to 푚 푚 ≲ 푛 ≪ , (9.9) 휀2 휀√NSRmax which is only feasible when the target privacy satisfies 휀 ≪ √NSRmax.

Example (Compressive clustering with RFF) When performing com- pressive clustering using random Fourier Features, we observed em- −3 pirically on Figure 9.1 (right) that NSRmax ≈ 10 푚/(푘푑). Thus the condition (9.7) for having an acceptable noise level when subsampling can be rewritten √ 103푘푑푚 푛 ≳ max(103푘푑, ). (9.10) 휀

Similarly, subsampling with 훼 = 1/푚 will induce an insignificant noise level only when 휀 ≪ √10−3푚/(푘푑) according to Equation (9.9). This confirms that sketching is compatible with drastic features subsampling for private compressive clustering when working with large collections, but also that subsampling can be performed without any impact on the NSR for high privacy levels. 176

9.2.3 A Heuristic for Privacy Budget Splitting (Lapla- cian Noise)

When using unbounded differential privacy, one needs to split the total privacy budget 휀 between a budget 휀휉 ≜ 훾휀 (where 훾 ∊]0, 1[) used for ̃ releasing the sum of sketches 횺, and a budget 휀휁 ≜ (1 − 훾)휀 used for releasing the dataset size. We recall that for BDP, the dataset size is not considered as sensitive and can be used directly. We build a heuristic for the 휀-DP setting which consists in choosing 훾∗ ∊]0, 1[ minimizing the NSR. In light of Section 9.2.1, we consider for simplicity 훽 = 1, i.e. subsampling is only performed on the features but not on the samples. We further focus on random Fourier features, RFF 2 where ‖Φ (퐱)‖2 = 푚 does not depend on 퐱, leading to a simplified expression of the Cramer-Rao bound on the NSR from Lemma 9.2:

2 휎휁 1 푚 1 1 NSRRFF = (1 + )(1 − + ( + 휎2)) − 1, ∗ 2푛2 푛 푛‖퐬‖2 훼 푛 휉

2 2 with 퐬 as the reference signal. By injecting for 휎휁 and 휎휉 the values obtained previously for the UDP Laplacian setting, see Table 8.1, we RFF get an expression of NSR∗ as a function of 훾, which can be minimized w.r.t. the parameter 훾. Lemma 9.3

For random Fourier features, an expression of the parameter 훾∗ RFF minimizing NSR∗ is given in Appendix C.5 as a function of 휀 and 푛. The following approximations can be derived

when 푛 ≪ 1/휀, 훾∗(푛, 휀) ≈ 1/2 when 푛 ≫ 1/휀, 훾∗(푛, 휀) ≈ 1 − (푛휀)−2/3.

In practice, it is important to choose 훾 independently of 푛 in order for the whole mechanism to stay private. Given that the NSR only decreases with 푛, we have for any 휀 > 0 and any 푛0 that

∗ arg min max NSR(훾, 푛) = 훾 (푛0, 휀), 훾 푛≥푛0 yielding a simple rule to choose 훾. In light of Section 9.2.2, in the regime of acceptable noise levels we have

1 1 푛 ≳ 푛 (푚, 휀) ≜ 푚 max ( , ) ≫ 1/휀 0 NSR max 휀√NSRmax hence a possible heuristic is to choose

⋆ −2/3 훾(푚, 휀) ≜ 훾 (푛0(푚, 휀), 휀) ≈ 1 − (푛0휀) .

Note that this is only a heuristic, allowing to choose 훾 independently of 푛 but optimized for the worst-case scenario with acceptable utility; even if 푛 < 푛0 the mechanism will be guaranteed to be private (although with limited utility). 177

9.2.4 Choice of the Sketch Size

Because the noise level depends on the sketch size 푚, the design of a sketching procedure becomes delicate since overestimating 푚 de- creases the performance, unlike in the non-private case where increas- ing 푚 usually only helps. As an illustration of this fact, consider the numerical experiment represented Figure 9.3 (top row), where we 14 14 estimate the RSE achieved by compressive k-means (CKM) from the The reference used to compute the rel- 휀-DP sketch as a function of its size 푚. As expected, in the non-private ative error is still the standard 푘-means algorithm with 3 trials, and still run on a setting the SSE decreases monotonically with 푚. However, when 휀 < ∞ non-private sketch. and the number of samples 푛 is moderate, increasing 푚 (and thus the noise, which is proportional to 푚 according to Lemma 8.6) results in a worse RSE at some point. This phenomenon is more pronounced when the privacy constraints are higher, i.e. a smaller 휀 induces a smaller range of “optimal” values for the sketch size. There is thus a trade-off to make between revealing enough information for CKM to succeed (푚 large enough) and not revealing too much information, such that the noise needed to ensure the privacy guarantee is not too penalizing, this trade-off being more difficult in the high privacy regime.

푛 = 104, 훿 = 0 푛 = 105, 훿 = 0 푛 = 106, 훿 = 0 101.00 101.00 101.00 휖 = 0.01 100.75 100.75 100.75 휖 = 0.032 휖 = 0.1 휖 = 0.32 0.50 0.50 0.50 10 10 10 휖 = 1 RSE not private 100.25 100.25 100.25

100.00 100.00 100.00 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 푛 = 104, 훿 = 10−8 푛 = 105, 훿 = 10−8 푛 = 106, 훿 = 10−8 101.00 101.00 101.00

100.75 100.75 100.75

100.50 100.50 100.50 RSE

100.25 100.25 100.25

100.00 100.00 100.00 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 10−0.5 100.0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 푚/(푘푑) 푚/(푘푑) 푚/(푘푑) Figure 9.3: Performance of differentially private compressive k-means as a func- This behavior can be explained by the observations of Section 9.2.2 tion of 푚 for 훿 = 0 (top) and 훿 = 10−8 (paragraph “acceptable noise level”) relative to the NSR. We consider (bottom), 푛 = 104, 105, 106 and differ- 휀 = 0 ent values of . Medians over 200 trials. for conciseness here that no subsampling is used (i.e. NSR퐐 ) Synthetic data, 푘 = 4, 푑 = 8. and 휀-DP (훿 = 0). Given that utility is measured w.r.t. the RSE − which is relative to the optimal error for the given dataset, but ag- nostic to the true data distribution −, we take 퐬̃ as the reference sig- nal to compute the NSR, i.e. we have NSR퐗 = 0. Utility is then ≤ preserved provided that NSR휉 √NSRmax, which according to (9.10) translates to the condition 푛 ≥ 1000푘푑푚/휀. Recall that we also need 푚 ≥ 2푘푑 as shown in Section 9.1.1. These conditions can be 178

2 ≤ 푚/(푘푑) ≤ 푛2휀2/(103(푘푑)2) rewritten√ , which is possible only when 푛 ≥ 2 × 103푘푑/휀. In Figure 9.3 we have 푘 = 4, 푑 = 8, thus this re- quirement translates respectively for 푛 = 104, 105, 106 to the conditions 휀 ≥ 0.14, 휀 ≥ 0.014, 휀 ≥ 0.0014, which correspond quite well to what is observed (top row). As shown on Figure 9.3 (bottom), relaxing the privacy constraint to allow 훿 > 0 mitigates the impact of 푚 on the noise to add (recall √ from theorem 8.11 that the noise is then proportional to 푚 instead of 푚), and that even for smaller values of 푛. This relaxation has the clear advantage of improving the utility for similar values of 푛 and 휀 even for small 훿, and also facilitates the choice of 푚, as good utilities can be reached on a wider range of sketch sizes.

9.3 Experimental validation

We now evaluate experimentally the privacy-utility trade-off of our 15 15 method for clustering and principal component analysis . We use the Experiments for density fitting with acronyms CKM and CPCA for our compressive methods. Details re- Gaussian mixture models have been per- formed as well, but are not reported here garding the implementation and datasets can be found in Appendix D. as they have mainly been carried out by Vincent Schellekens. 9.3.1 Clustering

A note on the frequency distribution For random Fourier features, the entries of the matrix of frequencies 훀 are Gaussian with a variance 2 휎휅, which relates to the spatial characteristics of the dataset and needs to be wisely chosen as explained in Chapter 4. Estimating the optimal kernel variance from the data can be a tricky problem, but is not our focus here and we thus pick the kernel variance manually to dissociate this issue from privacy concerns. 2 As 휎휅 is only a single scalar, and can reasonably be bounded (assum- ing a bounded data domain), we expect that any heuristic to estimate 2 a good value for 휎휅 (e.g. performing one more pass on the data or using a small subset of the collection) can be adapted to the private setting, using only a small portion of the privacy budget and without degrading utility too much.

Synthetic data We first consider synthetic data drawn according to a mixture of 푘 multivariate normal distributions as described in (4.5), with the centroids drawn according to (4.6) with separation parameter 푠 = 2.5. The frequencies are drawn according to an “adapted radius” kernel, with the kernel variance chosen using the heuristic provided in Chapter 4. Figure 9.4 shows the curves of the privacy-utility tradeoff on such a synthetic dataset, using 푑 = 10, 푘 = 10 (both for generating the data and for performing k-means), and 푛 = 107. The first plot (starting from the top) illustrates the role of the sketch size for both CL-OMPR and CL-AMP decoders. We observe that the best tradeoff in the high 16 Only using CL-OMPR in this case, privacy regime (small 휀) is obtained with smaller values of the sketch which is coherent with what has been observed in Section 6.4. size 푚, i.e. 푚 = 4푘푑 or even16 푚 = 2푘푑, which is coherent with 179

Impact of the sketch size and decoder

CKM, 푚 = 2푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 101.2 CKM, 푚 = 2푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚 100.9 CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 100푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚

RSE 0.6 10 CKM, 푚 = 100푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚


100.0 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Effect of subsampling

CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 1 101.2 CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 1 CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 100.9

RSE 100.6


100.0 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Effect of quantization

CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚 101.2 CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚, quantized CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚 CKM, 푚 = 10푘푑, CLOMPR, UDP, 푟 = 푚, quantized 100.9

RSE 100.6


100.0 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 CKM vs DPLloyd

CKM, 푚 = 4푘푑, CLAMP, UDP, 푟 = 푚 101.2 DPLloyd DPLloyd, improved init [321] 100.9

RSE 100.6


100.0 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Privacy level 휀

Figure 9.4: Privacy-utility tradeoff on synthetic data for 휀-UDP. Parameters: 푘 = 푑 = 10, 푛 = 107. Data generated according to (4.5) with separation factor 푠 = 2.5. Medians over 50 trials (except for 푚 = 100푘푑 where fewer trials are used). 180

our observations from Section 9.2.4. As expected, in the low-privacy regime (휀 large), we observe the inverse phenomenon and using very large sketch sizes such as 푚 = 100푘푑 only improves performance. We also note that CL-AMP performs poorly when 푚 = 100푘푑 in the high- privacy regime, which could be justified by the fact that the modeling 17 17 assumptions for this method do not incorporate noise . As the noise level itself is not private, The second plot (starting from the top on Figure 9.4) shows that we could imagine taking it into account in the model. subsampling the data using only one feature per data sample does not degrade the performance in this setting. This confirms that subsam- pling can sometimes be used without degrading utility, despite not yielding better privacy guarantees (and hopefully have a beneficial impact on the runtimes). The third plot illustrates the impact of quantization. We do obtain higher errors here with quantization when 푚 = 4푘푑, however note that this degradation is solely due to quantization, and not to the additive perturbation (as can be seen when 휀 is close to 1). Interestingly, in the high privacy regime (휀 small) the impact of the additive noise becomes stronger and the degradation of utility due to quantization hence be- comes negligible in comparison. This suggests that quantization might be used more broadly when strong privacy guarantees are required. When 푚 = 10푘푑, the results obtained with quantization are almost identical to the ones obtained with unquantized features. Finally, the last plot compares our method to the differentially pri- vate version of Lloyd’s k-means algorithm (DPLloyd) [274], and to a variant of DPLloyd with improved initialization [321]. These iterative methods suffer from their fixed number of iterations, even for large values of 휀, whereas CKM does not add any noise in this setting, and thus yields better results in this setting.

18 18 Real data We provide clustering results for two real datasets, Gowalla See https://snap.stanford. which consists in 푛 = 6, 442, 892 locations in dimension 푑 = 2, and edu/data/loc-gowalla.html. 19 19 FMA [322], which is a dataset for music analysis. In the latter case, See https://github.com/mdeff/ we only consider the MFCC attributes, yielding 푛 = 106, 574 features fma. in dimension 푑 = 20. In addition to DPLloyd, we compare our results with EUGkM [321] on Gowalla, as this methods relies on histograms 20 20 and is only appropriate in small dimension , and with PrivGene [289] Which is also why we did not use this but only for FMA as this method does not scale21 well with 푛. method in Figure 9.4. 21 Same remark. Results are presented in Figure 9.5. We use for CKM unquantized features without subsampling, and the random frequencies are drawn 22 2 22 with manually chosen kernel variances 휎 = 1/310 for Gowalla and Following observations of Chapter 4, 휎2 = 1/2500 for FMA. We report the results for both Gaussian and this choice might be tricky. adapted radius kernels, as none of the two is uniformly better than the other. With a sketch size of 푚 = 4푘푑, we obtain errors which are always better than DPLloyd and EUGkM on both datasets. PrivGene yields slightly better results for small values of 휀, but produces very degraded centroids even for higher values of 휀, and scales poorly with the number of samples. Interestingly, on the FMA dataset (right), better compressive clustering results are obtain with a Gaussian kernel when the noise-to-signal ratio grows (i.e. for lower values of 휀). Note 181

103.0 CKM, AdaptedRadius kernel CKM, AdaptedRadius kernel CKM, Gaussian kernel CKM, Gaussian kernel 2.5 101.0 DPLloyd [274] 10 DPLloyd [274] DPLloyd impr. [321] DPLloyd impr. [321] EUGkM [321] PrivGene [289] 2.0 100.8 10


RSE 10 100.6

101.0 100.4

100.5 100.2 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Privacy parameter 휀 Privacy parameter 휀 Figure 9.5: Privacy-utility tradeoff on Gowalla (left) and FMA (right, using that the EUGkM algorithm is well adapted to the Gowalla dataset here MFCC features only) datasets. Medians over 100 trials. Results for CKM have where 푑 = 2, but would not scale at all to larger dimensions as it relies been obtained using 푚 = 4푘푑. on spatial histograms.

9.3.2 Principal component analysis

For principal component analysis, we first provide pure DP results on two real datasets of moderate size, for which the 푑 × 푑 covariance matrix can perfectly be computed, and thus for which methods scaling in Θ(푑2) can be run as well for comparison. We then provide results on synthetic high-dimensional data, for both pure and approximate differential privacy.

Real data We present the utility-privacy tradeoff for PCA on two 23 23 different real datasets: kddcup99 , a collection of network metadata See http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/ in dimension 푑 = 107 after converting categorical values to binary databases/kddcup99/kddcup99. html. features, and FMA which has been previously introduced, here using all the features (푑 = 518). Data is centered and rescaled in order to lie in the 푙2 unit ball. We use a dense matrix 훀 for simplicity here, as the dimensions involved are still moderate, but fast transforms from Chapter 5 can 24 24 be used and work similarly well. We will use fast transforms below, For PCA the columns of 훀 can be cho- as they are really required in high dimension. Indeed, as a sketch sen to have a unit 푙2-norm. As a conse- quence, only the structured part of the size 푚 ≳ 푘푑 is required in practice for successful recovery, the cost fast transforms is required (radiuses can of storing the dense matrix 훀 of size 푑 × 푚 scales quadratically with be fixed to 1), and we get a closed form 푑 of the privacy bound as detailed in Equa- the dimension . This means that whenever the covariance cannot be tion (8.6). computed in terms of memory, fast transforms are required. For principal component analysis, the inverse problem consists in recovering a low-rank approximation of the covariance matrix from the sketch, as discussed in Section 2.2.2, and could thus be written

̂ 퐂 ∊ arg min ‖M(퐂) − 퐳(퐗)‖2, (9.11) 퐂≥0,rank(퐂)≤푘

푇 푇 25 25 where M ∶ 퐀 ↦ [흎1 퐀흎1, …, 흎푚퐀흎푚], and 퐳(퐗) denotes any of the With Laplacian or Gaussian noise, BDP private sketches from Chapter 8 built on random quadratic features. or UDP. We do not attempt to solve (9.11), as it would incur a Θ(푑2) memory 182

overhead when optimizing on 퐂 ∊ R푑×푑. We rely instead on a Burer- Monteiro factorization [323], i.e. we solve

푇 2 min ‖M(퐔퐔 ) − 퐳(퐗)‖2. (9.12) 퐔∊R푑×푘 Although dedicated methods have been proposed to solve this problem using inertial methods and carefully tuned spectral initializations [324, 325], we observed in our noisy setting that optimizing directly the relaxed objective (9.12) with a random initialization yielded better 26 26 results in practice. We use the L-BFGS algorithm, starting from an The limited memory Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno. initialization 퐔0 with normal standard i.i.d. entries. We implement a simple baseline (called LaplacePCA) which con- sists in computing a private version of the covariance matrix with the 1 ∑푛 퐱 퐱푇 Laplace mechanism. For this, we first compute the matrix 푛 푖=1 푖 푖 , 2푑 then add symmetric Laplacian noise with scale 푛휀 . This mechanism is known to be private as a straightforward application of the Laplace mechanism, see for instance [285, Theorem 3]. We also provide results for the Wishart mechanism [285, 286], which perturbs the full covari- ance matrix by a 푑 × 푑 noise matrix drawn according to the Wishart distribution − and hence preserves positive semi-definiteness.

KddCup99 (푑 = 107, 푛 = 4, 898, 431) FMA (푑 = 518, 푛 = 106, 574) 1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

Utility CPCA, 푚/(푘푑) = 10.0 0.25 CPCA, 푚/(푘푑) = 10.0 0.25 CPCA, 푚/(푘푑) = 4.0 CPCA, 푚/(푘푑) = 4.0 LaplacePCA LaplacePCA WishartPCA [285] 0.00 WishartPCA [285] 0.00 PCA (no privacy) PCA (no privacy)

10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 Privacy parameter 휖 Privacy parameter 휖 Figure 9.6: Privacy-utility tradeoff on kd- Privacy-utility curves are presented in Figure 9.6, and for 휀-DP only. dcup99 and FMA datasets. Medians over 100 trials. Denoting 퐂 the covariance matrix and 휆1 ≥ … ≥ 휆푑 its eigenvalues, we measure the quality of an orthogonal basis 퐔 ∊ R푑×푘 of a 푘-dimensional 푇 subspace with the quantity tr(퐔 퐂퐔)/(∑1≤푖≤푘 휆푖) which is always in [0, 1], and reaches 1 when 퐔 corresponds to the eigenvectors of 퐂 associated to the 푘 largest eigenvalues. Our method performs better than Laplace PCA, but slightly worse than the Wishart mechanism. However, we emphasize that these two methods need to compute the 푑 × 푑 covariance matrix explicitly, which can be prohibitive or even impossible for large dimensions in a memory-limited context, whereas our sketch has a memory complexity which is in Θ(푘푑). The next experiment uses precisely a setting where methods scaling in Θ(푑2) cannot be used for comparison.

Large-scale setting To investigate this limited-memory setting, we generate synthetic data in dimension 푑 = 215 = 32768, approximately lying on a random 푘-dimensional subspace. More precisely, we gen- erated a 푑 × 푘 matrix 퐵 with normal i.i.d. entries, and draw 퐲푖 ∼ 183

퐵퐜 + 휈푘휼 where (퐜)1≤푖≤푘, (휼)1≤푖≤푑 are also i.i.d. normal with unit vari- ance. We then renormalize the data such that it fits in the unit ball, i.e.

퐱푖 ≜ 퐲푖/ max1≤푖≤푛(‖퐲푖‖2). We used in practice 휈 = 0.05. We choose 훿 = 1/(100푛) and 푛 = 104. It would naturally be interesting to check that similar results are obtained when 푛 > 푑, but this moderate choice of 푛 allows us to explicitly compute the singular values of the dataset and thus to normalize the error, why one would otherwise need to rely on approximate methods. Figure 9.7 shows the obtained results, where private-covariance- lrf refers to an algorithm proposed by Upadhyay [294, p.23 of the supplementary material], which relies on linear (w.r.t. the samples, not the distribution) sketching of the data matrix and can thus be adapted to high-dimensional and streaming settings as well.

2.0 −6 CPCA, 훿 = 1.0 × 10 , lower bound on Δ2 (L-BFGS on the Rayleigh quotient), ‖흎푗‖ = 1 −6 CPCA, 훿 = 1.0 × 10 , lower bound on Δ2 (L-BFGS on the Rayleigh quotient), ‖흎푗‖ ∼ 휒푑 CPCA, 훿 = 0.0, closed form for Δ1, ‖흎푗‖ = 1 −6 CPCA, 훿 = 1.0 × 10 , Riesz-Thorin upper bound on Δ2, ‖흎푗‖ = 1 1.5 −6 CPCA, 훿 = 1.0 × 10 , Riesz-Thorin upper bound on Δ2, ‖흎푗‖ ∼ 휒푑 private covariance lrf [294] PCA (no privacy)

1.0 Utility



10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 Privacy parameter 휖 Figure 9.7: Privacy-utility tradeoff of CPCA. Medians (curves) and standard We slightly modify the algorithm from Upadhyay in two ways. First, deviations (ribbon) over 10 trials. Syn- 15 we replace the standard Gaussian mechanism by the improved mecha- thetic data, 푑 = 2 , 푘 = 20, 푛 = 104. Dotted curves correspond to lower- nism from Balle [272], so that the method remains private for values bounds and are thus not private strictly of 휀 greater than 1. This can only improve the initial algorithm, and speaking. makes the comparison with our method more fair as we also rely on this improved Gaussian mechanism as detailed in Section 7.3.2. Then, 27 27 we modify the noise level by a factor 2 in order to yield comparable Upadhyay defines two datasets 퐗, 퐘 privacy definitions. The method of Upadhyay also only provides (휀, 훿)- (seen as matrices here) as neighbors when ‖퐗 − 퐘‖퐹 ≤ 1. We slightly in- DP, but we include for our method both 휀-DP and (휀, 훿)-DP curves crease the noise level, so that the al- 퐗, 퐘 on the same figure for reference, although they cannot be compared gorithm remains private√ for sat- ‖퐗 − 퐘‖ ≤ 2 directly in terms of privacy. We do not include the methods presented isfying 퐹 . Note that, using our BDP neighboring relation in the previous section, as computing the 푑 × 푑 covariance matrix is (Definition 7.4), and assuming data ‖퐗 − 퐘‖2 = prohibitive in this setting. in the unit ball, sup퐗∼퐘 퐹 sup ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2 = 2, so our defini- 퐱,퐲∊B2 2 For our compressive method, we recall that the sensitivity needs tion is, with our modification, strictly to be computed numerically as detailed in Section 8.1.3. For the pure stronger than the other one. DP setting, we rely on the closed form (8.6) as we use fast transforms. 184

For the ADP setting, we show both the Riesz-Thorin upper-bound (cf. Section 8.1.3), which yields a truly private (but pessimistic) method, and a lower bound obtained by maximizing the generalized Rayleigh ⊗4 4 푚 ⊗4 quotient ⟨C, 퐱 ⟩퐹/‖퐱‖ (where C = ∑푗=1 흎푗 ) using L-BFGS-B, start- ing from a uniform initialization on the sphere (the maximum over 10 initializations is reported). We also show the lower bound obtained us- ing the same method, but drawing the norms of the (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 vectors 푖.푖.푑. as ‖흎푗‖ ∼ 휒푑. Note that the scale of the (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 does not matter from a learning perspective, and simply changes the expression of the sensitivity. As can be seen on Figure 9.7, the curve corresponding to our method using the Riesz-Thorin upper-bound on the sensitivity is already quite close to the results obtained with private-covariance-lrf. There is still a large gap between these methods and the curves obtained via lower- bound on the sensitivity, but this suggests that our method is at least competitive with the other approach. Interestingly with our method, choosing the radiuses of the vectors (흎푖)1≤푖≤푚 set to 1 rather than drawn according to a 휒푑 distribution does improve significantly the overall performance; this could be an intrinsic gain, or also a change of behavior of the optimization landscape leading to weaker local optima. Investigating how the NSR varies with the choice of the distribution of the (흎푖)1≤푖≤푚 is left for future work, but could certainly help to get a better understanding of this behavior. Note that our mechanism does not work better under 휀-DP on this example, but this comes from the fact that the good utility is obtained on this dataset for large values of 휀; hence (휀, 훿)-DP should not be expected to yield significantly better results, as the noise level must still scale in Ω(휀−1/2) when 휀 → ∞ [272, Section 2.3]. It remains however useful to satisfy both definitions, as (휀, 훿)-DP could perfectly well improve the obtained utility on other datasets. Note that these experimental results hold for data which is truly approximately low-rank, i.e. 푘 needs to be chosen so that 휆1, …, 휆푘 concentrate a large part of the energy. When this condition does not hold, solving Equation (9.12) becomes difficult and algorithms do not converge well in practice. Here again, building provable algorithms to learn from the sketch is a challenge in itself, especially when using the Burer-Monteiro which makes the problem non-convex [323].

9.4 Discussion and perspectives

In this chapter and the previous one, we highlighted the potential of the compressive approach to learn from potentially massive datasets using limited computational resources, while ensuring the differential privacy of the data providers at the same time. Beside being promising as privacy-inducing mechanism in terms of privacy, our framework has several key interesting features compared to other methods from the literature, that are discussed here together with main limitations 185

and perspectives.

Efficient and distributed learning Firstly, the computational advan- tages of non-private sketching remain valid after our addition of a privacy layer. In particular, learning from the sketch can be done with time and space complexities which do not depend on the number of samples 푛 in the dataset. Moreover, the sketching process is em- barrassingly parallel due to the averaging operation as highlighted in Chapter 1. Sketches coming from several separate data holders can thus be aggregated again after sketching, providing distributed differential privacy for free, without any need for a trusted central party.

Versatility Another advantage is that the sketch, acting as a surrogate for the whole dataset, contains more information than just the output of one specialized algorithm, and can thus be used multiple times. This can be leveraged to solve different learning tasks from a same sketch without breaking privacy, assuming that those tasks can be solved using the same sketching operator. This is what we already observed for random Fourier features, which can be used for both 푘- means clustering and fitting a Gaussian mixture model, two different but related estimation problems. This versatility of the sketch also allows to run the learning algo- rithm with different initializations and parameters, producing multiple solutions; the distance to the empirical sketch can be used as a metric to pick the best of these solutions. This is in contrast with usual (e.g. iterative) differentially private methods that can be highly sensitive to the choice of such parameters (which have to be selected a priori, as accessing the data for parameter tuning breaks the privacy guarantee).

Open challenges Although the sketch serves as a general-purpose synopsis of the dataset, at least some a priori knowledge about the data distribution and/or the target task is required when designing the sketch feature map Φ ∶ 퐱 ↦ 휌(Ω푇퐱). Naturally the nonlinearity 휌 must be selected according to the desired task, but we postpone to Chapter 10 the discussion on the generalization to other tasks. However even for a given non-linearity, we explained in Section 9.2.4 that the choice of the sketch size 푚 could be seen as a trade-off between performance and privacy. Going for approximate DP mitigates this difficulty, and otherwise the NSR can help to choose this parameter as explained above. Another crucial point is the choice of the radial distribution of the frequencies for Fourier features, and in particular the estimation of the “scale” of this probability distribution as explained in Chapter 4. This might be a limitation to using sketching in practice but, on the other side, any heuristic that could be developed in the future to estimate 2 a good value of the kernel scale 휎휅 could potentially be easy to make private as it releases a single scalar value, which is bounded as soon as the data is assumed to be bounded. 186

Perspectives All the guarantees which have been formulated are dif- ferential privacy guarantees. Although this framework is certainly the most standard in the literature, other definitions of privacy exist as discussed in Section 7.2.3. The subsampling mechanism introduced in Section 8.2, albeit allowing to control more precisely the tradeoff between privacy and computational complexity, does not improve at all the differential privacy guarantees. It is however somehow interesting for privacy preservation, at least intuitively, as it uses less information from the dataset: in the extreme case where only one quantized Fourier feature is computed per data sample, only one bit of information is 28 28 measured from each data sample . Revisiting the obtained privacy And later averaged with other guarantees with information-theoretic tools could thus lead to guar- sketches. antees of a different nature, but which could potentially be improved when using subsampling. Finally, we expect that compressive learning will be extended to more learning tasks in future works (see Part V). The private sketch- ing framework presented here would be directly transferable to those new algorithms, although the sketch sensitivity would have to be re- computed for novel feature functions. Part V


Chapter 10 Towards handling broader families of compression-type tasks

inding which learning tasks can be addressed using sketches of Contents the form (1.10) remains one of the biggest challenges for future 10.1 Working with projective losses 190 work. We recall that in the compressive approach, the data 10.1.1 Projection onto closed convex sets F | 10.1.2 Handling unions of convex sets empirical distribution is mapped to a sketch 퐬̃ using a feature map Φ, 10.2 Implications for the lower restricted and then an hypothesis ℎ̂ ∊ 픖 is recovered from this sketch, where 픖 isometry property 198 denotes the chosen model set. 10.2.1 Regularity of the sketching oper- ator | 10.2.2 Implications for the LRIP As explained in Section 2.2, our goal in order to generalize the 10.3 Summary 203 compressive framework to a new learning task would be to find a feature map Φ and a procedure ℎ(·)̂ to recover an hypothesis from a ΔR(ℎ(̂ 퐬),̃ 휋) 퐬̃ = 1 ∑푛 Φ(퐱 ) sketch such that the excess risk (where 푛 푖=1 푖 denotes the empirical sketch) is bounded with high probability when the samples (퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 are drawn i.i.d. from 휋. The bounds derived so far on the excess risk have been obtained [5, 6] by leveraging results from linear inverse problem, and in particular by establishing a lower restricted isometry property (LRIP) of the kind

∀휏, 휏 ′ ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ′‖ ≤ 퐶 ‖A(휏) − A(휏 ′)‖ , ΔL(H) 휅Φ 2 (10.1) which implies that the optimal decoder Δ(푠) = arg min휏∊픖 ‖A(휏) − 푠‖2 1 1 is instance optimal for the pseudo-norm ‖·‖ΔL(H), i.e. robust to both In the sense of (2.17). noise and modeling error. This, in turn, implies that the excess risk can 2 2 be controlled . We also recall that in the other direction, the existence of Cf. Section 2.2.1. 퐶 > 0 instance optimal decoders implies that (10.1) holds for some 휅Φ . These implications are summarized on Figure 10.1. In this chapter, we propose to show for specific families of learning tasks how simple regularity arguments can be leveraged to prove that the LRIP cannot hold for some model sets. Naturally, this does not imply that the excess risk cannot be controlled in another way. However, we expect that such examples could help us to derive necessary conditions that the model set (and/or the feature map) must satisfy in order for a LRIP to hold. 3 3 Our strategy will be to consider distributions of the kind 휏 = 훿퐜 We will need to choose 퐜, 퐮 such that 휏 = 1 (훿 + 훿 ) the distributions belong to the model set. and 휀 2 퐜+휀퐮 퐜+퐮 , and to show that for some judicious choices 푑 2 of 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R and a C feature map Φ, the quantity ‖A(휏휀) − A(휏)‖2 is dominated by ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) when 휀 → 0. We introduce in Section 10.1 the considered family of loss functions and study their directional derivatives, which allows us to derive ex- 190

Learning Task Feature map (freely chosen) Model set 픖 (freely cho- Defined by a loss (and risk) Defines a sketching operator sen, but should be large function. Induces the semi- A(·) and a mean kernel. enough to provide mean-

norm ‖·‖ΔL(H). ingful bounds on the excess risk) Acts as a regularizer.

Lower restricted isometry property (LRIP)

∀휏, 휏 ′ ∊ 픖, ‖휏 − 휏 ′‖ ≤ 퐶 ‖A(휏) − A(휏 ′)‖ , ΔL(H) 휅Φ 2

Existence of an instance-optimal decoder Δ Goal : Control of the excess risk One can find ℎ(·)̂ s.t. ΔR(ℎ(̂ 퐬),̃ 휋) is ∀휋 ∊ P(X ), ∀퐞 ∊ Z, 푖.푖.푑. bounded w.h.p. when (퐱푖)1≤푖≤푛 ∼ 휋. ‖휋 − Δ(A(휋) + 퐞)‖ ≲ 푑(휋, 픖) + ‖퐞‖ 퐬̃ = 1 ∑푛 Φ(퐱 ) L(H) 2 (Here 푛 푖=1 푖 denotes the empirical sketch.)

Figure 10.1: Summary of the properties used to control the excess risk. Double ar- pressions for the difference between risks of such simple mixtures of rows denote implications, and simple ar- rows denote dependence relations. Both diracs using geometric arguments. We will see in Section 10.2 that the model set and the feature maps can these results will in turn translate to lower bounds on the semi-norm be chosen, while the loss function is fixed as it defines the learning task. ‖·‖ΔL(H) induced by the loss. From these observations, we derive a few impossibility results when the feature map Φ is C2. We will see in particular that the LRIP cannot hold for the task of subspace clustering for the model of all unions of 푘 subspaces, and for 4 4 k-means using the model of all unions of 푘 points . Our results are Which is not contradictory with existing summarized at the end of the chapter in Table 10.1. results, which hold only for a restricted model set (a separation condition be- tween the Diracs is added). 10.1 Working with projective losses

In all this chapter, we restrict ourselves to a particular family of learning tasks, which we define here.

Definition 10.1 (Compression-type task): A compression- type5 task is a learning task for which the hypothesis space 5. We follow the terminology pro- satisfies H ⊂ P(X ) (i.e. each ℎ ∊ H is a subset of the data space) posed in [5], but restrict ourselves to Eu- clidean spaces. The definition could be and the loss function can be written generalized to arbitrary metric spaces.

푝 푙푝(ℎ, 퐱) = inf ‖퐱 − 퐲‖ (10.2) 퐲∊ℎ 2

where 푝 > 0.

In the following, the risk associated to 푙푝(ℎ, ·) is denoted R푝(ℎ, ·). We will focus in particular on the setting 푝 = 1 and 푝 = 2. Note that some of the learning tasks introduced so far are already compression-type tasks, for instance: 191

k-means clustering (ℎ is a set of at most 푘 points, and 푝 = 2); k-medians clustering (ℎ is a set of at most 푘 points, and 푝 = 1); PCA (ℎ is an at most 푘-dimensional subspace, 푝 = 2). We will see below that a few other standard learning problems can be written using this formalism.

10.1.1 Projection onto closed convex sets

6 6 We first focus on the setting where ℎ is a closed convex set . In this case, In the whole chapter, all the considered the minimizer in (10.2) is unique according to the Hilbert projection sets are implicitly non-empty. theorem [326, Theorem 2 p.51]. We define the projection operator as

Πℎ ∶ 퐱 ↦ arg min ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2, 퐲∊ℎ 푝 and we have 푙푝(퐱, ℎ) = ‖퐱 − Πℎ(퐱)‖2. We now provide expressions of the directional derivatives of 푙2 and

푙1 in this context. Lemma 10.2

Let ℎ be a nonempty closed convex set. Then 푙2(ℎ, ·) is differentiable everywhere and for every 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R푑 we have when 휀 → 0:

푇 푙2(ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙2(ℎ, 퐜) = 휀2(퐜 − Πℎ(퐜)) 퐮 + 표(휀).

Proof: The function 푙2(ℎ, ·) is differentiable with gradient

∇푙2(ℎ, 퐜) = 2(퐱 − Πℎ(퐱)), see e.g. [327]. This proves the exis- tence of directional derivatives in all directions everywhere, and their expression is derived from the gradient.

Unless otherwise specified, all the asymptotic notations used from now on in the chapter hold, as in Lemma 10.2, when 휀 → 0. In order to provide a result similar to Lemma 10.2 for the 푙1 loss, we first define the notion of tangent cone which will be useful.

Definition 10.3 (Tangent direction): Let 푆 ⊂ R푑 and 퐱 ∊ 푆. A direction 퐝 ∊ R푑 is called tangent to 푆 at 퐱 if there exists

sequences (퐱푖)푖∊N in 푆 and (푡푖)푖∊N in R+ such that

퐱푖 − 퐱 lim 퐱푖 = 퐱, lim 푡푖 = 0, and lim = 퐝. 푖→∞ 푖→∞ 푖→∞ 푡푖

Definition 10.4 (Tangent cone): We define the solid tangent 7 cone of 푆 at 퐱 ∊ 푆, denoted 푇푆(푥), as the set of all tangent 7. Also known as Bouligand’s cone, directions of 푆 at 퐱. or the contingent cone [328, Definition 5.1.1]. We use this definition which is the standard one and quite generic, however we will mostly work in the following with closed convex sets, in which case the tangent cone of 푆 at 퐱 can alternatively [328, Proposition 5.2.1] be defined as the topological closure of 푆 − {퐱} ≜

{퐬 − 퐱|퐬 ∊ 푆}. In particular, in this case 푇ℎ(퐜) is closed and convex and Π (·) thus 푇ℎ(퐜) is well defined. 192

In the following, we also denote 휕푆 the boundary of 푆, and int 푆 its interior. We use 퐷퐮푓 to denote the directional derivative of the function 푓 in the direction 퐮. Lemma 10.5

Let ℎ be a nonempty closed convex set, and let 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R푑. If 퐜 ∊ int ℎ, then there exists 퐵 > 0 such that for any 휀 ∊]0, 퐵[ we have

푙1(ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙1(ℎ, 퐜) = 0.

If 푐 ∉ ℎ, then for any 휀 > 0:

푇 (퐜 − Πℎ(퐜)) 푙1(ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙1(ℎ, 퐜) = 휀 퐮 + 표(휀) ‖퐜 − Πℎ(퐜)‖2

Otherwise, i.e. when 푐 ∊ 휕ℎ, for any 휀 > 0:

푙 (ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙 (ℎ, 퐜) = 휀‖퐮 − Π (퐮)‖ + 표(휀). 1 1 푇ℎ(퐜) 2


On int ℎ, we have 푙1(·, ℎ) = 0 everywhere. Hence for any 퐱 ∊ int ℎ, one can find a neighborhood 푁(퐱) ⊂ int ℎ on

which 푙1(·, ℎ) = 0. 1/2 Note that 푙1(퐜, ℎ) = 푙2(퐜, ℎ) , and thus at any 퐜 ∉ ℎ, the loss

푙1(·, ℎ) is differentiable by composition. Using the chain rule, we have 1 ∇푙1(퐜, ℎ) = 2(퐜 − Πℎ(퐜)), 2‖퐜 − Πℎ(퐜)‖2 which yields the desired result. 퐜 ∊ ℎ 퐷 Π (퐜) = Π (퐮) For , we have 퐮 ℎ 푇ℎ(퐜) according to [328, Proposition III.5.3.5]. Hence in particular for any 퐜 ∊ 휕ℎ, and for any direction 퐮 ∊ R푑:

푙1(퐜 + 휆퐮, ℎ) − 푙1(퐜, ℎ) 퐷퐮푙1(·, ℎ) = lim 휆→0+ 휆 ‖퐜 + 휆퐮 − Πℎ(퐜 + 휆퐮)‖ = lim 2 휆→0+ 휆 Π (퐜 + 휆퐮) − 퐜 = lim ∥퐮 − ℎ ∥ 휆→0+ 휆 2 = ∥퐮 − Π (퐮)∥ 푇ℎ(푐) 2

by composition and continuity of ‖퐮 − ·‖2.

We will now use these expressions of the directional derivatives of the 푙1 and 푙2 losses to derive results on the risk of very simple distri- butions. This will, in turn, allow us to lower-bound the semi-norms induced by these losses in Section 10.2. 193

Regularity of the associated risk In the following, we will consider distributions of the form

휏 = 훿 ∀휀 > 0 휏 = 1 (훿 + 훿 ), 퐜 and 휀 2 퐜+휀퐮 퐜−휀퐮 (10.3) where 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R푑, and look at the difference of their risks when 휀 → 0. Lemma 10.6

푑 Let ℎ be a closed convex set. Let 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R , and 휏, 휏휀 defined as in (10.3). Then R2(ℎ, 휏휀) − R2(ℎ, 휏) = 표(휀).

Proof: We have by definition

R2(ℎ, 휏휀) − R2(ℎ, 휏) = 1 (푙 (ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙 (ℎ, 퐜)) + 1 (푙 (ℎ, 퐜 − 휀퐮) − 푙 (ℎ, 퐜)) 2 2 2 2 2 2 (i) 1 푇 1 푇 = (휀2(퐜 − Π (퐜)) 퐮) + (휀2(퐜 − Π (퐜)) (−퐮) + 표(휀)) (i) By Lemma 10.2. 2 ℎ 2 ℎ = 표(휀).

Lemma 10.7

Let ℎ be a closed convex set, 퐜 ∊ 휕ℎ and 퐮 ∊ R푑 be chosen such 8 ‖퐮 − Π (퐮)‖ > 0 휏, 휏 8. We will see when using Lemma 10.7 that 푇ℎ(퐜) 2 . Let 휀 be defined as in (10.3). Then R (ℎ, 휏 ) − R (ℎ, 휏) = Θ(휀). that this is always possible for a closed 1 휀 1 convex (e.g. by choosing 퐮 to be the nor- mal vector to a supporting hyperplane for ℎ at 퐜 oriented such that the ray Proof: By two direct applications of Lemma 10.5: 퐜 + R+퐮 does not intersect ℎ). R (ℎ, 휏 ) − R (ℎ, 휏) = 1 (푙 (ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙 (ℎ, 퐜)) 1 휀 1 2 1 1 + 1 (푙 (ℎ, 퐜 + 휀(−퐮)) − 푙 (ℎ, 퐜)) 2 1 1 = 휀(‖퐮 − Π (퐮)‖ + ‖퐮 − Π (−퐮)‖ ) 푇ℎ(퐜) 2 푇ℎ(퐜) 2 + 표(휀) = Θ(휀).

Note that ℎ can perfectly have an empty interior here. We will for instance use this lemma below in the setting where ℎ is a linear subspace, and 퐮 a normal vector to the hyperplane.

10.1.2 Handling unions of convex sets

We now consider the setting where the hypothesis ℎ is chosen in a 푙 family of unions of convex sets, i.e. ℎ = ⋃푖=1 ℎ푖 with each ℎ푖 convex. In that case, the loss can be written 푙푝(ℎ, 퐱) = min1≤푖≤푙 푙푝(ℎ푖, 퐱), and is most often not differentiable even for 푝 = 2. We introduce some useful geometric definitions, and then derive properties of the loss similarly to what has been done before.

푙 Definition 10.8: Let ℎ = ⋃푖=1 ℎ푖 be a set of convex sets and 푑 a distance. We define 194

9 For every 푖, the territory of ℎ푖 is 9. Note that the territories and con- flict sets implicitly depend on all the terr(ℎ ) ≜ {퐱 ∊ R푑|∀푗 ≠ 푖, 푑(퐱, ℎ ) < 푑(퐱, ℎ )}. (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 and on the distance 푑, although 푖 푖 푗 we do not reflect it in our notations for conciseness. 10 For every 푖 ≠ 푗, the conflict set between ℎ푖 and ℎ푗 is 10. Sometimes also called “ties”.

푑 confl(ℎ푖, ℎ푗) ≜ {퐱 ∊ R |푑(퐱, ℎ푖) = 푑(퐱, ℎ푗)}.

The conflict set of ℎ is

푙 푑 confl{(ℎ1, …, ℎ푙)} ≜ R ⧵ ⋃ terr(ℎ푖). 푖=1

(ℎ) By an abuse of notation, we write in the following confl instead ℎ푗 ) 퐣 ((ℎ , …, ℎ )) ℎ , 퐡 of confl 1 푙 , i.e. refers to both the union or the tuple of the 퐢 (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 depending on the context. Also, we will alway use the pre- vious definition with the euclidean distance 푑(퐱, 퐲) = ‖퐱 − 퐲‖ in the confl(퐡 confl(퐡) 2 ℎ푖 following.

Note that confl(ℎ) is a (most often strict) subset of ∪푖≠푗 confl(ℎ푖, ℎ푗). It corresponds to all the points at which the loss is not differentiable. Let us now illustrate the three concepts from Definition 10.8 on two settings of interest. Examples:

When all the (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 are singletons, the territories are the asso- ciated (open) Voronoi cells, and confl(ℎ) the boundary around Figure 10.2: Illustration of Defini- tion 10.8 when ℎ is a union of 푘 points. these Voronoi cells, as illustrated in Figure 10.2. We obtain a Voronoi diagram, whose col- If ℎ is a union of two intersecting lines in the two-dimensional ored cells correspond to the territories as- sociated to the points (ℎ푙)1≤푙≤푘. The blue plane, then their conflict set is the union of their two bissectors. dashed line corresponds to the conflict ℎ ℎ Naturally, when ℎ is more complicated, the geometry of the conflict set between 푖 and 푗 (points in purple), and confl(ℎ) is represented in white. itself can become more complex as well, and is an object of study of its own [329]. Note also that, if the (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 intersect, then their 11 11 intersection belongs to the conflict set. And all the intersections between pairs (ℎ푖, ℎ푗) with 푖 ≠ 푗. Definition 10.9: 퐜 ∊ (ℎ , ℎ ) Π (퐜) ≠ Let confl 1 2 be such that ℎ1 Π (퐜) 퐮 ∊ 푆푑−1 퐜 terr(ℎ2) terr(ℎ1) ℎ2 . We say that is the direction of conflict at from ℎ1 to ℎ2 if 퐜 퐮 • Π (퐜) − Π (퐜) • ℎ2 ℎ1 퐮 = . Πℎ (퐜) • Π (퐜) ‖Π (퐜) − Π (퐜)‖ 2 ℎ1 ℎ2 ℎ1 2 ℎ ℎ2 1 A schematic representation is provided in Figure 10.3. Note that the orientation (sign) of 퐮 is imposed here to make the definition unique, • but will not play a role in the following given the usage that will be confl(ℎ1, ℎ2) made of the definition. Indeed, we will use directions of conflict tode- fine symmetric distributions; if 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ1, ℎ2), then the distribution 휏휀 defined as in (10.3) is invariant to the sign of 퐮, and thus using for 퐮 the direction of conflict from ℎ1 to ℎ2 or from ℎ2 to ℎ1 is equivalent. Figure 10.3: Construction of the direc- 퐜 + R 퐮 ≜ {퐜 + 휆퐮|휆 ∊ R } tion of conflict (here from ℎ2 to ℎ1). The In the following, + + denotes the ray starting purple line is the conflict set. In dimen- from 퐜 in the direction 퐮. sion 2, when ℎ1, ℎ2 are closed disjoint We now introduce a geometric construction which will help us to convex sets, the direction of conflict 퐮 is a normal of the conflict set at 퐜 [330, Theorem 1]. 195

build counter-examples.

Definition 10.10: We say that a pair (퐜, 퐮) ∊ (R푑)2 is contentious 푙 for a union of closed convex sets ℎ = ⋃푖=1 ℎ푖 if there exists in- dexes 1 ≤ 푖 ≠ 푗 ≤ 푙 and a neighborhood 푁 of 퐜 such that

(i) 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ) ∩ confl(ℎ푖, ℎ푗); Π (퐜) ≠ Π (퐜) 퐜 ∉ ℎ (ii) ℎ푖 ℎ푗 (which implies );

(iii) 퐮 is a direction of conflict at 퐜 (w.l.o.g. from ℎ푗 to ℎ푖);

(iv) (퐜 + R+퐮) ∩ 푁 ⊆ terr(ℎ푖) and (퐜 − R+퐮) ∩ 푁 ⊆ terr(ℎ푗).

We do not aim at characterizing exactly when such contentious pairs exist, but we will show below that it is always possible to build one for unions of disjoint compact convex sets, as well as for union of subspaces. Although the formulation of Definition 10.10 might seem a bit cum- 12 12 bersome , we expect that contentious pairs exist for most settings of There might be a simpler reformulation practical interest. For instance in the 푘-means setting, ℎ is a set of 푘 suiting our needs. points, and the conflict set confl(ℎ) corresponds to the boundary of the 푘 Voronoi cells (cf. Figure 10.2); thus any 퐜 which is in confl(ℎ) and at 13 13 the same time in the conflict set of exactly two distinct points can be We will see below in Figure 10.5 that used to build a contentious pair. the situation may be more complex if 퐜 is in multiple conflict sets at the same time. We will briefly discuss later (see two paragraphs below) whythe four conditions in Definition 10.10 are required for our needs, but we first review what these conditions imply for the loss when a contentious pair exist, and show how to build a contentious pair in two practical settings.

Implications of the existence of contentious pairs for the loss We 1 have seen in Section 10.1.1 that the loss 푙2(ℎ, ·) is C for a convex set ℎ, and that we always have R2(ℎ, 휏휀) − R2(ℎ, 휏) = 표(휀) as a consequence (cf. Lemma 10.6). When considering unions of convex sets, the loss is still C1 in each “territory”, however we can find points on the conflict set where the loss is not differentiable when there exists (퐜, 퐮) satisfying

Definition 10.10. The same holds for the 푙1 loss (albeit we already established in this case that 푙1(ℎ, ·) is non differentiable on 휕ℎ for a single convex set ℎ). Lemma 10.11 Let ℎ be a union of 푙 ≥ 2 convex sets admitting a contentious

pair (퐜, 퐮), and 휏, 휏휀 be defined as in (10.3). Then R(ℎ, 휏휀) − R(ℎ, 휏) = Θ(휀) for both 푙1 and 푙2.

푙 Proof: By definition, ℎ can be written ℎ = ⋃푖=1 ℎ푖. By Defi- nition 10.10, there are indexes 푖 ≠ 푗 such that 퐮 is the direc- tion of conflict at 퐜 from 푗 to 푖, and a neighborhood 푁 of 퐜

such that (퐜 + R+퐮) ∩ 푁 ⊆ terr ℎ푖 and (퐜 − R+퐮) ∩ 푁 ⊆ terr ℎ푗.

Hence for 휀 > 0 small enough 푙(ℎ, 퐜 + 휀퐮) = 푙(ℎ푖, 퐜 + 휀퐮) and 196

푙(ℎ, 퐜 − 휀퐮) = 푙(ℎ푗, 퐜 − 휀퐮). Moreover, by continuity of the loss

푙(ℎ, 퐜) = 푙(ℎ푖, 퐜) as 퐜 ∊ terr(ℎ푖), and the same holds for 푗.

Thus we have (for both 푙 = 푙1 and 푙 = 푙2):

R(ℎ, 휏 ) − R(ℎ, 휏) = 1 (푙(ℎ , 퐜 + 휀퐮) − 푙(ℎ , 퐜)) 휀 2 푖 푖 + 1 (푙(ℎ , 퐜 + 휀(−퐮)) − 푙(ℎ , 퐜)). 2 푗 푗

This translates, first for the 푙1 loss by Lemma 10.5 to:

푇 퐜 − Πℎ (퐜) 퐜 − Πℎ (퐜) R (ℎ, 휏 ) − R (ℎ, 휏) = 1 휀( 푖 − 푗 ) 퐮 1 휀 1 2 ‖퐜 − Π (퐜)‖ ‖퐜 − Π (퐜)‖ ℎ푖 2 ℎ푗 2 + 표(휀).

And for the 푙2 loss by Lemma 10.2:

푇 R (ℎ, 휏 ) − R (ℎ, 휏) = 휀(Π (퐜) − Π (퐜)) 퐮 + 표(휀). 2 휀 2 ℎ푗 ℎ푖

By definition of the direction of conflict, and because ‖퐜 − 푇 Π (퐜)‖ = ‖퐜 − Π (퐜)‖ (Π (퐜) − Π (퐜)) 퐮 ≠ 0 ℎ푖 2 ℎ푗 2, we have both ℎ푗 ℎ푖 퐜−Π (퐜) 퐜−Π (퐜) 푇 ( ℎ푖 − ℎ푗 ) 퐮 ≠ 0 and ‖퐜−Π (퐜)‖ ‖퐜−Π (퐜)‖ . ℎ푖 2 ℎ푗 2

Proving the existence of contentious situations In dimension 2, the existence of a tuple (퐜, 퐮) satisfying Definition 10.10 can be shown easily in some contexts using the fact that the conflict set of two distinct convex sets ℎ1, ℎ2 is differentiable, and that the direction of conflict 퐮 = (Π (퐜) − Π (퐜))/‖Π (퐜) − Π (퐜)‖ ℎ1 ℎ2 ℎ1 ℎ2 2 is precisely the normal of 14 14 the conflict set at 퐜 [330, Theorem 1] (cf. Figure 10.3). We expect that this result can be We provide two lemmas for the settings where ℎ is a set of points, useful as well in higher dimension by considering the 2d plane containing or a set of subspaces, which hold in any dimension. 퐜, Π (퐜), Π (퐜) ℎ1 ℎ2 . However we could not find any generalized result regarding Lemma 10.12 the regularity of the conflict set in this case. If the (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 are pairwise disjoint compact convex sets, then

ℎ = ⋃1≤푖≤푙 ℎ푖 admits a contentious pair.

Proof: 퐷 = ‖퐱 − 퐲‖ 퐷 > 0 Let min푝≠푞 inf퐱∊ℎ푝,퐲∊ℎ푞 2. Note that as the (ℎ푝)1≤푝≤푙 are pairwise disjoint. One can find 퐱 ∊ ℎ푖, 퐲 ∊ ℎ푗

such that ‖퐱 − 퐲‖2 = 퐷, as 퐷 is the minimizer of a continuous

function over ⋃푝≠푞 ℎ푝 − ℎ푞, which is compact as a finite union of differences of compact sets (convexity is not needed here). Let 푖, 푗

be the (unique by disjointness) indexes satisfying 퐱 ∊ ℎ푖, 퐲 ∊ ℎ푗. 퐜 = (퐱 + 퐲)/2 Π (퐜) = 퐱 Π (퐜) = Define . We have ℎ푖 and ℎ푗 퐲 Π (퐜) = 퐰 ≠ 퐱 ‖퐰 − 퐜‖ < (otherwise if ℎ푖 , we would have 2 ‖퐱 − 퐜‖2 = ‖(퐱 − 퐲)/2‖2 = 퐷/2, which would imply ‖퐰 − 퐲‖2 ≤

‖퐰 − 퐜‖2 + ‖퐜 − 퐲‖2 < 퐷 and is in contradiction with the definition 퐱 퐲 ‖퐜 − Π (퐜)‖ = ‖퐜 − Π (퐜)‖ = of and ). As a consequence, ℎ푖 2 ℎ푗 2 퐷/2 and 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ푖, ℎ푗). Furthermore we have 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ), otherwise there would be 푘 ∊ 1, 푙 satisfying 푘 ≠ 푖, 푘 ≠ 푗 such J K 197

that 퐜 ∊ terr(ℎ푘), which would contradict the definition of 퐷.

Now if we define 퐮 ≜ (퐲 − 퐱)/‖퐲 − 퐱‖2 then (퐜, 퐮) satisfies

Definition 10.10. Indeed, we have 훼퐜 + (1 − 훼)퐱 ∊ terr(ℎ푖) for any 0 ≤ 훼 < 1 using again the definition of 퐷 (and the same holds for

훼퐳 + (1 − 훼)퐲 and terr(ℎ푗) by symmetry). Hence one can choose for instance the neighborhood 푁 of 퐜 appearing in Definition 10.10

to be the ball of radius 푅 = ‖(퐱 − 퐲)/2‖2 centered in 퐜.

Lemma 10.13

푙 Let ℎ = ⋃푖=1 ℎ푖, where the (ℎ푖)1≤푖≤푙 are distinct linear subspaces of R푑. Then ℎ admits a contentious pair.

Proof: The proof is similar to the one of Lemma 10.12, however we

need to rely on principal angles between subspaces to measure 퐮 the “closest” subspaces. For any 푝 ≠ 푞 ∊ 1, 푙 , defining 푑푝 = J K dim(ℎ푝), 푑푞 ≜ dim(ℎ푞) and assuming 푑푝 ≤ 푑푞 w.l.o.g., we denote 푝푞 푝푞 0 ≤ 휃 ≤ … ≤ 휃 ≤ 휋/2 the principal angles associated to ℎ ℎ1 • 퐜 ℎ2 1 푑푝 푝 and ℎ푞. As the subspaces are assumed to be distinct, there is for 푝푞 푝푞 each 푝 ≠ 푞 a lowest index 푖 such that 휃 ≜ 휃 > 0. 푝푞 min 푖푝푞 푖푗 푝푞 Let 푖, 푗 be chosen such that 휃min = min푝≠푞 휃min. Then one Figure 10.4: Here 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ , ℎ ), 퐱 ∊ ℎ ∩ 푆푑−1 퐲 ∊ ℎ ∩ 푆푑−1 휃푖푗 = 1 2 can find 푝 and 푞 such that min however 퐮 is not a direction of conflict 푖푗 −1 퐜 + R 퐮 ⊆ (ℎ ) arccos(|⟨퐱, 퐲⟩|). Defining 퐜 = cos(휃min/2) (퐱 + 퐲)/‖퐱 + 퐲‖ and and + terr 2 . 퐮 = (퐱 − 퐲)/‖퐱 − 퐲‖2, the pair (퐜, 퐮) satisfies Definition 10.10. Indeed: • Π (퐜) = 퐱 퐱 퐜 ℎ푖 ( is the orthogonal projection of onto the line containing ퟎ and 퐱 by construction of 퐜; it is however also • • ℎ 퐜 퐮 the orthogonal projection onto 푖, as there would otherwise • 휃푖푗 Π (퐜) = 퐲 be contradiction with the minimality of min) and ℎ푗 (by symmetry); • • this implies 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ푖, ℎ푗), as ‖퐜 − 퐱‖2 = ‖퐜 − 퐲‖2; ℎ푖 ℎ푗 we also have 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ) (if this does not hold, then it means Figure 10.5: Here 퐜 ∊ confl(ℎ) ∩ that 퐜 is in the territory of some ℎ푘, which would contradict 푖푗 confl(ℎ1, ℎ2) and is a direction of con- the minimality of 휃min); flict, but does not satisfy point (푖푣) of Def- 푖푗 inition 10.10 (at least not for the choice still using the minimality of 휃min, we have that for every 0 < 푖푗 of 푖, 푗 represented). Note that on this ex- 휀 < ‖퐜‖2 tan(휃min/2), 퐱 + 휀퐮 ∊ terr(ℎ푖), and a similar property ample, it is however possible to build a contentious pair. holds for terr(ℎ푗) by symmetry.

Intuition behind Definition 10.10 We provide in figs. 10.4 and 10.5 (ℎ ) (ℎ , ℎ ) (ℎ ) two examples illustrating why the four conditions of Definition 10.10 terr 1 confl 1 2 terr 2 are required in order to design distributions 휏, 휏 for which R(ℎ, 휏 ) − 휀 휀 ℎ1 ℎ2 R(ℎ, 휏) = Θ(휀) (as we did in Lemma 10.11). For instance, the vector 퐮 depicted in Figure 10.4 will not allow us to derive a risk difference of the order of Θ(휀): indeed 퐜 + R퐮 is a subset of terr(ℎ2) and thus the Figure 10.6: Here the conflict set has a loss is differentiable on this line. On Figure 10.5, it is possible to build a non-empty interior as ℎ1 and ℎ2 are over- contentious pair, however 퐜 and 퐮 must be wisely chosen: we depict an lapping, and there exists no contentious example which is not a contentious pair, as 퐜 and 퐮 satisfy properties pair. 198

(i)-(iii) of Definition 10.10 for ℎ푖, ℎ푗 defined on the picture but 퐜 + R+퐮 is neither contained in the territory of ℎ푖, nor in the territory of ℎ푗. Note that, even for simple convex sets, existence of contentious pairs is not trivial when allowing overlapping sets as shown in Figure 10.6: in this example, the boundaries of the two territories have no intersection and the conflict set has a non-empty interior.

10.2 Implications for the lower restricted isom- etry property

The results provided so far in Section 10.1 focused on the difference of the risks for distributions of the kind 휏휀, 휏.

We will now focus on the other semi-norm ‖A(·)‖2 (associated to the sketching operator) which appears in the expression of the LRIP, and build explicit counter-examples 휏휀, 휏 ∊ 픖 for which ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) = Θ(휀) and ‖A(휏휀 − 휏)‖2 = 표(휀), thus proving that the LRIP (10.1) cannot hold for the considered models.

10.2.1 Regularity of the sketching operator

Let C2(R푑, R푚) denote the class of twice differentiable functions from R푑 to R푚 with continuous first and second derivatives. Lemma 10.14

2 푑 푚 Let Φ ∊ C (R , R ), and A ∶ 휋 ↦ E퐱∼휋Φ(퐱) the associated sketch- 푑 ing operator. Let 퐜, 퐮 ∊ R , and 휏, 휏휀 defined as in (10.3).

Then ‖A(휏휀 − 휏)‖2 = 표(휀) when 휀 → 0.

2 Proof: If Φ is C , then for any 푖 ∊ 1, 푚 , denoting ∇Φ푗 and 퐻Φ J K 푗 the gradient and the hessian of Φ푗 we have

A(휏 ) − A(휏) = 1 [Φ(퐜 + 휀퐮) + Φ(퐜 − 휀퐮) ] − Φ(퐜) 휀 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 푗 = 1 [(Φ(퐜) + 휀∇Φ (퐜)푇퐮 + 1 휀2퐮푇퐻 (퐜)퐮) 2 푗 푗 2 Φ푗 + (Φ(퐜) − 휀∇Φ (퐜)푇퐮 + 1 휀2퐮푇퐻 (퐜)퐮)] 푗 푗 2 Φ푗 2 − Φ(퐜)푗 + 표(휀 ) = 1 휀2퐮푇퐻 (퐜)퐮 + 표(휀2) 2 Φ푗

Hence when 휀 → 0, A(휏휀)푗 − A(휏)푗 = 표(휀), and more precisely A(휏 ) − A(휏) = Θ(휀2) 퐮푇퐻 (퐜)퐮 휀 푗 푗 whenever Φ푗 is not null. This gives the claimed result for ‖A(휏휀) − A(휏)‖2.

10.2.2 Implications for the LRIP

We now try to see the implications of the previous results for the LRIP, assuming a C2 feature map. In the following, we denote

픖0(H) = {휋|∃ℎ ∊ H s.t. R(ℎ, 휋) = 0}, 199

which is a natural choice of model set for compression-type tasks. Examples: For 푘-means and 푘-medians, if H is the set of all sets of at most 푘

points, then 픖0(H) is the set of mixtures of at most 푘 Diracs. For PCA, if H is the set of at most 푘-dimensional linear subspaces,

then 픖0(H) is the set of distributions supported on 푘-dimensional linear subspaces, i.e. centered distributions with covariance matri- ces of rank lower or equal to 푘.

Compression-type tasks In addition to the 푘-means, 푘-medians and PCA problems, we will consider the non-negative matrix (NMF) fac- torization task and subspace clustering.

Definition 10.15 (NMF): Non-negative matrix factorization

with rank 푘 of a dataset 퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛] consists in finding 푑×푘 푘×푛 퐖 ∊ R+ , 퐘 ∊ R+ minimizing ‖퐗 − 퐖퐘‖퐹, i.e. in finding 푑×푘 a positive cone ℎ(퐖) ≜ {퐖퐲|퐲 > 0} for 퐖 ∊ R+ minimiz- 15 ing the risk induced by the loss 푙2(ℎ(퐖), 퐱) for the empirical 15. Cf. (10.2). distribution of 퐗.

We refer to the problem obtained by replacing 푙2(ℎ, 휋퐗) by 푙1(ℎ, 휋퐗) in Definition 10.15 as the robust NMF (RNMF) problem. Similarly, the

PCA loss from (1.2) can be modified to 푙(ℎ, 퐱) ≜ ‖퐱 − Πℎ퐱‖2 (where ℎ is a subspace), and we call the problem induced by this variant of the loss the robust PCA (RPCA) problem. Note that other definitions of “robustness” exist; we use this terminology by convenience here, but the reader should keep in mind that this name can refer to different problems in the literature. We also provide the following definition for unions of subspaces.

Definition 10.16 (Subspace clustering): Subspace clustering (SC) (resp. robust subspace clustering, RSC) of a dataset 퐗

with empirical probability distribution 휋퐗 consists in finding

a union ℎ of 푘 linear subspaces minimizing the risk R2(ℎ, 휋퐗) (resp. R1(ℎ, 휋퐗)).

Note that we restrict ourselves to linear subspaces here for concise- ness, but subspace clustering can also be performed using unions of affine subspaces in the literature. Restrictions on the dimensions ofthe different subspaces can also be considered.

Projection onto a single convex set For PCA, NMF and their robust variants (RPCA, RNMF), the loss takes the form (10.2), with ℎ being a convex set − a subspace for (R)PCA, a cone for (R)NMF.

As a consequence, for any construction of 휏휀, 휏 we have ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) = 표(휀) by Lemma 10.6 and ‖A(휏휀) − A(휏)‖2 = 표(휀) by Lemma 10.14 for a C2 feature map, which does not allow to build a counter-example to the LRIP (10.1). This is naturally not surprising for PCA, as the LRIP is known to hold in this case [5]. However, this is reasonably encouraging for future work on NMF. 200

Regarding RPCA and RNMF, the non-differentiability of the loss 16 16 on the boundary 휕ℎ of the hypothesis allows us to build concrete Cf Lemma 10.7. counter-examples for the LRIP. Lemma 10.17

Let 푘 ∊ 1, 푑 , and H be the set of all subspaces of dimension 푘 푑 J K in R . Then the LRIP (10.1) cannot be satisfied for the 푙1 loss on 2 푑 푚 픖 = 픖0(H) for any Φ ∊ C (R , R ).

Lemma 10.18 Let 푘 > 1. Let H be the set of all positive cones spanned by 푘 points 푑 in R+. Then the LRIP (10.1) cannot be satisfied for the 푙1 loss on 2 푑 푚 픖 = 픖0(H) for any Φ ∊ C (R , R ).

Proof (Proof of lemmas 10.17 and 10.18): Let ℎ ∊ H, and 퐜 ∊ 휕ℎ. Note that 휏 ∊ 픖. Let 푃 be a supporting hyperplane17 for ℎ 17. A hyperplane 푃 is a supporting at 퐜 (which exists by convexity of ℎ), and take 퐮 to be normal hyperplane for ℎ if ℎ is entirely contained in one of the two (closed) half-spaces to 푃, and oriented such that 퐮 ∉ 푇ℎ(퐜) (which is possible by defined by 푃, and 푃 ∩ 휕ℎ ≠ ∅. definition of a supporting hyperplane). By Lemma 10.7, we have

R1(ℎ, 휏휀) − R1(ℎ, 휏) = Θ(휀). Let ℎ2 be any element from H such that 퐜 ∉ 휕ℎ2 (which is always possible for the considered H).

Then R1(ℎ, 휏휀) − R1(ℎ, 휏) = 표(휀) by applying Lemma 10.5 (case 1 or 2).

As a consequence, ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) ≥ Θ(휀) as soon as 휏휀 ∊ 픖, which holds as soon as 푘 > 1 for the model of positive cones, and always holds for the model of subspaces (when 푘 > 2 there is always a 2d linear subspace containing 퐜 + 휀퐮 and 퐜 − 휀퐮, but even for 푘 = 1 we can choose w.l.o.g. 퐜 = ퟎ above).

We have ‖A(휏휀 − 휏)‖2 = 표(휀) by Lemma 10.14 using the fact that Φ is C2, which concludes the proof by taking 휀 → 0.

Clustering We now consider the setting of 푘-means and 푘-medians clustering. These two problems are compression-type tasks, with ℎ being a union of points in R푑, and 푝 = 2 for 푘-means, 푝 = 1 for k- medians. Lemma 10.19

Let 푘 > 1. Let H be the set of all sets of 푘 points in R푑. Then

the LRIP (10.1) cannot be satisfied for both 푙1 and 푙2 losses on 2 푑 푚 픖 = 픖0(H) for any Φ ∊ C (R , R ).

Proof: Let ℎ ∊ H be a set of 푘 points. Let (퐜, 퐮) be a contentious

pair for ℎ, which exists by Lemma 10.12, and 휏, 휏휀 defined as in

(10.3). We have R(ℎ, 휏휀) − R(ℎ, 휏) = Θ(휀) by Lemma 10.11 for

both 푙1 and 푙2. Furthermore, one can easily construct another ℎ2 ∊ H such that 퐜 ∉ confl(ℎ2), and hence for which R(ℎ, 휏휀) −

R(ℎ, 휏) = 표(휀) by Lemma 10.5. As 푘 > 1, both 휏휀, 휏 belong to H 201

and thus ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) ≥ Θ(휀). This yield the desired result by Lemma 10.14 as Φ is assumed to be C2.

This result was already observed in [6, Lemma 3.4]. It is not con- tradictory with existing guarantees, which established the LRIP for a restricted version of the model set. In particular, a separation as- sumption between the different points is introduced, which makes the counter-example used in Lemma 10.19 impossible as 휏휀 does not belong to the model anymore for 휀 small enough.

Unions of subspaces We consider now the setting where ℎ is a union of linear subspaces. We provide a first impossibility result for an un- restricted model set, and then a second one one for the specific case of union of lines with additional restrictions (minimal angular separa- tion). Lemma 10.20 휀 Let H be a model which contains at least the set of all unions of 퐜 + 휀퐮 푙 = 2 distinct subspaces of dimension 푑′ < 푑 in R푑. Then the LRIP 퐜 2 푑 푚 (10.1) cannot be satisfied on 픖 = 픖0(H) for any Φ ∊ C (R , R ). ℎ1,1 ℎ1,2 This holds for both 푙1 and 푙2 losses.

Proof: Let ℎ1 ∊ H be any union of two subspaces ℎ1,1 and ℎ1,2. By definition of 픖 (H), ℎ and ℎ are distinct. Hence by 0 1,1 1,2 Figure 10.7: The hypothesis ℎ is in blue, Lemma 10.13, ℎ admits a contentious pair (퐜, 퐮). Let 휏, 휏휀 de- and the conflict set in dashed grey. The plane ℎ is the plane of the picture. fined as in (10.3) (and as depicted in Figure 10.7). Both 휏 and 휏휀 2

are in 픖0(H), as 퐜 belongs to a line (and any broader subspace containing span({퐜}); there is at least one such subspace in 픖 by definition), and {퐜 + 휀퐮} ∪ {퐜 − 휀퐮} to a union of two lines (and any subspace containing span({퐜 + 휀퐮}) ∪ span({퐜 − 휀퐮}), same remark).

By Lemma 10.11 we have R(ℎ1, 휏휀) − R(ℎ1, 휏) = Θ(휀). Let ℎ2 ∊ H be the two-dimensional subspace containing ퟎ, 퐜, 퐜 + 퐮 (and

퐜 − 퐮). Then R(ℎ2, 휏) = R(ℎ2, 휏휀) = 0 for any 휀 > 0. Hence

‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) ≥ (R(ℎ1, 휏휀) − R(ℎ1, 휏)) − (R(ℎ2, 휏휀) − R(ℎ2, 휏)) = Θ(휀) (10.4)

when 휀 → 0. This concludes the proof using ‖A(휏휀 − 휏)‖2 = 표(휀) by Lemma 10.14.

In the proof of Lemma 10.20, 휏휀 belongs to the model set 픖 = 픖0(H) for any 휀 > 0 as it is contained in a union of two lines, or alternatively in the two-dimensional space ℎ2. Hence, one way to get a model for which such counter-examples cannot be built is to restrict the model to the set of unions of lines (and not subspaces) which are separated by a minimum angle. Interestingly, this is not sufficient for the 푙1 loss as shown in the next lemma. 202

Lemma 10.21 퐜 + 휀(훿)퐮 휀(훿) 퐜

Let H be the set of all unions of 푙 = 2 lines which are separated 훿 by an angle greater than 2훼 (with 0 < 훼 < 휋/2). Then the LRIP ℎ3

(10.1) cannot be satisfied on 픖 = 픖0(H) when using the 푙1 loss for ℎ1,1 ℎ1,2 any Φ ∊ C2(R푑, R푚). 훾 훽 ퟎ Proof: Let ℎ1 = ℎ1,1 ∪ ℎ1,2 be an union of two lines separated by an angle 2훽 with 휋 > 2훽 > 2훼, and 푃 be the 2d plane containing ℎ ℎ1. Let ℎ2 be the bissector of ℎ1. Let ℎ3 be a union of two lines in 2 푃 with also have ℎ2 as bissector, but separated by an angle angle Figure 10.8: Construction of the counter- ℎ 2훾 with 훾 ∊]훼, 훽[, as depicted in Figure 10.8. Let 퐮 be the normal example used in Lemma 10.21. 1 in blue, its conflict set is in dashed grey (and con- vector to the bissector in 푃, let 퐜 = 훿푢푏 where 퐯 ∊ ℎ2 has unit tains ℎ2), and ℎ3 is in purple. norm, and let 휀(훿) = 훿 tan(훾) so that 퐜 − 휀퐮, 퐜 + 휀퐮 ∊ ℎ3. Let 휏, 휏휀 defined as in (10.3) (with now 퐜 being a function of 훿), which are thus in the model set for any value of 훿.

Note that ‖퐜 ± 휀(훿)퐮‖2 = 훿/ cos(훾), and we have: 훿 R(ℎ , 휏 ) = sin(훽 − 훾) = 훿(sin(훽) − cos(훽) tan(훾)) 1 휀 cos(훾)

R(ℎ1, 휏) = (훿 sin(훽))

R(ℎ2, 휏휀) = (휀(훿)) = (훿 tan(훾))

R(ℎ2, 휏) = 0

and thus ‖휏휀 − 휏‖ΔL(H) ≥ Θ(훿) Assuming the feature map is 퐶2, we have using a variant of Lemma 10.14:

A(휏 ) − A(휏) = 1 (Φ(훿퐯 + 휀(훿)퐮) + Φ(훿퐯 − 휀(훿)퐮) ) − Φ(훿퐯) 휀 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 푗 = 1 ((Φ(ퟎ) + ∇Φ (ퟎ)푇(훿퐯 + 휀(훿)퐮) 2 푗 푗 + 1 (훿퐯 + 휀(훿)퐮)푇퐻 (ퟎ)(훿퐯 + 휀(훿)퐮) 2 Φ푗 푇 + (Φ(ퟎ)푗 + ∇Φ푗(ퟎ) (훿퐯 − 휀(훿)퐮) + 1 (훿퐯 − 휀(훿)퐮)푇퐻 (ퟎ)(훿퐯 − 휀(훿)퐮)) 2 Φ푗 − (Φ(ퟎ) + ∇Φ (ퟎ)푇(훿퐯) + (훿퐯)푇퐻 (ퟎ)(훿퐯)) 푗 Φ푗 + 표(훿2) = 1 (훿 tan(훾))2퐮푇퐻 (ퟎ)퐮 + 표(훿2) 2 Φ푗 = 푂(훿2)

This concludes the proof, as for any vector 퐮, one can choose at

the beginning of the proof a union ℎ1 such that 퐮 is a normal vector to its bissector (as 픖 contains all unions of separated lines by definition).

This suggest that we need to exclude a neighborhood of ퟎ as well in the considered model in order to avoid such problems. 203

10.3 Summary

Loss (and its properties as a function of 퐱) Task Nature of ℎ Notes Expression Convex? Cퟏ? PCA Subspace ‖퐱 − 퐔퐔푇퐱‖2   The LRIP holds [5]. (parametrized by 퐔) 2 NMF Cone ℎ (spanned by min퐲>0 ‖퐱 − 퐖퐲‖   No counter-example. the columns of 퐖 > 0) 푇 RPCA Subspace ‖퐱 − 퐔퐔 퐱‖2   No LRIP by Lemma 10.17 (parametrized by 퐔)

RNMF Cone ℎ (spanned by min퐲>0 ‖퐱 − 퐖퐲‖   No LRIP by Lemma 10.18 provided 푘 > 1 the columns of 퐖 > 0) 2 푘-means Set of points {퐜1, …, 퐜푘} min1≤푗≤푘 ‖퐱 − 퐜푗‖2   No LRIP by Lemma 10.19 assuming 푘 > 1 (LRIP with separation assumption [5]). 2 푘-medians Set of points {퐜1, …, 퐜푘} min1≤푗≤푘 ‖퐱 − 퐜푗‖2   No LRIP by Lemma 10.19 assuming 푘 > 1 (LRIP with separation assumption [5]). 푇 2 SC (푙 > 1) Union of subspaces min1≤푖≤푙 ‖퐱 − 퐔푖퐔푖 퐱‖2   No LRIP by Lemma 10.20. paramerized by {퐔1, …, 퐔푙} A separation assumption might help. 푇 2 RSC (푙 > 1) Union of subspaces min1≤푖≤푙 ‖퐱 − 퐔푖퐔푖 퐱‖2   No LRIP by Lemma 10.20. paramerized by {퐔1, …, 퐔푙} Same for separated lines by Lemma 10.21.

Table 10.1: Summary of our results for We provide in Table 10.1 a summary of our results for the different different compression-type tasks. We im- plictly consider the “unrestricted” mod- tasks considered. els unless specified otherwise, i.e. the Although we do not provide any extension of the framework, we union of all 푘-dimensional subspaces for expect that these few impossibility results might help to find necessary PCA, the union of all sets of 푘 points for 푘-means/푘-medians, etc. conditions on the model set for future work. In particular, we stress that the counter-example which has been built for the (non-robust) subspace clustering problem does not hold anymore when we restrict the model to separated (in angle) linear subspaces. The considered constructions also cannot be applied to NMF, for which the loss is C2. A natural problem for future work would be to know if the control of the excess risk implies somehow that the LRIP (10.1) must hold for some constant (cf. Figure 10.1). If this is the case, then our results would have strong implications as they would not only allow us to derive necessary conditions that the model set must satisfy in order to obtain statistical learning guarantees, but also induce negative results in some settings. If the excess risk can be controlled without any LRIP holding, then only partial conclusions can be drawn; the LRIP might however still be provable for some of the refined models, and one could try to do so in future work. Finally, the tools used to derive the results on union of convex sets are very generic, and could certainly be applied to other compression-type tasks in the future.

Chapter 11 Conclusion

he contributions of this thesis have been grouped in three dif- Contents ferent parts. We started with considerations on the design of the 11.1 Summary of the contributions 205 random matrix involved in the sketching process and the usage 11.2 Future work 207 T 11.2.1 Short-term perspectives | 11.2.2 of structured random operators, then introduced a novel algorithm Research directions for future work for compressive clustering, and eventually demonstrated the relevance of the compressive learning framework to learn from large collections with privacy guarantees. To conclude this thesis, we summarize in detail the contributions of these three parts (Section 11.1), and propose some perspectives for future work (Section 11.2).

11.1 Summary of the contributions

We summarize here the main contributions of parts II to IV of the thesis. All these ideas build on the existing compressive learning framework introduced in Part I. Details related to the implementation are deferred to Appendix D, but should naturally be considered as a contribution of the thesis as well. We recall that data is compressed using a feature map of the form Φ ∶ 퐱 ↦ 휌(훀푇퐱), where 휌 is applied pointwise and 훀 is a random matrix. The feature map Φ implicitly defines a mean kernel in the data space, which depends on 휌 but also on the distribution of 훀.

Distribution of 훀 We developed in Part II some considerations re- lated to the distribution of the random matrix 훀 used in the feature map. Chapter 4 highlighted empirically the importance for compressive clus- tering of choosing the kernel variance to be close to the minimum squared distance 휀2 between clusters. Even if this conclusion has only be drawn for data generated according to a Gaussian mixture model, we expect that our observations should be useful in the future to design robust heuristics to estimate automatically a good kernel scale. In Chapter 5, we proposed to replace the dense i.i.d. sampling scheme of 훀 used so far by a new design structured by blocks, such that blocks are independent from each other, but the columns of a 1 1 same block are now correlated. By doing so, we reduce drastically the And hence the associated features, i.e. computational complexity of both sketching and learning operations, the associated entries of the sketch. as well as the amount of memory required to store the matrix 훀. Exten- sive empirical simulations for the clustering task show that structured 206

operators can be used without damaging the quality of the learned models. We also discuss how existing guarantees could be adapted to this new setting.

Compressive clustering with message passing In Part III, we intro- duced the CL-AMP algorithm to solve the inverse problem arising in compressive clustering. This algorithm comes as an alternative to the existing CL-OMPR method, which is based on orthogonal matching pursuit. We stress that the sketching operator is still the same as in previous works, i.e. made of random Fourier features; the proposed algorithm only tackles the task of recovering the locations of the cluster centers from the empirical sketch of the data. Our method is based on approximate message passing techniques, and more precisely on the SHyGAMP algorithm. The derivation relies on the modeling assumption that the data is distributed according to a Gaussian mixture model. Deriving a detailed and robust algo- rithm from the core idea requires many approximations and numerical considerations, which are carefully detailed. We also explained how the method’s hyperparameters can be tuned jointly with the message passing iterations. This new algorithm compares favourably to CL-OMPR on a num- ber of experiments. Successful recovery of the cluster centers has in particular been empirically observed with a sketch size of the order 푚 = 2푘푑, whereas 푚 = 10푘푑 is usually necessary with CL-OMPR to achieve similar results.

Privacy-aware learning In Part IV, we demonstrated the potential of compressive learning for learning applications where privacy is required. After introducing the tools required to define and quantify the notion of privacy, we proved that the sketching mechanism can quite simply be modified to satisfy differential privacy by noise ad- dition. The main contribution consisted in computing sharp bounds on the required noise levels for both random Fourier and quadratic sketches, and the introduction of the subsampled sketching mecha- nism which enjoys the same privacy guarantees. The latter however 2 2 intuitively releases less information , and allows to better control the From an information-theoretic perspec- privacy-utility-complexity tradeoff. tive. The noise-to-signal ratio (NSR) of the noisy sketch was then intro- 3 3 duced, and shown empirically to be a good indicator of the utility Provided the sketch size 푚 is large of the sketch for subsequent learning. We thus provided analytical enough to obtain meaningful results. expression of this NSR, and used these expressions for tuning several parameters. Extensive simulations on both synthetic and real datasets have also been provided to assess the performance of the private sketching mech- anism. Some behaviors predicted by the analysis of the NSR have been confirmed empirically, and our method overall compares favorably with other methods from the literature. 207

11.2 Future work

Although some short-term perspectives have also been proposed at the end of the preceding chapters, we provide here more general directions for future work.

11.2.1 Short-term perspectives

Information-theoretic privacy guarantees All the guarantees formu- lated in Part IV are differential privacy guarantees. Although this framework is certainly the most standard in the literature, other defi- nitions of privacy exist as discussed in Section 7.2.3. As suggested in the conclusion of Chapter 9, revisiting the obtained privacy results us- ing alternative privacy metrics, and for instance information-theoretic tools, would be highly interesting. Furthermore, this would be a way to better understand the role that the feature subsampling mechanism could play for privacy preservation.

Stabilizing CL-AMP Despite our efforts on the implementation of CL-AMP, the algorithm is still numerically unstable in some contexts. We expect that at least some parts of these issues could be avoided by spending more time on the implementation, adding more safety checks and maybe adding more clipping steps for the critical parts when needed. Running the code with floating point numbers of arbi- trary precision might also help to make the difference between over- flows resulting from coding choices (which could possibly be avoided with more engineering), and real diverging behaviors of the algorithm which call for specific mechanisms such as clipping or damping.

Better guarantees for structured operators Despite the good empir- ical results observed when using structured operators, obtaining statis- tical learning guarantees in this setting is not straightforward. In par- ticular, the matrices obtained using 퐌푅3 blocks induce a non-isotropic kernel, which is more difficult to work with, compared to the 퐌ff or 퐌퐺푅2 blocks which induce a Gaussian kernel. Indeed, in the latter case existing results for clustering and GMM fitting can be mostly reused, and only the concentration of the features differs and needs to be controlled. We forecast that concentration results could be obtained in a first time, while obtaining results on the kernel induced by 퐌푅3 4 4 might be more challeging , and should be considered as a middle-term We started during the thesis by tackling perspective. this problem, but were unsuccessful so far.

11.2.2 Research directions for future work

Handling a broader variety of learning tasks Extending the com- pressive learning framework to broader families of learning tasks re- mains one of the core challenges for future work. We reviewed in Section 2.5 the different tasks that have been addressed using compres- sive methods, and highlighted in Chapter 10 how regularity arguments 208

could be invoked to derive necessary conditions on the model set and/or the feature map. This short chapter can be seen as first step towards extension to other compressive-type learning tasks, but its conclusions are limited. Going further in this direction would certainly be beneficial, and could help to derive restrictions on the model setto use for simple projection-type tasks such as subspace clustering. Tackling new tasks, even from an empirical perspective, remains a challenge as it requires to find a sketching operator adapted to the task at hand. Here, studying the different invariances of the considered problem might help to derive invariance properties that the kernel itself should satisfy, and thus help to reduce the class of “compatible” kernels.

Supervised compressive learning Although extending the frame- work to unsupervised tasks is already a challenge per se, another natural direction for future work would be to address supervised prob- lems. We mentioned already a few works in this direction, using e.g. 5 5 one sketch per class for classification problems [107, 108], or a single Plus one sketch for the whole dataset sketch for regression computed by sketching jointly the predictor and corresponding to a “generic” model in [107]. outcome variables [111]. There may however be other ways to inte- grate the data corresponding to the labels (or observed variables), for instance by using specific kernels targeted for the considered tasks. In the case of two-classes classification problems for instance, the 푑 푇 푇 data samples (퐱푖, 푦푖) ∊ R × {−1, 1} can be mapped to 퐳푖 = 푦푖[퐱푖 ; 1] ∊ R푑+1 without loss of information. It is well known that this formulation allows to easily rewrite some tasks, such as support vector machine 6 6 classification . In this case, the loss is a function of the quantity 훼 = 푦푖(⟨퐱푖, 퐰⟩ + 푏), where (퐰 ∊ R푑, 푏 ∊ R) defines an affine hy- 푑 perplane. This quantity can be rewritten Extension to other types of data We solely considered data in R in 푇 푇 훼 = ⟨퐳푖, [퐰 ; 푏] ⟩. our work. Although this is was a natural choice for the considered tasks, one can imagine in the future dealing with different learning tasks for which the data lies in different spaces, or satisfies particular structural properties. A simple extension would be to consider categorical data, but we can also imagine working with collections of images or graphs. 7 7 It is possible to convert such data samples into numerical features , We used for instance features computed but often domain-specific kernels exist in the literature8. We could from a graph via the Lagrangian in Chap- ter 5. thus avoid mapping the data to an euclidean space, and directly work 8 See for instance [331] for references on with the features associated to such kernels. Doing so could open the graph kernels. way for applications on very different types of datasets, and contribute to the versatility of the compressive approach.

Provably good algorithms Obtaining statistical learning guarantees on the whole compressive learning framework remains a challenge. We recall that the existing guarantees for clustering, Gaussian mod- eling and PCA [5, 6], only hold for an “ideal” decoder, i.e. assuming that a global optimum can be found for the inverse problem (2.12). Some results have been obtained for CL-OMPR [95], but only for an idealized version of the algorithm and for restricted families of kernels. 209

The CL-AMP algorithm for clustering introduced in Chapter 6 also comes without any guarantee. As it relies on many approximations, it seems difficult to provide results on the implementation itself. How- ever, we can imagine using tools from the message passing literature 9 9 to derive some properties of a simplified version of the algorithm, Such as a state-evolution rule. possibly in the large-scale limit in a first time.

Kernel design and kernel learning We focused in Chapter 4 in find- ing the variance of the Gaussian kernel yielding optimal clustering performance. We briefly compared in Section 4.2.6 different radial distributions, which amounts to considering kernels which are not Gaussians, and we have seen that the considered distributions could lead to better or more robust clustering results compared to a Gaussian kernel. We have seen that the structured operators from Chapter 5, introduced for the purpose of computational efficiency, can induce 10 10 new kernels as well . Think for instance of RFF features with It would be interesting to further investigate the impact of the kernel blocks of the type 퐒퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1, and by opposition to RFF with blocks of choice. For instance, it was highlighted empirically in Section 4.2.6 the form 퐒퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 with 퐃퐺 di- that the adapted radius kernel yields good performance over a wider agonal Gaussian, which in expectation still induces a Gaussian kernel. range of kernel variances (in comparison with a Gaussian kernel). The construction of this kernel has been justified by the will to reduce the use of low frequencies, still in comparison with the Gaussian kernel. Understanding this phenomenon theoretically could help to further optimize the kernel design, at least for clustering in a first time. In addition to designing kernels which work well for the chosen learning task uniformly for all datasets, we could also try to learn (or at least adapt slightly) the kernel using a small subset of the data before sketching. For the clustering problem, the estimation of the inter-cluster sep- aration remains a challenge as well. We expect that the results from Chapter 4 will help to design better heuristics to estimate this quantity in a near future.

Kernel compressive learning We mainly focused in this manuscript on the tasks of k-means and principal component analysis. It is some- 11 푑 11 times interesting to first map the original data from R to an inter- As discussed in Section 2.3. mediate reproducing kernel Hilbert space associated to a kernel 휅1, and then perform the desired task (e.g. clustering or PCA) in this space, as it potentially allows to detect non-linear structures in the data. Equivalently, any algorithm which operates on the data samples exclusively via an inner product ⟨·, ·⟩ can be modified by replacing all the instances of this inner product by the desired kernel 휅1. When this kernel is associated to (or well approximated by) a 푑 퐷 finite-dimensional feature map 휑 ∶ R → R , i.e. ∀퐱, 퐲, 휅1(퐱, 퐲) = ⟨휑(퐱), 휑(퐲)⟩, we can in practice simply run the “linear” algorithm on the transformed version [휑(퐱1), …, 휑(퐱푛)] of the original dataset

퐗 = [퐱1, …, 퐱푛]. This approach is convenient as it does not require to modify the algorithm, but is nonetheless likely to incur an extra memory cost as the feature map 휑 usually maps the data to a higher- 210

dimensional space (i.e. 퐷 > 푑). The sketching framework can, from an algorithmic perspective at least, simply be modified to compute generalized moments in the intermediate RKHS. If Φ denotes a feature map to solve the desired task in R퐷, one indeed simply needs to compute the sketch using the feature map Φ ∘ 휑, where ∘ denotes the composition. We stress that the features (휑(퐱푖))1≤푖≤푛 can be computed one by one when sketching, but do not need to be stored. Furthermore, fast structured random operators might here be very helpful: firstly, to compute 휑 when it is a itself a random feature map, but more importantly to compute Φ in settings where 퐷 is large. This strategy can be applied in a straightforward manner for kernel PCA. For kernel k-means, finding a meaningful value of the kernel 2 variance 휎휅 used to design the operator Φ might become more tricky, as all the concerns exposed in Chapter 4 remain valid, but any estimation procedure will need to be carried out in the RKHS. Part VI


Chapter A Generic tools

a.1 Reminder on measures

We recall here the definitions of finite and signed measures.

Definition A.1 (Positive measure): Let (X , Σ) be a measurable space. A function 휇 ∶ Σ → [0, ∞[ is a measure (i.e. a positive measure) if it satisfies 휇(∅) = 0;

for any countable collection (퐸푖)1≤푖≤∞ of pairwise disjoint ∞ ∞ sets in Σ, 휇(⋃푖=1 퐸푖 = ∑푖=1 휇(퐸푖).

Definition A.2 (Signed measure): A function 휇 ∶ Σ → ] − ∞, +∞[ that satisfies the two properties of Definition A.1 is called a signed measure.

Definition A.3 (Finite measure): A measure 휇 on a measurable space (X , Σ) is said finite if 휇(X ) < ∞.

Definition A.4 (Probability measure): A finite (positive) mea- sure 휇 on the measurable space (X , Σ) is called a probability measure if 휇(X ) = 1.

We consider only finite measures in this manuscript. We recall that for any measurable space (X , Σ), the set of finite signed measures on (X , Σ) is a real vector space, the set of positive signed measures on (X , Σ) is a convex cone, and the set P(X ) of probability distributions on (X , Σ) is a convex subset of the former. The operator A is defined for distributions in (2.10), but can actu- ally easily be extended to the space of finite measures for which Φ is integrable. We used for that the Jordan decomposition.

Definition A.5 (Jordan decomposition [332, Paragraph 6.6]): Let (X , Σ) be a measurable space. Any measure 휇 defined on Σ

admits a unique decomposition 휇 = 휇+ − 휇−, where 휇+, 휇− are positive measures, at least one of which being finite. 214

a.2 Semi-norms on the space of finite signed measures

We defined in (2.15) the metric ‖·‖L(H) as

′ ′ ‖휋 − 휋 ‖L(H) ≜ sup |R(ℎ, 휋) − R(ℎ, 휋 )| (A.1) ℎ∊H in order to avoid introducing too many notations. This formulation was sufficient for our needs in Chapter 2 given that the formulation of the LRIP (2.18) and of the instance optimality property (2.17) only ′ make use of ‖·‖L(H) for measures of the form 휋 − 휋 . The definition is however more general. For any class F of measur- able functions on the data space X , we define

‖휇‖F ≜ sup |⟨휇, 푓⟩|, (A.2) 푓∊F where ⟨·, 푓⟩ is defined as:

⟨휋, 푓⟩ ≜ E퐱∼휋푓(퐱) for a distribution 휋;

⟨휇, 푓⟩ ≜ 훼+⟨휋+, 푓⟩ − 훼−⟨휋−, 푓⟩ for any finite signed measure 휇

with Jordan decomposition 휇 = 훼+휋+ − 훼−휋− (cf Definition A.5). We implicitly assume with such notations that 푓 is integrable with respect to 휋 (or 휋+, 휋− in the second case). Note that ‖·‖F , as defined in (A.2), is a pseudo-norm on the sub- space of finite signed measures for which every 푓 ∊ F is integrable.

Furthermore, ‖·‖L(H) can simply be seen as an instantiation of (A.2) with F = L(H) ≜ {푙(ℎ, ·)|ℎ ∊ H}. Chapter B Derivations for CL-AMP

We provide here the missing derivations for Section 6.3.2. We refer the reader to this section for the definition of the notations used; this appendix should not be considered as a standalone proof.

b.1 Posterior mean and covariance of 퐳

Marginal posterior 푝(푧푡|푠) We first derive an expression for the marginal 퐩 posterior 푝(푧푡|푠) under the pseudo-prior 푧푙 ∼ N (푙 ̂푝 , 푞푙 ) ∀푙 ∊ 1, 푘 . We J K have

푝(푧푡|푠) = ∫ 푝(퐳, 휃푡|푠) d휃푡 d퐳\푡 R푘 1 = ∫ 푝(푠|퐳, 휃푡)푝(휃푡|퐳)푝(퐳) d휃푡 d퐳\푡 푝(푠) R푘 푘 1 2 푛 퐩 = ∫ 푝(푠|퐳\푡, 휃푡)N (휃푡; 푔푧푡, 푔 푞 ) ∏ N (푧푙;푙 ̂푝 , 푞푙 ) d휃푡 d퐳\푡 푝(푠) R푘 푙=1 (B.1)

We now introduce 푙̃푧 ≜ 푧푙 −푙 ̂푝 for all 푙 ≠ 푡, and separate the term with index 푡 from the rest of the product, so that 퐩 N (푧푡;푡 ̂푝 , 푞푡 ) 2 푛 푝(푧푡|푠) = ∫ N (휃푡; 푔푧푡, 푔 푞 ) 푝(푠) R

퐩 [∫ 푝(푠|\푡 ̃퐳 , 휃푡) ∏ N (푙 ̃푧 ; 0, 푞푙 ) d \푡̃퐳 ] d휃푡, R푘−1 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 where 푝(푠|\푡 ̃퐳 , 휃푡) is associated to the model

푠 = 훽푡 exp(휄휃푡) + ∑ 훽푙 exp(휄푔(푙 ̂푝 +푙 ̃푧 + 푛푙)) (B.2) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 푛 with i.i.d. 푛푙 ∼ N (0, 푞 ). We use the mutual independence of 푙̂푧 and 푛푙 퐩 푛 to define ̃푛푙 ≜푙 ̃푧 + 푛푙 ∼ N (0, 푞푙 + 푞 ), so that if we denote 푝(푠|휃푡) the conditional density associated with the model

푠 = 훽푡 exp(휄휃푡) + ∑ 훽푙 exp(휄푔(푙 ̂푝 + ̃푛푙)), (B.3) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘

퐩 푛 with i.i.d. ̃푛푙 ∼ N (0, 푞푙 + 푞 ), then we can rewrite (B.1) as

퐩 N (푧푡;푡 ̂푝 , 푞푡 ) 2 푛 푝(푧푡|푠) = ∫ N (휃푡; 푔푧푡, 푔 푞 )푝(푠|휃푡) d휃푡. (B.4) 푝(푠) R 216

퐳 Expression of 푡̂푧 and 푞푡 w.r.t. the marginal posterior 푝(푧푡|푠) By def- inition of 푡̂푧 , we have

푡̂푧 ≜ ∫ 푧푡푝(푧푡|푠) d푧푡 R (i) 1 퐩 푛 = ∫[∫ 푧푡N (푧푡;푡 ̂푝 , 푞푡 )N (푧푡; 휃푡/푔, 푞 ) d푧푡]푝(푠|휃푡) d휃푡 (i) Using (B.4) and rewriting. 푝(푠) R R

̂푝푡 휃푡/푔 퐩 + 푛 (ii) ⎡ ⎛ 푞푡 푞 1 ⎞ ⎤ = ∫ ∫ 푧 N ⎜푧 ; , ⎟ 푧 푝(휃 |푠) 휃 (ii) Using the gaussian multiplication ⎢ 푡 ⎜ 푡 1 1 1 1 ⎟ d 푡⎥ 푡 d 푡 R R 퐩 + 푛 퐩 + 푛 rule, i.e. N (퐱; 흁1, 횺1)N (퐱; 흁2, 횺2) = ⎣ ⎝ 푞푡 푞 푞푡 푞 ⎠ ⎦ −1 N (흁1; 흁2, 횺1 + 횺2)N (퐱; (횺1 + −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 횺2 ) (횺1 흁1 + 횺2 흁2), (횺1 + −1 −1 횺2 ) ) [201, Section 8.1.8]. where 2 퐩 푛 N (휃푡; 푔푡 ̂푝 , 푔 (푞푡 + 푞 ))푝(푠|휃푡) 푝(휃 |푠) ≜ . (B.5) 푡 푝(푠)

̂ We denote 휃푡 ≜ ∫R 휃푡푝(휃푡|푠) d휃푡 the posterior mean of 휃푡, so that we can rewrite

−1 (i) 푡̂푝 휃푡/푔 1 1 ̂푧 = ∫( + )( + ) 푝(휃 |푠) d휃 (i) By integrating 푧 out. 푡 퐩 푞푛 퐩 푞푛 푡 푡 푡 R 푞푡 푞푡 −1 ̂푝 휃̂ /푔 1 1 = ( 푡 + 푡 )( + ) 퐩 푞푛 퐩 푞푛 푞푡 푞푡 ̂푝 휃̂ ̂푧 = 푡 + 푡 (B.6) 푡 푞퐩 푞푛 1 + 푡 푔(1 + 퐩 ) 푞푛 푞푡

We now proceed similarly for the variance. We have

퐳 2 푞푡 ≜ Var(푧푡|푠) = ∫ |푧푡 −푡 ̂푧 | 푝(푧푡|푠) d푧푡 R

2 퐩 2 푛 푝(푠|휃푡) = ∫[∫ |푧푡 −푡 ̂푧 | N (푧푡;푡 ̂푝 , 푞푡 )N (휃푡; 푔푧푡, 푔 푞 ) d푧푡] d휃푡 R R 푝(푠)

̂푝푡 휃푡/푔 퐩 + 푛 (i) ⎡ 2 ⎛ 푞푡 푞 1 ⎞ ⎤ = ∫ ∫ |푧 − ̂푧 | N ⎜푧 ; , ⎟ 푧 푝(휃 |푠) 휃 (i) Using the same Gaussian multiplica- ⎢ 푡 푡 ⎜ 푡 1 1 1 1 ⎟ d 푡⎥ 푡 d 푡 R R 퐩 + 푛 퐩 + 푛 tion rule as above. ⎣ ⎝ 푞푡 푞 푞푡 푞 ⎠ ⎦

Changing the variable 푧푡 to 푡̃푧 ≜ 푧푡 −푡 ̂푧 , we get

̂ 퐳 (ii) ⎡ 2 ⎛ 휃푡 − 휃푡 1 ⎞ ⎤ 푞 = ∫ ∫ ̃푧 N ⎜ ̃푧 ; , ⎟ 푧 푝(휃 |푠) 휃 (ii) using (B.6) 푡 ⎢ 푡 푡 푞푛 1 1 d 푡⎥ 푡 d 푡 R R 푔(1 + 퐩 ) 퐩 + 푛 ⎣ ⎝ 푞푡 푞푡 푞 ⎠ ⎦ 2 ̂ 푛 ⎡⎛ 휃푡 − 휃푡 ⎞ 푞 ⎤ = ∫⎢⎜ 푞푛 ⎟ + 푞푛 ⎥푝(휃푡|푠) d휃푡 R 푔(1 + 퐩 ) 퐩 + 1 ⎣⎝ 푞푡 ⎠ 푞푡 ⎦ 푛 퐳 푞 1 푞 = 푛 + 푛 Var(휃푡|푠) 푡 푞 2 푞 2 퐩 + 1 푔 (1 + 퐩 ) 푞푡 푞푡

휃 In the following, we denote 푞푡 = Var(휃푡|푠) − which is computed with respect to 푝(휃푡|푠). 217

b.2 Approximation of the sum

퐳 We derived expressions of 푡̂푧 and 푞푡 in terms of marginal posterior mean and variance of 휃푡, but these quantities are still difficult to compute due to the form of 푝(휃푡|푠) in (B.5). We thus approximate the sum in

(B.3) as Gaussian. The ( ̃푛)1≤푙≠푡≤푘 being mutually independent, we can sum the mean and covariances of each term of the sum. We define

푣푙 = exp(푗푔(푙 ̂푝 + ̃푛푙)), so that the model (B.3) can then be rewritten

ℜ(푠) cos(휃푡) ℜ(푣푙) [ ] ∼ N (훽푡[ ] + ∑ 훽푙E([ ]), ℑ(푠) sin(휃푡) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 ℑ(푣푙)

2 ℜ(푣푙) ∑ 훽푙 Cov([ ])). (B.7) 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 ℑ(푣푙)

We have, using 푞푛 → 0,

퐩 E(푣푙) = ∫ N (푧푙;푙 ̂푝 , 푞푙 ) exp(휄푔푧푙) d푧푙 (B.8) R = (휄푔 ̂푝 − 1 푔2푞퐩) exp 푙 2 푙 (B.9)

ℜ(푣 ) 퐩 cos(푔 ̂푝 ) E[ 푙 ] = (− 1 푔2푞 )[ 푙 ], exp 2 푙 (B.10) ℑ(푣푙) sin(푔푙 ̂푝 ) 2 2 퐩 2E[ℜ(푣푙) ] = 1 + exp(−푔 푞푙 ) cos(2푔푙 ̂푝 ), (B.11) 2 2 퐩 2E[ℑ(푣푙) ] = 1 − exp(−푔 푞푙 ) cos(2푔푙 ̂푝 ), (B.12) 2 퐩 2E[ℜ(푣푙)ℑ(푣푙)] = exp(−푔 푞푙 ) sin(2푔푙 ̂푝 ). (B.13)

Hence (B.7) can be written

ℜ(푠) ℜ(푠) cos(휃푡) 푝([ ] ∣ 휃푡) ≈ N ([ ]; 훽푡[ ] + 퐦푡, 횪푡) ℑ(푠) ℑ(푠) sin(휃푡) (B.14) where

퐩 cos(푔 ̂푝 ) 퐦 = ∑ 훼 (− 1 푔2(휏 + 푞 ))[ 푙 ] 푡 푙 exp 2 푙 푙 1≤푙≠푡≤푘 sin(푔푙 ̂푝 ) 횪 = 1 ∑ 훽2(1 − (−푔2푞퐩) 푡 2 푙 exp 푙 1≤푙≠푡≤푘

2 퐩 cos(2푔푙 ̂푝 ) sin(2푔푙 ̂푝 ) × (퐈 − exp(−푔 푞푙 )[ ]) sin(2푔푙 ̂푝 ) − cos(2푔푙 ̂푝 )

−1 We scale (B.14) by 훽푡 , i.e. we rewrite

−1 ℜ(푠) cos(휃푡) −1 ℜ(푠) −1 −2 푝(훽푡 [ ] ∣ 휃푡) ≈ N ([ ]; 훽푡 [ ] + 훽푡 퐦푡, 훽푡 횪푡) ℑ(푠) sin(휃푡) ℑ(푠) (B.15) so that the right hand side becomes proportional to a generalized von

Mises density [254] over 휃푡 ∊ [0, 2휋[. That is,

푝(푠|휃푡) ∝ exp(휅푡 cos(휃푡 − 휁푡) + 휅푡 cos(2(휃푡 − 휁푡))) (B.16) 218

where the parameters 휅푡, 휅푡 > 0 ad 휁푡, 휁푡 ∊ [0, 2휋[ are defined from −1 −1 −2 훽푡 푠, 훽푡 퐦푡 and 훽푡 횪푡 as follows

1 휌 휈 휈 휅 (휁 ) = − ( 푡 푡 − 푡 ) 푡 cos 푡 2 2 (B.17) 1 − 휌푡 휎푡휎푡 휎푡 1 휌 휈 휈 휅 (휁 ) = − ( 푡 푡 − 푡 ) 푡 sin 푡 2 2 (B.18) 1 − 휌푡 휎푡휎푡 휎푡 1 1 1 휅 (2휁 ) = − ( − ) 푡 cos 푡 2 2 2 (B.19) 4(1 − 휌푡 ) 휎푡 휎푡 휌 휅 (2휁 ) = 푡 , 푡 sin 푡 2 (B.20) 2(1 − 휌푡 )휎푡휎푡 where the intermediate quantities are defined by

휈푡 −1 ℜ(푠) [ ] ≜ 훽푡 ([ ] − 퐦푡) 휈푡 ℑ(푠) 2 휎푡 휌푡휎푡휎푡, −2 [ 2 ] ≜ 훽푡 횪푡. 휌푡휎푡휎푡 휎푡

퐩 The posterior distribution of 휃푡 under the pseudo-prior 푧푡 ∼ N (푡 ̂푝 , 푞푡 ) takes the form

(i) 2 퐩 푛 푝(휃푡|푠) ∝ N (휃푡; 푔푡 ̂푝 , 푔 푞푡 )푝(푠|휃푡) (i) By definition, 휃푡 = 푔푧푡 once 푞 → 0. |휃 − 푔 ̂푝 |2 ∝ exp(휅 cos(휃 − 휁 ) + 휅 cos(2(휃 − 휁 )) − 푡 푡 ) 푡 푡 푡 푡 푡 푡 2 퐩 2푔 푞푡 Chapter C Privacy Proofs

c.1 Results on Nonresonant Frequencies

In order to prove the sharpness of the sensitivity computed in Lemma 8.6, we rely on some results from diophantine approximation theory. We recall the definition of nonresonant frequencies.

Definition C.1: The vectors (휔푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∊ R are called nonreso- nant frequencies if they are linearly independent over the ratio- 푑 nals. The vectors (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 ∊ R are called nonresonant fre- quency vectors if there exists a vector 퐯 ∊ R푑 such that the scalars 푇 (흎푗 퐯)1≤푗≤푚 are nonresonant frequencies.

Before proving Lemma 8.5, we introduce a variant of the result in dimension 1. Lemma C.2

Let (휔푗, 휑푗)1≤푗≤푚 be real numbers, and 푓 a 2휋-periodic function such that there exists 푧 at which 푓 is continuous and reaches its max-

imum. If the (휔푗)1≤푗≤푚 are linearly independent over the rationals,

then sup푥∊ℝ inf푗∊ 1;푚 푓(휔푗푥 − 휑푗) = sup푥∊R 푓(푥). J K

Proof C.3: Let 푧 ∊ [0, 2휋[ be a point at which 푓 reaches its maxi-

mum, i.e., 푧 ∈ arg max[0,2휋[ 푓(푧), and at which 푓 is continuous. Us- ing this continuity assumption, the result amounts to saying that

one can find 푡 ∊ R such that the (휔푗푡 − 휑푗 − 푧)1≤푗≤푚 are simultane- ously arbitrary close to 2휋Z. Denoting 푑(푥, 푆) = inf{|푥 − 푠| ∶ 푠 ∊ 푆}, this is equivalent to saying that for any 휀 > 0, we can find a real

푡 such that we simultaneously have 푑((휔푗푡 − 휑푗 − 푧)/(2휋), Z) < 휀 for all 푗 ∊ 1, 푚 . This derives directly from Kronecker’s theorem J K [333] on diophantine approximation, given that the 휔푗/(2휋) are linearly independent over the rationals.

Proof C.4 (Proof of Lemma 8.5): We propose to convert the prob- lem to its one-dimensional counterpart.

푇 푇 sup inf 푓(흎푗 퐱 − 휑푗) = sup sup inf 푓(푥흎푗 퐯 − 휑푗) 퐱∊R푑 푗∊ 1;푚 퐯∊R푑∶‖퐯‖=1 푥∊R 푗∊ 1;푚 J K J K (C.1) 220

푇 Let 퐯 be such that the scalars 푎푗 ≜ 흎푗 퐯 (for 1 ≤ 푗 ≤ 푚) are non- resonant, which exists because the vectors (흎푗)1≤푗≤푚 are them- selves nonresonant. The quantity (C.1) is upper-bounded by

sup푥∈R 푓(푥) = 푓(푧), and can be lower-bounded by

sup inf 푓(푥푎푗 − 휑푗) = sup 푓(푥) 푥∊R 푗∊ 1;푚 푥∊R J K

where the last equality comes from Lemma C.2, the 푎푗 being nonresonant.

c.2 Results without subsampling

Proof C.5 (Proof of Lemma 8.12): We have

푚 B RFF 2 2 2 Δ2(횺 ) = sup ‖Φ(퐱) − Φ(퐲)‖2 = sup ∑ |Φ(퐱)푗 − Φ(퐲)푗| 퐱,퐲∈R푑 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 푚 = ∑ |(휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 ) + 푖휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 )) sup 푗 푗 푗 푗 2 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 − (휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 ) + 푖휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − 휋 ))|2 푗 푗 푗 푗 2 푚 푇 푇 2 = sup ∑(휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗) − 휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗)) 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 + (휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 ) − 휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − 휋 ))2 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 2 푚 푇 푇 = sup ∑ 2(1 − (휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗)휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗) 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 + 휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 )휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − 휋 ))) 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 2 (C.2)

unquantized features 휌 = 휌(· − 휋 ) = For , we have cos and 2 sin, hence

푚 B RFF 2 푇 푇 Δ2(횺 ) = sup ∑ 2(1 − (cos(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗) cos(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗) 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 푇 푇 + sin(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗) sin(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗))) 푚 푇 = sup ∑ 2(1 + cos(흎푗 (퐱 − 퐲) − 휋)) 퐱,퐲∈R푑 푗=1 푚 푇 = 2(푚 + sup ∑ cos(흎푗 퐳 − 휋)) 퐳∈R푑 푗=1 = 4푚

by Lemma 8.5 using the nonresonant property of the frequen- cies. For quantized features, we reuse the quantities defined in 푓(·) ≜ 휌(·) + 휌(· − 휋 ) the proof of Lemma 8.6, i.e. we denote 2 푚 푇 and, for any 흋 = [휑1, …, 휑푚], define 푓흋(퐱) = ∑푗=1 푓(흎푗 퐱 − 221

휑푗). Starting from the generic expression (C.2) we get

푚 B RFF 2 푇 푇 Δ2(횺 ) = 2(푚 − inf inf [ ∑ 휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗)휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗) 퐱∈R푑 퐲∈R푑 푗=1 + 휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 )휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − 휋 )]) 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 2

푑 푇 −1/2 For any fixed 퐱 ∊ R , we have 휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗) = ±2 and 휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 ) = ±2−1/2 푗 푗 2 , thus using the same arguments developed in the proof of Lemma 8.6, there are some 휑푗 ∊ {0, 휋/2, 휋, 3휋/2} such that

푚 푇 푇 inf ( ∑(휌(흎푗 퐱 + 푢푗)휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗) 퐲∈R푑 푗=1 + 휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − 휋 )휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − 휋 ))) 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 2 푚 −1/2 푇 푇 휋 = 2 inf ∑ ±휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗) ± 휌(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗 − ) 퐲∈R푑 2 푗=1 푚 −1/2 푇 = 2 inf ∑ 푓(흎푗 퐲 + 푢푗 + 휑푗) 퐲∈R푑 푗=1 푚 −1/2 푇 = −2 sup ∑ 푓휋−흋−퐮(흎푗 퐲) 퐲∈R푑 푗=1 = −푚

which is independent of the choice of 퐱 and concludes the proof.

c.3 Proofs on Sketching with Subsampling

C.3.1 General results

Proof C.6 (Proof of Lemma 8.16): We define the permutation of

a set of masks as 휎((퐪1, …, 퐪푛)) = (퐪휎(1), …, 퐪휎(푛)) for 휎 ∊ S푛. For any set of masks 퐐 ∊ Q푛, and any dataset 퐗 such that |퐗| = 푛, 푝 (·|퐐) = 푝 (·) 횺 (퐗) we denote 퐗 횺L,퐐(퐗) the density of L,퐐 . Unless

otherwise specified, 푝퐗 denotes the density of 횺L(퐗). We prove the result for a real-valued feature map Φ, and discuss the complex case at the end of the proof. We will prove that 푝 (퐳) sup sup 퐗 = exp(휀∗), 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝퐘(퐳)

which is equivalent to the lemma statement. If 퐐푛−1 = (퐪1, …, 퐪푛−1) is a set of masks and 퐪푛 a single mask, defining 퐐 = (퐪 , …, 퐪 ) 횺 (·) ≜ 횺 (·) 1 푛 we use the notations 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 퐐 and 푝(퐳|퐐푛−1, 퐪푛) ≜ 푝(퐳|퐐). In the following 퐪푛, 퐐푛−1 and 퐐 are im- 푛−1 푛 plicitly drawn (independently) from respectively 푝퐪, 푝퐪 and 푝퐪, where 푝퐪 is the probability distribution of the masks from Defini- tion 8.15. Considering 퐗, 퐘 ∈ D such that 퐗 ∼U 퐘 we distinguish 222

two cases, depending whether |퐗| = |퐘| + 1 or |퐗| = |퐘| − 1.

Case |퐗| = |퐘| + 1 For any 퐗 ∼U 퐘, denoting 푛 = |퐗| and assuming for now that |퐗| = |퐘| + 1, there is by Definition 7.3 U a permutation 휎 ∊ S푛 such that 휎(퐗) satisfies 휎(퐗) ≈ 퐘. We

have 횺퐐(휎(퐗)) = 횺휎−1(퐐)(퐗), and as the masks are drawn i.i.d.

according to 푝퐪, we obtain

−1 푝퐗(퐳) = E퐐[푝퐗(퐳|퐐)] = E퐐[푝퐗(퐳|휎 (퐐))] = E퐐[푝휎(퐗)(퐳|퐐)] = E [푝 (퐳|퐐 , 퐪 )] 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 휎(퐗) 푛−1 푛 = E E [푝 (퐳|퐐 , 퐪 )] 퐪푛 퐐푛−1 휎(퐗) 푛−1 푛 푝 (퐳) = E [푝 (퐳|퐐 )] 퐘 퐐푛−1 퐘 푛−1 As a consequence we have

푝 (퐳) E퐪 E퐐 [푝휎(퐗)(퐳|퐐푛−1, 퐪푛)] 퐗 = 푛 푛−1 푝 (퐳) E [푝 (퐳|퐐 )] 퐘 퐐푛−1 퐘 푛−1 1 E퐪 E퐐 exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺퐐 ,퐪 (휎(퐗))‖1) = 푛 푛−1 푏 푛−1 푛 (C.3) E exp(− 1 ‖퐳 − 횺 (퐘)‖ ) 퐐푛−1 푏 퐐푛−1 1 퐐 , 퐪 횺 (휎(퐗)) = Note that for any 푛−1 푛 we have 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 횺 (퐘) + 푚 Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 by definition of 휎 and thus for any 퐐푛−1 푟 푛 푛 퐐푛−1, 퐪푛, 퐳 we have 푚 −‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐗))‖ = −‖퐳 − 횺 (퐘) − Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 1 퐐푛−1 푟 푛 푛 1 푚 ≤ −‖퐳 − 횺 (퐘)‖ + ‖ Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ . 퐐푛−1 1 푟 푛 푛 1 (C.4)

푗 ∊ ⟦1, 푚⟧ (퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐗))) Equality holds iff for all , 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 푗 and (Φ(퐱푛) ⊙ 퐪푛)푗 have the same sign or any of the two terms is null. Define 푐 ≜ max1≤푖≤푛 ‖Φ(퐱푖)‖∞. For any choice of binary masks 퐐 , we have ‖횺 (휎(퐗))‖ ≤ 푛푐 푚 ≜ 푀. In particular, if 푛−1 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 ∞ 푟 we define ̃퐳≜ 푀 sign(Φ(퐱푛)), where sign is applied pointwise, ̃퐳 yields equality in Equation (C.4) for all 퐐푛−1, 퐪푛 simultaneously. Using Equation (C.4) in Equation (C.3) and taking the supremum over 퐳, we get 푝 (퐳) sup 퐗 퐳∊Z 푝퐘(퐳) 1 1 푚 E퐪 E퐐 exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺퐐 (퐘)‖1 + ‖ Φ(퐱푛) ⊙ 퐪푛‖1) ≤ sup 푛 푛−1 푏 푛−1 푏 푟 1 퐳∊Z E exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺 (퐘)‖ ) 퐐푛−1 푏 퐐푛−1 1 1 푚 = E exp( ‖Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ ) 퐪푛 푏 푟 푛 푛 1 but we also have 푝 (퐳) 푝 ( ̃퐳) 1 푚 퐗 ≥ 퐗 = E ( ‖Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ ), sup 퐪푛 exp 푛 푛 1 퐳∊Z 푝퐘(퐳) 푝퐘( ̃퐳) 푏 푟 therefore equality holds. 223

Case |퐗| = |퐘| − 1 We assumed so far |퐗| = |퐘| + 1, but now U if |퐗| + 1 = |퐘| = 푛, there is 휎 such that 휎(퐘) ≈ 퐗 and we have 횺 (퐗) = 횺 (휎(퐘)) − 푚 Φ(퐲 ) ⊙ 퐪 . Another triangular 퐐푛−1 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 푟 푛 푛 inequality yields 푚 −‖퐳 − 횺 (퐗)‖ = −‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐘)) + Φ(퐲 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ 퐐푛−1 1 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 푟 푛 푛 1 ≤ −‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐗))‖ 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 1 푚 + ‖− Φ(퐲 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ . (C.5) 푟 푛 푛 1

Using Jensen’s inequality1 we get 1. All quantities are positive and 푥 ↦ 1/푥 is convex on R+. 푝 (퐳) 푝 (퐳) 퐗 = 퐗 푝퐘(퐳) 푝휎(퐘)(퐳) 1 E퐐 exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺퐐 (퐗))‖1 = 푛−1 푏 푛−1 E E exp(− 1 ‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐘))‖ ) 퐪푛 퐐푛−1 푏 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 1 1 E퐐 exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺퐐 (퐗)‖1) ≤ E 푛−1 푏 푛−1 퐪푛 E exp(− 1 ‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐘))‖ ) 퐐푛−1 푏 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 1 1 1 푚 E퐐 exp(− ‖퐳 − 횺퐐 ,퐪 (퐘)‖1) exp( ‖ Φ(퐲푛) ⊙ 퐪푛‖1) ≤ E 푛−1 푏 푛−1 푛 푏 푟 퐪푛 E exp(− 1 ‖퐳 − 횺 (휎(퐘))‖ ) 퐐푛−1 푏 퐐푛−1,퐪푛 1 1 푚 = E exp( ‖Φ(퐲 ) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ ). 퐪푛 푏 푟 푛 푛 1

Conclusion Previous results hold for any dataset size |퐗| ∊ N. We now take the supremum over 퐗, 퐘, which includes both cases |퐗| = |퐘| + 1 and |퐘| = |퐗| + 1; the supremum is the same in both cases, and we have the equality from the first case. Thus 푝 (퐳) 1 푚 퐗 = E ( ‖Φ(퐱) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ ) sup sup sup 퐪푛 exp 푛 1 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝퐘(퐳) 퐱∊X 푏 푟

1 U = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)), 퐱∊X 푏 which concludes the proof.

Complex case If Φ is complex, the same proof holds using the canonical isomorphism between C푚 and R2푚. Indeed, an equiva- lent of (C.3) can be established using Definition 7.7 of a complex Laplace random variable. The triangle inequality (C.4) holds in a similar manner by considering complex and real parts in- dependently, and ̃퐳 can be defined as ̃퐳= 푀(sign(ℜΦ(퐱푛)) + 푖 sign(ℑΦ(퐱푛))). We get 푝 (퐳) sup sup 퐗 퐗,퐘∊D∶퐗∼퐘U 퐳∊Z 푝퐘(퐳) 1 푚 = E ( (‖ℜΦ(퐱) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ + ‖ℑΦ(퐱) ⊙ 퐪 ‖ )) sup 퐪푛 exp 푛 1 푛 1 퐱∊X 푏 푟

1 U = sup E퐪 exp( 푄1(퐱, 퐪)), 퐱∊X 푏 which concludes the proof. 224

C.3.2 Random Fourier Features

Proof C.7 (Proof of Lemma 8.18): This proof bears strong simi- larities with the proof of Lemma 8.6, and we therefore use the 푓(·) ≜ same notations and tools. In particular, we√ recall that 휌(·) + 휌(· − 휋/2), and that sup푥∈R 푓(푥) = 2 for both com- plex exponential case and one-bit quantization. We also denote

supp(퐪) = {푗 ∊ ⟦1, 푚⟧ | ℎ푗 ≠ 0} the support of 퐪. By analogy with Equations (8.4) and (8.5), but summing only

on the frequencies that appear in the mask 퐪, denoting 푓퐩,퐪(퐱) ≜ 푇 U B ∑푗∊supp(퐪) 푓(흎푗 퐱 − 휑푗), the quantities 푄1(퐱, 퐪) and 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) can be expressed as 푚 휋 푄U(퐱, 퐪) = ∑ |휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 )| + |휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − )| 1 푟 푗 푗 푗 푗 2 푗∊supp(퐪) 푚 = sup 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐱). 푟 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚 푚 푄B (퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = ∑ |휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 ) − 휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 )| 1 푟 푗 푗 푗 푗 푗∊supp(퐪) 휋 휋 + |휌(흎푇퐱 + 푢 − ) − 휌(흎푇퐲 + 푢 − )| 푗 푗 2 푗 푗 2 푚 = sup 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐱) − 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐲) 푟 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚 푚 = sup 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐱) + 푓퐩−퐯,퐪(퐲). 푟 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚

where 푣푗 = 푢푗 + 휋 for 1 ≤ 푗 ≤ 푚. The frequencies being nonreso- nant, a direct consequence of Lemma 8.5 is that for each 퐩 ∈ R푚, we have

푇 sup inf 푓퐩,퐪(퐱) = sup inf ∑ 푓(흎 퐱 − 휑푗) 퐪∊Q 퐪∊Q 푗 퐱∊R푑 푟 퐱∊R푑 푟 푗∊supp(퐪) √ = 푟 sup 푓(푥) = 푟 2. 푥∊R The supremum being independent of 퐩 this yields

sup inf sup 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐱) 퐱∊R푑 퐪∊Q 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2}푚 푟 √ ≥ sup sup inf 푓퐩−퐮,퐪(퐱) = 푟 2. 푚 푑 퐩∊{0,휋/2,휋,3휋/2} 퐱∊R 퐪∊Q푟 As we also have (even for resonant frequencies) the upper bound √ sup inf sup 푓퐩,퐪(퐱) ≤ sup sup sup 푓퐩,퐪(퐱) ≤ 푟 2 푑 푚 푑 푚 퐱∊R 퐪∊Q푟 퐩∊R 퐱∊R 퐪∊Q푟 퐩∊R

we get for each 퐪 ∊ Q푟 √ U ′ U 푚 2 ≤ sup inf 푄1(퐱, 퐪 ) ≤ sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪) 퐱∊R푑 퐪′∊Q 퐱∊R푑 푟 √ U ′ ≤ sup sup 푄1(퐱, 퐪 ) = 푚 2. 푑 ′ 퐱∊R 퐪 ∊Q푟 In the BDP setting, the supremum is taken independently B on 퐱 and 퐲, thus for any 퐪 we have sup퐱,퐲∊R푑 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) = 225

U 2 sup퐱∊R푑 푄1(퐱, 퐪) and √ B ′ B 2푚 2 = sup inf 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪 ) ≤ sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪) 퐱,퐲∊R푑 퐪′∊Q 퐱,퐲∊R푑 푟 √ B ′ ≤ sup sup 푄1(퐱, 퐲, 퐪 ) = 2푚 2. 푑 ′ 퐱,퐲∊R 퐪 ∊Q푟

c.4 Derivation of the noise-signal ratio

Lemma C.8

Let 푋 denote the mean of 푛′ samples taken without replacement 푥 , …, 푥 휎2 = 1 ∑푛 |푥 − 휇|2 from a collection 1 푛. Let 푛 푖=1 푖 , then we have 휎2 푛 − 푛′ Var(푋) = . 푛′ 푛 − 1

Proof C.9: 푋 = 1 ∑푛 푔 푥 푔 = 1 푥 Denote 푛 푖=1 푖 푖, with 푖 if 푖 is selected, 푛 ′ and 0 otherwise. Note that as a consequence, ∑푖=1 푔푖 = 푛 . For any 1 ≤ 푖 < 푗 ≤ 푛, the marginal of 푔푖 is uniform and E(푔푖푔푗) =

푃 [푔푖푔푗 = 1] = 푃 [푔푖 = 1 and 푔푗 = 1] = 푃 [푧 = 2] for 푧 a random variable having an hypergeometric law of parameters (푛, 2/푛, 푛′).

푛′ 푛′ 푛′(푛 − 푛′) Var(푔 ) = E|푔 |2 − |E푔 |2 = (1 − ) = 푖 푖 푖 푛 푛 푛2

Cov(푔푖, 푔푗) = E(푔푖푔푗) − E(푔푖)E(푔푗) 푛′(푛′ − 1) (푛′)2 = − (hypergeometric law) 푛(푛 − 1) 푛2 푛′ 푛′ − 1 푛′ 푛′(푛′ − 푛) = ( − ) = . 푛 푛 − 1 푛 푛2(푛 − 1)

We also have 푛 1 ( ∑ 푔 푥 ) Var ′ 푖 푖 푛 푖=1 푛 1 = (∑ (푥 푔 ) + 2 ∑ (푥 푔 , 푥 푔 )) ′ 2 Var퐠 푖 푖 Cov 푖 푖 푗 푗 (푛 ) 푖=1 1≤푖<푗≤푛 푛 1 푛′(푛 − 푛′) 푛′(푛′ − 푛) = ( ∑ 푥2 + 2 ∑ 푥 푥 ) ′ 2 2 푖 2 푖 푗 (푛 ) 푛 푖=1 푛 (푛 − 1) 1≤푖<푗≤푛 푛 1 푛 − 푛′ 1 = (∑ 푥2 − 2 ∑ 푥 푥 ). ′ 2 푖 푖 푗 푛 푛 푖=1 푛 − 1 1≤푖<푗≤푛 226

휇 = 1 ∑푛 푥 휎2 = 1 ∑푛 (푥 − 휇)2 Let 푛 푖=1 푖, and 푛 푖=1 푖 . Note that

푛 2 2 푛휎 = ∑(푥푖 − 휇) 푖=1 푛 2 2 = ∑ 푥푖 − 푛휇 푖=1 푛 2 1 2 = ∑ 푥푖 − (∑ 푥푖 + 2 ∑ 푥푖푥푗) 푖=1 푛 푖<푗

푛 − 1 2 1 = (∑ 푥푖 − 2 ∑ 푥푖푥푗). 푛 푛 − 1 푖<푗

As a consequence

푛 1 1 푛 − 푛′ 푛2 ( ∑ 푔 푥 ) = 휎2 Var 푖 푖 ′ 2 푛 푖=1 푛 푛 푛 − 1 휎2 푛 − 푛′ = . 푛′ 푛 − 1

We can now give the proof.

Proof C.10 (Proof of Lemma 9.1): We define the error as 퐞 ≜ 퐳(퐗) − 퐳 for some reference signal 퐳, 2 which can be either 퐬̃ or the true sketch 퐬. The noise level is E‖퐞‖2, 2 2 and the noise-to-signal ratio is defined as NSR = E‖퐞‖2/‖퐳‖2. In these expressions, the expectations are taken w.r.t. the random- ness of the sketching mechanism when 퐬̃is chosen as the reference signal, and w.r.t. both the randomness of the mechanism and the draw of 퐗 when 퐬 is the reference signal. We denote 횺 the clean

sum of features, 횺푛′ the sum of features computed on a random subset of the collection, 횺퐐,푛′ the mechanism combining both types of subsampling, i.e. 푛

횺(퐗) = ∑ Φ(퐱푖) 푖=1 푛

횺푛′ (퐗) = ∑ 푔푖Φ(퐱푖) 푖=1 푛 푚 횺퐐,푛′ (퐗) = ∑ 푔푖(Φ(퐱푖) ⊙ 퐪푖) 푟 푖=1 (i) 1 퐳(퐗) = (횺 ′ (퐗) + 흃). 푛 ′ 퐐,푛 (i) We recall here that is assumed pub- 푛 lic, so no noise is added on the denomi- Thus the error can be decomposed as nator. 1 퐞 = 횺(퐗)̃ − 퐳 푛′ 1 1 1 = Σ(퐗) − 퐳 + 횺 ′ (퐗) − Σ(퐗) ⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵푛 ⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵푛′ 푛 푛 퐞 ′ 퐞퐗 푛 1 1 + (횺 ′ (퐗) − 횺 ′ (퐗)) + 흃 . ⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵⎵푛′ 퐐,푛 푛 ⎵푛′

퐞퐐 퐞휉 We now estimate the noise level of each of these components 227


Without noise nor subsampling. When no noise is added (흃 = 휁 = 0), and all features of all samples are used (푟 = 푚, no 퐳(퐗) = 퐬̃ = A(휋 ) = 횺(퐗) subsampling), then 퐗 |퐗| . When the true sketch is chosen as the reference signal, we have: 1 퐞 = ∑ Φ(퐱 ) − 퐬 퐗 푛 푖

E퐗 퐞퐗 = 0 2 2 ‖퐞퐗‖2 = ‖퐬̃ − 퐬‖2 푚 푛 푚 2 1 1 E퐗 ‖퐞퐗‖2 = ∑ Var퐗( ∑ Φ(퐱푖)푗) = ∑ Var퐱(Φ(퐱)푗) 푗=1 푛 푖=1 푛 푗=1 1 E ‖퐞 ‖2 = (E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2) 퐗 퐗 2 푛 퐱

2 If 퐬̃ is chosen as the reference signal, then 퐞퐗 = 0, E‖퐞퐗‖2 = 0 .

Additive noise (for privacy). The noise contribution due to the ′ additive noise is 퐞휉 = 흃/푛 , thus

E휉퐞휉 = 0 1 E ‖퐞 ‖2 = 푚E[휉2] 휉 휉 2 (푛′)2 푖 푚 E ‖퐞 ‖2 = 휎2 휉 휉 2 (푛′)2 휉

2 and is independent from the reference signal. Here 휎휉 is the noise level such that the whole mechanism2 is 휀-DP. It is thus computed 2. Including the sampling step. using a privacy level 휀′ = log(1 + (exp(휀) − 1)/훽).

Samples subsampling We consider here the noise contribution due to the dataset subsampling operation. We have

1 1 퐞 ′ = 횺 ′ (퐗) − 횺(퐗) 푛 푛′ 푛 푛

E퐠퐞푛′ = 0

The noise level here depends on the subsampling strategy. We consider two cases sampling of 푛′ samples out of 푛 without replacement (denoted 228

WOR(푛, 푛′)):

푚 푛 2 1 ′ ‖퐞 ′ ‖ = ∑ ( ∑ 푔 Φ(퐱 ) ) E퐠∼WOR(푛,푛 ) 푛 Var퐠 ′ 푖 푖 푗 푗=1 푛 푖=1 푚 푛 2 ′ (i) ∑푖=1 |Φ(퐱푖)푗 − (퐳퐗)푗| 푛 − 푛 = ∑( ) ′ (i) By Lemma C.8. 푗=1 푛푛 푛 − 1 푛 1 푛 − 푛′ = ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 ) − 퐳 ‖2 ′ 푖 퐗 2 푛푛 푛 − 1 푖=1 푛 2 1 푛 1 2 2 ′ ‖퐞 ′ ‖ = ( − 1)( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖ − ‖퐳 ‖ ) E퐠∼WOR(푛,푛 ) 푛 ′ 푖 2 퐗 2 푛 − 1 푛 푛 푖=1

Taking the expectation with respect to the draw of 퐗 as well we obtain

2 E퐗E퐠∼WOR(푛,푛′)‖퐞푛′ ‖ 1 푛 = ( − 1)(E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − E ‖퐳 ‖2) 푛 − 1 푛′ 퐱 2 퐗 퐗 2 푚 1 푛 = ( − 1)( ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − (‖퐬‖2 + ∑ ((퐳 ) ))) ′ E퐱 2 2 Var 퐗 푗 푛 − 1 푛 푗=1 1 푛 1 = ( − 1)(E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − (‖퐬‖2 + (E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2))) 푛 − 1 푛′ 퐱 2 2 푛 퐱 1 푛 1 = ( − 1)(1 − )(E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2) 푛 − 1 푛′ 푛 퐱 2 2

2 1 푛 2 2 E E ′ ‖퐞 ′ ‖ = ( − 1)(E ‖Φ(퐱)‖ − ‖퐬‖ ) 퐗 퐠∼WOR(푛,푛 ) 푛 푛 푛′ 퐱 2 2

i.i.d. Bernoulli sampling with parameter 훽:

푚 푛 2 1 E퐠∼Bern(훽)푛 ‖퐞푛′ ‖ = ∑ Var퐠( ∑ 푔푖Φ(퐱푖)푗) 푗=1 훽푛 푖=1 푚 푛 1 = ∑ ∑ |Φ(퐱 ) |2 (푔 ) 2 2 푖 푗 Var퐠 푖 훽 푛 푗=1 푖=1 푛 2 1 1 1 2 E퐠∼Bern(훽)푛 ‖퐞푛′ ‖ = ( − 1)( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱푖)‖ ) 푛 훽 푛 푖=1

Taking the expectation with respect to the draw of 퐗 as well we obtain

2 1 1 2 E E 푛 ‖퐞 ′ ‖ = ( − 1)E ‖Φ(퐱)‖ 퐗 퐠∼Bern(훽) 푛 푛 훽 퐱 2 229

Frequencies subsampling. We define the noise contribution due to frequency subsampling as 1 퐞 = (횺 ′ (퐗) − 횺 ′ (퐗)) 퐐 푛′ 퐐,푛 푛 푛 푚 where: 횺퐐,푛′ = ∑ 푔푖(Φ(퐱푖) ⊙ 퐪푖) 푟 푖=1 푛

횺푛′ = ∑ 푔푖Φ(퐱푖) 푖=1 푛 1 푚 1 ‖퐞 ‖2 = ( − 1) ∑ 푔 ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2 E퐐 퐐 2 ′ ′ 푖 푖 푛 푟 푛 푖=1

2 Recall that the masks entries are in {0, 1}, thus ∀푖, 푗 (퐪푖)푗 = (퐪푖)푗, ∀푗 E 퐪 = 푟/푚 푝 ∊ P but also 퐪∼푝퐪 푗 because 퐪 푟. Therefore we have

2 2 Var(퐪푖)푗 = E ((퐪푖)푗) − (E (퐪푖)푗) 푟 2 푟 푟 = E (퐪 ) − ( ) = (1 − ) 푖 푗 푚 푚 푚 As a result

푛 푛 2 푚 |푛′|2E ‖퐞 ‖2 = E ∥ ∑ 푔 (Φ(퐱 ) ⊙ 퐪 ) − ∑ 푔 Φ(퐱 )∥ 퐐 퐐 2 퐐 푟 푖 푖 푖 푖 푖 푖=1 푖=1 2 푚 푛 푚 = ∑ Var퐐( ∑ 푔푖Φ(퐱푖)푗(퐪푖)푗) 푗=1 푟 푖=1 푚 푛 2 푚 2 = ( ) ∑ ∑ 푔푖|Φ(퐱푖)푗| Var((퐪푖)푗) 푟 푗=1 푖=1 푛 1 푚 1 ‖퐞 ‖2 = ( − 1) ∑ 푔 ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2 E퐐 퐐 2 ′ ′ 푖 푖 푛 푟 푛 푖=1 푛 1 푚 1 ‖퐞 ‖2 = ( − 1) ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2. E퐠E퐐 퐐 2 ′ 푖 푛 푟 푛 푖=1

Taking the expectation w.r.t. the dataset, we get

1 푚 E E E ‖퐞 ‖2 = ( − 1)E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2. 퐗 퐠 퐐 퐐 2 푛′ 푟 퐱

Total noise level For conciseness, we use the notation 훽 = 푛′/푛 when sampling 푛′ samples without replacement, and 훼 = 푟/푚. The total noise level for Bernoulli sampling is, first with respect to 퐬:

2 2 2 2 2 E퐗,퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞‖2 = E퐗,퐠,퐐,흃 (‖퐞퐗‖2 + ‖퐞휉‖2 + ‖퐞푛′ ‖2 + ‖퐞퐐‖2) 1 푚 = (E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2) + 휎2 푛 퐱 (푛′)2 휉 1 1 1 1 + ( − 1)E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 + ( − 1)E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 푛 훽 퐱 2 푛′ 훼 퐱 1 1 1 푚 = E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2 + 휎2. 훽푛 훼 퐱 푛 푛2훽2 휉 230

With respect to 퐬,̃ we obtain:

2 2 2 2 E퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞‖2 = E퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞휉‖2 + ‖퐞푛′ ‖2 + ‖퐞퐐‖2 푛 푚 1 1 1 1 = 휎2 + ( − 1)( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2). 2 2 휉 푖 푛 훽 푛 훽 훼 푛 푖=1 For WOR sampling, we get with respect to 퐬:

2 2 2 2 2 E퐗,퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞‖2 = E퐗,퐠,퐐,흃 (‖퐞퐗‖2 + ‖퐞휉‖2 + ‖퐞푛′ ‖2 + ‖퐞퐐‖2) 1 1 1 푚 = E ‖Φ(퐱)‖2 − ‖퐬‖2 + 휎2. 푛′ 훼 퐱 푛′ (푛′)2 휉

And with respect to 퐬:̃

2 2 2 2 E퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞‖2 = E퐠,퐐,흃 ‖퐞휉‖2 + ‖퐞푛′ ‖2 + ‖퐞퐐‖2 푛 푚 1 1 1 = 휎2 + ( − 1)( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2 − ‖퐳 ‖2) ′ 2 휉 푖 2 퐗 2 (푛 ) 푛 − 1 훽 푛 푖=1 푛 1 1 1 + ( − 1) ∑ ‖Φ(퐱 )‖2 ′ 푖 푛 훼 푛 푖=1 푚 1 1 = 휎2 + ( ( − 1) 푛2훽2 휉 푛 − 1 훽 푛 1 1 1 2 + ( − 1))( ∑ ‖Φ(퐱푖)‖2) 훽푛 훼 푛 푖=1 1 1 − ( − 1)‖퐳 ‖2. 푛 − 1 훽 퐗 2

Proof C.11 (Proof of Lemma 9.2): We rewrite 퐳(퐗) = 푓(|퐗| + 휁)횺(퐗), where 푓(|퐗| + 휁) is an estimator of 1/|퐗|. We define the reference signal as 퐳 = 퐬 or 퐬,̃ and the noise as 퐞 = 푓(|퐗| + 휁)횺(퐗) − 퐳. In the following, the expectations are taken w.r.t. the randomness of the sketching mechanism when 퐬̃ is chosen as the reference signal, and w.r.t. both the randomness of the mechanism and the draw of 퐗 when 퐬 is the reference signal. We have E퐞 = 0.

푚 푚 2 E ‖퐞‖2 = ∑ Var(퐞푗) = ∑ Var(푓(|퐗| + 휁)횺(퐗)푗) 푗=1 푗=1 푚 2 2 2 = ∑ [E(푓 )Var(횺(퐗)푗) + Var(푓)∣퐳푗∣ 푛 ] 푗=1 2 2 ̃ 2 2 2 = E(푓 )푛 E‖횺(퐗)/푛 − 퐳‖2 + Var(푓)‖퐳‖ 푛

Thus the noise-to-signal ratio NSR휁 of the whole mechanism (in- cluding noise 휁) can be written as a function of the noise-to-signal ratio of 횺(퐗)/푛̃ as computed in Lemma 9.1 (i.e. using the same parameters but without 휁), which we denote simply NSR in the 231

rest of the proof.

2 2 2 NSR휁 = E(푓 )푛 NSR + Var(푓)푛 Var(푓) = ((E푓)2 + Var(푓))푛2NSR + (E푓)2푛2 (E푓)2 Var(푓) = (E푓)2푛2[(1 + )(NSR + 1) − 1]. (C.6) (E푓)2

For an unbiased estimator 푓 (if there exists any), we have (E푓)2 = 1/푛2 and the variance can be bounded via a Cramer-Rao bound.

A bound on the variance of 푓. Remember that 휁 is drawn as 휁 ∼ L(0, 푏). We want to estimate 휃 = 1/푛 from an observation 푥 drawn with probability density (and log-density)

|푥− 1 | 1 − 휃 푏휁 푝휃(푥) = 푒 2푏휁 1 1 log(푝휃(푥)) = − log(2푏휁) − |푥 − |. 푏휁 휃

Using the Cramer-Rao bound for an unbiased estimator 푓, we have

2 −1 푑(log 푝휃(푥)) Var(푓) ≥ E[( ) ] 푑휃

2 −1 sign( 1 − 푥) = ⎡∫⎜⎛ 휃 ⎟⎞ 푝 (푥)푑푥⎤ ⎢ 푏 휃2 휃 ⎥ ⎣ 푥⎝ 휁 ⎠ ⎦ 2 −1 1 = [∫( ) 푝 (푥)푑푥] 2 휃 푥 푏휁휃 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 = 푏휁휃 = 푏휁/푛 = 휎휁 /(2푛 ) = (E푓) 휎휁 /(2푛 ).

Conclusion Combining this bound with Equation (C.6) yields for an unbiased estimator of minimal variance (if there exists any)

2 휎휁 NSR ≥ (1 + )(NSR + 1) − 1. 휁 2푛2

c.5 Heuristic for Splitting the Privacy Bud- get

Proof C.12 (Proof of Lemma 9.3): The noise level for 휁 is 푏휁 =

1/휀휁 = 1/((1 − 훾)휀) for Laplacian noise according to Lemma 8.2. 휀 In the Laplacian-UDP√ setting, the lowest noise level yielding -DP is 휎휉 = 2푏 = 2 2푚/(훾휀) (complex Laplace distribution). We 232

then have 1 1 푚 1 1 8푚2 NSRRFF = (1 + )(1 − + ( + )) − 1, ∗ 푛2(1 − 훾)2휀2 푛 푛‖퐬‖2 훼 푛 훾2휀2

For succinctness in the derivation, denote 퐴 = 1/(푛2휀2), 퐵 = 3 1 − 1/푛 + 푚2/(푛푟‖퐬‖2) 퐶 = 1 8푚 and 푛2‖퐬‖2 휀2 , so that we try to mini- mize 퐴 퐶 NSRRFF = (1 + )(퐵 + ) − 1 ∗ (1 − 훾)2 훾2

RFF Note that NSR∗ diverges to +∞ when 훾 → 0+ or 훾 → 1−, but is continuous on ]0, 1[. Any minimizer on ]0, 1[ must cancel the quantity

1 푑NSRRFF 1 퐶 훾3(1 − 훾)3 ∗ (훾) = 퐴훾3(퐵 + ) 2퐶 푑훾 퐶 훾2 1 퐴 − 퐶(1 − 훾)3(1 + ) 퐶 (1 − 훾)2 = 퐴퐵/퐶훾3 + 퐴훾 − (1 − 훾)3 − 퐴(1 − 훾) = (퐴퐵/퐶 + 1)훾3 − 3훾2 + (2퐴 + 3)훾 − (퐴 + 1)

2 2 퐴퐵/퐶 = (1 − 1 + 푚 ) ‖퐬‖ 1 ≪ 1 where 푛 푛푟‖퐬‖2 푚 8푚2 . Note that, if we start from the expression of the NSR which takes 퐬̃ as a reference signal, we would get 퐵 = 1 − 1/푛 + 푚2/(푛푟‖퐬‖2), but the same approximation would still hold. The only real root of 훾3 − 3훾2 + (2퐴 + 3)훾 − (퐴 + 1) 훾∗ = 1 − 1 퐸 + 2퐴 = can be computed as 3 퐸 2 1 + 6퐴−퐸 3퐸 , where 1 1/3 퐸 = (27퐴 + 3√81퐴2 + 96퐴3) 21/3 In this setting where 휀 ≪ 1/푛, 퐴 ≫ 1 and we can use the following approximation.

27퐴 2/3 2 6퐴 − 6퐴(1 + √ ) 6퐴 − 퐸 3 96퐴3/2 1 훾∗ = 1 + ≈ 1 + √ ≈ . 3퐸 6퐴1/2 2

On the other side, if 퐴 ≪ 1, we get

6퐴 − 퐸2 6퐴 − 9퐴2/3 퐸 ≈ 3퐴1/3 and 훾∗ = 1 + ≈ 1 + ≈ 1 − 퐴1/3. 3퐸 9퐴1/3 Chapter D Implementation details

1 1 significant amount of time was allocated during the thesis It certainly took more time than ex- to the implementation of the different methods presented in pected, as could have been expected from Hofstadter’s Law. this manuscript. We briefly summarize here these different A 2 2 contributions, which have all been coded in the Julia language . Some See https://julialang.org/. Matlab code has been written at the beginning of thesis as well (based 3 3 on the SketchMLbox toolbox ), but we do not discuss the Matlab im- http://sketchml.gforge.inria.fr/ plementation here.

d.1 The CompressiveLearning package

All the code related to the compressive learning framework has been packaged together. The implemented features are the following: Sketching operators for random Fourier and quadratic features; Main wrapper methods for compressive clustering (CKM), Gaus- sian mixture modeling (CGMM) and compressive PCA (CPCA); CL-OMPR decoder for CKM and CGMM; CL-AMP decoder for CKM; Various decoders for CPCA; Support of structured linear operators (with blocks of the form

퐇퐃3퐇퐃2퐇퐃1, 퐇퐃퐺퐇퐃2퐇퐃1 and fastfood), with padding; Support of quantized random Fourier features, and decoding in CLOMPR with quantization; UDP/BDP private sketching mechanisms; Sketching mechanism with features subsampling.

d.2 The FatDatasets package

The FatDatasets package does not contain any data, but defines data 4 4 dependencies which can be used to download and preprocess the Using the DataDeps package. data. A summary of the datasets available via the package is provided in Table D.1. The following methods are also provided for synthetic data generation: GMMDataset can be used to generate data according to (4.5); lowrank_dataset can be used to generate (approximately) low- rank data (cf. privacy experiments); gmm_stream and lowrank_stream generate data according to 234

the same models as respectively GMMDataset and lowrank_dataset, but the data is never stored and only generated when requested. Randomization seeds are stored to allow multiple iterations over the same data stream.

Name 푛 푑 Description and url fma 106, 574 518 Miscellaneous aggregated audio features. https://github.com/mdeff/fma fma_mfcc 106, 574 20 Contains mean MFCC features from FMA dataset. https://github.com/mdeff/fma kddcup99 4, 898, 431 107 Network data. Contains categorical features (converted to numerical features via binary encoding). http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/databases/kddcup99/kddcup99.html gowalla 6, 442, 892 2 Localization (GPS) data. https://snap.stanford.edu/data/loc-gowalla.html fasttext_LG 2, 000, 000 300 Dataset of textual features. LG should be one of: ”en” (english), ”fr” (french), ”de” (german), ”eo” (esperanto). https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/crawl-vectors.html lfw 13233 62500 Raw vectorized 250 × 250 images of celebrities faces from the “Labeled Faces in the Wild” dataset. http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/ celeba 202599 38804 Raw vectorized 178 × 218 images of celebrities faces from CelebA dataset. http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/CelebA.html

Table D.1: Summary of the main datasets accessible via the FatDatasets package

d.3 The PrivateClustering package

This short packages contains a few methods for private clustering, including: an implementation of the DPLloyd algorithm [274], and its modi- fied version with improved initialization [321]; wrapper code to run the EUGkM algorithm [321] (using a modi- fied version of the author’s python implementation); wrapper code to run the privgene algorithm [289] (using the author’s python implementation).

d.4 The PrivatePCA package

This short packages contains a few methods for private PCA, including: an implementation of the Laplace PCA baseline; an implementation of the Wishart PCA method [285]; an implementation of the method of Upadhyay [294, p.23 of the supplementary material]; an implementation of the method of Arora et al. [295]. 235

d.5 The BatchIterators package

BatchIterators is a very small package, which provides a constructor BatchIterator to iterate over a (possibly out of core) dataset or data stream by batches. The package also provides the helper function choose_batchsize to select an appropriate batch size (i.e. so that the overall memory consumption does not exceed the total amount of available memory, or a user-chosen threshold).

d.6 The ExperimentsManager package

Many experiments in the thesis, and in particular experiments from Chapter 4, required to run the same algorithm over wide parameter spaces (e.g. performing compressive clustering with different ker- 2 nel variance 휎휅, different sketch sizes and different types of structured operators). The ExperimentsManager package aims at providing a con- venient way to run simple workflows across whole parameter spaces. Any workflow provided to the package (e.g. running multiple clus- tering algorithms on a dataset, each with different sets of parameters) will be expanded into a collection of atomic workflows (i.e. running one algorithm with a specific set of parameters), which will by default be run locally, but can be dispatched (e.g. on a computing grid) thanks to an abstraction layer.

d.7 The Igrida package

Igrida is the name of a computing grid. The Igrida package provides a 5 5 function to execute Julia code asynchronously on this grid, as well as Represented in Julia via the Expr helper function to install/update software and data dependencies and type, however metaprogramming is only marginally used and any (not only Julia) fetch results. code could technically be executed with this package. 236 Bibliography

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Titre : Méthodes efficaces pour l’apprentissage compressif avec garanties de confidentialité

Mots-clés : apprentissage compressif, apprentissage à grande échelle, parcimonie, matrices structurées, confidentialité différentielle, propagation de convictions.

Résumé : Ce travail de thèse, qui se situe à l’inter- Les contributions de la thèse s’intègrent dans ce face entre traitement du signal, informatique et statis- cadre de plusieurs manières. D’une part, il est mon- tiques, vise à l’élaboration de méthodes d’apprentis- tré qu’en bruitant le sketch, des garanties de confi- sage automatique à grande échelle et de garanties dentialité (différentielle) peuvent être obtenues; des théoriques associées. Il s’intéresse en particulier bornes exactes sur le niveau de bruit requis sont à l’apprentissage compressif, un paradigme dans données, et une comparaison expérimentale permet lequel le jeu de données est compressé en un unique d’établir que l’approche proposée est compétitive vecteur de moments généralisés aléatoires, appelé vis-à-vis d’autres méthodes récentes. Ensuite, le le sketch et contenant l’information nécessaire pour schéma de compression est adapté pour utiliser des résoudre de manière approchée la tâche d’apprentis- matrices aléatoires structurées, qui permettent de ré- sage considérée. Le schéma de compression utilisé duire significativement les coûts de calcul et rendent permet de tirer profit d’une architecture distribuée ou possible l’utilisation de méthodes compressives sur de traiter des données en flux, et a déjà été utilisé des données de grande dimension. Enfin, un nouvel avec succès sur plusieurs tâches d’apprentissage algorithme basé sur la propagation de convictions non-supervisé: partitionnement type k-moyennes, est proposé pour résoudre la phase d’apprentissage modélisation de densité avec modèle de mélange (à partir du sketch) pour le problème de partition- gaussien, analyse en composantes principales. nement type k-moyennes.

Title: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Compressive Learning

Keywords: compressive learning, large-scale clustering, sparsity, structured matrices, differential privacy, belief propagation.

Abstract: The topic of this Ph.D. thesis lies on the We improve this framework in multiple directions. borderline between signal processing, statistics and First, it is shown that perturbing the sketch with addi- computer science. It mainly focuses on compres- tive noise is sufficient to derive (differential) privacy sive learning, a paradigm for large-scale machine guarantees. Sharp bounds on the noise level re- learning in which the whole dataset is compressed quired to obtain a given privacy level are provided, down to a single vector of randomized generalized and the proposed method is shown empirically to moments, called the sketch. An approximate solution compare favourably with state-of-the-art techniques. of the learning task at hand is then estimated from Then, the compression scheme is modified to lever- this sketch, without using the initial data. This frame- age structured random matrices, which reduce the work is by nature suited for learning from distributed computational cost of the framework and make it collections or data streams, and has already been possible to learn on high-dimensional data. Lastly, instantiated with success on several unsupervised we introduce a new algorithm based on message learning tasks such as k-means clustering, density passing techniques to learn from the sketch for the k- fitting using Gaussian mixture models, or principal means clustering problem. These contributions open component analysis. the way for a broader application of the framework.