Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling and Implementation Standards

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Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling and Implementation Standards Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling And Implementation Standards Mn/DOT Database Administrators Team Version 2.1 Date: August 2011 Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling and Implementation Standards Version 2.0 Page 1 of 116 Version History Modified By | Date Version Section(s) Comment Approved By Initial Draft taken from Mike’s documentation, useful content 2/11/2010 1.0 found on the Web, and Team additions. Additions made from comments 2/22/2010 1.1 from the 2/11/2009 DBA Team Meeting. Additions made from comments 3/4/2010 1.2 from the 2/22/2010 DBA Team Meeting. Additions made from comments 3/12/2010 1.3 from the 3/11/2010 DBA Team Meeting. Additions made from comments 3/26/2010 1.4 from the 3/25/2010 DBA Team Meeting. 6//2010 1.5 Final Draft Review 6/22/2010 2.0 1st Published Version 8/8/2011 2.1 PL Added Abbreviations/Acronyms 9/23/2011 2.2 PL Added Dimensional Physical Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling and Implementation Standards Version 2.0 Page 2 of 116 Table of Contents PHYSICAL DATA MODELING STANDARD ................................................................................................................ 6 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 STANDARD ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 DEVIATION OF USE – Database Standards Exception Request ......................................................................... 7 PHYSICAL DATA MODELING and IMPLEMENTATION STANDARDS ........................................................................ 9 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 9 GENERAL NAMING STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................... 10 TABLE STANDARDS.......................................................................................................................................... 11 Table Names ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Dimensional Table Names .......................................................................................................................... 11 Table Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 11 Table Comments ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Support Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 13 COLUMNS ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Column Names ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Dimensional Column Names ....................................................................................................................... 14 Column Comments ..................................................................................................................................... 15 INDEXES .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Index Naming Syntax Guide ........................................................................................................................ 16 Index Names ............................................................................................................................................... 16 INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................ 18 Primary Key Constraint ............................................................................................................................... 18 Example Primary Key Constraint and Column Names ................................................................................ 19 Dimensional Primary Key Constraints ......................................................................................................... 19 Unique Constraints ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Foreign Key Constraints .............................................................................................................................. 20 Dimensional Foreign Key Constraints ......................................................................................................... 20 Check Constraints ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Not Null Check Constraints ......................................................................................................................... 22 Mn/DOT Physical Data Modeling and Implementation Standards Version 2.0 Page 3 of 116 SEQUENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Sequence Names ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Column Comments - Sequences ................................................................................................................. 23 VIEWS .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 View Names ................................................................................................................................................ 24 View Comment ........................................................................................................................................... 24 MATERIALIZED VIEWS ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Materialized View Names ........................................................................................................................... 25 Materialized View Comment ...................................................................................................................... 25 SYNONYMS ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Synonym Names ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Synonym Names – Security Models ........................................................................................................... 26 DATABASE LINKS ............................................................................................................................................. 27 PROCEDURE CODE .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Trigger ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Function ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 Stored Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Package ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 METADATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX A: ORACLE SCHEMA OBJECT NAMES AND QUALIFIERS ..................................................................... 33 APPENDIX B: ORACLE RESERVED WORDS, KEYWORDS, AND NAMESPACES ...................................................... 37 APPENDIX C: SQL SERVER RESERVED KEYWORDS .............................................................................................. 42 APPENDIX D: MN/DOT ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................ 50 APPENDIX E: MN/DOT ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................... 89 APPENDIX F: MENU – MENU ITEMS LOOKUP TABLE DESIGN .........................................................................
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