Daily Nexus May 17,1993 PagelA to Perform His Act in Thunderdome All-Star Exhibition

Ex-NBA Stars Face announced Friday, will be checking out the talent on this played May 26 at 7:30 p.m. The side of the country. College Standouts $15 tickets go on sale outside the “The [scouts] will be here, es­ Thunderdome Monday morning pecially with all these guys com­ Next Week at UCSB beginning at 9 a.m. Part of the ing, who are potential NBA proceeds will benefit UCSB’s In­ players,” he said. “Some of these By Brian Banks tercollegiate Athletics and Phys­ guys are first-rounders.” Staff Writer______ical Activities departments, ac­ cording to Darwin Payton, John­ A similar game is scheduled to son’s spokesman. be played in Michigan’s Joe Magic Johnson and his travel­ UCSB men’s Head Louis Arena with Johnson lead­ ing band of former NBA stars Coach Jerry Pimm will head the ing an all-star NBA team against wül make their way to the Thun- college team, which will include a college group which will fea­ derdome next week to play a Arizona’s , UCLA’s ture Michigan’s , team of college all-stars, which Mitchell Butler, New Mexico Payton said. will include UCSB’s four depart­ State’s Sam Crawford and ing seniors. UNLV’s J.R. Rider, Payton said. The game was originally sche­ Ray Kelly, Mike Meyer, Paul of Tennessee, duled to be played at Loyola Johnson and Idris Jones will lace of Long Beach Maiymount University, but Pay- up their high tops one more State and of Arizona ton said Johnson wanted the site time, but this time a 6-foot-9 are listed as “possibilities,” ac­ changed because “he really likes NBA legend will be at the other cording to Payton. it in Santa Barbara.” Johnson end of die floor. Joining Magic The game will feature some of and the Lakers held their pre­ Johnson on the NBA team will the West’s top prospects for the playoff minicamps in Santa Bar­ be former Lakers Kurt Rambis upcoming NBA draft. Payton bara during the 1980s, but he has MAGIC SHOW: A team o f former NBA stars led by Magic John­ and . said there will be professional never played in the son will play collegians at the Thunderdome next week. The exhibition game, it was basketball scouts in attendance Thunderdome. Hit Parade Favors UCSB in Nevada Weekend Series By Jason Masini its final conference series of the Staff Writer_____ year Friday, 7-4, but came back strong to win both games on Sa­ turday and Sunday, 7-2 and 9-7, UCSB baseball Head Coach respectively. A1 Ferrer didn’t exactly know Freshman Zach Elliott was what type of offensive condi­ the hero for the Gauchos in Sun­ tions existed in Reno, heading day’s game, smashing two into this weekend’s three-game homers — his sixth and seventh series with the University of on the year — after hitting the Nevada. first of his three weekend home They turned out to be very runs the previous day. much to the Gauchos’ liking. Elliott hit his first homer Sun­ Santa Barbara (24-28-1 over­ day — a two-run shot with Jared all, 8-13 in the Big West) scored Janke aboard — in the third in­ 20 runs in three games and took ning with the score tied, 2-2. two of three from the Wolf Pack. UCSB dropped the first game of See NEVADA, p.3A

f 1Nexus Pile Photo Identity Crisis Faced With Small Budgets and Little Recognition, Club Sports Athletes Respond the Only Way They C a n ... With Victories By Curtis Kaiser, R e p o rte r

all them the Silent gives 700 athletes in 18 areas an mate frisbee, and women’s wa­ Stars, the Anonymous opportunity to compete ter polo. Athletes. against other colleges in sports The Club Sports Program is C that are not a part of the inter­ run by student athletes under UCSB’s club sport athletes bask in the glow of collegiate system. Other club the leadership of Judith Dale, their consistent championship sports include bowling, fenc­ the director of Club Sports. seasons, but that’s about all die ing, rugby, sailing, snow skiing, Each club sport team has one competition gives them to water skiing, triathlon, ulti- representative on the prog­ enjoy. ram’s governing body, called Simple pleasures enjoyed by the Club Council. The council intercollegiate athletes at most ".flipip'i makes the majority of the deci­ Division I schools — like m a sions regarding all aspects of hotels, meal money, and free the Club Sports Program. GERRY MELENDEZ/Dmly N n a transportation — are almost Money is allocated to each NOT QUITE: Gaucho senior decathalete Mark Kalllck didn’t nonexistent for club sports team to pay for equipment, achieve his goal over the weekend o f qualifying for Nationals. participants. league dues, travel, and other Club sport athletes usually * expenses. According to Dale, arrange for their own transpor­ the allocation of the club tation, accommodations and sports money is based on five Poor Showing Leaves Kallick Still food while competing under factors: the size of the team, the the UCSB banner, and they are amount of league dues, travel Hoping to Qualify for Nationals usually not reimbursed for costs, capital equipment and their expenses. Lodging most operating expenses. often comes in the form of Each team individually de­ Time is running out for senior tempt at qualifying. makeshift beds at the homes of cides how it will spend its mo­ Marc Kallick, who did not score But he nad hoped to accom­ alumni, opposing team mem­ ney and often assigns dues to enough points to quality for Na­ plish the goal in the two-day bers or other team members team members or holds fun­ tionals over the weekend at the event at UCSB’s track. Things when the squad is away from draisers to supplement their al­ Late Afternoon Decathlon at did not go as planned, however. campus for competitions. Nexus Rie Photo lotted funds. If teams want to UCSB. “I think everything was going With sports ranging from Crew squads (above) and wo­ hire coaches — and many With the men’s track team OK until my pole vault,” Kallick women’s lacrosse and surfing men’s lacrosse athletes put aren’t financially able to — placing third in the Big West said. “My pole vault score was to bowling and fencing, the in long hours o f practice. Championship» two weeks ago, much lower than I needed.” UCSB Club Sports Program See CLUB, p.2A Kallick has high aspirations and plans on making one last at­ See KALLICK, p.3A 2 A Monday, May 17,1993 Daily Nexus CLUB: Athletes Find Ways to Win With Tight Budgets, Tough Conditions Continued from p.lA Dale credited the $3 per — a ------ten comes from the club that we’re the same caliber they must do it with per­ quarter student lock-in as members’ pockets of athletes.” sonal money or money gi­ an integral part of this All we’re asking is to be treated like any themselves.” He said that the two ven for other areas by club year’s club sports success. Another perspective most difficult aspects of other department. We have already had participating in club sports sports. The lock-in has given the to cut over 200 classes in the last three comes from veteran club But most coaches don’t Club Council more money sports participant Steve are financial difficulties come cheap. While some to disperse to its teams, years. Woo, senior captain of the and a lack of recognition. wiU donate their time in meaning that fewer ex­ cycling team. “Budget cuts can some­ exchange for the experi­ penses are incurred by the Judith Dale “As a freshman, I had no times get us down,” he ence and an opportunity athletes. director, Club Sports cycling experience, but said. “We often spend out for a title, well-respected “I can’t tell you how club sports welcomes of our own pockets. We coaches can earn as much much the student fee lock- everyone,” he said. just do it because we love as $20,000 a year. in has helped us,” she said. ------99— Woo listed the unique our sports. Finances will bean even “Now club sports are open Because club sports has wouldn’t have been able to aspects of some of the club “It’d be cool if everyone bigger issue for the Club to everyone.” different levels of competi­ experience if crew were an sports — and their consis­ knew about all the club Sports Dept, if the prop­ One of those people gi­ tion for athletes of varying intercollegiate sport,” tent success — as some of sports teams,” said Woo, osed cuts to the Physical ven an opportunity to par­ skill, no players are ever Jones said. the reasons that people are whose squad will be racing Activities Dept pass this ticipate in club sports is cut. Jones was given the Jones was pleased with attracted to join the prog­ in Nationals next year. freshman novice rower chance to be on the novice his first season as a crew ram. “A lot of these sports weekend. The cycling “[The cuts] would defi­ Britton Jones. Like many crew team even though he team member and the no one has tried before,” team is just one of many nitely wipe our facOity other athletes, Jones was h a d n o previous Club Sports Program in he said. club sports teams compet­ o ut” Dale said. “It would attracted to club sports be­ experience. general. Woo rebuked the no­ ing in national competi­ also wipe me out Could I cause of the opportunity to “[Club sports] has tion that club sports ath­ tion, though with not as stay here on half a salary? compete in a sport that he opened me up to an op­ “I don’t see any disad­ letes are not as ¿dented as much fanfare as would be No.” had never tried. portunity that I probably vantages [in competition] intercollegiate athletes. given to an intercollegiate Dale, who also teaches of being on a club sport as “There’s just as much squad in the hunt for a na­ two academic classes in compared to an intercolle­ dedication in club sports tional title. the P.A. Dept., said that giate sport,” he said. “But as in intercollegiate,” he But then again, they the department has al­ mere is not as much recog­ said. “We’d like to be seen prefer quiet titles to loud ready made aU the cuts it nition, and the funding of­ as equals. We sure think failures. can. “AU we’re asking is to be treated like any other de- artment," she said. “We ave already had to cut over 200 classes in the last three years. We can’t cut any more without doing away with i t ” Although some club sports participants admit that they are a bit envious of their intercollegiate counterparts, the majority are satisfied with the program. “We’re just trying to build the best Club Sports Program we can,” Dale said. “Sure, we look down RACHEL WEDJLVDuly Nexus the hall and see that their Two ofUCSB 's most successful club sports teams in recent years have been the shoes and buses are paid men’s and women’s crew (left) and ultimate frisbee squads (above). for.” Nexus Pile Photo

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$ 5 .0 0 I.______CUP AND SAVE Daily Nexus Monday, May 17,1993 3 A NEVADA: Gauchos Total 20 Runs

Continued from p.lA Bennett went the distance Each team got single runs for UCSB, earning his in each of the first two third win, while allowing frames. only two unearned runs The score stayed 4-2 un­ and eight hits. til the eighth inning as janke put the Gauchos Mike Wolger (4-for-5) up 3-0 in the first inning of singled to lead off the in­ Friday’s game with a three- ning and Elliott foUowed run homer, his 13th on the with another homer. After year, but a four-run second a strikeout, Doug Smal- inning gave Nevada the dino decided to get into lead it would never relin­ the act and got a homer of quish en route to the 7-4 his own, his third of the win. year. It extended the Gauchos’ lead to 7-2. Zach Elliott FRIDAY'S GAME But Nevada came UCSB 300000100 4 4 I storming back with four early lead on Janke’s RBI Nov 04012000(701 WP:Panon (7-5) LPDeW (4-71 runs in the bottom half of double in the first inning 26—Moreno, Sayton, Torres (Nov). HR— the inning to cut the lead and Elliott’s homer in the M u 13 (UCSB). to one run. Two more second. SATURDAY'S GAME UCSB runs in the ninth in­ After a Wolf Pack run in UCSB 110003101 7 It 0 ning saved the day, how­ Nov 000010100 1 0 1 the bottom half of the fifth, W P :B « M t (3 2 ) LP:Grenert (4-7). ever, and Janke picked up Santa Barbara got the 2B—BoksmeMr, Hear. M r s (UCSB). H R - his seventh win of the sea­ huge cushion it was look­ Bazzanl 6, Eliott 5 (UCSB). son against four losses. Se­ ing for as Matt Bazzani hit SUNDAYS GAME nior Travis Rodgers a three-run round-tripper UCSB 112000032 0 0 0 Nov 110000041 7 12 3 earned his first save on the after Wolger and Smal- WP Janke (7-4) LP:Koanan (7-3) SV:Rodgert year. dino had singled. The shot in- In Saturday’s action, 2B—Janke, Wolger (UCSB), Joh n. Lewis, was Bazzani’s sixth homer Prieto (Nev). 3B -P rielo (Nov). H R -flfe # 8,7, the Gauchos got out to an of the season, junior Pat SmaMno 3 (UCSB), Joins 2, WMaon 1 (New). ramento Track Club’s rest up and just hope for Matt Zuber, who scored the best.” KALLICK 7,686 points, following by Reno’s Enock Borovinski Thursday will probably Continued from p.lA with 7,671. be Kallick’s last opportun­ Since transferring from Kallick, who had in­ ity to qualify. Die meet will UC Irvine, KalUck has jured his ankle at the Big be held at Cal Tech, and been a great asset to the West Conference Champ­ Kallick will need at least Gaucho track and field ionships at UC Irvine, per­ 7,100 points to provision­ program, and needs 7,300 formed well in the high ally qualify. SIEVE OLSBN/DaOy Nmrai points to qualify for the jump with a jump of 6-4 “Everything has to be NCAA Championships. 1/4 and came in at 14.57 just right,” Kallick said. LAX Attack Thirteen athletes parti­ seconds in the high cipated in the decathlon hurdles. “I have the coach be­ The Iroquois National Lacrosse Team did not disappoint fans expecting a and only 10 actually fin­ “I wasn’t comfortable hind me and a lot of team flurry o f goals from the world’s #5 team. In an exhibition game against the ished. Kallick finished with the vault and I can’t support and I need to ninth with a total of 6,430 have a below average tough it out on Diursday,” UCSB men’s lacrosse team on Friday, the Iroquois squad rebounded from an points. score,” Kallick said. “It’s a he added. early 1-0 deficit to tally 1 2 scores en route to a 12-4 victory. The game was Coming in first was Sac- tough event and I have to —Deborah Rafii part o f a weekend o f festivities designed to promote American Indian contri­ butions to the game o f lacrosse.

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