Îôiöiéíå âèäàííÿ Óêðà¢íñüêî¢ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¢ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ The Official Publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox of the USA Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñi÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Vol. LXI Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 www.uocofusa.org Ukrainain Orthodox Word From Óêðà¢íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî the Editor’s Desk...

“I set the Lord ever before me; His Beatitude Constantine, Metropolitan With Him at my right hand, I shall His Eminence Archbishop* Antony, not be disturbed” Consistory President His Grace Daniel A beautiful story entitled “Just Push,” circulated on the Founded in Ukrainian as “Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî” in 1950 Internet several weeks prior to the beginning of this year’s St. Philip’s Founded in English (Pre-Nativity) fast, which captured as “Ukrainian Orthodox Word” in 1952 the spirit of a true Christian. In the tale, a man, awakened from his sleep by a bright light, was startled Editor in Chief to see God appear. The Lord told the man that He had work for His Grace Bishop DANIEL him to do and pointed to a huge granite rock in front of the man’s Assistant Editor cabin. The Lord explained that he wanted the man to push against Dobrodijka Barbara Kristof the rock with all his might. So, obedient to the Lord’s request, the man pushed day Editorial Office: after day, week after week and year after year, each time returning UOW to his cabin exhausted and discouraged because his efforts were PO Box 495 totally in vain. The rock hadn’t moved even an inch in all that time. South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 At this point Satan entered the man’s life by putting negative Tel.: (732) 356-0090 #16 thoughts in his mind. “You’ve been working so hard for such a Fax: (732) 356-5556 long time and absolutely nothing has happened. It’s an impossible E-mail: [email protected] task. Why not just put in your time; do the minimum amount of The Ukrainian Orthodox Word is published effort and that will be good enough.” six times annualy on a bi-monthly basis Feeling like a failure, the man decided maybe that’s what by the Office of Public Relations he should do. However, he thought that since God had asked him of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. to do this task, he would take his failure to God and see what God wanted him to do. “Lord,” he prayed, “You know everything so Subscription price: You know I have been faithful to Your request, but in all this time $30.00 per year; $35.00 foreign countries; I haven’t moved the rock even one inch. Why am I such a failure?” $2.50 per single issue; $3.00 per back copy. Compassionately the Lord answered, “My friend you Subscriptions are renewable each January. accepted my request and were faithful to the mission that I gave Midyear subscriptions are prorated. you to push against the rock with all your might. Never once did I tell you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. All articles submitted for publication, What are the results? Look at yourself. Your back, your muscles, typed no longer than two pages double spaced, should be mailed to the UOW on a disk or your hands are stronger than when you started. You were patient e-mailed as an attachment to the Editor-in-Chief. and obedient to my command so you have grown in faith and Photos become the property of the UOW and are not wisdom. That’s why even in your discouragement, you didn’t give returned. Comments, opinions and articles are in to despair, but you turned to Me for direction.” welcomed but must include the author’s full name Our lesson from this little story is to Just P.U.S.H. - Pray and address. Articles are published at the discretion of Until Something Happens! God will move the mountains that the Editorial Staff, which reserves the right to edit, need moving. We just need to keep focused on His Will and pray and may not necessarily reflect the views of the continually. Editorial Board and/or the UOC of USA. So let’s get our P.U.S.H. started by celebrating this year’s The deadline for each issue is the 1st of the month Nativity of our Lord Feast full of spiritual enthusiasm and desire to prior to the publication date. reach out to the world around us – reach out to the people in our POSTMASTER please send address changes to: communities, families and those that are less fortunate than we Ukrainian Orthodox Word are. Spiritually rewarding and blessed Nativity of our Lord to you! PO Box 495 (On the cover - Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Nanty Glo, PA South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Íà îáêëàäèíö³ - Óêðà¿íñüêà Ïðàâîñëàâíà öåðêâà Âîçíåñ³ííÿ Ãîñïîäíüîãî ó Íåíò³ ¥ëî, ÏÀ) 2 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011

Permanent Conference of Ïîñòiéíà Êîíôåðåíöiÿ Ukrainian Orthodox Óêðà¿íñüêèõ Ïðàâîñëàâíèõ Beyond the ªïèñêîïiâ ïîçà ìåæàìè Borders of Ukraine Óêðà¿íè Nativity Ðiçäâÿíå Greeting Ïîñëàííÿ

To The Reverend and all Faithful Âñå÷åñíîìó Äóõîâåíñòâó ³ Âñ³ì ³ðíèì Children in the Diaspora and Ukraine! ä³òÿì ïî â³ð³ ó ijàñïîð³ ³ â Óêðà¿í³!

Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shone upon the “гçäâî Òâîº, Õðèñòå Áîæå íàø, world with the light of knowledge: çâ³ñòèëî ñâ³òîâ³ ñâ³òëî ðîçóìó, for thereby they who adored the stars through a star â í³ì áî ò³, ùî ç³ðêàì ñëóæèëè, ÷åðåç ç³ðêè were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of íàâ÷èëèñÿ ïîêëîíÿòèñÿ Òîá³ Ñîíöþ ïðàâäè, Righteousness, and to know Thee the Dayspring from ³âèçíàâàòè Òåáå, ùî Òè º Ñõ³ä ç âèñîòè. Ãîñïîäè, on high, O Lord, glory to Thee. (tropar of the feast) ñëàâà Òîá³.” ( òðîïàð гçäâà Õðèñòîâîãî).

Beloved in the Lord Brother Clergy! Óëþáëåí³ y Ãîñïîä³ ñâÿùåííîñëóæèòåë³! God-beloved Brothers and Sisters! Áîãîëþáèâ³ áðàòè ³ ñåñòðè!

Christ is Born! Õðèñòîñ Íàðîäæóºòüñÿ!

During this holy night of the Nativity of Christ  öþ ñâÿòó í³÷ Õðèñòîâîãî гçäâà ïðèéì³òü íàøå accept our heartfelt greeting on the great occasion of the ñåðäå÷íå ïðèâ³òàííÿ ç öèì âåëèêèì ³ ðàä³ñíèì Ñâÿòîì joyful Feast of the Birth of our Lord Christ. We Íàðîäæåííÿì Ãîñïîäà íàøîãî ²ñóñà Õðèñòà. Äÿêóºìî thank our Lord God that He has given us the opportunity Ãîñïîäó Áîãó,ùî ³í äàâ íàì ìîæëèâ³ñòü óâ³éòè ç âàìè to enter with you into festive unity and to wish that the â ñâÿòî÷íå ºäíàííÿ ³ ïîáàæàòè âàì ùîá ñâÿòî÷íà festive grace would touch your hearts with the power of áëàãîäàòü òîðêíóëàñÿ ñåðäåöü âàøèõ ñèëîþ â³ðè,íà䳿 faith, hope and love for the victory of good over evil. ³ ëþáîâ³ íà ïåðåìîãó äîáðà íàä çëîì. In accordance with God’s will we again have been Ïî âîë³ Áîæ³é ìè çíîâó ñïîäîáèëèñÿ çóñòð³òè found worthy to greet this solemn day, when Heaven and öåé óðî÷èñòèé äåíü, êîëè Íåáî ³ çåìëÿ ðàçîì ïðîñëàâ- earth together praise the God-infant Christ, born in a ëÿþòü íàðîäæåíîãî â á³äíîìó Âèôëåºìñüêîìó âåðòåï³ meager stable in Bethlehem. An angel announced this Áîãîìëàäåíöÿ Õðèñòà. Ïðî öå âåëèêå ä³éñòâî ñïîâ³ñòèâ great event: “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which Àíãåë: «ß ñïîâ³ùàþ âàì âåëèêó ðàä³ñòü, ÿêà áóäå âñ³ì will be to all people: for there is born to you this day in the ëþäÿì: áî íèí³ íàðîäèâñÿ âàì â ì³ñò³ Äàâèäîâ³ì city of David a Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:10- Ñïàñèòåëü, Êîòðèé º Õðèñòîñ Ãîñïîäü» (²â. 11,4-5). 11). Öå Áîæåñòâåííå Ñâ³òëî ïðèéøëî äî íàñ ïîíàä This Divine Light came to us more than two äâ³ òèñÿ÷³ ðîê³â òîìó. Õðèñòîñ ïðèéøîâ äî ãð³øíîãî thousand years ago. Christ came to sinful people, who to ëþäó, êîòðèé äî íèí³ ëåæèòü â òåìðÿâ³ ãð³õà ³ this day abide in the darkness of sin and apostasy. “He Áîãîâ³äñòóïíèöòâà. «Ïðèéøîâ äî ñâî¿õ, à ñâî¿ Éîãî came to His own, and His own did not receive Him”, writes íå ïðèéíÿëè, - îïèñóº ñâ. Àïîñòîë ²âàí Áîãîñëîâ, - à the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, “But as many as òèì, ùî ïðèéíÿëè Éîãî, â³ðóþ÷èì â ³ì’ÿ Éîãî, äàâ received Him, to them He gave the right to become children âëàäó íàçèâàòèñü ä³òüìè Áîæèìè». (²âàíà 1,11-12) of God” (John 1:11-12).

The human mind will never understand grand-parents and great-grandparents, the faith the Mystery of the Incarnation in Bethlehem. which gave them, gives us, and will give our This mystery demands a firm faith and descendants joy in life, joy in repentance, humble love, founded not upon greedy joy in prayer and joy in good deeds. motivations, but upon a living response Meeting and celebrating the feast of the human heart to the of the Nativity of Christ and entering Evangelical news of the Saviour. a New Year of the Love of God, we Truly, how can the mind extend heartfelt greetings to the understand that the Creator of this reverend spiritual fathers and the world, both visible and invisible, members of our Ukrainian diaspora appears Himself on earth in human throughout the world. May God’s flesh? How can we understand that generous blessing rest upon all of us, He Who circumscribes the entire may our work for the good and universe and Whose word cannot be happiness of our people be successful contained by the whole world dwells in and fruitful. May the coming New Year a small manger, in a poor stable in be a “year of the Lord’s mercy” for all of us, Bethlehem, and is born of an earthly virgin? a year of good health, spiritual joy, familial Undoubtedly, as the Holy Hierarch Gregory the happiness, and Divinely blessed good will and good fortune Theologian says, the mystery of the Nativity of Christ for our Ukrainian people and Church in Ukraine and in cannot be comprehended by the mind, because it is above the Diaspora. Be in harmony with one another and the the laws of nature. But that which is impossible for the God of peace and love will be among you. mind is possible for the heart; and that which the wise men could not initially believe was revealed in simplicity Christ is Born! Glorify Him! to the illiterate shepherds. God became incarnate on earth so that we would The Nativity of Christ 2010/2011 be deified with Him by His grace. This path to the unity of man with God begins with the humble acceptance of With Archpastoral Blessings, the joyful news of the Birth of Christ, with repentance for all the sins of our life, and a firm resolve to begin a + CONSTANTINE, new life keeping and fulfilling all of God’s command- Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ments. in the USA and the Diaspora For this, dear brothers and sisters, we require + YURIJ, not a small amount of labour, which we offer to God Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church during our earthly life, and which cannot be compared in Canada to that wealth of joy, light and warmth which the Lord + JOHN, gives to His followers here on earth and a hundredfold Metropolitan-Emeritus of the Ukrainian Orthodox in His Heavenly Kingdom. Church in Canada + ANTONY, Dearly beloved in the Lord! Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA The Nativity of Christ coincides with the beginning + IOAN, of a New Year, and so, entering this new Year of the Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Lord let us try to draw all needful conclusions from this in Diaspora past year of 2010. May every one of us admit our past + JEREMIAH, mistakes and sins, correct them, repent, and firmly promise Archbishop of the South American Eparchy to never repeat them. Approaching the manger of the of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA God-infant Christ today, let us abandon by His feet all + ILARION, of our troubles and unrighteousness and begin a new Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada life – that life for the sake of which Jesus was born. + ANDRIY, The source of our spiritual joy and the earnest Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada of our eternal life is faith in the birth of our Lord Jesus + DANIEL, Christ, the faith which lived in and comforted our parents, Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA

Òàéíó Âèôëåºìñüêîãî Áîãîâîïëî- äàâàòè íàøîìó ïîêîë³ííþ, ðàä³ñòü â æèòò³, ÷åííÿ í³êîëè íå çðîçó쳺 ëþäñüêèé ðî- ðàä³ñòü â ïîêàÿíí³, ðàä³ñòü â ìîëèòâ³ ³ çóì. Öÿ òàéíà âèìàãຠòâåðäî¿ â³ðè ³ ðàä³ñòü â äîáðèõ ä³ëàõ. ñìèðåííî¿ ëþáîâè, çàïî÷àòêîâàíèõ Çóñòð³÷àþ÷è ³ ñâÿòêóþ÷è ñâÿòî íå íà êîðèñòîëþáèâèõ ðîçðàõóí- гçäâà Õðèñòîâîãî ³ âñòóïàþ÷è â êàõ, à íà æèâîìó â³äãóêó ëþäñü- Íîâèé гê Áëàãîñò³ Áîæî¿ ñåðäå÷íî êîãî ñåðöÿ íà ªâàíãåëüñüêó â³ñòêó â³òàºìî âñå÷åñí³éøèõ îòö³â äóõî- ïðî Ñïàñèòåëÿ. âíèõ ³ íàøó óêðà¿íñüêó ä³àñïîðó ïî ijéñíî, ÿê ìîæíà çðîçó- âñüîìó ñâ³òó. Ùåäðå áëàãî- ì³òè ðîçóìîì, ùî Òâîðåöü öüîãî ñëîâ³ííÿ Áîæå íåõàé ñïî÷èâຠíàä ñâ³òó, âèäèìîãî ³ íå âèäèìîãî, Ñàì óñ³ìà íàìè, íåõàé óñï³øíîþ ³ áàãà- ïðèõîäèòü íà çåìëþ â ëþäñüêîìó òîïë³äíîþ áóäå ïðàöÿ íàøà äëÿ ò³ë³? ßê çðîçóì³òè, ùî Òîé, Õòî îá³é- ùàñòÿ é äîáðà íàøîãî íàðîäó. Íåõàé ìຠâñþ Âñåëåííó ³ ñëîâà Êîòðîãî íå íàñòó-ïàþ÷èé Íîâèé гê áóäå äëÿ âñ³õ ìîæå âì³ñòèòè ö³ëèé ñâ³ò – îñåëþºòüñÿ â íàñ”ë³òîì Ãîñïîäíüîãî çìèëóâàííÿ “ë³òîì ìàëåíüêèõ ÿñëàõ – óáîãîìó Âèôëåºìñüêîìó äîáðîãî çäîðîâ’ÿ, äóõîâíî¿ ðàäîñò³, ðîäèííîãî âåðòåï³ ³ íàðîäæóºòüñÿ â³ä çåìíî¿ Ä³âè? ùàñòÿ ³ Áîãîì áëàãîñëîâåííî¿ äîáðî¿ âîë³ ³ äîë³ äëÿ Íàïðàâäó, ÿê ãîâîðèòü ñâÿòèòåëü Ãðèãîð³é Áî- íàøîãî Óêðà¿íñüêîãî íàðîäó ³ öåðêâè â Óêðà¿í³ ³ â ãîñëîâ, òàéíó гçäâà Õðèñòîâîãî íåìîæëèâî îá³éíÿòè ijàñïîð³. ðîçóìîì, òîìó ùî âîíà âèùà â³ä çàêîí³â ïðèðîäè. ªäíàéòåñÿ ì³æ ñîáîþ ³ Áîã ìèðó ³ ëþáîâ³ áóäå Àëå òå, ùî íåìîæëèâå ðîçóìó – ìîæëèâå ñåðöþ; ³ òå ì³æ âàìè. â ùî íå çìîãëè ñïî÷àòêó ïîâ³ðèòè ìóäðåö³, â ïðîñòîò³ â³äêðèëîñÿ íåïèñüìåííèì ïàñòóõàì. Áîã âîïëîòèâñÿ íà çåìë³ äëÿ òîãî, ùîá ìè Õðèñòîñ Íàðîäæóºòüñÿ! Ñëàâìî Éîãî! îáîæíþâàëèñü ç Íèì ÷åðåç Éîãî áëàãîäàòü. Öÿ äîðîãà ºäíàííÿ ëþäèíè ç Áîãîì ïî÷èíàºòüñÿ ç ñìèðåííîãî гçäâî Õðèñòîâå 2010/2011 ïðèéíÿòòÿ ðàä³ñíî¿ íîâèíè ïðî Íàðîäæåííÿ Õðèñòà, ç ïîêàÿííÿ çà âñ³ ñâî¿ ãð³õè ïðîæèòîãî íàìè æèòòÿ ³ ç Ç àðõèïàñòèðñüêèì áëàãîñëîâåííÿì òâåðäîþ ð³øó÷³ñòþ ïî÷àòè íîâå æèòòÿ çáåð³ãàþ÷è ³ âèêîíóþ÷è âñ³ çàïîâ³ä³ Áîæ³. +ÊÎÍÑÒÀÍÒÈÍ, Äëÿ öüîãî, äîðîã³ áðàòòÿ ³ ñåñòðè, íàø ìàëèé Ìèòðîïîëèò Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè òðóä, ÿêèé ìè ïðèíîñèìî Áîãó íà ïðîòÿç³ ñâîãî çåì- â ÑØÀ ³ ijàñïîð³; íîãî æèòòÿ, íå ìîæíà ïîð³âíÿòè ç òèì áàãàòñòâîì +ÞвÉ, ðàäîñò³, ñâ³òëà ³ òåïëà, ÿêå äຠÃîñïîäü Ñâî¿ì ïîñë³äîâ- Ìèòðîïîëèò Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè íèêàì òóò íà çåìë³ ³ ñòîêðàòíî âîçäàñòü ó Ñâîéîìó â Êàíàä³ Íåáåñíîìó Öàðñòâ³. +²ÂÀÍ, Ìèòðîïîëèò-Åìåðèò Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Âîçëþáëåí³ â Ãîñïîä³! Öåðêâè â Êàíàä³ +ÀÍÒÎͲÉ, гçäâî Õðèñòîâå ñï³âïàäຠç ïî÷àòêîì Íîâîãî Àðõèºïèñêîï Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ Ðîêó ³ òîìó âñòóïàþ÷è â Íîâå ë³òî Áëàãîñò³ Ãîñïîäíüî¿, +IOAÍ, ïîñòàðàéìîñÿ ï³äâåñòè âñ³ íåîáõ³äí³ ï³äñóìêè ìèíóëîãî Àðõèºïèñêîï Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè 2010 ðîêó. Íåõàé êîæíèé ç íàñ ïðèçíຠñâî¿ ìèíóëî- â ijàñïîð³ ð³÷í³ ïîìèëêè ³ ãð³õè, âèïðàâèòü ¿õ, ïîêàºòüñÿ ³ òâåðäî +ªÐÅ̲ß, îá³öÿº ¿õ á³ëüøå íå ïîâòîðÿòè. ϳäõîäÿ÷è ñüîãîäí³ äî Àðõèºïèñêîï ϳâäåííî-Àìåðèêàíñüêî¿ ªïàðõ³¿ ÿñåë Áîãîìëàäåíöÿ Õðèñòà çàëèø³ìî á³ëÿ Éîãî í³ã âñ³ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ ñâî¿ òóðáîòè ³ íåïðàâäè ³ ïî÷í³ìî íîâå æèòòÿ, òàêå – +²ËÀвÎÍ, ðàäè êîòðîãî íàðîäèâñÿ ²ñóñ . ªïèñêîï Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â Êàíàä³ Äæåðåëîì íàøî¿ äóõîâíî¿ ðàäîñò³ ³ çàïîðóêîþ +ÀÍÄвÉ, íàøîãî â³÷íîãî æèòòÿ º â³ðà â íàðîäæåííÿ Ãîñïîäà ªïèñêîï Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â Êàíàä³ íàøîãî ²ñóñà Õ ðèñòà. ³ðà ÿêîþ æèëè ³ âò³øàëèñÿ íàø³ +ÄÀÍȯË, áàòüêè,ä³äè ³ ïðàä³äè. ³ðà äàâàëà ¿ì, äຠíàì ³ áóäå ªïèñêîï Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ

to share the following two short stories. A little boy was given, one day, two quarters by his dad, one quarter for the church collection and the other quarter to buy a cone of ice cream. Upon walking to the church, the little By Fr. Robert boy was playing with the two quarters, when one of them fell from him and ended in the gutter. Unable to recuperate the lost quarter, the little One cup of boy said to himself: Here goes the and homebound? And above all, what quarter of the church. coffee impels individuals living solely on their The second story was emailed to social security check to share their me. It reads: “In a small coffee shop in meager income and the little they have a poor neighborhood in Venice, Italy, a Open today’s newspaper and with their church’s and other charitable tourist shipping an espresso over- you’re bound to be hit in the face with organizations? Simply put, the answer heard his neighbor say to the waiter: the shocking headlines of high is: Faith in their fellow man and hope “Two coffees please, with one on the unemployment and its fallouts. Listen for a better tomorrow. And, this is what wall.” Intrigued, the tourist decided to to the radio and your ears get Christmas is all about: Bringing in light decipher this mysterious order, espe- and dispelling darkness. scratched by the screaming noise of cially after noticing that the gentleman When Zechariah came out from those century old Olive trees that are who placed the order paid for two cups the Temple unable to speak, the being uprooted in the Holy Land to though the waiter brought him only one people knew he experienced an make way for new illegal settlements. cup of coffee. Upon collecting the bill, unusual event. When Elizabeth felt the Switch on your TV and your tears start the tourist observed the waiter baby in her womb leaping with joy once rolling down watching all the innocent approaching the wall next to him and her pregnant cousin Mary came to visit victims of those terrorist attacks that placing a piece of paper on it upon with her, she knew theft encounter was are ravaging Iraq, Pakistan and which were written the following not a regular encounter; (Cf. Luke 1) Afghanistan. Turn on your PC, watch a words: “One cup of coffee.” The same And, when the Magi came offering gifts YouTube Video, or read a Tweet and event recurred when two clients came your heart begins to sink in with all the and the shepherds offering praises to the newly born Babe lying in a manger, in and ordered three cups of coffee news about public officials corruption, with one on the wall. Wondering what idols cheating on their spouses, both the Virgin Mary and Joseph realized that the birth of “their” Child was behind this strange behavior, the professionals being unethical, CEO’s tourist was ready to call for the waiter cooking the books and so on. Sadly, was truly extraordinary. (Cf. Luke 2 & Matthew 2) Zechariah, Elizabeth, asking for an explanation when a man, bad news and distrust seem to be the who looked miserable, came into the currency of the day. But, wait a minute: Joseph and Mary did not understand coffee shop and said to the waiter: Has darkness become so prevailing fully the events they were witnessing; “One coffee from the wall.” At that that hope can no more be found? If so, however, they all trusted the Lord. And, moment, the tourist understood the what drives millions of people to the Lord did not disappoint them. He message behind the placed orders, donate to the Salvation Army at the brought comfort to their hearts and to and was moved by the caring and mere sound of a joyful bell ring? What His People by sending His Only anonymity shown by this little poor makes the CNN heroes of the year Begotten Son as a Savior whose Venetian community towards its defy all odds in order to help poor mission was to bring joy and peace to needy. children recover their smile, thirsty the world. As we welcome the news of the towns quench their thirst, battered As Christians and followers of birth of our Savior, which path will you women regain their dignities, and Christ our mission in life is to go on struggling families and communities feeding and nurturing the message of take, fellow brother/sister in Christ, this stand up back on their feet? What Christian Faith and Hope that leads not Christmas Season and beyond? Will leads Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to only the aforementioned people to go you be tempted to follow in the commit billions of dollars from their on in life caring for their fellow human footsteps of the young boy or will you own personal wealth to eradicate beings in need, but also the whole choose to show solidarity and gener- diseases that are killing millions of world. Easier said than done one might osity with your community in a manner children in Africa? What causes be tempted to say, espe-cially with all similar to the “one on the wall” regular individuals, like you and me, to the dire news that surrounds us and Venetian community? come together; and cook for the that the media keeps on throwing at us. Merry Christmas and Happy homeless and reach out to the needy Prior to rais-ing up our hands, allow me New Year!!! 6 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Iç Ñêàðáíèöi Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ äóõîâíîñò³ òà òðàäèö³é

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Ç íàãîäè öüîãîð³÷íèõ ñâÿò Íàðîäæåííÿ On the occasion of this year’s celebration of òà Áîãîÿâëåííÿ Ãîñïîäíüîãî, à òàêîæ ³ Íîâîãî the Nativity and Theophany of our Lord, and also 2011 ðîêó Áîæîãî, ðåäêîëåã³ÿ ÓÏÑëîâà ñåð- the New Year, the Editorial Staff of UOW extends äå÷íî â³òຠ³ºðàðõ³þ íàøî¿ Öåðêâè: Áëàæå- its most sincere greetings to His Beatitude Metro- íí³øîãî Ìèòðîïîëèòà Êîíñòàíòèíà, Âèñî- politan Constantine, His Eminence Archbishop êîïðåîñâÿùåííîãî Àðõèºïèñêîïà Àíòîí³ÿ òà Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, Reverend Ïðåîñâÿùåííîãî ªïèñêîïà Äàíè¿ëà, âñå÷åñíèõ Fathers, the Reverend , the members of îòö³â òà äèÿêîí³â, ÷ëåí³â Ðàäè Ìèòðîïî볿, ïðàö³- the Metropolitan Council, the members and âíèê³â Êîíñèñòîð³¿, ÷ëåí³â ïðèöåðêîâíèõ îðãàí³- employees of the Consistory, the United Ukrainian çàö³é: Îá’ºäíàííÿ Óêðà¿íñüêèõ Ïðàâîñëàâíèõ Orthodox Sisterhoods, the Ukrainian Orthodox Ñåñòðèöòâ, Óêðà¿ñüêó Ïðàâîñëàâíó ˳´ó òà Òîâà- League of the USA, the Saint Andrew’s Society, All ðèñòâî Ñâÿòîãî Àíäð³ÿ Ïåðâîçâàííîãî, àäì³í³ñòðà- Saints Camp Administration, the administration, faculty ö³þ ïðèöåðêîâíîãî òàáîðó ÂÑ²Õ ÑÂßÒÈÕ, âèêëàäà÷³â òà ñåì³íàðèñò³â ñåì³íà𳿠ñâ. Ñîô³¿, ÷ëåí³â ïàðàô³ÿëüíèõ óïðàâ and students of St. Sophia Seminary, members of the Executive îï³êè öåðêîâíèìè ãðîìàäàìè, ïàðàô³ÿëüíèõ ñåñòèöòâ òà Parish Boards, parish sisterhoods and brotherhoods, parish áðàòñòâ, ïàðàô³ÿëüí³ õîðè òà øêîëè ðåë³ã³¿ òà óêðà¿íîçíàâñòâà choirs, parish schools of religion and Ukrainian studies, their òà óñ³õ â³ðíèõ Ñâÿòî¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â teachers and students, and all devout members of our Holy ÑØÀ. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. 10 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 The Great SanctificationTRADITION of the Jordan Water::: by V. Rev. Dennis Kristof

The feast of the Divine Manifes- Life, but in order to continue bringing the source of this life and it is His Life tation of our Lord, God and Savior His sanctification to our world, to which the Holy Spirit grants us. Jesus Christ is a more ancient and cleanse our dwellings from our sins Breathing over the water signifies the important than Christmas itself. On this and the sins of others which have sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit feast, we commemorate the Baptism corrupted them, and to renew it with over the water making it holy, It also of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, in the His Divine Blessings. The long and symbolizes the abiding presence of Jordan River by John the Forerunner elaborate prayers chanted for the the Holy Spirit which makes the and Baptizer. Unlike our baptisms at Great Sanctification of the Waters Church holy. which we were made holy and specifically mention that this water will The third action of the priest is cleansed of our sins by being be used for the blessing of our homes. sticking his hand into the water and immersed in the holy water of the Indeed, many pious people consider it blessing it three times which symbol- bad luck to take down izes the hand of God the Father their Christmas deco- reaching out and creating all things. rations before their By His hand all things were created. houses have been He now recreates them by sending blessed. Even many His Son into the world uniting God and non-Orthodox ask for humanity. The Father sends forth His their houses to be Spirit and creates all things and blessed every year to renews them (Psalm 103:30 & Luke safeguard them from 1:35). Fallen humanity is reclaimed by evil and comfort them the healing, cleansing and sanctifying from those things presence of God in the human person which go bump in the of Jesus Christ and the continued night! presence of the Holy Spirit. The first action taken The fourth and final action of the by the priest when priest is making the Sign of the Cross sanctifying the Jor- in the water with the hand cross by Baptismal Font, Jesus Christ, Who is dan Water according to the Western placing it with both hands into the God made Man and like us in all ways Ukrainian Tradition is the dipping of lit water while chanting the for but sin, sanctified the water when He candles from a three branched the feast, When You, O Lord, were entered it. Because Christ sanctified candlestick (Troytsa), one at a time, baptized in the Jordan . . . This is also the nature of water by being immersed while making the Sign of the Cross in done three times symbolizing that in it, we re-enact this event in the life of the water. This symbolizes God Christ is the One Who entered the Christ every year on the feast of coming down into the waters of the waters of the Jordan and sanctified Theophany by having the Great River Jordan in the Person of Jesus them. However, it also reminds us Sanctification of the Water. This Christ. Fire is a classic symbol for God that it is through the Cross that His sanctified water is then used to bless used especially in the Old Testament ultimate victory over sin and death the Church, our dwellings, and, in- because it gives off light and heat was accomplished. It was His Death deed, our very selves when we drink it! energy, and also because it devours and Resurrection which gained final At our Baptisms, we were and consumes all with which it comes victory over evil establishing His cleansed of all our sinfulness. How- into contact. Moses perceived God in Kingdom on earth. At our baptism, ever, after we have put on Christ the Burning Bush (Exodus 3), and God we, too, are baptized (immersed) into (Galatians 3:27), at our baptisms, we consumed the burnt offering, the His Death and Resurrection. still fall into sin because of our weak wood, the stones, the dust, and licked Thus, Christ is the Divine Fire human nature corrupted by sin. When up the water that was in the trench in Who enters the Jordan River at His Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Elijah’s sacrifice. Baptism by John the Forerunner, and Paradise their sin corrupted the entire The second action is breathing purifies it from all evil, making it the world and all their progeny. Our sins, over the water in the form of a Cross chief source of sanctification. The and, indeed, the sins committed by all three times symbolizing the breath of dipping of a lighted candlestick into people continue to corrupt the world in God, His Spirit blowing over the water the water reminds us that God which we live. Through the Holy and sanctifying it. In Hebrew, the word appeared to Moses in the form of a fire Mysteries of the Church, our sins can ruah means both breath and spirit. which did not consume the bush be forgiven. However, the corruption When God breathed life into the (Exodus 3:2), and the Baptizer which is the result of our sins remains. nostrils of Adam (Gen. 2:7), He was prophesied that Christ would baptize True-Worshiping (Orthodox) Chris- giving Adam His Spirit, His Life. This in the Holy Spirit and with Fire tians do not sanctify water as a mere Life is not merely physical life, but also (Mt.3:11). commemoration of an event in Christ’s spiritual life, true Life. God the Father is Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 11 Metropolitan Yurij Enthroned as the Sixth Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

On Saturday, November 20, a spiritually moving at Holy Cathedral in Winnipeg, MB. Vespers service was celebrated at Holy Trinity At the end of the service His Eminence Metropolitan Metropolitan Cathedral in Winnipeg, MB. This service Soterios, Exarch of the Ecumenical , read the began the Enthronement celebrations for the sixth Proclamation of Enthronement on behalf of His Metropolitan of the UOC of Canada, His All- Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew I and Eminence Metropolitan Yurij, Archbishop the Holy and Sacred Synod. At the of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy, Axios! conclusion of the , His Metropolitan of Canada, Primate of Eminence Metropolitan Yurij was the UOC of Canada. At the end of the Worthy! Ãiäíèé! presented with the articles of his new service His Grace Bishop Andriy, office by the hierarchs in attendance Bishop-elect of Saskatoon and Vicar to the joyous refrains from the clergy of the Central Eparchy, blessed the liturgical and items that the and laity of ‘Axios – He is worthy’. Metropolitan would be using in his The celebrations continued with new position. a Banquet to honor His Eminence On Sunday, November 21 His where tributes were presented by the Eminence, Metropolitan Yurij, joined guest hierarchs, civic dignitaries and by His Eminence Archbishop Antony family. Both hierarchs of the UOC of of the UOC of the USA, His Grace the USA, His Eminence Archbishop Bishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel Alexander offered their sincerest greetings to of Antio- His Eminence Metropolitan Yuriy and chian Or- related prayerful greetings of Metro- thodox politan Constantine, the primate of Christian the UOC of the USA, who was not Diocese, able to join the festivities. His Grace For the clergy and faithful who Bishop traveled from all over Canada to attend these Ilarion of the Western Eparchy celebrations, and for all the faithful of the UOCC, a of the UOCC, His Grace Bishop Andriy of the UOCC renewed spirit of hope, joy and love is now infused into the hearts of each. Metropolitan Soterios reads and His Grace Bishop Daniel the Proclamation of En- of the Western Eparchy of May our Heavenly Father, bless His Eminence, thronement on behalf of His the UOC of the USA and Metropolitan Yurij with health and wisdom as he now All-Holiness Patriarch numerous clergy of the UOC wears the Metropolitan’s Omophorion to lead the faithful Bartholomew I. of Canada celebrated a of the UOCC, which has now been entrusted to his care. majestic Hierarchical Divine He is worthy! óäíèé!

Left to right - Metropolitan Yurij enthroned behind the altar with Archbishop Antony, Bishop Daniel and clergy during the Hierar- chical Divine Liturgy; Archbishop Antony extends his prayerful wishes to the new Metropolitan; guest hierarchs, civic dignitaries, family and guests enjoyed a celebratory banquet in honor of His Eminence. 12 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Third UOC of the USA Youth Sobor Largest to Date

The 3rd Youth Sobor of the Christian Fellowship UOC of the USA took place October concerning their immi- 29–31 in South Bound nent college experience, Brook in conjunction a Consistory Scaven- with the 19th Regu- ger Hunt, a question lar Sobor of the and answer ses- Church. Twelve sion with five of teenagers rep- our clergy as resenting the well as an parishes of evening social Allentown, PA; at St. Sophia Carnegie, PA; Seminary. Carteret, NJ; Some Pittsburgh, PA; notable recommendations coordinated by the Consistory Office Rochester, NY; from the Youth Sobor were: of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. The Silver Spring, MD; • Promote young composers to main objectives of this program are to Warners, NY and utilize their talents to compose new provide our teenagers with a better Woonsocket, RI gath- liturgical music that may reflect the understanding of the ered together to discuss issues current times; workings of the na- relevant to the youth of the Church. • Not only encourage youth to tional church, pro- Topics discussed by the Youth attend our camping programs, mote and foster Sobor delegates included: Review of but help in all ways to make it leadership with the Vision State- possible the church and ment for the Ideal for them provide a voice Church created to attend for our youth by the 1st Youth (financial, within the Sobor, Ways that travel, Church. teenagers may etc.); For more in- serve God and • Connect formation about be leaders in His parishioners the Youth Sobor or Church, reasons through a “prayer programming for for teens and buddies” program youth in the Church go to college students – (pray for an www.uocyouth.org to stay and/or anonymous [or not come back to anonymous] per- Camping Ministry the Church, and son, or pray with programming them, keep in con- The OYM web site has been needs of the tact with them and updated. View photos from this past youth. pray with them) year’s “WOW” camping summer at: The Youth • Participate in the http://www.uocyouth.org/ Sobor delegates also participated in a Jr. UOL and if your parish does not UOCCP.html workshop provided by Orthodox have one, investigate the possibility of Also, listen to selections from starting one. The Jr. the 2009 CD “I Believe” or your UOL helps teenagers favorite camp church services at: learn skills that will aid http://www.uocyouth.org/uoccp them in being leaders jukebox.html. and this will ultimately We look forward to seeing you benefit the Church. this summer! For more information Diocesan Church School Camp: on starting the Jr. June 26-July 9, 2011 UOL, contact the Jr. Teenage Conference: UOL president at July 10-23, 2011 www.uol.orthodoxws.com. Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me: The Youth Sobor is August 1-5, 2011 Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 13 shared prayer and social meridian and using the most Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue ministry, and enumerates accurate scientific instru- several questions and prob- ments and astronomical Lays Out a Vision of lems that remain outstand- data available would require ing. a change for both traditions, Unity in Unprecedented The text concludes but would also represent that “The challenge and the greater faithfulness to the Document invitation to Orthodox and teaching of Nicaea. Catholic Christians … is “For the mission of the - Role of Bishop of Rome acknowledged as now to see Christ authenti- Church,” the document central point of disagreement cally present in each other, states, “a common celebra- - Recommends immediate steps to foster unity and to find in those struc- tion would support the unity between churches tures of leadership that have we already share and help shaped our communities to build it further in the - Determining date of Easter addressed in second through the centuries a future.” document force to move us beyond The full text is avail- disunity, mistrust, and com- able at: www.scoba.us WASHINGTON - Repre- churches share, and em- petition, towards that one- This 79th session of the sentatives of the Orthodox phasizes the urgency of ness in his Body, that Consultation was hosted by and Catholic Churches have overcoming our divisions. obedience to his Spirit, the Office of the President of issued two new documents “Clearly, this cannot which will reveal us as his Georgetown University, outlining immediate steps be achieved without new, disciples before the world.” which made the historic they can take to overcome better harmonized struc- The complete text of Riggs Library available for their thousand-year separa- tures of leadership on both this statement is available the meeting. The members tion. The North American sides: new conceptions of here: www.scoba.us were the guests of Fr. John Orthodox-Catholic Theologi- both synodality and primacy The second statement, P. Langan, SJ, Rector of the cal Consultation finalized in the universal Church, new “Celebrating Easter/Pascha Georgetown Jesuit Com- these agreed statements approaches to the way Together,” is a re-affirma- munity for dinner on Sep- when it met at Georgetown primacy and authority are tion of the Consultation’s tember 30, and Dr. John J. University in Washington, exercised in both our com- 1998 document, “A Com- DeGioia, the President of September 30 to October 2. munions,” the document mon Response to the Aleppo the University, hosted a The Consultation is co- says. Statement on the Date of dinner for the Consultation chaired by Archbishop Gre- The agreed statement Easter/Pascha.” In this new and several members of the gory M. Aymond of New lists some of the features text, the members empha- faculty and staff in the Orleans and Metropolitan that would characterize a size the importance of a Philodemic Room on Friday Maximos of Pittsburgh. fully reunited Church and united witness to the Resur- evening October 1. The first statement, then focuses on the role the rection of Christ, which lies In addition to the co- “Steps Towards a Reunited papacy would play within it. at the very center of the chairs, the Consultation in- Church: A Sketch of an This role would need to be Christian faith, and the cludes Orthodox represen- Orthodox-Catholic Vision for carefully defined, “both in scandal caused by the tatives Fr. Thomas the Future,” is an unprec- continuity with the ancient inability to celebrate this FitzGerald, dean of the Holy edented effort to begin to structural principles of Chris- feast day consistently on the Cross Greek Orthodox visualize the shape of a tianity and in response to the same date. School of Theology in reunited Catholic and Or- need for a unified Christian The Consultation joins Brookline, MA (Secretary); thodox Church that would message in the world of many other expressions of Fr. Nicholas Apostola, pas- result from the reestablish- today.” The document then support for a recent pro- tor, St. Nicholas Romanian ment of full communion. The suggests several aspects of posal that would re-calcu- Orthodox Church in text acknowledges that the the Pope’s ministry in a late the date of Easter for all Shrewsbury, MA; Fr. John role of the Bishop of Rome in reunited Church that could Christians based strictly on Erickson, former dean and the Church is a central point be both faithful to Catholic the teaching of the First professor of law and of disagreement and out- teaching and acceptable to Council of Nicaea (325), church history at Saint lines the history of this the Orthodox. The docu- which determined that Eas- Vladimir’s Orthodox Theo- divergence between East ment also lists several ter be celebrated on the first logical Seminary in and West. It goes on to “preparatory steps” that Sunday following the first full Crestwood, NY; Susan summarize the many ele- could be taken even now as moon after the Spring Ashbrook Harvey, Ph.D., ments of the Christian faith a prelude to the future unity Equinox. Determining the Willard Prescott and Annie and ecclesial life that the two of the churches, such as Equinox from the Jerusalem McClelland Smith Profes- 14 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 sor and Chair of Religious Languages and Literatures, Studies, Brown University, CUA; Fr. Joseph Ecumenical Patriarch Providence, RI; Fr. James Komonchak, professor Dutko, of St. Michael’s emeritus of religious studies Receives Officers of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox at CUA; Monsignor Paul Church in Binghamton, NY; McPartlan, Carl J. Peter Episcopal Assembly Paul Meyendorff, Ph.D., Professor of Systematic Alexander Schmemann pro- Theology and Ecumenism On Tuesday, September 21, His All Holiness fessor of liturgical theology at CUA; Fr. David Petras, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received the Officers and associate dean for spiritual director and profes- of the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America at academic affairs, St. Vladimir sor of liturgy at the Byzan- the Ecumenical in Istanbul. His All Holiness Orthodox Theological Semi- tine Catholic Seminary of had invited the nary, Crestwood, NY; Fr. Sts. Cyril and Methodius, officers Alexander Golitzin, profes- Pittsburgh, PA; Sister of through the co- sor of theology at Marquette Charity of Leavenworth Su- operation of University, Milwaukee, WI; san K. Wood, professor and Archbishop Robert Haddad, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Demetrios of Sophia Smith Professor Theology at Marquette; Vito America, the Emeritus of History at Smith Nicastro, Ph.D., associate Chairman of College in Northampton, director of the Office for the Assembly, MA; Fr. Robert Ecumenical and Interreli- who also led Stephanopoulos, pastor gious Affairs, Archdiocese the delegation emeritus of the Greek of Boston; and Paulist Fr. to the Phanar Orthodox Archdiocesan Ca- Ronald Roberson, Ph.D., for the sub- thedral of the Holy Trinity, associate director of the stantive and detailed meeting. The other officers included NY; Fr. Theodore Pulcini, United States Conference Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk (Moscow Patri- associate professor of reli- of Catholic Bishops’ archate, Vice-Chairman), Archbishop Antony (Ukrainian gion at Dickinson College, (USCCB) Secretariat for Orthodox Church of the USA, Treasurer) and Bishop Basil Carlisle, PA; and Fr. Mark Ecumenical and Interreli- of Wichita and Mid-America (Patriarchate of Antioch– Arey, Greek Orthodox Arch- gious Affairs, staff. In addi- Antiochian Archdiocese, Secretary). diocese, New York, (staff). tion, Fr. Stephen Following a paternal exhortation of His All Holiness, Additional Catholic Wojcichowsky, director of the officers engaged the Ecumenical Patriarch in a full and members are Jesuit Fr. the Metropolitan Andrey robust discussion of the work and prospects of the Brian Daley (Secretary), Sheptytsky Institute of East- Assembly. Catherine F. Huisking pro- ern Christian Studies at Of particu- fessor of Theology at the Saint Paul University in lar note University of Notre Dame, Ottawa, Canada, served as during the Notre Dame, IN; Sylvain an alternative representa- discus- Destrempes, Ph.D., faculty tive of the Canadian Confer- sion, was of the Grand Seminaire in ence of Catholic Bishops at the em- Montreal; Fr. Peter Galadza, this session. phasis Kule Family Professor of Since its establish- that His All Liturgy at the Metropolitan ment in 1965, the North Holiness Andrey Sheptytsky Institute American Consultation has put on the of Eastern Christian Stud- now issued 25 agreed Commit- ies, Ottawa; statements on various top- tee struc- John D. Faris, pastor of St. ics. All these texts are now ture, and Louis Gonzaga Maronite available on the USCCB his encouragement to commence the Committee work as Church, Utica, NY; Fr. John website at www.usccb.org/ soon as possible. He also noted both the size and diversity Galvin, professor of Sys- seia/orthodox_index.shtml of the Assembly. Following the two-hour meeting, His All Holiness tematic Theology, The and the Standing Confer- hosted the hierarchs in the Patriarchal Trapeza, together Catholic University of ence of the Canonical with Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne. Following the America (CUA), Washing- Orthodox Bishops in the meal, the Patriarchate arranged for the officers to visit the ton; Fr. Sidney Griffith, Americas (SCOBA) website famous Churches of the Holy Savior in Chora and Hagia professor in the Department at www.scoba.us/resources/ Sophia (Holy Wisdom), before being hosted again in the of Semitic and Egyptian orthodox-cath-olic.html. evening by His All Holiness for a farewell dinner. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 15 Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginning’s End

by Lara Haluszczak once again, I find seemed like a good idea for a while, that the details of until I came across two videos that the time spent in were created by two of the members of the orphanages the 2010 mission team. As I listened to don’t replay as eas- the sounds of the children, echoing ily in my mind. down the hallway, my memories came When the flooding back. I felt like I was in the next 2010 mission team room, waiting for Seriozha to come to Ukraine returned, bursting in. I feel a little bit relieved after I contacted friends watching those videos because the who participated in sounds echoing through the videos the trip. I wanted to remind me of the giggles and laughs of know if Artem was the children that I know and love. I find still in Znamyanka; some comfort seeing that the children did Shura end up have grown. It comforts me to know getting adopted last that each year, mission teams still year, like the staff return to the orphanages, even if I can’t had mentioned? go with them. Each year, the children I have been dreading writing this How was Olena, my Goddaughter await loving arms, even if they are not next article. Why? Because the time doing? Is she still alive? What new mine. has come for me to turn the page. It activities did they do with the children in What I am sure of is that if our has been about a year of writing Puhachiv? Even discussing and teams continue to visit the orphan- articles; a year of memories and dissecting every fear, worry, sentiment ages, the love we share will last longer reflections. It has been a year since I - I found myself unsatisfied. I than any physical memory. All I can do have been within the walls of the discovered that I could not gather is pray that the children don’t forget our orphanages. It has been two years enough information to write another love. They may not remember the since I said that there isn’t a day that article. My dissatisfaction quickly details of the trips I was on in 2008 and goes by where they aren’t in my turned to frustration, which shifted into 2009 - they may not remember my thoughts. All of these things are true; fear. Am I forgetting the precious name - each year, however, the teams however, now they carry a different meaning. share their As I try to think love of a moment to with the share, a glimpse “I feel a little bit relieved after watching those videos because chil- into the lives of the sounds echoing through the videos remind me of the dren. I those children who giggles and laughs of the children that I know and love. pray that no have been tucked I find some comfort seeing that the children have grown. away into the folds matter of life, I find that I It comforts me to know that each year, mission teams still what, have to refer to my return to the orphanages, even if I can’t go with them.” the chil- pictures more often. dren re- I need to look at the mem- pictures to see the ber the bright eyes and beam- love and ing grins. After a year of reflections, I moments that used to be so vivid in my generosity from this year, and hold it have come to find that I’ve run out of mind? dear to them for another year. material. This does not mean that I Instead of dealing with my fear, I American poet Maya Angelou once don’t have memories. This definitely tried to stick those thoughts as far said, “I’ve learned that people will does not mean that I have forgotten the away from my mind as possible. forget what you said, people will forget children. Memories get fuzzy with time. Dealing with fear is so much more what you did, but people will never The once-crisp images in my mind are difficult than denial. Denying that forget how you made them feel.” blurry. As I close my eyes to reflect maybe I was forgetting and ignoring it 16 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Wheelchairs Arrive in “Santa Barbara”

spend a week (Sep- tember 20 - 24) custom fitting wheel- chairs for needy CP children identified by our Ukrainian part- ners, Mrs. Lida Kovalska and Mrs. Svitlana Kuka from the Regional Fund “In the Name of Christ the Savior” (VIHS) located in Striy. Two months ear- Metropolitan Council Member Dr. Paul Micevych lier, a container filled recently traveled to Ukraine to distribute wheelchairs with 180 wheel- to children with cerebral palsy (CP) and disabled chairs, walkers, adults using the facilities of the nearby Rehabilitation crutches and bed- Center, Dzherelo (the Source) and Korshiv side commodes had Heriatrychnyj Pansionat. left the Port of Los On September 18, a Angeles. It arrived in recipients or hospitals. None of this could have happened team of dedicated individu- Odessa on September 9 without the incredible organizational skills of the VIHS als met in a little hotel in a with all the necessary volunteers (our “in-country” partners), who had to cancel suburb of L’viv, locally paperwork and approvals and reschedule more than 100 wheelchair recipients’ known as “Santa Barbara”. in place. But at the last appointments. They had come to distrib- minute, Ukrainian customs Among those that we had the good fortune to help was the ute wheelchairs to children would not release the Korshiv heriatrychnyj pansionat. Due to the intercession with cerebral palsy (CP) container. Finally, due to of Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian and disabled adults using the efforts of a great many Orthodox Church of the USA, CAAU reserved ten the facilities of the nearby people including the direc- wheelchairs for the pansionat. The Director Mykhailo Rehabilitation Center, tor and one of the founders Dmetrovych Ivanochko, and several volunteers drove to Dzherelo (the Source). of Dzherelo, Myroslav “Santa Barbara” and we loaded their van with adult This was the culmination of Nyko-layev and Oksana wheelchairs, walkers and crutches. Dr. Ivanochko was months of work for Wheels Kunanec, deputies of the very appreciative. for Humanity (a part of Verkhovna Rada, Mr. The work of CAAU to provide wheelchairs for United Cerebral Palsy) Pisarchuk and Mr. Ukraine goes on. We ask you to support this worthy President David Richard, Sushkevych, friends at cause. For $75 you can sponsor a wheelchair that will whose organization col- Ukraine 3000 and the change the lives of needy children and individuals in lects and refurbishes used American Embassy - the Ukraine. If you would like to know more about CAAU, our wheelchairs, Dmytro container was released on various programs - Cyhaniuk (wheelchair tech- Wednesday and slowly please go to http:// nician and California Asso- made it’s way to L’viv caaukraine.org. ciation to Aid Ukraine arriving at 7:00 p.m. on If you would like representative), and two Thursday. to make a donation - CAAU members, Yarko A large number of please send it to: Maryniuk and Paul kindhearted volunteers Consistory of the UOC Micevych. helped unpack the con- of the USA, P.O. Box Joining the team was tainer and prepare for 495, South Bound a long-standing WFH vol- distribution the next morn- Brook, NJ 08880. We’ll unteer Christopher Mc- ing. Working intensely dur- be grateful for your Adam (wheelchair special- ing our remaining time, we support and the needy ist and Physical Thera- managed to deliver almost in Ukraine will bless pist). The plan was to all the wheelchairs to your generosity. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 17 “Why Is the Senior UOL Were you a member of the Junior UOL Important?” from 1961 to 2011? The question is fre- grandchildren of the UOL quently asked: “Why do we founders coming to the need a Senior UOL chapter sessions. If you believe that You are cordially invited to the when we have the Church the Convention doesn’t ac- Junior UOL 50th Reunion Committee, Sisterhood, and complish anything, come other organizations within and see the Juniors, strong in Philadelphia, PA the church. The UOL is just after fifty years. Without a another organization similar Senior UOL to show that the July 27-31, 2011 to those already existing in family is strong, why would our local parish.” the Junior UOL be needed? th One of the main pur- The Juniors are preparing to As part of the Reunion Festivities you can participate in the 64 poses is to belong to a become leaders in our UOL Annual Convention events, business sessions on Wednesday community larger than one’s Church and it is our obliga- evening, Thursday fternoon, Friday Morning and afternoon own parish. To have a family tion to keep the Senior UOL that is more than the nuclear Wednesday Evening- Hospitality Night strong for them. For them, family or parish community. Thursday Evening – A Night at the Museum coming to the Convention in To gain enthusiasm, empa- Friday Evening – A Night at the Ostaps (Oscars) thy and love from those who 5, 10, 20 or more years to remember the great times Saturday Evening – Banquet and Ball live far away, but are Sunday Morning – Hierarchical Divine Liturgy experiencing the same daily they had, and to live great struggles we face in our life moments will become the Farewell Brunch as Orthodox Christians. stories of the future. “Why is the UOL As a family reunion, Also plan to attend the Special Reunion Events: Convention important?” A the Convention rekindles Saturday Morning – Memorial Service for all Departed the flames that have been Family Reunion of Our Moleben for all Junior UOL Members Ukrainian Orthodox Family . flickering or even close to At the Convention we extinguishing within each of Saturday 10-12- Reception and Grand Slide Show with discuss projects and set us. Each individual comes Pictures from the last 50 years goals for the year, but the back warmed by the joys of Saturday – Cocktail Hour (For Former Juniors over 21) projects and accomplish- the Convention, armed with memories of touching mo- ments are nothing in com- th parison to this community, ments, inspirational Be sure that you are listed in the 50 our UOL family. In many and prayer services, incred- Anniversary Reunion Book ibly funny experiences and ways, the Convention is a (This book will include pictures from the last 50 years) Family Reunion, where we heartfelt one-on-one talks see extended family. Just with each other. The com- We hope to see you at the Reunion! like a family, sometimes we munity, the sense of belong- get angry, annoyed, judg- ing to a family of Ukrainian mental or finicky. That is the Orthodox Christians is our miss you. Your talents and potentially rekindle their beauty of being a member of purpose. When we have your presence at the Con- flame, it will create a blaze the family – that we know first time delegates they feel vention, our UOL Family within your own heart. If you each other – that we love that sense of belonging. In Reunion, is always missed. have never been a member each other – just as we are. the quest for accomplish- If you have been thinking of the UOL, think about In fact, it wouldn’t be the ments, we don’t always take about coming back to the joining. Call or email our same if it weren’t for the the time to step back and UOL – we are excited to Membership Committee great myriad of personali- appreciate the beauty of the embrace you. If you have Chair Pam Scannell at 607- ties that create the tapestry family that we have. been thinking about some- 760-1671 or wscannell of our UOL community. A UOL Hand Reaches one that you miss – call @stny.rr.com and join to- At the UOL Conven- Out to You . . . them, encourage them to day! tion, it is wonderful to see the If you haven’t been to a return. Not only will it You/We Are Part of children of our peers and the Convention in years, we His Plan! He Needs You! 18 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 P A R I S H Life ST. LUKE PARISH, WARNERS, NY – 60TH ANNIVERSARY

The 60th anniversary of the founding of St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Warners, NY was joyfully celebrated by clergy and faithful gathered in the parish on Sunday, 14 November 2010. His Eminence Archbishop Antony, President of the Consistory, celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the assistance of St. Luke’s parish priest, newly ordained Fr. Borislav Kroner and V. Rev. Fr. Ihor Krekhovetsky of St Mary Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Rochester, NY and V. Rev. Fr. John Semko of St Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Herkimer, NY both neighbors in the Upstate New York . The Archbishop was escorted to the church from the parish rectory by the altar servers, children of the parish casting flower pedals in his path and the seminarians, who accompanied him from St. Sophia Seminary. The parish Board of Administration President, Gregory Lisnyczyj, Sisterhood President, Valentina Zownirenko and Starosta, Aleksandre the ONLY way the 60th anniversary could be properly celebrated. Dobyuk, greeted the dignitaries at the church with Following Divine Liturgy, everyone was invited to an the traditional salt and bread. “Agape Feast” – a wonderful meal prepared by the members After the traditional vesting of the Archbishop in the of St. Luke Parish Sisterhood. Greg Lisnyczyj served as Master center of the church, Victor Sinenko was tonsured as a reader of Ceremonies introducing the many guests present and sharing by Archbishop Antony, who reminded the new reader of his with all the joy the parish feels at this celebration. Past president responsibility to be completely prepared each time he is to of the Parish Board of Administration, Leonid Jemetz, offered a read in Church and the faithful present were charged with the summary of the historical high-lights of St. Luke parish and how responsibility of remembering Reader Victor in their prayers the present church was built because of the love and dedication daily, that he might discern a call from our Lord, it there is one, of its members. Visiting priests, including Fathers Ihor, Ivan and to prepare for elevation to the ranks of the Holy Priesthood of Fr Zinovy Zharsky of St. John the Baptist Parish, Johnson City, our Church. The church was filled with fellow parishioners and NY, offered congratulatory remarks in behalf of their parish guests from neighboring parishes. members. Seminary Andriy Matlak greeted in the name of all The Archbishop challenged all the seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary and gathered during his sermon to celebrate the expressed most sincere gratitude to Mrs. 60th anniversary not only with a beautiful Valentyna Hursky for the benefits they receive banquet at the Lord’s Table and another in from the Scholarship Fund she established the parish hall, but beyond the confines of both in memory of her late-husband Jacob (Yakiw). those edifices. He spoke of the joy As pastor of the parish, Fr. Borislav experienced by the Disciples of our Lord on expressed his great joy at being part of this Mount Tabor – the site of the Holy celebration only a few weeks after his Transfiguration of our Lord, where they caught as priest and appointment to the a glimpse of the Resurrected Son of God – a parish. “We may be a SMALL parish, but we joy that they did not want to leave behind. have a BIG heart. We have accomplished a Peter even asked if he could build tents for the Lord and the Disciples so that they could lot in a short time – for 60 years is a short dwell there permanently because “it was good time in the scheme of God’s plan. All of this to be there.” Our Lord taught His Disciples was done in the name of Love for our church that it was absolutely necessary to go down and the respect that we have for our families the mountain and back into the world to and friends. We have great faith in a brighter transform the course of human history. His future for our unique parish under the Eminence called upon all present to go back patronage of St. Luke.” Archbishop Antony “into the world”, to come down off the gave the closing remarks and the benediction mountain, so to say, and make Christ real in and declared his deep gratitude to Fr. the lives of all they meet – by simply being Borislav and his family for the gift of the Christ and sharing His Love for all in all beautiful vestments he wore during the circumstances. This, said the Archbishop, was Divine Liturgy that day. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 19 Ordination to the Holy Priesthood During the Great En- attendance to pray for Fr. trance Fr. Borislav Borislav and his family and was taken to the center of ask God to strengthen him the Church. After in serving the Ukrainian Heirodeacon Vasyl Janick Orthodox Church as a intoned “Command”, Dea- newly ordained priest. con Borislav was led Fr. Borislav was born through the Holy Doors and in Zytomyr Ukraine in 1976. made a full prostration He and his Pani Matushka before the Holy Altar. As the Izabela became members concelebrating clergy chant- of St. Andrew Church in ed, V. Rev. Roman Tar- Boston MA. Shortly there- Church in Warners, NY On Saturday, October navsky, pastor of St. An- after with the blessing of His where he took on the 9, His Eminence Arch- drew led Deacon Borislav Eminence Archbishop Ant- responsibilities of pastor bishop Antony visited St. around the altar three times ony, Fr. Borislav entered beginning on Sunday, Oc- Andrew the First Called after which His Eminence and graduated from St. tober 17. Church in Boston, MA and Archbishop Antony laid his Stephen’s Deacon Course May the Lord God served a Hierarchical Di- hands upon the head of the and consequently from St. Bless the newly ordained vine Liturgy. During the kneeling deacon and read Sophia priest Bo- Holy Liturgy His Eminence the ordination prayers. The Ukrainian rislav Kro- ordained Fr. Deacon new priest than was vested Orthodox ner, his wife Borislav Kroner to the Holy as the clergy and the Seminary Pani Ma- Priesthood. people proclaimed Axios! in South tushka Iza- Concelebrating at the He is worthy! Bound bela and da- Holy Liturgy were Frs. After the Liturgy His Brook . ughter Anna Roman Tarnavsky, Stephen Eminence spoke about the Fr. and grant Hutnik, Anthony Perkins, importance of prayer and Borislav them many Ivan Synevskyy, Heirodea- constant spiritual growth in has been healthy and con Vasyl (Janick) and Christ. Archbishop Antony assigned happy years! Deacon James Cairns. asked all of the people in to St. Luke

Ordination May God grant to them many, Anniversaries happy and blessed years!

V. Rev. Fr. Myron Mykhaylyuk January 2, 1977 V. Rev. Fr. Paul Bodnarchuk January 3, 1993 Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Raphael January 8, 1995 V. Rev. Fr. Gerald Ozlanski January 25, 1987 Rev. Fr. Harry Linsinbigler January 25, 2003 Rev. Fr. Myroslav Schirta January 30, 1998 Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko February 3, 1980 V. Rev. Fr. Oleh Hucul February 12, 1995 Protopresbyter Peter Hotrovich February 22, 1948 Rev. Fr. Rostyslav Tsapar February 24, 2002 Protopresbyter Michael Zemlachenko February 27, 1955 January/ Very Rev. Volodymyr Muzychka February 28, 1992 February Protodeacon Joseph Hotrovich February 29, 1948 Rev. Fr. Vladimir Ivanov February, 1972

20 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Richmond, Virginia Sponsors a Fundraiser for the UOCUSA Orphanage Program By Nicholas Zachary

Many of us as Ukrainian- post-Chornobyl Americans know about the nuclear era, which was disaster in Chornobyl, Ukraine be- organized by cause we stand united with our fellow Subdeacon Ni- countryman in Ukraine. As for other cholas Zachary Americans, they have only heard the along with the story of what happened in April 1986 help of his wife and do not realize the “snowball Julia and his effect” it has caused on the children mother Nina. of Chornobyl. On Sunday, October 3, The ban- with the agreement of His Eminence quet dinner was Metropolitan Evangelos of the Greek hosted by the Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey, men’s organiza- His Grace Bishop Daniel of the tion of AHEPA, Western Eparchy of the UOC of the Daughter’s of USA traveled to Richmond, VA and Penelope #68, Young Adults League was greeted with “Bread and Salt” a and the OCF of VCU. In attendance traditional Ukrainian custom, but this that evening were Maria Keritsis, time with a Greek flair and in a Greek master of ceremonies and parish parish. board president, Fr. Nicholas Bacalis, The invitation was extended by Fr. John Manuel, Fr. C.N. Dombalis, Frs. Nicholas Bacalis, John Manuel former dean of the Cathedral, Fr. and their parishioners as well as Robert Holet of St. Nicholas Church, Subdeacon Nicholas Zachary of Sts. Charlottesville, VA, Fr. David Arnold Constantine and Helen Greek Ortho- of St. Cyprian Orthodox Church, dox Cathedral to come and visit. The Richmond, VA (OCA), Fr. Michael purpose of this visit was not to attend Rustick of St. James Parish, the annual Richmond Greek Festi- Farmville, VA (ACROD), Fr. val, but to share a story of “young Alexander Shuter of Ascension of people helping their fellow men.” We Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church, have all heard that a picture is worth Williamsburg, VA, Olena Boyko and a thousand words and the picture members of the Tidewater Ukrainian that was presented that evening was Cultural Association as well as Mrs. about the children of the orphanages Jackie Anas and Kathy Matthews, of Chornobyl and the mission teams Governor and Lt. Governor for the of college age students of the UOC of Daughters of Penelope, 3rd District, the USA that went to Ukraine to help along with their spouses who came these disabled orphans. to give their support for this worthy The day began with His Grace, cause. Bishop Daniel presiding over Divine His Grace Bishop Daniel saw Liturgy and also giving a beautiful and made history by coming to homily which really connected with Richmond and has left a lasting congregation and the youth. Later impression on the Greek Orthodox that evening, the cathedral commu- community along with the stories of nity along with other local Orthodox his ministry to the orphans with Churches in the area gathered for a everyone that evening. The benefit benefit reception and dinner with a concluded with the presentation of presentation to help support the about $10,000 to His Grace Bishop program of the UOC of the USA Daniel which will be used to benefit assisting various orphanages of the UOC of the USA’s Orphanage Program. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 21 Ukrainian American Talent Show and Fall Festival By Natalia Honcharenko As guests walked into the the artistic direction of Hryts Momot, The program’s grand finale was a Ukrainian Cultural Center on the welcomed the festival audience with high flying Hopak that evoked cheers Metropolia grounds on Sunday, Octo- the traditional bread and salt. The St. and loud applause from the audience. ber 3, they were greeted with the Andrew School of Ukrainian Heritage The show’s organizers were fortunate aromas of varenyky, holubsi, kapusta Studies in Somerset, NJ and the to have Cheremosh, a Ukrainian and kovbasa. They were serenaded Ukrainian School from St. George dance band from Lakewood, NJ, by Ukrainian music, and the sight of Parish in Yardville, NJ presented perform during intermission and after beautiful pysanky, embroideries, and musical programs performed by very the show. All performers donated their exotic liqueur-filled crystal sabers, talented youngsters. time and talent, and all proceeds from bears and horses to be raffled. Vocalists Melania Moststrovsky the show and festival benefit the The Ukrainian American Talent and Anastasia Kaspruk sang several Museum Building Fund of the UOC of Show/ Fall Festival organized by the selections, and young pianists the USA. United Orthodox Sisterhoods was a Alexandra and Stephanie Chubenko The United Orthodox Sister- huge success. The festival was played several pieces. Five-year-old hoods and Tamara Parubchenko, president, thank all the local Sister- opened by Fr. Taras Chubenko, and Elizabeth Cairns dazzled the audience hoods who prepared the delicious food Natalia Honcharenko acted as mis- with her gymnastics routine. Ivan and donated items for the raffle, and all tress of ceremonies. Leo Kitsmarishvili Verneha of the Fralinger string band, the performers who shared their of the Georgian State Orchestra of long time performers and award talents and gifts with the audience. Tbilisi performed the American and winners at the Philadelphia Mummers Ukrainian anthems on the trumpet. Parade, played two banjo solos. The The Barvinok Dance Ensemble, Fralinger string band will be honoring based in S. Bound Brook, and under Ukraine at the New Year’s Day 2011 annual Mummer’s Parade.

Military Doctors Sign Letter Opposing Abortions on Military Bases A letter to the U.S. of not allowing abortions at fer among those already The Senate Armed Senate protesting an military medical facilities. serving. Morale is a key Services Committee ap- amendment requiring U.S. The letter urged sena- component of military ef- proved the amendment 15- military hospitals to provide tors to vote no on the fectiveness.” 12, with all 11 Republicans abortions was signed by National Defense Authori- “Furthermore,” Dr. plus Democratic Senator more than 200 military zation Act unless the Burris Rudd pointed out, “just as Ben Nelson voting against doctors. The letter was amendment is removed. we have seen a marked it. Senator Roger Wicker organized by the Christian The senior vice-presi- decrease in young doctors (RIMS), who fought against Medical Association (CMA). dent of CMA, Gene Rudd, entering OB/GYN training the amendment in commit- Pro-abortion Senator M.D. emphasized that, if for fear of being forced to do tee, is planning to sponsor Roland Burris (D/IL) spon- enacted, requiring military abortions, this requirement an amendment on the sored the amendment physicians to perform abor- will discourage young doc- Senate floor to strike the which would break the tions threatens military tors from joining the mili- language. current long-standing policy readiness. Morale will suf- tary.” 22 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Washington, D.C. Ukrainian Festival For the last eight one straight to the U.S. shky”. The Ukrainian Am- years, St. Andrew Cathedral Capitol. The unique location bassador also participated has hosted the Washington of the Festival contributes to in the official opening. The Ukrainian Festival. With the its success. entertainment that followed support of the Ukrainian On Saturday, Septem- over the next two days, from Embassy and local organi- ber 18, the festival began Ukrainian dancing to zations, this is a wonderful with an official opening bandura solos and band two-day celebration of Ukrai- ceremony at which Fr. singers, from junior to senior nian culture. The reputation violinists, of the Festival has grown, was sen- and it is now established as sational nized as a project of Plast. one of the most popular and non- There were Church tours traditional events in the stop. The where people were able to metropolitan Washington Sister- become acquainted with DC area. The festival took hood pre- Ukrainian . place September 18 - 19, pared in- The festival was truly a and the weather was pic- dustrial sight to behold: Ukrainian- ture-perfect. quantities Americans enjoying them- The festival is held on of deli- selves alongside people of five acres of open field, cious many diverse backgrounds behind the Cathedral and Ukrainian against the backdrop of the Cultural Center on New Volodymyr Steliac, the Ca- food, enough to feed the golden -domed Cathedral. Hampshire Ave, a road that thedral pastor, introduced thousands of people who All who came were exposed if followed south will take His Grace Bishop Daniel come year after year to taste to the best of Ukrainian who offered the delicacies prepared. culture. Whether it was the opening pray- Many vendors dis- caliber of the artists, the ers for the Fes- played exotic Ukrainian gifts. wide-ranging display of tival. His Grace There was a live pysanka Ukrainian handicrafts and was greeted demonstration as well as artwork, or the mouth- with the tradi- pottery demonstrations by watering food, this festival tional bread Ukrainian ceramic artists. was enjoyed by many and is and salt by the Among the many fun things a Fall tradition of the Ukrainian for children were pony rides, Washington, D.C. area that dance en- a moon bounce, and face- is here to stay. semble “Volo- painting, the latter orga- Many Blessed Years! Ìíîãàÿ Ëiòà!

Òhe Editorial Board of the Ðåäàêöiÿ “Óêðà¿íñüêîãî Ïðàâî- Ukrainian Orthodox Word join the ñëàâíîãî Ñëîâà” â äóõîâíîìó ïîºäíàííi Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox iç ³ºðàðõàìè Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Church of the USA, the Metropolitan Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ, Pàäîþ Ìèòðîïîëi¿, ÷ëåíàìè Êîíñèñòîði¿, äóõîâåíñòâîì òà Council, Consistory and all the clergy and âñiìà âiðíèìè íàøî¿ Öåðêâè âèñëîâ- faithful in greeting His Eminence ëþþòü ñâî¿ ïðèâiòàííÿ Âèñîêîïðåîñâÿùå- Archbsihop Antony on his Birthday. ííîìó Àðõèºïèñêîïó Àíòîí³þ ç íàãîäè äíÿ íàðîäæåííÿ. May Christ, our true God, Íåõàé Ãîñïîäü íàø Iñóñ Õðèñòîñ through the prayers of His All Holy çà ìîëèòâàìè Ïðåñâÿòî¿ Áîãîðîäèöi òà Mother and through the intercession of çàñòóïíèöòâîì ñâÿòîãî ïîêðîâèòåëÿ His Eminence’s sainted patron, accept his Âëàäèêè Àíòîí³ÿ, ïðèéíÿâøè ñëóæiííÿ archpastoral service on His Heavenly Altar Âèñîêîïðåîñâÿùåííîãî Àðõèºïèñêîïà, and grant him peace, health and ïîäàñòü éîìó ìèð, çäîðîâ’ÿ òà áëàãîñëî- happiness for many years. âåííÿ íà ìíîãi¿ ëiòà! Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 23 P A R I S H Life 60th Jubilee of St. Mary the Protectress Cathedral in Southfield By Elizabeth Symonenko

Still energized from recognized and special. tiently listened to everyone Dovgan. the previous weekend’s Joining His Grace was and took the time to reach The Hierarchial Liturgy hierarchical visit to the their parish pastor, V. Rev. Fr. out to each person, to meet began. Children held sister church of Holy Trinity Paul Bodnarchuk, as well their needs, and to give candles for the reading of in Dearborn, the parishio- the pastor from Holy Trinity, them the much craved the Gospel, after which His ners of St. Mary the Protec- Fr. Andrew Rogers, and contact with their Shepherd. Grace spoke in his sermon tress Cathedral in Southfield, Subdeacon Vasyl Dovgan. His Grace eventually but about the two sisters in the MI, rejoiced anew as His While the children nibbled cheerily instructed them to Gospel reading, Mary and Grace Bishop Daniel joined on pizza, His Grace an- go and get some rest for Martha. He concluded by them to commemorate their swered questions the chil- they all had a festive explaining that we need to 60th Jubilee and Parish dren had prepared for him. celebration in the morning. be both Martha and Mary. Feast Day celebration. In the evening His The faithful filled the We need to enter the church The weekend began Grace Bishop Daniel re- church and overflowed down and pray, but, we also need Saturday afternoon as the turned to the cathedral for the steps to the outdoors on to be active in the upkeep of children of the Lesia evening vespers assisted Sunday morning. Fr. Paul the parish, the community Ukrainka School of Religion by Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay. Bodnarchuk and Protodea- and the world. and Ukrainian Studies At the conclusion of the con Ihor Mahlay awaited the At the conclusion of greeted His Grace as he Vespers Service, His Grace bishop’s arrival in the the Divine Liturgy everyone arrived to spend some time gave a short sermon, re- narthex. The son of Pro- made their way to the with the youngest members flecting on the magnitude of todeacon Ihor Mahlay, Orest, church hall for the banquet. of his flock. The children what has transpired within joined altar servers Andrew Having concluded Liturgy at greeted Bishop Daniel as he this parish for last 60 years. and Michael Powers, their own parishes, a num- entered the church hall with At the conclusion of Yarema Petrusha, and Sub- ber of clergy from neighbor- myriads of colorful carna- Vespers everyone gathered deacons Vasyl Dovgan and ing Orthodox parishes of tions. His Grace pleasantly in the church hall for a light Andrew Stoiko serving at various jurisdictions arrived surprised the children as he snack and a much awaited the altar. to join the celebration. redistributed the flowers opportunity to reconnect Gabriel Poletz greeted Among these were Frs. right back to each child in with their beloved hierarch. Bishop Daniel on behalf of Lawrence Lazar, Dean, St. turn, making each one feel His Grace kindly and pa- the Lesia Ukrainka School, George Romanian Ortho- and Liza Jones represented dox Cathedral in Southfield, the Junior UOL. Georgia Sobin Popp assistant priest Kereliuk, the St. Olga’s at St. George, Andrei Alexeiv Sisterhood president, along from Holy Ascension with Wara Syrij greeted His , Grace with the traditional Subdeacon Robert Mitchell, bread and salt, while Parish president of the Council of Board President, George Orthodox Christian Korol extended his warmest Churches in Detroit. Their greetings from the parish. presence was an encourag- The choir erupted in ing sign as to the health of song as His Grace entered the Pan Orthodox the cathedral where he stopped midway to be vested with the assistance of Subdeacon Vasyl P A R I S H Life

Community in the metro- kindly donated funds in politan Detroit area. Just as support of various Church it should be, all the Ortho- causes, Consistory needs, dox came together to Jr. U.O.L. and orphanages celebrate a joyous occa- in Ukraine. sion. Protodeacon Ihor After the opening Mahlay took the podium for prayer led by His Grace, a few words, and intro- Andew Smyk the Master of duced the second half of Ceremonies, introduced the the day’s entertainment, guests, and the director of Kobzarska Sich, conducted the Ukrainian School, by Yurij Petlura. The per- Victoria Volyanuk, who then formers impressively played said a few words about the the bandura and sang school, and kicked off the traditional Ukrainian songs. celebration by opening the The program came to school program. The chil- an end, but Bishop Daniel dren recited prayers, po- found the energy to remain ems and songs, and wowed behind and visit with people. everyone with their amaz- The anniversary com- ing dance skills. mittee wants to thank A delicious luncheon everyone who joined them followed the children’s pro- for this celebration and for gram during which Andew all those who worked so Smyk presented various diligently to make it a announcements and people success.

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Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 27 Eparchial Visit Brings Smiles ... and Snow! By Andriy Mychailovych Karkoc

His Grace Bishop Daniel graciously accepted the invitation of pastor V. Rev. Fr. Evhen Kumka and the president of the Parish Board Valentina Yarr to participate in the celebration of the 85th anniversary of St. Michael and St. George Church in Minneapolis, MN on November 14. Bishop Daniel arrived on November 12 and was greeted with a “potluck” dinner in the parish hall. The evening activities did not, however, all go as planned. Minnesota’s long and lingering Indian Summer ended emphatically with a blizzard that delivered almost eight inches of wet, heavy snow that sanctuary and the choir was directed by Mrs. Kira Tsarehradsky. fell well into the night. Bishop Daniel presented Certificates of Recognition to Kira On Saturday morning the bishop and Fr. Evhen served a Tsarehradska and Cultural Chair Maria Mischenko-Odermann Moleben service for the children and parents of the Ukrainian Well over 150 clergy, parishioners and guests, attended School. The most touching moment occurred when the bishop the dinner, which was catered by Sarna’s Restaurant. The knelt to read the Gospel, surrounded eye-to-eye by a circle of children of the Ukrainian School put on a three-act play entitled children. As part of his outreach, His Grace Bishop Daniel met in “Little Red Riding Hood of the Carpathians” to open the banquet. an informal setting with the parents of the children enrolled in the The play was recited in Ukrainian, included two group songs, school (a practice that’s turning into a tradition!), and then in his and featured a Hutzul hunter, a Baba, a Chervona Shapochka role as our spiritual leader, visited each classroom individually. and a Wolf! All performers rated recognition with Denis Later that afternoon Bishop Daniel returned to the Church hall to Moysechuk meriting attention for his excellent wolf, as did Lida visit with church members prior to the Vespers service. Poletz who directed, and Wanda Bahmet and Myroslava Continuing his long day into the evening by reaching out to Moysechuk who assisted in presenting the play. the larger Ukrainian community, Bishop Daniel was the featured Another highlight was when Bishop Daniel introduced speaker at the dinner honoring the 60th Anniversary of the Monty Swann and Bohdan Billy who attended a mission visit to Ukrainian-American Youth Association (CYM) at the Ukrainian the orphanages in Ukraine that are supported by the UOCUSA. Event Center at 7:30 p.m. In spite of the weather the event was Monty volunteered his time and professional expertise as very well attended with over 230 guests attending the banquet. photographer/videographer. He was financially sponsored by Bishop Daniel spoke to an attentive audience about Ukrainian the Church Board to record and document the touching efforts identity, faith and history, along with how to save and preserve our made under the leadership of our bishop to touch the lives of religious and cultural legacy moving forward in American society orphans suffering from physical and mental disabilities. The love and life. and joy these small efforts bring into the lives of abandoned and On Sunday Bishop Daniel was greeted with bread and salt orphaned children half a planet away were captured and by Parish Board President Valentina Yarr. A contingent of amplified by Mr. Swann’s brief 15-minute presentation. This children in Ukrainian costumes spread a welcoming blanket of powerful testimony to Christian love can be viewed at rose petals. Concelebrating with the bishop were Frs. Evhen www.uocofusa.org Kumka, Petro Siwko, pastor of St. Katherine Parish in On behalf of the Ukrainian School, Arden Hills, MN and Protodeacon Andriy Fronchak of Mrs. Christine Swann presented the St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL. Six altar boys Bishop with a check for $600 raised during under the direction of Juri Loutchko served in the school events for the orphanage effort. Mrs. Yarr, on behalf of St. Michael & St. George, donated $2000, and many other generous guests were moved to make donations. A total of $3500 was given for the orphanage missions, which was a fitting way to close the day’s events. P A R I S H Life Another Successful Year for “Bundles for Ukraine” and Odessa provinces. Kochan-owski, Sylvia Donations of items Lindgren, Ann Harris and and money for shipping Julia Stepanczak. Dr. Joan come from the generosity of Kerelejza is chairperson of parish members, parish the project. John Petruniw organizations and friends. supplies all the boxes and All money goes for shipping Dimitry Shafran translates expenses. The group has all the request and thank- established a network of 32 you letters. Orthodox priests in Ukraine, Anyone wishing more who oversee the distribution information should email of aid to the needy children. Dr. Kerelejza at: joan Volunteers meet each [email protected]. The Thursday to sort and pack group would appreciate On October 21 the dedicated volunteers has items, and wrap and ad- donations of money for Bundles for Ukraine group sent 148 packages of dress boxes. shipping. This year the at St. Mary Church in New children‘s clothing and These dedicated group particularly appreci- Britain, CT came together to shoes, toys and candy to workers are: Fr. Andrii ates the extensive dona- conclude and celebrate an- orphanages, children’s hos- Pokotylo, Pani Matka tions of items for the other year of successful pitals, homes for aban- Oksana and Christopher, children from Alexandra humanitarian ministry. This doned infants, and Ortho- Stephen Melnyk, Lester Prychodczenko of Salem, year they have sent over dox parish priests for St. Sirick, Alice Andrusia, Helen Ohio. 4,700 pounds of aid to Nicholas Day distribution. needy children and individu- The recipients are in Lviv, als in Ukraine. Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lakewood Festival Booth The group of eleven Volin’, Kherson, Kharkiv Kapusta Anyone?

On Saturday October Also, vendors sold jewelry, 2, Holy Trinity Church in books, Ukrainian apparel, and Trenton, NJ celebrated their much more. There were fifth annual cabbage festi- raffles for the 50/50, a quilt that val. The sisterhood of the was made by members of the church started this fund- Sisterhood, and an oil painting raising activity and it has created by a parishioner. been a huge success. In Ukrainian music played in the past years, the mayor of background while people en- Hamilton Township has joyed their food at the tables Every year, parishio- end of the event. been present along with and window-shopped. ners of St. Nicholas Pro- In addition to home other political representa- The Holy Trinity Church Cathedral in Lakewood, baked goods, the parish tives in the surrounding Choir had a performance, OH look forward to partici- sold stuffed cabbage, area. The majority of pa- which included songs from the pating in the annual Lake- kolbasi and sauerkraut trons come form nearby Divine Liturgy as well as some wood Community Festival sandwiches, and cabbage Ukrainian churches and folk songs. held in Madison Park, and and noodles. communities. This spectacular turnout this year was no exception. “This is such a good Stuffed cabbage, cab- this year meant that all the Being one of over 20 fund raiser for us,” explains bage with kielbasa, cab- food was sold before the booths at the festival Fr. Dennis Kristof, pastor, bage with noodles, lemon- festival concluded. The Church means there is stiff compe- “because nearly all of our ade and sweets were all and Sisterhood plan to con- tition, but once again, the materials are donated by available to either enjoy at tinue this joyous event for St. Nicholas table sold out parishioners. It’s a true the church hall or to take out. many more years. early and closed before the blessing!” Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 29 Ïàðàô³ÿëüíå æèòòÿ Xðàìîâå ñâÿòî â ïàðàô³¿ Ïðåñâÿòî¿ Òð³éö³ ìiñòà ѳåòëà, BA!

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30 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Ó Íüþ-Éîðêó â³äáóâñÿ ïîìèíàëüíèé çàõ³ä ³ç âøàíóâàííÿ 77-¿ ð³÷íèö³ Ãîëîäîìîðó 1932-1933 ðîê³â â Óêðà¿í³

20 ëèñòîïàäà 2010 ðîêó ó Íüþ-Éîðêó, â Êàôåäðàëüíîìó ñîáîð³ Ñâ. Ïàòð³êà, â³äáóâñÿ ùîð³÷íèé ïîìèíàëüíèé çàõ³ä ³ç âøàíóâàííÿ ïàì’ÿò³ æåðòâ Ãîëîäîìîðó 1932-1933 ðîê³â â Óêðà¿í³ ç íàãîäè 77-õ ðîêîâèí ö³º¿ òðàãå䳿. Ñåðåä ïðèñóòí³õ íà çàõîä³ áóëè ïðåäñòàâíèêè àìåðèêàíñüêî¿ âëàäè, ñåíàòîðè ³ êîíãðåñìåíè, ÷ëåíè äèïëîìàòè÷íîãî êîðïóñó, ÷èñåëüíà óêðà¿íñüêà ãðîìàäà. Ïîìèíàëüíó ïàíàõèäó ó Ñîáîð³ â³äñëóæèëè öåðêîâí³ ³ºðàðõè Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ òà Óêðà¿í- ñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Öåðêîâ ó ÑØÀ. Âëàäèêà Àðõèº- ïèñêîï Àíòîí³é, ó ñóïðîâîä³ äóõîâåíñòâà, ñåì³íàðèñò³â òà ê³ëüêà ñîòåíü óêðà¿íñüêèõ ïðàâîñëàâíèõ õðèñòèÿí ðàçîì ³ç ïàðàô³ÿíàìè óêðà¿íñüêèõ êàòîëèöüêèõ ãðîìàä îêîëèö³ Íþ Éoðêà òà çàêîðäîííèõ ñïðàâ Óêðà¿íè Ê.².Ãðèùåíêà äî çàêîðäî- Êîíåêòèêóò âçÿëè àêòèâíó ííîãî óêðà¿íñòâà ç íàãîäè 77-õ ðîêîâèí Ãîëîäîìîðó ó÷àñòü ó öüîãîð³÷íèõ ïîìè- 1932-1933 ðîê³â â Óêðà¿í³. íàëüíèõ áîãîñëóæåííÿõ òà «Íàø ñâÿòèé îáîâ’ÿçîê ñüîãîäí³ ³ â ïîäà- çàõîäàõ. ëüøîìó ðîáèòè âñå, ùîá ïàì’ÿòü ïðî çàãèáëèõ â³ä Ïî çàâåðøåíí³ ïàíà- øòó÷íîãî ãîëîäó óêðà¿íö³â òà ïðåäñòàâíèê³â ³íøèõ õèäè ç íàãîäè Äíÿ ïàì’ÿò³ íàö³é çàëèøèëàñü æèâîþ äëÿ íèí³øí³õ ³ ïðèéäåøí³õ æåðòâ Ãîëîäîìîðó áóëî ïîêîë³íü, ñëóãóþ÷è ïåðåñòîðîãîþ íà ìàéáóòíº», - çà÷èòàíî ñïåö³àëüíå çâåð- éøëîñÿ ó çâåðíåíí³ Ì³í³ñòðà. íåííÿ â³ä Óðÿäó ÑØÀ, à Ïîñîë Óêðà¿íè â ÑØÀ òàêîæ âèñëîâèâ òàêîæ â³ä ãóáåðíàòîðà âäÿ÷í³ñòü àìåðèêàíñüê³é ñòîðîí³ òà óêðà¿íñüê³é ä³àñïîð³ øòàòó Íüþ-Äæåðñ³ Ê.Êð³ñò³. çà âàæëèâèé âíåñîê ó ïîøèðåííÿ ³ñòîðè÷íî¿ ïðàâäè Ñëîâà ï³äòðèìêè óêðà¿íñü- ïðî öþ îäíó ³ç íàéá³ëüøèõ ãóìàí³òàðíèõ êàòàñòðîô êîìó íàðîäîâ³ ó öåé æà- ëþäñòâà. ëîáíèé äåíü âèñëîâèâ ñå- Öüîãîð³÷íèé çàõ³ä ó Êàôåäðàëüíîìó ñîáîð³ íàòîð â³ä øòàòó Íüþ-Éîðê ×.Øóìåð. Ñâ.Ïàòð³êà ó Íüþ-Éîðêó ñòàâ ïåðøèì ³ç ñå𳿠â³äçíà÷åíü Âèñòóïàþ÷è ïåðåä ó÷àñíèêàìè çàõîäó, Ïîñîë çàêîðäîííèì óêðà¿íñòâîì 77-õ ðîêîâèí Ãîëîäîìîðó Óêðà¿íè â ÑØÀ Î.Ìîöèê îãîëîñèâ çâåðíåííÿ ̳í³ñòðà 1932-1933 ðîê³â â Óêðà¿í³. St. Andrew Church Goods & Bookstore: 2011 CHURCH CALENDARS available December 2010-January 2011 $15.00 each plus shipping

Calendars will contain: Listing of Holy Days and Saints Liturgical Rubics-Order Ustav Listing of Hierarchs, Clergy and Parishes Information on organizations and institutions of our church A variety of articles in both English and Ukrainian Vital regulations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA “A limited number of calendars will be printed”

Direct requests to: St. Andrew Church Goods & Bookstore 135 Davidson Avenue Somerset, NJ 08873-1358 Phone: 732-356-0090 Email: [email protected] Copies are limited - order now! Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 31 A Generous Gift... Consecration of a New Mission Temple!

Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission in With the closing of the Holy Cross Ukrainian Crawfordsville, Indiana celebrated the consecration of Orthodox Church of Utica, NY, several faithful members their newly constructed church on the weekend of presented a surprise gift of $15,000 to the St. Mary’s November 6-7, 2010 which was presided over by His Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Herkimer, NY. Grace, Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the On the Feast of “Pokrova”, Valentina Prylepa Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, on behalf of presented to Father Ivan Semko, pastor of St. Mary’s His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas of Carpatho-Rusyn Parish, a check for $15,000. Parishioners of St. Mary’s Orthodox Diocese of the USA. Parish were very grateful for this wonderful and The festivities began with the celebration of Great thoughtful gesture. Most sincere best wishes were also Vespers and Litya on Saturday Evening, which was sent to all from His Eminence Archbishop Antony. Standing followed by a Fellowship meal in the parish hall. Sunday from the left in the photo is Vera Rizwaniuk, Wasyl Morning began with the celebration of the Consecration Prylepa, Valentina Prylepa, Peter Heretz and V. Rev. Ivan of the Church which was followed by Hierarchical Divine Semko. Liturgy and a celebratory banquet. ²Ä²ÄÓÉÒÅ Á²Á˲ÎÒÅÊÓ ÑÂßÒÎ-ÑÎÔ²¯ÂÑÜÊί ÑÅ̲ÍÀв¯ Ïðè Óêðà¿íñüê³é Ïðàâîñëàâí³é Öåðêâ³ â ÑØÀ (â áóäèíêó Êîíñèñòîð³¿) VISIT ST. SOPHIA LIBRARY Àäðåñà : 135 Davidson Avenue; Somerset, N.J., 08873 of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Á³áë³îòåêà â³ä÷èíåíà â ïîíåä³ëîê, ñåðåäó ³ ÷åòâåð 135 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, N.J. â³ä 9–î¿ ðàíêó äî 5-¿ âå÷îðà (Located on the Consistory premises) Êíèãîçá³ðêà á³áë³îòåêè âêëþ÷ຠðåë³ã³éí³, ³ñòîðè÷í³ òà We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays ë³òåðàòóðí³ òâîðè òà ñòàðîäðóêè â³ä 16-ãî ñòîë³òòÿ íà From 9 to 5 óêðà¿íñüê³é, àíãë³éñüê³é, öåðêîâíî-ñëîâ’ÿíñüê³é ìîâ³ òà îáìåæåíó ê³ëüê³ñòü íà ãðåöüê³é òà ëàòèíñüê³é ìîâ³. Our collection includes numerous books on theology, Ukrainian and world history, literature, religious and Òàêîæ ìàºìî âåëèêó ê³ëüê³ñòü æóðíàë³â â³ä ïî÷àòêó secular music, and rare books. 20-ãî ñòîë³òò³ÿ òà ñòàðîäàâí³ àëüìàíàõè ³ ïàðàô³àëüí³ ïðîïàì’ÿòí³ êíèãè. Other materials – periodicals, sheet music, almanacs, and parish jubilee books. Íàø åëåêòðîííèé êàòàëîã çíàõîäèòüñÿ íà www.uocofusa.org/library.html Check out our online catalog (over 11,000 titles) – ³ ïî ñüîãîäí³ âêëþ÷ຠïîíàä 11,000 êíèæîê www.uocofusa.org/library.html Çà ³íôîðìàö³ÿìè ïðîñèìî çâåðòàòèñÿ äî For inquiries contact: Larissa Bulya, Librarian Ëàðèññè Áóëèãè, á³áë³îòåêàðÿ e-mail : [email protected] Åëåêòðîííà ïîøòà : [email protected] Tel.: 732-356-0090, x: 20 Òåëåôîí: 732-356-0090 x: 20 32 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011

IOCC Delivers Medical Aid to Assist Refugees Fleeing Kyrgyzstan

Baltimore, MD — Interna- at Tashkent today. MTI staff Box 495; South Bound (SCOBA) and a member of tional Orthodox Christian will then immediately trans- Brook, NJ 08880. the ACT Alliance, a global Charities (IOCC) delivered port the kit to the eastern IOCC is the official coalition of churches and medical supplies to assist Uzbek city of Andijan and humanitarian aid agency of agencies engaged in de- refugee families who have along the Uzbekistan/ the Standing Conference of velopment, humanitarian fled ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan border. the Canonical Orthodox assistance and advocacy. Kyrgyzstan this summer. Help Speed Aid to Uzbeki Bishops in the Americas Tens of thousands of ethnic Refugees Today! Uzbeks fled the violence You can help the and crossed the border into victims of disasters around Uzbekistan to seek safety the world, like the refugee while others remain dis- crisis in Uzbekistan and placed within Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan, by making a IOCC is providing financial gift to the IOCC medical care for the refu- International Emergency gees and displaced – Response Fund, which will mostly women, children provide immediate relief as and the elderly – in the form well as long-term support of an Emergency Health Kit through the provision of with enough medicine and emergency aid, recovery supplies to treat 10,000 assistance and other sup- As many as 10,000 refugees who have fled ethnic violence in people. The kit, valued at port to help those in need. Kyrgyzstan will receive medical assistance from International $421,000, is being pro- To make a gift, mail a check Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). A shipment of medicines vided in cooperation with or money order payable to and medical supplies delivered in cooperation with Medical Medical Teams Interna- UOC of the USA (Memo: Teams International is expected to arrive to Tashkent, tional (MTI) and will arrive Kyrgystan Tragedy) PO Uzbekistan on June 25, 2010. (photo: Medical Teams International)

Vespers Music Published and Now Available

Music to Great Vespers has standard four-part setting that is and the English equivalent on the recently been published by the commonly practiced in church singing, facing page. This layout has several Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox easily sung by a group of cantors, practical advantages. Not only can it Church. This compilation offers small choir or just one cantor following be used by parishes that require simplified musical scores, following the melodic line. The text is based on either all English or all Ukrainian texts, the basic outline of the musical pieces the Prayer Book (South Bound Brook, but it also allows greater flexibility on for Vespers. It is the latest in a series New Jersey, 2004), which contains those occasions when a mixture of of books that are associated with the the official translation of the Services bilingual responses are needed. We various worship services of the as celebrated by the UOC of the feel that it is important that the choice Church. The earlier books in this USA.Only the standard, regularly of language reflects the needs of the series - the Divine Liturgy (2002) and sung musical sections have been participants, and not the availability of the Memorial Service (2005) - have presented in this book. suitable scores. been widely distributed and are The intent of keeping this The Metropolia is indebted to presently in use by a number of compilation as simple as possible is to Markian Komichak, musical director parishes across the country. encourage the celebration of Vespers of the two choirs at St. Vladimir’s in The material selected for this even with limited participation or Parma, Ohio, for compiling this series volume is based on familiar melodies limited familiarity with the service. The of publications. The hope is to from the Kyiv Chant tradition. As in sections with the changeable sections continue the series of scores for our previous books, some minor are only noted and may be added Liturgical needs. The Vespers Music, adjustments had to be made in the accordingly to particular capabilities. as with the Divine Liturgy and music so that the English and The basic format of earlier Memorial Service (Panachyda) may Ukrainian versions would agree as publications was maintained with the be purchased through St. Andrew’s much as possible. The harmony is the Ukrainian text appearing on one side, Bookstore at the Consistory.

34 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Lutarewych, Asher Steven baptized and chrismated on June 6, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Steven Holy Baptism... Paul Lutarewych and Laura Diane Bobek. Sponsors: Braden John Koegel and Sonia Lutarewych. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan As of 11/11/2010 Kalynyuk. Lyahovych, Maksym baptized and chrismated on February 6, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Volodymyr Honchar and Oksana Lyakhovych. Sponsors: Stepan Gonchar Baranivsky, Nicholas Gregory baptized and and Oksany Yaremchuk. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. chrismated on October 23, 2010, in Holy Trinity Marmer, Maria baptized and chrismated on September 27, Church, Bensenville, IL child of Gregory Ivan 2010, in St. Michael Church, San Francisco, CA child of Igor Baranivsky and Heather Nichole-Ivanka Matusiak. Marmer and Klristina Keush. Sponsor: Nina Limonczenko. Sponsors: Andrew Korol and Natalie Matusiak. Celebrated Celebrated by Fr. Alexis Limonczenko. by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Martin, Lilah Maeve baptized and chrismated on October Barnas, Maya Nicola baptized and chrismated on February 24, 2009, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of James 6, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Andriy Martin and Raisa Karasejczuk. Sponsors: David Martin, Andrew Barnas and Maria Podio. Sponsors: Andriy Podio and Joanna Karasejczuk and Sara Martin, Sonia Lutarewych. Celebrated Spychala. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Cara, Artur Anatoli baptized and chrismated on July 10, 2010, Melnik, Maxim baptized and chrismated on May 8, 2010, in in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Anatoli Cara and St. Andrew Church, Boston, MA child of Sergey Melnik and Julija Pavluskina. Sponsors: Deniss Makejenko and Zavinta Tatyana Berezyuk. Sponsors: Aleksey Berezyuk and Olgas Jakuntaviciute. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Yurkova. Celebrated by Fr. Roman Tarnavsky. Chuhaj, Maxim Tarasovich baptized and chrismated on July Merkelo, Krystina Alexandra baptized and chrismated on 31, 2010, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD child of Taras September 12, 2010, in St. Michael Church, San Francisco, CA Chuhaj and Nadiya Marysina. Sponsors: Yuri Chuhaj and Irina child of Jerry Merkelo and Hanna Cheberenchik. Sponsors: Shvetsova. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl Kryshtompol. Roman Drohnsbytski and Olesya Sadova. Celebrated by Fr. Dippel, Charles Louis baptized and chrismated on October 10, Alexis Limonczenko. 2010, in St. Nicholas Church, Troy, NY child of Kenneth John Ohman, Kyler Joseph baptized and chrismated on September Dippel and Melissa Anne Schmiedeshoff. Sponsors: David Hale 5, 2010, in St. Vladimir Cathedral Church, Parma, OH child of Dippel and Amy Elizabeth Kiley. Celebrated by Fr. Paul Szewczuk. Joseph Anthony Ohman and Aleksa Natalka Kozymyriw. Figueroa, Alexander Michael baptized and chrismated on October Sponsors: Christopher Steven DeMartinis and Natasha Lauren 9, 2010, in St. Mary Church, Lorain, OH child of Daniel Figueroa Flowers. Celebrated by Fr. Michael Hontaruk. and Tina Elizabeth Pohuliaj. Sponsors: Oscar Figueroa, Jr. and Michele Oleksyuk, Victoria Maria baptized and chrismated on Caliendo & Larissa Reidy. Celebrated by Fr. Dennis Kristof. September 19, 2010, in St. Mary Church, New Britain, CT child Godovanyy, Karina Veronica baptized and chrismated on of Andriy Oleksyuk and Lyubov Turetska. Sponsors: Mychailo October 10, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Trenton, NJ child of Zyma and Oksana Pidysotska. Celebrated by Fr. Andrii Pokotylo. Oleksiy Godovanyy and Tetiana Bording. Sponsors: Roman Popyk, Yuriy baptized and chrismated on July 11, 2010, in Bogutskyy, Taras Bogutskyy and Natalia Makar, Viktoriya Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Vitaliy Popyk and Lantushenko. Celebrated by Fr. Ivan Lymar. Kristina Zhuravel. Sponsors: Ihor Shehda and Iryna Kurant. Grechanyuk, Arthur Anatoliy baptized and chrismated on April Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. 25, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Yuriy Prokopchak, Nicholas James baptized and chrismated on Grechanyuk and Galyna Kalachynska. Sponsors: Dmytro Ambrozyak September 26, 2010, in Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Lyndora, PA and Oksana Ambrozyak. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. child of Gregory Prokopchak and Victoria Bridges. Sponsors: Keush, Kristina baptized and chrismated on September 27, Eric Prokopchak and Sherri Burka. Celebrated by Fr. Paisius 2010, in St. Michael Church, San Francisco, CA child of Edward McGrath. Keush and Nadezda Kezina. Sponsor: Nina Limonczenko. Pryakhin, Christina baptized and chrismated on October 10, Celebrated by Fr. Alexis Limonczenko. 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Maxim Khymiak, Maxim baptized and chrismated on October 10, Pryakhin and Natalia Vaygilevich. Sponsors: Valeriy Pryakhin, 2010, in St. Vladimir Church, Pittsburgh, PA child of Vasyl Konstantin Yarygin and Kristina Pryakhina, Irina Korshunova. Khymiak and Tetyana Lhuravska. Sponsors: Sergiy Chernetskiy Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. and Svitlana Shevchuk. Celebrated by Fr. John Haluszczak. Reilly, Jacob Alexander baptized and chrismated on January Knoop, Mary Lois (Rudy) Chrismated on October 3, 2010, in 16, 2010, in Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Wilmington, DE child of Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Youngstown, OH child of Henry Shane Alexander Reilly and Amanda Crouch. Sponsors: Edward Albert Rudy and Mable Cassel. Sponsors: Joseph Ewanish and Kaczanowicz, Ryan Kalinowsky and Melissa Linosay. Celebrated Betty Jean Ewanish. Celebrated by Fr. John Harvey. by Fr. Stephen Hutnick. Knoop, Paul Christian chrismated on October 3, 2010 , in Sts. Scabarozi, Joshua Aaron baptized and chrismated on August Peter & Paul Church, Youngstown, OH child of James Coleman 22, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Trenton, NY child of Joseph Knoop and Mary Lois Rudy. Sponsors: Joseph Ewanish and Scabarozi, Jr. and Nicole Byler. Sponsors: Andrew Scabarozi Betty Jean Ewanish. Celebrated by Fr. John Harvey. and Rebecca Cavamo. Celebrated by Fr. Ivan Lymar. Levenchuk, Dennis baptized and chrismated on August 30, Schidowka, Sophia Stefania baptized and chrismated on 2009, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Andriy September 11, 2010, in St. Vladimir Cathedral Church, Parma, OH Vorobchak and Oksana Levenchuk. Sponsors: Andriy Levenchuk child of Nicholas Schidowka and Michelle Bycko. Sponsors: Michael and Tatiana Lovnere. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Bycko and Natalia Mahlay. Celebrated by Fr. Michael Hontaruk. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 35 Matthew Thomas Dizney and Ashley Suanne Brunn in St. Mary Parish, New Britain, CT, on September 4, 2010 witnessed Holy Baptism... by John Sirick and Jaroslava Buchko Celebrant: Fr. Andrii Pokotylo As of 11/11/2010 Robert Benjamin Hines and Elizabeth Ashley Gleason in Sts. Peter & Paul Parish, Wilmington, DE, on May 15, 2010 witnessed by Brian Rollo and Heather Gleason Celebrant: Fr. Shcherban, Makariy baptized and chrismated Stephen Hutnick on June 6, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, Gheorghiy V. Kolosovsky and Tetiana R. Myshkovska in IL child of Mykola Shcherban and Olena Bilyk. Sts. Peter & Paul Parish, Youngstown, OH, on September 25, Sponsors: Taras Vovk and Marianna Pokotylo. 2010 witnessed by Charles Woloschak and Ann Marie Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Woloschak Celebrant: Fr. John Harvey Skoczylas III, Michael Stanley baptized and chrismated on Dmytro Kuzmyn and Tammy Klaproth in St. Volodymyr August 15, 2010, in St. Mary Protection Church, Bridgeport, CT Mission Parish, Kerhonkson, NY, on October 16, 2010 child of Michael Stanley Skoczylas II and Julianne Marie Seifert. witnessed by John Koligman and Michele Fugere Celebrant: Sponsors: Scott R. Glover and Kristina Skoczylas. Celebrated Fr. Yuryi Bazylevsky by Fr. Stephen Masliuk. David Misko and Meredith Monfeli in Assumption Parish, Spelock, Xavier Edward John baptized and chrismated on Northampton, PA, on September 5, 2010 witnessed by March 14, 2010, in St. Nicholas Mission Church, Dover, DE child Gregory Misko and Shelby Kline Celebrant: Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha of Vincent Gilbert Spelock and Dana Zabowski. Sponsor: Peter Matthew E. Peplinski and Cristina S. Hula in St. Mary Parish, Zabowski. Celebrated by Fr. Stephen Hutnick. Herkimer, NY, on October 10, 2010 witnessed by Jenny M. Stadnyk, Katherine Ann baptized and chrismated on January Curry and Jason Peplinski Celebrant: Fr. Ivan Semko 24, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Volodymyr Victor Rudiy and Lillian Shkurka in St. Vladimir Cathedral Stadnyk and Viktoria Krupchyn. Sponsors: Oleksandr Romanyuk Parish, Parma, OH, on September 7, 2010 witnessed by Fr. and Oksana Polozhevets. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Michael Hontaruk and Mary Anne Nakonachny Celebrant: Fr. Symchyeh, Petro Ivan baptized and chrismated on August John Nakonachny 22, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Michael Scabarozi and Melissa Dowd in Holy Trinity Parish, Volodymyr Symchych and Olga Galchuk. Sponsors: Michael Trenton, NY, on September 24, 2010 witnessed by Joseph Kalynyuk, Ostap Panchoshak and Zoreslava Makskiv, Kateryna Scabarozi and Jennifer Dawd Celebrant: Fr. Ivan Lymar Dyakiv. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Trostinsky, Antoniy baptized and chrismated on June 6, 2010, Asleep in St. John Church, Johnson City, NY child of Antoniy Matyashou and Stephania Trostinsky. Celebrated by Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky. in the Lord... Vergun, Anrew Leonard baptized and chrismated on September 19, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child As of 11/11/2010 of Igor Vergun and Halyna Semkiv. Sponsors: Mykhaylo Semenovych and Bohdanna-Maria Sydorschok. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Askey, Rose of Dixonville, PA on 07/21/2010, at age of 90 Vintonyak, Bogdan baptized and chrismated on October 3, years, officiating clergy Fr. George Hnatko of St. John Parish, 2010, in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Ivan Dixonville, PA. Vintonyak and Oksana Ivasyshyn. Sponsors: Mykola Khashchuk Belas, Michael Robert of New Britain, CT on 10/01/2010, at and Zinovia Kchisko. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. age of 91 years, officiating clergy Fr. Andrii Pokotylo of St. Volkov, Vlad baptized and chrismated on September 11, 2010, in Mary Parish, New Britain, CT. St. Luke Church, Warners, NY child of Vyacheslav Volkov and Bilinski, Olga of Wilmington, DE on 01/16/2010, at age of 89 Olga Skolnikova. Sponsor: Oleg Sergeev. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl years, officiating clergy Fr. Stephen Hutnick of Sts. Peter & Sendeha. Paul Parish, Wilmington, DE. Yakimishchak, Ksenia baptized and chrismated on April 11, 2010, Bobak, Harry of Dixonville, PA on 07/25/2010, at age of 86 in Holy Trinity Church, Bensenville, IL child of Taras Yakimishchak years, officiating clergy Fr. George Hnatko of St. John Parish, and Ekaterina Romanova. Sponsors: Yuriy Kalakunyak and Maryana Dixonville, PA. Obidnyak. Celebrated by Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk. Chicka, Daniel T. of Slickville, PA on 10/21/2010, at age of 83 years, officiating clergy Fr. Robert Popichak of Holy Ghost Parish, Slickville, PA. Dubyniak, Barbara of Rochester, NY on 08/16/2010, at age Holy Matrimony... of 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of St. Mary Parish, Rochester, NY. As of 11/11/2010 Evanko, Ann of Parma, OH on 8/15/2010, at age of 92 years, officiating clergy Fr. Michael Hontaruk of St. Vladimir Cathedral Parish, Parma, OH. Falinski, Julia of Utica, NY on 08/28/2010, at age of 85 Benjamin Keith Banks and Brook Suzanne Sequete in Sts. years, officiating clergy Fr. Ivan Semko of Sts. Peter & Paul Peter & Paul Parish, Lyndora, PA, on August 21, 2010 witnessed Parish, Utica, NY. by Mark Thomsen and Fallon O’Donnell Celebrant: Fr. Paisius Fil, Maria of Troy, NY on 10/22/2010, at age of 72 years, officiating McGrath clergy Fr. Paul Szewczuk of St. Nicholas Parish, Troy, NY. 36 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Frynkewicz, Tillie Vito of Ambridge, PA on 09/18/2010, at Labaty, Stephen of Allentowh, PA on 10/22/2010, at age of age of 89 years, officiating clergy Fr. Michael kochis of St. 89 years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Protection Vladimir Parish, Ambridge, PA. of Holy Parish, Allentowh, PA. Hall, Irene of Wilmington, DE on 02/04/2010, at age of 84 Leleko, Eleanore of Wilmington, DE on 08/12/2010, at age years, officiating clergy Fr. Stephen Hutnick of Sts. Peter & of 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Stephen Hutnick of Sts. Paul Parish, Wilmington, DE. Peter & Paul Parish, Wilmington, DE. Hawras, Halyna of Johnson City, NY on 10/20/2010, at age Lewkowicz, Emilia of Johnson City, NY on 09/26/2010, at of 81 years, officiating clergy Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky of St. John age of 88 years, officiating clergy Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky of St. the Baptist Parish, Johnson City, NY. John the Baptist Parish, Johnson City, NY. Hlywiak, Estelle of Wilmington, DE on 07/08/2010, at age Newmerzyckyj, Pani Maria of on 10/04/2010, at age of of 92 years, officiating clergy Fr. Stephen Hutnick of Sts. 83 years, officiating clergy Archbishop Antony. Peter & Paul Parish, Wilmington, DE. O’Sadcia, William of Boston, MA on 8/8/2010, at age of Hodkinson, Nina of Rochester, NY on 08/30/2010, at age 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Roman Tarnavsky of St. Andrew of 68 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of St. Parish, Boston, MA. Mary Parish, Rochester, NY. Paroskie, Anna S. of Bridgeport, CT on 5/21/2010, at age of Hunka, Ann of Parma, OH on 08/31/2010, at age of 91 92 years, officiating clergy Fr. Stephen Masliuk of St. Mary years, officiating clergy Fr. John Nakonachny & Fr. Michael protection Parish, Bridgeport, CT. Hontaruk of St. Vladimir Cathedral Parish, Parma, OH. Piso, Michael of Pittsburgh, PA on 7/21/2010, at age of 88 Jaremenko, Anna of Parma, OH on 10/22/2010, at age of years, officiating clergy Fr. John Haluszczak of St. Vladimir 85 years, officiating clergy Fr. John Nakonachny & Fr. M Parish, Pittsburgh, PA. Hontaruk of St. Vladimir Cathedral Parish, Parma, OH. Pond, Jacob of Rochester, NY on 10/13/2010, at age of 88 Jaremenko, Igor Michael of Los Angeles, CA at age of 86 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of St. Mary years, officiating clergy Fr. Vasyl Shtelen of St. Andrew Parish, Rochester, NY. Parish, Los Angeles, CA. Proch, Helen of Monessen, PA on 09/16/2010, at age of 86 Kasych, Jr., Charles of Allentown, PA on 09/08/2010, at years, officiating clergy Fr. Roman Yatskiv of St. Nicholas age of 94 years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Parish, Monessen, PA. Protection of Theotokos Parish, Allentown, PA. Prychodczenko, Michael J. of Youngstown, OH on 10/03/ Kobela, Stella Kotyk of New Britain, CT on 10/04/2010, at 2010, at age of 50 years, officiating clergy Fr. John Harvey of age of 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Andrii Pokotylo of St. Sts. Peter & Paul Parish, Youngstown, OH. Mary Parish, New Britain, CT. Pufky, John of Johnson City, NY on 4/6/2010, at age of 93 Koval, John of Monessen, PA on 09/18/2010, at age of 85 years, officiating clergy Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky of St. John Parish, years, officiating clergy Fr. Roman Yatskiv of St. Nicholas Johnson City, NY. Parish, Monessen, PA. Semetosky, John of Nanty Glo, OA on 09/03/2010, at age Kozarewicz, Zonny of Herkimer, NY on 09/17/2010, at age of 82 years, officiating clergy Fr. George Hnatko of Holy of 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Ivan Semko of St. Mary Ascension Parish, Nanty Glo, OH. Parish, Herkimer, NY. Stefkiwsky, Katherine Molonowsky of Ambridge on 10/ Krawecki, Wasyl of Johnson City, NY on 7/16/2010, at age 15/2010, at age of 88 years, officiating clergy Fr. Michael of 89 years, officiating clergy Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky of St. John Kochis of St. Vladimir Parish, Ambridge, PA. Parish, Johnson City, NY. Swarzlander, Charles Thomas of Los Angeles, CA , at age Krenichyn, Mildred A. of Herkimer, NY on 10/12/2010, at of 66 years, officiating clergy Fr. Vasyl Shtelen of St. Andrew age of 87 years, officiating clergy Fr. Ivan Semko of St. Mary Parish, Los Angeles, CA. Parish, Herkimer, NY. Wakal, Olga of Minneapolis, MN on 09/19/2010, at age of Krill, John of Northamption on 9/29/2010, at age of 91 85 years, officiating clergy Fr. Evhen Kumka of St. Michael & years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Assumption St. George Parish, Minneapolis, MN. Parish, Northamption. Krywonos, P M Rita Kay of Rochester, NY on 09/04/2010, at age of 69 years, officiating clergy Archbishop Antony of Âi÷íà ïàì’ÿòü! St. Mary Parish, Rochester, NY. LaBasz, Barbara of Rochester, NY on 10/04/2010, at age of ! 79 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of St. Mary Parish, Rochester, NY.

The 1st Annual On-line Orthodox Christian Education Conference will take place February 11-12, 2011. It is being recommended by the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult MInistry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The Conference is to feature an excellent line-up of speakers working with the theme Orthodoxy in the Home. http://www.orthodoxconference.com/Conference/Home.html Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 37 Please remember in your prayers... Ïðîñèìî çãàäàòè ó Âàøèõ ìîëèòâàõ... JANUARY - ÑI×ÅÍÜ


Orthodox Christian Bible Studies provides free multimedia resources that are formed - and informed - by the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church. With our Bible studies you can plunge into a book of the New Testament, looking at the biblical text and its historical background, and learning how the biblical truths you learn can transform your life.

www.uocofusa.org www.orthodoxyouth.org

38 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. I-II, ñ³÷åíü-ëþòèé, 2011 Our cover... Pastor - Fr. George Hnatko P a r i s h F O C U S

When the first settlers of Ukrainian descent began to settle in Nanty-Glo and outlying vicinities around 1914 and thereon, there was no Ukrainian Orthodox Church established. Those with Holy Ascension UOC means of transportation traveled to Vintondale where there was a . Others worshipped at the Greek Nanty Glo, PA Catholic Church on Second Street. When services such as baptisms, weddings ceremonies, and others were required, the parties would Within the next few years, the interiors of the church go to Woodvale Church or South Fork, or the priest would come proper underwent extensive remodeling with work being done. to the Nanty-Glo homes. New ceiling, paneled walls, carpeting, new pews, many religious Rev. Father Dorohovic traveled from South Fork to articles were replaced and new robes for the priests. The men perform liturgical services. For many years the Ukrainian people and women of the parish, through projects of their own. of Nanty-Glo worshipped as one with the people of the Greek (Including making perohi during the winter months) purchased Catholic Church of Nanty-Glo. Around 1920, they decided they the chandelier, processional cross, patorica votive cross stand, would like to have a church of their own. In June 1920, land was wrought iron railing, robes for the alter boys, and numerous purchased from Thomas Emerson and plans were drawn for other articles. All pews, new windows, mural over the altar, building of the church (at the present site). While the building altar covers, linens, and new tabernacle were made or bought was under construction, had permission to worship in entirely by parish members. The church was brick cased in it. Although it wasn’t completed inside and out until 1922, it was 1968. Again the project was paid for from balance of building being used for services with Father Ivan Paliy being the first priest fund and donations from parishioners and former out of to serve from the diocese of Archbishop John (Theodorovich). town parishioners. At that time, there were Ukrainians coming from Revloc, Plans are in the making to completely remodel the Vintondale, Colver, Wehrum, Twin Rocks, Cardiff, Bakerton, church basement hall. Since most of the work is done by Conemaugh and even Johnstown to worship at the Nanty-Glo volunteers, we are a little slow in getting started. But eventually Church. With better means of transportation, such as trains, trolleys “we get there”. Very Reverend Father Eugene Korolyshyn was and automobiles, some began to establish churches in their own pastor of the church at the time of our remodeling, which towns. Those remaining established a parish, known as Ukrainian began in 1964. The Sisterhood, consisting of 14 members, was Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension. formed in 1968. Their main money project is making perohi. For many years the men and their families struggles Several of the men from the Men’s Club of the church, provided through strikes and troubled times to worship in this church. They the “muscle work” of mashing the potatoes for this project. worked many hard hours during the 1924 mines strike to dig the The youth clubs have their coffee-cake social after Sunday foundation for the church (which at that time was constructed services during the winter months. They were formed in 1967, on posts). Little by little parish members furnished their church beginning with 8 members. These three groups (Men’s Club with the necessities - always paying as they went along and left formed in 1966) are the backbone of the church and with the this heritage to their offspring, who to this day, who have made help of their committees, are busy at all times to keep us it a policy to “earn our own way”, and take pride in maintaining going. The church also maintains its own cemetery grounds, the church and living up to the standards set by their parents. Cardiff Road, Nanty-Glo. All the above mentioned work was In 1949 the interior of the church underwent an intensive done by 1969. The big and small altars were made by refurbishing program. The church was painted, donated, JimChamesky. “new” pews were purchased (although they were not new, they Credit is also due to past and present clergy and were better than the home-made ones made in 1921), and a officers who all play an important role in various undertakings. kitchen addition was made which enabled the ladies of the church Fr. George Hnatko has been with us going on 45 years and he to be better equipped for the various social functions held. splits his time between us and Dixenville, Pa. An Iconostas was In 1951 the church celebrated a 30 year Jubilee. Although built in the 1970’s by Jim Charnesky along with Frank Symusiak a 25th anniversary had been in the planning stage in 1945, these and Pete Polosky. plans were postponed until “the war was over and all the boys in As years go by things do wear out, so we have had the service from the parish were home”. to do some more improvements, such as a new roof, down During the next ten years various money making projects spouts, carpet in the vestibule, liturgical vestments and robes were held and bonds purchased towards “a building fund”. The for the altar boys, new furnaces, some wiring and plumbing, summer of 1951 found the parish member’s knee deep in the first fixed front side walks, new front door with glass in it. In the project. The basement, kitchen, office and old stage (where many last 5 years or so Jim Chamesky has made us a baptismal plays were held during the 1920’s and 1930’s) were tom down stand and a holder for Holy Water. Soon we are to have the and new kitchen was installed, tables made and chairs purchased. ceiling painted and new lights with fans installed. We are still The work was done mainly by parishioners with the exception of trying to keep our church going with the grace of God. the professional help where needed. Year LÕ² Issue I-II, January-February, 2011 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 39 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ukrainian Orthodox Word P. O. Box 495 South Bound Brook, NJ 08880


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Get involved in the life of your Church! The successs of all Church sponsored events depends upon your participation!

Young Adult “Ski Weekend” Church School Camp 14-17 January, 2011 26 June - 9 July, 2011 Sponsored by UOL All Saints Camp - Ages 9-13 Pocono Lake, PA Emlenton, PA

UOL Lenten Retreat Teenage Conference 19 March, 2011 10 July - 23 July, 2011 St. Francis Retreat House All Saints Camp - Ages 13-18 Bethlehem, PA Emlenton, PA

UOL Lenten Retreat Jr/Sr Ukrainian Orthodox League Conventions 26 March, 2011 27-31 July, 2011 Villa Maria Retreat Center (OH/Western PA) Hosted by Villa Maria, PA St. VladimirUOL Chapters - Philadelphia, PA

St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage College Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages 30 April - 1 May, 2011 4-20 August, 2011 Metropolia Center Sponsored by the Consistory Offices of Youth and South Bound Brook, NJ Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity

Young Adults Memorial Day Mommy/Daddy and Me Camp 27-30 May, 2011 1-5 August, 2011 All Saints Camp All Saints Camp - Ages 4-8 + (Parents) Emlenton, PA Emlenton, PA