ERMANZ Report: Verified Source: Pestlink Operational Report for Possum Control in the Oparara Valley

28 Aug 2008 - 28 Nov 2008 3/07/2009 Department of Conservation Buller - Kawatiri Contents

1. Operation Summary...... 2 2. Introduction...... 3 2.1 TREATMENT AREA ...... 3 2.2 MANAGEMENT HISTORY...... 4 3 Outcomes and Targets ...... 4 3.1 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES...... 4 3.2 TARGETS ...... 4 3.2.1 Result Targets...... 4 3.2.2 Outcome Targets...... 5 4 Consultation, Consents & Notifications ...... 5 4.1 CONSULTATION...... 5 4.2 CONSENTS ...... 5 4.3 NOTIFICATION...... 5 5 Methods...... 6 5.1 TARGET SPECIES...... 6 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ...... 7 5.2.1 Effects on Non-Target Species ...... 7 5.2.2 Effects on Soil and Water Quality...... 8 5.2.3 Effects on Ecosystems...... 8 5.2.4 Effects on Human Health...... 8 6 Monitoring Results and Outcomes ...... 8 6.1 RESULT MONITORING - TARGET SPECIES ...... 8 6.2 RESULT MONITORING - ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS...... 8 6.3 OUTCOME MONITORING ...... 9

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1. Operation Summary

Operation Name Possum in Oparara Valley Operation Date 28 Aug 2008 - 28 Nov 2008 Area Office Buller - Kawatiri Conservancy: West Coast Tai Poutini Pestlink Reference 0809BUL14

Treatment Area Size (ha) Oparara Valley 3126.00 Conservation Unit Name(s) Conservation Unit Number(s) Ngakawau Ecological Area L28087 Treatment Block Details Treatment Blocks Size (ha) Grid Ref GIS Ref Oparara Valley 3126.00

Contractor Name Amuri Helicopters

Treatment Dates Start Completion Oparara Valley 28 Aug 2008 28 Nov 2008 Target Pest Details Treatment Control Target Pests Name Blocks Method Oparara Valley Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Oparara Valley-(1)

Conservation Outcome(s) The conservation objective is to protect from possum predation the locally endemic land snail, Powelliphanta annectens and to protect the fauna and flora values of the area in general.

Result Target(s) Treatment Area/Block What we got • To reduce possum Oparara Valley 1.5% RTC numbers to 3% RTC or less

Outcome Targets What we got • Observe an increase in adult snail numbers To be entered once monitoring is completed.

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2. Introduction


Non-target species Common Name Scientific Name Prosthemadera Tui novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae Bellbird Anthornis melanura melanura Pigeon, Kereru Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Apteryx haastii Yellow-crowned Parakeet Cyanoramphus auriceps Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Ninox novaeseelandiae subsp. Morepork novaeseelandiae Long-tailed Cuckoo Eudynamys taitensis Chrysococcyx lucidus subsp. Shining Cuckoo lucidus Western Gallirallus australis australis Nestor notabilis Grey Warbler Gerygone igata Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris chloris South Island Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa Nestor meridionalis South Island Kaka meridionalis Bush falcon Falco novaeseelandiae "bush" Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Blackbird Turdus merula Redpoll Carduelis flammea

Target benefit species Common Name Scientific Name Large land snail Powelliphanta annectens - Metrosideros robusta

Threatened species Common Name Scientific Name New Zealand Pigeon, Kereru Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Western Weka Gallirallus australis australis Nestor meridionalis South Island Kaka meridionalis

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Great spotted kiwi Apteryx haastii

Geographical location The Oparara Valley is situated 18 km NE of .

TREATMENT BLOCK DETAILS: Treatment block Oparara Valley Vegetation type Mixed beech podocarp forest. Bioclimatic zone lowland sub-montane Climate characteristics: Rainfall 3000 mm Temperature: Average Summer 18.0 Average Winter 10.0 Snow level 0 m Altitude 250 - 1136 m

The area is used for recreational pursuits by the general public. Mostly day visitors looking at the arches and caves and walking Community and the newly formed valley track. The Oparara Valley Trust Iwi interests conducts cave tours and canoe trips within the valley. There are no tracks or guided activities within the possum control operational area. The Oparara Valley has had a history of gold, and timber Historic sites extraction dating back to the late 1800's.


Management history was not chosen to be shown in this operational report. This history is, however, available via Pestlink

3 Outcomes and Targets 3.1 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES The conservation objective is to protect from possum predation the locally endemic land snail, Powelliphanta annectens and to protect the fauna and flora values of the area in general.

3.2 TARGETS 3.2.1 Result Targets The result targets for the treatment area were:

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• To reduce possum numbers to 3% RTC or less

3.2.2 Outcome Targets The outcome targets for the treatment area were: • Observe an increase in adult snail numbers

4 Consultation, Consents & Notifications 4.1 CONSULTATION Iwi and the Buller District Council were consulted prior to the operation starting.

Hunters are informed of the operation through the Pesticide Summary when applying for a hunting permit.

Warning signs were placed along McCallums Mill road from the entrance to the , at the Arch car park and at the start of tracks leading towards the operational area.

Consultation outcomes No concerns were raised during the consultation and the operation commenced as planned. Lessons learned When consulting with Iwi post information and follow-up with a phone call. Any minor concerns can then be resolved at that time.

4.2 CONSENTS Consent Consent date File/DME reference DOC 15/07/2008 NHT-02-16-1024 Ngati Waewae 05/06/2008 NHT-02-16-1024 Buller District Council 03/07/2008 NHT-02-16-1024 WCRC resource consent 20/11/2003 NHT-02-16-1024 MOH 04/06/2008 NHT-02-16-1024

Lessons learned Allow enough time for consultation in the planning stage and request a reply by a set date. 4.3 NOTIFICATION Public notice was put in the Westport News on the 5/08/2008, due to delays in sowing the toxic bait (caused by the weather) it was again put in the Westport News on 11/11/2008.

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Hunters were informed when applying for a hunting permit by receiving a copy of the Pesticides Summary.

Lessons learned Signs need to be checked more regularly when there is more publicity about 1080 operations due to protest action.

5 Methods 5.1 TARGET SPECIES

Treatment Block Oparara Valley Control method Name Target pest species Pesticide - Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Possum Oparara Valley-(1)

Target Treatment Block Control Method Name Pest Species Oparara Valley Pesticide - Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Possum Oparara Valley-(1) Trade name of pesticide 0.15% 1080 Pellets Name of pesticide Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) Type of bait Cereal pellet Toxic loading 1.5 g/kg Bait quality sampling Not Conducted

Bait Details Pre-feed Toxic Bait type Pollard/pellet Cereal pellet Lure/mask/deterrent Cinnamon Cinnamon Lure/mask/deterrent 0.02% 0.02% Dye None Green Individual Bait Weight 12.0g 12.0g

Sowing Rate Details Pre-feed Toxic Wind Wind Date Rate(kg/ha) Direction Date Rate(kg/ha) Direction Speed Speed 28/08/2008 2.00 Light SW 28/11/2008 3.00 Light SW

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Time between pre-feed and 92 toxic End of Caution Period 30/03/2009 Date Aircraft type Squirrel AS 350 Number of Aircraft 1 Sowing gear details Description Capacity

Hopper with motor driven spinner. 700 kg Type of navigational Trimflite GPS system.

guidance system used Hand loaded Wanganui No. 7 bait from bags into detached sowing bucket positioned Loading Method beside truck (helicopter moved away and refuelled).

Complaints and Incidents No incidents occurred during the sowing operation or cleanup.

Other Details about this method The loading site used for loading bait in previous operations was no longer suitable due to the installation of a public toilet at the site. A new loading site was established at an old winch site closer to the Oparara valley with the intention that it has the capacity to use more than 1 helicopter. This site will also be useful for future AHB operations.

Deviations from planned operation The original plan was to use a hiab truck and dummy hopper to pre load and empty into the sowing bucket as required however on the day of sowing the company had other operations on and the hiab was unavailable.

Lessons Learned Issues outside of our control can caused the bait loading plan to be changed on the day this however did not effect the operation other that extending the completion of the sowing.


5.2.1 Effects on Non-Target Species All baits were dyed green and lured with cinnamon to reduce the risk to birds. Performance standard(s) Followed ? Monitored ? Baits dyed green and lured with cinnamon Yes Yes

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5.2.2 Effects on Soil and Water Quality No water testing was undertaken following the aerial sowing of toxic bait. Performance standard(s) Followed ? Monitored ? N/A 5.2.3 Effects on Ecosystems If any bait enters waterways it is rapidly degraded by micro-organisms. The product is insoluble in water but readily dilutes and is unlikely to cause poisoning of fish or other aquatic species and does not build up in the environment or food chain. Effects on Ecosystems Not Applicable 5.2.4 Effects on Human Health Conditions set out in the consents (RC, MOH, DOC and BDC) were followed with no reports of toxic baits having effected human health. Performance standard(s) Followed ? Monitored ? Signage Yes Yes

6 Monitoring Results and Outcomes 6.1 RESULT MONITORING - TARGET SPECIES

Result target(s) To reduce possum numbers to 3% RTC or less 6.1.1 Target Species Monitoring Residual trap-catch index (RTCI) Method: Species monitored Possum - Trichosurus vulpecula in Oparara Valley Monitor method details Lines of 10 victor No 1 traps set out at 20m spacing at randomly selected sites on raised sets (Scott boards) as per the RTC protocol.

Deviations No deviation from plan.

Target pest result details Pre During/Post Monitoring dates - May 2009 Results - 1.5% RTC

Result target met? Yes Lessons Learned N/A


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Monitoring of: No formal monitoring was undertaken. Monitor Method details N/A Deviations N/A Monitoring dates N/A Results N/A Lessons Learned N/A Effectiveness of performance standards No dead birds were found in or near the operational area by staff while working in the Oparara Basin following the aerial sowing.

6.2.2 Soil and Water Quality No monitoring of soil and water quality was undertaken. 6.2.3 Ecosystems No monitoring of ecosystems was undertaken. 6.2.4 Human Health Monitoring of: No formal monitoring was undertaken. Monitor Method details N/A Deviations N/A Monitoring dates N/A Results N/A Lessons Learned N/A Effectiveness of performance standards No adverse effects reported.

6.3 OUTCOME MONITORING Outcome targets Observe an increase in adult snail numbers

6.3.1 Outcome monitoring : Large land snail - Powelliphanta annectens Monitoring Method(s)

Monitoring information due March 2010 date Method details Monitoring of 28 plots (10 x 10)

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Monitoring dates Outcome Results To be entered once monitoring is completed. Outcome target met? Monitoring ongoing Lessons Learned No information has been entered into this field

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