BUDDLE PLACE-BOOK – 17 Nov.1836 to 12 June 1837. Bud-48-6 1836 1 Percy-main Nov: 17th. Thursday At Percy – main, Exd. Bills &c. Holed with the rods from the Point district, into the. Hay-hole at yards thick. The foulness did not come off very Strong, but the hole was plugged until the [Struting] can be holed into the back exploring Drift – to bring the full Air-course up to the face before the foulness is let freely off by the Bore-hole This holing was made on the * Mr. Nov: 18th. Friday Mr. B. Johnson breakfasted B. Johnson with me, and then examined Mr. Easterbys’ Avenue where the N. Shields Railway is to cross the Coach Road. He also examined the crossing on the road leading to [Point] Pleasant. Dr. Lardner Attended Dr. Lardners’ Lecture on the Steam Engine in the Evening at the Lecture Room of the Literary Society. Nov: 19th. Sa. at Newcastle. Nov: 20th. Sunday At home. Dr. Lardner, Dr. White, Wm. Hutton, Mr. Easterby, Mc. Intyre and De-Carle, & Misses Lock & Garvin with a Polish Refugee. Dr. Lardners’ Secretary dined with us. Nov: 21st. Monday At Backworth – decided to Colly. put a dam into the Stone Drift from the En. Sump, to Stop the Water back in the Standage while the new Brass Barrel, is being put into the Low-Set 1836 2. Whitley up this Morning by holing into an old Colliery Waste. All the Men escaped but the Horses drowned- 14 in No. were drowned. The Water broke in up about 7 o ‘ clock in the morning, and rose to its Summit Level 7½ Fms., in the Course of the Afternoon Nov: 21st. Monday At Pensher in the Afternoon Pensher Nov: 22 Tuesday Exd. Pensher Quarry – are getting on Quarry very well, have 94 Quarry-men, and upwards of 30 Labourers employed. Went to Hetton Colliery to get the Calculations Hetton of the [tentale] Rents for Mascall, Fox, and Tentate Sheppardson compared with the Cos’ Statements but Mr. I. Robson, was [firm] [home]. Whitefield Nov: 23rd. Wed. Viewed the Whitefield Pit Pit Pensher in the Five – quarter Seam. A great Storm of Wind, Snow, Sleet and rain came on from the N.E. early in the Storm Morng. and continued all day without intermission. All the Pits, and Waggons’ laid off. Nov, 24th. Thursday At Seaham in the Morg. Harbour Although the gale had abated the Sea was so high that no Vessels could go either in or out. Mr. & Mrs. Morton, and Alexr. Gibb

1836 3 dined with us – the Weather Still con- tinues very bad. Wear Nov, 25th. Friday Met Messrs. J, Clayton, Mareeo Bridge and Th: Harrison at Newcastle, on the Subject of supplying Stone from Pensher Quarry for the Wear Bridge. As we cannot be certain of Supplying a Sufficient quantity, I gave Mr. Gibb leave to Sup- ply himself elsewhere to such an extent as he might require. Dr. Attended Dr. Lardner’s Lecture on the Steam Lardner Engine in the Evening, at the Lecture Room of the Philosophical Society. Hooker Nov: 26th. Saturday Paid the purchase money £2940 for the Hooker-gate Estate to Edwd. H. Watt. Ridley & Co. Opened a deposit Accnt. with Ridley & Co. Bank – they allow 3 P. Cent. Dined with A. Donkin – he consulted me on the Valuatn. of Gully’s Shares of Hetton Colliery. R. MacKeith Nov: 27th. Sunday At home all day. Robt. MacKrieth dined with me. Backworth Nov. 28th. Monday Viewed Backworth Colly. Have begun the ^ N.W. Cross-cut from the Stanhope & two Dykes. Called upon Messrs. Marreeo Tyne Co.s and Harrison at Ss. Shields, on the Stanhope s and Tyne Railway Co . [Leesess]. 1836 4. Nov. 29th. Tuesday Viewed Beaumont Pit Colly Benwell Colliery At Townley – main, and Greenside – giving Townley- instruction for finishing the Plans of Stella Grad. Main Colly. Lease – late Townley – main Colliery. Nov. 30th. Wed. Viewed the C Pit, Walls- View of end Colliery. The first N.E. Winning Heads C Pit have got the downcast trouble, which Runs Walls-end from near the F Pit Shaft, towards the E pit Colliery The 2 Pair of N.E. Headwayses, are as far North, as the line of W. Boardways [Course] from the F Pit, and the E. Derifts are [holed] the 4th. Struting down this Morning. The Coal has turned much Stronger in this quarter, and yields a much greater proportn. of round Coals. But what is most re- markable, is that the discharge of Gas has almost entirely ceased, in both the 1st. and 2d. Pair of N.E. winning Headwayses. This change took place, almost at once and has continued for the last 9 Pillars -say 180 yards. It is not now necessary to Keep the Board-end Doors, and the Returns from the going places, are remarkably clean. This is a most agreeable change, but I cannot 1836 5 at present account for the cause of it. Dec, 1st. Thursday Viewed the Percy Pit, in the Main Coal, and Seams. In the former the exploring drift in the Point District, has holed into the Hay-hole Way with the Rods, but is not yet opened. The foulness did not come off Strong at the Bore-hole, which Shews that the Hay-hole Stone Drift is not choaked up, at the Dyke. In the Bensham Seam, Both Furnace Drifts are holed into the up-cast Shaft, and the [means] Work is in great forwardness, so that it won’t be long before the Furnaces will be finished Messrs. Maude, Lamb, Heatherington, Ww. Maude and [Joe] Lamb were at the Colliery. Viewed the A, or Middle Pit -main Colliery, in the Low-main Colliery, with Mr. Geo. Johnson The Co. are negotiating a renewal of rs 6 th their Lease, with the Mess . Losh, for their /16 . of the Royalty, which expires, next May – they ate not Satisfied with the tentale (15/-) offered and requested to have my opinion upon it Met Mr. Marrieo at Newcastle at 6 o ‘ clock in the Evening, and went to Anfield with in the Post Chaise. 1836 6. Dec: 2d. Spent the Eveng. at Mrs. Rankins’. Dec: 3 Saturday At Newcastle – a heavy gale of Wind last night, much damage at Sea apprehended Got Hooker-gate Deeds from Donkin & Stable th rs Dec: 4 . Sunday At home [M . W. Wherter] with us Dec: 5th. Monday Attended a meeting of Coal trade the joint Committee of Chester-le-Street Meeting The Issue for the first 15 days of Decr. was given out at 45 P. Thousand The Referees made this Award for So. Hetton the So. Hetton Quantity – they awarded Basis fixed 52,000 on the Basis – the Same as Haswell A violent Gale of Wind from the West Dec: 6th. Tuesday Spent the day at Pensher N. Hetton Dec: 7th. Wed. Attended the monthly Board Colliery at N. Hetton Colliery. Mr. N. Wood came to Pensher in the Evening with me when we Urpeth Colly finished our valuation, and report on Urpeth Colliery. Dec: 9th. Friday Called upon Mr. Morton to Lumley Colly. discuss the subject of letting Lumley Colliery to the Tanfield Lessees. Went to Newcastle and met 1836 7 Messrs. Marreeo, Woods, Alexr. Gibb, and T.E. Durham Harrison, on the Subject of the Short Supplying Junction of Stone to the Junction Bridge from Pensher Bridge quarry. Gibb, the Contractor prepared to bear 1 st Pensher /3 of the loss of cutting the 1 . Class of Stone Quarry into interior Stones on condn. that the Co. shd. 1 1 bear /3 and the Quarry /3 – the whole loss, in- claim for loss, not to exceed in all £600 it only amounts at present to £193. 9. 5. Marreeo and Woods agreed to this and I undertook to give a definitive Ansr. next Tuesday Dr. Lardner Attended Dr. Lardner’s Lecture on the Loco- motive Engine in the Evening. Dec: 10th. Saturday. Coal-trade Meeting respecg. The price of Gas Leak – adjourned to 17th. Killed Hewer Killed at Elswick by a Fall of Roof. Mr. Easterby Dec: 11th. Sunday Dined with Mr. Easterby to meet Mr. P. Nicholson. Holywell Dec: 12th. Monday Viewed Holywell Colliery Storm a heavy Storm of Wind, Snow, & Sleet from the So. E. A very Stormy day, with Sleet and Snow. Benwell Dec 13 Tuesday At Benwell Colliery are getting forward with the new Waggon - way to Beaumont Pit. 1836 8 Dec: 14th. Wed. At Percy-main and So. Shields Dec: 15th. Thursday Viewed the Howdon Pit this Pit Morning. Examined. Mr. Blacketts’ Sinking Pit Wylam at Prudhoe Haughs, and dined and Stayed all Greenside night at Greenside with James Hall. Dec: 16th. Friday Spent the morning at Greenside Stella Grand in examining a [Hessl. Us ofe ,ell a] Grand Lease Lease Colliery. Use the [blaus] of the Glebe Colly. [Loevenier] and discussing the plan of working the Glebe Colly. same with Th. Hall. Mr. Mr.Geo. Ramsey called upon me to Geo. Ramsey State his wishes to take the 40 acres of resurved Coal, in [Vreclalon] Lordships, which lies in just a position with Mr. Silvertops, Dorkin Dale Estate. He wishes to es take it is as a separate Colliery. I Stated my apprehension that it might eventually injure the Gr[ons]field Vend, as a rival Colliery. We reasoned the case, and [Issues] missed to consider the matter, [ased] to see him again, tomorrow-week, upon it. Mrs. Benjn. M[rs]. Benjamin Johnson rode over the Johnson Hooker Gate Farm with me to give me Hooker-gate his opinion as to what is best to be done with it, for its’ improvement, and future management. He will require another 1836 9 day to walk over it, and make a more minute examination before he can report his afirmation. Durow’s At Mr. D[urows] Circus performance in Circus. the Evening, and was well amused Thomas Wright, Hewer, was Killed this morng. Killed in the G Pit Walls-end Colliery, by a o Caldron bottom falling upon him. It was a very large one, in an oval Shape – 9 Ft. by 6. and better than a Foot thick. Loan to Dec: 17th. Sa. Agreed to advance £5000 on Loan to Carlisle the Carliste Railway Co. on the personal Bond Railway of a certain No. of the Directors [pble]. at 6 mo. Co. Notice, at 5 P. Cent Int. - the Money to be ready on the 31st. Inst. Attended a C.T. Meeting, when 30 Pm. was issued for the remainder of the mo. making 75 for the whole mo. Dined at Donkins with Dr. White & Armstrong Dec: 18th. Sunday . At home all the Morning - dined with Mr. Easterby. [B s] Dec: 19th. Monday Viewed the B pit [Dukfd.] Colly. Colliery. Got the new Scaffold for the [ ] laid in the fore Shaft on [Satdy]. And all things prepaired for beginning to Sink [t J] Back Shaft to the Low-main. The Sinking 1836 10 to commence this day. The Sinking Stones to be drawn to bank by the Gin, which will be cheaper than Stowing them below. Mr. Mc. Donnell Called upon Mr. Mc. Donnell at Ravensworth Castle Natural Attended a meeting of the Nat. History History Society, when Professor Johnson of Durham Society delivered a Lecture, on the probable State of Professor the Atmosphere at the different Geological Johnson’s epochs of the Globe. Lecture During the course of his Lecture, he States the mean depth of the Ocean, and the mean height of the Land at 2 miles. That the general Stratification of the Crust of the Earth, was composed of 37½ P. Cent of Oxygen. That 9 Ft. of the Crust of the Earth contains as much Oxygen, as the whole Atmosphere. Iron Stone, and other Substances are Continually absorbing Oxygen from the Atmosphere, and he knows of no Substance except Vegitables which Supply it 2 ths Limestone Contains /5 . of Carbon. A 1836 11 Bed of Limestone 11 Feet thick, contains as much Carbon, as would form a Bed of View Anthracite 4Ft. thick, if Separated. Lumley Pit Dec, 21st. Wed. Viewed the Lumley Pit Hutton Seam this morning with Mr. Crawford – preparatory to advising Mr. Morton, as to the expediency of letting the Colliery, to the Lessees. At Seaham Harbour – the connecting Seaham Branch of Railway to the W. end of the Harbour Dock will be Finished in a Week, or ten days. The Kitchen at the Dock is nearly completed, 40 Kettles are fixed with an Oven in preparation. Mr. Crawford Spent the Afternoon with me on the Lumley Colliery business. th Lumley Colly Dec: 22 . Thursday At Pittington, and Rainton Colls. Had a discussion with Mr. Morton on the letting of Lumley Colliery Messrs. Ste- Dec: 23rd. Friday Had an interview with Messrs. phenson & Stephenson and Morton, at Lambton, on the Morton Called upon Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at Ra- Mr. vensworth Castle, and had a long discussion M ͨ. Donnell with him on Lord Londonderry’s Affairs. A Snow Storm heavy Storm of Snow came this Forenoon 1836 12. Dec: 23 At Billy Purviss Theatre – a poor Concern Mark Scott the Under Viewer at So. Hetton Colly Killed was Killed by Fire, last Sunday Morng. the 18th. Inst. The Walls-end Pitmen Stopped, and de- Stop of the manded that the weight of the Corves should Walls-end be abolished, and that the working by [measure] Pitmen should be restored. That they should have 4 [ ] of Gunpowder allowed to each Man P. Fortn. and their Candles found Dec: 24th. Satdy Got leave of the Commee. to Commee. make up the Short Vend of Walls-end Colly. that meeting might be occasioned by the Stop of the Pitmen to the extent of 500C[h]. this Year, from Washington Dec. 25th. Sunday Had an interview with the Walls- Arrangement end Pitmen this Morng. and reasoned them into the with propriety of returning to their Work tomorrow Walls-end on Condition of the Coves being weighted 2 – ½ days Pitmen in the Fortnight, under the Superintendance of one of themselves, and if the average should exceed 6 [cut.] to paid for the excess Mr. Easterly Dined at Mr. Easterbys’ - The Storm continues un- abated Dec. 26th. Monday At Percy-main, and waited on Messrs. Messrs. Marreeo, and Harrison, relative to the Val- Marreeo & uation of the Quarry, late Fairless on which their Harrison [Dross] Stand for enfranchising the property. The Storm Still Continues 1836 13 Dec: 27th. Tuesday At Newcastle, and Benwell Colly The Edward Pit, was completely finished in the Beau- Benwell mont Seam, last Friday the 23d. Inst. and the materials Colliery were drawn out. The navigation of the River has been Stopped by drift Ice those two days. Dec: 28th. Wednesday Met Mr. Morton at Mr. Morton Newcastle, on the letting of Lumley Colly. Lumley Colly. and on the Sale of [Biddick] and W. Her- rington to Lord Durham Sounded J[erer.] Richardson as to taking Lord Londonderry’s Colly. Accnt. Dec: 29th. Thursday At Percy-main Bill- Percy-main day. The Furnaces in the [Bensham] Seam are near finished. Mr. Dec: 30th. Friday Met Mr. M ͨ. Donnell in M ͨ. Donnell Newcastle, and attended a meetg. At Donkins’ Seaton Coal Office of Messrs. Morton, Philipson, N. Wood, Donkin and Geo. Hunter, on the Seaton Coal Affair. After a long discussion adjourned to next Monday. st Dec: 31 . Saturday. Met Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at Durham Newcastle, waited upon Mr. J. Clayton with Junction him, when Mrs. C. Served him with notice of Railway the Durham Junction Railway Cos. Intention to apply to Parliament for an Act to enable them to make a Branch to Durham which

1836 14 will pass through the Grange Estate. Haswell Co. Attended a Special meeting of the Coal-trade Committee Committee on the question whether the Haswell meeting Co. were entitled to a fresh reference under discussion, the question was decided against them. N.Castle Carlisle & Lent the Carlisle & ^ Railway Co. £5000 on the Newcastle Bond of certain of the Directors, and Subscribers Railway Co. Two Men were Killed by Fire at High-howorth Killed. Colliery, last Monday the 26th. Inst. Dec:

1837 15. st rs Jany. 1 . Sunday Mess . Easterby, Stable & De Carle and Misses Lock, & Gowen dined with us. Seaton Coal Jany. 2d. Monday Met Messrs. Donkin, Morton, N. Wood, and Phillipson at Donkins Office, and arranged the Preliminaries of the Partnership Agent. for the Seaton and other tracts of Coal Mr. Mc Donnell not being able to attend on account of indisposition, I called upon him at Revensworth Castle, on my way to Pensher to inform him of the result of the meeting Jany. 3d. Tueday Mr. Crawford called upon Lumley me this morng. when I finally Settled Colliery the terms for letting Lumley Colliery to the Fatfield Lessees with him. Coal-trade Attended a meeting of the Coal-trade meeting Commee. At Chester – 20 P. m. was issued for the first 15 days of January. [Ino.] Gare, a young Man, Killed in B, Killed Sinking Pit Backworth. He was coming away from a Shot, and a Swing of the rope Carried his head, under the main B[unton] of the Fore- Shaft Scaffold, which pulled him out of the C[orf] and Falling 5 Faths. on his head he was Killed on the Spot Wed. 4th. Jany . At Seaham Harbour, where 27 1837 16. where Scarcely any injury has been done by Seaham the Late Storms. The Danish Galliot the Harbour [Vrow] Margaretta, which was got into the Har- bour on the 26th. Ulto; is not So much injured Danish Ship as was Supposed. Her Rudder & 6 Ff. of her after Keel is injured with other damage of less consequence – it will Cost £150 to Repair her. Her Crew 7 in No. were Fortunately Saved All the Harbour Works are Suspended ‘till the Pits Resume Work. Came to Newcastle in the Evening Northumbd. Jany. 5th. Thursday Attended the Northumbd. Sessions quarter Sessions at the Moot-hall, on the Grand Jury – very little business – on 3 Juds. for felony, and one for a nuisance Jany. 6th. Friday At Newcastle. At Ducrow Ducrow’s Circus in the Evening Friday 6th. Jany. At Newcastle – at Carts’ Concert Carts’ Concert in the Evening. The Snow [wasting] altho’ not a Thaw Jany. 7th. Satay. At Newcastle – An Epide- Influenza mic – a sort of Influenza very general – immence Numbers of people laid up of it. John Charlton & two of the

[Programme – GRAND CONSERT, UNDER THE PATRONADE OF MRS. MAYORESS. MR. RICHARD CARTE, 6th January, 1837.] 1837 17 Servant Girls confined to bed by it. Dec: 8th. Sunday At home all day -- the Servants Still confined to Bed by the Influenza and So many of the Walls-end Pitmen ill of it, that I decided not to Set the Pits to work tomorrow. The Thaw Continues but very gentle. View of Jany. 9th. Monday Viewed the Percy Pit Bensham Percy Pit Seam, where the new Furnaces are quite Finished, with all the necessary communications for changing the Air, and lighting the Furnaces. As Soon as the requisite arrangements in the Main Coal Seam can be completed, the Change of the air will be made Have nearly got all the Hay-hole Waste [drained] Backworth Examined the B Sinking Pit, at Backworth Sinking Pit – is Sunk 7 Fm. below the Main Coal-cast off for walling at 3 fathm. – Shaft 12½ Ft. Diam. in the Clear – have about 9 – ll. Tubs of Thaw Water an hour – A rapid thaw this after- noon – the Snow disappearing very Fast. Jany. 10th. Tueday Went from W.End to Seaham Seaham Hall, to meet Mr. M ͨ. Donnell – went by Shields and . I had difficulty in getting over the Tyne. There was such a Flood in the 1837 18. River from the Rapid thaw of yesterday & Flood last night, that the large Steam Ferry could hardly Stear it even with the Flood-Tide. During the ebb, the Ferry Boat could not cross for 5 hours. It however began to freeze again intensely this Evening. Mr. Spent the Evg. With Mr. M ͨ. Donnell, and M ͨ. Donnell Slept at Seaham Hall Jany. 11th. Wed. Examined Seaham Harbr. Works with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell in the Mg. went round by Rainham Colly. to Pensher Frost in the Afternoon an intense Frost Jany. 12th. Thursday Went to Durham by Rainton Mr. Gregson Colly. Saw Mr. Gregson on the Seaton Coal F.B. Taylor, Agreements. Saw F.B. Taylor, on the Mr. Ward Tentale Rent of the Small Coals at Lanchester Common. Pensher Evening – this day in- tensely Cold Jany. 13th. Friday Spent the day at Pensher Went to N.Castle in the Evening and Dr. Adams attended Dr. Adams’ Lecture on Music, with Lecture on which I was much Pleased. The Weather Music. exceedingly Cold with Strong Northerly Wind Jany. 14th. Saturday at N.Castle attended.


1837 19 C.T. Commee. a C.T. Committee meeting. Met Wm. Anderson Wm. Anderson on the Seaton Coal Agret. – he is to Submit my Seaton Received Proposals to the Several Lesses - without Coal delay. I gave him a plan of the Parcels. Won Ins. Grieveson’s Life Policy for £270 at J. Grieveson a Raffle of 21/- Lot – Presented him with the Life Policy after winning it, for which he was very Policy grateful. Jany. 15th. At home all day – the Servants begin- ing to recover from the Influenza r Carville M . Easterby informed me that he had made up Sale his mind to Sell Carville, and gave me the first offer of it. Jany. 17th. Tuesday Messrs. Brunell and Th. Mr. Brunell Harrison, with Abbs, the attorney called upon Harrison me, this Morning, and looked at the Pensher Mr. M ͨ. Donnell Quarry. Mr. M ͨ. Donnell with Hindhaugh Spent the day at Pensher, examining the Colly. &c. Accots. for 1836. Jany. 18th. Wed: Attended a Meeting of the River Meeting of Wear Commissns. at Sunderland to elect 3 new Commissioners in the Room of Ss. M. Whiler Ridly Commissrs. Dr. Eden and Th. Thompson – all deceased. Sr. M. W. Ridley, Mr. M ͨ. Donnell & Mr. Heny. 1837 20 Johnson were unanimously elected. Jany. 19th. Thursday Rode from Pensher to Anfield Lanchester this morng. to breakfast, and inspected the pro- Common gress of putting the Tub Apparatus into the [St uat] Pit Lanchester Common. Called at Tanfield moor Ben: Arkless has Tanfield-moor been confined to bed of Low Fever for 5 Weeks Benjn. Arkless and Seems Scarcely to be getting any better Returned to Pensher to dinner. The Weather open and mild, but the Snow Wreaths are [still] lying under the Hedges, and in the Lanes. Jany. 20th. Friday Have decided to go to Sauchey [Sauchie] Colliery to view and report on the State Colliery of the Fire, which has broken out afresh in the 9 Ft. Seam there, at the pressing request of the Earl of Mansfield – Went to Walls-end to prepare for my journey Jany. 21st. Satdy At Newcastle – Attended Coal-trade Committee Commee. Meeting – 20 P. m. for remainder of Mo. Meeting making 40 in all issued Dined with Messrs. Morton Morriss & Croudace at the George. Jany. 22 Sunday Set out by the Edinbro’ Mail, this Morng. at ½ Past Two. And arrived at the Black Bull at ½ Past 3 in the Afternoon – just 13 Hours from N.Castle. Spent the Evng. at Dr. Reeds with Mr. Stopwith. Drank Tea, in his Laboratory 1837 21. which is fitted up in the most Complete manner ima- ginable with Furnaces and all Sorts of Chemical ap- Dr. Reeds’ paratus. The Room is both a Laboratory & Lecture Laboratory Room, fitted up upon his own principle Acoustics & altho’ a very large room, you can hear the voice & even a Whisper in every part of it. The Roof is a Frame-work of timber, supported on Brick Pillars, all of which are Chimneys, and answer the purpose of drawing and working his Furnaces. The draft of the furnaces being downwards by undergrod. Flues to the Chimneys carries off all sorts of fumes from the Room. He burn some Naptha on one of the Furnaces, and the fumes from it were so completely carried down that one did not feel them in the least. This is his lecture Room for his practical, or working Class, and he can have 150 Pupils all working at once. The Chemical Compounds and [Apparatus] are painted in large Characturs on the Chimneys so that the Pupils have them continually under their Eye. Slept at the Black Bull Head of Leith Walk. Jany. 23d. Monday. Started by Steamer at Alloa ½ Past ten this Morng. from New Haven & Sauchie arrived at Alloa, at ¼ Past. Proceeded im- Colly. mediately to Sauchie Colliery to view the 1837 22 burning Mine there. Returned to Alloa dined, and Slept there. In Sailing up the Forth, passed the Dart- mouth Frigate, which is anchored there, as a [Lazuetto]. Jany. 24th. Tuesday Left Alloa by the Steamer at ½ Past Seven this Mg. got to New haven at ½ Past Ten, and to Edinbro’ at 11 o ‘ clock Had a Consultation with Mr. Currie [Adeal.] and Benny W.S. Lord Mansfields’ Law- advisers, on the Sauchie Case. Mr. Bald dined with me. Set out for Newcastle in the Highflyer at 4 P.M. Jany. 25th. Wed . Arrived in Newcastle at 6 o ‘ clock this Morning. Went to W.end burning Mine there. Returned to Alloa dined, and Slept there. Dartmouth In Sailing up the Forth, passed the Dart- mouth Frigate, which is anchored there, as a [Lazuetto]. Jany. 24th. Tuesday Left Alloa by the Steamer at ½ Past Seven this Mg. Got to New haven at ½ Past Ten, and to Edinbro’ at 11 o ‘ clock Had a Consultation with Mr. Currie [Adeal.] Sauchie Colly. and Benny W.S. Lord Mansfields’ Law- advisers, on the Sauchie Case. Mr. Bald dined with me. Set out for Newcastle in the Highflyer at 4 P.M. Jany. 25th. Wed . Arrived in Newcastle at 6 o ‘ clock this Morning. Went to W.end to Breakfast. Mrs. Reay’s Jany. 26th. Thursday Attended Mrs. [Ino.] Reay’s Funeral Funeral at Walls-end Church Went to Tanfield-moor, in the Afternoon to The Willie Pit inspect the Willie Pit Shaft, which ran to- Tanfield-moor gether, last Fridy. Evening. Colly. A little bulge in the Timbers, had been ob- served to have taken place near the top of the Shield-row Post, at about 25 Faths. from the Surface, and the Sinkers went to examine and repair it, on the Evening. of the 20th. Inst. they 1837 23 had only just begun to remove some of the Fore- side clading boards, when they were alarmed by the cracking, and renting of the timber above, and called to be drawn away immediately. They had scarcely been 2 minutes out of the Shaft ‘till the sides of the pit gave way a thunderous Crash and the wasting, and falling Continued without interruption ‘till the whole of the timber & walling to the top had all fallen down. The wasting con- tinued all day on Sa. So that there was no chance of getting any Stays in to Support the Sides of the Shaft, and the N.W. Sides of the Shaft having wasted nearly as far as the old Machine-house and being filled up for 40 Fathoms. All that could be done, was to fill up the Shaft to the top, with the Heap Rubbish, to prevent further wasting of the sides. On examining the Situation, I decided on opening out the Shaft again by a Wooden-drop tub. A Gin had been placed on the Dobson Pit, and the Horses had been drawn to bank there Jany. 27th. Friday At home making Calculations of the Cost of the tubbing for the Willie Pit &c. At Newcastle & Spent the Evening at Mr. MacKreths Jany. 28th. Satdy . Let the ridding out of the Willie Pit Shaft, and putting in the Tub, down to the 1837 24. Shield-row Post – about 25 Faths. at £4-10- 0 P Fa. and 20/- P Fa. For Ridding out the remainder of the Shaft – the whole depth being about 80 Fms. Jane Frier’s Jany. 29th. Sunday Attended Jane Fryer’s Funeral at Funeral St. Andrew’s Church Newcastle – She died suddenly last Thursday – aged 50. Jany. 30th. Monday Viewed the Backworth B. Pit – nothing out of the usual course of things Underground. The So. Shaft of this Pit is now Sunk 9¼ Backworth Faths. below the Thill of the Main Coal. At 9 Fms. met with a Parting in the Me[t]al Coal Post, which discharged 30-70 Gallon Tubs of Water P. min. Got the parting Wedged last Sa. Evening, which reduced the quantity of Water to 4 one Tub P. Houre. 5 Men in the Bottom – Stand 4 Hours to the Shaft, at 1/ 10 P. Shift - work 4 Hours in, and 8 out – 2 Shifts in 14 Hours Percy-main At Percy-main in the Afternoon. Afte[rwards] Benwell at Benwell – the Slides for the Tubs are finished in the Shaft – the Waggon-way Incline & Branches in great Forwardness. Attended Mr. Adams’ Lecture on Music in the Evening – much gratified

1837 25 Jany. 31st. Tuesday Went to Pensher this Morng from Newcastle, with [Mr] Hindhaugh in his Car. Feb. 1st. Wed. Attended the Monthly Board at N. Hetton Colliery with Messrs. Morton and Nick. Wood. Temperature, and quantity of Air in the E Pit Pensher Colliery as taken by Ra. Elliott on the 28th of Octr. 1835. Depth of the Pit from the Surface to the Hutton Seam where the Furnace is placed 123 Fms. The Grate Bars of the Furnace 6 Ft. by 5 = 30 [S]up – Feet area. The whole quantity of Air drawn by this Furnace this day was P. Minute 60,660 Cub. Feet The Main Coal, dumb Furnace Delivered into the Shaft at 1800 60 Faths. from the Surface was The Maudlin do. at 90 Ft. 11700 The Hutton Seam do. at 123 Ft. 11660 25,160 Quantity drawn by the burning Furnace. 35,500 The Temperature of the Atmosphere was 47o Ditto within the top of the Pit. 90o At 60 Faths. down, after receiving all the the dumb Furnace Air 103o . and at 90 Faths. down

1837 26 ---- below the main Coal Current, where only mixed with the Maudlin amd Hutton Seam Dumb- Furnace Currents 103o 110o Below the Maudlin at 104 Fms. were only mixed with the Hutton Seam Dumb Furnace Current 135o Within the Furnace Draft 212o Within the Dumb Furnace Draft of the Main Coal ------63 ½o Maudlin 63 Hutton Seam 70

At 60 Fa: down the Shaft just below 110o The Mordlin. Main Coal dumb After receiving the Mordlin Main Coal dumb 103o Draft Current it is Reduced by receiving the Maudlin Main Coal Current 7o of 1800 Cub. Feet At 90 Faths. down the Shaft just below the 135 Maudlin Seam the Temp. was After receiving the Maudlin Current 110 Reduced by the Maudlin Current of 25 11700 Cub. Feet Then 1800 ⁄ 7 = 257 Cub. Feet reduces 1o in Temp. of of Temperature of 135o 1837 27. Feby. 2d. Thursday Met Saml. Coxen at Tanfield Tanfield- moor Colliery, and fixed the plan of proceeding moor to be pursued in re-Sinking the Willie Pit- Shaft. Lanchester At Lanchester Common – the Stewart Pit Common Started work with the Iron Tubs on the 30th. Ulto. last Monday. They answered exceedingly well, but from Johnson & Cargill having made them to hold 28 Pecks instead of 24 the Machine can- not draw them, and both the Hewers and Putters object to use them, Are only putting 20 Pecks into them at Present. Chester Called at the Skinnery at Chester – Mr. Robinson Tannery. Wishes me to raise his dwelling House another Storey which will cost £300. He Seems dis- posed to pay Interest, in additional Rent on this Sum. This may be an inducement to me to lay out the Money. Feb. 3d. Friday Went from Pensher to Benwell, have Benwell Colly got the Iron Tubs tried in the Beaumont Pit – they answer completely. It will require all next Week to finish the Heap-Stead, Branches &c. Attended Mr. Adam’s Lecture on Music – a critique on Haydn’s Creation. Feb. 4th. Saturday At Newcastle. Home in the Evening Feby. 5th. Monday Sunday. At Home. Robt. 1837 28 MacKreth dined with us. Went to An- field in the Evening. Lanchester Feb. 4th. Saturday Viewed the Stuart Pit Lan- Common chester Common. At the Willie Pit Tanfield-moor - have Tanfield-moor got the 1st. Length of the drop Tub built Went to Benwell by [Derwent] Bridge Benwell Axwell Park, and the Chain Bridge. Are getting very well forward with the Wagg ; Way Heap- Stead &c. at the Beaumont Pit. Got to Walls-end to dinner Feby. 7th. Tuesday Attended a Commee. Meeting at Commee. Meetg. Chester – 20 P.m. issued for the 1st. Fortt. of Feby. The time of the Bindings Fixed to be for a Year or Term to end the 5th. Ap. 1838. Pensher in the Evening Seaham Feby. 8th. Wed. At Seaham Harbour – a great Harbour quantity of Sand thrown into the Channel of the outer Harbour by the late Easterly Gales - Cleard out again by loading it into Keels & Carts, and Scouring – the Scouring greatly aided by using Portable [Carcases] Planed so as to form a Jetty to confine the rush of Water from the Sluces into the Channel. Set out a Staith or Depot 1837 29, to hold 1000 Ch. of Coals, in the Space between our Seaham own Railway & [Braddylls’] Harbour The Incline at the W-end of the Dock answers very well – it has laid off 2 Horses and 4 Men Projected an Engine for working the Waggons on the Staith which will lay off the Horses. Decided to lay the railway for conveying the Ballast along the Sea Banks to the So. of the Harbr. with Cast Iron, So as to convey the Ballast with the Saw Mill Engine. It requires 2 Horses to pull one Waggon of Ballast at present. Mr. Dined with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at the Hall, and M ͨ. Donnell Slept there. Feb. 9th. Thursday Came home to W.End from Seahm. by Sunderland and Shields Lanchester Called at the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Office So. Common Colly. Shields, and discussed Sundry matters relative to Lan- chester Common Colly. with Messrs. Harrison & Marreeo Percy-main Called at Percy-main, and discussed Several Points relative to the Colliery with Oliver. Feby. 10th. Friday At Newcastle – Spent Eng. at Mr. Rankins. th Feb. 11 . Satdy. At N.Castle. Called at [N.] Claytons & Co. respecting the Durham Junction Railway Branch thro’ the Grange Estate Sent Mr. M ͨ. Donnell a tracing of the Line to Forward to Lord Londonderry. 1837 30. Feby. 11th. Attended a Coal-trade Commee. Meeting - to discuss the Plan of an indemnity Fund, [agreeing] Commee. Meetg. Combinations of the Pitmen Feb. 12th. Sunday Home Morng. Spent Eveng. with Mr. Easterby. Feb. 13th. Monday Viewed Percy Pit, Main Percy Pit Coal Seam. Are making preparations for a Gin Incline into the Hay-hole Way. Feb. 14th. Tuesday Met Mr. Donnell at Mr. M ͨ. Newcastle, to discuss the Bank Acct. of Donnell Lord L.derry’s Coll[ieries], and other Matters At Pensher in the Evening. At Benwell Colliery in the Morng. where Benwell every thing is ready for commencing Work Colliery in the Beaumont Pit, but the Pitmen de- manded an advance of Price on Sunday Arti[cles] of work. Had a long discussion with them and mad proposals to them, but don’t Know that they will be accepted. Feby. 15th. Wed. At Lanchester Common Lanchester and Tanfield-moor in the morng. Common The Lanchester Common Pits are off work, not having any Ships on The re-opening of the Willie Pit Shaft 1837 31. at Tanfield-moor is going on very well Tanfield- have got 5 fathoms down, including the moor Ou[t]set, in Five Days. The drop-tub Stuck Willie Pit Fast at the Stone-head, at 5 Fathoms, but the work has proceeded very well with Backing Deals Since. Spent the Afternoon in the Pensher Office, with J. Thorman, in revising and adjusting the valuation of Lord London- derry’s Colliery Stock. Mr. Feb. 16th. Thursday Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at Pensher & rode M ͨ. Donnell round the Works. Visited thje Quarry, the White- field Pit, the Junction Railway Bridge over the Wear, Pensher Staiths. Chil[t]on moor Office, the Meadow’s Pit Reeds & Rutherford’s farms, the Grange, B[e]lmont, Broomside Pits, the Buddle, Londonderry, Adolphus and Alexandrina Pits. The Several railway Engines and Benridge Incline &c. Feb. 17th. Friday Mey Mr. Jns. Turner at E. Edmonsley Edmonsley this Forenoon, and examined the Estate, with a view Estate to advise the Proprietors as to the letting of the Coal. Attended a meeting of the indemnity Fund Committee at the C.Trade Office in the Afternoon Feb. 18th. Satdy At Newcastle. Met the Has- Haswell Co. well Co. and got the Point about [pmt.] for 1837 32. [teeming] their Coals at Seaham Settled - they Pay 1½ P. Ch. Saw Wm. Anderson on the Seaton Coal affair Seaton Coal Saw Mr. Anderson on the Seaton Coal affair Mr. Brough Wd. Rather let to D.L. than any one else, but won’t take less than 30/- P. acre [custom] Rent 22/ 6 P. Ten for Hutton Seam, and 20/- for the Main Coal. If Lord L. won’t give this Mr. Greenwell is to go to London to endeavour to let to a joint Stock Co. I told Mr. Anderson he should have an Ansr. This day Week, Saw Donkin, Morton N Wood & Phillipson on this matter- they don’t think any harm will result from leaving Brough to take his own course, but we are to see each other again on the subject next Friday. Attended a meeting of the Commee. On the Indemnity Fund business, and made progress. Commee. Meetg. The Commee. Spend 30/- P. m. for the re- mainder of the Mo. Making 60 for the Mo. Feb. 19th. Sunday At home – a very stormy day Backworth Feb. 20th. Monday Spent the morning at Backworth with Messrs. H. & Th. Taylor M. Townley Dined at Loughs with the Small Coal Custom[ers] Dinner Party of the Townley-main Colly. The [Owners] giving 1837 33. the trust. Pr[esent] Mr. A. Patterson the Chair – self at bottom, Messrs. Th. Hall, A. N[ailsel] Donkin W. Fryer, Armstrong, Ridley, Stable, C Fryer Archbold, Stanley, Nat. Grace, Hankes [J] Bell New Theatre The new Theatre at Newcastle was opened this Evg. Opened with the Tragedy of Othello went in late the house quite full. It is the most elegant Theatre I ever saw. Benwell Feb. 21st. Tuesday Viewed the Beaumont Pit Benwell Colliery At Tanfield Moor in the Tanfield-moor Evening – the [Willie] Pit [ridded] out 17 Fath. Slops at Anfield. Lanchester Feb. 22 Wed Viewed the So. Pit Lanchester Com- Common mon – home Afternoon Howdon Pit Feb y. 23rd. Thursday Viewed the Howdon Pits Walls-end Pay-day. A very stormy day Meeting of Feby. 24th. Friday Attended a meeting of the the Directors Stanhope & Tyne Railway Directors, and the of the Brandling Junction Railway Directors, at Stanhope & Mr. A. Donkins’ Office – present Tyne: And Mr. W. Harriso For the Stanhope & r the Brandling M . Marreeo Tyne Co. Railway Mr. Th. Harrison Directors Mr. R.W. Brandling For the Brand- – – – Nick. Wood ling [Junction] – – – A. Donkin The object of the meeting was to settle the 1837 34. terms on which the Brandling Co. were to be accommodated with the use of the Stanhope Line, From a certain point, to So. Shields, and for the use of Spouts or Drops for the Shipment of Coals. And likewise the Sum terms on which the Brandling Co. were to give the Stanhope Co. a Similar accommo- dation for the Shipment of Coals, at the Wearmouth Docks. The Parties had previously agreed upon the Principle of this mutual plan of accommodation, and the present meeting was held for the purpose of Settling the details. After some time had been Spent in dis- cussion, it was discovered that a great mis- understanding existed between the Parties, as to the Principle of the Plan The Brandling Co. understanding that they were not to be bound to make use of the Stanhope Line and Spouts for any definite period, and that they were at liberty, at any time, to lay their own line, and quit the Stanhope Co. The Stanhope Co. on the other hand un- derstood, that the Brandling Co. were to Continue to use their Line, so long as they 1837 35 Feb. 24th. could afford them all the accomodation they required. On this being explained the Parties Separated without coming to an understanding. Met Messrs. Donkin Morton N. Wood & Seaton Coal Phillipson, at Donkins’ Office, on the Seaton Coal affair. Messrs. Brough’s, & Thompson having declined to confirm the Agreement for theirpar- cels. On looking at the Plan of the Grounds it was agreed that Thompson’s was the most important as a Key Piece to the rest, and there- fore ought to be Screened, in which case the others were of no importance; and I was authorizes to endeavour to take it. The Partnership Deed [agret.] for the Seaton Coal was put into Regular form, and it was proposed to have a meeting with Mr. Mc. Donnell next Wed: to get the business final- ly Settled. Spent the Evening at MacKreths’ Feb. 25th. Satdy Mr. Wm. Anderson called upon me to receive my Ansr. Respecting Broughs’ and Thompson’s Parcels of Seaton Coal. He in- formed me that Broughs were under Agreet. with The Pemberton Thompson’s Exr. Not to let their Coal Separately from his, and that they had Not, therefore, take less than the terms they had demanded. I told him that I Should not de- part from the offer I had made, and that 1837 36 I should give them ‘till May to consider of it, but that if they did not accept it against that time I should consider the negotiation at an end. Indemnity Attended a meeting of the Indemnity Fund Com- Fund mittee, when the Rules of the Society were finally agre- ed upon – to be submitted to the Trade. Baker and Discounted Baker and Nesham’s Bill for £1000 Nesham’s Bill at 2 years from the 21st. Feby. r Agreed with A. Potter & J. Hall to take M . Stella [Jurneley’s Freehold Coal at Stella at £100 a year Freehold Coals certain Rent. Feby. 26th. Sunday At home Mr. Easterby, De- Dinner Party Carle, Th. Burnet, Miss Lock & Miss Gowan dined with us. Feby. 27th. Monday Viewed Backworth B. Pit Backworth The New N.W. Rolly-way Cross-cut is in Sinking Pit grand forwardness. The B Pit is Sunk nearly 17 Faths. below the Main Coal - got the Stone Coal at 16½ Fm. below the main Coal – it is 19 In. thick, very Coarse Coal & Slaty next the bottom Went to Pensher in the Afternoon. Fixed with Mr. J.T. Carr in going through Newcastle to hold the board of inquiry at Seaham Harbr. next Friday. The Benwell Pitmen Struck 1837 37, this morng. and insisted on having the Tubs cut down to 20 Pecks. Strike Measure Mr. M ͨ. Feby. 28th. Tuesday Mr. M ͨ. Donnell and Donnell Hindhaugh at Pensher, when the Colliery Books for the year were balanced, and the balance Sheet Signed for 1836 Seaton Coal March 1st. Wed. Went to Chester with Mr. Mc. Donnell to meet Messrs. Morton, Phillipson & N. Wood when the Partnership Ageet. For the Seaton Coal was finally Agreed to and Signed. And the Dft. of the Agreet. for the Shipment of the N. Hetton Coals at Seaham was also Settled. Meeting of Attended a Meeting of Viewers at Chester, to Viewers compare, and [equilize] the hewing Prices of the Several Wear Collieries. Mar 2d. Thursday Rode round by Rainton and Mr. N. Hetton Colliery to Seaham Harbour, and M ͨ. Donnell examined the Works there. Went to Seaham Hall to meet Mr. M ͨ. Donnell – dined and stayed there all night. Seaham Mar. 3d. Friday Messrs. John Thos. Carr & Thos. Harbour Smith Brethren of the Newcastle Trinity Ho. attended to investigate the System of Managt. Pursued at Seaham Harbour, and to report thereon. Messrs. Th. Bell & Son, Robinson, [Waus] Davidson, and Lee attended to give information on the Subject. Went to Newcastle in the 1837 38, Evening in a Post Chaise with Messrs. Carr & Smith Meeting of Mar. 4th. Saturday Attended a meeting of the Magistrates Magistrates at the Moot-hall, on the Summons from the Benwell Pitmen relative to the Size of the Caves – beat them upon the Conditions of the Bond. Attended Meeting of Coal-Trade Commee. Indemnity when the Rules of the Indemnity Fund were Fund. finally Settled ready to be Submitted to a meeting of the Colly. Representatives Mr. W. Anderson called upon me to r r M . Anderson ask from M . Brough if I would give Seaton Coal an Offer to the Seaton Coal Props. jointly to hold ‘till May next. I told him if I gave them a joint Offer I would only give them Fourteen days to Consider of it. Mar. 5th. Sunday Dined with Mr. Easterby, and set Mr. Easterby out from N.Castle at 8 o ‘ clock P.M. in the Hero for Harrogate. March 6th. Monday Arrived at Harrogate this Harrowgate Morng. with Messrs. W. Gregor & Inc. Daglish. Went to the Crown Inn Low Harrowgate, to investigate the nature of the Mineral Wells there, to enable me to give evidence for Thackerray the Proprietor of 1837 39. the Crown Inn in defending an action brot. against him by all the other Innkeepers, to prevent him from Harrogate using the Sulphur Waters from a Well which he has Sunk in his own Premises, on the plea that it will take the Water from the Public Sulphur Well. I met the following Parties, who are to give evidence for the Defendent, at Thackerray’s [‘ro] Dr. Clanny of Sunderland Dr. Harrlon Leeds Mr. W. Gregor Newcastle Mr. White Chemist, Leeds Mr. Williamson Curator of Mr. Sopwith the Nat. His. Society Manchester Messrs. Porter Solicitors for Thackerray. Mar. 7th. Tuesday Proceeded with the above Parties in the object of our Investigation. Set out by the Hero, on my Return, at 9 o ‘ clock P.M. Mar. 8th. Wed. Arrived at Newcastle at ½ Past Six this Morng. Mr. Mar. 9th. Thursday Went to Pensher this Morng. M ͨ. Donnell and returned in the Afternoon by Ravensworth Castle to See Mr. M ͨ. Donnell, and confer with him on Lord Londonderry’s Affairs. Home in the Evening Mar. 10th. Friday At Percy-main Morng. and Newcastle Afternoon Mar.11th. Sa. Met the Backworth Co. to consider 1837 40. a proposition made by Wm. Clark Esq. That the Mrs. Bates’ Backth. Hotspur & Holywell Co’s should write Coal in taking Mrs. bates’ Coal at Holywell, that Project for Clonnells’ Coal taken by the Holywell Co. should a new Coal be attached to it, and that the two Royalties Co. and should be won and [wrot.] as a Separate & Colliery independent Colliery. To be carried on by the three Parties in equal Shares as a joint concern. The Backworth Co. to drain the Colly. if their Engines should be found Sufficient for the purpose, and to lead and Ship the Coals on terms to be agreed upon. Mr. Clark has the refusal of Mrs. bates’ Coal until the 18th. Inst. and pledges himself that the terms of Way-leave & from the Duke shall be Satisfactory; otherwise the Parties shall not be bound to accept them. It was finally agreed by Mr. Lamb on the part of the Backworth Co. & Messrs. Pl[ummer], T. Taylor & Self for Holywell to accept this proposition, and we Signed an application to the Duke for Way-leave accordingly. The Dukes’ object in promoting this plan is to quash the N.Shield and Morpeth Railway Scheme.

1837 41. Mar. 11th. Attended a meeting of the C.T. Commee. discuss C.T. Comm the Subject of the ensuing Binding of the Pitmen Meeting which is to take place this day Week. The Benwell pitmen went to work last monday Benwell in consequence of the decision of the Magistrates Pitmen but they are very Sulky, and awkward. Mar. 12th. Sunday Dined with Mr. Sopworth and Start in the Hero for Thirsk on our Way to York Assize to give Evidence In the Cause, the King v. Thackerray. York Mar. 13th. Monday Arrived at Thirsk at 3 o ‘ clock this Morng. Went to bed ‘till Thackerrays ½ Past Seven – breakfasted and proceeded to Case York in a Post Chaise. Spent the Afternoon in discussing the Harrogate Well case, with Messrs. Powell Thackerray’s Solrs. and attended a Consultation in the Evening with Messrs. Cresswell, Alexander, Wightman & Gregery Lewins; at Cresswells’ Lodgings. Mar. 14th. Tuesday Went into Court this Morng. when after the Plnffs. Council Had opened the Case, a Compromise was Agreed upon without any Witnesses being Examined. The Well No. 5 Sunk by Thackerray 1837 42. is to be opened to the Public - Thackerray having as one of the Public, the Free use of it. But the Pump is to be locked from 6 o ‘ clock at night, and to be opened at Six in the Morning. Botanical Visited the Botanical Garden, the Obser- Garden vatory, and the Museum, with Professor Phillips, Johnson, & Daniel, and Drs. Dalton and Smith, Messrs. Sopwith, W. Gregor & Transit Daglish. Observed the transit of the Sun of the over the Meridian, with the transit Inst. in Sun. The Observatory. The Specimens, in every department of Nat.-Hist. In the Museum Are well arranged and in excellent K[ ] Skeletons and condition. The Skeletons of Birds from of Birds the Emus to the Humming Bird, are the most Perfect of any thing of the Kind, I ever Saw. They prepared by a person in York, after a particular method of his own. Started from York by Wellington at 3 P.M. - and arrived at Chester at Eleven 1837 43 Slept at Chester, and went to Pensher New Ships on the Morng. of the 15th. to be Spence called upon me, and recommended Purchased me to buy a new Ship, which will be finishd at Sunderland in Six Weeks, of about 16 Keels Burden. The Cost of the Hull will be from £1730 to £1750, and the out-fit £700 more making £2450 in all – Cash Payment. This he considers a cheap purchase, and at the present for the Shipping is very good, at present I decided to purchase this Vessel. General Mar. 16th. Thursday Attended a general meeting of the Meeting of Coal-trade Representatives at N.Castle, when the Colly. Repre- Indemnity Fund Regulations were read, and generally sentatives approved, and about half the Number of Reps. Signed Indemnity them – the remainder requested to have a more de- Fund. liberated perusal of the Articles not having seen them before. Binding The Viewers of the Sevl. Collieries attended when Regulations the rules & regulations for the Binding of the Pit- Settled men, and the amendment of Prices to be made at certain Collieries were finally settled and agreed upon. Mar. 17th. Friday Mr. Foord dined with me 1837 44 at Walls-end. Went with him to Newcastle Dr. Jay. in the Evening. Spent the Evening at Thos. Burnets – a Quartett Party with Dr. Jay & his Son. Dr. jay is a most Finished Violin player, and plays Pl[eyels] Mu- sic better than any person I ever heard – He was taught to play it by Pleyel himself Binding March 18th. Saturday The Binding was called & the following Collieries bound their Men. Backworth Percy-main, Wellington, Heaton, Elswick, Benwell, Wal- bottle, Sh-Hill, Washington, , , So. Shields (half Compd.) No. Shields, Pensher, Hetton, No. Hetton and Belmont. The Men at the rest of the Colls. Stood off for the terms they had demanded. Dined with Donkin, at March 19th. Sunday At home March 20th. Monday Viewed Holywell Colliery Holywell The Pitmen have not bound altho’ they have been Colly. offered 3d. P.m. advance on the hewing, but they make a Shew of holding out for their full demands [whi] are exorbitant, and cannot be complied with. Backworth Called at Backworth where matters are in pre- Colly. paration for putting the new Brass working Barrel into the Low Set of the New Engine.

[Insert] 44a Outfit of a Vessel of about 2[25] Tons. Blocks Masts & Spars Ft Diamr. Mast head Sin Dbl Thr Size Ft - ins. 6 6 - 11½ Bushea Blocks Main Mast ------56. 0 16½ 8. 6 - - 1 11 Do. Fau Do. ------54. 0 16½ 8. 6 6 10½ Do. Main & Fore Topmast ------31. 0 10 4. 4 1 2 10 Do. Main & Fore Top Gt. mast 15. 0 6 12 9½ Do. Main & Fore Royal mast 10. 0 o Yard arm 16 8½ D . Main & Fore Yards 40. 0 10½ 2. 6 4 4 8 Do. Main & Fore Top Sl. Yds. 32. 0 8 2. - 7 7½ Do. Main & Fore Top Gallt. Yds. 17. - 5½ 1. 6 12 6½ Do. Main & Fore Royal Yds. 33. - 4 1. 14 6 6 Do. Bowsprit ------30. 0 17½ 5 Thick 11 Do. Gibboam ------36. - 9 1 Do. 9 Do. Main Boam ------36. - 9 4 Do. 8½ Do. Gaff ------28. - 7 2 Do. 8 Do. Tray sail Mast 8½ 5 Do. 7 Do. 3 Topmast Studding Sail Boams. 24 - - 6 Wood Pinned Blocks. 3 Top Gallant Studding Sail Boams 24 12 - 5½ Do. 1 Lower Studding Sail Boam 30 6 5 Do. 7 Studding Sail Yards 2 - 11 S[leacts] 1 Martingale 24 8 Dead Eyes for Shrouds 2 Pumps. 2 Pump Brakes {&Backstays 3 Spear & 3 Lower Boxes ------2 - - 7 Do. for Bobtays 4 Pair Oars 12 Handspikes 6 - - 6 Do. - Boats Lashings 8 Capstan Bars – 66 Belaying Pins 12 Mast Stoups – 36 Hanks – 24 Trucks. 2 Trucks & Mast Heads. 3 Serving Mallets 1 L[a]g Reel. 2 L[a]g Ships 1 Deep Sea Lead Reel Tops – Caps Crosstees Stearing Wheel. Catstea[n] Sheares Sheaves for Chocks,Clam[sses] & Boats Davits.------[Insert] 44b Sails 1 Square Main Sail 1 paint Chest 16 Pots 6 Water Casks 2 Fore Sails 2 Two gallon Oil Barrles 2 Beef Tubs 1 Funnel 1 Tray Sails 1 Oil Lamp 1 Cabin Bell 1 [Steek] Tub 1 Draw Bucket 2 Top Sails 1 Speaking Trumpet 1 Fog Horn 4 Pails 1 Anchor Buoy 2 Top Gallant Sails 1 deep Sea Lead 28lbs. 1 Kiage Buoy 4 Kitts 1 Main Stay Sail 1 Hand --- Do. ----10 --”-- 3 Beer Casks 2 Fore Topmast Stay Sails 1 Bread Basket 1 Doz Plates 1 Doz Sauh Plates 1 Jib Mustard Pepper & Salt Pots (1 each 4 Cover Dishes 4 Jugs. -- 1 Lawer Studding Sail 1 Metal Tea Pot 12 Cups & Saucers 6 large Dishes 2 Topmast Do. Do. 1 Tinder Box & Steel 2 Pie Dishes 1 Butter Boat 2 Top Gallt. Do. Do. 1 Copper Tea Viettle 4 Basins 1 Wash hand Basin 2 Royals 2 Paint Scrubbers 2 Deck Do. 6 Tumblers. --- 1 Suit Tarpaulings 2 Long & 2 Short Tar Brushes 1 Do. Mast Coats 4 Paint Brushes Standing & Running Rigging 1 Ensign 1Jack. ½ Doz Knives & Forks According to Club Rules. -- Boats. ½ -”- each Table & Tea Chain Cables & Anchor according Spoons 1 Long Boat Half Deck Stove Funnel & Pan to Lloyds. ------1 Skiff – – -- Set of Fire Irons 1 Towline 1 Boats Davit. ---- 4 Scrapers 4 Pa[n]locks 2 Warps. -- Sundries 1 Cabin Brush 1 C[oo]ks Axe Brass Stove. Copper Tunnel & Pan 1 Cork Screw 2 Brass Bin Tahs 1 black Tin Copper Pot 1 Frying Pan 1 Grid iron 1 Sugar Box & Cannistres 10 Ballast Shovels 1 Black Jack 1 Ale Funnel 4 Coal Do. -- 1 Japanned Candlestick & Snuffers 1 Pitch Kettle – 2 Maps 1 Sea Pie Pan Lead Privys 1 Tin Sauce Pan 1 Brass Campass 1 Black Tin Soup Tureen & Ladle 2 Wood Do. 1 Candle Box 1 Two [ ]om’s Glass 1 Signal Lunthorn 1 Storm Do. Cooks Do. 2 Log Glasses 1 Double Tin Baking Pan 1 Ships [Skirt]. 1 Tin Dipper 1 Copper Binnacle Candlestick & [Saueall] 1 Cork Fender 1 Bread Locker Tinned 1 Gridiron 1 Frying Pan 1 Copper Mill Stove Berth tinned 3ft [auh] 1837 45. Mar: 21st. Tuesday At Elwick Colly. Got all the Pitmen Elswick Colly bound last Saturday, without any further advance of Price The State of the old Engine Pit is not found to be so bad aon examination as was apprehended. Benwell Colly. Met Mr. Surtees at Benwell. Got the full complement of Pitmen bound on Satdy. At the price offered, but up- wards of 20 of the old Men leave, and their places are supplied by fresh Men from other Collieries. Mar. 22d. Wed. At Sunderland – examined the new Ship New Ship which I have bought at [P]etrice’s Slip. She is to be ready to launch the last Springs in April, or the First in May - she is to be about 225 Tons meast. and calculated to carry 16 Keels of Coals. The Annexed list of articles for her out fit was Furnished by Mr. W. R[eory] of Walker. Attended a Commission Meeting. The N. Dock Co. Meeting are about to make the entrance into the Dock thro’ The River the N. Pier, and wish the Commee. at the same Harbour Com- time to repair the^N. Pier. this their Funds won’t missioners afford, and at the Same time complete the head of the N. Pier, which is essential to the Safety of the new part of that Pier, and of the harbour After much discussion it was resolved that the Admirality Should be applied to to Send one of their Engineers to report as to the probable effect which this proposed enterance into the dock may produce on on the N, Pier as well as on the Harbour before 1837 46. they can decide the question proposed by the Dock Co. that they Should repair the that part of the N. Pier where the enterance into the Dock is to be made. Meeting on Had a meeting with Messrs. Morton, Phillipson the price of Spence, Carr, and Shevill relative to the price of the Oversea Coals Oversea Coals. Adjourned ‘till next Sa. Mar: 22d. Thursday Viewed Percy Pit, in the Percy-main Main Coal, and Bensham Seam. Bound the No. Bound following Numbers last Sa. viz. Hewers 122, Headmen 45, Half-marrows 20, Foals 19, Rolly- drivers 56, Backmen 9, Onsetters 6. Robt. Brown committed Suicide by hanging Suicide himself in his neck handkerchief from the Bed-post in his Lodging Room at the Turf Hotel N.Castle. He arrived from London by the Wellington the Evg. Before & went to his Lodging Room at 12 o ‘ clock. he was not discovered ‘till 2 o ‘ clock on Sa Afternoon Mar: 24th. Friday At home all day - went Mr. Cubitt To Newcastle in the Evening – Called upon Mr. Cubitt the Engineer who has come to Survey the River by desire of the Cor- poration Mar. 25. Saturday The Honble James Bruce 1837 47. Lord Elgins 2d Son, Spent the Morng. with me The Honble. in discussing the Affairs of his fathers’ Collys James and in looking at our mode of Shipping Coals Bruce &c. Mar: 25th. Saturday Spent the day at Newcastle on general Business – dined with Donkin & home in Evening. Messrs. Cubitt Mar: 26th. Sunday Messrs. Cubitt & Sopwith and Breakfasted with me & Spent the Morng. Sopwith Sopwith dined with me. Mar: 27th. Monday Viewed Backworth B. Pit, and found every thing going on well View The Pit is Sunk 25⅓ Faths. below the Main Backworth Colly. Coal, without any increase of Water. Have got the new Brass Working Barrel put into the low Set of the Old Engine New The Engine was Stopped last Satdy. Morning at Working 8 o ‘ clock, the Barrel was put in, and in the Barrell Engine Started again at 3 o ‘ clock yesterday being a Stop of only 31 hours. The length of this Set is 40 Fm. The whole Pumping was lifted by the following purchase viz. Two apparatus Levers 12- to1, placed under the Flanges at the For Sinking Seam, the Main Cr[ab], and 3 Pair of 5 fold Pit Blocks – the whole weight lifted was about 25 Tons. The Set is Shortened at the Bottom 18Ft. 1837 48. but can still draw the Water down <20 Ft. below> the thill of the Seam, and below the (^ low) Clack Door of the New Engine. Exd. and approved Mr. Hawthorns’ Plan Of applying the pumping an apparatus to the New machine Engine, at the B Pit, for Winning the Low-main Seam [Pumping apparatus Diagram]

View Mar. 28th. Tuesday Viewed Medomsley Colliery Medomsley At Tanfield-moor – the Willie Pit Shaft is now ridded out and repaired down to the Tanfield Shield Row Seam 36½ Faths. moor Have got an Air Course established be- tween the Engine Pit, and the Dobs[oneerl.] has enabled them to go down the latter to lead the Water out of the Westerlea boring Boards, and will Shortly enable them to get to the bottom of the Willie pit, to rid away No. Hetton the rubbish. Colliery Mar: 29th. Wed. Attended the meeting 1837 49 of the N. Hetton Colly. Board at . Mar. 30th. Thursday Went over the Durham Junc- Durham tion line of Railway, with Mr. T.E. Harrison the Junction Engineer, from Pensher to Moorsley, to enable me Railway to answer certain queries put by the Directors as to the expediency of finishing the Line from Rainton Meadows (foot of Benridge Plane) to Moorsley &c. At Seaham Harbour inspecting the works Church Leases there – the Earth-works for the 1st. Division of the Staith in the Co. is in considerable progress. of Mar. 31st. Friday Met Messrs. Morton, H. Taylor Durham And Donkin at Donkins’ Office to discuss the affair of the Church Leases, now under the Consn. of Parliament. We agreed that the Land [e]nd mine Leases Should form distinct Subjects [open-] Sideration, and drew up certain memoranda for further discussion. Mrs. Storey Called at Mrs. Rankins and offered the Hooker- Gate House, as a residence for Mrs. Storey - the Misses Rankin will communicate with Mrs. Storey on the Subject. Literary and Attended a meeting of the Literary and Philosopl. Scientific Society in the Evening. Mr. G.C. Alkinson gave Society a discourse on the Manufactory of Iron by the hot Air Blast. And Wm. Hutton exhibited and 1837 50. described a great many Specimens of Iron Ore and also some Specimens of Meteoric Iron April 1st. Satdy. Attended a meetg. of the Coal T. Coal-trade Committee, on the Subject of Harbour Bills Committee now before Parliament viz. Meeting Burlington Pier, Scarbrough, Lowstoff, and . The promoters of those Bills wish Harbour to impose a passing toll of ¼ ‘ P. Ch. of 58 cnt. Tolls to be on all Coals Shipped from the Tyne, Sunderland Resisted and Seaham. The Tyne Vend may be Stated at – Annually ------700,000 Ch Sunderland & Seaham ------500,000 1,200,000 which at ¼d P. Ch. is for each Harbr. £1250 P. Anr. for the 4 Harbours £4800 Say £5000 Alderman Woods’ Bill, too for the in- Tax on Coals provements of the City, proposes to tax the im- for City im- Port of Coals, into London at 6d P. ton. which provements on 2,300,000 Tons amounts to £57500 Annly. to be resisted It was resolved to appear all those Impositions and Mr. Jno. Gregson, was written to, to keep his eye upon the Bills, and to confer with the Coal-owner Members of the two houses as to the best mode to be pursued for that purpose. The Issue for the 1st. [Frobt.] was given out at 30 P.m. on the Basis. 1837 51 Ap. 2d. Sunday Went to Pensher this Afternoon Ap. 3d. Monday Went to Durham this Morng. with Byers-green Mr. Morton, to breakfast. At the request of Mr. Branch of Davison, to examine the State of the Byers-green the Clarence Branch of the , to be enable us to Railway give evidence by the Act of Parliament. Proceeded to the W.end of the Line, near Old Park, with Messrs. Morton, Ins. Thorman, Wm. Hawthorn, and Laverick Mr. Davidson’s Clerk to examine the Line. Travelled along the whole length of the line about 4½ miles from Old Park to its’ Junctn. with the Clarence Line at Thrislington, on Foot. Found the Line in an Unfinished and inefficient State in every respect. The Day was very Stormy – a gale of Wind and Snow – drift from the N.E. all day Slept at Durham. Ap: 4th. Tuesday Waited in Court ‘till 2 o ‘ clock in expectation of being called to give evidence before the Bench of Magistrates, but was not called. The Railway Co. not having moved the Court to prove that the Branch was com- pleted, according to the Act of Parliament The Chairman of the Magistrates, said that 1837 52 matter must Stand over ‘till next Session & we were discharged. Returned to Walls- end in the Evening. April 5th. Wed. went to breakfast with Th. W. Townley Hall at Stella this Morng. Proceeded to W. Colly. Townley Colly. and then to Jas. Halls’ at Stella Grand Greenside, to confer with him on the Affairs Lease of Stella Grand Lease Colliery. Called at Benwell Colliery – all well April 6th. Thursday Met Messrs. Donkin, Morton Church and H.Taylor, at Donkins’ Office, on the Leases Subject of the Church Colly. Leases in the Co. of Durham. Donkin Submitted the Dft. of a paper, which was revised and approved and it was agreed that Donkin & Morton Shd. proceed to London on the 9th. to lay this Statement before Lord Howick, Mr. Spring Rice and other Members of the Governt. We came to the Conclusion, that the Colly. Lease-holds, had best remain, in their pre- sent State, in the Possession of the Church or in the hands of Commissioners – renewable as at Present – or to be Sold to the Lessees in possession, they having the option of 1837 53 purchasing. The Way-leaves to remain in the Possession of the Church, or in the hands of Commissioners Comte Le Comte de St. Aldegonde, a French Officer Aldegonde of Engineers and a Genl. in the Russian Service. was at Newcastle – he came from Lambton with Mr. Morton, having a Letter of introduction from Lord Durham, and he also brought a Letter to me from Lord Londonderry He was out Seeing Hawthorn’s Engine Manufactory, the Glass-houses &c. and I did not See him, but he is represented as a very intelligent Man. Theatre Ap: 7th. Friday At home all the morng. The Mayoress’ At Newcastle in the Eveng. and at Bespeak. the Theatre, it being the Mayoress’ be speak. The Play, the School for Scandal - the Farce, “No Song, no Supper”. Commee. Ap: 8th. Saturday Attended a C.T. Commee. meeting meeting, on the Haswell reference affair Made an Offer on behalf of the W. Townley Stella Co. to Mr. Towneley, thro’ James Hall for Freehold Coal the Stella Freehold Coal. Term 31 Years from July next Certain Rent £150 and Tentale 17/- – 440 Bolls – to be at liberty to give up any year after the 3d on 5 giving 12 Mo. notice to prove the /4 and 1837 54 and Stone Coal Seams within the 1st. 4 years, and to pay £50 P. Ann for the [Qurry] and premises at including the old Matting. Le Comt The Chevalier Comt de Aldegond called Aldegond upon me with a Letter from Lord Lon- donderry, dated St. Petersburgh 19 24th. Dec. 1836. He is a very intelligent Man, and is travelling in to obtain info- mation respecting Iron & Coal Works, Machinery &c. He is employed by the Russian Governt. to explore the Southern Provences of Siberia for Coal. He is about to return to Russia, but means to visit this Country again at a future opportunity. Sunday 9th. Ap. Mr. Wm. Hutton dined with me Holywell April 10th. Monday At Holywell Colliery, Colliery the Pitmen bound last Thursday, and Started Work this morning. Backworth Down the Sinking Pit at Backworth Sinking Pit Have got the Yard Coal at 28 Faths. Yard Coal below the Main Coal. The Seam is only 2 F. 3 In. - to 2 F. 5 In. thick, with 2 In - of Black Stone at the Bottom. The 1837 55 Coal is hard, and looks coarse with chang. Scare Bands but burns briskly, Makes a hot Fire, and a good Cinder – leaves a reddish brown Ash. On Sa. last, in Starting a New Engine on Killed The Hartlepool Railway, the Boiler burst by which one Man in endeavouring to escape, was caught by the Rope, and was carried on to the Drum, where he was Crushed to death by the rope lapping upon him. Other two were So Severely Scalded that the died Soon afterwards. St. Robin. the chief Engineer had a very narrow escape. North Ap. 11th. Tueday Occupied in making the Pittington Preparatory Estimates for the renewal Colly. of the Lease of N. Pittington Colly. At Rainton Colly. inspecting the works - Rainton the Waggon-way Engine at the Back Lane Colliery for working the Pittington Line to the head of the Benridge Incline is a nice Machn. and works remarkably well. Went to Hetton Colliery to see the 1837 56 of drawing 3 – 20 Peck Sheet Iron Tubs Hetton one above the other in the Same Cage. Colliery It promises to answer completely - and Drawing the mode of adjusting the Cage, at the Coals in bottom, to receive the full Tubs by a 3 Sheet Iron Water Balance, continued by Gair the Tubs on one Engineer, is very Simple, and ingenious Cage. The Iron Cage which carries the 3 Tubs weighs 17 Cwt. the tubs carry 25 Pecks or 8 Cw. of Coals, and weigh 2½ Cwt. each. Seaham Ap. 13th. Thursday At Seaham Harbour - Harbour Got the Sill for the new Booms laid in the entrance into the N Basin last Springs, and the making of the Booms is in considerable forwardness. The removal of the Earth for the 1st. division of the Staith is nearly finished. Meeting of Ap. 14th. Friday Met Messrs. H. Taylor and Special Com. Phillipson at the C.trade Office to revise mee. as to the and Settle the 14th. Article in the C.trade Power of Regulation Rules, as to the power of ap- appeal by peal by Individuals individual Ap. 15th. Saturday Attended a meeting at Mr. Colls. Claytons’ Office on the Subject of the Lanchester 1837 57 Lanchester Fell Common Colly. reference – Present Messrs. Clayton Colly.Reference Phillipson. Th. Bell (as umpire) Marreeo, Ed. Smith and James Harrison. Mr. Met Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at the Queens head M ͨ. Donnell on his way from Ireland to Seaham. Petition Signed the Coal-owner’s Petition against Al- against Aldn. derman Woods’ Bill for imposing a duty of Woods Bill 6 P. ton on all Coals imported into London to Stella defray the expence of his projected improvemt. Freehold Coal. Closed the Agreet. with Jas. Hall for Mr. Towneley’s Stella Freehold Coal. Mr. M ͨ. Ap. 16th. Sunday Met Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at Donnell Seaham Hall, to discuss Lord L--’s trust Snow Storms affairs. A very Stormy Day and heavy fall of Snow Ap: 17th. Monday Spent the morning with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell at Seaham, and returned to W.End in the Afternoon Ap. 18th. Thursday Viewed the G Pit W.End View of G Bensham Seam. Is working entirely in the Pit Walls - Whole, in the N.W. way, between the former End. Workings of the A Pit, and those of the C. The Ventilation is powerful and clean are working with Candles. It is not ne- cessary to use Board-end Doors. The whole of the relinquished Districts Where the Pillars have been wrought are 1837 58 Shut off from the present Working’s, and the G Pit Foulness issuing from them is delivered into Walls-end the Pipe Drift. Altho’ the quality of inflammable Air discharging from those relinquished Drifts Districts is very great, the Air in the Pipe Drifts is not inflammable at a very Short distance from the end of the Cast Iron 4 Ins. Pipe, thro’ the Dam at which the Gas issues. Nothing can be [more] Satisfactory than the State of this Pit, with respect to the ventilation. The proportion of round Coal Produced is very deficient, on accnt. of the [heavy] texture of the Coal. F Pit Have got the F Pit Shaft repaired down Walls-end to the Main Coal Seam, and the bottom Cleaned. A little repair is to be made to the Gin, when the Shaft will be cleaned out to the Metal Coal, and the Sinking to the Bensham will commence. The New Met Messrs. Lamb. Plummer, Th. & Hugh Taylor Holywell at the Haswell Office, and Settled the Terms of Colliery the Out[s]troke, and Way-leave Rents to be paid Way-leave &c. to the Duke of Northumberland for the liberty Settled of working M. Jss. [Clennell], and B[ates’] Coal, This Settles the Affair, as regards the Lessees 1837 59. and it only remains for the Partnership to settle the mode of winning the Colliery. Benwell Met Mr. Surtees at Benwell, and went to An- field in the Evening. April 19th. Wednesday Viewed the So. Pit Lanchester Lanchester Common. At Meadomsley, Greenside, Hooker-gate Common [W] Towneley, Benwell, and [paint] the Hooker-gate Cot tage, - to make it ready for Mrs. Storey Percy-main April 20th. Thursday Viewed thje Percy Pit in the Bensham Seam, which is now at regular work Flatworth the Flatworth Pit having been finished in the Pit finished Main Coal, on the 17th. Inst. April 21st. Friday Spent the Morng. at home. At Norwich Newcastle in the Afternoon, and dined at the Union Queen’s-head, at the Anniversary meetg. of the Nor- Commee. wich Union Fire Office Commee. Jo. Lamb Esq. Mayor of Anv’ Meetg. N.Castle in the Chair – Present, Messrs. Grace, Thompson, Hutton, Adamson, Wilson & Ramsay. Theatre At the Theatre – Play the jealous Wife - Fare My Spouse and I. Ap: 22d. Saturday At Newcastle. Home in Evng. Ap: 23d. Sunday At home View Ap: 24th. Monday Viewed Holywell Colliery – Holywell are prepairing to make Clennells’ Heads ready Colly. for the Rolly-way to work Clennells’ 1837 60. Earsdon Coal by Outstroke at Backworth the Sinking going on very well Hawk ^(& Co.) have contracted to build the Engine on the Sinking Pit. Went to Pensher in the Afternoon April 25th. Tuesday At Pittington, and Rainton Belmont Colliery. Called at Belmont to see the Coals Colliery drawn, with 2 Sheet Iron 25 Peck (Corves)Tubs Iron Tubs in one Cage. The took Sand Side by Side on the Same Level. The outside Size of the Cage is 5 Ft. Long by 3 F. 11½ I. wide The Shaft is 12 Ft. Diam. divided by an Air Brattice in the middle – one Rope on each side of the Brattice. The Pit 64 Fm. deep N. Ap: 26th. Wed Attended the monthly Board Hetton Colly. at N. Netton Colliery At Rainton Colly. Ap: 27th. Thursday At Sunderland to See T[amm] and S[em]field on Lord Londonderry’s business New Ship. Inspected the new Ship – her Planking is now all on, and the Deck laid, - the Hold Beams and Knees are in, and the Ceiling is nearly finished. Expect to launch her about the middle of next month. Examined the new Dock, and the N Pier have begun to make the entrance to the dock 1837 61 April 28th. Friday Spent the morng. at Pensher Came to W.end in the Afternoon Ap: 29th. Saturday Went to Durham this morng. to wait upon the Chapter relative to the Dean & renewal of Pittington Colliery Lease. Present Chapter in the Chapter Room, the Arch Deacon, Thorp Dr. Douglass, and Smith. Settled the prelimi- narey for opening the negotiation for the Mr. F. renewal. Saw Mr. F. Taylor who informed Taylor me that he was now prepared to Settle the question of the tentale rent on the Small Coals at Lanchester Common Colliery. I agreed to appoint a meeting with him at Durham the first convenient opportunity to get the matter Settled. Ap: 30th. Sunday At home – Dr. White dined with us. View May 1st. Monday Viewed Backworth Colly. Backworth The Coal in Ca[nn]ings Way has turned very Course Colliery next the B[oun]dary – being tender & much intersected with Leets, filled with white Spur & an [unctuous] Substance which makes the Coals work Small and dirty. I therefore think it advisable to Suspend the working of this district for the Present, and to Set on the Cr[ispoir] District in it’s Stead. The Clase 1837 62 Stone Drift (under the Seam) in the N.W.^( Rolly-way) Cross cu[t] from the B Pit Shaft has commenced. It View is let to James Avery & Pn. at 27/ 9 P. yard, to Backworth to be driven 8 Ft. wide & 7 high – the Bargin to continue ‘till there is 3 Ft. thick of Post in the bottom of the drift. At present there is about 16 In. of the bottom Coal of the Seam, on in the top of the drift. The undertakers find every thing, except Oakum for the Shots and Slow the Stones. The Sinking continues to go on very well without any increase of Water – depth about 34 faths. below the main Coal At Percy-main in the Afternoon – have finished the Hewing and walling for the Security of the Flatworth Pit Shaft, at the Main Coal Seam – this Seam being entirely wrot. out at that Pit May 2d. Tuesday Took Mrs. Storey, Miss and Hooker’s Georgina Rankin, & Ellen Martineau to Gate See the Hooker Gate House, which I have Mrs. Storey given to Mrs. Storey to live in - together and Party with the Garden, and Close vis front of the house. We wen[t] by Stella and Green- Side, and returned by the Smales, and Rowlands’ Gill, and Axwell. Th. Hall 1837 63 accompanied us from Stella. I left the Party at , and went to Tanfield-moor and Anfield Tanfield Have got to the bottom of the Willie Pit and Moor Colly expect to get all ready to resume Coalwork Repairs of next Monday – 50 fathoms of entirely new Tim[ber] Willie Pit has been put into the Shaft. Finished. Called upon W.T. Fenwick at Dipton to see Mr. Th. him on the Affair of the N. Pittington Renewl Fenwick but he was not at home Slept at Anfield d 5 May 3 . Wed. Viewed the Stuart Pit /4 Lanchester Seam Lanchester Common Colliery, in the Common Morning and returned to Walls-end in the afternoon May 4th. Thursday At Percy-main in the Mg. Ascension being Ascension Day I met Jos. Lamb Esqr. Day the Mayor of Newcastle & his Party, to break- fast, at the Low-lights N.Shields, and ac- companied them up the River, in their Barge to Newcastle. I then went to Pensher to dinner and returned to Walls-end in the Evening May 5th. Friday At home all the Morning. At Newcastle, and Spent the Evening at Mrs. Rankin’s Ship May 6th. Saty. At Newcastle. On board the Elizabeth Elizabeth C[af.] Pearson, which taking in Engines 1837 64. and other Articles for the Albion, and Sidney Mines Cape Breton – She will Sail the later end of next Week. Dined with Donkin, at Jesmond. May 7th. Sunday Met Messrs. Morton and N. Church Wood at Donkin’s Jesmond, to draw up the Leases Heads of a paper for Ministers, on the Subject of the Church Colliery Leases – for their Consiodern. before they bring their Church Reform Bill into the house of Commons. Mr. Easterby Dined with Mr. Easterby – Yesterday was his birth-day, when he completed his 81st. Year. View of May 8th. Monday Viewed Holywell Colly. Holywell Have begun to clear out and prepare Clen- Colliery nells Headways for the Rolly-way - to Messrs. Clennell make the Outstroke, and temporary Winning and Bates’ of Clennells’, and Mrs. Bates’ Coal. Coal The two Bensham Furnaces, Percy-main Colly. Air Course having been lit last Friday Evg. I Sent Mr. Percy-main Oliver this morning to measure the quantity Colliery of Air circulating in the Pit, which he found To be: In Main Coal Bensham Total Cub. Ft. P. Minute - 11,623 ----- 39528 -- 51151 On the Former Measurt. when the two Main Coal 11400 ----- 19000 – 30400 Furnaces only were on Increase by lightg. Bensn. Furnaces 223 20528 20751 1837 65 May 8th. At Pensher in the Evening. May 9th. Tuesday Examined the Junction Bridge Junction over the Wear. The two Pillars for the main Arch Bridge are both up to the Springings, and a few courses of the Pen Stones of the Arch are laid on the So. Side. The Centering of the main Arch is up to the height of two Frames on the So. Side but the Frame work of the north Pillar for it’s Support is not yet finished. The Centering of all the Land Arches on the So. Side is nearly completed, and the turning of the 3d. Land arch is considerably advanced. Mr. Gibb expects to finish the Bridge by the 1st. Jany. next. Mr. J.B. May 10th. Wed. Met Mr. J.B. Taylor at Durham Taylor on the affair of the tentale to be Pd. by the Stanhope Co. on the Small Coals, vended from Lanchester Common and Medomsley Colliery. Durham Met Professors P[e]ele and Whitley and Mr. School of Wharton at Mr. Foxs’, to discuss the Subject of Mines establishing a School of Mining & Engineering at the Durham College. I Promised to meet them again for Further discussion, the First convenient opportunity John Gair Deputy was Killed in the Bro[n] Side Pit, on Monday^ ( last) while drawing 1837 66. a G[oaf] – the Roof fell and Killed him on the Spot – his body could not be got out for 16 hours. May 11th. Thursday Met Wm. Hutton at Claxheugh Claxheugh to examine the Limestone Rocks there – the Yell. Sand Stone Shews itself below the Limestone but the Red Sand Stone, is only Visible on the N. Side of the River, further West. A large Slip Dyke must pass close on the E. Side of the Rock – are up-throw to the E. as the Shale of the Coal Strata, forms the Bank of the River, to the E. of the Lime- Stone Rock, near the Blue Factory. Paper Mill Examined the new Paper Mill at Claxs- heugh now buiding by Messrs. Visit & Robt. Hutton. It is the manufacture of White writing, and Printing Paper – it is on the Principle of Fo[udrenive], and is to be worked by a high Pressure Engine of 80 Horse Power The building is nearly completed but none of the machinery is fixed, except part of the Engine. This Mill is to be called “The Ford Paper Mill” Visited Messrs. Visit & Hutton’ Brown Paper Mill at Monk Wearmouth Shore - It is on [Foudreini’s] Principle and is a very 1837 67 complete Machine Ld. Durham’s Went on board Ld. Durham’s Yacht the Yatcht Lady Louesa – She is being fitted out to go to The lady London. Elliott the Capt. Says fore Sale. He Louesa says Ld. D is parting with her, as he wishes to have a dryer Vessel. Dined with Mr. Rt. Heutton Went to Seaham Harbour to visit the Works there, and returned to Pensher in the Evening. Church [May] Ap: 12th. Friday Went to Jesmond, to meet Donkin Leases. N. Wood, and Morton on the Church Lease Affair Spent the day in discussing, and drawing up the heads of clauses to be Submitted to Mr. Mo[neyweathr] for the intended Church Reform Bill, as regards the Colliery Leases. Mr. Intyres’ Received information of Mr. James W. Death Intyre’s death in London. He got cold in going to London in the Steamer to see his brother [Donnell] his Wife and Sister Sailed for New So. Wales - this brought on an attack of jaundice, of which he died on Wed Night the 9th. Inst. Dr. jay Spent the the Evening at Th. B[urne]ts with Dr. Jay, his Son and daughter Mrs. – She is a very fine Harp-Player. [May] Ap: 13th. Saturday Had a great many applications for the Su[rgery] of the Several Collierys, vacant by the death of Mr. W. Intyre. Attended a Coal- 1837 68, Trade Committee Meeting [May] Ap: 14th. Sunday At home – Dr. White dined with us. Backworth [May] Ap: 15th. Monday Viewed Backworth Colly. nothing particular Stirring. At Percy-main and So. Shields in the Afternoon. Benwell [May] Ap: 16th. Tuesday Viewed the Beaumont Site of Pit Benwell Colly. Met Messrs. Dobson the Stauton’s Architect & Scott, Mr. Blackman the Engi- New House neer’s Assistant – to fix upon a Site for Mr. Stauton’s New house, as the present one has to be pulled down by the Rail- way Co. Fixed upon a place on the N. Side of the Turnpike Tanfield-moor [May] Ap: 17th. Wed. Went to Tantobie to Break- Conside fast. Proceeded to Lanchester Common and Lanchester Com. Anfield – then to Consider, and returned home Medomsley by Medomsley, the Derwent Road Chain Bridge Benwell & Newcastle. [May] Ap: 18th. Thursday Viewed the Percy Pit main Percy-main Coal. Met Messrs. Lamb, Hetherington and Maude at the Colly. W.End Pay Walls-end Pay-day – Col. Mills & Morriss Col. Mills dined with us. Misses W. Went to N.Castle in the Afternoon to call Intyre upon Miss & Mary W. Intyre. They informed 1837 69 me that James died of inflammation in the Bowels. Willie Pit The Willie Pit, Tanfield-moor resumed Coal- work, on the 8th. Inst. having been Stopped Since the 21st. Jany. by the running together of the Shaft – Stopped 15 Weeks and one day. May 19th. Friday Home all the Morng. Spent the Dr. Jay Evening with Dr. Jay. May 20th. Saturday In Newcastle, Saw Mr. Clayton Mr. Clayton who told me that in Consequence of the opposi- tion made by some of the Land-owners to the Dur- ham Branch of the Durham Junction Railway, the Co. had given up the idea of endeavouring to push the Bill thro’ the house this Session. Compensation He informed me further that the value put for Ground upon the Land for the Grod. occupied by the Occupied by A. R. P. Durham Junction Line 3 .. 2 .. 18, thro’ Lord Londonderry’s Junction Farm occupied by Saml. Cox[o]n, in Rainton Meads Railway. by Mr. Davison was £433.10.0 which Sum is to be equally divided between the Chapter and their Lessee Lord L. being £216.15.0 to each. Donkin Dined with Donkin at Jesmond – Messrs. Sewell Heath & Archd. Reed there. May 21st. Sunday Met Mr. Morton at Donkins Church Jesmond, and Finished our Suggestions for Coal Leases Ministers on the Church Coal Leases enfranch- isement Bill. May 22d. Monday At home all the Morng. 1837 70. Went to Pensher in the Afternoon May 23d. Monday At Pensher all the Morng. Dined with the University people in the Hall in Durham Durham Castle. Had a discussion with University Professors [Sel]whitley, & Chevellier, and Mr. Fox on the formation of a Class for teaching Mining and Civil Engineering in the University. Formation Profesr. Shivaller had put down the following Of a Class Points for teaching Admission of Engineer Students to the University Civil Engi- of Durham. neering & Students may be admitted in the University of Mining Durham, to Form a Class of Civil Engineers. Every Such Student on admission must pass an examination Sufficient to Shew that he is com- petent to derive benefit from the course of Study on which he is to enter. The course of the reading will extend over two Years, and include Arithmetic, Algebra Syntactical and Analytical Geometry Plane Trigonometry, and Logarithms The Theory of Perspective, and Projections Practical mapping, Surveying, Levelling &c. Use of Instruments Architectural Drawing Differential, integral-Calculus 1837 71 Mechanics and its practical application Dynamics Hydrostatics, and Hydraulics & Instruments Theory of Elastic Fluids - Barometers Pneumatic’s Theory of Steam Engine Theory of heat Chemistry – theoretical and practical Metallurgy Geology Minerology All Students who do not attend Lectures in Latin, or Greek, during Some one term in each Year, will be required to learn either French or German There will be Annl. examinations in the Subjects of Study during each year, and no Final Certificate of competence will be given unless a Student acquits himself to the Satis- Faction of the examiners at each of these examinations The Final examinations will be directed to the Subjects included in the whole course of Study and every Such Student must then Pass an examination either in one Latin, or Greek Book [melions] it [nota] to be Selected by him- Self, or in reading, writing, and Speaking the 1837 72. French, or German Language. Every means will be taken to render the Student familiar with the practical operations of Surveying with the actual method of working Mines, and with the application of Machinery to the purpose, of mining and engineering Mr. Fox Spent the Evening with Mr. Fox Returned to Pensher May 24th. Wed. Attended the N. Hetton Colliery No. Hetton Monthly Board – present Morton, G. Hunter & Colly. Board Self. Messrs. Spence & J.C. Carr attended, to discuss the Price of Steam Boat Coals for exportation. It was agreed that under circum- Stances we could not advance the Price above 17/- P. Ch. on board this year. Hetton Colly May 25th. Thursday Viewed the Minor Pit, Hutton Seam Hetton Colliery this Morning. Seaham Examined the works at Seaham Harbour Harbour In the Afternoon – have begun to build the Staith Walls of the N. division New Ship Went to Sunderland to See the New Ship Jno Buddle which was launched last Sa. and is now being fit out – its’ tonnage according to the New Measurement is 1837 73 Returned to Walls-end, by Shields. May 26th. Friday At home all the Morning Messes at N.Castle in the Afternoon to see the W. Intyre Misses W. Intyre, on the State of their Brother’s Affairs. Spent the Evening at Mrs. Rankin’s Committee May 27th. Saturday – Attended a C.T. Commee. Meeting meeting – the enactments of B[r]dlington Pier Bill under Cosideration Mr. Easterby May 28th. Sunday Mr. Easterby, Miss Lock & Gowen dined with us – also Mrs. W. Wherton Miss W. Intyre called in the Evening. Holywell May 29th. Monday Viewed Holywell Colliery - Colly. have got the new Rolly-way to Clennells’ Coal nearly laid. Gave directions for future Proceedings. Backworth Down the B. Sinking Pit, where the Ben- Bensham sham Seam was go[t] last Sa.. It is Seam Faths. Below Main Coal, and is a very F. In. inferior Coal. Coal – 2 .. 5 Full of Scare Bands & very coarse Stone – 0 .. 6 Black Slate Coal – 1 .. 3 Much better than the lof 4 .. 2 The Top Coal burns entirely to White Ashes The Bottom burns very well, and if thick enough would be a [meseh]autable Coal. 1837 74. May 29th. Dined with the Mayor of Newcastle and a large Party, at the Assembly Rooms in Celebration of the King’s Birthday May 30th. Tuesday Set out for London in the London Wellington, with Messrs. Donkin & Sopwith at ½ Past Nine A.M. May 31st. Sunday Arrived at London this Evening at ½ Past Seven P.M after a very pleasant Journey, and went to Woods Hotel, Furnivals ‘Inn, Holbourn. Mr. Mc. MayJune 1st. Thursday Had a long dis- Donnell cussion with Mr, Mc. Donnell, on Lord L.’s affairs at 42 Lower Grosvenor St. Mr. Called upon Mr. Drinkwater MethuneBethune at Drinkwater the with Donkin on the Churchs Bethuin Lease Affair – he had not Recd. the Copy of our Suggestions for the Bill from Ld. Jnt. Russell, and desired to have a Fresh Copy Sent to him. He Said any time next Week would do for our meeting on this Subject when I returned from the Forest of Dean. Offices of Had a meeting with Mr. Sopwith at the Woods Office of Woods, with Mr. Milne & Mr. Gardner the Solicitor. It was agreed that we Should go to Newnham in the Forest 1837 75 of Dean, to meet Messrs. Prothero, Guest, Crawshaw, Teague & others, on the Subject of the new Bill, about to be h[ ]-into Parliament for the better Regulation of the mining Affairs of the Forest. Messrs. H. Stobrart & Smith dined with Messrs. Donkin & Self at Woods Hotel. June 2d. Friday Called upon Mr. J. Gregson Mr. Jnc. this Morng. on the Subject of the Agreet. Gregson between Lord L. and the Durham & Sundd., Railway Co. In this Agreet. he has received the to Lord L. of leading his Coals along the whole, or any Part of the Line. Called upon Mr. M ͨ. Donnell and discus- sed various matters with him. Then Pro- ceeded to Lord Londonderry to Pay my respects to him on his return from the Continent. Talked over his Losss. Various Converses – particu- larly the Subject of Mr. M ͨ. Donnells’ taking the Share of N. Hetton Colly. of Lord L.’s hand Mr. M.D. Proposed to pay £2000 to [N].E. Banks’ Trustees, and £2000 in Part of Boer- dlers Bond of £4000, in lieu of the 1st. In- stalment which was paid on Acct. of the N. Hetton Share. After discussing the Subject [CONCERT Programme - Mr. Cipriani Potter’s Morning Concert, Hanover Square Rooms, Friday, the 2nd of June, 1837]

1837 76 fully, his Lordship Authorized me to Settle the Matter with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell, on their Principles. that is to Say Mr. M.D. is to take the Share, and is to Relieve D.L. by the Pmt. of the two £2000 as already Stated. Attended Mr. Seppriani Potter’s Concert at Concert the Hanover Sqr. Rooms – was much gratified with the whole performance, particularly with Old Bulls’ Violin playing – it pleased me quite as much as Paganinis. Dragonittis dble Bass Performance in Fuga, was also an extraordinary exhibition of Skill on that Instrument Met Mr. J.J. Guest at the Commee. of Woods Office – with Mr. Milne & Gardner and discussed certain Points relative to the intended Act for the Regulation of the mines in the Forest of Dean. Theatre At Covent Garden Theatre to See Lis[t]on Liston take leave of the Stage – the Play Cardinal Wolsey – with a musical entertainment Pasta and De Beguis Sung. Mary June 3d. Saturday Called upon Mary Mc. Intyre Mc. Intyre 10 Cecil St. Strand – it Seams uncertain when the Ship will Sail CONCERT Programme - Royal Academy of Music. Third Subscription Concert,Hanover Square Rooms, Saturday Morning,June 3rd 1837 1837 77 June 3d Called upon Mr. M ͨ. Donnell, and agreed that I Shd. have a written Mem. from Lord L. Mr. M ͨ. Donnell as my authority for Selling the Share of N. Hetton Colly. to Mr. M ͨ. Donnell Met Lord Mark Carr at Mr. M ͨ. Donnell Royal Mr. M ͨ. Donnell procured a Ticket from Lord Academy Burghersh for me, for the Concert of the of Pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, which Music I attended and was very much pleased with the performance. The Scena & Chorus from Lord Burghershs’ Opera of Fedra, was very pleasing Music Spent the Afternoon and Evening at home writing Letters &c. Mr. Milne June 4th. Sunday Dined with Mr. Milne at White hall, and Set out with him in his Ba[rou] with Messrs. Gardner & Sopwith, to meet a de- putation of Free Miners and others, at Newn- ham, in the Forest of Dean, to peruse and discuss with them the leads of the Proposed Bill for the better regulation of the mining System of the Forest. Slept at Henley on Thames.This is a very clean Pretty Place on the banks of the Thames – the river is about the breadth of the Tyne at 1837 78. but has hardly ant fall, but it is naviga- ble for large Barges, altho’ the tide does not flow so far up, by Sevl. miles - not further than Windsor, I believe – The Valley and Scenery in the neighbourhood is very beautiful. Gloucester June 5th. Monday Proceeded to Gloucester the Country is very beautiful the whole way and the Crops of every Kind are good and thriving ‘though [backerly]. The Blossom is just beginning to fall from the apple Trees, but there is every appear- ance of a great Crop. The Cathedral at Gloucester is a Splendid Specimen of Gothic Architecture – in the style of the 13th. Century. Our route from London lay through Kensington, Hammersmith Brentford, , Colmbrook, Slough, Maidenhead, Henley, Nettlewood, B[esm]ington Dorchester, Cubhampton, Sandford, Oxford. Eusham, Witney North Leach Cheltrnham, Gloucester, and Newnham. Breakfasted at Oxford, and went to Christ- Church College to Call upon Dr. Buckland but it was the hour of Prayers & the College 1837 79 gates were locked. Eusham is famous as a place of rendezvous for Gipsies. Wetting is Famous for the manufacture of Blankets, and Leach was famous for the training of Race Horses but has now fallen off. June 6th. Tuesday Messrs. Milne, Gardner & Sopwith, Forest of and I, met Messrs. Protheroe, [H]achin, Bennett Dean James, Buttler, [P]eter Teague & Clark the Solicitor of the Free Miners. Read over the Leads of the Bill, and discussed them with the Parties -- Some objections were made, which were noted and others were explained away. The Bill is to be Printed immediately, and Copies Sent down to the Forest for all Parties interested to have the opportunity of seeing and remarking upon it. Sopwith and I returned to Gloucester just in time to catch the Mail for London – he Stopped at Cheltenham June 7th. Wed. I arrived at London at 6 o ‘ Clock this Morning. Mr. John Perused Dft. of Agreet. between Lord L.derry, and Gregson the Durham & Sunderld. R.W.Co. for leading and Shipping his Coals, and returned it to Mr. J. Gregson with remarks thereon. Gave Mr. Gregson the Valuation of Walls-end 1837 80. and Washington Colly. Stock at the Same time. Went with Mr. Gregson to confer with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell Mr. M ͨ. Donnell, on the Subject of his Purchasing Lord L.’s Share of N.Hetton Colly. Mr. W. D. resolved not to purchase the Share, under the existing Circumstances of his trust. We then went to Lord L. to inform him Ld. Londonderry of Mr. W. D.’s decision His L[dp]. Said he wd. not interfere, and left Mr. W. D. to deal with the Share as he might think best He Still thought that Banks’ & Bowdlers Payments might be longer delayed. Called upon Mr. H. Lambton 27 Clifford St. Grosvenor Place, with Mr. Donkin, to discuss the Subject of the Church Leases. The m[inisters] have put off their motion for a Commee. on the business ‘till next Monday. Mr. Lambton says that he really does not Know what Minister’s views in this matter are June 8th. Thursday Had a long discussion Mr. M ͨ. with Mr. M ͨ. Donnell & Lord Castlereagh Donnell on the arrangement of the Purchase of the Lord Castle- Share of N. Hett. Colly. with Lord London- Reagh. derry, on which Subject his Ldp. has great difficulty in making up his mind. Mr. W. D. offered to enter into a Legal Agreet. to 1837 81 restore the Share to Ld. L. or his family as Soon as all debts due to him, or his Exrs. on the Trust Accot. shall be liquidated. Lord Castlereagh thought this Shd. satisfy his Father, in which Case Mr. M ͨ. Donnell will raise the Money, & take upon himself the Pmt. of Banks’ £2000 and Bowdlers’ £2000. June 9th. Friday Mr. R[ein]agle the Artist called Mr. R[ein]agle upon me this Morng. from Lord Ravensworth to communicate a Scheme for lessening the expense of delivering Coals from the Ships in the Port of London. And other inventions – he is very vague, visionary and Sanguine in his projects. Mr. Mascall Called upon Mr. F Mascall. Met Mr. Mc. Donnell at J. Gregson’s Attended a meeting of Members of Parliat. and Meeting of Coal owners at [J]endalls’ Hotel Palace Yard West- Coal-owners minster, on the Subject of the Brighton Pier Bill And Members Present Lords Ravensworth, Wharncliffe & Londonderry Of Parliamt. Messrs. Pease & Bell M.P.s and Messrs. Th. Browne, Donkin, Mr. Dunn, J. Gregson and Self. Lord Wharncliffe undertook to see Dr. Hardwicke to postpone the Bill (2d reading) for a Week to gain time for an application to the Lds. of the Admirality for a Copy of their Engineers Survey & Report on the Bridlington and other Harbours on the E. Coast. Mr. J. Gregson & I had a long

1837 82 discussion with Lord L. derry on the Sale of his Share of N. Hetton Colly. to Mr. M ͨ. Donnell which led to no results. Donkin and I dined with J. Gregson. June 10th. Satdy J. Gregson and I waited on Mr. Mc. Donnell Mr. M ͨ. Donnell to inform him of our in- terview with Lord L. yesterday, when he made up his mind to have nothing more to do with the purchase of the Share of N. Hetton Colly. on his own Acct. and to leave Lord L. to purchase his own Course with respect to Banks & Bowdler’s pending Payments. Called upon Mr. C.T. D’Eymourt at the Albion and Promised to lend him £1000 on his Bond, or Note, against the end of the Month. Dined with Mr. D’Eymourt at his Chambers at the Albion. June 11th. Sunday Had a discussion this Mg Mr. Mc. with Mr. Mc. Donnell, when he expressed a Donnell Strong inclination to place Lord L.’s trust in Chancery, from it’s being So very [onerous] to him. Dined with Mr. Mascall 1837 83 at Red Lion Square. Messrs. Agden & Two young Barristers there. June 12th. Monday Breakfasted with Mr. Cubitt the Mr. Cubitt Engineer in Great Geo Street Westminster – he has his Ho. very nicely lighted with Gas. The Gas is Supplied by a meter, which registered the quantity used every day. The Cost is £20 to £25 P. Ann. The lights in his Office and appartments are moveable. Messrs. Donkin and Sopwith with me. Messrs. Attended a consultation at Messrs. Budd & Hayes’ Budd and Office 33 Bedford Row, on a question of the right Hayes of Outstroke in Hetton Colliery, arising out of the Will of the late Jno. Lyon Esq. Messrs. Th. Storey and Matts. Dunn were present. Office of Mr. Sopwith & I attended a Consultation at the Woods. Office of Woods, with Messrs. Wood & Gardner on the objections made by Messrs. Prothe[roe] & Others, to certain Clauses in the Proposed Bill for the better regulation of the mining Laws in the Dean Forest. Mr. Mc. Had a conference with Mr. Mc. Donnell on the Donnell Subject of a paper Sign by Lord L. Sanctioning the Sale to him, under certain Stipulations of His Ldps. Share of N. Hetton Colliery. INDEX [83a] A C Dr. Adams’ Lecture on Music 18,24, Collingwood-main 5, Anderson Carlisle Railway 14, Wm. Seaton Coal proposals 19, Arkless 20, Committee 6,12,14,19,20,30,31,32,41,43,50, Benjn. meeting Aldegonde le 53,53, Carts' Concert 16, Comte St. Ascension 63, Carville for Sale 19, day Air Course Percy-main Commissioners Colly. 64, River Wear 19,45, B Chester Tannery 27, Backworth 1,3,9,17,24,32,36,44,47,54,61,73, Mr. Cubit 46,83, Beddick Coal Co. & new 3, 40, Bridge Colliery projected Mr. Brunell Cubit Mr. Civil 19, 47, Engineer Engineer Benwell Church Leases 49,32,64,67,69, Colly. 4,7,13,24,28,30,3345,58, 68,

Brandling & Stanhope Railway Directors, Messrs. Clennell & Meeting of 33, Bates' Coal 64, Bates Mrs. 40,58, Clarheugh 66, Coal Benwell 38,41, Conside Colly. 68, Pitmen Binding of Clayton Mr. John 69, Pitmen regulations 43,44, Brass 47, Compensation for working Ground occupied Barrel by Durham Junction Railway 69, Byers-green 51, Concert 76,77, Branch of Clarence Railway Belmont 60, Lord Castlereagh 80, Colliery Bridge, the 65, D Junction Bensham Seam, Durham Junction Backworth 73, Bridge 7, Budd and 84, Dartmouth Frigate 22, Hayes Durham Junction 13,49, Bridge, Railway Danish Ship 16, Ducrow 16, Dinner Party 32,36, Doctor Jay 44, Dean and Chapter 61, Durham 65, Lord Durham's 67, Yacht Durham University 70, Drinkwater Bethuin 74, Dr. Eyrecourt C.T. the Right Honourable 82, INDEX [83b] E G Easterby 7,9,12,38,64, J. Grieveson, Life Policy 19, Edmonsley Estate 31, G Pit Walls-end 57, Elswick Colliery 45, Gloucester 78, Elizabeth, Ship, Capt Wm. Pearson 63, Gregson Mr. John 79, F H Flood 18, Hetton Colly. 2,56,72, Jane Foyer's Funeral 24, Haswell Co. 14, Frost 18, Hooker-Gate 3,6,8, F Pit Walls-end 58, Holywell 7,44,54,59,64,73, Flatworth Pit finished 59,62, Haswell Co. 31, Mrs. Fox 72, Howdon Pit 33, Forest of Dean 79, Harrogate 38,62, Harbour tolls to be resisted 50, House, new at Benwell 68, INDEX [83c] I K Influenza 16, Killed 7,9,12,14,15,55,65, Indemnity Fund 1, L J Lardney Dr. 1,3,7, Johnson Mr. Benjamin 1, Loan to Carlisle Railway Co. 9, Johnson, Benjamin 8, Lanchester Common 5,20,27,28,29,30, 33,57,59,63,68, r Jay D . 44,67, Lumley Colliery 6,11, Literary and Scientific Society 49, Le Comte de St. Aldegonde 53, London 74, Lord Londonderry 80, Lambton W. Hedworth M.P. 80,

INDEX [83d]

M O Robt.MacKreth, 3, Outfit new Ship 45, Mr. M ͨ. Donnell 10,11,13,18,19,29,30,31, Office of Woods 74,76, 37,39,57,74,77,80,82,83, Mr. Morton 11, P Percy-main 1,5,17,24,29, Mr. Marreeo 12, 30,46,59,62,68, Meeting of Stanhope & Brandling Railway Directors 33, Pensher 1,2,7, Meeting of Viewers 37,43, Pitmen, Stop 12, Magistrates 38, Pumping apparatus 47, Meeting of Colly. Petition against Alderman Representatives 43, Wood's Bill 57, Medomsley 48,68, Paper Mill 66, Mrs. Mayoress' Bespeak 53, Mr. Jas . Mc. Intyre, Died 67, Misses Mc. Intyre, 68,73,76, Milne Mr. 77, N North Hetton Colly. 6,25,60,72, Natural History Society 10, North Pittington Colly. renewal of Lease 55, Norwich Union Office Annual

Meeting of Commee. 59, INDEX [83e] Q S [cont.] Quarry, Pensher 2,7, Stella Freehold Coal 36, R Mrs. Storey 49, Dr. Reed’s Laboratory 21, Sinking Pit 36,54, Rainton Colly. 55, Ship new Purchase of 45,60,72, Reference Lanchester Stella Freehold 53,57, Common 57, Royal Academy of Music 77, Snow Storm 57, The Ship Elizabeth, Cap. S Wm. Pearson 63, Storm 2,7,11, School of Mines 65, Stanhope & Brandling Stanton's New House 68, Railway Directors 33, Seaham Harbour 2,11,16,18,28,37,56,67,72, T Stanhope & Tyne Railway Directors 3,33, Townley-main Colly. 4,8,32, Stella Grand Lease 8,52, Thaw 17, Stephenson 11, Taylor F.B. 18,61,65, Sauchie Colly. 20,21,22, Tanfield-moor 20,27,28,31,33, 48,63,68, Theatre, New Newcastle, Stop of Pitmen 12, Opened 33,53, Suicide 46, Thackers Assizes Case 38,41, Tax on Coals for City Seaton Coal 15,32,35,37,38, Improvements to be resisted 50, Sessions 16, Tubs of Sheet Iron 56, Theatre, Covent Garden 76,

INDEX [83f]

U W [cont.] Urpeth Colliery 6, Wear Commrs. 19, University Durham 70, Willie Pit, Tanfield-moor 22,31,69, V West Townley Colly. 52, View of C Pit Walls-end Colly. 4, Wood Alderman's Bill 57, View of Lumley Colliery 11, Walls-end Pay 68, Viewers Meeting 37, Woods & Forests Office 74,83, Viewers Meeting of 37, Y W York 41, Whitley Colly. - drowned up 2, Yard Coal Seam 54, Whitefield Pit 2,