One Good Prophet
Jeremiah 23:21-31 One Good Prophet One of the favorite stories of native Texans is the legend of the Ranger sent to quell a big disturbance in a small South Texas town. When he rides into town, the mayor looks him over, dismayed, and says, “Where are the others? Are you the only one they sent?” And the Ranger calmly replies, “Well, you’ve only got one riot.” I think we like to consider ourselves, as Texans, heirs to that same tough self-sufficiency. “One riot, one Ranger,” if true, is an amazing tale. But it’s more generally the case that one person is helpless against the many- or if not helpless, at least stands little chance of winning the fight. Perhaps the better example of one man against the mob, or against lawlessness or evil, is the movie “High Noon,” in which Marshal Will Kane, played by Gary Cooper, all alone must face Frank Miller and his gang. For several reasons the townspeople refuse to help, his deputy deserts him, his bride of only a couple of hours rides away: out of fear certainly, or religious vows of non-violence, or a sense of accommodation to the evil, or belief in the lie that if the Marshal will just go, and they remain quiet, everything will sort itself out. It’s said that the movie was a metaphor for the nation’s response to McCarthyism in the 1950s- or the lack of response- as so many people of the time were able to justify their own silence, their own inaction against the abuse of power by those political bullies.
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