2006 Harbor Management Plan
i NATURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY BOARD TOWN OF WELLFLEET WELLFLEET HARBOR MANAGEMENT PLAN 2006 January 2006 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Harbor Management Plan developed by the Town of Wellfleet Natural Resources Advisory Board (NRAB) is the result of significant effort on the part of many people. The NRAB completed this project over the course of more than two years notwithstanding the fact that it had little in the way of budget, and no assigned staff. What it did have was a very dedicated membership, and the assistance of many Wellfleetians (citizens and town employees) who were willing to share their concerns and perspectives over the course of numerous NRAB meetings. The Natural Resources Advisory Board appreciates the assistance of the following: Emily Beebe, Carl Brievogel, Gail Ferguson, Michael Flanagan, Thomas Flynn, Abigail Franklin, Ben Gitlow, Bob Gross, Suzanne Grout-Thomas, Chick Holtkamp, Cynthia Hope, Tim Hughes, Jeff Hughes, Andy Koch, Eric Mitchell, Cindy Moe, Dennis Murley, Rex Peterson, John Portnoy, Robert Prescott, Robert Buchsbaum, Hillary Greenberg, the Shellfish Advisory Committee, the Open Space Committee, Lisa Berry Engler, Ed Rullman, Mary Von Kaesburg, Fred Young and Helen Miranda Wilson. Photographs and charts were prepared by the Cape Cod Commission (contacted by Rex Peterson), Mark Adams and Krista Lee of the CCNS and Lezli Rowell (front cover). The NRAB would like to thank all the citizens of Wellfleet who attended various meetings and discussions. John W. Riehl, Chair 2005- Douglas E. Franklin, Chair 2003-2005 William Knittle Lezli Rowell Glen Shields Natural Resources Advisory Board Town of Wellfleet January 2006 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page Letter from Chair iv Overview Summary vi Summary of Recommendations vii Introduction 1 1.
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