[email protected] 415-575-6198 (office) 510-379-8722 (cell) Office hours: Wednesday 3-5 pm and by appointment Alka Arora, Ph.D.
[email protected] 415-575-6139 (office) Office hours: Tuesday 10:30–1, Thursday 3:30-6:30 and by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to some of the leading multi-cultural and multi-denominational voices of the contemporary Women’s Spirituality movement in the USA and throughout the world. It explores the spiritual practices, ethical beliefs, cultural experiences and libratory efforts of diversely gendered multi-cultural populations through an interdisciplinary lens incorporating religious studies, women’s studies, ethnic studies, queer studies, and philosophy. It reviews the foundational worldviews and gender ideologies of those in mainstream, marginalized, and alternative religious traditions. This course values both scholarly and experiential forms of knowing, and builds a community of learning that safely explores our differences, our commonalties, and our varied cultural and spiritual lineages. Course themes include: Z Reclaiming our heritage: multicultural, trans-historic explorations of women’s contributions to myth, ritual, spirituality and religion Z Language, metaphor, and storytelling in patriarchal, matristic, and libratory traditions Z Earth-based spiritualities, indigenous wisdom, ecofeminism, and liberation Z Women’s sensualities, sexualities, and identities Z Embodied and transpersonal ways of knowing: subjectivity, interiority, spiritual experience, and connection Z Spirituality in action: womanist/feminist/mujerista ethics, culture, activism and politics Z Alliance building, multicultural awareness, resistance to cultural hegemony and appropriation, unlearning oppression COURSE GOALS • To provide an introduction to some of the leading multi-cultural and multi-denominational voices of the women’s spirituality movement in the USA and the world.