A (HEV) is a which combines a conventional propulsion system with a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) to achieve better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle. It includes a propulsion system additional to the electric motors, to be not hampered by range from a charging unit like a battery electric vehicle (BEV).

The Prius is one of 's top sellers in the United States. There are over 1 million worldwide

The Escape Hybrid is launched in 2004, is a Petrol-electric hybrid vehicle powered version of the Ford Escape SUV.

Modern mass-produced HEVs prolong the charge on their batteries by capturing kinetic energy via regenerative braking, and some HEVs can use the internal combustion engine (ICE) to generate electricity by spinning an electrical generator (often a motor- generator) toeither recharge the battery or directly feed power to an that drives the vehicle. Many HEVs reduce idle emissions by shutting down the ICE at idle and restarting it when needed (start- stop system). An HEV's engine is smaller than a non-hybrid petroleum fuel vehicle and may be run at various speeds, providing more efficiency.

HEVs became widely available to the public in the late 1990s with the introduction of the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius. HEVs are viewed by some automakers as a core segment of the future automotive market. Futurist magazine recently included hybrid electric vehicles as cars of the near future History

In 1901, while employed at Lohner Coach Factory, Ferdinand Porsche designed the "Mixte", a series-hybrid vehicle based on his earlier "System Lohner-Porsche" electric carriage. The Mixte broke several Austrian speed records, and also won the Exelberg Rally in 1901 with Porsche himself driving. The Mixte used a gasoline engine powering a generator, which in turn powered electric hub motors, with a small battery pack for reliability. It had a range of 50 km, a top speed of 50 km/h and a power of 5.22 kW during 20 minutes.

In 1905, H. Piper filed a US patent application for a hybrid vehicle.

The 1915 Dual Power, made by the Woods Motor Vehicle electric car maker, had a four-cylinder ICE and an electric motor. Below 15 mph (25 km/h)

the electric motor alone drove the vehicle, drawing power from a battery pack, and above this speed the "main" engine cut in to take the car up to its 35 mph (55 km/h) top speed. About 600 were made up to 1918.

In 1931 Erich Gaichen invented and drove from Altenburg to Berlin a 1/2 horse power electric car containing features later incorporated into hybrid cars. Its maximum speed was 25 miles per hour, but it was licensed by the Motor Transport Office, taxed by the German Revenue Department and patented by the German Reichs- Patent Amt. The car battery was re-charged by the motor when the car went downhill. Additional power to charge the battery was provided by a cylinder of compressed air which was re-charged by small air pumps activated by vibrations of the chassis and the brakes and by igniting oxyhydrogen gas. An account of the car and his characterization as a "crank inventor" can be found in Arthur Koestler's autobiography, Arrow in the Blue, pages 269-271, which summarize a contemporaneous newspaper account written by Koestler. No production beyond the prototype was reported.

Why Hybrids?

The primary importance of hybrid technology for cars and is its potential to increase fuel economy dramatically while meeting today’s most stringent tailpipe emission standards (excluding the zero emission vehicle standard). At the same time, the performance of hybrid vehicles can equal or even surpass that of most conventional vehicles. Moreover, hybrids can play a critical role in helping bring the technology of motors, power electronics, and batteries to maturity and in reducing their cost. Such changes are vital to the success of future hydrogen fuel cell and other zero emission vehicles. Thus hybrids could be a key element in US strategies to address our growing energy insecurity and environmental problems. Whether hybrids live up to their potential hinges on automakers and governments embracing them as one means of moving toward a secure energy future and a healthier environment. Oil Dependence and the Environment. The size of our oil dependence and its rate of growth, as well as the environmental problems that are its consequence, require an immediate response. This calls for both changes in conventional technology and a longer-term investment in hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, and alternative fuels. In the year 2000, the United States consumed nearly 20 million barrels of oil products every day. Over half of that was supplied by other countries, including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other nations in the politically unstable Middle East.2 Of that daily consumption, 40% (about 8 million barrels per day) went to fuel our cars and trucks, at a cost to consumers of $186 billion. By 2020, oil consumption is expected to grow by nearly 40% and our dependence on imports is projected to rise to more than 60% Those same cars and trucks were responsible for over 20% of the global warming emissions produced by the United States during 2000: 1,450 million tons (358 million metric tons, carbon equivalent) of the heat-trapping gases linked to global warming.3 Most of these gases will stay in the atmosphere for more than 100 years, contributing to an increase in the earth’s average surface temperature. This is projected to rise 2.5 to 10.4F (1.4 to 5.8C) between 1990 and 2100

If no major efforts are undertaken to reduce emissions of global warming gases (IPCC 2001). As the earth continues to warm, we face a great risk that the climate will change in ways that threaten our health, our economy, our farms and forests, beaches and wetlands, and other natural habitats.

Cars and trucks are also major contributors to air pollution. Regulations have helped clean up passenger vehicles over the past three decades. However, rising demand for travel and increased vehicle ownership will outpace even the standards on the books through this decade. Cars and trucks will need to clean up their act even more if we are to eliminate the threat air pollution poses to public health—especially to our children and the elderly .

Hybrid Vehicles.

With their recent entrance into the market, hybrids are poised to serve a key role in pushing down oil demand and global warming emissions from cars and trucks through the next two decades. They offer a solid midterm strategy of investment in energy security and the environment, filling the temporal gap between conventional technology and hydrogen fuel cells . Hybrids can also serve as an insurance policy for regulators contemplating significant increases to fuel economy standards over the next decade.

While a 40-mpg fleet could be reached with existing conventional technology, hybrid vehicles provide additional assurance of reaching that goal, since they promise fuel economy levels as high as 50 to 60 mpg. Further, they open the door to fuel economy standards of 50 mpg or higher by the end of the next decade. In addition, hybrid vehicles can mitigate the risk of delays in hydrogen fuel cell development and market success. They’ll also help ensure the success of fuel cell vehicles by bringing down the costs of the technologies—motors, batteries, and power electronics—that the two share. And they’ll help pave the way by acquainting consumers with electric drive technology. Given the necessity of continuing to reduce oil use and global warming emissions over the coming decades, hybrids are a key interim step, takingover where improved conventional technologies leave off and before fuel cells can fulfill their promise.

The “Gee-Whiz” Factor. In addition to the logic of hybrids as a key part of investing in energy security and the environment, other factors, such as consumer and automaker choice, could prove crucial to their success.

Consumer Choice.

Despite automakers’ claims to the contrary, consumers are showing interest in having an option to buy cars and trucks with better fuel economy. A consumer preference study by J.D. Power and Associates found that 30% of the more than 5,000 recent new-vehicle buyers they surveyed would definitely consider a hybrid for their next purchase. An additional 30% showed strong consideration. The primary reason people noted for considering a hybrid was their concern about high fuel prices (J.D. Power 2002). A second study, by Applied Decision Analysis LLC, performed as part of larger study on hybrids by the Electric Power Research Institute, found that 25% of the 400 potential car and buyers surveyed would purchase a hybrid vehicle instead of a conventional vehicle when given information on the potential costs, savings, and performance of the hybrid (Graham 2001). Clearly, consumers want automakers to provide them with hybrid vehicles as additional choices when they step into the showroom.

Automaker Choice. Only Toyota and Honda have so far offered hybrids for sale in the US market. Both are likely to offer more models very soon, as are most other automakers. Ford intends to enter the market with a hybrid SUV using a design similar to the Prius. GM and Daimler- Chrysler are expected to offer hybrids in 2004 or 2005. These new vehicles will help build the hybrid market, bringing in consumers interested in pickups or SUVs as well as those who want compact and family cars. But if some of the automakers choose to offer vehicles with hybrid nameplates just to capitalize on the “gee whiz” factor or the “green” image of hybrids, much of the potential benefits from hybrid technology will be lost. Automakers have a responsibility to society and consumers to market hybrids that provide the dramatic improvements in fuel economy the technology promises, along with substantially cleaner tailpipe missions. And consumers must hold them to it, by putting their dollars where they will do the most good. Chapter 2 provides a checklist for determining whether a vehicle is a hybrid and what kind of hybrid it is. Chapter 3 evaluates how much environmental benefit is provided by a variety of hybrid designs.


The main features divide the space between conventional and battery electric vehicles into five technology steps, each of which provides a step-increase in similarity to a fuel cell or battery electric vehicles and helps indicate potential for improved environmental performance:

1. Idle-off capability 2. Regenerative braking capacity

3. Engine downsizing

4. Electric-only drive 5. Extended battery-electric range


All hybrids can turn the engine off when the vehicle is at a stop; however, not all vehicles that are equipped with idle-off technology are hybrids. Conventional vehicles can achieve idle-off using an integrated starter-generator, a beefed up starter motor combined with an alternator, while a hybrid would use a larger, full function electric motor. Therefore, the inclusion of idleoff is not sufficient to distinguish a hybrid from a conventional vehicle. In fact, a vehicle must also incorporate the next two steps, regenerative braking and engine downsizing, to make the transition from conventional vehicle to “mild” hybrid.

Regenerative Braking.

“Regen,” or regenerative braking, requires an electric drive motor large enough to take over some of the braking duties and a battery pack big enough to capture the braking energy that is typically wasted.2 This is a key technology for battery electric vehicles and marks an important step beyond conventional technology. Some automakers have proposed adding regenerative braking to conventional vehicles that incorporate the integrated starter- generators used for idle-off, but these systems typically operate at power levels and voltages that are too low to recover any significant braking energy to influence fuel economy. A system that obtains about 10% of its peak power from the electric motor will be necessary to ensure that regen technology is included in more than just name only.

Engine Downsizing.

In downsizing, a smaller engine is complemented by an electric motor that boosts vehicle power to meet the same performance as a larger engine. For example, reducing the engine size allows a vehicle that would typically use a 6-cylinder engine to gain the fuel economy of a 4-cylinder engine while retaining the 6-cylinder performance using the boost available from the electric motor. This is clearly a hybridization step, since it combines two technologies to achieve the performance of one, while improving fuel economy at the same time. If an electric motor is added, but the engine is not downsized, such a vehicle may technically be a hybrid. But in that case, the technology is serving primarily to boost performance, not to improve fuel economy. This wastes a significant benefit of hybridization, failing to fulfill the promise of hybrid technology and instead creating a muscle hybrid. If a vehicle’s technology includes both regen and engine downsizing, it can be classified as a “mild” hybrid.

Electric-Only Drive.

Using the electric motor and battery pack for driving is the technology step that separates “mild” from “full” hybrids. This takes full advantage of the technology by turning the engine off not just when the vehicle is stopped, but also while driving. This takes a step beyond engine downsizing, moving toward electric vehicle technology. It also has the advantage of improving engine efficiency, since it eliminates engine operation in its most inefficient low-power regions. Full hybrids thus use the battery and motor to launch the vehicle and drive until it reaches the speed at which the engine can be operated more efficiently. Engine efficiency can be improved significantly by driving with the electric motor alone up to 10 to 15 miles per hour. Above these speeds, efficiency benefits begin to diminish, although similarity with electric vehicles continues to increase.

Extended Battery-Electric Range.

The final level of hybridization extends the battery-electric range by allowing the vehicle’s battery to be recharged from a clean electricity grid. These “pluginplugin” or “range extender” hybrids can operate as battery-electric vehicles for 20 to 60 miles each day, satisfying much of a consumer’s daily driving needs (Graham 2001). The remainder of a consumer’s driving needs can then be met by operating the vehicle as a typical full hybrid.3 By getting much of their driving energy from the electricity grid, plug-in hybrids can achieve superior environmental performance relative to other hybrids, approaching the efficiency and cleanliness of purely electric vehicles. However, since plug-ins can still operate without recharging rom the electricity grid, these benefits are highly dependent on how often consumers plug them in.

Energy and Environmental Performance The clearest and most direct way to evaluate the environmental performance of a hybrid electric vehicle is to measure its fuel economy and emissions directly. Since only a few hybrids are available today, this is not practical for investigating the potential for a full fleet made up of hybrid compact cars, family cars, SUVs, pickups and minivans. . However, the utility of the technology-based classification laid out above is that it provides an indication of how similar a vehicle is to a fuel cell or battery electric vehicle. It also provides a rough indication of a vehicle’s energy and environmental potential.

Engines and fuel sources

Fossil fuels

Free-piston engines could be used to generate electricity as efficiently as, and less expensively than, fuel cells.


Gasoline engines are used in most hybrid electric designs, and will likely remain dominant for the foreseeable future. While petroleum-derived gasoline is the primary fuel, it is possible to mix in varying levels of ethanol created from renewable energy sources. Like most modern ICE-powered vehicles, HEVs can typically use up to about 15% bioethanol. Manufacturers may move to flexible fuel engines, which would increase allowable ratios, but no plans are in place at present.


Diesel-electric HEVs use a diesel engine for power generation. Diesels have advantages when delivering constant power for long periods of time, suffering less wear while operating at higher efficiency. The diesel engine's high torque, combined with hybrid technology, may offer substantially improved mileage. Most diesel vehicles can use 100% pure biofuels (biodiesel), so they can use but do not need petroleum at all for fuel (although mixes of biofuel and petroleum are more common, and petroleum may be needed for lubrication). If diesel-electric HEVs were in use, this benefit would likely also apply. Diesel-electric hybrid have begun to appear in commercial vehicles (particularly buses); as of 2007, no light duty diesel-electric hybrid passenger cars are currently available, although prototypes exist. Peugeot is expected to produce a diesel-electric hybrid version of its 308 in late 2008 for the European market.

PSA Peugeot Citroën has unveiled two demonstrator vehicles featuring a diesel-electric hybrid : the Peugeot 307, Citroën C4 Hybride HDi and Citroën C-Cactus. Volkswagen made a prototype diesel-electric hybrid car that achieved 2 L/100 km (140 mpg-imp;

120 mpg-US) fuel economy, but has yet to sell a hybrid vehicle. has been testing the Opel Astra Diesel Hybrid. There have been no concrete dates suggested for these vehicles, but press statements have suggested production vehicles would not appear before 2009.

Robert Bosch GmbH is supplying hybrid diesel-electric technology to diverse automakers and models, including the Peugeot 308.

So far, production diesel-electric engines have mostly just appeared in mass transit buses.

FedEx, along with Eaton Corp. in the USA and Iveco in Europe, has begun deploying a small fleet of Hybrid diesel electric delivery trucks. As of October 2007 Fedex now operates more than 100 diesel electric hybrids in North America, Asia and Europe. Biofuels Some hybrid vehicles uses biofuels and electricity (i.e. Chevrolet Volt is an E85 plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

Vehicle types


Companies such as Zero Motorcycles and Vectrix have market- ready all-electric motorcycles available now, but the pairing of electrical components and an internal combustion engine (ICE) has made packaging cumbersome, especially for niche brands.

eCycle Inc produces series diesel-electric motorcycles, with a top speed of 80 mph (130 km/h) and a target retail price of $5500.

Peugeot HYmotion3 compressor, a hybrid scooter is a three- wheeler that uses two separate power sources to power the front and back wheels. The back wheel is powered by a single cylinder 125cc, 20bhp single cylinder motor while the front wheels are each driven by their own electric motor. When the bike is moving up to 10 km/h only the electric motors are used on a stop-start basis reducing the amount of carbon emissions.

SEMA has announced that Yamaha is going to launch one in 2010, with Honda following a year later, fueling a competition to reign in new customers and set new standards for mobility. Each company hopes to provide the capability to reach 60 miles (97 km) per charge by adopting advanced lithium-ion batteries to accomplish their claims. These proposed hybrid motorcycles could incorporate components from the upcoming Honda Insight car and its hybrid powertrain. The ability to mass-produce these items helps to overcome the investment hurdles faced by start-up brands and bring new engineering concepts into mainstream markets.

Automobiles and light trucks

A number of manufacturers currently produce hybrid electric automobiles and light trucks. Other types of HEVs are manufactured including Microhybrids—small hybrid electric city cars. Diesel-electric hybrid vehicles may soon see mass-production.


Ford Escape hybrid-electric taxi.

New York City started converting its taxi fleet to hybrids in 2005, with 375 active as of July, 2007. The mayor plans to convert 20% of the remaining 13,000 taxis each year. San Francisco intends to convert its entire fleet to hybrid or Compressed natural gas vehicles by 2008.


In 2003, GM introduced a hybrid diesel-electric military (light) truck, equipped with a diesel electric and a fuel cell auxiliary power unit. Hybrid electric light trucks were introduced in 2004 by Mercedes Benz (Sprinter) and Micro-Vett SPA (Daily Bimodale). International Truck and Engine Corp. and Eaton Corp. have been selected to manufacture diesel-electric hybrid trucks for a US pilot program serving the utility industry in 2004. In mid 2005 introduced the Elf Diesel Hybrid Truck on the Japanese Market. They claim that approximately 300 vehicles, mostly route buses are using Hinos HIMR (Hybrid Inverter Controlled Motor & Retarder) system. In 2007, high petroleum price means a hard sell for hybrid trucks and appears the first U.S. production hybrid truck (International DuraStar Hybrid).

Other vehicles are:

• Big mining machines like the Liebherr T 282B dump truck or Keaton Vandersteen LeTourneau L-2350 wheel loader are powered that way. • NASA's huge Crawler-Transporters are diesel-electric. • Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Eco Hybrid is a diesel-electric commercial truck. (a Toyota subsidiary) has the world's first production hybrid in Australia (110 kW/150 hp diesel engine plus a 23 kW/31 hp electric motor.

Other hybrid petroleum-electric truck makers are DAF Trucks, MAN AG with MAN TGL Series, Motors and Renault Trucks with Renault Puncher.

Hybrid electric truck technology and powertrain maker: ZF Friedrichshafen.

Military vehicles

The United States Army's manned ground vehicles of the Future Combat System all use a hybrid electric drive consisting of a diesel engine to generate electrical power for mobility and all other vehicle subsystems. Other military hybrid prototypes include the Millenworks Light Utility Vehicle, the International FTTS, HEMTT model A3,and the Shadow RST-V.


In May 2003, JR East started test runs with the so called NE (new energy) train and validated the system's functionality (series hybrid with lithium ion battery) in cold regions. In 2004, Railpower Technologies had been running pilots in the US with the so called Green Goats, which led to orders by the Union Pacific and Canadian Pacific Railways starting in early 2005.

Railpower offers hybrid electric road switchers, as does GE. Diesel-electric locomotives may not always be considered HEVs, not having energy storage on board, unless they are fed with electricity via a collector for short distances (for example, in tunnels with emission limits), in which case they are better classified as dual-mode vehicles.

Marine and other aquatic

Produces marine hybrid propulsion:

• eCycle Inc. • Solar Sailor Holdings

Environmental impact

Fuel consumption

Hybrid vehicles are the best bet to get the most out of each tank of fuel during city driving.

Current HEVs reduce petroleum consumption under certain circumstances, compared to otherwise similar conventional vehicles, primarily by using three mechanisms:

1. Reducing wasted energy during idle/low output, generally by turning the ICE off 2. Recapturing waste energy (i.e. regenerative braking) 3. Reducing the size and power of the ICE, and hence inefficiencies from under-utilization, by using the added power from the electric motor to compensate for the loss in peak power output from the smaller ICE.

Any combination of these three primary hybrid advantages may be used in different vehicles to realize different fuel usage, power, emissions, weight and cost profiles. The ICE in an HEV can be smaller, lighter, and more efficient than the one in a conventional vehicle, because the combustion engine can be sized for slightly above average power demand rather than peak power demand. The drive system in a vehicle is required to operate over a range of speed and power, but an ICE's highest efficiency is in a narrow range of operation, making conventional vehicles inefficient. On the contrary, in most HEV designs, the ICE operates closer to its range of highest efficiency more frequently. The power curve of electric motors is better suited to variable speeds and can provide substantially greater torque at low speeds compared with internal-combustion engines. The greater fuel economy fuel economy of HEVs has implication for reduced petroleum consumption and vehicle air pollution emissions worldwide


Reduced noise emissions resulting from substantial use of the electric motor at idling and low speeds, leading to roadway noise reduction, in comparison to conventional gasoline or diesel powered engine vehicles, resulting in beneficial noise health effects (although road noise from tires and wind, the loudest noises at highway speeds from the interior of most vehicles, are not affected by the hybrid design alone). Reduced noise may not be considered an advantage by some; for example, some people who are blind or visually-impaired consider the noise of combustion engines a helpful aid while crossing streets and feel quiet hybrids could pose an unexpected hazard.[1]


Reduced air pollution emissions, due to lower fuel consumption, lead improved human health with regard to respiratory problems and other illnesses. Pollution reduction in urban environments may be particularly significant due to elimination of idle-at-rest.[citation needed]

Battery toxicity is a concern, although today's hybrids use NiMH batteries, not the environmentally problematic rechargeable nickel cadmium. "Nickel metal hydride batteries are benign. They can be fully recycled," says Ron Cogan, editor of the Green Car Journal.[citation needed] Toyota and Honda say that they will recycle dead batteries and that disposal will pose no toxic hazards. Toyota puts a phone number on each battery, and they pay a $200 "bounty" for each battery to help ensure that it will be properly recycled.


• Reduced noise and vibration at stops: Because the engine turns off when the vehicle stops, there’s no vibration or engine noise.

• Smooth acceleration and reduced noise and vibration at low speeds: On full hybrids, the electric drive keeps the engine off until around 10 to 15 mph. • Reduced engine vibration: Unlike electric motors, combustion engines do not produce power continuously. In fact, each cylinder produces power about one quarter of the time (in a 4- cylinder engine). This produces a pulse, which shows up as vibration. The more cylinders the vehicle has, the less vibration there is. A hybrid can dramatically reduce vibration by filling the spaces between engine pulses with the electric motor. This requires modern control technology, but is well within the capability of a hybrid

Better shifting performance: An automatic transmission produces a short drop in power each time it shifts. In a hybrid, the motor can make up for much of this lost power. This makes less difference for continuously variable transmissions.

• Added electrical capacity: Hybrids can be designed to provide 110 or even 220 volt power. This means a microwave could heat up breakfast on the way to work. Or, instead of a dirty diesel generator, a series/parallel hybrid truck could provide the power source for construction equipment. This could, however, undermine efficiency by increasing the amount of energy used while driving.

• Reduced engine and brake maintenance: A hybrid recovers much of the energy required to stop through regenerative braking. Thus its mechanical brakes will see less wear than those of a conventional vehicle and will need to be serviced or replaced less often.

• Fewer stops at the gas station: The hybrid’s good fuel economy means that it may need to fill up only every 500 to 600 miles. HEV MODEL

- Internal Combustion Engine - Electric Motor/Generator - Splitter - Battery Key Features of Hybrids..??

Hybrids achieve improved efficiencies using several approaches:

 Employ regenerative braking to recover energy that is thrown away

 Downsize or “right-size” the engine or primary power source

 Control the engine or primary power source to operate more efficiently and/or work more often in a more efficient range


 A hybrid car is a passenger vehicle that is driven by a hybrid engine, which is an engine that combines two or more sources of power, generally gasoline and electricity

 There are two types of gasoline-electric hybrids: Parallel hybrid Series hybrid

 Both use gasoline-electric hybrid technology, but in radically different ways

 Both have small gasoline engines  Both produce much less pollution than standard gasoline cars

 Both produce much less power – generally between 60-90hp (the average gasoline engine produces double that)

 Both are constructed of ultra lightweight materials like carbon fiber or aluminum to overcome the power gap

 Both are generally designed to be more aerodynamic than most cars, allowing them to “slice” through the air instead of pushing it out of the way

 Both use a process called regenerative braking to store the kinetic energy generated by brake use in the batteries, which in turn will power the electric motor

 Both use electric power at starts and stops, low speeds (generally below 15mph)

 Both use the gasoline engine at cruising or highway speeds


 Full Hybrid: Can move solely on electric power

 Mild Hybrid: Requires at least some gasoline to power the transmission  Stop-Start Hybrids: Use electric power only while idling or during vehicle deceleration


Did you know that the following voltages are currently used in North American passenger vehicles?

 12 Volt – ALL vehicles

 36 Volts – Saturn Vue

 42 Volt – some conventional and hybrid models

 72 Volt – NEVs

 144 Volt – ALL Honda hybrids

 300 Volt – Toyota first generation Prius hybrids

 500 Volt – Toyota Prius (second generation)

 650 Volt – Toyota Highlander SUV, Lexus RX 400h and GS 450h hybrid HYBRID CAR NEED TO KNOW EMERGENCY FACTS

Interrupt Technology

Gas-Electric systems use a technology that disconnects the battery power if a difference in voltage is detected. Should the vehicle detect a voltage change, it will disconnect the power feed to and from the high voltage battery.


Avoid cutting high-voltage wires during vehicle rescue. MOST hybrids’ high voltage lines run closer to the center of the vehicle and down toward the rear, where the battery is located. High voltage lines are wrapped in orange loom. GM Hybrid Pick-up Cutaway STEPS TO SECRURING HYBRID VEHICLE

1. Chock wheels

2. Remove/Find Key

3. Give key to I/C

4. I/C makes general announcement regarding key

5. Locate power button/Shut off power

6. Engage emergency brake

7. Cut negative 12V cable

8. Cut positive 12V cable

9. Do not touch or cut any orange or blue loom!

10. Wait 5 minutes before making any cuts for extrication! Starting

When a full hybrid vehicle is initially started, the battery typically powers all accessories. The gasoline engine only starts if the battery needs to be charged or the accessories require more power than available from the battery.

Low Speed

For initial acceleration and slow-speed driving, as well as reverse, the electric motor uses electricity from the battery to power the vehicle.

If the battery needs to be recharged, the generator starts the engine and converts energy from the engine into electricity, which is stored in the battery.


At speed above mid-range, both the engine and electric motor are used to propel the vehicle. The gasoline engine provides power to the drive-train directly and to the electric motor via the generator. Braking Part

Regenerative Braking converts otherwise wasted energy from braking into electricity and stores it in the battery. In regenerative braking, the electric motor is reversed so that. Instead of using electricity to turn the wheels, the rotating wheels turn the motor and creates electricity. Using energy from the wheels to turn the motor slow the vehicle down.

HEV Efficiency

Three key factors:

 Regenerative braking

 Engine size

 Vehicle weight & aerodynamic design  Engine size = may be smaller than in a conventional vehicle  Engine is sized to accommodate average load – not peak load

 Vehicle weight/aerodynamic design:  Built using special lightweight materials  Uses advanced aerodynamics to reduce drag

Advanced Technologies

 Regenerative Braking

 Electric Motor Drive/Assist

 Automatic Start/ Shut-Off Regenerative Braking  Recaptures kinetic energy normally lost as heat during braking Kinetic energy = energy of motion

 Electric motor acts as a generator when brakes applied

 Converts kinetic energy to electrical energy, stored in batteries  It becomes potential energy – available for use  No system is 100% efficient

Electric Motor Drive/Assist

 Additional Power to assist engine Accelerating, Passing and Hill Climbing.

 So, allows Smaller and More Efficient Engine to be Used.

Automatic Start/Shutoff

 Automatically shuts off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restarts it when the accelerator is pressed. This prevents wasted energy from idling. HEVs and Air Pollution

 Decreased fuel consumption results in reduced vehicle emissions

 Ability to operate with smaller, more efficient motor maximizes emission management Strategies  Result is reduction of harmful pollutants in atmosphere

Hybrid Reliability

 Hybrids have some of the highest safety ratings of all vehicles

 High-voltage system contains many safety features

 Battery charge is computer controlled – extends battery life

 Batteries under warranty for 100,000 miles, is your engine??

 The cost of maintenance is reduced due to operation of hybrid technology

 Regenerative braking reduces wear on brakes

 Idle stop extends engine life

 Electric accessories reduce load on Engine HEV Advantages

 Reduced fuel consumption

 Excellent gas mileage

 Fewer tailpipe emissions

 Lighter batteries than electric vehicles

 Regenerative braking system stores electrical energy in Batteries

 Uses less fuel to recharge batteries

HEV Disadvantages

 Reduced, but not emission-free

 HEVs are partial zero-emission vehicles (PZEVs) – they produce zero emissions only when engine is not running

 More expensive than conventional Vehicles Current Models of HEVs

 Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid

 Honda Accord Hybrid

 Honda Civic Hybrid

 Ford Escape Hybrid

 GMC Silverado Hybrid

 GMC Sierra Hybrid

 Toyota Prius

 Toyota Highlander Hybrid

 Lexus 400h CONCLUSION

 So, the HEVs have more efficiency, Low Fuel Economy, High Reliability and Less Air Pollution.  Optimum Utilization of these Vehicles will yield in good Results, especially Reduction of pollution. Refrence



