Report Response Options Analysis and Planning for Fafan Zone

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Report Response Options Analysis and Planning for Fafan Zone Report Response options analysis and planning for Fafan zone (Somali region, Ethiopia) March 2018 Funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Overview of the ERC-MPG consortium pilot in Ethiopia ............................................................................................................ 5 Aim......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Who it includes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Time frame ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Overview of the ROAP process .................................................................................................................................................. 6 The Task Team ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Report structure......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Overarching situation analysis in Fafan zone ................................................................................................................................. 9 Demographic profile of the population ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Cross-cutting protection issues and vulnerabilities ................................................................................................................... 9 Single sector report: Food security .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Profiling of the population with severe food security needs ................................................................................................... 11 Causal pathways to food insecurity ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Definition of food assistance objectives .................................................................................................................................. 12 Comparative analysis of food security response options with a focus on suitability .............................................................. 13 Response options for objective 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Response options for objective 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Setting the transfer value for food needs ................................................................................................................................ 14 Overall comparative analysis of the food response options .................................................................................................... 15 Recommended food security response option for Fafan zone ................................................................................................ 15 For objective 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 For objective 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Single sector report: WASH .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Note on terms .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Profiling of the population with WASH needs ......................................................................................................................... 17 Causal pathways to unmet WASH needs ................................................................................................................................. 18 Definition of WASH assistance objectives ............................................................................................................................... 20 Comparative analysis of WASH response options with focus on suitability ............................................................................ 20 Setting the transfer value ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 Overall comparative analysis of the WASH response options ................................................................................................. 21 Recommended WASH response options for Fafan zone ......................................................................................................... 21 Single sector report: Health ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Profiling of the population with severe health needs ............................................................................................................. 23 Causal pathways to unmet health needs ................................................................................................................................. 25 Definition of health assistance objectives ............................................................................................................................... 26 Comparative analysis of health response options with a focus on suitability ......................................................................... 26 Overall comparative analysis of the health response options ................................................................................................. 28 Setting the transfer value for health needs ............................................................................................................................. 29 Recommended health response options for Fafan zone ......................................................................................................... 29 Single sector report: Emergency Shelter & Non-food Items ........................................................................................................ 30 Profiling of the population with severe ES/NFI needs ............................................................................................................. 30 Causal pathways to unmet ES/NFI needs ................................................................................................................................ 31 Definition of ES/NFI assistance objectives ............................................................................................................................... 33 Comparative analysis of ES/NFI response options with a focus on suitability ......................................................................... 33 Setting the transfer value for ES/NFI needs ............................................................................................................................. 34 Overall comparative analysis of the ES/NFI response options ................................................................................................ 34 Recommended ES/NFI response options for Fafan zone ......................................................................................................... 34 Inter-cluster ROAP report............................................................................................................................................................. 36 Linkages between the HDRP and the ROAP ............................................................................................................................. 36 Hotspot priority woredas ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Inter-cluster causal analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 36 Cross-sector risks for special groups and for cash programming ............................................................................................ 37 Integrating sector plans, forging synergies .............................................................................................................................. 39 Estimation of the value of an MPG and of other transfers .....................................................................................................
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