Learning and living on the southern Peninsula,

Futuro Verde 1.3 km sureste del BNCR Cóbano, , Costa Rica +506 2642-0291 www.futuro-verde.org Learning at Futuro Verde

Located on the southern tp of the , Costa Rica, Futuro Verde is a 50-50 dual language IB World School (pre-k to 12th grade) dedicated to providing students with an inspiratonal and innovatve constructvist learning environment focused on environmental and global issues. With an internatonal populaton of students, teachers and a supportve surrounding community, Futuro Verde is the perfect teaching and learning environment for all!

• 2020 enrollment - 220 • Average class size - 15 • Student-teacher rato of 10-1 • 67% of students are from Costa Rica 33% from other countries of origin • 26 frst to second generaton familial countries of origin • 8 languages spoken in the home • 65% of students are bi or multlingual (not necessarily in the languages of instructon) Living on the southern Nicoya Peninsula About the southern Nicoya Peninsula Rivers and waterfalls, wildlife, beaches and surf, farmland and tropical dry forest, villages and wide open spaces - the southern Nicoya Peninsula is a beautful place to visit or live. From December to April the dry season brings nearly constant sunshine, no rain and temperatures in the 80s fahrenheit. During the Green Season, from May to August, occasional rains return the area to its lush state. September and October are the height of the rainy season when the area sees its greatest rainfall, although temperatures are stll very comfortable in the 70s. Due to the area’s proximity to the Equator, the southern Nicoya Peninsula enjoys a fairly constant twelve hours of daylight throughout the year. Where to live? Rental house, hotel, or hostel. There are many diferent optons, depending on your requirements, the length of your visit and budget. Futuro Verde is not able to provide or pay for accommodaton, but we are happy to provide support to help you fnd a place to stay. Short term rental propertes can be found through Airbnb and VRBO. Availability and price will vary depending on the tme of year. Complete the Futuro Verde housing questonnaire and we will do our best to provide you with possible leads for accommodaton. Stay in a local hotel or hostel while you look for somewhere to rent. Many local rental optons are not online, and accommodaton can ofen be found most easily when you are “on the ground”.

What to bring? Everything visitors might need is available locally, but you might like to bring some of the following items with you: • insect repellant • sunblock • toiletries • rain gear • beachwear Make time for fun!

While you are in the area don’t forget to: • go to the beach • visit the Montezuma waterfalls • practce yoga • surf • stand up paddle board (SUP) • go horseback riding • zipline • hike in the Cabo Blanco Reserve • snorkel • visit Isla Tortuga • walk out to cemetery island in Cabuya at low tde • rent ATVs, eat in some great restaurants • watch baby turtles hatch • swim and see underwater creatures in tde pools • go dancing!

You won’t have trouble making your visit even more memorable!

For help with making travel arrangements, fnding accommodation and any further information:

Email: Contact Kate Chiaverini: [email protected] Visit us online: Website: htp://www.futuro-verde.org Facebook: htp://www.facebook.com/futuroverdeCR Instagram: htps://instagram.com/futuroverde Zoom magazine: htp://www.nicoyazoom.com Nicoya Peninsula: htp://nicoyapeninsula.com/nicoyasouth