Gordon Barnhart - Candidate for President of Municipalities of

I wish to introduce myself, outline the traits of a good President, my priorities if re-elected and to ask for your support. I was born in Yorkton and raised in Saltcoats and have stayed true to my hometown roots throughout my life. I received my post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan and the . Throughout my working life, I have been in public service in various ways. The following is a brief outline of my careers to date: • High School Teacher (North Battleford) • Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Regina) • Clerk of the Canadian Senate (Ottawa) • Taught History and Political Studies at the U of S and held two senior administrative positions at the university • Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan • Interim President of the U of S • Saltcoats Town Council 2016-2020 • Elected President of SUMA/MuniSask 2017 • Elected Mayor of Saltcoats 2020 I am married to Naomi (nee Boldt from Osler, Saskatchewan) and we have a blended family of three adult children and five grandchildren. Throughout my working life, I have worked with politicians of all parties both federally and provincially. I have stayed politically neutral and feel confident that I have open access to government and opposition. I believe that the traits of a good President need to: • Be politically neutral with access to all political parties; • Be a good listener to hear your concerns and those of your communities; • Be able to pass on those concerns or proposals to appropriate levels of government; • Be a good public speaker; • Be a team player; • Be experienced in working with the media; • Be open and honest with good communication skills; and • Have a sense of humour. I believe that I have the experience, temperament and personality to meet all of these requirements to be a good President. I am well aware of many of the issues facing municipalities. I have attended all of the Regional meetings over the last four years and toured northern Saskatchewan every summer except this last one due to Covid 19. I have seen the huge infrastructure deficit in our communities large and small and have pushed for more funding. I also believe that regional cooperation will be a way for our municipalities to achieve good results on limited budgets. We all want to create a good life for our citizens. That is why I ran for Mayor and why I am seeking re-election for the position of President.

I could make all sorts of promises on what I will be able to deliver from government but I can't and won't. We have to show government that our services are essential and that we are good stewards of public funds. We can show that we are achieving economies when our communities work together. I will promise you, that I will listen to you and work hard to make our communities and our province an even better place to live. I have time and lots of energy to serve you. I humbly ask for your support.

Gordon Barnhart