Orissa Review (Census Special)


except Mayurbhanj acceded to the Union and formed part of the province of Orissa. New districts were created with effect from that day and the district of thus came into being, Dhenkanal, the centrally located land-locked consisting of the ex-states areas of Dhenkanal, district of the State owes its name to its Hindol, , Athmallik, Palalahada and headquarters town. The district is constituted of . Later on for administrative convenience two ex-princely states, Dhenkanal and Hindol. the Rairakhol ex-estate was transferred to So, the history of the district is synonymous to district with effect from 26th October these ex-states. 1949. Two villages namely Kabatabandha and Goliamuhanpatana were transferred to The district originally consisted of five ex- district in 1964. Dhenkanal and were two estates and Angul sub-division. The latter was separate districts with one composite office primarily state prior to 1848, When it’s last ruler located at Dhenkanal. The collector of Dhenkanal Somanath Singh Jagadev was deposed by the was the ex-officio collector of Angul. The status Company for alleged in sub-ordination. of Angul as a district was changed to that of a Under the direct rule of the British, Angul was sub-division of since 15th administered by the Superintendent of Tributary September 1967 by the Angul Laws and Mahals. The Laws and Regulations of the Regulation (repeal) Act, 1967. Mogulbandi areas were not followed here and in their place special laws were framed for Angul Again on 2.10.1992 the Government of only. In 1855, the Raja of was compelled Orissa divided the erstwhile Dhenkanal district to surrender a part of his territory known as into two districts, namely, Dhenkanal and Angul. Khondmals as he was unable to enforce effective The present Dhenkanal district constituted with control over that land. The Khondmal area was three sub-divisions i.e. Dhenkanal, Hindol and also placed under the administration of the Kamakshyanagar leaving apart the other four sub- Superintendent of the Tributary Mahals. In 1891, divisions i.e. Angul, Talcher, Palalahada and Anugul and Khondmals were constituted into Athmallik, forming the . Angul district, with its headquarters at Anugul. The amalgamation of these two tracts, each forming a Dhenkanal district lies between 20029’ N sub-division continued up to 1936, when the new to 210 26’ N latitude and between 8507’E to province of Orissa was created. That year, Angul 86012’ E longitude. Dhenkanal district is bounded sub-division was constituted into a district under on the north by district and in the south the Angul Laws and Regulations Act, 1936. On by district. In the east lies Jajapur district Ist January, 1948 all the feudatory states of Orissa and in the west Anugul district. The river Brahmani

December - 2010 99 Orissa Review (Census Special) flows in the west of the district as a boundary to percentage of total S.C population are Pan Anugul district and then flows within the district (53.05 percent), Haddi etc.(8.94 percent), and bisecting it into two parts. The Valley of Brahmani Dewar(14.99 percent) and similarly the major River comprises major northern part of Dhenkanal Tribes are Shabar(28.35 percent), Saora Sub-Division and southern part of Kamakyanagar etc.(14.42 percent), and Munda etc.(12.53 Sub-Division. The general slope of the district is percent). Hindus constitute 99.44 percent of the from west to east and north to south. The population, Christians 0.04 percent and Muslims countryside is mostly undulating and contains a only 0.39 percent. large number of villages within the fertile valley of the river. The Literacy rate of the district is 69.42 percent. Male literacy being 80.57 and female The area of the district is 4452 Sq.Km., literacy is 57.89 percent. Among the population which is 2.86 % of the total area of the State who have attained some educational level, it is occupying 15th rank among the 30 districts of observed that they are distributed as Below the State. Primary (32.33 percent), Primary (29.95 The present district of Dhenkanal is carved percent), Middle (13.7 percent) and without level out of the erstwhile . It was a (2.06 percent). Graduation and above are princely state before being included in Sambalpur achieved by only 4.9 percent and Higher district and has immense contribution to Oriya Secondary/Matriculation by 17.06 percent of literature and pioneered development in same of population. The work participation rate is 33.42 the sectors like water supply. percent. Of the workers 73.45 percent main workers and 26.55 are marginal workers. The population size of the State as per 2001 census is 10 lakhs , of which 50.99 percent The district has 3 towns and 1215 are males and 49.01 percent females indicating male number of villages of which 1076 number of advantage which is also reflected in another indicator inhabited villages. Of the total 222,023 i.e. sex ratio (females per 1000 males) being 961. households 26.8 percent are occupying The sex ratio for 0-6 years is 925 indicating permanent houses, 66.3 percent temporary increasing females being disadvantaged. The age houses and 6.9 percent semi-permanent houses. distribution of population indicate 9.14 percent in Out of the inhabited villages almost all villages 0-4 years and 22.64 percent in 5-14 years. The (99.35 percent) have safe drinking water facility. working age group of 15-59 constitute 59.29 Electricity is available in 82.25 percent of villages percent and 60+ and ANS group constitute 8.94 but only 11.34 percent villages put it to agricultural indicating onset of the phenomenon of aging or use. Primary schools available in 76.30 percent, higher non reporting of ages. The household size Middle school in 40.06 percent of villages. of this district is 5. Population density is 240, the Secondary school are located in 25.74 percent area being 4452 sq/km. The population growth and colleges in 2.14 percent of villages. Medical rate during 1991-2001, averaged annually, is 12.46. facility is available in 16.45 percent of villages and post, telegraph etc in 44.98 percent of villages. The percentage of population classified Bus services are available in 29.18 percent. Paved as urban is only 8.71 percent Dhenkanal town approach road in 38.48 percent and mud being the only urban area. The Scheduled Caste approach road in 89.78 percent of villages.The population of the district is 18.49 percent and the population growth rate being high compared to Scheduled Tribes constitute 12.79 percent. The the state and the low sex ratio as young ages is major S.C. group of the district according to major demographic concern.

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Basic Data Sheet District Dhenkanal (14), Orissa (21) ( Source: Census of India 2001)

Population: Persons 1,066,878 Number of households 222,023 Males 544,001 Household size (per household) 5 Females 522,877 Growth (1991 - 2001) 12.46 Sex ratio (females per 1000 males) 961 Rural 973,964 Sex ratio (0-6 years) 925 Urban 92,914 Scheduled Caste population 197,280 Scheduled Tribe population 136,501 Percentage to total population 18.49 Percentage to total population 12.79

Literacy and Educational level Literates Educational Level attained Persons 639,363 Total 639,363 Males 377,237 Without level 13,157220 Females 262,126 Below primary 206,700 Literacy rate Primary 191,465 Persons 69.42 Middle 87,602 Males 80.57 Matric/Higher Secondary/Diploma 109,048 Females 57.89 Graduate and above 31,348

Workers Age groups Total workers 356,513 0 - 4 years 97,462 Main workers 261,875 5 - 14 years 241,556 Marginal workers 94,638 15 - 59 years 632,513 Non-workers 710,365 60 years and above (Incl. A.N.S.) 95,347

Scheduled Castes (Largest three) Scheduled Tribes (Largest three)

1.Pan Pano 104,650 1.Shabar 38,695 2.Dewar 29,568 2.Saora etc. 19,677 3.Haddi etc. 17,638 3.Munda etc. 17,100

eligionsReligions (Largest (Largest three) three) Amenities and infrastructural facilities 1.Hindus 1,060,943 Total inhabited villages 1,076 2.Muslims 4,177 3.Christians 468 Amenities available in villages No. of villages Drinking water facilities 1,075 Important Towns (Largest three) Safe Drinking water 1,069 Population Electricity (Power Supply) 885 Electricity (domestic) 699 1.Dhenkanal (M) 57,677 Electricity (Agriculture) 122 2. (NAC) 20,234 Primary school 821 3.Kamakshyanagar (NAC) 15,003 Middle schools 431 Secondary/Sr Secondary schools 277 College 23 House Type Medical facility 177 Primary Health Centre 35 Primary Health Sub-Centre 144 Type of house (% of households occupying) Post, telegraph and telephone facility 484 Permanent 26.8 Bus services 314 Semi-permanent 6.9 Paved approach road 414 Temporary 66.3 Mud approach road 966

December - 2010 101 Orissa Review (Census Special)

District Highlights

Ø Dhenkanal is the 15th district in terms of size and 17th in terms of population. Ø Dhenkanal is the 17 urbanized district in the state having about 8.71 per cent of its population lives in the urban areas whereas about 14.99 per cent of states' population lives in urban areas. Ø In terms of population per sq. km. Dhenkanal is 11 th densely populated district in the state. Ø Dhenkanal ranks 23rd in terms of sex-ratio in the state. Ø There are only 139 uninhabited villages in the district and 8 villages are having a population of more than 5000. Ø Rasol, a P.S. hqrs., is the most populated village (7,142) in the district. Ø The economy of the district is mainly dependent upon cultivation. Out of 100 workers in the district 60 are engaged in Agricultural sector. Ø Dhenkanal Sadar police station is having the highest number of villages (235) and Hindol police stationsstations is having having the the lowest lowest number number of villages (55) in the district.district.

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