The Board Meeting - Public Session of The York Region Board of Education was held in the Board Room of The Education Centre, Aurora at 8:03 p.m. on Thursday, May 29, 1997 with Chair B. Crothers presiding and the following members present; Trustees, Barkey, Bennett, Bowes, Dunlop, Dunn, Forfar, Gunn, Hackson, Hunter, Jonsson, Middleton, Nightingale, Pengelly and Stevenson.

Regrets: Trustees K. Barker, D. Caine, K. Irish, J. West, Student Trustee Representative S. Shin and Student Trustee Designate S. Pohani.


Trustee J. Jonsson delivered the Invocation.


1. Moved by R. Dunn, seconded by K. Barkey:

That the agenda be approved with the changes announced by the Board Chair.



Chair B. Crothers congratulated staff, students and business partners involved in the Heritage Fair held on May 22 and 23. With over 6,000 students visiting the Fair during the two days, more than 50 performances ranging from plays, skits, choirs, puppet shows, videos and docu-dramas, and the involvement of over 200 teachers in 67 York Region schools, the Fair was a tremendous success. The Chair particularly recognized Consultant Michael Charles for his dedication to realizing his vision of the Heritage Fair and through his leadership involving so many of our system partners.

Trustee Hunter announced that the Adult Learning Centre held an official opening on May 28th. She congratulated the staff, students and businesses involved in this initiative.

Trustee Middleton recognized the Mathematics Olympics as a resounding success again this year. He congratulated the schools and students who participated in this event.


Last night a few hundred people gathered at Westmount Collegiate Institute to celebrate the retirement of Ernie Collins. It was Ernie and Carol Veenstras choice to bring people together in that venue. And it was an appropriate one. Ernie has been dedicated to the students, staff, schools and work sites in our organization for 26 years. It was fitting that he should say good bye to us from a location that carried with it such significant meaning.

One by one as people were asked to speak, it became evident that the ease of their words and the eloquence of their thoughts stemmed from the genuine BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 3 MAY 29, 1997 admiration they had for the guest of honour. Each of the speakers highlighted a career that touched the lives of thousands of students, staff and community members. It was easy to listen to stories from his best friend, Bud, from supervisory officer colleagues, and from Joe Jonsson. They each highlighted different periods of his career, but the themes were the same. After all, we were there to honour a man whose hallmarks were his consistent good nature, strong character and genuine compassion and respect for all people. We heard a lot about Ernie as a valued friend, highly respected mentor, trusting colleague, outstanding father and loving husband. Everyone in that room, had they been allowed to tell their story, would have offered the same praise.

Twenty-six years ago, Ernie came to York Region after spending the first four years of his teaching career with the Scarborough Board of Education. His first assignment as a guidance counselor at Huron Heights made an indelible imprint in the minds of staff and administration that guidance counseling and Ernie were a perfect match. He was recognized for his ability to understand and empathize. His students loved him and staff held him in high regard. It was indeed our good fortune that he decided to join us.

When he moved to Aurora High School as the department head of guidance he demonstrated his natural ability as a leader, and was promoted to Interim Vice-Principal. Shortly after that he moved to Bayview Secondary School as Vice-Principal and was later promoted to Principal at Dr. Williams Secondary School.

During his time in administration, Ernie proved his mettle as a collaborative leader who was able to make tough decisions, while always respecting and trusting the thinking of his staff and fellow administrators. Ernie possessed big picture thinking -- system thinking, and moved to a position where he could make an even greater impact on the system. He was seconded to work with the Superintendent of School Operations as the executive assistant. Once again, he brought to his new role a level of understanding of system issues that made him a valuable asset to central office and more importantly, to the entire organization.

When Ernie was promoted to Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and then eventually to Superintendent of Schools, The York Region Board of Education once again saw that Ernies skills were aptly suited to meet the systems needs. He has been a loyal member of our supervisory officer group, highly respected by principals, secretaries, custodial staff, trustees and all members of this organization.

As our system continued to grow and our mandate expanded to include community partners into the educational mix, Ernie assumed the responsibility for developing our links with business and industry. This endeavour is one of our systems ongoing success stories -- one which we attribute to Ernies vision and ability to bring people together for a common cause. I would like to thank you Ernie for your management of the partnership portfolio. The work you did in concert with Marlene has given students opportunities that they could never have had if it were not for your perseverance. You are a true colleague, modeling our mission statement, bringing people together to be stronger as a group and allowing schools the latitude to make their own decisions, while always supportive of the outcome. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 4 MAY 29, 1997

Ernies career has been studded with timeless memories that will forever be golden. We will miss his unmistakable voice at Directors Council. The system will miss his unwavering commitment as a field superintendent, and we will all miss him as our very good friend. The fortunate among us this evening are his wife, Chris, and their son, Joel. They will always have Ernie in their life as an unmistakable presence

Tonight marks the official end of your career, Ernie, and its time for us to bid you farewell. With an autographed picture of Roger Clemens in one hand and Joels baseball schedule in the other, we know you are well equipped with the tools of retirement. On behalf of The York Region Board of Education, I wish you good health and much happiness. You may be formally leaving us as Superintendent of Schools, but you will continue to be the man we have come to know as a champion in the hearts of us all.

Superintendent Collins responded by expressing his appreciation and good wishes to the Board. He acknowledged his colleagues, as well as the rewards and challenges received during his tenure with the Board. He recognized the trustees and their cooperative efforts in facing the challenges over the years and in particular Trustees, Crothers, Nightingale and Jonsson for their support.


Success assuredly inspires success, and tonight our cup of success is overflowing! Success takes many forms, and this evening we are celebrating the success of vision, teamwork, determination, compassion and inspiration.

• Helen Gaidatsis, Steve Rensink and Mary Lessard, William Berczy Public School Helen is the first recipient of The Learning Partnerships Charlie Pielsticker Leadership Award for initiating, developing and implementing partnership projects that benefit students, schools and the community. A wonderful team player who brings out everyones strengths, Helens "The World to Our Doorsteps" vision is largely responsible for Berczys lengthy list of community partners. "The power of partnerships is an all encompassing attitude that cultivates participation and enhances relationships at all levels," says Helen. "A commitment to partnerships becomes epidemic as students become more inclined to work together in groups, teachers work in teams, parents redefine their roles as partners in education, and the community becomes more aware of the school and more supportive of continued efforts in improving education." The Area Partnership Network, moreover, has presented its first annual Partnership Award to William Berczy Public School and Unico Foods for their Unico Bridge Fair. This hands-on pilot project which helped build bridges between the classroom and real life, saw teams of students working together and applying a variety of academic and social skills. Mary, Steve and Helen, congratulations. Your contagious team spirit is enhancing learning at William Berczy. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 5 MAY 29, 1997

• Royal Orchard Public School: Rosemary Scarlett, Nadia Generoso, Kim Subero, Leah Abitbol and Anika Khanna, and Sarah Freedman The Science and Literacy Conference Board of has honoured Royal Orchard Public School with one of its four Global Partnership Focus Awards for Science in Literacy Partnerships. Teacher Nadia Generoso introduced her class to the high-tech world of mining through "Mining Matters," an activity-based unit incorporating mathematics, language arts, art and technology. The partnership involved mining associations, corporations, federal and provincial government departments and school boards. Nadias students, moreover, recently shared their knowledge of mining with other students at the Royal Ontario Museum. Nadia, with the support of Principal Rosemary Scarlett and a wide-range of partners, has created unique learning opportunities for our students. Well done!

• Mary Storey Curriculum Consultant Mary Storey exemplifies commitment to education. Last year she received the national level Prime Ministers Award for Teaching Excellence in Science, Technology and Mathematics as well as the Descartes Medal from the Rene Descartes Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematics. Earlier this month, the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education presented Mary with its Morley MacGregor Award for demonstrating excellence in mathematics education and contributing to the overall development of students beyond classroom activities. Mary successfully links mathematics to the world around her students and uses technology to make the learning of math more exciting and efficient. "Promoting mathematics for all students in all situations," says Mary, "will prepare our student for the best of futures." Mary, we will never tire of congratulating you for helping to ensure student success!

• The York Region Literary Awards: Rivanna Stuhler, Jaty Tam and Carol Diamond The second annual York Region Literary Awards -- sponsored by Imperial Oil, Scholastic Canada and Royal Bank -- has been coordinated by Thornlea Secondary School students Rivanna Stuhler and Jaty Tam and teacher Carol Diamond, who will make the presentation to this years winners. Intermediate Division: 1st Matt King Grade 10, Unionville High School - Matts father Michael accepted the award 2nd Nathan Ballantyne Grade 10, Unionville High School 3rd Bryan Spitz Grade 9, Westmount Collegiate Institute Senior Division: 1st Lucia Piccinni OAC, King City Secondary School 2nd Michael Drach Grade 12, Thornlea Secondary School 3rd Matthew Larsen Grade 11, Thornhill Secondary School

• Caitlyn Doyle Caitlyn, a Grade 7 student at Pleasantville Public School, is a national award winner in the Mathieu Da Costa Awards Program for her essay on Japanese-Canadian lawyer Maryka Omatsu. Encouraged by her teacher Heather Sears-Hochffelner, Caitlyn entered the competition which focused on the contributions to Canada of culturally and racially diverse people. Caitlyn is one of eight national winners. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 6 MAY 29, 1997

I am sure that your principal, Virginia Dawson, who is here this evening, joins us in saying, "Bravo, Caitlyn!"

• Elizabeth Carr The Council for Exceptional Children has presented Elizabeth, a Grade 3 student at Orchard Park Public School, with its International "Yes I Can" Award for her determination and courage in overcoming the hurdles of spina bifida. She is one of 35 winners worldwide and one of three Canadians to receive this honour. Elizabeth constantly sets new challenges for herself and now walks or rollerskates down the halls, mushes along on snowshoes, rides horses and swims. This year, she joined her class in skating. Her parents, teacher Ruth Geddes, teaching assistant Cathy May and DART Regan Crawley, provide constant encouragement. Joining Elizabeth this evening is Principal John Hopkins, Vice-Principal Dale Weatherill, teacher Ruth Geddes, and teaching assistant Cathy May. As you have proven, Elizabeth, yes, you can!

• Aaron Rothschild Our students, staff and schools are noted for their caring and sharing, but Aaron Rothschild, an OAC student at Vaughan Secondary School, recently went far above and beyond. When the Red River threatened to flood the city of Winnipeg, Aaron borrowed money from his parents and flew to the beleaguered city as a volunteer to assist in the flood relief efforts. They say: cold hands, warm heart. Aarons hands were cold AND raw but he certainly proved he has a warm heart. Aaron, we know that the residents of Winnipeg are grateful for your humanitarian efforts. Your vice-principal, Tony Lewis, who is here tonight, and all of us are proud of you indeed.

Unionville High Schools Team Wolfpack: Dwight Robinson, Dale Andrews, Ryan Heney, Zane Dawood, Tamanna Koovarjee, Stephen Hennigar and Air Wolf These five students represent the 35-member team, advised by teachers Dwight Robinson and Dale Andrews and in partnership with Motorola of Canada, that captured the national championship at the Canada FIRST Robotics Competition and also earned the SPAR Canadarm Award. It took seven weeks and more than 100 hours, but together they built the competitions winning basketball-playing robot, Air Wolf, in a team effort that incorporated design, construction, electronic, communications and public relations skills. As part of the competition, they created a video that demonstrates Air Wolfs as well as Team Wolfpacks winning prowess.


Aaron Klopp, a former Student Trustee of The York Region Board of Education, presented the Board with a plaque from the Ontario Secondary School Students Association in recognition of the Boards contribution in building student leadership skills and for its ceaseless support in furthering student leadership objectives. Former Student Trustee Klopp particularly acknowledged the Board for their support in producing the student manual which is utilized provincially by students. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 7 MAY 29, 1997

Chair Crothers responded by indicating that Aaron is representative of the quality of students we are honoured to have in our secondary schools. Director Hogarth also responded by saying that student leadership is integral to the success of the Board. The students in York Region make a significant contribution to this organization with their leadership skills. He thanked Aaron Klopp for his contribution to this organization and to furthering student leadership skills.


3. Moved by P. Gunn, seconded by R. Dunn:

That the Minutes of the April 29, 1997 Board Meeting be approved as amended.

- Carried -


4. Moved by V. Hackson, seconded by N. Dunlop:

That the Board adopt the following routine recommendations (*) in accordance with Board Procedure.


1) Construction Projects Review

That the Board receive the staff report Construction Projects Review.

2) Correspondence from the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board Re Bill 104

That The York Region Board of Education receive and respond to the correspondence from the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board regarding Bill 104.

3) Correspondence from the Carleton Roman Catholic School Board Re Request to Delay Secondary School Reform

That The York Region Board of Education receive the correspondence from the Carleton Roman Catholic School Board regarding the request to delay Secondary School Reform for one year. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 8 MAY 29, 1997

4) Race Relations Advisory Committee Membership

That The York Region Board of Education approve the following recommendation from the May 15, 1997 Race Relations Advisory Committee meeting:

"That The Race Relations Advisory Committee recommends to the Board that Tasleem Ladak be appointed to fill a vacancy on the Committee for the term of June to November 1997."


1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Approval of Minutes

That the minutes of April 3, 1997 be approved as written.

3) Motion to Extend Meeting

That the SEAC meeting be extended after 10:00 p.m.

4) Special Education Report

That the Special Education Report be received.


1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Receipt of Minutes

That the Minutes of Meeting #4, April 7, 1997 be received for information.

3) Policy #105.0, Communications Policy

That the changes recommended to the draft Policy #105.0, Communications Policy, be taken back to the Communications Advisory Council for discussion and a revised policy be presented at the June 9, 1997 Policy and By-Law Committee meeting. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 9 MAY 29, 1997

4) Policy #115.0, Board Assistance for School-Oriented Organizations in York Region

That, in accordance with Policy #285.0, The Writing of Policies, Policy #115.0, Board Assistance for School-Oriented Organizations in York Region, be deleted effective May 29, 1997.

5) Policy #455.0, Performance Bond and Payment of Labour and Materials Bond

That, in accordance with Policy #285.0, The Writing of Policies, Policy #455.0, Performance Bond and Payment of Labour and Materials Bond, be forwarded to the May 29, 1997 Board Meeting for final approval.

6) Policy #512.0, Conflict of Interest - Employees

That, in accordance with Policy #285.0, The Writing of Policies, Policy #512.0, Conflict of Interest - Employees, be forwarded to the May 29, 1997 Board Meeting for final approval, as amended.

7) Policy #540.0, Health and Safety

That, in accordance with Policy #285.0, The Writing of Policies, Policy #540.0, Health and Safety, be forwarded to the May 29, 1997 Board Meeting for final approval, as amended.

8) Policy #670.0, Scholarships and Awards

That, in accordance with Policy #285.0, The Writing of Policies, Policy #670.0, Scholarships and Awards, be forwarded to the May 29, 1997 Board Meeting for final approval, as amended.


That the minutes of the French Language Advisory Committee meeting held on May 13, 1997 be received for information.


1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as amended by combining items 4(d) and 4(g). BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 10 MAY 29, 1997

2) Delegation by Mr. Don Brough, Co-Chair, School Council Newmarket Elementary School

That the delegation by Mr. Don Brough, Co-Chair, School Council, Newmarket Elementary School, be received and that staff prepare a response to this report.

3) Report on Attention Deficit Disorder

That the Board receive the Report on Attention Deficit Disorder for information.

4) Multi-Year Plan

In advance of any changes to the Multi-Year Plan, that staff be requested to consider adding a section to the Multi-year Plan addressing Attention Deficit Disorder, with the assumption that this will be brought to SEAC for their review and recommendation to the Board.

5) Report of Cash Disbursements - April 1997

1. That the Cash Disbursements for April, 1997 for all expenditures except item #28 in the sum of $60,245,119.33 be approved.

2. That the Cash Disbursements for April, 1997 for item #28 in the sum of $43,213,133.18 be approved.

6) Proposed Plans of Subdivision 19T-95055, 19T-95113, 19T-97V07 and 19T-97V09, City of Vaughan

1. That a new public elementary school site not be required within the areas of 19T-95055, 19T-95113, 19T-97V07 and 19T-97V09, City of Vaughan.

2. That the Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Vaughan be advised of this requirement.

7) Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-95053, Woodbridge Expansion Area, City of Vaughan

1. That a new public elementary school site will be required within the area of 19T-95053, City of Vaughan.

2. That the Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Vaughan be advised of this requirement. BOARD MEETING MINUTES - PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 11 MAY 29, 1997

8) Markham Vacant Sites Update

That the Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Town of Markham and The York Region Board of Education.

9) Holland Landing Public School Addition, Town of East Gwillimbury

That the Capital Strategy List be amended to show the Holland Landing Public School Addition proposed opening postponed to 1999.

10) Continuing Education Business Plan

That the Board receive the Continuing Education Business Plan.

- Carried -


At this time, Mr. Peter Held and Mr. John Moore of BDO Dunwoody addressed the Board regarding the 1996 Auditors Report and Financial Statements.

Mr. Held provided the Board with an overview of the audit report from BDO Dunwoody. Trustees queried principles of the audit process and Board staff and representatives of BDO Dunwoody responded.

5. Moved by R. Stevenson, seconded by P. Gunn:

That the Audit Committee recommends that the 1996 Auditors Report and Financial Statements be adopted as presented by BDO Dunwoody.

- Carried -


Chair Crothers provided an overview of the sequence of events regarding cancellation of the OPSBA membership as well as the communication received from OPSBA on May 21, 1997. Trustee Forfar quoted the OPSBA constitution referenced in the communication and requested confirmation of the possible interpretation. A discussion ensued with respect to obligation and responsibility of the Board and OPSBA.

6. Moved by H. Nightingale, seconded by K. Barkey:

That Chair Crothers, in consultation with Trustee Dunlop, discuss with OPSBA a mutually agreeable resolution to the matter and return with recommendations to the Board.



7. Moved by H. Nightingale, seconded by R. Stevenson:

That the Board Meeting - Public Session be adjourned at 9:43 p.m.

- Carried -

Chair of the Board Director of Education and Secretary-Treasurer REPORT FROM BOARD MEETING - PRIVATE SESSION, MAY 29, 1997

2. Moved by J. Jonsson, seconded by H. Nightingale:

1) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Leaves of Absence.

2) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Leave Of Absence Long Term Disability Purposes.

3) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Leaves of Absence Rescinded.

4) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Mutual Consent Termination.

5) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Mutual Consent Termination for Retirement Purposes.

6) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Termination of Teaching Contract for LTD Purposes.

7) That the Board approve the recommendation in the staff report Resignation for Retirement Purposes.

8) That The York Region Board of Education approve the recommendations in the May 20, 1997 Board Standing Committee minutes.

9) That the Board approve the recommendations in the staff report Appointments and Transfers of Principals and Vice-Principals.

10) That the Board approve the recommendations regarding personnel issues.

11) That The York Region Board of Education approve the recommendation in the minutes of the May 20, 1997 Special Board Meeting regarding Secondary School Teacher negotiations.

12) That the York Region Board of Education accept the resignation of a teacher effective August 31, 1997.

13) That the York Region Board of Education dismiss David Peckham effective May 29, 1997 and that his teacher contract with The York Region Board of Education be terminated effective August 31, 1997.

- Carried -