• • ow doyou respond whenyou seesomethingamazing? • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS

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H andlovedo theyhelpmetrust ? Ar How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Ar What doesthisstor What doesthisstor or thegospel? ow does changeus whenwe follow Him? ow shouldwe respond toGod’s presence? ow does this story helpmetoliveow onmissionbetter? doesthisstory e there any promises in this story toremember?e there How anypromises inthisstory toobey? e there anycommandsinthisstory y teachmeaboutmyself? y teachmeaboutGod © 2020

FOLD LifeWay earth in His glory tomakeallthings new. inHisearth glory would die,risefrom thedead,andreturn toheaven. One day, Jesus willcome backto Baptist. Then thedisciplesrealized Jesus wastalking about John the comes?” that mustcomebefore theMessiah They askedHim, dothescribessay “Why but theywondered whatJesus meant. the dead.” until theSon ofMan israisedfrom “Don’t tellanyone whatyou saw the mountain,Jesus saidtothem, only sawJesus. orElijah anymore. They looked up, theydidnotsee be afraid.” When the disciples facedown. The disciplesheard thisandfell am well-pleased. ListentoHim!” is My beloved Son, withwhomI A voice from thecloudsaid,“This bright cloudsuddenlycovered them. here.” While Peter wasstillspeaking,a Elijah talkingwithJesus. as thelight. The discipleswokeupandsawMoses and face wasshininglikethesun,andHis clotheswere aswhite high mountaintopray. AsJesus prayed, His appearancesuddenlychanged.His STORY POINT: JESUS SHOWED HISGLORY TO PETER, JAMES, ANDJOHN. Christ Connection:Jesus showed toPeter, His glory James, andJohn. Jesus saidHe Jesus explainedthat aprophet likeElijah hadcome. The disciplesdidnottellanyone, As theywere comingdown “Get up,” Jesus said.“Don’t Peter said,“Lord, itisgoodforustobe One day, Jesus ledthree ofHis disciples—Peter, James, andJohn—up ona Jesus Showed HisGlory Matthew 17;Mark9;Luke 9 27 Up on a Mountain Use the clues to match each description with the correct person.

Israel (Tip: Mark an X in spaces that don’t fit and an O in rescue rescue people went to to went of Egypt of came to to came led God’s led God’s from sin from whirlwind prophet to to prophet Son of God of Son people out in a heaven spaces that do.) God spoke to to God spoke burning bush him through a him through

Moses Clues: 1. Moses did not go to heaven in a Elijah whirlwind. 2. The Son of God came to rescue people from sin. Jesus 3. Elijah did not lead God’s people out of Egypt. God spoke to 4. The prophet to Israel went to heaven him through a in a whirlwind. burning bush 5. God spoke through a burning bush to the man who would lead God’s people went to heaven out of Egypt. in a whirlwind 6. Moses did not come to rescue people from sin. came to rescue 7. Jesus is the Son of God. people from sin

Changed! Use the code to fill in the blanks.

Unit 24, Session 4: Jesus Showed His Glory 28 © 2020 LifeWay