BRITISH Br Med J: first published as on 23 March 1946. Downloaded from



SATURDAY MARCH 23 1946 TABLE OF CONTENTS Health Problem in Berlin P. G. HORSBURGH, M.R.C.S., and H. A. RAEBURN, M.D...... 423 Nutrition of Leeds School-children in Winter, 1943, and Summer, 1944 F. W. CHAITAWAY, Ph.D., FRANK C. HAPPOLD, D.SC., and A. MARGARET HAPPOLD, M.A...... 429

Gunshot Wound of Internal Carotid S. L. SCHWARZWALD, L.R.C.P...... 431

Congenital Malaria A. ECKSTEIN, M.D., and W. C. W. NIXON, F.R.C.S...... 432

Hypertension in Ruptured Kidney D. C. CORRY, F.R.C.S.. 433

MEDICAL MEMORANDA LEADING ARTICLES CORRESPONDENCE-cont. Penicillin Treatment of Malignant How London Saw it Through...... 437 Treatment of Amoebiasis. T. W. PRESTON, M.D. Diphtheria. A. B. CHRISTIE, M.D., Contraception and Infertility...... 438 ...... 446 Ocular Signs in Far East P.O.W.s. L. B. and J. C. PRESTON, M.R.C.S ...... 433 SOMERVILLE-LARGE, M.B...... 446 Sigmoidoscopy: Perforation of the ANNOTATIONS Cephalin Flocculation Test in Malaria. Rectum. H. B. WALKER, F.R.C.S. ...434 What is Gastric Flu ?...... 439 ARCHIBALD DICK, M.D...... 446 Volvulus of Small Intestine T. A. Chorionic Gonadotrophin ...... 439 Incision for Appendicectomy. ANDREW -

M.B...... QUILLIAM, 434 The Starved but not Corrupt Kidney ... 440 MONRO, F.R.C.S...... 446 Convulsions for Depression...... 440 Physical in Mental Disorder.

GENERAL ARTICLES AND NEWS HARVEY BAIRD, M.D...... 447 on 27 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. REVIEWS Leucotomy in Post-encephalitic Conduct Nova et Vetera: Disorder. E. S. LOWER, M.R.C.S. ....447 Cesalpino and the Circulation...... 436 Symptoms of Visceral Disease...... 435 Vitamins in ...... 435 Fractured Patella. G. 0. TIPPETr, F.R.C.S. 448 George Owen: to Henry of "Eumydrin " Treatment of Vomiting. VIm ...... 436 Tumours...... 435 VICTORIA SMALLPEICE, M.D...... 448 FILING AND INDEXING UNPUBLISHED The Criminal Psychopath...... 435 Keratoconjunctivitis. R. J. BUXTON, M.B. 448 MATERIAL...... 441 Notes on Books...... 435 " Deck Ankles." W. F. L. FAVA, M.D. 448 FREE AMBULANCES TO LONDON Hos- OBITUARY Local Cod-liver Oil for Colds. H. R. LILLIE, M.B...... 449 PrrALs...... 441 Adolf M.D.453 Myringotomy and Paracentesis. J. K. EMPLOYMENT OF THE DEAF...... 441 Lorenz, Robert Klaber, M.D., F.R.C.P ...... 453 MILLIGAN, M.R.C.S...... 449 EDUCATION FOR FAMILY LIFE...... 441 W. F. Neil, F.R.C.S ...... 453 Homosexuality. CLIFFORD ALLEN, M.D.; FUTURE OF N. IRELAND HOSPITALS...... 441 E. A. BENNET, M.D.; F. DILLON, M.D.; UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES...... 452 W. McK. Bonnar, M.D.453 ELLIS STUNGO, L.R.C.S., and EUSTACE MEDICAL NOTES IN PARLIAMENT...... 454 CORRESPONDENCE CHESSER, L.R.C.S.; R. H. N. LONG .... 449 MEDICAL NEWS...... 455 Are the People More Healthy? PATRICK India and Birth Control. RASHEED SLATER ...... 451 AHMAD, M.R.C.S...... 444 Fundamental Principles arid Errors. JOHN LETTERS AND ANSWERS Health of India. A. M. THOMSON, M.B. 444 DALE, M.D. .451 Premature Ejaculation - Thrombophleb- Dosage of Diphtheria Antitoxin. ALEX. Lay v Medical Administration. C. E. itis Migrans-Incidence of Anaemia- JOE, M.D...... 445 NICOL ...... 452 Rh Factor and Mongolism-Pseudo- Diphtheria Immunization. H. LYND- Diuresis by Suggestion. E. GALLOP, M.D. 452 hypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy- HURST DUKE, M.D...... 445 Motive in Medical Demobilization. Virilism and Schizophrenia-Sunflower Diagnosis of Amoebiasis. L. R. S. MAC- W. D. G. TROUP, M.B...... 452 Seeds-Penicillin in Beeswax and Pea- FARLANE, M.B.; J. J. KEMPTON, M.B.445 Singapore Internment Camp. PATRICIA nut Oil-Interstitial Mastitis-Pleural ELLIOTF, M.B...... 452 Effusion and Artificial Pneumothorax- Phenol in Oil-Treatment of Malarial SUPPLEMENT REPORTS OF SOCIETIES Recurrences - Income Tax - Treating Heard at Headquarters...... 65 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE: Minors for V.D.-Nicotinic Acid in Insurance Acts Committee...... 66 442 Disease-Home Remedies- Penicillin in Otitic Meningitis ...... Coronary THE ISLE OF WIGHT SPEAKS OuT...... 66 NORTH oF ENGLAND OBSTETRICAL AND Exercises to Prevent Chilblains - GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY ...... 443 Coccygodynia or Proctalgia? Suturing CORRESPONDENCE...... 67 the Abdominal Wall-Applying for a H.M. FORCES APPORNTMENTS...... 69 Hospital Post-University Election 457-60 ASSOCITION NcOIcEs...... 70 Epidemiology Section...... 456 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.I No. 4446, WEEKLY, PRICE 1/6 Co]pyright REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER