Chronicle of a Year on Long Island
Chronicle of A Nature Journal by DennisPuleston Everybirder, naturalist, or scien- tist knowsthat watchingbirds involvesmuch more than simply countingspecies that pass by in migration,or recordingnesting successin a censusarea. We need to understandthe intriguing and complexworld in whichbirds live, feed, and nest. Author and naturalist Dennis Puleston has takentime to explorethat world nearhis home on LongIsland in NewYork. As a giftto hisgrand- children,he put together painted and written observations of a year in his beloved "neighborhood."The result was a beautiful and compellinglook at therichness -- andfragility -- oflife on Long Island.At the urgingof friends, Puleston had the collection made into a book. The following excerptfrom A NatureJournal comesfrom the chapter describ- ingthe month of March.Perhaps hiswork will spurothers to take stock of the environment in their 1096-American Birds, Winter 1992 ownbackyard. -- TheEditor SometimesMarch, theblustery month, series of abruptside slips and a finaldive that comesin likea lamb,only to remindus later of looksas if hewill crash. During the final stages itsunpleasant reputation, as if it werereluctant of flight,he produces a string of melodious to allowwinter to slidegradually into spring. twitteringsthat so fill theair theyappear to Yetthere are plenty of signsof thecoming comefrom everydirection. Once he has changein seasons:Buds are fattening, day descended,this strange routine begins all over liliesand daffodils are thrusting their green again,and if themoon is out, it maycontinue spikesabove ground, and even in the early onand off all night. daysof the months,one can hear the loud, Small, round holes in moist earth indicate cheerysong of theCarolina •O(/rcn: "tea-kettle, where woodcocks have been probing for earth- tea-kettle, tea-kettle." Cardinals, too, are worms,which are more than ninety percent of in song,and the males are pursuing females theirdiet.
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