Murder Su.Spect on Run Shadow Falls Over Cops
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• !. ~ it T0DAY: JUDGE' ORDERS SECURITY PROBE·* EX-HENT.IES MAYOR IN COURT - ~ '~ KID ', SHOOTS FRIEND'* e al rea Murder su.spect on run I.;i~~~~ .:AIIOr·iIt6Xll.... ovlOucbedMwn Shadow falls over cops .. ~n4~.n~andpe~pnelrromthe.~t :RUndU JO pick up the medical ... held by police earlier that day, to escape. CHRIS NDIVANGA The car, a yellow taxi (registration number _\;t~~ ,; j&r~:k~~~t~i:~m~~~ :·th.er6U:ksbehv~n the Police and • ~ntinued on page 2 N46829W), was recovered yesterday afternoon. It I,.: ... i .. \ ........... ..., ...... A NAMPOL officer was yesterday had been abandoned in the Maroela section of .... ...... ..... -., - ~ --- .,13<" .. £ arrested for questioning in connection Katutura. Money, N$130, allegedly left in the car with the bizarre escape of Protasius by the driver was not found. Police spokesperson Edwin Kanguatjivi said it 'Metra-Toromba' Kanguinja from looked as if the two police officers could have the Windhoek central police station helped Kanguinja to escape. on Sunday. Shikerete told The Namibian that no force had Kanguinja's escape was only discovered yester been used in the escape and that the cell was day morning when court orderlies went to fetch the apparently unlocked from the outside. accused to go to court. He said he had only learnt that Kanguinja had Police are also looking for a second officer in escaped from reporters who had approached him COiU\eCtion with the escape. Windhoek District Com after yesterday's court proceedings. missioner Egbert Shikerete said late yesterday af Nothing had been entered in the book where ternoon that the wanted policeman was still at large. escape cases are normally registered, an irate Kanguinja, Titus Toromba and Kenady Shikerete told The Namibian. Kavemutjiua are accused of killing Gobabis farmer The Commissioner said he had been amazed to Danie Van Niekerk and his assistant Willem hear that a certain sergeant, who was supposed to be Rooinasie in July 199 J. They have been held in on duty at the radio station, was seen talking to police custody. Kanguinja a few minutes before the escape. On Sunday Kanguinja walked out of the police Apparently Kanguinja was being held in an inside cells with N$50 in his pocket and used a Mazda 323, >4 SING, CHILDREN, SING ... Children at the Windhoek International School sing for President Sam Nujoma, who officially inaugurated the school's new premises at Pioniers Park on Friday. Photo: Christof Maletsky st Paul's shocked by pupil's death MERVYN Louw, a 12-year-old pupil at St Friends of the young boy have expressed shock at Paul's College, Windhoek, died tragically the incident. The young Louw had apparently gone over the weekend when shot by a friend with to a party with the gun, which he fo und in his a 6,35 Baby Browning b~lonl!ing . to his parent's bedside cupboard. His parents were report- parents. ,!.: .. ,.\-:.)):<.:;-...., 2 Tuesday March 15 1994 THE NAMIBIAN I' 10 B iZa1!~ escape Crime beat Top American to lecture in city FROM PAGE 1 A shocked Metcalfe A MAN has been arrested told the court Kanguinja at Oshakati in connection • • cell but made his escape had made certain admis- with attempting to bribe a AN American Professor ID Government and from ~ outside cell after sions in a IO-page docu- police officer. Public Administration from the University he allegedly instructed ment the previous The 23-year-old sus- ofBaltimore arrived in Windhoekyesterday another inmate to fill hi s evening. This was to have pect allegedly paid a po- for a series of lectures. pla ce: Sh i ke~~te~ o~ld~ot ' ~~n revea1ed i~ court liceofficerN$15?incash. In a news bulletin yesterday, the US Infonnation explam how the accused , ~esterda~. However, the No ~urther details were Service noted that Or Lenneal Henderson "has an had managed the move. mfonnatlOn could not be proVided. .. .. · d' I d K . A case of conttavenl'ng outstandmg combmatlon of academiC, pubhc serv- Acco rdi ng to Shikere te, lse ose as angulOJa . and . " afterfle had been arrested had had to- sign the doCu- the Namibian Constitu- ICe ~v~~ sector e~ne~e . the taxi driver had givelt ment before yesterday 's , tiOA is also being investi- Before JOlDmg the Umverslty ~f Bal~more fac his car keys and money to court proceedings. ' gated at Oshakati after a ulty, Henders?n taught cou~es m $ usmess - G~v- Kanguinja, who appar- Kanguinja was giving Namibian allegedly ernmentR~latlons, UrbanPohcy andI?emogr~phlcs ently pretended that he evidence under cross-ex- served in the Angolan for Exec utl~es at the Federal Executive Institute. was a police offi cer, for amination when the case police. As a tramer he has conducted workshops on safekeepin&. ,.. In a state-. was postponed last week. Police atRietfontein are Policy Evaluation for Federal Managers and Super men!)~ the, i>.<? l i~e -jester- " At \he time he pleaded not investigating a case of visors for the US Office of Personnel Management; da y: · ~~, t axi" ' d ; i ~~( ' gb i ~ ty tdChargesofmur- rape after a woman was Productivity and Leadership workshops; and a claimed he had not known der and robbery. Tttus raped at the farm Helena course on Managing for Quality and Excellence for Kanguinja and had been Toromba is still in hospi- on March 8. A 34-year- the American Institute for Professional Develop Professor Lenneal Henderson convinced he was a po- tal after taking an acid old man has been arrested. ment. Iiceman as earlier he had substance which has . Henderson 's business and government experi - League's All-American City Awards, Or Henderson seen the accused in the caused serious injury to St Paul's ence includes consulting for the US Geological has focused on such practical issues as Efficiency company of two police hi s throat. Survey on the Fonnation of a National Ethnic ' and Excellence in Government, and Diversity and officers at the ~tation . Acting Judge Louis M inority Advisory Committee, and work as a sen- Affinnative Action. When the trIal started Muller yester~.ay ordered FROM PAGE 1 ior analyst for the US Defense Department on Equal While in Namibia, he will present lectures at the yeste!d~y, defence cou?- that Kave~utJlua" be k~pt edly in Okahandja at the Employment Opportunities. He has also consulted University of Namibia, the Windhoek Municipal ~~1~18~~~~~atf~(i~a~~ ,~ ~Qder ,:na.xlmum;ecun~ : }iI:p.e .. Jhe youtl'\s were for the Wash~ngton Gas Light Company and the ity, the Ministry ofDef~~ce an~ ~t the ~merican Q 'k":''''''II.r,.l'1'W'?'' /IJ;n· l~f~t . ~>Yf~Q/;l611!; '1c:A(11!f t 'p'aSsiiw the gun around Ford FoundatIon. Cultural Centre on EffICient CIVIl ServIces and an d avemutJlua at'tlle p Ison"" "'40 &~ • .a,liP Of' . 'r ""~ " .~ .,." . - " A A j - be s: tli N . ... M . "D' . W· kS: . II S d d d h : ." . ate in tfie'eveni'ng" wrTeIf . " ' r.\/:) a' ul'y ~memr lor e atlOnal Mum(!lpahty anagmg f' Iverse " or lorce. po IICe ce s on un ay ere t at maximum se- . , .' evening and when he had curity be maintained over one of hiS colleagues,. a . .}~ .. ,:/'. " .;,. .".' ., .', left at about 22h lO, Toromba while in hospi- 14 - year-old,shotLouwtnA~~e~OM,~~I~~~pHA . 9pandtbatitd~~nQttanywithth~ Kanguinja had been seen tal. the fore?ead. 'Ii>'</ <},.}" . nuru.b~r ()nt~ ,t!registtati()non the talking to a Sergeant * See also report on page H~ ~Ied shortl~ afterA ' JOINJ1opet~ti?~ b~t~ef.mthe vehicles~ wind~~ .• The Jetta also (name provided). 3. admls.slon t~ hosp~tal. '> pol~ce,tlie Municipal Traffic bad false number plates. The two Poltcearemvesugatmg ··'Depa'rtmeot · and Nature culprits accused of stealing the the m.urder, and c?uld ?ot ,.consetvation officials la~tFriday vehicles were arrested and are now confirm on Inq~lr.y nightinWindhoekresultedinthe behind bars. whletherl .charges of clrdlmbel- recovery oftwostolen vehicles. In total 1 056 offences were re- na'd neg .Igence t th wou f P0 I' lee spotted ··. t wo veb' le J es t h at .por ted d. urmg. ·t he j Olnt. operabon. Ial agams e parents 0 .... j! REPUBLIC OF the deceased youth, but .. had been stolen· a VoJ~wagen ~ncluding jncludi,rt8 399 of spee~. NAMIBIA could confirm investiga. J~ttaand a Toy(}, ~04 of~efe~fJve tyres~79 unh- tion a charge that the youth Officer5 be~aDlesu~plC)OUS . c~nsed yeh~cl~~ H and 18 cases of MINISTRY OF FINANCE was unfit to be carrying a about t~e bakkle after ~hey spot~ drunken drlVln~ . firearm , . ted that Its number plate was tied ~ \"'J ':- ~ ., ..... ... i."J ; •.• 'Uo .;'.f . I ,....." • ~ ~i~~P:~ :; ·'il-R~f!,I?~. ,,,,"fS" '.t ..... .. · U""'J ~ ~ VH·)t l'ft _"~~[1~ '1;. 'Q~~ !"l -yE'\\""'.Y~~>-~ "" .:~Cl El~nA;a:: !NO!TfGE ~ · '.. [- ~ FROMmpAGE1-J to land in Luanda raised ness source another simi LO Angola . age their future contracts suspicions that the plane lar plane - an Antonov Tertius Teart· of JLl in Luanda. ALL TENDERERS ARE Police, allegedly acting was really tlyingtoJamba 326 which flew from said yesterday from his Ecotrends, the RUSSIan on infonnation provided - the Unita base in south Rundu' on Saturday Cape Town . office that partner in the deal, is man I HEREBY INFORMED THAT by the Angolan consul at east Angola, March 5 into Angola - after the arrests it was felt aged locally by Oleg THE CLOSING DATE OF Rundu that the plane was A Windhoek business has been confused with there was not a viable Pantiuhia.