BUTNER CAMPGROUND, N. C. "We took the weatherboaTdln' oft thp. big house yesterday OFFICIAL ·DAILY BULLETIN Mil)' 29, J942 And left the log frame stand in' with the craoks still chinked with .ptAR" B(tL: clay 0I'l[Al~roA" an ,..... a1 .. II> oM"_ fn 00., ~/Q~.AL I«/tIai "The dogwoOds ate ablossornill' lD ~ese parts, nowadays, Your grand-dad helped to put tPere' wbe~ hll was ypung like you. ., 'rio. 1)", 1 .....~ II .....It .. ,Il. • .. i:$ut [t's like nQ spting I've ever setn. We used to ~Iways We're gonna build a hen house with the boards we brought away. l.~u.-iitll~K,"·:';_ ••1 •• _, n. D&I1, 1 .. the plantbed comin' up ana the wo¢ all cut for !!\Irin' The price ot eggs and the price Of meat haa gone so hilh we p'y ~d seedcorn down lor ross'n' ears for the long nights durin' Enough for a week's sj,1~ply and it lasts a day or two...... £L:l, ... , ::'!~~~~~l:~~:::!-'~!~~~~:i~. h ,lIbUeallTT.. · ,.D ... oa : .....LlOIBLW" will WUI'IIII MOt-I, lSuibmer, when we put tobacco In. So your Ma and I, we figured ali how we'4 better keep the chiCkens, Sa&ur • ." May St, 1142 But there'll be no 'bacco crop this year- Ieastways not where we're and the cow, gain'; Though we'll have to keep the cow in pasture 'half a mile a~ay. UNIVERSITY CA'LENbIAR We're mavin' over next to town, where there's room enough just for sawin' "We w~nt back to the home place for the last time today. Saturday, Ma.y 30 8atunlaY'\ JDlle 11 • " It. don't look like it used to. It made. me sort~o' sad i ~ : A mighty little garden-and your Ma'll have to do the tendin' MEMORIAL DAY 8:30 a.m.--J>hy.sical educati~ 'Cause I'll be workin' at the camp from sun-up fo the endio' To see the cotfonwoods you planted dead and bare, though they'd Put out leaves every year tm this one. The way 6:30 p.m.-Triangle club annual conference, Senate chamber lilt ~= Of the day, seven days a week. banquet, TriangLe club rooms, vr FRO You ~nd little Bud used to play 'roun' the door board room, Old Capitol. It's sort 0' rough to have to go back earnln' wate&, Iowa Union. U1 crltlel To leave the farm and all its advantages, And both run to (he maiT60x to get dOwn there before 9 a.m.-Panel forum, Dr. fur, The mailman got away, the way you used to romp Monday, June 1 To do mean work when you didn" ch~ it; JIItII that Aroun' the house and sometimes make me mad enough to stomp 9 a.m.-Second hydraulics con­ mann Rauchning, speaker, HCoIiit But there's a heap 0' itaerlfleln' to be done ~t1Y51 The floor, I was so tired from plowin'; then ference, sponsored by Iowa Insti­ chamber, Old Capitol. 'Fore this here war is gonna be won- tute of Hydraullc Research, senate 8 p.m.-Summer session recep. II. jbeir all And we sure ain't almin' none to lost it. The way the whip-poor-wills would come and whistle now 'n' then, And turtle doves come cooin' when the sun set, chamber, Old Capitol. tion, Iowa Union. lbIt I SOD' And how we hunted loxes, and how your brother once set Tuesda.y, June 2 Monday, Julie 15 ~ed.· • "The Army come and give us notice lour weeks ago today. 9 n.m.-.5econd hydraulics con­ 8 p.m.-University play, Unim. 'Soon as possible' is when they said we'd better move, A rabbit gum and caught your new houn' pup- It all come back and made me want to cry. terence, senate chamber, Old Cap­ sity theater. s-ett.,. But they didn't set no date. We got busy right away itol. .yer UPl Lookin' for a farm to rent or buy. But love "Bud went to the Army about two months after you; Wednesday, June 3 (For information ,rerardinr bill fIUic\ure's oVer . .l i~e~s merrt workers have been. organized out of JloJ..jJll !".Ilj • t Never really aP6reclatea Orotie the JIlflliotni employed). That is not the way icU&Orial Otl;e...... ••....•... 4192 That PerenJS1aJ favorite of IcW~ri Sliltail pUrt'S." te~atd lal'lor advances Or tin! oilier adnMes. 80..., Jllditor •••••••••••• , I .' •• ,4193 of mOdern music, Ouy L¢nhrdo's --. ---- ~ia1i8m may'iiav'e' provided !Ma'fJc!e fot Balbaleli Office ••• ':. ' .• ' ..... J ' ... 4191 ore.. e- ..... will tie heard tonJt6,' on Grabd Goulee nlm tutn~ over .orlft!flj in KtitlSia /)ecilltle Ilnytl'rin~ W01'!ld be FRIDA: 'I, MAY 29, 1942 • . hall-fioar Co umbta neiwork Ita fiht ,eMrjtot un M'~ll ' 22: ~ ~~~~~ ..~~ ..~?~ .. !~~~~~~~.~~.~~~ ?!.. -.J ...... ,.:;;;.~;;;;;f:-::;...:::: ...... ;;::-: ...... ---.,...- ....- ....---;;:;o;- ...... -- ...... ,..;;;.;;~;:..--...,. !~~~ftt..:..: .. _. , ~l, :,,:~.:.e~r8~ah~~~,?~ ~edule, THE DAltY IOWA., IOWA ony. IOWA PAGE THREIt the Listening Harrington Explains USO Drive Women oflhe Moose Gets Milita!y Di~loma Patricia Hardin Becomes Bride of John Garner Eleven Boards ' , ,Initiate 19 Members In Double Ring Ceremony in Episcopal Church H dl "S P.ost-- To Johnson \ounty Chairmen At Pilgrim Assembly At a kneeling stool banked wUh and ),In. R. B. Gibson, 1029 E. an e ugar candlelabra and tilfany baskets of Court. Bowls of yellow and purple pastel spring !lowers, Patricia 5prill6 decorated the house. plan to Meet $6,000 Nineteen candidates were Ini­ Hardin, daughter of Mrs. Byron B. Assisting hostesses at the aUair For (ann I' ng UNIVUSITY LIBRARIES tiated into Women of the MOO6t Boyd of Des Moines, exchanged were Mrs. Muriel Ward. Mrs. H. C . Quota in Campaign University libraries wiU be • at 8 yesterday evening by Iowa vows with John Gardner. foster HoUlhton of Red Oak. ,Jeanette I. open from 7:50 a.m. tD 8 p.m. IAIID Beginning Monday City chapter No. 509. The inlua­ son of Helen L. Gardner of Des Titus ot M.arion, Miriam Butch ....SON today. Reserve books may be Moines, in a double ring ceremony and AiDes Johnson, both of Iowa Stations to Be Open . educau~ withdrawn for overnight use at tion. held in the Elks home, Vias Raymond Harrington, state re­ performed Friday afternoon in the City. llber III( 5 p.m. and will be due at 8 a.m. part of the program of the Pil­ Beginning Thursday presentative for the United Ser­ Trinity Episcopal church. The Rev. For traveling the bride wore a UP nOM RIGHT HERE- Monday. June 1. grim Moose assembly, meeting In Richard E. McEvoy off:iclated at seafoam, grey-green silk crepe During Banking Hours Dr. ~, 111 critics will be stupefied to vice 1>rganiwtions, and Dwight Grace Van Wormer, Iowa City yesterday, today and the four o'clock service. redin,ote, and she wore two or- Edwards, local general chairman, Acting Director. tomorrow. Eleven branch sugar rationing er, lllilllt !11m that the one thing which outllned the plans lor the USO '--______-' Organ music by Mrs. R. G. Tid- cbida at her shoulder. The initiation followed a 8 boards have been established coastantly strengthens my idealism rick included "Ave Maria" (Schu- FollowinJ a short wedding trip drive for funds to Johnson county o'clock banquet in the D and L bert), "Panis AngeJlcus" (Cesar the couple will be at home at throughout Johnson county Cor the II. their oft-repeated predictions chairmen last night in the Com­ grill. Franck) snd "Meditation from 803 Melrose. purpose of disseminating sugar for tIIIt I someday will be disillu- mUnity building. The initiates are Stella Hu&bes, Thais." · ~ ChQaWno 8tacleDt canning, the county rationing IioOed .•. The USO appeal to Johnson Interpreting Bernice Vantiger, Mrs. Mary Jean E Lare fill Mr aDd Mn. The bride wore a floor-length The bride attended Swarthmore board announced yesterday. • • • county residents will start Monda! Gough. Isabel Montgomery. Mrs. -- w. - . lown ot ivory satin fasllioned with collep in Swarthmore, Po., North­ The tributary boards have been s-dloJ-, tbe, :say, I will dl5- and continue through June 10. A Margaret Montgomery of West Tell.,. iAr'ew. US Woolf, cnwIu- fitted sleeves and a sweetheart western university in Evanston, set up to relieve the main ra­ quota of $6,000 has been designa­ ..~r Ulal each man does no' The War News Liberty, Beryl Weekes, Mary Dean .W,.este.nIa, attenl_ rnm tbe neckline. Her skirt was made from Ill., and received her BS. degree tioning in the courthouse of ftU' a balo, lhat lite Is not a ted tor the county. Snethen, Mrs. Gus A. Pusateri, Mt.ou.rI Milttar)' ac:adtIQ, Mex:!­ a Chinese embroidered shawl. A at Denver unlversjly In Denver, most of the appllcations for sugar ~ of roees. and that I will Edwards reported that the local Rumors of Friction Mrs. Lillian Potter, Leone Fromm, e•• Mo. Larew wu a _m~r of fishnet train, fastened with tas- Col. She received her M.S. de­ for canning which they have been awutll one day to find myself, executive committee has decided Among Nazi Leaders Laurine Yoder. Mrs. Fern Hering, the lusI.leen lite dramateen. wal sels, hung from the bride'lS shoulrt- gree in biochemistry at the Uni­ receiving. tI ioU people, the victim of IIYS- that soUcitors are to attempt to Mrs Joseph Vitosh Margaret Fer- bu- muacu 01 Ute ..bool ers. Her long veil feli Irom a tiara "ersily of Iowa, and for the past Three of the branches wIJJ be ...... collect contributions of from ' $2 'Important if True' gus~n ' paper aDd lerved u IlUlDalU of of flowers and she carried"a white two years she has been assistanl located In Iowa City. ope In the -- -e- to $5 from each famIly in urban M~. Maude Whitney, Mrs. AI- Ute bU/letball tum. prayerbook and a bridal bouquet laboratory technician in the chem- Flnt Capital NaUonaJ bank, one LitUe do they know that I have and rural districts. fred E. Roseland, Mrs. Cecil V. of orchids. islry departm.ent of the University at the Iowa State Bank and ~QUT Lapel stickers to be given to 8, IURKE L. 'SJl\IPSON constantly disillusioned since Wide World War Aualylt MuUlnix. Mrs. Esther Hm and FtI&aTee Locllei. hospitals. Trust COmPlUl7 ud one at Ule J~N \ day I started walking ... families which contribute to the ELla Callahan. 10-Day USO Drive An old fJlagree locket set with Dr. Garner att.ended the Univer- FJ,..t Federal Savinn and ~ thing about it is that, for drive were distributed to the chair­ Insistent rumOl"S that HiUer and pearls and diamonds. an heirloom sHy ot [owa where he was aUlliat­ UIIOCIiaUon. Berlnnin, Tbundu, ~ all my disillusionment, I've still men at the meeting. Boo k lets his generals are again at logger­ Eagle Ladies to Hold and gm from the bridegroom, was ed with Sigma Nu fraternity. He t.hese stations will be oJ)V\ dur­ IoUnd men to be a darned sight explairling the plans and purpose heads should be filed away in the Will Begin Monday worn by the bride. Complementing Is now a senior in the coUege o( Ina' banillna' hours. y bt«tr than My Critics predicted of the United Service organiza­ "important it true" drawer. But lor Banquet, Installation I~ at the neekline was a pearl and med.icine. He is a member of Nu Designed to handle rural appli­ rd lind them . . . tions were also handed out. diamond heart belongin, to Mrs. Sigma Nu mecUcal fraternity. cations, the other eiahl boards are National and state campaigns the similar clash last winter and Of Officers Monday In Johnson County Muriel Ward of Des Moines. Weddlq Ouesta located at Lone Tree. Swisher, 95- • • • smouldering embers of German tEll Whleh lead!! me each time have been underway since May 1l. Jeanne Bryant of Cherokee, Out ot town lues!!! at the wed- Hills. Oxford. North Liberty, Tif­ t.o army resentment at the ghastly The installation banquet of Ealle ng to WHen thal somethlnl' is wronl' Harrington revealed that a quota Beginning Monday and continu­ maid of honor, wore a pale laven- ding were Mr. and Mrs. Prank fin and Coralville. Arrangements leU blood-purge the nazi overlord vis­ ladies will be held at 6:30 Monday I Gordon. willa M, Critics • • • of $32,000,000 has been set fol' the in, through June 10, a house to der net gown, fashioned with McGraw of Sprinafield, 111 .; Mrs. for one at Solon have not yet been naUon. ited upon some of Its highest of­ evening in the EI Paso club. Fol­ house drive for theUSO in Johnson sweetheart neckline and dirnd1 Everett Potter of South Orange, completed. !tter th84 -e- licers dght years ago, reports lowing the banquet at 8 o'c1ock kind! '01 Ani! since even some ot those "In addition to the recreational county will be made by volunteer sldrt. Joan Houghton of Red Oak, N. J .j Mr. and Mrs. George Harm­ DlslrlbuUon In RUI5 clubs," Harrington declared, "the would hardly be worth filing at all instal1ation 01 oUicers will be held workers. DwigM Edwards. gener­ attending the bride, wore yellower Sr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. The F'armers Savings bank and liCferellCt. \iDe folk aren't as bad as they for future reference. in Eagle haU, What hb themselves would like to have the USO performs ~ix other major al chainnan, announced yesterday. net dress of the same style. The Georee Harmer Jr. and Mrs. L. R. Lone Tree Savings bank wlU be services. They are aiding to esta­ In the light of that background, Reservations may be made by bridesmaids wore big le,horn hats Sherman, aU of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. In charge of distribution in Lone I is," san 'tiOrld at large believe, I-for all however, and the impending nazi Edwards urged that an enthusi­ blish and repair facJljties in ser­ calling Mrs. Ed. 01dJs, 2607. be­ astic response and asks that and carried colonial bouquets of Alice Cumming and Mrs. Marc Tree. They will open Monday and ., g row I n g disillusionment­ bid for victory, tor which the fore Monday noon. Rn 'ivate 1111 JIWIlIe to retain a certain hope in vice camps; cooperating in the donators have their money ready Lavender spring flowers. Woodmanse, both ot Des Moines; remain open for applications from Victory Book campaign; organizing Kerch and Libyan operations seem [or the solicilors. Persons who Donald J . Schissel of Varina was Grace Baine of Bloomington, m.; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. !er, whiQ \be outcome of myself. and even to pave the way. the reported new fin( of My Critics ... clubs for troops in transit, 44 of Marilyn Parker Given won't be home are asked to make best man. Ushering were Jack Lay- Mrs. Nora McMahon of Eldora. and F'amlU in the Swisher area will Lriction within the German high may apply at the Swisher Sav­ night br • • which have IlJready been started: their contributions at el ther the tall of Cresco and James Knipe of Mrs. H . C. HOlliMon Jr. of Red • t>roviding trucks for service men ~ommand cannot be wholly ig­ Petition for Divorce Iowa State Bank and Trust Co. Annstrong. Oak. ings bank begi nning Monday. The gs, 8JlaD. The basic reason for this Is nored. It includes a rumor that wOl'king in small llToups away ~he Blue Lace OOWD Arnong the pre-nuptial parties station will be open from 9 a.m. ! a blend lilt flC~ U1a~ even they are Ideal­ or First Capital National Bank. Field Mar s hal Walther von A divorce was granted to Marl­ to 3 p.m. daily excep~ Saturday. :ains. lit Ilia ... The onJy difference be­ from camp facilities, 118 of which 'fhis is the tirst USO appeal The hridegroom's moth~r wore 'I and howers in honor of Miss Brauchitsch, first among protes- Iyn Parker from Leland Parker The Hills Savings bank will st to bur ~Il US Is that they have are now in usej spol1ljorinJ thea­ where the funds go directly to the gown of blue lace and white IIc- Hardin during the past week werl.' tcical shows. and starting clubs sional soldiers of the reich, has yesterday by Judge Harold D. ct55ories. Her large white hat was a luncheon given by Jeanne Bry­ serve as a branch station there. unW8 n~ easily . • . They are un­ men in the .ervlce. The collecUolI '" again been consigned to Hitler's Evans. No alimony was awarded. opening Monday with office hours putside at tl)~ United State~, 34 'of will be used. lor recreational, so­ lrimmed with pInk and whJ~ ant and Jean Houghton and u r {he PI , Illr 'lo take advantare , of a doghouse for opposition to the The couple was married in Ka­ l:In God-I'lven convlcUon all \Vhich have alrea.dy been est~bll~h­ cial and entertainment facilities spring flowers. She wore a gar- shower given by Agnes Johnson. from !) to 12 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. ed ." fuehrer's strategic and tactical hoka, Mo., Nov. 4, 1939. They .epa- ot tnen in the anned.servlces. denla corsage. A bridal dinner held in the Hotel Oxford et-Up tf u sbue that, systems riot­ conceptiolV'. rated Dec. 15. 1941. Wiih.tendlnl', we can stili Housewives and mothers: o{ ser­ The Johnson county drive Is A reception was h Id (allowing JeClel'SQn 'Thursday evening cli­ At Oxford, the First Trust and g agailllt b~ As early a8 last October, when Savings bank will handle sugar e no bel. tidlvlduallsts and be happy. vicl! ~en ha ve vo)unteel:ed to divided into four districts, Tura l, tbe ceremony at the orne of Dr. m8)(ed the week's parties., .work ,in t.I1e residenlial sections of the nazi tidal wave was sweeping lAth H' t C· I business, residential and unlvcl'­ distribution. Beginning Monday, It says. ''01 "" ...... eastward across Rus~ia with seem- ens'l ory Ire e will be opl.'n from I to 6:30 everv pedigrees the cify \lnder Mrs;' M. E. TaylOr slty. The quota is $8,000. • • • and Waldo Geiger, district chair­ ingly lrresistable power, reports of Elects New OHicers afternoon except Wednesday and :han thel J \illke!i willi a man on the train men. A c

Iowa Stale Bank and Trust Company Democratic Candidate For State Rep,asentative Aldous flower S~op. 112 So. Dubuque St. • Representlnq All Fairly ·First Capital Nationll ~nk Farmer - Business Man - World War Veteran

/ , il_A~ PAGE FOUR _ 'SATURDAY. MAY 30. lit ~ HaYJ Yankees :Go on Hitting Rampage~ Beat. Nefs, 16-1 AS·Pi ------Gomez Allows Cubs Halt Cincinnati ITigers ·Maul 4 Tribe Banter for' 1.1 THE DAILY IOWAN Sports By Judson Bailey In 11 Innings, 6 to 5 ':Hurlers for 14·3 Win DES MO. pjeCe comb Trail NEW YORK (AP) - The rea· Four Saleliet Winning Run Walked I . Rudy York Slams 10th braSs band " son Ted Williams is not hittin& at b, \erdaY to be Across by Joe Beggs of Season; a :400 clip again this season, 1£. DiMaggio, Hassett, , vY's pre-tUg SPORTS As Passeau Wins 7th WIIlTNE1' Hal White Wins 4th cQrding to some of his teammates. the state Un Gordon Hit Homers; !fAB.TIN is that he is trying to guess the )owing a . fou. CHICAGO (AP)-After filling 1 DETROIT (AP)-The fading ... You can watch tor. period at. tho . Champs Get 17 Hits inI station. the bases in the 1l th inning yes­ *Indianapolis Folks' Cleveland Indians dropped their lot of to start deve10pi0c terday, Joe Beggs walked Pinch The band' NEW YORK (AP) - Lefty eiehth game in nine starts yester­ a "forkball" now just as they cop. Hitter Dominic Dallessandro to *Memorial Day Activity Courtney, wI Vernon Gomez held the Washing­ Giants Nudge .day when the Detroit Tigers ham­ ied the and the knuckle. and Electric ton Senators to four hits and made force in the winning run which *T 0 Feature Thumbs mered four hurlers for 16 hits to ball in other years ... The tork. 01 the navy. tour himseU yesterday as the New gave the Chicago Cubs a 6-5 vic- give Rookie Hal White his fourth ball is thrown with the first Iwo The band! York Yankees slashed theIr way tory over the . NEW YORK - We have an idea pitching victory, 14 to 3. By sweep- [ingers spread in a wide "V" aRd rank of sec Brooklyn, 3~ ' 1 r opened the lIth with there will be a lot of thumb-twid- ing the two game series, the Tillers it is the chief weapon of Mort Several have to a 16 to 1 triumph. Cooper of the St. Louis ClirdiDah cag , MinneB a triple. Len Merullo fanned and dling and mid-day dozing out moved into 8 virtual tie for the o In piling up their biggest collec­ and Ernie (Tiny) Bonham ot the Phil Cavarretta and Bill Nichol- aroLlnd Indianapolis, Ind., today. 's second place, Symphony , WI;lO ~8i won tion of runs this season and win­ son passed to make a play poss- Some ]25,000 01' more citizens who training the Tribe by five per­ said. ning their 18th game in their last On Three Hils seven straigh t. Courtney, ible at every base. Dallessandro have been in the habit of attend- centage points. 21 starts, the world champions rormerly wa then walked to end the game. ing the 500-mile automobile race The Detroit attack featured Ru- Word has leaked out that M8/I- the navy bar battered three Washington hur\­ BROOKLYN (AP)-Ed Hcad The outcome gave Claude Pas- every Memorial day just won't dy York's tenth homer of the year ag~r Billy Southworth fined OIl! The membt ers for 17 safeties, including home held the New york Giants hitless seau, veteran righthander, his sev- know what to do with themselves. and a two-run circuit smash by of the st. Louis Cardinals $200 runs by Joe DiMaggio, nth win and the Cubs a two to Your auto race addict is a pe- Rookie Murray Franklin, installed " b' ~E!sterday until Harry Danning e d did I Th sd t h tat L t recently ... Sure, it was a " and Buddy Hassett, who also had one edge in the three-game series. culiar in ivi ua • an can work up on y ur ay a s or op. e i Y fl" t d th f ' sit· three other hits. punched a wasted single in the only a luke-warm interest in any AI Smith, who yielded the fil'st ne, asser e e lery IPper, eleventh inning, but he COUldn't Cincinnati AB R H PO A E other sport. Undoubtedly there five runs on seven hits in less than "but what's the point in ti nina a Jack Wilson, who hadn't started major leaguer $50? . .. Bill Me· a game since April 26 because of keep them from sneaking a run 0 are many residents of Indiana and five innings, was charged with his Joost ' ss ...... 5 1 3 1 2 0 near-by states whose whole inter- fourth defeat against two victories Kechnie says he never has had Dai arm trouble and an injured ankle, across I n t h e seventI 1 an d H ug h Frey, 2b ...... 6 1 1 8 0 est was centered on the four hours pitching "turns" in all his yean was sent to the mound In the be­ Casey couldn't keep them from Marshall, U .... 5 0 2 2 0 00 l or so the hopped-up horseless car- CI~v~land AB R B PO R E of managing; he just chooseS his ginning by the Senators and served getting two runs in the tenth, ~uer, 3~b ...... ~ 1 1 9 1 0 il'iageS roared around the speed- W-e-a-th-e-r-ly-,-cf-..--5-0---0--9--1-0 starters frorr! day to day. up four succesive silliles and a ... walk before Hardin Cathey re­ either, to beat the Brooklyn w~~~er r···· .. ·.. 5 ~ i ~ ~ 1 way course, and, like the gent Hockett, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0 Wonder if the Boston Red SOl placed him with nobody out. Dodgers, 3 to 1. M. Mc :ml~ck: "'~t 5 0 1 2 1 0 whose job of blowing the town fire Keltner, 3b .... "" 5 0 2 :I 2 0 have about usiilt le. or The Yanks made four runs in The Giants. made only thr. ee hits ILB.m ,anno, c ...... 4 0 2 5 2 0 whistle ever New Year's Eve was Heath, If ...... 5 0 2 2 0 0 lief Pitcher Mace Brown is , AD~ this first inning, two more in the compared With seven whIch the CI aft, x ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 ~~~~~ca~~a~ut~r w~~~ ' they're Fleming, Ib ...... 5 1 2 8 0 1 ? He was the Blr 'fea'. RJ! second and four In the third. champions coL- Hemsley, c ...... 1 0 0 2 0 0 • * • Boudreau, ss .... 5 .0 21 21 3 0 ali-star backstop while at \lit 1 2 1 DiMaggio, who has been in' a De rrm' ge 2 0 0 0 0 0 Mack, 2b "" .... ,. 4 University of Iowa about a dOAl' CA batting slump, hit his ninth hpmer lected off lefty Tom Sunkfel, but ShO pr, p .. .. 1 0 0 0 1 0 The Indianapolis race was Hegan, c ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 )lears aro and only started .ltch. this disparity made no dif erence un, ...... more than Just a death.defylnr De . 1 0 0 1 0 1 in the sixth frame. This came off West 1 0 0 0 0 0 nrung, c ...... Inl' because he was an elicelleD! lor 2 day. Walt Masterson, who bad gone to because just two hits counted for Begg' xx ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 speed orgy. It was an instltu- Smith, p ...... 2 0 1 0 1 0 javelin thrower. lOt per either team. 5, P ...... tion. It was an annual com- Gromek, p ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 the mound fol' Washington in the New York's winning raUy in the munUy picnic, holiday and Eisenstat, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 S consecutlv fourth and was left there till the overtime frame was started with TOTOALS "t·····.45 5wl~na 3.1ngll un1 sporting event rolled into one. Dean, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 7c per I bitter end. h a single by Herbert (Babe) Barna z-d ne ou w en I ru I' • • • Brown, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 conseclJtlv Gordon extended his hitting after one out. Then Danning made score . Just why it attaine,d this status Hillany lions Place 51: per I streak to 14 games with a homer his second single and Billy Jurges X-RBanttfOdr ILamSahnno lin 9th· is problematical. All the spectat- TOTALS ...... 41 3 13 24 10 3 1 month­ in the seventh. was hit by a pit.ched ball to load xx- a e or oun n 9th. ors can hope for is a here-it- x-Batted for Eisenstat in 8th. .c perl 10 Qualifiers in Finah -Figure Washln,ton ABRHOAE the bases. Chicago AB R H PO A E -comes-it-goes glimpse of some ------Minlmu Pinchhitter Norman (B a b e) hurtling object, with an accom- Detroit AB 8, H PO A E Oase------, If ::-...... 5 , Young forces Jurges and Barna Hack, 3b ...... 6 3 5 1 3 0 panying sound something like ------Of Tourney o 1 4 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 I.C. 4A Spence, cf ...... 3 00100 scored, and when Shortstop Pee- Merullo, S8 ...... 5 2 3 0 3 1 "eeeeuuu." They could get prac- ~ranklin, /s .... ~ wee Reese made a wild throw to Cavanetta, lb .. 4 0 1 11 0 0 ticaUy the same effect throwing ramer, c ...... 1 2 3 0 0 CLASSI Chartak, rf ...... 3 00500 2 1 4 0 0 NEW YORK (AP) - Led by 50, Estdlella, 3b ...... 4 o 0 0 3 1 fi:-st tryI ing for ad double play, Dan- RNicholsllonl'f rf .... 3 0 11 55 0 0 OldThshoes at a .cat· I t. . ~~~s~~ l.~ .. :::::: ~ 2 2 8 0 0 Barney Ewell, Negro star, Penn Or $5 4 0 0 j Vernon, 1b ...... 4 00610 /JI;;GSM""I~& nmg a so score . usse, ...... e on y loglca l exp ana Ion IS R! 4 2 2 3 0 0 State made a strong bid to add the Dallessandro, zOO 0 0 0 0 the American craving for speed. oss, r ...... ,. A. Evans, c ...... 2 o 1 4 0 0 •'flole liolDIAIoI FMS 1 1 1 0 1 Intercollegiate A. A. A. outdoor Repass, 2b ...... 4 1 1 1 3 0 !=eRG 61" 1'M e: / Stringer, 2b ...... 5 0 0 6 5 0 Anything that moves fast gets at- ~~~~:~~r:~, "2b ~ 1 0 1 5 0 track and field championships to All Want A, Profahl, ss ...... 4 00200 \ OF l'O8 F'e.I.I.~R. Lowrey, cf ...... 5 0 1 1 0 0 tention, particularly if the move- T bb 'tt 5 2 3 7 0 1 its indoor crown yesterday as II Payable at Turnesa Beats Hogan M C U h 5 0 2 4 0 0 t . d b tee s, c ...... nell office Wilson, p ...... 0 o 0 000 c u oug , c .. 5 1 1 0 0 0 men is adccompamye y etx reme White, p ...... , 4 1 3 0 1 0 qualified 10 men for today's com· Cathey, p ...... 1 o 1 020 Passeau, p ...... personal anger. our au 0 race petition. Masterson, p ...... 1 o 0 1 0 0 • •• , To Qualify for Finals fan would indignantly deny he TOTALS ...... 39 14 16 27 7 2 The Pennsylvanian's, co-favor. ites with New York university', CancellatJcn: Ortiz, x ...... O o 0 0 0 0 TOTALS ...... 42 6 15 33 11 1 watched a race simply to see an Cleveland ...... 000 002 100-3 , bel Hawkeye Nine In First Place Of PGA Tournament z-Batted tor Russell in 11th. accldent, although if there was, Detroit ...... 001 310 45x-14 defending champi ons, were ma~ch· ReJpODlibl, Totals 31 1 4 24 9 1 Cincinnati ...... 000 400 001 00-5 going to be an accident he'd like Runs batted in-White 2, Frank- ed by Pittsburgh in number of i.ns x- batted for Masterson in 9th. Chicago ...... 002 003 000 01-6 to be around when it happened. lin 2, Tebbetts 3, York, HigginS, qualifiers and exceeded by Yale By GAYLE TALBOT Runs batted iJ1-Marsh all , Joost, We've never seen one of the Gromek: 2, ' Hockett. Two base but Ewell headed for his thiJl New York ABRHOAE As Michigan Loses 10 Bucks ATLANTIC CITY, N. J . (AP)­ Sauer, Walker, M. McCormick, motorized Kentucky derbies. The hits-White, Tebbetts. Three base straight triple in the outdoor mElll' A slOW, painst;lking 501\ of an by qualifying in the 100 and Crosetti, 3b ...... 5 2 2 130 Merullo 4, Cavarretta, Dallessan- nearest we came to it was watch- hit-Gromek. Home runs--Frank­ 221 Elmsford, N. Y., greenskeeper­ yards dashes and the broad jump, DIJ Hassett, Ib ...... 5 3 4 700 dro. Two base hits-Frey, Hack. ing geared-up Model T's, skid lin, York, Hockett. Sacrifice-' Corp. Jim Tu rnesa-knocked Ben Yale sent 11 men through the Henrich, rf ...... 5 1 2 100 ANN ARBOR, Mich ., (AP)- Ohio State pushed home Lhe win­ Three base hits- Merullo, Joost, 1 around turns at county fair race White. Double plays-Keltner and Hogan out of the professional golt' qualifying rounds in 11 evenl$ DiMaggio, cf ...... 5 2 2 1 0 0 lling run in tlle eleventh inning yesterday to edge out Michigan's Hack. Home run- Merullo. Sacri- tracks at terrific speeds which to- Fleming; Weatherly, Boudreau and association championships at Sea­ while Cornell kept eight eligible Keller, If ...... 4 00300 defending Big 'ren champions, 3 to 2, and pnt the dRmpel' on the fice-Merullo. Double plays-M. day would get your Sunday after- Keltner. Left on bases-Cleveland view c;lub yesterday, thereby in­ and New York university and Gordon, 2b ...... 5 2 1 320 McCormick and Sauer; Sauel' and noon driver arrested tor blocking 12, Detroit 8. B(lse\! on balls-off Wolverines' hopes for another clear-cut Western conference base­ jecting some welcome color and Pennsylvania, six each. Rosar, c ...... 4 1 080 1 Frey; Merullo, Stringer and Ca- traffic. Smith 2, off Gromek 2, off White ball ti Lle. excitement into an otherwise cut varretta 2; Joost and Frey. Left on * • • 1. Struck out-by Smith 3, by The only record of the day 1eU Rizzuto, ss ...... 4 22310 In . e(!Qnd place behind Iowa as a result of' lhe setback, Mich ­ and dried event. Gomez, p ...... 5 3 4 0 1 0 bases-Cincinnati 9; Chicago 13. About 2'7 years ago we drop- Gromek I, by Brown 1, by White to AI Blozis, Georgetown's big bOJ igan can do no better now than take a share of the championship When the swarthy little sol­ Bases on balls-off Deningel' 2; ped Into Des Moines to see a 6. Hlts-otf Smith 7 in 4 1-3 in­ who never has been beaten in hie v and will be crowded out completely if the Bll ckeyes ffin today. dier, who has never won u gol! off Beggs 5; off P asseau 2. Struck race In a big board platter, but nings; ofl Gromek 4 in 2; off Eis­ two specialties - shot and discUl. GIRL to sh Totals 42 )6 17 27 7 1 meet of any real importance, sank Washington 000 000 001-1 Wisconsin also has an ontside chance to tie Iowa. out- by Derringer 3; by Shoun 2; passed It up at the last moment, enstat 1 in 2-3; off Brown 4 in 1. After pacing the qualifiers in the campus. Ca Score by innings; the putt that elimina~e d the great by Passeau 1; by Beggs. Hits- which probably was just as well Hit by pitcher-by Smith (Blood­ discus with a toss of 160 feet 3 7-11 New York 424 001 23x-16 Hogan on the 35th green, 2 and I, ')1WO girls Runs batted in-Henrich 2, Di- Ohio State 100 000 om 01-3 ] 0 4 off Derringer 11 in 5 2-3 innings; for it turned out to be a black worth); by Brown (Ross) . Wild inches, Blozis boosted the 16-I)(lUnd he joined three of golfdom's reg­ off Shoun 1 in 2 1-3; off Beggs day for the drivers. Cars shot filiation 10 I Maggio 3, Gol'don 2, Rosar, Cro­ Miclligan 100 000 001 00-2 8 3 ball out 55 feet 4 7-8 inches. The ul ars in today's semi-finals. 3 in 2 1-3. Losing pitche,r-Beggs. over the top rim In all directions pitch - Smith. LOSing pitcher­ 3830 after 6 I setti, Hassett 4, Rizzuto, Gomez 2, Lohrey, Bllcldel' and 1bse; Boim, Fishman and Harms. Smith. mark exceeded his meet record Turnes:!. Meels Nelson Umpires-Goetz, Conland and and It would have been our luck of 54 feet 3 Inches, estabLished last Case. Two base hit-Rizzuto. Home Today the corporal, who is next Reardon. Time-2 ;49. Attendance to have been chinnln, ourself SHOE runs-Hassett, l)iMaggio, Gordon, year. to the youngest of the seven golf­ (actual)--4,660. on the ed,e at a point of depart· Double play-Gordon, Rizzuto and Leslie MacMitchell, who with ing Turnesa brothers, ties into ont: White Sox Sneak Up Hassett. Left on base-New York Bosol Take Easy ure. If we recall correctly the Ewell and Blozis makes up the big of the game's greatest and most E 6-Washington 11. Bases on baU$ Race Cancelled track never was used alain. On Browns to Win three of the meet, was beaten in firmly backed stars, Byron Nel­ off Wilson 1; off Gomez 8; off Indianapolis Speedway '" '" . In 8th Inning Spree the half-mile but qualified handi· SHOE 1410 2 Win Over son of Toledo. In the (lpposite Whirlaway to Run There has been some agitation ly. Mast~rson 2. Struck out-by Go~ Silent Today bracket, Sammy Snead of Hot in recent years to the effect that:' Men's, Wo mez 6; by Masterson l. ruts-otf ST. LOUlS (AP) - Apparently Wilson 4 in 0 innings (pitched to Springs, Va ., a navy man, engages automobile racing should be abol­ A's in Night Game Jimmy Demaret of Detroit. In Handicap Today is hed as a deadly exhibition which subdued on one hit in seven in­ DOMBY five batters); off Cathey 7 in 3; NEW YORK (AP)- The Speed­ nings, the Chicago White Sox scor­ Air Conditioned Comfortl off Masterson 6 in 5. Hit by pitcher Nelson had a heart thumping served no good purpose. PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Ted way at IndianapoliS will be silent experience before he won 'out yes­ NEW YORK (AP) - They're The defenders of the races main­ ed four runs in the eighth and five -by Masterson (Rizzuto). LoSing in the ninth to beat the St. Louis pitcher-Wilson. Williams hit two home runs last today for the first Decoration day terday. In mid-afterDoon the Au­ loa din g Whirlaway with 129 tain that the present mechanical nieht-one in the first with two in 24 years because tires, motors gusta Masters champion found pounds today, putting Eddie Ar­ excellence of the automobile is due Browns yesterday, 12 to 8. ~j't!:ti' iii Umpires-McGowan, Passarella caro on his back and sending him The Browns had a big inning of and Hubbard, Time-2:1i1. At­ on and the other in the elgbth and fuels that ordinarily went into himself three holes down to Harry in great part to experiments con­ Cooper of MinneapoUs and only out to try to pick up $28,000 of ducted in speErd events. The op­ their - own, scorin, six runs ot! tendance-4,731. with the bases full-to drive in the big 500-mile automobile race seven rung and pace the Boston four to play. But he rallied to the $65,000 he still needs to catch ponents maintain that the races Bill in the fourth, when STARTS TODAY Red Sox to an easy 14 to 2 vic­ are more important to the war ef­ shoot bi rdies on three of those re­ Sea biscuit's all-time money win­ develop nothing that could not be 11 men batted. DietrIch was taken rMaior League Standirig~ tory over the Athletics at Shibe fort now. maining holes, to tie Co per on the ning record. equally as well developed in labor­ out for a pinch-hitter in the eighth They're 'Stickinq Out park. The roundtrippers were Wil­ • *' • 36th green and to beat him on the This $28 ,000 paycheck is wait­ atories. and Joe Haynes was the winner. Their Leather Necks Aq(dJII • National Le&l'ue • third extl'a hole. ing in the 56th-and l'ichest­ It might be argued that nobodr Youlll Don Kolloway was the The Devildol "Pals" of "Wha~ liams' 13th and 14th. So are the men who ran the W L Pet. GS Bobby Doerr also slammed out Snead had an almost equally running of the ~ubul'ban handi­ is forced to take part in a race, batting' star for the White Sox, Prle~ Glory" and "The Coell· Brooklyn ...... 29 12 .700 a circuit clout-his _7th of the motors and got them ready aDd harrowing experience in eliminat­ cap, time-honored Memorial day and thilt if a guy wants to risk his coming up three times with the eyed World" st. Louis ...... 23 ]7 .575 5% year-with the bases empty in the directed the big show each year. ing Ed Dudley, PGA president, 1 feature at Belmont. It's all neck it is his own business, but bases loaded and hitting a double and two singles, driving in six ~-- Boston ...... 23 20 .535 7 ninth. Now Uiey are up to th~'r arm­ up on the 36th hole. Far from Whirly's- if he can whip 11 other the opponents will offer the re­ Cincinnati ...... 19 21 .475 91h runs. pits In mechanical work with cracking under the famous Snead handicap horses. But, since these buttal that if a man is crat» New York ...... 20 22 .476 10 ~ Boston ABR UPOA E preSSUl'e, veteran. Ed stayed in 11 include Market Wise, Atten­ enough to jump from a ' 1O-5tory Pittsbureh ...... 20 23 .465 11 D-'M--'-- f---3- 3-0-1-0-0 war machines. tion and Challedon, it figures to buHding just to amuse a crowd be­ 1 agglO there and gave his man a stubborn past their heads, and just Chicago ...... 19 23 .452 11 ~ P k • c .... 4 4 3 1 2 0 • • • argument. When they drove off be quite a day's work, even for low, that's no reason he should be imagine they are out at the speed­ Philadelphia .... 14 29 .326 17 es y, ss ...... 1 3 0 0 A survey yesterday showed on the final hole, he still was little Mr. Big Tail. permitted to make a mess of him­ way, 4 Whirlaway hasn't been to the 1'esterda)l'1 Results ~~~li"iam rfs, ·I.. f· ····...... '4 32 3 3 0 0 they're all over the map. A. B. only one down. self. And they'll know,ht be N ew Y ork 3, B roo kl yn I C· Ib 2 11 0 0 (Deacon) Litz, the Pennsylvania Snead Slices races since he whipped a "million­ Getting back to Indianapolis, the one or two drivers alive tomorrow Ch' 6 C· · t' 5 ronm, ...... 4 0 dollar" field in the Dixie handicap Ph~f:~ol h' ~n~nnt~~ 1 Doerr, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 3 0 veteran, and Hank Caplan, Kelly ISnead, desperately needing a folks ihis year will have to pack night who wouldn't be if the war ';.~rta. a'n Tabor, 3b ...... 5 0 1 2 1 0 Petillo's riding mechanic, 3re half to win, walloped a mighty May 6. That little job boosted his their lunches, tote them out In the hadn't come along. bankroll for two-and-a-fraction back yard, hire some kid to throw IUD'C c W L• ~Pet. GB CIAonroy, c ...... 5 1.. 0 0 buildin"• airplane motors in Af- drive that sliced into the deep Hughson, p ...... 5 0 1 0 4 0 rica. Art Herrington, chairman of woods on the fly. It looked like years of racing to $361,811, leav­ N Y 28 10 737 ew or k ...... ______the Speedway technical commit- the opening Dudley needed, and he ing him right behind Sun Beau's _ Doors Open 1:15 - Cleveland ...... 23 18 .561 6th TOTALS 39 3 27 0 0 tee, is a tank expert in India on a tOQk earnest advantage of it by $376,744 and within shouting dis­ J Detroit ...... 25 20 .556 6% ...... 14 1 1 government mission. spanking a long one right toward tance of the Biscuit's $437,730. Boston ...... 20 19 .513 8% Philadelphia AD R H PO A E And they're doing all kinds of the green 362 yards away. But St. Louis ...... + . 20 23 .465 10% 0 0 war mechanical work. For in- there was a straying spetcato ~·. the happy-go-lucky ex - Texan Washington ...... 17 23 .425 12 Kreevich, cl .... 4 0 0 1 4 0 stance, Ray Harroun, who won Dudley's pellet caught him square­ really tore into h~s man in the Chicago ...... 16 25 .396 13% Suder, 2b ...... 4 0 0 5 0 0 the first "500," 'way back in 1911, lyon the noggin and shot off into afternoon. He was out in 35 to Philadelphia .... 17 28 .378 14 % Siebert, Ib ...... 4 1 2 13 0 0 has invented and is manufactur- the trees. The groggy galteryite increase his lead to 4 up and then Yesterday's Results Miles, U ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 ing a bomb-loading wagon. Wil- got to his feet, but Dudley was a shot a birdie, an eagle and a par New York 16; Washington Valo, rf ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 bur Shaw a three-time winner, is J dead duck. to finish Wood. Detroit 14, Cleveland 3 Wagner, c ...... 3 0 1 6 5 1 an aviation fuel tank ex(>ert, and Jimmy Demaret scored an unex­ Chicago 12, St. Louis 8 Blair, 3b ...... 4 0 1 0 5 d Pete DePaolo, who roared home pectedly easy triumph over Craig Boston 12, Philadelphia 2. WalJaesa, .ss ...... 4 0 0 0 lOon top in 1.925, . ~s a. c!\(i!ian in- Wood, the national open champion, PROBABLE PITCHERS Christopher, p .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 Itructor in aviation enaine mllin- 7 and 6. Atter taking a 1 up lead Lea&'ue American Fowler, p ...... 1 0 0 0 tenance in California. at ~unch time with a sparkling 71, Washington at New York-Hud­ son (4-3) and Sundra 0-1) vs. TOT ALS ...... 34 2 7 27 15 1 Rulfing (4-2) and Chandler (5-1) Boston ...... 300 002 351-14 Phils Beat Boston, 2.1" or Breuer (2-3) Philadelphia ...... 000 000 002-2 7 Bir Boston at PhiJadelphia-pobson As Rube Melton Wins DANCELAND Sonr (3-3) an4 ChlllJe (l~) vs. March- (4-0) and Davili (~ll) Ce4ar Rapids Hits! ildon (0-:4) an"d ~~ler (1-1). Philadelphia at Bostoh-l'lahem BOSTON (AP) - The Boston St. L:ouiB at Cleveland... Mun- (1-0) and Podgajny (2-3) vs. Braves dropped their tbiI;d ~ame . TONIGHT, SAT. XTRA! Buy crief (1-5) and Harris (1-5) vs. Hutchin~ (0-0) and Tost (4-2) in a row yesterday as Rube Meitol! Quiz Kids U.S. Embree 0-0) and Dean (3-1). Pittsburgh" at Chicago-Hamlin held them to six hits to give the Gala Memorial Day Treat "NOVEL ruT" War straniJI Chicago at Detroit-Smith (0-7) (2-1) and Gornicki (0-0) vs. Philadelphia Phils 8 2-tn-l vic- lONT PASTOR Sta'mpi and Ross (0-1) VS. Bridles (5-1) Mooty (l-3) and F'leming (0-0) tory. FlchUtt. Fire At Our S:l'AB~S TUESDAYI Bombl "Special" lind Newhouser (2-2) St. Louis at Cincinnati-Gum- l'4elton struck out nine men II Hbl· Orch. Box lohn Wafft, bndolpb Scott, Buy 1'our War savilll 8 National Leape bert (2-2) and Warneke (2-2) while polishing off the Braves, OnlJ "'~ &III 11:15, 811 ateer, MWlene DIetrich Bt Our BOll: Office New York at Brooklyn-Melton Vander Meer (4-3) and Riddle whose only run in the ninth was plU8 taxes. - Late NewS- Office "THE SPOILERS" . ·1ft..8) and ~2.'~ YJ: ..(1 .-&>, '" .::. .-: _. ___ • unearned;

• THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY. rOWA PAGEnw zek. L. A. Ales, J . R. Sapp, and in retaliatory measures, the Czech headq rters in Chicago. ommendation for life imprison- 5 Killecl In t.orm D. A. Graham of Iowa City; H. H . government here nevedtheless 3 Packing Companies The indictments charge "con. ment." PONTIAC. Micb (AP) - Five Navy Forms Hilton and D. N. Damitz, Council called on Czechs in the homeland Starvation Forcing Bluffs; L. B. Foster. Cedar Rap- to resist their nazi oppressors. lipiracy to sbare receipts on hog Judge Goldstein set June 19 for persons were reported dead and ids; C. K . Bowers, Cedar Falls; "There wiU be no peace and sales from the Sioux City live- sentencing the three. 20 others injured in a "jolt-nt C. A. Paarmann and R. N. Bates, . Indicted at Sioux City stock market." The firms are ac- Stin showing his love for Miss Greeks Into Turkey Davenport· R E Lowry Cherokee' right in the world unless the Ger­ cused of dividing hog sales, with Webb, Shonbrun glared at Assis­ stonn that swept through parts of 45·Piece Band R. F. Koudal: O~d, Neb.: and L. W: man crimes are severt'ly punished," Violate Anti·Trust Act Annour and Cudahy firms receiv- tant District Attorney Jacob A. CAIRO. Egypt (AP) - Three northwestern and southe st 'I.i hi · Stryker. Platte Center. Neb said a proclamation i ued .for ing 40 percent and Swift & Co., 20 Grume~ and .shouted. when asked, hundred thousand Gre ks, Hvlng gan last night. broadcasting. ''Whoever defiles By PloHing to Share percent of hogs and the indict- w~at his b~lDess. ~as: on the German-occupied Aegean himself by collaboration with the ments charge the firms with "a1- My bUSiness IS. a murderer­ for 'I.(. Base Receipt of Hog Sales islands of Samos, Mitylene, Chio OFFICIAL BULLETIN murderous enemy will not cape Heydrich- ternating in a practice of staYing just hke Gru~et ! .You tell me to (continued from pqe 2) just punishment." and Nlkaria, are so cl e to starva­ (Continued from page 1) SIOUX CITY, [a .• (AP)-Charg­ out of hog purchasing market on take It easy-:- TbIS t~ a court at­ DES MOINES {AP)-A 45- Saturdays and with refusal to pur- tend~r:t at hiS ~bow. 'But he Ju t tion that panic is preading amoni for overnight use beginning at 5 ing Violation of the Sherman anti­ chase hogs from time to time until crUCified that grrl, and you want piece combination string and Moscow radio reported that 200. trust law, a federal grand jury them and they are being driven p.m., May 30. and hould be re­ brais band was formed here yes- seized as hostages. were in danger a lagging defendant caught up to me to take it easy." Chinese-- yesterday afternoon returned in­ its allotted percentage." The state contends the bungled to [nvade Turkey. a report to Ralph turued by 8 a.m. Monday, June 1. !erday to be stationed at the .na- of execution. Property ot executed (Continued from page I) dictments against three major crime netted only $13 obtained by Bain, head 01 the American Red ¥y', pre-flight training school at penonlr is seized by the state. GRACE VAN WORMRR packing companies and three of­ elling the mounting of a diamond Cross in the Middle East, diJclosed AcUDc Dlreetor \he State University ot Iowa, fol- There wu little douM \hat than 10 points on the outskirts of ficials ot the firms. Judge John ring clipped from the slain wo­ last night. lOwing a fbur-week indoctrination A.olf Bl&ler was demand .... lchang. Japanese-held stronghold Caskie Collet received the final re­ Webb- man's rineer. The people are now livinc maio­ BADMINTON period at the Great Lakes train- bloody re"rlBal. trem &he people on the Yangtze river above Han­ port of the juty here. (Continued from page 1) Murray Hirschi, Shonbrun's un­ lyon herbs which are rapidly dry­ Any student or faCulty member in, station. et Bohemia. and Moravia The firms indicted are Armour cle who was also cbarged with the ing up under the hot summer sun, who WIShes to play b dmintol\ or '.1' kow in central China. The band was recruited by J. J. Wednesday'. aUaclt on BfI7lr1eh & Co., Cudahy PackJng company brun who had jumped to his teet murder but became the state's according to llIe report, which table tennis may do so any af­ Courtney, who wlll be Its leader. u be wu motorin& to Berlin lut 3. A Japanese unit thru ting and Swift & Co., and the indivi­ when MIss Webb aros , clenched star witne • will be tried in due came from an Aemrican invesilga­ ternoon except Saturday nnd Sun­ and E. Ptq'1le. Electrician L. Stuckrnth outBlde deeper into Yunnan province in duals, Floyd M. Sherwood. execu­ his fists and bit his lips time. Judge Goldstein said. tor who pent Q week tn th Smyr­ day from 4 to 5:30 at th women's of the navy. An exchange telegraph dispatch lOuthwest China from Lungling tive in charge of hoe buying tor "We find her guilty," the jury Shonbrun testified that he and na region talking to refugees from gymnasium. With the exception 01 The bandsmen will have the from Zurich, Switzerhmd. said iI was ambushed and wiped out. the Armour firm; F. W. Hoffman. foreman 5lIid lowly. Hirschi alone were responslble for the islands. badmInton birds. all I!qulpm nt Is rank of second-class musicians. ' German speciaHst had been rushed The attention of the Chinese ap­ Cudahy buyer. and Frank E. Miss Webb and Shobrun col­ Mrs. Reich's death and cleared Ten thousand Wand rll already furnished. .Several have played with the Chi- to PraiUe tor an emergency opel'­ peared centered on the ChekIang Knutzen in charge of hog buying lapsed simultaneously, just as the Miss Webb and Cullen of particI· have crossed the sea by devlou BDNII E COOPER cago, MinneapOlis and Milwaukee atlon. fighting, although it was indicated for Swift & Co. All three men have foreman continued "-with a ree- pation. means, eluding TurkIsh patrols. Women' Phy&1 al Edu tion symphony orches{ra, Courtney Martial law has been proclaimed that the sudden burst ot activity said. In Bohemia' and Moravia. and mid- around lchang, in Hupeh province POPF.YE Courtney. a native of Alabama, night 'last night was the deadline hundreds of miles west ot Che­ formerly was assistant leader of tor registration of all Czech males klan, province, was intended as THE' ReAc:HE the navy band in Washington. over 15. lnd1rect relIef lor the beleaguered MOMMA CARE'-I'S The members include E. J . Pari. While the worst was expected Chinese In the eastern battlefield. 1-iOU5E- FIR':;, Daily lawan Wanf Ads * * * * * * * * * • • • LOST AND FOUND TYPING-MIMEOGRAPHING CLASSIFIED LOST:-THREE one dollar binB TYPING, Notary Public, Mimeo­ Friday. Money belongs to paper Irllphlng, Mary Y. Burns. I. St. ADVERTISING Bk. & T. Bldg. Dial 2056. RATE CARD boy. Phone 4552. PASSENGERS WANTED FOUND: Class rin,. Owner may CASH BATE have same by Identifying and PASSENGER to ride East June 6. paying for this ad. Stevens. 328 N. Dubuque. lor 2 dl7l- lOe per lllle per day MISCELLANEOUS consecutive days- WANTED - LAUNDRY a STUDENTS: Want to buy, sell or 7e P« line per da, LAUNDRY; shirte, lie. Flat fin- find IOmethlng? Dial 4191 and consecutive d~ tah, 5c pound. Dial 3762. LODl- ask for a want ad! Dc per line per ~ .trt'th. llllOnth- COLLEGE Bookbindery. 125~ E. 4c per line per day APARTMENTS AND FLATS College. Dial 2802. -Filure 15 worda to line­ Minimum Ad-% linea FURNISHED one-foam apartment. PLUMBING Hot water. Electric refrigeration. WANTED _ PLUMBING AND 310 N. Gill1ert. beltinl. Larew Co. 127 E. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1I0e col. lncb TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ WublDlton. !'hone eG81. Or S5.00 per month ment. Private bath. Electric re­ frigeration. Dial 6001. FUl,lN1TURE MOVING BLECHA TRANSFER and STOR- All Want Ads Cash in Advance TWO newly furnished cool apart- AGE-Local and 10111 distance Payable at Daily Iowan Busl­ ments, 2 and 3 rooms. Dial 5196. HUlin,. Dial 3388. aeu o1f1ce daily until II p.m. FURNISHED two-room apartment, private t>9tn. automatic hot MAHER BROS. TRANSFER CLARENCE GRAY water. Dial 4315. Cancellations must be called in fOr emdent fumlture ~ O.K.. NOW,.l AR,,«? GOOD! FORA GIRL • before 5 p.m. Aak about CIUl' YOU A FIRST Clf.,SS FIGHTING Retpollllble for one incorrect NEW first floor furnished apart­ WARDROBE SERVIa ARt:. insertion only. ment. Adults. 824 N. Gilbert. MAN! Dial 5398. DIAL 9696 THREE-ROOM a!)artment, very ======clean. every convenience. West INSTRUCTION DIAL 4191 side. Dial 2625. SUMMER SCHOOL TWO-ROOM furnl~hed apartment, ReSister a,,), da)' for aUlllmer work In private bath, frigidaIre. Dial Be,lnnln,. Advanced. Review courses. * * * Secretarial Tralnln, 6258. 328 Brown. We ean accommodate )'our * * * IIChedute. * * * PICNIC SUPPLIES BROWN'S COMMERCE * * * COLLEGE WANTED For Those Spring Picnics GIRL to share apartment near Get Your Supplies campus. Cali 6410. At LEARN TO EARN HENRY CARL ANDERSON 'lIWO girls with university af­ "SERVICE WITH A FUTURE" WICKS GROCERY STORE In Business or Government !iliation to share apartment. Dial OF COURSE, THERE (fl'>', 116 S. Dubuque Enroll for Training in CHARITy 3830 aiter 6 p.m. ... RE. NO ~MPLES- / Proven Short Courses 8AZAAR . NOW SCRAM.I SHOE REPAIRING -New Typewriters TODAY CAFES -Office Machine Equipment -Improved Gregg Shorthand EXPERT For Classes 'Starting June 1 and June 8 SHOE REPAIRING QUALITY and SERVICE J.:\UULL ~OW- I)I.\J, , ti ll Men's, Women's. Children's Iowa City Kadera's Cafe K,!SSE5 , KISSES DOMBY BOOT SHOP 210 E. Washinqton Commercial CoUe3e ~ 1.00 SI.OO EACH E.ACH

I. \\' .. ~I

ETTA KETT PAUL ROBINSON ~------~~~--~--~-,--~~~~~~ HEARYE.' HEAR WONDERING VE.!' f'O(? M'I FIRSt' OAT6". rYE Di:ClOE'O " 'THE' rr c.v!"1 WIn-i Whete To .GeI OUk:Ii,HEt21:

I 1 . • I • Some Exira 'CASH! ~ ......

Why not rent a rf)om or a garage. I Many . " . students need rooms for the summer. Do ROOM AND BOARD 'P i , • ~. .. . I yo,:, I ~d,V~.. a s~ove or,. a Hoo~er , that I r~~ ,tIH' KU"''f' I 51'\'(.... UNT I\ND,.He5E ros1E5. MY ClJ'.RA, ·· EVEN IF I "'" wou{~ !ike, to'Se I? Some one might be glad . DEAR N.lNT!·­ ONLY " ~PHEW dF 'bJRS .... NDI HOPe ~ MA1tRIi'GE. 'rOI.I ...RE to pry you ' ca~h for it now that they to.n/t -rOIJR "ISIT HERE ~ "'''''IoORITE J'\IJNI 1··· . . WILl.. BE ... get flew aHes. If you hOve anything you "S " SMALL'TOICEN OF . • I i-ONG ONE ... • \ . ~ I\F1"ECTION. Pt..E1'5E '('ES." "T Lc.-.5T would Uke to rent or ,ell-- /'CCEPT TIllS ao<. OF UNTI L FI'J-L.! ( ~ SWEETIl'IEJl.TS/ ., " . [iJ , , .; . ., . J . Call The. DEAR. NOAH" 6'( 12JIIo"TION­ IN G TI RES DOES THE. ~OIIERI'Vt'IENT HOPE TO AVOID I NFI.ATION '? Daily low~n Want Ads DEAl' NOAH-OO£S Tf.IE WAL.L.PAPE.R. SA,,("R:> TH£ CE.ILING "STiC";'-$H. ~ I GoT "(0.... GO\III!AED~ .. Dial 4191 - TKOO'f wO()Oa ' _ . _eout Aetld,eA.I~ . set't> "'(ou" "UMNaT10M TO ' DE"It. ,.~ .. - T'oA<\,.. - )


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. ., To Our Fighters For Freedom-


:TO the heroes of Pearl Harbor, Wake, Guam and Bataan- to fuse the issue in our minds, to create discord in our midst, to get us those in all our wars who have given their lives for America's fighting among ourselves-labor against capital, Republicans against freedom-we owe an everlasting debt. Our Commander-In.Chief has spokenz Democrats, rich against poor, Protestanq against Catholics, Christians, They died for things some of us had forgotten. Libertyl Like the ·We must guard against divisions among ourtelve. and among against Jews, native Americans against the foreign-born. If they " . air we breathe, liberty was everywhere around us, but we no longer all the other United Nation•. We mu.t be particularly vigilant caused enough strife among us, these propagandists reasoned, we seemed to know what it really meant. We had lulled ourselves into against racial discrimination in any of Its ugly form •. Hitler would forget about our real enemies. We would be too weak to Honor will try again to breed mistrust and sUlplcion between one thinking that some half-real storybook people called the America fight for liberty. To Sc~ individual and another, one group and another, one race and Colonists had won it for us fdrever, and that nobody could take Pearl Harbor! At long last we were ","oused. The propaganda Most ~ another, one government and another. He wilt try to use the it away. against our national unity had failed. CHICAGC orne technique of falsehood and rumor-mongering with which certi fica te c "Give me liberty or give me death" had become only Fourth of Today there is in every Ame~can heart a cold, calm determination he divided France from Britain. He i. trying to do this even eYer giYe a \ sen led to t~ July oratory, with no relation to the world of baseball, business, now, but he will and a unity, a unity of will and pUrpOR to see this thing $brought No bands, no pep-talks are necessary now, consin Mond The Chiea, movies and comic strips. agalnlt him which will persevere unttl the dettructlon of alt There is a job to be done. Am~ca know~ where she is going. i Ilelection b( terday that ~ Then came th~ new tyrannies with their strategy of terror and his black designs upon the freedom and people of the world. ' . We will pay the price. The cost will be measured in mountainous made dUrinl fifth "F1yinl torture. China, Ethiopia, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, France, Poland, -PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, in frugal living, in long hard hours of back-breaking labor. It squadron at will also be rrreasured in broken lives, in death itself. But we are ready. In connectior Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Yugo51avia, mencemenl tum ~======~=====J=.n=~=~=6'=19=n====i ==~ We are confident of our migh~. We are con6dent of the righteous .. hOuse in Ma, Russia-all in attackedl . Lieut. Hoi We bCian to wake up, despite Axis .propagandists -trytnr to con- ness of our cause. To that cau~ we solemnly pledge oUf5elvcs. sin alumnus -_.- - ti!icate to C' ) Special recoi • lion's outsla tributing mo t.!on than on I nation. ~- The memt Ing Badgers' , the oath ot personnel 0 Badgers" u; Within two VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS of the United States navy trainin versity of 10' f . ~- " .. .. - -. ~- ,/

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