From: Alan Meyers Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 17:04:29 ‐0400 To: Sunny Park , , John Williams Subject: physicians protest appointment of Dr Blachar as president of WMA

Dear WMA Council Chair Dr Edward Hill and the Council,

We the undersigned 725 physicians represent both academic medicine (114 professors) and clinical practice in 43 countries. A matter of grave concern to us, and a threat to the public reputation of the World Medical Association, has brought us together in this perhaps unprecedented medical initiative. We wish to publicly protest and appeal against the recent appointment of Dr Yoram Blachar, longstanding President of the Israeli Medical Association, as President of the World Medical Association. We believe that his Presidency makes a mockery of the principles on which the WMA was founded in 1947, which was as a response to egregious abuses by German and Japanese doctors in World War Two. The WMA's own Declaration of Tokyo (1975) specifies that "physicians shall not countenance, condone or participate in the practice of torture or other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading procedures, and in all situations, including armed conflict and civil conflict". The WMA Annual General Assembly of 2007 made it clear that inaction was not an option, stating that "this is the first time the WMA has explicitly obliged doctors to document cases of torture of which they become aware. The absence of documenting and denouncing such acts might be considered as a form of tolerance and of non‐assistance to the victims".(1) There are still more recent calls from authoritative academic sources for the international medical community to go much further in actively allying itself with efforts to suppress mistreatment of prisoners. (2) Amnesty International concluded as long ago as 1996 that Israeli doctors working with the security services "formed part of a system in which detainees are tortured, ill treated and humiliated in ways that place prison medical practice in conflict with medical ethics". (3) Dr Blachar, already IMA President, took no action. Amnesty's briefing to the UN Committee Against Torture in September 2008 "focuses on Amnesty International's (continuing) concerns about Israel's failure to implement the Convention against Torture in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the intensification of measures amounting to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment".(4)

A well‐publicized report in 2007 by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), based on the detailed testimony of 9 Palestinian men tortured between 2004 and 2006, gives a graphic demonstration of the extent to which Israeli doctors continue to form an integral and everyday part of the running of interrogation suites whose output is torture. (5) The IMA have conceded that they were aware of this report, but did nothing. More recently, at a meeting on December 10 2008 in Tel Aviv, with Dr Blachar presiding only weeks after his inauguration as WMA President, Physicians for Human Rights‐Israel again sought (unsuccessfully) to get the IMA to face this report and all the other evidence in the public domain.

In its 2008 annual report to the UN Committee Against Torture, the UAT Coalition, a coalition of 14 Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations, concluded that "since the Committee last reviewed Israel, the practice of torture and ill treatment has continued unabated. The UAT Coalition wishes to inform the Committee that in its opinion the use of torture and ill treatment by Israeli authorities against Palestinians is both widespread and systematic. The UAT Coalition has recorded evidence of acts, omissions and complicity by agents of the State at all levels....until this culture of impunity is addressed this situation is unlikely to improve".(6)

In November 2008, PCATI filed a contempt of court motion to the High Court of Justice against the government of Israel and the General Security Service for their responsibility for a policy that grants a‐priori permits to use torture in interrogations. The IMA have never challenged torture as state policy in Israel.

Dr Blachar went as far as to justify the use in Israel of "moderate physical pressure" (condemned as torture by the UN Committee Against Torture) in the fourth paragraph of a letter published in the international medical journal The Lancet in 1997 (7, and attached pdf ). This surely unprecedented action by the president of a national medical association has not been disowned, and renders him unfit for the office of WMA President. In the age of evidence‐based medicine his rejection of the documentary record has been unprofessional and frequently contemptuous. On the British Medical Journal (BMJ) website he dismissed a BMJ paper on health and human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories ‐ which cited Amnesty, Johns Hopkins University, the International Court of Justice, a UN Rapporteur and Physicians for Human Rights‐Israel ‐ as "the lies and filth he spews" and "reminiscent of some of the worst forms of anti‐semitism ever espoused" (8) Indeed Dr Blachar has made statements which were untrue, and which he must have known were untrue, on at least 10 occasions in the Lancet and the BMJ in the past decade.(9) Given that these 2 international medical journals are amongst the world's most prestigious and influential, this is an intended corruption of the public record.

IMA membership of WMA appears to have been a figleaf: The IMA website pays lip service to medical ethics but Dr Blachar has overseen a studied failure to take the actions mandated by the Declaration of Tokyo.

We conclude that under Dr Blachar's leadership the IMA made a decision on political grounds years ago to turn a blind eye to torture in Israel and the institutionalized involvement of doctors. This stance continues with Dr Blachar as WMA President. On an issue that goes to the heart of the moral authority of the profession, Dr Blachar has offered shameful ethical leadership to doctors in Israel and worldwide.

It could scarcely be more scandalous that he now assumes the Presidency of the official international body overseeing medical ethics. This appointment will seriously damage the public reputation of the WMA and its work, and risks making it a laughingstock. We call upon the WMA Council to oblige Dr Blachar to step down as a matter of priority. Since the WMA is mandated to ensure that its member associations conform to its codes, we also request an investigation into the IMA record highlighted above. In view of the public importance of this issue we are copying our letter and supporting documentation to international medical journals and mainstream newspapers for coverage. We hope to hear from you and the WMA Council as soon as possible please.

Yours sincerely Professor Alan Meyers ([email protected]) and 724 other physicians from: United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Italy, South Africa, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Malaysia, Switzerland, Algeria, Iraq, Eire, Spain, Australia, India, New Zealand, Germany, France, Sweden, Pakistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Libya, Turkey, Bahrain, Belgium, Peru, , Qatar, Nigeria, Czech Republic, France, Zambia, Denmark, , Kuwait, Argentina.

See full signatory list at end


1. World Medical Association. Doctors urged to document cases of torture. Press Release 8 Oct 2007.

2. Miles S, Freedman A. Medical ethics and torture: revising the Declaration of Tokyo. Lancet 2009: 373:344-48.

3. Amnesty International. "Under constant medical supervision",torture, ill-treatment and the health professions in Israel and the Occupied Territories. London. Amnesty International. MDE 15/37/96. 1996.

4. Amnesty International. Israel/OPT. Briefing to the Committee Against Torture. MDE 15/040/2008. 2008.

5. Public Committee Against Torture in Israel. Ticking Bombs testimonies of torture victims in Israel. PCATI 2007.

6. Defence for Children International. Palestine Section. UAT Report: Torture and ill-treatment in Israel and the OPT. 2008.


UAT report: Torture and ill‐treatment in Israel and the oPt

In its 2008 Annual Report, the United Against Torture Coalition (UAT Coalition), a coalition of 14 Palestinian and Israeli human rights organisations, has undertaken an in‐depth and critical analysis of Israel's compliance with the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT).

The report examines the continued and systemic use of torture by the State of Israel, in both Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

In accordance with the mandate of the UAT Coalition, the Annual Report focuses on violations against Palestinians, in both the oPt and Israel. The Annual Report is based on material submitted by the UAT Coalition to the United Nations Committee against Torture (the Committee) in September 2008, pending the Committee's periodical review of Israel's compliance with CAT, scheduled for May 2009.

The Annual Report draws upon the considerable experience of the UAT Coalition membership including more than 80 pages of affidavit material, extracts of which are interspersed throughout.

In preparing the Annual Report, the UAT Coalition examined the use of torture and ill‐ treatment by the Israeli authorities against Palestinians from the point of arrest, through interrogation and detention as well as the use of coerced confessions in the military courts. The Annual Report also considers:

The use of torture and ill‐treatment in non‐conventional circumstances, including house demolitions, the Gaza siege and the coercion by the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) of medical patients attempting to exit Gaza in order to access necessary medical treatment.

The continued use of incommunicado detention and lack of prompt access to lawyers for Palestinians detainees.

The discriminatory nature in which laws and practices are applied to Palestinian detainees compared to Israeli citizens.

The impunity with which ISA interrogators, police officers and members of the Israeli army torture and abuse Palestinian detainees, including children as young as 12.

A legislative exemption that allows the ISA to interrogate Palestinian detainees without audio visual recordings as is required in other investigations.

The failure of the State of Israel to clearly prohibit the use of torture and ill‐treatment in its domestic legislation as recommended by the UN Committee.

The UAT Coalition concludes in its Annual Report that the use of torture and ill‐treatment by Israeli authorities against Palestinians is both widespread and systematic. The State is either unwilling or unable to fulfill its treaty obligations under CAT. The UAT Coalition has observed and recorded evidence of acts, omissions and complicity by agents of the State at all levels, including the army, the intelligence service, the police, the judiciary and other branches of government. The UAT Coalition is of the view that until this culture of impunity is addressed the situation is unlikely to improve. Contact a DCI‐Palestine if you wish to receive a hard copy of the report or read it online in English, Arabic or Hebrew. Source: UAT

7. Blachar Y. The truth about Israeli medical ethics. Lancet 1997;350:1247. (see also pdf attachment)

8. Blachar Y. Response from the Israeli Medical Association. Rapid Responses,, 15 December 2004

9. Untrue statements by Dr Blachar in the British Medical Journal and the Lancet: Blachar Y. BMJ 1996; 313:630. "...the association (IMA) has done its utmost to ensure that Israeli physicians neither directly nor indirectly participate in any acts of torture".

Blachar Y. BMJ 2003; 327:1107. "..a collusion of doctors and torture that does not exist".

Blachar Y. BMJ 2005; 330:254‐5. ".. neither the IMA nor WMA is willing to give credence to the half‐truths and untruths".

Blachar Y. BMJ 2005; 331;699. (re torture etc) "..the IMA looks into any claims brought to our attention".

Dyer O. BMJ 2007; 334:871 (quoting Blachar) ".. the IMA has on many occasions denounced the use of torture and any involvement by physicians in torture".

More such statements as Rapid Responses at .

Blachar Y. Lancet 1996; 348:1748. (Re Amnesty report on torture inIsrael) "..our organisation endeavours to ensure that Israeli physicians neither directly nor indirectly participate in any acts of torture".

Blachar Y. Lancet 1997; 350:1247. "..the IMA has frequently and unequivocally denounced the use of torture". (In 4th para of same letter he defends moderate physical pressure, condemned as torture by UN Committee on Torture!)

Blachar Y. Lancet 2001; 361:425.".. torture is abhorrent and the IMA in no way endorses it".

Blachar Y. Lancet 2003; 361:1827. "..the IMA has also contacted the Ministry of Health to ensure reportage of ethical problems encountered in the course of treatments or any instances of unethical treatment of patients".

Blachar Y. Lancet 2003; 362:252. (re torture) "..IMA has always made it clear that doctors are not to be involved in such the best of our knowledge, Israeli doctors have not taken part or assisted in such acts".

Blachar Y. Lancet 2003; 362:1675. (re Doctors in Conflict) "..I object strenuously to your implication that I would deviate from a universally accepted code of medical ethics.. the IMA has been working for years to ensure that human and medical rights in the territories are maintained".


Prepared by Dr Derek Summerfield ([email protected]) of the UK Medical Committee for Palestine

Torture and the Israeli Medical Association: a brief history

Torture in Israel has a long history and there is a mountain of documentation in the public realm attesting to it‐ from both international and regional (Israeli and Palestinian) human rights organisations .

In 1993 the existence of a "fitness for interrogation" form came to light, to be signed by a doctor. Since interrogation customarily meant torture, the doctors signing these forms were giving the green light to the interrogators and their methods and were thus part of the process themselves.

Amnesty International concluded in 1996 that Israeli doctors working with the security services "formed part of a system in which detainees are tortured, ill‐treated and humiliated in ways that place prison medical practice in conflict with medical ethics".Amnesty, and others who approached the Israeli Medical association (IMA) to urge them to take a stand were consistently rebuffed. This too has been the IMA response to published material in mainstream medical journals‐ notable the British Medical Journal and the Lancet. In reply to one such paper, published in the Lancet in 1997, the longstanding president of the IMA Dr Y Blachar actually justified the use of "moderate physical pressure", the euphemism in Israel for torture, and declared as such by the UN Committee Against Torture! A pdf of this letter is attached.

The moral position and strategic line taken over many years by the IMA was well captured by a remark made by Professor Eran Dolev, than IMA Head of Ethics (yes, Ethics!) in an interview in 1999 with a visiting delegation from the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, London. Prof Dolev stated that that "a couple of broken fingers" during the interrogation of Palestinians was worthwhile for the information it might garner. When this was published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, verified by those present at the interview, Dr Blachar defended Prof Dolev.

Indeed 2 years earlier, after a human rights conference in Gaza in 1997, one of us had written to Dolev in his capacity as Head of Ethics. An Israeli physician had given an account of a medical colleague who had confessed to her that he had removed the intravenous drip from the arm of a seriously ill Palestinian prisoner, and told the man that if he wanted to live, he should co‐operate with his interrogators. Dolev was asked to investigate but he never replied, even after reminders.

When an Israeli psychiatrist Dr Ruchama Marton, a psychiatrist, publicised the unethical role that fellow Israeli doctors were playing in detention centres by labelling seriously mentally ill Palestinian detainees as "malingerers", and denying them treatment, the IMA charged her with slander rather than investigating the allegations.

The titles of 11 Amnesty reports on Israel/OPT between 2002‐7 contained the word "torture".

Torture continues to be state policy in Israel. The Israeli human rights documentation centre B'Tselem recently confirmed (April 2007) that almost all Palestinian detainees suffer physical and mental abuse amounting to torture, citing the testimonies of 73 men gathered between July 2005 and January 2006. The IMA maintains a studied silence.

No recent firsthand evidence is more telling than that compiled by the Israeli organization Public Committee Against Torture (PCATI), entitled '"Ticking Bombs". Testimonies of Torture Victims in Israel'. Published in May 2007, their report records the detailed testimony of 9 Palestinian men tortured by Israeli security services between 2004 and 2006. Here is graphic demonstration of the conclusions published by Amnesty International in 1996, and over and over again by other organisations, that Israeli doctors form an integral and everyday part of the running of the interrogation suites whose output is torture. Doctors, several of whom are actually named, saw the prisoners at various points between episodes of torture (which in one case led to spinal cord damage), did not take a proper history, did not protest on these men's behalf, and typically prescribed simple analgesia before returning them to their interrogators. They did not need to ask the prisoners what had happened to them because they knew perfectly well. It is also remarkable that doctors in position of authority were directly involved in several of these cases, and are also named: the Chief Medical Officer of the Israeli Prison Service, Dr Alex Adler; the Chief Medical Officer of Israeli Police Dr.Tzvi Lankovski; and‐ most telling of all‐ no less than the Chairman of the Ethics board of the Israeli Medical Association, Professor Avinoam Reches. These accounts carry the imprimateur of a human rights organization of many years standing and high reputation. The named doctors have not demanded a retraction or sued the report's authors in order to clear their names. When 7 of us published a short account in the Lancet, the IMA wrote to us to threaten to sue, though in the same email (which we have retained) they conceded that Professor Reches had been sent a copy at the time. Thus the IMA condemned itself out of its own mouth, since inaction in the face of reputable evidence of torture, and of doctor's involvement, violates the WMA codes‐ in particular the anti‐torture Declaration of Tokyo‐ to which the IMA is signed up as a member. As the Executive Director of Physicians for Human Rights‐Israel put it in the Lancet in 2003, the IMA's collusion with torture is part of "its long tradition of siding with 'national Israeli considerations' rather than with universal medical ethics".

Amnesty International's briefing to the UN Committee Against Torture of 30 Sept 2008 concludes as before: "This briefing focuses on Amnesty International's concerns about Israel's failure to implement the Convention against Torture in the Occupied Palestinian territories (OPT) and the intensification of measures amounting to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment...... "

On 2 Nov 2008, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, in conjunction with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and HaMoked, the Centre for the Defence of the Individual, PCATI "filed a contempt of court motion to the High Court of Justice against the government of Israel and its head, Prime Minster, Ehud Olmert, and against the General Security Service (GSS) and its head Yuval Diskin, for their responsibility for a policy that grants a‐priori permits to use torture in interrogations that fundamentally violate the High Court of Justice decision of September 1999."

IThe 25 Nov 2008 Annual Report of the United Against Torture Coalition (UAT), posted under Reference 6 above, included more than 80 pages of affidavit material. The Report formed the basis of their submission to the UN Committee Against Torture in September 2008, pending the Committee's next review of Israel's compliance with CAT due in May 2009. The UAT Coalition examined the use of torture and ill‐treatment by the Israeli authorities against Palestinians from the point of arrest, through interrogation and detention as well as the use of coerced confessions in the military courts.

Please note again the surely devastating conclusions of this Report: “The UAT Coalition concludes that the use of torture and ill‐treatment by Israeli authorities against Palestinians is both widespread and systematic. The State is either unwilling or unable to fulfill its treaty obligations under CAT. The UAT Coalition has recorded evidence of acts, omissions and complicity by agents of the State at all levels, including the army, intelligence service, the police, the judiciary and other branches of government. The Coalition is of the view that until this culture of impunity is addressed the situation is unlikely to improve”.

This, then, is a brief account of torture as state policy in Israel, and of the shameful and unethical role played over many years by the IMA and its longstanding President Dr Yoram Blachar as part of the culture of impunity to which the UAT Coalition refers. Those who had cared to examine this record over many years were nonplussed when Dr Blachar became Chair of Council of the World Medical Association in 2003, and are staggered that he now takes the Presidency itself!

We are challenging Blachar's appointment on the torture issue specifically, though the other arm of our case against him and the IMA would be their refusal to hold the Israeli Government and Defence Force to account for their systematic violations of the 4th Geneva Convention specifically those clauses which guarantee the right of a civilian population in a conflict zone to unimpeded access to services vital to life: food, water, health care etc, and which guarantee health workers,clinics, ambulances etc immunity from military action. The assault on Gaza in December‐January 2008‐9 amply and terribly demonstrated what Physicians for Human Rights Israel (for whom I have the greatest respect) wrote at the time of the 2002 invasion of the West Bank. "We believed that the IMA might be able to curb the appalling deterioration in the attitude of Israeli military forces towards Palestinian health and rescue services. Yet despite severe injury to medical personnel and to the ability of physicians to act in safety to advance their patients' interests; despite Israeli shells that have fallen on Palestinian hospitals;despite the killing of medical personnel on duty‐ IMA has chosen to remain silent."

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Professor Alan Meyers Ass Professor Hakon Lasse Leira Professor Edwin Daniel Associate Professor of Paediatrics Dept of Occupational Medicine Professor Emeitus of Pharmacology Boston University School of Medicine St Olav University Hospital, Norway University of Alberta, Canada

Boston USA Professor Spiro Tams Professor Mohammed Tikly Sir Iain Chalmers Professor of Dermatology Professor of Rheumatology James Lind Library Jerusalem, Israel University of Witwatersrand Oxford, UK Johannesburg, South Africa Professor Andrew Zweifler Baroness Dr Jenny Tonge Professor of Internal Medicine Professor Raif Geha House of Lords Michigan, USA Professor of Paediatrics London, UK Harvard, Boston, USA Professor Ammar Al-Chalabi Professor Ahmed Okasha Professor of Neurology Professor Cesar Mondragon Past President, World Psychiatric Association & Complex Disease Genetics National University of San Marcos Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt London, UK Lima, Peru

Dr Belgacem Sabri Dr David Bell President elect British Psychoanalytic Society London, UK Dr Hans Husum World Health Organisation Surgeon, Tromso Mine Victim Resource Centre Cairo, Egypt University of Northern Norway

Professor Hani Abdeen Professor Warren Gold Professor Ayman Chamma Al Quds Medical School Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine Jerusalem, Palestine San Francisco, USA Point-Claire, Canada

Professor Wendy Savage Professor Mamoun Kremli Professor M Miqdady Middlesex University Paediatric Orthopaedics Pediatric Gastroenterology London, UK Riyadh, South Arabia Canada

Professor Alice Rothchild Professor Rayaz Malik Professor Derek Hellenberg Obstetrics & Gynaecology Professor of Medicine Family Medicine Boston, USA Manchester, UK Cape Town, South Africa

Professor Leslie London Professor Frederico Allodi Professor Gene Feder School of Public Health & Family Medicine Consultant Psychiatrist Academic Unit of Primary Health Care

University of Cape Town Toronto, Canada University of Bristol, UK South Africa Professor Jamil Fayez Professor Pat Coll Dr Brian Martindale Microsurgery & Laser Surgery specialist Clinical Associate/Professor Member of World Psychiatric Assoc. Washington DC, USA University of Calgary, Canada Educational Committee Sunderland, UK Professor Faisal Mirza Prof Tina Dobsevage Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery Mount Sinai School of Medicine Professor Zaleha Mahdy Stanford University, USA New York, USA Member, Malaysian Medical Council National University of Malaysia Professor Hisham Mehanna Professor Sami Kaidbey Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Hon Professor/Consultant Surgeon Assist Professor of Cardiology Coventry, UK American University of Beirut Dr Ruchama Marton Lebanon Founder President Professor Ahmed Shabaik Physicians for Human Rights Professor of Pathology Professor Paul Hamel Tel Aviv, Israel University of California, USA Director, Health Studies University of Toronto, Canada Professor James Martin Professor Morten Lindbaek Medicine; Respiratory diseases Professor of General Practice Professor Nizar Maraqa Westmount, Canada University of Oslo, Norway Paediatrics University of Florida Professor Pat Bracken Professor Louis Reynolds Jacksonville, USA Clinical Director School of Child & Adolescent Health West Cork Mental Health Services, Eire University of Cape Town, South Africa Professor Mounir Hanna Samy Psychiatrist Professor Michael Benny Professor Errol Holland McGill University, Montreal, Canada Associate Professor of Medicine Executive Dean, Health Sciences Virginia, USA Medical University of South Africa Professor Michele Ghielmini Limpopo, South Africa Head, Medical Oncology Professor Colin Green Oncol. Inst.of Southern Switzerland Surgical Research, Northwick Park Hospital Professor Tom Hutchinson London, UK Professor of Medicine Professor Marcel-Francis Kahn McGill University, Canada Emeritus Professor of Medicine Paris, France Assoc Professor Jon Jureidini Disciplines of Psychiatry & Paediatrics Professor Franco Cavalli Professor Michael Benny University of Adelaide, Australia Immediate Past President Associate Professor of Medicine International Union Against Cancer Vienna, USA Professor David Pegg Switzerland University of York, UK Professor Hosny Selim Professor Suzanna Moreno Clinical Associate, Radiation Professor Mary Ganguli Dept of Clinical Science Oncologist, New York USA Professor of Psychiatry, Rome, Italy Neurology & Epidemiology Professor Abdelmajid Saari Pittsburgh, USA Professor Ellen Isaacs Surgery New York Medical College Blida, Algeria Professor Ala Sharara Youken, USA Head of Gastroenterology Professor Tony Davies American University Beirut Professor Vimala Isaac Zambia School of Medicine Lebanon Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Lusaka, Zambia Canberra. Australia Professor Cassim Motala Dr William Slaughter Paediatrician Professor Noha Abokrysha Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry University of Cape Town Neurology Harvard, Cambridge, USA Cape Town, South Africa Cairo University, Egypt Professor Aibah Osman Professor Pierre L Auger Dr Mads Gilbert Public Health Clinical Professor, Occupational Medicine Trauma Surgeon Beirut, Lebanon Laval University Tromso, Norway Quebec, Canada Professor Susy Kurian Professor Aneez Esmail Pathology Professor Juan Gervaas Professor of General Practice Vellore, India Professor of International University of Manchester, UK & Public Health, Spain Professor Hosny Selim Professor Mohammed Abou-Saleh Radiation Oncology Dr Pauline Cutting OBE Professor of Addictions Psychiatry New York, USA Accident & Emergency Consultant London, UK Bangor, UK Professor Gilles Bertschy Dr Swee Ang Professor of Psychiatry Dr Ben Alofs Orthopaedic & Trauma Geneva, Switzerland General Practitioner Consultant Surgeon, London, UK Bangor, UK Professor Pierre Biron Professor Mohamed El-Fakharany Clinical Pharmacology Dr David Halpin Assist Professor of Pathology Canada Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon Wayne State University Newton Abbott, UK Detroit, Michigan, USA Prof Gilles Desroches Assistant Professor Dr Chris Burns-Cox Professor Brian Johnston Ophthalmology Consultant Physician Carnegie Mellon University Ottawa, Canada Wotton under Edge, UK Pittsburgh, USA Professor Ehsan Fahmy Professor Tarek Okasha Prof Said Osman Professor of Psychiatry Professor of Psychiatry Assistant Professor Egypt Ain Shams University Diagnostic Radiology Cairo, Egypt London, Canada Dr Paquita de Zulueta Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer Professor Abdul-Latif Elmor Professor Radwan Banimustafa Medical Ethics & Law Public Health Consultant PsychiatristnAmman, Jordan London, UK Zagzig University, Egypt Professor Aida Seif El Dawla Dr Susan Fayad Professor Marwan Haiz Professor of Psychiatry Psychiatrist Edmond J. Safra Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt El Nadim Centre for Rehabilitation Chair of Functional Neurosurgery of Victims of Violence, Cairo Egypt London, UK Dr Eyad El Sarraj Head, Gaza Community Dr Ghada Karmi Professor Wa-il Abouhendy Mental Health Programme, Palestine Senior Lecturer Head of Emergency/Disaster Exeter University, UK Psychiatry unit, Zagazig University, Professor Phil Thomas Arab Federation of Psychiatrists, Egypt Centre for Ethnicity & Health Dr Asad Khan University of Central Lancashire,UK Respiratory Physician Professor Svein Haugsgjerd Blackburn, UK Psychiatry Oslo, Norway Professor Marwan Hariz Neurosurgery University College London UK Professor Mohamed Hatta Shaharom Consultant Psychiatrist Malaysia

Professor Mohamed Tikly Professor of Rheumatology Professor Munir Gharaibeh Professor Ismail Zayid University of Witwatersrand Professor of Pharmacology Halifax, Canada Johannesburg, South Africa University of Jordan Dr Jonathan Dare Dr Hafizur Rehman Professor Ibrahim Mohamed Consultant Child & Adolescent Senior Paediatrician Neonatology, Pediatrics Psychiatrist, London UK President of Islamic Medicine Montreal, Canada Association of North America Dr Nahed Mikki New York, USA Professor Norbert Paediatrician Medicine Ramallah, Palestine Professor Mohamed Jeebhay Montreal, Canada Specialist Occupational Medicine Dr David Leighton Cape Town, South Africa Dr Derek Summerfield Consultant Ophthalmologist Honorary Senior Lecturer Bethlehem, Palestine Professor Abdul Hakim Babar Institute of Psychiatry, King's College,UK Professor of Plastic Surgery Dr Joanna Santa Barbara Lahore, Pakistan Professor Faisal Rehman Child Psychiatrist Professor of Medicine Motueka, New Zealand Professor Masbah Omar London, Canada Orthopaedic Surgery Dr Alain Pernet Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Professor Ghaith Shubailat Specialist Internal Medicine Plastic surgery Geneva, Switzerland Professor Abder Ahmane Montreal, Canada Cardiac Surgery Dr James Deutsch Canada Professor Hala Makhlouf Department of Psychiatry Professor of Pathology University of Toronto, Canada Professor Husain Saleh Ain Shams University Chief, Department of Pathology Cairo, Egypt Dr Ana Sanchez Wayne State University Obstetrics & Gynaecology Detroit, Michigan, USA Professor Abida Haque Newport Beach, USA Professor of Pathology Professor Shabbir Wadee Houston, USA Dr Robert Shearer Division of Forensic Science Urological Surgeon Stellenbosch, University Professor Khalifa Ghenghesh Somerset, UK South Africa Al~Fateh University for Medical Science Tripoli, Libya Dr Malila Noone Professor Nida Hawash Microbiologist Paediatrics Professor Hossam Fadel Darlington, UK Willowvale, Canada Clin. Prof. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Medical College of Georgia, USA Dr Daniel McQueen Professor A. Shamisa Psychotherapy Specialist Registrar Neurosurgery Professor Hafeez ur Rahman London, UK Windsor, Canada Peshawar Medical College Pakistan Dr Helen McColl Professor Ismail Zayid Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Dalhansie University Professor Ismail Rammouz Copenhagen, Denmark Nova Scotia, Canada Faculty of Medicine Fez, Morocco Dr William Dienst Professor Basim Al-Shihabi Family & Emergency Physician Consultant Neuro-otologist Professor Abdulkarim Ebrahim Washington State, USA Stevenage, UK Professor of Psychiatry Bahrain Dr Alaa Hasan Alsadadi Professor Mohammad Abbas Consultant Psychiatrist Orthopaedic Surgery Consultant Dr Marc Sapir Bahrain King Abdul Aziz University Ret Medical Director Jeddah, Saudi Arabia California, USA Dr Sajida Ajjawi Obstretics & Gynaecology Professor Hamdy Elsayed Dr Lee Cranberg Ramallah, Palestine President Egyptian Medical Syndicate Neurologist Egypt Harvard, Boston, USA Dr Pam Wortley GP Professor Mahmoud Elshandidi Dr Kambiz Boomla Sunderland, UK Professor of Paediatrics Senior Clin. Lecturer Cairo, Egypt University of London, UK Dr Ahmed Abou-Zeid Neurosurgery Professor Zafar Hussain Dr Flavia Donati Manchester, UK Medical Microbiology Psychiatrist Canada Rome, Italy Dr Frank Arnold Clinical Director, Medical Justice Network Reading, UK Dr Jackie Applebee Medical Foundation for Victims Dr Nuri Gene-Cos Dr Gerard Reissmann of Torture, London, UK Consultant Psychiatrist GP London, UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Dr Sylvia Watkins Medical Oncologist Dr Sushrut Jadhav Dr Axel Wannag Stevenage, UK Consultant Psychiatrist Occupational Physician London, UK Bergen, Norway Dr Fady Joudah Internal Medicine Dr Ghada Awad Dr Elizabeth Dick Houston, USA Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultant Radiologist Auckland, New Zealand London, UK Dr Brian Robinson Psychiatrist Dr Azad Mashari Dr Maryam Navsa Milton Keynes, UK Resident Physician in Anaesthesia Family Physician University of Toronto, Canada University of Cape Town, South Africa Dr Sam Richmond Consultant Neonatologist Dr Shazia Malik Dr Runa Mackay Sunderland, UK Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Paediatrician London, UK Edinburgh, UK Professor Hamed Oakton College Dr Abdulaziz Zorgani Dr Najib Safieddine Illinois, USA Medical Microbiologist Fellow in Thoracic Surgery Tripoli, Libya Toronto, Canada Dr John Bell Medical Foundation for Dr Susanne Yound Dr Mahommed Siddique Tayob Victims of Torture, London, UK Anaesthetist Clinical Research Unit Glasgow, UK Middelberg, South Africa

Dr Sam Noumoff Dr Eric Brenman McGill University Consultant Psychiatrist California, USA London, UK Dr Elizabeth Gordon Consultant Surgeon Dr Ahmed El-Laboudi Dr Laure Sayyed Kassem London, UK Diabetes Internal Medicine Leeds, UK Cleveland, USA Dr Andrew Rouse Public Health Physician Dr Colin McKean Dr Bajes Hamad Birmingham, UK GP Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist Liverpool, UK Qatar Dr A. Peer Med Microbiologist Dr Adib Essali Dr Shabbir Amanullah Durban, South Africa Consultant Psychiatrist Psychiatrist , Syria Charlottetown, Canada Dr Janine Molleyres Internal Medicine Dr Bassem Saab Dr Ghassan Al Amar Ecoteaux, Switzerland Programme Director Family Medicine Internal Medicine American University Beirut, American University Beirut Dr Mona Hamed Imam Lebanon Lebanon El Nadim Centre for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture - Cairo, Egypt Dr Sarah Wakeman Dr Nazim Ismail Brown Medical School Consultant Medical Microbiologist Dr Ayman El Badry Rhode Island, USA Pretoria, South Afrrica Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Gaza, Palestine Dr Bilal Farhat Dr I Osman Gastroenterology GP Dr Omar Mangoush Beirut, Lebanon Durban, South Africa Thoracic Surgeon London, UK Dr Khalid Mansour Dr Numan Shah Consultant Psychiatrist Surgeon Dr Andy Oxman Essex, UK Manchester, UK Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services, Oslo, Norway Dr Nicholas Batley Dr John Phillips Emergency Medicine Consultant Paediatrician Dr Jesse Soodalter American University Beirut Eniskillen, UK Brown University Medical School Lebanon Providence, Rhode Island, USA Dr Salma Shebaik Dr Muneer Deeb California School of Medicine Dr Diana Warner Consultant General Surgeon University of San Diego, USA GP Kassel, Germany Bristol, UK Dr Talib Mearza Dr Khalil Elbayouk GP Rugby, UK Bedfordshire, UK Dr Francis Nathan Senior Visiting Ophthalmologist Dr Tom Marshall Dr Fatiha Kadri Adelaide, Australia Senior Lecturer in Public Health General Medicine University of Birmingham, UK Blida, Algeria Dr Ahmed Almari Radiologist Dr Martin Birnstingl Hisham Thabet Bradford, UK Consultant Surgeon Ophthalmology London, UK Essen, Germany Dr Colin Brewer Research Director Dr Osama Omari Dr Shazad Amin London, UK General Surgeon Consultant Psychiatrist Canada Manchester, UK Dr Debbie Goldman GP Dr Roland Farhi Dr L Azhar Oxford, UK Brussels, Belgium Obstetrics Canada

Dr Jamel Turky Dr Mahnaz Hashmi Dr Dina Al Khatib Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Family Doctor Tunisia London, UK Bathurst, Canada

Dr Ranjeet Brar Dr Mohammad Abu Hilal Vascular Surgical Research Registrar Dr Samer Jabbour School of Medicine London, UK Senior Lecturer Southampton University, UK Faculty of Health Sciences Dr Hashem Jaddou American University Beirut, Lebanon Dr Khalid Khabn Faculty of Medicine GP Jordan University of Science & Tech. Dr Malika Sharma Croydon, UK Irbid, Jordan Internal Medicine Toronto, Canada Dr Ali Dabbagh Dr Gabor Mate Ophthalmologist Family Practice Dr Bassam Odeh Dubai Vancouver, Canada Consultant Haematologist Damascus, Syria Dr Lydia Cairncross Dr Jalaluddin Soni General Surgeon GP Dr Akkache Abd Nacer Cape Town, South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa General Surgery Blida, Algeria Dr Deema Abdul Hadi Dr Anna Livingstone Family Physician Honorary Senior Lecturer in General Practice Dr Ahmed Elmeshhedany Canada London, UK Clinical Haematology Hawler Medical University Dr Reem Abdul Hadi Dr Abdul Sattar Majzoub Irbil, Iraq Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Canada Canada Dr Huda Salman Pathologist Dr Imad Khreim Dr Haidar Dekmak Penang, Malaysia Psychiatrist Chief Anaesthetics &Resuscitation Mass., USA Canada Dr Husni Al-Robb Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Hafez Alhous Dr M M Al Hasan Northampton, UK Cardiology Primary Care Aberdeen, UK South Africa Dr Harry Williams Psychiatrist Dr Chris Evans Dr Najat Khenyab Ontario, Canada Consultant Psychiatrist Chief, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nottinghamshire, UK Canada Dr Mohsin Moola GP Dr Brakat Sharabati Dr Adriano Sassi Dublin, Eire Pathologist President Centrale Sanitaria Svizzera Hebron, Palestine Switzerland Dr Ahmed Rashad Paediatric Specialist Dr Jonathan Flaxman Dr Felicity de Zulueta Saudi Arabia GP Consultant Psychiatrist London, UK London, UK Professor Hana Soliman Psychiatry Dr Abbas Azadian Dr Hadil Kamal Rochester, UK Psychiatrist Periodontal Surgeon Toronto, Canada Ramallah, Palestine Dr Ireo Bono Oncology Specialist Dr Majdy Shakkoura Dr Kathleen Panama University of Genoa, Italy Gaza, Palestine GP London, UK Dr Henrik Pelling Dr Nuzhat Sarfraz Psychiatrist GP Uppsala, Sweden Billericay, UK

Dr Alaoui Driss Dr Stephen Ginn Psychiatry Dr Mazen El-Khairy Psychiatrist Canada Gaza, Palestine London UK

Dr Abdullah Abba Dr Sameh El-Kawy Dr Maha Elias Pulmonology Consultant Orhopaedic Surgeon Consultant Anaesthetist Canada Warwick, UK Weston-super-Mare, UK

Dr David Toowara Dr Anand Trip Professor Sami Timimi GP Neurologist Faculty of Health & Social Sciences Hemel Hempstead, UK London, UK Lincoln University, UK

Dr Rand Askalan Dr Lara El Zahabi Dr Sameh Hassan Paediatric Neurology General Medicine Consultant Psychiatrist Toronto, Canada Toronto, Canada Rugby, UK

Dr Bharathi Kamineni Dr Ron Singer Dr Rabih El Chammay Family Practice GP Psychiatrist New York , USA London, UK Beirut, Lebanon

Dr Gill Yudkin Dr Minella de Souza Dr Tarek El-Gohary GP Psychiatry Consultant Psychiatrist London, UK University of Toronto, Canada Birmingham, UK

Dr Mamdouh El-Adl Dr Ian Kerr Dr Gianni Marin Consultant Psychiatrist Consultant Psychiatrist Cardiology and Paediatrics Northampton, UK Coatbridge, UK Trviso, Italy

Dr Muhammad Dadibhai Dr Paul Malone Dr Ranio Abusamra GP Registrar UK Paediatrician Dewsbury, UK London, UK Dr Gilberto Calzolari Dr B Farkat Internal Medicine Dr Aynur Gormez Gastroenterlogist Turin, Italy Psychiatrist Beirut, Lebanon London, UK Professor Allie Moosa Paediatrician Dr Charles Essex Cape Town, South Africa Dr Biba Stanton Consultant Paediatrician Cinical Lecturer Neurology Research Leamington Spa, UK Dr Shakir Alani London, UK Physician Dr Mohamed Ali Leeds, UK Dr Faisals Suliman Internal Medicine GP Leicester, UK Dr Saleh El-Hilu Durban, South Africa General Adult Psychiatrist Dr Paola Canarutto West Bromwich, UK Dr K. Jaffar General Medicine Consultant Psychiatrist Turin, Italy Dr Shereen Habib Basildon, UK GP Dr Samir Mourad Dubai, Dr Frederick Holmes Psychiatrist Urologist Case Western University Dr Guido Ginstetta Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK Cleveland, USA Family Medicine Pino Torinese, Italy Dr Aisha Sarwar Dr Nazim Merchant GP Consultant Maxillo-Facial Surgeon Dr Simon Quinn Manchester, UK Ayr, UK London, UK Dr Goretta Bonacorsi Dr Nibal Lubbad Dr Farhana Lockhat Ematologia Family Medicine GP Modena, Italy Toronto, Canada UK Dr Abdelmoniem Ali Dr Shuaib Manjra Chairman, Trauma Centre for Survivors of Violence and Torture Cape Town, South Africa Consultant Psychatrist Doncaster, UK Dr Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu Chest Physician Dr Jo Moncrieff Dr Joan Giller Association of Human Rights & Solidarity Senior Lecturer Social Psychiatry Area Medical Officer for Oppressed People University College London, UK Cork, Eire Ankara, Turkey Dr Saleyha Ahsan Dr Shahid Salim Dr Ranjit Mani Internist GP Neurologist London, UK Manchester, UK Rockville, USA Dr Syira Ahsan Dr S Alani Dr Feras Mustafa GP Clinical Neurophysiology Psychiatrist London, UK Leeds, UK Northampton, UK Dr Saima Ahsan Dr Catherine Houghton Dr Tarik Al-Kubaisy Internist Consultant Chest Physician Consultant Psychiatrist London, UK Bury, UK Lincolnshire, UK Dr Hisham Tassi Dr Shahid Latif Chief Medical Officer Dr Gunhild Nybork Consultant Psychiatrist Internal Medicine GP/Researcher Northampton, UK Thompson, Canada University of Oslo, Norway

Dr Arthur Hertzberg Dr Ramzy Wahhab Dr Bernardino Oliva Fanlo Specialist General Practice Internal Medicine Family Physician & Community Medicine, Olso, Norway Mount Royal, Canada Mallorca, Spain

Dr Luisella Grandori Dr Maha Almahmudi Dr Klaus Melf Paediatrician Radiation Oncology Assisting County Doctor Modena, Italy Hamilton, Toronto, Canada Tromso, Norway

Dr Luay Kafienah Dr Dahlia Wasfi Dr Nicholas Embleton Old Age Psychiatry USA Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Dr Waleed Libda Dr David Crowley Clinical Toxicology, Canada Dr Heinz Eckel GP Doctor and Sociologist Moray, UK Dr Warren Bell Berlin, Germany President, Medical Staff, Family Med. Dr Siri Slastad Shuswap Lake General Hospital Dr Dave Knight Consultant Occupational Medicine Salmon Arm, Canada Occupational Medicine Trondheim, Norway Cape Town, South Africa Dr Ghassan Joundi Dr Wael Hakmeh Dermatology Dr Fawad Zaman Emergency Medicine Physician Winnipeg, Canada Consultant Respiratory Physician Detroit, USA Burnley, UK Dr Sahar Khorsheed Dr Murat Coskun Pediatric Gastroenterology Dr Aroushka James Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist Ancaster, Canada Psychiatry Istanbul, Turkey London, UK Dr Rahmah Rasat Dr M Asmal Paediatrics Dr John Vaughan Boston, USA University Kebangsaan, Malaysia GP North Haven, Australia Dr Mouna Ghanem Dr Stephen Cummings Medical Resident American Board of Family Medicine Dr Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven Damascus, Syria Hope Valley, USA Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town, South Africa Dr Rohana Jaafar Dr Barry Mohamed Atik Lecturer in Paediatrics Medecine Generale Dr Essack Mitha Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Khouribga, Morocco Contract Clinical Research Johannesberg, South Africa Dr Qasim Bhorat Hisham Thabet GP Ophthalmology Dr Manal Khorsheed Soweto, South Africa Essen, Germany Family Medicine Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Dr Catriona Morton Abdel-Raouf Ismail General Practice Plastic Surgery Dr Claire Jenkins Edinburgh, UK Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Consultant Psychiatrist London, UK Dr E Sayed Family Practice Dr Sukaina Hirji Welland, Canada GP Registrar Dr Peter Kandela St Albans, UK GP Dr D F Annabi London, UK Dr Raisa Malik Internist - Endocrinologist GP Amman, Jordan Dr Christianne Kolberg Lancashire, UK Psychiatrist Dr Sonia Allam Tromso, Norway Dr Mark Struthers Consultant Anaesthetist GP/ Prison Medicine Stirling, UK Dr Marco Chiesa Bedford, UK Director,Personality Disorder Research Dr Ahmad Bakr London, UK Dr Ibrahim Hanif Awan Paediatrician UK Cairo, Egypt Dr Amin El Hihi Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Jamil Gharaba Dr Shiroma De Silva Minor Manchester, UK Surgery Consultant Oncologist Padua, Italy UK Dr Martin Birnstingl Consultant Surgeon Dr Alfonso Coletta Dr Jalaluddin Soni London, UK Anaesthetist GP Forence, Italy Johannesburg, South Africa Dr Susan Rosenthal Ontario, Canada Dr Essam Hassan Dr Khaled Fathy Consultant Psychiatrist Lecturer Internal Medicine Dr K Khan Milton Keynes, UK Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt GP Croydon, UK Dr Jill Donnelly Dr M Al-Bustami Consultant Surgeon Consultant Cardiologist Dr Ian Whetter Hereford, UK Hertfordshire, UK Family Physician Quebec, Canada Dr Fouad Alani Dr Abdulla Bashir Associate Specialist in Medicine General Surgeon Dr Ashraf Jedaar Blackburn, UK Amman, Jordan Forensic Psychiatrist Cape Town, South Africa Dr Raied Haris Dr Azhar Aziz General Medicine Senior Consultant Emergency Physician Dr Ayman Aboguddah Blackburn, UK Doha, Qatar Director of Echocardiography Regina, Canada Dr Sukaina Hirji Dr Faisal Moosa GP Birmingham, UK Dr Zeenath Asma Harrow, UK Associate Pathologist Dr R M Kajee Illinois, USA Dr Jan ter Laak GP Senior Lecturer Johannesburg, South Africa Dr Maria Luisa Agnolio Utrecht, Netherlands Family Doctor Dr Neveen Elkholy Sandrigo, Italy Dr Sue Black Family Practitioner GP New Jersey, USA Dr Nadia Al Hawashim Bristol, UK Consultant Pathologist Dr Wahaj-ud-Din Ahmad Saudi Arabia Dr Teresa Poltronieri Neurologist Medical Psychotherapist North Carolina, USA Dr M T Bailony Rovigo, Italy Paediatrics Dr Mahmoud Loubani San Diego, USA Dr Clyde Farris Bathurst, Canada Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Sarwat W Ahmad Oregon, USA Psychiatry Dr Sara Loubani North Carolina, USA Dr Patrick Boyd Bathurst, Canada Consultant Urologist Dr El Hattab El Ibrahimi Youssef London, UK Ear, Nose & Throat Dr Eman Loubani Taroudant, Morocco Dr Aideen Naughton Ottawa, Canada Consultant Paediatrician Dr Linn Abusalameh Abergavenny, UK Paediatrics Dr Mohammed Loubani Cardiff, UK Dr Hellme Najim Family Medicine Consultant Psychiatrist London. Canada Dr Nayef Agel Basildon, UK Medical Consultant Dr Osama Loubani London, UK Dr Faysal El-Kak Halifax, Canada Senior Lecturer American University Beirut, Lebanon Dr Hoda Makkawi Clinical Assistant Professor Family Medicine, Canada Dr Shahnaz Aslam Dr Rhona MacDonald Karachi, Pakistan Medical Journal Editor Dr Sarwat Sadek London, UK Examiner for Royal College of Surgeons Dr Naseer Nuaman of England, Taunton, UK GP Dr Tarek Loubani Dartford, UK Montreal, Canada Dr Sabur Malek Trauma & Orthopaedics Dr Marwa Shoeb Dr Imad Khreim Swansea, UK Radiologist USA London, UK Dr Magdi El-Guindi Dr Sarfaraz Ahmad Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Marryum Hussain Physician Buckingham, UK Consultant Psychiatrist Juvail, Saudi Arabia Liverpool, UK Dr Tariq Khan Dr Enzo Farina Cardiac Surgery Dr Susan Kurien Dept of Surgery London, UK Psychiatrist Turin, Italy London, UK Dr Estela Welldon Dr Adel Elmary Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Bianca Fossati Cardiology London, UK General medicine Alexandria, Egypt Monza, Italy Dr Gabe Woollam Dr Monica Malventano Family Medicine Dr Karam Jayyoussi Family Paediatrics Goose Bay, Canada Palestine Ferrara, Italy

Dr Robert Haynes Dr Laila Obeid Professor Hazem Cardiology Paediatric trainee Orthopaedic Surgery Washington State, USA Canada Saudi Arabia

Dr Zahra Kassam Dr Alberto Martin Dr Atyabi Haley Oncologist General Surgeon Family physician Toronto, Canada Girona, Spain Canada

Dr Nadia Dabbagh Dr Tsepo Motsohi Dr Aseel Hegazi Child Psychiatrist Family Medicine Genitourinary/HIV Medicine London, UK Cape Town, South Africa London, UK

Dr Mahmoud El-Wasify Dr Jill Austin Dr Emad Fawzy Psychiatrist Anaesthetist Anaesthesia/Intensive TreatmentUnit Egypt Aberdeen, UK London, UK

Dr Haroun Patel Dr Marie-Claire Calothy-Abram Dr Hisham Al-Qassab Urologist Child Psychiatrist consultant Physician/Geriatrician Durban, South Africa Orsay, France London, UK

Dr Rola Alkurdi Dr Ani Zainudden Dr Zafir Hawa Anaesthetist Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Interventional Cardiologist London, UK University Kebangsaan Malaysia Kansas City, USA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dr Gamal Mohamed Hassan Dr Mario Franzini Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Efrossini Moureli General Surgery UK Psychiatrist Reggio Emilia, Italy Thessaloniki, Greece Dr Shuaib Mangra Dr Diana Menzies Occupational Health/Sports Medicine Dr Muhammad Hussein Consultant Psychiatrist Cape Town, South Africa Canada London, UK

Dr Simonetta Pagliani Dr Yasmin Jabr Dr Ahmad Alramahi General Medicine Montreal, Canada Orthopaedic Surgeon Milan, Italy Amman, Jordan Dr Magda Adly Dr Sare Davutoglu Anaesthetist Dr Jose Aparicio Garcia Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Cairo, Egypt Family Practitioner Istanbul, Turkey Zafra, Spain Dr Kamal Al-Tawil Dr Filippo Bianchetti Cairo, Egypt Dr Maged Sonkor Family Medicine Consultant Physician Varese, Italy Dr Hina Ansari Birmingham, UK UK Professor Amina Balafreij Paediatrician Rabat, Morocco Dr Christiana Sessa Dr Liliana Perez Oncology Anaesthetist Dr Salam Ismael Bellinzona, Switzerland Buenos Aires, Argentina Doctors for Iraq Baghdad, Iraq Dr Shameen Oliviera Dr Heba Ghazy Respiratory Medicine Paediatrician Dr Adam Forman UK Ain Shams University GP Cairo, Egypt London, UK Dr Mahmoud Sehwail General Director Dr Suhaila Ameeri Dr Merlin Willcox Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre Histopathologist GP Ramallah, Palestine Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Oxford, UK Dr Susan Sohonfield Dr A A Mishal Dr Sally Reynolds Public Health Internist Endocrinologist GP London, UK Amman, Jordan Oxford, UK Dr Sabba Maqbool Dr Roberto Maisto Dr Ibrahim Omari Gastroenterologist Psychiatrist Family Medicine Philadelphia, USA Bologna, Italy American University of Beirut Lebanon Dr Amin ur Rahman Dr Ali Al-Hakim Birmingham, UK ENT surgery Dr Aslam Bhorat Manchester, UK Urologist Dr Salah A Kouta Glenwood, South Africa Consultant Endocrinologist Dr Aneesa Peer Bury, UK Psychiatry Dr Zeinab Abrong London, UK Psychiatrist Dr Adel Elalfy Tunisia Physician Dr Gerhard Lotze Staffordshire, UK General Practitioner Dr A Basyuni Heidelberg, Germany Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Ghassan Alami Cairo, Egypt Orthopaedic Surgery Dr Afra Al Dayel Montreal, Canada Consultant Haematopathologist Dr K. El Farra Damman, Saudi Arabia Consultant Gynaecologist Dr Julia Aram Hertfordshire, UK Consultant Neurologist Professor Yahia Dajani Brighton, UK Consultant Pathologist Dr M. Namazie Amman, Jordan Anaesthetist Dr Ahmad Kamal Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Ahmed Sabra Irbid, Jordan Intensive Care Dr Mikram Malik MBE Bristol, UK GP Dr Hyman Sam Glatt Lancashire, UK GP Dr Tapanari Eleni Sunderland, UK Paediatrician Dr As'ad Bhorat Thessaloniki, Greece Family Physician Dr Angelo Stefanini South Africa Dept. of Medicine & Pub. Health Dr Bahoo Ghalayani University of Bologna, Italy Al-Awda Hospital Qasim Bhorat Gaza, Palestine GP Dr Shahnaz Anwar South Africa General Physician Dr Jacqueline Le Corre Karachi, Pakistan General Physician Dr R Ismail Gonvix, France GP Dr Hussein Nagi South Africa Consultant in Pain Management Dr Elia Abi-Jaoude Birmingham, UK Psychiatry Dr Z. Goondiwala York, Canada Family Physician Dr Hoda Mer Johannesberg, South Africa Dept of Pathology/Laboratory Med. Dr Atalla Hamada New Jersey Medical School, USA Plastic Surgery Dr George Nossar Qatar Specialist Occupational Medicine Dr Mohammed Yunus New South Wales, Australia Internal Medicine Dr Robert Dickson Florida, USA Family Practitioner Dr Amr Salem Calgary, Canada Ear, Nose & Throat Dr Zein Khairullah Leicester, UK Hospital Director Aleppo, Syria Prof M Darrat Assistant Professor, Anaesthesia Dr Mohamed Khodr Hamilton, Canada Dr Tim Khater Public Health Ophthalmologist Virginia, USA Raymond Brown Texas, USA Consultant Paediatrician Dr Jamshid Marvasti Buckinghamshire, UK Dr Malcolm Dow Child & Adult Psychiatrist Medicine Manchester, USA Dr Marco Albonico Derby, UK Specialist Infectious Diseases Dr Amal Shamma Turin, Italy Dr Sharof Ibrahim Paediatrician Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Kuwait Dr Nabil Sultan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Chief Nephrology Fellow Dr M F Kamal Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada Dr F Shaikh Jordan University GP Amman, Jordan Dr Mohammed Naji Durban, South Africa Anaesthetist Dr Maqsood Khan Virginia, USA Dr J Qadri Internal Medicine Obstetrics &Gynaecology Chicago, USA Dr Maged Agour Orlando, USA Psychiatrist Dr Ayman Askari Cambridge, UK Dr Fahmida Chowdhury Consultant Rheumatologist Clinical Research Fellow in Epilepsy Sheffield, UK Dr Fahed Al-Daour King's College, London UK GP trainee Dr Sarimah Omar Mansfield, UK Dr Basil Ridha Radiologist Neurology Registrar Melaka, Malaysia Dr Duaa Bakri Saeed London, UK Internist Dr Renza Martinelli Blackburn, UK Dr Sam Fateema Occupational Medicine Internal Medicine Reggio Emilio, Italy Dr Nabil Asfour Pennsylvania, USA Internal medicine Dr Agnese Moro Saskatoon, Canada Dr Ghizlane Zoulati Cardiologist & General Medicine GP Treviso, Italy Dr Khalid Al Wahhabi Taza, Morocco General Surgeon Alfred Homsy Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Dr Zakaria Siddiqui Anaesthesia Psychiatry Cote-des-Neiges, Canada Dr M C Solwa Omaha, USA Family Physician Dr Beukhalifa Riadh Durban, South Africa Dr Masood Ansari Psychiatry Internal & Emergency Medicine Canada Dr George Longstreth Tampa, USA Gastroenterologist Dr Iziki Abderrahim San Diego, USA Dr Ismail Kaloul General Medicine Anaesthetics Canada Dr Ahmed Manjra Val-d'or, Canada Paediatrician Yashar Salek Westville, South Africa Dr Tareq Aldabbas Family Medicine Neurology Willowdale, Canada Dr Suleiman Nayal Czech Republic Gastroenterologist Dr Hassan Mostafa Canada Dr Habib Rahman Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Consultant Surgeon in Trauma London, Canada Dr Bouchamma Sakina & Orthopaedics, Solihull, UK Endocrinology Asif Kazmi Canada Dr Rafael Gracia Ballarin Pediatrics Family Physician Toronto, Canada Dr Olivier Dezeustre Alava, Spain Rheumatology Dr Muhammad Shoib Canada Dr A M Faghihi Dermatology Radiology Lahore, Pakistan Dr Grabois London, UK Stomatology Dr Fasahat Wasty Canada Dr Muin Fedah Pathology Director, In Vitro Fertilisation London, Canada Dr Said Sellam & Genetics Centre, Amman, Jordan Medecin General, Emergency Medicine Dr Abde Ikhalek Beu Rejeb Canada Dr Fouad Siddiqui France Consultant Physician Dr Ismail Jalili Birmingham, UK Opthamologist Dr Adeel Mahmood Stamford, UK Dr F Rahman Family Medicine Pathologist Mississauga, Canada Dr Arti Maini Nova Scotia, Canada London, UK M. A.Diwan Dr Masood Shariff Ears, Nose & Throat Dr Luay Kafienah Psychiatry Residency Guelph, Canada Walsall, UK Philadelphia, USA François Milette Dr Manaf Ubaidat Dr Sheraz Butt Pathology Bathurst, Canada Copenhagen, Denmark Longeuil, Canada

Dr Dina Al Khatib Loraine Telleria Bathurst, Canada Dr Mariaguilia Agnoletto Medecine Familiale Psychiatrist Ville Saint-Pierre, Canada Dr Omer Moghraby Milan, Italy Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Dr Carinne Minne London, UK Dr Bilal Butt Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist GP London, UK Dr Shasnkar Vijayodeva Rochdale, UK Harrow, UK Ahmed Ahmed Dr Nadeem Jilani Chief of Standards Committee Dr Nazem Alzalam Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics Paediatrics Family Medicine Manchester, UK Thompson, Canada Pediatrics, Canada Dr Joseph El-Khoury Dr Zeyn Green-Thompson Dr S Gardee Adult Psychiatrist Specialist Registrar Family Practice Oxford, UK Cambridge, UK Ottawa, Canada

Dr Hashim Reza Dr Urfan Zahoor Amed Dr Abdel-Nacer Akkache General Psychiatry Copenhagen, Denmark Surgery London, UK Blida, Algeria Dr Giovanni Pettenella Dr Tayyeb Tahir GP Dr Jamila Khatri Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist Verona, Italy Surgery University Hospital of Wales, UK Blida, Algeria Dr Jawad Yahya Hadi Dr Sadia Malick Cons. Internist & Cardiologist Dr Farida Mokhtari Clinical Lecturer Amman, London Resuscitation Medicine Birmingham University, UK Blida, Algeria Dr Achilla D'Anna Dr Hanif Awan General Medicine Accident & Emergency Registrar Milan, Italy Dr Kamal Mattar Oldham, UK Urology Dr Jane Hamilton Toronto, Canada Dr Mario Valpe Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist Speccialist in General Medicine West Lothian, UK Dr Ayesha Jafri Rome, Italy Office Medical Director Dr Adi Hadi Rockville, USA Dr Yasser Tolba Consultant Psychiatrist Academic Dept of Anaesthesia Luton, UK Dr Anthony Duerksen Intensive Care, Birmingham, UK Family Medicine Dr Umar Abdulaziz Toronto, Canada Dr Wilfred Sircus Nigeria Gastroenterologist Dr Hisham Alsher St. Andrews, UK Dr Anna Athow Medical Technology/Physician Consultant Surgeon Toronto, Canada Dr Santa di Prima London, UK Internist Dr Walid Abdel Wahed Turin, Italy Dr Ahmed Bayoumi Gaza, Palestine Internal Medicine University of Toronto, Canada Dr William Ralph USA Dr Simon Lewin Public Health Dr Ibrahim Renno Oslo, Norway Dr Bahaa Ghalayani Anaesthesiology Head of Department Shawinigan, Canada Dr Tia MacGregor Al Awda Hospital, Gaza, Palestine GP Dr Lois Yelland Oxford, UK Dr Mazen El-Zibdeh Medical Health Officer Senior Consultant Vancouver, Canada Dr Roberto Ruani Obstetrics & Gynaecology Psychiatrist Amman, Jordan Dr Georges Lévesque Bologna, Italy Chargé d'enseignement clinique, Dr Ohnmar John Université McGill, Médecine d'urgence Dr Clementina Peris GP Notre-Dame-de-Grace, Canada Gynaecological Endocrinology Melbourne, Australia Turin, Italy Dr John M Tallon Dr N Naggar Emergency Medicine and Trauma Dr Miriam Garfinkle President of Arabmed Halifax, Canada Family Physician Freiberg, Germany Toronto, Canada Dr H M Azzam Dr Safiya Ahsan Vice President for Medical Services Dr Piersabatino Deola Internist Obstetrics & Gynaecology Italy London, UK Thompson, Canada

Dr Ibrahim Taher Dr Michaela Beder Dr Talib Abbas Consultant Microbiologist Psychiatry Consultant Psychiatrist Ottawa, Canada Toronto, Canada Kent, UK Dr Layth Yahya Ibrahim Dr Fayad Hamideh Dr Jonathan Fluxman King Hussein Cancer Centre Internal Medicine GP Amman, Jordan Irvine, Canada UK Dr Yamina Quahrani Dr Paul Lévesque Resuscitation Medicine Dr Lalla Latifa Aboussiba Chargé d'enseignement clinique Blida, Algeria Gynaecologist, Medecin Legiste Emergency Physician Morocco Dr D. Allouache Dr Berry Beaumont Surgeon Dr Sajida Hussain GP Blida, Algeria Pathology/Obstetrics London, UK Pierrefonds, Canada Dr Zouhir Afiane Dr Edward Morris Surgery Neueen Elkholy General Practitioner Blida, Algeria Family Practice Witney, UK New Jersey, USA Dr Omar Benmeberik Dr Alaa Dekis Surgical Resident Dr Basma El Mor Resident, Internal Medicine Blida, Algeria Psychiatrist Quebec, Canada Cairo, Egypt Dr Fatiha Kadri General Medicine Dr Ragia el Gerzawi Blida, Algeria Clinical Pathologist Cairo, Egypt Montréal, Canada Dr Zeidu Fodhil Surgery Dr Raisa Malik Dr Sakeer Hussain Blida, Algeria GP USA Burnley, UK Dr Kartina Noor Dr Ahmed Elsehety Clinical Microbiology Dr Manof Ubaidat Southwestern Institute University Kebangsaan, Malaysia General Pathologist of Neurology, Texas, USA Bathurst, Canada Dr H. Medjdoub Dr Saskeer Hussain Surgeon Dr Shankar Vijaydeva Haematology & Oncology Blida, Algeria GP Council Bluffs, USA UK Dr Rachid Elghribi Dr Samir Monir Physician Dr Sameer Abdul Hadi USA Blida, Algeria Family Physician Canada

Dr Radi Ahmad Dr Jeremy Isaacs Neurology London Consultant Nephrologist Amman, Jordan Dr Salwa Abu Afieh Dr David Nicholl Dept of Neurology City Hospital Birmingham, UK Family Physician Dr Ali Hadi Canada Dr Abdulla Darwish Pathologist Bahrain Consultant Psychiatrist Luton UK Dr Sharif Nasr President, Diagnostic Informatics New Jersey, USA Dr Khalid Al-Abbadey Consultant Psychiatrist Hampshire, UK

Dr Arid Bjorndal Dr Shireen Kassam Haematology London UK Public Health Dr Zeeshan Ramzan Oslo, Norway Fellow in Gastroenterology Dr K S Majeed Forensic Psychiatrist New Zealand Philadelphia, USA Dr Paul Malone Dr Pau Perez Psychiatrist, Hospital La Paz Madrid, Spain Plastic Surgery Saren Azer Manchester, UK Clinical Investigator Respiratory Medicine, Canada Dr Esperanza Diaz General Practice Dr Jay Brophy Dr Susan Schonfield Public Health Consultant London, UK Bergen, Norway Cardiology & Epidemiology Montreal, Canada Dr Azhar Abdul Aziz Consultant Emergency Physician Doha, Qatar Dr David Dash Cardiothoracic Medicine Dr Shehnaz Nadir Ali Dr Eid Mustafa Plastic Surgeon Past President National Arab American Medical Association Wichita Falls, USA Canada Ex. Head of Paediatrics Dept. Surrey, Canada Dr Sarah Zaher Opthalmology Dr Asmal Bil Dr Mohd Abed Al Karkhi Psychiatrist Iraq London, UK Professional Lead Surgeon Neurosurgery, Canada Dr Rofaat Shokeik Gastroenterologist Tripoli, Lebanon Dr Samir Shaheen-Hussain Paediatrics M.Tabib Dr Gassan Maassarani Montreal, Canada Radiology Neurology Tripoli, Lebanon Windsor, Canada Dr Omar Abu-Hijleh Dr Hisham Solayman Consultant Endocrinologist Dr Shazia Peer Ear, Nose, Throat Registrar Cape Town, South Africa Tripoli, Lebanon Amman, Jordan Dr Nazia Peer Registrar in Public Health Cape Town, South Africa Dr Giuliana Bondielli Dr Rachid Omar Neurology Tripoli, Lebanon Dr Hassan Masri Anaesthetics Tripoli, Lebanon General Medicine Massa, Italy Dr Rachid Mohamad Neurology Tripoli, Lebanon Dr Junaid Al Khaznachi Internal Medicine Amman, Jordan. Dr Jose Tallon Aviles Dr Abomohammad Hawarey Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Amman, Jordan Family Doctor Dr Bernhard Klinghammer Irun, Spain Dr Waseem Barham King Hussein Cancer Center Amman, Jordan Anaesthetics Ronnenberg, Germany Dr Olav Thorssen Dr Ritika Goel Stavanger, Norway Family Medicine Dr Saideh Khadir Toronto, Canada Emergency Medicine Dr Juan Enrique Cimas Saint-Lambert, Canada Family Doctor Dr Kamel Afifi Orthopaedics Amman, Jordan Asturias, Spain Dr Georges Jalaby MN Angels Clinic Toledo, USA

Dr Mohammad Habbal Consultant Physician Damman, Saudi Arabia Dr Fouad Rifai President, Islamic Medical Association Lebanon

Dr Lanny Smith USA Dr Veronica Chinchon Psychiatry London, UK