December 16, 2009 – 7:05 p.m. John F. Kennedy High School

Presiding: Comm. Errol Kerr, President

Present: Dr. Donnie W. Evans, State District Superintendent Mark Tabenkin, Esq., General Counsel

*Comm. Theodore Best Comm. Danilo Inoa Comm. Eddie Gonzalez Comm. Waheedah Muhammad *Comm. Wendy Guzman Comm. Pedro Rodriguez Comm. Jonathan Hodges

Absent: Comm. Willa Mae Taylor, Vice President

The Salute to the Flag was led by Comm. Kerr.

Comm. Kerr read the Open Public Meetings Act:

The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of, and to attend the meetings of the Paterson Public School District, as well as other public bodies at which any business affecting the interest of the public is discussed or acted upon.

In accordance with the provisions of this law, the Paterson Public School District has caused notice of this meeting:

Regular Meeting December 16, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy High School 61-127 Preakness Avenue Paterson, New Jersey

to be published by having the date, time and place posted in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Paterson, at the entrance of the Paterson Public School offices, and by sending notice of the meeting to the Arab Voice, El Diario, the Italian Voice, the North Jersey Herald News, and the Record.

Comm. Kerr: I'm just going to ask you to just stand. This past week we have lost somebody who was dear to us, Mrs. Margaret Napier. She was the wife of a former Superintendent of Schools in Paterson. In her respect and honor, we are just going to ask you to stand one more time to observe a moment of silence on her behalf.


Recognition of John F. Kennedy High School Journalism Teacher Lories Nye-Slockbower

Dr. Evans: President Kerr and Commissioners, as you know, a top priority in our school district is to establish effective academic programs, programs that are outcome-based and research-driven. Within that priority a key strategy is to have high-quality teachers in every single classroom. On Monday, December 7th, I was very pleased to see that one of our teachers was highlighted in two newspapers, The Herald News and The Record. This teacher undoubtedly is a highly qualified and a high-quality teacher. Ms. Nye-Slockbower, please come forward. Ms. Lories Nye-Slockbower teaches the award- winning journalism program here at John F. Kennedy High School in the Academy of Communications, Arts, & Services. Under her direction, the students create four very useful publications, the Paterson High School Student College Guide, the John F. Kennedy Knight Life Literary Magazine, the John F. Kennedy “Torch”, which is their student newspaper, and the new parent newsletter. Just so you'll know, Journalism II students at John F. Kennedy also produce the award-winning Knight Yearbook, which actually won Silver Awards in 8 Categories last year from the Garden State Scholastic Press Association. Also under this teacher‟s direction, students are now contributing to The Patersonian newspaper and if you can catch this month‟s issue you will see articles on the back page written by John F. Kennedy seniors. Ms. Nye-Slockbower began her career in public relations and was also a writer for The Paterson News. As a mother of two young children, she decided to become a teacher and enrolled in the “Post Bach” program here at John F. Kennedy High School, which is a very similar program to our alternative teaching program that we have in place today. In describing her background, she attributes her teaching success to all of the excellent teachers that she worked with here in Paterson. Ms. Nye-Slockbower, I'd like to present you with a certificate of recognition and thank you for all the hard work you do for the students here at John F. Kennedy High School.

Ms. Lories Nye-Slockbower: I want to thank you for this recognition and it goes with a whole team of teachers that I've had the privilege of working with all these years at Kennedy. A lot of exciting things happen in our academy and I look forward to even more in the years ahead. Thank you.

Recognition of Rosa L. Parks School of Fine & Performing Arts for Being Named by US News & World Report as One of the Nation’s Top High Schools

Dr. Evans: I have a prepared script for the next one, but I'm going to deviate from that. When I first came to this school district, I visited a lot of schools and a lot of people had a lot of things to say about a lot of schools, but obviously I wanted to see for myself. I kept hearing about Rosa Parks. “You‟ve got to go to Rosa Parks. They are doing some great things. They have a strong principal and strong teachers, and kids want to be there.” All of the things you want to hear about an exceptional school, the kind of culture that we are trying to create in many of our schools, already exists at Rosa Parks, a culture where students really want to be. They want to be a part of what's happening there. Not just because it‟s an exciting place to be, but because they will learn a lot in the process and they will achieve. Those kinds of schools just don't evolve on their own. Those schools evolve because of strong leadership. Leadership is extremely important to the success of any educational organization, in fact, I would say for any organization. I'm very quick to say that if you have an organization where problems consistently surface you need to look to the top to find the problem. I also say that if

Page 2 12/16/09 you have organizations that are excelling and achieving at very high levels also look to the top because you are going to find strong leadership. But if you drill below that at Rosa Parks you find very strong teachers who follow their strong leader, who do exceptionally well, and indeed the recognition that the school recently received is, I think, very appropriately placed with this particular school. The publication U.S. News & World Report annually produces a list of the nation‟s top high schools. It ranks them. It looks at 21,000 high schools in the nation and it uses test scores, the tests that our students take that are state-driven, it looks at international baccalaureate information, and other kinds of information that also reflects student performance. Rosa Parks High School was one of the schools that were distinguished by this publication and it was distinguished as a Bronze Award winner. They rank the schools based on performance as either Gold Award winners in the top 100 schools in the nation, Silver Award winners, and then the next group and one of the largest groups is Bronze. Rosa Parks is one of the Bronze winners, one of only two high schools in Passaic County. Forty-one high schools were identified through this process by this publication in the State of New Jersey. Forty-one in New Jersey, two in Passaic County, and one of them was Rosa Parks High School. I'd like to call forward the principal of Rosa Parks High School Ms. Sharon Smith. We are preparing a plaque for me to go to her school and present to her, but I also wanted to recognize her tonight to tell her how proud we are of the work she is doing at Rosa Parks, how proud we are of her faculty, and to recognize her to you Board members. Congratulations.

Ms. Sharon Smith: Good evening everyone. It is certainly an honor and more for me a blessing to have this honor bestowed upon our school family. For the general public, this is the second time that this has happened. We are going to work, Dr. Evans, since we do embrace our district priorities to see if we can make it to silver and then get up to gold. We know exactly what we need to do. It is so ironic this evening that some members of our school family aren't here because the founder, the person who had the idea and the conception that arts are important and an integral component in education, his wife is now at this time on her way. We are having her home going service, so some of the members of the school family are there. But we'd like to look up and say thank you to Dr. Frank Napier and our first principal Mr. Richard Sanseverino because if it wasn‟t for the two of them there would not be us. Also, I'd like to say our school motto is “This Far and Further.” Our school mantra is “We Are Family,” and we live each and every day long before President Bush coined the phrase “Failure Is Never, Ever an Option.”

*Comm. Guzman enters the meeting at 7:18 p.m.

Ms. Smith: Even though some of you refer to me as the principal, I prefer to 'm merely a servant leader in that school building. I'd like to bring forth the real people, those that strive and that work very hard to make this happen. First, we are going to have the Vice-President of our Student Government Association, Ms. Janais Roberts. Secondly, we‟ll have our Home School Council President who is a proud extended member of my alma mater, Eastside High School, the home of the Mighty, Mighty, Mighty Ghosts. And then the Dean, a gentleman who was there when the doors opened and he have been there since the school‟s inception. He serves as our liaison committee chairperson representing the faculty and he is a graduate of Central High School, the home of the Colts, and John F. Kennedy High School, the home of the Mighty Knights - Mr. Ruth. So, first we‟ll have Ms. Janais Roberts, secondly our Home School Council President Ms. Doris Arnett-Gary, and then lastly Mr. Renee Ruth. Thank you.

Page 3 12/16/09 Ms. Janais Roberts: Good evening Dr. Evans, Board members, and fellow Patersonians. My name is Janais Roberts and I am the Vice-President of the Student Government Association at Rosa L. Parks School of Fine and Performing Arts. It is with great honor that I stand before you this evening. I stand here humbled but very proud of this accomplishment that we have achieved. On behalf of the student body, I would like to personally thank Dr. Evans for allowing us the opportunity to share this accomplishment with our community. As he mentioned before, U.S. News & World Report analyzes high schools each and every year to see who qualifies as being part of America‟s best high schools. This year they analyzed 21,786 public high schools in 48 states plus the District of Columbia. They judged each high school based on three categories, test performance, socio-economic status, as well as college readiness performance. Schools were judged based on their 2007-2008 school year. Ladies and gentlemen, Rosa L. Parks School of Fine and Performing Arts was not only analyzed and judged, but we also received Bronze recognition. The students at Rosa Parks are very thankful and feel blessed to receive this title. We are grateful to our alumni whose hard work brought this honor upon us. We thank their parents for continuously supporting and encouraging their children to receive a quality education and go on to college. We also thank the faculty at Rosa Parks. It is because of their high expectations that we continue to go this far and further. It is because of their constant pushing and pulling for excellence that makes us truly believe failure is not an option. We thank the pioneers of Rosa Parks, Dr. Frank Napier and Mr. Richard Sanseverino, the school‟s first principal. It was because of their vision that the Rosa L. Parks School of Fine and Performing Arts is even in existence. Lastly, we are thankful for our wonderful School Principal Ms. Sharon Smith. This recognition would not have been possible if it weren‟t for her constant hard work, support, and dedication. On this day, we renew our vows as students to always strive for excellence. We promise to continue doing well and step up to the plate so we can bypass Silver and go for the Gold recognition. John Dewey once said, “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a preparation for life. Education is life itself.” Rosa L. Parks School of Fine and Performing Arts is not only a preparation for life, it is a life, our life. Thank you.

Ms. Doris Arnett-Gary: Dr. Evans, Board, if you had any doubt why Rosa Parks received the recognition that they received here is a shining example of why we received that wonderful recognition. I just want to say as a parent I am so very, very, very proud of this recognition. I am so proud to be a Patersonian. I am proud to be a member of the Rosa Parks family and when I say family, trust me, I believe that is exactly what Rosa Parks is. I'm going to sum it all up by just saying this. About a week ago they had an event at the school. It was a volleyball tournament sponsored by the SGA. There were numbers of teachers who were there in attendance on their own time not being paid and not being recognized to chaperone the children. It was an awesome event. All I could think of was how wonderful it is to have a place where our children can come, be themselves, have a good time, and be safe. That is what Rosa L. Parks is all about and it is an awesome place. I'm just so very proud to be a part of it and to have received this recognition. This is awesome. Thank you.

Mr. Renee Ruth: Dr. Evans and Board members, as a Patersonian and as a graduate of Central Kennedy High School, I also got my baptism as a teacher here at John F. Kennedy High School. My two friends, Dr. Napier and Mr. Sanseverino, when I was here at Kennedy asked me to come to Rosa Parks and start the history department and as a result I became the first history teacher at Rosa L. Parks High School of Fine and Performing Arts. I want to say that it has been a journey. When the school first opened we took the best students in Paterson and it made my job easy. But the philosophy of the school has changed over the years. We now take those students that are not the

Page 4 12/16/09 best students, although some are. We take the students that have the most talent in Paterson and our job as the educators at Rosa L. Parks High School of Fine and Performing Arts is to mold these students into fine individuals so that they can be a positive influence on our society and represent Rosa Parks wherever we go. We at Rosa Parks feel that we are dedicated to molding our students all around, not just in the arts, but in the academics as well and to also make them productive citizens and represent Paterson wherever they go. It has been a pleasure teaching under the leadership of Ms. Sharon Smith. She has done an excellent job of helping our staff to continue to reach to the highest level and to not be satisfied. Let me tell you, we are not satisfied with the Bronze. We are going to shoot for the Gold. I know with the support of Dr. Evans, with the support of the Board, and the continued support of our principal that one day I'll stand before you and say we got the Gold. Thank you.

Comm. Kerr: I'm going to ask a small favor. Those of you who are here with your cell phones on I'm going to ask you to please turn them off because they do interfere with the recording of our meeting. So if you have to use your phone, we ask that you leave the building and go outside the precinct to use your phones. But for now while you are inside here I'm going to ask you to please turn them off so that it does not affect the recording of our meeting. Thank you.


Dr. Evans: I have four items. First, I'd like to call on Ms. Marysol Berrios. As you know, we have recently rebidded for a contract provider for custodial services. That process is complete and in fact one of the items that we are bringing to you for your support tonight is acceptance of the successful bidder. Ms. Berrios will share some additional information and introduce to you principals from the entity with which we will be contracting.

Ms. Marysol Berrios: Good evening everyone. I have to apologize because ABM, the company, did call and say they could not make it this evening. But I do want to share with you that in our efforts to provide clean, safe schools for every single child and every single staff member in this district we did go out and rebid. ABM was the successful company. We have had several meetings up to this point and discussions around a transition plan. We meet once a week to ensure that everything is on target and the company has assured us that at the beginning of the school year when the staff and the children return from the holiday break that everything will be in place and our schools will be clean and ready for everyone. So on behalf of ABM, I apologize that they are not here, but they do have a management senior team, which is composed of at least five individuals, with an additional group of people that will be supervising from the beginning of the day to the end of the day and on weekends, if necessary. Any questions that you may have, please direct them to me and I will be happy to get back to you with a response. Thank you.

Dr. Evans: We are extremely excited about ABM and its work. They are the largest contract provider of this service in the nation. We did our research and they have a very strong positive record. So we are optimistic that they are going to do a good job for us. Secondly, I'd like to call on Eileen Shafer to come forward. In our last workshop, she provided for you an overview of the High School Renewal Initiative that we have embarked upon. For the public, we wanted to give Eileen an opportunity to provide some summary information so that our community will know about this initiative and the extent to which we are going to, in some cases, reconstitute and in other cases restructure. In fact, the statement that I used with you when we met is probably the best descriptor that in two years from now our high schools are going to look very different.

Page 5 12/16/09 We have to graduate more students than we are graduating or a higher percentage of those who enter ninth grade. We have to have higher outcomes and all of the issues that the Board knows about. So I'd ask Ms. Shafer if she could provide that overview.

*Comm. Best enters the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Ms. Eileen Shafer: Thank you, Dr. Evans. Good evening Board Commissioners. The High School Renewal Initiative will kick off its first meeting on January 21. We have a committee of approximately 45 individuals from the community, neighboring institutions of higher learning, as well as district employees, members of the clergy, some of the organizations throughout the district, Berkley College, Montclair State University, William Paterson, Passaic County Community College, Boys and Girls Club, and the YMCA. We have tried to include all the different organizations throughout the City of Paterson to have representation. Once we meet with the committee at large we have six sub-committees that will include all of the different entities such as policy, academic programs, community engagement, as well as others to take a look at what we presently have and what we need to do to refine what we have or perhaps not continue with what we have but begin to build new. So starting in September you will see a change at the secondary level. We will continue to work through next year. You will see even more changes into the second year of this initiative and it will be an ongoing process. As we meet with the committee there will be new strategies that we will be implementing as we move along. So this will be a constant work in progress. But you will see work starting immediately in January of 2010 and implemented in September. I have provided the Board with a copy of the individuals who will sit on the committee. I have copies with me if you need one. But we have also included and we are waiting to hear back teachers to be on this committee as well and parents. So we will have those names. You'll see on the list that they are not identified. We have a couple of parents that are, but we are looking for two more parents and two teachers. Otherwise, the committee is complete.

Dr. Evans: Thank you, Ms. Shafer. The third item that I wish to talk about briefly is anticipated budget shortfalls statewide that are forcing us to take some rather drastic action now in anticipation of reduction in funds that are coming to us now that may impact on our budgets this year and most certainly will have a great impact on funds coming into the district revenues next year. I've had several meetings with individuals in Trenton in the Department of Education and you read the newspapers also. You hear what's happening around us and what‟s happening in Trenton. It is very clear to us that we are going to have to seriously reduce our budget because funds are either going to be cut or our allocations going into next year will be reduced significantly. The leadership team and I have been meeting in recent days and I've spent a lot of time with our new assistant superintendent for business services looking at many options for us to be able to do this but to not place in jeopardy our academic program. That is what we are about. We are doing a lot of things. We have many initiatives in place. Dr. Hodges, this is one example where we are actually using the compendium, looking at all of the programs that we have approved and questioning what kinds of outcomes are we getting from these programs. Is it worth continuing them? That‟s a part of the decision- making that we are engaged in right now. If programs are not contributing to either our fiscal bottom line or outcomes for our students or conditions for our employees, then there is a very strong chance that it won‟t be around much longer. We can't afford to fund those kinds of programs. We just simply can‟t. We are engaged in a serious budget reduction initiative. That's my major point. It is going to affect us all. It is going to affect every school. It is going to affect the district office. I want people to anticipate that it‟s coming. We don't know unfortunately the exact amount of reductions that are going to hit us, but we have a pretty decent idea because we've been listening to the

Page 6 12/16/09 rhetoric and have been talking to people in Trenton and have a sense of what might be targeted and what might be impacted and the amount of funds that might be associated with it. So just know that it‟s coming. Our commitment is to be very open with this process to let folk know along the way as we are looking at specific programs or as we are looking at specific initiatives and determining where we need to reduce. Again, I want to emphasize our number one priority is our academic program and improving student achievement. So we are going to do everything we can to protect it. Because this is our last meeting prior to the winter holidays, I just want to briefly say to everyone that as we enter those holidays we are going to have almost 27,000 kids at home when we include our pre-k population. We want everyone to have a safe holiday and I would encourage parents to know where your kids are and know what they are doing. They won't be in school all day. They are going to be at home, so please pay close attention and we wish everyone a very safe and joyous holiday season.


Comm. Kerr: If you are here and you are still desirous of addressing the Board, the sign-up sheet is on the podium here. You still have some time to sign up. It will be taken up in a few minutes. So if you are here and you want to address the Board, you can just sign up your name. I read an article sometime this week in the Herald concerning the discretionary aid that comes to the district. I'm very happy, Dr. Evans, that in your report you mentioned the challenge that we as a district face in the coming year. Everyone knows that there will be a new administration in Trenton starting in January and the philosophy of this administration is quite different from the philosophy of the present administration. The approach to education will be different and we know it‟s different because we are hearing the utterances from lead spokespersons in the incoming administration. I know as a district we will be faced with some serious shortfalls in our budget, so it‟s important that the district knows that. They know that there are services that this district provides that come next year the district will not have the fiscal capacity to handle some of those issues. What it means is that we as a community will have to double up in our efforts to deal with some of the areas that right now we are not really dealing with. We are paying our way. We will not only have to come to meetings when there is a problem, but we have to deal with issues out there and we are going to have to stop some of the things from happening. We will have to pay more attention to our children‟s education, what they learn and how they are learning. It‟s a very, very difficult and serious time that we are experiencing now. We muddled our way through this year, but we will not be able to do the same thing next year. So it is my encouragement to all of us that we look forward to the New Year with a commitment to give of ourselves and we will have to do with less. But our children will have to get whatever they need in order to succeed. So I'm challenging all parents whatever you have to do, be prepared to do it in the coming year because it will be a tough time. I also want to congratulate Ms. Sharon Smith from Rosa Parks High School for bringing to the district this wonderful honor. It‟s significant that we say thank you to her and her school for putting the bright light on Paterson in a positive way. We complain when Eastside and Kennedy are not doing well and we get write ups in the papers and all that kind of stuff. We don't trumpet in this district the good things that are happening but we beat ourselves down to the ground with every bad report. So I take personal joy and pleasure tonight and I celebrate with Rosa Parks High School for the honor that they have brought to this district. I will close my report by thanking all of you for being here. Tonight is a pretty chilly night. If I could stay home I would have, but I'm here and you are here. So I must congratulate you for being here tonight and thank you very much. Before we move into the public portion, I always ask those of you who are desirous of addressing the Board to please don't stay in the back because when your name is called then you have to cross the aisle from over there to come over to the

Page 7 12/16/09 podium. I'm going to ask you if you have signed up to please move to my left or your right so that it‟s easier to get to the podium.


It was moved by Comm. Muhammad, seconded by Comm. Hodges that the public comment portion of the meeting be opened. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Comm. Kerr: Let me reiterate that each person has three minutes to make their statement. That is your timer over here. While you are making your statement just give a quick look because I don't want at the end of the buzzer for you to say, “I'm on my second point.” It's not going to work. You have to be respectful to the time. So please look at that and time yourselves in making your statement.

Ms. Yadira Spina: Good evening Dr. Evans and the Board. Thank you for having me. My name is Yadira Spina and I'm the mother of three children that attend School 18. My daughter Emily was a student with Mr. Allen. He is a fifth grade teacher. She attended fifth grade for the 2008-2009 school year. My daughter was struggling with language arts and because of the efforts of Mr. Allen she was able to obtain the help that she needs and has been able to improve her reading and writing skills. I'm very grateful for his dedication as a teacher. He has always participated in many school events to help the school. The home school council gave an award to Mr. Allen in recognition of his efforts and participation for the school and the home school council. We need more educators with this high level of dedication and excellence. I recently learned that Mr. Allen was transferred out of School 18. This is a great loss to the entire school, especially for 54 students who have been left without a teacher and now have a sub. It took an extremist to cause so much havoc in its transfer of a brilliant teacher. This is an injustice that will not be tolerated. I speak for the concerned parents of School 18 and I'm requesting the return of Mr. Allen. We, the parents, want this to be investigated to see how this transfer was actually approved. Hopefully, the department can have a full explanation of this circumstance that actually got to this point. Now we have 54 children without an excellent teacher. He deserves to be in his classroom. He loves this school. I know many parents who were not able to attend because of many reasons, but I'm here to speak on their behalf. Hopefully, your department can take the time to investigate this and actually come to a resolution. Mr. Allen deserves the right respect as a teacher. Look into his record and see all the time that he has dedicated as a teacher. We parents would appreciate maybe a letter or something to be done in this situation. It took one parent to shake up the department and say let‟s transfer this teacher, but I'm here to stand for the entire group of parents and children who are very upset because of this decision. Thank you.

Comm. Kerr: Before you leave, I just have one question. You said a substitute teacher replaced Mr. Allen?

Ms. Spina: Yes. That's what they have right now, a substitute teacher. Mr. Allen was transferred to School 15.

Comm. Kerr: And replaced by a substitute teacher?

Ms. Spina: Exactly. He was transferred.

Comm. Kerr: I just want to get that point clear. Thank you very much.

Page 8 12/16/09 Dr. Evans: Mr. President, Dr. Fulmore and Ms. Riviello are prepared to discuss it with her and follow up.

Comm. Kerr: Dr. Fulmore is at the back.

Comm. Hodges: Mr. President, we are certainly going to look into the sub situation if that‟s in fact the case.

Comm. Kerr: Yes.

Councilman Andre Sayegh: Good evening, Andre Sayegh, 292 Lakeview Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey. I want to address item A-10 on your agenda as part of the curriculum committee‟s report. It deals with a partnership with the Paterson Alliance‟s Internet Safety Program. I want to express my gratitude to the school district for embracing this very important initiative. As you know, our young people are on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter and unfortunately they are vulnerable because they are sharing a lot of what should be private and personal information and it leaves them susceptible to predators on the Internet. Dennis Vroegindewey from the Paterson Public School District has been working with us as well as Eileen Shafer. I applaud their efforts and we will see this to fruition. I'm sure that the Board, especially Dr. Hodges, will support this specific measure this evening. If there is anything we can do as far as the community is concerned it is to collaborate on an item that is as significant as this. Cyber safety is something that many districts across the country have put on the top of their agenda as far as Internet access is concerned and what we can do to help our children and to protect our children from these predators. So I thank you and we look forward to January when we will be unveiling this. There will be a seminar and ultimately the culminating activity will be all school assemblies in the various high schools. There are six high schools. This I can't stress enough is going to be peer- based. So the students will be conducting these seminars and hopefully this will translate into cyber safety squads or clubs in the high schools so these young people peer to peer teach each other about the Internet and how to protect themselves. So thank you for the collaboration and we look forward to the success of this specific initiative.

Ms. Lottie Coles: Hello everyone, my name is Lottie Coles. I am the President of Local 1019 who represents the approximately 300 cafeteria monitors and attendance officers of the Paterson School District. I am proud to say that my daughter graduated high school from the Paterson School District and my grandson now goes to MLK. I am here tonight requesting your help for our members and the school district employees. If you look at who is affected by the almost minimum wages now being paid to these employees here tonight, many of them are women, women with children, and single parents. All of them but maybe a dozen live in the City of Paterson. How their children are going to develop in their families is a moral issue, it is a family issue, and it is also a civil rights issue. Mostly, it is a fairness issue. Senator Edward Kennedy once stated about Dr. Martin Luther King, and I'm proud to borrow from his words here tonight, that justice for the poor was an indispensable part of Dr. Martin Luther King‟s dream. He taught us that exploitation of the poor to benefit others was wrong. He was an advocate for all those who needed help the most. Were Dr. King here, he would remind us of the fierce urgency of now. I believe there is something that the community of Paterson understands and I pray that you understand. That is fairness. You and I know and I hope we agree that the community of Paterson believes that if someone is going to work for the Paterson School District they should not have to live in poverty, living each week check by check, worrying about whether they will be able to pay for the rent, worrying that one of their kids might get sick, and dreaming about a better future for

Page 9 12/16/09 them. We teach our children of Dr. Martin Luther King‟s dream. I'm asking that you show the children of Paterson that you believe in his dream and not just teach those words. We do not see you as adversaries, so I'm asking you to please give your support to these parents, union members, and employees of the school district here tonight in every way possible. Give them the justice and respect that they deserve. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for hearing me and may god continue to bless you. Thank you and good night.

Mr. Dan Kielty: President Kerr, Commissioners, and Dr. Evans, good evening. My name is Dan Kielty and I am Vice-President of Local 1019. As I mentioned at the workshop meeting, we are negotiating the contract for the cafeteria monitors and attendance officers. Before I explain the situation of these employees, I first would like to thank the district‟s negotiating team, Marysol Berrios and Robert Murray, for their professionalism and the respect that they have shown the union negotiating committee during these difficult negotiations in reaching an agreement on many non-economic issues. Again, I want to thank them and you also. We are not unaware of the difficult economic situation existing today and trying to right the lack of any wage compensation of these employees for five years creates a difficult situation. But somehow I hope we can bring them to a fair settlement. Talking of dealing with economic problems, they have been dealing with so little for so long without any increases for those five years. I also would like to give you the following information as well which we do not believe you were aware of perhaps until recently. The cafeteria monitors are the lowest paid in the school district, receiving hourly pay pennies above minimum wage. The part-timers are paid $2.40 behind the lowest paid employee working in the same food service area. Full-time lead monitors are $6.47 behind the lowest paid food service full-timer in the district. All of the cafeteria monitors and attendance officers as I have mentioned earlier have not received a raise in five years. Cafeteria monitors receive two sick days and one personal for the entire year. Attendance officers do not receive any sick or personal leave for the year. Again, employees in the same food service area, and rightfully so, receive much more leave. Not that they are right in receiving more, but they are right in receiving their leave. All of the attendance officers in this district are part-time. There are no full-timers at all in this district in this department. Monitors and attendance officers would frequently put in their own time to complete their job assignments. If the union were to be successful in obtaining all of our wage proposals submitted to the district both the full and part-time monitors would still be paid less than the lowest paid part-timer in the entire food service area or district. I now would like to introduce to you, and I'm going to ask them to stand, the attendance officers and the monitors. So please get up and just introduce yourselves. Finally, we are asking each of you who are sitting here tonight to please address these employees – many of them have been in the Paterson School District for over 20 years – by letting them know that you support them in reaching a just settlement to their contract. I do believe that this will support the district‟s four priorities. Thank you very much.

Ms. Jeane Paz: Good evening to all. First and foremost, congratulations to our sister school, Rosa Parks, for all of your great accomplishments. My name is Ms. Jeane Paz and I am proud to be here tonight to enlighten everyone with the innovative and wonderful things that are happening at my school, International High School. If you could take a moment to take notice of one of the students who is standing beside me, his name is Flavio Rodriguez and he is sporting our brand new beautiful IHS uniform. As a mom and an educator, I cannot begin to tell you how excited we are about our great new look. These uniforms have created a sense of unity, pride, and solidarity in our school as well as a professional and grand presence for our Paterson community. Our kids look fantastic and they are working very hard this year proceeding with seriousness of purpose in order to achieve their goals. We at International High School

Page 10 12/16/09 pride ourselves on a school culture that respects diversity and celebrates the multi- cultural atmosphere of Paterson. Our vision is to provide a world-class comprehensive education and we do just that through our very unique seminars on global studies, which provide our students with the knowledge that they will need to face the challenges of the world in the 21st Century. Our freshmen, for example, take the seminar on the global water crisis whereby International has formed a partnership with the Passaic County Water Commission who in turn sponsor our watershed ambassadors whose purpose is to monitor the rivers of New Jersey through volunteer monitoring programs and make presentations to schools related to environmental issues and their effects on the water supply of the state. Our students will be performing river and beach cleanups as community service through this seminar. Our sophomores take the seminar on GMOs, genetically modified organisms. They discuss the effects of genetic engineering on our food supply and the controversy of eating food with GMO ingredients that have not been adequately tested for safety. Our students travel to farms to talk to farmers and to get firsthand knowledge of where their food comes from and how this issue affects them. Our juniors take the seminar on globalization and free trade. Is it the ruthless exploitation by corporations? Or is it the bringing of economic development to the peoples of the world? Again, we are preparing world class leaders. Our seniors take the seminar on human rights where themes such as genocide, poverty, and other violations of human rights, as well as current and global events, are debated and discussed. Our seminar day is an event we hold at the end of the year where our students get to show off their culminating final project for the year to which you are all cordially invited to attend. In an effort to bring our students a little closer to the reality of these seminars Mr. Muhammad Sadiky, who is also standing beside me, a fellow social studies teacher at International, and myself will be traveling to Guatemala this year where 54,000 families in the country are at risk of starvation. We will be living among the indigenous communities of the Mayan for one week where we will work in Alta Verapaz to set up computers in schools, farmer cooperatives, build ventilated stoves so women don't suffer from eye and lung problems from cooking over open fires, and plant trees, community, and school gardens using donated vegetable seeds. This new school year also represents for us new and innovative opportunities for our students such as the National Honor Society where we have 42 students from grades 10-12 that are scholastically eligible. We have the Rotary Club where students develop community service projects that address many of today‟s most critical issues such as children at risk, poverty, hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. This year we are proud to be involved with Habitat for Humanity where students in the international seminars in grades 11 and 12 will be working with the Habitat for Humanity organization in researching Kenya for habitat to build new homes there. A trip to Kenya with our students to actually participate in this grand event is in the making. Our Globetrotters will be participating in a cultural excursion to Spain in 2011 and a future one to Egypt is also in the making. Our Law and Order Club was formed because many of our students expressed a career path in law and the judicial processes, as well as our CSI Club with the Passaic County Sheriff‟s Department to expose our students to the techniques used in crime scene investigation using forensic science. This new school year we have also been privileged and blessed to have the AmeriCorps team at International to provide after-school tutorial services in all academic classes as well as SAT preparation. The AmeriCorps team members have become a part of the International school family. Not only have they provided support and tutoring for our students, but they have also provided us with other programs and workshops such as breast cancer awareness, World AIDS Day, college applications review for our seniors, domestic violence talks, job search, job applications workshops, and several other programs. I'm almost done. Thank you.

Comm. Kerr: One second. You have a hard copy there. Why not just give it to...

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Ms. Paz: Okay. If you allow me just to wrap this up please because I worked hard on it.

Comm. Kerr: I don't know how much more of it you have.

Ms. Paz: It‟s just one more second. This year will also be the beginning of our Saturday classes for HSPA preparation for our juniors and seniors. Our partnerships with several universities also help our students to provide opportunities of admission, financial aid, and scholarships for our upcoming graduates. There is so much more happening at International, but I just wanted to bring a little piece of our great success. Of course, this would not have been at all possible had it not been for the continued support of our teachers, parents, and community, but also and especially because of the continuing leadership of our administration and Principal Ms. Robina Puryear- Castro. Thank you for supporting International High School. Good night.

Ms. Marlene Garcia: Good evening Dr. Evans, Board members, and staff. Thank you for coming. My name is Marlene Garcia and I live at 153 Alabama Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey. I'm a truant officer. I work at EWK. I've been in the system for 10 years. My job duty is attendance. I do home visits, speak with parents, and go out there and work with them. My children attend Eastside High School. As you know, we have not received a raise in five years and I'm hoping tonight, Commissioners and Dr. Evans, that you will help us to receive a fair contract for us cafeteria monitors and attendance officers. Thank you very much.

Mr. Steven Wise: Good evening Dr. Evans and Board members. My name is Steven Wise, I live at 90-92 North 5th Street in Paterson, and I'm a truant officer at School 28 and School 4. As you know, we have 54 schools in the district. We have 41 official positions as truant officers but we only have 37 or 38 truant officers. Many of them including myself are covering two schools. We do the job every day for four hours Monday through Thursday, and three and a half hours on Friday. We need full-time positions. We can't do the job that we know we can do in four hours a day with two schools. We need full-time positions. You know about the pay. People before me talked about the pay. We are amongst some of the lowest paid in the district. Our main job as truant officers is to increase the attendance by decreasing the truancy. That's our major job. We are a necessary function in the school district. We are just asking for your support in helping us with these negotiations that we are going through right now. We have support from our community. A lot of the principals are calling our department for truant officers. They want us there more. We do a lot more than just attendance. We go out for the nurse and the guidance department. We do a lot, but we are getting a little back. We need you to support us so that we can help our children in the schools. Thank you for your time.

Mr. Ernest Rucker: (Beginning of new tape)…Rucker and I'm also a Mighty Ghost. I'm an individual who found a union for these people who had no voice and it seems like this district didn't even see them for too long. I think Dan missed the point here. Not for five years have they been treated this way, but for close to 20 years. Some time ago when the former Superintendent Dr. Duroy was here the community forced him, along with members of this same group that‟s here, to give them fifty cents and that was without a union. It is sad for me to stand here today and state that people who watch our children, people who make sure our children are safe in that lunchroom, are being treated as slave labor. It is sad for me to state today that the community at large has now gotten involved. We need to be involved in most positive items to uplift this district. I must commend the administration and the assistant superintendents for all of your help, but we are now asking the Board to also stand behind these people who have

Page 12 12/16/09 been invisible for so long. It is very hard at Christmastime and at a budget time, and no one knows it better than I do, with this new Governor that‟s coming in that this district is going to be facing some very hard times. But these people have been facing hard times for over 20 years. For over 20 years they‟ve had to use lunchroom food to help subsidize themselves even within their own families. Today you don't just see men and women. You see their children with them. These children are here for a purpose. I have organizers and I want to make sure that this Board saw that this is a community of family. This is not just a union to me. This is part of my family. I've made it very clear for the last few months that this is a very important group of people to me. I don't like any group in this district that is invisible and that has no voice. We have individuals in this district that would never stand to be treated in this manner. It is not an issue of how the budget year is going to go, but it‟s an issue of correcting a wrong that has been wrong for over 20 years. Ladies and gentlemen of this Commission, I implore you and I beg you to put your voices behind this issue. This is an issue of fairness. This is an issue of the same individuals that watch our children and who have been doing other jobs in this district without any noise and without crying. These are the same individuals who we trust our children to. We talk about changing this district. Well, let‟s change it tonight and let‟s change it by treating these people fairly. Thank you very much. Dr. Henry could not stay tonight, but he did ask me to do this. He is also in support of this union and he prays that we make the right decisions. Thank you.

Ms. Darlene Gonzalez: Good evening Dr. Evans. Good evening Board. My name is Darlene Gonzalez and I'm the President at the Paterson Food Service Association. The reason I came tonight is because I work in the schools and there are all different departments. I work with a lot of monitors. The school that I'm in is Norman S. Weir. God bless Norman S. Weir because they do so much for all the children. They go out of their way and I really think that people should come into the schools and see what the monitors do. They really don't make that much money and they have to put up with a lot of things, especially if you have special kids or little kids that don‟t know how to control themselves and they have to turn around and do this. This is their job. So I really hope that you guys will take the time to go into different schools and see for yourself how much time and effort they put into this. They don't get paid what they get paid and it is very hard. When I came into the system 13 years ago, I see monitors here for 17 or 18 years. I'm looking at them and they are looking at me. I think it‟s a shame that we are supposed to all work together and if we could all try to work together and do something it would help everybody. That's all I have to say. Thank you so much.

Dr. Hani Awadallah: Good evening. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to wish you the best for the holiday and for the New Year. I have something regarding these people right here. Those people are the real Patersonians who have families and they are very sincere. They are the people who are watching our kids all day and they do it very sincerely. I just want to tell you we have a program in School 9 during the summer. You wouldn‟t believe the sincerity these people work with in order to have the food ready for our kids, to watch our kids, and to do whatever we ask them during the summer. So I think it is incumbent upon all of us to look at them as real Patersonians who have the best interest of our kids and our children at heart. It is really pathetic that they are paid merely the lowest wage allowed. It is really incumbent upon all of you, ladies and gentlemen, to see to it that they really get the contract that they deserve. Thank you very much.

Ms. Adrian Tooley: Good evening and Seasons greetings. My name is Adrian Tooley. I'm here this evening as a concerned child advocate and as a wrongfully RIF‟d highly qualified certified middle school language arts teacher. My first concern stays in the realm of the fact that four months have lapsed and there still isn't a highly qualified

Page 13 12/16/09 certified language arts teacher occupying my previous classroom. In much of this dismay, the economic downturn previously faced has been seized leaving an outstanding amount of middle school language arts vacancies at various schools such as School 27, School 6, School 13, School 18, School 20, School 4, and there are more that I don't know about. Supposedly in the month of October there were people at my school interviewing for middle school language arts teacher. Much to that dismay there hasn‟t been one placed in my classroom. A substitute teacher is occupying that classroom which I had for a total of five years. I've been with the district seven years. Please know I'm also aware that the district does not have to reinstate me my job, but it is ludicrous not to since the children are in need of a highly qualified middle school language arts teacher to essentially prepare them to do their best on the upcoming state assessments. Most importantly, it would only be fair to reinstate me my job back since it was allegedly taken for reasons of the economy. With that being said, I would be a perfect candidate for reinstatement because of my successful seven years with the district and because of my five years teaching language arts specialization at the same particular school. So at this time I'm asking that the Board take a position and to look into this because I have been going back and forth with this for a number of months and I am truly troubled. I understand that the Board was elected to work cohesively with the district for the best interests of the children and for the best interests of the children it would mean that you need to have a highly qualified certified teacher gearing them up to do their very best. So I would like at a later time for the Board to act as an advisory regarding reconsideration and reanalyzing my current RIF status, the vacancy at my previous school which I occupied for five years, and the many vacancies that I have applied for in lieu of a lawsuit suggesting that my RIF was used as a pretext affiliated with other circumstantial factors previously disclosed to the district. I believe I'm worthy of that discussion because I have reviewed previous minutes and I have learned that there have also been a number of discussions, concerns, and adjudications made from many other miscommunications about people who were RIF‟d regarding IAs and people in the bilingual department. At this time, I want to thank you for your anticipated concern regarding my employment situation. I trust that you will see where I'm coming from and if you take a look at my personnel file you will learn that I have been with the district a total of seven years. I've been in that classroom teaching language arts a total of five years and I had one more year to go for tenure. I gave my best. I am responsible for the state assessment scores going up at my school. When I was working there I didn't check out at 3:10. I checked out at 10:00 and 11:00 at night to make sure each and every child was being adequately assessed and this is how I looped from sixth grade to seventh grade because the state test scores went up. I have taught with my very best and I have given my very all and I believe that I should be reinstated. There have been a number of times that there have been conversations that teachers who have deemed to be successful were reinstated. Well, I am one of those teachers who have been successful in this district. If you check my personnel file you will learn that I moved from a plateau as a per-diem sub, to a permanent sub, to a full- fledged teacher. I'm from the urban community where I'm faced with all kinds of economic adversities and still have managed to pull myself up. I have delivered a message to my children that anything is possible if you work hard. A number of parents and children keep calling me and they have concerns about what is happening with me. So I'm here today in representation because I believe I have been wrongfully RIF‟d and I want to be reinstated. I'm asking that you please look into my matter.

Comm. Kerr: I'm sure the Superintendent has heard your argument and he will get the information to the place that it needs to get to, to have it checked out.

Ms. Tooley: I trust he will, but I'm also asking for the communication with the Board because I know this Board shares a great interest in what goes on in the classroom and

Page 14 12/16/09 having a substitute in place as opposed to having a highly qualified teacher. So I am asking that the Board also work together cohesively with the district to look into this matter.

Comm. Kerr: You have my commitment. I'll be talking to the Superintendent about it.

Ms. Tooley: I thank you so much, Comm. Kerr.

Mr. Fernando Martinez: Good evening Dr. Evans and Board. I couldn‟t resist the temptation to speak today because this is the last public meeting of 2009. My name is Fernando Martinez, 451 Van Houten Street in Paterson. I just wanted to say that 2009 has been a year that we have been facing a lot of different situations. We are an independent group made out of different organizations, advocacy groups, organizing groups, and other different groups in the community. We really care about public education. We actually work in five different cities. One is in Paterson. We have been having meetings about different issues and when Dr. Evans came to Paterson six months ago we actually were excited to see his platform. When he said at the first meeting that he would be working around communication issues, parental involvement, and professional development for teachers, it was really great to hear that. Unfortunately, we got the new School Funding Reform Act that actually gave us flat funding for the next three years and now we have the new High School Redesign requirements. So we are about to launch this campaign where we can actually say what the parents want to see in public education through the state. We understand that we are not going to accomplish these things Dr. Evans stated and what we have here in our principles that I just gave to you if we don't work together. Bottom line is we need to work together. We need to get more parents involved. We need to work with more religious leaders. We need to work with more leaders and administrators in the school system. Everybody needs to work together and that is why we are here tonight, to invite you for January 20, the day after the new Governor will be inaugurated and will take position in the state, to join us to come to Trenton. We are going to go to Trenton. We are going to organize from five different cities a small delegation of parents and community members and we are going to deliver a message to the Governor. We are going to say, “This is what we want. This is what we wish to see in the next four years in public education.” I know that things are going to be difficult. We know the way this new Governor thinks. So there is no other way to make these people accountable but by being active. Paterson has a great and amazing history in previous years of organizing. We have to exercise that. So the invitation is there if anyone wants to join us on January 20. We are going to be leaving Paterson about 9:00 and we are going to be back in Paterson before 2:00. Our number is (973) 278-7900, extension 32. Again, my name is Fernando. You can ask for Fernando. You can call (973) 278-7900, extension 32. If you really want to come, please come and voice your concern about whatever it is - funding, more leadership development for the teachers, and more resources for the science labs to implement the high school graduation requirements. Whatever it is, join us. Come to Trenton. That's the only way that we know. We have to voice our concerns. Thank you for your time and please take a look at our platform and our postcards. Thank you for the great work in 2009.

Comm. Kerr: Fernando, before you leave can you repeat that telephone number slowly?

Mr. Martinez: (973) 278-7900, extension 32. That‟s the office of PEOC and we look forward to get a lot of work done in 2010. Thank you.

Page 15 12/16/09 Comm. Gonzalez: Fernando, we have a lot of parents here. I just ask that you pass out that information to all the members of the community here today. That's a good start and I will personally be there with you in Trenton. I was fortunate enough to be there today for other reasons. I'm not a stranger to Trenton. So I also encourage everyone else on this Board to be there as well. Thank you.

It was moved by Comm. Muhammad, seconded by Comm. Inoa that the public comment portion of the meeting be closed. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.


Comm. Best: I just have a couple of quick comments. Happy holidays to everyone. I hope that you are going to spend it with your family and enjoy the holiday season. I just wanted to talk about a couple of events that I had the fortunate privilege to attend these last couple of weeks since our last meeting. The first was the Marilyn J. Morheuser Parent Resource Center. They hosted a training seminar for parent leaders where they explained the Board process in very detail. They broke it down into committees, workshops, and how a resolution is passed. It was very insightful for parents. So I would like to congratulate Dr. Evans as well as Kemper McDowell and the entire staff at the Marilyn J. Morheuser Parent Resource Center for coordinating that event. I would like to see more events like that. I felt that it was very useful to help parents understand the Board process. In addition, Dr. Hodges was also in attendance as well as Comm. Kerr and I think a couple of other people. The next event was actually yesterday and it‟s the ongoing effort at Eastside High School with the United Way, the Inspire and Motivate mentoring program that Donna Ivy does at Eastside High School. Each time that we go and we talk to these young people we can actually see them grow. One of the things I love most about being on the Board of Education is that we have the opportunity to go into schools and talk to students one-on-one. I've been working with two classes in particular over these last couple of weeks and I can really see them growing. We talk about goal-setting. We talk about what it is going to take for them to get into college. We talk about life issues and how to overcome some of the obstacles that they face in the City of Paterson. So for all of the volunteers that came out, I see a couple of the volunteers in the audience, thank you all for your ongoing support and we are still looking for more volunteers to come out and help with Inspire and Motivate. The last point that I want to make is to give Dr. Evans a shout out on some of his initiatives. Since Dr. Evans has taken leadership in the Paterson Public School System, he has made tremendous efforts on getting a grasp around what the district is currently facing as well as coming up with solutions on how to move us forward as a district. There are several initiatives that I had the fortunate privilege of participating in that really shows how the district is progressing. So I would like to commend Dr. Evans as well as his entire leadership staff for all of the work they have been doing. I know there was a recent restructuring and reorganization in the leadership staff and I'm looking forward to seeing how that all pans out. I think you have the right people in place to get the job done. I'm very impressed with the report that was given by Eileen Shafer around the secondary school initiative as well as Dr. Fulmore‟s report on the safety committee and most recently Ms. Brenda Patterson‟s report on the full service community schools. So these are several initiatives that the district has embarked upon led by Dr. Evans that are really moving us as a district forward. So thank you, Dr. Evans, for your leadership.

Comm. Gonzalez: First, I would like to congratulate Ms. Nye-Slockbower for her great work in teaching journalism here at John F. Kennedy. Also, Ms. Sharon Smith the Principal at Rosa Parks High School for an incredible job. I think she deserves another

Page 16 12/16/09 round of applause for receiving her Bronze award. I think that she has done an outstanding job. I'm very proud that one of our high schools actually made it on this list. I think it‟s the second time she mentioned she made it on this list. I feel that students like Ms. Roberts who is the vice-president of the student government take a lot of part in making that happen. I believe that most of our high schools don't have SGAs and I think we should encourage the principals to start an SGA if they don't have one. Individuals like Ms. Roberts who is the vice-president of the student government body at Rosa Parks I'm sure influences a lot of these students there and forms some kind of alliance for the students to be inspired and want to achieve not just the Bronze but hopefully the Gold. I think that with the support of the new Board, the Superintendent, and the staff we can make that happen. Also, I would like to just say that we have to be wary of the contract that we have with the new janitors. We need to look at what happened before and make sure that doesn't happen again. I don't want to go through another couple of years or months with filthy schools. I think we need to address that issue and just have a careful eye on this new contract. I don't know them. I don't know who they are. I hear good things about them and I just hope that they continue to have that good rep as they come into Paterson. The individuals who are here from Local 1019, I sympathize with you. I encourage my colleagues and those involved in the negotiations to do what they can. I believe they will. We have a new administration. They‟ve been doing exactly that since they‟ve gotten here. Again, thank you, Dr. Evans, for all that you have done since you've gotten here. You put out a plan together along with your staff and everyone seems to be on the same page and I thank you for that. I thank your staff as well. Before we go on Christmas break, I just want to tell everyone don't forget what Christmas and the holidays are all about. I see everyone going crazy forming lines at 12:00 at night for Black Friday to buy gifts and spend money they don't have. I just want to remind people that it‟s not all about the gifts. It‟s about family, community, and caring for one another and making sure that everybody is okay. So spend it with your family. Don't go crazy spending money you don't have. That's how we got into this economic crisis. And to the Board, Merry Christmas to all. I actually brought something for you guys. I have a bunch of these. I see people taking notes on old papers and what not. I have one for everybody, so I‟ll pass that after the meeting. They are all slightly different, so you pick and choose what you like. In reference to International High School, I think they are doing an outstanding job. Absolutely! AmeriCorps was mentioned. AmeriCorps has done a fabulous job, but not only at International High School. They are also at several other schools and I think that we need to bring them on board with all of our other schools as well to assist the schools and teachers do what they do. We should have uniforms in every single school. If we don't, we need to enforce that. It‟s something that the kids look sharp in. They really do look good. Parents don't have to worry about buying the best name brands. Kids don't have to worry about not being up-to-date on their fashion. We need these uniforms to eliminate that worry. A kid needs to focus on school performance and what they are doing in the classrooms and not on who has the new Jordan‟s. I know that was in my time, but I don't even know what the status is on Jordan‟s nowadays. I never waited on line for Jordan‟s, I'll tell you that much. They cost too much. Nevertheless, I just want to wish everyone happy holidays and Kwanzaa to everyone. God bless and be safe. Thank you.

Comm. Guzman: First of all, I want to thank Mr. Gonzalez for looking to the left and not to the right when he said old papers. I write on new paper from the Board. I would like to thank you all for being here this evening and taking time out of your busy schedules, especially now during this holiday season. I know we mentioned about the shopping, but I think a lot of us like to go shopping. I know I personally do. So thank you very much for being here and taking time from your schedules. I would like to congratulate first of all Rosa Parks High School for the wonderful achievement of being named one

Page 17 12/16/09 of the nation‟s top high schools. Thank you for bringing another accomplishment to our district and for all the hard work and dedication you provide to the students of this district. Also, thank you to the teachers that were here present from International High School and provided us with a little summary of the things that are going on in the school that we are not aware of. I was very impressed. There are many clubs and organizations going on in the school that we are not aware of on a daily basis and I want to congratulate them. About the uniforms, I am all for it from the beginning. I'm hoping to work with the Superintendent – because I know that‟s one of the plans that he has – on implementing uniforms. Hopefully we will see all our students, each and every one of them in the Paterson School District, wearing a uniform. I really look forward to seeing that time. To our cafeteria monitors here today and our attendance officers, thank you for the hard work and dedication you put into our children on a daily basis because you are there with them every single day when we parents are out working or doing other things. I want to thank you and commend you and I really hope and look forward that the district and Local 1019 will come into a fair agreement on the negotiations. I'm really looking forward to that. To everyone here and everyone watching at home, I just want to wish you a safe and happy holiday and a wonderful new year. I'm looking forward to the New Year. This New Year is going to bring many positive things to everyone. To the students, enjoy your spring break. One last thing before I finish my brief comment, I feel it‟s very important that we all try to attend. I know it‟s hard because we have other responsibilities and we work and we have other duties. But it‟s very important that we all attend on January 20 to go to Trenton – the very day after the Governor is inaugurated – so he can know that Paterson is there and that Paterson is interested in the education of our children. We need to go there and express our concerns to him because maybe Paterson is not one of his priorities. But we need to be there and let our voice be heard to let him know that Paterson is watching from day one. Thank you all and have a happy holiday.

Comm. Hodges: I have prepared a 40-minute speech in advance, which is why I brought my computer. I did it for Ms. Waheedah Muhammad because I know she loves to hear me speak. Let me first congratulate Ms. Nye-Slockbower and extend my hearty congratulations as well to Rosa Parks High School. Anyone who has heard me speak knows that I am extraordinarily anxious to see as many islands of excellence as we can possibly get. The more islands that you have in this one little community, then pretty soon the map closes and coalesces and it‟s no longer an island, but it spreads everywhere. Excellence that is ubiquitous is far more important than just the isolated dots that occur here, and they do occur. So I want to congratulate them. I certainly understand the concerns of the attendance officers and the cafeteria monitors. You must understand our position as School Board members. We have dual obligations, so I'm not going to get into any contract discussions. Understand that fairness is important to us as well. We want the best for the people who work for us, but most importantly we want the best for our children. We have to balance both of those concerns, particularly in these economic times. So I think Dr. Evans and his staff has the message. And now this is for Ms. Muhammad. As I reflect on the past year in this school district and on our joint School Board and City Council meeting Monday night at Rosa Parks High School on stopping the violence in Paterson, I realized that there is a common thread that runs through them. So many people expect that change will come quickly and quietly. It doesn't. Inertia is always difficult to manage and the system in the case of the district and the culture in the case of the violence didn't develop overnight. Hence, their respective corrections won‟t occur overnight either. People also expect that some program will handle whatever ails us, just as long as it is a government-run program, run of course by somebody else. We don't often look inward at ourselves and find the roots of the problems there. Recently I was standing in a school and I watched young men and women, but mostly young men, wander their halls cutting class and in essence

Page 18 12/16/09 cutting the educational process itself. They put little or no effort in the classroom, if they attended class at all, and did their utmost to make sure that they didn‟t slip up and during the course of the day learn anything. They are assiduous in their efforts to stretch the boundaries extant in our schools, boundaries that we the adults do not consistently enforce. Sadly, many of them will join the throngs of people living their lives in less than quiet desperation on the streets of our city, and they will be in a high percentage the next candidates to impel the violence that has so captured our attention and our justifiable outrage. They are the ones that need our efforts to improve the educational process the most. Their lack of options and narrow view and understanding of life‟s possibilities trap them and one day may lead to the injury or worse of one of us because they too will need to eat. And since we have not prepared them to function successfully within the accepted boundaries of society they will operate beyond it, to the detriment of us all. People here have frequently felt the of my impatience with the reform of our educational system, one of the keys to this process. I don't mention for sake of time their parents, some of whom allow these students to fail, indeed model the behavior, others who are overwhelmed by the challenges. People point to the few students who struggle through the system and succeed. They wonder aloud why I don't more often celebrate or express satisfaction with that. As an answer I'm reminded that it is the very occasional blade of grass that forces its way through the crack in the concrete blocking its pathway to the sunlight. There are many isolated instances of that. But it is not my job to water the cracks. Rather, I came to break up the concrete obstruction so that all the blades can stretch forth and blossom in that good sun. One cannot break that concrete with just a gentle touch. The task before us continues to be an urgent one. We literally, if you accept my earlier premise, face matters of life and death. Issues of such important and magnitude demand the maximum effort. In years gone by we've not had it. So tomorrow and in the new year we must all be willing to grab that aphoristic hammer and break up those concrete barriers that trap and indeed stifle so many of this city‟s young lives. That task starts not merely with pointing out the infirmities of others, but by realizing in each of us lies a root cause and hence a measure of the solution. John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were. Any man‟s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” When each of us are affronted by the failure of even one child to grasp the importance of education and by their failure to take full advantage of the opportunities that we provide, when each of us demands the most of them as well as ourselves as we fight to improve this system, when we see these children for what they can be instead of what we think they are, when we fight to get here to work as hard as some of us model fighting to leave to go home, when each of us in each and every classroom explodes with imagination and reason from adults and students alike, then we will all be grabbing that proverbial hammer and smashing that mythical concrete. And those tolling bells, bells that have rung out with such sadness in this city, will become fewer. And when they toll, will indeed toll for thee. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas.

*Comm. Gonzalez leaves the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Comm. Rodriguez: This month we've been having a month with mixed emotions and mixed news. This month we lost two of our students, one student from School 4 and one student who tragically was gunned down by his father in School 8. But out of that tragic moment some of our leaders stood up in the city to take care of that family and I want to thank them for their leadership. I want to thank Councilwoman Vera Ames, Deputy Mayor Elson Nantilla, as well as a teacher from Eastside High School, Wilkin Santana, for taking care of these families and for reaching out to the community to

Page 19 12/16/09 make sure that this family was being helped by the community. Also, two of our own residents, people who have done a lot of work for us in Paterson, also left us this month. It‟s the case of Mrs. Margaret Napier, who is the wife of our former Superintendent Dr. Frank Napier, as well as Mr. James Dixon, who is the husband of our former School Board member and former Councilwoman Dr. Jessie Dixon. Even though we are all really sad because these individuals are no longer with us, I believe we should remember their legacy and all the contributions that they made in our community. We also should be proud that at one point or another we were touched by their greatness. Changing into a more position note, I am glad, Dr. Evans, that we are recognizing those that are excelling and I want to tip my hat to the administration, the staff, the students, and also the parents of Rosa Parks High School. Sometimes when these schools are excelling we forget about the parents, but I'm sure that the parents are really involved in that high school. As you learned today, this school was named one of the top high schools in the nation. We are talking about 21,000 high schools and one of our own was one of the top ones. I also want to thank the current administration of Governor Jon Corzine and the Governor-elect Chris Christie for working their differences out and having the actual Commissioner set up a team to apply for the stimulus package Race to the Top. With the lack of funds that we have in the state, I don't think it was going to be appropriate or just for our residents and taxpayers not to apply for that stimulus package. I am really glad as well to see the International High School students wearing uniforms. I also wish to see every single school in this district wearing uniforms. It just takes away so much social pressure and so much peer pressure that will allow them to focus on learning, which is their core business. I'm really glad to see that the uniforms look great and I want to commend and congratulate the administration for doing that at International High School. I would like to also ask the administration to make sure that the negotiations with the cafeteria monitors and the attendance officers are fair. As Dr. Awadallah indicated, these are our people. These are our residents and we should be taking care of our residents. I just want to end by saying happy holidays to everybody. Happy New Year and like our dear Commissioner Mr. Gonzalez indicated, Christmas is about family, love, and togetherness. Let‟s move Paterson forward. Let‟s move this district forward and we are going to have a great year next year. Thank you very much.

Comm. Inoa: Congratulations and recognition to Kennedy High School teacher Ms. Lories Nye-Slockbower for the great job she has been doing. We have a lot of heroes in the district that I know go the extra mile for the students and she is one of them. I also want to move forward to the recognition of Rosa Parks High School. Our good young lady Sharon Smith, I actually had the pleasure to work with her in 2002-2003 as a substitute teacher at the school. As Dr. Evans was mentioning before, he stated that when he first moved to Paterson people were talking about Rosa Parks High School and in fact it is a fine school. I really would say that under her leadership that school has moved forward and I heard mentioned that she has already won two prizes in Bronze but they are going to shoot for the Gold for next year. I wish her the best. You are one of the finest principals we have in the district. I really tip my hat to you and I continue to bless you everyday to keep going and working the way you work. Thank you, Ms. Sharon Smith. I also wanted to mention about International High School what Comm. Rodriguez mentioned about uniforms. I already have submitted a proposal to the Superintendent and I have been waiting for him to call me to sit down with me and go through with it to wear uniforms. There is a pilot plan that I'm trying to put together called Wear Uniforms where each school is going to pick the best student based on behavior and grades to wear the uniform. We are going to provide them the uniform to wear the whole year that will attract other students as well to wear the uniforms. How are we going to get the money? We are going to try to get it through vendors that work with the district to donate those uniforms to those students. I'm talking about for each school 50-75 students are going to be wearing the uniforms throughout the year and it

Page 20 12/16/09 would be a pride for them to wear. That way the rest of the students see these kids wearing the uniforms and they might be able to encounter those students and find out how they can get the uniforms. Also, going back a little bit to the school monitors and cafeteria of Local 1019, we are working together with you guys. As you mentioned before, Ms. Berrios is working with you in table negotiations and we are trying to get the best deal for both sides. As you know, the economy is kind of rough, but I believe we are going to go through with it. I know they are our parents and Patersonians that work for the schools and they deserve the best as well. Before I finish I just wanted to congratulate Robina Castro who is the Principal for International High School. One of the staff members who was here tonight but left already was explaining to us about the curriculum that is being put together in the last couple of months. I love it. I didn't know we had such at International, which is what it is called, International. It embraces and enhances the whole community. We have a diverse community in the City of Paterson. We have 72 ethnic groups and there are a couple of them at International. I love the fact that they are trying to put everything together in that way to be international. Before I finish, I want to just mention that this coming year in 2010 under the leadership of Superintendent Donnie Evans we are going to keep going forward. As he mentioned before, we may be expecting some budgetary cuts and we may be reducing some of the programs that we have. Let‟s hope for the best. Let‟s pray that it doesn't go the way that they think it might go. If it goes the way they think we are going to be suffering a lot because we are going to be cutting programs that are in place and are working very well for the students. Last but not least, I just want to wish you a safe and joyous holiday season. It‟s time to spend time with family. It‟s a time for reflection, a time of joy, a time for hope, but as well a time for forgiveness for everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you.

Comm. Muhammad: Let me start by saying I truly appreciated the written report that we received from International High School. Dr. Evans, you did state that if we still had some concerns we could discuss this in executive session, so I do have some questions once we do that. The other thing I want to say is I really appreciate the new renewal program that has been implemented by your leadership. I really and truly stated to someone tonight at Sister Napier‟s home going, they asked me how did I feel about what is happening in the district and I said to the person I really believe with every fiber of your being that you really and truly care about what happens in this district. I really believe that. The other thing I want to say is going through the report on the suspensions I was looking at where there was a child that was suspended for a day for stealing some chalk. I have a problem with that. That child could not have taken home a whole case of chalk. For a child to lose a day of learning over just being suspended because they wanted a piece of chalk, we have to rethink that. Something is wrong with that picture. The other thing I want to say is I think I also read in the report that the Smart Boards are being ordered and we are in the process of doing that. I'm really grateful for that. On the night school program, I want to know whether or not we are still looking into that, Dr. Evans, and what we are going to do with that. I want to say to Local 1019, welcome. As a former union representative for 23 years, I know what it takes. I know what it‟s about. I represented housekeepers and laundry workers at my former job, so I know and I have the sympathy for all of you that I know you deserve and I know that we are going to respect that. But I also know that we are in a crunch time and you are going to be just as respectful of us to say that we know that we can't always get what we want. But I can promise you this, that we are going to do the very best that we can for you because we do know what it is that you are doing for us and for our children. So I say to you again welcome and continue to keep us abreast of whatever it is that we can do to help. The negotiating team that you have really and truly is people that have your best interest at heart. And your representative that I know, Lottie Coles, is no one to be played with. So I can tell you that you are in good hands and I'm going

Page 21 12/16/09 to do whatever it is that I can to help with that situation. So again, welcome. For the Rosa Parks family, that's where I started. When that school opened my daughter was in one of the first graduating classes and I was the first parent president at that building. So I really and truly have the love for Rosa Parks. I really and truly know what it has taken for you to continue to climb that mountain that Dr. Napier and Sanseverino saw when no one else saw that. They knew what it could be and you have made that dream for them both come true. I congratulate you. I thank all the times when I hear good things that happen in Paterson, especially on a national level like this, that we are still making progress and we are still going to be talked about and not in a negative vein no matter what people might want to say about us. I thank you and continue to do what you‟re doing. I'll close with this. I want to say to every one of us out here that are praying, striving, and receiving whatever it is that we are receiving, that god is still in charge and we are going to make whatever it is that we have work for all of us. We have to keep the faith that whatever it is we are going to do it together. I want to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and roll up your sleeves because the bad times that we think we've had will begin on January 19. Just keep that in mind. Thank you and god bless.

Comm. Kerr: I, too, would like to extend my congratulations to Ms. Lories Nye- Slockbower on her recognition as teacher of the year. I also want to congratulate Rosa Parks High School for their award as being one of the top high schools in the country. I just want to reflect a little on the Local 1019. It‟s always important that people get the best representation that is due to them. It‟s always good that you make known your needs and aspirations. But the problem that we face sometimes is the way we go about framing the arguments that we are putting forward. Tonight I sat here and as I listened to the various speakers I heard the words „fairness,‟ „just settlement,‟ and „these are poor people.‟ That's true. I know that this administration and this Board would never choose to be unfair to the truancy officers or the cafeteria monitors. We consider every member of those groups a part of the team. We are responsible as much as they are for our kids. However, we have to face certain realities and at the outset I did mention what we are facing in terms of the hardships. But we have a good team of people who will be talking to your representatives and I know that whatever they can do within the boundaries of what we have in terms of a budget, they will give you the best possible deal. We understand how difficult it is for people to live on minimum wage. It‟s tough. But I just want you to remember that the school district is not a business. We are not in business to make money. We are not here making money. We are strictly here to make lives. We are trying to make the lives of every kid that passes through the doors of our schools. So we are not here to make money. It‟s not like we are a private corporation and we are making money and not paying out the money that we make. It's not like that. So we need everybody to understand that we have a budget and only so much is affordable. Every member of this administration will work as hard as they possibly can to give these people who have historically been paid at the bottom the best possible deal that they can get. We are facing a very challenging time and there is a word that I want to throw out there so everybody understands what it is. There is a word called „volunteerism.‟ We are going to need and we are going to have to rely a lot on this word next year. Last Monday, I was at a joint Board and City Council meeting and there were two very important people who made presentations there last Monday. You had Dr. Leslie Agard-Jones who has not as far as I know in the past couple of years walked away from the challenges that were placed in his hand to bring about change in this district. I remember when we embarked on the superintendent search it was Dr. Leslie Agard-Jones who chaired that process. It was all about volunteerism. Now we have another issue in our district. We are trying to create a better environment, which I don't know if it‟s possible free of violence. But again he stepped up to the plate and he has undertaken the charge of formulating policies that we will be able to use to

Page 22 12/16/09 address some of these issues. I also want to congratulate Mr. Kenyatta Stewart. Here is a young man, a lawyer, and he also has undertaken the role of leadership in trying to bring about change in our society. These people have done it without pay. It‟s all about volunteerism because they want a better place and a better city. Ms. Irene Sterling has also taken on the role of working with Dr. Jones on one of these committees. It‟s all about volunteerism. So I say all of this to say to all of you that come 2010 we are going to need more of you to take on the mantle of volunteering to change some of the things that we have in our district right now that are weighing down the progress that we can make. So I want you to seriously look inwardly and in any area that you think you can make a contribution in this city please get in touch with the people who are in charge because we need every hand on deck. That's my report. Thank you.


Items Requiring a Vote


Comm. Kerr presented the minutes of the November 4, 2009 Workshop Meeting, the November 18, 2009 Regular Meeting, and the November 19, 2009 Board Retreat, and asked if there were any questions or comments on the minutes.

It was moved by Comm. Muhammad, seconded by Comm. Hodges that the minutes be accepted with any necessary corrections. On roll call all members voted as follows:

Comm. Best: Yes.

Comm. Guzman: Yes to letter „A‟ and I abstain from „B‟ and „C‟ because I was not present.

Comm. Hodges: Yes.

Comm. Inoa: Yes.

Comm. Muhammad: Yes.

Comm. Rodriguez: Yes.

Comm. Kerr: Yes.

The motion carried.


Comm. Best: The curriculum committee met on Monday, November 30 to discuss action items A-1 through A-42. In addition, there was a special presentation made by the Division of Mathematics and Science on the grade level expectations. This is part of the curriculum committee‟s charge to have all grade level expectations done for k-8 in the various curriculum subjects. That being said, I submit to you A-1 through A-42 for a vote.

Comm. Best reported that the Curriculum and Instruction Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. A-1 through A-42:

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Resolution No. A-1

WHEREAS, Governor Jon Corzine has signed legislation that mandates all children, 18 years and under, must have health insurance coverage; and

WHEREAS, a recent survey of students in the Paterson Public Schools has revealed that, according to their parents/guardians, 787 are not currently covered by health insurance; and

WHEREAS, the names of those 787 students, as approved by their parents/guardians, were reported to NJ FamilyCare Outreach so that they may receive applications for free or reduced cost health insurance; and

WHEREAS, the NJ FamilyCare Outreach Program will provide grants of $76,000 to ten school districts in New Jersey to employ School District Facilitators to assist and encourage parents to complete applications in order to file for free or reduced cost health insurance; and

WHEREAS, as part of the application for a grant of $76,000, a Community Agency must be included to collaborate with the schools in assisting parents of non-insured students to apply for free or reduced cost health insurance; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Office of Catholic Family and Community Services wishes to be a part of the grant and collaborate with the schools in assisting parents/guardians in this endeavor; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves of the submission of an application for a grant of $76,000 to assist parents/guardians in applying for health insurance for those students who lack this coverage; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves of including Catholic Family and Community Services as part of the grant application to assist parents/guardians to apply for health insurance for those students who lack this coverage.

Resolution No. A-2

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development is requesting proposals for employment and training services for youth and has issued a solicitation to the Paterson Public School District‟s Paterson Adult School as a provider of out-of-school youth services; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Adult School is currently operating the New Jersey Youth Corps program with supplemental funding from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development in order to assist young adults (ages 16-21) who have dropped out of High School in successfully transitioning to employment, college, or additional training by obtaining a state-issued high school diploma, by receiving career counseling and employability skills instruction and by engaging in meaningful community service activities; and

Page 24 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the Paterson Adult School wishes to add an additional crew member to operate a Program for Youth in conjunction with the New Jersey Youth Corps program; and

WHEREAS, the anticipated amount of $38,700 will be expended within the following categories:

1. Other Salary $30,000 2. Personnel Benefits $8,700 $38,700

WHEREAS, there are no matching funds requirements within this grant; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District‟s legal counsel has reviewed and approved the agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant Superintendent for School Administration will be responsible for the district complying with the terms and conditions of the grant and will make every effort to target grant funds for the academic advancement and achievement of the students and expend the funds in the most effective and efficient manner; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that permission is granted to the Paterson Adult School to respond to the RFP for Youth Programs being offered by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the project period November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010, in the amount of $38,700.

Resolution No. A-3

WHEREAS, STARS Academy provides the student population, (autism spectrum disorder and cognitive impairment) with life skill opportunities throughout the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools agrees to enhance the life skills program at STARS Academy by utilizing the Grant Opportunity, “Overcoming Obstacles Life Skills Program.” The program is student centered and focuses on critical life skills every young person needs: communication, decision making and goal setting; and

WHEREAS, the Life Skills grant opportunity from the Community for Education foundation, be approved at no cost to the district, from January 2010-June 2010 for STARS Academy; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools legal counsel has reviewed and approved the terms of the grant opportunity; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves the grant opportunity Life Skills Program from the Community for Education Foundation at no cost for STARS Academy from January 2010-June 2010.

Resolution No. A-4

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools has operated a GED Testing Center at the Paterson Adult School, 151 Ellison St., for the benefit of Passaic County residents for the past 37 years; and

Page 25 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the New Jersey State Department of Education has offered the Paterson Public Schools a GED Testing Center Contract Renewal to continue operating the Testing Center for the contract period from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the goals of the grant are to offer GED testing services to out-of-school residents of Passaic County; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Administrative Code 6:30-1.4 has established a testing fee for those seeking a New Jersey State issued high school diploma through tests of the General Educational Development (GED) of $50.00 for the initial examination and an additional $10 for each section for which a reexamination is sought; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Administrative Code 6:30-1.4 requires GED Testing Centers to retain all test administration fees collected for the purpose of meeting the costs of test administration incurred by the testing centers, and requires all public school districts to account for this program activity separately in fund 13 of the general fund with program code 640 to be used to track the appropriation and revenue code 10-1991 to be used to account for the revenue separately; and

WHEREAS, the GED Testing Center, based on last year‟s annual figures, anticipates registering a minimum of 575 initial examinees at $50.00 each ($28,756) and 125 reexaminations at $10 each ($1,250) for anticipated total revenues of $30,000.00; and

WHEREAS, expenditures will be allocated within the following categories:

1. Testing supplies and materials $30,000

WHEREAS, there are no matching fund requirements within this grant; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District‟s legal counsel has reviewed and approved the agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant Superintendent of Community Service will be responsible for the district complying with the terms and conditions of the grant and will make every effort to target grant funds for the academic advancement and achievement of the students and expend the funds in the most effective and efficient manner; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools is authorized to operate a GED Testing Center at 151 Ellison Street that complies with the terms, conditions, and general requirements established in the contract with revenues generated by the collection of testing fees anticipated to be approximately $30,000.00 with the stipulation that expenditures remain within the limits of revenues for the period from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.

Resolution No. A-5

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District supports and encourages students to volunteer their time in an effort to help John F. Kennedy High School continue their implementation of the rigorous curriculum and ensure all students are prepared to further their education and pursue a higher degree or certification; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District through its voluntary administration of the GED Fall Item Tryout Study will help students to achieve this goal by providing vital

Page 26 12/16/09 feedback about student achievement to the General Educational Development Testing Service and to the John F. Kennedy High School Curriculum and Development committee; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District in accordance with State mandates and district policy will ensure students are achieving at or above a level consistent with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards by voluntarily allowing the General Educational Development Testing Service to administer their Fall Item Tryout study at John F. Kennedy High School; and

WHEREAS, the General Educational Development Testing Service will provide a $900 Honorarium to John F. Kennedy High School to be used for class activities for the classes of 2010 and 2011; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the administration of the General Educational Development Testing Service‟s Fall Item Tryout Study and accepts the $900 Honorarium to be deposited in the program account and that the funds be available to be used as stated by terms outlined by General Education Development Testing Services.

Resolution No. A-6

WHEREAS, current federal and state legislation requires school administrators to align instructional objectives, teaching methods, and local and state standards. To ensure student achievement in the area of literacy, it is also required that administrators provide school staff site-based professional development based on the needs of teachers and students. School 18 understands that each teacher, like each student, has particularized and individualized needs. School 18 seeks to provide teachers with site- based job-embedded professional development that will increase their knowledge of research based practices and pedagogy to support student achievement in all content area (Math, Language Arts, Science, Health and Social Studies); and

WHEREAS, School 18 is dedicated in providing professional development that will improve the quality of teaching and is based on the recommendation of CAPA, State District Superintendent, and Office of Staff Development; and

WHEREAS, the Schillinger Group is an educational consulting firm specializing in site- based embedded professional development in classroom instruction. Their work is designed to increase student achievement and teacher capacity. The Schillinger Group will provide services that will support School 18 around three areas of focus: Aggressive Intervention for Struggling Students, Demonstration Lessons of Best Practices, and Intensive Test Preparation Strategies. These three areas of focus are aligned with one another to increase student achievement and maximize the overall effectiveness of School 18‟s professional development sessions for teachers; and

WHEREAS, School 18 seeks to develop their staff to improve classroom instruction for all teachers and bridge the achievement gap for students; and

WHEREAS, General Counsel has reviewed the contract, attached the proposal, and found it to be the terms acceptable as written; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves hiring the services of The Schillinger Group to train 120 staff members which includes, teachers, academic support, instructional aides, interdisciplinary coaches, and specialty area teachers, for

Page 27 12/16/09 twenty full days of professional development and training between December 2009 through June 2010 for a total not to exceed $23,800.00.

Resolution No. A-7

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the richness of the multicultural mosaic of its student population, and through its Equity & Diversity Council strives to provide multicultural educational programs that help our students to become successful citizens of an increasingly pluralistic society; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District, in accordance to State mandates, and District Policy 1131, ensures that students are educated in a nurturing multicultural environment; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District, following stated mandates and policy, will hire Mr. Luis De Jesus from United Rhythms & Visions, as an Artist in Residence to work with selected staff and children of Schools #1, 3, 8 and International H.S. in preparation for three presentations of the culminating multicultural activity, “The Three Kings in the Plaza” on January 6, 2010 at 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.; and

WHEREAS, “The Three Kings in the Plaza” will be provided for approximately 2,400 children from elementary schools throughout the District, will also invite parents and community in general, including the families and disabled children of the “Parents‟ Place” of Catholic Family and Community Services; and

WHEREAS, General Counsel has reviewed the contract; and

WHEREAS, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools will hire Mr. Luis De Jesus from Rhythms & Visions for the amount no higher than $18,000 to coordinate and assure the deliverance of said program. This program shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Resolution No. A-8

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District supports and encourages Paterson Public School #9 to providing educational activities which support the Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS); and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District through the above named school wishes to develop and enhance educationally enriching activities for students; and

WHEREAS, Theatreworks USA will provide two literature based theatrical performances of “If You Give a Pig a Pancake” on December 15, 2009 for students in Grades K-4; and

Page 28 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the General Counsel has reviewed the contract between the Paterson Public School District and Theatreworks USA for the provision of providing two theatrical productions;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the contract with Theatreworks USA to provide students with a cross-curricular theatrical production at School No. 9 on December 15, 2009 at the total rate of $2,600.00; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the consultant contract with Theatreworks to provide two performances at a rate not to exceed $2,600.00.

Resolution No. A-9

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools parent and community involvement centers around the establish partnerships with community organizations, business, institutions of higher education churches, or other agencies to support the schools instructional and non instructional programs; and

WHEREAS, the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS #6 aligned with the parent and community involvement initiative with St. Luke Baptist Church, Calvary Baptist Church, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Paterson Alumnae Chapter, & Silk City Women‟s Club; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School approves partnerships with the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS #6.

Resolution No. A-10

Introduction: The Paterson Board of Education recognizes the need to provide a safe and civil environment in school and prohibits acts of cyber-bullying by students and staff, as stated in Cyber-Bullying District Policy 5512.02. To provide opportunities for 40 high school students to promote cyber-safety among their peers in 6 high schools/academies, the district joins with the Paterson Alliance, The Paterson Public Library, and the Passaic County Sheriff‟s Department to implement the Paterson Public Schools Internet Safety Program; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools Internet Safety Program is a 6 month project which will include a one-day Cyber-Safety seminar to be held at International High School for 40 students from Eastside High School, Kennedy High School, Rosa Parks High School, International High School, PANTHER Academy and the Academy of Education and Training; and

WHEREAS, the 40 student ambassadors upon return to their respective schools will develop and implement a series of outreach and educational activities intended to raise awareness and educate their peers about Internet Safety; and

WHEREAS, the 40 students will participate in an End-of-Year Cyber Safety Symposium at International High School to share best practices in educating Paterson teenagers on topics related to Internet safety; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Alliance will create and publish a Best Practices in Internet Safety Handbook based upon the project findings and distribute them to 15 high schools throughout Passaic County; and

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WHEREAS, the Paterson Alliance is receiving $7,500 from Verizon to implement the Paterson Public Schools Internet Safety Program; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public Schools will participate in the Paterson Alliance‟s Internet Safety Program at no cost to the school district.

Resolution No. A-11

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Bancroft NeuroHealth, Haddonfield, New Jersey for providing bedside educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. Bancroft NeuroHealth is a residential facility for students with concomitant conditions of severe behavior problems and cognitive impairment.

Student Initials Tuition E.G. $24,592.00

Resolution No. A-12

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Barnstable Academy, Oakland, New Jersey for providing educational services for 2 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. This academy provides an academic atmosphere for emotionally disturbed students.

Student Initials Tuition J.R., A.R. $79,800.00

Resolution No. A-13

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Benway School, Wayne, New Jersey for providing educational services to

Page 30 12/16/09 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. Benway School serves students with behavioral disabilities.

Student Initials Tuition S.Y. $47,838.03 Resolution No. A-14

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Bergen County Special Services, Paramus, New Jersey (various sites) for providing educational services for 20 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year.

Student Initials Tuition C.F., C.G, J.G., K.M., N.C., $1,302,755.00 C.N., J.R., J.D.G., D.W., S.T., J.B., O.F., C.F., D.N., J.C., J.B., D.J., I.C., J.R., J.EM.

Resolution No. A-15

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Bergen County Special Services, Paramus, New Jersey for providing educational services for 25 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year.

Student Initials Tuition C.F., J.G., N.C., J.R., J.D.G., S.T., $108,998.25 O.F., D.N., C.G., K.M., C.N., M.G., D.W., J.B., C.F., E.C., W.F., D.G., C.H., M.S., E.R., L.F., J.H., A.O., L.R.

Resolution No. A-16

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

Page 31 12/16/09 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Bergen County Special Services, Paramus, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year.

Student Initials Tuition F.R. $56,190.20

Resolution No. A-17

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Bergen County Special Services – Touchstone Hall, Rockleigh, New Jersey for providing bedside education instructional services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility provides treatment for substance abuse.

Student Initials Tuition K.L. $23,300.00

Resolution No. A-18

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with The Children‟s Home Mary A. Dobbins, Mount Holly, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school is for students requiring close supervision.

Student Initials Tuition L.A. $47,222.73

Resolution No. A-19

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with The Children‟s Home Mary A. Dobbins, Mount Holly, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school is for students requiring close supervision.

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Student Initials Tuition Q.M. $47,222.73

Resolution No. A-20

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with The Children‟s Home Mary A. Dobbins, Mount Holly, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school is for students requiring close supervision.

Student Initials Tuition E.B. $46,933.02

Resolution No. A-21

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Clearview School, Wayne, New Jersey for providing educational services for 4 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. The Clearview School strives to assist students in reaching their full potential by strengthening their academic and social skills through a comprehensive program of therapeutic and educational interventions.

Student Initials Tuition B.D., J.G., S.S., W.W. $184,924.80

Resolution No. A-22

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission for providing services to eligible non-public students in Paterson during the 2009-2010 school year funded by IDEA-B Basic.

Page 33 12/16/09 Tuition $163,350.00

Resolution No. A-23

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is responsible for the provision of Special Education Services to Non-Public School students in Paterson. The District will enter into a one year (1) contract with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission to provide Initial & Annual Evaluations during the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District wishes to remain compliant with State & Federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission for the Provisions of Initial & Annual Evaluations to eligible Non-Public students in Paterson during the 2009- 2010 school year.

Tuition $148,424.00

Resolution No. A-24

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is responsible for the provision of Special Education Services to Non-Public School students in Paterson. The District will enter into a one year (1) contract with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission to provide Initial & Annual Evaluations during the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District wishes to remain compliant with State & Federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Essex Regional Educational Services Commission for the Provisions of Initial & Annual Evaluations to eligible Non-Public students in Paterson during the 2009- 2010 school year.

Tuition $62,770.00

Resolution No. A-25

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Glenview Academy, Fairfield, New Jersey for providing educational services for 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school assists pupils with significant behavioral problems who also have severe learning disabilities.

Page 34 12/16/09 Student Initials Tuition C.G. $73,409.40

Resolution No. A-26

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Glenview Academy, Fairfield, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school assists pupils with significant behavioral problems who also have severe learning disabilities.

Student Initials Tuition U.M. $45,835.44

Resolution No. A-27

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Lakeview Learning Center, Wayne, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school services students with disabilities.

Student Initials Tuition C.B. $38,075.64

Resolution No. A-28

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Learning Center for Exceptional Children, Clifton, New Jersey for providing educational services for 5 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. This school services students with disabilities.

Student Initials Tuition AM.C., J.J., C.M., $320,157.90 D.G., E.V.

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Resolution No. A-29

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Morris Union Jointure Commission, New Providence, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 Extended/Regular school year. This school supports children with cognitive and behavioral difficulties.

Student Initials Tuition K.C. $88,712.00

Resolution No. A-30

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Palisades Learning Center, Paramus, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility provides services to students with social, emotional, and learning disabilities.

Student Initials Tuition K.C. $35,064.00

Resolution No. A-31

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Passaic County Elks Cerebral Palsy, Elementary School, Clifton, New Jersey for providing educational services to Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility services students who are diagnosed as multiple disabled.

Student Initials Tuition C.R., K.C., S.D., K.A. $156,090.46

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Resolution No. A-32

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Passaic County Elks Cerebral Palsy High School, Clifton, New Jersey for providing educational services for 2 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility services students who are diagnosed as multiple disabled.

Student Initials Tuition JC.G., V.G. $123,753.28

Resolution No. A-33

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Passaic County Elks Cerebral Palsy High School, Clifton, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility services students who are diagnosed as multiple disabled.

Student Initials Tuition S.M. $45,641.68

Resolution No. A-34

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Phoenix Center, Inc. Nutley, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 Extended/Regular school year. This school is for the severely autistic students who require close monitoring and supervision.

Student Initials Tuition K.C. $50,940.00

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Resolution No. A-35

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Sage Day School, Rochelle Park, New Jersey (Boonton Campus) for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This school is for students with significantly emotional and social disabilities which impact their educational performance.

Student Initials Tuition J.S. $43,645.50

Resolution No. A-36

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Youth Consultation Service, Fort Lee and Hackensack, New Jersey for providing educational services for 8 Paterson students during the 2009-2010 school year. YCS Fort Lee and George Washington provide academic, social and emotional monitoring in a highly structured individualized environment for emotionally challenged students. George Washington facility is for the autistic children and children requiring intensive monitoring and individualized instruction.

Student Initials Tuition M.R., C.M., M.T., E.W., $414,266.40 B.C., T.S., J.V., K.I.

Resolution No. A-37

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Youth Consultation Service, Fort Lee, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. YCS Fort

Page 38 12/16/09 Lee provides academic, social and emotional monitoring in a highly structured individualized environment for emotionally challenged students.

Student Initials Tuition D.C. $58,303.80

Resolution No. A-38

WHEREAS, according to New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 the Paterson Public School District is required to place District‟s students in an appropriate Educational facility as per their I.E.P.; and

WHEREAS, the District wishes to remain compliant with state & federal requirements; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves payment and contracts with Youth Consultation Service-George Washington, Hackensack, New Jersey for providing educational services to 1 Paterson student during the 2009-2010 school year. This facility is for children who require intensive monitoring and individual instruction.

Student Initials Tuition T.F. $45,262.80

Resolution No. A-39

WHEREAS, the Paterson Board of Education recognizes that field trips are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of our schools; and

WHEREAS, the field trip is conducted for the purpose of affording a first-hand educational experience not available in the classroom; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Board of Education accepts the following list of additions to the December 2009 approved actions for destinations as appropriate field trip sites for the students of the Paterson Public Schools:

Jewish Museum – 1109-5th Ave. NYC Friendship Corner Day Care – Paterson Memorial Day Nursery School – Paterson Museum of Jewish Heritage – 18-1st Ave. NYC Museum of Jewish Heritage – 36 Battery Pl. NYC Parent Linking Project Prevent Child Abuse

Resolution No. A-40

WHEREAS, School No. 18 seeks permission to request a field trip to visit Camp Bernie, Port Murray, NJ, in order to provide our 100 2010 graduates with an interdisciplinary team-building experience that will challenge and strengthen their decision-making, leadership, and communication skills under the careful supervision of certificated staff (8), aide (1), administration (1), and parents (3), commencing on May 18, 2010 and culminating on May 19, 2010; and

Page 39 12/16/09 WHEREAS, students will be provided with hands-on activities that will combine all facets of their middle school learning in full accordance with the NJCCCS, i.e., creating a model of aquatic ecosystems, using a compass and coordinates to chart locations, using standard and metric measurements, active listening skills and developing interpersonal relationships in group situations. The objective of these activities will be the development of individual leadership skills and reinforcement of the need for critical thinking in life; and

WHEREAS, General Counsel has reviewed the contract; and

WHEREAS, the District‟s primary transportation vendor, Scholastic Bus Co., will provide School Number 18 with transportation;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the District shall remit costs through funds already encumbered in our School No. 18 Budget for the 2009-2010 year towards the Camp Bernie admission fee and transportation fee, upon the submission and approval of invoice and proper execution by Camp Bernie. In addition to this, there will be fundraising events held throughout the year in order to pay the nurse‟s fee.

1. Camp Admission Fee $5,390.00 2. Transportation Fee $998.82 3. Nurse‟s Fee $600.00

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the eighth grade field trip to Camp Bernie, Port Murray, New Jersey, on May 18-19, 2010, at a total cost to the district of $6,388.82, from funds that have already been allocated and encumbered in our School 18, 2009-2010 budget. The nurse‟s fee of $600.00 will be paid off from the eighth grade fundraising funds.

Resolution No. A-41

Pegasus Flies to the Rising Sun: Japan

Introduction: The State of New Jersey under NJAC 6A:8-3.1, requires district boards of education to ensure that the district curriculum is designed and delivered to demonstrate knowledge and skills specified by the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards; and

WHEREAS, New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) stipulates that district curriculum supports student achievement of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in every school for all students and is reflected in the Curriculum Frameworks and course guides of the Social Studies; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools District seeks to “meet and exceed” the standard instructional practices within the classroom by sponsoring various co-curricula activities that promote an understanding of global culture, study of world languages, and geography through “learn by living it” experiences that cannot be readily replicated within the World History and United States History classes; and

WHEREAS, the RPHS Social Studies Department supports the ideals of a multicultural society and appreciation for travel as a means of furthering and supporting an understanding of global perspectives; RPHS students and teachers have sponsored past trips to Puerto Rico, New Orleans, Atlanta, G.A., and multiple trips to Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Virginia and Florida; and

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WHEREAS, the RPHS Social Studies Department are seeking to travel for a total of 9 days during the week of Spring Break 2011; the mode of transportation will be airplane arranged by EF (Education First) Educational Tours, the field experience will be open to students in grades 9-12. The population will consist of 30-40 students, male and female, ages 15-18 that is reflective of our school community; and

WHEREAS, the itinerary is developed, organized and executed by EF Educational Tours, there will be one adult chaperone for every six children and will be inclusive of both males and females. Chaperones will accompany and supervise students during breakfast, lunch, dinner and through the duration of all field tours. Chaperones will rotate the supervision of students during overnight hours through the duration of the field experience. EF Educational Tours will also provide a tour guide that will accompany and supervise us through and during the duration of our tour; and

WHEREAS, each student will make the initial $95.00 deposit, additional costs will be obtained through parental payments and fundraisers. Some of the additional costs include:

Program Fee (travel and accommodations) $2,295.00 Current Departure Fee (fuel charges) $190.00 Lifetime Membership Fee $95.00 Weekend Supplement Fee (additional extension) $35.00 All-Inclusive Insurance Plan $125.00 Total Cost $2,865.00

Total price with Autopay Total allows students to make monthly payments of $162.00

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools District Board of Education approves the field trip experience to Tokyo, Japan for a group of 30- 40 Paterson Public Schools students and their chaperones for a total of 9-10 days during Spring Break 2011. This will be no additional expense to the district, as students and their parents/guardians will incur the cost of this field trip experience and offset costs by various means of fundraising activities that are within the parameters of the District/local government guidelines.

Resolution No. A-42

WHEREAS, on March 15, 2007, the State of New Jersey adopted P.L.2007, c.53, An Act Concerning School District Accountability, also known as Assembly Bill 5 (A5); and

WHEREAS, Bill A5, N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12(3)f, requires that conferences/workshops have prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board of education; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12(2)s, an employee or member of the board of education who travels in violation of the school district‟s policy or this section shall be required to reimburse the school district in an amount equal to three times the cost associated with attending the event; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves attendance at conferences/workshops for the dates and amounts listed for staff members on the attached; and

Page 41 12/16/09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that final authorization for attendance at conferences/workshops will be confirmed at the time a purchase order is issued.

Total Number of Conferences: 6 Total Cost: $669.00

Conference/Workshop Requests December 16, 2009 Meeting

Staff Member Conference Date Amount

Perla Kleinendorst SAVVY Relationship Skills December 18, 2009 $100.00 Physical Education/ - ANSWER Rutgers University (registration) Health/JFK H.S. Paramus, New Jersey

Annette Romaniello Bureau of Education and January 5, 2010 $199.00 Interdisciplinary Research: Strengthening (registration) Instructional Coach/ Math Computation and School No. 5 Problem Solving Skills; Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Reaching All Students in Your Classroom (Grade 4-8) Totowa, NJ

Marysol Berrios NJASA Conference January 8, 2010 $120.00 Assistant Monroe Township, New Jersey (registration) Superintendent/ Operations

Perla Kleinendorst Is the Nuva Ring Worn on January 29, 2010 $100.00 Physical Education/ My Finger – ANSWER (registration) Health/JFK H.S. Rutgers University Jersey City, New Jersey

Waheedah New Jersey School Boards TBD $50.00 Muhammad Association Mandatory (registration) Board Member Training – Governance II: School Finance Online

Perla Kleinendorst All A “Twitter”: Teens, Sex April 23, 2010 $100.00 Physical Education/ and Technology – ANSWER (registration) Health/JFK H.S. Rutgers University Paramus, New Jersey

It was moved by Comm. Muhammad, seconded by Comm. Inoa that Resolution Nos. A-1 through A-42 be adopted.

Comm. Kerr: I'm still having some problems with A-7. We got revised information that…(end of tape) (Beginning of new tape)…I don't know if anyone has it. I have to look at it. I misplaced mine. I just need to know. I believe there was something about it

Page 42 12/16/09 meeting certain requirements from the state. While it‟s being checked, there was an explanation and a breakdown concerning the expenses.

Comm. Best: That was sent to all of us as an addendum.

Comm. Kerr: Yes, there‟s an addendum to it. I don't know what I did with mine.

Comm. Best: Can we have someone come up and explain it, Mr. Superintendent?

Dr. Evans: Yes, we can. I'll call on Ms. Berrios to come forward please.

Ms. Berrios: What's your question?

Comm. Kerr: I'm still concerned about the $18,000 for six weeks. Can you break it down and let me know how we arrived at this $18,000? What part of it goes for payment and what part goes for costume design and all the other kinds of stuff that goes into it?

Ms. Berrios: The last information that was sent to you I don't have in front of me at this moment, but it was sent to you via Ms. Jones‟ office and had a breakdown of the expenses and where the money went. As far as the difference between what we expended last year for the same activity and why it‟s a little bit more this year has to do with the fact that there are added schools this year and there is an extra performance because of the additional number of students. As far as the breakdown, I don't have it in front of me, but I think it was provided to you via email. In the program design there was an actual completion of the program design and in there were the costs involved.

Comm. Kerr: Next question. Is it one production? Or will every school have their own production of The Three Kings?

Ms. Berrios: It‟s going to be three different productions and there is a combination of some schools. Not all the schools, but some of the children from maybe two of the schools will be combined to do one production. It may be the same performance, but it‟s a different group of students.

Comm. Kerr: I'm missing something here. I'm not really getting it and I don't want to misspeak concerning this. Because of the nature of it, I believe in the addendum it says something about multiculturalism. I want to know how this addresses that subject.

Ms. Berrios: Throughout the actual performance it‟s not just focused on the fact that The Three Kings is a Latino-based concept. It expands to all demographics within that same production. So even though it‟s called The Three Kings production, it involves and takes into account a variety of cultures throughout the production.

Comm. Kerr: That‟s what I need to understand.

Ms. Berrios: If you need more details, I can have that provided to you.

Comm. Kerr: But we are going to vote on this tonight. I have to satisfy myself before I do vote and that's the reason why I'm trying to get a handle on it. For $18,000 that‟s a lot of money. I believe in the addendum it talks about meeting certain aspects of character education and some other stuff. I was kind of wondering whether or not it does meet all of what it‟s stated to meet.

Page 43 12/16/09 Ms. Berrios: I can only go by what's promised by the actual artist in residence and the actual proposal and the contract and what it states and what he says is being taught to the children. To be honest with you, I've never seen the production. This will be my first year experiencing it and actually sitting in it and watching it. So aside from being able to trust him to do what he is telling us he is going to do with these students, I know that Comm. Taylor has seen the production before. I'm not sure if anyone else has seen it. So that's all I can tell you as far as my abilities to be able to tell you. I'm going based on what the person is promising he is going to do.

Comm. Kerr: In the addendum it talks about us getting some subsidy.

Ms. Berrios: Correct. As I mentioned during our workshop meeting, we are anticipating co-sponsorship of this. We don't know exactly how much it is, but we had to budget for the full amount because we haven't been told what was going to be provided by the entity that is co-sponsoring it with us. It may be $1,000. It may be $2,000. We don't know at this point.

Comm. Guzman: I know we went through it at workshop. You said that we had been co-sponsored before. That's the only reason we had not seen this big chunk of money into our account. That's why this here seems like it‟s a lot of money, but it actually has been close to that amount in past years.

Ms. Berrios: You are right, Comm. Guzman. It has been close to that amount. The reason it‟s more this year is because we had an increase in the interest from other schools. Last year we had two productions because there were less schools participating. This year we are having three productions because there are more schools that wanted to participate.

Comm. Guzman: But it has been that high. It‟s just that this year we are not including the sponsorship.

Ms. Berrios: Right. We have lost one sponsor. Last year I think we paid $12,500.

Comm. Hodges: So it hasn‟t been this high before. We‟ve not paid $18,000.

Ms. Berrios: We've paid $12,500. The first year it was $22,000.

Comm. Hodges: But we didn't pay $22,000 either.

Ms. Berrios: No, we paid $12,500.

Comm. Hodges: That's the concern that I have. This is a lot of money and it's indeterminate how much money we are going to actually have to pay. We are in essence signing a promissory note to be on the hook for whatever the cost is and we don't know what that‟s going to be because we have no idea...

Ms. Berrios: It‟s not going to be any more than what is on the resolution.

Comm. Hodges: For the full $18,000.

Ms. Berrios: Correct. That will be our max.

Comm. Hodges: It may or may not be mitigated by another sponsor.

Page 44 12/16/09 Ms. Berrios: Correct.

Comm. Hodges: I have problems with that.

Comm. Rodriguez: I believe everybody needs to know what we are talking about. We just mentioned that it‟s A-7. Just to clarify what we are saying we are talking about The Three Kings in the Plaza. It‟s an event that has been coming to the district for the last five years. Last year it cost us $12,500 and this year we are going to have more schools participating and that‟s why it is going up to $18,000. It‟s a multicultural and multiethnic event that has no religious content. There is no religious push into it. I actually would like to go there and see it myself, but the other reason why it is $18,000 as per the document that we received is because it‟s being offered also to the community at large. People from the community can come and see this presentation. That's all.

Comm. Inoa: Confirming what he was saying before, we were co-sponsored before and this sponsor has left so we have that amount of money. As he mentioned before, it was for the students only but now everybody at large can come see that play, which is going to be fantastic for the community.

Comm. Best: Are there any further questions?

Comm. Hodges: In the past the community has not been able to witness this performance?

Ms. Berrios: They have been.

Comm. Hodges: They have been, so that‟s not new.

Ms. Berrios: I'm assuming that what Comm. Rodriguez said was there will be more participation. Because we have more children, more parents in the community will be coming.

Comm. Hodges: He seemed to be focusing on the fact that this will be open to the community for the first time. I got that impression, but it's been open to the community before.

Ms. Berrios: It's not the first time.

Comm. Rodriguez: From the document that we received, I believe it said that in the past it was for students only and that this time it is being opened for the community, in the document that we received.

Ms. Berrios: As far as participation, yes. It‟s only students that are doing the production, but anyone can come in and see to watch.

On roll call all members voted as follows:

Comm. Best: Yes to all and I abstain on A-10.

Comm. Guzman: Yes to all with the exception of A-9, on which I abstain.

Comm. Hodges: I abstain from anything that involves the YMCA. I am still troubled by A-7 and that indefinite amount of money. I don't want to put us on the hook for the

Page 45 12/16/09 $18,000 without a clear indication of what that might be. Yes for everything except for A-7 and I abstain from anything that has to do with the YMCA.

Comm. Inoa: Yes to all and I abstain on anything that has to do with the City of Paterson.

Comm. Muhammad: I abstain on A-7 and anything with my name attached. Yes for everything else.

Comm. Rodriguez: Yes to all. In reference to A-7, I believe it‟s a good play from the feedback that I received from people who have seen the play before. Dr. Evans, I would really like to see next year for these types of items in our budget that we need to approve a separate item line that we can look into how much we are really spending into this type of activity, as well as the field trips and stuff like that. If we are going to be facing some budget constraints, then next year we have to review it. But this year I believe we have the money and it‟s a great play. It is multicultural and multiethnic, The Three Kings in the Plaza. Yes to all.

Comm. Kerr: I like the fact that A-7 is multicultural. It‟s wide-ranging and covers all the ethnicities that we represent. That's not a problem because it touches all of us. It touches all of our souls. But I still have a problem with the $18,000 for one day or two days. In this time of austerity we paid $12,000 last year and this year it‟s $18,000. That‟s quite a jump, 33%. So I have a problem with $18,000 and I really don't see the benefit in spending this amount of money in one day. It‟s a production that we have been having year after year and we cannot quantify in any real terms the gains from it. So I just have a problem with that money. I wouldn‟t mind the production. If it was maybe $12,000 I would support it, but I can't support it for $18,000. So I'm going to vote yes on everything else and no on A-7.

The motion carried.

Comm. Best: Cheryl, just for the record, does A-7 pass? Or was it defeated?

Ms. Cheryl Williams: It passed.


Comm. Inoa: The legal committee didn't meet. Actually, Mark Tabenkin, Comm. Rodriguez and I met and went through all the litigation that we have, but we have nothing to discuss.


Comm. Kerr: The fiscal committee was scheduled to meet last Thursday. I tried to extend myself out to the committee members. Ms. Taylor was excused. Our other Commissioner did not get the word on time so we were not able to have a meeting. However, I had a discussion with the Business Administrator Ms. Fran Finkelstein and we went through the corrective action plan for the district stemming from the external audit that we did a couple of months ago. We were happy with the corrective actions that she presented. If we work with that plan and do it effectively, I believe next year we will not have any more problems concerning some of the issues that were outlined in this year‟s audit report. The fiscal committee is submitting for the approval of the Board C-1 through C-30.

Page 46 12/16/09 Comm. Inoa: Mr. President, I believe we don't have a quorum right now because I think Comm. Best stepped out and Comm. Rodriguez is over there.

Comm. Kerr: Come on. We can't do this. We cannot do this.

Comm. Inoa: That's what I'm trying to explain to you, Mr. President.

Comm. Guzman: We have five up here.

Comm. Kerr: We are not here.

Comm. Muhammad: You have to be at the table.

Comm. Kerr: I'm going to adjourn for five minutes.

The Board took recess at 9:30 p.m.

It was moved by Comm. Guzman, seconded by Comm. Hodges that the meeting be reconvened. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

The Board reconvened the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

*Comm. Best leaves the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

Comm. Kerr reported that the Fiscal Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. C-1 through C-30:

Resolution No. C-1

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools District caused an annual audit of the district‟s accounts and financial transactions to be conducted by a public school accountant for the 2008-2009 school year pursuant to NJSA 18A:23-1; and

WHEREAS, said “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report” and “Auditor‟s Management Report” for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, were filed in duplicate with the Office of the Commissioner on November 5, 2009, pursuant to NJSA 18A:23-3; and

WHEREAS, a presentation of the audit with discussion of the district‟s fiscal status, audit findings and recommendations was made to the Board and public by members of the audit firm of Lerch, Vinci & Higgins, LLP, at the board meeting of November 18, 2009; and

WHEREAS, the presentation included a public discussion of the audit results including the district‟s overall financial position, reserved, unreserved and excess surplus fund balances, funding of worker‟s compensation and compensated absences, and the audit findings and recommendations that are addressed in the Corrective Action Plan; and

WHEREAS, the synopsis of the CAFR was distributed to the public at the November 18, 2009 board meeting with copies of the synopsis available at the offices of the School Business Administrator upon request; and

WHEREAS, a Corrective Action Plan has been drafted and disseminated to the board and appropriate parties by the School Business Administrator addressing each of the

Page 47 12/16/09 twelve (12) audit recommendations presented in the Auditor‟s Management Report in response to their recommendations; and

WHEREAS, a Specific Corrective Action Plan has been drafted and disseminated to the board and appropriate parties by the School Business Administrator addressing each of the four (4) repeat audit recommendations presented in the Auditor‟s Management Report in response to their recommendations pursuant to NJSA 6A:23A-4.1; and

WHEREAS, the Corrective Action Plan and Specific Corrective Action Plan were reviewed by, and discussed in detail with, the Paterson Public Schools Board of Education Fiscal Committee;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools Board of Education accepts and approves the “Corrective Action Plan” and the “Specific Corrective Action Plan” for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools hereby incorporates the Synopsis of the Audit with each specific audit recommendation and the resulting Corrective Action Plan and Specific Corrective Action Plan as part of the minutes of this meeting of November 18,2 009, and notes public discussion of same for the minutes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School Business Administrator be directed to forward to the County Superintendent the minutes together with two copies of the CAFR Synopsis, two copies of the Corrective Action Plan, the Specific Corrective Action Plan and certified board minutes adopting the above items; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.

Resolution No. C-2

BE IT RESOLVED, that the list of bills dated November 30, 2009 at 3:42pm, in the grand sum of $15,376,814.93 starting with check number 160033 and ending with check number 160614 to be approved for payment; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each claim or demand has been fully itemized and verified and duly audited as required by law in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:19-2.

Grand Sum: $15,376,814.93

Resolution No. C-3

BE IT RESOLVED, that the list of bills dated December 11, 2009 at 2:23pm, in the grand sum of $319,507.55 starting with check number 160598 and ending with check number 160606 to be approved for payment; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each claim or demand has been fully itemized and verified and duly audited as required by law in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:19-2.

Grand Sum: $319,507.55

Page 48 12/16/09 Resolution No. C-4

WHEREAS, the students of the New Roberto Clemente School in Paterson, NJ want to participate in student activities that will be student-directed, funded through student- generated events and expended on behalf of the students; and

WHEREAS, these activities require the establishment of a Student Activities Account to be held at TD Bank North in Paterson, NJ; and

WHEREAS, the organization and management of this account will be consistent with established Board Policy; and

WHEREAS, the Principal of New Roberto Clemente will be responsible for working with the students and professional staff in implementing the policies adopted by the Board and providing guidance to the students;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Roberto Clemente School is approved to establish a Student Activities Account; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Resolution No. C-5

Approve transfer of funds within the 2008-2009 school year budget for the month of October 2009.

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23A-2.3(d)-(h) requires the Board Secretary and the Board of Education to certify that no budgetary line item account has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District‟s financial obligations; now therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve transfer of funds within the 2009- 2010 school year budget, for the month of October 2009, so that no budgetary line item account has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district‟s financial obligations, as requested by various budget managers, and as identified in the list of transfers attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. Furthermore, the transfers were approved by the Department of Education.

Resolution No. C-6

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools are required by New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23-2.11-5(c).4(iii)-(vi) to prepare monthly Financial Statements; and

WHEREAS, the School Business Administrator has prepared and presented the Board Secretary Report A-148 and the Report of the Treasurer A-149 including the cash reconciliation for the month of October 2009;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public Schools acknowledge receipt of and accept the Monthly Financial Reports for October 2009; and

Page 49 12/16/09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools hereby incorporates the Monthly Financial Reports for the fiscal period ending October 2009, as part of the minutes of this meeting and note the public discussion of same for the minutes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School Business Administrator be directed to forward to the County Superintendent the minutes together with the Monthly Financial Reports; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.

Resolution No. C-7

Early Childhood Corrective Action Plan (OFAC) Barney‟s Educational Center

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District Internal Auditors conducted an audit of the early childhood center “Barney‟s Educational Center” for fiscal year 2007-2008; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District accepts the Internal Auditors‟ audit report of Barney‟s Educational Center in compliance with 6A:23A-5.6, the District responds with a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC) audit report; and

WHEREAS, the auditors noted deficiencies in the quarterly reports as follows: The Provider under spent the budget; the Provider made several minor accounting errors; deficiencies were noted in the review of required staff credentials as follows: the Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) was missing for three (3) terminated employees, the Child Abuse Record Information (CARI) was missing for one (1) terminated employee, and the T/B test results were dated after the hire date for two employees and missing for one terminated employee, the Provider failed to prepare and submit a field trip plan; and

WHEREAS, any school district that has been the subject to an audit by the Department of Education‟s Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance shall discuss the findings of the audit at a public meeting of the District Board of Education no later than 30 days after the receipt of the audit report; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Early Childhood Education has addressed the findings in the Internal Auditor‟s audit report of Barney‟s Educational Center in compliance with 6A:23A-5.6 and addresses the recommendations contained in the report; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Paterson Board of Education has been the subject to an audit by the Paterson Internal Audit Unit and has discussed the findings of the audit at the December 2, 2009 public meeting of the District Board of Education within 30 days of receipt of the audit report; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Paterson Board of Education within 30 days of the December 2, 2009 and/or December 16, 2009 public meeting adopts this resolution certifying that the findings were discussed in a public Board meeting and approved the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) addressing the issues raised in the findings of the audit and will submit this resolution to the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance within 10 days of adoption by the Board of Education; and

Page 50 12/16/09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Paterson Board of Education shall post the findings of the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance audit and the Board of Education‟s corrective action plan on the District‟s web site.

Resolution No. C-8

WHEREAS, the combined Final Expenditures for NCLB FY 2009 and NCLB FY 2008 Carryover are: Title I $15,137,943.00, Title I Part D $5,618.00, Title I SIA, $702,096.00, Title I SIA part g $724,646.00, Title IIA $2,392,195.00, Title IID $81,094.00, Title III $806,819.00, Title IV $194,763.00. Total Expenditures is in the amount of $20,045,174.00; and

WHEREAS, the Total Carry-Over FY 2009 are: Title I $1,705,594.00, Title I SIA $285,469.00, Title I SIA part g $399,005.00, Title IIA $463,290.00, Title IID $55,984.00, Title III $380,298.00, Title IV $46,559.00, Title V $26,119.00. The Total Carryover Dollars is in the amount of $3,362,318.00; and

WHEREAS, the carryover/acceptance in the total amount of $3,362,318.00 is anticipated to be expended within the following categories:

1. Teacher Stipends $2,605,781.00 2. Supplies and Materials $158,979.00 3. Other Prof. Salaries $111,480.00 4. Benefits $220,497.00 5. Purchased Prof. Service $235,350.00 6. Other Purchase Service $30,231.00 $3,362,318.00

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools supports the submission of the NCLB 2009 and 2008 Expenditure Report and the 2009 Carryover Application amount of $3,362,318.00 for project period 9/01/09 – 8/31/10 for the purposes stated above.

Resolution No. C-9

Eleven schools identified in need of improvement were notified in December 2008 that they would receive additional Title I funding to assist them in addressing activities totaling $1,000,000 to improve student performance. This funding is called School Improvement Allocation part g.

WHEREAS, the district is required to submit a NCLB Title I (SIA) School Improvement (part g) final expenditures totaling $187,658.00 for FY 2009. These expenditures are for (7) schools in year 6 and 8 status (schools 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 26) receiving $100,000 and (4) schools in year 5 status (schools 4, 6, 18, 21) were expended in the following categories:

1. Salaries of Teachers $131,340 2. Professional & Technical Services $280,817 3. Supplies and Materials $87,070 4. Benefits $129 5. Purchased Professional Services $94,195 6. Travel $7,444 $600,995

Page 51 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the total Carry-Over FY 2009 Title I (SIA School Improvement (part g) for (11) schools 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 26) totaling $399,005 are to be expended in the following categories:

1. Salaries of Teachers $254,396 2. Purchased Professional Services $73,385 3. Supplies and Materials $9,286 4. Other Objectives $2,500 5. Other Professional Salaries $4,080 6. Benefits $22,277 7. Purchase Technical Services $4,350 8. Other Purchase Services $26,175 9. Travel $2,556 $399,005

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education accepts the 2009 expenditure report and the 2009-2010 carryover report for the grant period of September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010 for the purposes stated above.

Resolution No. C-10

Introduction: The Family Outreach Program was created in 2001 to provide training, supervision and support to Family Workers who provide services to families of children enrolled in State Mandated Universal District early childhood education programs. Recognizing the important partnership between families and early childhood programs in child care centers, the State Mandated Early Childhood Education programs include a Family Worker position for every forty-five (45) children enrolled in a child care center that contracts with their local school district.

The Department of Human Services is utilizing the managing agency (Paterson Public Schools) as a mechanism by which to distribute funds for the family worker salaries, fringe and payroll taxes for the months of July and August 2009. Funds will be distributed to all Paterson State Mandated Preschool Centers.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is continuing its partnership with Paterson State Mandated Preschool Programs to ensure that quality services are available to young children and their families through the support and expertise of the family workers; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Human Services has awarded the Family Outreach Program funds for the payment of family worker salaries, fringe and payroll taxes during the months of July and August 2009 in all participating Paterson State Mandated Individual Preschool Centers; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) has provided the Paterson Public Schools Department of Early Childhood with a sample contract and the Board attorney has reviewed the contract and found it to be acceptable as written; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in contractual agreement to reimburse all participating Paterson State Mandated Universal District Preschool Centers for the salaries, fringe and payroll taxes of family workers; and

WHEREAS, the same was approved and adopted by the Paterson Board of Education under resolution A-40 on August 12, 2009; and

Page 52 12/16/09

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Human Services increased the ceiling for Salary and Fringes for family workers from the originally authorized award for $461,951 to $466,682 and the total contract ceiling from $809,712 to $814,443 to adequately cover reimbursement to Paterson State Mandated Preschool centers; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approve that the District receive an increase in the ceiling for salary and fringes for Family Workers from the originally authorized $461,851 to $446,682 and the total contract ceiling from $809,712 to $814,443 from the New Jersey Department of Human Services.

Resolution No. C-11

WHEREAS, Paterson Public School #3 has been awarded a grant from the New Jersey State Parent Information and Resource Center (NJPIRC) for the 2009-2010 school year in the amount of $300.00 to support parental involvement; and

WHEREAS, a fund 20 account has already been set up for P.S. #3 and the grant allocation will be deposited and used to purchase incentive awards to recognize parent volunteers, as well as to provide refreshments for meetings and training sessions;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the State District Superintendent approves the acceptance of the grant and that a fund 20 account be set up for P.S. #3; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board of Education for advisory purposes.

Resolution No. C-12

WHEREAS, Mrs. Christina Brennan and Mrs. Carolyn Murray of Montclair, New Jersey have established an organization called Common Threads of New Jersey to provide clothing and books for children of needy families; and

WHEREAS, Common Threads of New Jersey wishes to serve children of needy families in Paterson by providing free clothing and books to those identified by school guidance counselors; and

WHEREAS, the donations to be provided by Common Threads of New Jersey will begin as a pilot project in Schools # 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21 and 26; and

WHEREAS, each principal has been notified of the project and how to request clothing and books for children of needy students enrolled in their respective schools; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the acceptance of donations of clothing and books from Common Threads of New Jersey to be distributed by School Guidance Counselors to students of needy Paterson families.

Resolution No. C-13

WHEREAS, Mr. Dempsey Director of the Jazz Program at the William Paterson University at 300 Pompton Road, Wayne seeks to donate children‟s educational books

Page 53 12/16/09 for the Paterson Public Schools Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS # 6 for the students with developing partnerships to tutor music students; and

WHEREAS, the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS # 6 has a William Paterson University professor; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approve the donation of books for educational purposes and continued partnership for music at the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS # 6.

Resolution No. C-14

WHEREAS, Zucker, Goldberg, & Ackerman LLC from 200 Sheffield Street, Suite 101 Mountainside, New Jersey 07092, seek to donate school supplies and fourteen (14) gift cards to be used for uniforms for the students at the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS # 6; and

WHEREAS, Zucker, Goldberg, & Ackerman LLC collected donations for the students to be used for educational purposes; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approve the donation of school supplies for educational purposes for the students at the Academy of Performing Arts @ PPS # 6.

Resolution No. C-15

Resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, authorizing the Department of Purchasing to initiate the competitive contracting process, pursuant to 18A:18A-4.3, for the procurement of Complete Fixed Asset Appraisal Services.

WHEREAS, pursuant to 18A:18A-4.3, Board is allowed to procure specialized goods and/or services through Competitive Contracting; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District desires to procure Complete Fixed Asset Appraisal Services; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages free and open competition for goods and services; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive proposal for goods and/or services price and other factors considered; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, authorizes the Department of Purchasing to initiate the Competitive Contracting process, pursuant to 18A:18A-4.3, to procure Complete Fixed Asset Appraisal Services.

Resolution No. C-16

Resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, authorizing the department of purchasing to enter into a cooperative pricing agreement with The Hunterdon County Educational Services

Page 54 12/16/09 Commission hereinafter referred to as the “lead agency” for the conduct of certain functions relating to the purchase of work materials and supplies for their respective jurisdictions:

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages the use of shared services through State approved cooperative entities; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages open public bidding for goods and services; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, The Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission hereinafter referred to as the “lead agency”, is a Service Cooperative to allow participating governmental and municipal agencies to reduce the cost of purchased goods by leveraging their combined purchasing power at no cost; and

WHEREAS, this resolution shall be known and may be cited as The Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission Cooperative Pricing resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson; and

WHEREAS, the Lead Agency (The Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission) entering into contracts on behalf of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson shall be responsible for complying with the provision of the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and all other provisions of the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S. 40A:11-11 (5) the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson is hereby authorized to enter into a Cooperative Pricing Agreement with the Lead Agency (Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission) for the purchase of work materials and supplies, as needed; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Purchasing of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic and State of New Jersey is hereby authorized to enter into a cooperative pricing agreement with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission for the purchase of work materials and supplies, for the 2009-2010 school year, as needed.

Resolution No. C-17

Resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, authorizing the department of purchasing to enter into a cooperative pricing agreement with The Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC) hereinafter referred to as the “lead agency” for the conduct of certain functions relating to the purchase of work materials and supplies for their respective jurisdictions:

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages the use of shared services through State approved cooperative entities; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages open public bidding for goods and services; and

Page 55 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, The Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC) hereinafter referred to as the “lead agency”, is a Service Cooperative to allow participating governmental and municipal agencies to reduce the cost of purchased goods by leveraging their combined purchasing power at no cost; and

WHEREAS, this resolution shall be known and may be cited as MRESC Cooperative Pricing resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson; and

WHEREAS, the Lead Agency (The Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission) entering into contracts on behalf of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson shall be responsible for complying with the provision of the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and all other provisions of the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S. 40A:11-11 (5) the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson is hereby authorized to enter into a Cooperative Pricing Agreement with the Lead Agency (The Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission) for the purchase of work materials and supplies, as needed; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Purchasing of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic and State of New Jersey is hereby authorized to enter into a cooperative pricing agreement with The Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission for the purchase of work materials and supplies, for the 2009-2010 school year, as needed.

Resolution No. C-18

ACCESS for ELLS Testing Materials and Scoring – 2009-2010 School Year

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) requires and English Language Proficiency Assessment that conforms to the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The NCLB, limited English proficient (LEP) students must be annually assessed to determine the progress they have made in learning English.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in need of “educational goods and services” purchasing and scoring the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs) for Grades K- 12, which is a mandated test by the State Department of Education to identify the English language proficiency level of students; and

WHEREAS, as specified by letter dated 10/27/05 from the Commissioner of Education of the State of New Jersey, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WIDA) Consortium located at 1025 West Johnson Street, Madison WI 53706, of which New Jersey is a member, has contracted with MetriTech, Inc. to provide printing, distributing, scoring and reporting of the test; and

WHEREAS, District Policy 18A:18A-5 Exceptions to requirement for advertising, any contract, the amount of which exceeds the bid threshold, should be negotiated and awarded by the board of education by resolution at a public meeting without public advertising for bids and bidding therefore if s. The subject matter thereof consists of: (5) Library and educational goods and services; and

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WHEREAS, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and

WHEREAS, WIDA held pricing at last year‟s level: $23.00 per student, a processing fee of 2.5% not to exceed $100.00 and score report CD purchase at $100.00; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District awards a purchase to Wisconsin Center for Education Research, c/o MetriTech for materials and scoring of the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs) and to MetriTech for score reports on computer media (CD), for the 2009-2010 school year in the amount not to exceed $106,000.00.

Resolution No. C-19

WHEREAS, the Paterson State District Superintendent‟s contract authorizes the assignment of a school district automobile with a telephone for work-related travel based on the requirement that the Superintendent be available on a 24-hour a day basis as well as commuting to and from work with the value of that automobile subject to the limit imposed by applicable law and regulations for school districts; and

WHEREAS, the district‟s reorganization includes adding a Deputy Superintendent who, based on job duties, may be called on a 24-hour, seven-day a week basis that will also entitle the administrator to a school district automobile for work-related travel as well as commuting to and from work; and

WHEREAS, Board Policy 7650 and Title 6A:23A-6.12 state that “The Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, may authorize at its discretion, by an affirmative vote of the board‟s full membership, the lease, lease-purchase or purchase and assignment of district vehicles for the conduct of official school business, with all changes to vehicle assignments requiring prior written approval of the Superintendent and the authorization of an affirmative majority vote of the full board; and

WHEREAS, no luxury vehicle, one which exceeds the greater of $30,000 or any current dollar limit established in IRS law or regulation, shall be purchased, lease-purchased or leased by the district, and, if a vehicle is assigned to the superintendent, it may be a full- size or intermediate, four-door sedan of the non-luxury class;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, as allowed by law, on the recommendation and written approval of the Paterson State District Superintendent, the district will enter into the most cost-efficient acquisition (lease, lease purchase or purchase) of a 2010 Chevrolet Impala 4 door automatic full size sedan at a purchase price not to exceed $20,000 for use by the State Superintendent and to recommend and approve the transfer of the district‟s 2006 4-door compact Taurus SEL from the State Superintendent‟s use to that of the Deputy Superintendent upon receipt of the Chevrolet Impala; and

Page 57 12/16/09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Resolution No. C-20

TerraNova Testing Materials – 2009-2010 School Year

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District uses the TerraNova as the summative assessment for Grades K-2 for Language Arts and Mathematics; and

WHEREAS, District Policy 18A:18A-5. Exceptions to requirement for advertising, any contract, the amount of which exceeds the bid threshold, should be negotiated and awarded by the board of education by resolution at a public meeting without public advertising for bids and bidding therefore if a. The subject matter thereof consists of: (5) Library and educational goods and services; and

WHEREAS, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District awards a purchase to CTB/McGraw Hill for the 2009-2010 school year pursuant to 18A:18A-5, for TerraNova testing materials in the amount not to exceed $52,905.64.

Resolution No. C-21

The Paterson Public Schools‟ Child Study Teams will implement EasyIEP® a web- based IEP system developed by Public Consulting Group (PCG) under contract with NJDOE and available at no cost to the district. EasyFax is an adjunct to the EastIEP® system that wick allow the district to convert paper documents into electronic student records on the EasyIEP® system, including all signed documents.

WHEREAS, an EasyFax Agreement must be signed to continue EasyFax services from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010; and

WHEREAS, EasyFax service allows schools to convert paper documents into electronic documents by telefax for storage with other electronic student records in the EasyFax system; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District wishes to use the EasyFax service; and

WHEREAS, the EasyFax service 3,000-page Monthly Plan has been selected with an Annual Fee of $10,000.00; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approve EasyFax Agreement with Public Consulting Group (PCG).

Resolution No. C-22

WHEREAS, Entrinsik, Inc. is a distributor of Informer, a web based reporting tool; and

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WHEREAS, Paterson Public School District currently utilizes Informer as a reporting tool to the student information system; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves to support increased licensed count on Entrinsik Informer for web reporting connectivity to Keystone software from 11/09/09 to 6/30/10 at a cost of $4,800.00.

Resolution No. C-23

Resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, to award a contract(s) for Student Transportation: PPS- 504-10, for the 2009-2010 school year(s), pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District encourages open public bidding for goods and services; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the lowest responsible bid for goods and services; and

WHEREAS, on the authorization of the Business Administrator formal public bids were solicited for Student Transportation: PPS-504-10 for the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The Herald News on November 9, 2009. Sealed bids were opened and read aloud on November 19, 2009 at 10:30 am in the Conference Room, 1st floor, 90 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503 by Kim Johnson, Purchasing Specialist. Fourteen (14) vendors requested bid specification, thirteen (13) responded; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation as per the bid analysis, recommend that the bid for Student Transportation Services from September 2009 through June 2010 be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder; and

WHEREAS, the vendors have been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, awards contracts for Transportation Services, PPS-504-10, for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution, to award bid contract(s) for Student Transportation, PPS-504-10, for the 2009-2010 school year, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A, shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Special Needs $102,984.00 Regular Transportation $72,250.36 Regular Transportation $21,315.00

Total approximate cost for the 2009-2010 school year: $196,549.36

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Resolution No. C-24

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for Paterson, Out of District Special Education pupils and for out of district Private Non Profit students for the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has agreed to jointure with other neighboring districts through the Sussex County Regional Co-op, c/o Hopatcong Board of Education, 2 Windsor Avenue, Hopatcong, New Jersey 07843 and the District agrees to the terms if the contract for the 2009-2010 school year; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District ratifies the action of the State District Superintendent in renewing the following jointure contract for the 2009- 2010 school year with Sussex County Regional Co-op, c/o Hopatcong Board of Education as listed:

Route Destination Route Cost Admin Fees Start Date Q-068 Willow Glen Academy 16,992.40 679.70 10/29/2009

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide jointure transportation for special needs students to Willow Glen Academy an out of district school program on route Q-068 with the Sussex County Regional Co-op, c/o Hopatcong Board of education, shall take effect wit the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Route Cost $16,992.40 Administrative Fees $679.70

Resolution No. C-25

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for Paterson resident students to Out of District Special Education programs at Godwin School and Hackensack High School for the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has agreed to jointure with the Passaic County Education Services Commission, 45 Reinhardt Road, Rocco Building, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 and the District agrees to the terms of the contract for the 2009-2010 school year; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District ratifies the action of the State District Superintendent in jointuring the following contracts for the 2009-2010 school year with the Passaic County Education Services Commission, 45 Reinhardt Road, Rocco Building, Wayne, New Jersey 07470:

Page 60 12/16/09 Route Destination Route Cost Admin Fees Start Date 3027 Godwin School 8424.24 252.73 11/9/09-6/10 2084 Hackensack HS 7211.21 216.34 11/9/09-6/10

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide jointure transportation for special needs students to the Godwin School, Midland Park, New Jersey and Hackensack High School, Hackensack, New Jersey, out of district school programs, with the Passaic County Education Services Commission, 45 Reinhardt Road, Rocco Building, Wayne, New Jersey 07470, shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Jointure Account $15,635.45 Administrative Account $469.07

Approximate cost for the 2009-2010 school year: $16,104.52

Resolution No. C-26

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for Paterson, Out of District Special Education pupils and for out of district Private Non Profit students for the 2009-2010 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has agreed to jointure with the Passaic County Education Services Commission, 45 Reinhardt Road, Rocco Building, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 and the District agrees to the terms of the contract for the 2009-2010 school year; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District ratifies the action of the State District Superintendent in renewing the following jointure contracts for the 2009- 2010 school year with the Passaic County Education Services Commission as listed:

Route Destination Route Cost Admin Fees Start Date 3061 Washington Academy 3799.16 113.97 10/26/2009

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide jointure transportation for special needs students to Washington Academy, an out of district school program on route # 3061 with the Passaic County Educational Services Commission, shall take

Page 61 12/16/09 effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Route Cost $3,799.16 Administrative Fees $113.97

Resolution No. C-27

WHEREAS, after formally bidding for the 2009-2010 school year, the Paterson Public School District identified a need to provide temporary transportation for students to an in district school, for which the district does not have a bid contract; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Title 6A:27-9.12, the district solicited a minimum of three quotations for unanticipated transportation services and has created transportation route # T177 in order to be compliant to the students‟ educational needs with results as listed below:

Route #T177 – Martin Luther King 11/4/2009 60 # of Days $13,620.00 8:20am-3:00pm In-District Special Needs AIDE NEEDED

Contractor Vehicle Per Diem Aide Mileage Adj. Total Per Diem AKA School 187.00 40.00 1.00 227.00

BE IT RESOLVED, the State District Superintendent supports the Department of Transportation recommendation in the awarding of temporary contract to the lowest quote submitted to transport students for transportation to Martin Luther King School as listed above; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide temporary transportation to an in district school, Martin Luther King School for which the district did not have a bid contract for the 2009-2010 school year, shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Approximate cost for the 2009-2010 school year: $13,620.00

Resolution No. C-28

WHEREAS, after formally bidding for the 2009-2010 school year, the Paterson Public School District identified a need to provide temporary transportation for a displaced student to an in district school, for which the district does not have a bid contract; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Title 6A:27-9.12, the district solicited a minimum of three quotations for unanticipated transportation services and has created transportation route # T178 in order to be compliant to the student‟s educational needs with results as listed below:

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Route #T128 – School # 7 11/17/2009-1/8/2010 30 # of Days $2,940.00 8:20am-3:00pm In-District Special Needs (displaced) NO AIDE

Contractor Vehicle Per Diem Aide Mileage Adj. Total Per Diem Trans Ed 98.00 42.00 2.00 98.00

BE IT RESOLVED, the State District Superintendent supports the Department of Transportation recommendation in the awarding of temporary contract to the lowest quote submitted to transport students for transportation to Public School No. 7 as listed above; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide temporary transportation for a displaced student to an in district school, Public School No. 7 for which the district did not have a bid contract for the 2009-2010 school year, shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Approximate cost for the 2009-2010 school year: $2,940.00

Resolution No. C-29

Resolution is to comply with purchasing laws in the process of purchasing Custodial Services District Wide, PPS-101-10 RE-BID for the period of December 29, 2009 to June 30, 2011.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for complying with the New Jersey purchasing laws for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Facilities determined that the district has a need for Custodial Services District Wide and provided the specifications for the formal public bid process for the period of December 29, 2009 to June 30, 2011; and

WHEREAS, twenty-five (25) vendors were mailed/e-mailed bid specifications (the list is available for review in the Purchasing Department), which four (4) responded to the district‟s solicitation; and

WHEREAS, a pre-bid meeting was held on October 28, 2009 at 11:00AM in the conference room of 90 Delaware Avenue, 4th floor, to address any questions on the specifications; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The Record and The Herald News on October 26, 2009. Sealed bids were opened and read aloud on November 10, 2009 at 11:00AM in the Conference Room, 4th floor, 90

Page 63 12/16/09 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department resulting in the following:

Custodians Services – Straight Time Custodians Services W/Black Seal – Straight Time Vendor Rate Rate Vendor Rate Rate (09-10) (10-11) (09-10) (10-11) ABM $17.04 $17.41 ABM $18.12 $18.64

Custodians Services – Overtime Custodians Services W/Black Seal – Weekdays/Saturday Overtime Weekdays/Saturday

Vendor Rate Rate Vendor Rate Rate (09-10) (10-11) (09-10) (10-11) ABM $23.85 $24.38 ABM $25.37 $26.10

WHEREAS, the Department of Facilities recommends that ABM Janitorial Services Northeast, Inc. be deemed as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to the District and be awarded a contract for Custodial Services District Wide, PPS-101-10 RE-BID for the period of December 29, 2009 to June 30,2011 based on the above analysis; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the State District Superintendent supports the Department of Facilities recommendation above that ABM Janitorial Services Northeast, Inc., located at 708 W. Colfax Avenue, Suite B, Kenilworth, NJ 07033 be awarded a contract for the Custodial Services District Wide, PPS-101-10 RE-BID as listed above; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this bid have completed with all Affirmative Action requirements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

ABM Janitorial Services Northeast, Inc. (1st Year – From December 29, 2009 to June 30, 2010) – Six Months NOT TO EXCEED: $3,800,000.00

ABM Janitorial Services Northeast, Inc. (2nd Year – From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011) NOT TO EXCEED: $7,300,000.00

Resolution No. C-30

Resolution of the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, for “Delaware Café” Management and Catering Services, RFP-010-10, from January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2012:

Page 64 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive proposal for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, on the Authorization of the Business Administrator the competitive contracting process NJSA 18A:18A-4.3, using the request for proposal (RFP) document was solicited for “Delaware Café” Management and Catering Services RFP-010-10 from January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2012. Eleven (11) potential vendors were mailed/e- mailed RFP specifications, out of which two (2) vendors responded as follows:

Ray‟s Food, Inc. Baskinger‟s Clifton, NJ Paterson, NJ

WHEREAS, the proposal submitted by Baskinger‟s was not responsive to the bid requirements and therefore their proposal was disqualified; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The Record and The Herald News on September 15, 2009. There was a pre-proposal conference on September 30, 2009. Sealed proposals were opened and read aloud on October 6, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room, 4th floor, 90 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department; and

WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee Members, consisting of representatives from the Business Office, Department of Purchasing and Facilities for “Delaware Café” Management and Catering Services, RFP-010-10, it is recommended that this contract be awarded to Ray‟s Food & Ice Cream, Inc., as follows:

Monthly Fee for the Delaware Café Management: January 2009 through June 30, 2012 $400.00 per month plus an additional $400.00 for utilities per month (Paid to the District)

WHEREAS, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, awards a contract for “Delaware Café” Management and Catering Services RFP-010-10 from January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2012 to the below mentioned vendor who submitted a proposal which is deemed to be the most advantageous to the District price and other factors considered; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent.

Ray‟s Food and Ice Cream, Inc. 228 Harding Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011

It was moved by Comm. Guzman, seconded by Comm. Muhammad that Resolution Nos. C-1 through C-30 be adopted. On roll call all members voted as follows:

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Comm. Guzman: Yes.

Comm. Hodges: I abstain from anything having to do with the YMCA. My vote is yes on the rest.

Comm. Inoa: I abstain from anything having to do with the City of Paterson. My vote is yes for the rest.

Comm. Muhammad: Yes.

Comm. Rodriguez: Yes.

Comm. Kerr: Yes.

The motion carried.


Comm. Hodges: On your desk is the facilities committee report. The meeting was on December 14 and in attendance for the Board were Comm. Muhammad and myself. Absent were Mr. Best and Mr. Gonzalez. We got some continued confirmations on the dates of completion of International High School. The atrium is due to be completed on September 1. Pending the receipt of a permanent CO September 1, what remains to be completed are some control room issues at the auditorium and of course in the atrium the repair has to be effected. The Marshall Street groundbreaking is for January 7. Completion date is September 2011. The Madison Avenue K-Center TCO is obtained and the structure is now being reviewed by the district. Hopefully we will have habitation in January, Dr. Evans?

Dr. Evans: In January.

Comm. Hodges: School 25 swing space which will permit the renovation of that building is under discussion. At School 24 the gym windows have not been repaired as yet. The SDA is reviewing the matter. The white board repair continues to be less than optimal and we are hoping to get that reviewed and changed. The playground/park is completed. We are hoping that it will be presented to the community in a formal process. We are trying to work out the hours of operation so that we can move forward. I am not going to go through the rest of the report. I will leave that for your attentions. We have four items before us in terms of Resolutions D-1 through D-4. Is there any discussion?

Comm. Hodges reported that the Facilities Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. D-1 through D-4:

Resolution No. D-1

WHEREAS, the PPS District is committed to insuring the health and safety of all students, parents, visitors, staff, and everyone who enters any of our schools. The Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Office is dedicated to making the PPS District a model of health and safety; and

Page 66 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the PPS District accepts the Written Reviewed and Revised Hazard Communication Program issue number 7. This is the requirement of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 12:100-10.7; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, PPS District accepts the submission of the written Hazard Communication Program for Paterson City Public Schools dated November 12, 2009 in fulfillment of the requirement of N.J.A.C. 12:100-10.7.

Resolution No. D-2

Renewal Application for Temporary Classroom Units (TCUs) 2009-2010 – TCUs

WHEREAS, NJAC 6A:26-8.1 establishes the rules for the use of Temporary Classroom Units (TCU) for public school students; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District uses Temporary Classroom Units (TCU) at the locations listed below:

1. Eastside High School 2. John F. Kennedy High School

WHEREAS, the Temporary Classroom Units used at these locations are provided and owned by the New Jersey Schools Development Authority; and

WHEREAS, it is required that application for use are to be renewed each school year;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of Paterson Public Schools hereby authorizes the New Jersey Schools Development Authority to submit applications for the renewals; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the purpose of the application is for the continued use of the Temporary Classroom Units (TCU) at the locations listed above for the 2009-2010 school year, consistent with Board approved Corrective Action Plan.

Resolution No. D-3

WHEREAS, Underground Storage Tanks were closed in 1993 and 1994 at the Rutland Resource Center; and

WHEREAS, the tank closures were considered completed, and a “No Further Action” letter was issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for the tanks only on August 31, 1998. However, soil contamination related to historic fill was noted at that time on the subject property; and

WHEREAS, the District was directed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to address the soil contamination in a letter dated July 11, 2007; and

WHEREAS, the District entered into a “Memorandum of Agreement” with NJDEP to address the soil contamination, and retained Ransom Environmental to perform the required Remedial Investigation and develop a Remedial Action Workplan (RAW), which has been approved by the NJDEP; and

Page 67 12/16/09 WHEREAS, the RAW consists of the excavation of contaminated soils and capping remaining soil with certified clean soil, and these activities will need to be publicly bid in accordance with New Jersey Public School Contracts Law; and

WHEREAS, the cost estimate for this work is approximately $500,000; and

WHEREAS, Ransom Environmental has submitted a proposal with a not-to-exceed amount of $107,950.00 to perform all professional services related to the completion of this project, including private utility mark-outs, technical specification development, daily project oversight and air monitoring, and final project reporting; and

WHEREAS, Ransom has managed this project to date in a manner that has been satisfactory to both the District and the NJDEP;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that proposal #070170D, dated October 21, 2009, from Ransom Environmental in the amount of $107,950.00 be accepted by the District, as a professional service, and that a Purchase Order in that amount be issued to Ransom Environmental so that this work may begin as soon as possible.

Resolution No. D-4

Board Authorization for the Submission of Schematic Documents for the New Public School 16 (PS-16) to Department for Educational Adequacy

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Paterson Public Schools is required to, upon its review, authorize the issuance of Schematic Documents for the New Public School 16 Elementary School (PS-16) to the New Jersey Department of Education for review and approval; and

WHEREAS, the New Public School 16 Elementary School (PS-16) Construction Project is being funded and administered by the New Jersey Schools Development Authority; and

WHEREAS, the reviewed project is consistent with the approved School Model;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of Paterson Public Schools hereby authorizes the New Jersey Schools Development Authority and its agents to deliver Schematic Documents to the New Jersey Department of Education for its Educational adequacy review.

It was moved by Comm. Inoa, seconded by Comm. Muhammad that Resolution Nos. D-1 through D-4 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.


Comm. Muhammad: The Policy Committee met on Monday, November 23. Our meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Board members in attendance were Comm. Hodges, Comm. Inoa, Comm. Taylor and I. Dr. Evans was the district representative in attendance.

Each Board member received the detailed report at the workshop meeting.

Page 68 12/16/09 Our agenda centered on updating the 2000 series to coincide with the district‟s regulations. There were nine (9) policies on the agenda, and one that was introduced as a new policy.

The policies were:

2412 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition (M) 2415 No Child Left Behind Programs (M) (policy & regulation) 2415.01 Academic Standards, Academic Assessments and Accountability (M) 2415.20 No Child Left Behind Complaints (M) 2423 Bilingual and ESL Education (M) 2430 Co-Curricular Activities (M) (policy & regulation) 2431 Athletic Competition 2440 Summer School 2481 Home or Out-of-School Instruction for General Education Pupils (M)

The newly introduced policy will probably be entitled “ACADEMIC STANDARDS IN GRAMMAR, NUMERATION AND WRITING.”

After an extensive review of these policies, there were quite a few revisions, such as combing some of the policies and title changes. So it was suggested that all these revisions be made and brought back to the committee.

Dr. Evans wants to do further review of the Administrative Code as well.

Because of all the revisions, we decided to withhold first reading until the January meeting.

Our meeting adjourned at approximately 5:05 p.m.

That is my report. Are there any questions?

Items Requiring Acknowledgement of Review and Comments


Comm. Kerr reported that the Personnel Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution No. F-1:

Resolution No. F-1

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent recommends the appointment, salary adjustments, transfers, leave of absence approvals, dismissals, contract renewals of tenured and non-tenured employees; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of Paterson Public School District has reviewed the recommendation of the State District Superintendent; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education has made comments as appropriate; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education communicated its expectations that such recommendations are made on a timely basis and include the proposed appointment, transfer, removal or renewal of tenured and non-tenured,

Page 69 12/16/09 certificated and non-certificated personnel in compliance with contractual and/or statutory requirements;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education acknowledges reviewing and making comments based on the personnel recommendations of the State District Superintendent adopted at the December 16, 2009 Board Meeting.


F.1 Motion to acknowledge that the board of the Paterson Public Schools has reviewed the recommendation of the State District Superintendent and made comments as appropriate on the personnel recommendations by the Chief School Administrator including any appointments, transfer removals or renewal of certificated and non-certificated officers and employees. Further, the advisory board communicates its expectations that such recommendations are made on a timely basis and include the proposed appointment, transfer, removal or renewal of tenured and non-tenured, certificated and non-certificated personnel in compliance with contractual and/or statutory requirements. In addition, the State District Superintendent recommends the submission of the County Superintendent applications for emergent hire and the applicant’s attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. Seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-4 et. Seq.


NATURE OF POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION ACTION To abolish pc# 88 Guidance Counselor No. 15 To create pc# Guidance Counselor New Roberto To accommodate Clemente School student population. To create pc# Instructional Assistant Roberto Clemente (Bilingual) School To create pc# In-School No. 6/ Academy of Suspension/Remediation Performing Arts To create pc#s (2) Bilingual Assistant No. 9 To create pc# ESL Teacher No. 12 To create pc# Instructional Assistant No. 3 (Bilingual) To create pc# Music Teacher No. 7 (.5) No. 12 (.5) To create (3) pc#’s (1) Resource Teacher Eastside HS (1) School Social Worker Eastside HS (1) School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS To create pc# Grade 5 Literacy Teacher No. 24 To accommodate No. #27 students, which are currently being bused to No. 24.


Page 70 12/16/09 NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Berkstresser, Lisa Special Education Martin Luther King 9/4/09 Teacher School Bishop, Theresa Home School No. 12 10/21/09 Community Liaison Cheong, May Home School 14th Avenue Early 9/1/09 Community Liaison Learning Center Destefano, Maryann Nurse No. 21 10/6/09 Glueck, Richard Business Education John F. Kennedy HS 10/23/09 Teacher Khairullah, Mohamed Business Education Public Safety 9/1/09 Teacher Academy


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Kiblawi, Fuad School Doctor Department of Nursing 10/5/09 Services La Motta, Tara Art Teacher Garrett Morgan 9/1/06 Academy Loyola, Milene Guidance Counselor No. 15 9/1/09 Malyska, Mary English Teacher Sports Business 11/10/09 Academy Moussab, Michael Physical Education B.U.I.L.D. Academy 11/16/09 Teacher Roberts-Laut, Megan Physical Education International High 11/24/09 Teacher School Taveras, Rosely Cafeteria Monitor No. 27 10/21/09



NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Brown, Herbert Chief Custodian Department of Facilities 9/15/09 & Maintenance Campos, Vivian Social Worker John F. Kennedy HS 10/1/09 Del Valle, World Language John F. Kennedy HS 1/1/10 Waldetrudis Teacher Harsell, Patricia Social Worker No. 2 10/1/09 Horowitz, Milt Math Teacher Academy of Education 9/1/09 (Rescinded) & Training Krieger, Donna Academic Support No. 28 11/1/09 Teacher


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Blasica, Norma Instructional Assistant Edward W. Kilpatrick 9/1/09 School

Page 71 12/16/09 Burrell, Francette Lead Monitor No. 6/ Academy of 10/19/09 Performing Arts Correa, Noralba World Language No. 12/17 10/14/09 Teacher Reece, Dwayne Cafeteria Monitor Alexander Hamilton 9/18/09 Academy



POSITION LOCATION DATE OF LEAVE NAME Caputo, Jennifer Grade 3 Teacher Edward W. Kilpatrick 1/14/10-2/26/10 School Cedeno, Mariel Administrative Secretary Department of Language 9/15/09-9/30/09 Arts


NAME POSITION LOCATION DATE OF LEAVE Decroce, Nadia Grade 4 Teacher No. 12 11/17/09-12/18/09 Donza, Kerry Grade 2 Language Arts No. 27 10/19/09-2/19/10 Teacher Martinez, Joy Social Worker Edward W. Kilpatrick 1/18/10-2/24/10 School Masri, Suad Special Education Martin Luther King School 10/1/09-10/23/09 Teacher Moussa, Nancy Special Education Dale Avenue School 10/16/09-12/31/09 Teacher Quiroa, Marlen Foreign Language Academy of Education & 11/1/09-11/27/09 Teacher Training Reed, Alexandra English Teacher Eastside High School 10/23/09-2/15/10 Safwat, Yasser Foreign Language Rosa Parks High School 10/12/09-11/13/09 Teacher Simmons, Charlene Science Teacher John F. Kennedy High 9/23/09-12/1/09 School Sucorowski, Christine Science Teacher No. 10 9/23/09-11/9/09 Van Santen, Frank Carpenter Department of Repairs & 8/3/09-9/2/09 Maintenance Wagner, Tania Bilingual Teacher No. 18 12/9/09-4/9/10 Wilkins, Anna English Teacher Silk City Academy 9/1/09-10/23/09 Zizza, Maria Grade 2 Teacher New Roberto Clemente 11/2/09-2/5/10 School


NAME POSITION LOCATION RETURNED DATE Adkins, Shakira Special Education Teacher No. 28 9/1/09 Andreanidis, Elenh Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 9/1/09 Belizaire, Leiah Grade 2 Teacher No. 13 9/1/09 Bynum, Kimyetta Grade 2 Teacher No. 10 9/1/09 Campos, Jenny Personal Assistant No. 12 9/1/09 Cedeno, Mariel Administrative Secretary Department of 10/1/09 Language Arts Dubester, Michele Instructional Literacy Coach No. 9 9/1/09 Eatman-Michel, Language Arts Teacher No. 10 9/1/09 Angelique Gazabon, Johcelyn Nurse’s Assistant Department of Early 9/1/09 Childhood Hallal Fabbricato, Bilingual/ESL Teacher No. 18 9/1/09 Tania Kosak, Sharon Grade 2 Teacher No. 9 9/1/09 Krill, Michele Instructional Literacy Coach No. 24 9/1/09 Langston, Webster Special Education Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy 7/1/09 Lee, Vera Social Studies Teacher John F. Kennedy HS 9/1/09 Van Santen, Frank Carpenter Department of Repairs 9/3/09 & Maintenance


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE REPLACING DATE Abdalla, Fairda Cafeteria Monitor No. 9 10/13/09 $7.75/hr. Funding Source 11000262100000064 Aslo, Najat Cafeteria Monitor Charles J. Riley 11/13/09 $7.75/hr. School/ No. 9 Funding Source 11000262100000064 Beckford, Dwayne Art Teacher No. 6/Academy of 11/2/09 $50,511/BA+30/ Performing Arts Step 1 Funding Source 15120100101006 Timika Massey Grade 5 Teacher No. 10 10/26/09 Replacing Bynum, $53,162/MA/ Step 4 Kimyette Funding Source due to RIF 15120100101010 Caputo, Anthony Chief Custodian A No. 3 $43,835/ Step 9 Funding Source 11000262100 Carroll, Rufus Cafeteria Monitor No. 10 10/28/09

Page 73 12/16/09 $7.75/hr. Funding Source 11000262107000064 Connors, Erin Grades 1-5 Teacher No. 6/ Academy 11/16/09 $50,511/BA+30/ Performing Arts Step 1 Funding Source 15120100101006 Coviello, Dana M. Grades 6, 7, & 8 No. 27 11/9/09 $48,662/BA/ Step 3 Literacy Teacher Funding Source 15130100101027 Cusack, Amanda Sheltered Dale Avenue 11/2/09 $50,511/BA+30/ Instruction/General School Step 1 Education Funding Source 15240100101041 Dorrman, Jaclyn Special Education No. 5 10/27/09 $52,641/MA/ Step 3 Teacher Funding Source 15213100101005 El-Sgerbini, Physical Education International HS 11/9/09 Mohammad Teacher $48,662/BA/ Step 3 Funding Source 15140100101055


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE REPLACING DATE Garcia, Karla Kindergarten New Roberto 10/01/09 $48,062/BA/ Step 1 Teacher Clemente School Funding Source 15110100101316 Gayle, Lorna Cafeteria Monitor International High 10/21/09 $7.75/hr. School Funding Source 110002621000000640 Gillman, Jonathan Instrumental Music No. 10 11/2/09 $48,062/BA/ Step 1 Teacher Funding Source 15130100101007 (.5) 15130100101010 (.5) Grassano, Becky Float School Nurse Department of 11/19/09 $50,203/BA/ Step 6 Nursing Funding Source 11000213100000122 Grullon, Johanny World Language No. 26 10/26/09 Replacing David $55,202/BA+30/ Teacher Vitale who resigned.

Page 74 12/16/09 Step 11 Funding Source 15130100101026 Heske, Anay ESL Teacher No. 15 11/9/09 $52,041/MA/ Step1 Funding Source 15240100101015 Ingram, Dahjia Dance Teacher No. 6/Academy of 10/26/09 $52,641/MA/ Step 3 Performing Arts Funding Source 15130100101006 Jiminez, Miguel Physical B.U.I.L.D. 10/26/09 Replacing Michael $48,062/BA/ Step 1 Education/Health Academy Moussaub who Funding Source Teacher resigned. 11424100101 LaVorne, Jason Physical No. 24 10/26/09 $48,062/BA/ Step 1 Education/Health Funding Source Teacher 15130100101024 Leo, Jessica Grade 5 Literacy No. 24 10/26/09 $52,041/MA/ Step 1 Teacher Funding Source 15120100101027

Mandara, Penny Special Education Dr. Frank Napier 11/16/09 $49,182/BA/ Step 4 Teacher School of Funding Source Technology 15201100101004 Maneri, Melissa Grade 7 Math New Roberto 10/26/09 $48,062/BA/ Step 1 Teacher Clemente School Funding Source 15130100101316


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE REPLACING DATE Mankofsky, Linda ESL Teacher No. 12 11/2/09 $58,283/MA/Step 12 Funding Source 15240100101024 McDowell, Erika Drama Teacher No. 6/Academy of 10/26/09 $52,041/MA/ Step 1 Performing Arts Funding Source 15130100101006 Moore, Onya Cafeteria Monitor No. 20 11/13/09 $7.75/hr. Funding Source 11000262107000064 Muldrow, James Cafeteria Monitor No. 20 10/13/09

Page 75 12/16/09 $7.75/hr. Funding Source 11000262107000064 Rana, Falguni Grades 1-5 Science No. 6/Academy of 11/9/09 $50,511/BA+30/ Teacher Performing Arts Step 1 Funding Source 15130100101006 Reardon, Kimberly Grade 6 Math No. 5 11/9/09 $51,223/BA/ Step 8 Teacher Funding Source 15130100101005 Reynoso, Ivette World Language PANTHER 11/30/09 Replacing Karen $48,362/BA/ Step 2 Teacher Academy Reynoso-Botero Funding Source 15424100101054 Riley, Rosemarie Library Media No. 6/ Academy 11/9/09 $55,712/MA/ Step 9 Specialist of Performing Funding Source Arts 150002221000006 Rowe, Ahmad Cafeteria Monitor Alexander 10/28/09 $7.75/hr. Hamilton Funding Source Academy 152091001011008 Santos, Yuvetti Home/School Liaison No. 11 10/26/09 Replacing Christiana $10.50/hr. Gonzalez Funding Source 15000211173011 Smith, Kenneth Grades 6-8 Science No. 6/Academy of 10/26/09 $48,662/BA/ Step 3 Teacher Performing Arts Funding Source 15130100101006 Stitzer, Mimi Special Education No. 7 11/2/09 $50,511/BA+30/ Teacher Step 1 Funding Source 15204100101007


NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE REPLACING DATE Suero, Manuel SCL/Attendance International High 10/19/09 Replacing Dina $11.50/hr. Officer School Melani Funding Source 15000211100055 Vazquez, Alina Academic Support No. 7 10/26/09 $52,641/MA/ Step 3 Teacher Funding Source 202311001766530000

Page 76 12/16/09 000001 Wechtler, Michele School Nurse No. 7 11/30/09 $50,203/ BA/ Step 6 Funding Source 15000213100007 Weiner, Jason Grades 5/6 No. 24 11/30/09 $52,141/BA+30/ Language Arts Step 5 Teacher Funding Source 15120100101024

West, Anita Teacher Assistant to Paterson 10/26/09 $63,902/MA/ Step 3 Principal Academy High Funding Source School 15424100101057 (.4) 15424100101061 (.3) 15424100101056 (.3)


NAME FROM: POSITION FROM: LOCATION TO: POSITION TO: LOCATION Alford, Vonward Personal Assistant Eastside HS Instructional Alternative Middle Assistant School Bauernschmidt, Grade 1 Teacher No. 2 Grade 1 Teacher No. 5 Deidre Bosquez, Marisol SCL/Attendance HARP Academy SCL/Attendance HARP Academy Officer Paterson Pre- Officer (.3) Collegiate Paterson Pre- Teaching Collegiate Teaching (.2) Bugg, Sharieff Instructional Eastside HS Personal Assistant No. 7 Assistant Bynum, Kimyetta Grade 5 Teacher No. 10 Grade 2 Teacher Urban Leadership Academy Calatayud, Ruth Special Education No. 2 Special Education No. 2 Teacher (pc# Teacher (pc# 6554) 6319) Cameron, Yvonne Home School Silk City Academy Home School No. 13 Community Community Liaison Liaison Carr, Patricia Guidance No. 6 Guidance No. 13 Counselor Counselor


NAME FROM: POSITION FROM: LOCATION TO: POSITION TO: LOCATION Caserta, Sandra Guidance No. 13 Guidance No. 14 Counselor Counselor Castaneda, Lissett Personal Assistant No. 7 Personal Assistant No. 8 Collazo, Eva Cafeteria Monitor No. 12 Cafeteria Monitor No. 29

Page 77 12/16/09 Collucci, Aileen Speech Therapist No. 2 Speech Therapist STARS Academy Colon, Petronilla Personal Assistant Edward W. Instructional No. 3 Kilpatrick School Assistant Cruz, Jocelyn Personal Assistant Dale Avenue Instructional Roberto School Assistant (Bilingual) Clemente School Deyo, Trecia Personal Assistant No. 28 Instructional No. 28 Assistant Francis, Ashona Personal Assistant No. 1 Instructional No. 9 Assistant (Bilingual) Guzman, Bilingual General Dale Avenue Bilingual General No. 27 Magdeline Education Teacher School Education Teacher Haney-Miller, Guidance No. 14 Guidance No. 13 Tanya Counselor Counselor Hernandez, Julia Cafeteria Monitor No. 5 Cafeteria Monitor No. 26 Hinton, Reganne Grades 4 No. 6/ Academy of In-School No. 6/ Academy Language Arts Performing Arts Suspension/ of Performing Literacy Teacher Remediation Arts Kaplan, Rosemarie Grade 6 Math No. 2 Grades 6-8 Math No. 2 Teacher Teacher Leftwich, Lurena Personal Assistant No. 21 Personal Assistant No. 24 Martinez, Ana Bilingual Teacher No. 27 Bilingual Teacher Dale Avenue School Palamone, Gary Special Education No. 2 Special Education No. 2 Teacher ( pc# Teacher (pc# 6319) 6554) Pauldo, Donell Personal Assistant No. 10 Instructional No. 10 Assistant Shawa, Dalal Instructional Dale Avenue Instructional No. 9 Assistant School Assistant (Bilingual) Slota, Nicole Personal Assistant No. 28 Instructional New Roberto Assistant Clemente School Terry, Janet Social Worker No. 10 (.8) Social Worker No. 10 (.6) Dale Avenue Dale Avenue School (.2) School (.4) Wallen, Annette Special Education No. 2 Special Education No. 2 Teacher Autism Teacher Resource Willoughby, Ruth Personal Assistant No. 30 Personal Assistant Norman S. Weir School Wise, Steven SCL/Attendance No. 4 SCL/Attendance No. 4 (.3) Officer No. 28 Officer No. 28 (.2) Young, Rosalind Social Worker Norman S. Weir Social Worker No. 6/ Academy School (4.) of Performing No. 6/ Academy of Arts Performing Arts (.6)




Page 78 12/16/09 Byrd, Mable Cafeteria Monitor No. 12 Request to remove from the edumet database based on no payroll history. Caldwell, Keith Social Studies Alternative Middle To pay compensation for Teacher School breakfast duty at the Alternative Middle School not to exceed a thirty-minute breakfast duty period school day. Not to exceed $3,094.00. Collado, Francesca Personal Assistant Department of Early To correct funding for two Childhood visually impaired students. Not to exceed $27,000.00. Cozart, David Principal No. 8 To correct the salary guide placement for the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years. PPA Salary Guide, CMA30, Step 4, retroactive to July 1, 2007 at the salary of $96,220.00. PPA Salary Guide, CMA30, Step 5, as of July 1, 2008 at the salary of $100,220.00. This action is necessary since Mr. Cozart was erroneously held at CMA30, Step 3 of the PPA Salary Guide for the 2007- 2008 school. Not to exceed 12,000.00. DeLeon, Efrain Head Custodial Department of To compensate to PCMA Worker Operations contract page 51 to Head Custodial Worker Chief C. The title is being changed to reflect correct title per the building square footage. Annual stipend is to equal $10,000 effective 7/1/2009. DePeri, Dana Special Education Dale Avenue School Compensation for the Teacher breakfast program for the year 2009-2010. $34.00 per hour. 182 days x .5 x $34- $3,094.00 not to exceed $ 3,094.00. Harper, Naaja Student Worker Out-of-District No longer working in the district.


NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Hatchell, Lucinda Special Education Eastside HS In accordance with the 9/3/09 Teacher decision rendered by Arbitrator Timothy Hundley regarding

Page 79 12/16/09 P.E.A. Grievance No. 07-55, advance the following staff member to BA+30 salary guide, retroaction February 1, 2009. Not to exceed $3,659.00. Nunez, Jose Instructional Eastside HS To return from RIF to the Assistant position of Substitute Teacher for the 2009-2010 school year. Ove, Libby School Secretary No. 8 Full and final settlement of P.E.A. Grievance No. 08-49, on Step 15 (max step) of school secretaries’ salary guide ($46,631) retroactive to July 1, 2008. For the 2009- 2010 school year, Ms. Ove shall be paid on step 15 ( max step) of the school secretaries’ salary guide ($47,601). Not to exceed $5,603.00. Ramirez-Veras, Steffani Personal Assistant Edward W. Kilpatrick Rescind the reduction in force School effective October 21, 2009 to reflect no break in service. Ms. Ramirez will be reinstated as a Personal Assistant at Edward Kilpatrick School replacing Petronilla Colon. Santiago, Kathy Cafeteria Monitor No. 8 To remove from our current position control roster. Ms. Santiago was an employee who was assigned as a Cafeteria Monitor during the 2007-08 school terms. Sumter, Kenneth Technology Eastside HS To approve stipend to perform Coordinator various technical tasks in support of the Parent Awareness Day, October 24, 2009. Program will run for (5 hours) @ $34.00/per hr. a total not to exceed $170.00. Tobdzic, Elizabeth Home School Eastside HS To recommended for Community Liaison reappointment for 2009/10 school year by the building administrator.


NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Van Hoven, Scott Music Teacher John F. Kennedy HS To hire as Vocal Coach at John F. Kennedy HS from

Page 80 12/16/09 October 15, 2009 to June 30, 2010 @ $34.00 per hour/five (5) days a week/ 2 hours per day not to exceed $4,500.00. Weaver, Lisa School Secretary No. 6/Academy of To adjust current salary of Performing Arts $68,629 and increase it 4% effective 7/1/09.

No Child Left Behind for 2009-2010 American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for 2009-2010

NAME POSITION LOCATION Adorna, Gisela Interdisciplinary Coach No. 29 Albert, Louise Interdisciplinary Coach No. 6/Academy of Performing Arts Almaita, Nadia Academic Support Teacher No. 3 Artigliere, Louise Ann Interdisciplinary Coach No. 19 Ashley, Steven Academic Support Teacher No. 20 Barbieri, Karen Interdisciplinary Coach Edward Kilpatrick School Barreto, Belen District Wide Instructional Department of Bilingual Coach Batista, Jose Academic Support Teacher No. 11 Bendziewicz, Frank Instructional District Wide Department of Curriculum & Coach Instruction Bivins-Hudson, Phyllis Interdisciplinary Coach Alexander Hamilton Academy Boatner, Patricia Academic Support Teacher No. 25 Botti, Francis Academic Support Teacher Norman S. Weir School Bray, Ruth Academic Support Teacher Roberto Clemente School Bunch, Vanessa Academic Support Teacher No. 4 Cantatore, Angela Interdisciplinary Coach B.U.I.L.D. Academy Cece, Lorraine Interdisciplinary Coach No. 26 Cepero, Adrian Teacher Specialist Department of Curriculum & Instruction Chadderton, Cheryl Academic Support Teacher 14th Avenue Early Learning Center Chlupsa, Sheila Interdisciplinary Coach No. 12 Clinton, Carmen Academic Support Teacher No. 3 Cobb, Lori Academic Support Teacher Dale Avenue School Cosenza, Cathy Academic Support Teacher No. 19 Crotty, Lou Ann Interdisciplinary Coach No. 14 Davidoff, Francine Academic Support Teacher No. 11 De Nicola, Gayle Academic Support Teacher No. 12 Del Rosso, Irene Interdisciplinary Instructional Department of Academic Coach Support Dickinson, Geralyne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 21 Dixon, Henry System Analyst Department of Academic Support Donnelly, Joan Interdisciplinary Coach Early Learning Center 14th Avenue

Page 81 12/16/09 Dubester, Michele Interdisciplinary Coach No. 9 Eckardt, June Interdisciplinary Coach No. 25


NAME POSITION LOCATION Ewan, Caroline Academic Support Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Ferrera, Celeste Academic Support Teacher No. 29 Forsatz, Mary Academic Support Teacher No. 13 Galitz, Bairis Academic Support Teacher Urban Leadership Academy Gallina, Dianne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 28 Garcia, Romona Interdisciplinary Coach No. 18 Garner, Vermadeine Interdisciplinary Coach No. 1 Gavel, Nancy Helen Interdisciplinary Coach No. 13 Glaubach, Shirley Interdisciplinary Coach No. 3 Goodreau, Jenna Interdisciplinary Instructional Department of Academic Coach Support Goulis, Vicki Academic Support Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Harvey, Rebecca Academic Support Teacher No. 5 Hilbert, Freida Academic Support Teacher No. 28 Irizarry, Giovanna Interdisciplinary Coach Dale Avenue School Iuele, Michele Academic Support Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Kazmark, Lauren Supervisor Language Arts Department of Curriculum & Instruction Knehr, Tobi Interdisciplinary Coach No. 10 Kochis, Sharon Academic Support Teacher No. 25 Krill, Michele Interdisciplinary Coach No. 24 Lachapel Jr., Jose Academic Support Teacher No. 2 Lagos, Virgina Interdisciplinary Coach New Roberto Clemente School Lepore, Kathleen Supervisor of Substance Department of Substance Awareness Awareness Leprotto, Linda Interdisciplinary Coach Norman S. Weir School Liguori, Anna Academic Support Teacher No. 6/ Academy of Performing Arts Liguori, Patricia Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Locke, Gizelle Academic Support Teacher No. 28 Lopez, Miriam District Wide Instructional Department of Bilingual Coach Margaret, Colmane Academic Support Teacher No. 5 Marino, Laurinda L. Interdisciplinary Coach No. 2 McDowell, Kemper District Wide Coordinator Parent Resource Department McKeon, John Academic Support Teacher No. 27 McKinney, Joann Academic Support Teacher No. 14 Metaxas, Linda Academic Support Teacher No. 20 Monnett, Linda Academic Support Teacher No. 7 Montalvo, Mildred Interdisciplinary Coach No. 8

Page 82 12/16/09 Montanez-Diodonet, Sandra Interdisciplinary Coach No. 4


NAME POSITION LOCATION Moskal, Karen Academic Support Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Nolton, Gail Academic Support Teacher No. 18 Paradise, Joanne Academic Support Teacher No. 18 Pelosi, Gail Academic Support Teacher No. 2 Penny, Lois Interdisciplinary Coach Urban Leadership Academy Piroino, Donna Interdisciplinary Coach No. 9 Polizzotto, James Academic Support Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Portelli, Lisa Academic Support Teacher No. 1 Pudup, Michael Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Rando, Linda Interdisciplinary Coach Martin Luther King School Reavis, Alma Academic Support Teacher No. 24 Rinaggio, Karen Academic Support Teacher No. 2 Rinbrand, Samantha Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Roman, Elizabeth Academic Support Teacher Dale Avenue School Roman, Madeline Director of Academic Department of Academic Program/NCLB Support Romaniello, Annette Interdisciplinary Coach No. 5 Rotger De Parra, Jazmin Interdisciplinary Coach No. 15 Route, Rita Interdisciplinary Instructional Department of Curriculum & Coach Instruction Schumpp, Debra Academic Support Teacher No. 8 Serrano, Vanessa Interdisciplinary Coach No. 20 Shadiack, Christine Academic Support Teacher No. 25 Stansfield, Lenora Academic Support Teacher No. 15 Strumolo, Maribeth Academic Support Teacher No. 12 Suarez, Rogelio Supervisor of Bilingual Department of Bilingual Sullivan, Marguerite Instructional District Wide Department of Curriculum & Coach Instruction Terranova, Lauren Interdisciplinary Coach No. 9 Tssimpedes, Joanna Interdisciplinary Coach No. 27 Turco, Barbara Interdisciplinary Coach No. 7 Ursetti. Ana Interdisciplinary Coach Roberto Clemente School Van Splinter, Jane Grant Analyst Academic Support/No Child Left Behind Vancheri, Michele Interdisciplinary Coach No. 11 Veloz, Noreen Academic Support Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Walker, Lynne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 18 Walker, Madeline Academic Support Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Weil, Arleen Academic Support Teacher No. 24 Williamson, Kimler System Analyst Department of Academic Support

Page 83 12/16/09 Wood, Nakia Academic Support Teacher No. 13 Zangara, Judy Academic Support Teacher No. 3

Action to revise breakfast time for the 2009-2010 school year. Program will begin at 7:20 am- 8:10 am. Effective immediately.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Flagg, Michele Music Teacher No. 25 Hammam, Inea (substitute) Instructional Assistant No. 25


To hire one (1) part time teacher and one (1) one part time supervisor as substitute supervisors for the Paterson Adult & Continuing Education building, to be available if the current supervisor is absent. From account # 13.602.200.10010.053.0000.000 at $40/hr. for 4 hrs./day on day the current Supervisor is absent.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Hoover, Nora Supervisor Department of Curriculum and Instruction Kellett, Kathi Principal of High School Adult School Academics

To adjust annual salaries for Army JROTC for 2009

NAME POSITION SALARY LOCATION Branwell, Mauricio Instructional Assistant $5,423 monthly x 10 Eastside High School months = $54,232 Solis, Abelito Instructional Assistant $6004 monthly x 10 Eastside High School months = $60,041

To hire forty-three (43) New Jersey Youth Corps Students to receive incentive stipend for participating in community service learning activities according to the guidelines for funded programs FY 2009-2010. For the amount not to exceed $22,575.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Annamanthodo, Joyce New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Arbelo, Michael New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Arredono, Danny New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Ayala Jr. Gerardo New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Beason, Kaseem New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Beauchamp, Martha New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Caceres, John Carlos New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School

Page 84 12/16/09 Student Capellan, Carolyn New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Clarke, Cassandra New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Coleman, Jamere New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Cooper, Ayesha New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Delgado, Crystal New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Ellis, Prescellia New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Espino, Michael New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Garcia, Luis New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Gil, Fermin New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Givens, Brittany New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Gonzalez, Vanessa New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Goodwin, Calvin New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Grady, Omar New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Guerrero, Jennifer New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Gurnari, Nicolle New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Hamdan, Mohammed New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Holland, Ayana New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Javier, Juan New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Jimenez, Katherine New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Lucero, Jonathan New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student


NAME POSITION LOCATION Mallegni, Jennifer New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Matta, Michael New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Nicoll, Stephanie New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School

Page 85 12/16/09 Student Palma, Alexayra New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Pariona, Katherine New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Primus, Tamir New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Ramos, Jennifer New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Randolph, Tashonda New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Restrepo, Christal New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Robinson, Getzmir New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Rodriguez, Diana New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Rosado, Tiffany New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Sinclair, Francoise New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Taylor, Nakeya New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Vega, Evan New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student Wheeler, Omar New Jersey Youth Corps Adult School Student

To compensate teachers for the professional development needed for implementation of the Synergistics Labs in John F. Kennedy, International & Eastside High Schools, Frank Napier School (4) and School No. 3. Not to exceed 1810 hours. Not to exceed $61,540.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Acheril, Matthew Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Aguilar, Mario Math Teacher Eastside HS Agyeman, Nana Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Algea, Yolanda Grades 6-8 Bilingual/ESL No. 3 Teacher Ali, Syed Muhammad Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Babones, Elizabeth Math Teacher Eastside HS Bigirimana, Alexis Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Braico, Cosmo Grade 7 Math/Grades 7 & 8 No. 3 Social Studies Teacher Bruins, Maureen Grades 6-8 Science Teacher No. 3 Bussanick, Claire Math Teacher Eastside HS Carlton, Barnswell Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Cella, Richard Science Teacher International High School Chavez, Emelio Math Bilingual Teacher Eastside HS Chowhan, Mary Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS

Page 86 12/16/09 Compesi, JoAnn Special Education Teacher International High School DiGiacomo, Mark Grades 6-8 Math Teacher No. 4 Diodonet Montanez, Sandra Interdisciplinary Coach No. 4 Ejimadu, Iheanyi Special Education Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Gamarra, Santiago Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Goldberg, Alan Grades 7 & 8 Science Teacher No. 4 Graber, Christopher Technology Coordinator No. 3 Graham, Timothy Grades 5-8 Science Teacher No. 4 Harris, Darryl Technology Coordinator John F. Kennedy HS Hatchell, Lucinda Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Hernandez, Ivette Grades 6 & 8 Math Teacher No. 3 Hodges, Tantanya Math Teacher Eastside HS


NAME POSITION LOCATION Holder, Charla Grades 6 & 8 Math Teacher No 4 Horta, Christina Grades 5-8 ESL Teacher No. 3 Huamanchumo, Eloy Math Bilingual Teacher Eastside HS Khalil, George Academic Support Teacher International High School Levante, Wayne Math Teacher International High School Levine, Gina Grade 1 Teacher John F. Kennedy HS LoConte, Sarah Special Education Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Lowe, David Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Lyons, Monique Grade 6-8 Math Teacher No. 4 Mankovich, Lucy Grades 6-8 Science Teacher No. 4 McGinnis, Richard Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS McKee, Robert Industrial Arts Teacher No. 4 Molina, Sarai Math Teacher Eastside HS Moran, Florencio Grade 6 Math Teacher No. 3 Morris, Ann Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Nordan, Musa Special Education Teacher John F. Kennedy HS O’Blige, Connie Grade 7 Math Teacher No. 4 Peltekov, Ivaylo Grades 6-8 Math Teacher No. 4 Perez, Axel Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Persad, Abigail Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Poling Wilson, Susan Science Teacher International High School Racannillo, Kristine Math Teacher Eastside HS Ring, James Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Rowland, Donald Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Rugys, Barbara Supervisor/Department Head John F. Kennedy HS Saad, Amal Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Scott, Marquetta Technology Coordinator No. 4 Smith, Mary Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Sumter, Kenneth Technology Coordinator Eastside HS Taherisefat, Morteza Supervisor Department Head Eastside HS Uriel, Zea Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Vargas, Anny Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Veloz, Omar Technology Coordinator International High School

Page 87 12/16/09 Vizcaino-Diaz, Kathryn Grade 6 Language Arts No. 4 Teacher Vysotsky, Julie Special Education Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Warburton, Robert M. Special Education Teacher No. 4 Williams, Alrick Math Teacher Eastside HS Williams, Syreena R. Grade 8 Math Teacher No. 4 Willis, Nicholas Math Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Windish, Ruth Special Education Teacher No. 3 Wong, Elvin Math Teacher Eastside HS Zannelli, Gerald Special Education Teacher Eastside HS


Requesting approval for thirty-seven (37) teachers to be paid time: 9:00 am- 3:00 p.m. (5 hours) @ $34.00 per hour - $170.00. $170.00 x 37 = $6,290.00 Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009. The training will highlight strategies used in the Wilson Reading Program Just Words. Not to exceed $6,290.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Abbood, Deborah Kindergarten Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Almaita, Nadia Academic Support Teacher No. 3 Bacallao, Cindy Special Education Teacher No. 10 Barth, Jacqueline Kindergarten Teacher No. 10 Blank, Cathy Grade 2 Teacher No. 12 Carlin, Adriana Grade 1 Teacher No. 29 Cheon-Fadul, Barbara Bilingual/ESL Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Darden, Samantha Grade 5 Teacher No. 13 Dickinson, Geralyne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 21 Ekici, Nurcan Kindergarten Teacher No. 15 Errity, Maureen Grade 2 Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Frullo, Denise Grade 1 Teacher No. 13 Garcia, Victoria Grade 3 Teacher Martin Luther King School Gibbs, Nicole Special Education Teacher Martin Luther King School Harris, Carmela Academic Support Teacher No. 4 Hewitt, Makeiba Grade 3 Teacher No. 10 Hilbert, Tyeshia Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Hodges, Faith Ann Grade 4 Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Kownaki, Debra Grade 3 Teacher No. 13 Loder, Sharon Special Education Teacher No. 15 Martinez-Ruiz, Ana Bilingual Teacher No. 27 McCoy, Latoya Grade 3 Teacher Martin Luther King School McDonald, Myra Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Medina, Wanda Grade 5 Teacher No. 27 Mills, Greta Grade 2 Teacher No. 26 Newby, Paulette Special Education Teacher No. 6/Academy of Performing Arts Polanco, Eileen Bilingual/ESL Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Precel, Jill K. Grade 4 Teacher No.2

Page 88 12/16/09 Quince, Kaela Grade 4 Teacher No. 10 Rinaggio, Karen Academic Support Teacher No. 2 Rindbrand, Samantha Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Santana, Lymaris Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Szalay, Kristina Grade 3 Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Tavarez, Gilma World Language Teacher No. 6 Veloz, Noreen Academic Support Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Vroegindewey, John Grade 1 Teacher No. 28 Winters, Lorraine Special Education Teacher No. 10


Requesting approval for thirty-two (32) Teachers to be paid on 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (5 hours) @ $34.00 per hour = $170.00. $170.00 x 32 - $5,440.00 on Saturday, October 10, 2009. The training highlighted strategies used in the Wilson Reading Program Just Words. Not to exceed $5,440.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Abbood, Deborah Kindergarten Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Almaita, Nadia Academic Support Teacher No. 3 Bacallao, Cindy Special Education Teacher No. 10 Blank, Cathy Grade 2 Teacher No. 12 Carlin, Adriana Grade 1 Teacher No. 29 Cheon-Fadul, Barbara Bilingual/ESL Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Darden, Samantha Grade 5 Teacher No. 13 Dickinson, Geralyne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 21 Ekici, Nurcan Kindergarten Teacher No. 15 Errity, Maureen Grade 2 Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Frullo, Denise Grade 1 Teacher No. 13 Garcia, Victoria Grade 3 Teacher Martin Luther King School Gibbs, Nicole Special Education Teacher No. 30 Harris, Carmela Academic Support Teacher No. 4 Hewitt, Makeiba Grade 3 Teacher No. 10 Hilbert, Tyeshia Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Hodges, Faith Ann Grade 4 Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Kownacki, Debra Grade 3 Teacher No. 13 Martinez-Ruiz, Ana Bilingual Teacher No. 27 McDonald, Myra Grade 4 Teacher No. 30 Medina, Wanda Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Mills, Greta Grade 2 Teacher No. 26 Polanco, Eileen Bilingual/ESL Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Precel, Jill, K. Grade 4 Teacher No. 2 Quince, Kaela Grade 4 Teacher No. 10 Rinaggio, Karen Academic Support Teacher No. 2 Rinbrand, Samantha Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Santana, Lymaris Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Szalay, Kristina Grade 3 Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Tavarez, Gilma World Language Teacher No. 6

Page 89 12/16/09 Vroeginewey, John Grade 1 Teacher No. 28 Winters, Lorraine Special Education Teacher No. 10

To process payment for three (3) employees for sick days due to retirement effective 10/1/09, as per the contractual agreement for the 2009-2010 school year. Not to exceed $36,032.06.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Campos, Vivian Social Worker John F. Kennedy HS Harsell, Patricia Social Worker No. 2 Solaro, Joan Instructional Assistant No. 27

Approval requested to move pc numbers from program 20.250.(IDEA-B) to 20.450 (IDEA-B ARRA)


Approve individuals as Substitute Secretaries for the 2009-2010 school year. They are to be utilized throughout the district on an as needed basis at a rate of $100.00 per day.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Buie, Maggie Substitute Secretary District Pelt, Ann Substitute Secretary District

To compensate eight (8) teachers from School No. 18 for participation in the 2008-2009 Professional Learning Community Project for hours worked for the period of 3/30/09-6/30/09 at a rate of $34.00 per hour. Not to exceed $3,060.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Garcia, Lourdes Grade 6 Bilingual Teacher No. 18 Garcia, Silva Grade 8 Bilingual Teacher No. 18 Lavy, Melissa Science Teacher No. 18 Margarits, Melissa Grade 5 Language Arts No. 18 Teacher Mullen, Christine Special Education Teacher No. 18 Oliverios, Erika Grade 7 Bilingual Teacher No. 18 Rodriguez, Carlita Special Education Teacher No. 18 Walker, Corisa Library Media Specialist No. 18

Approval requested to hire the following John F. Kennedy HS students eleven (11) as Apple Care Students Workers. 11 x students x 2 hours per day x 165 days = 3630 hours x $7.50 = $27,225.00 not to exceed $27,225.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Cobb, Tashon New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Colon, Michael New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Gaskins, Devante New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Mack, Quinton New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS

Page 90 12/16/09 Student Worker Millet, Victor New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Ortiz, Jefry New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Shannon, Joshua New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Thompson, Danaisha New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Valenti, Miguel New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Vega, Maverick New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker Williams, Dwan New Jersey Youth Corps John F. Kennedy HS Student Worker


2009 SIA Parta Allocation Extended Day Program to hire nine (9) teachers at School No. 15 at $34/hr. x 5 hours/week x 22 weeks (110 days) = $33,660.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Ekici, Nurcan Kindergarten Teacher No. 15 Hernandez, Norma Bilingual Teacher No. 15 Lee, Linette Grade 4 Teacher No. 15 Loder, Sharon Grade 4 Teacher No. 15 Mendoza-Maiorano, Fidelina Grades K-2 Bilingual/ESL No. 15 Teacher Reyes, Amy Grades 6-8 Language Arts No. 15 Teacher Rothman, Jodie Grade 3 Teacher No. 15 Ruiz, Mildred Grades 6-8 Language Arts No. 15 Teachers Szalay, Paulette Grades 6-8 Science Teacher No. 15

To compensate three (3) District Wide Instructional Coaches to coordinate extended day and extended week academic support programs. Start date November 1, 2009- June 30, 2010 (3) Teachers at $34.00 x 300 hours (Up to and not to exceed 300 hours) = $39,600. Also to compensate (1) one Interdisciplinary Math Coach to coordinate extended day/week academic support program. (1) Teachers at $34.00 x 40 hours (Up to and not to exceed 40 hours) = $1,360.00 Not to exceed $31,960.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Alonso-Zottarelli, Irene District Wide Instructional Department of Curriculum Coach and Instruction Bendziewicz, Frank District Wide Instructional Department of Curriculum Coach and Instruction Goodreau, Jenna District Wide Instructional Department of Curriculum Coach and Instruction

Page 91 12/16/09 Route, Rita Interdisciplinary Instruction Department of Curriculum Coach and Instruction

2009 SIA Parta Allocation Extended Day Program to hire (3) three Instructional Assistant at School No. 15 at $24/hr. x 5 hours x 5 hours/week x 22 weeks (110 days) = $7,920.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Escobar, Erica Instructional Assistant No. 15 Pou, Taina Instructional Assistant No. 15 Torres, Doris Instructional Assistant No. 15


To provide stipend payment for four (4) staff members to serve on the local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) in the amount of $34.00 per hour for a total of 20 hours each starting October 1, 2009 through June 25, 2010 for the 2009-2010 school year. The LPDC will focus on the District Professional Development Plan, school-based plans, Staff Development Needs Assessment Survey, and Professional Learning Communities. 4 teachers x 20 hours x $34.00 per hour. Not to exceed $3,000.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Flagg, Michele Music Teacher No. 25 Leonard-Kunzig, Carol Grade 5 Math Teacher No. 25 Ollo, Michael Social Studies Teacher Rosa Parks High School Patsel, Debra Technology Coordinator No. 7

Compensation for (189) One hundred and eighty-nine Secretaries according to PEA Contract for attending Secretarial Training Workshops to be held during the 2009-2010 school year at International High School from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Compensation rate is $40 per workshop. 180 Secretaries x 5 sessions @ $40.00 = $37,800.00. Not to exceed $ 37,800.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Ackerman, Nancy School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Alford, Brenda School Secretary Eastside HS Alvarado, Mercy Senior Inventory Specialist Office Central Storage Andrews, Mamie Secretary Administrative Department of Facilities & Service Aponte, Elizabeth Medical Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Bacote, Sylvia Purchasing Specialist Department of Purchasing Balough, Marjorie School Secretary Roberto Clemente School Banchs, Lillian School Secretary No. 13 Barca, Santina Senior Specialist Secretary Assistant Superintendent Academic Program/No Child Left Behind Barrett, Peter Inventory Specialist Office Central Storage Barrise, Renee Administrative Secretary Account Payable Bencosme, Yohanna Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Berriors, Aurea Secretary Specialist Department of Curriculum and

Page 92 12/16/09 Instruction Bivins, Joan Executive Secretary Urban Leadership Academy Bonilla, Evette School Secretary Garrett Morgan Academy Brown, Lisa School Secretary HARP Academy Cabreja, Tana Secretary-CU Department of Pupil Personnel Services Canales, Ruth Administrative Secretary Adult School Cancel, Donna School Secretary No. 5 Canto, Dory Secretary Specialist Department of Payroll Carnemolla, Josephine School Secretary Silk City Academy Carter, Doreen Administrative Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Casiano-Joseph, Jacqueline Secretary Senior Specialist Department of Facilities & Maintenance Cedeno, Mariel School Secretary Adult School Cefalo, Lucia School Secretary Adult School Cevalos, Gina School Secretary No. 25 Chalas, Carmen School Secretary No. 21


NAME POSITION LOCATION Chestnut, Beverly Administrative Secretary Department of Staff Development Conley, Dwaune School Secretary Eastside HS Conyers Bland, Stephanie Administrative Secretary Department of Staff Development Cook, Latonya Administrative Secretary Dentist office Cooper, Lakeysha School Secretary No. 10 Copeland, Selma Administrative Secretary Department of food Services Cosby, Rona School Secretary No. 20 Davis, Sylvia School Secretary Eastside HS DeFenza, Trudy Ann Administrative Secretary Department of Food Services DeJesus, Lucy School Secretary No. 5 DeLeon, Janet School Secretary No. 16 Del Rio, Carmen School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS DeLeon, Jannilka Senior Specialist Secretary Department Pupil Personnel Services Diaz, Cresie Administrative Secretary School Choice DiChellis, Alana School Secretary International HS Dickson,Thelma Jean Administrative Secretary Office Central Storage Dolan, Donna School Secretary Rosa Park High School Dowd, Rae Anne School Secretary No. 4 Drobenak, Debra Administrative Secretary Department of Early Childhood Durkin, Priscilla School Secretary No. 21 Easton, Camille Administrative Secretary Department of Special Services Echevarria, Marybell Administrative Secretary Department of Bilingual

Page 93 12/16/09 Ellerbee, Lisa Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Special Services Ellerbee, Yvonne School Secretary Eastside HS Estrada, Yolanda School Secretary No. 15 Everett, Joyce Senior Grants Specialist Department of Special Secretary Services Fabian Ruiz, Vianel School Secretary PANTHER Academy Fabor, Claretta Registrar Eastside HS Faradin, Lillian Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Payroll Foster, Jennifer Senior Grants Specialist Department of Curriculum and Secretary Instruction Franco, Maribel Administrative Secretary Department of Early Childhood Freeman, Valerie School Secretary No. 12 Garcia, Janet School Secretary Martin Luther King School Garcia-Colon, Rosa M. School Secretary No. 1 Gilmore, Alethia School Secretary No. 12 Glover, Karen School Secretary Eastside HS Gonzalez, Felicia Administrative Secretary Department of Early Childhood Gonzalez, Iraida School Secretary No. 9 Maria L. Gonzalez School Secretary No. 3 Gonzalez, Yolanda Registrar John F. Kennedy HS Gonzalez, Zoraida School Secretary No. 26 Gonzalez-Flores, Elizabeth Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Granados, Patricia School Secretary Eastside HS Grecco, Jan Administrative Secretary Department Facilities and Maintenance Griffin, Monica School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS


NAME POSITION LOCATION Guerrero, Yuvelky School Secretary Eastside HS Gutierrez, Rosaicela Benefit Specialist Department of Payroll Hamer, Phyllis School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Harper, Donna Administrative Secretary Department Facilities and Maintenance Harris, Vanessa Secretary-CU No. 6/ Academy of Performing Arts Harrison, Sandra School Secretary No. 20 Hayek, Beverly Ann Senior Grant Specialist Assistant Superintendent Secretary Academic Program/No Child Left Behind Hernandez, Jadira School Secretary Alternative HS Hodges, Rozia School Secretary Eastside HS Hughes, Alicia Secretary-CU Department of Pupil Personnel Services

Page 94 12/16/09 Hughes, Sylvia Secretary-CU Department of Substance Awareness Huntington, Joyce School Secretary International HS Hutman, Margaret School Secretary No. 25 Iacobelli, Anna School Secretary Dale Avenue School Iannacone, Carl School Secretary No. 19 Jackson, Virginia School Secretary Eastside HS James, Sarah School Secretary No. 12 Johnson, Kim Purchasing Specialist Department of Purchasing Jones, Donna Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Jones, Patricia School Secretary Alexander Hamilton Academy Jones, Valerie School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Kaprelian, Suzanne School Secretary No. 9 Lawson, Crystal Specialist Secretary Department of Payroll Lee, Renee Executive Secretary Parent Resource Center Liggians, Cynthia School Secretary No. 13 Liguori, Florence School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Liz, Yomari School Secretary Eastside HS Loffredo, Pierina Specialist Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Logan, Tennelle School Secretary No. 15 Lopez, Elva School Secretary No. 9 Lopez, Lillian Specialist Secretary Department Account Payable Maldonado, Ivonne School Secretary Adult School Marino, Donna School Secretary PANTHER Academy Martin, April Administrative Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction McCombs-Re’Voal, Sharon School Secretary No. 28 McDonald, Omar Roy Administrative Secretary Department of Community Services McElveen, Loretta Administrative Secretary Department of Transportation Mcleod, Cory School Secretary International HS Mcleod, Evelyn Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Special Services Mcleod, Shawnee Specialist Secretary Department of Security Mercado, Yoany School Secretary Dale Avenue School


NAME POSITION LOCATION Merkerson, Leslie Renee Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Account Miller, Joyce School Secretary New Roberto Clemente Mitchell, Alba School Secretary No. 18 Moore, Barbara Secretary Data Entry Department of MIS Operation Morgan, Chanese School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Munoz, Llicerda Secretary Data Entry Department of Transportation Operator

Page 95 12/16/09 Munoz, Monica Inventory Specialist Office Central Storage Nealy, Sharon Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Pupil Personnel Services Ortiz, Marta School Secretary STARS Academy Ortiz, Rafaela School Secretary Martin Luther King School Ortiz, Sylvia School Secretary Eastside HS Ove, Libby School Secretary No. 8 Ownes, Annette School Secretary No. 2 Pagan, Loida School Secretary Eastside HS Pallero, Fiordaliza School Secretary Martin Luther King School Pellettere, Betty Jean School Secretary Norman S. Weir School Pena, Ibelka School Secretary No. 27 Pena, Tairis Administrative Secretary Department of Nursing Pierce, Sharice School Secretary 14th Avenue Early Learning Center Richardson, Laurice School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Richardson, Rosa School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Rivera-Lugo, Tamara School Secretary No. 2 Rivero, Mirta Secretary-CU Department Early Childhood Robledo, Migdalia School Secretary No. 18 Robles, Gloria Administrative Secretary Department of Student Attendance/Special Investigation Rodriguez, Ana School Secretary Eastside HS Rodriguez, Angela School Secretary No. 27 Rodriguez, Annette Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Transportation Rodriguez, Eliza Administrative Secretary Department of Early Childhood Rodriguez, Luz Administrative Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Rollins, Rhonda School Secretary No. 28 Roman, Maribel School Secretary No. 14 Rooney, Gail School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Rosado, Maria Senior Specialist Secretary Department Curriculum & Instruction Rubolino, Barbara Specialist Secretary Department of Business Ruiz, Elisa School Secretary No. 24 Sanchez, Marta Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Network Technology Sanchez, Rosario School Secretary Adult School Sanchez, Yomara School Secretary Edward W. Kilpatrick School Sanderson, Charlotte School Secretary No. 26 Santiago, Maria Administrative Secretary Department of Community Services Schumann, Nancy Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Payroll Serrano, Eveline School Secretary No. 29

Page 96 12/16/09 MISCELLANEOUS (CONT.)

NAME POSITION LOCATION Shipp, Debra Specialist Secretary Department of Account Sims, Responda School Secretary B.U.I.L.D. Academy Smart, Francine Administrative Secretary Department of Curriculum and Instruction Smith, Nikki School Secretary Martin Luther King School Smith, Tameka Data Entry Operator Secretary Department of MIS Stamps, Monique School Secretary Paterson Pre-Collegiate Teaching Sumter, Deborah School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Surita, Dorothy Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Transportation Tigney-Gerald, Sabrina Coordinator Specialist Senior Department Pupil Personnel Services Timmerman, Denise School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Tomasini, Rose Marie Ann School Secretary New Roberto Clemente School Torcicollo, Annmarie Secretary-Cu Department of Community Services Torres, Marilyn School Secretary John F. Kennedy HS Torres, Milagros School Secretary No. 8 Valdivia, Daisy Administrative Secretary MPACT Academy Van Rensalier Fairley, Gail Senior Specialist Secretary Department Business Vargas, Dahiana School Secretary No. 11 Volino-Ayala, Danielle Specialist Secretary Department of Technology Wade, Darlene School Secretary No. 7 Wade, Patricia Registrar Rosa Park HS Washington, Sandy Registrar International HS Watson, Lenora School Secretary Great Falls Academy Weaver, Lisa School Secretary No. 6/ Academy of Performing Arts Williams, Bonnie Administrative Secretary Department of Pupil Personnel Services Williams, Denise School Secretary Rosa Parks HS Williams, Sheila Senior Specialist Secretary Department of Payroll Williams, Tanya School Secretary No. 10 Williams, Yvonne School Secretary Eastside HS Younge, Jacqueline Executive Secretary Urban Leadership Academy Zaledzieski, Toni School Secretary Sports Business Academy Zuniga, Ana Administrative Secretary Department Bilingual

Requesting approval for thirty-four (34) Teachers to be paid. Time 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (5 hours) @ $34.00 per hour = $170.00 $170.00 x $34.00 = $ 5,780.00. Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009. The training will highlight strategies used in the Foundations- Introductory and Response to Intervention. Not to exceed $5,780.00.

Page 97 12/16/09 NAME POSITION LOCATION Anton, Lauren Grade 3 Teacher No. 13 Bacallao, Cindy Special Education Teacher No. 10 Blank, Cathy Grade 2 Teacher No. 12 Brooks, Millie Grade 3 Teacher No. 26 Bruno, Kathy Grade 4 Teacher No. 24 Cheon-Fadul, Barbara Bilingual/ESL Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Cobb, Lori Academic Support Teacher Dale Avenue School


NAME POSITION LOCATION Cronin, Kathleen Kindergarten Teacher Dale Avenue School Davis, Sharon Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Dias, Melaika Grade 3 Teacher Urban Leadership Academy Dickinson, Geralyne Interdisciplinary Coach No. 21 Galitz, Bariris Academic Support Teacher Urban Leadership Academy Hernandez, Norma Bilingual Teacher No. 15 Hewitt, Makedia Grade 3 Teacher No. 10 Hilbert, Tyeshia Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Kincherlow, Lakisha Grade 6 Teacher No. 26 Kownacki, Debra Grade 3 Teacher No. 13 Martinez-Ruiz, Ana Bilingual Teacher No. 27 McDonald, Debbie Grade 1 Teacher No. 15 Menchon, Norma Grade 1 Bilingual/ESL No. 2 Teacher Mulvaney, Bridgette Grade 3 Teacher Urban Leadership Academy Mumbi-Gaku, Jane Grade 3 Teacher No. 26 Nero, Tiaheshia Kindergarten Teacher No. 28 Osborne, Carrie Grade 2 Teacher No. 26 Paternoster, Pamela Academic Support Teacher Martin Luther King School Polanco, Eileen Bilingual/ESL Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Reynolds, Karen Grade 1 Teacher No. 19 Rinbrand, Samantha Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Rivers, Andre Grade 1 Teacher No. 25 Rothman, Jodie Grade 3 Teacher No. 15 Santana, Lymaris Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Quince, Kaela Grade 4 Teacher No. 10 Wright, Teresa Grade 1 Teacher No. 26

Action to adjust the salaries of the following Principals based on their change of assignments effective July 15, 2009. Those with asterisk are tenured Principals, thus their salaries will be frozen until the guide catches up.

Principal Previous Previous New New Salary Effective Difference School Salary School Date Bacchus, No. 15 $124,000.00 No. 4 $122,710.00 8/12/09 $1,290.00 Sham * Cozart, No. 4 $95,381.00 No. 8 $95,381.00 8/12/09 No Change

Page 98 12/16/09 David Douge, No. 10 $135,630.00 No. 28 $131,890.00 8/12/09 $3,740.00 Dorothy * Hoff, No. 6 $109,320.00 Edward W. $105,970.00 8/12/09 $3,350.00 Derrick * Kilpatrick School James, No. 14 $107,860.00 No. 13 $108,000.00 8/12/09 $140.00 Michele Ortiz, No. 17 $113,720.00 No. 29 $110,400.00 8/12/09 $ 3,320.00 Carlos * Quince, * Academy $116,490.00 No. 6/ $114,500.00 8/12/09 $1,990.00 Cora of Academy Performing of Arts Performing Arts


Principal Previous Previous New New Salary Effective Difference School Salary School Date Rivera, * Principal on $131,890.00 Alternative $129,500.00 8/12/09 $2,390.00 Mirva Assignment MS Sanducci, Edward W. $107,910.00 No. 15 $110,800.00 8/12/09 $2,890.00 Richard * Kilpatrick School Santa, No. 20 $98,000.00 No. 5 $100,000.00 8/12/09 $2,000.00 Maria Sparrow, No. 13 $122,710.00 No. 14 $120,200.00 8/12/09 $2,510.00 Hilburn *

To compensate sixty (60) Teachers for Mentor Teacher Training. Training sessions will take place during the 2009-2010 school year. 60 Teachers x 2 hours at a rate of $34.00 per hour = $4,080.00. Not to exceed $ 4,080.00.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Adams, Philomena Special Education Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Alagha, Muhanad English Teacher International HS Albritton, Michelle Academic Support Teacher No. 12 Alea-Schlichting, Ana Science Teacher Eastside HS Almaita, Nadia Academic Support Teacher No. 3 Andretta, Kristen Grade 6 Language Arts No. 2 Teacher Bogdanos, Anne Margaret Grade 4 Teacher No. 5 Bracy, Kathryn ESL Teacher No. 12 Caraccio, Jean Special Education Teacher No. 2 Cironi, Dana Science Lab Teacher No. 24 Compesi, Joann Special Education Teacher International HS Davis, Sharon Kindergarten Teacher No. 26 De Sopo, James Social Studies Teacher Silk City Academy

Page 99 12/16/09 DelValle, Waldeturdis World Language Teacher John F. Kennedy DiPrima, Pamela Grade 4 Teacher No. 2 Doherty, Jennifer Grade 7 Science Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Esquiche, Kaiuska Grade 3 Bilingual/ESL International HS Teacher Garrabrandt, Kenneth Math Teacher Sports Business Academy Hartung, Denise Kindergarten Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Higgins, Ryan Science Teacher John F. Kennedy HS Hobbs, Carolyn Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Huamanchumo, Eloy Math Teacher (Bilingual) Eastside HS Irizarry, Aida Special Education Teacher No. 6/ Academy of Performing Arts Izone, Charlene Technology Coordinator B.U.I.L.D. Academy Jones, Kiai Special Education Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Kaminiski, MaryAnn Special Education Teacher No. 29 Kless, Yvette Special Education Teacher No. 18 Korach, Zoran World Language Teacher International HS LaSassa, Martine Special Education Teacher STARS Academy Leonard-Kunzig, Carol Anne Grade 5 Math Teacher No. 25 Levante, Wayne Math Teacher International HS Licamara, Anthony Grade 8 Social Studies New Roberto Clemente Teacher School Lopez, Janice Technology Coordinator Roberto Clemente School Lyde, Jalyn Special Education Teacher International HS Mikhailovsky, Tatiana Science Teacher HARP Academy


NAME POSITION LOCATION Mongelli-Graber, Patricia Grade 6 Language Arts/Social No. 3 Studies Teacher Moran, Veronica Bilingual/ESL Teacher Martin Luther King School Mosby, Vashti Grade 7 Teacher Dr. Frank Napier School of Technology Mower, Veronica Business Education Teacher Eastside HS Murray, Robyn Special Education Teacher Martin Luther King School Nabas, Susan Special Education Teacher International HS Pearson, Heather Grade 8 Math Teacher New Roberto Clemente School Powner, Lee Ann Preschool Teacher No. 1 Rinbrand, Smantha Academic Support Teacher No. 27 Rodriguez-Lora, Giovanna Technology Coordinator No. 14 Roland, Marti Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Romaniello, Annette Interdisciplinary Coach No. 5 Santana, Lymaris Grade 4 Teacher No. 27 Schaefer, Thomas Internal Suspension Teacher Alexander Hamilton Academy Stampone, Grace World Language Teacher International HS

Page 100 12/16/09 Sterling-Laldee, Sarah Grades 5-8 Science Teacher No. 2 Szulay, Paulette Grades 6-8 Teacher No. 15 Tamayo, Marbel World Language Teacher Edward W. Kilpatrick School Traylor-Williams, Deidre Special Education Teacher Eastside HS Tsimpedes, Joanna Interdisciplinary Coach No. 27 Valenzuela, Egly Grades 1-4 ESL Teacher Roberto Clemente School Van Hook, Judy Master Teacher Department of Early Childhood Walker, Madelynn Academic Support Teacher B.U.I.L.D. Academy Wimberly, Kimberlynn Grade 1 Teacher No. 6 Zulauf, Brad Grade 8 Language Arts No. 6 Teacher

Action is required to hire nine (9) Student Workers from S.T.A.R.S. Academy to be paid as “Interns for the Extended School Year Program” for Clerical/Office Skills. Rate of pay $7.50/hr 9 hours a week).

NAME POSITION LOCATION Cruz, Haisha Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Davis, Kent Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Estrada, Yesenia Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Fabor, Rakim Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Figueroa, Miguel Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Gonzalez, Marcos Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy McNeal, Briana Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Perkins, Jesse Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy Urena, Ariel Student Worker S.T.A.R.S. Academy

The following Students Workers are no longer working in the district. Request to remove them from the active edumet database.

NAME POSITION LOCATION Alicea, Justin Applecare Student Eastside HS Baez, Joel Applecare Student Eastside HS Bracero, Jonathan Applecare Student Eastside HS Garcia, Wanderson Applecare Student Eastside HS


NAME POSITION LOCATION Morgan, Rohan Applecare Student Eastside HS Nieves, Adrian Applecare Student Eastside HS Pena, Jonathan Applecare Student Eastside HS Pichardo, Milly Applecare Student Eastside HS Polanco, Danilo Applecare Student Eastside HS Porter, Ashley Applecare Student Eastside HS Puell, Michael Applecare Student Eastside HS Rosa, Joel Applecare Student Eastside HS Rosario, Albaro Applecare Student Eastside HS

Page 101 12/16/09 L. SUBSTITUTE

NAME EFFECTIVE DATE Ahmed, Hassam 10/1/2009 Arguello, Alexis 10/1/2009 Barnes, Catherine 10/1/2009 Beesley, Michael 10/1/2009 Betancur, Margarita 10/1/2009 Blakely, Danielle 10/1/2009 Blakely, Joseph 10/1/2009 Carbonell, Zinelfi 10/1/2009 Chowdhury, Nazmul 10/1/2009 Cumberbatch, Hubert 10/1/2009 Dolin, Lucia 10/1/2009 Dunham, Patricia 10/1/2009 Guven, Jumeyra 10/1/2009 Hinton, Chances 10/1/2009 Horton, Ronald 10/1/2009 Hossain, Limon 10/1/2009 Jagadeesh, Vidhya 10/1/2009 Johnson, Leshia 10/1/2009 Kabir, Sahen 10/1/2009


NAME EFFECTIVE DATE McClam, Sheila 10/1/2009 Michele, Christopher 10/1/2009 Placencia-Nunez, Ambrosia 10/1/2009 Rembert, Kevin 10/1/2009 Rodriguez, Armando 10/1/2009 Tapia, Bienvenida 10/1/2009 Williams, Quanteya 10/1/2009 Young, Andrea 10/1/2009 Allen, Reniqua 10/14/09 Ayyash, Rana 10/14/09 Collins, Carzell 10/14/09 Cooper, Voncile 10/14/09 Dittamo, Rachel 10/14/09 Dutko, Peter 10/14/09 El Hamdouch, Driss 10/14/09 Faradin, Naadirah 10/14/09 Frazier, Natalia Lee 10/14/09 Gomaa-Eid, Hoda 10/14/09 Huaman, Rosario 10/14/09 Hussein, Daoud 10/14/09 Hussien, Shayek 10/14/09 Jamison, Brandy 10/14/09 Jazxhiu, Rudina 10/14/09

Page 102 12/16/09 Johnson, Leshia 10/14/09 Koppula, Sharon 10/14/09 Llallire, Teodoro 10/14/09 Lopez, Maria 10/14/09 Maisterrena, Gisel 10/14/09 Majidi, Khalid 10/14/09 Marquez, Kristina 10/14/09 McDuffie, Derek 10/14/09 McQuade, Christopher 10/14/09 Monton, John 10/14/09 Morgan, Simone 10/14/09 Oufari, Jamila 10/14/09 Reed, Latrice 10/14/09 Rherciri, Elhoussine 10/14/09 Satchwell, Metesha 10/14/09 Smith, Sonda 10/14/09 Sneed, Kenyatta 10/14/09 Soto, Mariely 10/14/09 Tillman, Cierra 10/14/09 Warner, Wendy 10/14/09 Ygnacio, Nilfa 10/14/09


09-A35. Approved hiring Baruti Kafele, LLC, to facilitate a workshop at the Parent Awareness Day on October 24, 2009, at Eastside High School, at a rate not to exceed $1,500.00.

09-A36. Approved hiring Arturo Pierre Lewis as a consultant to provide four motivational in-service training presentations to the staff at the Academy of Performing Arts at School No. 6 using curriculum components addressing children‟s behavior towards change and getting along with their peers, in the amount of $750.00 per session, for a total of $3,000.00.

It was moved by Comm. Guzman, seconded by Comm. Inoa that Resolution No. F- 1 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative, except Comm. Hodges who voted no. The motion carried.


Comm. Muhammad: I just wanted to ask Dr. Evans, the operational chart that you were going to do and put names to it, are we complete with that yet? Or are you still in process?

Dr. Evans: There are one or two names remaining, but it‟s complete enough to get you a copy. I'd be happy to do that.

Comm. Muhammad: Thank you - happy holidays and good night.

Page 103 12/16/09 Comm. Inoa: I just want to acknowledge our Superintendent Dr. Donnie Evans for the great job he has done in just a couple of months of being here in the district in Paterson. Also the leadership team that is working together with him is very professional and we continue moving forward for next year in 2010. I wish you a safe and joyous holiday. It‟s time for reflection, forgiveness, and hope. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Comm. Rodriguez: I want to wish everyone a happy holiday, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. I want to touch on a topic that I have been seeing since the last November election. We as a Board, as residents, and as citizens of this state have to realize that especially as a Board we are married to the state. They have a new Governor and we should at least give it a try to build a very constructive relationship with him because regardless of our political affiliations, republican, democrat, or independent, that is the state that we are married to. If we want to lobby for any benefits it‟s better to be lobbying with a person that you can talk to. Sometimes I've seen in other meetings people starting to talk negatively about the new Governor-elect and he hasn‟t even taken the seat. I believe that we should really look into ourselves and whatever we can do to try to build a constructive relationship with him is in our best interest and it‟s in the benefit of the children of Paterson. We have to be very cautious how we build this relationship. Again, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and be safe.

Comm. Hodges: I really want to thank the staff for apparently embracing a new and different approach to bringing about educational excellence in this community. I should say I'm thanking the staff in advance because I don't like promises. I really need to see results. I know that people are more than capable of turning this massive ship around and delivering educationally for our children. I do not underestimate the magnitude of the job that lies ahead of us. There is a lot of misunderstanding throughout this community on the parts of parents, certainly on the parts of students, and in some areas the staff as to just what a successful program looks like. So we are going to have to redouble our efforts to help bring that about. Comm. Rodriguez has said that we have to reach out to the Governor or at least try to establish a reasonable relationship with the Governor and I agree with that. I think that we have to give the Governor every opportunity to deviate substantially from what he has said during his campaign, because the things he has said in his campaign suggest that we have clearly some difficult times ahead. So I am all for giving him the opportunity to embrace a reality that this district and other urban centers face. It‟s not clear that he understood that as he was campaigning. So I hope that we can forge a unique and fruitful relationship with the new gubernatorial administration because it is important for us given our circumstances on a number of levels. However, having said that, I too will be in Trenton on the 20th to help him understand that we need that new relationship as soon as possible, because I think nobody gives you anything unless you make sure that it‟s important to you and you can make sure that they understand it‟s important to them too. I think that some of the parents and some of the community members have not exercised their abilities in that area enough and we have shortchanged ourselves. So I will join them in Trenton on the 20th to try to make sure that Paterson‟s needs are understood and I will extend that open hand and we will see what happens. To the greater community, I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope that you will be safe and careful in the end of this year and the year to come. Thank you very much for your kind indulgence.

Comm. Guzman: I would just like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and wish you the best for this New Year. To my fellow Commissioners, that goes to you too. Have happy and safe holidays. As for my gifts, I accept checks, credit cards, cash, debit, and PayPal for your convenience. So just let me know. Thank you.

Page 104 12/16/09 Comm. Kerr: In closing, I want to say thanks to the leadership of Dr. Evans and his team for launching us on a new path. In the past six moths we are challenged but we have seen some new things and we have seen renewed hope. We have seen a desire and a commitment on the part of a lot of our folks here in this district to work a little harder, to push the envelope a little farther, and to get things happening. So we want to thank you, Dr. Evans, for your efforts and we want to thank your leadership team. We want to thank the Paterson Education Association and all the unions that are represented in our district. You made this year possible. But as I said before, come 2010 it will be a new year and some of the challenges might just be different from what we face this year. So we are going to be asking for the same commitment or greater commitment from everyone in order for us to succeed. We are looking forward to working with the new administration. We know that it‟s important and it‟s imperative that we work with the new administration, but there are certain things that we cannot sacrifice in the name of working with the new administration. We need resources. We need the kind of help that will help us to get where we need to get. I know it‟s going to take going down to Trenton, and it‟s going to take raising our vices, and maybe some marching, but these are some of the things that we might have to do in order to get the attention of the new administration. Paterson was never seen as the poster boy for anything good in this state. So we have to make this new administration understand that we are not going to go anywhere, but we need to be respected and we need to be treated as well as any of those other districts are treated. So it will be a challenge for us, but we are going to be very respectful in our actions. We are going to extend ourselves as much as we can to the new administration and we hope by so doing that we will be able to make some headway. We want to thank all the parents of our district who participated in the life of this district. As I've said before, we have to double our efforts next year. Next year we are going to be faced with some serious challenges that are going to require that every parent in this district do far greater than whatever they did this year. The money is not there and therefore more time will have to be spent with our children for them to get the lesson. So we will all have to do more. Again, I want to appeal to all our good citizens of this district. If you have time, be a mentor to some child. Be a big brother. Be a big sister to some of our kids who just need somebody to talk to them. Whatever you can do to make the job easier come 2010, please extend yourselves and do that. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa. To all the religious festivities, you all have a blessed and wonderful time. God bless you and see you in 2010.

It was moved by Comm. Muhammad, seconded by Comm. Guzman that the meeting be adjourned. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

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