Statewide, Local Test Scores Dismal

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Statewide, Local Test Scores Dismal LOCAL Band opens its 36th season Nostalgic music, patriotic songs, show tunes and more SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 are coming up this year C1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 $1.00 Statewide, local test scores dismal eighth-graders in public “Exceeds Expectations.” Clarendon 3 in Turbeville has the SEE OUR SCORES schools, while SCPASS is Meet or exceeds expecta- given to fourth- through tions is considered passing, See scores for tri-county eighth-graders. according to the depart- highest marks in tri-county region schools in each grade for both It was the second year ment. tests on page A10. BY BRUCE MILLS studies assessments, and it that SC READY was admin- On SC PASS, science isn’t a pretty picture, ac- istered to students in grades scores this year are reported cording to a department three through eight in Eng- in the same four achieve- The state Department of spokesperson. guage arts and math and the lish/language arts and ment categories as Education released state- The scores represent test South Carolina Palmetto As- math. Students can achieve SCREADY, and passing rates wide test scores Monday for data from two assessments sessment of State Standards a score of either “Does Not apply in the same manner. all school districts contain- — the South Carolina Col- for science and social stud- Meet expectations,” “Ap- SC PASS social studies ing results from English, lege- and Career-Ready as- ies. SC READY is adminis- proaches Expectations,” math, science and social sessment for English/lan- tered to third- through “Meets Expectations” or SEE SCORES, PAGE A10 Spend time down on the farm McCaskills will host event with hay rides, games, more Saturday BY IVY MOORE Fall has finally arrived, and with it also comes the highly anticipated Old McCaskill Farm’s Fall Family Farm Day. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, visitors to the farm can see what life on a working farm was like in the early 20th century — without having to engage in the hard labor most farmers en- dured. Owners and operators Kathy and Lee McCaskill share fall and spring vignettes of farm life that regularly attract thou- sands for lots of downhome fun. The fall event features live music, farm-fresh con- cessions, hay rides, games, a pumpkin patch, horseback rides, a hay maze and more. There’s so much to do and see, in fact, Old McCaskill Farm has made a map for farm day visitors; it has a couple of dozen locations marked for such activities as the pony cart and horse rides, chair caning demonstrations, live bluegrass music, games, face painting and pumpkin paint- ing. Visitors can witness the working saw mill and grits mill, woodworking and blacksmithing, enjoy concessions and see farm animals such as sheep, goats, chick- ens, ducks, cattle and pigs. Children can pet some of the animals and also play in PHOTO PROVIDED Given its proximity to Halloween, Fall Family Farm Day boasts a pumpkin patch and even bales of hay decorated like jack-o’-lanterns. SEE FARM, PAGE A4 Council approves beer, wine sales at food truck event BY JIM HILLEY 7 p.m. Nov. 4 at Sumter City councilman Calvin Town of Pinewood. of Lynchburg. County Fairgrounds. Hastie cast the lone vote The proposal awaits final Small municipalities Sumter Events Manager against the resolution. approval from Sumter often lack the resources to At Tuesday’s Sumter City Lynn Kennedy told council Council also had final County Council, which is maintain a planning com- Council meeting, council the event is similar to a fes- reading of an ordinance expected at its next meeting mission, and such ordinanc- approved beer and wine tival held March 4, which designating the Sumter Tuesday. es allow smaller communi- sales at the Sumter Green was extremely successful, City-County Planning Com- The arrangement is simi- ties to rely on the resources Untapped Food Truck Festi- attracting 3,500 visitors to mission to act as the official lar to one passed recently val scheduled for 11 a.m. to the fairgrounds. planning commission of the in Lee County for the Town SEE COUNCIL, PAGE A4 VISIT US ONLINE AT DEATHS, B5 WEATHER, A12 INSIDE Nathaniel Robinson Robert ‘Woody’ Woodward STILL NO RAIN 3 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES the .com VOL. 122, NO. 252 Simon R. Wade Olivia ‘Lia’ Bracey Partly sunny today; partly Pauline Mayrant Eula Pierre cloudy tonight Classifieds B6 Sports B1 Dargon Carter Ruby Ellington Scott Comics C2 Television C3 Rosa Bell Fleming HIGH 83, LOW 58 Opinion A11 A2 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: Board to meet about superintendent search BY BRUCE MILLS perintendent at the work to six months, according to various lation in December of a financial cri- session. sources, and often whoever is select- sis with the release of the fiscal year Debbie Hamm, a long- ed will finish out the school year in 2016 audit report. That report showed Sumter School District’s Board of time employee and for- his/her respective school district be- the school district overspent its budget Trustees has announced it will have a mer superintendent of fore moving on. by $6.2 million in fiscal year 2016 and meeting Thursday at 5 p.m. on its up- Richland School District The trustees unanimously voted had an ending general fund balance coming search for a full-time superin- HAMM 2 in Columbia, has served Hamm as interim superintendent on on June 30, 2016, of $106,449 — a criti- tendent this school year. as interim superinten- July 24, shortly after then-Superinten- cally low level, according to the dis- A district staff member sent out an dent of the district since dent Frank Baker announced his re- trict’s auditor. agenda for Thursday’s work session to Aug. 1. tirement on July 18, effective for July Baker had been superintendent of the media Monday. In all likelihood, Hamm will com- 31. the district for four years, dating back Board Chairman the Rev. Daryl Mc- plete this school year with the district The board and Baker mutually to 2013. Ghaney has said previously the trust- while the board conducts its search agreed at the time it was in everyone’s Thursday’s meeting will be at the ees will discuss qualifications and cri- for its next full-time superintendent. best interests for him to retire after district office, 1345 Wilson Hall teria they are looking for in a new su- Superintendent searches can take up eight months of turmoil after the reve- Road. LOCAL & STATE BRIEFS Historic Brewington Presbyterian Church FROM STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS Lee NAACP will meet celebrates its homecoming this Sunday Sunday afternoon The Lee County Branch of the NAACP will hold its monthly meeting at 4 p.m. Sunday in Dennis Community Center at 410 W. Cedar Lane, Bishopville. State Rep. Will Wheeler will be the featured speaker. The public is encouraged to attend. For more information, email Trial delayed for teen accused of trying to join IS COLUMBIA — A South Car- olina teenager accused of try- ing to fight for the Islamic State won’t be tried until next year, giving lawyers more time to review classified evidence. On Monday, a federal judge rescheduled proceedings for Zakaryia Abdin to January, ac- cording to documents filed in SUMTER ITEM FILE PHOTO federal court. Both prosecu- Brewington Presbyterian Church has stood on its original site for 206 years. tors and defense attorneys agreed to spend more time pre- paring, in part because some Congregation formed in 1811; building still stands 206 years later of the evidence is classified. Abdin, 18, was arrested at FROM STAFF REPORTS The church was operational until to keep the historical building alive. Charleston’s airport in March 1951, when it was dissolved because of A committee called the Brewington as he tried to board a plane for Brewington Presbyterian Church, on decline in membership and the death Cemetery Association, made up of Jordan. Authorities said he North Brewington Road in the Brew- of its pastor, the late Rev. Chester M. descendants, was formed to preserve told an undercover FBI agent ington community of Clarendon Coun- Campbell, according to historical re- the church building and maintain posing as an Islamic State re- ty, will celebrate its homecoming on cords. the cemetery: W.D. Harrington, cruiter that he wanted to tor- Sunday. The land on which the church stands chairman; Tommy Evans; Michael ture an American and would The oldest church still standing on was donated by James Evans, great- Evans; Carter Jones; and Joey Bur- attack a U.S. site if he couldn’t its original site for 206 years now was great-grandfather of Tommy Evans, gess. get out of the country. organized in 1811 by five members and one of the leaders of the church’s res- Registration for Sunday’s homecom- Abdin has pleaded not guilty 23 slaves. It withstood the Civil War toration efforts. ing event will be held at 10:30 a.m. fol- and remains jailed on a charge and was spared from being burned By 2011, the building’s foundation lowed by an 11 a.m. service. of attempting to provide mate- down by Union troops who came had started to deteriorate, and the For more information on the home- rial support to a terrorist or- through the area, according to histori- building was falling apart. coming event or the church, contact ganization. cal records.
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