news claim provokes strong reaction Alison Abbott,Munich he said as part of his acceptance speech for the A bitter dispute between Nobel laureates (Corey, E. J. Chem. Eng. News

that has festered behind the scenes for nearly 82 (13),42–44;2004). C. A. LOEW 40 years is now getting a very public airing. Corey had previously told several people, The argument centres on who should get including Hoffmann ,that he believed he had the credit for a set of rules that help to predict seeded the idea that led to the rules — and the outcome of certain chemical reactions. that he was offended that his input was not One of the three involved in the acknowledged. But he did not speak about argument is taking the unusual step of pub- this to Woodward, who received his Nobel lishing his version of events in a leading for an unrelated idea. chemistry journal. In his article, Hoffmann argues that On 19 November, Roald Hoffmann of Corey’s claim is “not right”.He recalls Corey in Ithaca, New York, win- telling him of the 1964 conversation “some- ner of the 1981 in Chemistry,put time in the 1970s”and not taking it seriously. his side of the story online in Angewandte He adds that only days after his Nobel prize Chemie(R.Hoffmann Angew. Chem.Int.Edn announcement in 1981, he received a letter 43,doi:10.1002/anie.200461440;2004). from Corey repeating the claim.Corey asked The catalyst for this move was a claim Hoffmann to mention his contribution in made in public for the first time by E.J.Corey, his Nobel speech, which Hoffmann declined a at , who won a to do.“I found it unfair that Corey was asking Nobel in 1990. In an acceptance speech for Nobel laureate Roald Hoffmann hopes to settle me to make his claim for him,” Hoffmann the American Chemical Society’s Priestley an argument over rules that bear his name. says. “Especially as Woodward had already medal earlier this year, Corey said that he died and could not comment.” sowed the seed of the idea that led to Hoff- rules, which predict the outcome of certain Corey later told Hoffmann that he hadn’t mann’s prize. The third chemist involved in organic reactions based on the orbits of the wanted to raise the subject himself because the row, , received electrons in the starting materials. he didn’t want to damage Harvard — and his Nobel prize in 1965 but died in 1979. The pair established that the rules applied because he thought that Woodward would The story begins in the mid-1960s, when to a wide class of reactions in organic chem- mellow with age and “grow more sensitive to all three chemists were at Harvard. Wood- istry, and in doing this helped to revolution- his own conscience”. ward was working on the synthesis of vitamin ize the field, says Henning Hopf, a synthetic Scientists who were in the Corey and B12,and was trying to find out why the mole- chemist at the Technical University of Woodward labs at the time say that they are cular geometry of some reaction products Braunschweig in Germany. embarrassed by the episode, and puzzled that was the opposite of that predicted by theory. But Corey, who knew both Woodward Corey should reveal his claim after 40 years of He believed that the answer might lie in and Hoffmann, has now gone public with his silence. “E. J. probably did say something to quantum-mechanical effects related to the claim that he first suggested the idea to Wood- Woodward about molecular orbital theory, orbits of electrons in organic molecules, and ward.“On May 4,1964,I suggested to my col- but it was Woodward who picked up the baton he recruited Hoffmann — a junior fellow league R. B. Woodward a simple explanation and ran with it, with Hoffmann,” says Ian with a growing reputation as a talented theo- … that provided the basis for the further Fleming, a chemist at the University of Cam- rist — to help him develop this idea.Together, development of these ideas into what became bridge, UK, who was a postdoc with Wood- they worked out the Woodward–Hoffmann known as the Woodward–Hoffmann rules,” ward in 1964.Corey declined to comment. ■

Asian nations build bridges to bolster science K.S.Jayaraman,New Delhi Beijing early in 2005, Ramamurthi says. China and India have signalled a thaw in their The decision to create the committee previously frosty relations by agreeing to capped a week-long tour of Indian scientific forge closer scientific ties, including plans to institutions by a 30-strong Chinese delegation work on nuclear energy and space research. led by state councillor Chen Zhili. The fact M. LAKSHMAN/AP The two countries, whose scientific that Chen is the first Chinese minister to visit productivity has mushroomed over the past India is a measure of how seriously China decade, announced on 17 November that views the collaboration, Indian officials say. they will set up a Joint Steering Committee, The delegation was particularly keen to co-chaired by their science ministers, to collaborate on biotechnology, space science, promote collaboration. China is to work with India on nuclear projects, nuclear technology, oceanography and “This is the first time that cooperation such as this reactor being built near Madras. research in herbal medicines, says Sibal. in science and technology between the two Ramamurthi adds that many things can nations has gone to ministerial level,”says The committee, which will comprise be done jointly. Combining Chinese Valangiman Ramamurthi, India’s science top officials from government departments, strength in electronic hardware with India’s secretary.“Until now, collaboration has will be decided in the next few weeks. A skills in software could, for example, make consisted of the exchange of scientists and formal agreement will be signed when the pair a formidable force in the global holding workshops.” Indian science minister Kapil Sibal visits information-technology market, he says. ■

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