LE ROY PENNYSAVER - JULY 6 , 2008 William Moll Berczy by Lynne Belluscio I just returned from a museum William Pultney had purchased cial buildings conference in Ottawa. The theme land in the Genesee area of New in York. Ap- of the week-long session was York State. Berczy decided to parently there “Loyalty in Living History”. lead a group of 220 settlers from were land dis- One of the keynote speakers, to the Pultney Tract. In putes and he Charles Pachter, a contemporary 1792 he and his family, with the continually Canadian artist who has a passion group of German settlers sailed pleaded with for Canadian history, presented a for America and landed in Phila- the govern- wonderful session on the Loyal- delphia. As they traveled north ment to turn ist Legacy and the Creation of from Pennsylvania to New York over the re- Modern English . they opened mainder of the 64,000 acres of Ottawa. His financial the first north- land that they had been promised fortunes continued to decline. south road by Simcoe. In 1813, he traveled to New between Wil- In 1798 he left the Markham York City where he died on l i a m s p o r t area and moved to and February 5 and was buried in the and Painted later to Montreal. He suffered Old Trinity Church graveyard. So Post, known financial reversals but was able for a brief time, this celebrated as the Wil- to support his family and repay Canadian pioneer and artist was l i a m s o n his debts by painting portraits. in the Genesee Country. It’s not Road - now In 1802, he returned to York and clear to me whether he was a true Route 15. attempted to salvage what he Loyalist and supported the Brit- How- could from his earlier investments ish crown, but he would not gain ever, there but alienated many of the settlers fame in the United States, but was some dispute concerning in the process. It was during this rather in Canada where his art is During the American Revo- the land and Berczy and 60 of the time that he painted the portrait considered a national treasure and lution there were many people German families followed him to of the Indian, that in Markham a school is named who remained loyal to the British in 1794 to take ad- hangs in the National Gallery in for him. crown. After the war, some sailed vantage of free land offered by Lt. for England and others emigrated Governor . to Canada. Pachter mentioned They stopped for a brief time in William Berczy, who had origi- York (now ). It is recorded nally settled in the “Genesee that the men helped clear Yonge Rotary Club Country” but who later moved to Street in Toronto as partial pay- Of Le Roy Canada and became well known ment for the land. as a painter and a founder of sev- Most of the families settled in eral communities. I was intrigued Markham Township and it be- DUNKING by this story so I have been doing came known as the German Com- a little research. pany Lands. Berczy supervised William Moll Berczy was the supply of rations to the settlers BOOTH born in Germany in 1744 and during the crop failure and famine studied in . In 1791, he of 1795. During this time he also was in London and heard that Sir designed many of the commer- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Rotarians ... it's that time of year again! Country Don't forget to call ASAP (768-8000) to sign up to BUFFET schedule times for the Dunking Booth at the Festival! Sat., July 12th, 1-5 pm or Sun., July 13th, 1-5 pm Saturday, Residents are also July 12th welcome to fill the 7:30-10:00 am dunking booth seat. First Baptist Church Call 768-6769 5 East Main St., Le Roy, NY 768-8000 $6.00 Adults • $3.00 - 4-12 Years • 3 and Under FREE Ham, Eggs, Pancakes, Coffee Cakes, Juice, Coffee, Tea, Milk Benefit - The First Baptist Church 7/6