13 July 2012 Norton Rose Australia ABN 32 720 868 049 By e-Lodgement Level 15, RACV Tower 485 Bourke Street Company Announcements MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Australian Securities Exchange Limited AUSTRALIA Level 2 120 King Street Tel +61 3 8686 6000 MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Fax +61 3 8686 6505 GPO Box 4592, Melbourne VIC 3001 DX 445 Melbourne nortonrose.com Direct line +61 3 8686 6710 Our reference Email 2781952
[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Form 604 – Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder We act for Linyi Mining Group Co., Ltd. (Linyi), a wholly owned subsidiary of Shandong Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Shandong Energy), in relation to its off-market takeover bid for all of the ordinary shares in Rocklands Richfield Limited ABN 82 057 121 749 (RCI) (Offer) on the terms and conditions set out in Linyi’s bidder’s statement dated 7 June 2012. On behalf of Linyi, Shandong Energy and their related bodies corporate, we enclose a notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder (Form 604) in respect of RCI. A copy of the enclosed Form 604 is being provided to RCI today. Yours faithfully James Stewart Partner Norton Rose Australia Encl. For personal use only APAC-#15206384-v1 Norton Rose Australia is a law firm as defined in the Legal Profession Acts of the Australian states and territory in which it practises. Norton Rose Australia together with Norton Rose LLP, Norton Rose Canada LLP, Norton Rose South Africa (incorporated as Deneys Reitz Inc) and their respective affiliates constitute Norton Rose Group, an international legal practice with offices worldwide, details of which, with certain regulatory information, are at nortonrose.com 604 page 2/2 15 July 2001 Form 604 Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B Notice of change of interests of substantial holder To Company Name/Scheme Rocklands Richfield Limited (RCI) ACN/ARSN ACN 057 121 749 1.