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Western Weekly Reports WESTERN WEEKLY REPORTS Reports of Cases Decided in the Courts of Western Canada and Certain Decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada 2012-VOLUME 6 (Cited [2012] 6 W.W.R.) All cases of value from the courts of Western Canada and appeals therefrom to the Supreme Court of Canada SELECTION EDITOR Walter J. Watson, B.A., LL.B. ASSOCIATE EDITORS (Alberta) E. Mirth, Q.C. (British Columbia) Darrell E. Burns, LL.B., LL.M. (Manitoba) E. Arthur Braid, Q.C. (Saskatchewan) G.L. Gerrand, Q.C. CARSWELL EDITORIAL STAFF Cheryl L. McPherson, B.A.(HON.) Director, Primary Content Operations Audrey Wineberg, B.A.(HON.), LL.B. Product Development Manager Jennifer Weinberger, B.A.(HON.), J.D. Supervisor, Legal Writing Sharon Yale, LL.B., M.A. Supervisor, Legal Writing Sarah Leopoldo, B.A.(HON.) Content Editor WESTERN WEEKLY REPORTS is published 48 times per year. Subscrip- Western Weekly Reports est publi´e 48 fois par ann´ee. L’abonnement est de tion rate $379.00 per bound volume including parts. Indexed: Carswell’s In- 379 $ par volume reli´e incluant les fascicules. Indexation: Index a` la docu- dex to Canadian Legal Literature. mentation juridique au Canada de Carswell. Editorial Offices are also located at the following address: 430 rue St. Pierre, Le bureau de la r´edaction est situ´e a` Montr´eal — 430, rue St. Pierre, Mon- Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, H2Y 2M5. tr´eal, Qu´ebec, H2Y 2M5. ________ ________ © 2012 Thomson Reuters Canada Limited © 2012 Thomson Reuters Canada Limit´ee NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. No part of this publica- MISE EN GARDE ET AVIS D’EXONERATION´ DE RESPON- tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any SABILITE´ : Tous droits r´eserv´es. 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Les analyses The analysis contained herein should in no way be construed as being either comprises dans les pr´esentes ne doivent etreˆ interpr´et´ees d’aucune fa¸con official or unofficial policy of any governmental body. comme etant´ des politiques officielles ou non officielles de quelque organ- isme gouvernemental que ce soit. 8 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of 8 Le papier utilis´e dans cette publication satisfait aux exigences minimales American National Standard for Information Sciences — Permanence of Pa- de l’American National Standard for Information Sciences — Permanence of per for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. ISSN 0049-7525 ISBN 978-0-7798-4874-4 Printed in Canada by Thomson Reuters CARSWELL, A DIVISION OF THOMSON REUTERS CANADA LIMITED One Corporate Plaza Customer Relations 2075 Kennedy Road Toronto 1-416-609-3800 Toronto, Ontario Elsewhere in Canada/U.S. 1-800-387-5164 M1T 3V4 Fax 1-416-298-5082 www.carswell.com E-mail www.carswell.com/email U.F.C.W., Local 401 v. Alta (IPC) 211 [Indexed as: U.F.C.W., Local 401 v. Alberta (Information & Privacy Commissioner)] United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401 (Respondent / Applicant) and Information and Privacy Commissioner (Respondent / Respondent) and Attorney General of Alberta (Appellant / Respondent) Alberta Court of Appeal Docket: Edmonton Appeal 1103-0211-AC 2012 ABCA 130 Frans Slatter, J.D. Bruce McDonald, Donna Read JJ.A. Heard: January 13, 2012 Judgment: April 30, 2012 Administrative law –––– Standard of review — Correctness –––– Unionized employees picketed employer, casino — Union videotaped and photographed picket lines — Union advised that images of persons crossing picket line could be placed on its website — Union made posters featuring “mug shot” of vice president of employer, and his image was used in union publications — Com- plaints were made under Personal Information Protection Act — Adjudicator found statutory exceptions did not apply — Union successfully applied for judi- cial review, alleging that exceptions infringed s. 2(b) of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — Chambers judge struck down certain portions of Act — Attorney General of Alberta appealed — Appeal allowed in part — In place of declarations of invalidity, it was declared that application of Act to activities of union was unconstitutional — As adjudicator did not purport to balance Charter with privacy values, there was no truth to decision to review, either for reasona- bleness, disproportionality, or correctness — Accordingly, standard of review of compliance of decision with Charter was reviewed for correctness — To extent that decision of chambers judge engaged consideration of constitutionality of Act and engaged in review of decision for constitutional compliance, that deci- sion also had to be reviewed for correctness. Privacy and freedom of information –––– Provincial privacy legislation — Constitutional issues –––– Unionized employees picketed employer, casino — Union videotaped and photographed picket lines — Union advised that images of persons crossing picket line could be placed on its website — Union made posters featuring “mug shot” of vice president of employer, and his image was used in union publications — Complaints were made under Personal Informa- tion Protection Act — Adjudicator found statutory exceptions did not apply — Union successfully applied for judicial review, alleging that exceptions infringed s. 2(b) of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — Chambers judge struck down certain portions of Act — Attorney General of Alberta appealed — Ap- peal allowed in part — In place of declarations of invalidity, it was declared that 212 WESTERN WEEKLY REPORTS [2012] 6 W.W.R. application of Act to activities of union was unconstitutional — Chambers judge assessed constitutionality of Act based on inaccurate premise about what Act prohibits, and what adjudicator had ordered — Even though union’s purpose was not primarily journalistic, to extent that it did engage in journalistic activi- ties, it was entitled to rely on exemption
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