O&M for the Public Transport System = from experience of “Oka-den” =

3 September, 2013 Mr. Nobuhisa Ohashi

Manager Planning and Management Div. Electric Tramway Co.,Ltd



Managing Area by the “Ryobi Holdings” HQs Okayama,

TOKYO Delhi, 3 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD India Outline of “Oka-den”

○ Oka-den = Okayama Electric Tramway Company

➢ 1910: Founded ➢ 1912: Operation of the LRT Started (In business for 102 years) ➢ Gross Sales in 2012 : 150 crore Rs. Pretax Profit in 2012 : 56 crore Rs. (@\1.6/Rs.) ➢ Number of Rolling Stock : 19 cars and 2 train-sets ➢ LRT Working distance: 4.7km

4 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD “Oka-den” Continuing “Operating Profit Status” for more than 25 years without O&M subsidy from the government, in principle 1. Streamline Operations ○ Company’s Triple Role ○ Efficient Operations 2. Enhancing user services ○ Conformity of Urban Structure & Public Transport ○ Cooperation with Municipality & Civic Association ○ Provision of Operation Information ○ Regional Activation 3. Diversifying Income Sources ○ Advertising Train ○ Full Reserved Train, Event Train 5 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Three (3) Tips for better Management 1. Streamline Operations

○ Company’s Triple Roles

➢ Compress the staff cost by one-man operation

➢ Do the role of Driver, Conductor and Concierge by oneself

○ Efficient Operations

➢ Plan the operation according to the passenger’s tendency

➢ Plan efficient operation fitted to the passenger’s using aspect of seasonal and the day of the week

6 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 1: Attractive Rolling Stock

○Nickname of this Rolling Stock was decided “MoMo” by public offering ○Design of this Rolling Stock is not provided by the Rolling Stock Manufacturer, but is designed originally based on our company’s yearning to LRT 7 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Three (3) Tips for better Management 2. Enhancing user services ○ Conformity of Urban Structure & Public Transport ➢ centered Urban Structure

○ Cooperation with Municipality ➢ Cooperation with City Planning of Municipality and Operation Alignment ○ Cooperation with Civic Association ➢ Cooperation with Civic Association and reflect their voices to the operation 8 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD ○ Provision of Operation Information

➢ Publication of Fare and Time table on the Web

➢ Provide the Operation Situation by Digital Signage

○ Regional Activation

➢ Collaborate with Merchants’ Association to discount by showing the Tram ticket

➢ Promote the Increase of the ridership by placing the tentative train stop when it has some events

9 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 2: Barrier-free Policy

○ Install the ramp from side walk to train stop

○ Easy to get in and out of the trams

10 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 3: Paying with IC Card

PiTaPa Hareca

COPYRIGHT ©WEST JAPAN COPYRIGHT ©スルッと COPYRIGHT ©OKAYAMA RAILWAY CAMPANY KANSAI ELECTRIC TRAMWAY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CO.,LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Effect of Fare Collection by IC Card ○ Decrease the fare cheating ○ Collaborate with IC Card which is usable in all over Japan ○ Service for local limited IC Card ○ Simplification of fare adjustment work ○ Decrease the train stopping duration 11 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Three (3) Tips for better Management 3. Diversifying Income Resources

○ Advertising Train ➢ Provide the Tram outer package for moving advertisement

2012 Total Income

13 %

Fare運輸収入 Adv.広告収入 87 %


Concert Ride Beer Ride Effect of the event operation ○ Event Ride can experience the extra-ordinary city atmosphere ○ Through the event, unregularly user will ride tram next time for moving in the city 13 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 5: Expanding Operation Network

The Expanding Plan to Introduce the catenary free system for: ○ enabling to run into the non-electrified lines ○ reducing costs through simplifying the catenary facility ○ contributing to improve the landscape in urban areas 14 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Regenerating Local Transport Companies

Chugoku Ikasa Wakayama Bus Bus Electric Railway

Tsu Airport line 15 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Regenerating Wakayama Electric Railway  Decreasing Costs Costs (thousand Yen) 900,000 before after 800,000 regenerating 700,000 600,000

500,000 OthersOters 400,000 O&M costs 300,000 Personnel expenses 200,000 100,000


2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 16 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD  Increasing Total sales

Total sales (thousand Yen) Passengers (thousand) 4,30,000 before after regenerating 2,250 4,10,000 2,200

2,150 3,90,000

2,100 3,70,000 2,050 3,50,000 2,000 3,30,000 1,950 3,10,000 1,900

2,90,000 1,850

2,70,000 1,800

2,50,000 1,750

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Nos. of passengers(thousand) Total sales (thousand Yen) 17 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Integrated Strategies for Regeneration


Wrapping Cars

Character Goods

Renewed Station Building 18 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 1: Wrapping Cars “ ”

Exterior Interior

19 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Example 2: Design for the New Station Bldg.

20 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Further Direction for Better Management “Plan” “Do” suitable for without delay your city Administrative Management Safty & Training Cleanliness

Time Maintenance Management Technology Operation Control “Act” “Check” for Future the Results 21 OKAYAMA ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO.,LTD Please mail to: