Miami frustrates •New England, IB

Partly sunny Temperatures in the 30s. 7B The Register Complete forecast pap U.

Vol. 108 No. 100 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1985 25 CENTS TUESDAY Schools probe STATE boy's charges Child support A report by the Commission on from dispute Missing Children In New Jersey urges more support lor state police efforts to locate missing children and endorses a bill that would build The Register shelters for runaways. MARLBORO - A school official said yesterday the district is investigating al- tt legations that a vice principal of the LOCAL Marlboro Middle School broke an 11 -year-old student's collarbone in an incident last Highlands fire week. Two firefighters receive minor injuries The vice principal, Robert Andrews, in a mid-morning fire in Highlands caused the injury when the seventh grade that destroyed the Driftwood Inn, an student, Vernon Crook, refused to board a unoccupied, 2Vs-story tavern. school van on Wednesday, according to a Red Bank attorney, Brian Mahany, who is 3A representing Crook. Assistant Superintendent Judith Conk said LIFESTYLE she cannot comment on the case "because we don't have all the details. It's under Holiday photos investigation." For photos of some of the people She referred questions to Schools Super- attending the 1985 Winter Glow Ball intendent Frank Define who did not return and the Christmas party for children calls made to his office. Other school involved in Big Brothers/Big Sisters officials contacted yesterday declined com- of Monmouth County, turn to Faces in ment on the matter. Board Attorney Vincent the Crowd in the Lifestyle section. Demaio could not be reached for comment about the incident. THE REWSTER/IRA MARK QOSTIN Contacted at his home, Andrews, the vice IM A SAO RETURN — An honor guardsman at Dover Air Force crash last week. Below, President Reagan consoles a relative principal, said: "I have no comment on Base in Dover, Del., stands over coffins of members of the at Fort Campbell, Ky., during a memorial service yesterday. that." SPORTS 101st Airborne Division soldiers who were killed in a plane ASSOCIATED PRESS The incident, Mahany said, occurred last Wednesday outside the school, which is off Route 520, when Andrews and school Principal Carol Maldan tried to get Crook to go into a school van to be driven home. Military honors, tears The two school officials, he said, wanted Crook, his sister Tomika, 12, and a third student, Cade Key, 13, to go home in the van because of tension on the regular school bus resulting from a fight between Crook and welcome 'peacemakers' another male student in the bus two days earlier. who perished in the crash of an Army . After Crook refused to enter the van HIM charter flight hi Newfoundland last Thurs- Wednesday and ran away, Andrews ran TIM day had arrived home to be identified after the student, grabbed him, twisted his DOVER AIR FORCE BASE. Del. - Ai The soldiers, all part of the Army's 101st right arm and threw him onto the ground, the United States Army Band played Hmber Airborne Division, were on the last leg of a Mahany said Crook told him. Journey home for Christmas when the Mahany said to the best of his knowledge hangar at Dam Air Fore* Bue, chartered Arrow Air DC-« craab** outside Creek, Crook's sister, and Key are the only transport plane landed on a nearby runway Gander, Newfoundland. The plane was black pupils who ride in the regular school and tailed to the far end of the airfield headed tor Fort Campbell, Ky., Ik* ham* bus In question Some Ml dignitaries, lervlceroen, honor base of the 101st, where President Reagaa Mahany said Crook ran home, but was guardi and member* of the press watched spoke yesterday at another military cer- picked up by police on the way after school U an airman activated controls which emony for families of the deceased. officials charged the youth with juvenile opened the towering doors of toe hangar, Among those reportedly aboard the plane delinquency. The police department's juven- allowing the gathering to eye the plane was Spec. 4 Steven Wayne Mulllns, who was ile record office was closed when a reporter across the field. As cold air rushed inside to raised in Tlnton Falls where his father and sought details. greet those inside, 10 empty gray hearses stepmother currently reside. with headlights on drove across the tarmac The military mortuary at Dover, the largest In the country, received the bodies "They (the school offcials) are covering outside and parked beside the hangar. in 1983 from the terrorist bombing of Marine up for their own negligence and criminal ' A few minutes later, the C-141 slowly because it specializes in processing and identifying large numbers of remains. headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as behavior," Mahany said. "There are no advanced across the field toward the waiting the remains of 14 servicemen who died grounds for those charges." assembly. The air base received national attention The first 10 bodies of the 148 servicemen when it accepted the bodies of 237 Marines Set SERVICES Page 2A See PROBE Page SA Miami wins New England Patriots' cornerback Raymond Clayborn takes a Dan Marino intercepted pass uplield Residents Howell golf course during last night's NFL game in Miami's Orange Bowl. Dolphins' wide receiver Mark Clayton tries for the . tackle. Miami won the game. critical of gains Giant friends II $500,000 - will be built on l< acre If FMUCa LVHAM sites and will be interspersed with Check page 7B and see if your city study The Register the course. number has been selected in the RED BANK - After a tough Simms and Taylor will be char- outing on the football field Sunday. ter members of the golf club. Register's Social Security contest.. K MTU MUM the New York Giants' Phil Simms Bart Lyon, president of Shore Thai and Lawrence Taylor found the Golf, introduced the two golf LONG BRANCH - Several grass a little greener last night course designers, a first-ever cc- SOMEONE WOUW residents of Second Avenue say a when the subject was golf. design team of Miller and Jack LOVE THIS SWEATER study that shows their street is in The two athletes joined pro- need of rehabilitation Is not ac- Nicklaus — technically his North fessional golfer Johnny Miller and Palm Beach firm, Golforce. S JUST MV SIZE curate. more than 400 guests at the Olde The Nov. 14 study - com- Union House to help kick-off plans "I'm really excited about the missioned by the Planning Board for a championship golf course of golf course," said Miller, adding at the request of the City Council U.S. Open caliber. that it would be "a course capable -rates only one building out of the The $50 million project — of hosting any championship tour- 33 structures in the area of Second spearheaded by Little Silver in- nament that comes its way." Avenue north of Chelsea Avenue In vestment firm Shore Golf Develop- Lyon has said he hopes to apply "good" condition. ment Corp. — is to be built on 400 for a U.S. Open in 10 to 12 years. An ordinance passed by council acres in Howell Township by 1968 Dec. S adopting the report's find- Having six children of his own, The 18-hole course will be limited said Miller, his goal is to design a ings allows the board to rec- THE REOISTER/ED BRETT to 300 local members by invitation ommend a redevelopment plan for FIXING UP — Bruno Giganto continues repairs on his Second course that will challenge top only. players as well as Junior golfers. two lots st the southern end of the Avenua home that the city has deemed inferior despite the the new Approximately 138 houses — Set QUESTIONS Pagt JA cedar siding and other repairs. selling for between $250,000 and See GOLF COURSE Page 5A INDEX Insurance costs threatening non-profit agencies will have to close," said James Bourque, executive director has told them their liability insurance premium could "at of United Way of Monmouth County, which Includes 38 least" double when their annual policy is renewed in March. BRIDGE • m organizations. Brenner said if the premium goes up more than 100 percent, BUSINESS » The Register Bourque said he has spoken to several agency directors "we will look at what kind of cuts to make in other areas." CLASSIFIED II wltti Associated Press ' who are "having tremendous problems" meeting insurance The center, a United Way agency, provides day care at COMICS • Non-profit agencies such as day care centers and drag costs. Those especially vulnerable, he said, are recreational a fee based on a family's ability to pay. CRO88WORD 71 and alcohol rehabilitation programs in the county face organizations such as YMCAs, where physical injury is Wilson asked the Assembly Corrections, Health and ENTERTAINMENT 71 demise If liability insurance rates continue to soar, say likely, and day care centers, whose liability rates are Human Services Committee to consider stricter laws to HOROSCOPE Itt agency directors. skyrocketing because of child abuse court cases against control premium increases, a joint underwriting authority, LIFESTYLE 10* But an Insurance industry spokesman said the trend can centers elsewhere in the nation. a state-guaranteed reinsurance pool and and risk pool trusts OBITUARIES U be laid to the number of lawsuits against such agencies and In some cases. Bourque said, the problem isn't that for non-profit agencies. OPINION 7* the SUMS of the damage awards. premiums are too high, but that insurance carriers have Meanwhile, it is fear that motivates insurance companies SPORTS II In Trenton yesterday, Betty WUson, president of the refused to cover the agencies altogether. A possible solution to raise liability rates so high, according to Ronald L. Webb, TELEVISION 71 Center for Non-ProfIt Corporations, told an Assembly he said the United Way is considering would be to seek help a certified insurance counselor and owner of Monmouth Insurance Agency in Middletown. YOUR TOWN M committee at a public hearing that skyrocketing liability from the state. rates threaten the eiistence of many of New Jersey's 4,000 Short of that, says Susan Brenner, executive director of Webb said insurance underwriters have become aware of non-profit organisations. Monmouth Day Care Center in Red Bank, fund raising national trends in lawsuits, and "they become afraid. The Local comments substantiated her claim. might be a way to make a dent in the problem. Brenner size of awards (in lawsuits) have gone up, and the frequency LOTTERY "I don't think it's too far-fetched to say some agencies said the center's insurance carrier, Fraser Brothers, Inc., See INSURANCE Page 5A The winning numbers In the New Jersey state lotteries appear on RN's, ON's, LPN's, -Aides. Ex- Your business will do more busi- Bears Salutes Red Bank Rumson Roulette Action Front Page Readers ZA plore the opportunities See the ness in our Business Directory In 25% off dinner to town residents Open late tonight. get results. Attract 68,000 readrs Nursing/Medical Directory In today's classified section This week, Mon-Frl. 8721245 with your ad here. today's Classified section. ZA The Register TUKOAY. 01 f.l MBER 17 198', Services State Senate panel OK's PEOPLE Continued from Pag* 1A the hangar. died during the Grenada invasion In "In a troubled world, they were 1983. The 915 victims of the mail the peacemakers," said Marsh of the suicide at the People's Temple In soldiers who had completed a tour of boarding home changes Singing for the farms Guyana in 1978 also arrived at duty In the Sinai as part of a multi- said. "Once this case management Dover, as did the remains of national peacekeeping force. TRENTON - The Senate Institu- WILLMAR, Minn. (AP) - An American soldiers killed In an system exists, the state should be estimated 250 people, sitting on At the conclusion of speeches and tions, Health and Welfare Commit- ablt to better control placement asid aborted rescue of American eulogies, the band played the na- tee has approved bills to upgrade folding chairs in a high school gym, hostages in Tehran In 1980. prevent the saturation of any one listened to country gospel singer tional anthem. Hundreds of military boarding homes and residential locality with deinstltutlonalued per- Cristy Lane, evangelist Lowell After the rear cargo doors of the personnel saluted the flag and their health care facilities with stricter sons." Lundstrom and others who donated plane had opened, the honor guard of dead comrades. The VIP's and base licensing provisions, financial incen- "The legislation is also designed their time to help raise money for pallbearers marched straight Into personnel departed. The caskets tives for structural improvements to prevent unscrupulous operators Minnesotans suffering from the rav- the aircraft. Moments later, the first remained. and better delivery of services to from getting involved in the board- aged farm economy. of 10 flag-draped caskets were Outside, another C-141 waited on clients ing home and residential health care The organizers of Sunday's carried Into the middle of the hangar the runway with 10 more bodies The package, sponsored by Sena- business," Pallone said. Christmas Aid concert at Wlllmar and placed on small platforms. which were flown to Dover to keep tor Frank Pallone, Jr., D-Mon- One bill would prohibit the Is- High School, Family Farm and At the last casket entered the the ceremony on schedule in case the mouth, also includes a bill that would suance of a license to own or operate Range Promotion Inc., hope their cavernous structure, which It first plane was delayed. Those establish a case management sys- a boarding home or residential idea will spread. usually used to wash C-5 transport remains were scheduled for identifi- tem designed to improve the place- health care facility to an applicant Gloria Tepfer, who chairs the planes, the band played "America, cation last night. ment of patients by state agencies. who has previously been denied a the Beautiful." The monstrous walls Pallone said he was "particularly newly formed group, is one who Flights will continue to arrive license, or who had a license revoked knows first-hand tough times on the of the hangar were shut before the sensitive to the need to upgrade for reasons of personal unfltness, be song's conclusion. tomorrow from Gander with up to 36 boarding home and resldental health farm. She and her husband, Wayne, caskets each, the maximum number said. farm near Danube. Their sons and a Tears appeared In the eyes of care services and control the place- Another bill mandates training some servicemen as the last of the which can be loaded aboard the C-141 ment of patients because of the son-in-law used to farm with them without stacking, according to an boarding home operators by the until conditions forced the younger caskets were placed in position for disproportionate number of de- state Department of Human Ser- the honors ceremony. Army spokesman. institutionalized person's living In generation to seek off-the-farm jobs. "We're most concerned with the vices to help them meet the client Mrs. Tepfer said the money raised The remarks of Secretary of the the older shore towns, including needs. < Army John O. Marsh Jr. and Army dignity of the soldiers. Stacking is Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Long would help needy farm families and not the way to do it, and 36 fit Branch." Pallone said that most important Jack Lemmon Iron Range families have a happier Chief of Staff Gen. John A. Wickham appropriately In a plane," the bills provide financial Incentives for Christmas. The organizers hoped to were badly distorted as their words spokesman said. The Assembly also approved on new facilities or programs. raise $15,000 bounced between the steel walls of Thursday an identical package of Humanitarian actor eight bills sponsored by As- "One bill provides the New Jersey semblyman George Otlowski, D- Housing and Mortgage Finance MEXICO CITY (AP) - American Ailment aids star Middlesex. Agency with the authority to make actor Jack Lemmon has won a Questions loans for new construction of board- NEW YORK (AP) - Walter Final legislative approval by the Ing homes in the same way that it "Coral" prize (or "exemplary artis- Matthau says a heart attack he Continued from Pag* 1A tic life" at the 7th International shingles with red cedar siding was Senate could come In January with provides loans to operators of exist- suffered 19 years ago, just before the street, said city Attorney Eugene ing facilities to make lite safety Festival of New Latin American filming of the movie "The Odd saved for last, he said. Both his the merger of the Senate and Cinema, the official Cuban news Iadanza properties are rated "poor" in the Assbembly versions of the bills improvements," he said. , Couple," may have helped him The Brothers of Israel syn- agency reported. become a star. report. "One of the bills requires the Prensa Latina, in a dispatch agogue — vacant for nearly 10 years — and a parking lot cover Theresa Lombardo of 57 Second development of an individual service monitored in Mexico City, said the "Before the heart attack, I saw plan for each resident who requires award was presented Sunday for myself as a cigar-smoking com- about one and one-half acres, he Ave. said she spent more than edian," Matthau said, In an inter- said. A non-profit agency called $5,000 this year on items such as supportive services," Pallone said. CORRECTION Lemmon's humane and sympathetic This Individualized plan will serve as activities "known to win the heart of view conducted by his stepson, Aram Monmouth-by-the-Atlantic will be paint, new plumbing and smoke Saroyan, and published in the Janu- building a 144-unit senior citizens detectors to revamp the six apart- the primary tool for evaluating the our peoples." resident's needs, delivering services Sgt. Jerry Vasto of the Atlantic Lemmon was nominated for an ary issue of House and Garden apartment on the site. ment units she rents out. Her Highlands police was incorrectly magazine. For the city to be able to have house also received a "poor" and measuring the Individual's pro- identified in Sunday's edition as a Academy Award as best actor for gress as the plan Is reviewed and playing Ed Horman in "Missing" the project subsidized by the U.S. rating. man who alerted police that his car "But after It, I had to give up updated." which portrayed the disappearance Department of Housing and Urban However, since exterior criteria was stolen. Vasto actually Is the of Horman's son, Charles, in the 1972 smoking and I began to see myself Development, the two lots must be investigating officer of a weekend the way I had when I was in my late — broken windows, deteriorating The Individual service plan will Chilean military coup that ousted on property in need of improve- paint, falling or rotten exterior put Into place a case management car theft. It was also incorrectly leftist President Salvador Allende. teens and early 20s — as a poetic, ment to prevent it from being reported that Union Beach police set romantic figure," said Matthau, 65. columns, deteriorating porches, system to solve the lack of coordi- The news agency said last week blighted, Iadanza said. stairs and gutters -were used, the nation between agencies that place bail at $1,000 for the suspect. Ball that Horman and his wife, Elizabeth, There followed a series of leading However, since the study was or provide services to patients, he totaling this amount was set by the roles in romantic comedies, includ- ratings were accurate, said City accompanied Lemmon to the film 1 conducted more than a year ago, Atlantic Highlands police ing "A New Leaf," "Pete n Tillie" Administrator Anthony J. festival during which "Missing" was many residents say it falsely Musclllo. to have been shown. and "House Calls-" reflects an area where almost "I don't know how I became a every homeowner and busi- Sanders also said she was never movie star, but I'm sure glad I did," nessman has beenSipgrading his notified the report was being Rocky weds he said. property. prepared and never visited by a "My house was listed in fair building Inspector. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) - condition and I resent that because WOMEN Sylvester Stallone, star of the "I want to know if this was done It's in excellent condition Inside HUSHPUPPIE9 HUSHPUPPIES "Rocky" and "Rambo" movies, and out," said Annette Sanders of behind closed doors," she said. CONTEMPOB married Danish actress-model "How can they come and look at WALKOVER TREADEASV The Rcgitlrr 73 Second Ave. BARCLAY Brigitte Nielsen in a ceremony at the Bruno Glgante has spent the the outside of a house and rate it? NURSEMATES home of producer Irwin V inkier, a (ISSN 06844704) If someone hadn't given us a copy MORGAN QUINN REVELATIONS spokeswoman said Monday. PuBWttd Dy Tin RM Bank ftegKK past three years renovating the of the report we wouldn't have BOSTONIAN EattOMhM in 1979 two-story house he rents out next by John H Cook and Henry Cdy known the house was rated." The ceremony, which Men on« to his own at 65 Second Ave. While spokeswoman Lisa Long said was On. Register Plan. Shimbury. N J 07701 he admits the exterior looked Sunday, was attended by Olympic {2O1I 542-4000 While Musclllo said everything Branch OKIcat shabby until this summer, it was about the study was discussed in O7747 IMMM "•••a, "•»» gold medalist Bruce Jenner and Monmouth County Couittouat. because the entire interior was other celebrities. FiaancM. N.J 07721 either an open council meeting or Mtmrjeri of me AMOCMVM P'eM Th«AMoclatad being redone. Planning Board meeting, he ad- Stallone, 39, whose current hit Prele <• inMkM uclmMy to M uaa ol ell N local ram prinitd m ihe newepaper aa wall at ill AP newe Gigante installed new plumbing, mitted that it might have been "Rocky IV" also stars his new wife, aminaa. drainage, heating, electrical wir- wiser for the city to notify resi- was married once before. He met Member of ma American Newapaper PuWrehert AHoc«ion. ma Audit Buraau of Circulation, ma New ing and insulation throughout the dents their houses were being Ms. Nielsen, 22, after she sent him Jeney Preei Aaeocietnn iacono1 (Claaa pottage paid at Had Bank. N J. building. Replacing the house's old rated. a photo of herself. 07701 PuDlnhad daily aicapl Sun Mail tubacriptiona The 6-foot Ms. Nielsen was a payabia m advanca "It wasn't required, but good Total fashion model in Europe before she Mail tuna Daily 1 public relations dictated that was cast in the film "Red Sonja" Tarrn Daily Set/Sun Sunday people probably should have been RICK'S OnaWaak 2.10 B5 2 85 cmm P cunp with Arnold Schwarzenegger. She 13 Waakt 27 00 1100 34 00 notified. That was up to the B SADDLE SHOP also was previously married. » WeeM 54 00 2200 MOO LOTTERY Planning Board," Muscillo said. I Vaaf 10000 4000 13000 In a recent interview with Rolling Mail rataa tot college lludenta and military panon Feed ft Pet Supplies n* — "j ot abova rataa In addition, the report's rec- Stone magazine, Stallone said his Homa dalrvary by Carriar - Oaily and Sunday bride has "heart, humor, beauty, $1 55 • weak. Saturday and Sunday only 75 centa. TRENTON - The winning ommendations for private de- Dairy only 1 25 number drawn last night in New velopment of the mixed residential athletic prowess, maternal instincts. Single copy at Counter - Daily 25 cent*. Sunday She's very family-oriented. And Ucmi Jersey's Pick-It Lottery was 020. A and commercial area calling for 9 WATER 8T. POSTMASTER. Send addreu cnangee lo The straight bet pays $288. box pays $98 she's classically true to her man — Regular. POBo> 520. Had Bank. N J 07701 specialty stores, shops and res- ENQLISHTOWR N J I mean really dedicated to the and pairs pay 128.50. taurants, professional offices and 201-446-4330 maintaining and prolonging of this THE REGISTER and THE SUNDAY REGIS- The Pick 4 number was 5585. A new or rehabilitated housing, have relationship." TER are both published Dy THE RED BANK straight bet pays $3,325 and box pays residents worried. REGISTER. INC $831. Purina "I want to find out what they're Cat Chow3 (the council) thinking," said Brand Gigante. "When they say they Rtoofnmandtti by want to rehabilitate the area, they must have some plan they're THE WEATHER working on." Iadanza said the recomenda- TIDES tions are strictly for private [h« Forecast/for 7 p.m. EST, Tue., Dec. 17 development. "The way the ordi- Sandy Hook nance is set up there's no right of New Purina TODAY: High 11:54 am Lows condemnation," he said. "Its in- 5:43 a.m. and 6:21 p.m. tent is to foster private develop- DEALER'S PRIDE TOMORROW: Highs 12:34 a.m. ment." and 12:49 p.m. Lows 6:44 a.m. and Dog Food 7:17 p.m. Should the city declare the area For Red Bank and Rumson blighted, it would have to initiate bridges, add two hours. Sea Bright, a lengthy process which would deduct ten minutes. Long Branch, begin with a public hearing, deduct 15 minutes. Highlands bridge, Iadanza said. add 40 minutes. Purina SUN FIT & TRIM TODAY: Sunrise 7.14 a.m. Sunset 4:30 p.m. Dog Food TOMORROW: Sunrise 7:14 a.m. Sunset 4:30 p.m. JERSEY SHORE Partly sunny today with highs in the middle 30s. Partly cloudy with scattered snow flurries tonight and Shown Rain Flurrns Snow Occkxfrd -arty Stationary * Sunflower tomorrow. Lows will be around 20. Highs tomorrow will range from 25 Natonsi WtattlSf Sewtc* NOAA. US 0*»l ol Commerce Seed Evaneviiie 11 cdy to 30. V WEATHER ELSEWHERE Feirbenlu 09 •07 01 Cdy Fargo •04 •13 cdy Tetnperaturea indicate prevloua day* h*gh and Fiegetatt 44 12 elf overnlont loo n 9 p.m. 1ST. Qrand Rapid! 22 14 17 cdy MARINE FORECAST Ml Le "re Oat Qreel Fain 40 » clr Alcany 35 29 an Qreeneboro.N C 49 25 cdy Albuquerque 49 24 clr Hartford 39 23 cdy — NEW — Manasquan to Cape Henlopen Amerlllo 44 23 Cdy H9HM 41 00 cdy . to 20 nautical miles offshore Anchorage 31 20 cdy Honolulu 90 58 03 cdy -Winds will be westerly at 15 to2 5 Aehevwe 49 24 cdy Houaton 52 48 tay Purina' Balanced Blen MUM 90 29 cdy indWiepoiie 36 '9 cdy knots by this afternoon and south- AramcCity 45 17 cdy Jacttaon Ma 55 22 cdy westerly at 10 to 15 knots early UK 92 32 cdy JacuonvM 57 30 ody A WINNER! 12% Sweet Feed Juneau 41 35 m m Bettmore 49 23 cdy Abtsndof tonight becoming northwesterly at Billings 42 25 cdy KanaaaCity 33 2« cdy 10 to 20 knots later tonight. Fair Blf Tnk DQnAf T i 53 22 cdy Laavegae 94 32 elf o/am.1 •gmgvaji 07 03 07 cdy UitneRocK 54 30 cdy John Quinn with pwitto . through the day. A chance of snow BNae 19 02 cdy loaAngovae 79 55 Clf nutrMnts. flurries late tonight. Visibility will Saw 37 27 cdy Lomevnia 43 27 cdy of New Monmouth won 72 42 cdy Lu0bOC« 49 23 cdy be 5 miles or more. Average seas Bultalo 29 19 39 an Memphra 92 25 clr $50 in The Register's will be 2 to 4 feet. Tomorrow will Burtlngkyi.vt 29 23 cdy Miami Beach 74 S3 ody CaapaV 30 14 Clr Midind.Ooeaaa 91 19 cdy Social Security have a chance of snow flurries. Qwieawi.SC 54 34 err Miiwauwe 19 18 09 cdy PURINA Northwesterly winds will be at 15 to Cherteewi.w.v 43 34 cdy Mpla-Si Paul 03 04 11 » Contest! Chafkme.NC 51 n cdy Neanviite 52 22 25 knots. NewOrreane - 27 37 19 clr 92 Whole OATS 23 12 Cdy Na»Vor* 41 30 edy Cmdnnao 39 27 cdy 52 29 Cdy You can be a winner too EXTENDED OavalanrsssrJ 32 It 07 cdy Norm Plane 34 05 edy. Cotumbla.8 C 55 19 Clr OWehomaCay 49 29 cdy - check the Social Se- Fair Thursday. Chance of snow on Columdue.On 39 27 cdy Omaha 25 H clr Concord.NH 34 15 cdy Orlando 93 47 edy Friday. Clearing Saturday. Highs Dewe-Fi Worth 57 It cdy Pmiaoeipnia 49 21 edy curity ad that appears in will be around 30 each day. Lows will Dayton 39 29 cdy Pnoenii 99 43 Denver. 47 19 Clr PrmCu'gn 33 28 The Register each day be in the teens on Thursday and DeeMoinee » 13 Clr PorMnd.Me 31 19 ranging from the upper teens to the Detroit 27 17 12 cdy Pontand.Or 40 27 for details. middle 20s on Friday and Saturday. Oulirrh 00 15 clr Provioence 39 20 ody eifeeo 3* 20 Of newgn 49 23 ody LOCAL TUMMY. DECEMBER 17. 1985 Defense doctor disputes tot's cause of death

County lists fugitives Judge Jamas A. Kennedy. Dr. Baden, who Baden also contradicted Becker's testi- e checked on the child 40 minutes IfUUlXMK was called by defense attorney Charles mony on whether Ross had suffered a later, Rosa was not breathing pREEHOLD - Hie following people were The Register , , Mortality, said he disagreed with several broken collarbone. Baden said be felt the burns on ROM'S ••lilted as fugitives by the Monmouth County FREEHOLD - A former New York of Becker's autopsy results. Becker said the child suffered a broken body were caused by contact with a I Prosecutor's Office. Anyone with infor- City medical examiner testified yesterday "In my opinion, the subdural hemor- collarbone when she was alive. But Baden kerosene space heater. He said then was mation on their whereabouts are asked to call that Rosa Swain did not die from a brain rhage was not sufficient to cause death," testified yesterday the break could have a pattern evident from the beater on the the Fugitive Squad at 431-tW. Injury. Baden said. been caused by a scapel cutting through large burn on Rosa's left buttock. Raymond and Paillette Dyson, of Carr However, Dr. Michael Baden, who was But Baden, who was paid 1150 an hour the bone. During questioning by defense attorney Avenue, Keansburg. failed to appear at their s consultant to the U.S. House of for consultant services by the defense, "There is no evidence that this fracture Steven C Rubin, Baden said that be didn't arraignment on theft charges. Representatives' subcommittees on the was never asked and never volunteered occurred during life," Baden said. think the Holloways were typical of child Carlos Cifuentes, of Green Grove Avenue, John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther what he thought caused the death of Rosa Baden also said Dr. Becker made an abusers. "I do not find a pattern of the - Keyport. failed to appear at his arraignment on King Jr. assassinations, did not say what Swain. "obvious error" when he identified an X- actions of Mr. and Mrs. Holloway typical '. drug possession and distribution charges. caused the 2-year-olds death. However, in response to a question from ray of a clavicle, or collarbone, was a of those in a child abuse household," Dr. - Bertram Smith, of Monroe Avenue, Asbury Baden testified for six hours yesterday Assistant Prosecutor Elaine Leschot, Dr. windpipe. When be testified, Dr. Becker Baden said. Park, (ailed to appear at hit arraignment on in the murder trial of Susie and Herbert Baden did say what he thought did not said he could not tell what the object was Witnesses for the prosecution testified drug and weapons charges. Holloway of Neptune, directly contradict- cause Rosa's death. because it was poorly developed and be last week that Rosa was a victim of child _ Peter Ward, of Jackson Mills Raod, Jackson, ing the earlier autopsy findings of Dr. "I have no evidence that she died of was not a radiologist, but said he thought abuse. . "' railed to appear at his arraignment on theft Stanley Becker, the Monmouth County natural causes," Baden said. it was a windpipe. Baden also said that Rosa appeared to charges. medical examiner. Baden testified his finding was based on In addition, Baden said that several of have a continuous history of abuse, Meredith Newland, of Telegraph Hill Road, starting with the natural mother and . Becker had testified two weeks ago that the fact that there was no evidence of Rosa's injuries to her arms and groin area Holmdel, failed to appear at her arraignment on could have been caused by doctors who continued by Ashley. Rosa died from subdural hemorrhage — swelling, or pressure on the brain. He said forgery and theft charges. some of the 30 cc's of blood found on were trying to resuscitate Rosa when she But Baden admitted be based his finding bleeding - and swelling of the brain. Joann Klrsch, of Marine Terrace, Long Rosa's brain could have come from was brought into the emergency room. about A«Mey from comments from' Branch, failed to appear at her arraignment on The Holloways have been charged with attempts to revive her at the hospital. Rosa died on Dec. IS. When she was previous loster families, rattier than theft charges. beating Rosa to death, and abusing her 7- He said the injury that caused the brought into the emergency room, she was direct medical evidence of any Injuries to Joseph flitter, of Walnut Street, Mtddletown. year-old brother Ashley. subdural hemorrhage was most likely not breathing. Mrs. Holloway has told Rosa. failed to appear at his arraignment on drag They are standing trial on charges of caused by a fall, rather than a blow to the police that Rosa had a temper tantrum The defense attornies have suggested it possession charges. murder, two counts of child abuse, two head. Two doctors, who testified previous- earlier in the afternoon when she was was Ashley who caused the injuries to George Vega, of Morris Avenue, Long Branch, counts of endangering the welfare of a ly for the prosecution, have said the denied ice cream. Mrs. Holloway said Rosa. failed to appear at his arraignment on drug child, and child cruelty subdural hemorrhage was caused by a Rosa fell from her stool, and banged her Testimony is scheduled to resume at 0 possession and distribution charges. In testimony before Superior Court blow to the head. head and legs against the floor. She said a.m. today. Angelo Ricks, of Chelsea Avenue, Long Branch, failed to appear at his arraignment on drug possession and distribution charges. Kim Douglas Brown, of Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, failed to appear at his trial on Union Beach theft charges He is free on 15,000 bail Robert Trampler, of Poole Avenue, Union Beach, failed to appear at his trial on burglary charges He Is free on 8,500 bail. okays water William K Mason of Red Bank, failed to appear at his arraignment on theft charges. Parnell Blakely, of Crescent Avenue, Jersey City, failed to appear at his arraignment on well drilling theft, forgery and credit card theft charges. Charles P. Davis, of Pine Tree Apartments, UNION BEACH - Federal geological Old Bridge, failed to appear at his arraignment officials last night received tentative of reception of stolen property charges. Borough Council approval to drill a water Ronald R. Horton, of Everett Road, Lincroft, well to monitor extensive saltwater failed to appear at his arraignment on theft intrusion into a regional aquifer, i charges The well will not tap the local drinking David R. Murray, of Pineview Apartments, water supply, which is drawn from an Keansburg, failed to appear at his arraignment aquifer underneath the one that the U.S. on charges of aggravated assault and endanger- Geological Survey wants to monitor. • • ing the welfare of a child In a workshop session, council voted 5-1 Jill Weber, of Aldrin Road, Ocean, failed to to allow the agency to tap the Old Bridge appear at her arraignment on theft charges. aquifer from a well to be drilled on borough-owned land near Memorial School Two arrested for LSD The borough draws its water from the Farrington aquifer, which is below the Old NION BEACH - Two men were arrested Bridge aquifer and not believed to be after a party Saturday night when police contaminated by saltwater intrusion. Ufound them in possession of LSD, police In fact, said Douglas Harriman, a said hydrologist with the agency's state dis- Norman Tepper, 21, of Farmingdale, and trict in Trenton, geologists may be able to James Drawer, 20. of Keyport, were charged determine from the proposed well with possession of a controlled, dangerous wbethenaltwater is leaking from the Old. substance after police were called to a large Bridge aquifer into the Farrington party that night at 001 Seventh St. THE REGISTER/CAROLINE I COUM ' "There are areas of saltwater intrusion After dispersing about 41 people from the ENJOYING THE SUN - Anna Grasso, left. 14, and weather while having a chat after school yesterday. Both girls attend St. John Vianney High School in Holmdel. into the Farrington aquifer and and we're house and street, Tepper refused to leave, police Gina Orio, 15, both of Holmdel, enjoy the warmer concerned they may be moving in (toward said. He was then arrested along with Drawer drinking water wells)," Harriman said. who was engaged in disorderly conduct in the street,,police said. A check on Tepper revealed that he was wanted by the Monmouth County prosecutor's office for failing to appear for a court hearing 2 firefighters hurt as flames gut Highlands bar for possession of a controlled dangerous substance. A further check at headquarters revealed both men were both in possession of Borough Code Enforcement Officer LSD, police said. if mm Jack Mahoney said the building's wooden Both were also charged with disorderly The Register siding bad been installed without a conduct. Tepper was also charged with failing HIGHLANDS - A mid-morning fire construction permit, but Doyle said the to disperse upon official order. Bail was set at swept up from a first-floor fireplace in the siding probably had nothing to do with the $1,000 for each and both are scheduled for Driftwood Inn -yesterday, gutting the fire. arraignment in Union Beach Municipal Court on unoccupied, 2W-story structure within two "I doubt the siding was the problem," Tuesday. hours, authorities said. he said. "The fire seemed contained inside Two firefighters received minor in- the building juries in the blaze called in at 10:29 a.m.. The fire spread quickly, and took three Christmas tree lighting said Fire Chief Matthew Kane The fire is departments and nearly 60 firefighters to not suspicious, authorities said. bring under control, authorities said. EANSBURG - A Christinas tree lighting By late afternoon, a crew of volunteers "It climbed right up the building," said ceremony will take place at 6:30 p.m. and owner Phillip Lorri were nailing Ventimiglia. "The bar was gutted." tonight in (root of the Borough Hall on plywood over the Fifth Avenue bar's And Lorri described as "ruined" the K second and third stories, which he said Church Street. blown-out windows. Some began sorting The JO-foot Douglas fir comes from Nova out the blackened wreckage inside the bar. were empty. The roof, too, was damaged. Scotia and was donated by Freehold resident Hammer in hand, Lorri said he did not Mahoney said the building, described by Ben Castronpva, who owns the Memories know whether he would rebuild the Ventimiglia as ancient, had no code Lounge on Can Avenue here. . wooden structure, which he said was violations against it and would not be torn Mrs. Santa Claus is expected to be on hand insured. He could not estimate the cost of down by the borough. with cookies for children. All residents are the damage. "It's up to the owner whether be wants urged to attend. .'.' r 'It's just too early to tell," Lorri said. to rebuild," Mahoney said. "The insurance, company hasn't ^•verf' The bar was the only building in the •'.'"' •• arrived yet — this was very sudden." crowded neighborhood to be damaged, Incinerator catches fire Less sudden, said Kane, was the way the Kane said. Firefighters saved from dam- fire started. ' age a home built about 10 inches away ED BANK - A fire in an incinerator chute "The back or the fireplace was rotted from the bar, he added. at Riverside Towers kept borough fire- away," Kane said. "They probably had a The fire was the fifth major structure R fighters busy Sunday. fire last night, and put it out. But inside fire in the borough this year, Kane said. Firefighters were called out twice yesterday the wall, the fire smoldered all night." In addition, the department responded to morning to try to put out the fire. Fire Chief From the fireplace, the fire spread THE REGISTER/ED BRETT six fires on Sandy Hook, he said. Robert Holiday said that a resident of the high- upwards, finally burning through the roof, FIRE AFTERMATH — Jack Mahoney, code enforcement officer lor Highlands, . Responding to the fire wereHlre rise apparently put something in the Incinerator Kane said. left, and a member of the County Fire Marshal's office inspect what's left of the departments from Highlands, Atlantic which jammed and caught on fire near the 11th Highlands and Sea Bright, Highlands tint Police Detective Gene Ventimiglia Driftwood Inn yesterday. A mid-morning blaze destroyed the unoccupied floor^ ... • • ' agreed with Kane's assessment, and aid and Mice, and the arson division of Firefighters placed fans on the eighth through added that the fire is not considered building, injuring two firefighters. the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Of- 12th floors to get rid the smoke. suspicious. fice. As a result of the fire. Holiday ordered the The Driftwood had reopened early this passed two fire inspections. He had not "I spent the morning trying to contain incinerator doors locked and told the residents it." said Doyle, a firefighter and former An aide to Prosecutor John A. Kaye said year, and fire sub-code official Edward inspected the damage yesterday after- the fire is still under investigation. not to burn any garbage. - Doyle said the wooden building has since noon. chief of the borough fire department. Fire Marshal Stanley Sickels will Inspect the chute today and determine what was caught In the. incinerator. More than 40 firefighters responded to the Ware, Holiday said. Kean to okay pet cemetery bill disclose the length of time they plan to Sea Bright council to aid IFF, authority in court TRENTON — Gov. Thomas H. Kean is keep the site as a pet cemetery." he expected to sign legislation this week added. REEHOLD - International Flavors and designed to assure bereaved pet owners Fragrances Inc. battled in Superior Court that their pets will rest in peace Under the bill, land designated for pet appeal of cabana decision Fyesterday to avoid paying more than a Sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph A. burial could not be sold to developers million dollars in industrial surcharges to the Palaia, R-Monmouth, the measure im- without a Superior Court order and the Bayshore Regional Sewerage. Authority. and Joan Brearley voted against it. poses new regulations on pet cemeteries written consent of owners of animals SEA BRIGHT - In a tie vote broken BRSA is suing IFF to collect the back Mayor Cecile F Norton broke the tie and requires their operators to register buried there. by the mayor, the Borough Council payments. The authority has argued that IFF with an affirmative vote sites with the state. "Before this bill, there weren't any voted last night to side with the owner has not payed the extra fees charged to its Last week, the state Appellate Court ' The bill Is identical to one sponsored in regulations on New Jersey sites," of more than 100 luxury Driftwood customers that emit certain kinds of industrial overturned a Superior Court decision the state Senate by Majority Leader John Ekdershaw said. cabanas in his appeal of the state wastes into the sewage system.' . and ruled the state DEP could stop Russo, D-Ocean, The measure also requires operators to Appellate Court decision allowing state But IFF has claimed that they were unfairly construction on the cabanas until the "The bill has been approved by both inform prospective customers of future environmental officials to stop the required to pay the industrial surcharges. .-state houses. Now, we're just waiting for plans for the site and supply full disclosure builder gets a Coastal Area Facility cabanas' construction. Review Act permit. The hearing, before Judge Laurence C. the governor's signature and we really of burial options and costs. All new pet Councilman Andrew Manning Stamelman, is expected to last through today don't anticipate any problems with that." cemeteries must maintain a trust fund of Council members who opposed the proposed that the council petition the borough's involvement in the suit said and into tomorrow. Tom Ekdanhaw, a Palaia aide, said at least $12,000 for regular maintenance of Supreme Court to allow Sea Bright to it was wrong to use taxpayers' money Yesterday, Joel Pearlsteln of IFF and Dr. yesterday. 1 • the facility, he said. John Cirello of Princeton Aqua Sciences join Driftwood beach club cabana in what, they said, was essentially a The measure requires pet cemetery In turn, cemetery operators will be able owner Michael Stavola in his appeal. private matter between Stavola and the testified on behalf of IFF. operators to disclose if the land has been to charge an annual fee for perpetual care BRSA Project Manager David Knowles said Councilwoman Teresa McGulre and Department of Environmental Protec- dedicated exclusively as a burial site, of the gravesite, Ekdershaw said. Council President Charles Rooney Jr. tion. Borough Attorney Thomas J. testimony is expected to end either today or Ekdershaw said. Palaia sponsored the bill to prevent Thursday. also voted in favor of the idea; council Smith Jr. estimated the borough's "When they (cemetery operators) go to cemetery operators from selling land members Robert Furlong, Alan Millen joining the suit would cost $650 register with the state, they will have to previously used for pet burial.

\ The Register I 4A NEW JERSEY TUESMV. DEC STATE DIGEST Missing children awareness grows

State environmental chief resigns with the National Crime Information Each year, more than 1 million million in state funds to — youngsters nationwide run away and Staples Center In Washington, DC the program The bill wu appro**' RENTON (AP) - State En- there are 100,000 to 190,000 parental vironmental Commissioner Tht Associated Press He said they do so under an order by the Assembly last week and sent • Hughey, who earlier refused to abductions and 50,000 kidnappings by Robert Hughey, who has held tell reporters gathered outside TRENTON — Law enforcement state Attorney General Irwin I. to the Senate. T strangers, according to the com- The panel also i IIIIBIWITIBII the the post for (our years, offered the governor's office whether he and social service* officials who Klmmelman Issued last year. mission development of cuuuntWiiatv, mi- hit resignation to Gov. Thomas had resigned, was en route toni l would enforce and Implement the "It used to be that when a missing Mattis said 70 percent of the about form procedures lor cfmfaal back- H. Kean yesterday, a television Margate home yesterday evening recommendations of a state legislat- child report came in, there would be network reported. ive commission on missing children delay before a report was fUed to be 10,000 missing persons reports filed ground checks on petite who work and could not be reached Im- said yesterday that some of the annually in New Jersey involve with children. • •' • Hughey told a New Jersey mediately for comment. sure the child was really missing. Network reporter that he visited panel's proposals are already prac- Juveniles. He estimated 1,200 chil- Thomas Blatner ofH* Division of the governor yesterday to hand in A New Jersey Network tice. Now those reports are sent to dren arc missing In the state, most Youth and Family Services said his his resignation and said he would A report released last week by the Washington right away," said Mat- of them runaways ages 14 tolt . department began uritartlf back- producer who asked not to be tls. go to work in February for a identified said the 42-year-old Commission on Missing Children In The commission, which Issued a ground investigation* on foster And the lieutenant said police hold southern New Jersey investment Hughey refused to announce his New Jersey urged more support for preliminary report In May, spent a parent* and workers la state Institu- state police efforts to locate missing hundreds of presentations each year tions about six months ago and U firm, the network said. resignation to other reporters year studying legislative measures Hughey also said he would children and endorsed a bill that to civic groups and other organiza- to help reduce the number of missing working with state police to compile recommend that Deputy Com- "I guess they're waiting for would build shelters for runaways. tions statewide in an effort to stem children in the state. Hsu. missioner Richard Dewllng re- Kean's official announcement," It also called for more education the problem of missing children. The May report focused ... He said DYFS would be willing to place him, the network reported. he said. of parents and teachers on how to "We are already doing a lot of try proposed legislative action to deal oversee checks oa all emptoyees of to cut down on the number of facilities that care for children bat Carl Golden, Kean's press The DEP, which employs avoid a youngster's disappearance with the problem of parental abduc- and urged the establishment of a juveniles listed as missing and we that it would take more state secretary, declined to comment more than 2,250 people, is respon- tion, which the panel found to be the clearinghouse to distribute infor- expect to be doing a lot more work, workers and money to do the Job on the report. sible for enforcing numerous most prevalent form of child kidnap- mation on youths who run away from as more legislation related to the "Right now, we have enough to do James Staples, a DEP spokes- laws and regulations aimed at ping. home or are abducted. subject is passed," added Mattls. checks on our own Hnfioyeai. If the man, said he did not know preserving the state's natural The recommendations released Assemblywoman Marlene Lynch legislation passes to have checks on whether Hughey submitted a resources, safely managing the Lt. Vincent Mattls, head of the last week concentrated on runaways Ford, D-Ocean, who chaired the everyone who works With children letter of resignation to Kean stream of solid and hazardous missing persons unit in the Division and abductions by strangers. commission, said the problem of and we are called upon toadministe r yesterday but added, "I wouldn't waste generated in New Jersey of State Police, said law enforce- The commission proposed enact- missing children has reached "crisis the program, we would have tohav e be surprised." and ensuring adequate and safe ment agencies have been immedi- ment of the Runaway and Homeless ately filing missing children reports proportions" in the state and the more in terms of personnel to do It," "This is nothing new. He's water supplies. The department Youth Act, which would establish country. said Blatner. been saying he would resign for had an annual budget for fiscal shelters for runaways and provide 15 the better part of a year," said 1984-85 of 161 million Hunters find missing man's body Ramapoughs want federal tribal status RANKLIN TOWNSHIP (AP) vestigators found a portion of a — The remains of a mentally skull, bones from the arm and German and Dutch settlers and "The tribe doesn't put up a thing taking office in January. Fhandicapped man, which thigh, as well as clothing, a corn By The Associated Press runaway slaves. The multi-racial and has1 no risk," said Farrison. He Robert Frank, a Rory Manage- were dug from a swamp more cob pipe, a coffee cup and part of The Ramapough Mountain In- tribe often has been victimized by said he does not know why some clan ment's owner, would not comment dians, who live in hills overlooking than two years after he was a denture, which had Gltto's prejudice and is suspicious of members are opposed to the con- on the contract when reached at his suburban northern New Jersey, have reported missing, show no ap- name printed inside. tract. Miami home. He also declined to been unable to receive recognition outsiders. parent signs of foul play, The denture just popped up comment about how the company Gloucester County medical from the federal government so Since 1979, the group has been However, one of the dissidents, through the water, and if a unsuccessful in its bid to obtain could obtain tribal status for the examiner Claus P. Speth said they've contracted with a private Norren Boddy of Mahwah, said she Ramapoughs. yesterday. murder mystery movie had company that has promised to obtain recognition from the U.S. Depart- doubts the tribe would make as much ended the same way "people ment of the Interior's Bureau of Speth was among seven the recognition if it can operate high- money as Rory Management has Farrison said the company Is would walk out of the theater stakes bingo on their land. Indian Affairs. Federal recognition promised. searchers, including township de- would allow the Ramapoughs to prepared to spend more than S3 tectives and officials from the saying "Things don't happen like William Farrison, an attorney for "I'm not against bingo, and I receive federal education funds, million for land aquisition and has county prosecutors office, who that,'" Speth said. the tribe, said the contract signed would love to see the tribal status go housing and health care for their hired Washington, DC , lobbyists tramped through thigh-high mud Although the discovery re- Nov 20 by Chief Ronald Van Dunk through," Ms. Boddy said. "If I impoverished rural community, said familiar with Indian affairs Sunday to reach the remains of mains under investigation, "ten- with Rory Management Corp. knew more about the corporation Farrison, who claimed to be part Santo "Sam" Gitto, 54, who last tatively, my opinion is that he guarantees the tribe at least $21 and who's behind it, it could be a The contract gives Rory Manage- was seen after wandering away died an accidental death," Speth million from bingo operations over Ramapough. He is a former vice- ment three yean to attain federal president of the National Congress of good thing. But I have a lot of from the Amis Acres Boarding said. its 15-year life. questions." recognition and provides that the Home. American Indians. Gitto, an Atlantic City native, Rory Management of Miami, The other opponents, Patricia tribe will be guaranteed $100,000 per which incorporated in New Jersey to If the group ever is granted month for the tint year of the bingo Deer hunters found a human last was seen Nov. 25,1983, when Perrano and Robert L. Mann, said allay the fears of the tribe, is recognition, its land could be given operations and I1M.000 per month bone Saturday while chasing a he walked to a local store for the chief violated tribal by-laws by buck through the swamp, and operating bingo on other reser- in trust to the federal government for the next 14 years, Farrison said. cigarettes. He had been in sev- and It would be allowed to hold bingo not allowing newly elected council since it was the last day of the eral private care homes since the vations in the Southwest, Farrison games and other gambling members, who opposed the contract, The company also win pay for land season, finished their hunting age of 14 and was described by said. enterprises, which would be exempt to vote on the plan, which narrowly acquisition and the construction of a before reporting the find to authorities as having "limited However, three members of the from state and local taxes and passed 4-3. bingo hall, according to the contract. police that evening, Speth said. mental capacity" as the result of tribe's governing council have dis- Using shovels to dig through puted the contract. regulations, Farrison said. However, Farrison said a dis- a frontal lobotomy operation in "The jackpots as high as $50,000 crepancy in the by-laws made it Farrison said the process of , the muck, Speth said in- the 1950s The Ramapough Indians settled in the hills of Ringwood, Mahwah and would attract thousands of people unclear as to whether the council applying for federal rtrognltkm can Hillburn, NY, in 1740, and inter- from the surrounding affluent area," members were allowed to vote after take as long as 10 years and millions • N.J. seat belt law called success married with Hessians soldiers, he said. being elected in September, or after of dollars in research and legal fees . RANFORD (AP) - A 30 Since the law went into effect, percent drop in front-seat state police have issued 5,556 Cauto fatalities on New Jer- summonses for seat belt viol- sey's highways during October is ations, said Capt. Peter Baker. being attributed to the state's 9- "When you look at the fact that month-old seat belt law and to the law has only been in effect for the issuance of 5,556 citations to nine months, I think the number drivers found violating the regu- lation of summonses is substantial," Baker said. "We at the state Thirty-five front-seat passen- police think that the safety belt gers were killed in automobile use law is critical to New accidents during October, a re- duction of almost one-third from Jersey's health and well-being." the 49 2 average for the month In an insurance industry over the past five years, said Ann survey relased in October, re- Dillon, director of the New searchers found seat belt use by Jersey Committee for Safety New Jersey drivers dropped 8 Belt Use percent between March and July. The survey said that during the TheBi In a news release, Ms Dillon said the figures represent the period, 48 percent of drivers and largest reduction in fatalities front-seat passengers observed since the state enacted its man- on New Jersey roads were wear- datory seat belt law last March. ing seat belts. _ QtQ

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I f TUtlMV. DECEMBER 17, 1985 TWKtgkler

r Plane filled with smoke evacuated Air «UU«t iMRager Toby Pratt "At Tana, via Lot Angeles, were evalu- , SAN DIEGO (AP) - A MOM Air thii time, it appsan tome hydraulic ated for ponible cmoke inhalation, DC-9 about to takeoff with* people fluid leaked Into a hot put of an but paramedlci determined they aboard wai evacaatcd yoterday engine, which, in turn, canted the didn't require treatment, Pratt said. when It fUM wiUmnoke, apparent- imoke ' ly cauaad by a leak In a hydraulic Four paiaenfert aboard Flight A preliminary investigation show- fluid line, aathoriUcs laid. 87t, which originated at Lindbergh ed the smoke aboard Flight (78 came "There was no fire," laid Mute Field and w»a bound for San Antonio, from a leak in a hydraulic fluid line, Probe Continued from I iiA van instead of the regular school bus a date for both children to appear in He added that It's a "waste of they usually ride with the other juvenile court will be set within a taxpayers' money" to use an un- students month. Officers contacted yesterday necessary vehicle to transport itu- The police, she said, took her two at the township police department dents. children for "questioning" last week referred questions to the officer in Mibany said be has already and told her the youngsters were charge of the case, Sgt. Tim Em- notified the Monmouth County Pros- "released into my custody." She mons, who could not be reached for * * ecutor's office of the matter. said she was told by the police that comment. Herbert Lichter, school board chairman, said be does not have all the deUUs of the incident and that he will not comment, noting it may involve litigation. The board usually UNITED WE STAND makes district transportation changes, but Lichter said school ' itffltitlLli . __ officials can make Immediate TO SAY THANK YOU. changes "based on circumstances Wfe are your neighbors, your involved." THE BEOtSTER/B) BRETT friends, members of the The youngster's mother, Jamie, THREE ON FORE — Robert Lyon, left talks with Haven about the proposed golf course and housing said her son has worn the sling since community who benefit from professional golfer and golf course designer development for Howell. Friday, after be saw Dr. Milford your generosity. Johnny Miller, center, and Raymond young of Fair Panzer, who practices In Holmdel. Thank you for giving. Panzer could not be reached last night for comment on youngster's Thank you for caring. condition. Golf course- Ms. Crook said she's "disgusted Thank you fa becoming jnited. about it. I feel like they (school Continued from Page 1A officials)) haven't treated them (her children) right... If you have a child, Tom Pearson, who will rep- — he was lying." Golforce designer, both said that golf course fertilizer is not a you wouldn't want them mis- resent Golforce in the creative and As to what the Shore Golf group problem for water pollution. They treated ." technical design of the course, will do about the environmental said that all proposed golf course She said the school suspended agreed. Since hosting a major questions related to water pol- sites have problems to be worked Vernon and Tomika late last week THANKS TO YOU IT WORKS tournament takes Just one week lution that might result from out, but that they did not foresee until yesterday, when both young- FOR AIL Of US per year, he said he and Miller will heavy fertilizer and lime on the any major difficulties. sters and their friend Cade were design the course with "alternate course, Lyon said that the group taken to and from school in a school I ncnaaraKauo routes to every green." will "whatever is necessary to "It takes just as much time and The room turned to laughter enhance and not hurt the land." when Taylor and Simms took over money to build a good course as it at the podium. Environmental Commissioner does to build a bad one," said "I look forward to taking a little for Howell Township Aaron Smith Miller "And we're building a good one." more of Phil's money on the golf has said that although he and many course," Joked Taylor, adding town administrators favor the proposed course and new home- Lyon declined to add specific "but nobody mention Jeff Jeffcoat details about the financing for the .or Phil will go into convulsions." sites, much of the property that the houses are on in site plans is project, except to say that 11 Jeffcoat/ a former Matawan general partners including his MOCKTAILS & high school star, recovered a freshwater wetlands — wet, marshy, land He said last week father and himself were providing blocked Simms pass and returned 5 to 7 percent of the capital COCKTAILS that Lyon will have to locate those it for a touchdown during the Limited partnerships of 150,000 Giants loss to the Dallas Cowboys homes away from environmental- will be offered by prospectus. Sunday. ly-sensitive streamwater, adding Eventually, the club will be sold Holiday party planners can both that Lyons group may have to back to its members. Simms, returned, "I want to apply for 100 homesites instead of entertain and protect their make sure Lawrence goes to the planned 136 guests with creative and church on Sunday because you delightful non-alcoholic know what he was saying about me Miller and Tom Pearson, the drinks. Continued from Pagt 1A Wednesday's Food Section of claims has also increased." SAVE 30 TO 60° Furthermore, he said, the prob- features recipes for "mocktails" lem is compounded in New Jersey as well as some old holiday favorites. Wnkels because of a recent moratorium on policy cancellations, ordered by Don't miss it! Gov. Thomas H. Kean, "so if something starts to be a bad risk, (a company) can't get rid of it." Associated Press reported yester- an-MORI I day that some non-profit operations have seen premiums rise as much as 1,000 percent during the past year. Wilson was quoted as saying, "In- The Register surance industry terrorist tactics are holding non-profit groups DAILY *-^ SUNDAY hostage A 540 percent increase in a liability insurance premium is equivalent to cancellation."

FTD makes holiday shopping beautiful.


TUUOAY. DECEMBER 17, 1985 M NATION/WORLD NEWS DIGEST boss Castellano gunned down Governor's brother acquitted sitting on a Mafia commission which Florida, Atlantic City and Las NEW YORK (AP) - Paul authorized murders and settled dis- •JEW ORLEANS (AP) - issued during the fifth day of Castellano, reputed head of the putes. "cMtelUno's undertow was al MManon Edwards, brother of deliberations, was not clear. He nation's moat powerful Mafia fam- Castellano, who allegedly suc- leged to be Aniello Dellacroce, who l«Gov. Edwin Edwards, was faced 49 counts of mail and wire ily, was shot to death last night as ceeded his late brother-in-law Carlo died earlier this month of natural found innocent of some mail and fraud. he emerged from a parked limousine Gambino as head of the crime causes. . , , p5 wire fraud charges yesterday, There was no reaction in the in midtown Manhattan, police said family, lived in a hilltop borne in In 1980, Newsday quoted a federal", but a federal Jury was dead- Staten Island. He was driven to work locked on whether Edwards and courtroom, where observers had Castellano and Thomas Bilotti, a law enforcement source as saying,! each morning in a chauffeured three other co-defendants were been warned they would be captain in the Gambino crime fam- ••Cajtetlano's really the boss in guilty of racketeering. arrested if they made a sound. ily, were shot by three gunmen who limousine and had a reputation for name only. He was Gambtoo's Marion Edwards said he feels walked up to the car, pulled weapons using violence judiciously. brother-in-law, a moneymaker, a After the partial verdict was from under their trenchcoata and diplomat, but be doesn't call the: read, U.S. District Judge Marcel better about the case. "Oh, yes," "They're not a crazy family," a opened fire, police said. shots that count. The man that does; Uvaudais noted the time and he said, "much better." local narcotics prosecutor once said. The governor, making his first According to Chief of Detectives Betides greater New York, the Is Dellacroce. He's got the fire- expense of the lS-week-old trial Richard Nicastro, Castellano and and told the jurors to strive to appearance at the court since Gambino family Is alleged to have power, the army of enforcers that', Bilotti were walking from the car Illegal enterprises in Penntyvania, keeps the family Inline." I reach a verdict. deliberations began Wednesday, when they were shot outside Sparks, The number of counts involved left without making any com- a restaurant at Second Avenue and I in Marion Edwards' acquittal, ment. 46th Street. Castellano. 73, has been on trial on South Africa threatens Zimbabwe federal racketeering conspiracy Use of atomic bomb charges in federal court in Man- ESSINA, South Africa after inspecting the site on a dirt hattan. (AP) — The government road two miles from the border The gunmen fled on foot into the threatened yesterday to with black-ruled Zimbabwe. rush hour crowd on 46th Street near MJ; Second Avenue and escaped after the considered in 1955 send troops into Zimbabwe if "I must warn that this could there are more incidents like the lead to a situation similar to that 526 p.m. shooting, said police spokesman Officer Tony Vatlelong National Security Council. explosion of a land mine that of SWAPO in Angola," added Paul Castellano U JMRS BOWIEY blew a truck apart and killed six Malan. South African forces According to Vallelong, the two "No prohibitions should be im men were inside the limousine Associated Press Writer white people, including four chil- mount regular strikes against ward McDonald, bead of the federal posed on the use of atomic weapons,, parked near Sparks when the trio WASHINGTON (AP) - President dren. Angolan bases of the South-West Organized Crime Task Force in or on other military operations, to approached the vehicle and opened Elsenhower's military planners en- The other five people in the African People's Organization, Brooklyn. the extent of precluding effective • fire. Both victims were dead at the visioned the use of atomic weapons military reaction as the situation' truck, which carried two white which is fighting a guerrilla war He was alleged to head a crime scene. in 1955 to help stop an anticipated develops,",the study said. families, were wounded when it in the territory which is also family whose 200 to 250 members Police had no motive in the communist invasion of South Viet- "If atomic weapons were not used, struck the mine Sunday near the called Namibia. were increasingly involved In legit- Zimbabwe frontier The mine slayings, and no weapons were nam, according to government docu- greater forces than the U.S. would was planted by black guerrillas The African National Congress recovered. imate businesses In the food, enter- ments published yesterday. be Justified in providing would; trying to overthrow the white- said from its headquarters in Castellano, was "head of the tainment and jewelry businesses as "Use of atomic weapons should therefore be needed." minority government. Lusaka, Zambia, that the mine largest and most powerful organized , well as illegal pursuits. result In a considerable reduction in The Joint Chiefs memo, newly "South Africa will not tolerate was one of several its guerrillas crime family in the nation," the He also was indicted earlier this friendly casualties and in more rapid declassified, was published yester- such actions," Defense Minister planted last month in the north- Gambino family, according to Ed- year along with the alleged leaders cessation of hosilities," the Joint day by the State Department in the Magnus Malan told reporters ern Transvaal Province. of New York City's other four Mafia Chiefs of Staff concluded in a Sept. latest volume of Its "Foreign Rela- families. They were charged with 9, 1955 study commissioned by the tions of the United States ' series. . Magistrate bows out of Beggs case Counsel for • OS ANGELES (API-Citing bond includes no travel restric- I conflicts of interest, a U.S. tions. * ••magistrate yesterday dis- If convicted, the four men face DWIs not a qualified himself from the case up to five years in prison and a of NASA chief James Beggs and $10,000 fine on each count. The three General Dynamics ex- corporation could be fined up to ecutives accused of plotting to $10,000 per count. right: Court hide cost overruns on the Sgt York anti-aircraft gun. The seven-count indictment handed down Dec. 2 renewed a Magistrate Volney Brown Jr. public furor over defense spend- said he couldn't handle the case Knlght-Ridder Newspapers ing and caused Beggs, a former because he and his wife own WASHINGTON - The Supreme "several shares" in General General Dynamics executive, to Court, in a 7-2 decision yesterday, Dynamics Corp. He didn't give a take a leave of absence from the refused to give motorists arrested precise figure. National Aeronautics and Space for drunken driving a constitutional U.S. Magistrate Vcnetta S. Administration until the matter right to consult a lawyer before Tassopulos presided in his place is resolved. deciding whether to submit to a test at an initial court appearance for Also as a result, the Pentagon for alcohol. the four defendants. She ap- barred General Dynamics from The court majority, without writ- proved $5,000 bail for each and obtaining any new government ing an opinion, concluded instead set a plea hearing to complete contracts indefinitely, although that there was no "substantial the arraignment later in the day the Navy later relented and federal question" Involved, leaving before V.S. District Judge agreed to permit the company to it up to the states to provide their Ferdinand* F. Fernandez. The bid on nuclear-submarine work. own answers. Most state courts that have con- sidered the question have refused to British producer missing in Beirut give drunken driving suspects the right to obtain a lawyer's advice on EIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - trade for Britain's Channel 4 whether to consent to an alcohol test. Chris Wenner, a freelance commercial network. However, courts in five states — BBritish documentary "We had a rendezvous to meet South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, producer, has been missing for 18 somewhere in the Bekaa two Washington and Oregon — have days and is feared kidnapped, a days later, on Dec. 1. I went granted such a right. colleague reported yesterday. there and was told he had rever Wenner, 30, was last seen Nov. showed up," said Ashkar, 31, a Only Justices Bypn R. White and 29 when he left the Mayflower Lebanese. John Paul Stevens wanted the high Hotel in Moslem west Beirut "I've looked everywhere in the court to resolve the split among the heading for the Syrian-controlled states. Bekaa valley In east Lebanon to Bekaa and I've been in touch with film a feature film on the hashish all parties. They all deny ever The issue was brought to the court trade in Lebanon, said Saeed seeing him," he said. by Janice Marie Nyflot, who was Ashkar. a soundman for Rund Ashkar said he and Wenner had arrested in September 1984 near Video News, a French documen- been detained for 24 hours Albert Lea, Minn., and charged with driving under the influence of al- tary company. outside Beirut about a month ago cohol. He said that he and Wenner by the militia which warned were working on a documentary them against pursuing the Wht ' Nyflot asked for a lawyer,. on Lebanon's lucrative hashish hashish story. police officer told her she did not have that right. She then agreed to take the test, but changed her mind Reverse bias testimony begins before it could be administered. After calling a lawyer, she decided IRMINGHAM, Ala. IAP) - His testimony did not immedi- to take the test after all — but was The U.S. Justice Department ately touch on the question of told it was too late because she had ASSOCIATED PRESS Bwent to trial yesterday in race in hiring and promotions. already refused the test. Her license HANGING ON - Boston firelighter Walter elevated highway Sunday in Boston. Dolan and support of white firefighters who The case is a consolidation of was suspended for a year, an action McGinn tries to hold onto William Dolan, 28, of McGinn both tumbled from the highway into a contend the city's affirmative upheld by the Minnesota Supreme a lawsuit filed by two white Boston's North End when Dolan jumped from an safety net below. action program made them vic- Court tims of reverse discrimination firefighters. James A. Bennett The department, which is in- and Robert K.Wilks, as well as tervening in the case, called as a suit brought employees in the its first witness Birmingham city's engineering department. Battallion Fire Chief, who The plaintiffs contend they outlined the Fire Department's were improperly passed over for career ladder from the lowest promotions in favor of black rung of "plug man " on up. workers. Israel planning action, Syria says WAYNE'S COME TO AMASCUS, Syria (AP) - despite Israel's concern that the QUALITY MEATS, PRODUCE, Syria yesterday defended its mobile batteries threaten Israeli Dright to station batteries of surveillance flights over Leba- SEAFOOD AND SPIRITS RED BANK ARMY NAVY missiles along its border with non. 12 M0NM0UTH ST.'RED BANK-842-8333 Lebanon and accused Israel of The ruling Baath Party's al- planning military action againt Baath newspaper and the govern- MARKET Syria. ment newspaper Tishrin said in But in Israel, the government editorials broadcast by Damas- When You See This Gourmet Gift Basket sought to dispel fears of military cus radio that Israel has no right action. "I do not see any political to object to any military deploy- i am reason which could justify a ment on Syrian territory. military initiative by Israel," Al-Baath said Israel's an- • FEATURING • Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin nouncement that the missiles had said. been moved was a sign that Syria's state-controlled media "Israel is preparing for a new OVER 1000 DIFFERENT declared that President Hafez military adventure against Syria. Assad's government will con- But Syria will not be frightened. tinue to deploy SAM-2 missiles Syria is not alone in the battle." GIFT ITEMS •CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING FOR KIDS & ADULTS 2 dead, 10 missing after explosion •FIELD JACKETStFLIGHT JACKETStSWEATERS LENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. building. •SWEATSHIPTS*SWEATPANTS*PEACOATS - (AP) — A propane tank "We don't know what the •WORK CLOTHING*INSULATED BOOTS G explosion leveled a two-story ignition was, but that was the gas company office and repair source of the explosion," Sitter •40 TYPES OF WINTER HATS*G.I. WOOL SCARVES garage yesterday in this central said •G.I. WOOL SKI SOCKS*WOOL CLOTHING^OVERCOATS Colorado town, killing two people He said two bodies had been and leaving 10 unaccounted for, a removed from the wreckage and You Know That It Represents •THERMAL UNDERWEAR & UNION SUITS company executive said. "there could be up to 12 (dead)." Something Ignited a 1,000-gal- A Family Tradition •INSULATED COVERAUS*GLOVES*T-SHIRTS lon propane tank on a flatbed Two firefighters trying to Of Fine Quality and Professional Service. •LEATHER BOMBER & MOTORCYCLE JACKETS truck that had just pulled into a rescue people from the wreckage repair bay, said Les Sitter, vice also were trapped, Sitter said. No AND MUCH MORE! president of Rocky Mountain' further details were immediately 21 West Front St., Red Bank available. 741-0333 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TOOMY. DECEMBER 17. 198b OPINION 71 OURS Air travel must be assessed

merican remain numb after the The cause of the fj-Mm crash most recent air disaster which remains unknown. While aviation Atook the lives of 248 servicemen on experts still are examining the plane's their way home from the Middle East wreckage, specialists hi Delaware for their Christmas holiday. win be performing autopsies to gain Bodies of soldiers arrived yester- some idea of what may have hap- day at Dover Air Force Base hi pened. There has been, of coarse, a Delaware from Gander, Newfound- great deal of speculation about the land, where a chartered four-engine cause. Some have suggested that the jet went down in a fiery crash shortly flight was sabotaged, or that ice after taking off, killing all the soldiers formed on the wings of the plane. and eight crew members aboard. Whatever the cause of this terrible As fellow citizens, we share hi the accident, the time has come for a new grief of the soldiers' families and assessment of air travel and the friends in the military Many of them safety of passengers. We have become learned of the tragedy as they a world community because aviation assembled last Thursday for a brass- has linked every region of the globe band welcome at the headquarters of with the other. And It Is the world the 101st Airborne Division at Fort community which must now examine PACs take over election process Campbell, Ky. Here in Monmouth all aspects of air travel to determine Ellen Miller, the centers director, told our collecting money for the next election (and County,'we were especially saddened WASHINGTON — Favors are part of a what's going wrong. politician's stock in trade He s expected to associate Les Whltten, "in the next presiden- so are his opponents). to learn that one of the victims was It's an enormous task which could produce government contracts. public-works tial-election year, 1M. it will almost — The average cost of a winning Senate 21-year-old Spec. 4 Steven Wayne fall to the international organization projects and Jobs for the people be rep- certainly be well over $2 billion." race has soared from £88.000 in 1978 to resent* They, in turn, may contribute to nil Mullins who grew up in Tinton Falls. in Montreal, but more likely should be almost $3 million last year. The average may ejection campaign. be $5 million next year. Sen. Jesse Helms, R- Meanwhile, we also share the addressed by a group similar to a This is a clumsy, capricious lystem, highly N.C., spent $16 5 million to squeeze by his disbelief of people around the world blue-ribbon commission, representing vulnerable to abac. Many politicians begin Democratic challenger, Jim Hunt, who spent that the crash in Newfoundland, the a number of nations and the air trading favors for contributions Given the Jack Anderson $M million. high cost of campaigns, it's difficult for a worst air disaster in Canadian his- industry worldwide. At the same — Winning a close House election in 1974 politician to get elected without selling his cost, on average, 180,000; last year the price tory, adds to this year's record death time, the United States government — Congressional campaign spending alone •Mil to special interests. totaled $77 million in 1974 and £74 million tag was $450,000. and in 1988 it will probably toll in commercial aviation. Accord- should immediately launch a full- Then, when the campaign contributors last year. top $500,000. ing to the International Civil Aviation come around to collect on their "invest- scale, independent investigation. — The disease is spreading. Some can- — PACs are edging small contributors out Organization in Montreal, it now ment," it winds up costing the taxpayers didates for state legislatures spent more than The very fabric of our modern billion* of dollar* in special-interest benefits of the picture In 1974, 46 percent of House stands at 1.946 world could be at stake. II million in 1984; a few yean ago, that sum campaign contributions and 38 percent in Congress, with its usual timidity where would have financed a respectable run for the campaign financing is concerned, is making Senate races came from donors of f 100 or U.S. Senate in a major state. less. Last year small donations made up only noises about reforming the system by curbing — PACs gave almost fill million to federal the runaway spending of political action 19 percent of House candidates' funding and candidates last year, almost 10 times the 1974 23 percent in Senate races. committees, known as PACs. total. If our legislators need awakening, inspira- — These increases result from "less tion or encouragement in this venture, a — Corporate PACs have grown 1,790 OTHERS (reliance) on traditional political tools, the percent since 1974; labor PACs, which made forthcoming report by the non-partisan grass-roots networks, canvassing or rallies," Center for Responsive Politics should be up one-third of the total in 1974, constituted the study discovered, "in favor of more only one-tenth last year. stimulating. We've obtained a draft of this expensive, sophisticated techniques (like) exhaustive report, which is to be released polling services, computers, direct mail and — In House races, PAC money rose from later this month. Here are some of the 'high tech' advertising." an average of $10,000 per candidate in 1974 to mournful numbers that make clear the 189,000 last year; in the Senate races, the | Human Services tries again urgency of the situation — Another cause of the huge increase in campaign spending is the length of the average went from $47,000 to $405,000 - Campaign spending for the ISM federal, campaigns themselves. Even before a — The center found a disturbing connection he Health and Human Services inhumanely. state and local elections was |1« billion. freshman member of Congress has settled between the issues before Congress and the Adm nlstration made a mess four It was a nasty business. The compared with the $425 million spent in 1972. into his Washington office, he's already PACs' contributions to members. Tyears ago when it took a look at reviews were suspended because of the list of the 2.6 million Americans protests from the disabled and their who receive Social Security benefits advocates. because they are physically unable to Congress moved last year to cor- 'Thanks for the memories' work,. It was.A good idea. There are rect the inequities. HHS is launching The hit number of last week's Kennedy the Seabees being any the wiser I told them, "This is a gift from heaven . people who are cheating the system. a new policy designed to prevent the We can install the whole thing while Hope is | unjust suspension of benefits and to Center Honors show was a rousing tribute to The operation was a success and by dawn But HHS used a bulldozer. Bob Hope. Veterans from our past wars came the wood was stashed in our tent. The next performing. Please, guys, you can see Bob . After a review of 1.2 milion cases, get rid of abuse. on stage, identified where they had seen Hope step was to get the floor built before the Hope and showgirls any day of the week. But 491,000 people were told they would The agency provises a more effi- entertain, saluted and said, "Thanks for the Seabees discovered the theft. how often can you get a brand-new plywood floor?" : lose the assistance. Subsequently, cient and compassionate policy be- memories." It is almost impossible to have served in Cooper said, "I'm going to the show." 291,000 were able to prove they still gining next month. It must get it right any U.S. conflict since Pearl Harbor without Farhart nodded, "My mother would never were entitled to the money — that the this time around. having seen Bob Hope. forgive me if I didn't go." government had acted unjustly and N.Y. Dally News My memory goes back to 1944. I was Brinkerhoff said, "We owe it to all the stationed on a piece of coral in the Marshall Art Buchwald people who have made the USO what it is Islands with 3,000 marines, soldiers and today." Seabees. We were in charge of guarding I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. empty sea lanes for a war that bad passed Somebody bad to beat some sense into them. ', First we leveled the ground and laid out the I stood in front of the tent, raised my fists Reagan won at the summit us by. We lived in tents, played volleyball, foundation with two-by-fours (also stolen). produced homemade raisin whisky and made and said, "Anyone who wants to go to the Bob This took us the better part of the morning. Hope show has to fight me first." | ecretary of State George Shultz judgment of what diplomacy requires souvenirs of Japanese flags, which we sold to Navy ships anchored in toe lagoon. We whistled while we worked until Schulman Cooper shrugged his shoulders and hit me was in Western Europe testing the in the future. rushed in and yelled, "Bob Hope is on the The important thing to remember is that in the stomach. While I was on one knee Swaters following the Geneva sum- In particular, they no longer look island with his show!" Half my tentmates Brinkerhoff got me in the jaw. Schulman sent our tent had no floor. This made it quite drooped their tools and started to change mit. upon SDI as, at best, a bargaining chip muddy during the rainy season, which made a roundhouse to the ribs, and Farhart tried to see which eye be could close first. Then Before Geneva, even well-informed whose only useful purpose was to be our toes go squish, squish in the night. clothes. "Hey, guys, we have to get the floor done," I said. Cooper started to play soccer with my groin. Europeans expected President Re- exchanged at Geneva for cuts in With the rainy season approaching we decided to take action and get ourselves a "They say be brought five showgirls," In one way or another they all made their agan to be outclassed by his Soviet offensive stockpiles. They are begin- wooden floor. The question was how to do it. Schulman said. point and there was nothing for me to do but opponent — either forced to surrender ning to view it as a permanent fact of Cooper said the Seabees bad plywood stashed The other half dropped their tools. fold up my tent and follow my "buddies" to "Hold it," I said. "If we don't get this floor the show. on the Strategic Defense Initiative or life and strategy — and even to admit away on the western side of the island. Brinkerhoff said the Army always left their laid the Navy MPs will find the wood and We came back three hours later, our blamed for the summit's failure if be that it carries real benefits for them. truck keys in the ignition. Farhart reported we'll not only lose it but be chopping rocks morale soaring and our faith in American stood firm. They can see, as Sbultz pointed out, he could "borrow" all the tools we needed in the brig- women restored. It only took us until They know better now. Reagan had that an effective missile defense from the Air Force armory. The rest of us Carroll said, "We've been deprived of midnight to lay the floor. It was a day I will became part of a commando group whose everything that is good about America. Don't always remember. So, Bob, even though my refused the main Soviet demand that would "enhance the credibility' of mission was to capture (be plywood without make us give up Bob Hope too." groin still hurts, thanks for the memories. he halt SDI, yet obtained the promise America's pledge to risk its own of future summits nonetheless. safety on behalf of yours." He had done well - against their And the economic and technological advice — by conceding little He now benefits to be gained from joining in enjoys belated respect in Europe. a $26 billion high-tech project hardly Medicine as international metaphor But such public impressions are need to be spelled out. often transitory. Will Reagan be able Hence, the British government BOSTON — It was a moment of drama that founded with that notion. If physicians could for what ends? to sustain his firmness on SDI at signed an agreement to participate in slipped into melodrama. On the Oslo stage, bridge differences of culture and language It isn't just politics that makes for strange • another summit? And if he does, will SDI. West Germany and Italy were the world stage, one American doctor and one and nationality to find a cure for smallpox, bedfellows It's just as easy for an | then maybe they could use their special role "apolitical" idealist to believe that his cause expected to follow the British lead. Soviet, Bernard Lown and Evgeni Chaiov, be retain the backing of Western stood defending their new Nobel Peace Prize. to carve a path through, around, over, East- is so compelling it diminishes all others. The Europe? Even President Mitterrand, while In front of them, journalists were questioning habit of sacrificing a " lesser'' moral issue for There is one general reason for holding aloof because of France's the choice of an organization that rind a larger one can be addictive and destructive. believing that he will. No one can now traditional suspicion of close defense declined to take a stand on Soviet human- But at the same time more than one union rights questions, argue that the only possible method of ties with the U.S., has proposed that of idealists has been splintered by demands Suddenly, freakishly, a Soviet cameraman Ellen Goodman for purity, leaving the field to their enemies. Europe should develop its own inde- conducting negotiations with the Sov- slumped over in his chair, In cardiac arrest. Even the enemies of peace. iets is to make preemptive con- pendent SDI. In an instant, the two heads of the cessions so that they don't feel We offer the President a line on International Physicians for the Prevention West politics and speak as physicians about This time the Nobel committee did not find of Nuclear War were once again a pair of unloved. this. "We knew the SDI was here to the threat for which there's no cure. Today a flawless set of brows to crown. They rarely cardiologists. Laurel wreaths put aside, do. Alfred Nobel was an arms manufacturer . More robust methods have been stay when the Europeans stopped they have 135,000 members in 41 countries jackets off, the personal physician to the Few peace prizes are awarded without Kremlin and the American who invented the who consider themselves doctors first. shown to pay. The Europeans are calling it Star Wars." But it isn't always as simple as it sounds. controversy. Even the selfless Mother Teresa New York Post defribillator took turns with the impromptu accordingly readier to trust Reagan's team that got Lev Novikov's heart beating In the brief daylight hours in Oslo, a 12-year- was regarded by some as a nursemaiden to again. old letter had cast a moral shadow over Dr. the status quo. If every would-be inter- Chatov. In 1973, Chazov had signed a letter national group for every endeavor — to save • If such a scene had been written into a denouncing another Nobel prize winner, the whales or avoid war-demanded of its Soviet ; film, the director would have struck it out. dissident physicist Andrei Sakharov. Ironi- members that they first disavow their i The symbolism was too pat, too easy in its cally, Sakharov's own first steps into dissent government, there would be no such group. | emotional pull. Indeed, a Russian expatriate were taken when he opposed Soviet nuclear Those who would disqualify the inter- ' at the press conference is said to have testing in the atmosphere. national physicians on the basis of one cause I suggested that the heart attack itself was and one letter should at least read another ; The Register staged. But It was, rather, medicine as The letter was a reminder of toe dise- letter. In 1980. Sakharov wrote, "Despite all metaphor. East and West saving a human quilibrium in any joint venture with the life The "code" as they call such an Soviets. The Soviet side of a "citizens' that has happened, I feel that the questions j Established In 1870 - Published by The Red Bank Register emergency team effort, taking instant pri- movement" is always quasi-official. There is of war and peace and disarmament are so ; A Price Communication* Corporation Newspaper ority over politics. private life but no private sector in the USSR, crucia! Vy must be given absolute priority, 1 only those with state approval and those who even in the most difficult circumstances." ; Later, Dr. Lown read it as a kind of sign QEORQE J. LISTER dissent. What these doctors have made is an I that justified the group's decision to focus imperfect alliance, but an alliance that's I solely on toe largest public-health issue of all But the question is whether the shadow of time: the threat of nuclear war. He said of politics will darken the doctors' efforts and sucrvx-fii] Thoy 'have fi 'ind -i •' ••••liar, ] CLIFF SCHECHTMAN JANE FODERARO the rescue, "It is the same with the threat taint the peace prize. Can we only "do resini ii u »ui ..i licwi I . . i o It • is harder, and messier, and much more | Edtor AHMN of nuclear war. You treat it first and ask business" with those whose histories are questions later." The most fundamental of pristine? Can we work together for one goal, ethically complex to try and save a world ] human rights is that of survival. tiptoeing around fundamental differences in than to save a single patient. But it isn't just I PAMELA ABOUZEID RICHARD NICOLETTI CARL D. FORINO Lev Novakov who should be grateful they're ; CM) I values, without becoming cynically com- Five years ago, the doctors' group was promised? What disagreements can we mute on the case. .-,i IBMT, DECEMBER 17. 1985

Lillian Z. Smith Lilian Zimmerman Smith, SO. of Middletown schools look at plan Women worry Oceanport died Friday in Moamoatfa Medical Center. Long Branch the first step toward what could be the community In the plan Although Born on Newark. Mrs Smith lived _ (fgWKJlMl UjfiaT-raUlaR OtAat tO •flDOat members agreed that broad-based about health, in Maplewood before moving to unmai involvement was important, they Oceanport 35 years ago. The Pj| the districts system of education were uncertain how that could ba She had been a bookeeper (or the MIDDLETOWN -TV accomplished. Board President Ana H Prewett study shows Continental Insurance In Newark Board of Education last light took Prewett said any long-range plan- before her retirement. I a T*....-. l,t,,. J...J tJ ILwIiJUtli flaw* ning group had to be structured so NEW YORK (AP) - M She was a member of the Senior IHIII kMl|fCl WlarflQCTtl Of 3CHOOU uHj that all interested groups could be Sconxo lo investigate how some women reported increased Citiens of Oceanport and a member heard. "We all have to buy in for it anxiety about seiuaUy trans- Edward H. O'Donnell of the Order of the Eastern Star Deadline for lake long range planning and rec- to work," she said. ommend specific steps the board mitted diseases than about any Adah -chapter no. 5 in Fair Haves. Whether the planning group would could take ba planing for five to 10 other issue this year, according to Edward H O'Donnell. 76. of Her husband, Harold Smith, died consist of a spectrum of educational years into the More. a study of attitudes released Englishtown died yesterday in Free- in N5S shelter missed and community groups or be set up yesterday. , hold Area Hospital. Freehold Town- Among key issues for the board to Surviving are several nieces and as a select committee of board Seventy percent of the women ship tackle in the coming year, according NEW YORK (AP) - The city, members will be a main question rftp^ing to a Glamour maga- Born in Guttenburg. Mr. to Sconxo, are what should be The Damiano Funeral Home, tackled by Sconxo. Board member zine survey said they were more O'Donnell lived in Staten Island for included in the plan, whether it Long Branch, is in charge of ar- people this week than ever before, William Ueberman suggested that concerned about sexually trans- most, of his life before moving to rangements shomldcoaUin details on numbers of the hoard set up a small group, Englishtown four years ago failed to meet a deadline yesterday teaebfn and funding required for mitted diseases such as AIM and for adding (30 beds to Ms shelters, which would then reach to the rest herpes than they were a year ago. He had been a salesman for the years ahead and who should Harold Hendrickson the Coalition for the Homeless of the community to set goals. while W percent reported in- Hoitermann's Bakery in Staten charged participate. Island before his retirement in 1970 Harold Hendrickson. 69. of Ocean- Board members said that among Sconzo said he would probably creased worry about war and Coalition counsel Robert Hayes, develop specific recommendations peace. His wife. Jane I. Menzies port died yesterday in Monmouth the key details to be worked out is while acknowledging "marginal " for the board in late January. 0 Donnell. died in 1975 Medical Center. Long Branch. how to involve parents, teachers and Born in Fair Haven, Mr. Hen- improvements in the treatment of • Surviving are two sons. Lawrence the homeless, said he was tohl by N O'Donnell of Hannacroix. NY drickson lived there before moving to Oceanport 35 years ago. city attorneys that the Human and Gerald E O'Donnell of Staten Resources Administration would not Island: two daughters. Claire 1. He was a self-employed builder. be able to provide all the beds by last

Pun-ell of Fredonia. NY and Jane He was a member of the Holy _l^A»A*a A*u*a« • 1 ail A. Mahan of Lincrofl 17 grand- Communion Episcopal church in mgni s coun-imposea oeaaone. children, and 11 great-grand- Fair Haven. Administration spokeswoman children He was a U.S. Army veteran of Suzanne Trazoff said she was unable The Worden Funerall Home, Red World War II to reach the appropriate officials to Bank, is in charge of arrangements. Surviving are his wife. Alice C. respond to the charge. Judge Rich Widrich Hendrickson; a son. Robert ard Wallacfa set the deadline on Dee. Allen Hendrickson of Long Branch; 5 at the urging of the Coalition for Ralph Cuzzi two daughters, Helen Peaff and the Homeless. Carol Widmaier. both of Oceanport; Trazoff said the city housed about Ralph Guzzi. 85. of Long Branch and six granchildren. 23,5130 homeless people Sunday night, died Monday in Monmouth Medical The Flock Funeral Home, Long breaking a record set two weeks Oenter. Long Branch Branch, is in charge of arrange- before. She said 8.474 single men and ' Born in Miglierina, Italy, Mr. ments women were put up in city shelters, Cjuzzi lived in New Brunswick before and 3.9(0 families were boosed in moving to Long Branch 23 years ago William J. Mangin welfare hotels, shelters and family ' He had been employed by E R MIDDLETOWN HwmbyBobfoodnwn William J. Mangin. 69. of Middle- centers. The 3,960 families include spa » - «% ^» • Squibb and Sons in New Brunswick rauiBBN am uawaM d a\ & • • * • — - • • — 749 Hwy 35, Middletown about 15,000 individuals, she said. j a laajrai Await va. for 30 years before his retirement in town, died Monday at home. kdJbh* Born in Lenox. Mass . Mr Mangin The city is continuing to provide 671-2507 to lived in Alpine and Fort Lauderdale. overnight space for some homeless 787-0049 people in welfare offices, called Hwy 35. MtddWtown Ptuv* otOmt* accopaM wm cr*x Mr* MHw (very moomHf • He was a coommunicant of Holy Fla . before moving to Middletown Emergency Assistance Units, de- Trinity Roman Catholic church in eight years ago. spite complaints from the Coalition Long Branch He had been the manager of the for the Homeless. World-Wide Wire Service Surviving are his wife. Felicia White Beeches Golf Club in Hay- Flows Speak From the Heart Sacco Guzzi. two daughters. Anna worth before his retirement. Prior to KOCH Florist & Gifts 84 W. Front 81, Ksyport RIVBW1EW FLMWT Ljngone of New Brunswick and Mary that, he had been the manager of the 1870 Hwy 35, Middletown. N J 07748 Fruit Baskets • Onto • BallooM Lou Todaro of Long Branch; six Alpine Country Club for 23 years and Matawan housing 671-0744 7«1-26aS 111 w Fret • grandchildren; and five great-grand- the Woodland Country Club in Fort Middletown s Finest C. Da ••« n~i SOT*, H J anbi children Lauderdale. Fla . for nine years The Darpiano Funeral Home. He was a communicant of St. projects OKd 'Long Branch. Is in charge of ar- Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Your full WfvKr florrMt - W* CM* rangements New Monmouth. MATAWAN - Twenty-one famil- Ktrtort BfwalMBjM h FUiUU ; Ida A. Hunger He was a U.S. Army Air Force ies may move into the borough with Msxtaaf I ass aj§ pan hi Colonial Flowers staff sergeant in World War II last night's Planning Board approval 206 Main St. ; Ida A Hunger. 57. of Long Branch Surviving are a son, James Man- of two housing projects. 5 E. Front Stfwi, Red Bank died Sunday in Monmouth Medical gin. with whom he lived; a brother, Preliminary approval was granted Kayport 264-0497 741-4666 Ml mator cr*drt cavda aceafrtad Center. Long Branch Paul Mangin of Lee, Mass.; and to two local developers who propose AD M«KX Owfcl Cvd» AtCfDMd •> ftwnt Born in Nieder-Lichwe. Czechoslo- three grandchildren building four two-family homes and vakia, Mrs. Hunger lived in Vienna, The John F Pfleger Funeral a 13 unit single-family development. Austria before moving to Long Home. New Monmouth. is in charge Tomasello Brothers, a borough When ordering Flowers. Fruit Baskets. Branch 29 years ago of arrangements construction company, intends to '. She had been a teacher before her Plants, etc.. please tell your Florist build 13 single-family houses in the 125 Markham Plaza, Lrrtta Silver retirement area of Center, Sutphin and Euclid about The Directory of Florists appeal- '. Surviving are husband, Dr avenues. The houses would be built aao-aaaa ing everyday in The Register. Herbert F Hunger; and a sister. around a cul-de-sac and would have pawn atsaaia • aaua—a • n—a— CORRECTION CradH Card Ordare AccapMd By Ptnrw Gina Wieff of Germany. access onto Sutphin Avenue. i The Damiano Funeral Home, Showcase Builders Inc. of the r/uig Branch, is in charge of ar- Elizabeth C. Murphy Freneau section plans to build four rangements two-family homes on a 20,000- It was incorrectly reported in square-foot subdivided lot bordered ^^Tjp~^^j~'tr—f ,1"/— M2 Daath Notice Sunday's edition of the Register that by Center Street, Orchard Street, HOONAN — John A o* Aaanftc rttfjNanda on Mrs. Elizabeth C. Murphy was past Park Avenue and Lake Matawan. Oat 13 'MS Funaral Wadr,«M)aT from ma Jofin P president and chairman of the FOR THE HOLIDAYS Condon Funaral Horn*. 104 Higrttaiy M Leonardo Approval for both developers was Nj Hits of Christian burial from St Agnaa fie Equitable Life Assurance Society of granted contingent upon several c"£cn*al 10 a m Frwnos and ralauvaa ara myriad the UnitiJ Slates. It was Mrs. minor engineering revisions to the ~:o IM>V I \H I 11\ I Illl LINKH rilAIHS Kill IIIKIIrMl'tOHIIOMK1



Enter your favorite recipes in The Register's Recipe Contest. Each week, one winning recipe will be published in Wednes- day's Food Section. In addition, the winner will receive $10.00 in cash. For the convenience of those who will try your recipe, please be sure that ingredients and measurements are complete and Wood WarfrtHt oi Oik Finish Desks accurate. Send us your best, and be sure to include your Sforrng from name, address and phone number, to: Side Chairs liom 27 00 S«»tls tiom 49 00 two Full Showroom! Wilh A Vor,.ly of Gilt lin« To f il [vary Bodgel'



TVkeU are available *t tin door Monmouth County Lincroft CaU M2-1MQ, dM for further in/or- Shrewsbury Oakhurst CounlyFood Drive Astronomy club to meet Conservative Judaism Holiday Celebration set oiQwn Award-winning dance drop-off points set at Brookdale College at Holmdel Park Center film to be shown tonight to be discussed tonigh' The Second BatUllea 114th Live Nativity to be The December meeting of the In celebrating ID* years of epn- Macaiaaal Infantry hi cooperation INTERFACE, Brookdak Com- STAR Astronomy Society will be A 30-miaate color dance film. sarvatlve Judaism, Congregation wiini/aacsinateof MunumuBCoun- munity College's miaorltyaroap, It presented at church tomorrow at t p.m at the Holmdel "Flamenco at 5:15," will be shown B'nai Shokm and Temple Beth D ty is making the three Amones drop sponsoring the third annual WUbmr Park Activity Center, I eaglrMt at the little Silver Public Library will present, "Into the Second Cen- ort potaU lor the Holiday Food Drive Ray Holiday Sharing Celebration tonight at 8 p.m. Susana and Antonio tury: Toe Future of Conservative tomorrow from U noon to JJOp.m The youth of King of Robledo share years of experience to help the oarnmuntty Anyone Lutheran Chart*, Harmony aad The meeting will feature an Judaism," a lecture by Rabbi Dr wishing to donate canned or non- In the upper level College Commons. update of Comet Halley by STAR'S along with their passion for music Alexander Shapiro, author and presi- Proceeds of h ill th Cherry Tree farm Roads In Middle- paiiihabie food may do so at any of the event will go to the cornet monitor BUI Mogensen In the •nu MHOS wiui • group 01 prvfmiifig dent of the Rabbinical Anemary WUbur Ray Scholar of the town Towntnip, will pruent a Uv* dancers at the National Ballet School Armory Monday through Friday I Nativity in front of the church each event that claer weather prevails, The lecture will be presented tWs am to«pm thro Dec Uandlam. Brookdale Foundation Trust. the talk will be postponed or of Canada. The film won an academy evening at 8:30 p.m. at Temple Beta night from through Sunday, Dec. B. award (or best documentary film to 4:30 p.m. on Dec .20 The shortened and there will be an El, 301 Monmouth Road. Oakhurst The presentation, which takes about short in ISM. Ray was the first and only IS minutes, will be given twice each observing session The psbllc is The lecture is open to the public and Armories are. located at Ocean and minority police sergeant la evening beginning at 7:» p.m The Invited to attend. (ree of cahrge. Cooper Avenues, LOUR Branch; Brookdale's history. Be died In presentation is free, and ample nd West Streets, Red November, IKS, after working at the parking la available In the church k; sad S» Highway S3, Freehold. college since 1989 parking lot on Harmony Road. /t A Mid directory of coming events for non-profit orjanliitiooi Ratss tin for three lines for 1 day ($1.00 etch aaSnoasI Has), ».M for three Unas for two days (lli* each additional lint), ».» for three lines for toes days (IMteaca addktteaal hoe), V •» for three lines for four or five dsys (ft.» each addltioiial line), |M0 for three toss (WB5ehklUllll0S0lUhlUtdt(orillU>«UW«»piB5ee4ChKkliUOMlluie.ll0S0lorUire»hi».lornineUnd»y>3 t 00«ha

I 17 - TUESDAY more info, call UMMI. All slaglei NEW YEARS EVE GALA - Ipm. Paraats Without Partner! tin ... Music by Streetlights. Open Bayshsre Chapter KM. Live bud QUEST, A weekly forum tor tingle, Bar. Food, Mute Nolsemskers Opes floust, everyone welcome. Hol- divorced and widowed adults. Dis- River Plais Flrehouse, Colonial iday cocktail party and dance. Free cussion, dancing k refreabmeott. Room, Foster St., River Plan 166 to Chapter ISM members only. Town Dance class available, lit Unitarian per couple. Reservation! 747-MB or and Country, Highway S5. Keyport Church. lf» W Front St., Uncroft. 747-114* Other PWP members *5. gaesU 17. 7:45pm Admission limited to lit 100 Chapter phone 777-M20 Donations M In our 9th year. JANUARY II - THURSDAY BUS TRIP, leaves Red Bank at I: M "Song and Dance" Starring DECEMBER M - FRIDAY Berudette Peters, IB0 Bos leaves pm, to Museum of Modem Art, New Christmas Show and Visit from York, for Toulouse-Laatree Art St. Marys, New Monmosth, lam. Santa, 7pm for Union Beach resi- CaU 7f7-»l» or 717-MM Snow, Metropolitan Museum. Whit- denu only. At Memorial School gym. ney, Guggenheim, snd Jewiih Mu- DECEMBER II - WEDNESDAY MontngsWe Ave. seums or mid-town shopping in tame Deal Hadaassk la sponatring a Bas Trip to Radio City for the area at option of attendees. US in- Card Party aad Chinese Auction of Christmaa Spectacular. By the Open cludes bus, plus entry fee to Modern. anttoaes and coUectables donated Door of the Bayabore Area. Reserved CaU Art Alliance, 841 »*M, lMom.. from an estate. Refreshments, ad- Orchestra Seata for 7:30pm. ihow. Wed Sat, for further Info and reser- mission a), at Temple Beth Torah, TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR vation. Logan Rd., Wanamassa. 11 noon. DEC. 11 SHOW Leaves Red Bank 4 Slaglas Again. This dance Is becom- Haxlet. Call 171-23*4 or SSB-0S70 JANUARY M - SUNDAY ing ear largest anon dance. Terrific I tl - SATURDAY Battleground Arts Center presents hot A cold baffet. Don't miss this Monmouth County Park System "The Tsmburttssns" World famous terrific dance. Orientation far new trip to Sesame Street Live. Leaves folk ensemble. 1pm. Freehold Twp. members I pm. Dance » pm at the Thompson Part, Newman Springs H S Holiday Gift carts available Tree, Rt t, Rd., Uncroft, 11 «, return 5 30pm until Dec II. Bought in advance 111, 111.00. CaU MM00D It 4 15 for children VBA/Msster Card honored for orders over U0 For Rights" prassnlatlon Info, t charge orders, call 4JMS11. by Hanaa Isaacs Esq. Sponsored by DECEMBER 17 - FRIDAY Moamouth Lagal Secretaries As- Monmouth County Park System THE REOMTER/ED BRETT sodattoa 74 pm. Jury assembly Hockey Trip. New Jersey Devils vs. MARCH S THRU IS HOLIDAY CHEER - The St. Ann's Guild ot St. at the church, was the guest of honor. Pictured room. Moamouth County Court Montreal Canadian. Leaves Thomp- WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY Leo the Great Church In Lincroft presented its here, Yolanda Armetta, Lincrolt, president ol the bouae. Court St., Freehold All wel- son Park. > pm. W 00 CaU M2-400B Haw.ii, 1 weeks Air fare, Hotel, Waikiki Village, United Airlines from Christmas Party on Dec. 12 at Bamm Hollow St. Ann's Guild, presents a check from the guild comed « regiatratinn fee. For info. eatlMMasl. DECEMBER 11 - TUESDAY Newark, axe per person. DM. Capri Country Club. The Rev. James Clark, new pastor to Father Clark to aid church projects. ,., New Year Eve Dance. Bring the Travel Inc., » Monmosth St. Ret DECEMBER 11 - THURSDAY new year in with the Scot's American Bank »14tl-4N0. SINGLES AGAIN. NJ'a single or- at BHal Israel Hall. Hance * Meat ganisation hosts toe shore largest Rd., Runuon. Dance to the Martin JUNE II. 1M - WCDNStlMY dance at Coita Neck In, Rt. M * M7, Flynn Bank Hot * cold buffet Bermuda Cruise, Highlands rec- Colta Neck. Free Buffet. Dance * pm. BYOB IB per person. For tickets reation Group. Call after Ipm. New members orientation I pm. For call 1704115 si-ieu


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Though The Winter Glow Ball, the Association for Retarded Citizens' major fundraiser, took place Friday the Thirteenth, it was by no means an unlucky night. The event, at the Short Casino In Atlantic Highlands, raised more than f 130.000, raising the total to more than f 1 million since the ball's inception 19 years ago. It was an elegant, formal affair, but definitely not a stuffy one. Almost 500 guests paid $125 apiece, and sat at tables of ten, clustered around the dance floor. Every lady received a long stemmed white rose upon entering and an overloaded party gift bag upon exiting. Most of the women wore floor length gowns — some even had on long gloves Reaala Retaken, a fashion couturiere from Little Silver and also on the ball's committee, wore a gold lame turban and a black velvet and gold lame gown She must like that combination for she also designed Vlckl DeNola's gown - Vicki was the ball chairperson — in the same material. Vicki's was one- shouldered with a gold lame Grecian style sash Ginny Kiernan. Rumson. a ball co-chairperson along with Sheila McLoone and Carol Lame, wore a black crepe gown with sparkles She looked beautiful. THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E. COUIG After the cocktail hour and during the appetizer and NEWCOMERS — Barbara Banach of Little salad courses, a short auction took place which was run Silver chats with her husband, Ron, during the THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E COOtQ by Anthony "Doc" Villane, Elberon. His nickname is Newcomers holiday party Sunday night at the HOLIDAY PARTY - Barbara Parr and her Newcomers holiday party Sunday at Monmouth derived f rmn his being a dentist besides a New Jersey Museum. All three are residents of Rumson. assemblyman for the 11th District. Joe McLoone. Monmouth Museum. husband, Charles, talk with Cathy Eakle at the Freehold Raceway president, and Tim McLoone, Joe's son and the evening's band leader, got the auction going after a few snags with an uncooperative microphone It's uncanny how much they look alike! Anita Rotelle, West Long Branch, was the chair- woman of the live auction. She's the wife of Joseph Ratelle. a local contractor, and both Roselles are on the ball committee. Anita's gown was zebra striped sequins. One of the items up for bid was dinner for ten at Old Mill Ira in Spring Lake, donated by Joe Amiel. the owner tawrence Balhgile. a Lakewood attorney who lives in Rumson, won it with an (1800 bid. However, he later magnanimously upped it to 15.000 Who knows when he's going to be able to host this dinner? The Old Mill Inn burned down six months ago and has yet to be built 'Doc" and Sarah Villane donated a week at their Moon Bay Key Largo town house in Florida. Mary Parrell, commissioner of banking in New Jersey, won it She's just had a baby, her fourth child, and probably needs the vacation. At the last minute, Joe McLoone donated to the auction two Giants tickets fur Sunday's game against the Dallas Cowboys They were quickly gobbled up for $175. The dinner menu complimented the Ball's theme of "An Oriental Holiday " A little something different was a fish course and a meat course with sorbet in between. However, with today's sophisticated palates, its a shame they wasted the delicious salad dressing on standard iceberg lettuce. And frozen peas with the fish course? Come on Very Mediocre. Most didn't seem THE REGISTER/LISA CAROZZA LEADERS — Pausing by the Christmas tree at Due Process, two to mind, however, as the live auction, the silent auction, leaders of the Monmouth County chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters the surprise gift boxes for sale, the 50 50, and the raffle BIG BROTHERS — At the Christmas party held Sunday for children involved in watch the festivities. Grace Rondau is the executive director of the and the dancing kept everyone occupied. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Robert Brennan talks with the founder of the Monmouth organization and Don Weisman is the board president. Ann Badenhop White, Rumson, was there with County chapter, Curtis Colby ot Tinton Falls. The party was at Due Process. husband Bill She's the niece of Louise Badenhop. who helped start the ball 19 years ago. She's also been seen driving around town with a gorgeous wreath donning the hood of her car The Whiles were sitting with Charles and Trudy Parton also of Rumnson. Parlon. who's president of Midlantic Bank, was the master of ceremonies Bill While is president of First Fidelity Bank It looks like bankers like to sit together Ted and Elaine Sourlis. Rumson, were there too. She's just recovered from having her home on the MCOSS Holiday House Tour She's also just been made a member of the Board of MCOSS Of course also there were Joe and Lynn Azzolina. Middletown. In Novem- ber's election, Jbe became a stale assemblyman and the Azzolinas are excited about his swearing in ceremony in Trenton in January and all the festivities involved. With them Friday were the Lou Scadulos He's Joe's brother-in-law Gloria and Len Nilson, Locust, were sitting with Countess Analole Buxboeveden, Rumson. The countess was also an originator of the Winter Glow Ball, and it's always nice to see her there. She's currently writing her autobiography, which should make for good copy as she's led quite an interesting life. Also Carl and Peggy Mlelke, a cute young couple from West Long Branch. He's sales manager for Waterford Crystal James and Pam Schneider, Fair Haven, were THE REGISTERED BRETT HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES - Envying a last word sitting with good friends Abe and Tina Zagha from THE REOISTER/EO BRETT Rumson, and Danny Murphy and his guest from Red before being seated at the 1985 Winter Glow Ball QLOW BALL — Enjoying conversation before event; Vicki DeNoia of Rumson, chairwoman; Bank Danny owns Danny's Restaurant in Red Bank and at the Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands are the 1985 Winter Glow Ball begins are Charles and Joe McLoone of Freehold. The ball was helped out during the auction by spotting active bidders Fred Voytko of Long Branch, Eva Wachman ol Parton of Rumson, master of ceremonies; Sheila Friday at the Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands. with his pen flashlight. Also there: Jane and Roy Hyman Eatontown and Sally Molliea of Marlboro. , West Deal She was wearing a dress designed by her McLoone of Freehold, a co-chairwoman of the neighbor, who turns out dresses under the Misbon label. Very classy

Other guests were Pat and Andy Daly, Holmdel If you have a pool in your backyard, you probably know Pat She services most of them around here. Pat recently returned from her cousin's wedding in Austin, Texas Said it was the first time she's ever been to a wedding in a hot dog stand and been served Mexican food Her cousin insists it was a hamburger joint, but let's not quibble It was her third trip down the aisle and she wanted tu Jo something different Other special guests? Lou and Sue Paparozzi, Atlantic Highlands, and Gary and Helen Ver Slrale of Matawan. Lou's the executive director of ARC and Gary's the president Joe Amiel's Old Mill Restaurant in Spring Lake has been causing him some problems lately He always hosts a holiday party for the Big Brother 'Big Sister organization. He was the group's board president in the early 70s, and since his place burned down, he had no place to have the annual party so in stepped good friends Pal and Bob Brennan. owners of Due Process farm in Colts Neck. They easily hosted the party Sunday night Hi their stallion barn, since it was all set up from their last week's party for handicapped children. Pal Brennan was also voted Volunteer of the Year by Big Brother'Big Sister, so how could she turn them down? The farm employs a cast of thousands and the stallion THE REGISTER/ED BRETT barn itself is opulent with knotty pine panelling and BALL ORGANIZERS — Enjoying a talk as the 1985 Winter Glow Skylights galore Huge double sliding doors open onto Ball begins are Carol Lame of Monmouth Beach, a co-chairwoman; room after room. Behind one set was ice cream and Janet DeNoia of Little Silver, a chairwoman; and Ginny Kiernan ot cake, behind another a huge buffet spread. There were Rumson, a chairwoman of the event. The ball was Friday at the about 70 children and most came with their "big brother Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands. •r sister " Some, like Ray Mockrldge of Wall, came SANTA ARRIVES — Santa arrived at the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club Sunday with their mothers, because they haven't been assigned afternoon. After being driven to the club, he was greeted by almost 80 children a brother yet. Grace Rondeau, the executive director, of all ages who attended the group's annual Christmas party. Here, some of the was there supervising and also DOB Weiiman, Avon, the board president. He's excited about the organization's children gather around the tree for a photo After passing out gifts to the children, upcoming benefit rock concert at the Stone Pony In gifts also were taken to the First Presbyterian Church in Atlantic Highlands tor Asbury distribution to needy children

Look for Susan Miaford's column, bringing you Ike • tatUe view of Monmonlh County's social tceae, every Tuewlay and S«nday In the Lifestyle section ol The Register.

i TUUMY. DECEMBER 17, 1985 The RrgiiU-r The 'merry' widows? Laundering blankets Holiday 'squirrels' Dear Ann Landers; I wnt two nUaates and allow the washer 1 thlak this is eraqr, tat I deal DEAR HELOISE: to finish the wash cycle automati- It's tough enough at Christmas seven months with refrigeration,** Interested • the letter treat Ike What Is the best w»y to launder waattocoafreatalmaallliluwwfor cally. Wath tyathctie aad eattoa trying to buy the right gift for the I'd sty, "You don't have one that daaghter who wroU ahtal her It- •are. - Need Aa Answer is blankets, especially electric right person, but the real challenge could hang on for 15-20 years, do year-tU father. Her esttber dM la blankets' - Janice ft. cycle. it buying a present for the person yo»?" May, aad la Aagasl ha ttadt-tvaaat Dear Brooklyn: It IS crazy; in The Soap aad Detergent At- . a awa. - t . -• m__ , gAj a Dry weal btiahatt en the Ugh who squirrels away every gift and If I picked out wearing fact, the opposite it true. laa advises thai yet always never uses it. mind might he Impairad. Wei, aster tetaperatare setting, placing always had to be a generic style that There la a great deal of evidence three or fear dry seweh) la tht We've all got em. The relative or would play in any century. what I heard yesterday. _ a blanket, lease stay that cigarette smoking causes dryer to ahesrb the friend who opens up the gift, thanks She was a challenge for all of as Wf. ^ j ijs : Researchers> T have now dis- specify dry cleaamg. Others may UMtract "handwath oaly" »ad, la you and carefully folds It up and puts What could we possibly get her that covered that pot smoking to even a wool blanket while i la this eammasUty told"** that« his this case, If the Mtaket la non- it back In the box never to be teen the would be compelled to more dangerous than ordinary damp to avoid shrinkage. Stretch wife's wake a lew weeks age, a cigarettes because the pet smoke la electric It mny alt* be again. It goes to a bureau drawer useweardisplayeat. Whatever it was widow came tp to aim aad said, "If the blanket to Its original shape that already looks like a warehouse we never found it. She died leaving inhaled more deeply and kept in the and brash the nap gently to raise stop longer. behind an estate of gifts that were It. Da not tumble-dry wathahU memorials to our tenacity. Dear Aaa iMdlrt: I am a yeeag knitted wool blankets or afghaat. I have never understood the baasemaksr, married less lhaa a Block them aad let them dry. Hints From "savers" in the world. They're a lot year. I aeed to ksww Ike aaswer to Synthetic and cotton blankets Ann Landers Erma Bombeck like the woman who appeared at the i that I weaMa't dan ask caa be dried an the permanent Heloise press cycle. Dry completely bet, New York opera wearing curlers and . when asked why the laid, "I might-. you get ktaely at Heal, give ate a J, hive borrowed > cup of to avoid wrinkling, do not ever- or a closet that hi a monument to stgar, n qaart ef milk, n ttkk at Electric blankets caa oaly be dry. Remove Immediately! - Chrittmases Past. There are blouses go someplace important after- That daagater wha hatter, three tr fear eggs, a few Iwttdertd because dryclesalag Heloise hermetically sealed in transparent wards." What could be more import- . have heea advised U> tell her slices of bread, a can of soap, etc. damages the insulalloa en the OUTDOOR DECORATION envelopes, pantyhose that steep ant than now? It's all we're sure of. toJolaascalorcitlieB't Net oae pertoa has paid me back. wiring. Seme wool btaaketa are Daar Heloise: With the holiday silently in embryonic eggs, sweaters I aaa en t limited badge* and can't specially treated for machine season upon us, you can add to that beckon moths to come to lunch, Burn those candles! They were , himself a friendly wMaw whewMtd never meant to alt there with their welcome a pan. The h afford to stpply my neighbors with wathahUlly. Follow the latadry your outdoor decorations by using books that are never read, neckties p g iattmcikns an the care label for wicks collecting dust or melting in b h groceries. Haw do I handle this? I lunch-size white or brown paper never worn and umbrellas that have not worn •boat her father gtttlaf hale la appear petty. - BakenfleM aay blanket. the attic. Too pretty to use? They married to the eager lady aad bags. Pill the bottom of each bag never known rain. Quadary In general, washable blankets with sand and Insert a small were meant to glow and cast lights jeoDardUlaiberlaherllaace.Ahtol I had a grandmother who used to on bright, shining faces who are. wldowi these dayi have their owa Dear Bake: It't nice to help a can be laundered la the following votive candle in the center of the neighbor in a pinch, bat only a fool do that. You'd give her a handbag mesmerized by their light. They roomy. Parthermore. they are MI sand. and she'd say, "Lord child, that's too would continue to lend to moochers. Measure the length ana width can't get any prettier than that. tbaat to marry a man who has lesi. Line these sacks up and down good for me to carry around," and II might loaie ap THBBfl ia- If Mrs. X who owes you a quart of ef a weal blanket at yoa can block sidewalks or driveways and light milk asks for a cup of sugar, it's OK It later. Pretreat spots or a soiled put it hi a drawer. You'd give her a And those little soaps shaped like berilaace. - Chicago Paa them at night. They are beautiful blanket and she'd say, "That's real to aay, "Yon itlB owe me a quart of binding with a liquid detergent or to look at on a cold winter shells and the lace-trimmed hand Dear Chic.: Interesting con- milk. When yon return this cup of nice but I've got one." clusion. It just might be that your a paste of water and granalar evening. If the bags are knocked towels. Use them yourself. Without sugar, please remember the milk." She was so practical. We all lived advice is better than mine. Thanks detergent. Wash oaly oae large over the sand will put the fire out. someone to enjoy them, they're • (or writing A neighbor who hat borrowed htankel at a (use. Inexpensive too. — Cindy Sebolt for the day when she'd walk Into a nothing. Dear ABB Landers: I have a from you twice and not returned Wash on warm tad rinse with I have seen these decoratioat room and smell like mothballs It My sister used to save all the icing problem that needs aa aasmi either item should be told, "Sorry, cold water. If a graaalar product and they are beautiful bat a word never happened. I found myself on her cake until last. But after she urgently. 1 have been going wM my no, I don't mind helping you out in Is used, agitate the water to of caution: Please do aot pat shopping for her in a different way. ate the dry cake, she was always too/ boyfriend lor over a year. He ssaokes an emergency but you don't return dissolve, distribute the blanket bagged candles close to your "What it the shelf life of that full for the icing. There's a point to ;• pet almost every day. I doa't thtak what you borrow and I can't afford loosely aad evenly around the bouse or near shrubbery or grast fruitcake?" If they'd say, "Six or be made there somewhere. '• this Is good for all health sad I told It." agitator. Soak for II to II that is dry and brittle. Take all him so la plain language. He always How to - and how much? Find eat minutes, then ate a one-minute precautions against starting a geti angry aad says It's noae of my with Ana Landert' new booklet, gentle wash cycle. Let the water fire. Don't use them in windy business. I thlak It IS my tmsiaeis, "Hew, What, aad Whea to Tell Your pamp oat and, attar a one-minute weather or light them if yoa're became 1 can aboat htm. Child About Sei." For year copy spin, slowly advance the timer to going to be away tram home. — send H eeatt along with a long, the sleep rinse. Rinse for we to The other day he taM me he has stamped, self-addressed eaveltpe to to smoke pot hecaase he has lug At* Landers, P.O. Box HIM, Chi- csneer. He says smoklag pot «W Mil cago, IlllMll «U1. the mERLE D1PARTMINTI George J. Uatar, President & Publisher noRffwr 584 River Road / Director Fair Haven (Mies & guts 747-1712 Jvr country living , Production Director I *. Lacv Promotion Director Give a Special Winds' Gife WAHTTOtOMCRIMT MAVIANIWSTIPT ^ Call 542-8880 For Local. Business and Certificate or 583-5210, Obituaries call our 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., City Desk at 542-4000 Monday through Friday ext. 200,210,220 For the woman Subscription Rates: Lifestyle and Your Town, Home Delivery: $1.55/wMk, call 542-4000 ext. 265 who has everything Dally & Sunday Mall delivery slightly higher. Sports 542-4000 A Gift of Caring ext. 295,215,225 DIDHT OIT YOU! MMsTf Relieves stress, tension, improves Photography 542-4000 If your paper hasn't bean ext 246 muscle tone, and helps maintain delivered by 5:00 p.m., call . 542-8880 before 6:00 p.m. tor •RtmiH WITH A STORY? optimum shape, pampers and relaxes. same day delivery. The office It Is the policy of The Register Is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 to correct all errors of fact and A Swedish massage by Daree Rose, p.m. Monday through Friday. to clarify any Certified registered massage therapist, Saturday and Sunday 7-11:00. misunderstanding created by If you do not have delivery by articles. Corrections and member American Alliance of Massage 8:30 on a Saturday or Sunday clarifications will appear on Professionals call us by 10:00 a.m. Page 2A. Information should be directed to the City Desk, WANTTOADVHTIMT 542-4000 ext. 200. 210, 220. Women only Buy One Classified Advertising Department 542-1700 It YOUR AOINCORMCTT by appointment Display Advertising Classified Advertising: Department , 542-4000 542-1700 229-1379 GetOneffee ext.286 Display Advertising: Monday through Friday, 542-4000 ext. 286 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. NEW YEAR'S EVE AT YOUR HOROSCOPE

By Sttlla Wilder AQUARIUS (Jaa. IS-Feb. II)- You may be ruled by nervous energy today. TUMDAY, MCIMSW 17 Pat It to good use, however. Focus! Born today, you are a st,_ PISCES (Feb. It-Marcs M) - Se- idealistic individual who waata noth- crets that come your way today bring ing so much as peace and kamony In with themi greagreat iresponsibility - and a his Ufa. You often stem to others al- change of routine. roost religious In your qtaat for tbt ARIES (March Zl-April II) - Be Ideal; what I* more amazing it that prepared Ifor rough going early in the you often achieve it - In werhxad at day - aannd surprises by the bushel home. Thit Is fortunate, for yea sue- ll enmb to an almost violent Jisaml i TAURUS (Aprils IS-May U) - when your standards art not ntttand Events of recant past rtealt in the you cannot lead your life coaafltuly opening of new doors. You have a few In the fashion yoa choose. You are de- decisions to make before profit can WE'VE GOT IT ALLIU manding of others - but no more so rtealt than yoa art of yourself. GEMINI (May Il-Jana M) - ROB- You art an artist In the truest sense, tine otters protection irom surround- • Tim McLoone and the Atlantic Coast Band and yen are never happhs ing turbulence today-U you are will- thoroughly immersed In ing to stick to it and reals* distraction. • Unlimited hors d'oeuvres at Fireside Buffet stive entarprsst. Music — are especially attractive to you; tt CANCER (Jane tl-Jaly «) - An • Full course Gourmet Dinner would not be surprising to anyent who important day for parent-child rela- Let Middletown Interiors make your holiday a knows you st all If you btcaase a ma- tionships. Morning's discoveries aid In • Elegant Countryclub atmosphere little brighter with the perfect answer to the last Jor force In even more than one ef tht resolution of conflict LEO (Jsly U-Aag. II) - Share minute gift. Wrapped and ready to go. these arts. • Magnificent Holiday Decorations solid brass electric candle plant with friend, loved ana today. 1 Also bom on thla You may be surprised by the support • Hats) Horns! Noisemakers! Balloons! lamps are specially priced wig von you receive. • Complimentary Champagne at Midnight for holiday giving. So, buy wWsWJ anwW^w^r p w v ^ VIROO (Ang. IMept It) - Behav- To tat what is in store for yoa to- one get one free, but hurry, the pair ior of those around you offers clue to • Non-stop partying from 9:00 'til? quantities are limited. morroworrow, Dadd yyou r birthday tod read present difflculUes. Concentrate on originally s 14 oo each taat corrtaponding paragraph. Let patterns, the unspoken your birthday star Tw your dajv guide wiMtiabAV. Mcncwm » LIBRA (Seat U-Oct tt) - All's $4750 fair in love and war. Let this keen you ^ I per person plus bar, tax and gratuity •«• HIDDLITOIIiH SAGITTARIUS (Nev. tt-Detvtl) - from unwarranted guilt A good day Not an easy day, bat the rewards hi for playing the odds. store art more than worth the-effort SCORPIO (Oct. M-Nov. tl) - Eve- lNTEDIODo Stick It out! ning brings solution to daylong dilem- 1270 Hwy 35. Mlddletown, N.J (201)671-6000 Hours Mon.. Thurs . Fri. 10-9. Tue». Wed . Sat 10-530PM CAPRICORN (Dee. IS-Jta. tt) - ma - unless stubbornness keeps you What may have bean liupiinwMt at Route 71 ettontown American Express. Visa, or MasterCard welcome from recognizing it when It hi or use our Revolving charge some other ftwM becomes net only revealed. 201-542-9300 possible bat necessary today. Oe to It! (>»lllllB Itt TUESMV, DECEMBER 17, 198b

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COMICS 6 CLASSIFIED 8 Sports B Eagles fire Campbell, hire Simla's son from defensive co-ordinator when Dick PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Marion The Eagles under Campbell were 5-ll, New England Patriots. I could take it. The ultimate would be to be Vermeil resigned after the 19J2 season Campbell was fired as head coach of the 64-1, and this season, 6-9 before their final "This all began a week ago tonight with a head coach and that's my goal some day. Philadelphia Eagles yesterday and 26-year- Under Campbell, the Eagles were 17-2S-1 game Sunday in Minnesota. a dinner at Norman Braman's borne on I wouldn't have gone to the meeting or let old David Shula, son of Miami Dolphins The dub lost 20-14 to San Diego on Sunday, Eagles owner Norman Braman, who Miami Beach. We had dinner and a general the speculation continue if I didn't think I Coach Don Shula, emerged as the major assuring a fourth straight losing season. purchased the discussion ensued. That's all It was, a could do it." candidate for the job. club last spring for $65 million, predicted general discusseion. No specifics were Shula added that his father has been Campbell was an hour and a half late for "Marion felt we were a during pre-season training the Eagles would Involved at that time. aware of the situation with the Eagles from his weekly news conference when Eagles make the playoffs this year and perhaps the "I asked him to get back in contact with the beginning. General Manager Harry Gamble arrived playoff-caliber team. I Super Bowl. me at the end of the season with regards Braman said he was not concerned about and announced: "We have released Marion still think we arew "Marlon felt we were a playoff-caliber to any decision he had made, whether he Shula's age. Campbell from the remainder of his team," Braman said yesterday. "I still was Interested in pursuing the possibility of "He has all of the qualities to be a head contract with the Philadelphia Eaglet. Norman Braman think we are." me becoming the head coach or whethei he coach in the NFL," Braman said. Associate Coach Fred Bruney will serve as Eqlnowiar "I'm honored and flattered even to be wasn't. "He'll be a head coach somewhere in this interim coach for the rest of the season." considered for the Philadelphia Eagles head "That's the entire story." league. David Shula has been the right arm Gamble said Campbell was fired because coaching position," said Shula, reached at As for his interest in coaching, Shula said and trusted confidant of Don Shula. Campbell, 56, had two years remaining on the Eagles had not shown a year-to-year his five-year contract. He bad moved up Miami's Orange Bowl prior to last night's he decided at the start of the season "to go improvement in the woiKlost column. game matching the Dolphins against the ahead with it and try to take that as far as See CAMPBELL, Page 3B Dolphins Unique boat hold off steals hearts Patriots of hunters MIAMI (AP) - Fuad Reveiz' third field goal, a 47-yarder through ty JACK OAKLEY a steady rain with 4',i minutes to The Register play, gave Miami a 30-27 National RED BANK - They don't build em like they Football League victory over New used to. England last night and moved the Back in 1942 Red Bank Councilman, then Dolphins into position to win the carpenter, Charlie Knoll decided to build AFC East title. himself a boat; nothing the likes of which had The victory, coming after Miami never been seen on the Navesink or Shrewsbury had blown a 14-pont fourth-period rivers before lead, left Miami at 11-4. The This same boat is still going about its business Dolphins need only a win at home — the duck hunting business, but the boat is now over 2-13 Buffalo on Sunday to clinch owned by Red Bank Police Department Patrol- the title. man Bill Ewald. New England, 10-5 after losing for The boat has stil retained its "antique " aura the 18th time in a row at the Orange while having a bit of a facial uplift. Bowl dating back to 1966, can stiU But the results are the same It gets the job clinch a wild-card berth if it beats done. Cincinnati at home next Sunday. "And," according to present owner EwaW, It wasn't an easy victory for the "better than any other boat on the river. AM Dolphins, who led 27-13 after Ron there's not another boat on the river like it. At Davenport's second touchdown, a 1- least I've never seen one." yard run with 11:06 to play. New The boat has come to be known as the England rallied for two touchdowns "Navesink River Duck Boat." In IS seconds to tie It. There were a few of them built after World Mosi Tatupu dove over from one THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E. COUIO War II at Irwin's Yacht Works in Red Bank, but yard out at the end of a seven-play. JUST DUCKY - This 1942-vintBfla N«ye»ink River Duck Bank built it. Bill McVitty. led, at Fair Haven tightened it up . the venture jUdn't prove to be profitable and it 7#-y«rd drive with 7:8 left Boat Has been in service sinosince CriSiie Knoll, right, ol Red and present owner Billy Ewald, center, has put it to use. See BOAT, Page SB On the ensuing kickoff, Joe Carter, earlier a hero for Miami, fumbled when hit by Rod McSwain at the 18. New England's Cedric Jones picked up the ball and Difficult road ahead rambled into the end zone from 16 yards out to tie it. Miami responded by driving 38 yards in seven plays to set up the winning kick, which came with 4:27 Must-win Giants put the pressure on themselves left. Reveiz, a rookie from Ten- nessee, had earlier kicked field to be. "I'm glad that it is coming down to one goals of 44 and 49 yards. UJMFAIK The Giants will be the host wild card team game since that's all we have left to play," The key play in the game-winning The Register if they beat Pittsburgh Saturday. They can Parcells added. "I'm glad it still means drive was a 17-yard pass to Mark EAST RUTHERFORD — In lets than one even back into the berth if they lose and either something. I just feel that your objective is Duper from Marino, who joined San minute of self-destruction Sunday, the New Washington or San Francisco loses. After all, to get into the playoffs. That's your first Diego's Dan Fouts as the only York Giants forgot that they are a better the NFL needs two wild card teams to get in objective in training camp. quarterbacks to twice throw for team than the Dallas Cowboys and reverted that extra week of play. All three teams have "The opportunity is still there for us," the more than 4,000 yards in a season. to those enigmatic Midgets of old. 94 records. coach said. "We can still have the home-field Marino completed 17 of 33 passes for In doing so, they blew their chance to win Whether the Giants lost to Dallas by the advantage if we win, so I think that's 192 yards, giving him 4,001 yards for their first divisional UUe since 1963 and made skin of Phil McConkey's or Byron Williams' incentive enough." the year. their playoff possibilltiesquestionable fingers or the length of Too Tall Jones's arms Pittsburgh comes in with a 7-8 record and Glenn Blackwood's second inter- The 28-21 loss to Dallas loom* more is immaterial. They lost, and they must live for one of the rare times in recent history, has ception of the game, with 56 seconds damaging than Just another failure to win the with it. no chance for the playoffs. When the two left, sealed the win for the Dolphins. division It sets the Giants up for a difficult Yesterday, Coach Bill Parcells was living teams met in the final preseason game in road to any kind of postseason success. with it pretty well. August, the Giants won, 24-14. The win also virtually clinched a Had they won the title, they would have had "Obviously, I would have liked to win the Parcells also reflected on the improvement wild-card berth for Miammi, which a bye while the wild card teams were playing. division, but that's gone now," Parcells said. of this year's team over last year's. He would be eliminated only if it loses Then, they would have played the Rams, "You play 16 full weeks in the regular season, pointed to better offensive statistics this year. by more than 39 points to Buffalo possibly at home in the first conference and if you make it, you are one of the better "Right now, we don't have anything to show while New England, the New York playoff game. teams in the league for that year. If you don't, for it, but I think our team is better," he said. Jets and Denver all win their final Instead, the only path to the playoffs now you're in a group with the others." "There are some things that have improved games. open to the Giants is by being a wild card Parcells, who has become a master at but sometimes the bottom line is wins. I'm Miami's Bud Brown picked off an team. Although they would be the home team' stating the obvious, said that about four or not going to deny that because it is the Eason pass, but New England's in the wild card game, they would probably five plays the Giants failed to make Sunday measuring stick. Raymond Clayborn did the same have to play San Francisco, the Super Bowl could have changed the outcome against "There could be some contention that there against Marino. champs who knocked the Giants out of the Dallas. The most obvious were potential TD has not been improvement, but basically I Then New England's Tony Collins playoffs in 1981 and 1984. A win over the 49ers passes dropped by McConkey and Williams, think we are an improved team over last fumbled at his own 39 and Brown would pit the Giants against the Bears in and the pass that Jones deflected to former year," he continued. "But that does not mean recovered for Miami to set up the Chicago in the first conference playoff tilt. Matawan Regional star Jim Jeffcoat for a 65- first score of the evening. That's making life a lot harder than It had yard TD return. See GIANTS. Page 2B BILL PARCELLS Maris: The man never got credit he deserved

ftj MM MCOUTTI official time at bat on that clear autumn day in 1961. Tracey Stallard of the Boston Red Sox looked in and Register Sports Editor then fired the ball toward the plate. Marls, with that Nineteen sixth-one was the year to be a Yankee fan. SPORTS ANALYSIS graceful sweeping motion, drove the ball on a line Oh, there were other years. Nineteen twenty-seven toward the lower right field stands, right next to the should ring a bell. In fact, Yankee fans thrived all was too big for the North Dakota native. It was just Yankee bullpen through the 30s. 40's, 50s and part of the 60s. perfect for the Bambino. Young Frank Durante. a 23-year-old truck driver But 1961 was special because it was the year that two People talk about the supposed called shot Ruth made from Brooklyn, grabbed the souvenir and somehow of Babe Ruth's incredible records tumbled, and both of In the 1932 World Series against the Chicago Cubs. managed to survive the slaps, fists and curses. them were broken by Yankees. Bronx Bomber followers Whether it happened or not is immaterial because he Maris trotted around the bases as though it were any agree that if any Yankee record must be shattered, it did call other shots. other home run. Nothing particular . just a days work. should be a Yankee who does the shattering. Ruth hit three homers in the 1928 Series against the He kept his head down as he crossed home plate and The problem with 1961 was that the wrong man broke St. Louis Cardinals. All of them came in the fourth and finished his jaunt into the dugout It took a great deal the Babe's record of 60 home runs in one year. It wasn't final game. Willie Sherdel. a lefthander who won 21 of coaxing to get him to take oft his cap and wave to Mickey Mantle or anyone who possessed even a little games that year, faced Ruth in the seventh inning. The the crowd which was screaming for an encore. of the Ruthian mystique. It was okay that Whitey Ford Babe, who always liked to banter with pitchers and Maris got through 1961 somehow, but it was a broke Ruth's World Series pitching record of 29 and two umpires while he batted, reflected on the scene years nightmare His hair fell out in clumps He because surly thirds scoreless consecutive innlngs.but the one who later. with the press because he couldn't handle the constant knocked the Babe from the book in the homer It seems that Sherdel quick-pitched while Babe was volley of questions or the personal vendettas. He didn't department was just a guy who showed up to the park, jawing with the plate umpire, Cy Pfirman. The pitch understand the boos when he didn't hit one out. did his job and then packed up and went home — away would have been a called third strike, except the quick- But most people forget that Roger Maris, who never from the fans and the haunting reporters. pitch had been ruled illegal in the American League regained the home run form of 1961, was an outstanding Roger Maris had a beautiful swing ... it was made prior to the start of the '28 season. Pfirman ruled no athlete ... a man who was in complete control of his for Yankee Stadium. General Manager George Weiss pitch and the Cardinals went wild while Ruth stood back physical faculties during his 12-years at his work. had a way of finding these particular people from away from the plate innocently. It was what he couldn't control that hastened the end among the obscure, but talented Individuals on the Finally Sherdel regained his composure and Ruth of his career They even put an asterisk by his name Kansas City Athletics' roster. Kansas City was an entire yelled, "The National League is a hell of a league." (or the feat that he, and no one else could perform. franchise designed, it seemed, as a proving ground for When a reporter interviewed him years later about the Yankee Stadium. Incident, he asked, "What Hid Sherdel say?" Ruth said. Roger, oh, Roger And so, Maris came to the Yankees for a bottle of "Oh, he said it sure was or something like that." An injustice was done; ketchup and two Snickers bars in 1968, a year before "Well, what did you say," the scribe asked. "I said We laughed al yaw mlwry ASSOCIATED PRESS he won the American League's MVP Award. put one right here and I'll knock it out of the park for and mobbed your home m. Maris and Ruth were alike in only two ways: they you," Ruth replied Now let as amend the wraag THE SWINQ — Roger Maris swings himself into both hit a lot of home runs and they both died of the "Well, what happed then." the reporter asked. that's been done. the recordbook in this 1961 photo. He hit his 61st same disease. There were no other similarities. "He did and I did," Ruth laughed. . Let's knock that old asterisk homer oil Boston Red Sox hurler Tracey Stallard. New York, which demands so much from Its stars, Marls stood at the plate in what looked like Ms last off »1 TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1965 The RegU Three are named All-East 1 for third consecutive yeatf Penn SUte and pUcekicker Massimo Maoca of Penn NEW YORK (AP) - Running back Paul Palmer of SUte. Temple, defensive tackle Tim Green of Syracuse and Rounding out the defensive team are ends-outslde nose guard Mike Ruth of Boston College were named linebackers of Pehn State and Fted&MUs to the Associated Press All-East football team of West Virginia, Uckle Tim Johnson of Penn SUte, yesterday for the third year In a row. inside linebackers Rogers Alexander of Penn State. Bill In addition, six other players made the team tor the Romanowskl of Boston College and Tyronne Stowe of second time, although running back Napoleon Rutgers, backs Lance Hamilton of Penn SUte and Doug McCallum of Navy and tight end Scott Gleselman of Pavek of Army and Penn SUte punter John Bruno. Boston College missed out last year after being named ' McCallum, who became the first redshlrt In Navy to the team in 1963 history after suffering a leg Injury early to the 1«M The other repeaters are offensive tackle Brian campaign, finished 1985 as the nation's leading all- Jozwiak of West Virginia, guards John Rienstra of purpose runner with an average of 2118 yards a game Temple and Don Smith of Army and defensive back For the season, he rushed for 1,87 yards - finishing Michael Zordlch of Penn SUte. seventh nationally at 120.6 yards per game - and added 358 reception yards, 157 on punt returns and 481 on The rest of the offensive unit consists of wide kickoff returns. receivers Kelvin Martin of Boston College and Scott THE REGISTER Schwedes of Syracuse, tackle Randy Dlxon of Pitt, Palmer finished second nationally In both ruining UNDEFEATED — Coach Dick Martin, left, Players are, second from left to right, Baraka center Ron Rice of Army, quarterback John Shaffer of (193 7 yards a game) and all-purpose running (168.4). presents awards to members of his undefeated Red Johnson, Derrick Rogers and Matt Cheslock, all 14 Bank Regional High School freshman football team years old. The dinner was sponsored by the last night at an awards banquet at the school parents. Future brightens for Knicks' King "I Intend to resume my career and to play for many Kaiser wins all-around in gym meet NEW YORK (AP) - Bernard King, who hasn't years, but to come back early would defeat all the work played for the New York Knicks since tearing ligaments and progress I've made," King said. "I can't speculate in his right knee last March 23, could return to National record score for the Barnstormers. nine's in all her events. when I'll return. It was a very serious injury. I'm hoping INDIANA, Pa - Christine Basketball Association play with no risk of reinjury, his It can be this year, but I have a long way to go." She compiled a 37.1 and "completely physical therapist says. Kaiser, representing the dominated the meet," her coach, Kaiser scored 0.35 as she won the Barnstormers of Rumson, took the balance beam, came back with a "His chances of returning this season are good, but Tom Murphy, commented. "She "His knee is very stable, but he's not ready to play," there is no timetable," Sweitzer said. She declined to all-around title in the Christmas won the all-around by more than a second place on the bars with a 9. IS, Danla SweiUer, a therapist for the Eastside Sports Tree Invitational Gymnastics Meet was sixth in vaulting with 9 55 and give a percentage probability on King's chances of half point." Medicine Center In New York, said yesterday. "But he playing this season. over the weekend. finished 10th in the floor exercise needs to improve his strength, timing, endurance and Competing in the meet for elite with 9 05. Kaiser, a senior at Rumson-Fair and advanced gymnasts rep- power." King, the NBAs leading scorer last season with a St average, has been a virtual recluse tor eight months, Haven Regional High School, won resenting the North and Northeast Competing in the meet were 146 Sweitzer and King work four hours a day, seven days the all-around championship with a divisions, Christine scored in the girls. not only refusing to talk to the media, but also staying a week to rehabilitate the knee. Part of the time is spent away from all Knicks practices and games. exercising at King's home in New Jersey, the rest of the time in a swimming pool or gymnasium. "My initial rehabilitation period was the most crucial Giants "The last eight months have been one of the most and I did not need distractions," King said. "It was a strenuous and enduring experiences of my life, but now difficult decision not to attend games, but my Continued from Page 1B Gene Roberts scored in 1949. three categories. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel," King said rehabilitation schedule does not allow me to attend. As Their four sacks Sunday also If the Giants are the home team at a press conference that broke a self-imposed silence my schedule changes, I will begin to come to some we will have anything more to show established a new team mark of 65. in the wild card game, it will be with the media. "My ultimate goal is to return to the games. But I work best alone, with no distractions. for it On the other hand, we can The old standard was 61. Morris their first home playoff game since NBA as an all-Pro." have more to show for it." needs 49 yards Saturday to break 1962, when they lost to Green Bay, "My job and responsibility this year is to rehabilitate Ron Johnson's team record of 1,1(2, King and Sweitzer shed no light as to when that return my leg. I told myself that I wouldn't talk to the media Ql'ICK KICKS: The Giants added 16-7, in the NFL title game at set in 1972. would be, however. until I knew I could resume my career." three more offensive team records Yankee Stadium. 'Sunday. Their 333 first downs this Phil Simms continues to move up season surpass the 310 of 1984; the in passing statistics. His 2,008 5.513 net yards exceed the 5,292 of attempts, 1,057 completions and last year, and Joe Morris's 18 13,992 yards put him in second place. touchdowns move him past the 17 He passed Fran Tarkenton in all Christmas Bird Count will begin tomorrow t was once described, by the man then in charge of it. as "North IAmerica's premier exercise in mass masochism and cooperative BILL SANDFORD science ' It's called the Christmas Bird Count and it's one of the ways a lot of people celebrate the holiday single naturla history data-gather- season ing event seems indisputable. The In the 212-week period beginning value to ornithologists of the infor- lomorrow and ending Jan 5, some mation is has provided, over its 85 1.500 count areas across the conti- years, on avian populations, range nent will be combed by teams of shifts, habiUt and food supply birders who will count every bird losses, among other things, is in- they can find in thier territories on estimable. a given day Three counts will be done in Their findings will be compiled by Monmouth County: the Sandy Hook, team leaders and sent to the on Saturday, Dec. 21; the Assunpink. National Audubon Society, the count Sunday, Dec. 22, and the Long sponsor and coordinator, for editing Branch, Saturday, Jan. 4. and publication in America Birds, Sandy Hook's circle is centered at the society's ornithological field Battery Halleck on the Hook, ex- journal tends west through Keansburg and A full issue of the journal is includeds the Navesink Hills and devoted to the count results. The part of Rumson. George most recent one, covering the 1983 Wenzelburger, 22 Ascot Drive, Free- coutn. ran 468 pages hold 07728, is compiler. Although the report for 1984 is still Assunpink's center is at the being prepared for publication, intersection of Routes 537 and 1-195. American Birds editors have re- and the circle includes the Assun- leased some of the basic figures pink Wildlife Management Area and There were. 1478 areas censused Turkey Swamp. Wade Wander, RD last year, we're told, and partici- 3, Box 27OAA, Somerset, NJ 08873, pants gave the effort 39,555 will direct the count. man days-35,200 counting in the The Long Branch area's center is field and 4,355 more watching at at the intersection of Route 18 and feeding stations. If the 86-year trend West Deal Road in Ocean Township. continues, there will be more counts It extends from the Sea Bright- and more participation this year. Monmouth Beach line to Wreck 'Because some birders took part Pond, on the coast, adn west to in more than one count it would be Hominy Hill in Colts Neck. This difficult to determine just how many reporter, William F Sanford, 87 The Diamond Minds people actually were involved ) Main St., Matawan 07747, is com- Each count must be done within a piler of New Jersey pre-plotted circle 15 miles in Feeding station observations are diameter That adds up to about 177 welcomed by the count teams. square miles of hunting ground, so Anyone who has a station withing a the observers concentrate on the count area and wants to add its most likely spots within their circle. count-day patrons to the list — The size of count teams varies especially if they include anything Last year, in a few of the more unusual — should get in touch with remote areas, counts were done by the area's compiler, preferably single observers But 26 of the areas beforehand so we can know what is were scoured by more than 100 being watched. birders, with San Jose, Calif., (Feeder watchers are spared the fielding the biggest team — an army $4 participation fee required of field of 156 counters. observers — unless they want their The Freeport. Texas, team came names included in the observer list up with the domestic high count off published in American Birds.) 222 species Since Central and South Robert Arbib, then editor of American areas have been added to American Birds, probably had the overall count area, Panama has northern birders in mind, primarily, consistently topped the list, getting when he wrote the "mass 311 species last year. mashochism" description, although •Jawclry may b« slightly enlargad The •Diamond Mlndt" of New Jmney The low-side record was set by a warm-climate birders sometimes Quebec team with just three speci- subject themselves to unusual "Personal Service, Custom Designing es-black duck. Iceland gull and trauma, too. Layaways Welcome" Remounts- Settings raven Counters have done their thing in All Quantities Limited Jewelry Repairs The 1984 aggregate count was blizzards or with wind chill factors No layaways on Specials Watch and Clock Repairs 30 or 50 below zero, know best what 108.948.275 birds of 601 species plus No Ramchecks on Specials Jeweler and Watchmaker 30 additional forms (races, color he meant. on Premises morphs, hybrids, i Why do we do it? To help add to Neves When ours was a more rural an important bank of scientific society, a popular Christmas after- knowledge, or course. But mostly noon pastime was birdHlunt. In 1900, for the adventure of bird-finding, the JEWELERS ornithologist Frank' M Chapman camarderie — the fun of it. mustered 27 friends to conduct a Floyd Wolfarth of Blalrstown, Designers/ Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry - different kind of bird hunt — with compiler of the Walnut Valley WOOOBRIDGE ABERDEEN/MATAWAN field glasses instead of guns. The census, has been doing to* counts 3 Convenient Locations Christmas Bird Count was establish- for 51 yean without • break. Ha 103 Main St • 634-1086 Rt 34 & Lloyd Rd • 583-2000 ing and has continued every year wouldn't mlsa one, he toW count Moa-Fri. 9-9; Sat 9-7; Sua 10-5 - PERTH AMBOY Moa-Fri. 10-9; Sal 10-7; Sun 11-5 since, growing bigger annually. editor*, to a note with his MM 171 Smith St • 826-4940 National Audubon's claim that report. "come two fact x* i Moa-Thurs. 9:30-7:30; Fri 9:3O-8:S§ this project is the world's largest 50 below." Sat 9:30-6; Sua 11-5 TMEMWY. DEC6MBHR 17 19BS TW Heavier SPORTS BRIEFS Let's look at those basketball races II, I had fair success wtth my selections of any of the remaining six teams can get it, but [the Shore Conference divisional football Keyport is the choice and will edge out Rurason- O'Hern first in invitational meet 1 winners, so I wUI now have the audacity to Fair Haven Regional for second place. Henry tan my crystal ball on boys' naatMtaall. Hudson is the sleeper, but looks like fourth '•te O'Hern, ol Middletown, Mason Holiday Invitational track Keanaburg U another team that might surprise ni Pennsylvania's only O« the suface, this appears to be an easy job. JIM meet Senior OHern won the 100 It looks like "B" North Is the only division really but la picked for fifth followed by Holmdel and kflrst place finisher >i the Mater Del. Quaker* competed In the G«orge up for grabs. meter* in 1:14.1. Here are the selections but don't place any bets HIMTEIJIAMH "C" Seata "A" Nerth This choice Is no more difficult than picking Red Bank YMCA dominates Christian Brothers Academy won in a romp last CBA in the "A" North. Freehold is solid. Four year. It will be just as easy this year. The Colts starters are back, including t-7 Lee Perry and will he Red Bank YMCA vanity and Quinn Kennedy, 11-14 100 fly. may not have a player with the talents of Joe for third. Long Branch and Red Bank Catholic win going away. Let's just say it is a big year for iwimmers had 27 first placet the Freehold sports program. The boys' team took four of the Paterno, but the Colts still have site, depth the could surprise but will be fourth and fifth, as the boys team drubbed The competition for second place is a tossup, T five relay races. Chris Kelly, top point guard in the shore in junior John Crotty. respectively, followed by Ocean and Raritan. but Manchester has enough to win runnerup WesUMd, 10M2, and the girls Chris Curia, J.J. Vigil and Billy Neptune gets the nod for second place. The "B" Soath honors. Shore Regional could have its best team triumphed, 87-93 Muhleisen took the eight and Fliers have been nmnerup to CBA the past two Monsignor Donovan has four starters back from in years and will finish third followed by Kurt Pricker won the 100 under competition with the 10 years and have the talent to beat out the last year's struig club. Among them is the shore's Allentown, Lacey, Pinelands and Point Beach. backstroke and 100 fly with and under team of R. Kelly, remaining league teams. top player, Mike McNeil. personal best times In the 13-14 Craig Dolan, Justin Branch and Freehold Township will be third. The Patriots Manasquan will be the runnerup. The Big Blue afe bracket while Robert Kelly Tom Wllkens winning. Jim Graff, have four starters returning, but the one player had an experienced squad back and is OTHER NOTES - CBA's and Red took the 10 and under 50 free and Shawn Torbert, DeNoia and M. gone is All County Bob Belitz strengthened by the addition or Brent Dixon, an Bank Catholic's Bob Scrabis, two members of last fly. Marshall Branch took the Branch won the 11-12 while the 18-point-per-game scorer who transferred from year's Register All County Team, have done well 11-12 90 free and back. 13-14 segment went to K. "B" North St. Rose. for Fordham and Princeton University, respec- Tina Skokos captured the 12 Frlcker, Rich Ens, B. Felix and This is the only race with no clear-cut standout. Lakewood is the choice for third place. The tively, so far this season. and under 100 Individual medley Ulrich. Last year, Asbury Park, Long Branch and Red Piners are always strong. This year's club is no Paterno moved into the starting lineup at the and then moved up to take the Bank Catholic dominated, but all three were hit exception. Central nets the nod for fourth place beginning of the season and is averaging 11 points 1S-14 100 breast. Hana Sixon won Winning girls' teams were hard by graduation. The competition is even followed by Howell, Wall and Point Boro. a game for the Rams. Scrabis has been seeing the SO free and breast In 11-12 Lauren Day, Julie Graebe, Eda tougher this year. "C" North considerable action as a backup swing man for with Mays Kalkay winning the SO Kalkay and Blair Belicose In S The pick Is Asbury Park ... only after a great Red Bank Regional is a solid choice here. The Princeton. He scored seven points in a loss to back and fly in 11-11 ^ and under while Hana Simon, deal of thought. The Bishops are young, but have Bucs may have a problem with height, but they LaSalle Saturday. Other first place w'~

Loughran finishes in top 12 Radford cagers down Rider College, 83-56 ill Loughran, of Henry Bucknell's cross country toam. Radford led 204 in the early going but the for Uth-ranked Louisiana State as the Tigers Hudson Regional, finished Loughran is a sophomore. RADFORD, Va. (AP) - Eric Key scored a Broncos, 1-6. got 12 straight points to draw to a rolled over Lamar behind a 19-point performance among the top 12 runners for season-high 26 points to help the Radford 20-20 tie with 5:42 left in the first half. Key and by guard Don Redden. B Highlanders crush Rider's Broncos 83-56 in non- DiServio paced a 9-6 scoring outburst that made conference college basketball last night. it 29-26 at halftime Ahead by 10 points, the Southeast Conference Key, a senior forward who had missed the first Key scored 17 of his 26 points in the second half team opened the second half by hitting four of its two games of the season because of an ankle as the Highlanders expanded their lead. first seven shots for a 45-33 advantage. Lamar injury, led all scorers. His 10 rebounds were Ron Simpson led the Broncos with 20 points, and never got closer than 13 points after that as the Astros trade Mumphrey second to center Pat Diservio's 15. Marhall Grier tossed in 15 and added a team-high Tigers' pressure defense limited the Cardinals to Guard Billy Myers tossed in 16 points for the 7 rebounds. 29 percent shooting during the final 20 minutes. Highlanders, forward Tim Penn scored 12, and Neither team shot well from the floor. Rider Redden, a 6-foot-6 senior, scored 11 of his game- Diservio added 10 points. earned a 45 3 field goal percentage while Radford high total in the first half as LSI) built up a 41-31 to Cubs for Hatcher Radford, 4-3, was also helped by 21 Rider fouls, averaged 46.4 percent. to just 14 marked against the Highlanders, who lead. The Tigers' leading scorer this season with Louisiana State 74, Lamar 57 dent and general manager. "We feel sank 19 of 24 free throws for a 79.2 percent free a 14-point average, Redden also collected eight CHICAGO (AP) - The Chicago BEAUMONT, Texas — Consistency was the key Jerry can help us fortify our outfield throw percentage. rebounds. Cubs yesterday acquired 10-year situation. The addition of Jerry major league veteran Jerry gives us increased depth." Mumphrey from the Houston Astros in a trade for outfielder Billy Mumphrey, who plays all three Boat outfield positions, has a career Hatcher and a player to be named Continued from Page 1B later. Cubs officials said. batting average of 287 with 52 Mumphrey, 33, a switch-hitting homers and 490 RBI. was soon discarded. hadn't used the boat since the late outfielder, hit .277 in 130 games for He came up to the majors with St. Knoll originally decided to build '40s, but there wasn't a bit of rot in Houston in 1985, with 25 doubles, Louis to stay in 1976. and also has the boat because of the impracticali- her. And she never leaked a drop of eight home runs and 61 RBI. played with San Diego and the New ty of the sneak boxes, which were water." i Hatcher. 26, hit .245 in 53 games York Yankees He batted .307 and then used for duck hunting. McVitty purchased the boat for with the Cubs in his first extensive 300 with the Yankees in iMl and "It used to take around 45 minutes $50, and later sold it to the late major league service, and .280 in 67 1962, his best seasons. to get from Red Bank down to Stanley Wainwright. That selling price was 8150. games with Iowa of the Class AAA Hatcher originally was selected Oceanic in Rumson if someone American Association. by the Cubs in the January 1981 free wanted to go hunting down there, so Wainwright died in 1960 and "We talked with Houston at agent draft and never batted less I decided to build a boat which Ewald bought the boat for $350 length during the winter meetings," than .276 in his five minor league would make the trip faster and that Bill applied a coat of fiberglass to it, added ice runners and a keel. said Dallas Green, the Cubs' presi seasons. is where the Duck Boat got its start," Knoll explained. Then he added a spray shield and The original plans for the NRDB motor mount. were designed by Joe Irwin in the "Everyone steals someone else's Campbell late 1930s. Knoll got the plans from ideas and that's hr * you can get you him, improvised a little and built the boat the way you want it," Ewald Continued from Pans 1B boat by himself until be ran into a explained. ! This is Simla's fourth season as an edge of the game and the respect of little unforeseen trouble. "That boat is just about the assistant to his father. He spent the every player and coach." "I couldn't bend the plywood," ultimate in comfort," McVitty said. first three coaching the Miami wide "I leave with no animosity toward Knoll said, "so I got hold of Charlie "I could go out and stay for three receivers and this year also has anyone in the Eagles' organization Boucher and he contacted Walter days and be comfortable as long as Coached the quarterbacks. and I wish Mr. Braman the best," Thome. They came down and helped I had the necessary provisions," ' Braman said Shula was not the Campbell said. me with that and then the boat was McVitty said. tnly prospect, and he mentioned Questions Campbell asked Sunday ready to go." "The boat has a lot of deck space Jim Mora, coach of the two-time about his future apparently dictated Knell produced the paid bill from where you can work in comfort. The champion Baltimore Stars in the the timing of his firing. Irwin's, written on a legal pad. The aft and forward decoy racks can United States Football League. Braman said in recent weeks he entire cost of the materials was hold around 60 and the boat can take ' Both Braman and Gamble said would wait until the end of the 835.67. With Boucher and Thome's a larger motor," McVitty explained. (he Eagles hoped to announce a new season before making a decision. labor it came to (46.17. "People are ever improving their coach after the end of the regular But Gamble said that during the Knoll said, "If someone wanted to boats," McVitty stated "Did you ieason. flight home Sunday night from San build one of those boats today, the notice the oars? They're notched. ' In a written statement, Campbell Diego, Campbell told him if a same way I constructed it 43 years All you have to do is catch the decoy laid he felt no rancor about the decision were to be made to let him ago, I would say the price would be line on it and pull them in. That's firing. go, he wanted it done now. close to 11,500." just one of the little improvements "I feel at peace with myself Gamble said he discussed the Knoll used brass screws with that the guys come up with. because I know that my coaching conversation with Braman briefly scribed surfaces. "Once you got McVitty also explained that Karl staff and I put every ounce of effort later Sunday night. them In you couldn't get them out. Becker, of Fair Haven, has come up We had into making the Eagles a When Campbell arrived at Vet- When you pulled one out the wood with the idea of a dog box in his boat better team," Campbell said. "And erans Stadium yesterday, he said be would come with it. We didn't have where the hunting dog can be placed I feel we succeeded. There's no wanted the decision made immedi- anything like epoxy glue in those and not get the hunter wet. Question In my mind that this year's ately, according to Gamble. days, only weldwood glue. It really "They are always finding some- (earn Is considerably better than the "I put Campbell on the telephone stayed together." thing new," McVitty said. sue I Inherited three years ago. with Braman and I left the room," Knoll kept the boat until' 1958 Ewald tried to build his own boat ! "It does not need an overhaul like Gamble said. "When I returned, when he sold it to Fair Haven's Bill and started In the cellar of his home. the one that took place following my Campbell said, 'I'm through.'" McVitty. However, there was one flaw In his THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E. COUIQ first season as head coach." Bruney, who Is In his ninth year "1 just kept it about three planning. After he had built the I Campbell recommended Bruney as an assistant with the Eagles, AN ORIGINAL -7 This is the original oar and its leather binding months." McVitty said. "I tightened body, it was too big to get out of the! ts his successor, saying his as- blamed luck for much of the Eagles' showing the oar shield which prevents the oar from slipping through her knee ribs, which hold the frame . house. aociatatie "has a tremendnus knowl- trouble - and Campbell's firing. the lock. Tpo |ock is also an original. together and cleaned her up. Charlie Back to, the drawing board. SCOREBOARD TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1985



3 Bad Cam |H F*on) t-1 I Kio Carpel |C Manni t-1 . -*• IT 4 Shady HI (W Lathy) 10-1 mi *« fm at.rm c*. M see 7 NaMMa IJ Komi 10-1 4 CMC Co> IA flaynokX) 47at) 6 20 300 9 M0OW1 Hanovff IA E«TM) • H la Breat* |H KeHyl 10-1 I Auburn toy (J Bagga) 2 80 2 40 4 rWrtbkng KM |R Apce) AEI Tel Oak LoaaH |H FIMn| 3 HaugMy Faaa |H Kaay) r 3 20 3 Ckpper Supreme U Ooodlandl AE2 Elmwood idaal (W 6aaman) M f~ I1,T» 6 Kcyuon* Shut (W Br*anahan) 6-i T. Murray, CN S B Hk MM AIM «V» I ua HMM 3 WM DM M*M IJ KMgl 120 300 260 1 Enaqn G*n*t« (R vmci) 8-1 Bossy. NVI 6 V4ung B»ua Chip 10 Dancar) 3-1 7 smdoocaa |A KavoMO 11.10 4 00 2 Thorp** BM IT CJ*nd*n*ng> 8i Savard.CN . 4 H H Tarptfi (A Stafford) -2 I Danoars Chcaca IS Danoar) 100 8-1 Freest. CM . 1 Kid Thundar IW Bresnahan) 4 ' DAHV 00MU *4 RIM* 8 i -«rnando (J UotMyttv) 101 2 Kama Skck (W Breenenen) 5 i •JIACIA t-T l.aa aa All WM CM* CuuittMJ (J King) Ooulat.Oue 7 Amating Skippai (H F*r>i) ... »-1 MTM ll.Ma AE2 MH* Ittrtvar (M KMy. Wchots.LA 8 Laad Dresser (Q Bewachmo) 6-1 1 Bcycla JMi (J uoMyavl 2.60 2.20 220 SM T*tW-t 81 TfB MMSJBM Tana. Vet 5 L D Etta |R Camdanl 10-1 2 Grand Joy |H rttty) 2.10 2*0 3 Hot SandDV (M F*on. 21 naaaichu>.Wpo 3 Sasnl Obeerver |M Poeneri IM 6 Pw Baby |H Fawi) 1.60 • UatVtOt Smppa* |M K.m*»man| 12 o«mer. wash m Pec U see N/» MM UACTA ii Maa 6 SJuppm BanW (J King) 4-t ar.Edm 2 B 04 Byrd (H Fikon) 3*1 4*1 Pac.n.144 2 EigN To EigMy (H K*ny) II 6 Shoo Ua CM IM Uanaol 4-1 1 Trw* Vow Stft* (ND) . . 1-1 4 Tita Bki VW) IJ Mowyavl 320 260 220 6 Pavad W«h Oat is DaCsmpisI 5-1 4 Trope BMuty (W Vandsrvorit 6-1 3 Hach N Boy IK Hanuia) 1.60 300 7 Ligni Smoke INOt t-2 I Iromona Eagla |L S*o«) 2.10 5 LM To B* 5**n {j Scftwmd) 12-1 4 Baton Jodaac |H Kelly) +1 UUCTA 4H 66.M 7 A S« TuMta L*S (F C*ykicci) 12-1 I Munnings Aknahuftl (NO) 0-1 ACi Awaoira JM (W BrtMnanan) • PMlUI AC2 M M Fondant (R C*md*n| 3 Quick Altai' IP ComoO 10-1 3 Juua Hookgan |K RaynoW] 5.00 9.60 160 5 Eiagani OKII |G Kaimaw) 10-1 M PM* I2.M* 1 p* WW 1 Ml 8 OMVII Rumua |R Baachy) 6.20 640 6a) Pac. U.Jtt Can nt,MMIMM 5 Mowing Oaan |H Kany) 3.00 7 B*m<* Patoma (S O*a| M 8 Uoum Carma) IM LancaMar) 3 I t T*nac«ua CMf (NO) 72 mmct* M-8 6 Choo Choo Ovar (L Satokj) 5*1 3 Warship (V Fuaco) 12 •kFuUM 3 Prc»u> Miiaga |A Kavolatl) 0-2 8 TtVvfKMr Trvtgtia (H f ikon) 6 1 4 Naaau County |J Mu«) 7 20340220 2 SaruCN (C Crtoi II 1 Spnngbrook Dolly ID Dancar) 4*1 1 My Spac* IP App«) 11.00 4 60 4 T A J SUCWK* (NO) 6-1 2 Lomou (C Manj,) . 8-1 2 Fty Fly Johnny |H F*on| 1.10 5 Prmcaa* Otoria (J Schwmd) 61 7 Rua NavM IW Biaviahanl t-1 BUST* 4-1 5 lightmn (J Schwnnd) 10-1 8 Good Aip*cM {R Sm#i) 12-1 mp—tm 4 Rgrn o«ar IJ Graana) 20-1 •MB LHM 81, Ml CM U.M 6 EWMtioa |M Uakao 2260 140 2 60 AEI Arrow Flaah (H Fihon) 1 John BurntMabM |E Bnaton) 5-2 1 Buffalo Boo (H KaHy) 3.40 2.20 AE2 Traffic Dtraclor |H Filion) 5 Porchvi (J Mo«*v*v) 92 5 Volari Lota« 18 Bookalabar) 2.20 tiACTA »i aai aa 4 Ton. B Tig* |J v««i) 4-1 i6» Pac. HI- mm mmm - •NMtMN 8 Jo»y Jo* (A K«vo*fi) 6-1 3 Ota* Sbv (T Maahan) 5-2 5 Sanor RapOo IJ Sialtod! 9W3W26O 2 P*t*r Davtd in Day) 6-1 1 Palnol Lobaii (M Faokarona) 4-1 2 SNaMy EIM IC AWataHo) 1.40 260 6 STtannon Mtraci* (K AMon) t-1 2 Franch Oruon Soup |H Frkon) t-2 4 OttdDourna Skippai IJ MoHaya.) 1160 7 Yonlwrt (F Scafrtponno) 10 I 7 Raal Wmd |H Kaiiyl 6 i DUCT*. M ua aa 3 Nova. High |A Robiilard) 20-1 4 Nautt Skippar |R Silva) 1-1 •thxUM A£t HN A Hom*t (J Sh**han| 8 Royal Chance IF Aobon) 8 1 4 Vary Earn (W Bmanahanl 7 60 2.40 210 tm w— ii.rot nm HKVM 6 Lucky Balmonl IS DaCamoia) 10-1 t J M Barat IH Fikonl 2 60 2.40 5 ftamona HoDy (H K*«y) M 5 SlonagaM Oclana IS Tuckar) 12-1 2 imaga Of Falcon |H KaKyl 2.40 7 BrooRMM Maggta (A K*ot*ft| 72 SAEi Jack Conin> iw Braanahani •IACTA 4-1 118 M lEWl H*N9* |M Katty) 6 1 1 *>«dco AuTva* |Q Pati-H) 1-2 111k Pac tl.TH CM MJHt nmfmujm 2tiSSSS"~~ 4 Ch'UJiiis (F Krywomak) M 3 Gay Ramo (H F*on( S-2 I Happy Touch |E laoiWkl 3 40 4 60 J 00 3 Jawaia (M OtP<*tio) 6 1 2 s* vaivai IG Kaimarar) 4-1 7 Ovarcaal |H KaHy) a 00 900 2 Hacfco^mg |T Battar) 12 1 6 Sama A R«t iw Braanahan) 3-1 4 Cuaar B* (fl vmcil 160 8 Practout Victory ;L F*rri*ro, 20 1 i judat Miracia (G OaM) 6-1 UACTA 1-7 MJ at AEI J Of eum*r (M Po*n*r) 6 Southampton |M Makar) • 8-1 no *mt li.ana AE? WitMfHtt Pic'i't IN Batducci) 4 Allnghl Yankaa |R BorOHraky) 10-1 1 Von (M Man*)) 400 2W 210 BUI P»ct> 81,888 Nilrl ra*M 7 Bonny Bral N |P Klam) * 10-1 5 Surmaa Victory |L Famaro) 9 40 340 BASKETBALL 6 J*ts 0 A (J SclMmd) . 5-2 5 Nans Siaady Baau (A Dandao) 20-1 2 Joidacrw IM QanMnan) 3 20 5 EMy Money Bunny (J LOhfl*fy*f) 7-2 AEI Tflar Ty |H F*on| THWICTA 1-t-J UHTI 2 Nickitt Baby (M Matttf) 92 AE2 ParaQrin IS EIIMM1) ATIll4OAllCf 1644 MAHOU IM4.M1 W1BTIRH COMflMNCI

Hsution 17 I * I Oenvsr It f 446 I 20 4 631 - Utah 19 II 977 2rt 14 II 540 4VI SanAntsrw 14 12 936 111 FOOTBALL 12 II 112 7H Oallaa 12 II 922 4 12 12 lacrsnente I 17 320 • 7 17 CaaniOhMM I A taken 20 3 171 - NCW yom IAPI - Tha 210. Sanior. Rivardala. Md . Bill Romanowaki. Boston Ends — Hob DKJrarton, Army: Grag It 10 443 — Fortune 15 12 .994 7 Ul-lm tooOM Mam Collaga 6-3. 225 Sopnomora. Vamon. Conn ; Tyrorvta yy 14 12 ui i Saank, II 19 423 I0H Stow. Rutgart. 8-2. 22S, Junror. PaaaK N J woa Racarvars - Eric Hamaon. Pann SMa. Scon 12 II .410 411 Coldsn Sim 10 II 397 I2M T«n End - Scot GraaWnan. BoKm Collaga. 8 6 Backs - Lsnca HamiAon. Pann SUM 5-11. 183, Spatknon. Army II 13 491 t LA (lipptr. I 17 320 II OMas 249 Sano. WaaBn. Man , Sanior. WiWa-Baira. Pa . Doug Pank. Army. t-1. IN. TackM - Tony Brown. Ptt Ddug Marion.. t If m t 7 17 2*2 I3VI Sanor Roaamoum. Umn. Michaal Zordch. Pann Wda Racaoan - KaMn Mann. Boas; Collaga. Syracuse. Sham Ragant. Boston Collaga. Ed Sfmn. 7 i; tn » Slata 5- ll. 205. Sanior. roungapan. Ohio 5-6 156. Junior. Jackaonv*a. Fta. Scon ycnwadai Amy. Lloyd Yancey. Tampia tyracuat. S-ll. Itt. Jum. Fayaaa>«a. NV Puntar - John Bruno. Pann Saw. 62. 182. Sanor. Guards - Cty« CasMi. Navy Me* kiat IM. Indiana « Ut* at *«Hmglon 7.10 9- TackM - Randy 0»on. Pa. 6-4. 260 Junot. Pmsourgn. Pa Camars — Nona Nnr TeA 106. San Antonio f6 Nsw Janay st Atlsnts. 7 30 are. Chjwaton. Fla. tjnan Joiwn*. Wasl Virgjn«. 6-6. 290 I Tawi Quarterbacks — Brit Byrne, Navy; John Congamt. AtKMs 107. PNIarWpha 103 Houiion si Cbnslsnd. 7 X an Sanor. Ca»ma»«a. Ud Pat Rob Haaiy Army. Laa Sam. Temple OriUnd 10*. asslsn W Finladsrarlis st Mujrta. 7 30 s • Guarta — John Rranava. Tampki. 6-4. 279. Sanror. TrgN End - Daan DiMoo. Pann SWa Rurmng Backs - Kan Baa. Boson Cdtaga, DJ Sairiaiams 106. (heap 103 I A Lakan at Nso Tart, I a,« Colorado Spnnga. Coro . Don Smrm. Army. 6-4. 267 Wda PaKanars - wnka Marshal Tampia. MM Dooar. Paon SMa. Tom Gray. Wast Vkgma. John MM 1J7. Dtnvar 100 tmton st CrMage. a 30 pm Sanror. FradanckMpnn. Ohto Siano, Syracusa MoUfceo, Waal Virginia. Tim Manoa. Pann SMa; AOan Ulan 114. Hraaton 100 Portland it San Antome. a 30 en. Cam* - Ron Rica. Army. 64. 230. Saruor Tackkja - Bob Brook. Syracuas: Sana Trapu. Smm. Ruigen. Slave Smth. Pam SMa Ikoaiki 114. LA Clippsnn CeUsa Sin. SI Osnvsr. f 30 pn tJopmingaia. Onto Boston _or*ga PkcaWUrs - Cnarka Baumann. Wasl Vrrgna. Ostrsrt st Sstfananta, 1010 p n Ouanarback - John Shaft., Pann SWa. 6-3. 20». Guards — Las Gab. Rutgart. Todd MouMa. Pann Todd Solomon. Navy. Craig Slops. Army Ptmnii st Sasnls. 10 30 pn SUM Junror. Cmcmnak. Oho Ballon I0S. Crwsas 104 Running Backs — Naporaon McCaHurn. Natfy. 6-2 Csntsi — Nona Mrtaukes 140. Sscrsmanlo 82 Dsiiss si ISSNO. 7 30 am 214. Sanor. MMtom Oho; Paul Palmar. Tamptt. 5-9. Ouanarback - Don McPnanon. Syracuaa I A Lakm 111. Dstmrl lit UW> et Ns» Miay. IK pn. 161. Sopnomora. Polomac. MrJ Running Backs - Doug Black. Army, Chartaa Enda-Outada Lmabacsan - Chuck Oorecki. Boa Mi CoBjge eaManUne 111 Sssnaj 109 Houiton st FhlsrWphu, 7 30 p.ta. Placakickar - Mammo Manca. Pann StaM. 5 10 Qladman. Pa IA latan at WihNukae. a 30 u, 160. Saraor. Rano. >*tv PlacakicMf - Don McAulay. Syracuas TackM - Bob BucnoMki. Pat Lloyd Walker. Avmy. Oddwi Stats at LA Clifaan. 10 30 p - Ends Outsos Lmabackan - Don Graham. Pann MkMa Quarde - 0arm» Aayan. Pat Jim track. SMa Tony woods. Pa Army. George Picker Rugars TackM - John Boss. Boston College. MrJ» Ruaao. LrnabKMn - J«n Owyar Navy, lob PHUuakaa. EndsOutaos L'oabackars - Shane Coman Pann Pann Stale Tampia. Rudy Raao. Syracuse. Van Richardson Waal Wasl Oaorgia B5 Mom. Brown 62 Stale 6 3 225. Samor Fravnburg. N V . Frad Smasa Mod* Guard - Tad Gregory Syracusa Virginia. Dave Scheyer Army West Virgma. 8-2. 225. Sanior. PMederpma. Pa Backs - Jaan Austin. Rutgers, Taryl Austin, Pitt. "SET Cigrnon 12 Austin Paey 64 Linebackers - Derek Christian Waal Virgmia. Tim Brooklyn CoK 64 Campbau 47 Tackles - T,m Sraan. Syncuaa. t-2. 246 Sanor. Todd Bosrtaa, Tempts, Stave Brady. Navy. Bdl Drake 74 •MKMIII Pogaon, Syracusa. Man Sm*h. Wast Virginia CIV*yn*y 70 East Stroudsburg 54 Livarpoot. NY, Tim Johnaon. Pann Stale. 6-3. 250. Caaahan. P«. Panns Harder Tampia. Darotd Loncto 10.. St »9 Souai Dakota M Backs - Trams Curna. Was! Virgmra. Male F»ia. NVU 74 „ Cavtohc u 72 Junior. Sarasotys. Fla. Army: Sana Taramley. Rulgart Navy Markus PauLSyracusa La««B3 Cent Si Ohro 90 Middle Guard - M*a RuS-i, Boston Cokaga. 6-2, PurM - Maa O'Connaa. Rmgan. J«ti Fm. Mannas 72. .. E Michigan 69 Punw - K» ShanaW. Tampia AMwm* 100 Florida'St tt 254. Sanor. Nomaoan. Pa Syracuas Bra Rudaxtn. Pra. Stave Supenck. Waal BrMM 124: Michigan Tech 93 Lake Superior SI II Bryan 103 Oa*all|l| LinaDackerr, — rlogars Alaundar. Pann Slate. 6-2'j. V Missouri 72 8. minors 44 C«dtW«Ht 103 Pan Baactt AMnkc 73 N Michigan 61 Mum -DukiK 61 O*m*on t9 iapast63 Cmerbem6l WiMwnglon 76. OT E TarvrvaaaM 81 97 Augusta 66 Rio Grande 64 Oakland CHy 12 Qaoraia Si 103 vaMoM £1 M S Indiana t* I.. Wright St 79 JackaonSl 70 SE Louisiana 60 10 MCh Ot V« Mhtrt) Witianbarg 73 untie- Jackaonvin* St 64 Atians Si 97 Tha procedure to be uaad by me Naaor« Football amnin *M c I BM aron-toii-ttad pmommg* * ttnrn pltyM Mafyv**B3 TuecuHim 79 League to break standings Mstor poataaasu n ptayods 3 Baal won lost bed percentage at common games. Lou«uana St 74 Lamar 97 STANDINGS N CaroWva AAT $7 . NC. Central 92 and 10 determine raguwy season schaduM ot tour TOOSWAWlNTt 3 BM Mron-ioM »»d P«*cwita9» m common sprcm N*» Of»*an» M Oregon Tech 70 • Tat TiaCa*. Bast average net pomta in conlerence games mtfitmuiTi ol lour NOfto* 81. 99 Johnaon C Srmfi 71 t Haad-to-haad tbaat won-mt-sad parcantaga m Bast net points m alt games 4 Baal avwaQt n*i potntt m conttrvnot gama*. Nortkaaaiam 7$ Staaon 61 bM 9># CbS) Strsngm ol schedule 5. BM rm poirw in a» oamaa. Ratfiord 83 Rid* 91 2 BaM won-toet-tied oercentage ai gamee pujyad Best net touchdowns m an games COSa?tRlkJCf a 3trtngffi ol Kh*duM- Si Thomaa. Fto SO. Baknonl Abbey 96 Matn ma drvkjapn Com toss 7 BM rm touchdownt m am g*ma* PaMMOMalaaj Union. Ky 17 Camptteaaiiita 71 3 Bast won-roat-tjad parcantage m gsma* piayad TUfa*) ar Her. ctuaj. 6 Com tou i Head-to-heed sweep (Applicable only H on* club NOTE: H two ciuba rwnain Md afltr a trwrd club • W i T Pts or a* 4 Beat won-toat-sao parcanaga m common g nas ilslsaisil each ol ma otters, or it one club has lost •kiwnaiBd duung any Map, m* IW-OrMw r»v»m lo 23 Slap 1 ot m* two-duo -ormai II 1 5 But n*t ptftm -1 drvwon oamtM NYHIsndan 11 10 • BM n*t pom* m W ggmw NYlsngsn IUTIOMAJ. cosartntiica 14 14 7 Strvngir o* tcttadult Pitnaurak 12 19 II* 113 • BM n« lotxtvdownt m M gamm 10 9 0 447 341 102 TRANSACTIONS II 14 9 Com tOM ILII - •» PA 104 lit t t 0 400 371 273 114 0 733 470 324 t I 0 400 270 2M 17 II 2 34 120 H 1 H*arj-ir>rt**d (bM p*rc*nt*e* tn Ikralnglsnd 10 9 447 126 147 6 I 0 400 241 279 lander to Rochester ot me American Hockey League 14 10 4 34 III 119 gtvrvn atftong m* ciufat) NY itn 10 9 447 3)4 194 9 10 0333 242 317 Recalled Paul Gardner, earner, and Jacques Ctoutier. Monlrssl 19 II 4 34 134 113 2 BM «on-to«l-b*d p*r gimM piay*0 Indisrujpslil 4 II 247 214 370 upaWaiidai. from Rochester BuHalo 14 14 2 30 110 101 tutism BALTIMORE ORIOLES-Sent Lao I „ •Wwnffw drvfto n 1 13 133 200 3S3 Harttord 14 13 I 2* 119 114 j 14 I 131 41* III new*, x ms New York Yankees lo complete an earner NEW YORK ISLANDERS-Recalled OaraM Ckouck, 3 BM «0n-(O«-l-M p*fc*nt«g* 0tvn*t pHytM CASSPHU. COMP1RINC6 Grsantn 7 I 447 117 336 •ad* m SpringnaW of tha American Hockey t 6 7 0 933 277 297 dniinnsti 7 I 447 312 122 CLEVELAND INDIANS- Trsoeo Hen Thompson. 4 Baal won-lost-Bad percenujge m common games 7 I 0 447 411 403 Sf Iwn II 12 4 30 104 110 Fitritlurah 1 I 447 210 32* PDcher. •> ma Milwaukee Brewers lor Scon Roberts, 9 Bast net pona « • I 0 447 IW 327 Chcsas 2 13 .133 277 421 pitcher Assigned Roberts lo Maine ot me international MEN S INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL TENNIS 10 19 4 24 120 13* It** poans a> aa I Nouiion 9 10 0 313 246 371 •M COUNCIL—Announced mat John McEnroe has bean I 14 7 73 III III 7 Strengsi ot schedule • IA leas II 4 733 334 241 MILWAUKEE BREWERS-Asargnad Run Thomp. I tor ai. weeks I 17 9 21 119 139 6 Beat net touchdowns at I II 4 733 131 M2 SenFriKMcs t 4 a« 360 247 son. pnener. to Vancouver ol me Pacific Coaal League Detreit 7 II< ii n no I. Cc*n toes 10 9 447 193 309 HtaOrlasas 9 10 333 214 169 TEXAS RANQERS-AnnouncarJ thai DSck* NoM. NOTE H tiro dubs remam Md after a *wd club is VSHIIS I 7 931 129 274 1 12 100 244 442 pnehar. and EIM outMder. »* become tree 23 9 90 173 129 aarranaad durmg any sap. ma He-breaker revels to W.0.BO I 7 933 433 H7 COLUMBUS CAPITALS-Slgnad Edd* Aiavado. agsms. attacuve Friday CaKjsry 17 * 3 37 IW 106 Bap i of ma two-ctub tormtj KmuaCiry 9 10 333 27« 124 torward Pieced Ea Puskerich torrward on the u«ewec • dinekaa wikKam alarsH earn M Wimpsg 10 16 4 74 10* 147 HOUSTON ASTROS-Tradad Jerry Mumphrey. Vantourtr 10 I* 3 23 117 l» il naiaaaaiu to Draak has to desjarraria the two WIKJ «*• 30. Nsw Ireland V Cincinnati st MM IrnjUnd I p.n. KALAMA2OO KANOAROOS-Signad Darnan Kei- LoaAngakn 7 It 4 4 II 101 191 Cleveland st Ns» Ysrt Jan. I p.n oulMWar. lo the Chicago Cubetor Bu y HaKhar. >y. lorward Placed Bo Msison. torward. on ma daabted Card ctuba rrom each contarenoa and the sas ol their Maaa't Oaaaa YeessMa, . ta Cman ley at Taaae lar. 1 pn. outwder. and a player to be named raw. kal pieyoll game, m* leSKtwatg saps w be attan Denver st Ssanls. a p n Herrlord 4. Montreal 4. Of WMIaassjKis at Mimsuta. I a*. POOTBAU. LOUISVUIE THUNOER-S«nad Dan) FamandK I Jl the Had ctubs are rrom tie same dhrvMn. apply laaaiaai. Pa. n Tea.ysO.rn. P.iiiburgn st an Ysck bam. 12 30 p n San Chage st Kansas City. I am Wanna! Fiatssjl Itafa rmdlwlder Waived Junior Salmon, torward PklsoWpha at Htw Jeney. 7,19 p n Watrungton al Si Louri. 4 p n SAN FRANCISCO 4»ERS-Plac«1 Earl Coopw. tgM COLUH 2i-ay bed Chios an rrom drnerem dtMeajns. apply Cslgsry st Pitnburah. 7 39. p n Dallas st 9s» fraacrau. 4 p.n. and. on injured reserve Ra-srgnad John HM. 'pamar. ALLEQHENY-Namad Peter J vaas head toooaa tsmsJsi. O~ «J tuHito at H Y hlmdsrt. I OS p n coach Attata si New Orleam. I an • niOaan Ostrsil st Minnswta. 1.39 p.n. Sutlalo st Miami. I p m llamim Maatat Laasja IONA—Named Joe Favorrto sports mlormation i Head-io-twad. & atvaoaaa*. La Angelas latasn n Las Aaaaajs laa. » aa. Winnipeg at St Laun. I 39 pm ChKSgs at oatroii ) pn BUFFALO SABRES-Sent Daren Puppa. goal- •HO MaHJUM BVAJMat Waihia/wi at Vmcinar. 10 39 pi

Dealer* For

Yes you can The


Republicans hopeful on tax reform H last night, letting the stage for the House to most other Republicans In the House say the bUl Bank* » IndHitrlal quottllone consider the sweeping tax bill today. Congress oogrttsa, NhiiMBC* * Co. Inc.. E.F. •uaumn would damage the economy. Mut»on * CwtWy me . and Amoxlcw. APTix Writer wants to adjourn the IKS session by tomorrow. The announcement from Michel and Baker wai~* WASHINGTON - The Reafui tdminlttntlm Under the proposal announced by Baker and startling, since few GOP lawmakers who listened and Republican leaden said laat night they have Michel, the bill, written principally by Democrats to Reagan make bis plea for a tax bill expressed a rounded up the SO votes that Democrat! laid wen on toe House Ways and Means Committee, would optimism immediately after the meeting. ' necessary to allow the House to consider the not be changed. Republicans would receive two "I don't see the votes right now for the bill," presidents plan for overhauling the income tu ronpfisions: Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., chairman of the House system. —The House would be allowed to vote not only Republican Conference, told reporters after "We've got 50 votes," Treasury Secretary on a substitute Republican tax plan nut an Reagan and Vice President George Bush met James A. Baker HI announced as he walked out amendment retaining present-law tax treatment with the group for 90 minutes. of the office of House Minority Leader Robert of all pensions. The Democratic bUl would raise Michel of Illinois Baker said President Reagan taxes on pensions of retirees who contributed to But at the White House, spokesman Larry was attempting to reach House Speaker Thomas their retirement plans. However, since there is said the administration believed it was P. O'Neill, who was at dinner, to tell him of the almost no chance the substitute will pass, the "on the verge of a breakthrough" and "within agreement. change would be little more than a face-saving striking distance of the votes needed for final passage" of a tax bill. The announcement came three hours after gesture for Republicans. Reagan had lobbied Republican members of the -After the Democratic bill is passed, the Before the meeting, sources said, 35 GOP House to support the bill - a session that GOP Houie would consider a separate non-binding members had agreed to support the bill. leaders agreed had failed to produce the resolution stating the sentiment that most Reagan contends the Democratic version of his necessary votes. Only 14 of the 182 Republicans changes in the measure would take effect Jan. 1, plan Is flawed but says the House should pass it had supported him when the House last week 1M7. The Democratic bill has many different so the OOP-controlled Senate can improve it next refused even to consider the tax legislation. effective dates. year. Several top Republicans reject that Democratic leaders were planning to take the Even with that agreement, Michel said, he argument, saying the Senate cannot be counted LOCAL SECURITI GOP offer to the House Rules Committee later could not vote for the Democratic bUl. He and See TAX, Page SB mmmm •••••SSM kHRSS-SSa-SP xwnaian- loatwa BraMhaol IIOf7 tilll II'. prMawlMnR aacalaaa BJlMMO: «nM a na •aanisti oaui tH 1 aalBOl ••OK* taarM 10 10 iai i•i 8 •. hfiif-117 10 SSI ull +lk Foodarama management Stocks continue climb aaa.. oaa • aa aia- H •anro I a oiiit aak •tar ItJM Uhft—aaaiaBB) aa*oalana* am«ttMj+iH •ma 1 is tio aia- H shown signs of a slowdown. Expecta- •» «a*> >»» lama l.aaaapa aOMa I.S4 IBIO7t.7IS* V« Hanw 110 t m«aH+ M NEW YORK (AP) - Stock prices tions of lower interest rates also •• tc•••• La ii Cbg. aa(M 0$t atjt WH* 1 in laa S - H — A OH- 1 rrx.aai tBIl t!M+ 'a advanced sharply yesterday, pushed caused a surge in the bond market. 0I1U II IH attempting stock buyout m araaaa ao '4 4411 - 0 -• 0 - higher by the momentum of Wall an •a ia la*. Texaco fell m to 28S The third- IM aM, i ao i at am* i OnaKaia tats an- <• Joseph Troilo, vice president of Street's record-setting market and au la IMIl 1 it II an* > •aaM III 7U7I a — H largest oil company is facing a crisis w in a ian »'!• 'a ii ins hatts IS I0aoaa.77>,»l » • H t, mm» McCNmrv finance for Foodarama, said the persistent investor optimism that BMaO 1 ao llaaaa la IMt SI - 1 »a> ia m 17'.+ k because of an $11.1 billion judgment aaaati laa 171710 "anVZ hM IM !t»* > oMoiisa n in Ik* k The Register company has been a member of interest rates will drop. laim ai7>. M that a Houston court has ordered it u r raw. •. til MH* t •aaiaC 1 ao a 717 aM* H the American Stock Exchange for The Dow Jones average of 30 7 1011 17'*+ M •tab aa 171071 OaaiaaH IN II ta 111. M FREEHOLD — The manage- to pay Pennzoil. a*aa 00 I4H*I uaat! Tt'.i H IWalli la ii m la'a* H about 20 years but has "gotten industrials closed at 1.553 10. up 17.89 akataa Iia a in a>>- . ment of Foodarama Super- la aai 17'.+ '• IWnJ ia H - r - o - Union Carbide's stock rose Va to ak/at lal 1 U7i an* really no benefit" from being on over the record set Friday and wi It It-Can IH- H tvft 17a a*.*t'. markets, Inc. of Freehold is 4Haj4w 170 io laaa »7 70' 'a attempting to buy up more than 1.3 the market. "The price of our marking the 36th record close of the "0 7*00 a7 + »* fanM la aaa !WI| 140 BSM+ H nounced measures to fight a hostile aM»*ia ami iStH* H II m stock has never been that fancy in year. a »JJ77 II'*— H »*•* aaa II inai lima n>a*i million publicly-held shares of takeover by GAF. aai a aaMH* . tlMI an* H aaaa la stock to take the company private. our view," he said. "We didn't feel The Dow's utility average, the 17 aM IraaM a *m TH- . I1M+ 'a Utilities showed the most consis- M •ai a II nasai -a nim 1S»*I it was practical to issue shares at only major Dow index that had failed aaaHaa 1 10 Hla» The buyout, estimated at a face til ua tStlSaaSM* '. IM4V mi OH a price lower than the book value.'' to establish a record in the current tent gain, marked by Southwest Bell Caaaaaim asno MH* » taaaar Ua II aaa UM-l value of $28 5 million, or $21.22 a aOraaal lao aio !• at 85%, up I*, and Pacific Tele- WarfllOk a ala tiH-i Ml 3U 111147.71 * M Book value for Foodarama shares, rally, advanced 2.21 to 171.01, break- aMal 100 tMK ta<**}". share, is being led by the com- bav 1 7 1171 aa i •• •WMM 3a Mlwaaa.* k aaaCaa lao a in«i»n+'. he said, Is about $17 each. The ing the previous record high of phone at 83H, up 1. l nun at'.* •. laaai in la 11117 .TlhtlH •Maaalta 7!l*40 tt - H pany's majority shareholders In- •7HM »>.+ H GaHav* 34 •a IIH- li 77 714 77'. shares sold at $15 each at the 168.91. set July 12. The Dow's Major automakers also gained, led _ 5C, | Mail IS 11 mi 74'.- H cluding Joseph J. Saker, chairman aaah, Iia io tno ia . '• ait io transportation Indicator also broke by Chrysler at 46%, p 2%, General 17 mail la'a- 'a fiaMnl* 3 3a» laa son* '. aVMl BO 17 Mil aM- H of the board and company presi- market closing yesterday. U aiMiii ao M II 71* caw St 7 ioaa »'• + !'* Mar i aa lauai saH-iH its Friday record, climbing 0.70 to Motors at 76%, up 1% and Ford at} amaaa Ito Him Troilo said the stock market was Ukrl Ik 3an ai'. + i'. IMaO ma »M+ H dent, and other members of the <~io aao 1010)1 n'.+ •! 1 723.31. 58%, up %. The gain was an apparent • tw anas to .- •. ruatl 170 7 4tta.l7 * k less effective at raising capital Haatrr aa Saker family. aoa I'.- '. Hint al'.» >, Una* 4 iailS34t7»a*3H than company leaders had hoped. reaction to lower oil prices and fresh 1014414 U .f . aaaW 1 ao II 7BJ laoa !'. H MHI 1 Foodarama owns 28 Shop-Rite Gainers outpaced decliners by »'. i •• Cafai a IWS707 »VI- H 141107 Foodarama may turn instead to Congressional threats of protec- 1] aaa "•ha., 171 at -i almost 2-1 on the New York Stock aw i a I*'. + *a hnaN Itl 17 703 •al *lta naaaar 1 la II "4 M - la supermarkets in New Jersey and bank loans now to raise funds. tionism to restrict foreign imports, •xaal ia >7 oatJt'. + lk i7 m 17 ' I '! 4 iaa 10'.+ '. Exchange, where volume totaled aaaMk t fttiw. 111.- H other northeastern states. Other particularly from Japan. aaaaxim laaa al1.* '< wtwa tao la aaa >7IH* •> no "The reason they want to go Him IIH •Want 1 Hisa an* k holdings include two liquor stores, 176.03 million shares, easing slightly an* 71 man M'a tanct 110 private is they perhaps think the Nationwide turnover in NYSE- laat IU n.t '• t ioa 771. •71 1 '•• 'a 101 1 two garden centers and a kosher from 177.9 million on Friday. The andw 1 aa 31 + '. taaay IU issn a .* '. "•«* lao io am TIM* 'a company is undervalued," said listed issues, including trades in CauM aO "Wai 1 to laaa IIH- 'a advancers accounted for 110 million a-aaaai a Htm alM+ •> asi IK- la restaurant. 6r*n 3 a •taal 1 tins 7H+ k Chris Gelling, with Shearson those stocks on regional exchanges 1. it. . 4^ 0 10 14 Uaa aa'.- H shares. friaaft 10* tiatiwiiH*! •Ml IU taaa 17'. + '. Management, which controls Lehman Brothers, Inc. In Red and in the over-the-counter market, II3143 ai * >. •an* •» ama> iaa ia 4441.71'!+ . Maw lit tun Analysts linked the market's be- MW«* 1 HIM nu* 'a •»**• n ia i*» I4H* i. about 40 percent of Foodarama's Bank. "A move to take the totaled 210.52 million shares. liplii | 30 II aaii • >. Cfarli 1 It nn- M 7 1041 tH- H havior partly to the prospect that the Standard & Poor's index of 400 tti 1 nun public shares, Is seeking to buy company private would give them kiana up n . '• •maaa 1 II SS7 »>•* 'a »MOl 140 la 111 SIM- 'a rjfani n It 471 71'. Federal Reserve Board will act to industrials closed at 235.75, a gain of »INCW i ao tun a**— 'i laiimaOM* . ftaaUO tla back more than 1,341,000 outstand- 1 4 1401 »'.- >. See BUYOUT, Page SB aiaKilao maaa at .* <• tustila laa 11 - H 0ur.i4.i40 ii aai ing shares of common stock. lower interest rates in an attempt to 2.39, and S&P's 500-stock composite — M — II — atM. a TOW — M - Ki 104 invigorate the economy, which has NaaVn IH ilaon 1S>|- H 77 1430! StH- '. index was 212.02, a gain of 2 08 ii ua 11 1 '. Hanrall U » ia an* >. tit a n in TM "•pa., to atH-l *V1aK aO it it ah- a IS 11 ti">. '. Oaktv i •arm a ii nas »'. + ' 14 1147 lat a«arr 40 II Saa 17'»+ '* laaaia 11 10W M » la ei7 a1*-1 Natua a alt law- >* Oara» II io la It * M la am la>- '* il an 1014- H ioa IH (ajMai a ia laii I111IS SS * '• _nu utruai i ao I41M0 40h+ H w,Oaaa* -04 IMS 1 S - k Btrtarl fj Iltti IS1 + '> •anal IM is aa M'.+ VI •MK ao 14 It a>.* H *llaUU HI Hsanta II IB'.i '. Ba»».. 4 704B jllH* H Baitja 104 alii i*'i+ '• •Mil 1 11 741 »'. it ia S1H* '. MM la are is + •• It 07 woa'i* H VM+ M laya./ I welt i n a iaao 14'• * '. Wta »' at IH7 n>>* •. 1171 V * H il lao •aaaaaal 1 14 4177 71'.+ H Hlaaal » 14 1114 ISH* '. 10 4771 akW* f Check Our Rates... tun ?» 0 111 •at'.* 'a KU 10 an* M aai It'a- k y*Jm 00 IMS IWIaai 1 ia a a><* 'a ktM 111 a tan UM iMik TO 11 ata »».- '» NawalM III II 1173 *43>.+ «. BaBaaN IH IS IH 77'. H •MlTr 37 ar ioii7 ia * >« Hauaaa 144 7 Ml an* '. Bakiaj. ii an ao * H PM«I 100 tut7 iv. •• Haflill aO t7S nil aw II] IB 1 BOO »'*• '. 0K« 44 1 IS 111 IS — '• Nuaaaa 7a la 71)1 in.* •• Ba»«. It Si ilia *H- '. M • ••* la - 1 - 1 - kr« 131a ona aiH* M MM U II IfTO 11'. Ii KM laa 17 sn40 taaxi 10 11 7111 n 4>l%a loan ioi •t**i» 7 7a Itk- I. — S - • - IMIM 100 •4t>** '• int> i 1171177 V * H SOI 1 ia in Haw 1 nn- -. n aia^t .*! urn aa aoa la'.» '. sniai m ia I*I U'. k IOI0OI 71'.. '• 10 alluW,, ., Jumbo Mortgage Loans aa ,»'•- ;; SaJHr 170 S.% ia0 7al kka* I7S1 au* H tim 17 • . BaHaW Mt •Ua la •aw ita IM la - H Sfataf 1 isaoii an it an IB . • M >«Oailiai ana at'.* la SaialaalaO lalinuSIH*IH HattO aa I7iall It'a- H IOS314 I0M Kaw na 10 tTt »'>+ H 1 MMilM a aio la ' H a? » nai Ilk* H s»rfi. laa 17 aai•M +1 hamilOO nan II'.* k max* 07) 417 IW- '• ktaa* ia 1011771 »'•» Onaaf IN 311773 44. , i. •aprl lBO >7 tta SSk* '. Saana> 1 la nau.»H«i avdanil 11 laiaoa SM*- '. Masii ia, 401 14',* . laaon a IS17a«47M*IH uaoi ii iaa 10 -.H San 17a II III7I 4O'i- H Baaa laa a iai ^44'.+ H wiria iao >o a S1H+ H SMI! Ilia 7IW >T'.* 'a •>,.«• la laauiuai'iti'. aaa aao niiaai. 11 . + 7 Sanaa tl is na«'. k 7 all a>. Mia. 1 » aiaai 14'. Him Ok.l Onwaa 1 io ian aai*— '« imaaan it aai IH- '. 70 .W ISH* H 1 71 110 11'.» '» taMBN. 7*0 II 1041 a *— H Sau 1 n ms 7B>. '. OrOM lao tnu 7i'.+ ta liiira.. 7 aa ma S1H* H Saaaa 1 10 HIS M'.t M tamja IN 11 WI as1.- '* kutia* lao 10 174 aiH* '* laai laiaait a ia H4.7a,+ •< SaM in oistt 71*. H ctis la H at U'. HJ •aaWo lao a at DM— k !*»'> in natit SI * H cw na II na a>.- '. a | * lawn) IB4 14 170 47'.+ H (aaaa> iaan 14'1+ H Baaati 1« ItSttl 17 * H in Ba 17a aiosouOt'i+ H (aiao ao an n**+ H Baaafail IS| laa I7H- k Uano. in taai »'.+ v* ( » ii iia. SI'a* 1 tana ao ti na Ik W.IO, 170 isaa an* '. CaaOt! a n m in'.»!'. UnU III 177B4 Ilk— >• SHaaJ 170 It'.t k TSa ii no «'• t 4IH + IM IS 447 «M- k (a*** 110 a ana »'.* '. ink m IIH* •. taaCl ia 1)1347 Uk+IH (arral 10 il i«l IH- 'a u>» a a DI II'.* H sum IOB (Lit*--a_k- 'a lanaaa in it'!* H I**** iaa 14 1147 Tt'.+ I'. . ban aa 11'* Uratlll nioaa IIH* 'i Snca aa / » SaaSH* '• Catnjl K aiot ua3'a* M BaaKI 311 al'. H — T - 1 lima - f (alaaaaaa 11 latlalM+1. . inajMOa 7a man aOHt k IKO IM 10 7SS a + >a IH71 17 • '. l*Ban a an am ak + iH IM 1 ao saattt'i* H (>an iaa II sa 1 u ioa atH— . nla* au initl 14 a . - l - 707 ••"at aa BH H Maa* TO t 177 M>a- •* Iff •R atw am* CaaaaV ai a i laaiti a aa IH TaaVctS3 i 11 a) 17k (laaaai » awa law* w laartf I II IB *!>. + M Tauraa 1 11 BOB SB . '. la ioa • '.• la laaMi ao it in Ilk- k luav 0 Sn 7*7>. + M at] 1 laataa 104 it at 4JH— VI IMa. 1)1171 an* '• »Oaa« to aia+i i* laaa-1 Ma Ml ll'»+ '» Iajaa» IM la 1311 an* %. (kaaa IM aaaa •00>1+ >a 101 1.9 •»..H'. tama at lit tH- la Uaafli I laaaai al -i l«I 170 ISIItl.ll!>.*'> laua 1 itlliao aH-l'> Crama lao tint V * M laaH I ii m "'. + '• taahi la nm 31'.+ H OaPal aO* II ISI 111* H laaaa ISH II itta «i. 1'. laaBaX 1 ItO 1170 107 *M Baaatl itt a SI'* laaBM 71a IIM at *lk laaM iaa Sk- k 7 YEAR TERM/25 YEAR AMORTIZATION MORTGAGE ADJUSTABLE INTEREST MORTGAGE i naaa^atatlx laeani la loiaai SSH* » laaOOa II iiistsa ii'. M ditjti 10 ia m ISH* h laKar K s tai HM* k l.fa. BO la ao )IM- H Ciniai 11* MM t'«+ M Ufa im 1 - k •aalIM 717 7 71*4 an* H (lartl 110 7a ISM- H lataag 1 nan H'. +1*n 1 10 tno SI * 'a (Ml laa. 7I047.71H + k la»« a* 40 447 Ok- H tkittf 40 It 147 IS'. •ana Iia IS 177 at*** '* ucfcrs i ia il ma 71'> tat 7't 13 711 11'. • 1. Iwkaaa at ia ai IIH- k 1** IO3ltl aaWH* >< fauCI IN i77iaiuaa »it. - a - a - 'aaa ISO IS III) ak*l'. laa 171.- M aw in 10 70 a laaaaa 100 17 at 44V.+ H + 3 POINTS jKj 131474 HH* H MfiMBr M 34 It) 17 11 14) Ilk- k 10.75% + 4 POINTS 11.61% $9.62 9.25%' 10.96% $8.56 II.I7O MH Maovit SS tt 710 «•> I'i laaaa ITU 4 + H MBal'ia t ni MH+ '. alar IM iinat atk— va trama. IaO 17 tnulSH* H lan »'. + !'. SI list Slk • r> • 25 year amortization • Ten Year Cap: Limited lo maximum iaa an*iH 1010 IM* 1 lnaa« 40 utiil at * H 11.00% + 3 POINTS 11.65% $9.80 a law IIH aura i ami 1 + k liaaaar 7 0a • 10% minimum down payment interest rate of 14 00% in first 1 11 7473 47H* VI 7 nin an- ». atarwaia a las la .- H !.<«.! 44. •IN ItH* 'a E;' II1M + IH • $300 application lee ten years OaaaaH 1 a man SM* H alamai M It SOS> Intaaa 1 it ao vU>a*IM + 2 POINTS lamia I ao .' ia »»'.* H •araHl 1 »4JB4 SH-I InaB a 1) ITS 4'l+ '. 11.25% 11.68% $9.98 • 1-4 family owner-occupied • Private mortgage insurance required 111 laita »'. McOari 1 00 na 17k- 14 USK J 70 aS771u4lH*IH • $300 application lee ta.i*i lal » aa aiH- 'a atcMa a •OOH+t iMt iao a noa atH + l'a • Maximum loan $250,000 'Fof initial penal Rate adfusled annually and indexed to trie one-year u S Treasury Securities Rate BUaO ioa 71VI* H D4I0 TOM* k (man ia ai 10 — II •M0 IWa* 140 • 1-4 family owner-occupied Iconstant matunty) puoksnod monthly ai Federal Resent Statistical Release G 13 plus 2 8% 1711 am+la* aWM lao 17 1704 at + H 73Ma Iran i an Current index 8 01% IVaala 110 11170 aktaaa 140 14 SM •Stk* M U»a< IB llaoa Slk* H residential homes 4y« iai, It .SI u4l'. + l Maad la ii ma 41 * k IMnal Ola 11 43 ISH •"APR is computed usmg me tu initial period plus ongraun lee and assuming mdea ol 8 01% plus - 0 UaaV laO • 1144 SSH*Ik UOaaaa 1 70 714441 11H- k ? 8% to be in edect tor romanng term ol mortgage •anataia " i m 37M- 'a MahiH 1 44 ISIOtl uSIH*tM •MM 177 » 1144 IB 1 •> kXBMIU la 1701 u44'. + 1'. Mara IaO ltlaa7wHiH+lH *.!** 1 ao asmSaaSH*H aaO> si aao 471a—iaa BtoatfM a I11B447 14'.+ >. •BaM Itl It IMS an ThB is a arnlM otter la quilted borrowers subnet 10 crvmge or wMntvai It any time and oithout notice The above Kitorrrutjon is behoved to be correct but is subaeci to error or omission aaa la io no •aaati aim I4H- H 7MTI 77k+ M f* n ; ttttii a7M- >. It IH law*, in 71I7BB I14H- H a lav BM* '-. •tamini aaoia I0M latniii ii an «k- H art 1 i aiaaao 17'.* H nm ITO II 177 aia inati in inns Ilk* k MMAr 1 . 7aats •<•* '. mama i v> isisa*.* *IH — V For additional information, call 931-6856 or 957-9100 (Monmouth County). HM laa •lial ISM- >a I IIOaaOM* H Van** H Misn an- H mt in. , mo UH* H tw- la 14 74ta an* k - a - • NM naaae IBH-IH laaMOt mi i » •. a BH* H Za/ria .' aollaaalll'.*SH Kama. IM 111711 17'.+ H awani la aiiit HH+ H •aa* Iia',*! aw*, l nan an* k •Mai lal 0 OMwatk* 'a ataxa ia I7 417B al * H aa>aa>las aiswaiH- » •naOa mt ISM* '. Mki 7| la lat «'.. H aaanaa 70 lOIOtaaiM* la IMIII itaa ran a is nn I7>.- '• WaaMU aa ao am It'.- M mtm 7 ai t S77 lak- k Maa 1 17*41] aSM*f. - N - N • OMW 171 0 70S alk* k 14 10*77 41H* H UNITED COUNTIES iaat lao io Mas M>>* 'a au n OMUrt laaia 7H- k a«i iaa OIMO la'a* M •maai a Ml il'.+ H Baa it a* I7I0OMU'. t M aMffllSl BI1IS 44M— k taMM BO HUH IIH* k aaa laa tllTO ta « H 17'a- H WBaw 1 40 II DM TRUST COMPANY w » •aa an* H M-> H I1IUI lax urtaa. ia sw !!>•— H •hatta 17a mm 3B'.+lk «*l7a man wlt>**i'* «**• 10a 10 170 a».* •• •7 mt II • « MEMBER. UNITED COUNTIES BANCORPORAThON aaaalan Da uaa li >• Mnajl 1B4 0>.+ '> Vahnai 1 ii in MH—1 1 MEMBER, FOhC vi ao I7ii7a it . •aaa 1 v as 47U+ k Vtam BO 11 M ITH* k





— i IM HOOftECLEANINGTOPAV, MM aRMAV 1 THE PHANTOM \WTTM =| euooena.,AMAziH6U..-meFisHTiN3£NDeo,.wrm/ 1 [THE BIDCHNS AT\/ FlSHTINS f / GOlTBi INTO IT.,. P ft Nj i ;








AS SCC»> *& HE. DBQPS Tvt BA& DCWN. VOJ 6R>>8 (T, AND VU Q.\OSE T>€ RUE! rtWArcAMienveA •J



"Don't be afraid if Barf/ and Sam bark. They won't bite."



TU ISDAY SOMETIME Young pianist in concert 8:00 *30 WQ 9:30 10:00 10:30 MS, • H tttat 1*1 m a Uwc A (MM Story" RED BANK - the New Jersey thrif-TTif TIT iiiiiiiiiiiri'T NKNM NMbjwS* Urnf.' •HUMS fswdnuttilltiali Symphony Orchestra, under the •at by Britten, two centuries later o direction of George Manahan pres- S5BB H'A't'H MM ented iti third concert of the current o 8pmsar.ForHlr« season Saturday evening at the program, Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 la ABC News EntTortgN Whosiosrt Ore., Pahs to works by] A Major, Op. 40, "Italian" was the o Count Basic Theater Pianist Akemi ggjSsMBfgtU work. The performance mmm MM rexa} Feud tmrfW JfMWTf DVaftOsI Kawano* was the featured performer favorite sons, I id and wanned the aa- o in Saint-Saens Piano Concerto No. 2 era and the that blustery, cold Jsfcrsws kid. MM tnd. NMV N«wt At the age of 16, Akemi Kawano, Benjamin first-place winner in the ISM Mew Variations i OtHstsM ItaaisWI / l^aVaV MSMHN MM Pow» Struggle Jersey Symphony Orchestra Young by PurceBi •TJf m ... ••« n Artists AudHkms in April, is already © mm** MM Comsdy exhibiting a major talent aad great cbertra" fa and exciting The Aadaate I1T.MSM Saafent H'moonart promise She opened the Salht-Saens modem srnaejaBk oreSMn, «• © m*mmmmv*toi*m\*mi*miy*)itakim moto movement is subdued and dramatically, playing with strength plotting both the easernbta sounds of asJMliu. a processional of sorts with M'A'8*H •MM Seraafts Vsgal and assurance Her double octave each choir as well as giving eack m the theme introduced by bassonist runs that led to the orchestra's individual inilieinea. a enek at a (M SpoOr. WinMnnnB Cotagt •MsaMbsfc North Canine at Jadtsonvls WTMNOQ Robert Wagner and the violas in a sounding of the lyrical first move- variation or part of one - from the perfect blending of timbre*. ment theme was exciting, unmud beautifully sonoroa cellos, a harp Hat) MowaConTd »6rtwi«ThaYssr OowiAndOutmAnnrica 1st t T«n Movk) solo over ihimmering strings, to died and controlled beyond her The third movement, overflowing •hsksMfgM humorous and raucous statements MA RadtoiMO Dngmi fTl«sH«My AutoRadng years. wttk gemutlichheit, was properly by the percussion. Monahan maintained excellent lyrical with some fine playing in the 1 A fugue which Manahan took at a TMC "NgntOfComsf'Cont'd Motfc "the OMrmsn Wtskand ' Movie "Uarma" balance in the dance-like conversa- THo section by homisU Lucinda daring presto, tions that went on between the Lewis and Susan SUndley Hf,,. •Tim—I inn • AttA UBBIW* **inii "Drni/wvJ" piccolo solo m WOW mmomrt soloist, woodwinds and strings in the mighty chorale allegro schenando movement. Here ***** Elmar Olivelra will join MM l«iD»sas>a*LosA«tatailslaiialN»wYoriiJOicks NHL Hockey theme in the otttn Kawano was so musically intuitive, 9Mftw Jersey Symphony Orchestra virtuoslc piece subtly broadening during her turn at on January 11, at 8 30 p.m. to play tuosic ensemble O «LL THE WARMTH OF the famous tune, which made this Prokofieffs Violin Concerto No. i At each subsequent outing, this Historical association plans exhibits * CHRISTMAS TONIGHT second movement such as a vast hit wHh Manahan once again conduct- ON RIPTIDE! with early critics. Kawano paraded reviewer is fast becoming one of the ing. Works by Hindemlth, Bartok symphony's stauchest fans. The and library collections during the —^~—^—— ADV her wonderfully adept technique in aad Oabrielll complete the program. Today, the Monmouth County Pureell work found Manahan con- past year. of Monmouth County samplers, eight the final presto movement where she Historical Association will open two ducting from the harpsichord ala The exhibit gives the association of which have recently been restored alternated between feathery, skip- special holidays exhibits at its the opportunity to thank these donors Baroque, surrounded by a25-piece through a grant from the New Jersey ping rhythms of the lightest touch to headquarters building located at 70 and to display its new accessions for string ensemble which was a Historical Commission bombastic, wild poundings in this Court St in Freehold On the first the Monmouth community. bottom heavy, possibly doing Along with the samplers will be a breakneck tarantella Her fine ef- floor in the main gallery, "A Year "What Busy Hands Can Do:"sample tree," decorated with hun- forts were most enthusiastically . l td of ectes and on of Giving: Recent Gifts to the Samplers for the Christmas dreds of ornaments in the shapes of received by an appreciative au- Monmouth County Historical As- will be viewed in the pillows, baskets and cornucopias dience and orchestra alike. sociation," will feature a large hallway. This exhibit will For more information, contact the Symphonic works by Pureell, Brit- Victorian Christinas tree sarroaafcd t the associations collection ten and Mendelssohn completed the by a selection of the contributions association at 4821466. made to the association's museum MOVIE TIMETABLE The Register MONMOUTH COUNTY .TRATH-O^JSSKA',0?

Bad Miticma (Po 131 in »m A3BURV MMK i.rmc I TNBATM - All.Mala Adult Filmt (X»| noon through 11:30 p.m. LVINC N TMUTM - AD-OKI Adult Illma {XXX) noon (mug* 11:30 pm CONTEST MM COMMA— Two Mol HH Straight Flttna IXXX) conanuoua from noon through 11:30

Bar) Mmclna (PO 131 7 39. •» 1ATONTOWN Yuletide COMMUMTV I - MOWMIMOVlSil- COS&USSYV- Mo¥i* (QI '"• *** BacK lo ttto Fulura IPOI 7:20. *J0 $500 SAST MUMIJUCH »auM«ancr< MVAM CIMlbU I - Jawd Ol ina Nila (PO| 200. 4 00. • 00. • 00. One day a week (the day 1000 PRO FOOTBALL will NOT be announced) aauMSWiCK touAni annu u — Spwl Uka Ui IPQI I 30, 3 30. 5 X 1 JO. • 10 an ADDITIONAL Soda) FWIHO10 AND ft FMIMOLO CIMIMA • - Security number will ap- Cluo (PO) 7 45 B 30 pear — worth $500. nmifoto CIMIMA • - BacK lo tna Fulura IPO) 7 20. • 36 FHIXOID C1MCMA • - 7 K aoa Spwa Lma ut |PO| 7 40. 0 40 Mon. & Tues PMUHOLD CHtSoU • — m (PO-IJ) t 4». 14».!« • as. Family Dinner Specials Jaoal ol ma Nila IPQI 7 20. • 40 PMIHOiO CIMIMA • - RocKy IV IPQI 7 30. B 30 Veal Parmigiana $495 XT. I CINf MA I - QuallXan o» Mall 1«) 7 3J. a 25 RT. • CHMMA II - It yoouur Social Security numbsr appear* below, call WHIM Night. |PO 131 7 15 » 45 S42-.,--4004 0 b»tw»«n 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. TODAY or OaM s*iK) 11 I AM SailZlOrH YoofO Snanock Holmaa (PO-131 7:M. • 40 by 10:00 am. tomorrow to Claim your prize! Winning numbers that appear In Friday's, Saturday's, or Sun- Sama Claua. Tna Movla |Q| 7:15. S 30 HOWILL day's paper MUST call on Monday between 8:30 a.m. MM. SpwaUka Ua (PO) 7 30. » 40 and 10:00 a.m. Clua IPQI 1 X 9 15 LON t-OMO BRAMCH I - Boc«y IV |PO) 7 30. a 30 IONQ MUNCH II — WINS *250 Young Snadoct Holmaa (PO-131 7 40. 9 45 •H0H00UTOW0 N UA MI0OLITOWN I - TAVCrVM 149-05-6263 Jawal ol Ina Nila (PQ 131 1 15. 7 30. 9 30 •/compumwiltry glaa. 01 •Ma. chaaaa 4 cradws, US, MtTAURAMT WINS WINS «M, vao*tabla or poarto. $100 $25 W 747-1586 135-14-1644 152-10-1392 CROSSWORD 139-24-5881 WINS '50 135-16-0976 145-05-4038 141-46-9097 143-24-9169 ACROSS 152-32-8223 151-52-2505 1 PtfofNIck 150-40-7315 CnartM 139-42-3747 5 Seasons 138-36-6549 10 Early Briton 14 Firm building AftMfta may aand m Ma or har SocW Sammy numbar on tn antry form 15 Opsntovtow puotlahao m Tha Kiaiwac t* you may ml owl an appucanon In ma lo»t>y ex 16 Alley Oop's Tna HaaHai Ooa Waglan Plan. »Ma»ltuty during ragular twvnata noun. WMUng numban mm ba nil ill II al •anoom and from tnoaa 17 Sato words •jbmmao anctv M Ttta naOMr To ooaact your caah aaard rou •« Ba MMrucM By phona wrian la UCran proaant vour card IN PEHSON All. PAT0TF3 OF MO OP. MORE MUST BE 19 On one's — CLAIMED IN nraon nv THE WINNER (atari) twariona la aagieta tar awards in ma Social Sacurity Contaat aacapt 20 Missouri amployoaa or Tna Wuimr and mambara M nwr immadlala limiiiaa ENgWlNty 01 datmanta. Imwpiflluii ol IMaa rulaa by Tha Ragittar and 23 Carnal anln dootolon of ttio hjdgaa ahal ba final. In making • dalm, tna claimant agraai 24 Mug hand* to abUa by naaa rulaa 25 Regret deeply rininaaa o* Tno ftavMar a> not ro^ufrod. Coptao ara avallabia for 27 Magnetic charm axamtnatlon at Tha Higillar offica. varioua raadlng roomt and pubtw 32 Yutatlde PREMIER « You 40 not hava to amor to win. EntrWja only giva you a Dattar 33 Auto need PHOTO Gr^ttn»T opporvnnv to •"> Entar a> oflan aa you IHa out only ona antry BUW par 34 Dwoovsf anvalopa. pMaa Coupont naU lor ona moo* only 36 Slowpoke Wtnnora agraa to aNow ma uaa of tnak namai and pnotograpna by Tha 39 Declare naginar Iw pubtlcny purpoaaa AH Fadaral. Stata and local ragutatioru) and taxaa apply lo tha Social frankly Sacurity Contaat Tha Social Saeurity Contaat la voM wham proMbnarJ by 41 Tire feature 43'Pod vegetable 44 "Merry Widow" Mall all entries to: composer 46 Hindu dress Social Security Contest One Register Plaza 48 Wear away The Register Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 48 Mine entrance 7 Fastptfiod 51 Stick game 8 Common chord To increase your chances of winning, send in this coupon S3 Reedndabow 9 -Island,NV 56 Museum display 10 Kattto'skki pe>>iasaM>aMiM.aaiMMM..i 57 TaM* scrap 11 Part olt MB 58 Nsw Jersey Mriin. niotio — Mere is my Social Security Number — 64 Chester — 12 Evtdont Arthur 13 Sampw ciMim iinnnun DDD-DD-DDDD 66 Ascend 21 Post 67 Nautical call 22 Grand poetry I'.'il.lMI.'ll Illll! Ill illllJII Please check one: I get The Register 66 Marquind 26 Qauty material nnnn niiniin r.inran detscthni 27 Fuel nnnr.i MI inr.ui im:ni D Home Delivered D At a News Dealer 6> Mitemilry 28 Busy spot Uf.ll.'.IHHM Mill ]| I lti 29 Hawaii nnr.icin m.iiir.mii "»nil1 ana pml VM» pMMn kMM KaMaHs. TOg 30 War god IIIMH HMdlill II! II.llli.1 JUMBO SIZE Pt«NT$-37ZUU»GEH J 71 Want over SS 31 Oil »urtic« NUiin !'im iiiiiniiiiuii ninrona 35 Jap. city 1,11'iHH 111 im ii * ri iiii> •SAM O»Y "•"•'»••!__._ ! Addn 73 Sloping 37 Cleopatra's IBKT 0AV SMIASHOSMSJITS • INSTANT PASVOaitrMOTO* maid City. .State. DOWN 38 Net en time ^nm-AuuMa num. 1 Arablanrobes 40 Dry stream bed MONMOUTH MALL la.. _Phone. 2 Window trams 42 Pound wkw 52 Ontirteowf kMontown - 3M-1166 3 Singing group 46 Ptacslora SI Wsndsrs STMTHMOW UKS »UZA 4 Response hat 54 SMpdsck Abard*«n • S68-S660 L, (NO NUMBERS WILL BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE) 5 W. - Maugham 55 Hum Call 542-SI80 lo Hibtcribt. 6 AQardntw'B SO Joined Oahhurtt • '531-4582 namesakes TUBMV. DECEMBER 17, 1985 Tax Reagan draft budget calls Buyout Contiftuad from Page M Continued Iron Pagt H The House vote that sidetracked 5B^ private control over the growth of on to make major modifications the measure last week was a major the burden of' embarrassment for the president In Foodarama." in the House plan (or elimination of ICC sh*reholden the fight, Reagan is pitted against During this year, said Gelling, the pany amlnpsn-U "The president was very nice, almost the entire Republican leader- However, the ICC still has the job stock has seen a low of $8.» per dividends is one that very conciliatory ... but he was not ship, which views the bill as worse H of approving rail mergers and track share and a high of $1S.B7 However, to do without very convincing," said Rep. Vin than the present system on grounds abandonments It still wields some the stock market lias soared about Troilo of Foodarama laid the Weber, RMInn. it would hart the economy by AP Economics Writer control over ratemaking for inter- 300 points since September, he said. company is offering shareholders $14 discouraging business investment. WASHINGTON - The Reagan state trucking and in some cases When Macy's, the New York- in cash per share with $7 2J each In administration's draft 1H7 budget Democrats had insisted they over what may be hauled. It has based department store chain, went debenture bonds. Dfhfwtwfj aro calls for the elimination of the authority over mainlining safety private in October, the stock was would not allow Republicans to Democrats hope that 90 to 75 GOP unsecured bonds backed only the by Interstate Commerce Commission, standards for trucks and intercity selling at about $41 a share, Gelling company's credit status. In effect, change the bill, which required two votes will offset the expected loss of months for the Ways and Means the nation's oldest regulatory agen- buses. said. The price streaked Into the the bonds are promisory note*, said Committee to write, because to some of the 188 Democrats who cy, administration and congressional Congress approved $48 million to high- to mid- sixty dollar range, Troilo. sided with the president last week. sources said yesterday. however, just after the move to go make .one change would invite run the agency in fiscal IMS, about Debenture bonds would be issued others. The commission — which oversees $4 5 million less than the Reagan private was made. At least 12 Democrats, perhaps as the trucking and railroad industries "If you want to buy stock, you'd for a term of 15 years The company administration had proposed The would be required to redeem the many as 25, are expected to oppose — is one of some two dozen shortfall prompted the ICC to put Its go with a company where the "They won't allow us a modicum" bonds beginning in the 111. year the measure. programs and agencies slated for nearly 1,000 employes on a one-day- management had a stake In the of change, Kemp protested, adding Troilo said the bonds would be Mid that unless Democrats give a little, extinction in the spending blueprint a-week furlough for most of the company," said Gelling. This, he they will be responsible for the death Tax overhaul is the top legislative prepared by Budget Director James summer. said, represents management's faith In the operation. through a sinking fond, meaning that of tax reform. initiative of Reagan's second term. C. Miller III, according to sources Over the years, the size of the M percent of the regained shares His plan — and to a lesser extent, the who spoke on the condition that they commission, which once had 11 "When you're public, you're at the would be placed In the fund begin- When the House refused last week Democratic bill and a last-minute not be identified. members, has been reduced by whim of the shareholders," said ning in the Uth year to pay off the to even consider the bill, only 14 of GOP substitute - would lower "OMB gave us a zero budget," Congress. Currently a seven-mem- Tom Mimnough of Prudential Bache debenture bonds. Securities in Red Bank. Although the IK Republicans took Reagan's individual and corporate tax rates, said one of the sources, a high- ber panel, Its siie will go down to Side; 1U of the 253 Democrats ranking ICC official. five on Jan. 1. raise the personal exemption and supported him. The budget, a first draft of the An administration official said standard deduction, put the bite on plan Reagan will submit to Congress doing away with the ICC entirely wealthy investors and profitable next February, calls for more than UPI sale gets conditional OK . In advance of Reagan's closed- would "finish the job" of deregula- S50 billion in federal spending cuts, door session with fellow Re- firms that have managed to avoid a tion in the ground transportation attorneys who said they would try to publicans, O'Neill called it "the big share of taxes and cut taxes for according to administration of- field WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal reach him by phone. Bason gave most important meeting of his most people by an average of about ficials . Miller has proposed scores of deep bankruptcy judge yesterday gave Vazquez Rank's partnership, New second term." 9 percent. The budget proposal — which budget cuts to meet the targets of conditional approval to the sale of UPI Inc., until 5 p.m. EST today to The top Democrat told reporters: would require legislation to carry the Gramm-Rudman Hollings United Press International to a decide whether it would accept the "I cannot believe that a president More than 6 million lower-income out — proposes that the authority of budget balancing act approved by partnership controlled by Mexican condition. who won the votes of 54 million Americans would be taken off the the commission be transferred to the Congress last week. That measure newspaper publisher Mario Vazquez Bason said, however, he would Americans cannot gain the support income-tax rolls entirely. Transportation Department, accord- calls for lowering the federal deficit Rana. allow lawyers for UPI or Vazquez of his own Republican caucus for his ing to the sources. — which was $212 billion in the fiscal U.S. Bankruptcy Judge George Rana to seek a 44-hour extension if No. 1 second-term initiative. Republicans say their big problem The agency, created in 1887, once year that ended Sept 30 - to $144 Francis Bason Jr. said he would necessary. with the Democratic bill is that it had almost total control over the billion in fiscal 1987 approve the deal provided that "If the president informs me If Vazquez Rana or his partner, personally that he has a list of the would shift $140 billion of the tax activities of the trucking and rail- The budget draft, according to Vazquez Rana agrees to stay out of burden from individuals to corpor- road industries. But its influence has management of the news service Houston developer Joe Russo reject necessary votes for passage of the those familiar with it, also calls for Bason's stipulation, the judge said bill, we will begin moving ahead with ations over the next five years. The been reduced dramatically since until the sale is finalized. selling to private industry the Feder- the bidding process would be re- the bipartisan reform process," GOP substitute would shift about 1980, when both industries were Vazquez Rana was in Europe en al Housing Administration and the opened. O'Neill added. 1101 billion. largely deregulated. Bonneville Power Administration. route to Ethiopia, according to his Classified T 6 Loat and Found 9 8ps>cl«l NoHc+a 222 Eatontpwn MB Eatontown 222 Eatontown 23S Oceenport 248 Union Beach 6 Lost and . uund raquwad by tha ipacittcatton*. ot tha Borough Clark and • ARE YOU A COUPON CUfftS? NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- 13. IBM. January 27.1966. Feb- FREE FOUND ADS LOST Do you kka K> aana monay whan Botougn ot tutoniowm to attab- ruary 10. 19M, Patoruary 24. and muii ba awoioaad tn aaalad availabia tor inspactton. Laroa raward liah by annual raaolution. th« SOLVED by tha Planning Board anvatopaa baaring tha nama and ahopping? wan. coma ISM of tha Borough of Eatontown 10M. Mirer. 10. .966. March 24. Dae 17, , 16.12 ..» a aannca to our community. 53O-77M dm* and piac« of u» ragular addraaa ol th« btddar and tha Tha Daily Ragular la otfaring a Barbara a coupon club malting! to ba rwld throughout that: IM6. April 14. 1066. April 26. IN CONFIDCNCE Can 485-0782 1966. May 12. 1966, Juna 9. nama ot tna ttam bid on tha 260 Ottw PubWc Wotte»6 FREE 3-lina FOUND ad for 4 222 Eatontown th« anauing calandar yaar, and outaida, addratsatf to tha daya undar our Loat S Found LOST - MaM ahorthair black S 966. Juna 6. 1966. Juna 23. Ooaanport Mayor and Council WHEREAS, tnara want into •• 1 Tha ragular mwunga of tha 966. July 14, 1966, July 28. MOTICV claaaiflcation. wnlta cat, bob-tall Anawara to FOR A MEMORABLE - Mokday RESOLUTION ISTAUISHINO fact on January IB, 1076 Planning Board 0< tha Borough 1966. August 11, 1966. Augu.l BMdara ara raqulrad lo comp- LIMITIHO csaorroM Baar Loal In Hal* araa aBEUVOANC - MOM-AR MtfTMMI SCHfD- throuahout tha Siaia of Naw Jar- of Eatontown for tha catandar 25. l»W. SaptamMr 6. 1966. ly with tha raqulramama ol PL. CaH284-1038 INOQRAMbyBA»HARI A Aolhan ULE OF TMI PLANNING aav. tha "Opan Public Maattngi .«r 1M6 will ba hatd al Eaton- 1978. c. 127 and PL. 1977 c. 33. honaaty ft will do Ita part He atyla MMdla li Aci" commonly rat*rad touiho y Saiptambaf 22.1966, Octobtx 27. LOST — Family hairtoom 3 gan- BOARD Of THf BOROUGH Of (own Borough Mali. 47 Broad 1966 Novambar 10. 1666. No Tha Mayor and Council h> ing tha original ownar aratlona tthica 12 gaga doubt* •ATOHTOWH AND MTTIMO Sunirtlna Law" requiring Slraat. Eatontown. Naw Jaraay. •arva lha right to rafact any and call ua at M2-1700 • ••••ii — ~- — -~ * m a anal Ba YLAMaftar vambar 24. 1966. Dtcsmbw 8. barrat ahot gun In- AHalra Stata FOUTM PWOCEDUIM incut notification, publication and airi- in tha Council Maating Room at 1966 and Oacambar 22, 1966 aH btds. or to watva any inter- A Corporation ol IM Ma) al Park Raward Call 73S-92M ng of all acts takan by ma Plan- malrttat whara such intormtty n law Jaraay In Waaofcjttorv FOUND — Odd typa walch naar MRS. SYLVIA POH • 00 P.M. on tna aacond and Ptaaaa not* dua to Manorial SMlnbacn araa on Thgra Dae Ratoiution off«r«d by Mr ning Board of thu municipality. fourth Monday avantnga of aach Day. lha May 26. 1966 maattng li dairimantai to tha baal TAKE NOTICE that purauam ID LOST — Small whlta iong-hairad and avaty month axcapt whan raau ol tha Borough of MJ.S.A 14A:12-1>. you ara 12 Can 842-8170 to KMntlfy famala dog OM Looaa nka PSYCHIC READER Layton cancattacl and dv to Cdumbu. Adviaor on M oraMaM at IM S4KOncM0 by Mr McOu«i« W 17, 34. 31 ttjOS Are you interacted in career and not lust a |ot>7 Do you have Shrewsbury. NJ 07701 which may ba raquaalad to ba ao mailad by any Individual, group. si Halp Wanted 51 Help Wanted experience In advertising salee? The Register haa an excellent organization or body. aHdudlng opportunity for an advertising space account executive. We ere Attn: Toni"Natarcola lha public nawapapara. and tha looking for an aggressive person for this lucrative territory Hespite/ Adminlalratlva Sacratary la diractad lo raapond to auch ra- V Equal Opportunity Emptoytr quaata promptly and In ac- The right person could move up quickly while earning t salary and Intervention cordanca with law. TELEPHONE SALES I nctfi uv#fl. 6, Tha Admlnlatratlva Sac- II you are Interested In a caraa* In sates, like meeting people, have ratlry Shall ba authorliad and II Sales Persons Needed haraby diractad to taka all an sggreesivt sales-minded attitude, write In strict conlWence to nacaaaary atapa to maintain ada- Mr. Frank Bottone, The Register. 1 Register Ptaia. Shrewsbury. quala wrlttan mmulaa of aach 25 hours NJ 07701. Equsl Opportunity Employer M/F maating and to maka tha aama BRIDGE ADVICE avallabla to tha public promptly Mon-Fri 5-9 altar aach maaling Sat 11-4 7, Tha AdmmistraUva Sac- ratary on bahail ol this Board •hail ba authomad to dlract that Not-So-Obvious Finesse any othar nacaatary action ba Hourly rate plus incentives partorn,«d by tha ippropriata of- ficial* or amployaaa ot tha By ALFRED SHEIN WOLD Borough to fulfill tha mandataa ol Apply at tha "Opan Public Maatings Act Today's slam seems to depend on Inaofar aa tha aama ara appli- bid four spades with three-card cabta to tha work and acttvmaa of The Register winning a finesse with the queen of spade support. If he bids 3NT, you tha Planning Board ol tha Borough ol Eatontown One Register Plaza spades, and several experts wore will pats. If he bids four clubs, four Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 red faces during a French tourna- diamonds or four hearts, he shows 8 t ma nouoa ahaH ba pubNsh- ad in tha OaHy Ragtaiar and tha An Equal Opportunity Em«oyar M/F ment last May when this obvious spade support and hints at a slam; Aibury Park Prat* within aav (7) days from tha data haraof. finesse failed. but you will be quite content to Roll Can Jean Paul Meyer, editor of the settle for four spades. AYES Maaara. trwtn. McOualda. DAYS • EVENINGS • NIGHTS • FULL TIME • PART TIME French national bridge magazine, South dealer Loatttar, Waka. Klnow, Layton. took the king of diamonds, three Rickard and Mra. Bratigar Both sideg vulnerable Boys & Girls hearts and the queen of diamonds, NAYS: Nona RN'S • QN'S • LPN'S • GPM's • AIDES ABSENT: Mayor Frankal then led the eight of diamonds to NORTH ASBTAIN Nona Earn Your Own Money! dummy's ace. • 982 NO VOTE: Nona Explore the opportunities. Contact the participating recruiters In this DIRECTORY and please mention the Register. KEYFLAY <7AKJ6 ROBERT P. IRWIN. CHAIRMAN Learn sales and earn money selling newspaper DATED Dacambar 9. 1965 subsr-riptions after school and Saturdays for The Meyer now led dummy's nine of OAK76 Dae 17. $54 00 Register. We will train you in newspaper selling • J3 techniques, pick you up and take you home Excel- spades, the key play. If East played 2M Oceanport lent chance to gain sales experience. If you are self- NURSES AIMS HOME HEALTH AIDES low, declarer would duck, giving I Oaat WEST EAST NOTICE TO BIDDERS motivated, honest and dependable, we want you on HOLMOEl CONVALESCENT West a cheap trick. A spade return BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT our team. CENTER f AMH.Y t C MIL DREK S SERVICE new •KJ763 • 104 BIDS FOR GASOLINE * FUEL iSSHayS* 1S1 Sam Avanua a. Me would then give South a free <5>972 OIL Hotmoal. NJ OTTSS Long Branoti. N J. 07740 ItMnaanaar finesse; a club return would give 91084 Saparala aaalad blda will ba (201) tas-tsao 11011 »l-S100 MMoMoan. MJtTTat OJ10 raoaivad by tha Borough ol If you are 11 yra or older (2011 tit-tot dummy's jack a trick. If it turned 0953 Ocaanporl al lha Municipal • Q105 498762 Building lor tha furnlahing and call 542-8880 583-5210 out that East had the queen of dallvary of tha Borough a annual clubs, South could lead his low auppfy ot approalmataty 12.000 SOUTH lona of ragular gaaollna. The Register diamond to dummy's seven and fall 000 gallona of unlaadad HEAL.TH FORCE • AQ5 r An Equal Opportunity Empkry* M/F •tO#LI CARE LPNa a HEALTH ABES back on the obvious finesse with gaaollna. 1.000 gallona of dlaaaf Of SOUTH JERSEY INC 1»T Broad Slraat fual and 5.000 gallona of 8 2 tuat 244 Sroaa Si '•« SO. M» SWaat-Suaas VQ53 oil. on Dacambar 30. IBS! Rad Bant, NJ 07701 Oa LatAUl HAIL the queen of spades. 10:00 AM Kail Sana NJ orroi • 10 Nawman Spnnga Hot OQ842 .12011 M0-1SSS UnonA NJ tmi As the play actually went, East Spacinctlona and lorm of blda (Tha Pumaunal • AK4 ara on Ma In tha offtca of tna EXCITING maMiCaraSantaa) nonue-tart covered the nine of spades with the Municipal Clar k at tha Ocaanporl Borough HaH. 222 Monmoulh I ten. Meyer played the queen, losing South West North Eaal Boulavard, Ocaanporl. N.J. OPPORTUNITY to the king, but West still couldn't INT Pass 2* Pass 07797 get out safely since a spade return 20 Pan 6NT AllPass Blda muat ba mada on tha IN Advertising Sales Standard Propoaal Forma. In .tha Karoaral E. La»arra •waonnal Oapt would give dummy's eight a trick. mannar daalgnatad lharain aa Mr FortmulWMra Barrowa Uatapiai UofM 6at^*toaa c0 Paraonnal Racrk. MEDICAL CENTER (9011 7SIM0SS Bad tana, MJ 07791 bright, high energy Indlvhhial who has a' 35 Un.on Slraai • Q10 5. Partner bids one diamond, Sbeiawelal taacb you how to play flair (or communication, and Is In search ol Rao B.n. N J 07701 you respond one spade, and he then (Mckfamnua? A 11-leeeea hoeklel l2OI|9M-»O0'2222 a rewarding career In advertising No ex- Worn 4 nigrtta and jumps to 2NT. The opponents pass. will be en the way to yeu whea you perience You'll learn everything you need gat oaid tor 3 What do you say? to know while you get Involved In the many on ma 11 to 7 ahift MB« 11.00 ale* a ttaapeyj, sell-aal- Day Cara Cantar >a Paul V. CtiatatU. Jr., Ml challenging details ol this Important Job. riniaamiiMi rtaiiiinaj NURSES AJOES ANSWER: Bid three spades. dreeeea] Ne. 1* eavelepe to stack- FuJiPartTWia ST. P.I2AMTH HOeifTAL This is a forward-going bid, since (iliajis. la care af (Us newspa- Salary plus excellent benefits. childran HU.T0P PRtVATI — ay awa*. aaiartlaana W Fraa P tf9 NUfttWOHOUC the only way you can avoid forcing per, P.O. aitu, Nj Mleldlaloam. NJ 077*1 (IOl|M7. (201H71-O177 to game la to pan partner at 2NT. CA You promise a rebiddable spade mil, giving partner the chance to TWaeW. DECEMBER 17, 1985

Classified .ACTION LINE S42"17OO =INDEX= SHuettona Wanted MM. H 77 Camptng Equtprrwnt 1S3 red ln*erilen o* any advarttsment SNueSone Wanted Atrcrad- 7i 154 and only wnan it rrtetsriaay aflacls MMw* M twepor the value of lha ad H H contain, en Chad Car*/Nur**ry n Real Estate for tale Aulomotlva error c*M daaaaied. Al ad* ara re- M atrlctod to trtaif proper danWrillon School* 67 130 Wamad Automo«tva___ 220 Low md Found •1 OpenHoueaa- and set In the regular OaNy Wiglilif 131 ConaarucMon EqulpmanL- 230 C6s. Beclror S3 Houmfort style o) typa. Right Is reserved to Travai-Tri Condomlnkiint/ToiMi Auto Financing. 240 adit or re|ed any copy or ad. Opportunity. - SI Houm- .132 Auto Ineurance 250 M, gHN Wee Incofna Property- 133 Auto Sarvtcat/Part* 270 Monty To Latn_ = 8 Reel Estate Rental*) Farm Proparty . 134 TO PLACE Monty WanMtt___ CommarcW Property. . 135 Motorcycle* 200 YOUR 21 - 64 tan 101 Indueku). Proparty— •13t Truck* and Traitor* 2M aCr*raj_ 22 CLASSIFIED Merchandise 102 lota and Acraaga 137 Auto* For Salt 300 103 . 131 AD Win rRant. 104 CamaHry LO . 13» READ YOUR AD CALL THE Hete WMM Male or Famal* rFWnU 105 Wanlett. 140 II Fumtohtd Rooim. 100 THE FIRST DAY ACTION-LINE •^bytNHna/CNM ( M NunktryMlrainent IT APPEARS. 542-1700 ncimwii [Mil Moma*_ . 107 The Dally FwgMtr aM not ba re- MONDAY-FRIDAY SKuBtton* Wanted Femala 1M Boat* and Accauorkn 192 B «pontlMa tor mora Irian one Incor- •:30-4:S0 M 51 Help Wanted si H»t» wanted SI HelpW.ntad 11 Help Wanted SI Hat* Waited SI Help Wanted SI Help Wanted Help Wanted SI Help Wanted COUNTER PERSOH-Hanoa on Mai* or Famala CAFETERIA HELP — Mortars DENTAL ASSISTANT — Grow- LOCAL CONTRACT — daanmg IIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER — m PN — 3-11 iMfl. lull lima Par- MANAGER/TRAINEE — Bhoa madad tor achool lunch pro- aaua. All banalM. Salary a com- •nant poallton Eaoaaant aalary mlaalon. Can Hactor or Hmaan ing OrmodonOc-padodonoc company looking kw tua vma day Com Naak. HUM ba good «ttn •nma opan Starling aalary 14 50 sram. No aipsrtanea. Apply in pracoca In Rad Bank aaaka an enanir in Had Bank araa. Cat chartran. cook, ctaan a aupamaa banana. Apply In paraon. At- awy Contacl Managar «wa par hour. Mu« hava own trana- panon. Hat) tank Primary No Eiparlanca/Ho S» ricmiliolil. ~ dapt « 942-727* Burtkiglon porlarlon. Banana Oak Bctooi or CM *mro* E O.E. DAT* ENTRY aanda-A-B-Ei ELAN VITAL -SIS ual who woyka antoy working ary Can 531 7755 *-S Mon-Frl. Avanua. AaanHC Coal Factory 341* BMarpnta M. Ft Plaroa JANITORIAL SUPERVISOR - MkjManda. » am lo 4 pm CAFETERIA HELP - Wanlad by FlorxK 334U Contract olaamngcomp oporaior. naadad tor long and in a vary uMtaia S aacnng offica Ing lor tun Una LOCAL CONTRACT — Claanlng ma)or naaonal corporation In ahort farm aaakjnmanta Alao. arwaionmanL Eap pra. Can company looking for part bma UNCHEONETTE — Countar Hotmaal ana. Mon-Fn. da* othar olarioal aklBa; typMrt*. ftg- EXPERIENCED PLUMBER - * aupanHapr*. Muat hawa mMmun avarung and morning hatp In nalp. Pan-ama. FlaalMa hri MODELS halpar. WMMg and ramodaang. 74 t-iiss tor mfmaw. a) I yaari aap 4 Ira only Can m-MH ura clarki, aacraavlaa. Bonua. C7r70Ma HUM araa Can •42*041 MOVIE EXTRAS ' vacation. HAM) WOOO FLOOR MECH- en i-ioo tZ am 1-UO-3*2-**42 MAINTENANCE/HANDYMAN - Now caattng makx motion ATTENTION! FULL ft PART TIME - PoaKona ANIC — Wa ara looking tor a JANITORIAL — Local contract Enarganc paraon to cara tor picture LaM Hour ol Honor Alao APOMFORCE avaaataa. Janitorial aarvloa. Can young ambitious paraon ttvtng m mmgeompany looking for fun LPN ClubRouaa In Adu* community m laaMon atiow Ail agas/mai No A-i In TamporarkM 2*1-2022 lha Kaypon Hadat araa wHang lo Marlboro. Janitorial ft ganaral akpananoan ary.Eambl* THE REGISTER 320 Sroad SI Rad Bank laain a naw a-ada. Tranapor- Undid tor IS yaar ok) quad- wnan rapfytng lo « tliglim OAt STATION ATTENDANT3 - rapaaglc. nontiarn Monmouth itananca *22i'»aaii. Can 741-MM tolton lo Job ft took) provtdad. 7172. Fui s pan lima. Apply m panon Ca*2*a-*7U BM DATA ENTRY PERSON - Mon- Wahh Farma, 110 E Front KID CANE — Haa K» op- 7-3 M-F MANAUtH/TRAINEES CARRIERS Fn. 1-4 pm. No compuam akUa MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER n-SOtjre, C #' f ire* 9 #O* Sa-aat. Had Bank HELPER - For garabaga truck. ponunWa* lor thoaa Quanltad ki 3-11 W/E MCDONALD'S baby ft vacacon MBng. houaa 7-3 3 Sata/mo Adu* or CoHaga Studanl aatn ra- Attention i OFFICE - Oanaral workar n- Fun ama poanton good Manns aalary |up to Can 2*44*00 Oaan-ng a ha m work. Wa naad 11-7 Frl. ft Sat. 17.000) plua incimnl banana IMMEDIATE OPEMNOS Sand raauma to: PO Boa 101 cMd onamad 1 raaponalHa Can Paopla Cara. 130-la**. packaga. No aapananoo naoaaa- Adults typmg. S'30-S. As INSURANCE OFFICE - P ft C. paopH 747-22*7 Manaupan-FraaMtd •Ravtna Drh* -• Bank. N J 07701 Rating mandltory Fun Una. Can •ry. Din mtUDva a muat Haply to mora Mormatton call 542-UM •Traahavan a Traahavan 2 Apu MANAGER/TRAINEES or 542-*H4 Equal Oppommlly Senior Citizens DENTAL RECEPTIONIST — 741-Sa*. Kncnan — Halo lor bar. Cooking MCDONALD'S BOk U-471. Tna r "mi can Mra Com»o, Oanaral pracOca Mlddtolown or- CHanlng. SNawabury. N.J. 07701 Employar M/F. 5*35210 nca Can *42-*4*0 Doon Ara ua GVaaa Co INVENTORY CLERKS - ft* 3735 Good Manna salary (up to Want to earn Ca*4*S-2BM. f 17.000) piui aacaHanl banatlla The Register DENTAL ASSISTANT — Wa ara paopla Earn 15 par hour taking LEOAL 8ECRETARV paefcaoa. No aaparlanca nacaM- 1M Cemmerclal IN Commercial some extra $$ GOVERNMENT JOBS — Equal OpptyEmployar looking tor aomaona apadal to Invantorkaa. 10-40 houra ptua par •ry, but Iniuatlva a muat Rapty to Rental. K»n our ilan Fun tuna Cap ra- $l«.040-15».2J0;,r Now Hiring. waak Work on school Draak.. ft parlanca wWi a laar Itrni. Cat Boa IMT*. TM Ra* Rentals for the quuad 591 1550 Ca> BO5-M7JOOO Sal R-MJM part lima whwa al acnool. Work MtarSpm M3-070T Shrawabury. N.J. 07701. tor currant todaral nil holidays DENTAL ASSIST/RECEPT - with your tfkmrja aa a group 100 Fua/pan lima E

- Inaartara An Equal OppffEmptByar caltant banants. Apply In paraon. riers. Excellent Job for 8«ml-retired or (1) 1522 sq. ft., (1) 2400 sq. ft. ATTENDANT — For parking lot Atlantic Hkjhlanoa Nuralng CLASSIFIED Homa. • MwdlalownAvanua. At- Day or Night Shift person out of work In need of a job. Call with additional 1100/waak. Mon-Frl. lam-tpm lantic Highland!. • am to 4 pm. Harold Casewell, ext. 257. 542-4000: or CM 741- 9*13. aak tor Sharon CLASSIFIED 2000 sq. ft. suitable for AUTO MECHANICS HELPER ROUTE DRIVERS WANTED The Register write Full >ma CM lor appt F.J. ft NoCaptvMnoa Drop oft bund.— ID carriatt A (a) Conf. (b) Legal Lib. (c) Stor. Soot Inc 3*44040 floras. Contact Mr Caawai a) Equal Opportunity Emptoyor The Register 542-MM Qne Register Plaza Mar., an akCtting opportunity 0WVEA/ME88EN0ER - M*tor CALL JOHN ATTRIDGE for a brlghi baginnar in aaarch of North N J . Roaatand law htm ia Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701 a rawardlng futura. aaaking raUaMa indrvtduaJ for to An Equal Oppty. Employer (201) 747-2477 or (201) 741-6351 t/anapof 1 2 ot Ma dlractori from 542-4000 typing and •paWng thej aoutti Jaraay twaa to 4 from wiv Aiao. you must ba work Day houra wtN ba apant fast and tomb** to mewl th« day •vorhing for the) firm aa • mat*- bt 277 to-day chaWanjaa m out but) angar full bartailM. Sand ra- OWNERSHIP! #ntont auma to Hannocn A WiHaman. 4 Back* Farm fM. UPM taacti you avarythlng you N J 070M Altanttion S J R to km lor inn dlvaralflad. MECHANIC HraMng job. CMSPATCMER — For tocal taxi- cab company. UuM know ood talary. IncantJvaa and •«- MMkMatown araa Oood hourt caHani banaflta. CW tar an ap- avaUabt* Will train. 55 Long- wood AM. mammmn vattow 542-4000 Ext. 252 Cab. aaa Qaorga. 542-4000 Ext. 252 DRIVERS WANTED — For puza datlwKy. Evaningt. Muat hava 542-4000 Ext. 252 own c*u A In*. Malta QOOd monay daily »42-2*31 DRIVERS — l*taJa/F.Mnait. Umo. Oiriimaa The Register M/F Co Rapidly expanding in Mon- An Equal Oppiy tmewyar mouth County Nlldl 6twi for LEANtNO PERSON - Only Cadillac Sadana Prlmatfonnaa hard working paopla tor ataady naatf not apply, roairaaa wat- H* naad apply Mull r^av* own coma. For appoinimant caH ear * naal appaaranca willing to The Register am rtaht paraon Starting aalary One RagMtr Plaza 14 SO/hr. Can 172-1054 DRIVERS - Naatfad M/F SUvrt- Shrenmbury. NJ 07701 ing pay .uso/hr. »-4 Drtvara OUNTER HELP - F/T or P/T iioanaa A ckkan raoord faquirad in paraon at wmow Arrow Wovan Lab* Co. an. lia wmow Or. Lima Marlboro tadwatriai Park. Savar. NJ. or can 747-Ht* UNIQUE SIFTS • SIRS FOR THE HOME • FUJWEK/GIFT IASKETS • AKTHJUE8 ESTIMATOR - For construction OUNTER HELP — Fraadmant coaalaa. i-2yaaraiacnnicaiaKp akary M Malawan. Morning Semd raauma W PO Box 16S. • HOLIDAY SHUTS • TKES ft TIM • HOUOAV DMM • FOOO CATEBOS SM-2OO3 MkMatowfl. N J 07741 • P/WTIE8 • ElfTEltTAINMEIfT • VIDEO • GIFT COmFKATB • HOIIY HOUDAYS no tin • GIFTS FOR EVEBVOJtE • SIFTS FOB HM • GIFTS F0« HER (HO W AUUtV OKU) OC1AN. NJ. 07713 774.IMM Business Directory to1rn2r O^SSSaaJSaC Sarvtng lunch * dkmar. 172-1245 GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES " .•k-ftVMa. FMBHOUa* 1PBCUU.TY (HOP 2000 vldao rantala. Ochar otub mamoa.- ulfta-novaiaM ror tna iiran-an. vpan aMpa nonontd. Ovar 2B00 oompaot AUTO BODY PERSON Tuai.Thura 11-1:30, Frl. 12-1. Sat ^r» ^^> ^~.——— —... ._^_ ^.. . . . Own loota. axparMnoa. 485 Carpet Instillation 624 Lawn SprtnMers 10-1:30. XMAS M HartnUng 12/11: Mon,- town Thaaaar. Sun -Thuri Ba.m.-S am Can 7J1-1770 60 Accounting Painting « Opan 24 hra. Frl ft Sal Hot ft COW HORNING DEW — Lawn Frl. 13-B. Sal 10-5:10,, *3Sunn . 12-11B-I. Cua- IS Bioad Btraat. Rad Bank. 142-0711 BARTENDER AP.V MAYBURT - Public Ac- JIM'S CARPET INSTALLATION w *S W111 elfrf torlomn ambrodlarad Flraman'FVaman'a logoa. Mon.. Tuaa.. S-* p.m. (71-1311 I AocountlnQ, boofc - — SakM, claanlng. ra-laya. ra- Spnnkiara Spaciakung In aar- 'Part tuna. 1 dayt a waak Can >ks* ft euatom mmliimn or Canal at, Rad Bank. UO-104* .7«7-«TT4 aak tor Cart 4la. aaMo*M2-0*4*. ItralcMa ft racvalrl 2*4-«177 On ft off primmi calarlng -aOOK KEEPER — ConputarlUd 442 Bartending 456 Catering Monday pantaa/am Camflcalaa. "OanaralLadgan,-. aaleaatk* ARTENDER - AvaUaMa lor NEW YORK STYLE CATERING! XmaYj throognout Bw aho*o* . OOMa for Hlaiman aprtnga Fid. 741-1170 "•Mon ate For Mutn Corporala 625 Landscaping ANDREWS PAINTING — AH .. young a otdt Nawmaan SprtnsStnsaa FFid (nrtl okotu.B andwortd waddinga-Privaia parttoa-aan- Not Naw York prttaal Manu pan- afeafeauvt .-L-ai Iju Bah-ak *- — —'— - .A ^Propaoy Manatamanl and Con- lanor work. 41 yra. aipananca. a> Unorofl lnn| 74772*0 "toucvon Cot Salary >ppro>- uau-alc Fully a«p 73«-O4»6 ning, mopping, an your naada A Lawn Care Vary raaannatrtt Fraa aatlmala eaaWi-p* *Or ejuj D#QBrin#r Ing ba»»rk»>aa k Tka oua Uakai H ImaMqr 20.000. comanturata Mr s p.m. laming an Counuaa for a mamorabla maal Can LANDSCAPING - Spring claan- Call 2*1-4412. a co-Vactrx. Fun atock of all JMtti axparlanca Sand raauma to 131WM upa and lawn aarvlca. Good major branda of albuma. foldara. Lunoh: IIUM work. Rmonabla ralaa. Cm •S3 rtdmdal Rd.. Hok-KM. umqua catalog!, mount., magnlflara, ac- Dmnar 4-10 ZW.S SKuckar Jr. a Co.. Canmad 44 Bathroom BA. CRAWFORD caaorlaa and looal hratory booka Expari ^Public Acoountam. 51* Praapacl 465 Chimneysweeps 741-1341. aaa lor Bruca Oraduata aatacaon ol flna glftwar. kx u agaa In a Fnoaj 4 *aaunlay nfaM 4-11 Ramodaling ft -Illllil country ttmoahc-ara. »«l 1111. aiManoa In lilltllng a gift tor your tirvJay «run* 12-» TAW,, uwa SJyar NJ 0773* AUTHENTIC CHIMNEY SWEEP PLANTS-TREES US School Prof. Paparhanglng Caramic Tile For iafa. afftclant burning Call 3* Manmoutn St. Raa Bank 741-OUB kmday OMnplaal dk-n-r tlo-io 1 BOYS/OIRL9 I or ratau 1 Fraa aawnataa 222 J*M H PH 1 Bat ny • MEN/VKOMEN ALL TILE AREAS 741-SU0. 24 hour. acraa Nuraary Nock Will dattrar ' Dua lo a rapM growth, wa »ava Eapart prohjMlonal rapalri HOLUDEL FARMS QrvaunuaualChrtatrnalornamantafrom . VmoSLIMen Hauaa airly morittng nawapaaar routaa ft bam ramodauno alnca IMS 500 Decks 2*44*11 around tna world. TM/i* u»nnc ami. Bob Aklua. 2W-0M7 *ayailtwa IN YOUR AREA Can TOP SOU. EDDIE'a PAINTING 72 BrhJga Ava.. IM Sank. M2-4M3 _>aOO-J«! 0M0 today II you CERAMIC TILE CONTRACTINO D«O CARPENTRY — Pro- Rich loamy Farm aoH. Alao ma- SPACKLINO. PATCHING Cmmm YOOYOORR FRAkM »warn monay. prlna and ailraa. Bami. mowara. •alii ft noon faulonal ranovalara. Window*. nura WM dallvar. Naal. Claan. ft Hmonabla OMa of toMty framad art HHraWaW y pto- . Aduita nam ha»a a car Prompt aarvtca. 'raa aaiffialaa. doon. kllcnana. batha. akyUgnta, For Fraa Eallmata, Call EdcUa J*«Y1LRY UOLO * aa.«aW tura framing, Mon.-Sal 10-1 140 E HOLMOEL FARMS 3 Mo*i^tMi reQSM) '•oafnO^I ~ STAHHOOERil IN JERSEY Can anyllma lor appt 2M-3IM. dacki Compkna homa rarnodal- 2S4-W23 Al (71-4403 Nawman Spring. Fid., Rad Bank mg Fraa aatlmataa. Fully in- Tna Tatar. 241 Navaamk Rlvar Rd. Wa Datlvar *4*-4*11 BUS PERSON — Part lima, lull NEW CERAMIC TILE ft REPAIRS •urad Can 171-1*74. J LEMEN — Panning ft MldHlH 747-U43 lima. Eva houra Extra monay RagrouUng. raplactng lUluraa 635 Light Hauling waupaparlng Raudanual ft com- jaMla tain*, to acnool Apply in Raaaonabla prlcaa. FREE aaa- AAA LT. MAULING — All mardal. Prompt, protaanonal 141 Shrawabury Ava.. Had Bank rJMraan. Long Jonn'a Lid. Saa- mataa 130-7214 530 Electrical aanrloa. FuHy maurad. Fraa aaa- "OR Y0OP1 CHRtaTHA* PARTY phaaaa ot daan up work dona 2074 Hwy. 31, MMdtatown 471-CXMI 747-15*1 Sarvtng 11:30-1 am Hon.. .tood PJaalauram. Hlgnlanda. Alao Lt moving aamlc* avail* •lioM Bally dancing fry Karlna Sat. Sun: Noon-io pm. 447 Carpentry Servlcea mad » luiiv Maurad. Blrtndayi - Surprlaaa - drama -BUS DRIVERS — Pan Una Hign BEST ELECTRIC ^^ 774-7343 School DttUICI naadt Bus Dfiv- CARPENTER — 11 yra. aa- Lie No 1273 Fiat oapandabta NORDIC tfl lor atlar acnool acthrillat. ath- parlanoa Addltwna. dormara. A A DEMOLITION — Claan up Punting * Paparhanglng Tha Ouaan of Dillon ul Italian Food* ' kMC avanoj and taUd trip* >7 30 i. garagaa and aNaraaon aatlmataa Can 1714121. Fraa Eallmitaa. fully Inaurad Raatauranl and Cock laa Louija .par hour NJ Bui Drivara LKanaa work Raaaonablo ralaa. Can A CompMM Gourmat Snoppa 112S 5th Ava. Naptuna 775-4123 .raquifad Shoro Raglnal High apm 717-141*. STEINER ELECTRIC - N.J. Lie 758-8178 •It IVvar Rd , Fair Havan 7*41 Raaldanllal CommarMal- PAPERHANOINO ..School. Waal Long Branch NJ CARPENTRY — MM 7471MO .Contact Mr Paak. 2a*-742t InduUlal 3-HR. EMERGENCY A MAN ft TRUCK POM HIM Mi Pvarhangar carpantar. Small, madium ana SERVICE 741-2341 Pick up ft dattvar. Light hauling Ttva Faminlna Touch oba. Dacka Fraa aatimakM. Can B^m**M ^m an iaa • . *— a\aai^« Fraa Eat. 741-SH0 415717 or 7744*00 565 Fireplaces* 9inmm rnOVtnfl JOD6 AIDCav. oaaara, gultara olianld. Fraa aa* WE PAINTINO CO — Can Wllka - CARRIERS NEEDED FULL LINE Woodstoves Can 4M-1M7. 22*401*. Tha Happy Pamtar "•aw DMI Chrlatmaa * Naw Yaari HOME IMPROVEMENTS par—. Hot ft odd paanara. No party to FIREPLACES-WOOD STOVES CLEAN YARDS Fraa aat FuHy Inaurad. 20 yn * To dallvar IDa REGISTER NO JOB TOO SMALL Caaara. attaca* garagaa aap. Raa or comm. •mat or larg, Fraa dallvary 2*0 wiiow FREE EST. CALL 73B-M0T Crumnaya. bnck liaaaallka B wall. DrtM. Lima SHMf 741-9224 HOME CRAFTSMAN — Carpan- Brick, itono. block, concrata 741*214* 665 Plumbing * «oa.»Wna nn gTnaaa 124 DyHal. caialaa. * MIDDLETOWN AREA Bapalra J Black. 211-0037 paaMra. intm ilium. Cowmn Jai ' - • McQulraa Orova Apia try. woodwork. |oba dona wim Heating W Canfar. TaWn Fa* (41-1422. Ttmon AM.. Eatontown M2-1420 ••BarrlaHr Lana praclWon Job too bio lor you? 636 Limousine Mat ft OOU party buflat 2 locaaoni MH» • •• Braodywna Way oo amail lor otharaf Cat Kan baan 171.1KI0 MaM HI BBM. Fraa da- Sodarlund. 9*0-2*71 iltar 5 p m 569 Gutter Service PLUMBING — Nlgnta. waakanda CROWN own, INC. *• FaklMW Ava. only Work dona at YOUR CON- lew* ar*oM and booka Cleaning EAST COAST LIMOUSINE — VCNIENCE Rapam. drain claan. " • Kin01 Mwy JO-JO WOOOWORK'3 9tr6JtCfr) l_Jmo# m 6)OO47l0fiy Broad St. Had Bank Add-on I. Addlttona. PanaUng. Ing ft rapHoamanULlc f72*2 GUTTERS CLEANED - And ra- wagona. All oocaakxia Low Anawar macMna 4*3-3121 747-1204 Call NICK Painting. Oacki. Pltloa Lall pairad (Scraanlng avaHabkt) rataa. Raaanra now lor Xmaa ft talk. Can Joa Linioti |1* yra. Window, waahing and root ra- Naw Yaara. M7-M11. 542-6680 aapar I 7*7-22M pam Jaff 4M-M3O. 715 Roofing WICKER • RATTAN * COUNTRY FINE OE QLUCK RENOVATORS - 650 Masonry FURNITURE • GIFT! • BASKETS • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Homa improvamanta. Caramic Service • Siding CHRISTMAS TREES * WREATH* nRd, Inltclrndil.AcrcaakomSl : AREA: la. dacki. add a Mval. No iob 595 Home ROOF1NO-SI0III0-OUTTER8 SL Hwy. 34. COM Hack 112 1*11 CaBaarklara Ctvlroh .•Thouaand Oaka Vlllaga too imaii 18 yaara aapananca. MASON WORK — AN lypaa. Laak rapaM Unea 11*1 U3-M59 Impfovemente Fail aantoa. Carl 53O-OM2 cvw occrn-ttmoue* DUST BUSTERS — Commarclal. work CaH Lou IHMHof Chrll OM a traaaura kem KM pan BOO Proa- : Call FRANK Naw homaa addition!, altar- •aaidannal. Floor waling, carpal Traaa. Ma and kaah out AUo. wraarM. ntrnuan aMna, ranovatlona. kllcnana. 734 T pan AM.. IMH Bttiar lO-» Mon.-Sal DkWata. gtaana. roatna ft praMMfaai P» 542-6660 lhampootng. g I OS JO, Bun. 12-5111 Chrlatmaa. laa t Miilmli Caaoki Farm.. Fa*. 520, 2* Monmouth at. Had Bank. 142-7057 dacki. All work gaurantaad. ral- Act nowl H*-*l Qtva your baat knit • arancai. Call Chrll 741-1504 665 Moving tV B42-77S7. MuttJiu or Rla. 34. Lakd Rd , Con. Nack .-MONMOUTH BEACH JuMN tl\J COl r*\Jl 8torage PANELING — Ooora. window!. C of O SpaclaMta "•EATONTOWN Idallng. rapalra, minor mtarlor.Exlarlor Homa Rapalr TEACHERS MOVINO INC — BM -•LONG BRANCH plumbing * aktc. Raaon. Rita or amaM. Lloanaad ft mauraa Traaa, wraafta. grava bkankata. powaal 1 No Job To Small — a*t 2*4.IIIM 415-2005 Fraa aatlmataa. Fair Havan oaa. OaoorHom. fruit Daakata. florH ar. "•OCEAN TOWNSHIP MO-1333 RT BUILDERS — Rarooling rangamanta. Ttw baat rooking nHatcn M na gut of graat k» sionai Oanaral Contracting — 746 Tree Servlcea ol HM B out MM around apadal. IM par aa. AltaraUona. -Wa do II all No )ob loo imau.- OMa Ualaa Haaaa • Call QAYLE Fraa aata. Local Flari. Prompt 675 Odd Jobs WOODY S TREE SERVICE am tumiiMH Pawning ft Papar hanging Win. A-1 OOO JOS SERVICE — E« Traa ft ahrub trimming B 542-B880 •arvica 7*7-0*71 anytlma dowa waanad Fraa aatlmataa. _ ^ » >- u. i «^^hj ^ _ _ •41-7171.11 Wharf Am. MM I pan homa rapalra. Fully maurad Rt. **, Can 2*1-134* rejfTKntaf' rUVy tnsMrejO. rfSS (naal lo Towm Cha-rroW) 450 Carpet Cleaning Call J30-141S lUmilll Can 530-1112 : PORTMONMOUTH Total Ranovaoon Conat Inc •71-1111 A-1 EXPERT Carpal Claanlng Addtllona. artndoara. vinyl akHng. PaS CONTRACTINO - Roofing, 756 Typing Service • *Naar York AM In Port Jphotatary claanlng. Raaaonabla painting, aiding. Dathrooma. Mfvice) Ff•># sft baaamanla. No kw to imall Call Katharlna GlOba UiMliiaaal oflar > Monmouth alaa. Morn. Hoffman. 747-020* CaU73*-2H*. or M2-74M MM. M4-MM. Fraa aaamataa. •OtaaWi/ni ANT1OU* ; CALL RICH VANCO ft K Typing BarvHa. Can 40 Jlallri oflarlno a w laaoMuil or A-I EXPERT Carpal Claanlng HOME IMPROVEMENTO S 660 Pslntlng ft TSaVJOl*. hokday oma. 217 W Front Rad Bank. J 542-BBSO upholltary daanlng. Raaannahla 3W QH fOOftAt Q rt Papertianglng •42-7*7111 to I dally. 7 daya. akN Morrll Hoffman. 747-020* Can 7lf- p jQ ALLOCCA BROS - CuMom •^j. LBS6 FT6JpCw»* PRODUCT* Of IRB-AND la |uat around The Register or 142-7401 Propoaaiiii.. Maaa MamMamnan a 4AnEqualOpprylmpioyarM/F 619 Kerosene panning a ma oomar tor your Chrlatmaa naada 452 Consignment •anor. Fraa PAR EXCELLENCE IS* Broad Si. Ftad Bank T4T-*1S1 •CALENDAR PERSON/TYPIST - Heaters 74714M Snrl.abury, 741-17074 0 ^ry«ma •bpanding Monmouiti County 8hop ••Law Firma aaaki organltad indi SECOND TIME AROUND - TYPtNO SERVtCe — wa typa Sarvmad Moal WKki ft Pana In •«Myal wwi i IIIIKI typing uwa >W^tWoQ, eid ftd# #. "B ability .to work Moapandaney Stock. Hanat. Samoa Co. maurad. doHa. wraatnaa. 64 Thompaon 73»4***or Ml-9011 •Mutt hava Mgal aaparlanoa Ay. * Hwy 3*. Laonardo. provkjad. Pa* 74t**010. •Sana Haiumi to Mr Campball "P O Boa l»0. MllHIUWwn. N J f0774* Ouna. Sporting Oooda. OpUca, Soon ft Carharl Work Clolhai, Shoal. CARP€NTER(ROOFER - Alao 4*1 Proapact Ava. Lima Sllvar Mwy. M. Naptuna. N.J. 1 SMawabury. hatoar ft tiborar. naading IK * 4 LINES • 30 DAYS ONLY $4000 CALL 542-1700 747.24B4Tna worKTl rina eh and ' wan. Starting MwnaoTattHy I Oourmat tooda Jual nloa plaoaa for particular paopto. a. Fmt Ava.. Atlantic Higmarvda hava N J drivari licanaa Rad -2*1-1(1* Bank araa Can Paul QtO-KM TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1985 101 The JUgUler MirchandlM SI Halp Wanted 1 Halp Wantad HttpW.ntaO McrchandlM MMrcMMHM Morchand!.* Situations tor Sato for Sate AKINO APPLICATIONS NOW Wanted F«mal« tor Sal* frtalt torflo Sawtng. non-aawtng work ANTIQUES — Etc Ctoatng aala DIAMOND RWO WITH WED- OAS HOT WATER HEATER - vaM PuN ttma ortty. Permanent BAND EXCEPTIONAL ilium ma CeJI» 90-11 am Mon- wck-a-Nacka. <*7 Sroadway, Ouakar 40 (at.. 1 yt old. (•* long Brancn Iiam-Jpm, daMy » IS KARAT SOLD ptrtknaatar. manual jry, 741-J336 ri. BtS-aVTO, aah tor Ann. AIR HAVEN MOM - WWl 3 SACRtncICaE AT SSOO**oo. CALL lhB I Mpartanoa MbyanUng «a 175 3MtaM na* 5pm. Real Estata HolnrxM AW — independent drrvera. your chad landar. loving ANTIQUE D4NINO TABLE - OIL HOT WATER BOILER - • MnlMig IMIIU aarn 3OS of tatta Oaa inctudad whila you work. Fua ot part Mahoganay Fadarai DIAMON KARAT — With bumar. oonwia » o. lank Why no* Join Amarica'a II lop aam -ppm anWt C— 767-WOO ma EaoaMrn ratoranoaal Can •MOtaU «2-13»4 diamond Vary baaul 175. Cat 747.SJ7V ATTENTION! ' CankKy 21, Apart. Raalty M2a507 i retail pile* Ml*$ , la* air CM* FURNANCES — NO *M OROAN ANTKXJE ORNATE MiMaVWT4. REAL ESTATE HOME HEALTH CARE — By BEDROOM SET. Sl.JOO. irnanoa In boa. 75.000 BTU'a LowrWOamaM PIMM manaon TME FI6OISTER Wa naad I hard-working MMd- a* CartWM Nurtaa Atda. U OtHlTTt — W/4 chana. 2 tokUng whan raplying 10 a RagMtar u«. wa »• aupply Hoot ama hour For Europaan Amarl- STATUE. AakMg (450 291-15*9 amoloymant aa Ttf*rW9Lears rMar »4a-ja7i NURSES AMTIOUE — Pump organ OOOW — Coal * wood burnat Ikar. AnikBtia to aaa 20 yaara ok). Baamfut > larquta wood bumar Hurt, 10 RIMS & LPNS M/F RETAIL SALES MANAOff) - caaa. but pump naaaM rai pd tnana btka. Bamaonlta CERTIFIED Wa fa curranay looking for a taw O60 tog** atoot). DRY1R - Ol. •7-H10. 10 am to 11 pm s^w,r»to,?,& NURSK AIDES good paopM tor ona ol tha na- 10 KARE AGENCY — Spaclal- HOMEMAKERS on'a buwaat nra and auto TELEPHONE Wl powar bruatl. Larga room ing m baby, pat A vacation alt- APPLIANCES - Ralrtgaralora. UMNO) ROOOM MET - Madnar- a»a oily, rug * M0» rug MK- HOUSEKEEPERS > LIVE-IN S aH^Mf a>MpVI9OCaV HQ4 HaMAaW* ngHouaa canning t party aar- wanhara S dryara. naoondlwuiiad anaan atttt. liaulujaliauluajax drop kaM 499-30M. attar ( 21021 M/F ary. aa •» ara atyta with ovar- HAVE — An unaramad iwm or RECEPTIONIST — Mature- lour llna ad coata It to and It nagocola. Can 741-4O11 POOL TABLE — 9 All ac- ntndad. Booitaaping, light nwng -1 Raglatar Plata una for 10 daya Call 942-1700 naad light, ahalvaa. t 2 noon DRUM* two you'd Ilka to aa*? An ad thla 72 G«rag«/Y»rd miiw snrawaoury aba tot to daya. |uat MM. Can caaaorlaa. Enoallant condwon PART TIME • typing Good mtarparaonal nd gat your "Srtuauona Want- Oraal gift tor Chrlatmaa $100 Black. Tama a CorWy. l-plaoaa •Killa naadad Mourt »-S. Mon- An aqual oppty ampioyaf M/F ad" ad working for you. •97-0923 3 oymbala na Raglalat Claaaltktd. $300 Call 291-14M Sale* 542-1700 MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. LEGAL Frl Call M2-40W. altar «pn< DRIVERS - Trallar ( tandam $450. Call (42-0623 POOL TABLE - C long. Brand EW MONMOUTH - Naw loya. ERSONABLE — Young woman BEAUTIFUL — Qorgaoua look- t M to Wllaon Ava to SyMa Tan CLERKS, and COOKS-no ai- Fun * pan tlma. Muat ba an lahaa lo aaalat aktarly in variaty Ing watar bad with baaulltul ELECTRIC BASE BOARD HEAD MASTER SKIS naw. Navar uncratad (250. parianca. wa train Earn g _ RECEPTIONIST panancad »/* l 10 apaad Irani rtaadboard King alto. Doubla TyroHa blnOMga Bumpar pool ubta Brand now. »5DoloraaP1 Cany. Sat. (Sun, TYPIST I b.oc living naada: light claan- HEATERS Navatunctalad (190 (71-2(71 0am-5pm (71-3574 Run or pay • (5.040 01 EMI • (10.000 Call 2M-77M. ng. cooking. ahopplng door Admiral froat-traa ratrlgar- BEST OFFER • potaa aiudant loan rapaymant Call tor For buay accounting otiic* Must ator/fraoaar. (2) 4 drawar Call »4«.2«94 ttava good typing akllla I taw- VETERINARY — TaCh- •42-4743 CALL (71-3730 POOL TABLE - Mmnaaota Fata. mtatviaw 747-2211 Othar loba draaaara Call 9*3-3971 '. ball ratum. 2* alalan lop * avaHaMa AMERICANS ATphona mannar CaH 741-6114. ntclan/Kannal alda. M/F. for SPUR OF THE MOMENTI REMODELING HELICOPTER REMOTE CON- _ BANK - 27( Spring SlraaV luay. am animal rioap. 6«p praf. TROL — CompMO Naw 2 atilrl lova aaat aola Call 747-3097 tovambar ( * 10. Saturday • THEIR BEST" Priot aarvlca may RECEPTIONIST - Madlcal ot. •ilabla 10 houaaalt or babyalt RHEEM — Elactrtc Hot aratar ahar 4pnv apply NJ NATIONAL OUARO I but will train tarloua. anargaitc your homa atarting Tuaaday, BUNK BEDS haatara. |2) 52 gal Qlaaa unad. aaa «Wi 2.000 tranalara Can unday 9 am to 4 pm. Furndura. lea pan tlma Had Bank araa paraon Haply lo Bo. V-411, 1 (72-1377 no anaaw call (00-7(2-(3M Typing, tiling * aoma racord Dacambar 24 thruSunday, Da- A quaan anad mattraaa. Call $25aach Wnila Calling Ma. 1100 RADIAL ARM SAW — 14' OaW lagialar Plata. Snrawabury. NJ. cambar 2t Faa nagotlow. Call Wa-MSS. t1 Armatrong Baal ottar Call t. 110/220 with 2 bladaa (37( PART TIME - CtorKai Book kaaping Madlcal ofllca ax- UNION BEACH — via* our an- parlanoa pratorrad. Sand ra- 2O1-972*. 1-5 p.m. BUNK BEDS »1-4717 aan Powar Sprayar. 30 gal (70 ual Chtwmaa claaranoa aat* on •aping, typing, ate. 741-2121 -W Compoal/Mulch Shtaddar aak lor Frank. Bruca. or RUM auma to: ThaRaglaMr. 1 Ragialat WAITRESSES/WAITERS Woman Looking For Daya Work Ekcatlant condition. 1300. ENOLISH SADDLE — Outtlt HOLLY gltta. lawalry. novaWaa « Plata. Bo»O-4M. NJ. 07701 waniad full or part lima Apply in Companion. Chjanina Oftica Draaaar.«40 Call 73»-«257. any- Navar uaad. Ind poda. atirrupa. FRESH CUT BURRIEO grlndar. 3hp Brlgga angina marchandlaa. (11 Frlm PART TIME - Halp Pietura 1(11 NAVESINK RIVER RD .15 Hart akla 170 (40 Sk XStraat. Sal. DM. 21. » am u I RED BANK — Lu.ury paraon. Ran Otnvr. 117 W Front Call 373«33» or 796-0412 Hma. brldla. glrtti SUa 17 Call aflat framing alora. appro* 15 hta/wk 31, Raja Bank (pm. 291-5124. LOCUST Soota. Man'a Norldca ana 10pm 73O-M14 747-2*22. or avaa. 747-74H badroomt w/w carpatlng. dlah- 55 Situation* BUSINESS EQUIPMENT — Full (40. ParaaonK AM/FM atorao waattar. I4M-47S • utlWIaa Cal WAITRESS/WAITER — I dran- gtaaa ahowcaaaa. Tac alactronic EXOTIC DANCINQ COSTUME IBM TYPEWRITERS urnubla 4 apaakara * 77 Pet* and PART TIME — aUFFER wtttl EX S30-7300 waahar Apply In paraon, Tuaa- Wantad Mala acala. 3 bay, 2 bay. bar amka. Uaad. MS-M73 PERIENCE a muat. (-10 AM In Sat. 1* E Front St. Rad Bank chackout countar. candy, molda Call Llaa 7C7-2M3 RENTAL $25 a up par month Livestock Saari. MlddlaWwrt Cat RESTAURANT HELP - Hostau 747-0200 NEED auppllaa. t much mon No Rant-option lo buy 747-1f- RAILROAD TIES - «<««» $5 40 495-0378 or aaa Qap In atora a but paraona. dlawaahara. plua raaaonabla oft., rafuaad cal SEASONED FIREWOOD — Cord INFANT BOY'S CLOTHING x7i( $7(0 Praaaura.lraalad paraoni Inqulra wtttiln Briody'l WAITER/WAITRESS — Eip tor (125. Pick-up or dallvary Small J<6»» M.75; 7«7«( (1049 Baoiniwa i0am______132 E. Rivar Rd . Ruinaon. A 4«2-2271 0-9 montna nighla Apply in paraon Rad Oak amounta 50* a log Pick-up only Call Llaa 7(7-2993 (OO-923-*707 Can daUvat DOQTRAINtNO PART TIME - Ldgal Sacratary ant. Mwy 38. Haaat. JOB CARPET - Burgundy. »">•'. Call 530-5(9* altar 9. Bayahora Dog Club. T4H04* • iliiillali inn J — • ___i /*» RESTAURANT HELP - Full tlma RAILROAD TIES - Oood uaad nfl KJOi aHO Wn Larw QTtrCV aandwlcr. paraon. will train. Cal navar uaad ISO. Saiga, ti »to JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTt/AS YOU want to go back to work, bul $79. Alao, amall rafrlgoralor. axe SEASONED FIREWOOD - Cord Barbka Draam Coltaga with loada allroad uaa. (4 aach. CM BABY FINCHES - (3) bMuMm 741-S757 altar 3. (42-M22 (125 Pickup or dallvary Small (72-17M batwaa plua caga ( accaaaorlaa PART riME CLERK you hava noi round lha lob mala cond. $100. SS3-294S ol turnltura E«c cond (45 Can RNPART riME-3-11 Oarlalrlc TARD WORK - Oulaida and In amounta 5OC a log Pick-up only. aaady tor ciwalmaa $36 Call BiLOW LIQUORS. Eatontown aida claan-up. S4 an fir ighl tor you. Pul a "Sltuatlona CAR STEREO Call 5J0-MM altar (. 7(7-7332. REDWOOD TABLE anparianca raqulrad Apply In Wantad" ad In lha Ragialar now (0* round with 4 banchaa. 2 2M4M2 Call M2-O220 parion at Eatontown Convalaa Can altar epm.S72-2«M Janaan caaaafla 1 yaar old with FENCE POSTS and an amployar may find you 4 apaakara $190 Call 93O-7W9 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 17 otirwm cnalra. Wwna t anack labka BEAUTIFUL PART SIAMESE — cant Cantar. 13» Orant Ava A lour llna ad coata (• *0 and II $95 Call 7(7V3*M amala cal Blu* ayaa BaMaj. PART TIME - Ottica __ Eatontown 52 Babytlttlng- Call (71-5453 una lor 10 daya Call 542-1700 Call 741-1954 Shota t yaar old PraHn to ba lor oplomotrm Good par and gat your "Sltuatlona Want- REFRIGERATOR ha only ona. Can ('( <17J tonality, tataphona mannar SALES ChildCare FIREWOOD Coat MM. aaklng $300 minimum typing EMpartanc* no BABYSITTER - Wanlad ad" ad working tot you. LIKE NEW aaaaonad Ouaranlaad kin cord Rogara drum aal l yaar old COCKER SPANIEL — Famala 1 nacatMry Wriia to BOH O-4«7 Hotmdal homa. daya. Own trana NEW ENTREPRENEUR — Saaka CHECK THIS OUT... Call 571-9195 yaar old All anota Fua> houaa Tha Regular- 1 Aag»iar porUtton Call 2S4-2207 $110 CaH(42-4O4C MOO or baat onar t with aaaaonad Oat mor* readers to check ou Call (42-45*5 i\. Can avaa. 542-5730 Shrawaaufy. NJ. 07701. trapranaur. Call Don your ad with a CHECK at the lop FIREPLACE - Woodburning naar! w/glaaa doora. by Ouakar RUG DOBERMAN — Famala. 1'ym«ni ad •am .9.30pm. Littla Sllvar FIREWOOD trim, colonial. (5M. 1 whit aach. Can 747.(520. I •42-3441. NJ 07724. runa lor 10 daya Call 942-1700 surplus US. Inventory Cal Stova «ood (40 'a cord ratan.HM Call 7(7-3*9* P1NCHA3ER •i nwick 741-S7M daya. 747-S725 avaa. a and got your "Sltuatlona Want- 872-9570 attar 6 prti. FREE DOG - GoWan ml., tula, SECRETARY - 36 houra weeWy Call 49S-02S3. chinaa Expafianca r willing ad" ad working lor you. LOVESEATS (2) SOFA - ( lova aaat Tuaaudo- luat turnad 1 yaar old Naaoa Kim Night poanion 071-2100 BOY WANTED COLOR TV — 13". brand new Floral pattarn good loving lamkY ' ful. not $120 Hoover upright vacuui a on-whlta background (42-4039 (dan Acra PRESSER — Expanancad Naar Monmouth Ava, in Rumaor FIREWOOD Baal ortar Mulll-cototad Una*, pwowa interview mo old, $36 Panasonic tele Call 741-2920 altar 7pm •run laundry Call 842526 to taka out garbaga phono anawerlng machine, stil Split and dallvarad. Daya match (100 Call 542-S4M GERMAN SHCPHIHD — WMto. Batty Bnta Claanax e SENIOR CITIZEN - To cara to Call 942-2195 741-7072; avaa . 542-(291 4 montna ok). (90. Haa a* ahota In box. with warranty. ISO Mov BAND 9AW — Matal cutting 05 elderly invalid lady. 9 am to 3 pm HOUSEKEEPER — Child cara ing muat eell Call 530-0127 SOFA — M' long Lo 5: Can 5*3-50*3. aak tor Snarry or REPORTERS - Naadad lo covai 5 days, own transportation FIREWOOD blada langth Hor/vart by Fair long Oraan and gold pattam on municipal aovarnmant mwting Warm, loving, adapubla Good •1 Business Small quanlttaa 20-K* pea /|1O banka-ward Capacity 4«4 (150 Rumaon 642-0401 Engliah. Room t bath $300 flra COMPUTER - Cornrnodora baiga. Vary good condition tor Th# Oalty Aegiiter Some a Opportunity Cantar includes monitor, print Flnaat quality, aaaaonad hard Call attar «pm 291 5124 (350 CaH 530-3*31 GOLDEN RETRIEVER — parlance nereaaary. Paymen SIOINQ - Machan-CB or helper* autaanth Call 7(7-9205 COOK — Conunantal. Amarican er modan. software, caasene wood. Full cord guaranfeaad Famala. par artKte PleaM don't ca Toon, iranaporutton 4 ax DOMESTIC and more $800 Call 630-0061 you kaap tha load traa. Don t gat MOTOR CYCLE — 1! SOFA — Clayion Matcua. Sand reawrrtae and work aam parlance Work In Monmout Wanta kltchan concaaaion rlppad on again ima yaar. Kally Davldaon. Black XLH apoftatar cuaWn. Colonial. baauWul con Raiiabla. honaal. racanl lataran Bat/amall raaturanl. a42-0g30 Ol altantMn and naming. (75 pies to Jana Fodararo. City Ed County 60»-6»)3-7B6V caa Tuaaday a Thuradaya onl COMPUTER — TI-99/4A. die Plunkatt. S72-aO11 Slnca 1973 1000 cc'a many axtra'a Low ditton (200 Conaola TV. B*W Call 741-911*. •or. Box O-408 Tha Daily Ragi Call 499 9777. DEALERSHIP — With National drive memory expansion card mllaa (4000 Firm. Ca baat onar 94«-(*M SLATINQ Mainlananca Corp Aaaurad Ac- extended basic. TI Writer, more FIREWOOD agad oak. spin > da- 5*3-0354 tar. ShrawaDury. N j 07701 intulate pipaa (or winter. Attic KITTENS Wara Equal Opportunity E HOUSEKEEPER - Companion counta. Quarantaad 9900 waakly Orig boaea ft manual All tor llvarad (125 parr cord . 2 corda Fraa to a good homa. Can too QUICK raliabta 4 rai Plaaaant. naat paraon for iigrt minimum incoma. 115.000 lull $250 or buy separately (Call to ot plna (110 . 240-7043 MOVING - Muat aall moat ol ployef • M/F abte Call Mark 739-2064 houaa turmahinga. Couchaa. ra- 4950752 houaakaaplng. driving 4 hr prica. Financing available pneest 542-3126 FISHTANK — 30 gal. with aland cllnara. dlnatta aat. and labtta SUBSTITUTE Mon-Frl Halt Own Iran 315M3MM ( aauaa (50. Saara. akaculc 9 BLUE SPRUCE — Baautitul LHASA APSO REAL ESTATE nacaaaary. SS3-4S08. COMPUTER — TRS-60. Modal lampa * much mora. 747-4574 loolar ( growing will aau cut MOTOR ROUTE DRIVERS 4P (2000 + Ot software Wit gal watar haatar with tlmar (35 Trta # 1 Raal Eauta Company Adurta with reliable vehiclae LAKEFHONT TAVERN - RuaW tranaplanlad by you Baal otlar I ba raady tor Chtlatmaa the world One ot rhe top * ot Tlrad of a cleaning aarvlc dacor with lull working kltchan manuala. Muat sen Aaklng Call 7(7-5005 MOVINO TO FL. — L Call 747-0*10 Can/w-OOM wanted to aubatttuta on motor would you lika your homa $1000 Call 342-ISae badroom aat. coupla ol bad ttcaa tn tha Red Bank araa Tn roulaa m Liva-in quanara groaalng Mai training program in Ha claarvod with a paraonal touch J350.OO0 Thriving buamaaa Phllco. upright. labla chaira. odd pwjcaa ' Can STEREO - RCA Top-Oil LHASA APSO PUPPIES - 1 uncroft-Hoimdai Call 7M-9240 aak for Kathy. CRIB FOR SALE — With mat 7*7-7279 ot 2*4-040* llna, larga wood cablnat. Baau Champion brad. For aala tele A frlandty •Uff I 2 Coil* Neck Ampla parking Aanlng S400.000 traaa. bumpers ft sheets $100 IS cu ft, (150 ircanaad. or an old pro. wa • OiaRaaltora 931-2000 MOVINO — Sacrlfloa for qulc tul Bounding, aaklng (100 Raaaonabla Can ahat ( p.m. 3 Manalapen-fraahoid 54 Situation* CaH 542-3066 741-23(3 922-3049 expanding Join our wmnin For more information aala Slda-byalda 19 Motpoi team Call loday. aitt lor Roger 62 Mortgages CRIB AN0 DRESSER — Red ralrigaralor/fraaiar. Plna Cap- STOVE — Electric gold 31 MALTESE — 2 yaat old mala CENTURY 21 COZENS. Realto 542-4000 axt 287 or 563-5210 Wantad Famala white, childcraft. axe. cond Aah FREE FIREWOOD CaH 741-2250 Bring your cm Ulna dining room tabka. 4 chair Magic Chat Exc cond (150 dog. Houaabrokon. all ahota. tnoapendanlly Owned/ Oparaiad SUB MAKER - 4 prap perao LOW RATES mg $250. Alao changing tabl 2 laata. cuatom pad. Plna Cap Black a whlta TV. 25" (20 good with cnndran Can Chria E13 River Rd fair Hi wanted lor evaa Exp only Good and car teat Call M2-MW aaw and truck. lama daak. 5 piaca Llnad Oa 7(7-7032 142-2140 attar 6pm 1st Mtg refinancing, 72 hour ap- FUR JACKET — Black Aiaaka 741.7066 •alary Call 642-2631 DANISH STYLE — Dining se badroom aat. ate Soma Una an NEED A BABYSITTER? provals, 2nd Mtgs 4 Corp Loam aaal. cuatom-mada Slia 10 Hqua placaa. 747-1M2 anyilma SUMP PUMPS (2| GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES I am an extremely reliable Kramer Ftn'l 3A4-50M Table with 2 leafs ft pads, $150 Call 542-8411. atlar 4pm typa Excallanl cond $35 aac - AKC. ahota. raady to go tor truatwortrty 13 year old who w chaira ft breakfronl $500 Ca MOVING - Sacrilica tor qulc Call 290-0«0« avanlnga Chriatmaa Can 370 0JM watch youngster*, attar achool t 63 Money to Loan 229-6212 OIRLS YELLOW t WHITE - dM aala Slda-by-alda 19 Motpoi 9pm Weekende 6envl1pm E bad w/hdbd. 3-drawar dri raltlgarator/fraanr, Plna Cap PLANTS - Tropical (3). all PUPPY — OanW. Baagla ml«ad. PERSONAL LOANS Up toDESKS, FILES — Tibiae, chair haalthy condition Any raaaon 0 mo. oivi tepmeie. Haa all snote cetlent refa Plaaae $25 000 on your signature Free storaga cabinets, compute */3 • datachaDla bookcaaa Ulna dining room labla. 4 Chan 071-8664 and atk for Becky E«c cond. Aaklng (300 2 laata. cuatom pad. Plna Cap- abkf oltat conaidatad. C Idaal tor chWran Fraa to good detail*, Wriie Fortune (1255 W tables, office equip. ate. a «71-;«54 homa Ca««71-24H MAKE IT YOURSELF Airport 18-C. Houston. TX 77035. bargain prices New or us> 747-2530. altar 3pm wkdya lama daak. 5 placa Llnad Oak BABYSITTING — Camfiad ata A AC DESK OUTLET. 170B FURNITURE — Madltarra badroom aat. ale. Soma Una an TIRES - Brand naw 07* laachar ft mothaf o 3 yr old * 35. Oakhurat 531-3990 aota a lova aaal. comar piaca- Uqua pkacaa 747.19*2 anytlma whiia walla. US aack. 2 1 " ROTWEILER giva loving cara & anrlchmant mam Oood cond Aaklng $125 NISSAN — Dataun IMS whlla waua. allgntly uaad. HR1 Provan atud aarvtca. Puppkaa your child (3 yra and up) in h S a ry st Call 957-93*4 (Kaach 220 5395 avail lot Cntlatmaa. (M OMa homa Willing to provida irant you can imagine from $30 Chrlatmaa apacial. balow v nuraary achool within 2 ml radl $400 And lots ot other naat alu FURS — Vlntaga SllvaT-tO! aala prlca, (15.M0 1M5 Son USED OFFICE FURNITURE YORKIE* - AKC. 2 lamakw. t of homa 888-0644 71 Merchandise for Chrlatmaa. Lone Arranger mink dyad capa. black Paraia Good cond. bargan otic BABYSITTING - WiHdobabyal Outlet, 165 Shrewsbury Ava lamb coat, alta 12. $75 aa Ca 1850 AH accato.i.a aacapl llgh Oaaka. wing cabnata. ale ( Paranla on pramlaaa. Ca* tirvg at a faaaonabla prtca. An for Sale Rad Bank Thura, Frl. Sat. 9-3 229-7595 Call (72-2SM 4*2(5(5 2*1-S707 tlma Call 405-0752 Air compressor 3 tip., $396 42s—Crochal seasons Freeier, Coldapot. small upright, 300 Autos for Sale 300 Autos for Salt 300 Autos for Sal* 300 Autos for Salt 300 Autos for Sale IBS Drill press benchtop, $45 most popular vast In all Call _W.M80 aasy crochet stitches N.J. STATE CERTIFIED AIRPLANE- Modal MRC Train- Use one color synthetic NURSES AIDE er Hawk, and Futaba transmitter yam. Great for pants/ Will cara fo' Used once $195 Call 816-3190 skirts Sues 38-44 incl Oerialnc A Inlainlt Call evoa 3*9-0512 UNurwTs^wjows QUALITY CHILD (MM — - 5 pieces 63'v long. 30" wide $5 each (8) Wooden storm win-'tWMCripilUtn AM MK mother ot 2 with maatera dows With screens 57 V long • aacn pttitrn to posugt and ftoaal work t experience w 29V wide $4 2| Wooden children infanta, pre-achooi storm windows w/acraana achool-asad Alao hourly day a S1'Vx27*.' wida $4 each. $1 ling Reasonable FlemD'e hou with screen (2) Wooden storm LAURA WHEELER S66-74W between 7 a 9pm windows 43*." long * 23*.- wide $4 aa + $1 for screens Toilet Mdtecritt Oept. 61 CLEANING bowl ft tank White $15. 3-4 Houaoa and Offices wooden bedroom doors $4 each Fraa attimatea Combination outside front door, * The Dally Register Call 291-2045 wood with screen ft glass SB CLEANING BY KAREN 1922 Kerosene Oil Stove, an- niiMa..iH IMI« Home or Office Reasonable. Re lique Like new. $20. Call BY IIJ77 MM Taw Maaj. liable With References 739-3414 anytlfM AMnaa Oa Pan •>» Call 672-1927 ANTIOUETURNITURE — Dining COMPANION/AIDE — To senior room aat. table with 3 leaves ft citiien or convalescent Cooking, hutch txceiiem condition driving, personal cara Available Chairs naad reconditioning 15 NaMaxraft CjMlog - ISO attornoona daily Some evenings $350 or beat offer call mo! nation 12 » SOt p a it ft weekend! Nearby Rumson 7«7-4672 Call 530-6646 BoHlUSO. SOtalcnpln ANTTQU ES — Roll toiTdetk sTi lU-FiWaa turn OaWNJ DOMESTIC Oak, 1 Mahogany Qaorglan in-TarMi Cn*t Flawan Reliable, honest recent referen- Corner Cupboard Georgian writ- IU-I5 Oa«i N> lain ces Tuesday ft Thursday* only ing table Call 756-9272 after 6 nS Call 485 5777 pm Laura Wheeler C » A L J » We Have The WE'VE GOT I MERCHANDISE to buy or sell YOUR IMPORT BUY L. TIT.-..^. FOR 1986! Thls sash-or-not shirt chemise has dolman BUILT BY sleeves. Live in It. love t MITSUBISHI MOTORS COW*. It In Knit, cotton 542*1700 IMPORTED FOR PLYMOUTH.

\ BRAND NEW 1986 PLYMOUTH 7 COLTE II H IW UCMUIW" AIM SOt Mch pana>n io- potlagt md S lunaiinQ Saai la mm MARIAN MARTIN 6537 Pattirn Dapt. 420 Std.: 4 door, 4 cyi.. 8 apd. man. trans.. M/B, M/S. vtnyl radMng buckat aaats. Sllvar. Opt.: Tha Daily Register **v datroMar, Slock #07967. Ust Prloa 16537 II.ilMrtMnlM Wtatliat Guaranteed Results! lit 1117? Ft* Next Mama. II (he llcm advcnls«d is noi sold within- the first 10 days of your paid (UsilAcd ad MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL, TODAY! LIBERTY i92U totii-n we'll run your ad 10 ADDITIONAL IHUh-NWt NEW SoringSummai Paittrn DAYS ABSOUTTEIY FKECt Catwg F«l lun«i> Mr Uuly aornffi frat Mttem COUOOn If your Mo* la noi sold wtthte 10 Ufa H 00 tint SOt goiugc Boo»i I? SO • SOt M ttn daya. call ua to rananv your ad.

1 -mnw SHa» Hti lLim.1 en* ikam oar ad lor non-comma'Ctal wM onlyi MARIAN MARTIN JCHiVWRTZ PAT T f ft N S The Register ^F "aXBuaitt aw Mara rm Ytm mtmt tHn- ^^ DAILY ^ TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1985 The BegUtei 111 •0 Blcycl.a 1*i Ats.farr—t Commercial 131 Houses for Sale 170 Auto MO Motortycttt MO Truck.* 2M Tracks a 300 Autos tor sai* Mini Blkas MO BANK LEONARDO — 2 bdrm home. Rentals Nl renovated Onry Mt.SOO 8fvlc./P«rt» SUZUKI — IBS*. RM-126 Oood Traitors Traitor* AUDI 50006 -1981 PS/PS. RtD BANK _ OFFICE SUITE. condition Muetaell MUorbeel A/C, eun root. AM/FM ceae.. olter Cell 741-52M or 747-80O9 DODGE VAN JEEP CHEROKEE FOHD 1(77 — MERCURY COUGAR t»/l — 1978. III. auto . No awe > WD. auto. PS/PB. 57.000 mi«e mint cond Cell 747-9399 after 6 doe* ttnt Cell 739-0223 end weekend*. JSf !Kcir?:, •ILVEd Md«e PH.. beeuurul HUM aee I2.B0O Cell 496-42341 PaUl UN* - Sene%a&e I .xr 6eye 71-4141 m, • lulllll mow. 2 B«. endoeed 2S1 Mop>d» BUHLER e BITTER INC COURTS OF RED BANK - MO CaH 495-2747 DODGE - 1950 B-300. le-pa 300 Autos (or Sal. Ptymouth-Chryaler-MQ-Jaguar MU *Wl many aerem be oani. window van. 8-cyl. euto. pe/pto. 3210 Hwy 38 264-5000 - \trni. Horn, uto «™. PARTS - Snow plow a under- PUCH em/lm ceaa. heeler. NO AC NM S BUICK - Skylark 1972. Rune. "ouety epeolnieo urn. cerrlege tor CJ. 1150 Mercedea 19<2 Eacellent condition Low Dienard ban 700OO* ml Body 132 CondoBa aeel • head real tor 2200. beige. milea «325 Call M1-10M A-l cond. S4000 842-4172. good condition, needa aome •4 M.rchandls. per equen foot ceil sw-rioo •75 Hood lor 19OBL. 1250 VW wtidye elter 8pm. eH dey wlinde. T-BIRO — 1S*6 Fuay loeded. body work. Cell 739-165/ tor krformetlon. TownhouBeB runa greet Hen reetoreo. MM 10 «-9pm Wanted Buo body 4 interior, HOO Can 290 Truck* a DODGE PICK-UP — 1973 Many ATOMTOWH-Brood Si .1100 go. Menv erne. Secrlllce. MM Trailer* new peru Runa great 11000 or b/o 2B4-H78 BUICK LE SABRE - 1963 8 cvl". UHO nmwTura - *•>• - 2 Dr. w/2 en- TIRES - Oreel condition Call 2910017 dleeel. p/a. p/b. cruiae. a/c »MM. Oar. Ig fern kit N. End "ft eerpeHno. Privsw perking CHEVY Pontlee Ventura; 380 VS.91.OO0 em/lm radio, very clean (3990 10*. 11100 month * Avail 1/l/el BfAUTIfU. — 1 bedroom In (4IMO5-70BI4 1110 3 piece leTS. H Ion, pick-up FORD CU8TOM VAN — 1978 M00/mo. heel rnd. 141-SSS1. engHen Tudor Hi me Iteen of Red ntoergleee front apoiler e wheel mllea, good Urea, front end work Can 871-2971 Cell 142-OUO S-S Mon-Frl Oood ehapo Low mileage Cell done.rebuill cerboralor. WOO. UABMOHT - Lane ept el • A/C, DUtiaeeMr. •/» fleraa tor 7».«J femaro Never Call 2»1-6820 aheropm beech, w. oond. 2 bedroom. ueed MO 739-92711 between 5310638 after 6 BUICK w EATONTOWN — Broad SI. AM 1 — * - • - u * «- : • eoce e reeerve per king Ml 000 S-Iipm. CHIW HCK'UP — H too with FORD CURRIER AMC - Hornet 1976 6-cyl. 4-dr •q n. Piolmluiiel OMoe Spec*. inaulated cap. Oood cond Pick-up 1980 Skylark 1976 1700 or beet offer AM. Feb /TIHO. 741 PYrMte perklno tot MOO monlh Cel 7HHHB eWer torn - 1971. Engine, duel carba. auto. ac. pa/pb. new Irene. needa body work. Call 787-0291 ALILJONEL TRAIN8 AM/FM caaeetle. Aaklng $600 or Cell 787-0760 efior S p m 65,000 ortg ml. 11295 or beet Avea 1/1/SS. Can S42-0SH. S-S MOMMOUTH BEACH - Wfiart- ft aleel-braitjeo llnea Very clean beat offer 767-4079 BUICK CENTURV 1978 - V-6 thru Frl. elde. 1 bedroom. 2nd floor, with •BOO tlrm. Call Sieve. 7am.2pm, FORD WINDOW VAN — 1979 offer. 741-7137 wagon in excellent condition TWINBROOK apecteculer view ol Rrver At- 530-1773 CHEVV — 1661 C-10 6-cyi Esc Small V8. em/fm elereo. eacel- AMC — Pacer 1977. 6-cyl Loeded. PB/P8. A/C. till wheel »igjasasr leni condition 82.000 ml. Aaklng ALL ELECTRIC TRAINS VILLAGE EATONTOWN - 3 room office in rordebry priced For further In- cond. Low mlleeQe. PS/PB. long em/lm. ac. pe/pb Runa good cruiae, wood grain 701 K milea Lionel. Flyer, rvee. Merklki. tomellon cell Pierce 1 Hum 280 Motorcycl>» bed. 6 cap. Silver gray $5300 •4500 495-2083 75.000 ml M7S or beet oner Mult aee to eppreclete $2,200 •men piolmluiiel btdg Approa- Call 642-4271. GARDEN APTS. metetf BOO eq. II. Cerpeted. oen- Agency el 778-90*0 1M4 HONDA - 700 Shadow FORD FtOO Cell 872-0007. Cell 2B4-34OS. 1 AJbedroom.tromS490 Mod- «l elr. 2 block, from Ft Mon-RED BANK - mverlronl New I with engine guerd. 0100 ml. CHEVV PICK UP — 1067. With 1970. Pick up with cep. Runa AMC QREMLEN BUICK LE SABRE — 1976 2 ern, -toedou. epte Heel, holt mouth, ecroee me .treat from • 1900 flood, very clean, s cyi Cell COW weter Cooking gee In- bedroom. I oelh. belcony on me cap on back. Asking $660. Good •475 door, VI, p/i. p/b. p/w. a/c. otontowii Borough Hell. NeyealM. I7H mokideo uWa. No Cell 229-7460 aher 4 p m runnini g condition Csll 2229008 alter 5pm 1961. Good condition em/lm. a track.. 74.000 milee • Carde eluded On-premleee MnMe $423/mo Celt 542-0034 court., pool, recreation area pete Renl »«n option. 741-O5H 787-5633 FORD - 1974, 4X4. 4ap . good 16 Mount Ave. Red Benk. •800 222-7619 Neer Eaunlown Mwpplno, Eke SHADY OAKS — (MlddWown) HONDA CHEVV PICK-UP 1663 — "A Ion running condition Very little ruet BUICK REGAL — 1979. 6 cvl. echooM. Ooeen T EANSSURQ — ISM eq. ft tor PS. rjarjei AM/FM cass stereo New battery 12000 Cell A STAR IS BORN.. H Beeuutul end epecloue. 2 All ATC'S on sale auto , A/C. AM/FM etc. 2 dr. E. ' _ »OU HAVt YOU* ikhuret ent Carpeted, paneled. 25 by bedroom. 2 betti unll arltti up- 10 000 miles. Excellent con- 291-3853 after 8pm 5 torren l eleo. All year round NEW JERSEY S el VOLUME cetlent condition $2650 Cell SAL!-Can Second Hand u. S42-M12 greded eppuaneee end carpet- dition $5,500 Call 671-07M FORD FI50 7412678 Mi-am. Alter t. 2*4-**15. location. Amu— ing Neutral decor, eaoellenl lo- HONDA DEALER WIST IND - 4 room apt 1 747-2141. HI. 0. Freehold DATSUN - 1660. King Cab. 1879, 4X4 58.000 ml. • many BUICK LE BABRE month, eecurlty. No „«, cmipf cation neer tennla and ewim- entree mlng. Adult community, with Cell 4B2-4H1 Auto , 55,000 ml. EKoeilenl 1977 Rune good Needa body preferred Cell after 5 741-9713. mechanical condition, needs' S4.995 Call 787-3*96 RED BANK — 2, 1 A 4. room many aervlnaa n»V major Irana- HONDA XR250R Attract more reederehip by work 8900 or b/o WEST LONQ BRANCH - Lowly office suites available up to 1600 poratton. I10B.000. body work. Si 600. Call FORD F250 - 1975. VS. PS/PB. piecing a STAR at the lop Cell 583-3123 UPOI« YOU HAVE YOUA •900 226-3721. 1 bedroom apt BMO/mo. utuwee sq a Roeaonsble rates include KUMSON REALTY IM3, 177 ml., mint utility body In good condition and/or bottom of your ed. SALE - Cell Second Mend Ul. For detalla. cell the Deny CADILLAC — IW79 Sedan ilavn included. CM A42-3O34 heat, A/C. private parking and Reenor-MLS W2-1tM condition Call 787-6733 DATSUN PICK-UP . High milage Auto. runa well la. While w/blue vinyl lop. wnl 2*40777 Aflec 1. 2O4.M1S enltOffcH service CAH 747-1100. • 1850 Call 787-6285 elter 5pm. Regular Claulfled HMMel prMM to n 1B76 Crew cab leather Int. 54.000 mi $5500 102 House,, lor 135 Commercial $475. Needs new cam Department. 542.1700. S42-OO6I. RED SANK - Protesatona! Of- SUZUKI Call 767-0760 FORD PICK-UP 1973 Rant jce Suites svsHabte In various PropTty 550 cc Like new 9000 mi Good work truck. Low mileage. 3 CADILLAC — 1967 Saden Devil- MILITARY 2-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE — FOP. SALE OR RENT Aaklng 1975 Cell 739-4018 DODGE 1981 - 20 passenger apa Baking $800 Call 542-3413 le 42.750 rnilea Loeded i Unltorme. meOele. imili. ul quaKfeen^ International Qalleriea Property SUZUKI OS750L mini bus. Luoage space Many QMC UTILITY TRUCK owner $1000 Cell 571-9599 •OWMM korn ww I end ww II. entire building of 3400 square 5000 eq ft • 2000 eq It bldg •900 extras 77,000 mites. $17,000 Rum Good, Mual aee AUDI - 1M2 500a Silver E»c CAMARO Z2S - 1964 High out NDPM. tott (ptus basement); all lo- SHREWSBURY 7474200 1981. Mini condition Oell between 10-3 pm • 1.200 cond All power 74.000 ml put Beat offer Call 7393306 cations on Broad 5t ftar e Cell 787-8733 1-711 Cell 530-8659 •6300 Call 2O1-4B44 anytime. COLT! NECK- 2 bdrm on ooutv carpeted, air conditioned ft have 137 Lota and PIANOS WANTED try HUM Immaculate Air. oM available parking. Rawe range Arrye *MI. all appUtvtoa*. from $10-S12 per square foot, Acr«ag« 300 Auto* for salt 300 Autos lor Sal* 300 Autos lor Sal* 300 Autos lor Sale • utiHttm 1 yatv INN. Oc- plus utilities Call Manager. cupancy Jan 1. Can TMM036. NEW YORK Hi Walter Ztmmerer 642-9505. Hunler.Wlndhem Area TRAIN8 COLTS NICK - 3 bdrm S.e Acree olin Vlewt S17.M0 "1*' ™* C0"d"k"V bungalow. |M0 • ulUlitaa. CaH RED BANK - Professional office •pace for tease on Linden Place- Beauiiluliy wooded Eacelleni Suite from 500 to 1.200 sq ft roed Ironlape. completed EATONTOWN ievarsl single offices from 100 to • urvayed Terma Owner. 200 sq ft. Secretarial A tale* 5I«.734-5510 2 family Ha*t Paid. 1400 • ihone aervlce available, Lease JUST RENTALS, Bkr.. 3tN-1S56 rom to 10 to $14 per sq M 140 Real Estate E KEANSBUm - 2 bf colUo* Owner 747-5747. 101 Ap*rtm*rU» Buamaaa coupta/nngta p>araon. Wanted ABERDflN/VrELLINOTON - 1 tMO • utll. monthly basis Call PRIVATE PARTY - Seeking to Mm condo. 2 bath, fireplace. purchaae Condo. preferable Rao leOO/mo AveWWe Jen 1 Cell HAZLET RANCH - 2 bdrm. Irv- Bank Manor. Principal* only »7i-»tBi after 7 pm. ine,, dining « laundry room, lira- Reply. The Regieter. Bo> 04*3 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — ptao*. faraat. '* acra Oocupatv 131 Houses for Bhrewebury NJ 07701. Would like to auMot by Dec 17, 2 cy Jan 15 |7«/mo SM-tMT. Sale bdrm. 2 betne. Irving, kitchen, For ceah. 30 day cloalng H40 • utlltlee Celt HIQHLANDS BELfOfiD — 2-3 bedroom. 1 y. 739-4900 »i«M elter • pm 0530 2bdfm NtoaartM$400 bath, Colonial. Large yard, close 7474220 eal 337 JUST RENTALS. Bkr M9-155S to transportation Greet starter $75,000. Call 671-5162 after ATLANTIC HIQHLANDS — 1HIGHLANDS HILL — 2 6pm. bdrm Qerden ept Avell Immed. badrooma. Country klfchan. •570/mo, Ind Keel e hoi ear. wMlMr/dryar. air. Suiubt* lor t CUSTOM BUILT r* mo eec. No pen. Mi -- 2 adulta LaaM and •acunty ,15+ UHHMM. Cau av»>n(na« Nearly new Contemporary Very 152 Boat* and BELFOMO - Him. 3 room api 2-5735 Or 2«1 »M« unique hillside home with wood- «mn deck In 2 lemilv nouee All land views. Den with fireplace, Accessories mil Included Immedlele oc- dining room and eat-in kllchen l mon111 KEANSBURG all open to aundecks 3 i roome Reedy now MOO a bedrooms, 2'4 baths Conve- TO "° * °*Coneo" e All appllancee «M0 a nient Middietown location. Just SEARAV - 20'. 1Whp 8BADLEY Seech - 1 bedroom JUSTJftNTALlTBIir.. 3N-1555 reduced to $205,000 Mercrulaer Needa lop-deck I lludloe ALL UTILITIES PAID. KEANSBURG CENTURY 21 COZENS. Realtors work Great wlnl prol $1000 Call 1 w Cottage, pott, loaded WOO • ndependently Owned/Operated 291 2675 or 291-2904 4 bedroom-, kids, hurry MOO'S 813 River Rd Fair Haven snag "•""» * M 0 3 REALTY, bkr 369-1234 741-7666 154 Recreational EAST KEANSBUP.Q - 2 Mdroom. eel-m-klKhen. M| KEANSBURG - 2 bedrooms FAIR HAVEN? Vehicles ronovolod. I470+ mil 671-e3t5. Convenient. ntoe location. CALL VAN HORN AGENCY CHEW 77 — Shamrock cemper > EAST KEANSBUKO Fenced yard $575 mo. + utlls 804 RIVER RD 747-4100 Steepa 4. etovo, refrlg . furnace 2 bdrm + lofl S400. 1'. mot security Refs 741-3227 FAIR HAVEN - This charming anower $1850 Call 642-6910 or Gary 6714047 "p.m. riverside village is the place to 741-7449 EAST KEANSeuHO - 2 bdrm. LITTLE SILVER WATERFRONT ive in our cleverly designed 4 QM heet Newly petnted. Suil- 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, dining bedroom. 3 bath Cape offers •ble 2 Mum 1550 « uUM. r. room, den 1 garage. Short term amailng privacy in 2 seperale mo MC No pete 717-1342. rental $1000 a month phis util- bedroom wings, a pretty pool M2-M41 ities. E.A, Armstrong Agency. Lit- snd Impressive landacaping on a tle Silver. 741-4WO *ery large piece of property This nome should sppeal to the family 250 Auto Insurance EATONTOWN MIODLETOWN — Charming with older children E A 2 family Heel Pew Moo • specious 3'4 bdrm, 2 bath, din- istrong Agency. 555 Pros- JUST MENTALS. Bkr 3aa 1555 ing room, garage. Large tree pect Ave. LitOo Silver 741-4500 FREEHOLD lined lot. No pets teSO'mo Csll CHECK OUR RATES 4 roome. klda. heal peld. 1400 a 496-3875 544-2402 Joanne QOVERNMENT HOMES FROM Phoenix Brokerage, lemoue lor MRS REALTY. Mir. 3SS-I234 $1 — tU repair). Atao dellnquen low-coat auto inaurance end MIDDLETOWN ix property. Call 3 bdrmt ranch. 2 baths. $600't friendly aervico. now giving free 605-667-6000 EH) QH-6247 for quotea by phone Teke the op- HIGHLANDS MRS REALTY, bkr 369-1234 information 2 bdrm. Nice area S400 tiona You may aeve hundred! JUST RENTALS. Bkr.. 3e« 1555 RED BANK Rt 36 Kaypori 264-3067 2 bedroom Colonial KEANSBURO — Shell 20H6* Broed SI. Shrewa 544-1401 HIGHLANDS - 2 bdrm. conve- Lease Call 741-9152 Muot be refimehod ideal tor iient location, uto/mo. • uin- large family Buelneea amue 270 Auto Service*/ tiee Cell W-2410. RED BANK men! tone. Call alter 8 Part* HIGHLAND* SAND PIPER 4 rooms Carpeted MOO'S 7t7.O82* :ONOO - 1 bdrm. leOS/mo * JUST RENTALS. Bkr.. 368-1555 KEANSBURG - Adorable ft af •Ida 1 '* moo eec 2nd Fi water - lordsbte 2 bedrooms, detached ENGINE — 1967 Dodge 273 RED BANK - Nice location 3 CIO. V-6. with rebuilt heeda 6 -iew Cell 542 5319 or 4.5 17M bdrm. 1 batfr $775 • minuet garage, quiet cul-de-sac. commuter bus $67,900 automatic Irana w /conaole amlt HIGHLANDS — 2 bdrm. conve- Avail immedlatery. 747-21 IS. •225 Cell 9466254 Sunday only 741-9214. LE8HER ASSOCIATES. RE nient locetion WiO/mo. • utll- ALTORS 291-0919 tlee Celt 2*1-2490 RED BANK COLONIAL MONMOUTH COUNTY - Cell 01 KEANSBURG 3 bedrooms. i'i baths, dininf write for our complimentary S rooma Reedy now $400* • room 6 garage $1100 a month brochure of encluelve liattngi Cotlege AH appliencet $300 o plus utilities E A. Armstrong FOUR SEASONS. Reellora JUST RENTALS^ Bkr. J»» 1555 Agency. Lime Silver. 741-4500 12 Klnga Hwy. Mlddletown RED BANK — Newly contlructec KEAN8BURO •71-5200 luiuriout townhouees with (of 97 E River Rd 1 bedroom, petl. hurry $300 I areas. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, tully MRS REALTY, bkr W-1234 Rumeon 530-9*00 csrpeted snd including 59 E. Mein SI HC« let rent. No wesher Oaa heel Walking dle- pen Cell 2*4-3730. iiem-«pm tance to tupermerket. bank CLASSIFIED Poet Office NO PETS. CeU UNION BEACH •714021 weekday, between 2-4 Ranch. 2 Bedrooma. klda. $500 pm A Saturday 11am-3pm. MRS REALTY, bkr 3*9-1234 MIDOLETOWN/LEONARDO - 3 103 Rentals to rma. tile bath couple preferred —4 Lines— No peta. Available Immediately Share $390 * util. 1 mo eecurlty. Cell N LONG BRANCH — 4 houses •72-0441 or 942-8573 irom 7 President! Park, newly BOM 300 n:+2 court MIDOLETOWN CONDO — 3renovated. Roomate to sftari S** troel.rm*,H*4 aarar|t.Mla.tjaM..MMPMcalBMin«,a«R aru.M bdrm. Jvt bam. dm rm. Ifv rm house Own bath. tMO * util au T-Topi rtmm. Pearrea. fee- ZH Hex kc aaa pea. faaa ejM tan eev* oen. a ore. rriM. fmm PMrrai. aevar p w/lirepleca. bemt. private yard CaH 571-4736 or (It no ana 10 Days BSan. naV ealaml *. emlaT * Baaen. * et|aa« m\ »10OO. 7*7-7521/9*3-4400 642-4767. BUT MI: M7.4M Lt*»I UE S34S per me HI: M 9,399 H*St Ml: *3*S per me 'MODERN APT — Neer Irene REPUTABLE - BuUder aeeklno • Beet time to cell, before noon nouoitting/houeo anare altuatlon Cell 4H-041S Qenl Mlddletown eree. wnne buying/buiuing. 787-8754. leave BETTER SHOP FREEHOLD - COME PREVIEW THE 1986 NISSANS IN STOCK NOW! > MONMOUTH COUNTY — Mam meeeege on recorder > 1-7 room. Some klda. pet. OK 1 Free utilme. From $250 up ROOMMATE - . Wanted to share ' M9-M3-5O00 No broker tee apt. $300+ . JIII Ceil 756-9852 If the car advertised I* not sold ' (rent aeeoc I it no within the first 10 days, The Regis- - RED BANK - Brlle. 1 bdrm tor will run your ad. * Greet loc 1 yr HIM. 1 mo eec 104 Winter Rentals '$•00 * utll. 7I3-24SS 01 PENNSYLVANIA POCONOS ISM intM niui court 1 S42-9433 CHALET — Sleeps 12, fireplace •a. H140. 4 *. 4 ml. fwa Iri aao laaa. MM e. Men t \m tamu wtaw elai. 1 ael. eel ewna aavm. jaaalaai. am. PMnUxWimnw^onwaii near ski areas. Available week 4ejl.ieM.te] HeMe.4er.Saj* uwai er.awi ax*. . RED BANK - Mimedl.lo oc- end or weekly. 871-3071 flA ADDITIONAL DAYS • ejoeawaiTSmia aiee) 15oeerNUMlVI"aeia • cup.ncy 2 bedroom. 2 befn w Mi Veteal aakM and them - townhouw. $1200-11500 + uttl- RUMSON — 3 bedroom weter • iiu Call 330-7300 front Furnlehed. $850 per * ABSOLUTELY month Optional $1600 per our . RED BANK - Garden ept. 1mer month. , bdrm. Llv rm. new kllchen. $600 ERA LINCROFT REALTORS VOLUME LEASING k Include, neat, hoi waler A cook 747-3D3* evee 747-508 'FREE!- aI> Ining geegee.. 1 ' » mo eec. No pete •4»741.til|» 741r--". VOLUME PRICED PICKUPS 106 Furnished *r or h a* HM wttNa 10 tori. , RED BANK - Garden apla 2 Rooms rM k mm i»w m. L, bdrm. Llv rm. dining rm. neer a kitchen Rent H75 Inctudee heet. ABEROEEN TO RED BANK IW8MTM1I1IWUUU. .- hot weter e cooltino pee. i'»mo Rooms ftstudio s from $40 a wk KD SPOUT TRUCK a. aee No pete. 741-9115 HOME RENTALS. Bkr 369-1234 . RED BANK — 1 bedroom, share KEANSBURO - Room lor rent 1986 NISSAN Cell 7S7-S9M or 787-7247 or . hitcrten end bath Business per- iea IveaeoLl atato. aa aw. aae- STWU WAGON , ton i notvemofcer. 741-07M. 787-2547 •Weefsatell MUaaanMUaa , [uolarortlna. wnaiiuBiMiaj. uei IMS UN CM DClun 414 9k NIK 4 01 »C.I IMI LONG BRANCH Ma UN IS Mill ai •ret • en.iM w e wa.wn.ti*. ! RED BANK Furnished room for rent . wi ouo an euaio MM MM ooree Md La m, FMI * Prtk if n Cell 222-5411 1 4 ro«mi. Carpeted t400 a 00H PHICI: >t,72t OURPRICI wtn n J JUST Wf NTALS. Bkr. W-1555 LOVELY — Rooma in quiet rRCO BANK — 1 bdrm condo Shrewsbury Working genttemen ', Very noce bfdg vrlth great to- pref. 1 mo • sec 747-5661 • cationo . BraBrandd nee w efheaatoeeat r wsanar. stove ftft security sys- RED BANK — 1 bedroom, shar tem with oft street parking Move kitchen and bath, Business per ' right In, 9550/mo plus utilities son ftnon-smoke r 741-0739 MAKE US Can 789-5*55 RED BANK — 1 bedroom, thar kllchen and bath. Business per RED BANK — Prospect Ave. NO. 1 • bdrm including garage, neat, not ton ft non.smoker 741-0739 • water MOO/mo CaH Paul at RED BANK — Furnisned room IN THE • 747-8363 Of 741-atTt. private home, Qutel. Safe area «D BANK - Luiury Hl-riee etfl< CaH 530-6917. STATEI pt Healed. Can ROOM — * private bath ft The Register 6.7pm 642-4666 kitchen prtvlegee In graclou DAILY t-'SlJNOAY * RED BANK — 1 bdrm. AH utils Contemporary Holmdel home * Intivded Reply to BOM H-40V $350-$400/mo Call 764-6313 To Plaw Your Automotlv* RT. 9 NORTH, FREEHOLD • 201 780-3600 (1000 FEET NORTH OF FREEHOLD RACEWAY Jf. Th» Regli**. Shrewsbury. NJ ROOM FOR RENT - In private Cla**HI*d Ad CALL: CONVENIENT HOURS: Sim opw <,.,.» 9» house S60/wk. Washer, dryer SM 9 a m to 5 p m Stxvict ind Pm* optft 8 a rn \o b p rr refrigerator CaH 4K-93S0 after * Mb BANK — Butted lor pro- Parts open Sal 9am m 1 p m ' reeetonel/coupte 1 bdrm condo ept Best location inc appliances SEA BRIGHT - 3 large rooma I ft s/c. 6660/mo • uHi 542-1672 Working fireplace Large deck 542-1700 Heetinc $875 « eec 74» 0742 TUESOAY. DECEMBER 17 121 The RcgiMer 300 Autos lor Salt 300 Autos for Salt 300 Autot for Salt 300 Auto* for Salt DO DOE Coronal 400 1970 3 MERCURY COUGAR — 1978 •LYMOUTH VOLARE t077 — CAMARO Z?B - 1976. no motor Loaded 70.000 mile* Good Premium 2 dr . sport coupe, new or trans Needs minor body wotk id Hunt tranemiasion. $450 . csH 920-7270 condition Runs well $1500 Call palm, no rust Loaded. 316-V-6 •f>d paint No ruit Eiceltenl win- 739-1444. After 6. 739-2443 •uto, PS/PB, PW. PB. A/C. ter p,0)ec. Si 175 CIHM3-B1M FORD MUSTANG 1979—4 cyl . AM/FM case Just tuned up. auto trans, PS/PB. AM/FM. radi MERCURY MARQUIS 66.768 mHce. 11.400 Can CAMARO - 1977. ftcyl. auto. al Urea, 53.000 miles $2.500 Call Brougham Wagon 1963. P/S. 405-0092 A/C. AM/FM 70,000 mi Son* 871-23*4 P/B. P/W, P/aeat. am/tm caseel- run Runt eacellem (MO Call le. a/c, auto overdrive, tilt, PLYMOUTH Fury 73 new muffler 741-2S76 FORD GRANADA - 1977 High cruiae. rack R/VV Def 30.400 ml system a radiator. redieJ Urea mileeoe Battery, tlree new $400 §6700 or best otter CsH good cond $600 Ceil 477 4664 CAN YOU BUV JEEPS - Cvi 67 T At 0 657-0007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX — 1678. 4«4» seized m drug raid* for 957-0754 Joan MERCURY - Marquis wagon under J100 007 Call tor lacu door Oood condition. Valour* today! (815) 289-6701 Eal 321 FORD MAVERICK — 1974. 2 1963 Fully equipped * extru itertor. p/e, p/b, p/w. a/c, door Body good condition ENC cond 37.000 ml 67669. am/fm radio MUBT SELL Aek- CARS UNDER 12.000 Neede brakee I eahauat $400 544-9424 or 544-0200 S700 No reeaonable offer Call 564-2912 MERCURY COLONY PARK - Xted Cen be seen et Mobile KINGSLEY AUTO SALES Gaa Station, Hwy 30, Haifet next 787-78*7 FORD FIESTA - 1979 AM/FM Wagon 1975. All power Asking $550 Call 222-7236 o Sheridan Inn. Call Carl CHEVY CMEVCTTE — 1977easter. n Clean $990 Call attar 0 204-9654 or 264-3181. 09.000 miia«. automatic trene- p m 672-8640. MERCURY COUGAR - 1977 mmion Siarao caisene $999 FORD XR7 a/c. p/w. radials, air PONTIAC CATALINA 1970 - 2 Call 222 3840 evet or week- Classic converiable 1971 Vary snocka. fm. Newty painted ft door Runt good. $225 Call ends . Good cond Priced to MM. $700 ilnped Beautiful inside 6 out. 0046 or 291-8276. Call 741-2664 75.000 miles. $2200 Call CHEVY - Impale 1975 Eicet- 042-6379 PONTIAC QTO - 1666 f 2100 or lanl condition PS/PB ac Muii FORD FAIRMONT — 1900 Auto. oner Very fett Cell Mil Asking $1499 C.I I 4 cyl Oood condition Owner MERCURY COUGAR — 1978 264-7626 or 264-0606 531-0044 financing Must sell 530-0755 V0 p/s. p/b. a/c, am/tm stereo attar 6 A weekends Naw tires A brakaa. Clean cond PONTIAC — 1070 Grind Prix. CHEVY - Mont* Carlo 1979 T- 75.100 mi $2200 or beat otter. AC. ps/pb/pw. low mileage Mint rool, loaded Good condition FORD MUSTANG — 1970 Ask- Call 739-0290 condition. Call after 6pm, $2000 Call 071-9041 ing $900 Needs some work Call 671-4236 eves 957-9743 MERCURY COUGAR 1975 CHEVY BLAZER - 1S79 2 Excellent condition PONTIAC TRANS AM — 1078. Wheat drive, auto, a/c, radio Enc FORD — Maverick 1972 Auto. Black T-topa P/W. Tilt, cruiae. shape 50.000 miles Call Vary dependable. 2O0cld. 6-cyl Many naw parts $650 Call 495-2747 70,000 ml. Mint cond. 13660 or 787-8026 Needs minor repair Runs Sail beet oHer. 370-4431. CHEVY BEL At R — WagorTi974, whole or lor parts 671-1323 MERCURY COLONY PARK — PONTAIC GRAND PRIX - 1976. 60.000 m< 350 angina Rum FORD GRANADA ^T978 Good Wagon 1979 Loaded 66000 Loaded 60.000 miles Asking good Pasted inspection $400 shape. $1300 or b/o Call miles Exc cond 1 owner $3500 11000 Call after 9am 739-2245 Call 071-7954 Can 739-0121 495-3125 "PONTTAC — Le Mans 1979 MOB 1969 FORD LTD - 1973 $600 Good Clean, i owner. 4-door, $600 Needs some work 4-ipeed pa/pb. ac $2600 CHEVY rubber Vary good shape Call Call before 4 pm Nova hatchback 1974 $050 o< 747-0364 Call 741-1906 best offer Call 291-6457 495-4493 FORD —Mustang 111977 00,000 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1973 - CHEVY NOVA — 1979 2 doo'. 8 ml 4-tpd. V-0 1 owner $1700 or Good condition Fully loaded cyl. a/c. 49.000 milat Like new $250 or best offer take it Call beal otter Can 291-0734. attar MOB — 1974. 52.000 original 787-5040 Ciaan in a out $3000 Call 6pm. 204-3070 miles Most collectable y«ar FORD TORINO WAGON — 1976 Naw brakes, alternator battery & PONTIAC BONNEVILLE CHEVY A/C. with p/1. p/b. 03.000 miles top Recent exhaust Tonneau BROUGHAM - 1983. 4 dr , Impala 1972 350 any, naw lif«t Asking $1450 Call 741-0366 cover Excellent body 1 angina, oeded Excellent condition Dependable $500 Call after S original paint Excellent trans- :ed to tell Call 747-9070 mission t clutch A great invest- PONTIACTT-IOOO 1061 — 2-dr. FORD FALCON WAGON 1905 - ment Must sacrifice. $1200 firm •uto AM/FM stereo 36 000 mi. CHEVY IMPALA ~~ 2 dr , 0 cyl.. automatic Runs e»- Call 747-9466. ask for Kevin Good cond 1 owner Asking Spirit of '70'. 1974 celltjnt Oood condition $400 BRAND NSW IMS BUICK Oood condition firm 739-1618 MO MIDGET 1974 $3700 Call 741-2135 BRAND NEW 1986 BUICK Call attar 6pm. 264-0192 Naw cluicn Rur>• good PONTIAcTlERO 1064 — Whit* SKYLARK 11.000 with beige interior Auto. Call 542- IMS SOMIRSBT Standard: 4 cydndai angina. Ovuonal: alac ucu. pw «*<*>•» CHEVY Aluminum wheels 19,000 mi Standard: Powe_r. disJlec brakeabrakes., powpowewr steering Opttone: etec. atda maUMga. doat adg. guarda. «/. wmhm M.. (Maal «M MUSTANG QLX 1863 — Con- Exc cond Asking $0600 looks, pwr. window*. FAR carpet severs, door edge gue/de. W/t. 1957 291-5457 •ipata. aMc PM daloo. air oood. ordaa aomm. aulo lraf» Call 070-0022 GUARANTEED erliDle. auto Irans. 6 cyl.. white. washer ind . pului w'a wipers, etec . AH WD0 defog. air cond, on nainnTHi ed interior, mint mint condition POOL TABLE - 0 long Brand deatgn accent pelnt. cruise. V6 3 01 MFI. auto tienemleston. Ml CHEVY SS II 1903 - Motor 7.900 Call 940-8177. new Never uncreted $250 •Meeting, wire wheels, SB w/w radial*. Etr stereo. Case tape pwr. na«da work Or eicelleni proiec RESULTS antenna! protection package LIST PRICE $14,896 MUSTANG MACH I — 1972.Bumper pool table Brand new a LIST PRICE S14.SH I IH STOCK AT THI* PmCt car $475 or bail offer Dayi Or we'll run your ad 10 er uncrated $150 071-2971 583-4025, avat 503-OtM days tor FREE! Oood shape $1200 or b/o Call UN STOCK AT THIS PRICl (.HEW CHEVETT 95-3125 "RED~BANK~ MOTORS INC $ NISSAN SENTRA DELUX • 1963. 131 Newman Springs. Red Bank 1980 4 dr . 4 apd. good con You can sell your automobile Dodge-AMC Jeep-Renault dition $2000 Call 291-3359 M* with a classified ad Here you » air. 5 speed, radials. 34.000 $ (or Jerry reach very anxious car buyers miles, excellent cond Call eve- 747-0040 12,310 mgs 244-8264 CHEVY CAPRICE CLASSIC - •Mopping our classified for good RITTENHOUSE 1902 4 door sedan 40.00C buys NOVA - 1968 $600 or best LINCOLN-MERCURY NC 12,701 miles ENC cond 2 tone gray ilier 1955 Ford Pick-up $900 Or 900 Rl 35-Ocean Twp-775-1500 Asking $6000 747-3148 ale 4 LINE9 Enough space to de- best olfer Both bodies are in SANSONE OLDS-CADILLAC* 5pm scribe your car thoroughly and ireai shape Mechanical end Newman Springs Rd , Red Ban create buyer interest. needed 767-4948 after 5 p.m. CHEVY CAPRICE "- 1974 New 741-0910 eahauit Syttem needs 10 DAYS Enough lime to reach STRAUB BUICK-OPEL worn $600 or bait oiler Cat over 92 000 different adult read- OLDS 9 ACRES of New a Used Cars 741-8854 aftarj ers each week, because people's 974 Delta 88 PS'PB exc run- Hwy 30. 264-4000 Kayport ONL needa tor cars change day toning cond $500 Celt 264-7110 SUBURU WAGON - 1062 4 CHEVROLET — 1975 Monte day Carlo L»'fii»ni condition jheel drive, fully loaded Body a $1350 A'C P/3. equipmeni motor A-1 High mileage Only HERE! Call 888-9378 $6 90 Enough value to meke it $2500 405-9509 or 667-1200 axt worth your while to realistically OLDS — Omega hatchback, 234 CHEVY -1174 Malibu ClHaic price your car to sell i974 2-a 350 CIO Runs good Wagon 8-cy. -.6 674U Miss LOW PWCfl DATSUN MSSAN 1964 — 200SL turbo Wn in. 5 spd sun root $9 250 or best otter Call Deve •10,299 747^1050 DATSUN IMI CADHUIC 1H1 DATtlM lWHUCX B210 WAGON 1070 FUEWDH 510 1/W EliCTM Excellent condition Super value 4 cyl mg 4 ipd man., Call evenings 747-5672 SAVI 9Mr. 4 dr. 4*B mg. aim tana. ak cono «MrTH at AMrTM oaam. un •tarao. P/S, P/S. ak cond, pwr DATSUN — 1970 B210 wagon kWnck. MS, aVS. 139741., • lnd»a/aaati, vinyl toe Low mileage Excellent con- | 3S.U0 Man. I57MA dition Super value Cell e nmgs. 747-5072 KAY SUBARU DATSUN 260ZX I960 — 45 000 I miiea S5.995 Oreat shape like ] brand new Cornea with every- thing Call 042-1160 after 5 pm IUICK mi om PtMt ME. arruts DODGE - Dart Swinger. 1070 Wua. 4* , 8cyl .aulo trana. mm. 4»,M< 83 000 ong mi Hat rebuilt trans Hr COM . Aimi Ml. P/S, Irani . AM/fH Harm ill and more Good reliable trans oood , P/S, P/S, WnVW $300 Call 495-4533 HOSOA8a.SO7ir.laa DODGE ASPEN~RT - 1078 350 cu m 4 spd, Keystone mag* Black a orange $950 Ask for •11.999 Gary between 4 30-0 30pm 7B7-0648_

DODGE - 1960B-300. 1*2-pass BMrf Coupi 1 cyl. Ma. aJr. window van 6-cyl, auto, pt/pb. •JaVrH Si WrCajaSlw. r/5. am/tm cass, heater. NO AC New OVER 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. Biua Coupa. t cyl ang , auto Diehard batt 70,000+ mi Body SHIPMENTS MMVIfW DAILY. Irani. air conn . AM/FM A-1 cond $4000 672-4172. •MM P/S. P/S. W/S/W tlrn wkdys after 6pm, all day wtindt SEST Buy IM046 61.009 DODGE ASPEN 1977 1986 SUBARU DL 4 DR. SEDAN $250 •16.299 Call after 6 pm m«aa>w> aaaran MmtMpiim B7 2-0255 M> •*' f w 0- top guMM pnffiRM. MMMUMng ruMpa* DODGE — Anei 1041 4-dr 4- mum nmimm urn in M.Mi cyl. euto. pa, am/fm radio Only 23 000 mi Exc cond $3500 Call OUR PRICE: '7,89* 22244S2 1986 SUBARU 6L WAGON DODGE CHARGER — 1069 440 magnum engine Run* good $500 Call 672-6423 OVER 200 MODELS DODQE DART SWINGER — 1974 Auto. p/i. a/c slam 6, many new parts Oood reliable car $975 671-6658 alter 5 pm DODGE — 1963 Challenger" 2- — IN STOCK dr 17.000 ong mi 2 6 lit eng. 5- spd irans * mag wheels w/suspension. rear fenders, bumper Igla, undamaged Call 741-9231 Best offer lor for whole car or by piece DODGE SWINGER — 1973 New brekea A front end pans Motor does! not run $175 Call 797-0781 aflar 6pm CARK DCALSR Prices exclude (axes & MV fees FIREBIRD - 1982 SE PS'PB ac. am/fm stereo cats, low mile- age garage-kopi Exccortd Call 787-4312 attar 4pm FOflD ^AYMOTORS Thjnrjerbirrj 1977 Fully loaded Asking $1200 Call 563-8590. after 5pm FORD MAVERICK 1974 _ AM/FM stereo, all new tires, new 688 SHREWSBURY AVE. water pump S battery |600 67R0UTE36,CATOHTOWN Huns & loom good Call 495-9092 TINTON FALLS, N.J. FORD MUSTANG" 1977^~Con~- 201/542-59O0 veMible. new engine 302 V-8 small blacx Oood running con- V n r. ».*30 S* 9 30 >P 30 THE BUICK ADVANTAGE IS o-ifion $1300 Call 872-0194 nignts A weekends ALWAYS THE BEST BUY t 741-6200