West - Pharmacy Profile 2017

GP Practices1 Dis - Name Address Town Post Code pensing Alverton Practice 7 Alverton Terrace TR18 4JH Cape Surgery St.Just-In-Penwith Penzance TR19 7HX  Surgery Lane Marazion TR17 0HW  Morrab Surgery 2 Morrab Road Penzance TR18 4EL Rosmellyn Surgery Alverton Terrace Penzance TR18 4JH Sunnyside Surgery Hawkins Road Penzance TR18 4LT

Pharmacies2 100 hour Pharmacy

Note: See Appendix 1 and 2 for detailed maps Baden Hse Boots Boots Boots Day Lewis Day Lewis Lloyds Morrab Ramsay Pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy Pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy The Square 100-2 3 Stewarts 3 Alverton 1-2 16 Holly Sainsbury's 2 Morrab 5 The 42 Fore St The West Penwith Address Market Jew Buildings, St Alverton Terrace, Eastern Rd Strand St Morrab Rd Terrace Green Community Network Area ST JUST-IN- Town MARAZION PENZANCE PENZANCE PENZANCE PENZANCE PENZANCE PENZANCE PENZANCE NEWLYN (CNA) is made up of fifteen PENWITH parishes; , , Postcode TR17 0AP TR18 2LE TR18 2QU TR18 2QW TR18 4JH TR18 3EL TR18 3AP TR18 4EL TR18 5HH TR19 7LJ 01736 01736 01736 01736 01736 01736 01768 01736 01736 01736 Marazion, , Paul, Telephone Penzance, , 710206 362135 367588 362130 362110 366381 245808 332008 362324 788440 0900-1300 0900 - 1730 0830-1330 0900 - 1730 0830-1800 0900-1730 0800-2200 0700-2200 0845-1730 0900-1300 MONDAY , , St 1400-1730 1400-1800 1400-1800 Buryan, St Hilary, St Just, St 0900-1300 0900 - 1730 0830-1330 0900 - 1730 0830-1800 0900-1730 0800-2200 0700-2200 0845-1730 0900-1300 TUESDAY Levan, St Michael’s Mount, 1400-1730 1400-1800 1400-1800 0900-1300 0900 - 1730 0830-1330 0900 - 1730 0830-1800 0900-1730 0800-2200 0700-2200 0845-1730 0900-1300 and . The CNA WEDNESDAY extends from Land’s End in 1400-1730 1400-1800 1400-1800 0900-1300 0900 - 1730 0830-1330 0900 - 1730 0830-1800 0900-1730 0800-2200 0700-2200 0845-1730 0900-1300 THURSDAY the far west to the and 1400-1730 1400-1800 1400-1800 St Ives CNA in the north- 0900-1300 0900 - 1730 0830-1330 0900 - 1730 0830-1800 0900-1730 0800-2200 0700-2200 0845-1730 0900-1300 FRIDAY east. 1400-1730 1400-1800 1400-1800 0900-1200 0900-1730 0900-1300 0900-1730 Closed 0900-1200 0800-2200 0800-2100 0845-1300 0900-1230 SATURDAY

SUNDAY Closed 1000-1600 Closed Closed Closed Closed 1100-1700 0900-2100 Closed Closed

Location Access FutureDevelopment Services West Penwith - Pharmacy Access 2017 Walking Access3

Walking Distance: 4 minutes 8 minutes 12 minutes 16 minutes 20 minutes

There is no onsite parking at any of the pharmacies, on average there is parking within 4 minutes and a bus service within 3 minutes for 8 of the pharmacies. The nearest pharmacy to a railway station is 5 minutes away. 3 minute walk

Transport Access3

Note: See map in appendix 3 for walking distances in other parts of the CNA Driving Distance:

3 minute walk 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes West Penwith - Transport Links 20 minutes (less than 3 minute walk) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Parking Onsite Council Parking Other Parking Train Bus Location Access FutureDevelopment Services West Penwith - Future Development 2017

Future Dwellings5

Current Local Plan Existing Dwellings Dwellings commitments Housing completed Second/ (yet to be Allocation Number since 2014 4 Holiday Homes built) by 2020 2014- 30

20,675 1217 5.9% 285 695 3312

Based on approved sites which have not started or are currently under construction, it is anticipated that within the next 3 years, almost 700 additional dwellings will be built in this Community Network Area. Over 300 of these will be within the Penzance town area.

Major Developments6 460 100 257 Site Under Units Planned planned under Site construction built by 2020 Capacity construction complete before 2020 Former Gas Works Site , Wharf Road, Currently there is planning permission for 460 51 51 0 51 Penzance properties to be built in the CNA, 106 are complete and a further 257 are forecast to be Land NW of Tower Meadow, 48 0 0 48 complete by 2020. There have been a number Land Adjacent to Collygree Parc, South Road of new properties built since the last PNA, 28 0 0 28 , Penzance notably 55 on the Taylors Garage Site, Penzance. Future developments of note, due for Land off Vingoes Lane, Madron 24 24 0 24 completion, after 2020 are:

The Orchard, Alverton Road, Penzance 20 0 0 20 67 properties on the Stanmore Hotel Site,

Location Access FutureDevelopment Services West Penwith - Pharmacy Services 2017 Partially Inadequate Adequate Adequacy Adequate Level of Access  Level of Reasonable Choice  Current level of pharmaceutical services  Facts Ability to meet future need  No of Pharmacies 10

Specialist drugs enhanced services provision Independent 4 Multiple Providers 6 All pharmacies are expected to provide an Emergency Supply Service Population7 39,022 77% provide wheelchair access in Cornwall Population per pharmacy 3,210 All pharmacies have Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Number of Items dispensed8 953,010 All pharmacies provide free prescription delivery Patients dispensed to by GP Practice9 6,921 All pharmacies are expected to provide Palliative Care (CCG commissioned service) Dispensing Practices 2

Only 1.1% of GP Practices in Cornwall are Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) No of GP’s 39 compliant No of Dispensing GP’s 20

9 Pharmacy changes since the last PNA (change of ownership, Services closure, lapsed approvals, etc): New Medicines Service (NMS) 7 Sainsbury’s pharmacy in Penzance changed to Lloyds Pharmacy Medicines Use Review (MUR) 7 Morrab Pharmacy changed from T Amin & A Sharif Appliance Use Review (AUR) 0 Stoma Appliance 0 References: 1. NHS Business Services Authority, Total GPs and dispensing GPs April 2017 https://www.nhsbsa. nhs.uk (Accessed 27/10/17) NHS Flu Service 7 2. NHS , South West Community Pharmacy Information https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/ (Accessed 01/11/17) 3. Public Health England, © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 100016969 (Accessed 16/10/17) Pharmacies providing flu injections (private) 6 4. , Cornwall Site Applications Development Plan http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment-and- planning/planning/planning-policy/adopted-plans/development-plan-documents/cornwall-site-allocations-development-plan- C-card Registration10 2 document/ (Accessed: 12/10/17) 5. Cornwall Council, Council Tax records, Dec 2017 NOTE: Second/ Holiday home figures provided are for those homes which pay C-card Distribution10 3 council tax as a percentage of total properties. This does not include those holiday homes which are eligible for business rates. 6. Cornwall Council Needle Exchange 7 7. Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid-2016 Population Estimates for Lower Layer Super Output Areas in Cornwall & [Link archived] (Accessed: 23/10/17) Supervised Consumption 9 8. NHS England, South West MIS 2016/17 9. NHS business Services Authority, Practice List Count [Accessed via https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/access-our-data-products/ Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Voucher 8 catalyst ] (Accessed: 27/10/17) 10. Savvy Kernow, C-CARD Services https://www.savvykernow.org.uk/c-card-services/ (Accessed 17/10/17) Alcohol Identification & Brief Advice (IBA) 6 A socio-economic profile and a summary health profile for the CNA can be downloaded from: Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) 8 www.cornwall.gov.uk/pharmacy Location Access FutureDevelopment Services Appendix 1 : Community Network Area Pharmacy Location Map Appendix 2 : Detailed Pharmacy Location Map Appendix 2 : Detailed Pharmacy Location Map Appendix 3 : Pharmacy Walking Access Maps