Conservation in the Pantanal of

Russell A. Mittermeier, Ibsen de Gusmao Camara, Maria Tereza Jorge Padua and Janice Blanck

The Pantanal of is the world's largest and has an abundant and diverse fauna. Although man's influence has caused many changes there are still some little disturbed areas, which offer opportunities for conservation. The authors discuss some of the threats to the and recommend how these could be mitigated.

The Pantanal region of Brazil and adjacent the south-west by the dry chaco formations of portions of and (Figure 1) Bolivia and Paraguay (Prance and Schaller, covers 110,000 sq km. It consists mainly of the 1982). The vegetation includes elements from low altitude (100 m a.s.l.) floodplain of the Rio all these formations, and is a diverse mosaic of Paraguay and its tributaries, which drop off , gallery forest, lake margin scrub for- the planalto (inland plateau) of central Brazil. It est, semi-deciduous forest, and several differ- is bordered to the east by (savannah) ent kinds of cerrado and savannah (Prance formations of the planalto, to the north-west and Schaller, 1982). Much of the area is flood- by the semi-deciduous forest of the transition ed from December to June, and there are large, zone between Amazonia and cerrado, and to permanently flooded areas (including lakes up to 100 sq km in extent, mainly in the north- western part of the region). Due to gradual land declination from east to west, the extent 60 58 56 54 of flooding increases approaching the 1 1 14 Paraguay . Rainfall is 1000-1300 mm per M = AZIL annum, most of it falling between December and March. l> un: c The principal economic activity is - c - 16 raising, which was introduced at the end of r the last century, and most of the land is owned —*• by large fazendeiros (-owners), a number Xf- Ik of whom have tracts exceeding 1000 sq km. i Cattle-raising and associated burning of grass- a •-< - 18 lands in the dry season have greatly affected T the vegetation, and it is believed that little of BOLIV .^—*- the Pantanal's vegetation remains undis- r turbed. Nonetheless, cattle-raising here is far rx less destructive than in Amazonia, where large-scale clear-cutting of forest is the usual - 20 - method of preparing land for cattle pasture. \ J J The Pantanal has large areas of natural grass- PARAGl ampo land, there has been relatively little felling and Grande large tracts remain with very low human and cattle population densities. There is still an - 22 opportunity to conserve a major portion. km 1 Other economic activities include: fishing, ).., 70 140 280 420 c which is being carried out at what appear to Figure 1. Map showing the location of the Pantanal. be unsustainable levels; tourism, which is 103

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number of mammal species, and Blastocerus dichotomus, for example. The Chrysocyon brachyurus and the Myrmecophaga tridactyla, which are rapidly disappearing in other parts of their range, accompanied by the highly endangered Pteronura brasiliensis, maintain a tenuous existence in the Pantanal. Monkeys are not a highly conspicuous element of the Pantanal fauna, but five or six species occur there. The most abundant is the black howler monkey Alouatta caraya, which lives in larger forest tracts and also in very narrow bands of seasonally flooded gallery forest, although this must be considered marginal habitat for a Neotropical primate. The tufted capuchin Cebus apella is probably the next most abun- dant species and the black-tailed marmoset Callithrix argentata melanura, the titi monkey Callicebus moloch and at least one and probably two species of night monkey, Aotus azarae and A. infulatus, occur at the edges of the Pantanal, especially in the north. Aerial view of the Pantanal in the month of August The most obvious reptile is the Paraguayan {Russell A. Mittermeier). Caiman crocodylus yacare. Although large aggregations can still be seen, the estimated growing rapidly; and illegal hunting of annual caiman poach of 1 million skins (Gaski caimans. and Hemley, 1988), has led to the near extermi- The Pantanal has an abundant fauna and is nation of the species in some areas. probably the most important area in South There are two government protected areas America for wetland birds. Other bird species in the Pantanal: the 112-sq-km Taiama include the rhea Rhea americana, the southern Ecological Station and the 137-sq-km Pantanal screamer Chauna torquata and a variety of National Park. These are almost entirely inun- psittacines, most notably the dated during the wet season, when terrestrial Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus. The Pantanal is an animals have to seek refuge outside their important migratory bird stopover point and boundaries. These protected areas were created wintering ground, and it falls within three under the jurisdiction of the Special Secretariat migratory routes: the Central Brazil, Rio for the Environment (SEMA) and the Brazilian Negro and the Cis-Andean (Sick, 1983). Forestry Development Institute (IBDF), The Pantanal is also known for its abun- respectively. In February 1989 the organiza- dance of mammal and reptile species. tions merged to form the Brazilian Institute for Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris are quite the Environment and Renewable Natural common and are easily observed in the Resources (IBAMA), which now holds respon- dozens or even hundreds, whereas species sibility for Brazil's protected areas. In April such as tapir Tapirus terrestris, jaguar Panthera 1989, Chapada dos Guimaeres, in the planalto onca palustris and puma Felis concolor, which region north-west of Cuiba, was declared a are quite difficult to see in the wild, are more national park. It is largely cerrado and gallery likely to be encountered here than anywhere forest and its 340 sq km protect some of the else within their range. Indeed, the Pantanal tributary headwaters that fall into the must be considered a major stronghold for a Basin.


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caused by adjacent deforestation in elevated already appears to be affecting the region's drainage. In March 1989, there was an estimated 1 m of standing water above parts of the Transpantaneira Highway (a dirt road, which transects the northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso), never seen before in the Pantanal. People from the southern Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul talk about how flooding pat- terns have changed in recent years, noting that even with steady rainfall patterns throughout the wet season, there seems to be less flooding during November, December, January and A young tapir suckling. Except for females with February, and much heavier flooding in March young, tapirs are solitary animals and quite difficult and April. to see in the wild (Russell A. Mittermeier). Pollution. Toxins used in agricultural projects Threats to the Pantanal outside the Pantanal wash into the flow- ing into the region and have an adverse effect The threats facing the Pantanal can be divided on the fish and other aquatic life. into two categories: threats from outside the In fields, which cover a large por- region in the form of activities that adversely tion of the cerrado terrain on the periphery of affect the rivers that feed it, and threats from the Pantanal, herbicides and insecticides are within the Pantanal itself. used. These chemicals are washed away with the rains, increasing water pollution in the Pantanal. Fish kills attributed to toxins in the Threats from outside the Pantanal water have considerably reduced some fish Deforestation and siltation. Deforestation and stocks (E. Resende, pers. comm.). A large por- burning of forests at the headwaters of rivers tion of the Pantanal's fauna, not to mention its feeding the region result in widespread ero- people, depend on fish as a source of food. sion and siltation. For example, in the 1970s The Cuiaba River, an upper tributary of the the Development Programme for the Cerrado Paraguay River, passes through the city of Region (POLOCENTRO) encouraged agricul- Cuiaba (population approximately 1,000,000) tural expansion throughout the planalto on where it receives various kinds of domestic the edge of the Pantanal and more than 40 sq and industrial waste before reaching the km of cerrado were deforested, including Pantanal. gallery forests along the Taquari, Sao Although waste from alcohol distilleries just Lourencp and Cuiaba rivers, all important outside the Pantanal once threatened the tributaries of the Paraguay River (Figure 1). region's rivers, it is now being used to pro- Rice was planted and the heavy tractors used duce fertilizer, and pollutants from this indus- to prepare the soil compacted the subsoil, try are minimal. There are nine distilleries in impeding penetration of rainfall, which result- Mato Grosso (six of which are currently in ed in large quantities of topsoil being eroded. operation) and two in Mato Grosso do Sul. The National Department of Sanitation and The latter state has a law prohibiting con- Public Works in Brazil (DNOS) estimated that struction of further distilleries. in 1982, 3500 tons of soil were carried to the North of the Pantanal iron ore mines wash Pantanal from the Taquari River alone. This ore stacks with detergent, allowing the runoff deforestation was repeated along the to flow into streams and rivers where it forms Aquidauana, Miranda and Bonito rivers. a thin film on the water surface and impedes Excessive siltation and erosion of river beds oxygen transfer, suffocating life below.


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In June 1985, the (now defunct) IBDF, the federal agency responsible for wildlife legisla- tion and enforcement at that time, confiscated a shipment of animal skins at Viracopolos International Airport in Sao Paulo. The ship- ment contained 70,000 skins of , maned wolves, foxes (Dusicyon spp), caimans and snakes (e.g. Constrictor constrictor). This cargo weighed 2500 kg yet represented only 13 per cent of the 18,800 kg of skins that had been sent to Germany by the smugglers 6 months previously. Many of the skins were probably from the Pantanal, where poaching of this magnitude is not uncommon and dramatically alters dynamics (Alho et al., 1988).

Threats from within the Pantanal Drainage. The most serious internal threat to Juvenile black howler monkey, one of the few primates in the Pantanal (Russell A. Mittermeier). the Pantanal is land drainage for and cattle ranching. In one area of Mato Grosso, near Pocone, a dike has been built Gold-mining. In the mid-1980s gold was dis- around an area of some 1000 sq km, completely covered at the edge of the Pantanal in Mato modifying the water regime. If this practice is Grosso near Pocone, and gold-mining has adopted by other landowners in the region, been in operation since. Mining presents a the results could permanently alter the number of threats including considerable silta- Pantanal. tion and erosion that result from dredging river banks and bottoms, and pollution from Commercial overfishing. Commercial fishing is a the mercury used to separate out the gold. The serious threat, especially in the large perma- state of Mato Grosso ranks second, behind nent lakes (e.g. those near Barao de Melgacp), Para, in Brazil's gold production. In 1985, both where fish are caught in enormous numbers the Couros and Agua Branca rivers, which during the breeding season. Huge nets, some feed the Coxipo River, a tributary to the of them 1 km long, are placed in the mouths of Cuiaba River, were discovered to be absent of these lakes and catch almost everything. life because of pollution from mining activities. Commercial fishing with refrigerated boats In recognition of the great threat presented by and trucks takes out large quantities of fish for gold mining, the Governor of Mato Grosso is sale in Sao Paulo and other cities. The greatest taking steps to eliminate mining from the weight of fish taken are of pacu Colossoma mitrei, region. two species of surubim (catfish), cacharra Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum and pintada P. corr- International animal and skin trade. Hyacinth uscans, curimbata Prochilodus lineatus and macaws, which have a market value of up to dourado Salminus maxillosus. Trucks are often $8000 a pair in the USA and $15,000 in , seen along the Transpantaneira Highway with are smuggled out of the Pantanal for the pet three or four large launches attached. These trade. A recent survey indicated that a maxi- are intended for non-commercial fishing, but mum of 3000 individuals remain in the wild, control of the take is almost non-existent and and that 50 per cent of all smuggling in Brazil often approaches commercial levels. is for the national market (J. Thomsen, pers. comm.). Caiman poaching. The Paraguayan caiman has 106

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out in September 1983, involving the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Federal Police. Unfortunately, it succeeded in capturing only a small number of poachers while killing oth- ers, and impounding 15 light planes, which were later released. Many local people not necessarily involved in the trade were mis- treated in the operation, and the general feel- ing in the region is that the exercise was large- ly for show and accomplished nothing of long-term value. As a result of 'Operagao Pantanal', a plan was developed to control poaching perma- nently in both Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. This plan included a research pro- gramme on caiman and 18 guardposts to con- trol the trade. It was developed in 1983 for implementation in 1984, but never received the support needed to carry it out. A caiman skin in Brazil can cost between $1.50 and $5.00. Once taken to Bolivia or Paraguay, the value increases to $15.00- $30.00, a significant amount of money in this ~ *•„ economically-depressed region. The situation is further complicated by the fact that cap- stork on nest in the Pantanal (Russell A. tured poachers are rarely punished. Mittermeier). One positive sign is that large landowners in the Pantanal are starting to band together to an extensive range in South America (Medem, fight against caiman poaching. In many cases 1983). It is still found in the Brazilian portion this is motivated more by a desire to protect of the Pantanal, but it is estimated that poach- their land against intruders than by concern ers take 1 million caiman skins each year for the caiman, but it can be very effective. (Gaski and Hemley, 1988). Approximately half of these poachers are believed to be Brazilian, Cattle. Cattle have been present in the and the rest Paraguayan and Bolivian. They Pantanal for more than a century, but inten- often have high-speed motor boats, automatic sive cattle management requiring the conver- weapons, aircraft, and sometimes radio sup- sion of forest to pasture is a more recent phe- port, and are far better equipped than the nomenon and a serious threat to forest enforcement agencies in the region. The animals and vegetation. Cattle trample the poaching is often directly linked with cocaine open savannah and the forest understorey, trafficking. Since the Pantanal forms a broad and their selective feeding changes the vegeta- and largely uncontrollable border with tion composition and also increases the num- Paraguay and Bolivia (two countries not noted ber of toxic and invasive plants such as for their effectiveness in controlling wildlife Ipomoea fistulosa, Solatium malacoxylon and trade), enforcement of protective measures Senna spp. (Prance and Schaller, 1982). will continue to be very difficult. The fact that The seasonal burning of dry grass to pro- the Paraguay River is considered an interna- mote new growth, usually between July and tional waterway further complicates matters. October, has a detrimental affect on small cer- A highly publicized campaign against the rado animals, depriving them of food and poachers, 'Operaqao Pantanal', was carried cover. Fire sometimes spreads into forests and


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bamboo thickets, where it has an even more reaches a level at which economic interests disastrous effect (Schaller, 1983). will make control politically difficult or There has been concern for more than 100 impossible. years that certain diseases carried by cattle, such as brucellosis, could become epidemic Hunting. Aside from caiman poaching, hunt- and spread to deer, capybara or other suscep- ing of several other species poses a potential tible fauna of the Pantanal. problem. Schaller (1983) cites hunting of capy- There has been a steady decline in cattle bara, six-banded and nine-banded armadillos ranching since 1974, when a major flood on and all ungulates as food by ranch workers the Paraguay River resulted in the loss of 3.5 and squatters, of foxes because they kill chick- million cattle (an estimated 28 per cent). With ens, and otter and are killed for their this decline and other economic problems that skins. Jaguars and pumas are considered as have beset Brazil, many residents of the threats as they take cattle on a regular basis in Pantanal have had to look for other sources of some areas. One conservation-orientated income and the caiman skin trade has some- rancher estimated that he lost 150 head of cat- times been an easy alternative. tle per year to jaguar in an area of 1000 sq km. Jaguars are also shot because their skins have Destructive tourism. According to several a high commercial value. Jaguar hunting with Brazilian colleagues, the Pantanal has become the traditional zagaia, a large, heavy spear, was fashionable in Brazil and tourism has once considered the ultimate in manly sports increased tremendously over the past 5 years. This method of hunting jaguar entails a great Most tourists are who come for deal of risk to the hunter, and has all but dis- brief visits from large cities like Sao Paulo. appeared, although some old-timers still have Unfortunately, the region still has little infras- zagaias and boast of previous exploits. tructure to support such a large flow. Capybara are sometimes killed as pests, es- Most of the tour buses that come into the pecially when they reach high population den- region do little or nothing to teach visitors sities and appear to compete with cattle for about the and fragile nature of the pasture. Tourists sometimes shoot birds, Pantanal, its importance to Brazil and the caiman or mammals from roads. On the whole threats to it. There are reports of tourists subsistence game hunting for food, so com- throwing stones at caiman, swerving on the mon in Amazonia, is not nearly as significant road to hit a snake basking in the sun, and a feature in the Pantanal, the residents being screaming loudly near a nesting area of wood accustomed to eating mainly beef and fish. storks, roseate spoonbills and egrets to scare In late 1988 several of the ranch-owners in hundreds of birds into flight at once for a pho- the Pantanal put forward a proposal to the tograph. In some cases, commercial fishing Brazilian Government for open hunting on activities take place under the guise of some game, such as duck, jaguar and capy- tourism. bara , possibly a consequence of pressure from large tour operators and the economic need of Forest destruction. The Pantanal has some some of the farmers. Since the price of beef has extensive tracts of forest, including magnifi- fallen drastically since 1984, some of the cent stands of cambara (Vochysia spp.), whose ranchers are seeking alternative sources of yellow flowers provide an impressive spec- income. tacle during the dry season. Unfortunately, along with the cutting of forest to make way for cattle pasture and intensive agriculture, Pantanal conservation priorities there is now interest in turning these stands of cambara and other forests into charcoal. This Training is a wasteful, low-value use of an important resource, which should be prohibited before it Training of conservation professionals in key 108

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wetland conservation activities such as caiman larly at professionals working in protected and capybara management, fish ecology, and areas threatened by human impact. ornithology, should be a high priority. It may be useful to have special workshops on man- agement of caiman and capybara populations, Sustainable use of key wildlife species given the great potential that use of these ani- Sustainable use of species such as capybara mal presents for the Pantanal. It would be and caiman is of potential economic impor- beneficial for scientists particularly interested tance; it could counterbalance the decline in in ranching caiman and capybara to visit exist- cattle-raising and stem the illegal trade in ing for these species in Venezuela and caimans. All trade in wild species has been to see the successful crocodile ranching opera- prohibited in Brazil since 1967, so at present tions in Papua New Guinea. any utilization programme for these animals Training in fund-raising and administration would have to be carried out through captive is also essential for the new, yet growing, non- breeding or as semi-captive ranching opera- governmental conservation organizations like tions. Since captive breeding is expensive, the Pantanal Defense Society (SODEPAN), the ranching will probably be more appropriate. Mato Grosso Ecological Association (AME), Commercial caiman farming /ranching is and the newly created Association for the receiving increasing attention among Pantanal Recuperation and Conservation of the ranch-owners. Preliminary studies on caiman Environment (ARCA). populations have been conducted in both Support should be given for Pantanal park Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso. directors to attend the Conservation However, much more study is necessary on Education Training Course for environmental population dynamics and nutritional require- educators, a programme largely funded by the ments prior to commercial investment. World Wildlife Fund, which is aimed particu- A meeting was held in March 1989 in

Tegu lizard, one of the many reptile species in the Pantanal (Russell A. Mittermeier).


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Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul to discuss Pantanal could be a viable source of income, caiman poaching, law enforcement strategies, although it is a complex issue since even less and research, and to define priorities and objec- information is available on fish than on capy- tives for caiman conservation and management. bara and caiman. The federal agency respon- Participants included representatives from the sible for fisheries (formerly SUDEPE, now Rural Workers' Union, State Governments, IBAMA) has shown little interest in control- Scientific Research Organizations and interna- ling the fish industry in the Pantanal. No easy tional conservation and wildlife regulatory solution is in sight, but the development of co- agencies. There were several concrete measures operatives for local fishermen as well as aqua- for action declared, one of which is to create a culture and strict control (or elimination) of private foundation directed by a council of industrial scale fisheries has been suggested. representatives from all major conservation A project to study the reproductive biology of bodies, research institutions and universities fish species, migratory strategies and key in the Pantanal region, and IBAMA, the breeding sites is under way through the responsible federal agency. This foundation Pantanal Livestock and Ranching Research will be responsible for supporting a caiman Center (CPAP/EMBRAPA). The data from this research programme, developing a caiman project will be valuable in establishing biologi- management plan and for monitoring the il- cally based regulations for Pantanal fisheries. legal poaching of caiman. Various models of utilization of crocodilian Development of nature tourism populations exist (as in Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe and the US) and could be applica- Tourism can either be a boon or a bane to the ble to the Pantanal (e.g. National Research Pantanal. To date, it has not been carefully Council, 1983). However, given the size and planned and local conservationists feel that it remoteness of much of the Pantanal, the pres- has had more of a negative effect than any- ence of two international borders and the cur- thing else. However, it should be possible to rent levels of illegal trade in caiman skins, ensure that tourism is not destructive, and maintenance of the integrity of a legal sustain- that it includes a strong educational compo- able use programme is sure to present prob- nent. Promotional materials should be provid- lems, especially at the outset. Unless there is ed to tour agencies and to the Mato Grosso very strict control and monitoring, illegally and Mato Grosso do Sul state environmental obtained skins and meat are likely to enter the agencies for incorporation into their pro- market since they will usually be more inex- grammes. pensive than those obtained through rational The development of hotel-fazendas by local utilization programmes. landowners is a private initiative that would It is clear that much more research on the provide additional revenue for the region. population biology of key species in the High quality facilities for specialized wildlife Pantanal is necessary. Little has been pub- tourists might, in the long term, even replace lished even on the much-discussed caiman cattle-raising to some extent on those fazendas and capybara of the region (e.g. Crawshaw most suitable for wildlife watching. One such and Schaller, 1980, 1982; Schaller and hotel-fazenda is currently operating on Crawshaw, 1981). Estancia Caiman in Mato Grosso do Sul, an Capybara meat, although occasionally especially rich area for wildlife viewing with eaten, is not traditionally popular throughout relatively easy access. It could serve as a model Brazil. The current market exists on a small for other fazendas with similar potential. scale for speciality restaurants and creating a larger market could increase pressure on wild populations and add to the many enforcement Establishment and expansion of parks and reserves problems already in existence. Since so much of the Pantanal is in private Sustainable utilization of fish in the hands, it is unlikely that areas will be set aside


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as federal parks and reserves. However, there Estrada-parque. One author (MP) has suggested is growing conservation awareness among making the 125-km Transpantaneira Highway some landowners, many of whom have a deep (running from Pocon^ to Porto Jofre) a appreciation of wildlife and have already pro- Highway-Park or Estrada-parque. This man- tected their land for years. Others are starting agement category has yet to be created, but to become interested, mainly to prevent incur- could incorporate laws prohibiting commer- sions by caiman poachers. All these people cial over-use and use for industrial purposes can be encouraged to play a greater role in and could facilitate the control of large scale, conservation activities. The recent creation of potentially destructive tourism. The State the Pantanal Defense Society by concerned Environmental Foundation in Mato Grosso landowners is a step in the right direction, and (FEMA) plans to construct a Tourist is deserving of full support from the conserva- Information Centre at the start of the tion community. Transpantaneira Highway. The Centre will be used as a launching point for educational Expansion of Taiamd and the Pantanal National awareness tours and as a law enforcement Park. Both the Pantanal National Park and the check point. Taiama Ecological Station consist almost entirely of land that is completely flooded Bird Sanctuaries. The various bird nesting sites during the wet season, and both would benefit in the Pantanal should be protected. In 1989 from extensions that would provide some dry the Environmental Agency of Mato Grosso do land refuge. It is difficult to envisage how this Sul started a long-term research and monitor- could be accomplished for the Taiama ing programme for bird nesting sites in the Ecological Station, which lies in the middle of Pantanal in that state. The data from this a vast flooded area. However, an increase in study will be utilized for essential education its size, even of permanently flooded aquatic and preservation efforts in the region, through , would be very important. establishment of a private reserve network. The Pantanal National Park abuts on several Private landowners will be encouraged to par- drier stretches that could be incorporated into ticipate by monitoring the bird nesting sites on the park, namely Fazenda Acurizal, which their land. touches on the Serra do Amolar. This addi- tional dry land would allow for policing of illegal poaching, would facilitate tourism and Species conservation projects would help maintain viable populations of Studies of endangered species are important; large predators and migratory species. An some are already under way, but others attempt to obtain this 137-sq-km fazenda in should be initiated. 1978 was unsuccessful, but it changed hands A 3-year study to determine the status and in 1985, and the new owner appears to be ecological aspects of the marsh deer popula- sympathetic to conservation. The Pantanal tion in the southern Pantanal began in 1989 National Park is also adjacent to several large through CPAP/EMBRAPA. Objectives include tracts of cambara-dominated forest to the determining population size and regional dis- south. These remain dry throughout the year tribution, population structure, nutritional and would make a valuable addition to the and habitat requirements, the effects of hunt- park, if the current owners could be persuad- ing, predation and cattle disease on the popu- ed to sell. lation, and competition between marsh deer Since only about 1.5 per cent of the Pantanal and cattle for available food resources. is currently in government parks and reserves, A species protection plan must be devel- it would be desirable to add a number of pro- oped for the Pantanal jaguar with particular tected areas to this network. However, this consideration given to the maintenance of will depend on the availability and cost of genetic viability and use of corridors (includ- appropriate land. ing important riparian habitats) to do so. The 111

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plan should include research on why ranchers Brazil to make a further investment in conser- kill jaguar so that solutions to this problem vation. can be achieved. Ranchers should be encour- aged to improve cattle ranching practices, and to set aside areas for jaguar reserves. References A long-term study started in August 1989 on the diversity, distribution and abundance Alho, C, Lacher, T. and Goncalves, H. 1988. of birds in the state of Mato Grosso. The pro- Environmental degradation in the Pantanal ject co-ordinators will work closely with ecosystem. BioScience, 38,165. FEMA to provide information so that a conser- Crawshaw, P.G., Jr and Schaller, G.B. 1980. Nesting of Paraguayan caiman (Caiman yacare) in Brazil. vation plan for birds can be developed. Papeis Dep. Zool. S Paulo 33,282-292. Crawshaw, P. G., Jr and Schaller, G.B. 1982. Fishing behaviour of Paraguayan caiman (Caiman Education and public awareness crocodilus). Copeia, (1), 66-72. Education and public awareness are essential Gaski, A. and Hemley, G. 1988. The ups and downs components of any long-term conservation of the crocodilian skin trade. WWF-TRAFFIC Newsletter, 8, (1 ),14. programme. Brazilians in general, and espe- Medem, F. 1983. Los Crocodylia de Sur America. Vol. II. cially those living in the states of Mato Grosso Colciencias, Bogota, Colombia. do Sul and Mato Grosso, need to be made National Research Council. 1983. Crocodiles as a aware of the importance of the Pantanal, both Resource for the Tropics. National Academy Press, as a national wildlife heritage and as a Washington, DC. resource for the future. People living in the Prance, G.T. and Schaller, G.B. 1982. Preliminary Pantanal must be encouraged to adopt eco- study of some vegetation types of the Pantanal nomic activities that are sustainable over the Mato Grosso, Brazil. Brittonia, (342), 228-251. Schaller, G.B. 1983. Mammals and their biomass on a long term. People living in the vicinity of Brazilian Ranch. Archos Zool. Est S Paulo, 31,1-36. rivers that flow into the Pantanal must be Schaller, G.B. and Crawshaw, P.G. Jr. 1981. Social taught to use the land wisely, and to avoid organization in a capybara population. erosion, siltation and pollution by agrotoxins, Sonderdruck aus Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen detergents and heavy metals. With the proper BLV Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Munchen 40, 29 Jhg. approach, the Pantanal can become a rallying Heft 1,3-16. point for conservation throughout the states of Sick, H. 1983. Migracoes de Aves na America do Sul Continental. Publicacao technica (2) CEMAVE, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The Brasilia, Brazil. interest in conservation that is likely to result will benefit not just the Pantanal but other ecosystems in these states. Russell A. Mittermeier, President, Conservation International, 1015 18th St., NW, Washington DC In addition to the increasing interest in the 20036, USA, and Department of Anatomical Pantanal on the part of the Brazilian govern- Sciences, School of Medicine, Health Sciences mental and non-governmental organizations, Center, State University of New York at Stony the World Bank has also become concerned Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8081, USA. about conservation in the region. A major Ibsen de Gusmao Camara, Av. das 2300, component on the Pantanal region has been Casa 40,22640 -RJ, Brazil Maria Tereza Jorge Padua, Fundacao Pro Natureza, included in the World Bank Environmental Caixa Postal 02-0186,70.001 Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Loan currently under discussion. It is hoped Janice Blanck, WWF, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street, that this international attention will stimulate NW, Washington DC 20037, USA.


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