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The BG News April 11, 2000

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 11, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6641.

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Doors The committee has also posted open at 7 p.m. and Moby will per- fliers around campus describing form at 8. what is prohibited from entering the Around 4,800 tickets were sold. arena. A list of things not permitted in the venue include tobacco prod- However, according to Jen Joyce, president of UAO, "A limit- ucts, glass, bottles, food, waterguns, ed number of cameras, recording devices, alco- hol, large chains, tickets may weapons, back- become avail- packs, drugs and able the day of spiked jewelry. the show." Moshing will be These tickets prohibited. can be pur- Security has the chased at the "Will Call right to search and Booth " the discretion to remove objects and MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News UAO said individuals from IT'S FINALLY HERE — The Concert Committee along with over 100 volunteers began setting up (or the Bush/Moby concert yester- they are excited the venue. day afternoon at around 1:30 p.m. in Anderson Arena. The crew set up chairs, all numbered and t ied together, a stage and made and ready for The parking sit- plans for ushering, security and more. the crowd. uation is also under "I think we control. so there is really no need for them This event will be held on the and an audition with the director to will be able to register to vote. have done to drive." Engelman said. lawn behind Anderson Arena noon be an MTV VJ. "1 think this concert is fantastic. "I don't think to 5 p.m. In the event of rain, it will everything we parking should be Another aspect of excitement for Also. MTV's Choose or Lose It goes to show this campus needs I can to prepare a problem because the concert is the MTV Interactive be held in the Student Recreation will be here. This is a tent dedicated more large-scale events," said for the concert," most of the tickets Village. Center. to MTV's campaign to spread Engelman. "You know it is going to Joyce said "We were sold to on- The village is free and a ticket to Some events occurring at the vil- awareness among college-age stu- be exciting when one of the biggest are prepared for campus students. the concert is not required to go to lage will be the MTV Career Coun- dents of the issues in the upcoming events all year was camping out in a huge success." the village. seling sponsored by presidential campaign Students tents for tickets." Latino programs plan to broaden awareness Bill passed to IRENE SHARON SCOTT questions include questions about Issues discussed include politics, CHIEF REPORTER the culture, issues and individuals education and poetry. Both experts with a Hispanic heritage. and student perspectives on the top- mark Lot 6 In honor of Latino Awareness "For example, how many people ics will be given. The keynote Today Week, the Latino Student Union has know whether Vanna While has a speaker is Augusto Boal, a Brazilian Latino heritage." Celestino-Boes theater director, dramatist, theorist SARA GRAZ1AN0 planned interactive programs such — Latino Jeopardy Game STAFF WRITER as a panel discussion, a fashion asked. "There are people who aren't and founder of "Theatre of the show and a game show. aware of these people of Latino her- Oppressed." Rm 112 Life Science 6-7 p.m. "This is the weeR that recognizes itage." According to Vadillo. Boal will The Undergraduate Student Gov- Latino awareness and creates cultur- Wednesday there will be a three- talking about legislative theater ernment passed a bill last night to al understanding of the Latino cul- day art exhibit at noon held on the which is based on his experience as Wednesday place row markers in Lot 6. ture. Activities will be interactive second floor of the McFall Center. a member of the Parliament for the The bill caused controversy and fun to attend." said Christine This program is sponsored by the Rio de Janeiro where he used perfor- - Art Exhibit because USG recently passed anoth- Celestino-Boes. LSU co-adviser. Center for Multicultural and Acade- mance techniques lo influence gov- 2nd floor of McFaU Center er bill calling for row markers and LSU kicked off the week yester- mic Initiatives. ernmental policies. opens at noon lights in Lot 6. No action has been day with a panel discussion entitled 'This is an opportunity to view 'This is an opportunity for people taken on the earlier bill "Growing Up Latino." The pan- artwork by the students and faculty," to get more educated about issues Jason Sobota. district representa- elists discussed growing up with she said. "During the program, stu- affecting Latinos and contributions Thursday tive, wrote the earlier bill calling for Latino stereotypes. dents will read poetry." by Latinos." said Iris Rcsendez. con- lights in Lot 6. "In my culture—the Mexican Thursday is the sixth annual Lati- ference committee member. - Latino Issues Conference "I don't see any problem with the culture—the women are the core of no Issues Conference. It will be held The conference will also feature 1st floor of Offenhauer East new bill." Sobota said. "We tried to the family." she said. "They hold the from 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m. on the first Tato Laviera. a poet, performer, get in touch with people to take family together. The males are per- floor of Offenhauer East. director and writer. _ c - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. action on the other bill, and we were ceived as the worker and provider. "During the conference proceed- Interested students can RSVP by continually turned down. Hopefully And the women keep the family ings there will be different voices calling 372-2642. Admission is free, Friday this one will have better luck." strong." from different ethnic backgrounds but lunch is $5 and bursarablc. The Greg Amend, at-large representa- Today there will be a Latino and different cultures talking about art display will be moved lo the con- — Fashion Show tive, agreed that the new bill was Jeopardy game in 112 Life Science. specific issues." said Manny Vadil- ference location, so those who necessary. 6 to 7 p.m.. which is a Latin version lo, co-director of the conference Uarshman Community Center "Anyone who has tried to find of the popular game show. Possible planning committee. 7 p.m. - 12 a.m. their car in Lot 6 knows how time- i See LSU, page 6. consuming it can be." Amend said. "This is something that's beneficial to students. There was no action taken on the earlier bill, so we need- Educator teaches rape prevention, self-defense ed to make our wants and needs clearer." TERESA BECK with." 92 and as young as a two-month-old Bill Arnold, USG adviser, cau- STAFF WRITER Sallee-Gersham invited both men baby," Sallee-Gersham said. "Women don't want to tell, they are afraid, tioned the members about duplicat- and women to her rape education "I think that's incredibly scary." ing previous legislation. workshop last night held in 108 Amanda Gargiulo. Women's Action embarrassed and angry." "Part of your responsibility is to Rape affects men and women Ruth Sallee-Gersham equally whether it happens to them Olscamp. Only six women attended, Coalition member said. pass these bills, and the other part is or someone they know, according to however. After the discussion, "What makes it more scary is that Speakei on rape education and selj-dejeme to follow through." Arnold said. Ruth Sallec-Gersham. who speaks Sallee-gersham taught self-defense it happens by someone you know." "Following through can ensure that across the country on rape education to the women. Sallee-gersham said. we don't run into a situation like this According to Sallee-Gersham, According to Sallee-Gersham. want it to go away. language needs to be redesigned so where we have dual legislation." and self-defense. everyone is on the same page "We cannot educate half of the rape is not sex but an issue of power over 90 percent of rapes go unre- What we seein the media makes After passing the bill calling for and control. ported. it OK for men to be aggressive "We have to help each other row markers, USG read two new population (women) and plan on according to Sallee-Gersham. understand no means no." Sallee- getting anyplace." Sallec-Gersham "It does not happen only to pretty "Women don't want to tell, they amendments to its bylaws. girls who are flaunting themselves, are afraid, embarrassed and angry." Women have been taught to be coy. One amendment enumerates the said. "All people need to have a def- According to Sallee-Gersham. that inition of rape that we can work it has happened to a woman as old as Sallee-Gersham said. "They just • See SPEAKER, page 6. duties of the summer student gov- ernment, while the other specifics penalties (hat can be given to candi- dates who violate election rules. Knowledge of sexual assault may lessen danger Kate Newnam, at-large represen- tative, helped draft the bvlaw NICOLE VALEK victims and their behavior. good indicator to stay in public It victimizes women and men. venues when first getting to know STAFF WRITER • See USG, page 6. whether they are straight, gay, les- them. Double date or make arrange- bian or bisexual. ments to arrive and depart from Every 21 minutes, someone in There are two types of rape: events with friends. Insld* this country between the ages of 15 acquaintance rape and stranger rape. According to the SHARE (Self- and 24 years old is assaulted by an More than half of all reported Help Assault Reduction Education) SPORTS 8 acquaintance rapes are called "acquaintance" Program, this is what you should do Rape is one of the most serious rapes because the attacker is some- if you are assaulted: sexual offenses. It is sexual conduct one the victim knows, such as a date * Go to a safe place. by force or threat of force. or boyfriend. * Call the police immediately. "Rape and sexual assault do not However, the same criminal laws discriminate. They can affect any- * Preserve all physical evidence. and penalties apply in cases of Do not shower. Save the clothing one and it is important that people acquaintance rape as in stranger are aware of this." said Jenn Wicker- you were wearing at the time of the rape. assault. Do not disturb anything in sham, of Coalition Against Sexual Some ways to help reduce your Offenses. "Sexual assault can't be the area where the assault occurred risk: * Go to a hospital emergency prevented but there are things that * Communicate. Prior to having *TAy 4oi*e*. can be done to help reduce the risk." any sexual encounter with an room for medical care. Rape can be viewed from many * Seek professional counseling, acquaintance, talk about the limits information and legal assistance different perspectives. you want to establish Sociologically, it can be seen as a * Stay Sober The majority of from a rape treatment center to help iUsif* symptom of a disturbed society. acquaintance rapes take place after you deal with the consequences of .f«u$f you* I»J*T Psychologically, rape is the expres- alcohol has been consumed. an assault sion of extreme sexual aggression. * Trust Your Instincts. If a situa- 'The most important thing for a Historically, rape has been used by tion feels like it is moving too quick- rape victim to keep in mind is to get ■ The invading armies as a tool for the ly or you are feeling uncomfortable, help as soon as possible and that it is opens today when the conquest and subjugation of nations. get out of there! not their fault." said Barbara Hoff- Tigers hosts Seattle. Rape has also been used, and is * Be Cautious. Feeling insecure man. University Health Center clini- still used, as a means of controlling or not knowing the person may be a cian. page 2 The BG News Tuesday, April 11,2000 WORLD www.

The World Koreans work toward diplomacy; In Brief June summit 1st in decades Lion attacks 6-year-old

RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil (AP) THE ASSOCIATED PRKSS Pyongyang to promote exchanges, reconciliation — A caged circus lion snatched a 6- and peaceful unification. The two countries fought year-old boy from his father's arm. a 1950-53 war and never signed a permanent peace treaty. dragged him through the bars and SEOUL. South Korea — South Korea and North Korea said killed him. police in northeastern yesterday that their leaders will hold a summit m June, mark- ; Brazil said yesterday. "The agreement is an opportunity for bringing ing ihc biggest diplomatic breakthrough in half a century of development and prosperity to the nation and Jose dos Santos ronseca and his conflict. | son Jose apparently got too close to ensuring hope for peace on the Korean peninsula," , the lions' cage during the Sunday Park June-young, South Korea's chief presidential The meeting between South Korc in President Kim Dae- spokesman, quoted his president as saying. night show of the Vostok Circus. jung and his northern counterpart. Kim Jong II. would be the ! Pernambuco Slate police said. first between leaders of the two states since the Korean penin- Park said Kim was surprised that impoverished "He dragged my son away, and sula was divided into the communist North and the U.S.- North Korea, which has long denigrated the South Associated Press Photo l when I looked my son was in his backed South in 1945. mouth," a weeping Fonseca said in a as a US. puppet and had shunned appeals for top PEACE—Members of the media photograph South Korea's Uni- level talks, agreed quickly to his proposal for a fjcation Minister Park Jae-kyu, right, during a news conference. ] televised interview. The stumbling blocks are many. The agenda has yet to be summit. Human genetic code not decided and the two sides are far apart on a number of weighty In recent months. North Korea has lowered its decades-old broken yet issues, including the permanent deployment of 37.000 U.S. The agreement followed a series of secret contacts in China sell-imposed isolation, establishing diplomatic relations with soldiers in South Korea to guard against any threat from the as well as upbeat statements by top South Korean officials. Italy in January, and discussing improving ties with the United VANCOUVER, Canada (AP) - North States. Britain. Japan. Australia and other countries. The chief scientisl of an internation- "Both sides decided to have a preliminary contact to discuss al organization trying to map the But Japan quickly praised the planned meeting as having procedural matters" later this month to prepare for the summit, Kim Yong Nam, speaker of North Korea's parliament and human genetic code has disputed a potentially "epoch-making significance." said the Korean Central News Agency. North Korea's foreign ceremonial head of state, and Foreign Minister Pack Nam Sun private company's claim to have news outlet. were in Cuba yesterday at a summit of the Group of 77. an already reached that target. "Our government welcomes this summit and totally sup- association of 133 nonaligned countries. Dr. Francis Collins of the pub- ports it." said Japan's foreign minister. Yohei Kono. "We Ihc announcement could boost the lagging fortunes of licly funded Human Genome Project strongly expect this meeting will lead to further progress in a South Korea's ruling Millennium Democratic Party ahead of Pyongyang's diplomatic overtures could be a desperate bid claims Celera Genomics. which last dialogue between the South and the North, and to easing ten- parliamentary elections on Thursday. The party has lost popu- for economic aid as much as a desire for reconciliation. week announced it had finished ihc sions on the Korean Peninsula." larity due to a series of scandals, and Kim has been under North Korea badly needs help from foreign governments for China, which has long been North Korea's main ally in the domestic pressure to show results from his U.S.-supported decoding phase of < ne person's hard cash and humanitarian aid. But if it opens its doors to for- region, said it supports the summit Zhu Bangzao, spokesman effort of promoting economic, cultural and other contacts with genetic code, did not complete even eigners, the regime risks erodins its own authority. half of its planned effort. for China's Foreign Ministry, was quoted by the official Xin- the isolated North. 'There were ■> couple of unfortu- He has pursued his so-called "sunshine" policy despite peri- In the late 1990s, deadly famine brought on by drought. hua news agency as saying he hopes the meeting can achieve Hoods and economic mismanagement forced the totalitarian nate quotes that implied that they positive results. odic crises with Pyongyang, including a 199") naval clash in (he had sequenced the whole human Yellow Sea and the North's test-firing of a rocket over Japan in state to appeal for food donations from international donors, genome but that's just not true," In simultaneous announcements. Seoul and Pyongyang 1998. Critics have also complained that Pyongyang has divert- including the United States. Aid workers said the situation Collins said of Celera's Jaim agreed on the June 12-14 summit in the North Korean capital ed South Korean food aid to its military. remains precarious. "What we all need to recognize is that for the sequencing roi the human genome, there is not going to Larger animal issues focus of International conference on endangered species be a finish line for any yroup. foi .u least the next couple ol years, he TKi ASSOCIATED PRESS The southwestern African nation the United Nations Convention on decide upon in the coming weeks." the conference. CITES lifted a ban said." has a stockpile of 35-36 tons, and International Trade in Endangered Some 2.000 delegates from 151 on limited trade in some elephant Bolivians riot against NAIROBI. Kenya — Southern wants to sell two tons per year, he Species. countries and scores of non-govern- products such as leather in 1997. economic problems African countries were pushing for said. Elephants, whales and other large mental organizations dealing in con- Indian delegation head Surcsh "In my country, we have kept the animals will probably steal Ihc lime- servation and environmental issues LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP) — Five the right to sell stockpiled ivory at a Mi,uma said although India and level of poaching to a minimum." he light from smaller animals and arc at the conference. people were killed and dozens conference that begun yesterday to Kenya both want to protect their ele discuss trade in endangered animals said. "On average we lose two or plants during the 10-day conference, injured in confrontations across At least 60 proposals on different phants. India's problem is particular- and plants. three elephants a year. It is a ques- said Willem Wijnstekers. CITES Bolivia as thousands of people species will be discussed, including ly serious because of the 100-to-l tion of monitoring the system. secretary general. whether to forbid all trade in the protested against using water rates. Tirngeni Erkana. head of Namib- female to male ratio in the Indian ia's delegation, said their proposal "I do not understand why. after Asian urial. a wild sheep; the coela- unemployment and other economic "Our discussions on elephants, herd. Only Asian male elephants problems. for an annual quota to sell stockpiled we have taken effective manage- whales and sea turtles, I am sure, at canth. a unique living fossil fish; the ivory is justified because n comes ment of our elephants, we should be times arc going to be difficult and hwamei. a songbird; and the Chinese have tusks. In African elephants, In Achacachi. 80 miles north of both females and males have tusks. the capital I.a Paz. farmers blocked from natural mortality and legal punished." Erkana said. heated, sometimes even emotional." happy tree. roads and threw rucks at soldiers slaughter to thin the herds rather South Africa. Botswana and Zim- Wijnstekers said. "This docs not do Debate on a proposal by Kenya Both nations said allowing trade who responded with rubber bullets than from elephants killed by poach- babwe have also submitted ivory sufficient justice to the many other and India to ban all commerce in in any type of elephant product and tear gas. ers. sales proposals to the conference of important proposals we will have to elephants is expected to dominate increases poaching MTV CAMPUS INVASION PRESENTED FEATURING BY

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l \ Tuesday, April 11.2000 The BG News page 3 PAGE 3

1 ACROSS 1 I H '■ ■ ' ■ " ■ | " THE 1 Goose egg DROPPED FROM POISONED. RIDDLED WITH 5 Downsiaire " i '0 Faded • 14 Mimic " 1 ■', A 6REAT HEI6MT. BULLETS. 15 Sports venue I 16 Troian War hero H" 1/ Pierces H" ■M i9 intiektcover, tor D short ■ ■ ■ n. rt X a* w

Ai Some baskeioaii 1 attempts ■ n 1 21 Coitlure I 1/ » 23 Yoko

?4 Son of Aaam >■ •' 25 Indiana team ™ WILLIAM 29 Comhusfcer Stale «. «v »« 33 Patriot AHen MORTON M Gee whiz! ■* ■M** 1

©MCMXCl* 35 Hostelry 41 4* •■ ■■ 'i V '■ •^ 36 Resting spot

37 Moscow money ■ 4 ■■■ Jtt ooast 39 Tram unit - M ,.. THE 40 Coin-toss cail ■ DROWNED. THIS IS ALL A 41 Vex 42 Fixed ' ID MOO WOon. MM ! 1 BIT REDUNDANT 44 Partly burned All rtgim ■—i —d. VI WOO coal DEATH ISN'T IT? 4b Fan Wade 46 Bask 9 Not requiring dry M: S? t 47 Surpassingly cleaning CROSS good 10 Bnyue coal so Sola flanker 11 Slightly open word 55 Frankenstein's 12 Cooknglat assistant 13 Montreal LOOKING FOR bt> Debt ballplayer mi 58 Lummox 18 Irritant ANSWERS IN ALL 69 Oscar or Cornel 22 Well venUated bu Miscellany 24 Prison rooms THE WRONG 61 Metric weigh! 25 -GoodFetes" PLACES? briefly co-star 62 Girder matenai 28 Mr Ts group GET SOME HELP 63 Farm enclosures 27 Captivate 2« Break last? FROM THE DOWN 29 Lordly Editor's Note: 1 Uses a laser 30 Fathered ANSWER KEY — weapon 31 Rogue As such letters usually 2 Eogeiess sword 32 Wrath appear overleaf, Opinion 3 become a lessee 34 Craftiness Editor David Tran and I con- 4 Cinnabar and 37 Colors in tne 46 Maliciously 51 Upon sulted about this letter. We galena mists derogatory 52 Liver 5 Kingpins 38 PoetJonson 47 Nauseated Dear BG News writers ;ind readers— a good lime. BGSU needs more of that community feel- agreed that it was a fun and secretxxi 5 Poetic Muse 40 Aspen litl 48 Unattractive tn.n7 53 Cut of meat I have never been published. I want this lelter in (he honest work, belonging on ing. I walk down the street here and I'm hurting my face 7 Gives permission 41 Nina's sister ship 49 Jam lund 54 Baseoals paper so I can cul n OUI and pul il on my wall. There it'll trying to look harder-core than the next guy. Lei's see the Rage of Fun, Page 3*. 10 43 Exaggerate 50 Model Siaughie. be above the dresser, looking all official, with my name some smiles out there. 8 Undivided 44 Sbck weapon Macpherson 57 Small portKxi a( the bottom. I'll point to it and say "there is something So that's all I have to say right now Thank you for Editor's Serious Note: else I've done " reading my first published work. I'd like to add that with Never was there a more What a great feeling— accomplishment. The feeling something like three weeks of school left, let's everyone poignant, insightful and ol a job well done It's something I've been missing late- set aside these next few weekends for par-taying like truthful statement of the stu- Ohio weather ly, and too often forget about Right now. 1 need to start rock stars And not like some sissy rock stars, some good dent condition at BGSU. It is the upward trend toward general on-pointness... being ones. a call to arms. Heed the call. Tuesday, April 11 on time, making my calls, getting sh*t done. Today was a good beginning. I got to class in the David SedUik AccuWeathei* lorecast tor daytime conditions, high/low temperatures morning, worked in the afternoon, went to a meeting at Citizen, Student. Concerned Third Party Editor's Other Note: night, and wrote this letter in the down time. Amid all f the elile^vahoo.ctnn Peace, Love and Slim |ims. the haste. I managed to tun into a few friendly faces, the way we all always do in college. It's good seeing people W'WM .tin ' MM".rtr.((iiii„ x, you haven't seen in a while, nostalgia helps a person Kunoiu .iinV u)< .portcnt.nt't. j»Clllll|>ll.S.I remember where they come from. Moving from personal healing to more exciting isMk's I went to the Korn show in Detroit last Monday night and it totally rocked Staind opened for them and achieved equal rockage. Speaking ol shows. |todayl I'll be working the Bush/Moby show at Anderson Arena all day. from 6:30 [ a.m. until at least midnight, depending on how fast we help load up equipment on their busses. The work is Sites that make Page 3* laugh worth it. the show will be awesome. The entire thing— OK. so this isn't a humor site. But once you witness the glory contained the bands, the interactive village. 4.500 of us students all iwithin these pages, you'll forgive us. packed into Anderson— will be sweet. Everyone should is a news and rumors site for the film industry. Those of appro iate this event for what it is: a big lime concert f you film geeks out there will love many of the contents: that will get asses oft couches and onto campus to have •The latest "X-Men" trailer •Rumors on possible movies (i.e., "Resident Evil" and "Metal Gear Solid") • A comprehensive film index, describing all possible 2000 film releases •Reviews and box office numbers, and weekly U.S7U.K. releases •A teaser for the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Pardon my salivating. 0 2000 AccuWeather. Inc ,,l, I , ,, v ICK Vi■>W XW r*J.ViNiM WiM :r-.l;fi k<-i■hii"m".MtVn - BY RICH MOYER £ft t£k fe2» <$* ^ *& &g A Sunny Pi. Cloudy Ctoody Showers T-siorm* Raun Flumes Snow Ice

VUl ASSCOSttK) P'ffSi © © © LL) Mostly Mostly A Cloudy Cloudy Showers

§ High: 52* High: 61* High: 63" ^ Low: 29" Low: 36" Low: 43*

TV GUIDE SECTION TUESDAY APRIL 11,2000 ^IVlViViVlVlVlVlVlVlVISS 6:00 6:30 Truer "7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 10:00 I 10:30 I 11:00 I lUW BROADCAST STATIONS News : CLib Evening wnwiot Jeopardy! X JAG Caoin Pressure" (R) (In W Minutes H (In Stereo) X Falcone "You Can't Always Get News it Late Show N » CD News It Fortune Ii Stereo) X What You Wart" (In Steo' NewsS Nightllne X "(Dance of the (Decades CD News Tomghi Tonight X Squares ft (In Stereo) X GnsgX Success' (In Stereo) (PA) X News ■■ NBC Nightly Drew Carey (In nwHrfln 3rd Rock From Frssler ^n Will I Grace Jusi Shoot Me Dateline (in Stereo) X rsewsX Tonight Show a) News.ft Stereo)! Stereo) X the Sun (R) X Stereo) X ki Issfsc] I (h Ste'eo) I I- Stereo; 1 Workplce- Business Rpt Newshour With Jim Lehrer.^. Life Beyond Earth ' American President Eiecutrve laagn" Conae)ntiM i rseadenli Charlie Rose (in Stereo) X Senior Trom/or Senior Citizens ffl Skilli Alone''' (inStereo)(Pan lot2) presidents active m mtemahonai c oMics (In Stereo) (Part 3 of 5) X Newshour With Jim Lehrer X Arthur (In Brainstorm Lite Beyond Earth Are We American President: "Executive Vrsion Conservatrve prestdenis. May to Charlie Rose Thursday, April 20, 2000 © Stereo) (El) X (El) Atone' V. Stereo) (Part 1 of 2) presidents active r> tilemationai poktcs (In Stereo) (Pan 3 o" 5) X December (In Stereo) X 6:00 pm- 9:00 am £T\ Home MadAOcut Seinfeld The Friends In The* 70s Family Guy (In Party of Five 'Isn't It Romantic'' New-, r. Newsrsdio Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Q- til/ Improvement You (In Stereo* Checks X Stereo) X Showvie:*t*i "Wake ol the fled '•Dancing AMC A milkonatfd duels lor The hand ol a married Englishwoman Wyman A murder suspect enlists a I nend to help find the toller X W«ch"(1948) John VVayne Saturday Night Live David Hyde Daily Show (Ri Win Ben Whose Line Is Whose Line Is Whose Lme is Whose Line la Premium Pulp Comics Daily Show | Win Ben • 'Rffreshments COM Pic.:*. Lrve Stain's Money It Anyway? (Pi rt Anyway? .Ri It Anyway? iP) It Anyway? iRi Blend (R'X VII ffl) [Stein's Money • Live Justice' X D.C. (R) X • Tlease wear your favorite format attire Sports Last Word Motorcycle Racing Arenacross Motorcycle Racing Wed MM' Deep (R) FOX Sports News Sports Last Word (R) FSO Geniuses Grand Pr« Japan IMMN Sttdtra -Heavy Metal" (in Kena: Warrior Princess rlercules: The Legendary UIW Wsrdor Princess The Heeculea: The Legendary Poltergeist: The Legacy A KIR Stereo) JX Tsunami" (In Steieo) X Journeys "Hero s Head" X Bmer Surte" (In Stereo) X Journeys . Tystetous artifact (in Stereo) S. %$lty by Jriday, April 14, 2000 to: iome Again Home Again Andy Griffith Retrospective (R| Trauma: Lite in the ER Operation Um& operation "Opcaion Spectat" Trauma: Life In the ER TIC H (Pant! ol B (B) 'Extreme Measures" (R) Reconstructon" (P) Extreme Measures" \Rj JtfCBqginslQ at 372-1363 n the Heat ol the Night ER The Birthday Party" (In NBA Basketball San Antonc Spurs at Sacramento Kings ARCO Arena (In Stereo naide the NBA Movie: **» Urban Cowboy TNT Intruders" (In Stereo)]! Stereo) X Lrve)B X , 1980. Drama) John Travolta ;ru$h (In Friends or JAG 'War Cries" (In Stereo) X iVaaker, Taias Ranger' Cnme ditarod Ir»i Dog Sled Race Coverage of the Crush (In Friends or Walker. Texas USA Stereo) X Lovers X Wave Dave" (In Stereo) X rjktarod dog sled'ace ac'Oss Alaska. Stereo) X Lovers X Ranger X X Greatest Behind the Music Ceixie D«on 9ehind the Mus c "Cher" Cher s ! to be throwing up their hands in knowledge of X." dents are trained to be lazy. They standards may be difficult to • despair. One of mine literally did While the wording may differ, aren't lazy by nature. When put in a enforce, but invisible standards are Freshman this: then she sighed and buried her nearly all instructors assign papers setting that reliably punishes and impossible. Marketing and face in her hands. The rest, of in this way. with little or no detail rewards them, as is the case in cer- Considering the way students advertising course, jusi mope around in a beyond the topic of the assignment. tain jobs, they tend to work so hard react to them, though. I can hardly "Something really depressed stupor. Intermittently. Thai would not be a problem if all thai they damage their health. After blame professors and teaching assis- stupid and crazy. • they say, in their best Eeyore-voices. instructors then graded papers in the years of formal schooling, however, tants for degenerating into parodies For example, I "You know folks, the semester's same way. Unfortunately, they most students are conditioned into of themselves, moping and occa- would wear a winding down and... oh. well. don't. Even within the same disci- realizing that their grades are more sionally lashing out at student apa- whipped-cream Sigh." pline, instructors' grading practices connected to the teacher's opinion of thy. And I can hardly blame the stu- bathing suit." I understand their frustration. vary wildly. lo the point that many ihem than to the quality of their dents for caring even less about After all, the students in their class- students think their grades arc based work. I came to this realization in school when instructors' whims go Matt Burns Laura Italic es have paid to be there, right? Why on little more than the teacher's eighth grade and have been making sour. Freshman Freshman wouldn't they strive to do as well as whim. ihe least of my education ever since. Really. I'm not in the mood to Undecided English possible? Worse yet are the assignments A common objection to such blame anybody. I just warn lo go out "Nothing." "I'd kiss a moose.' There are several possible rea- that appear to have more specific grade-based apathy is that students and enjoy this great weather. sons. The first and most obvious is directions, but arc graded in totally should learn for the purpose of th* students are unbelievably lazy. unsuspected ways. Last year. I had a learning, not for getting a good JeffArnelt is a weekly BG News This reason is true and applies 10 class where Ihe instructor persistent- grade. Those who raise this objec- columnist. He can be reached at nearly everyone I know. It is not the ly berated the students about style tion are deluded Students will [email protected]. edu

were fighting was an ocean away a graduate assistanl in the Philoso- cern being addressed here? I have no and armed with only the same phy department, and though this is doubl some students grumble about weapons as the American rebels. my first year at BGSU. it is my third their (caching assistants, but how But in today's circumstances. I'm year as a graduate assistanl and often are these complaints justified? sorry, there's no way in hell any eighth year in the discipline. I part- There arc channels a student can More on race. Bush "There is a need to obtain equity I do not think that our campus American rebellion, no matter how ly object to a lack of objectivity and pursue if they are unsatisfied with and Moby when taking into consideration the could book an act that would satisfy well-armed by semi-automatic rifles research in these recenl columns, but their teachers, and if so pursued history and present day struggles the entire population — ever! But I and sub-machine guns, is going to I also want lo try and alleviate some action will be taken. Crappy GAs I am responding to a letter written that our country faces. You do do believe that if a student or group hold out against the forces of the fears and misconceptions aboul won't be around too long. by Aisha Price that was responding believe in equity. Mr. Krall. don'l were to look in the "Buzz" section of U.S. government. graduate assistants. But whal exactly is the concern? .to a letter by a Steve Krall ("Minori- you?" The BG News, lhat he. she and they While 1 can sympathize with your Concerning the most recent arti- Thai graduate students aren't edu- ties not racist." April 7). While I do It appears to me that Mr. Jason would find to his. her and their satis- distrust of government and desire to cle ("Grad Students may not make cated enough to teach introductory not know what was written in Brewer has missed the point that Mr. faction a variety of cross-ethnicity, prevent a "representative democracy the Grade." April 6). exactly what classes? I doubt this; most graduate - Krall's initial letter. I take ISMIC with Krall was trying lo make, and cross-gender and cross-economic that could be exploited by the ones was done in the way of research.' students are likely pursuing careers the material in the final paragraph of instead of addressing the point of events that would fill a social calen- in power." (we already have this sit- No quamitative data is given sug- in professional academia and have Ms. Price's letter. In it. she said that minority students' chance to enjoy a dar to over-flowing. uation in case you didn't notice) I gesting the number of grad students spent a good deal of time doing "minorities can never be racist." concert and expand their horizons, In the close of this letter. I hope strongly disagree that the only teaching classes (as opposed to research and analysis of texts. Merriam Webster's defines he went for a knee-jerk statement thai neither the camps of the anti- means of doing this is through vio- those who merely lead discussions Familiarity with Ihe subject matter racism as "a belief thai race is the that casts a shadow, nigh unto Bush/Moby or the pro-Bush/Moby lence and weapons. or labs). The lone of the article isn't presupposed, but required or priwary determinant of human traits McCarthyism. in that Mr. Krall is seek my head to affix to a spike. I'm Using violence to fight violence makes it sound as if one could throw else ihcy wouldn't be leaching. Is it and capacities and that racial differ- worse than a communist sympathiz- sure that Mr. Brewer and Popovich only justifies and escalates the a stone across campus and never hit that graduate students don't possess ences produce an inherent superiori- er, and that he's not "multi-cultural- are fine and loyal Americans, and oppressor's use of force, while using a tenured professor who actually the leaching skills? But is this any ty of a particular race." This means ly diverse." and should therefore be that even Mr. Krall is too. non-violent means is infinitely more teaches. less true of some faculty members? that if somebody categorizes people flogged. I hope that everyone that has potent than semi-automatic fire can Secondly, nothing is offered as My concern is that there is a pre- by race and believes that one group I believe that being miilti cultur- sounded off on the issue, no matter ever be. evidence that graduate studenis are conceived prejudice against gradu- is better than ihe other, that person is ally diverse is exactly that; experi- what his or her background is can Finally. I am always baffled al the doing sub-par work in regards to ate assistants; the going assumption engaging in racist behavior. If some- encing more than one culture, being see that too. I hope that any and all resistance to gun regulation. This is teaching. No evaluations arc offered is lhat they are incapable or inexpe- body says something derogatory like open to and actually experiencing readers look at me as a human, with not a move to ban guns or to take either from students or from in rienced, and so on. Usually, when a "All people (in whatever situ- new things, and noi dismissing human opinions and ideas, and if away the precious Second Amend- house deparlmenl reviews of gradu- studeni is doing poorly, the reaction ation) will do " he or she is someone for what he or she might you. as a reader, don't necessarily ment. I see it as a small move ate students' progress, and aside is to find a source of blame. Gradu- engaging in racist behavior. Simply think. agree with what I have to say. to at towards protecting people's lives from one quote from one student, ate assistants are easy targets, as we using phrases like "thirty to 40-year- I think thai BG has a vast field of least congratulate yourself on com- and guaranleeing their right to live there is nothing to suggest there is arc ihe lowest on the proverbial old white male" can be considered opportunities for students to try and ing to that decision and being without fear. even a problem. The fact that many totem pole. racist: I refuse lo believe that, in ihe experience new things. I've been to "diverse" enough to sec that not You proclaim passionately your graduate students teach or assist in Other kinds of prejudice may context, Ms. Price did not intend to art shows, (heater, films, lectures, everyone looks at the world Ihe right to own guns; I proclaim just as lower level classes isn't itself evi- exist too; the piece on foreign GAs use those words in a condescending men's and women's sporting events same, and that that is not really a bad passionately my right to live free of dence that there is a problem. smacked of racism and ethnic bias. I manner against Mr. Krall. and all of these activities have thing after all. fear from guns. Explain to me why it There is a good deal of relevant had a previous colleague who was While it is true that minorities allowed me lo be diverse. is wrong to put locks on handguns. information that should have been Chinese-American who taught a will likely always be oppressed in Next Mr. Brewer went lo the mat. Edward Manning Coombs How does this infringe on the Sec- included thai, as far as I can tell, was class in logic with me. Though she one way or another, and to whatever as it were, for Marcos with the fol- [email protected]. edu ond Amendment? Will you deny never even considered. Anyone was native bom and her only accent degree, we cannot justify sending lowing accusation: children the freedom to be safe in aware that it is part of every gradu- was from New England, students the least amount of racism back into 'Thirdly, you were very quick to Resistance to gun their own schools? WiH you deny ate assistant's contract to undergo openly complained about the "for- the faces of the majorities, whether judge Marcos' character, having people the right to be in a public continual training and development? eigner" ihey couldn't understand. it be in word or deed. We (meaning never met him or without knowing regulation baffling space without fearing deathly vio- The University has set up such a If this is the concern of the cam- what he has done on this campus and lence? program that every grad. assistant everybody, not just minorities) I would like to ask Tim Jenny pus paper, at least do sufficient should at least be above racial preju- in our community." Because if you deny the govern- must participate in (GradStep). research to see if there is even a While ihis probably is the case. how a militia armed with rifles and ment's right to regulate guns, then Additionally, individual depart- problem, and offer both sides of the dices (and name-calling) in our writ- grenades would defend itself and ing. Mr. Brewer is hanging his claims you are in effect denying the rest of ments set up in-house monitoring, story. Public expression of ridicu- and himself with the same rope thai overthrow the world's greatest mili- us ihe freedom to live without fear. peer and faculty review, and training lous views is too often regarded as he accuses Mr. Krall of. Mr. Krall tary power armed with nuclear programs for their grads. Depart- legitimization. Rick Valicnti was trying to say. I believe, give weapons, smart missiles and B-52s? [email protected] Taeyon Kim ment chairs and graduate coordina- UAO a break I say the same. I am I just don't see the logic in argu- taeyonk @ bgnel. bgsu. edu tors, as well as peer reviewers, keep Peter Brian Barry ing that guns allow the citizens of In The BG News. I read a not praising the manner in which a close eye on grad assistants and are [email protected] response to an opinion letter ("Letter tickets were sold, nor am I present- this country to defend (l.emselves Recent articles biased hghly responsive to legitimate stu- ignorant of Popovich's intentions." ing them laurels over the "They against a tyrannical government, dent complaints. Training and evalu- April 7). I really debated getting into Might Be Giants" concert debacle of when thai tyrannical government is ation is a rigorous process lhat all the world's military superpower I have to express some concern this little squabble, but my con- last year. bui. and mind you this is about the recent string of front page grad assistants go through. This Correction: Yesterday The BG scieace pulled me into it this morn- merely my opinion. I think that it's a (and is already an expert at sup- barely gets a mention in the article. News incorrectly reported that pressing movements for liberation in articles The BG News has been run- ing. The first point thai I would like step in the right direction, and that ning concerning the state of educa- Just a lack of space? 88.1 WFAL sponsored today's all of campus can participate in this other countries). Why wasn't this included? Why pre-concert party at Ziggy Zoom- to address is (his manipulative and This might have made sense 230 tion on campus, in particular, with charged comment: show if they so chose to on an indi- the most recent articles I myself am were no graduate assistants inter- ba's. The correct sponsor is 88.1 vidual basis. years ago when the government we viewed? And just what is the con- WBGU.

Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write Copyright © 2000, The BG News, Bowling Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 us and let us know where you stand. Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters ire to be less than this publication without prior permission of Phone: (419) 372-6966 500 words (less than two typed, double-spaced The BG News is prohibited. Email: [email protected] pages). These are usually in response to a current Website: Issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green area. The BG News is an independent publication ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600 800 founded in 1920 and is published daily during words) can be submitted as Guest Columns. Guest the academic year and weekly during the sum- Brandi Barhite Jeff Hindenach Amyjo L. Brown columns will be subject to space limitations and mer semester. Editor-in-Chief ianaging Editor Assistant Managing Editor considered based on topic relevance and quality. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy the editor are not necessarily those of the stu- Kevin Vorhees Tony Recznik Mary Beth Wilfong on a labeled disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compati- dent body, faculty, University administration Layout Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief ble) to 210 West Hall and leave It in the Opinion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the Editor's mailbox. Or, send it on e-mail to opinion of the Spring 2000 BG News staff. Dan Nied J. Michael Bestul Ben French [email protected] and give It the subject, "Let- Sports Editor Page 3 Editor Photo Editor ter to the Editor." The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photo- David Tran Robert Recker Jim Baer Alto, you can check out back issues of the Opinion graph descriptions. Opinion Editor City Editor Graphics Editor page on the web «t Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board are final.

VB&ka/cj*- id v* "*" page 5 The BG News \pnl II. 20(H) WORLD www.bgnews.tvm/ni Lots of work, little money Associated Press Photo

anger janitors into striking JANITORS STRIKE—Domini- ciano Osorio joins fellow strik- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lice for Janitors" under the leader- ship of John Sweeney, who laler ing janitors in chanting "Si se' LOS ANGELES — Hoisting became president of the AFL-CIO. puede" (Yes, you can), Friday brooms and mops, thousands of low- Organizing efforts were aimed at the during a protest march. The' income workers are walking picket fringes of the work force. It spent lines and gearing up for demonstra- more money than most unions on 8,500 union janitors are press-! tions across the country to demand organizing, absorbed independent higher wages, better job security and ing for a $1 -an-hour raise each unions and staged demonstrations to "justice for janitors." year for the next three years.! draw public attention and rally The pressure started building last They now make between $6.8a week when hundreds of janitors union loyalists. went on strike in Los Angeles, leav- "Their organizing tends to be and $7.80 an hour. The city's' ing the companies that clean 70 per- among marginalized workers." said biggest employer of janitors,- cent of the county's commercial Gary Chaison, a professor of indus- office space scrambling to find trial relations at Clark University in American Building Mainte- replacements. And the janitors' Worcester. Mass. "They also tend to nance, sought an injunction union said that was just the begin- emphasize justice, dignity and that would prevent strikers ning. respect. Instead of saying, 'We're On Sunday, a small group of jan- going to get you tremendous wage from blocking the entrance to itors staged a noisy demonstration in increases,' they said. 'We're going office buildings. San Diego, shouting "Mucho traba- to get you bargaining agreements jo, poco dinero" — "Lots of work. that will give you your fair share of tittle money." economic prosperity.'" This week, the campaign spreads That message has attracted thou- to New York City, where doormen, porters and maintenance workers sands of workers. plan to march up Park Avenue to In the cities where it has locals, Management Inc. promote their demands for contract the union said it represents up to 90 I VLL OPENINGS talks with owners of 3.000 residen- percent of all service workers. In tial buildings. Their strike deadline Washington. D.C.. union member- is April 20. ship went from 40 percent to 77 per- Management inc. "It's been the combined disre- cent over the past five years. Over Looking for something to Hilisdale Vpl spect at the workplace and the bar- an 18-month period in 1988. the lbdrm gaining table thai led us lo do this." union targeted the Denver suburbs said Mary Grille executive director and went from no presence to repre- enhance your marketability? Call 353-5800 of Service Employees Inlernalional senting more than 75 percent of the Union Local 2028 in San Diego. area's service workers, according lo Over Ihe next few months, main- union figures. Consider pursuing the... /CfEgCA tenance workers, maids and olher Management Inc. SEIU members plan demonstrations Workers in Washington blocked the Roosevelt Bridge over the Evergreen \(>i- in Chicago. Cleveland. Scaltle and Studtos. I bdrm, laundr) on site, olher major cities where contract* Potomac River in 1996 to call for M.S. in Occupational Health expire this year. higher wages for custodial workers. ( all 353-5800 In Chicago. 125 janitors planned In Los Angeles, the union (http://www. to begin a huneer strike ycslerday to became a major force in 1990. when proiesl Iheir . :k of health benefits. its attempt to organize janiti ^ in the or The contract for janitors in Chicago Century City district turned into a Management inc. Heinz Site :rprise suburbs expired Sunday; the con- bloody confrontation with police. Master of Public Health I bd tract for janitors in the city will About two dozen demonstrators ii ro expire on Saturday. were injured and 40 were arrested (http: //www. mco. edu/allh/mph) The liming is no coincidence. Soon after, the union won the right ( all 353-5800 The SEIU sel out five years ago to to represent workers. June 15 is now negoiiate contracts around ihe coun- celebrated as "Justice for Janitors try thai would expire wuhin months Day." For more information contact: of each other lo combine the clout of M.uia^cment Inc. The city has about 8,500 janitors more than 100.000 workers. Michael Bisesi, Ph.D. Willmi Mini- ;h St.. who work for 18 cleaning contrac- Thai kind of thinking, combined Medical College of Ohio 1 bdrm. Remodeled with some of the mosl aggressive tors handling most of the commer- (400 bargaining and recruiting tactics in cial properties in Los Angeles. The Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health organized labor, has made Ihe 1.3 union wants $l-an-hour raises for million-member union one of the the next three years — the average (419) 383-4235 faslesl-growing and powerful in ihe hourly wage is now $6.90. Contrac- Management inc. country. [email protected] tors offered a one-year wage freeze, MS IN MUM Si In 1985. [he ihen-struggling then 40-cent-an-hour raises for two i ill i; union slarted a program called "Jus- years. *.w< n< f.oi g mecca


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r fage 6 The BG News Tuesday, April 11.2000 CAMPUS USG Continued from page 1. well-organized and representing the Protests against WTO predicted in Washington D.C. student body during orientation and amendments after talking with Ed registration. (U-WIRE) demonstrations. Civil Disturbance Whipple. vice president of student Sobota was also one of the Units were activated Sunday and affairs. drafters of the new bylaw amend- WASHINGTON -- George Wash- will continue to patrol through the "Dr. Whipple asked us to elabo- ments. He said the amendment enu- ington University announced Friday end of the meetings. rate on the duties of the summer stu- merating sanctions for election rule it will close this weekend and yes- "Students should expect large dent government, so we made a violations will help ensure consis- terday because of anticipated inconveniences because of large longer list than we had previously." tency in the penalty system. protests of World Bank and Interna- crowds on the streets." Gentile said. Newnam said. "We wanted to have more of a set tional Monetary Fund meetings. He said a permit to protest has Some of the items on the list of penalty system, instead of leaving GW administrators met with not been approved as of Thursday, duties of the summer student gov- penalties entirely up to the Elections Metropolitan Police Chief Charles and MPD continues to meet with the ernment include maintaining com- and Opinions Board." Sobota said. H. Ramsey last week to prepare for demonstrators. munication with USG members, The bylaw amendments will be the protests. Late Friday, a memo "(The protesters) have advised us keeping the USG office open and discussed next week. released to the GW community they intend to have a peaceful announced the closing. demonstration," he said. LSU "As a direct result of discussions Gentile said streets will be closed with (MPD) who have assessed ... around the IMF and the World Bank, through Thursday. He could not say Continued from page 1. mal dress young women wear in cel- the impact of the World Bank/IMF ebration of their 15th birthday; meetings on traffic in the area, the which streets are expected to close. A preliminary list of street closures missed the opening can view them. guayabera. traditional men shirts University has made the decision to and blockades will be released Mon- Wrapping up the week is a fash- with four pockets; and six different close from Friday. April 14, at day, he said. The preliminary list is ion show Friday. This event will be "Zoot suits." 10p.m. until Tuesday. April 18, at 8 expected to expand, he said. held in the Harshman Community In addition to the fashion show, am," according to the memo. "Our actions will be very much Center 7 p.m to midnight. The event students will display their artistic Access to residence halls and the will feature students and faculty ability and LSU will host a dance. dependent on the group," Gentile Marvin Center will be restricted to said. members modeling party and formal Celcstino-Boes encourages stu- GW students and staff. Beginning wear. One of the highlights of the dents to participate in at least one. if At a Tuesday, April 4 press con- Monday, "the overnight guest policy ference. IMF Acting Managing fashion show is the traditional wear. not all the events. for non-GW students will be sus- Nikki Nieves. planning commit- "It is a way to get acquainted Director Stanley Fischer said the pended." Students must have a meeting planners are taking planned tee member, said traditional wear with the culture." she said. "We are GWorld card to be signed into a res- includes quincenera. which is a for- showing the culture in a fun way." protests seriously. idence hall. He said authorities are ensuring One of the objectives of the clo- that the meetings can go on without SPEAKER sure is to minimize traffic around disruption, but he said activities will Associated Press Photo Foggy Bottom, where the meetings not be "absolutely normal." Continued from page 1. munity. will take place. University officials PROTEST — A self-proclaimed anarchist holds up a sign to "The march will symbolize that "The material that is being dis- said. The IMF and World Bank cussed at these meetings is very protest police brutality during a public meeting in Seattle. Gersham said. "This is stuff we women can march through the offices arc located on 18th and 19th important for the operation of the During the WTO demonstrations last fall, police gassed and have to know about and encourage streets without the protection of streets near several University build- world economy, for the people who pepper sprayed thousands of protesters. A similar those around us to be educated. As a men." Gargiulo said. ings. live in the world economy." Fischer college student, you will never have Sallee-Gersham will be speaking demonstration against the organization is being planned for this MPD spokesman Sgt. Joe Gentile said. "And you don't really expect an opportunity to absorb this kind of at the march in addition to a perfor- week in Washington D.C. said MPD is still in the planning that whatever contingency plans we information in a protected environ- mance by members of the Africana stages for the expected protests. All might or might not have would be row morning. "Construction sites should be Dance Troupe and a call and ment such as a university." officers will be on duty, and officers made public at this stage." According to MI'D's Web site. secured, including all equipment and Students will have an opportuni- response singing led by Gospel will be assigned to the expected Protesters already have begun to businesses in the vicinity of the supplies.' according to the Web site. ty, though, to participate in the Choir director Nathan McDonald. demonstrations, he said, although he arrive and protest in certain areas of meetings should prepare for Street MPD also advises businesses lo 'Take Back the Night March" held "The more diverse the informa- would not disclose the number of Washington, DC. The World Bank closures and other potential disrup- develop a plan in case buildings and Thursday which will start at the tion you hear, the fuller your under- officers that will be assigned to the and IMF meetings will begin tomor- tions. windows need in be secured. Clocktower Quadrant and continue standing is about the world around throughout the Bowling Green com- you." Sallee-Gersham said.

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Griffey's 400th bomb not enough for Reds

THK ASMX IATU) PRESS Second-inning doubles by Jeff Cirillo and Darren Bragg put the DENVER — Ken Griffey Jr. Rockies ahead 1-0 off Steve Parris became the youngest player to hit (0-2) 400 career homers, but (he Colorado Colorado chased Parris with a Rockies beat the 7- four-run fifth Arrojo led off with a 5 in their home opener yesterday single and scored on Tom Good- behind two-run homers from Mike win's triple to right-center. Lansing Lansing and Todd Helton. followed with his third homer of the The new-look Rockies, with just season. Larry Walker singled. Ciril- 10 players remaining on the roster lo walked and Bragg hit an RBI sin- from last year's opener, got six gle off Hector Mcrcado. strong innings from Rolando Arrojo Stan Belinda got the final out for (1-0), who became the first Rockies his first save. starter to win this season. In the sixth. Cincinnati loaded the Griffey tied the game 1 -all in the bases with no outs on singles by fourth with an opposite-field homer Alex Ochoa. Chris Stynes and Barry off Arrojo. It was Griffey's second Larkin, with Griffey next lo bat. homer of the season and second in as Griffey hit a sacrifice fly, but Arrojo many days. induced ex-Rockie Dante Bichette At 30 years. 141 days, Griffey to hit into a double play. beat the previous mark, set by Jim- Colorado loaded the bases with mie Foxx, who was 30 years, 248 one out in its half in an inning that days old. Griffey is fifth on the was interrupted for 13 minutes by a career list among active players, power outage. After the delay. Walk- trailing Mark McGwire (525). Barry er hit into a double play. Bonds (447). Jose Canseco (431) Cirillo hil his second double and and Cal Ripken Jr. (403). scored on Helton's second homer of Griffey's historic homer came on the season in the seventh off Scott the 50th birthday of his father. Ken Sullivan. Griffey Sr. It was the fourth time he The Reds cut the lead to 7-5 in has homered on his father's birth- the ninth on David Cromer's first day. major league . a three-run Associated Press Photo Arrojo left after deflecting a dou- shot off of David Lee. FIRST IMPRESSION - Detroit Tony Clark awaits his turn for batting practice in Comerica Park yesterday . The Tigers ble-play grounder with his pitching Notes: The Rockies, who have got their first look at their new home in preparation for today's home opener against the . hand, a play that ended the sixth. X- rays were negative, leaving him with led the majors in attendance in each .i bruise on the middle finger of his of their seven seasons, drew 48.094. right hand. He allowed two runs and It was a club record for opening day six hits. at Coors Field, and the 50.427 total Comerica Park opener Colorado returned to Coors Field tickets distributed set a regular-sea- following a shakeup that saw new son record. ... Reds 2B Pokey Reese. GM Dan O'Dowd overhaul the hit by a pitch on the left elbow, left Blake Street Bombers, who hit home in the fifth inning with a bruise. ... I runs but failed to make the postsea- The Reds signed LHP Norm Charl- son since 1995. ton to a minor league contract. has Tigers optimistic Yesterday's game was the first at Charlton. who pitched for the club Coors Field for new manager Buddy from 1988-92. will report tomorrow Tut ASSOCIATED I'RI SS Win or lose, it's a safe bet fans produces a programmable "liquid when it was 60 in April." Bell. to Triple-A Louisville. ... Ochoa will enjoy visits to the 40.000-seat fireworks" display. It is capable of Moehler can afford to be glib. Colorado says it needs pitching to pulled his right hamstring in the ; DETROIT - Comerica Park, a stadium built at a cost of $300 mil- spraying water up to 150 feet in the Comerica is nothing if not a pitch- win. but the offense against the Reds ninth inning. After hitting a dribbler, spacious new ballpark in the heart ol lion, about $200 million of it from air from more than 900 nozzles er's paradise. The power alley in didn't show any signs of letting up he in|ured himself running to first downtown Detroit, has all the team owner Mike Hitch, founder of The carousel, in a food court, fea- left-center is 395 feet from home amenities, from statues ol Cobb and the Little Caesar's pizza empire tures 30 hand painted tigers and two plate. It's 385 in right-center and Kaline to liquid fireworks and a The scoreboard in left field is 202 chariots. A 50-foot. 18-ton Ferns 420 to get over the wall in dead cen- .carousel. feet wide, including a video screen wheel has 12 baseball-shaped cars ter Alas, it also has the Tigers 42 feet by 24 feet. A smaller board at "But, you know what?" outfield- "Standing behind the plate, it After opening the season with a field level in right-center will carry er Bobby Higginson said Monday looks almost like Yellowstone." •win. the Tigers lost live straight and out-of-town scores. A board over the .itier the team's first workout. "It's reliever said. "It looks ^will have the worst record in base- bullpen in right gives the speed of going to be a fantastic place to play like no man's land out there." • ball when they o[x.*n their new stadi- pitches thrown to each batter. baseball." Still, there were plenty of balls |um against the Seattle Mariners "It's kind of like Christmas." The workout was held on an ideal hit over the walls during the Tigers' .tonight right-hander Brian Moehler said. April day. with sunny skies, a gentle first baiting practice. "Don't be misled by what this "You can't wait to get to the tree in breeze and temperatures in the high The first was off the bat of out- .team did the first week." said man- the morning. 50s. But the weather isn't likely to fielder Karim Garcia. On his third ager Phil Garner, who expressed his "The thing that caught my eye be anywhere near so nice for open- swing, Garcia hit one out in right- displeasure after an 11-6 loss in Bal- first was the monuments. Everything ing day. center. Juan Gonzalez, who has timore on Sunday. 'This team will seems to be first class, really nice." Today s forecast called for snow, played sparingly because of a sore win a lot of games." A fountain in the center field wall turning to drizzle with temperatures hamstring, was the first to knock one in the high 30s. Still, it appeared over the left-field wall. every effort would be made to play "This may be the biggest stadium the game. in baseball, but whether it plays that Soccer "There is almost no chance this way remains to be seen." Garner game won't be played." Tigers said "If the wind blows out. there spokesman Tyler Barnes said may be a lot of home runs flying Moehler, who started the last out " game at venerable , This will mark the first time in A league of their own will start the first game in Comerica. 100 years that baseball in Detroit He said the weather wouldn't con hasn't been played at the corner of cern him. Michigan and Trumbull. In an effort "I've heard it might snow, but it to remember the team's roots, the Women 'spro soccer on the way probably won't stick," said Moehler, flagpole at Comerica has been who will oppose Seattle right-han- placed in left-center and will be in der Freddy Garcia. "It'll be like rain. play, .is il was at Tigei Stadium. Tilt ASSOCIATED PHI SS behind us so we know our exact I guess. More than 16.000 season tickets venue needs." said John Hendricks. "Besides. I like pitching in cool have been sold, well up from 10.000 Associated Press Photo NEW YORK — Parlaying deep- chairman and CEO of Discovery weather. I've never pitched here for the final season at Tiger Stadium. OPEN HOUSE - Statues honor Tigers' history at Comerica Park. pocketed investors, a strong televi- Communications and WUSA's sion presence and the popularity of board chairman. the World Cup champions, a The keys 10 success are signing women's professional soccer league the best players and hooking up with plans to begin play next spring. television TV coverage would be on Pro Bowl Packer arrested, accused of rape The Women's United Soccer TNT and CNNS1. mostly on week- Association said yesterday it end afternoons. THE ASSOCUTPII Put ss Robert Gessert, a friend of the Gessen's home, many of them juve- paraging comments about the presi- approved teams for eight cities: The U.S. Soccer Federation set a Green Bay Packers tight end. also niles. The 17-year-old girl told dent's moral character. Atlanta. Boston. New York.- May I deadline to submit business HARTLAND. Wis. — NIL stai arrested.An 18-year-old woman police they were playing a drinking Chmura's lawyer. Gerald Boyle, Philadelphia. Orlando-Tampa. San plans. The WUSA. with a four-year Mark Chmura was arrested yester- accused him of sexually assaulting game and Gessert gave her a drink said his client is cooperating with Diego. San Francisco and Washing- TV contract with Turner Broadcast- day after his 17-year-old baby sittet her in a hot tub at Gessen's home at with vodka. She told police she the investigation. "We will wait and ton. ing and such heavy corporate back- accused him of sexually assaulting the party after a prom, according to became drunk, the warrant said see what the facts show," he said. Listed as alternates were: Chica- ers as Time-Warner, Comcast and her in a bathroom during a part> at court records. She said Chmura was wearing Third-degree sexual assault go, Columbus. Detroit. Los Angeles. Cox Communications, already has which they played a drinking game Chmura appeared in court in an white boxer shorts and a dark towel. involves sexual intercourse with Miami. Portland. Raleigh-Durham met that deadline. together. orange jumpsuit with his hands Four pairs of underwear were con- someone without their consent, and St. Louis. Any of those cities "The official U.S. Soccer stan- bound in chains. Chmura and fiscated when authorities searched according to Wisconsin law. First- might be selected if one of the orig- dards require each team with a min- (ies-erl were released on S5.000 bail Chmura's home yesterday, including and second-degree sexual assault inal eight drops out. Also under con- imum salary level of $400,000." and are due in court May 15. white boxers, the warrant said. include having sexual intercourse sideration are Milwaukee. Denver Hendricks said. "From the investor Chmura. 31, and Gessert. 42. Investigators also recovered six with someone without their consent and Houston. side, to get the absolute top players have not been formally charged, towels when they searched Gessen's and using or threatening to use The league begins in April 2001 involved, we needed to double that Waukesha County District Attorney home, the warrant said, including a force. and has letters of intent to play from budget. Paul Bucher said dark-colored towel. Authorities also The 17-year-old girl and her all 20 members of the 1999 U.S. "The soccer federation has a stan- "We'll continue reviewing the confiscated vacuum cleaner filters mother contacted police Sunday. world championship team. dard for guaranteed funding for a ease. We'll need to gather more containing hair and other debris The teen was examined at a hospital. "We want the focus entirely on minimum of three years. We wanted information." Bucher said. from the bathroom floor. Chmura Hetznecker said. the women's game." said Julie to go longer and we have lined up Police are recommending a also gave hair and blood samples to Packers spokesman Lee Remmel Foudy. co-captain of the 1999 U.S. funding for a full six years: a devel- charge of third-degree sexual authorities, the warrant said. issued a statement Monday from team. "We all know how difficult it opment year as well as five years of jssault, a felony punishable by up to Chmura was arrested and hand- Green Bay. -is lo get a league off the ground. league play." 10 years in prison and a $10,000 cuffed early yesterday at his home, "As an organization, we are dis- "With all the resources these Each of the initial eight markets fine. where his wife was present. Hetz- appointed that Mark Chmura is companies have and all the promo- required a $5 million investment. A search warrant filed in Wauke- necker said. Later in the day, Chmu- involved in the type of situation that tion you can have, we feel you need ra friend John Drana answered the MLS also has expressed interest sha County Circuit Court said the has been reported." the statement that directed focus and energy that is door at the player's home and said in forming a women's league and 17-year-old girl told police Chmura said. solely behind the women's game. Chmura would have no comment. spoke with Hendricks as far back as led her into a bathroom at Gessen's The team will monitor the case We are totally committed to playing Chmura, the married father of December about combining efforts. house early Sunday, locked the door, and had no further comment, the for just the WUSA and hoping that is two children, joined the Packers in statement said. "We believe we can achieve far removed her jeans and underwear the league that gets sanctioned." and had sexual intercourse with her. 1992 out of Boston College. He built Chmura missed most of last sea- more working together than alone," WUSA envisions stadiums with The girl knew Chmura because she a home in this stylish community son because of a neck injury in the MLS commissioner Don Garber capacities of 6.500 to 10.000 for an had baby-sat his children, the war- less than an hour's drive from Mil- second game. He was at last month's said. "A combined effort would help 80-gamc schedule, far smaller than rant said. waukee about a year ago. minicamp. returning from what us position ourselves vs. the other Associated Press Photo Major League Soccer sites. It might The 18-year-old girl accused An avid supporter of family char- sports as opposed to cannibalizing JAILED - Green Bay Packers some feared was a career-ending not find those venues immediately, < iesserl of indecently touching her ities and conservative politics, injury. Chmura is entering his ninth on the support of either leagues. tight end Mark Chmura has yet and could temporarily emulate the while in the hot tub. Chmura refused to meet with Presi- NFL season. Collectively, we would ensure the MLS, which has many teams play- to be formally charged with the Police Chief Morton Helznccker dent Clinton after the Packers' 1997 women's viability, which is impor- ing in NFL stadiums. rape of his baby-sitter. said 15 to 20 people were at Super Bowl victory and made dis- "We need to get one season tant to us." i See CHMURA, page 9. page 8 The BG News Tuesday, April 11,2000 SPORTS Indianapolis 500 Falcons soar to new record in Texas relays CART champion DEREK McCORD "With the season Zerian and throw, she could have a shot at the have made 12 feet. It is certainly Ricco are having it is really inspria- MAC title. The men's 4X800m relay nice to beat two great competitors preps for Indy SPORTS Wurrcit team of Pete Lisi. Ed Stonestreet, from Akron and a bunch of other tional for them to realize that they THE ASSOCIATED PRESS slower than former winner Eddie A 28-year-old record with gold have run faster than any other four- Kreg Hatfield and Pat Miller found kids from the SEC and Big XII Cheever's lop lap around the 2 1/2- medal proportions fell this weekend some has run at Bowling Green. It is themselves pressed hard for time schools." INDIANAPOLIS — Juan Mon- mile oval. Cheever's youngei broth at the 73rd Clyde Littlefield Texas a great and well deserved honor." also after only having two hours to Teammate Williams proved that toya is a quick learner. cr. Ross, was among a dozen or so prepare for their event after getting Relays. The meet was held at the Univer- she is probably one of the best Already the youngest CART other rookies at the track and com- off the plane on Thursday. The Bowling Green men's sprint sity of Texas in Austin. The team women throwers in the MAC by fin- series champion, the 24-year-old pleted the mandatory four-phase dri Some controversy was stirred medely relay team of Rah'Sheen members competing in the event ishing as the top collegiate in the Colombian has set his sights on the ving test. when freshman Keith Battle was Clay, Ricco Oglesby, Zerian Peter- spent Wednesday night in a hotel in discus event with a distance of Indianapolis 500. And his career has "He's told me many little things Detroit. The next morning they bumped on the front stretch by son and Pat Miller ran a time of 16610. been so impressive that the Indy that I can't put into words, and he's boarded a plane that took them to another runner. That caused him to Friday proved to be one of the Racing League waived its required told me many things I can't repeal," 3:21:06 to defeat the record in the Chicago and then to Austin for the fall back a few places, but a foul was event by .74 seconds. best days ever for Bowling Green in rookie tests at the Indianapolis Ross Cheever said of his brother, the meet. not called by the event officials. He the field events as senior John Hus- Motor Speedway. 1998 Indy winner. "There's an infi The record was held by Olympic The meet was canceled last year finished a dissappointing 11th place gold medalist Dave Wottle, Rex tler finished fifth in the javelin by Montoya showed up anyway. nite amount of little pieces that are due to a $26 million renovation with a time of 7:51.19 after running throwing 205'01 despite pulling a "My first impression is there's a needed to make a winning package, Miller, Ted Farver and Ed Watkins. being made to the facility that an impressive time of 7:37 two Men's track coach Sterling Martin quadriceps muscle in the warm ups. lot of history here and a lot of excite- and Eddie has an endless amount of included a track resurfacing. weeks earlier. ment, but so far it is very simple." he situations that he's been through lhai said that breaking the record is a Sehmann said that the perfor- With the plane arriving in Austin Men's coach Sterling Martin said said yesterday between sessions of 1 haven't with the oval racing. reward for Clay and Miller and also mances of the team during the week- at 12:10 p.m., thrower Lori Williams that it was his fault for not giving the the annual Rookie Orientation Pro- "I raced for 12 years (in Japan) inspiration for Peterson and Ogles- end is a real testament to how the had to get to the track stadium team time to settle in and have gram. "It didn't seem as complex as but it's a totally differenl formula, by. before 2 when the hammer throw enough time to prepare for their program is shaping up. *To be able to go down there and it seemed from the outside, so it's and even though il is a steering "Rah'Sheen and Miller have con- event was scheduled to start. After events. wheel with pedals, it's a whole other do what (hey did says a lot for the pretty good." tributed to this program a lot over the rush to the stadium. Williams Friday's portion of the meet saw Montoya and teammate Jimmy learning curve for me," the younger kids ability to be able to handle the the years. Rah'Sheen has a couple was able to set a personal record senior Andrea Cook finish third in Vasser, an Indy veteran, are driving Cheever said. "Eddie and the whole pressure of the meet and for the and Miller 1 think has one. but it is with her first throw, and then with a the pole vault by clearing the height for Chip Ganassi Racing, a CART team have made it something that's great for someone that has given as throw of 17208" she finished fifth in of 1IW 3/4" work they put forth to advance the team that is returning to Ihe 500 for allowed me to learn at my own much to the program as those to the event. "After having to almost plead for program." the first time since Speedway presi- pace." have to walk away with a school With this being Williams' first Andrea to get into the meet she The Toledo quadrangular meet dent Tony George founded the rival Montoya also had some advice record. I think that they have a shot at the event, women's head made a personal best," Sehmann that was scheduled for today has IRL four years ago. Walker Racing, from an Indy veteran — Vasser — chance to break that record again," coach Scott Sehmann thinks that if said. "Maybe if we would have start- been cancelled due to weather and which is fielding a car for 19-year- although his seven victories, seven Martin said. she develops another rotation in her ed off a little cleaner then we might will be run next Tuesday. old rookie Sarah Fisher, is another poles and 10 top-four finishes in CART team that plans to run the IRL winning the CART title last year series this season. proved he didn'l need much help. "Indy always was a place you "Mainly Jimmy gave me some wanted to get to race someday in tips and advice, and everything Carter, McGrady dismantle Cavaliers your career." Montoya said. "When seemed to work out pretty well I CART split with IRL I thought I was expected to have a decent year, but I THE ASSOCIATED PRESS career-high nine assists and six out of nowhere to slam the rebound driving to the basket. He went to the never going to come here. Now that never expected to go out and win the blocks as the Raptors ended a four- home. With the quarter winding free-throw line 13 times, making II. I'm coming. I think it's going to be championship in my first attempt.' TORONTO — Vince Carter's game home losing streak by beating down. Carter dunked over Andrew The Cavs, down by as many as really exciting. he said. "The biggest difference is just No Indy rookie — not even for- first career triple-double helped Ihe Cleveland for the fifth straight time. DeClercq to make it 30-24 and 40 24 points in the third quarter, made a power. CART cars have a lot more mer Formula One champion Nigel Toronto Raptors inch closer to their Antonio Davis had 14 points and seconds later he set up McGrady for small charge in the fourth on a pair first playoff berth with a 112-103 a slam. power than these cars." he said of Mansell. the only other driver to win four blocks, while Charles Oakley of Kemp dunks that closed the gap victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers added 10 rebounds. the Oldsmobile Aurora engines used the CART title in his first season in Carter completed another high- to 98-93 with 4:28 left, but the Rap- yesterday night. in the G Force cars entered by the series — has won at Indianapolis Shawn Kemp had 22 points for light-reel move two minutes into the tors responded with six straight Ganassi. "Chassis-wise, they're since Graham Hill in 1966. Carter went 13-of-19 from the Cleveland. Bob Sura had 19. and second quarter when he hit a one- points. pretty similar. The handling is pretty Other rookies who completed the field and scored 31 points, had II Lamond Murray 16. handed alley-oop off a Muggsy Notes: Doug Christie, not in uni- similar. You just have to make a nice driving test included Sam Hornish rebounds and added a career-high 10 Carter gave the Raptors, guaran- Bogues inbounds pass. The two car to drive and you'll be fine. ... I Jr.. Airton Dare and Memo Gidley form the previous two games with a assists. teed of their first winning season hooked up for a similar play in the went four laps and was up to speed, Vasser was the fastest Indy rook Toronto (43-34) moved within since joining the league five seasons third quarter to make it a 69-50 sore right ankle and pulled groin, fourth-quickest in four laps, so dial's ie qualifier in 1992. finished fourth one win or one Milwaukee loss of ago. a 21-18 lead on a 3-pointer 7:25 game. dressed but did not play. ... After get- pretlv cood." in 1994 and crashed while leading clinching a postseason spot. The into the game. McGrady. meanwhile, did a bit of line fouled on a drive to the baskei. After just a few laps yesterday Bucks hosted Orlandoyeslcrday. A minute later, Davis' shot everything at both ends, swatting McGrady tossed the ball at Mark morning, Montoya was up to more Tracy McGrady had 27 points, a bounced off the rim and Carter came away balls, causing turnovers and Bryant, earning a technical. than 217 mph. just about I mph i See INDY, page 9. Time Running

Out! SXcC[)onaW 205 W. WASHINGTON: One bedroom unfur- cJbwers cWest Cf^estaurant nished upper duplex. Nice residential area. Secretaries Specials Tree lined street. Gas heat. Resident pays •Wrdncsdaf. April 2b utilities. $425.00 per month for a 12 month lease. Cat permitted with references. $6.50 342 1/2 S. MAIN ST.: One bedroom unfur- includes choice of on 'Entree and a 'Dessert. (Entrees: nished apartment. Nice residential area. Qieese gleak $alad Chicken w/ChoHis 5ouce Resident pays utilities. Laundry facilities on 'fasta 'rMmovera property. $365.00 per month for a 12 month (Desserts: lease. Oreo <])reatn 'flar QrangeKlsl fVcamsidc glrowherr^ ^hortrafcr NEWIWE Konul Cream '^>ie Call ahead Jor reservalions. r^unch 0"ty Rentals Call ahead lo pre-order Jrom both regular menu as wed as specials. 332 S. Main St. 372-8075 352-5620 Come In To Our I^-aufur menu available also. Office Today! Don't miss WBGU's Front & Center The Passenger Pre- BUSH Live Broadcast from liggy Zoomba's Tuesday 5-7 pm 2 pairs of tickets to be given away _ + mamuj mere contests & prizes ^ > Don't Drive to the concert: live and Electric Take the BGSU Shuttle tram Zigg/s at 7:00pm at Howards Club H Wednesday April 12th Special Early Start 9:00pm Tuesday. ApriI II. 2000 The BG News page 9 SPORTS T, T ST J-T.TL American League - &-om fcHj w;«* ae. 1\|)IA\.\[M| 6- , ntriCf foi thf May 2Mndian.ipolis SOO, listing dn- AII Times EDT Indians say home season is sold oul, again Hornets 107, Wizards 105 MT. entrant, cat numbtn and chmts engine comfafnatton .iii,u.i Aumr.i Baltimore 5 833 days before the team's home season opener Friday capped a wild finish and lilted the Charlotte Hornets 5 6, |ac* Miner, Tn Star Motorsportt, No 21, 2iT. Dalian-Aurora New York 3 500 2 against Texas. over the Washington Wizards 107-105 yesterday night 7-8,St*phan< irvgoim, Dick Simon Radng.No 7,7T. G Force-Aurora Toronto 3 429 2 1/2 The Indians have sold out 373 straight home games, Eddie Jones scored 26 points and David Wesley had *M0, MonlOya GaMMl Racing. No 10. 10T. C. Force-Aurora. Boston 2 313 the longest such streak in the majors The season atlen- 3 21 for the Hornets 11-12. Jimmy Vaster, Ganasei Rndng, No IS 151 G Force-Aurora Tampa Bay 2 286 3 1/2 dance last year was 3.468.456. a franchise record. 13-l4,w-AIUn»er|r,GaUe»Radng,No I El GForce-Aurora Division Season tickets are capped at about 25.000. The Indi- The game was tied at 103 when Richard Hamilton ryce< arison Hubbaid-lirankc Racing, No 20,20T, Dalian Auro- W Pel. CB ans placed 800.000 individual game tickets on sale Dec. missed a pair of free throws with 59 6 seconds left. ra < !■■- I 4 .667 3 and ran that sale until Dec. 24. A secondary sale began Charlotte missed iwo shots on the ensuing possession, 17-18, Robbie Buhl, Dreyer ft Reinbold Rndng, No 24, 24T, G Force- Kansas t n\ 5 .625 Feb. 26 for tickets not sold in December plus about but gained two clock resels before Anthony Mason hit a FHA Chicago 4 571 1/2 175.000 tickets for auxiliary bleachers and standing 10-footer with 2 8 seconds left foi a 105-103 lead. Minnesota n 20, EuMoSalazar.A I Foyl Rndng,No II. ill (, Fore-Aurora. 3 375 2 room. Mason finished with 19 points, nine rebounds and left Ward AI Foyt Racing, NO 14,14T,GForce-Aurora Detroit 1 167 3 Jeff Ovenon. Indians vice president of marketing nine assists No driven Hated Foyt/Bnck Motonports, No 41,41T. G Force- West Division and communications, said the team is thankful to its Aurora W Pel Charlotte's Derrick Coleman. who had 16 points and fans for selling out the season prior to the home opener 25-26, Bu//( alkm-. lliadley Motorsport.No 12. I2T. Dal lara-Aurora Seattle 4 667 16 rebounds, fouled Washington's Mitch Richmond on for a Fifth straight season. 27-% Greg Ray, ream Menard, No I, IT, Dalian-Aurora Texas 4 .571 1/2 the ensuing in-bounds play and Richmond hn both free »< Nodrivei listed, learn Menard. No J2, Dalian-Aurora Anaheim 3 500 The Cleveland streak dates back to June 12. 1995. throws, tying the game al 105 and setting up Camp KM1, Scott Sharp, Ketw) Radng.No B in DaUara-Auron Oakland 3 500 Jacobs Field opened in 1994. Its capacity is 43.368. bell's game-winner. ■■ Krllev Racing, No 28. 28T. Dailara-Aurora M 15, hmrm Kite Bhwprinl Rndng, No 27,27T,G Force-Aurora. i Andy I llllenburg, Fast Track Rndng, No 48,4ST. Dailara-Auro- CHMURA- Hens fall to Durham ra Transactions THE ASSOCIATED PHISS Detroit farm system. He led the Guy Smith. March Rndng, No 44,44T, Dallara-Auron Continued from page 7. Southern League in hornets and 40-41. Wun Eyckmans, Dick Simon Radng.No 77.77T. G Force-Aurora BASEBALL Njtional Lejgut TOLEDO, Ohio — Randy slugging percentage I I ■ /McGehcc Q-eadwa) Rndng, No. 5,5T.G Force-Aurora Winn's inside the park homer in the After Durham had regained the CINCINNATI REDS— Agrred lo terms with UIPNormCharllon "I'm actually glad I'm here," he 4445, No drivers listed, Ireadway Racing, No 53, 55TG Force-Aurora fifth inning helped power Durham to lead, the Bulls scored u single run in on a minor league contract and was assigned lo Louisville ol Ihe said at the Packers' first minicamp 46 17 DormieBeechler,CnhiU Auto Rndng. No 98,96T, Dnuara-Aurora. a 4-1 win over Toledo yesterday and the eighth on a homer by Felix Mar- League under coach Mike Sherman. "I 48-49, Mr-Budd) Lazier, Hamalgarn Rndng, No 91, 91T. RileyftScoit- give the Bulls their third straight win tine/, his tirsi of the season. In the appreciate things more. It's been a Aurora over the Mud Hens. ninth, Aubrey Huff hit a homer for BASKETBALL long year, a long wait. It was good to SO 51, Mo driven listed, H.-melgam Rndng, No 92, M2T, TBA-Aurora Winn also had an RBI single in Durham, also his first. PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS— Activated C Arvydas Sabonis get out there." i DanDrinan Hemdgarn Racing No 93,93T,Dalian-Aurora the third inning. Tony Fiore (1-0) goi the win for Irom Ihe injured lisl. Placed C Antonio Harvey on the injured Hst Last week. Packers reserve run- 54-55, Billy Boat,TtamPrtfnry,No 81 811 Dailara-Aurora The Mud Hens jumped out to an Durham. He pitched five innings, FOOTBALL ning back De'Mond Parker was early 1-0 lead with a two-out RBI gave up five hits and one run. He IACKSONVILLE JAGUARS— Re-signed TE Damon |on« charged in Richton Park. III., with si MMARV double in the first inning by Javier walked two and struck out three. NEW VORK GIANTS—Signed CB Dave Thomas Re-signed C-C. possession of marijuana. He was Drivers (24) Cardona, who was last year's minor (1-0) look the loss Derek Fngler arrested April 2 after 7 grams of Former winners (2)— AI Unserjr., 1992, 1994 Buddy Lazlet 1996. league player of the year in the for Toledo Rookies(4)—|uan Montoya, And\ HiUenburg,* >uy Smith, Dan Drinan SOCCER marijuana were found in an automo- Foreign born (7J Scoti Goodyear, Canada Stephen Gregoire, France. COLORADO RAPIDS—Acquired S Junior Agogo Irom Chicago bile in which he was seated, police Mi nloya, ( otombia; Eliseo Salazar, 1 hue; |efl Ward, Scotland Guy lor a thud-round 2001 draft pick Waived FJcfl DiMaria said. INDY Smiih. England, Wlm l\»kmans, Belgium COLLECE In February, wide receiver Anto- XH IIIWEST TEXAS—Named Dennis Null men's basketball Voungesl - |imm) Kite, 24 (Horn Feb 18, 1976) Oldest — Eliseo nio Freeman was sentenced to a year Continued from page 8. you're not in the field, and it'll be coach. Salazar, 44 iliorn Nov 14.1955) of probation for obstructing police nice lo hopefully have a shot at it. ... in a Green Bay traffic accident. For- the race 30 laps from the finish in Our primary goal is to win Ihe mer wide receiver Charles Jordan 1995. Like most CART drivers, he CART championship, and now our was fined $5,000 for lying about the hasn't raced at Indy since then. second-biggest goal is to win this accident. COLLEGE CAN BE LESS STRESSFUL "I've been doing things on other race. It is the biggest race going Sundays for four years now, and it'll There's no doubt about thai." WITH A LITTLE EXTRA CASH. I be nice (to be back)." Vasser said Full practice for the May 28 race "You can't win the Indy 500 if begins Mas 13. Your opportunity to help COLLEGE TUITION ASSISTANCE evaluate menu items for UPTO 100%TO STATE RECOGNIZED COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY Gl BILL the University Dining Services is here! Sexual Assault RECEIVE UPTO $600.00 PER MONTH. STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM April 11-13 ^^ REPAYMENT UP TO $20,000 IN SELECTED CAREER FIELDS. 4 APRIL 11-13 CLOTHESLINE DISPLAY \ Clock Tower Area 10am-4pm WORK ONLY 39 DAYS A YEAR APRIL 13TH TAKE BACK THE NIGHT MARCH/RALLY AND Food Samplin Clock Tower Quadrant EARN COLLEGE CREDITS 7-m- Rally, 8:15pm-March April 11 OHIO AIR NATIONAL GUARD APRIL 14 CLOTHESLINE PROJECT YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO EXPLORE EVERY OPPORTUNITY 11:00-2:00pm T-SHIRT MAKING CALL (419) 372-2170 Kohl Hall llam-2pm APRIL 17 MOCK RAPE TRIAL Fuel Your Future Olscamp 111 7pm-9pra APRIL 26 CLOTHESLINE PROJECT Air National Guard T-SHIRT MAKING UNIVERSITY To be held in The Link 6pm-8pm SVRVICSI Founders, McDonald, Kreischer. Sponsored by: Wellness Connection, Student Health Services. Women's •c Jim-Aail Action Coalition. Behavioral Connections. SAIN Program, What Men Need to Know About Rape Program CASO. MM-— —— ----- " ■ ■ ■■ For more information call Jen at the Wellness Connection 372-0470 Awareness Month *r ^ UAO & Launch your JOIN THE START Tf presents ft future today UP TEAM AT OUR with Convergys TOLEDO CALL I Movie of the Week I CENTER! TECHNICAL SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES ?55 ^oundcts Keepers Convergys is looking to hire numerous Technical Support Representatives who will provide support to cable modem customers Oy troubleshooting. resolving or re-directing inquiries as necessary. The center will be open tEBVICES *^ MARY KATHERINF GALLAGHER* between 6am-2am, Sunday-Saturday Wewill be looking lor both FULLand PART TIME, including weekends. 3ntioducin$ A foesh WE OFFER: • $9.50 per hour with a $.50 shift differential for evening and weekend hours to if oul n\otnln$... • Paid vacation • Great benefits package, 401 (k), employee stock option plan, pension plan, life, medical, vision and dental REQUIREMENTS: • High School Oiploma/GED required, some college preferred • Proficient with IBM PC - Windows '95, '98 • Troubleshooting experience • Excellent customer service skills • Working knowledge ol Internet concepts and WWW/Macintosh knowledge t tm an asset fit 7 9° - *»y*"» mtkAaft .ARE TO • Excellent communication and problem solving skills 10:00am - 1:30pm weekends WILL FERRELL • Ability to effectively handle irate calls MOLLY SHANNON • Able to work well under pressure and in a fasl-paced environment jStk ^•ilt ifout bowl with ^>lain 01 X^Anilia ifo$u?t, • Excellent attention lo detail and ability lo type 20 WPM then add you? choice of toppings! Applicants will be required to demonstrate Internet knowledge and computer ability. FOR A PRE-EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW CALL ^Tiif fiesh stnawkeiiies 01 Uuebeities. Wednesday 9:15 pm 1-888-284-7644 Ext. BWG-HAA7 /HayU toasted coconut and crushed 111 Olscamp 8AM -12:00 MIDNIGHT, 7 DAYS A WEEK. pineapple 01 even sweet apple topping. ^t-hen add sotne crunch with pianola Door Prizes!! tSr CONVERGYS or $o healthy with wheat ^erm. ¥ FREE Admission W £rt Convergys 4 in Equal Opoonumty/iWimilivc Action Emoloyti committed 101 Oiwrn *o*orct ■nil "ii page 10 The BG News Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Campus Events Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Rent

26" trek 850 mountain bike. 21 speed Native American Table Babysitter for 2 kids. 5 and 3 yrs. Must be Are you looking for a summer job? Camp Kitchen help needed. Must be at least 18. 2 bdrm unfum. duplex, 117 1/2 E Reed 669-3384, leave message. Including Leonard Peltier's able to come through summer. Call 352- counselors are needed at the YMCASub- Call Tanglewood at 833-1725. 1 balh, great storage, non-smoking, off- conviction and more Wed, April 12th. 8409 after 6:30pm urban West Branch in Columbus. In- Receptionist/Off Ice Assistant Hockey skates, size 10. cem 3500. skale street parking & quiet, no pels 12 mo. cludes great hours, weekends oh* and free guard & laces ind. $25. 372-4167. email Union Oval. 9:30-4:30 Subleaser needed for summer, avail May Seasonal position. May 15-August 15 lease Avail May or August $485 plus membership if hired. For more informa- bhruskaObgnet -Incident at Oglala" Wed, April 12th. 7th-Aug 15th; $500 354-6819. ask for (option to continue in fall if possible). ulil 287-3306 tion, call 614-276-8224. BA 1007 at 7:30pm Charlie or leave message. Responsible for answering 3 line phone, HONDAS FROM S29/mo. Police 3 bdrm unfum. 117 E Reed. 2 full baths, Pre-Departure Orientation for Full time and pan time positions greeting guests and assisting with a impounds! 0 down, 24 mo. al 19 9%. For wash/dryer. Ig. kitchen, storage. Non- Subleaser needed from May 13 thru Aug. variety of office duties. Detail oriented and listings call 1-800-319-3323 em 4558 smoking. 12 mo lease, no pels. Avail Study Abroad Students 12. 1 bdrm apt. unfum. on 7th St. Please available. Part time is mornings only. organized. Computer skills including Aug $920 plus util 287-3306 It you are studying abroad during the contact Teresa 354-0002. If interested please call Boss Roofing. Macintosh Pertorma 6400 computer. 17" 352-3057 working knowledge of spreadsheets and summer 2000. tall 2000 or the entire Subleaser needed May-Aug Own room, monitor, 180 Mhz, CD rom, laser printer, 4bdrm unfum 411 N Enterprise B.iso 2000-2001 academic year, please attend databases a plus. Must be friendly, a zip drive $600-650, obo Call 372-2862 ment, washer/dryer, 1 1/2 balhs, garage, big enough for 2 people. 149 Manville. HEATHERDOWNS COUNTRY CLUB team player, and comfortable interacting one of these orientation sessions: $500 whole summer > mil Call 354-6736 Toledo Area Golf Course has seasonal Ponliac 6000, 1986, 107K, many new non-smoking, no pets 12 mo lease. Sec. Tuesday, April 11, 7:00-9:00pm, with people. Send resume or apply at the Subleasers wanted for summer. 1 yr old, Golf Shop and Bagroom positions parts. Power windows/locks. Must sell. dep. $920 plus util. Avail. Aug 287-3306 1103 Offenhauer West Catholic Club, 1601 Jefferson Avenue, 4 bdrm. house. 1479 Scott Hamilton (off available between April 1st and MOO obo Call Jon 0 352-3805 6 bdrm. house, sublease for May to Wednesday. April 12, 7:00-9:00pm. Toledo, Ohio 43624. Mercer) Nick or Dave at 352-8415. October 31st. Immediate hinng for Application deadline. April 21,00. Whirlpool Washer & Dryer. $250 00 firm. August, 1366 E. Wooster. directly across 1103 Otlenhauer West motivated females and males. Great Sublsr needed May 14 thru July 01. 2 352-5882. the street Irom campus. $233/month plus Call 372-0479 with questions. wages, flexible schedules, exciting Recreation Laadara bdrm., 2 bath apt. Big rooms & space. 10 utilities Negotiable. Call 352-4884. Senior Week & Beyond BG are coming! environment, will train. Group leaders to facilitate group games. min. walk to campus. Call Marissa 353- Initiative games course with climbing wall. 719 4lh. 3 bedrooms, 1 balh. cential air, April 24-27 Contact Jason at (419) 3350248 EOE. For Rent dishwasher, on-site laundry, no pets 8368. Indoor and outdoor opportunities Beyond BG "Millennium Masquerade- Summer subleaser needed for 1 bdrm. If you can throw down in the kitchen, it $650/mo ♦ dep. S utils Avail. May 17th. April 27 8-10pm Anderson Arena available. Part-time flexible hours. fum. apt. Rent negotiable. Call Taylor at you can hustle food & drinks, Jed's wants "•Large house, apts. & rooms 353-0494. Sponsors include SBX, BG News & you. Accepting applications for summer & Training available. Send resume or apply 353-5460 House 2 bdrm., $645 mo. 730 Elm Street. 2 BR, sec dep., parenlal BGSU Alumni Association year-round. Pan and full time. Waits taH, at the Catholic Club, 1601 Jefferson 326 Leroy-up, 1 bdrm $355 mo. guarantee, tenant pays util., 12 mo. Got your -Millennium Masquerade' t-shirt minimum to start. Kitchen $8-$10mr. to Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43624. Apts. 316 E. Merry #5.1 or 2 bdrm. Lease. $5007Month. Avail. May 15, 2000 on the Education steps lor just $13! start. Apply within. M-F after 3:00pm. 872- Summer babysitter for 8 4 10 yr. olds in $480 mo.. AC, furnished Call 352-2330 after 5:00 PM or 354-2854 Help Wanted 1977. my BG home. Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30. Must Summer & 1 sem leases avail Lawn care business seeking experienced have own transp. & love sports! Call 352- Apartment Available Call 353-0325 9am-9pm 1 bedroom S Internet Gold S pt. time & full time seasonal worker. 669- 4286 after 6pm. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments $265 * utilities Services Offered Shop, save, make money! 3338. Summer Camp Staff Beginning of May of 2000 12 month lease preferred With your own e-commerce shopping mall Like talking on the phone? Why not get Seasonal Positions 352-7454 (419)-287-4151 Turn key internet business. Earn while paid tor it?! That's right. AZG Research is Group leaders for day camp ages 3-14 SBX • SBX • SBX you sleep, www now hiring for telephone interviewers. NO years. Full time, seasonal, various shifts 1 bdrm apt across from campus Avail GEORGETOWN MANOR Get your personalized graduation June 1, for one year lease. $325/mon * SELLING INVOLVED. Starting pay available. Must like kids, be a positive role 800 3rd St. *616 2nd SI. announcements at SBX within 24 hours. '"Miscellaneous help needed Start im- utilities. Call (419) 893-1277, evenings. mediately and through summer. Will work $6.00/hr. Call 352-8115 exl. 0 for more model, energetic, fnendly, and a team SBX ' SBX - SBX around schedule. Call 353-0325. details or stop by for an application. player. Wage plus bonus system. Some 1 bedroom apt. 138 E. Court St. $400/mo. Fall 2000/2001 354-9740 "Cleaning people needed. Start 13330 Bishop Rd, right here in Bowling positions available working with special ind. heat & water. No pets, avail. June 1 bdrm starts $325 plus utilities 5/08/2000 or sooner Call 353-0325. Green! needs children and youth. Hiring now for 2000 352-0537 or 352-6224. as* lor Tom 2 bdrm starts $545 & elec/lree hoal W/D lacll., AC, parking/walk-in closet, Personals 400 Counselors/Instructors needed! Coed Look great for summer summer. Hours available beginning May 1 Bedroom Apt. House fum ./unfum. Renovated, quiet, no pets summer camps in Pocono Mountains. PA. Lose lbs & inches 15th. Send resume or apply at the 1 Block from campus Lohikan, 800-488-4321 100% sate, natural & guaranteed Catholic Club, 1601 Jefferson Avenue, Call 354-2401 Looking for a place to live? BE FLEXIBLE.. SAVE $$$ 1-888-800-6339-ext 1230 1 subleaser needed May-Aug 00. Helluva Advanced Auto Parts now hiring fo' full Toledo. Ohio 43624. Europe S219 (o/w • taxes) Pad! 1 bedroom 224 1/2 Troup Ave 353- Your move off campus! and part time positions. Parts experience The Wood County Park District has an CHEAP FARES WORLDWIDE!! Musk: Director-25/30 hr wk start July. 4933. NICE. CLEAN 2 BDRM. APTS AVAIL. Mexico/Caribbean $199-5229 (r/l »taxes| preferred but not necessary. Apply in per- immediate opening for a Special Projects son at 1025 S Main St. $25-30,000 per exp & skills. Coordinator. Qualifications include certifi- 1,2,3 Bedroom Apts. FOR FALL. 9/12 MO. LEASE STARTING Call: 800-326-2009 Resume to Trinity United Methodist Fromonry Bar restaurant help needed. Musi be at cation as a Playground Safety Inspector. AT $475. 2-4 PERSON OCCUPANCY xn xu ,\u xu xu xu Church, 200 N. Summit, Bowling Green, $425 least 21. Call Tanglewood at 833-1725. Certification must be obtained within one AC & OFF-STREET PARKING. NO PETS The sisters of XU would like to OH 43402. Private Entrance Bartender with experience needed part- year ot the hire date Must possess PLEASE 352-3445. congratulate Wendy Peck Nazareth Hall Patio time at Easy Street Cafe. Apply in person knowledge and experience in desktop Subleaser needed ASAP Greek Sportswoman ot the year and Part time positions available for waitslaff Spacious Kitchen 2-5. publishing, word processing, html pro- (Now until Aug. 10) Kelly McCarthy recipient ol the & Bartenders for weddings & special Small Pets Welcome! 1 unfum. rm. in 2 bdrm. apt (Univ. Village) Camp counselors & lifeguards needed for gramming, general computer knowledge Werner Book Scholarship. events. Excellent opportunity for anyone Varsity Square Apts. $2507mth + security & your part of util. co-ed summer camp near Ann Arbor. and experience in grant writing and re- xn xn xo xu xu xu looking to earn extra spending money. 353-7715 April and August Free Room, board & salary. 734-878-6628. search. An associate or bachelor degree Envious Friend Great wages Must be available on is required Send resume with references 12 month leases starting August Call 344-4267. Leaving Commons on Titanic Camp Counselors weekends Please call 419-832-2900. to Wood County Park District. 18729 Mer- 418A S. Summit. $675/mo. ♦ utils. Subleaser needed. 2 BR, large ktchn & Thursday, April 13 Stop For children with disabilities. Must have Painters Wanted cer Rd.. Bowling Green OH 43402. Re- 2 bedroom, lower duplex, quiet area, living rm. Ouiet area. 518 1/2 S. Main St. Invited to dine at Capt. Smith's strong work ethic and interested in mak- Have you painted for a student painting sume deadline is April 14, 2000. washer/dryer hookup 353-3476,Taeyon or Luc. Table at 430. Stop ing a difference in the life of a child. Up to 132 Liberty SI. 2 bedroom spacious, company or other painting company? We We are looking for 1 or 2 select Uneventful trip so far Stop. Si 1 00 per hour, 35 hours per week, 6 are looking for dependable, hard-working quiet area $525/mo * utils. individuals to work evenings in our Subleasers needed for Summer 2 bedrm Leonardo sites in Summit County. Must enjoy out- & motivated people. We are a year round 134 Liberty, 1 bedroom, quiet area, Perrysburg office. If you are unfurnished on 7th St CHEAP! Call Every 12 seconds blood is needed door activities. Call 800-CYO-CAMP for company looking for summer help. If you off-street parking. $495/mo. * utils. serious about making money, are Christian or Dusty 353-0599 A/C, Dish- Give blood and make a difference an application. have your own transportation & some Call Highland Mgml. 354-6036 willing to work in a fun, group washer, Utilities included. in someone's life. Childcare needed, 3 yr. old & 4 yr. old for experience call 862-0564 environment and have a great 12 month leases starting May 19th, 2000: To sublet, large 2 bdrm. with lots of stor- Olscamp Hall, 11 -6, today/tomorrow fall semester. Resume 4 references for an application phone voice we may need you! 322 E. Court «4-1 Br.-1 person- age, AC, dishwasher, free spa privileges needed Call 419-353-7709. Fncker's Mens Softball Team is having PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE Can Mrs. Thompson between $390. ind. all util. 8th St. $450 plus util & dep Leave mes- Christian Summer Camp practice and tn/outs on Sunday 4/16/00 MONEY! Top sports camp-Maine. Coun- 10 am and 2 pm ONLY at 419-872-6265 322 E. Court «5-1Br.-1 person- sage Jan 354-5400 and 4/30/00 from 4 30om to 7 30om jn_ Counselor, Lifeguard, Nurse, Good pay. selors to coach all sports: tennis, base- $420. ind. an util. We are looking for summer help. Paint- Bowling Sunn Ohm (we will practice be- 216.623.7457 ball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, water- 453 S. Prospect SC-1 Br.-1 person- tween I7S and the BGSU Football stadi- m y I ec h re e [email protected] front, ropes, 8MX, mountain bike, golf, ers, exp. & own transp. Power washers $360 . t Gas/elec Senior Farewells um). Tuesday evening league, Sunday water-ski. 888-844-8080 or apply exp. & own transp. Cold callers going Steve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666. Earn & Learn with UPS! door to door. Call 882-0564. evening league and weekend tourna- JOB FAIR this Saturday 9-1 2 bdrm. non-smoking, lemale orienled ments on Sat. & Sun. For details call B_ob_ 3-1/2-5 hour shifts Local Trucking Company Looking for apt. Furnished, utilities included MiUeiat.(419) 474-1733 $8.50-$9.50mour. Summer Drivers! For Sale 353-5074, Kelly. Senior Ouestion #77 Only 2 days left to lave lives 1550 Holland Rd.. Maumee Are you 21 or over and want to make big 2 bdrm 1002 & 1004 Boone Ct. Unfum.. ■Do I need by giving blood! Take a Tour! $? We are looking for people who can 1 1/2 baths, air cond . wash/dry hook up. a moving company?" Olscamp Hall, today/tomorrow, 11-6 Call 419-891-6860 lor more info! drive our dump trucks for the summer1 2 laptops. Toshiba 486 DX, 120 MB, 12 garage, yard, quiet, non-smoking, no Get all the answers: EOE We will train! Some heavy equipment ex- RAM, 9.5_ color screen, $275. Tl 386,12 pels. 12 mo. lease, grad student/prof, pre- Senior Question «19 Food Service Worker-20 hours per week. perience is necessary. Give us a call @ RAM, B & W screen, $100. Call 353- ferred. Avail. May/August $720 plus util "Can I use my frat M-F. 3:00pm to 7:00pm daily. Work coop- (419) 843-2813 or send resume to: HR 2076, ask for Tim. 287-3306 brother as a reference?" eratively with mental health staff to pro- Dept, Driver, 3810 Herr Rd., Syfvania. Get all the answers. vide meals for children and adolescents. OH 43560 ^rVwwfv^

1. preferably 2. female roommates for fall & spring semester Close to campus, newly remodeled 352-7442. Join WalkAmenca and h* a hero for 2 females to sublease house for summer. babiei. Call your local March of Dunn 828 5th St. $237.50 • utils Call collect af- Check out these delightful or vim www.modimct.ors. ter 5pm, 1 -330-665-4110 or 352-9392. spacious 142 bedroom Apartments March Senior Ouestion (39 • 2 blocks to downtown 'What if I decide I don't like • 1 block to Post Office* the career I've chosen?" • Ceramic tile 'WalkAmerica' Get all the answers: • Sky lights in some units bgsu • Energy efficient • Quiet Where: BG Kroger's Management Inc. • Some units w/ studies WVW\A^W^AAAAiW\^WM • Central air/ gas heat VI hen: Sunday April 16, 2000 • Laundry FALL OPENINGS Time: Registration begins at • Assigned parking 8:00am walk begings at 9:00am Thinking Call 354-6036 Fran 9:00 - 5:0* M-F Shuttle available from Union us&d cars? Management Inc. lake a virtual tour at: parking lot starting at 7:30am www.wcnf1.oqt/--htKruand Hillsdale Apts. 1082 Fairview. Questions please call 372-6664 1 bdrm. Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal/ Air Conditioner Visit our website Unique Design Start at $380. to view our entire Call 353-5800 used vehicle J. Smith M.Do inventory COUNTY FAlRi Management Inc. General Medicine & Pain Management e^' OF HEALTH Evergreen Apts. 215 E. Poe. Accepting New Patients Studios. Large 1 bdrm. Laundry Immediate Appointments Available Thuyi-rTOVOTA Cholesterol Check For $2.00 on site. Starts at $250 Chevrolet coupon in the BG News) at the Call 353-5800 122* .N. Mala M.. Bowline Cm* 343-57*1 IttttoCtU 2442UI Student Health Service booth 354-6166 Blood pressure and health screenings Management Inc. available! Heinz Site 726 N. Enterprise • Raffle prizes every 1 bdrm/A/C Dishwasher/Garbage 30 minutes! Disposal CLOSE TO CAMPUS pinner Starts al $400 Call 353-5800 Many freebics and give aways! •MONDAY* Now on Cable Channel 6 Sirloin Steak • Interactive displays! Management Inc. c^AngusBee, stuffed Pork Chop 5:30-Live Willow House 830 Fourth St.. 1 bdrm. Air Condition Re-broadcast at Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal S^S^ak Ba^Cnicicen THURSDAY, 13, 2000 Remodeled 10:30 & 7:30am 10.00 AM - 4.00 PM Starts al $400 Wood County' s ANDERSON ARENA only LIVE local Management Inc. at the Lod w Television news Call the Wellness Connection for more information at Slop bv our office al IMS N. Main Si 372-WELL (9355) for complete lilting or Call 3J3-5MO. 1628 EAST WOOSTER-BOWLING GREEN-354-253S source J M«w.wcnclorg/-mwri


Vol. 5, #13

| Latino awareness events to explore and 'jazz up' culture ampus Invasion brings Interactive Village Yesterday's "Growing variety show, LAW makes Up Lalino" program kicked-off learning about another culture the second annual Latino fun and fascinating. Awareness Week (LAW), a The highlight of the five-day event series which event series is the nationally- aims to explore the various recognized Latino Issues Latino cultures in innovative Conference which annually ways. examines Latino contributions Like last year, LAW to politics, art and education. offers many education-dis- Lunch at the confer- guise d-as-entertainment ence costs $5; the conference events. From a cultural version sessions and all other events of Jeopardy! (Do you know the are free. For more information real reason why Cinco de Mayo on any of these events, contact is celebrated?) to a fashion and LSU at (419) 372-2385.

Bush and Moby sponsored by Neutrogena, Arid, will teach students won't be the only stars will offer health, skin and how to use a variety of invading BGSU today. The beauty tips. Also, get your music-focused software MTV Interactive Village — a photo taken with a special which will allow them to cre- free event open to all — will sun damage camera and get ate and mix music under the be held on the lawn behind expert advise by an on-site guidance of professional DJ. Anderson Arena from dermatologist who will ana- Stop by MTV 12p.m.-5p.m. The rec center lyze and advise on skinpro- Choose or Lose, a tent dedi- has been set up as a rain site. tection and damage. There cated to MTV's campaign to Many events and will be a free raffle for MTV spread awareness among programs will be held at the and Neutrogena products. college-age students of the Village. MTV Career MTV Spankin New issues in the upcoming pres- Counseling, sponsored by Music, sponsored by CIBA idential campaign. Students, will give stu- Vision, will feature self-con- will be able to register to dents a chance to audition tained music sampling sta- vote. Presented jointly with with a director to be an MTV tions, where videos are local cable affiliate and VJ. Also, there will be com- shown on monitors using the Youth Vote Coalition. puter monitors set up with latest technology. For more informa- PSYCHED UP LSU members Marcos Popovich (left), Jason Brewer and Cynthia Saldivar prepare for the second annual spring access to MTV ' Music tion on other highlights, call celebration of Latino culture and history. Latino awareness week MTV House of Style, Generator, sponsored by (419) 372-2486. will offer a blend of entertainment and education.

| Latino Awareness Week | Seniors saluted by full week of programs Schedule of Events Once again, the time from WVKS 92.5 FM Toledo ticipated in this event. Voting has come for Beyond BG. This will emcee the evening. will take place on the stu- TUESDAY, APRIL 11 year the event, themed the Courtney is part of the dents' favorite samples of Lalino Jeopardy! Millennium Masquerade, will Breakfast Club on Kiss FM pizza and subs, and the win- 6 p.m., 112 Life Science be held on April 27,2000 from and is also a 1987 graduate of ners will be announced at the Learn and laugh with this cultural spin on this popular game. 8-10 p.m., in Anderson BGSU. end of the evening. The Arena. Beyond BG is a grand Outstanding Senior award WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12-14 celebration for all students, will also be announced. Latino Art Exhibit especially seniors. Graduating This is the highest honor McFall Center Gallery seniors will be recognized for a senior can achieve at View works of art by students, faculty and staff. all their hard work and ^BGSU. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Latino Issues Conference 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Offenhauer East MILLENNI QUERflDE Explore Latino contributions to politics, education and art. BEYOND 2000 I FRIDAY, APRIL 14 ' Fashion Show dedication to Bowling Green i Throughout the evening , For more information, I 7 p.m.-Midnight State University at Beyond) many events will be taking contact Erin Oyster, Beyond I Harshman Community Suite BG. Over 1000 students, facul- ilace. The "One Last Taste BG Chair at (419) 352-9114 or I A showcase of artistic expressions followed by a dance. ty, staff, administrators and ' of BG" contest will be going e_oyster© or Paul I community members will be on with local food vendors. In Pawlaczyk, Beyond BG advis- I Call the LSU at (419) 372-2385 for more information. in attendance. Tricia Courtney 1999, 10 area businesses par- er at (419) 372-7702. I THE CAMPUSTJUEE BUZZ CALENDAR OF COMPILED AND EDITED BY TIM L MARSHALL, EDITOR IN CHIEF

EDUCATION ABROAD MFA EXHIBITIONS BEYOND BG T-SHIRT SALES TAKE BACK THE NIGHT MARCH PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. TBA 7 p.m. 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Bryan and Wankelman Education Building steps Clocktower lawn 1103 Offenhauer West Galleries, Fine Arts Center 2000 Beyond BG Senior This is a public statement to Prepare for your education Culminating exhibits for MFA Celebration t-shirts. Come show raise awareness about violence abroad experience with cross- students. See zoeb page for who your spirit and buy a t-shirt! against women The night will cultural simulation exercises exhibits when. include guest speakers, speak- and discussions on culture shock outs, a rally and a march! All are and other topics. Call 2-0309 for GREEK WEEK RAFFLE welcome. more information. 11:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Education Steps EARLY MUSIC ENSEMBLE BUSH AND MOBY IN CONCERT 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Brown Bag Lurxhton: Bryan Recital Hall, Moore TEACHER JOB FAIR Anderson Arena, Memorial WHAT HAPPENS MEDICALLY AFTER Musical Arts Center 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Hall A SEXUAL ASSAULT? This ensemble is directed by Perry Field House Ticket sales start March 23 for Noon Mary Natvig. The concert is free BGSU students, Saddlemire Women's Center, 107 Hanna and open to the public. BFA EXHIBITIONS Forum, 8 a.m.- 5p.m.; March 25 Hall 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for the public at Madhatter and Prosecution of sexual assault INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES: Bryan and Wankelman Boogie Records. Part of the cases depends highly on the cred- SURNAME VIET GIVEN NAME Galleries, MTV Campus Invasion tour. ibility of the victim. Many states Nam Fine Arts Center are helping to enhance victim's SIXTH ANNUAL LATINO ISSUES 8:15 p.m. Culminating exhibits for BFA TUBA/EUPHONIUM ENSEMBLE credibility by collecting evidence CONFERENCE Gish Film Theater students. See web page for who 8 p.m. using a rape kit. Find out from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Minh-ha has been a vitally influ- exhibits when. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore presenter, Barbara Hoffman, First floor Offenhauer East ential figure in international Musical Arts Center MSN, Nurse Practitioner at the Key note speaker is Dr. Augusto women's cinema. For the MFA EXHIBITIONS This ensemble is directed by )eff Student Health Service, how Boal of Brazil, a theatre director, Vietnamese-bom artist, this is a 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Graves. This concert is free and rape kits are used and what dramatist, theorist, writer, wry personal documentary that Bryan and Wankelman open to the public. processes a sexual assault victim teacher and founder of the looks at connections between Galleries, Fine Arts Center encounters when obtaining the "Theatre of the Oppressed." imperialism and patriarchy in Culminating exhibits for MFA STARFEST 2000 collection of evidence and med- Also featured: Tato Laviera, poet, Vietnam. Students, See web page for who 8 p.m. ical/nursing care. In recognition performer, director and writer exhibits when. Planetarium of Rape Awareness Month! from New York City. Schedule BEYOND BG T-SHIRT SALES Sky Stones, Stonehenge, the can be received by calling the TBA WOMEN IN FAITH COMMUNITIES pyramids, and more. SI dona- EDUCATION ABROAD Center for Multicultural and Education Building steps Noon tion suggested. PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION Academic Initiatives at 372- 2000 Beyond BG Senior The Women's Center, 107 7 -9 p.m. 2642. Free and open to the pub Celebration t-shirts. Come show Hanna Hall BGSU COLLEGE REPUBLICANS 1103 Offenhauer West lie. your spirit and buy a t- Unitarian Uniivrsalism Anne MEETING Prepare for your education s/iirf.'shirt! Nails, lay leader (similar to an 9 p.m. abroad experience with cross- BFA EXHIBITIONS ordained minister) at the BA116 cultural simulation exercises 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Maumee Valley Unitarian Come and check out "the BEST and discussions on culture shock Bryan and Wankelman Uniivrsalist Church, completed party on campus!" Our goal is and other topics. Call 2-0309 for .Galleries, her training as a commissioned to educate and motivate YOU- more information. Fine Arts Center lay leader, having retired from so get involved'. Culminating exhibits for BFA teaching english. drama, jour- FACULTY ARTIST SERIES: JEFFREY students. See well page for who nalism and modern dance in WEDNESDAY MUMF0RD, COMPOSER exhibits when. high school and college. 8 p.m. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore MFA EXHIBITIONS TITLE IX AND INTERCOLLEGIATE Musical Arts Center 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. ATHLETICS Featuring compositions by Bryan and Wankelman 2:30 p.m. -4 p.m. mm Artist-in-Residence Jeffrey Galleries, Fine Arts Center Jerome Library, I'allister Mumford. This concert is free Culminating exhibits for MFA Conference Room and open to the public. students. See web page for who 7/1/.' IX has helped focus atten- *^ KH3 exhibits when. tion on meeting the needs of ROMEO AND JULIET MFA EXHIBITIONS women interested in athletics. 8 p.m. HEALTH FAIR 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Or. Sue Mota, Legal Studies, April 12 Eva Marie Saint TheatTe 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Bryan and Wankelman author of 'Title IX and Shakespeare's story of young Anderson Arena, Memorial Galleries, Fine Arts Center Intercollegiate Athletics - The lovers separated by their feuding Mall Culminating exhibits for MIA First Circuit Holds Brown BFA EXHIBITIONS families. University Theatre Interactive displays and students. See web page for who University Notin Compliance", 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Production. For Tickets, call exhibits, door prizes, freebies, exhibits when. served on the Intercollegiate Bryan and Wankelman 419-372-2719. inexpensive cholestorl screen- Athletic Gender Equity Galleries, ings. GREEK WEEK RAFFLE Planning Team. For more info, Fine Arts Center CAMPUS FILM: SUPERSTAR 11:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. call 2-8472. Culminating exhibits for BFA 9:15p.m. GREEK WEEK RAFFLE Education Steps students. See web page for who Ill Olscamp * 11:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. exhibits when. Admission is free! Education Steps CAMPUS FILM: TOY STORY 2 BETA S00 SALES AND MARKETING CLUB AUTO BFA EXHIBITIONS 8 p.m. 11 a.m. EXPO 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ill Olscamp Saddlemire Parking Lot 8a.m.-5 p.m. Bryan and Wankelman 17K UAO presents "Toy Story On your mark, get set, ...CO!!! Between Eppler and Galleries, 2." Come for a chance to win a Come and watch or participate in Education Bldg. Fine Arts Center "Tanan" video or a Toy Story 2 tlie Biggest Spring Philanthropy. Looking for an affordable ride? Culminating exhibits for BFA toy. Enjoy the movie along with The proceeds go to aid the Ronald The SMC Auto Expo allows for students. See web page for who cookies and drinks, which will be McDonald House. local car dealerships in BG to exhibits when. served at 7:30pm, Admission is come to campus and display wliat TREE! GREEK WEEK RAFFLE is available to you as a student MFA EXHIBITIONS 11:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Prizes such as gift certificates, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. SYMPHONIC BAND Education Steps clothes, mountain bikes and Bryan and Wankelman 8 p.m. much, much, more are raffled off Galleries, Fine Arts Center Culminating exhibits for MFA Kobacker Hall, Moore NATURE'S NURSERY GREEK WEEK RAFFLE for a dollar each! students. See iveb page for who Musical Arts Center 1:30-2:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. BFA EXHIBITIONS exhibits when. Directed by Bruce Moss. The pro- Saddlemire Forum Education Steps gram will include "Symphonic Sibs and Kids Weekend 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Metamorphosis of Themes by BFA EXHIBITIONS Bryan and Wankelman Galleries, Carl Maria von Weber" by Paul PARENT'S INFORMATION 10 a.m.-4 p.m. TURN TO THESE Hindemith; "Little Threepenny 1:30 p.m. Bryan and Wankelman Fine Arts Center Culminating exhibits for BFA Music" by Kurt Weill; and 203 Olscamp Hall Galleries, SOURCES FOR EVENT students. See web page for who "Vesuvius by Frank Tichelli. Sibs and Kids Weekend Fine Arts Center This concert is free and open to Updates on the new student Culminating exhibits for BFA exhibits when. LISTINGS FOR THE the public. union and technology on campus. students. See web page for who MFA EXHIBITIONS exhibits when. REST OF THE YEAR: STARREST 2000 STARFEST 2000 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Bryan and Wankelman 8 p.m. 2 p.m. MFA EXHIBITIONS Galleries, Fine Arts Center BGSU Web Site Planetarium Planetarium 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Sky Stones. Stonehenge, the pyra- Kid Saturdays, Bear Tales. $1 Bryan and Wankelman Culminating exhibits for MFA students. See web page for ivho mids, and more. $1 donation sug- donation suggested. Galleries, Fine Arts Center gested. Culminating exhibits for MFA exhibits when. ROMEO AND JULIET students. See web page for who Campus Fact Line GUEST ARTIST: CAROLYN TREYBIG, OPEN SKATING 2 p.m. exhibits when. (419) 372-2445 8-10 p.m. Eva Marie Saint Theatre FLUTE Ice Arena Shakespeare's story of young CONCERT BAND AND UNIVERSITY 8 p.m. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Sibs 6" Kids free admission with a lovers separated by their feuding BAND paying BGSU student. Skate families. Unwersity Theatre 3 p.m. Musical Arts Center Assisting on the program will be Rentals: 12 and under $2.50, 13 Production. For Tickets, call 419- Kobacker Hall, Moore pianist Carla McElhaney. The and up S3. 372-2719. Musical Arts Center program will include "Sonatina This ensemble is directed by for Flute and Piano" by jaap ROMEO AND JULIET UNIVERSITY MEN'S CHORUS Hubert Toney Jr. The concert is Geradedts; "Sonata for Flute and 8 p.m. 4 p.m. free and open to the public. Eva Marie Sainl Theatre Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Piano, Op. 120" by Edwin York Brown; and "Medieval Suite" by Shakespeare's story of young Arts Center OPEN SKATING Katherine Hoover. This concert is lovers separated by their feuding This ensemble is under the direc- 3:30-5:30 p.m. free and open to the public. families. University Theatre tion of Richard Mathey. Tor Ice Arena Protiuction. For Tickets, call 419- information contact the Moore Sibs & Kids free admission with a BEYOND BG T-SHIRT SALES 372-2719. Center Box Office at (419) 372- paying BGSU student. Skate 8171 or 1-(8001-598-2224. Rentals: 12 and under $2.50, 13 TBA Education Building steps and up $3. COMEDIAN BUZZ SUTHERLAND 2000 Beyond BG Senior Celebration t-shirts. Come shoiv 7:30 p.m. CAMPUS FILM; TOY STORY 2 your spirit and buy a f- Post your event to the McDonald Countryside 5:30p.m. Sibs and Kids Weekend Ill Olscamp slii'ri.'shirt! University Web Page The UAO presents "Toy Story Calendar ot Events by CAMPUS FILM: TOY STORY 2 2." Come and enjoy this comedy i p.m. every Thursday before 8 p.m. and a chance to win a Disney publication and your entry Ill Olscamp Movie or a Toy Story toy. There may appear on this page. The UAO presents "Toy Story will be free pizza and pop which 2." Come for a chance to zoin a will be served at 5pm Admission Next Issue: Fall 2000 "Tarzan" video or a Toy Story 2 is FREE! f• >i/. Enjoy the movie along with cookies and drinks, which will be STARFEST 2000 Editing and omitting MFA EXHIBITIONS served at 7:30pm. Admission is 7:30 p.m. entries are at the 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. FREE! Planetarium discretion of the Bryan and Wankclman New Worlds? Columbus and the Campus Buzz staff. Galleries, Fine Arts Center UNIVERSITY MEN'S CHORUS great explorers. $1 donation sug- Culminating exhibits for MFA 8 p.m. gested. E-MAIL TIMIEE BGNET.BGSU.EDU students. See web page for who Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical FOR MORE INFORMATION. exhibits when. Arts Center SALES AND MARKETING CLUB AUTO This ensemble is under the direc- EXPO PARENTS' ADVISORY COUNCIL tion of Richard Mathey. For MONDAY 8 a.m.-5 p.m. . 10 a.m. information contact the Moore Between Eppler and Education Bldg. 104 Olscamp Hall Center Box Office at (419) 372 LET US KNOW ASOUT YOUR Sibs and Kids Weekend 8171 or 1 -18001-598-2224. The SMC Auto Expo allows for local car dealerships in BG to EVENTS 3 WEEKS PRIOR OUTDOOR PROGRAM AND OPEN SKATING -Li-., come to campus and display what is available to you as a student CARNIVAL 8-10 p.m. SEND FLYERS AND NEWS 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Ice Arena Prizes such as gift certificates, RELEASES VIA CAMPUS MAIL Grassy areas between Sibs O Kids free admission with a clothes, mountain bikes and Saddlemire Kreischer paying BGSU student. much, much, more are raffled iff TO: THE CAMPUS BUZZ, WEST for a dollar each! Sibs and Kids Weekend HALL, ATTN: TIM V fJAJtJ ...... ■ \Vk*A%VA

PEOPLE UNITE! TAKE BACK THE NIGHT! THURSDAY, APRIL 13 7 P.M. CLOCKTOWER MALL No more silence! Slop the violence! Women unite! Take Back the Night! Join us for the annual Take Back the March and say that violence against women will not be !c! er.1 tod. Women no longer have to accept violence as an inevitable part of life nor do they have to depend on others for protection. March with us and help recognize that women can protect them- selves and work together to instigate a change. With unity comes strength! Open mics for survivor speak outs, the BGSU Gospel Choir (directed by Nathan McDonald) and the Africana Dance Troupe will be part of this years pro- gram! Men will have a dis- cussion on Rape Prevention with two representatives from the Counseling Center while the women march. Also, the keynote speaker will be Ruth Sallee-Gresham from Ohio State University. She has been involved in the work of Rape Education since 1983. For more informa- tion, call the Women's Action Coalition office at (419) 372- 2281.

Weekend •April 14-16,2000 CHECK OUT THE LOUNGE: POETRY AND PERFORMANCE NIGHTS A Frkfey.AprilW Satur^AprillS Sunday. April 16 AT COSMOS DOWNTOWN Planetarium Show Parents'Advisory Council Nature's Nursery Tennis

Sky Stone: Stonrhertgr,ih* Pyramids, Meeting Ift00a.m.1l0401srJi-p 1 ■ \Q 2:30 pm. Saddiemire Forum Alumni Match & More 5 t donnfiO'i llfiOun THURSDAYS IN APRIL Outdoor Program Parents'Information Sessions 9 P.M. Open Ice Skating 10.00 a.m. 3.00 pm I30p.m,2030lvjimp Baseball 8 w -1 ooo pm, la Aram Grass area between SaddiennroA Kreishor BGSU vt. Marshall j bI I A;d; fttv *ftha paying 0GSUsnjtfmf buMngi Planetarium Show lOOpm S*oTcftento.j: Bear Tales and other Grizzly stories FOR MORE INFORMATION Ward under $2 50", Jionrfup 53 Sldamtion E-MAIL JASON DUBLIN AT Carnival Concert & University Band [email protected] Eva Marie Saint Theater Open Ice Skating 3 00ri.mKobjiMtH.ill Grass area between Saddiemire & Kreither BOO lOOOpm.keAufu, "Romeo !> Juliet" buildings S*s & Kth fire with a paying HCi SU student &-00 p.nv. Jntvet n;y Mai1 Open Ice Skating Skate Rvnttik 12 ana under 12 SO, Adurts id. kids and tmior < toe/** 56 8.00 1000 pm. ke Arvna Tennis I3andup$3 S*l4rOdt^ia«opoyin|)9rjSUiliJ*nf THE STAFF Of THE BGSU m#n vs. Western Michigan jtmeKem-ob. 12 and under M.50. CAMPUS llin WOULD Symphonic Band 11 DO am Eva Marie Saint Theater U endup 5) BOOnm.KobackerHjII "Romeo 8, Juliet" UKE TO THANK THE 200 pm. University Hall Beta S00 Arfufts S8. kits (widwiWordtijrns 56 FOLLOWING FOR A Movie BG version of Daytona cjrt rica featu ring Toy Story 2 our Greek community WONDERFUL YEAR: :iiObomp.8tiOp.nv University Men's Chorus ^ 4 1200 - 4.00 run. 100 & 800 pm. Kotw t kct Hill SMjdhmte Parfciny lot Alison Vogel Adutn S/.kidi crHlitiiioi atatni S5 For more informatJon SPONSORS Jason Brewer Baseball please contjct the Bel.t Thet * Pi Fraternity Movie BGSU v.. Marshall Melissa Yoh Office of Student ActivHk ^ Toy Story 2 Student Activities Office lOOpm. OrTrce of Student Life lllObcamp,SJ0rim at (419) 372-2343. BobBortel PUiietJiium Department of ftecreational Sports Softball Comedian Andrea Schulman Resident Student AssocUtkm BGSU v». Akron Buzz Sutherland Nick Gurich UlUventty Activity* OrganizAtion lfJOpm. I Mi pm, McDonald Country SMl Uitivi-rsily Dim no Services BGSU niter McDonald