• LAT WEST RIDING . 1542 Latimer IJenr1 Ridlf'j Cranmer, ll Oak Lawry Rev. 'william Cowling, 28 West Laycock Rev Samuel Field B.A. Qultri·y Royd terrace, North road, bill, ' bill, Sowerby, HRTifax LatimerJohn, St. Mark's villas, Law11on Rev. Jn.Simrpe 111 A., Lt.M.St. Laycock Rev, Williarrr B.A. Vicarage, La timer ThO!!, Quarry cot. Idle, Leeds George's vicarage,PrinceRs st. Harnsl.J Southowram, Halifa:t LatimerT.Toftho.Chrch.la.Pudsy.Leeds Law:~on Andrew Sht'rlock J.P. Aid .. LayL'OCk Alfred, St. James' street, La timer Wm. North Anston, Rotherham borough manor Borough bridge , Norman ton Lauenstein G.31Shipley Fielllsrd.Shiply Lawson Arthur, Beech Grove hall, Col• Laycock A. 431 Glossnp road, LaughtonF.CarrView ho.Balb~·,Doncstr lege road, Leeds Laycock Arthur, 16 Holker st, Laurence Edw&rd, The Laurels, Nether Lawson Chas. 71 Lit. Horton la. Bradford Lay cock Barna.rd, 21 Cliff sr. Keighley Edge road, Sheffield Lawson Charles, jun.B9Park td.Bradfrd Laycock Benjamin, 4 Cleveland street, Laurenee Gt>Orge, The Quarries, Marsh, Lawson Charles, jun. Whitehead place, Park lane, Bradford Huddersfleld Fagley road, Eccleshill, Leeds Laycock Edwin, 9 Charle!tllt, taurenceMrs.Beechwoorl cre!I.Harrogte Lawson Fredk.l Cavendi ..;h road, Leeds Laycock Henry, 11 Wellclose pi. Leeds Lourence Mrs. C. F. 9 street, Lawson Hy. 45 Victoria cres. Barnsley Laycock James, 14 De Grey terrace, Ddghton, Huddersfield Lamon James, 18 Brun~wick ter. Leeds Woodhouse lane, Leeds Laver Arth. H.56 Cemetery rd.Sheffielrl Lawson John, 17 Rupert road, Nether Laycock J .Goodle,v Oakworth,Kei~hley La\'erackAlbrt.6Aibertter.Burley,Leed!1 edge, Sheffield Laycock Jame11 Campey, 2 Fitzwilliam Laverack George Dunn, Hope terrace, Lawson John,ChP.apsid~>,Knareshorough street west, Huddersfield , Tadcaster Lawson John, 19 Oxford pi. Doncaster Laycock John, 30 Coupland stred, Laverack Mrs. 62 Hyde Park road, Lawson John, 5 St. John's terrace, Beeston hill, Leeds Burley, Leeds Bellevue road, Leeds Lnycock John, 3A, Camden ter. Leeds Laverack~amuel S. Hall, Reeliness,Goole LawMn J .31St. Matthias st.B11rly. Leeds Laycock J, 18 Maw st. Hall la. Bradford Law Abraham1 1 Brocco bank, Clarke- Lawson Jn.The Manor,BramhopA, Laycock John, 3 Sunny mount, High- house road, Slu·ffield Laweon J n. Victoria ~ro. Armley, Leeds field lane, Keighley Law Alfred, The Grange, , La.wson Joseph, 40 Bonegate rd. Brigho Laycock J .West closes,Glusburn. Leeds Normanton Lawson Joseph, Breck house, Hebden Laycock John, 23 Whites view, Whetley LawA.E.ITaptonville,Broomhili,Sht>tfld Bridge, hill, Bradford Law Charles Edwin,I7Miltonst.Hulifax Lawson J. Outwoodla. , Le(ds Layco~k John Marsden, Park street, Law Elijah, 8 Caledonian road, Leeds LawsonJ.S.Outwood la. Horsforth. Leedt! Crackenedge, Law Gea. D.I9 North Park rd. Bradfrd Lawson Miss, B West grove, Winter Laycock John William, High Spring Law Geo.T.28~30Hridgeg-ate, Rotherhm street, Sheffield gardens, Kei~hley Law J. P. Hallfield, WethP.rby Lawson Mrs. 2 Elmwood place, Brad- Laycock Jonas, Fold, Cowling', Leeds LawJa~.214.Barnsley rd.Pitsmoor,Shtfld ford moor Laycock Joseph D.L., J.P. Castle carr, Law Jas. J.P. Bolton ho.Bolton, Bradfrd Lawson Mrs. 1 Woodhouse cliff, Leeds , Manchester Law James, 193 Fitz'"illiam st. Sheffield LawsonMr~.lsabella,Aidborough manor, Laycock .M:is~, Dobbin hill, Ecclesall LawJ. Moorlands ho.Cieckheatn.Nrmntn Borough bridge Bier low, ~heffield Law Jas. Orchard bo. Greet! and, Halil'ax Lawson Thomas, Chapeltown road, Laycock Miss, Oaklands, North street, LawJ .W. Victoria cres.Birkdale,Dwsbry Potternewton, Leeds Keighle.v Law J es..qe, 37 Ton bridge stred, Leeds Lawson William, The Woodlands, Otley Lay cock Misses, llWilkinson st.Sheffid Law John, wells, Batll'y Lawsoi1 William, 28 Victoria street, Laycock Mrs. Bridg-e ho. Newlay, Leeds Law John T. Knottingley weJll'l, Batle.\ Manningham, Bradford Laycock Mrs. 3 Prince Ville street, Law John Tl1oma~, 3 Trinity place, tawson William Chambers M'.R.c.v.s. Legrams lane, Bradford Trinity street, HUt!dersfield Butts court, Leeds Laycock Peter, Buckingham hou;;e, Law J. Bradley mills, ,Halifax Lawson William Stockwell, 33 St. Hrudenell road, Leeds Law J. M .n. 169 Devonshire st. Sheffield Matthias street, Burley, Leeds Laycoek Richd. 19 Lofthouse pi. Leeds LawJ.Green mnt.C'eckheaton,Nrmnton Lawson Willlam Watson, Laycock Robert, Cros8hills, Leeds Law Levi, 36 Caledonian road, Leeds road, Eccle..o;hill, Leeds Laycock Robert, Park street, Cracken- Law Miss, Elmfield, Alrna rd. Rotherhm Law ton Rev. John, Slack, , edge, Dewsbury Law Miss, 389 Rooley lane, Hradford Manchester Layeock Thoma!!, 5 Drake st. Keig-hley Law Miss, 33 Victoria street, Bradford · Lawton Abraham, Thorncliffe house, Laycock Tho~. H. Aireworth, Keighley Law Miss, 292 WesteFn bank, Sheffield ~ilkstoBe, Barnsley Laycock T. G. 332 Glossop rd. Sheffield Law Miss, 16 Wilkinson tlt. Sheffield la.wton Ben, Thistle cott. Ra.shcliffe, Laycock Willia.m, 2 Fitzwilliam street Law 'Ml"ll. 53 Caledonian street, Leeds Dam side, Huddersfield west, Hudderrneld Law Mr~. 30 Spring gardens, Uoncastr Lawton Beujamin, Soy land, Halifax: Laycoek Wm. 15 Holker st. Keighley Lllw Ml'!l. 76 Upperthorpe, Sheffield Lawton George,2l Cemetery rd.Harnsly Laycock William, Rosemount, Fulwood Law Mn~. West Me1ton, Brampton Lawton George, Meltham road, Lock- road, Ran moor, Sheffield Bierlow, Rotherham wood, Huddersfield Lay cock William Cure, Townend house, Law Ralph, Parkfield street1 Dewsbury Lawton H. l22Albert rd.Heeley,Sheffitl Glusburn, Leeds road, Hunslet, Leeds< Lawton Horace, West street, Paddock, Laycock William Edward, St.omperlowe Law Robert, 10 Thorncliffe square, Huddersfield . grange, Fulwood, Sheffield :Manningham1 Bradford LawtonJas.Fern vils.Rippondeo,Halifax Layton Geo. 12 Victoria park, Shipley Law Samuel, Hudde~field rd. Dewsbry Lawton John, Easthorpe lane, , Lay ton J. 6 York ter.Akroydon,Halitax Law Samuel, Moorlands house, Cleck.. Normanton Lazenby J. sen. 9 Melhourne ter.Bradfrd heaton, NormantoR Lawton John, Spring terrace, LazenbyJ.juo.l Melbourne ter.Bradfrd Law Samuel, '1:1 N!Wth pararle, Halifax Lawton Joseph, 14 Belgrave tlt. Leeds Lazenby John, 43 Hustler street, OUey Law Thomas, Tong strel't, Bradford Lawton Josephj Grove house, Tong road, Bradford Law William, Braithwell, Rotherham road, New Wortley, Leeds Lazenby John R. Long Preston, Leeds Law Wiiliam, 16 Newbould la. Sht>ffield Lawton Joseph, Victoria ~ilia, Rippon- Lea Alfred, Claremont bou~e, Chapel- Law Wm. Jl West Grove ter. Halitax: den, Halifax: town road, Potternewton, Leeds Law Wm. Hy. 76 Upperthorpe, Shettld Lawton Josepb Hy. 28 Camp rd. Lerds LeaD.Westview,Paddock,Huddetsfield Lo.wford Cbas. W .25lleor~e st. H uddesfid Lawton Luke, 15 Victoria street, Ddgh· Lea Francis, Westgate, Otley Lawford Thomas Henry, Panville house, ton, Huddersfield Lea H. 64 Tenny~on pl.Otley rd. Bradfrd Meltham, Huddersfield Lawton Miss, Flash lane, Mirfield Lea H,v. J. 540 rd. Bradford

Lawley Miss, 6B Springfield place, Leeds- Lawtoo Mi88 1 50 New Porter st. 8heffid LeaW.l3 Eldon ter. Wnodhouse la. Leeds ],awn David, Greenhill, Bingley Law ton Mrs. 50 Bath st. Huddersfield Lea1·h Rev. Alfred Wynter lJ.A. 29 Oak- Lawn Misses, Wlstow, ISelby Lawton Mrs. Stanley houtJe, Dodworth )!ill road, Nether edge, Sheffield Lawrance Henry; Ndher Green toad, road, fJarnsley 1 Leach Rev. Thoma" B.A. Burton-in· Ranmoor, Sheffield Law ton w.. W Md ter. Ripponden, Halifax Lonsdale, Carnforth IAlwreoce Cburles, Both street, Lawton Williarn, The Crescent, Pad- Leach C. 14 Honoria st. Huddersfield LawrenceGeo.Hy.93HydePark rd. Leed5 dock, Huddersfield Leach G. Burley-in-Wharfedale, Leeds Lawrence James, 89 Hyde Park road~ Lawton W.f'ltourton vil. Rotbweii,Leedll ,Leach George E. 30 St. Andrew's place, Burley, Leeds Lu George, 'Sholebroke' avenue, Pot. Llster hills, Bradford . Lawrence Jas. 2:l2 Sheffield rd. Barnsley ternewton, L~ds Leach H. 7 Manchester td. It uddersfield Lliwrenre Josepb, 4 Mmio street,Dews- La:rtonF.Newlands, Rastrick, Leach James, 42 Malvern. terrace, bury road, Leeds Laxton Misses, Snaith, ~lby Cemetery road, Holbeck, Leeds Lawrence 'I'homa"', Mount -villtt, We~t Lay Charles John, Bt'ntlerstreet, Lock"' Leach Juhn1 14 Grl)svenor terrace, l End pork, Harrogate j wood, Hudd.. rsfield ' LumlJ lane, Bradford Lawrenee Thos. B. 32 Pitt st. Barnsleyl Lay Miss, 25 West parade, Huddersfleidl Leach Jn. Milton ho". Main at. Bingley LawrieJos.D.155Manninghm.Ia.Brdfrd Laycock Rev, Samuel, 8kelmar•thorpe,jl.ellch John, 4 Norfolk place; Halifax Lawrie Wm. 33 Cartwright st. Donclll!tr Huddersfield Leach J. Ran tree, Clapham, Lartcaster