78 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 88-436-AUG. 14, 1964 443

Public Law 88-435 AN ACT August 14, 1964 To validate certain payments of per diem allowances made to members of tlie [H.R. 11255] Coast Guard. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bejn-esentatives of the Coa St Guard, of America in Congress assemhled^ That all duly author­ Per diem allow- ized payments of per diem allowances made to members of the Coast ances , validation. Guard who served in the precommissioning detail for the Coast Guard Eeserve Training Center, Yorktown, , from March 8, 1959, to July 2, 1959, are validated. Any member or former member who has made a repayment to the United States of any amount authorized and so paid to him as a per diem allowance is entitled to have refunded to him the amount so repaid. No person who received per diem payments referred to in this section is entitled to receive quarters or subsistence allowance in addition to the validated per diem payments for the same period. SEC. 2. The Comptroller General of the United States, or his designee, shall relieve authorized certifying officers of the Coast Guard from accountability or responsibility for any duly authorized pay­ ments described in section 1 of this Act, and shall allow credits in settlement of the accounts of those officers for dul}'^ authorized pay­ ments which are found to be free from fraud and collusion. SEC. 3. Appropriations available to the Coast Guard for operating expenses are available for payments under this Act. Approved August 14, 1964.

Public Law 88-436

AN ACT August 14, 1964 To amend title 10, , to authorize increased fees for the sale of [H. R. 10319] United States Naval Oceanographic Office publications.

Be it enMct^d hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the U.S. Naval United States of America in Congress assembled^ That (a) section Oceanographic 7394 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: Office publica­ tions. '*§ 7394. Price of maps, charts, and navigational publications Increased fees. "All maps, charts, and other publications offered for sale by the 70A Stat. 457. United States Naval Oceanographic Office shall be sold at such prices and under such regulations as may be determined by the Secretary of the Navy. Money received from the sales shall be covered into the Treasury." (b) The analysis of chapter 639 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking out the following item: "7394. Price of maps, charts, and nautical books." and inserting the following item in place thereof: **7394. Price of maps, charts, and navigational publications." SEC. 2. The proviso under the subtitle "" in the Repeal. Act of February 14,1879, ch. 68 (20 Stat. 284, 286; 44 U.S.C. 279a), is repealed. Approved August 14, 1964.