Water Trails Planning Program Washington Metropolitan Know Your Route and Any Potatoes, and Hay Were Also Cultivated
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Native Americans National Landmark in few places in Maryland where Common 1973. To learn more visit Mergansers have recently begun to breed. a i a oati g a t i s Native Americans inhabited the Monocacy River valley from the earliest occupation www.nps.gov/mono. Canada geese are present year round. For More Information of North America. Prehistoric sites have been located along the forested river, dating Transient visitors include the spotted and The Monocacy River has a variety of conditions that provide opportunities for Th Riv r With Ma y B s as early as the Paleo-Indian period (12,000-8,000 B.C.). Early natives were most The Heart of the Civil War solitary sandpipers, American widgeon, paddlers of all levels. Those new to the water can take part in group paddle trips Frederick County Division of likely nomadic, foraging and hunting the rich diversity of wildlife found in the area. Heritage Area (HCWHA) ring-necked duck and ruddy duck. offered by the County and more experienced boaters can create their own adventures is comprised of Washing- that can range from a few hours to all day. Be prepared before you get on the water Parks and Recreation Located in Frederick County, Maryland, the Monocacy River is the largest ton, Frederick, and Carroll Prominent predatory birds include the and review these guidelines. 355 Montevue Lane, Suite 100 Maryland tributary to the Potomac River. The Monocacy River is the boundary European Settlement-Agriculture Counties. It is a certified red-shouldered, red-tailed, and Cooper’s Frederick, MD 21702-8213 between Frederick County and Carroll County in its northern reaches. It is European explorers and traders arrived in the region in the early 1700s. In 1702, a Maryland Heritage Area, hawks and the osprey. The American Wear a properly-fitted, U.S. Coast Guard approved, lifejacket while on the water. phone: 301-600-1646 also designated as a Maryland Scenic River and has long been popular with Swiss explorer, Franz Louis Michel visited the Monocacy River valley while searching Area Heritage Heart of the Civil War (See Maryland Boating Regulations below) email: [email protected] and a partner in the Jour- kestrel, a member of the falcon fam- Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Gentry, George paddlers, fishermen, for silver, and drew a map that clearly depicted the river and Sugarloaf Mountain, Civil War Re-enactors or visit www.Recreater.com ney Through Hallowed ily, is found hunting nearby fields, and American Bald Eagle birdwatchers and others. which is located in Southern Frederick County. Boating safety increases with Ground National Heritage Area. The HCWHA promotes the stewardship of historic, three species of owls have been seen in the watershed – the eastern screech-owl, great Easily accessible from numbers. Boat with others and Maryland Department of Natural Resources cultural, and natural Civil War resources, and shares information about the people, horned, and barred owls. In recent years, the American bald eagle has made a come- the Baltimore and By 1790, Frederick County was a bustling agricultural community, and the largest carry a spare paddle. Chesapeake and Coastal Service wheat producer in the United States. Crops such as flax, corn, orchard fruit, rye, oats, places and stories that led to Civil War. Learn more at www.heartofthecivilwar.org. back, and is sometimes observed along the Monocacy. With its white head, black Public Access and Water Trails Planning Program Washington metropolitan Know your route and any potatoes, and hay were also cultivated. In addition to agricultural productivity, mill- body, white tail, and large size (its wingspan can reach 8 feet), this bird is easy to 580 Taylor Avenue, Suite E-2, Annapolis, MD 21401 areas, the Monocacy potential hazards along it. ing and other industries flourished. By 1791, there were a total of 870 mills of vari- identify. DNR coordinates the creation of a statewide system River provides many Review maps, river levels, and ous types operating on the Monocacy River and its tributaries, including various saw, Nat a e s of public water access sites and water trails and opportunities for visitors Numerous song birds can be found along the Monocacy, including flycatchers, vireos, weather conditions before provides technical, planning and design assistance grist, paper, and flour mills. Michael’s The Monocacy River supports diverse wildlife, recreational pursuits and scenic en- to enjoy the natural beauty, warblers, tree and northern rough-winged swallows, eastern bluebird, wood thrush, launching. Be aware of obstacles to local governments and other partners. For more Mill was built in 1739 and operated tranquility, and cultural joyment. The river corridor provides food, shelter and migration pathways that are indigo bunting, scarlet tanager, and our State bird, the Baltimore oriole. From mid- such as fallen trees, debris, information visit http://dnr.maryland.gov/ccs/Pages/ until the 1950s. and historical resources important to fish, birds, and other wildlife. Several areas along the Monocacy River April through May, the woods along the River are alive with these beautiful songsters islands and rocks which you pawt.aspx are habitat to rare, threatened, or endangered species, and the riparian areas contain that are hallmarks of Maryland DNR Lisa Gutierrez, on their migration northward. Many will breed here and their young can be found may encounter along the route. numerous Wetlands of Special State Concern. These wetlands are of exceptional eco- central Maryland. Rock outcroppings along the Monocacy River Transportation and Bridges throughout the summer. Check Maryland streamflow In Case of Emergency logical value, sometimes containing the last remaining populations of native plants conditions at the USGS website Maryland DNR Lisa Gutierrez, In case of emergency, contact the Sheriff's Department For thousands of years prior to European settlement, Native Americans inhabited Colonial roads were generally poorly marked and maintained, and traveling and animals. waterdata.usgs.gov/md/nwis/rt. Paddle with others Dispatch at 911 and specify that you are in Frederick this valley, living in riverside villages, fishing, hunting, and farming. The Algonquian- L av No a County, Maryland or call the Maryland Natural on them was often hazardous and speaking Shawnee called the river the "Monnockkesy," the “river with many bends.” Forests, Plants and Animals Dress appropriately for the weather and water conditions in addition to air and Resources Police at 410-260-8888. difficult. Natural barriers such as The stewardship principles of Leave No Trace: water temperatures. Always wear protective footwear. In the 17th century, British Explorer, Henry Fleet visited the Monocacy River valley, rivers presented a particular challenge, County Division of Parks and Recreation Frederick Currently, there are approximately 151,085 acres of for- Project coordination, design and mapping for this publication were provided by the Maryland Department and remarked “The place is without question, the most healthful and pleasant …” The especially in inclement weather. By Legore Arch Bridge – Built around 1900 by estland in Frederick County, which represents 35% of the 1) Plan Ahead and Prepare Carry a supply of food and water adequate for the length of your trip. Stay of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal Service in James William Legore, is the only five-arch, Know your route and the limitations of yourself hydrated and protected from the sun year-round to minimize the danger of Monocacy River Water Trail guide has been compiled to help visitors explore this 1748, traffic had increased on the County’s total land area. Silver maple, cottonwood, syca- partnership with the Frederick County Division of Parks stone bridge in Frederick County. and your group. dehydraton and heat exhaustion. place that Mr. Fleet found so pleasant. Visitors to the river will be greeted by views Georgetown Road sufficiently to more, ash, elm, and box elder can be found in floodplain and Recreation, the Tourism Council of Frederick Carry the proper equipment and clothing. of distant ridges, rich forests and farmland, rock outcroppings, a diversity of wildlife, warrant the establishment of a rope ferry located slightly downstream of current MD forests. Another interesting aspect of the watershed is its Keep your weight centered and as low For more information on paddling County, the National Park Service Monocacy National Notify someone of the time you intend to return. and historic landscapes dotted with mills and bridges, and there are many other 355. Archeological excavations have confirmed a nearby tavern, most likely a log abundant springs and seepages. With the exception of as possible at all times, especially when and boating safety visit Battlefield, and the Monocacy Scenic River Citizens Advisory Board. attractions and points of interest nearby. building, that provided food and lodging for travelers. Fountain Rock spring which flows at over 1,000 gallons per 2) Stay in Designated Areas entering and exiting a boat. Never http://cgaux.org or minute, most springs are small, but still have an important Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Hagerty, Ryan Keep to designated trails and public areas. paddle farther from shore than you are http://dnr.maryland.gov/nrp/Pages/ The facilities and services of the Department of Natural With its temperate climate, fertile soil, and ample rainfall, the Monocacy watershed Further advances in the transportation of goods to market came in the late 1820s cooling effect on the streams they enter. Goldenseal Keep groups small and avoid trampling plants. prepared to swim. BoatingSafety/home.aspx Resources are available to all without regard to race, has a long and rich history, marked by a prosperous agricultural economy and when the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Railroad and Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) Protect wildlife and your food - store rations securely. color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national Canal Company were both chartered to connect the east coast markets with the If your boat flips over, remain calm.