Rare Succulent : Autumn 2015 Sales List - unusual succulents for the collector and novice

Payment details: Please ask for a quote on postage/packing (small orders up to $50 are usually $10). Please make payment via postal money orders payable to P.I.Forster. Send your completed order form to Paul Forster, P.O. Box 2171, Ashgrove West, Qld 4060. Email: [email protected] Please order with the provided order form using the names/numbers listed in the first column.

Mail order sales only. No orders can be sent to Northern Territory, Tasmania or Western Australia due to AQIS/Agriculture Dept. quarantine regulations. No foreign orders .

If you have email, then send me your address and I can indicate when the order is to be filled. The collection is diverse, so it does not hurt to make enquiries for desired plants. Substitutes can be listed if desired (especially for items listed as being in limited or very limited supply), or state whether a refund is required for items that are out of stock. If ordering from email, please print out your order form including a mailing address and attach with payment. New versions of this list are automatically sent to those with email quarterly and are also available on the webpage of the Cactus & Succulent Society of NSW at Buy Stuff Please indicate if you wish to be included on the mailing list. All plants are shipped via Australia Post. Plants are sent either as unrooted cuttings or bare- rooted. Some plants with roots that tend to dry out are dipped in transplant gel for shipping. Please indicate if you wish your parcel to be sent Express or Registered Post (extra cost).

For those unfamiliar with many of the names I would recommend either consulting books on cacti & succulents, or typing the name into a search engine on the World Wide Web. Or you can always ask! Every effort is made to provide correct identifications for sales items. Previous names from earlier lists or commonly used synonyms are indicated in brackets.


Subscription Service to Overseas Journals Page 2 Cactus & Succulent Societies Page 3 Cultivation Notes for Succulents Page 4 Collector Abbreviations & Locality Data Page 5 Succulent Collections Page 5 Agavaceae (Agaves) Page 5 Asclepiads (Apocynaceae) – milkweeds, stapeliads, desert roses Page 6 Asphodelaceae – aloes, haworthias, gasterias Page 7 Asteraceae – thistles and succulent daisies Page 22 Bromeliaceae – broms that are succulents Page 22 Cactaceae – prickly wonders Page 23 – stonecrops, echeverias, hen & chickens Page 23 Cucurbitaceae – succulent gourds Page 28 Didieriaceae – lemur habitat Page 28 Dracaenaceae – dragon trees and their lesser ilk (Sansevierias) Page 28 – spurges Page 29 Hyacinthaceae – bulbous succulents Page 30 Lamiaceae – the mint family Page 30 Moraceae – the fig family Page 31 Portulacaceae – the purslane family Page 31



Enquire for details of current subscription rates to P.I. Forster.

(1) Alsterworthia International .

Publishes A4 colour journal 3 times/year. Web page: http://cactus-mall.com/alsterworthia/

This journal specialises in Haworthia, Gasteria, Aloe, Astroloba, Poellnitzia, Bulbine and hybrids. Distributes a seed list. Extensive book sales on these plants, with very competitive prices.

(2) World

An A4 colour journal 3 times/year. Covering the field of succulent Euphorbiaceae, i.e. Elaeophorbia, Endadenium, Euphorbia, Monadenium, Pedilanthus, Phyllanthus, Synadenium. Web page: http://cactus-mall.com/ies/

Cactus and Succulent Societies Cactus & Succulent Society of Queensland, P.O. Box 65, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006

Meets last Monday of the month (except December) at the Salisbury Senior Citizens Centre, 87 Cripps Street, Salisbury, Brisbane at 7.15 pm. The Society publishes the quarterly journal ‘Dinteranthus’. Website: http://www.cssq.org.au/

Cactus & Succulent Society of New South Wales, P.O. Box 3089, Llandilo, NSW 2747.

Meets first Friday of the month (except January) at Eden Gardens, Corner of Lane Cove & Fontenoy Roads, North Ryde at 7 pm. The Society publishes the quarterly journal ‘Cactus & Succulent Journal of New South Wales’. Website: http://www.cssnsw.org.au/


Succulents are those plants that have water storage tissues in the leaves, stems or roots, or some combination thereof. This water is strongly held in the plant and if the aerial parts (leaves & stems) are removed from the roots, then the plant generally does not readily wilt or die. This feature enables succulents to survive in situations where drought or low water availability is a regular occurrence. In horticulture, these situations may cover rockeries or garden beds that depend on natural rainfall, or small pots in exposed situations with irregular watering. This reduced dependence on water means that succulents are ideal for gardeners with little time or limited water.


Most succulents require bright light conditions, with a marked preference for morning sun of at least 3 or 4 hours. Hot afternoon conditions with direct sun may literally cook a small plant in a small pot and should be avoided. Many succulents respond to increased light and reduced watering with an increase in foliage colour, which is part of the attraction. Large growing succulents in a rockery situation with established root systems are more able to withstand sun all day long.

2 Watering

If there is no natural rainfall, then small succulents in pots should be watered around once a week in summer and spring, twice weekly in autumn and every three or four weeks in winter (dependent on how cold it is). Watering should be copious, so that water drains from the pot’s drainage holes. In very hot summer conditions, it may be necessary to water small pots more than once a week, preferably in the late afternoon or evening, thus enabling maximum uptake of water and leaching of salts from the potting substrate. In cold winter conditions with the possibility of frosts, water should be withheld, or only applied in the warm part of the morning. Some plants like Adenium (desert rose) and Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm) will take a lot of water in spring and summer when in full leaf; most caudiciform plants should not be watered when they are deciduous (dormant). Where frosts occur, only experience will show which succulents are truly hardy. If in doubt then pots should be taken under cover.

Potting Mixes

Succulents require a well-structured free-draining mixture that does not remain stagnant. An adequate mix can be found in the Cactus & Succulent Soil Mixes available from some nurseries. Failing this, a premium commercial potting mix (pine bark based), if cut with one- third to one-half coarse river sand (not builders sand) and/or perlite, with the addition of fertiliser (at about one-third the rate for vegetables) is adequate.

An organic based potting mix can also be made in the following proportions (to fit in a large wheelbarrow) – 16 parts compost or leafmould; 10 parts coarse river sand (1-3 mm grain size); 4 parts decomposed granite; 2 parts crushed charcoal; 6 parts perlite (3 medium, 3 coarse); 2 small handfuls of blood & bone. This mix is more or less 50% structure and 50% organics and should drain well. Any compost should be approaching soil in texture otherwise nitrogen drawdown will be a problem.

Pots can be plastic or terracotta, but remember that small terracotta pots dry out very quickly. No drainage material is necessary in the bottom of the bottom, but a square of newspaper may be necessary to retain mix in the pot.

Collector Abbrevations and Locality Data

Many plants offered have collector’s field numbers and locality data. Some collectors are interested in this information, so it is included here in an abbreviated manner. Wild collected material is NOT sold, all collections with field data are propagated from cuttings or seed. ARM = A.R. Mitchell field collections JB = J.Bleck distribution BK = B. Kemble distribution JDV = J.D.Venter field collections CM = C. Mangold field collections JRB = J.R.Brown distribution DC = D.M.Cumming distribution KG = Karoo Botanic Gardens accession numbers DMC = D.M. Cumming field collections Lau = A. Lau field collections DSH = D.S. Hardy field collections Lavr. = J.J. Lavranos field collections DW = Dick Wright distribution L&N = J.J. Lavranos & L.E. Newton field collections EA = E. Aslander field collections KG = Karoo National Botanic Garden accession numbers EvJ = E. van Jaarsveld field collections MBB = M.B. Bayer field collections FSA = P.I. Forster South African distribution MG = Mesa Garden distribution GGS = G.G. Smith field collections NBG = Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden accession GM = G. Marx field collections numbers GO = G. Orlando field collections PVB = P.V.Bruyns field collections HNT = Huntington Botanic Garden accession number R = D.Richards field collections HS = Haworthia Society distribution Sheilam = Sheilam Nursery, Robertson, South Africa ISI = International Succulent Introductions distribution

3 SUCCULENT COLLECTIONS: (composition is my choice). Plants are generally unrooted cuts. Each plant is provided with an individual plastic name tag. Many beginners prefer collections, because of unfamiliarity with all the scientific names and it is an inexpensive way to start a collection. Please note that the same species may be present in a number of collections if they are ordered on different occasions. If you order Collections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (or any lesser combination) at the same time, I will ensure that all plants are different.

Collection #1. 20 mixed, named, miniature succulents. $50. Plants are suitable for pots and bowl gardens. Includes a range of species and cultivars mainly from the genera Aloe, , Echeveria, Gasteria, Graptopetalum, Haworthia, Sedum.

Collection #2. 20 mixed, named, landscape succulents. $50 Plants are suitable for planting out in a ‘water saver’ garden as landscape features. Includes a range of species and cultivars mainly from the genera Agave, Aloe, Crassula, Euphorbia, Kalanchoe and Gasteria.

Collection #3 . 20 mixed, named miniature Aloes (10 species, 10 cultivars). $50 Plants are suitable for pots and bowl gardens. Includes a range of species and cultivars.

Collection #4. 20 mixed, named Haworthias. $50 Plants are suitable for pots and bowl gardens.

Collection #5. 20 mixed, named Crassulaceae. $50 Plants are suitable for pots and bowl gardens, or for planting in a rockery. Includes a range of species and cultivars from the genera Crassula, Echeveria, Graptopetalum, X Graptoveria, Pachyphytum, X Pachyveria, Sedum.

Collection #6. 20 mixed, named Adromischus . $50. Plants are suitable for pots and bowl gardens. Includes a range of species and forms mainly from the species A.cristatus, A. filicaulis, A. hemisphericus, A. leucophyllus, A. marianiae, A. triflorus, A. trigynus and A. umbraticola. Each individual plant comprises 4 or 5 unrooted leaves.

Sales Section for Individual Plants (all with plastic name tags provided) Plants are individually priced.

Abbreviations S = Seedlings (otherwise plants are cuttings) C = Caudex forming plant

AGAVACEAE – century plants

Agaves for sale (prices reflect size and rarity).

Miniature sized (less than 50 cm diameter) species suitable for pots . All are decorative and good feature plants. Name Origin and notes Price Agave applanata ‘Cream White edged variegate. Imported from the USA in 2001, originally from Japan. The $10 Spike’ revised name is based on the book Agaves by Greg Starr (2012). Rooted offsets. (formerly on list as A. parryi ‘Merico Nishiki’) Agave applanata Mexico. Nice blue-grey leaved miniature. Clusters readily. Offsets. $ 6 ‘Kichusagan’ (formerly on list as A. parryi ‘Kichusagan’ Agave isthmensis Mexico: Oaxaca. Glaucous blue clustering rosettes. Offsets. $10 Agave macroacantha Mexico: Axusco, Pueblo. Super spiny, glaucous blue rosettes. Clusters slowly. $10

4 F.Otero 41 Rooted offsets. Agave nickelsiae (previously Mexico. Nicely marked, more open habit than A. victoriae-reginae . This species also $ 6 on list as A. victoriae-reginae has black apical leaf spines (versus cream to grey) and slowly clusters with age. #2) Rooted offsets. Agave nizandensis Mexico. Weird long leaves, flowers in a pot. Rooted offsets. $ 8 Agave potatorum ‘Ohirajin’ Japanese cultivar forming tight little mounds of rosettes. Offsets. $10 HNT39144 Agave parviflora Mexico. Grey-green leaved miniature, copious white threads. Offsets. $10 NEW ADDITION Agave potatorum ‘Kichiokan’ Mexico. Blue-grey leaved miniature. Great feature plant. Offsets. $ 8 Agave pumila Mexico. A cute grey-blue miniature which if planted in the ground eventually morphs $10 into a larger plant. Rooted offsets. Agave pygmaea Mexico. One of the smallest known species, glaucous blue foliage. Offsets. $ 6 Agave shrevei Mexico. Nice blue leaved miniature. Rooted offsets. $ 6

Medium sized (up to 1 m maximum diameter) species suitable for pots . All are decorative and good feature plants. Name Origin and notes Price Agave attenuata Mexico. The classic tub plant. Nice soft grey-green leaves. No spikes. Offsets. $ 6 small $10 large Agave desmettiana ‘El Mexico. Yellow edged variegate. Soft leaves and spines. Rooted offsets. $ 6 Miradores Gold’ Agave desmettiana ‘Joe Hoak’ Mexico. Nice white and yellow variegation. Soft leaves and spines. Rooted offsets. $10 Agave desmettiana ‘Tango’ Mexico. Highly variegated with mainly cream-lemon leaves with a very thin dark $25 NEW RELEASE green edge. Plants grow well despite the high level of variegation. Rooted bulbils. Agave filifera Mexico. Great landscape plant, makes nice clumps and is not too spiny. Offsets. $ 8 Agave gypsophila Mexico. Classic small landscape plant, crinkly leaf edges, blue-grey leaves. Offsets. $ 8 Agave karwinksiana Mexico: Oaxaca, Yagul. Nice blue leaves. Seedlings. $ 8 Agave kerchovei Mexico. Dark green leaves with middle yellow band. Offsets. $10 Agave lophantha Yellow edged variegate. Choice new introduction. Rooted offsets. $10 ‘Quadricolor’ Agave mitis ‘Multicolor’ White edged variegated. Very nice variant for a specimen plant. Rooted bulbils. $12 NEW ADDITION Agave potatorum Mexico: 92 km along Autopista 135 from Oaxaca City to Mexico City. Medium $10 sized form, very crenate leaves. Seedlings. Agave potatorum Mexico: Oaxaca, El Cameron. Larger form, very flat rosettes. Seedlings. $10 Agave potatorum Mexico: Oaxaca, 11 km from Tehuacan on road to Santiago Chazumba. Medium sized $10 form, nicely marked leaves. Seedlings. Agave striata Mexico. Grey-blue spiky ball, excellent for a focal point in landscaping. Seedlings. $ 6 Agave stricta Mexico: Oaxaca, 11 km from Tehuacan on road to Santiago Chazumba. Blue spiky $12 balls, excellent for a focal point in landscaping. Advanced seedlings. Agave triangularis Mexico: 92 km along Autopista 135 from Oaxaca City to Mexico City. Larger form $ 8 of this attractive species. Seedlings. Agave triangularis Mexico: Puebla, 6.5 km below village of Coatepec. Smaller form of this attractive $ 8 species. Seedlings. Agave xylonacantha Mexico. Spiky blue-grey leaves with great marginal teeth. Rooted offsets. $ 8

Larger sized (over 1 m diameter at maturity) species . Best suited for landscaping in a ‘water saver’ garden. Name Origin and notes Price Agave guiengola Mexico. Large glaucous blue rosettes. Offsets. $ 8 Agave pedunculiflora Mexico. Large glaucous grey-green rosettes. Offsets. $10

ASCLEPIADS (APOCYNACEAE) – milkweeds, stapeliads & desert roses Name Origin and notes Price Ceropegia ampliata South Africa. Twiner. Yellow and cream flowers. Cuttings. $5

5 Ceropegia linearis subsp. South Africa. Twiner. Tubers. Purple and cream flowers. Cuttings. $4 woodii Chain of Hearts Cynanchum appendiculatopsis Madagascar. Trailing stems. Green flowers. Cuttings. $5 PVB6223 Cynanchum compactus Madagascar. Trailing stems. Green flowers. Cuttings. $5 Cynancum marnierianum Madagascar. Knobbly trailling stems. Green and cream flowers. Cuttings. $4 Rauh 9385 (clonotype) Cynanchum rossii (clonotype) Madagascar. Erect to trailing purple-green square stems. Green and cream flowers. $5 Cuttings. Karimbolea verrucosa Madagascar. Knobbly stemmed trailer. Green, grey and cream flowers. Cuttings. $8 Pachypodium lamerei Madagascar. Famous ‘Madagascar Palm’. Erect, spinescent columns to 6 m tall; large $6 cream flowers. Advanced seedlings suitable for 6 inch pots. Pachypodium saundersii South Africa. Squat, spiny stems; large cream flowers. Advance seedlings suitable $10 for 6 inch pots. Platykelba insigne Madagascar. Trailling stems. Large pink and cream flowers to 1.5 cm across. $4 Cuttings. Sarcostemma mulanjense Malawi. Climbing stems. Cream flowers. Cuttings. $5 S.Liede 2900 Sarcostemma pearsonii South Africa. Trailing stems. Cream flowers. Cuttings. $5 DMC2481 Sarcostemma socotranum Socotra. Trailing stems. Brown flowers. Cuttings. $5 Radcliffe-Smith & Lavr. 309 (clonotype) Sarcostemma vanlessenii Kenya. Trailing stems. Pink flowers. Cuttings. $5 Noltee 957 Sarcostemma vanlessenii 2 km Kenya. Trailing stems. Pink flowers. Cuttings. $5 N of Dalil Sarcostemma viminale subsp. Nepal. Trailing stems, sometimes weakly climbing. Cream flowers. Cuttings. $5 brunonianum PVB2510 Stapelia grandiflora South Africa. Clumping erect stems. Open, flattened, large purple flowers. $5 Stapelia leendertziae South Africa. Clumping erect stems. Tubular large purple flowers. $5

ASPHODELACEAE – aloes, haworthias, gasterias

Miniature Aloe species for sale [rosettes less than 30 cm across at maturity] suitable for pots or dish gardens. Name Origin and other notes Price Aloe albiflora Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes, white spotted, brown foliage; white flowers $ 6 most of year. Offsets. Aloe antandroi Madagascar; climbing stems, blue-grey leaves, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 5 Aloe arenicola South Africa; sprawling stems, grey-green leaves with large white spots, pink $ 8 flowers. Cuttings. Aloe aristata South Africa; clustering stemless rosettes, blue-grey leaves, pink flowers. Offsets. $ 5 Aloe bakeri ISI447 Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes; white spotted brown leaves, pretty yellow- $ 5 orange flowers. Cuttings. Aloe bakeri ‘Concolor’ Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes, brown leaves, pretty yellow-orange $ 5 flowers. Cuttings. Aloe ballii var. ballii Zimbabwe; densely clumping; foliage green with white spots; orange flowers. $ 5 Excellent for a hanging basket. Cuttings. Aloe bellatula Madagascar: Zazafotsky. Single rosettes or sparingly clumping; foliage mid green $ 6 with white spots; pink flowers. Seedlings. A very pretty miniature. Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia South Africa, clustering stemless rosettes, bluish foliage, orange-pink flowers. $ 4 Cuttings. Aloe bruynsii [P.V.Bruyns Madagascar: near Manambaro; clustering stems, lime green foliage, orange & yellow $10 5962A; clonotype] flowers. Cuttings. Aloe compressa var. Madagascar; solitary distichous rosettes; blue silver foliage; cream flowers. Seedlings. $12

6 schistophila Don’t miss out… NEW ADDITION Aloe cremnophila Somalia; clustering stems, blue-grey foliage, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 [P.Brandham 2902] Aloe deltoideodonta var. Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes; blue-purple foliage; pink flowers. Offsets. $ 6 candicans Aloe deltoideodonta var. fallax Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes; foliage lime green; lush pink flowers. Offsets. $ 8 [Lavr. 31690] (formerly on list as A. ibitiensis ) Aloe deltoideodonta var. Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes; brown foliage with white spots, pink flowers. $10 ruffingiana Offsets. (formerly on list as A. deltoideodonta var. deltoideodonta ) [DS Hardy 2893] Aloe descoingsii subsp. Madagascar; one of the smallest species, clustering stemless rosettes; green foliage $ 6 descoingsii with white spots, pink flowers. Offsets. Aloe diolii ISI2001-21 Sudan; clustering erect stems, grey foliage, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Aloe elgonica Kenya; clustering stems, foliage green with white spots, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Aloe ellenbeckii [Lavr.12170] Kenya; clustering stemless rosettes, foliage grey-green with white spots, pink $ 6 (dumetorum) flowers. Offsets Aloe ellenbeckii Kenya; 1 km S of Marsabit, 1 km W of Marsabit – Isiolo (A2) road; clustering $ 6 [DMC1393] stemless rosettes, foliage grey-green with white spots; yellow flowers. Offsets. Aloe fleurentinorum Arabian peninsula; solitary stemless rosettes, foliage reddish-green, unspotted; pink $ 8 flowers. Choice collector’s plant. Seedlings. Aloe forbesii Yemen, Socotra; clustering stems, foliage pale green, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Aloe humilis South Africa; clustering rosettes; foliage grey-blue with small teeth; pink flowers. $ 4 Offsets. Aloe imalotensis Madagascar; solitary stems; pink-grey foliage; pink flowers; one of the best for a $ 6 potted feature plant. Seedlings. Aloe inyangensis Zimbabwe; clustering stems; dark green foliage; orange flowers; good for a hanging $ 6 basket. Cuttings. Aloe isaloensis [ISI96-27; Madagascar, Bezaha (Sakalaly). Cuttings. $ 8 W.Roosli & R.Hoffman s.n./ HNT78021] Aloe jacksonii [Reynolds 6224 Ethiopia; El Kerré; clustering stems; grey foliage; pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 5 clonotype] Aloe jucunda ‘Tristar’ Somalia; clustering stemless rosettes; foliage shiny, dark green with white spots; pink $ 6 flowers. Offsets. Larger triploid clone. Aloe jucunda ‘Bullock’ Somalia; clustering stemless rosettes; foliage shiny, dark green with white spots; pink $ 6 flowers. Offsets. Smaller diploid clone. Aloe juvenna [clonotype] Kenya; 10km E of track from Morijo to Entasekera; clustering, shortly arborescent $ 5 stems; foliage pale green with white spots; pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe laeta Madagascar; solitary stemless rosettes; foliage glaucous blue-grey; pink flowers. $ 8 Choice collector’s plant. Seedlings. Aloe longistyla South Africa; solitary stemless rosettes; foliage glaucous blue-grey; pink flowers. $ 6 Seedlings. Aloe melanacantha South Africa; solitary stemless rosettes; foliage dark blackish-green; pink flowers. $ 8 Seedlings. Aloe millotii Madagascar; clustering, closely clumped climbing stems; foliage grey green with $ 6 scattered white spots; pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe millotii HNT71363 Madagascar; clustering, more erect stems than above; foliage grey green with many $ 8 white spots; pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe morijensis Kenya; shortly arborescent, clustering stems; foliage pale green with white spots; $ 6 orange flowers. Cuttings. Aloe pendens Yemen; clustering stems, foliage pale green with white spots; yellow flowers. $ 6 Cuttings. Aloe perdita [clonotype] Zimbabwe, The Corner; clustering rosettes; foliage pale green with white spots; pink $ 6 flowers. Offsets. Finally this has been formally named. Aloe pictifolia South Africa. Slowly dividing rosettes; foliage pale blue with white spots; pink $ 6 flowers. Seedlings. Aloe rauhii Madagascar; clustering stemless rosettes, foliage dark green with white spots; pink $ 5 flowers. Cuttings.

7 Aloe sinkatana Sudan; densely clustering stemless rosettes; foliage grey green with white spots; $ 6 orange and yellow flowers. Offsets. Aloe squarrosa Yemen, Socotra; clustering stems; foliage mid green with white spots; orange $ 6 flowers. Cuttings. Aloe tewoldei clonotype Ethiopia, Harerge Region, S of Asbe Teferri; sparingly clustering stems; foliage pale $12 blue; pale pink flowers. Rooted cuttings. Aloe thompsoniae South Africa: Wolkberg. Grass aloe, clustering stems, foliage mid green; orange $ 6 flowers. Cuttings. Aloe variegata South Africa. Partridge Breast Aloe. Clustering stemless rosettes; foliage grey-green $ 6 with white banding; flowers pink red. Offsets. Aloe veseyi (formerly on list Tanzania, Zambia; clustering shortly stemmed rosettes, foliage grey-green with white $ 8 as “A. repens”) spots. Cuttings. Aloe viguieri Madagascar. Clustering blue-grey rosettes, lopsided; pink flowers. Offsets. $ 6

Medium sized Aloes for sale [rosettes > 30 cm but < 60 cm across and under 1 m high at maturity]. Plants are suitable for small scale landscaping, large pots or tubs. Name Origin and other notes Price Aloe ambigens Somalia: near Hobbiyo. Clustering glaucous blue-grey rosettes, lopsided; pink $10 flowers. Offsets. Choice new introduction. Aloe acutissima var. Madagascar: Zavafotsky; clustering subshrub to 50 cm; foliage blue-grey, pink $ 6 acutissima flowers. Cuttings. Aloe acutissima var. Madagascar: Ambalavo; clustering subshrub to 60 cm; foliage brown-grey, pink $ 6 acutissima flowers. Cuttings. Aloe acutissima var. Madagascar; clustering decumbent subshrub to 30 cm; foliage grey-green, pink $ 6 antanimorensis flowers. Cuttings. Aloe acutissima var. Madagascar: 2km N of Itampolu; clustering subshrub to 50 cm; foliage grey-green, $ 6 itampolensis Lavr. 32004 pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe andongensis Angola; shortly arborescent, clustering stems; foliage mid green with white spots; $ 6 orange flowers. Cuttings. Aloe arborescens [clone #1] South Africa; clustering shrub to 1 m; foliage blue-grey, pink-orange flowers. $ 6 Cuttings. Excellent as a screen or on banks. Aloe arborescens [clone #2] South Africa; clustering shrub to 1 m; foliage blue-grey, orange flowers. Cuttings. $ 4 Excellent as a screen or on banks. Aloe arborescens ‘Gold Rush’ South Africa; clustering shrub to 1 m; foliage mid green, cream and yellow $ 8 variegated. Cuttings. Excellent as a screen or on banks. Aloe arborescens ‘Philip le South Africa; clustering shrub to 1 m; foliage mid green, yellow flowers. Cuttings. $ 8 Roux’ Excellent as a screen or on banks. Aloe broomii South Africa; solitary rosettes; foliage green; pink-orange flowers. Seedlings. $ 6 Aloe bussei Uganda; clustering rosettes; foliage dark burgundy red; orange flowers. Offsets. $10 NEW ADDITION Aloe cameronii var. bondana Zimbabwe; clustering stems; deep red foliage; orange flowers. Cuttings. $ 8 Aloe camperi South Africa; clustering stems; foliage dark green with white spots; pink-orange $ 6 flowers. Cuttings. Aloe capitata var. gneissicola Madagascar; solitary glaucous blue rosettes; yellow flowers. Seedlings. $ 8 Aloe chabaudii Zimbabwe, Mozambique; clustering rosettes; foliage silver-grey; red flowers. $ 8 Cuttings. Great landscape feature plant. Aloe ciliaris var. redacta South Africa; climbing stems to several metres; foliage dark green; orange-yellow $ 6 flowers. Good for a trellis or on a bank. Cuttings. Intermediate in size of the three varieties. This is the variant long in Australian cultivation. Aloe ciliaris var. ciliaris South Africa: Monkeytown, Bathurst. Climbing stems to several metres; foliage dark $ 6 FSA156 green; orange-yellow flowers. Good for a trellis or on a bank. Larger rosettes than previous offering. Cuttings. Largest of the three varieties. Aloe ciliaris var. tidmarshii South Africa; climbing stems to several metres; foliage dark green; yellow flowers. $ 6 Good for a trellis or on a bank. Cuttings. Smallest of the three varieties. Aloe classenii L.&N.12324 Kenya. Sparingly clumping rosettes; foliage dark green to brick red; pink flowers. $ 8 Offsets. Aloe dhufarensis Yemen. Solitary rosettes; foliage silver-white; pink flowers. Seedlings. Choice $ 8 collector’s item for a nice pot.

8 Aloe divaricata Madagascar: 3 km N of Amboasary on road to Behara, Fort Dauphin. Erect stems, $ 6 usually solitary; foliage grey-pink; flowers pink. Nice landscape plant. Seedlings. Aloe dorotheae Tanzania; clustering stems; foliage green, colouring to red-orange in strong light; $10 flowers orange. Excellent as a colour feature. Offsets. Aloe elegans Ethiopia; solitary rosettes; foliage pale green with red edges; flowers yellow. $ 6 Seedlings. Aloe flexilifolia Tanzania; clustering stems; foliage grey-green; flowers orange-red. Cuttings. $ 8 Aloe grandidentata Lavr. South Africa; clustering rosettes; foliage grey-green, cream spotted; flowers pink. $ 8 28677 Rooted offsets. One of the nicest ‘maculate’ aloes for foliage. Aloe greenii South Africa; forms dense clusters; foliage dark green with white spots; pink flowers. $ 6 Offsets.. Aloe hardyi South Africa; clustering decumbent stems; foliage glaucous grey; lush pink-red $ 6 flowers. Offsets.. Aloe helenae Madagascar; solitary rosettes on short stem; foliage grey-pink. Seedlings. Probably $10 primary hybrids of this species. Aloe hijazensis Saudi Arabia; solitary stemless rosettes; foliage bright green; flowers yellow. $ 8 Seedlings. Aloe ‘Huyajyou’ This is an old hybrid, usually misnamed as A. distans or A. mitriformis. This cultivar $ 6 name is used in the book Succulents (2003) by the International Succulent Institute of Japan. Aloe microstigma South Africa; solitary rosettes; foliage glaucous blue with white spotting; flowers red $ 8 NEW ADDITION and pink. Seedlings. Aloe mubendiensis HNT35192 Uganda; clustering rosettes; foliage pale grey-green with white spots; pink flowers. $ 8 Offsets. Aloe mutabilis South Africa; clustering stems to 50 cm high; foliage glaucous grey; pink flowers. $ 6 Offsets.. Aloe nyeriensis [DMC s.n.] Kenya: E of Nyeri; clustering stems to 60 cm high; foliage glaucous grey-green, $ 6 white spotted; pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe plicatilis South Africa; dichotomously dividing stems to 1 m high; foliage glaucous blue; pink- $10 red flowers. Very large seedlings. Aloe reitzii South Africa; solitary rosettes; foliage blue-green, white spotted; flowers red and $15 yellow. Seedlings. Aloe rigens GO202602 Somalia; solitary or sparingly clustering rosettes; foliage glaucous grey-green, $10 spotted; pink flowers. Rooted offsets. Aloe rivierei Saudi Arabia, Yemen; clustering stems, shortly arborescent to 50 cm high; foliage $ 8 green; pink flowers. Cuttings. Aloe tororoana [HNT34082] Uganda, Tororo Rock; clustering rosettes; foliage green with white spots; flowers $10 orange. Cuttings. Aloe schelpei Ethiopia; clustering rosettes; foliage blue-grey with some white spots; orange-pink $10 flowers. Rooted cuttings. Aloe shadensis Saudi Arabia; solitary rosettes; foliage green with some white spots; yellow flowers. $ 8 Seedlings. Aloe suprafoliata South Africa; solitary rosette; foliage glaucous blue-grey, starts with a fan like leaf $ 8 arrangement, later in a rosette; pink flowers. Seedlings. One of the best landscape plants. Aloe vogstii South Africa; clustering rosettes; foliage grey green with white spots; red flowers. $ 6 Seedlings. Nice landscaper. Aloe woodii KSA158 Yemen & Saudi Arabia; solitary large rosettes; foliage glaucous with white spots $12 when young; yellow flowers with pubescent exterior. Seedlings. Aloe zebrina South Africa; clustering stems; foliage dark green with white spots; pink flowers. $ 6 Good landscaper. Offsets. Aloe yemenica Yemen; clustering stems; foliage mid green, orange flowers. Good landscaper. $ 6 Offsets. Aloe sp. GO221204 Ethiopia: 10 km W of Nefasit; solitary rosettes; foliage blue-green, some spots; $10 flower colour unknown. Seedlings. Aloe sp. Kromellenboog South Africa, Kromellenboog. Stunning silver blue rosettes of upward pointing $10 NEW ADDITION leaves. This may be an undescribed species. Seedlings.

9 Miniature Aloe hybrid cultivars for sale [rosettes less than 30 cm across at maturity, most are less than 8 cm across] suitable for pots or dish gardens. Hybrids have been bred by a number of growers [BK = Brian Kemble; DMC = David Cumming; EA = Etwin Aslander; JB = John Bleck; PIF = Paul Forster; WM = Bill Morris] and have been selected for attractive form and floriferous properties. Cuttings or offsets. Name Notes Price ‘Anaconda’ [PIF hybrid] Red & silver rosettes, clusters $30 NEW RELEASE freely, flowers most of year.

‘Avatar’ [PIF hybrid] Blue silver rosettes, clusters $25 NEW RELEASE freely, flowers most of year.

‘Baby Blue’ Chunky blue-grey rosettes with white spots, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Badeel’ [DMC hybrid]. Small blue-black rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year.. $ 6 ‘Berim’ [DMC hybrid]. Brown-green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Brass Hat’ [JB hybrid]. Rich brick red rosettes, clusters freely. $ 6 ‘Brown Stealth’ [BM hybrid]. Brown and silver rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. Rooted $ 8 offsets. ‘Chocolate’ [DMC hybrid]. Chocolate brown rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 8 NEW ADDITION Offsets. ‘Chocolate Crab’ [PIF hybrid]. Brown rosettes with white spotting, clusters freely forming a dense $12 NEW RELEASE mound, flowers most of year. Offsets. ‘Connal’ [DMC hybrid]. Pale blue-green rosettes with white spots, clusters freely, flowers $ 6 most of year. ‘Dainty’ [DMC hybrid]. Dark green chunky rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Dark Beauty’ Black-green chunky rosettes, clusters freely. $ 6 ‘Delaine’ [DMC hybrid]. Brown-green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Doran Black’ Stunning white, heavily toothed chunky rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of $ 6 year. [Dick Wright hybrid] ‘Dunnet’ [PIF hybrid]. Brown-green rosettes with white spots, clusters freely, flowers most of $ 6 year. ‘Green Shark’ [DMC hybrid]. Dark green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Keyring’ Glossy, brown-green rosettes with white spots, clusters freely. $ 6 ‘Link’ [DMC hybrid]. Blue-green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Lizard Lips’ [JB hybrid]. This is the true cultivar from the Huntington Bot. Gard. Collection $ 6 imported in 2003, not the imposter that has been sold previously under this name in Australia and is actually A. rauhii ‘Snowflake’. Heavily white spotted and toothed rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. ‘Lysa’ [DMC hybrid]. Grey-green rosettes with white spots. $ 6 ‘Marmalade Dream’ An early Kelly Griffin hybrid from USA, but not named by him. Blue-purple leaves $15 with darker edges, pink flowers most of year. Rooted offsets. ‘Moyna’ [DMC hybrid]. Grey-green rosettes with white spots, clusters freely, flowers most of $ 6 year. ‘Pepe’ [JB hybrid]. Green chunky rosettes with fine white teeth , clusters freely, flowers most $ 6 of year.

10 ‘Pink Arrival’ [PIF hybrid]. Green and pink rosettes, $25 NEW RELEASE clusters freely, flowers most of year.

‘Pink Diamond’ PIF hybrid]. Green and pink rosettes, NEW RELEASE clusters freely, flowers most of year. $25

‘Prime Time’ [JB hybrid]. Brown-green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Quick Silver’ [JB hybrid]. Grey-pink rosettes with white warty spots, clusters freely, flowers most $ 6 of year. This is the true cultivar sourced from the USA in 2005. ‘Silver Cloud’ [DMC hybrid]. Blue-silver rosettes with white spots, clusters freely, flowers most of $ 6 year. ‘Silvery Moon’ [WM hybrid]. Blue-silver rosettes with copious white spotting, clusters freely, $ 6 flowers most of year. ‘Soldad’ [DMC hybrid]. Scandent subshrub, green-red foliage, pink flowers. $ 6 ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ [JB hybrid]. Rich red rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6 ‘Tarrington II’ R.Schulz hybrid. Sister seedling to ‘Tarrington’, less warty leaves below. $ 6 ‘White Cloud’ Incorrectly sold in Australia as ‘Quicksilver’ or ‘White Diamond’. Amazing white, $ 6 warty rosettes, clusters freely, pink flowers. Offsets. ‘Wunderkind’ [BK hybrid]. Amazing white, warty rosettes, $ 8 clusters freely, pink flowers. One of the best small hybrids (see photo). Offsets.

‘Zygo’ [DMC hybrid]. Grey-green rosettes, clusters freely, flowers most of year. $ 6

Larger Aloes for sale suitable for landscaping. Plants either have rosettes that grow to over 1 m across or are aborescent to 2 m high or taller. Name Origin and other notes Price Aloe alooides South Africa; arborescent to 2 m, single headed; foliage greyish-green; flowers $ 8 NEW ADDITION yellow. Great landscaper. Seedlings. Aloe capitata var. Madagascar; solitary rosettes; arborescent to 3 m; foliage glossy green; flowers orange- $10 cipolinicola yellow. Seedlings. Aloe cryptopoda South Africa; solitary rosettes; green leaves; orange-yellow flowers. Excellent $ 6 landscaper. Seedlings. Aloe dawei Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire; clustering arborescent stems to 2 m; foliage dark $ 6 green with white spots, often colouring orange-red in strong light; flowers orange- red. Cuttings. Aloe dichotoma Namibia, South Africa; arborescent to 9 m (exceptional), solitary or multiheaded; $ 6 foliage glaucous grey; flowers yellow. Good as a feature pot plant for years. Seedlings. (small) $12 (large) Aloe fibrosa HNT82376 Kenya/Tanzania; arborescent to 2 m, sparsely clustering; foliage mid green with $ 8 white striping; flowers orange-red. Cuttings. Aloe kedongensis #1 Kenya; arborescent to 2 m, densely clustering; foliage pale green with white spots; $ 6 flowers orange. Cuttings. Aloe kedongensis #2 Kenya, arborescent to 2 m, densely clustering, foliage pale green with white spots; $ 6

11 flowers red. Cuttings. Aloe kedongensis #3 [DMC Kenya, 23 km N Mariel; arborescent to 2 m, densely clustering; foliage pale green $ 6 s.n.] with white spots; flowers orange. Cuttings. Larger heads than 1 st clone. Aloe kedongensis #4 [DMC Kenya: 36 km N of Maralal; arborescent to 2 m, densely clustering; foliage pale $ 6 s.n.] green with white spots; flowers orange. Cuttings. Larger heads than 1 st clone. Aloe marlothii South Africa: Utrecht. Arborescent to 3m; solitary rosettes over 1m across; foliage $ 8 blue-green, prickly; flowers red. Excellent landscaper. Seedlings. Aloe marlothii South Africa: Arborescent to 3m; solitary rosettes over 1m across; foliage blue-green, $ 8 prickly; flowers yellow. Excellent landscaper. Seedlings. Aloe ngobitensis Kenya. Lumped under the quite dissimilar A. nyeriensis by some authors. $ 8 Arborescent to 2 m, sparsely clustering stems; foliage dark green with white spots; striking orange-red flowers. Cuttings. Aloe rupicola Angola, 4.8km S of Chinguar, Chimbango Hill; arborescent to 5 m; slowly clusters $12 from base; foliage green; flowers orange-red. Large rooted offsets. Aloe speciosa South Africa; arborescent to 3 m; forms a lop sided larged head to 1.5m across; $ 6 foliage silver grey; flowers pink. Seedlings. Aloe striata South Africa; forms large stemless rosette; foliage silver-grey; flowers pink. $ 6 NEW ADDITION Seedlings. Aloe ‘Delightful’ (A. kedongensis x A. mudenensis ) Nice hybrid; arborescent, clustering; foliage dark $ 8 green with white spots; lots of orange flowers. Cuttings.

X Astroworthia for sale (hybrids between Astroloba and Haworthia ) ‘Lime Thicket’ Lime green, spiky columns. Rooted offsets. $ 6

Gasterias for sale (all are rooted offsets unless otherwise indicated, these are nice plants for pots or the garden with textural foliage and pink-red flowers). The classification used here is the revised system published in 2008 by Ernst van Jaarsveld. Name Origin and other notes Price Gasteria acinacifolia South Africa: Robberg, Plettenburg Bay [excellent large landscape plant] Previously I $ 8 FSA278A offered the clone FSA278C. Gasteria acinacifolia South Africa: Tzitsikamma [excellent large landscape plant] $ 6 Gasteria armstrongii South Africa. Chunky little plants. Seedlings. $ 6 Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Original ‘common’ form. Cultivar with rough leaves. $ 6 batesiana ‘Pongola’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Selected cultivar with rough leaves originating from David Cumming $ 6 batesiana ‘Davids Rough’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Nicely marked cultivar with rough leaves. $ 6 batesiana ‘Klipwal’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Glorious rough black leaved rosettes, the best form. $ 6 batesiana ‘Barberton’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Bluish-black rough leaves. Nice form. $ 8 batesiana ‘Paris Dam’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa: Cultivar with rough leaves. $ 8 batesiana ‘Umbeluzi Gorge’ Gasteria batesiana var. South Africa. Long, sausage shaped warty leaves. $ 6 dolomitica ‘Penge’ Gasteria baylissiana South Africa. Small clustering distichous rosettes, blue-black leaves with dense white $ 5 ‘Oudekraal’ encrustations. Gasteria bicolor var. bicolor South Africa: road from Riebeeck East to Carville Bridge $ 5 DMC3757b Gasteria bicolor var. bicolor South Africa: Klein Brack River Mouth $ 5 DMC3989A Gasteria bicolor var. bicolor South Africa: Farm Glen Craig, 1 km NNE of Grahamstown $ 6 FSA164A Gasteria bicolor var. fallax South Africa. (previously on list as var. liliputana ) $ 4 Gasteria carinata var. carinata South Africa: 21 km S of Stormsvlei on Bredasdorp road [previously on the list as $ 6 DMC2948 var. verrucosa ]

12 Gasteria carinata var. carinata South Africa: 49 km E of Caledon on R316. This introduction has unusually strongly $ 6 DMC8267 chunky rosettes. Gasteria carinata var. carinata South Africa: Oude Vloer $ 6 EA1240A Gasteria carinata var. glabra South Africa: Groot Brak $ 6 NBG442/60 Gasteria carinata var. glabra South Africa: Groot Brak $ 6 DMC6258A Gasteria carinata var. South Africa. Common form $ 4 verrucosa Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa South Africa: Mudlark, near Infanta [spectacular white tubercles] $ 8 DMC4234 Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa South Africa: Kykoedie $ 6 KG790/62 Gasteria carinata var. South Africa: Breede River Valley. Small clustering rosettes, spectacular white $ 8 verrucosa GAS031 tubercles. G. carinata ‘Flash’ South Africa. Selected cultivar with nice markings. $10 Gasteria croucheri DMC940 South Africa: 13 km NW of Oribi turnoff on N2 $ 8 NEW ADDITION Gasteria disticha DMC s.n. South Africa: E of Bonnievale $ 8 NEW ADDITION Gasteria doreeniae South Africa. Swartwaterspoort $ 6 Gasteria ellaphieae C.Craib s.n. South Africa: Kouga Dam $ 8 Gasteria ellaphieae – nitida South Africa: Kouga Dam, 20 km W of Patensie. This may well prove to be a separate $ 8 intermediate GM300 taxon as it fits neither species Gasteria excelsa NBG1344/84 South Africa: Cala Pass $ 8 Gasteria excelsa FSA168A South Africa: Kapprivier $ 8 Gasteria excelsa EvJ South Africa: Nqangule $ 8 NEW ADDITION Gasteria glauca EvJ14670 South Africa: Kouga River, E of Guernakop $ 6 (clonotype) Gasteria glomerata South Africa: Kouga Dam, 25 km W of Patensie $ 6 Gasteria glomerata EvJ11054 South Africa: Kouga Dam, 25 km W of Patensie $ 6 (clonotype) Gasterial nitida South Africa. $ 8 Gasteria pillansii var. hallii Namibia: Numes (one of the smallest Gasteria forms, previously on list as var. $ 8 H.Hall s.n.: ernest-ruschii ) Gasteria pillansii var. pillansii South Africa: Clanwilliam. $ 8 NEW ADDITION Gasteria polita EvJ13742 South Africa: Whiskey Creek, Plettenburg Bay (medium sized rosette with highly $ 8 (clonotype) glossy, white spotted leaves). Nice species. Gasteria pulchra DMC6984 South Africa: Paul Sauer Dam (Kouga Dam). Rooted rosettes. $ 8 Gasteria pulchra FSA193 South Africa: 1km E of Hankey. Rooted rosettes. $ 8 Gasteria retusa EA636 South Africa: De Wet, near Worcester. Rooted rosettes. $ 8 Gasteria thunbergii DMC7688 South Africa: Gouritz River Gorge, above old bridge near Herbertsdale [formerly as $ 6 variety of G. carinata ] G. “humilis” Hybrid of unknown origin. Forms small clustering rosettes with spiky leaves. $ 4 G. ‘Cape Carnival’ Nice selected hybrid of nitida & vlokii by Ernst van Jaarsveld $ 8 G. ‘Cape Velvet’ Nice selected hybrid of vlokii & excelsa by Ernst van Jaarsveld $ 8 G. ‘Fader’ Small clustering plant, silver leaves. $ 5 G. ‘Old Man Silver’ Silver variegated hybrid. $ 6 G. ‘Pikandi’ Silver and green variegated hybrid $ 6 G. ‘Pikta’ Nice hybrid of E. carinata var. verrucosa. $ 8

G. ‘Skyfall’ ellaphieae x Little Warty. Nice warty variegate. $12 NEW RELEASE G. ‘Snowstorm’ A hybrid from Etwin Aslander; 1 st time offered in Australia; beautiful miniature with $ 8 spreading leaves densely covered in white tubercles


X Gasteraloe for sale (hybrids between Gasteria and Aloe spp.) Name Notes Price ‘Arack’ Dark black-green rosettes. $ 6 ‘Dot Krimlack’ Dark green rosettes. $ 6 ‘Green Ice’ Silver and green variegate. $ 6 ‘Marble Queen’ Green and pink-yellow variegate. A new release cultivar from Gariep Plants in $10 NEW RELEASE Pretoria. Rooted offsets. ‘Pauline’ Nicely marked medium sized rosette, dark green with white spotting $ 6 ‘Pink Splash’ A hybrid from Etwin Aslander. Grey-green leaves with heavy white spotting. Colours $ 6 pink in strong light. ‘Silver Swirls’ A strikingly beautiful new hybrid from Etwin Aslander at Selecta Succulents; a bit $ 8 similar to ‘Kabela’ but makes a larger flatter rosette with more bumpy leaves ‘Spirit of 88’ Nice silver and green variegate. Rooted offsets. $ 6 ‘Sweet Song’ Lime green leaves with spotting. Larger rosettes. $ 6

X Gasterhaworthia for sale (hybrids between Gasteria and Haworthia spp.) Name Notes Price ‘Hiro’ Dark green rosettes. Nice hybrid with H. limifolia as one parent. $ 6

Haworthias for sale (prices reflect rarity, ages, size). All are cuttings apart from those indicated S for seedlings. Most seedlings are 4 years old or even older and are usually of miniature, slow growing, non-clustering types. It should be noted that nomenclature of haworthias is somewhat controversial and subject to change. The classification followed here is based largely on that of Bayer; however, distinct taxa recognised by other authors such as Breuer are also listed under their names. I’m still trying to get my head around some of the new alternative classifications, so the list will change a bit in the future to reflect this.

Locality data provided where known. Initial numbers are my accession numbers to aid tracking collections that lack collectors’ numbers. Please order using the full name and details, rather than by these numbers alone.

HAWORTHIA SUBGENUS HAWORTHIA (THESE ARE THE ‘SOFT’ LEAVED TYPES) NAME Origin and other notes PRICE 3775: H. angustifolia var. South Africa: Oudekraal, Zuurberg. Offsets. $ 4 baylissii (clonotype) H. angustifolia var. altissima South Africa: 16 km W of Riebeek East on R400. Offsets. $ 5 DMC435 H. angustifolia var. altissima South Africa: Palmietfontein. Offsets. $ 6 JDV92-63. H. aquamarina MBB7006 South Africa: Moederzoonpoort (also referred to aristata or pringlei at times by $ 6 Bayer). On previous lists under the untenable name aristata . Seedlings. H. arachnoidea FSA256 South Africa: Badkloof, Montague. Seedlings. $ 6 H. azurea MBB6620 South Africa: Sapkamma. Offsets. Previously on list as decipiens var. minor $ 6 H. bathylis South Africa: Kouga Dam. Offsets. Previously on list as gracilis var. gracilis $ 6 JDV90-118 H. batteniae FSA148 South Africa: S of Cradock. These form very striking large individual heads. $ 8 Seedlings. H. bayeri FSA92 South Africa: De Rust. Large adult plants. Like a miniature Ariocarpus. This variant $10 named by Hayashi as the separate species laeta. H. bayeri EA937 South Africa: Uniondale Fort. Large adult plants. Like a miniature Ariocarpus $10 H. blackbeardiana MBB6583 South Africa: Waaipoort, SE of Mt Stewart. Seedlings. This population is probably a $ 6 separate species. H. blackbeardiana JDV92-23 South Africa: Whittlesea. Offsets. The correct taxonomic placement of this collection $ 6 is uncertain; however, it probably isn’t this species. H. blackbeardiana DMC3598 South Africa: Oogadale, 20km NE Queenstown. Rooted offsets (large). $ 8 H. bolusii South Africa: Graaff Reinet. Seedlings. $ 6 H. calva MBB6904 South Africa: Wilgerfontein. On previous lists under the name gracilis . Seedlings. $ 6 6051: H. caespitosa  South Africa: Koks Peak. Offsets. (= mirabilis var. consanguinea in Bayer’s system) $ 6 4895: H. caespitosa  South Africa: McGregor. Offsets. (= mirabilis var. consanguinea in Bayer’s system) $ 6 2668: H. caespitosa (clonotype; South Africa. Offsets. (= mirabilis var. consanguinea in Bayer’s system) $ 6

14 JRB29) H. caespitosa DMC4180 South Africa: Tradouws Pass, Barrydale to Swellendam road. Offsets. (= mirabilis $ 6 var. consanguinea in Bayer’s system) 3639: H. chloracantha var. South Africa: N of Herbertsdale. Offsets. $ 3 chloracantha MBB sub KG411/75 H. chloracantha var. South Africa: N of Herbertsdale. Offsets. $ 5 chloracantha JDV97-136 H. chloracantha var. South Africa: Wolwedans Dams, Gouritz River. Offsets. $ 6 chloracantha FSA279 H. chloracantha var. South Africa: Great Brak River. Offsets. $ 6 chlorocantha JDV87-89 744: H. chloracantha var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 3 denticulifera 3801: H. chloracantha var. South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 subglauca H. chloracantha var. subglauca South Africa: Great Brak. Rooted offsets. $ 6 EA1237 H. ciliata MBB7017 South Africa: Seedlings. Similar to H. tenera in the H. gracilis complex; fluffy leaves. $ 8 NEW ADDITION H. comptoniana GM266 South Africa. Seedlings. Nice line of this spectacular species. $ 6 H. cooperi ‘Silver Swirls’ Choice white variegated cultivar. Rooted offsets. $12

H. cooperi var. cooperi ISI1400 South Africa: Elandskop, S of Adelaide. Offsets. $ 3 H. cooperi var. cooperi South Africa: Perseverance. Offsets. $ 6 JDV90-40 H. cooperi var. cooperi South Africa: Thomas River. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3616 1964: H. cooperi var. pilifera South Africa: Offsets. $ 6 H. cooperi var. pilifera South Africa: W of Somerset East (like GM502, but flatter). Seedlings. $ 6 MBB6565 H. cooperi var. pilifera South Africa: Willowfontein. Rooted offsets. $ 6 H. cooperi var. venusta South Africa: Kenton-on-sea. Seedlings. Purple fur balls. $ 6 GM292 H. cooperi var. truncata South Africa: Kubusie Drift near Kingwilliamstown (small heads, mounding, purple $ 5 DMC3625 & blue hues). Offsets. H. cooperi var. truncata South Africa: Kat River (small heads, mounding purple & blue hues). Offsets. $ 6 R.Kent s.n. H. cooperi var. truncata MBB South Africa: Mgwali, E of Stutterheim (small heads, mounding purple & blue hues). $ 6 s.n. KG386/70 Offsets. Probably the form with the most rounded leaf ends. 4905: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa: Walmer. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis [DC-SO-080] 4911: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa: Fort Brown. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis KG328/76 5122: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa: Riet River. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis DMC6648 2677: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis JRB80 1966: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis ‘Compacta’ 2654: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa. Originally distributed as H.  cuminate  v. agavoides. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis JRB1392 1974: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 cymbiformis ‘Planifolia’ H. cymbiformis var. cymbiformis South Africa: NW of Alicedale. Seedlings. $ 5 MBB6848 H. cymbiformis var. cymbiformis South Africa. Offsets. $ 5 DMC5375 H. cymbiformis var. cymbiformis South Africa. Fort Jackson. Offsets. $ 5

15 KG394/70 H. cymbiformis var. cymbiformis South Africa: Howiesonpoort. Offsets. Nice form with lots of windows. $ 6 C.L.Scott s.n./DC SO-049 H. cymbiformis var. cymbiformis South Africa. Nice cultivar. Offsets. $ 6 ‘Frogmouth’ H. cymbiformis var. incurvula South Africa: Far W. Roffs Rock, Plutosvale (previously on list as H. gracilis var. $ 5 MBB6893 gracilis ). Seedlings. H. cymbiformis var. obtusa South Africa. Kat River, 10 km SE of Fort Beaufort Offsets. $ 5 DMC6378 H. cymbiformis var. obtusa South Africa. Windows galore, makes a big mound. $ 4 JRB1088 Offsets. H. cymbiformis var. obtusa South Africa. Rooted offsets. $ 6 MBB6850 1968: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa: Wooldridge. Offsets. $ 4 ramosa 2679: H. cymbiformis var. reddii South Africa: Offsets. Clonotype of H. lepida $ 4 JRB1586 H. cymbiformis var. reddii South Africa: Turnstream (clones 2 & 3). Offsets. $ 4 MBB6572 2676: H. cymbiformis var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 setulifera : JRB731 H. cymbiformis var. setulifera South Africa: Highclere, Cathcart. Offsets. Considered to be an intergrade with H. $ 4 MBB6573 blackbeardiana by Bayer; personally I can’t see this as a reality. H. decipiens JDV92-135 South Africa: SE of Prince Albert. Seedlings. Forms large flattened rosettes. $ 6

H. decipiens PVB7052 South Africa: N of Redcliffe. Seedlings. Forms large flattened rosettes. $ 6 H. emelyae See H. comptoniana, H. picta and H. wimii H. esterhuizenii South Africa: E of Albertinia. Lumped by Bayer under H. splendens. A nicely $ 6 marked miniature. Seedlings. H. floccosa MBB6856 South Africa: NE Fullarton. Seedlings. Previously on list under bolusii but much $ 6 fluffier. H. globifera PVB7338 South Africa: Touwsberg. Lumped by Bayer as a variety of H. pulchella. Offsets. $ 8 H. herbacea intergrade with South Africa: Ribbokop. Offsets. $ 4 reticulata DMC4215b H. herbacea var. flaccida South Africa: Rooiberg. Offsets. $ 6 JDV96-31 H. herbacea var. lupula South Africa: Wolfkloof . Offsets. $ 6 JDV94-36 H. herbacea var. paynei FSA254 South Africa: Strykhoogtee Pass, near McGregor. Seedlings. $ 6 H. integra var. standeri South Africa: Gamka Poort. Offsets. $ 6 H. jansenvillensis MBB6580 South Africa: NNW of Jansenville. Seedlings. Nice silvery rosettes. $ 6 H. lapis MBB6942 South Africa: De Plaat Weir. On previous lists under the untenable name aristata . $ 6 Seedlings. H. lapis MBB6917 South Africa: Kaboega. On previous lists under the untenable name aristata . $ 6 Seedlings. H. lapis GM553 South Africa: Seedlings. $ 6 H. lapis JDV91-115 South Africa: Sundays River. Seedlings. $ 6 H. leightonii var. leightonii South Africa: Cornfields. Offsets. $ 6 JDV95-105 H. leightonii var. davidii 100 km NE of Port Alfred on R72. Rooted offsets. $ 6 DMC6108 H. lockwoodii FSA312 South Africa: Laingsburg. Seedlings. $ 8 H. lockwoodii DMC4210 South Africa: Laingsburg. Seedlings. Limited stocks. $ 8 H. maculata MBB164 South Africa: S of Brandvlei Dam. Offsets. $ 6 H. magnifica var. magnifica South Africa: Farm Grootvlei, 3 km E of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 6 DMC7765 H. magnifica var. magnifica South Africa: NE of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 6 JDV94-6 H. magnifica var. magnifica South Africa: Tradouws Pass. Rooted offsets. $ 6

16 MBB64 H. magnifica var. magnifica South Africa: Kweekkraal, W. Riversdale. Seedlings. $ 8 MBB6817 NEW ADDITION 719: H. magnifica var. acuminata South Africa. Offsets. $ 5 H. magnifica var. acuminata South Africa: N of Gouritzmond. Offsets. $ 6 JDV87-92 H. marumiana var. marumiana South Africa: S.Sterkstroom. Offsets. $ 5 JDV93-11 H. marumiana var. marumiana South Africa: Paardeberg, N of Aberdeen. Offsets. $ 6 GM525 H. marumiana var. marumiana South Africa: Tarkastad, Queenstown. Offsets. $ 6 1977: H. marumiana var. South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 marumiana ‘pallida’ H. marumiana var. archeri South Africa: Ouberg. Offsets. $ 6 MBB4867 H. marumiana var. batesiana South Africa: Valley of Desolation, Graaff-Reinet. Offsets. $ 4 (clonotype) H. marumiana var. batesiana South Africa: Tandjiesberg, Graaff-Reinet. Offsets. $ 6 EA1042 Haworthia maughanii South Africa. Seedlings from a range of parents including a number of Japanese $10 clones from Steven Hammer. Included as a variety of truncata by Bayer. 475: H. mirabilis var. mirabilis South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 ‘mundula’ 6112: H. mirabilis var. mirabilis South Africa: Mierkraal. Offsets. $ 6 H. mirabilis var. mirabilis South Africa: Mierkraal. Rooted offsets. $ 6 MBB6631 H. mirabilis var. depauperata South Africa: Farm Brakfontein, 30 km E of Caledon. Seedlings. $ 6 DMC4835 4494: H. mirabilis var. paradoxa South Africa. Offsets. $ 6 H. mirabilis var. sublineata South Africa: S of Bredasdorp. Seedlings. $ 8 JDV88-67 NEW ADDITION H. monticola var. monticola South Africa: Witteberg summit, SE of Willowmore. $ 6 C.Craib s.n. H. monticola var. asema South Africa: Kruisrivier. Offsets. $ 5 JDV85-83 H. mucronata EA823 South Africa: Calitzdorp. Seedlings. $ 6 H. mucronata FSA63 South Africa: Seweekspoort. Offsets $ 6 H. mutica MBB7032 South Africa. Nice black-grey form of an otherwise grey retuse rosette. Seedlings. $ 8 H. mutica EA1148 South Africa. Volmoed, S of Stormsvlei. Chunky grey leaved variant. Seedlings. $ 8 H. oculata MBB6789 South Africa: Kondomo, Groot River Poort. Offsets. Previously on list as transiens . $ 6 H. odetteae GM555 South Africa: Lootskloof. Minute balls of fluff. Seedlings. $ 8 H. parksiana GM284 South Africa: Great Brak. Rooted offsets. $ 8 H. pehlemaniae JDV91-47 South Africa: N of Laingsburg. Seedlings. $ 8 H. pellucida South Africa: Wolven, S of Steytlerville. Offsets. Previously on list as gracilis var. $ 6 JDV94-46 viridis Haworthia picta var. picta South Africa: Rooiberg Pass. Seedlings. I think these are even nicer than the $10 JDV87-149 previously offered GM256 from the same locality. Considered to be the different species tricolor by Breuer & Hayashi. Haworthia picta var. picta South Africa: Moerasrivier. Seedlings. Previously on list as H. emelyae var. emelyae. $ 8 FSA78 H. picta var. picta GM260 South Africa. Seedlings. Glossy, warty rosettes. $ 8 H. “puberula” MBB6905 South Africa: Wilgerfontein. Seedlings. Previously on list as gracilis var. gracilis $ 6 H. pringlei MBB6927 South Africa: NW of Ripon Station. Rooted offsets. $ 6 3513: H. pygmaea South Africa: clustering narrow leaved crystalline form. Offsets. $ 6 H. pygmaea South Africa: Seedlings with broader leaves, variable surface toothing $ 6 H. pygmaea JDV85-19 South Africa. Dumbie Dykes. Seedlings with grey leaves. This form grows much $ 8 larger.

17 H. pygmaea JDV97-135 South Africa. Die Krantz, W of Herbertsdale. Seedlings with olive-green leaves. $ 6 Different to usual forms of this variety. Also known under the name H. asperata n.n. H. pygmaea South Africa: Great Brak. Offsets. Large robust form that clusters slowly. $ 6 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Aurora. Offsets. $ 6 MBB6515 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 MBB311 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Eilandia turnoff, Robertson to Worcester road. Offsets. Large pink $ 5 DMC8274 flowers. H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Blosfontein. Offsets. $ 4 KG174/70 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Buitenstekloof. Offsets. $ 5 JDV83-107 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Terras near Worcester. Offsets. $ 5 ISI1090 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Wolfkloof. Offsets. $ 5 JDV87-200 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: Langverwacht. Offsets. $ 5 JDV91-36 H. reticulata var. reticulata South Africa: 2 km W of Eilandia turnoff, Robertson to Worcester road. Offsets. $ 5 DMC8277 2046: H. reticulata var. South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 hurlingii H. reticulata var. hurlingii South Africa: Offsets $ 4 KG654/69 H. reticulata var. hurlingii South Africa: Goudmyn Vineyard. Offsets $ 4 DMC2936A H. reticulata var. subregularis South Africa: opposite De Wet Station, NE of Worcester. Offsets $ 4 DMC2880 H. reticulata var. subregularis South Africa: Vitvlugt, De Wet. Offsets $ 5 MBB6693 H. reticulata var. subregularis South Africa: W of Chasser. Offsets $ 5 KG175/70 H. retusa var. retusa EA1210 South Africa: near Shooting Range, turnoff to Blombos, SE of Riversdale. Seedlings. $ 7 Makes large solitary heads. 445: H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 [clone #1] 2083: H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 [clone #2] H. retusa var. geraldii ISI975 South Africa: Farm Grootvlei, 3 km E of Riversdale Offsets. $ 5 6515: H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Offsets. The cultivar name refers to the South African nursery, not $ 4 ‘San Marino’ habitat 6517: H. retusa var. geraldii ex South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 Coopers USA H. retusa var. geraldii ex Pienaar South Africa: E of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 4 H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Farm Grootvlei, 3 km E of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 5 DMC4162 H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Farm Grootvlei, 3 km E of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 6 JDV87-5 H. retusa var. geraldii South Africa: Farm Grootvlei, 3 km E of Riversdale, ‘Geraldii’Hill. Offsets. $ 8 R.Kent s.n. Yet another clone from this hill, but undoubtedly the best yet. H. semiviva South Africa: 18 km SSE of Middelpos. Seedlings. $ 8 H. serrata MBB6953 South Africa: Seedlings. $ 6 H. specksii South Africa: type locality. Seedlings. A silver-green plant with lots of windows in $ 6 the H. blackbeardiana – H. cooperi species group. Seedlings. Haworthia springbokvlakensis South Africa. Chunky ‘square’ stunners. Easily the best selection of this species ever. $10 GM390 Seedlings. Haworthia springbokvlakensis South Africa: Skietnek. A different population to what is usually offered from $10 P.Schoeman s.n. Springbokvlakte. Seedlings.

18 H. subhamata JDV92-33 South Africa: Kaboegapoort. Seedlings. (= cooperi var. cooperi in Bayer’s system) $ 6 H. transiens DMC2539 South Africa: Prince Alfred Pass. Offsets. $ 6 H. transiens EvJ6729 South Africa: Dieprivier. Offsets. $ 6 H. transiens MBB6729 South Africa: N of De Vlugt, Prince Alfred Pass. Offsets. $ 6 Haworthia truncata var. truncata Advanced seedlings from a range of parents including forms with very clear windows $ 8 (1) Haworthia truncata var. truncata This series is from selected clones bred by Gerhard Marx; quite spectacular parents. $12 (2) GM313: Dysselsdorp Large seedlings. Haworthia truncata var. truncata Seedlings from a range of parents, including some spectacular Japanese clones and $10 (3) ‘V2007’ gems from South Africa (ex Gerhard Marx) and California (ex Steven Hammer). Haworthia truncata var. truncata A further crop of plants. (4) ‘V2008’ $10 Haworthia truncata var. truncata A further crop of seedlings. $10 (5) ‘V2009’ Haworthia truncata var. truncata South Africa: Vanwykskraal. Seedlings. $10 (6) PVB8220 Haworthia truncata var. truncata South Africa: Dysselsdorp. Seedlings. $10 (7) EA1132 Haworthia truncata var. truncata Very nice Japanese cultivar with exceptionally large leaf ends. Nice plants grown $60 (8) ‘Kiganjou’ from leaf offsets. Large adult plant indicated to left. Plants you will receive are indicated here to the right.

Haworthia truncata var. truncata Very choice, top range Japanese cultivar. Plants grown from leaf offsets. Large adult $80 (9) ‘Gin Mon-Morokoshi’ plant indicated to left. Plants you will NEW RELEASE receive are indicated here to the right.

H. truncata var. maughanii See H. maughanii H. turgida var. turgida South Africa: Swellendam. Offsets. $ 4 MBB2420 H. turgida var. turgida South Africa: Breede River Bridge. Offsets. $ 4 DMC2923 H. turgida var. turgida KG34/76 South Africa: Roodvlei. Offsets. $ 4 H. turgida var. turgida South Africa: Swellendam. Offsets. $ 4 KG660/69 H. turgida var. turgida South Africa: Heidelberg. Offsets. $ 6 MBB7232 H. turgida var. turgida South Africa: N of Heidelberg. Offsets. $ 6 JME30-88 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: Near Still Bay. Offsets. $ 4 (clonotype): GGS5378 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: 3 km SE of Riversdale on LHS of N2. Offsets. $ 4 DMC4164 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: Kafferkuilsriver, c. 5 km E of Riversdale. Offsets. $ 4 DMC4169 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: Farm Glen Eteve, NW of Heidelberg. Offsets. $ 4 DMC4179

19 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: Stilbaai. Offsets. $ 4 EA1143 H. turgida var. longibracteata South Africa: Olive Grove. Offsets. $ 4 JDV89-24 2655: H. turgida var. suberecta South Africa: Gouritz River (was var. rodinii). Offsets $ 4 H. turgida var. suberecta ISI120 South Africa: Valsch River, N of Albertinia (was var. pallidifolia). Offsets $ 4 H. turgida var. suberecta South Africa: Brandwacht. Offsets $ 4 EA1430 H. turgida var. suberecta South Africa: Gouritz River Bridge. Offsets $ 4 MBB6749 4227: H. turgida var. suberecta South Africa: Gouritz River. Offsets. $ 4 H. unicolor MBB6690 South Africa: N of Montague. Offsets. On previous lists under the name arachnoidea $ 6 var. nigricans . 3827: H. variegata var. South Africa: Bredasdorp. Offsets $ 5 variegata H. variegata var. modesta South Africa: Kathoek. Offsets $ 5 JDV86-68 3828: H. variegata var. South Africa: Karsrivier. Offsets $ 4 petrophila MBB s.n.: H. variegata var. petrophila South Africa: Kathoek. Offsets $ 5 JDV92-128 H. variegata var. petrophila South Africa: Karsrivier. Seedlings. $ 5 MBB6986 H. vincentii MBB7102 South Africa. Seedlings. Sort of half way between splendens and turgida. $ 8 H. vlokii JDV91-2 South Africa: Meiringspoort. Offsets $ 6 H. vlokii PVB6252 South Africa: Frisgewaagd. Offsets. $ 6 H. wimii South Africa: Garcias Pass. Seedlings. Stunning little plants (= H. emelyae var. major ) $ 8 1305: H. xiphiophylla South Africa: Offsets $ 5 5143: H. xiphiophylla South Africa: Glenconnor. Offsets $ 5 3684: H. zantneriana var. South Africa: Offsets $ 5 zantneriana H. zantneriana var. minor South Africa: Miller. Offsets. $ 6 JDV85-26

HAWORTHIA SUBGENUS HEXANGULARES AND SUBGENUS ROBUSTIPEDUNCULARES (THESE ARE ‘HARD’ LEAF TYPES THAT HAVE BEEN RECENTLY SEGREGATED INTO THE GENERA HAWORTHIOPSIS AND TULISTA) NAME Origin and other notes Price H. attenuata ‘Zebra Stripes’ South Africa: Offsets $ 4 H. attenuata fa. britteniae South Africa: Offsets $ 4 H. attenuata ‘Slipped Stripes’ South Africa: Offsets. (mutant of ‘Zebra Stripes’ with the bands slipping to form $ 6 vertical lines of irregular shape; new from the USA where it is called ‘Wet Paint’) H. attenuata ‘Broad Bands’ South Africa: Offsets. (forms large heads with very white, broad bands) $ 6 H. attenuata JDV90-42, clone South Africa: Soutkloof. Offsets $ 6 #2 H. attenuata South Africa: 3 km E of Enon. Offsets $ 6 MBB7169A H. attenuata MBB7125A South Africa: N Enon, 12 km E of Kirkwood. Offsets $ 6 H. attenuata ‘clariperla’ South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 3822: H. attenuata var. radula South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 441: H. coarctata var. South Africa. Offsets. $ 4 coarctata ‘chalwinii’ H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa. 20 km W of Grahamstown. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3730c 3704: H. coarctata var. South Africa. Ghio Bridge. Offsets. $ 6 coarctata H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa. Farm Rosedale, 20 km W of Alexandra. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3859b

20 H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa. Top of Ecca Pass, NNE Grahamstown. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3780h H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa: Berg River. Offsets. $ 6 FSA158 H. coarctata var. adelaidensis South Africa: Committees Drift. Offsets. $ 6 Committees H. coarctata var. adelaidensis South Africa: 7 km NW of Grahamstown. Offsets. $ 6 GM276B H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa: 4 km NW of Grahamstown. Offsets. $ 6 GM277 H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa: Farm Brakloof. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3721 H. coarctata var. coarctata South Africa. Offsets. $ 6 ‘Fallax’ 3711: H. coarctata var. tenuis South Africa. Offsets. Long and thin trailing stems. $ 4 442: H. glabrata South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 1976: H. glauca var. herrei South Africa: Offsets. Clonotype of H. armstrongii $ 4 ‘armstrongii’ 3648: H. glauca var. herrei South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 ‘jacobseniana’ H. glauca var. herrei South Africa: The Springs. Offsets. $ 5 DMC3892 3663: H. glauca var. herrei South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 3665: H. glauca var. herrei South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 ‘jonesii’ H. limifolia var. limifolia South Africa: Blue Jay Ranch, Mbuluzipoort. Offsets. $ 6 JDV87-110 H. limifolia var. limifolia South Africa: Offsets. (dark black-green leaf form) $ 4 ‘Black Knight’ H. limifolia var. limifolia South Africa: Offsets. (distributed in Australia as var. keithii but not that variety; pale $ 4 ‘Green Knight’ green leaf form) H. limifolia var. limifolia South Africa: Saddleback Mt, Barberton. Offsets. Form with grey leaves and strong $ 6 F.J.Stayner s.n. KG331/71 concolorous banding H. limifolia var. limifolia South Africa: Bumbeni. Offsets. Form that has very pronounced ridged banding, sort of $10 Lavr. 8387 intermediate to the true var. striata 5890: H. limifolia var. arcana South Africa: Hectorspruit. Offsets. $ 6 J. Bronkhorst s.n. H. limifolia var. glaucophylla South Africa: Three Sisters, Barberton. Offsets. $ 6 JDV13700 (clonotype) H. limifolia var. glaucophylla South Africa: Three Sisters, Barberton. Offsets. Wider leaved clone. $ 6 MBB7145 H. limifolia var. schuldtiana South Africa: Offsets. $ 4 H. limifolia var. ubomboensis South Africa: Swaziland: Stegi, Ubomboe Mtns. Offsets. $ 4 GGS5739/ISI1339 H. maxima South Africa: Seedlings. (syn. H. pumila, H. margaritifera ) $ 6 H. minima var. minima South Africa: Gouritzmond beach, 1 km SW of Gouritzmond. Offsets. $ 6 DMC2711 H. reinwardtii var. reinwardtii South Africa: Offsets. $ 5 ‘grandicula’ H. reinwardtii var. reinwardtii South Africa: 11 km SSW of Salem on R343, 2 km NNW of Long Ford. Offsets. $ 6 DMC3854g H. reinwardtii var. reinwardtii South Africa: Hamburg. Offsets. $ 6 Hamburg H. reinwardtii var. reinwardtii South Africa: Kaffirdrift. Offsets. $ 6 f. olivacea DMC5384 H. reinwardtii var. reinwardtii South Africa: Kaffirdrift. Offsets. $ 6 f. kaffirdriftensis ISI58 (clonotype), GGS3364 H. reinwardtii var. brevicula South Africa: Offsets. $ 6

21 H. reinwardtii var. South Africa: Chalumna. Offsets. $ 6 chalumnensis ISI1617 H. sordida South Africa: Perdepoort. Seedlings. $10 H. starkiana FSA70 South Africa: Schoemanspoort. Offsets. $ 6 H. venosa subsp. tessellata Offsets. Very shiny large individual rosettes. $ 6 ‘Neat’ H. venosa subsp. tessellata  South Africa: Stiebuelspruit NW of Three Sisters $ 6 DMC4346 Offsets.

Haworthia hybrids and cultivars for sale NAME Origin and other notes Price ‘Altilinea’ Offsets. $ 4 ‘Cuspidata’ Offsets. $ 4 ‘Down Under’/’Lime Green’ [it is Rooted offsets. Wonderful lime coloured version of H. truncata . $10 the same plant but goes under two Thought to be a hybrid of H. truncata and H. magnifica names] ‘Flat Top’ Leaf cutting offsets. Chunky little flat top. $ 6 ‘Grey Ghost’ Offsets. $ 6 ‘Kikuhigasa’ Weird little Japanese hybrid, almost tubular leaves. Rooted offsets. $ 8 ‘Little Circles’ Beautiful H. maxima x H. minima hybrid. Rooted offsets $10 ‘Moro-no-Sono’ Offsets. This has been widely distributed incorrectly in the Australian $ 6 trade as ‘Midorin Nasoso’. White variegation.) ‘McClarenii’ Offsets. $ 4 ‘Ollason’s Pride’ Formerly as ollasonii (an invalid cultivar name). Chunky dark green $ 6 rosettes. comptoniana × pygmaea crystalline Seedlings. Nice hybrids with the size and leaf shape of the first parent $ 6 and surface roughness of the second. ‘Sizunami’ Nice truncata hybrid, forms dense clumps. Offsets. $ 8 springbokvlakensis GM166 × Nice chunky hybrids showing the springbok influence. All different. $ 6 [Down Under × Mia] Seedlings. H. mutica ‘Drew White’ × H. Chunky little plants with the size of mutica, but the scabrid surface of $ 8 truncata truncata. Seedlings. ‘Down Under’ × springbokvlakensis Flattened rosettes tending more towards springbokvlakensis. Everyone is $ 8 different. Seedlings. H. truncata × H. ‘Down Under’ Variable hybrids with distichous form. Some have pointy tops, some $ 8 have flat tops to the leaves. Seedlings. H. truncata hybrids (rosette form) Advanced seedlings. Various forms. $ 6 (small) $10 (large) H. truncata hybrids (distichous/fan Advanced seedlings. Various forms. $ 6 (small) form) $10 (large) H. [truncata GM#1 × picta GM259] Chunky hybrids. Kick start your hybridization program. Seedlings with $ 6 considerable variation. H. [truncata GM313 × splendens ] × Chunky hybrids. Kick start your hybridization program. Seedlings with $ 8 truncata GM clones considerable variation. H. [truncata GM313 × splendens ] × Chunky hybrids. Kick start your hybridization program. Seedlings with $ 8 mutica ‘ Drew White’ considerable variation. H. ‘Spring Cat’ A nice hybrid from Heinz Staude. Offsets. $ 8 H. bayeri FSA92 × picta GM259 Nice chunky hybrids that tend towards H. bayeri more than H. picta. $ 8 Seedlings. H. ‘Zebulon’ A fantastic distichous hybrid of a Japanese truncata and Down Under. $40 (limited stocks) Established plants (single head). H. truncata × [Mia × Down Under] Complex hybrid with distichous form like H. truncata $12 NEW ADDITION H. Kegani × [pygmaea crystalline × Complex hybrid. Rosettes of warty leaves somewhat akin to H. $10 bayeri ] pygmaea. NEW ADDITION (limited stocks)


22 P. rubriflora South Africa. Offsets. $ 6

ASTERACEAE – thistles and succulent daisies NAME Origin and other notes Price Senecio amaniensis (previously on list as S. South Africa. Cuttings. $ 5 sempervivus ) Senecio articulatus South Africa. Cuttings $ 4 Senecio articulatus DMC3867 South Africa. Cuttings. $ 5 Senecio articulatus DMC2058 South Africa. Cuttings. $ 5 Senecio articulatus FSA59 South Africa: Plathuis road. Cuttings. $ 5 Senecio crassulifolius South Africa: Cuttings. $ 5 Senecio crassulifolius FSA58 South Africa: Plathuis road. Cuttings. $ 6 Senecio grantii South Africa. Cuttings. Forms a small caudex. $ 6 Senecio haworthii South Africa. Cuttings. White wooly foliage. $ 6 Senecio herreanus Namibia. Cuttings. Good for a hanging basket. $ 5 Senecio jacobsenii South Africa. Cuttings. Good for a hanging basket $ 5 Senecio pendulus Somalia/Ethiopia/Kenya. Cuttings. $ 5 Senecio radicans FSA51 South Africa: Strykhoogte Pass, E of McGregor. Cuttings. Good for a $ 5 hanging basket. Senecio rowleyanus South Africa. Cuttings. Good for a hanging basket $ 5 Senecio rowleyanus ‘String of Pearls’ South Africa. White variegated clone. Cuttings. Good for a hanging $ 6 basket Senecio scaposus FSA179 South Africa: Kaffirdrift, Fish River. Offsets. $ 6 Senecio schwartzii Cuttings. Forms a small caudex. $ 6 Senecio stapeliiformis South Africa. Cuttings. $ 6 CACTACEAE – prickly wonders (some not very prickly at all) Name Origin and other notes Price Hylocereus undatus Dragon Fruit. Cuttings. $ 5 Matucana madisoniorum Stems become spineless with age though they start off with short spines. $ 6 Fantastic orange flowers. Large seedlings. Parodia (Notocactus ) lenninghausii Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. Yellow spined cactus, slowly clusters; yellow $ 4 flowers. Rooted offsets. Oreocereus doelzianus subsp. sericatus Fluffy clustering finger stems. Rooted offsets. $ 6 Selenicereus anthonyanus Mexico. Climbing epiphyte, pink flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Selenicereus donkelarii Mexico, Yucatan. Climbing epiphyte, large white nocturnal flowers. $ 5 Cuttings. Selenicereus grandiflorus Mexico. Queen of the Night. Climbing epiphyte, large white nocturnal $ 5 flowers. Cuttings. Weberocereus imitans Costa Rica. (was in Eccremocactus ). Climbing epiphyte, large white $ 6 nocturnal flowers. Cuttings. Weingartia neocummingii Bolivia. Clustering small cactus, golden yellow flowers. Rooted $ 4 offsets. Included in Rebutia by some authors.

CRASSULACEAE – stonecrops, echeverias, hen & chickens, jade plants Nearly all are ideally suited for pots and bowl gardens. Adromischus for sale (see also collection #6) Name Origin and other notes Price Adromischus caryophyllaceus South Africa. Forms small clusters; glaucous grey foliage. Cuttings. $ 4 Adromischus cooperi South Africa. Forms small clusters; leaves attractively spotted. $ 4 Adromischus cristatus var. clavifolius South Africa. Forms small clusters; viscid (sticky) green leaves. $ 4 ‘poellnitzianus’ Adromischus cristatus var. mzimvubuensis South Africa: Fairacre Estate, Oribi Gorge [sometimes sold in Australia $ 4 DMC336 as ‘Crinkle Leaf’; previously included under var. zeyheri ] Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri EvJ7720 South Africa: Goelhoutbos Kloof, Kougaberg. Cuttings. $ 4

23 Adromischus leucophyllus South Africa. Forms small clusters; white waxy leaves. Cuttings. $ 4 Adromischus triflorus NBG305/37 South Africa. Forms small clusters; chunky grey and brown spotted $ 4 leaves. Cuttings. Adromischus triflorus CM190 South Africa. Forms small clusters; purple leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

Cotyledon for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Cotyledon eliseae (clonotype) South Africa. Forms small clusters; viscid (sticky) green foliage with red $ 5 edges; orange flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis South Africa. Forms loose clusters of erect stems; leaves silver glaucous, $ 5 DMC563 pendulous pink flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis South Africa. Rus En Vrede turnoff . Forms loose clusters of erect $ 5 DMC4030 stems; leaves silver glaucous, pendulous pink flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis FSA282 South Africa. Cloetespas, Gouritz River. Forms loose clusters of erect $ 5 stems; leaves silver glaucous, pendulous pink flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon papillaris FSA85 South Africa: Kammanassie Dam, S of Dysseldorp. Densely clumping $ 5 prostrate creeper; foliage silver grey, pendulous pink flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon papillaris South Africa. Densely clumping prostrate creeper; foliage silver grey $ 5 with red margins, pendulous pink flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. tomentosa (clone South Africa. Forms small loose clusters; foliage viscid (sticky), $ 5 #1) toothed, green; pendulous orange-red flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. tomentosa (clone South Africa. Forms small loose clusters; foliage viscid (sticky), $ 5 #2) toothed, green; pendulous orange-red flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon woodii (green leaf form) South Africa. Forms small loose clusters; foliage green; pendulous $ 5 orange flowers. Cuttings. Cotyledon woodii (white leaf form) South Africa. Forms small loose clusters; foliage silver-white; $ 5 pendulous orange flowers. Cuttings.

Crassula for sale (mainly miniatures, those marked # are good for the garden) Name Origin and other notes Price Crassula arborescens subsp. arborescens# South Africa: Plathuis road. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick glaucous $ 6 FSA50 blue-grey leaves; flowers pink. Cuttings. Crassula arborescens subsp. undulatifolia South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick glaucous blue-grey $ 5 `Blue Bird’# leaves. Cuttings. Crassula elegans South Africa. Densely clustering; foliage green and softly hairy; flowers $ 6 cream. Cuttings. Crassula ericoides South Africa. Loosely clustering erect to decument stems; foliage mid $ 5 green; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula ‘Baby’s Necklace’ Erect, loosely clustering; foliage densely compact, grey-green, red $ 6 edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula multicava South Africa: Densely clustering; foliage grey-green; flowers pink. $ 4 Cuttings. Crassula muscosa (lycopodioides) South Africa. Loosely clustering erect to decumbent stems; foliage pale $ 4 green; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Fingers’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. $ 5 Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage with $ 5 yellow and pink variegation. Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Miniature Jade’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage that $ 5 colours brick red in good light. Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Hobbit’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. $ 5 Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Gollum’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. $ 5 Cuttings. Crassula ovata ‘Green Coral’# South Africa. Small subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. $ 5 Cuttings.

24 Crassula ovata DMC423# South Africa. 17 km NW of Grahamstown on R350 to Bedford. Small $ 5 subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. Cuttings. Crassula ovata FSA125# South Africa: Hellspoort, Grahamstown to Bedford road. Small $ 5 subshrub to 2m tall; thick grey-green foliage. Cuttings. subsp. marginalis # South Africa. Prostrate creeping ground cover; foliage green with red $ 4 edges; flowers pink. Cuttings.

Crassula perforata clone #1 South Africa. Small subshrub to 40cm high; foliage glaucous silver- $ 4 white with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata (conjuncta) clone #2 South Africa. Small subshrub to 40cm high; foliage glaucous silver- $ 4 white with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata FSA19 South Africa. Western Cape Prov., Waterval near Tulbagh. Small $ 4 subshrub to 40cm high; foliage glaucous silver white with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata DMC3973 South Africa. Decumbent to prostrate subshrub; foliage glaucous blue- $ 6 grey with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata DMC350 South Africa: Oribi Gorge. Erect to decumbent subshrub to 30cm high; $ 6 foliage glaucous silver white with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata (nealeana ) South Africa. Decumbent to prostrate subshrub; foliage glaucous blue- $ 4 grey with red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata FSA33 South Africa: 5km W of Robertson. Erect subshrub to 50cm high; $ 6 glaucous grey-green foliage, red edges; flowers cream. Cuttings. Crassula perforata DMC573 South Africa. Decumbent to prostrate subshrub; foliage grey-green with $ 6 red edges; flowers cream. Good for a basket. Cuttings. Crassula plegmatoides (arta) South Africa. Densely clumping semi-erect stems; foliage of densely $ 6 packed silver-grey leaves; cream flowers. Cuttings. Crassula rupestris ‘Tom Thumb’ South Africa. Erect, loosely clustered stems; foliage grey-green with red $ 6 edges; flowers cream. Cuttings Crassula spathulata South Africa. Prostrate, ground cover; foliage green; flowers cream. $ 4

Echeveria for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Echeveria ‘Big Red’ Nice large rosette cultivar with dark red leaves. Rooted heads. $ 5 Echeveria compressicaulis Taylor 675 Venezuela, Est. Merida. Strange erect stems more like a Graptopetalum; $ 5 (clonotype) foliage burnished brown; flowers yellow. Cuttings. Echeveria diffractens Mexico. Small grey-pink glaucous rosettes; flowers pink and yellow. $ 5 Rosettes. Echeveria prolifica ISI1388, Meyran 3462 Mexico, nursery at Venta Grande, Veracruz. Tiny clustering rosettes of $ 5 glaucous white leaves; flowers yellow. Cuttings. Echeveria pulvinata Lau 014, ISI1390 Mexico, Oaxaca: nr San Miguel Maninaltepec (white form) [= ‘Suave’]. $ 5 Clustering stems, shortly arborescent; foliage white pubescent; flowers orange and yellow. Cuttings. Echeveria tolimanensis Mexico. Solitary rosettes, silver-grey bloom. Slow growing, choice $ 8 collector’s plant. Seedlings.

Graptopetalum for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Graptopetalum glassii (clonotype) Mexico. Clustering rosettes. Foliage grey-white. Cuttings. $ 5 Graptopetalum mendozae (clonotype) Mexico. Clustering shrubby stems; chunky rosettes of pink-grey leaves. $ 5 Cuttings. Graptopetalum pachyphyllum Mexico. Minute rosettes of blue glaucous leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Graptopetalum paraguayense subsp. Mexico. Rosettes of glaucous silver-white leaves. ‘Ghost Plant’. $ 5 paraguayense (clonotype) Cuttings. Graptopetalum paraguayense subsp. Mexico, Tamaulipas: Cerro Bernal, 39 km E of Ciudad Mante. Rosettes $ 5

25 bernalens e Lau 089 (clonotype) of glaucous silver-white leaves. Half the size of subsp. Paraguayense. Cuttings. Graptopetalum pentandrum Lau 049 Mexico, Michoacan: El Salto, 4 km N of Aguililla. Rosettes of cream- $ 5 pink leaves. Excellent for a pot or basket feature. Cuttings. Graptopetalum superbum (clonotype): Mexico. Chunky rosettes of purple leaves. Excellent for a pot or basket $ 5 feature. Cuttings.

X Graptosedum for sale (hybrids between Graptopetalum & Sedum) Name Notes Price X Graptosedum ‘Bert Swanwick’ An old heritage hybrid. Chunky purple brown rosettes. Sometimes $ 5 called Sedum swanwickii . Cuttings. X Graptosedum ‘Paddy Peate’ Nice chunky plant with pink-orange rosettes. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptosedum ‘Vera Higgins’ An old heritage hybrid, similar to ‘Bert Swanwick’ but with smaller $ 5 rosettes. Cuttings.

X Graptoveria for sale (hybrids between Graptopetalum & Echeveria) Name Notes Price X Graptoveria ‘Douglas Huth’ Rosettes of pink-purple leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptoveria ‘Margarete Reppin’ Rosettes of glaucous silver-white leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptoveria ‘Purple Delight’ Very chunky large rosettes of purple-cream leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptoveria ‘Supreme’ Large rosettes of glaucous silver-grey leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptoveria ‘Titubans’ Rosettes of grey-white leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Graptoveria ‘Victor Kane’ Rosettes of pink-purple leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

Kalanchoe for sale (those marked # are larger and good for the garden) Name Origin and other notes Price Kalanchoe beauverdii # clone 1 Madagascar. Weird climbing succulent; foliage grey-black; flowers grey $ 5 black (!). Cuttings. Kalanchoe beauverdii # clone 2 Madagascar. Weird climbing succulent; foliage silver-grey; flowers grey $ 5 black (!). Cuttings. Kalanchoe beharensis # Madagascar. Elephant Ear Kalanchoe. Shrub to 1m tall; large softly $ 5 pubescent silver-grey leaves. Cuttings. Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Brown Dwarf’# Madagascar. Miniature form of this species. Compact subshrub to 50cm; $ 5 foliage silver brown, pubescent. Cuttings. Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Fang’# Madagascar. Compact subshrub to 1m; foliage silver brown, pubescent, $ 5 covered in warty teeth. Cuttings. Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Nana’ Madagascar. Compact subshrub to 50cm; rosettes very compact, foliage $ 5 silver brown, pubescent. Cuttings. Kalanchoe bracteata subsp. Bracteata# Madagascar. Small subshrub to 1m tall; silver-grey velutinous foliage; $ 5 orange-red flowers. Cuttings. Often incorrectly labeled as K. hildebrandtii Kalanchoe bracteata subsp. Glabra # Madagascar. Small subshrub to 1m tall; green velutinous foliage; $ 5 orange-red flowers. Cuttings. Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi PVB5967A# Madagascar: Fort Dauphin. Clustering erect stems; foliage pink-grey. $ 5 Quite distinct from the normal form. Cuttings. Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Madagascar. Rosettes of white waxy leaves. Excellent bedding plant. $ 5 Rosettes. Kalanchoe hildebrandtii HNT9000 Madagascar. Erect subshrub to 50cm high; foliage grey-brown, $ 5 pubescent. Cuttings. Kalanchoe humilis Mozambique. Rosettes of cream and purple spotted leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Kalanchoe longiflora # South Africa. Clustering rosettes of pink and green leaves. Excellent $ 5 bedding plant. Cuttings. Kalanchoe longiflora ‘White Wonder’ South Africa. Clustering rosettes of white glaucous leaves. Excellent $ 5 bedding plant. Cuttings. Kalanchoe marmorata f. marmorata # South Africa. Clustering rosettes of grey-white glaucous leaves liberally $ 5 spotted with brown blotches. Cuttings.

26 Kalanchoe migiurtinorum# South Africa. Rosettes of blue-glaucous leaves; large white flowers. $ 5 Excellent bedding plant. Cuttings. Kalanchoe millotii # Madagascar. Rosettes of pubescent silver-grey leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Kalanchoe orgyalis # Madagascar. Shrub to 1.5m tall; foliage silver-brown, velutinous; $ 5 flowers yellow. Cuttings. Kalanchoe pubescens South Africa. Rosettes of softly pubescent grey-green leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. rhombopilosa Madagascar. Miniature to 30cm high; brown, cream and grey leaves. $ 5 Cuttings. Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. argentea Madagascar. Miniature to 30cm high; silver-grey leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 BGH74875 (clonotype) Kalanchoe sexangularis# South Africa. Erect stems with rosettes of deep red leaves; yellow $ 5 flowers. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as K. longiflora var. coccinea . Cuttings. Kalanchoe sexangularis NBG281/64# South Africa. Eastern Cape Prov., Port Edward. Erect stems with $ 5 rosettes of deep red leaves; yellow flowers. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as K. longiflora var. coccinea . Cuttings. Kalanchoe sinesepala var. sinesepala # Madagascar. Rosettes of green leaves edged with red; offsets on long $ 5 stolons; pink flowers. Cuttings. Kalanchoe sinesepala var. dissecta Madagascar. Rosettes of green leaves edged with red, leaf blade is much $ 5 more dissected than the type variety; offsets on long stolons; pink flowers. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Burnt Blanket’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 grey with brown markings. The original heritage form of this species in Australia. Sometimes known as the Penwiper Plant. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Delight’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 grey-brown with darker brown markings. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldier’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 grey-brown with darker brown and grey markings. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Giant Hairy’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 60cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 silver grey-brown with longer hairs than any other form. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Golden Girl’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 yellow grey-brown with darker brown and grey markings. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Velvet Brown’ Madagascar. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; foliage heavily pubescent, $ 5 grey-brown with particularly darker brown edges. Cuttings. Kalanchoe tomentosa PVB6225 Madagascar, 13 km E of Fianarantsoa. Erect, shrublet to 40cm high; $ 5 foliage heavily pubescent, grey-brown with darker brown and grey markings. Cuttings. Kalanchoe ‘Velvet Touch’# Hybrid of beharensis x millottii. Low subshrub to 1m tall; foliage silver $ 5 grey, heavily pubescent. Cuttings.

Pachyphytum for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Pachyphytum fittkaui G. & F. 969 Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Balnearioides, Lourdes. Chunky rosettes of $ 5 green-yellow leaves. Cuttings. Pachyphytum oviferum Mexico. Super chunky rosettes of glaucous silver-white leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

X Pachysedum for sale (hybrids of Pachyphytum and Sedum) Name Notes Price X Pachysedum ‘Ganzhou’ Chunky rosettes of purple-grey leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 X Pachysedum ‘Frank Venz’ Hybrid of Sedum lucidum and Pachyphytum werdermanii. Chunky $ 5 rosettes of yellow-green leaves. Cuttings.

X Pachyveria for sale (hybrids of Echeveria and Pachyphytum)

27 Name Notes Price X Pachyveria ‘Blue Haze’ Chunky rosettes of glaucous, blue-silver leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

Sedum for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Sedum adolphi (nussbaumerianum # 1) Mexico. Chunky rosettes of orange leaves. Cuttings. This is the original $ 5 heritage clone long in cultivation in Australia. Sedum adolphi ‘Firestorm’ Mexico. Chunky rosettes of orange leaves with darker orange edges. $ 6 (nussbaumerianum # 2) Cuttings. This is a ‘new’ more stunning clone I imported from the USA in 2002 and just named as a cultivar in 2014. Sedum adolphi (nussbaumerianum # 3) Mexico. Chunky rosettes of yellow-orange leaves. Cuttings. This is a $ 5 smaller clone to the #1 and #2. Sedum adolphii #4 Mexico. Chunky rosettes of yellow-orange leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Sedum allantoides ‘goldii ’ Mexico. Clustering chunky rosettes of glaucous silver-white flattened $ 5 leaves. Cuttings. This form originally named as Graptopetalum goldii Sedum allantoides Mexico. Clustering chunky rosettes of glaucous silver-white cylindrical $ 5 leaves. Cuttings. Sedum burrito ISI985 Mexico. Hanging stems of chunky silver-white leaves. The famous $ 5 Burro’s Tail. Cuttings. Sedum clavatum Mexico. Rosettes of glaucous blue-white leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Sedum craigii Mexico: Chihuahua, Barranca del Cobre. Chunky pink-purple leaves. $ 5 Cuttings. Sedum lucidum #1 Mexico. Rosettes of green leaves. Cuttings. $ 5 Sedum morganianum Mexico. Hanging stems of chunky silver-white leaves. The famous $ 5 Donkey’s Tail. Cuttings. Sedum pachyphyllum Mexico. Chunky rosettes of glaucous blue-cream leaves with red ends. $ 5 Cuttings. White Jellybean plant. Sedum x rubrotinctum Chunky rosettes of rich red leaves. Cuttings. Red Jellybean plant. $ 5 Sedum x rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ Pink variegated jelly bean. Cuttings. $ 7 Sedum treleasei Mexico. Erect glaucous blue-cream leaves. $ 5

X Sedeveria for sale (hybrids of Echeveria and Sedum) Name Notes Price X Sedeveria ‘Golden Goddess’ Chunky rosettes of orange-yellow leaves. Cuttings. $ 5

CUCURBITACEAE – succulent gourds Name Origin and other notes Price Xerosicyos danguyi small leaf clone Climber with large orbicular, grey-white leaves. Unrooted cuttings. $ 6 Xerosicyos decaryi Climber with oblong, grey-green leaves. Unrooted cuttings. $ 6 Xerosicyos perrieri Climber with oblong, green leaves. Unrooted cuttings. $ 6

DIDIERIACEAE – lemur habitat Name Origin and other notes Price Alluaudia procera Madagascar. Spiky columns that reach for the sky. Rooted cuttings. $10

DRACAENACEAE – dragon trees and their lesser ilk – Sansevierias for sale Name Origin and other notes Price Sansevieria aethiopica South Africa. Clustering rosettes of dark blue-green leaves. Cuttings. $ 6 Sansevieria concinna (= sp. Socotra, but actually comes from Mozambique [Spoon Plant]). $ 5 Small clustering succulent with pale green spoon shaped leaves. Cuttings. Sansevieria elliptica HBG22830 Clustering rosettes of dark green spotted leaves. Cuttings. $10

28 Sansevieria erythraea Tall, erect, fan like rosettes of dark green leaves. Rooted plants. $10 Sansevieria fischeri Kenya. Clustering rosettes; juveniles are flattened, then on maturity it $10 forms tall spiky leaves; foliage bluish green. Sansevieria fischeri x concinna Clustering open rosettes of grey-green white spotted leaves. Cuttings. $ 8 Sansevieria patens Kenya. Clustering, spiky leaved open rosettes. Cuttings. $10 Sansevieria parva Kenya. Clustering, soft leaved open rosettes. Cuttings. $ 5 Sansevieria parva ‘Gilt Edge’ Clustering, soft leaved open rosettes; leaves with yellow variegated $10 edge. Cuttings. Sansevieria subspicata Mocambique. Clustering, soft leaved rosettes, dark green leaves. $ 8 Cuttings. Sansevieria suffruticosa Kenya. Clustering spiky, open rosettes of grey & cream leaves. Cuttings. $ 8 Sansevieria suffruticosa ‘Frosty Spears’ Kenya. Clustering spiky, open rosettes of silver grey & cream leaves. $10 Cuttings. Sansevieria ‘Fernwood’ Erect, open rosettes of light green leaves. Cuttings. $ 8 Sansevieria ‘Koko’ Erect, chunky open rosettes. Cuttings. Limit of one per customer $15 Sansevieria ‘Tom Thumb’ Small, densely clustering dark green rosettes. Cuttings. $ 5

EUPHORBIACEAE – spurges: for sale Most plants are cuts and best made during the spring and summer months. In most cases I will not supply these during the winter months. Name Origin and other notes Price Euphorbia aeruginosa South Africa. Erect, blue glaucous stems with red spines. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia angustiflora Kenya. Erect, blue glaucous stems with black spines. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia baioensis (clonotype) Kenya. Mt Baio. Erect, blue glaucous stems with brown spines. $ 6 Cuttings. Euphorbia biherensis Madagascar. Densely spiny low subshrub; brown flowers; eventually $ 6 forms a turnip shaped tuber. Cuttings. Euphorbia biherensis × E. milii Grows larger than pure E. biherensis ; red flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia bosseri Madagascar. Trailling leafless dark purple-green stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia capsaintmariensis Madagascar. Caudex species with spreading crown. Seedlings. These are $12 the ‘true’ species and derived from material sourced in the Slovak Republic. Most material sold under this name in Australia is cutting grown and a hybrid with E. decaryi. Euphorbia classenii Lavr. 11794 Kenya, Teita district, Mt Kasigau. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia cylindrifolia subsp. cylindrifolia Madagascar. Densely clustering, rhizomatous; white stems, purple $ 6 cylindrical leaves. Cuttings. Euphorbia croizatii Madagascar. Spiny, low decumbent shrub. Rooted cuttings. $10 Euphorbia decaryi var. decaryi Madagascar. Densely clustering, rhizomatous; white stems, green purple $ 6 flattened leaves. Cuttings. Euphorbia decaryi var. spirosticha Madagascar. Densely clustering, rhizomatos, white stems, glossy green $ 6 purple leaves with crinkly edges. Cuttings. Euphorbia delphinensis × E. didierioides Bizarre spiny columns, tending more towards the second parent. $ 6 Cuttings. Euphorbia dichroa Kenya. Densely tufted spiny stems. Cuttings $ 6 Euphorbia didierioides Madagascar. Spiny columns. Seedlings. $10 Euphorbia grandicornis South Africa. Cow’s Horn Euphorbia. Shrub to 2m tall; grey-green $10 chunky stems and fierce white spines. Cuttings or seedlings. Euphorbia greenwayi Tanzania. Erect, clustering blue stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia handiensis Canary Islands. Rooted cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia kamerunica W. Africa. Erect shrub to 2m tall; pale green flattened stems, spiny. $ 8 Cuttings. Euphorbia hislopii Madagascar. Erect, clustering spiny stems; large red flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 A giant ‘Crown of Thorns’ Euphorbia leuconeura Madagascar. Rainforest species. Strange knobbly stems and large dark $ 6 green leaves. Seedlings. Euphorbia milii var. splendens red flowers Madagascar. Crown of Thorns. Old heritage form. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia milii var. splendens pale pink Madagascar. Crown of Thorns. Cuttings. $ 6

29 flowers Euphorbia milii cream flowers Madagascar. Crown of Thorns. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia milii x E. horombensis A giant Crown of Thorns; white flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia milii var. imperatae red flowers Madagascar. A miniature Crown of Thorns. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia milii var. imperatae yellow flowers Madagascar. A miniature Crown of Thorns. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia obesa South Africa. Little balls. Seedlings. $ 6 Euphorbia pentagona DMC7057 South Africa, 3 km S of Kransdrift NW of Grahamstown. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia petricola Kenya, Machakos district. Small rhizomatous, clustering grey-blue $ 6 stems, spiny. Cuttings. Euphorbia platyclada var. hardyi Madagascar. Clustering, hanging stems, mottled grey-brown. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia saxorum ISI1024: Lavr. S.n.: Kenya, Kangondi Rock. Small decumbent subshrub. Cuttings. $ 6 Euphorbia septentrionalis DMC1345 Kenya, 47 km N of Maralal on Maralal – North Hor road. Small $ 6 rhizomatous, clustering grey-blue stems, spiny. Cuttings. Euphorbia similiramea DMC1008 Kenya, 29 km S of Langata road on road to Magadi, SW of Nairobi. $ 6 Small, rhizomatous, clustering grey-blue stems, spiny. Cuttings. Euphorbia tridentata South Africa. Densely clustering globose stems, spineless. Cuttings. $ 4 Euphorbia viguieri var. ankarafantsiensis Madagascar. Strange knobbly green and white stems, dark green leaves, $ 6 red flowers. Seedlings. Euphorbia xylophylloides Madagascar. Sprawling low shrub to 2m tall. Grey-green flattened $ 8 branches and stems, spineless. Cuttings. Monadenium coccineum Tanzania. Glaucous green-grey stems; red flowers. Cuttings. $ 6 Monadenium guentheri Kenya. Thick knobbly dark green sausage stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Monadenium heteropodum Tanzania. Thick knobbly pale green sausage stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Monadenium kimberleyanum ISI1490 South Africa, Transvaal, N of Lydenburg, near Burgersfort on the road $ 6 to Pietersburg. Erect, green sausage stems. .Cuttings. Monadenium lugardae P.E.Downs 9/85 SouthAfrica, Transvaal, between Ganspoort & The Downs, 40 km SSW $ 6 of Tzaneen. Erect grey-green sausage stems. Cuttings. Monadenium rhizophorum ISI762 Kenya. Rhizomatous, densely clumping stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Monadenium stoloniferum W.Rauh Ke.179 Kenya, Masai district, Kapiti Plains, 33.5 km S of Athi River Station $ 6 (clonotype): Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Green Feather’ Mexico. Small form, zig-zag green stems; red bracted flowers. Cuttings. $ 6

HYACINTHACEAE – bulbous succulents Name Origin and other notes Price Ledebouria petiolata South Africa. Clustering bulb. Green leaves with white spots. Also $ 5 known as Drimiopsis maculata Bulbs. Ledebouria violacea South Africa. Clustering bulb. Leaves purple underside, blue-grey with $ 5 cream spotting above. Also known as Scilla violacea. Bulbs. Ledebouria violacea FSA194 South Africa: Hankey. Clustering bulb. Leaves purple underside, green- $ 5 grey with cream spotting above. Also known as Scilla violacea. Bulbs. Ledebouria sp. DMC8927 South Africa: Eastern Cape. Leaves green with dark purple splotches. $ 6 NEW ADDITION Rooted bulbs. Ledebouria sp. DMC8893 South Africa: Eastern Cape. Leaves green with dark purple splotches. NEW ADDITION Rooted bulbs. Ornithogalum (Albuca ) batteniae FSA169 South Africa: Kapp River School. Large succulent bulb, long lanceolate $10 green leaves; white flowers. Rooted bulbs. Ornithogalum juncifolium FSA170 South Africa: Kapp River School. Bulb, long linear grey leaves; white $ 6 flowers. Seedlings. Ornithogalum nanoides South Africa. Small clustering bulb with wispy-fleshy leaves. 2 bulbs. $ 6

LAMIACEAE – the mint family (plants have fleshy to heavily succulent foliage and stems) Name Origin and other notes Price Plectranthus barbatus var. grandis Kenya, 26 km SW of Kitale/Lodwar road (A1) junction with B4. $ 6 DMC1280 Shrub to 3m tall; aromatic leaves, purple flowers. Stock won’t eat it; excellent non-invasive hedging plant. Cuttings.

30 Plectranthus cylindraceus South Africa, Zimbabwe. Very succulent erect stems. Cuttings. $ 6 Plectranthus neochilus South Africa. Clustering prostrate stems. Good bedding plant. Cuttings. $ 4 Plectranthus porphyranthus DMC28 Zimbabwe, 10 km E of Kyle Dam wall. Highly aromatic scalloped $ 6 leaves; purple flowers. Cuttings. Plectranthus socotranus Socotra. Erect stems with clusters of rosettes. Cuttings $ 6 Plectranthus prostratus Uganda. Prostrate, layering stems. Good for a hanging basket. Cuttings. $ 4 Plectranthus tenuiflorus DMC1160 Kenya, 2 km towards Lake Baringo from Marlgat. Sprawling $ 6 succulent subshrub with highly aromatic leaves. Cuttings. Plectranthus tetensis Kenya. Prostrate trailing creeper. Cuttings. $ 4

MORACEAE – the fig family Name Origin and other notes Price Dorstenia foetida (crispa variant with paler Small caudex plant. Seedlings. $ 5 (small); $10 (large) leaves and short ‘tails’to the floral receptacle) Dorstenia foetida (foetida variant with Small caudex plant. Seedlings. $ 5 (small); $10 (large) darker leaves and long ‘tails’to the floral receptacle)

PORTULACACEAE - the jade and purslane family Name Origin and other notes Price Anacampseros arachnoides South Africa. Small clustering elongated rosettes; pink flowers. $ 4 Cuttings. Anacampseros filamentosa South Africa. Small clustering rosettes; pink flowers. Seedlings. $ 4 Anacampseros karasmontana South Africa. Slowly clustering rosettes of pale green leaves, very $ 6 NEW ADDITION hairy; pale pink flowers. Seedlings. Anacampseros rufescens South Africa. Small clustering rosettes; pink flowers. Seedlings. $ 4 Portulacaria afra Jade Plant South Africa. Old heritage form. Shrub to 2m tall; pink flowers. $ 5 Excellent for hedges. Cuttings. Portulacaria afra DMC829 South Africa: Abel Erasmus Pass on R36. Giant form. Cuttings $ 6


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