370L bus time schedule & line map

370L Leysdown - View In Website Mode

The 370L bus line (Leysdown - Sittingbourne) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Leysdown: 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM (2) Sittingbourne: 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 370L bus station near you and nd out when is the next 370L bus arriving.

Direction: Leysdown 370L bus Time Schedule 59 stops Leysdown Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM Perth Gardens, Sittingbourne 37 Adelaide Drive, Sittingbourne Tuesday 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM

Keyways, Sittingbourne Wednesday 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM 163 London Road, Sittingbourne Thursday 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM The Billet, Sittingbourne Friday 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM Wilton Terrace, Saturday Not Operational The Long Hop, Key Street Key Street, Bobbing

Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish 370L bus Info Direction: Leysdown The Meads, Sonora Fields Stops: 59 Sonora Way, Bobbing Civil Parish Trip Duration: 61 min Line Summary: Perth Gardens, Sittingbourne, Kingsher Close, Keyways, Sittingbourne, The Billet, Sittingbourne, The Long Hop, Key Street, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Helen Thompson Close, Iwade Street, The Meads, Sonora Fields, Kingsher Close, Sheerstone, Iwade Civil Parish Iwade, Helen Thompson Close, Iwade, School Lane, Iwade, Sanderling Way, Iwade, Railway Station, School Lane, Iwade Swale, Stray Marsh Farm, , Morrisons, 9 School Mews, Iwade Civil Parish Queenborough, Thomsett Way, , Cullet Drive, Rushenden, First Avenue, Rushenden, Swale Sanderling Way, Iwade Avenue, Rushenden, Hillside Avenue, Rushenden, The Street, Iwade Civil Parish Ferry View, Rushenden, First Avenue, Rushenden, Klondyke Industrial Estate, Queenborough, Railway Railway Station, Swale Station, Queenborough, Stanley Avenue, Sheppey Way, Iwade Civil Parish Queenborough, Queenborough Corner, Queenborough, The Rise, Halfway, Holm Place, Stray Marsh Farm, Queenborough Halfway, Holmside Avenue, Halfway, East Working Mens Club, Halfway, The Heritage, Halfway, Morrisons, Queenborough Banner Way, Halfway, Oasis Academy East, Minster, Scrapsgate Road, Minster, Thomsett Way, Rushenden Barton Hill Drive, Minster, Harps Inn, Minster, Library, Minster, Primary School, Minster, High Street, Cullet Drive, Rushenden Minster, Tams Gardens, Minster, Mill Hill, Minster, Oak Lane, Minster, Bell Farm Lane, Minster, Chequers First Avenue, Rushenden Water Tower, Minster, Norwood Corner, Eastchurch, Rushenden Road, Queenborough Court Tree Drive, Eastchurch, White Post Corner, Eastchurch, Fire Station, Eastchurch Prisons, Swale Avenue, Rushenden Church, Eastchurch, Squires Court, Eastchurch, Anne Boleyn Close, Eastchurch, Jenkins Hill, Eastchurch, Hillside Avenue, Rushenden Ferry Road, Eastchurch, The Bay View, Leysdown, Warden Bay Road, Leysdown, Isle Of Ferry View, Rushenden Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown, Oasis Stores, Warden, Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown, First Avenue, Rushenden Vanity Holiday Park, Leysdown, Rose And Crown, Leysdown, Bus Terminus, Leysdown Rushenden Road, Queenborough

Klondyke Industrial Estate, Queenborough

Railway Station, Queenborough

Stanley Avenue, Queenborough

Queenborough Corner, Queenborough

The Rise, Halfway Queenborough Road, England

Holm Place, Halfway Sunnyelds Drive, England

Holmside Avenue, Halfway

Sheerness East Working Mens Club, Halfway 108 Queenborough Road, England

The Heritage, Halfway Pleasant Place, Minster

Banner Way, Halfway

Oasis Academy Isle Of Sheppey East, Minster Minster Road, Minster

Scrapsgate Road, Minster 165 Minster Road, Minster

Barton Hill Drive, Minster Porter Close, Minster

Harps Inn, Minster

Library, Minster

Primary School, Minster

High Street, Minster High Street, Minster

Tams Gardens, Minster

Mill Hill, Minster

Oak Lane, Minster Bell Farm Lane, Minster Chequers Road, Minster-On-Sea Civil Parish

Chequers Water Tower, Minster

Norwood Corner, Eastchurch

Court Tree Drive, Eastchurch Coultrip Close, Eastchurch Civil Parish

White Post Corner, Eastchurch

Fire Station, Eastchurch Prisons Orchard Way, Eastchurch Civil Parish

Church, Eastchurch High Street, Eastchurch Civil Parish

Squires Court, Eastchurch Squires Court, Eastchurch Civil Parish

Anne Boleyn Close, Eastchurch

Jenkins Hill, Eastchurch

Harty Ferry Road, Eastchurch

The Bay View, Leysdown

Warden Bay Road, Leysdown

Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown

Oasis Stores, Warden

Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown Unit 2 Warden Bay Road, Leysdown Civil Parish

Vanity Holiday Park, Leysdown

Rose And Crown, Leysdown 6 Leysdown Road, Leysdown Civil Parish

Bus Terminus, Leysdown Direction: Sittingbourne 370L bus Time Schedule 55 stops Sittingbourne Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM Bus Terminus, Leysdown Tuesday 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM Nutts Avenue, Leysdown Wednesday 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM Shops, Leysdown Thursday 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM 40-42 Leysdown Road, Leysdown Civil Parish Friday 7:08 AM - 7:13 AM Vanity Holiday Park, Leysdown Saturday Not Operational Warden Bay Road, Leysdown

Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown

Oasis Stores, Warden 370L bus Info Direction: Sittingbourne Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown Stops: 55 Trip Duration: 62 min Unit 2 Warden Bay Road, Leysdown Civil Parish Line Summary: Bus Terminus, Leysdown, Nutts The Bay View, Leysdown Avenue, Leysdown, Shops, Leysdown, Vanity Holiday Park, Leysdown, Warden Bay Road, Leysdown, Isle Danes Drive, Leysdown Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown, Oasis Stores, Warden, Isle Of Sheppey Holiday Village, Leysdown, The Bay View, Leysdown, Danes Drive, Leysdown, Harty Ferry Road, Eastchurch Harty Ferry Road, Eastchurch, Jenkins Hill, Eastchurch, Rowetts Way Layby, Eastchurch, Fire Jenkins Hill, Eastchurch Station, Eastchurch Prisons, Anne Boleyn Close, Eastchurch, Squires Court, Eastchurch, High Street, Rowetts Way Layby, Eastchurch Eastchurch, White Post Corner, Eastchurch, Court Tree Drive, Eastchurch, Norwood Corner, Eastchurch, Fire Station, Eastchurch Prisons Chequers Water Tower, Minster, Bell Farm Lane, Orchard Way, Eastchurch Civil Parish Minster, Oak Lane, Minster, Mill Hill, Minster, Tams Gardens, Minster, Scocles Road Top, Minster, Harps Anne Boleyn Close, Eastchurch Avenue, Minster, Heron Drive, Thistle Hill, Mistletoe Anne Boleyn Close, Eastchurch Civil Parish Drive, Thistle Hill, Nettle Way, Thistle Hill, Bellower Avenue, Thistle Hill, Yarrow Drive, Minster, Sanspareil Squires Court, Eastchurch Avenue, Minster, Barton Hill Drive, Minster, Squires Court, Eastchurch Civil Parish Scrapsgate Road, Minster, Oasis Academy Isle Of Sheppey East, Minster, Banner Way, Halfway, The High Street, Eastchurch Heritage, Halfway, Sheerness East Working Mens Club, Halfway, Holmside Avenue, Halfway, Holm White Post Corner, Eastchurch Place, Halfway, The Rise, Halfway, Queenborough Corner, Queenborough, Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Court Tree Drive, Eastchurch Street, The Long Hop, Key Street, The Billet, B2008, Eastchurch Civil Parish Sittingbourne, Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne, Perth Gardens, Sittingbourne, Brisbane Avenue, Norwood Corner, Eastchurch Sittingbourne, Barrow Grove, Sittingbourne, Manor Grove, Sittingbourne, Homewood Avenue, Chequers Water Tower, Minster Sittingbourne, Lyndhurst Grove, Sittingbourne, Memorial Hospital, Sittingbourne, Borden Grammar Bell Farm Lane, Minster School, Sittingbourne Chequers Road, Minster-On-Sea Civil Parish

Oak Lane, Minster Mill Hill, Minster

Tams Gardens, Minster Echo Walk, Minster-On-Sea Civil Parish

Scocles Road Top, Minster 29 High Street, Minster

Harps Avenue, Minster

Heron Drive, Thistle Hill Thistle Hill Way, Minster

Mistletoe Drive, Thistle Hill Thistle Hill Way, Minster

Nettle Way, Thistle Hill

Bellower Avenue, Thistle Hill

Yarrow Drive, Minster Yarrow Drive, Minster

Sanspareil Avenue, Minster

Barton Hill Drive, Minster

Scrapsgate Road, Minster 165 Minster Road, Minster

Oasis Academy Isle Of Sheppey East, Minster Minster Road, Minster

Banner Way, Halfway

The Heritage, Halfway 27-33 Minster Road, England

Sheerness East Working Mens Club, Halfway

Holmside Avenue, Halfway

Holm Place, Halfway

The Rise, Halfway Queenborough Road, England

Queenborough Corner, Queenborough

Pearce And Batt Garage, Key Street 26-32 Key Street, Borden Civil Parish

The Long Hop, Key Street

The Billet, Sittingbourne 211 London Road, England

Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne 112 London Road, Sittingbourne Perth Gardens, Sittingbourne Adelaide Drive, Sittingbourne

Brisbane Avenue, Sittingbourne 84 Borden Lane, Sittingbourne

Barrow Grove, Sittingbourne Homewood Avenue, Sittingbourne

Manor Grove, Sittingbourne 26 Homewood Avenue, Sittingbourne

Homewood Avenue, Sittingbourne 155 Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne

Lyndhurst Grove, Sittingbourne 5 Roonagh Court, Sittingbourne

Memorial Hospital, Sittingbourne 46 Bell Road, Sittingbourne

Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne 370L bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved